11 '"iJMUmawJiK.i.iWIUp ii nnwpiljiuii. 'fM?lJi'i!iil':illi4lll!'ll)ljiMMkBil EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1915. 15 HELP WANTED MALE rri . mn min Interested In Chris- X ""'orlc mvist hue fore, leadership nrnl '!.. pennnent n teal opportunity. ""V., 1 or 5 o'ttock, 727 Walnut street, S I i it Millar. A L. Miller, rjeoni s-TTffrKJATORS, thoroughly experienced nnd VtMid I of harll tvprk At ply, In otvn hand- t JJf1 FmL idrer Ceiitrnl. ..Hnp nor 1" ivork In the nfflee of rv whole. FY. dru house Address A .1, Led. Office -frMiiUN Man trained In eelllnr food pro'l Py?Tl mmiity And not price, must op ex-L-.qM "str.an M 2--I. Lodger Central. frFofiN to c ttll on manufacturers frFcfiN to mil on manufacturers, mum U knowledge of architectural Work muni TTkurfiVP wanted; mutt have experience 0UTU.ehlnr uo nrid burning In fine oihinet 2L?nhjlc( o-samlnntlo.i r.ccetsnry. Apply JS'.Vp PTalklng Machine Oimirnv. , Applica ' Market street, Camden, N. J, tion Office .nTnD A voung man to leatn nursing: ap 'ViiV.Vi should hnve at least one year In high P'tgLTl 'm "fqtimienl must he of Rood moral !&rer and lintltn no salary given, lui !lS Is rer month allowed for necersnry fJJnses, room and board nM, the 3K2 i nvo venrs A Mrcsi with rcter- :S 5Hi I.f,lscrrentrnl r..U,.-ii jvl.Wmon, shonl teachers, com "Awiii travels!- and Mhtrs, all nr spare !7l. to solicit builnei,lor us Nlv Mends tlTf'.'-riiVv hnlrtrra. liberal commlralnn to Klrii Toner '"Hi Eire Inn ranee Companv, i ilsikton. To. William u JiarBwarin. gen irsl agent. , Austin, nVfrTfDb In ofOre vvneen $.1 per week. 'iMer mn hrd wrltlnx, staling age, A 7, , Ledf ' "IP11' - Vra'ED-Ouarri foreman, must be strictly ffS C I Lcloer. Swarthmore. 1'n, WATER nUBItfJRS WANTED Must havo factory expcrlenco on fine cabinet vork, furnlturo or pianos. Physical examination necessary. AWL,? VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANIT, Aj plication Ofncc. 13 Market street, Cam lcn. . ' New Jersey. r ri5E.VEri3 wanted on broirt Knonks looms ,' iSolv at office of the Rradford Mills, i-tcn. ton and Oodfrev avei , a :;crmantown. TOO 101 NO MEN wanted fcr position out Me rhlla . opportunity to Uarn goodbus i I JOO a -0011111 to start P 1. Ledger ornce, TOUNO' MAN "for gcnls' furnishing store, , one that can dress windows. A C, Ledger f Oftlco, 'f AGENTS MEN' or won en of rellnement can easily earn Kl to J" a iMv leprcsentlng n lileli-closa VhOtOgrapnlC siuuio, toininuim-uuuiia hdentlal 1" .Tin Ledger Centrnl con SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ?A LAI'V, having experience In mamgln? L house, servants and tare of chililten, wishes position In private ramllv, uccujtnmed to re sponslbllltj best refemn e L 1 1.", Ledger Brsnch. "Jil and Market ALL-AllOl N'D lisuk Rood v7nrkr, rcuiurnnt rre'errcd Mary riarhcr, L'OTi Iliupliln EtXlKKEEI'Mt. cashier, ivpht. experienced In m(g ac.ounts, inn.take hnrge of oft ce; Al correspondent E in, Lcdg r Central SCHAMllErtM'D and seimatrrss. capible, whltn . girl. Main Line ref. M '2. ledger mflce. "CHAMnniRWf RK and nrslst with children, j caa sew, country M '"M. Ledger Olllce IcLERK, joung lady, 2 veors' experience tiling, g etc I' 1M Ledger CcntrnJ 'COL'WFl1 WOMAN wants dav's work or ; washing clt . reference. Mis S isth 1 COLOKPl) woman wishes day's work wash 7 Iron hswk Josephine llrnnrh, 2047 Ciilhbeit i, COMPAMi'N. frentn girl, vvoum iiho position J ulih elderls ladv . willing to travel 11 it. fi Krencn, Hiu h i.mi st. 1 COMPANION ni working hkpr.. without" warn ', Prot woman, ref 447 Renaon sf. Camden t CJOCK wishes place for summer, mountains, i eo'Jhtr) or seashore. Apply this week pjesoni employer, Mrs Pepper, 120 H 21st st. I COOK-'lhornughlv cxperlen ed rettled woman, I I reliable, best reierentes M ."27, l-edger Oil, I OXTlC or housekeepfr. Proestant, adult fam f lly; no wash suburbs 2101 W Firth st. i COOK- CpeJ . capable vvblte woman. Main ! Une or seashore ref lilt Thoiill upson iflt. , COOK-Exp . settled. Protestant, competent: eooj reference inn H liitn st ' CXIK thoroughlv experienced ln all branches, i !!( $s, good refj M .114, LcdgerjOfflce COCK Lady wishes to reioinmend excellent ' cool. Telephone Torifsdale 11 COOK and chnmbe-mald white, wish places together seashore or suburb.. 51 :I2S, Led. Oft COOK wishs position" wllllo.-tvo city, bolt rtferonces IS w Thompson st. COOKINO nnd downstairs work or general liousenorl. wanted bv reliable woman until Junel, rercrencc F 2,"i. Ledger Central. HlOKINO or i-hamtiorwork, small family; no . asMng iQlcued M'!i4 J-iser J)fll.e. LXPEItinNCUD "girl wants chlldnuislne or llxht chimhervork Apply t".fll N r.nth. Wed jth.M.H lain rernentent desires summer position at shore near Phil i . Herman ele- rnentarv Ursllsh musle, would nlnn eonsMer l board and loom in exchange for prlvnte les f .sons, hest eltv rets E RIO.Ledger CentrsL GERMAN nursery governess, at pieeent tm c Ploed, eiiicrienied entire charge of lnfnrt. i last plate I rs Catherine Pclter. Coates ' . vllle Pa Ilox 072 .HERMAN LOUPLE. Ilrst-class cook, butler and houscworker hutler-ehnutTeur, wont sit- , """ "i rfiercnces ir.f ?. mn. GERMAN WOMAN wnnta wanhlng, In or'out ;. side 1427 V Phillip iOERMAN WOMAN wnnts washing nnd clean' , ,K lyicipjue ui yjguon 3t .GIRL wishes position. flrst-clasB chambermaid or nurse lountrv preferred. II 1.WI, Ilranch .i-wiyer .1st nnd Pine sts jOIRL, 13 Catholic wishes worlc an chlldnurbo, "r hm-isi vvun nwK Address 1 14 s .Id st -nf; oV.AN.TS OKNERAL HOUSEWORK. Call 20.'7 Neweondi st.. Nlcetown. Gi?i! "I'hes, housework or light chamberwork. . 1104 N fflth st C0,vERNi:ss. North Oerman: tako full charge L..iiuirii Kinnergaiieii uerman, Kngiisn, Pays cult Frauleln Hnx fh, Haverford. Pn. GOVERNCSS, French, well-educated iounc 7S, ' eluiement deslren poiltlon In cood tmily ex. ellent references E 012, Led Cent. tC?f S?C.SS . 'urery), exp'd; good sewer; . espatue of eiiing massage Phone Dick. 3!Uil. 02i?NCSS Young North Oerman, kinder. LS"Senep, good ref M m. Ledger Off. t8SJ;?E;Ui0nK-a,rl wnltP' "'"hes rosltlon; MJstreftrence3 320 S. 13th. Phone. LADY deBlra nn.l,lnn .. ... R in.nooT. u ."... v aa hb,u i:uiilliai,UIl, l!St.,l!.f,'l""lil!' Dr ""J" Position of I i. ??.Tle', "twrlen.cd, first-class refer nce M 227, Ledger Office. ui'-SS.?.l"'v,xiltePe.r ""? Ema'l """"It fam- - "i '" ""' leavq city 31 ,iuj, Led. UfTlce. K25J" GERMAN nursery governess, best ref. uesirea position. 1210 N Oth I nurftn .: " "t, wyii;i".-t:ii, iraineu oaoy fe till of IR.Jsew " ?n?" hospital, wishes r ei ."L .r well babv. best reference. eunor.. nr.i i.u -. ,. j , ,.j ....-. -. eurer iiranch. lxon M.rb.r ft i.SP-,?re"ch-. would varo for child pact 2 i HK FVency?nn"g'".V.t.e..Itom ' Pa'- Prat.lis,,?''?."1"1' or. houeekeeper-Rellabla iglgant woman, ref 20VI N Camao st. KANISt ...! .-... ......... . Dosltinn i- ...rVM' ieriainer. exp.. aesues vJSfition In summer hotAi t-j,i r aA r-. ;T t-"g"'h 174T Uounton st . Nlcetown. f onrEe3oTAi?T '5dy- middle-aged wishes poal ijon, bouework or cooking. 2200 Mantop st tiorV.0?nA1,HER, pomnetent. and consclen" I ary riri. er would cons Id moderate sal- ' ferf'"'!' D 3-4- Ledger Office. f wri?R.AfHFn,' we educated, 3 year." awciS' till.c,al-. bllllnB d cost work. "" "'" F 41 Ideep Centra . !'TiAr0xSil.rjjC11' beginner, refined ioung fi rDuthi'J'"luca,Mv.deslres a start with a I'eputable firm. E Al. Ledger Central. 'tSc!-'0aRA,w.I.En' T years' thorough expert. Jeiv'v '?clu,RnK. secretarial work; hndl -i xviuunuinri. H- .iit iier,. fen. RTT-i........ . '" "' momiI.''r",ER-Br.1h' W laa': ,8 llUn .rx,1,f"Vci owes neat, accurate wur, -C"!!HH. "ha eanabls. E 444 Ledger ron'ral WENOORAPHier...k,. . t lit?.ii' S' "secretary and conitdentlsl as-KyUUHUt-cIaism4nager. E 513. Led. Cn. S?-iRASHBR wh exceptlwul education. SsH?eiimvt,m'v XJIM.Jjed Central. .3 ?S?UI'HE" "1 assistant bookkeeper! irV n experience. F 3ia Eed Central. UvvIlEB knowledge of boo'kkeenln. sxears Din X .:JO r ... -.nt.al Nj ih.. 1 " , w.v. yi.ti vT"-. .. av-a CiTT. rntiK, active, young lady, aimoj wjaJ2rs experience, p 346. Ledger Central. laSjgJfBAPliER 2 veara' jxnerienc.. rsoW. IJISJMaandtornpetent K.i. Led. Cent. 'mS?A?HBI?-.flt cli"- thcroughly .. .Srl??. " cUrl dealrt "poaltloa expo Lfti moderan aalsry .'ffilS Gaul st fc villia teener "Swiss for c"tr and French. cii' ?JF..mo" M a'n for children U er Ifri"33 u'aica r ummr. Juno t 8rf..f" 'Bloyer M PePtwr 9 Ui" "" Assert so Protestant ! ""- pso Koesr ea ai 3v Wes muster SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE t. k A COMPETENT MAM line as a Kin'ViV.'" 1" 1 tn "" ref.MnM.n?VV,'s '' n.l his an itS ? li ?!"'' tefetirtes tolleve the right ntportunllv l h S Knows the value envable ItU some concern Kiiea o? ,,".. n wni'Ufit assistant office. M 9,,T Br'' """Vfhere real north win nine Buccess t 42s Ledger Office. fSIS,T?i,',JiE man 'nnd " "I'h'lo AcipShli'lLIfft,e MrC- "eperleneeJ. rnKrJr ,n,"lrB .fuU ciargc of gentleman's JtTrer'ofe "' rt,mnC' F'ngM9" An,hT,AJ:"..rc,lea,, ln n" ,ln,- n'h, ..permanent lo.ltlon r gl.1, Lctlgtr Centinl, ATTENTION. UUSLSESS MEN Miny enrgetle. hrlght boys and girls 1.... E?me iinder our csre are now nva lable for office, shop or factory worKi no charges iia-J,;UJv,l,; WonKKHS' tH-'nEvL UOi ARCH TELEI'lICNE SPRUCE GUT. ASSISTANT to nfiire man1igTr,"you7igrnarFlcd man. 2, vrlth 1 years' ofnee, 1 tar sales nnd correstwndencc experience E 9tt. Ledger Central. UOOKKFUrEtt and stenographer, 111. 2 eirs' etper'ence, v'lshes a position In general of five vorkr 117, Ledger fential VO. fi), Jevvfh Irltht native, vviiuld ifve to werk In Coiintrv private or farm, rood ref eren-e. .tmsnl'e Workers- lljreaii t.,07 Arch. Teejihcrie rtnee Tl'17nrSirure 0147 Dl'TI Ml nnnta "position. " present empiove'r closing house, good references IJ 42S, I.eitgrrOfflcc. Bt'TI.Kfl nnd houseman, experienced and in" pahle good references M 3J2, Ledger Office, nCVER Ttuyer with Intelligence and Untiring mdi.stry Yearns to produce Effective Results for YOU. F 140, Ledger Central. CIIAUrrnlTH. n-echmle. Cnolts'v slnale. 2S years of age, denrfa prsltlon In prlva o fnm- lly: !) jeirs eiprlrnce. 1 vwra l.uropinn. DTIrnce. i vnar l.uronsnn. 4 vear Philadelphia tike entire charge nt enr nnd ar.rige .bent eltv ref willing, to gn anj n here. ,f O. Warred W0(1 Arch. """" rriTAi-t'TTRi if white, wishes pcsltlrn will nrlvate rainllv , (I veiirs' experience gool Ignliknlst and mechanician sober s endv willing to go n!ivwhre city recommends- 5lons. A LLc.lger Orflcc. CHAI'rFETK wishes poltlon flrst class: cr in lumlsh referente and i'n own reinlriug. La cer Rianeh, 2"lh add fhrlotlan. t'HArrrri'ii. wi.iti 2 venrs rypTleno. re- pair own car. e'eadv driver ci v or cow ir . referrnces. r .'Yl Ledger Central. CHAL'tFEI'h-Slnale white, good mn-hnnle. wanis position, has gced private reference F.Yi. I.edgerCcntral. CHA1EKELH, single, sober white, wan' nrtiSan3 idare, exceptional ro'erenrca from inol rml'.v n 421. ledic- Office CHAriTEUR-Young nan, ep rlmied oi Perles or do own re-Mn , rl'v nr inenirv: re'( rcneoi T S 2'" s N I'th st c CHALrrni'R. (olerrd, experienced rirtfi! driver A-l meclnnlc strlctlv silver: bes of rcferenccr. T) 4"0. Le.'gcr Office CHAITFErit. exp-rt on rndlllar enra. bes' or refcrence. 1.1J2 lMgevvond. ClfArrrEUU. vr exp, Al mechanic: bes' refs HnrryHpnnlielmcr 42fl N. Tranklln CLERK. 'JI' mirrlerl, Severn vers exne'iuu--- , In nil hnnclus clerical work cnerge Ic , Meidv nndj.ml Minus K 2.V'. led f'li'ru COAl HMAN qaidener sltiKle.c.iro lavvn.hora," cow chlcl.cn rrnihlnc, ief 1) 111 Led. Oft. i-OACIIMAN. aardencr. English si gle lorn . i oxn.: rp m i c uchl ri' . u ia. ,.-,i. v...-. i .:,,.. . .... -.ir i, i T n.i nrrirr. rjARIir'NER wants position uiuVr'tands vvmk "pP)1.,mnn's l.luee lawn, ilowrr-. hor'cs e'e , o!r no- oienhrookc ave. Ilrjn Mawr. JAPANESE seeks portion as cook, butler: has etperlcnco nnd reference. Ar. 1..1." . lltn street . I MAN AND WIFE Oenernl housoworkera gar dening, cure automobile count" nr seaside: good wages wnulred. "011 Merlon ave. MAN wlhcs rsirl'lon ns ehnuffeur cm furnh i rofennco an I do own repairs. Ledger Branch, 23th nnd (Trlstlm. MAN nnd wife fcol . hou'ewori- loce'lier ro' Ediv.JDlekPiisoe. 4i'27W 1702 Catharln-. . MI'filCAL establishment joung mm. ",0 thor ough knowledge of mml- seeks -nlrn or cl r icnl position, r ".4'i. 1 dger Central SALF-" nnd"ndvertls'ng manager, .vlth bplns plus eneigv, experienced, efficient, dfvelo or of snlemen and l.uslnern hulldrr, seeks eon nettlon. age H rilnrv rea'nnable. but based on resultH produced llnx 112S Ashbourne. Pa STENC511APHER Yourg man of pood rhar n"ter nnd neat appearance, raidd nnd accu rate mol rnl. and beit ref.F:i31, Led Cent STKNOCRAPHER nnl 'mokketror, ihoroughly eonin. ncctir mod sol F 3.1, Led rent. YOFNO-M VV. 23, ns offlcn assistant or out side experlencd In orflco deulls 4 years teaching s-hool. good rorrrspmlerit. capyilo of mansglng small o'flcs excellent refer ences F 212 1-edger Central yot'SfJ MAN. 23 rnllrge'grnduute. 2 venrs' clerical and newspaper experience, ronnlent he posseesses the brnln courage and anility to lie of service to a reliable concern 1 Ooi, Ledger Central ynUNO married man. 27. collego educitlon. 3 venrs' speclnlty sales experience speak several languages, will start In.i de with ituple line until nbllltv warrants nn outsido inles position E 743. Ledger Central lOUNfl MAN 21. desires position as asalrtant In ered't depnnmert of mercantile concern, high school graduate. 1 venrs' business exp , excellent refirences I 113. Ledger Offt-e. lOUNC; MAN with real estve experience. nellies to incam vviin n uu.iuci ,,i v , , estate firm felling nhlllty, goc-l prsonallty. V 231. Ledger Central YOUNG MAN is. high school elucntlon, de sires pnrltlon with nances of advancement, r 40. Ledger Central TOPN'O MAN wishes position as coichman or take care of autos referente four venrs J. Hr.nham. 4 It (Jueen lane, Germantnwn. Y'ni'NO MAN wants position to nsaisi in prescription department In druc store, U to io p in S., 30S N. fill WORK NEEDED QUICKLY MALI The Emergency AH Committee has on file the I Allowing applicants, whose references havo been erllleil SALESMAN, .'if. 17 v ears' experience men's furnishings, rlty and road, will accept any line, nggiesajve forceful F 13Q.JiedCenL AUTO LIVERT AND GARAGES TO HIRE 0-ci Under Packard Packard Limousine nnd louring cars Ilv hour. ilav. week nr month P.CKAR1 SERVICE COMPANY 1411-11 Locust st. Phones-Spruce into Rnco 243. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ti.p ARE LOOIvINO for an honest, efficient and energetic man with business cxporlenco to occupi ixecutlve position in our manufac turing business, an Investment JtO.000 will secure a position raving ticcxi Bslary at the start and stock Interest which In n few ears will be worth a fortune. M '.4l, Ledger Centralj , . OPPORTLN1TY Responsible business man with 2SC0. to act as troasurer in local cor rorstlon. Money secured and Interest li business Must have executive ability and becona actively engaged to secury ealarv. Relereuces given and required. M 110, Led- aer Central. AUTOMOBILE OPPORTUNITY 1 have on agency proposition or a well known standard car open now for an actue man. Services more of i consideration than Investment, which Is not large. Addreso M 246, Ledger ucntwii MINING CNHNEER has bond and lease on 43 aerea valuable mineral ground In Color ado, produied J30.0CO Bllver ead ore from imairdeveloprrent; wart; limited capital to put mine on paying basis, M 137, Ledger Central GOOD BTANU. corner Franklin and Mont, somerv avenue; 8-story store and dwelling: Kko oven, low price, little cash. HOWAHTJ a WILSON A CO.. 2122 Oermantown ave. FOn BALE An established paint, oils ard window glass business or will take partner: located in central part of city; good oppor- tunny, ii "; ..-...-. ..:. r PARTNER wanted. WH) to 10 000 to Invest in weil-paylue buslues. Apply 2IT0 Ken rlngton ave. UANUFACniRER nn use 11000 or more; will give tangible security and fair profits. D32. Ledger pfgee. iil!AL ESTATE buslnera at a sacrifice If sold before May IS. Manufacturing business re quires my time. M 244 Ledger Central WANTED-CAPITAL TO INVSSST RETAIL lumber yarls In Indiana Jordan U. Will, lams. 0.1d Fellow ' Bids; .JMUnatqlls. '"d- CARPET CLEANING WEST PIIILA. MONARCH STOnAOtJ CO. ac. PER YAP D. 3S70-72 LANCASTER AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING nsriHCH VEATHER3 .AND... FANCIEa ri.EANKn.OVKD. MAILHQT.iaio ensatnut. DRESS3aAKING4ND MILUNEBY PiBlHONAlltE dresamaklnz. prices reason? laW. fit Hi.tev! remodeling. 3138 Chest- nu' Aparfment A Belmont lIM Y inTISTU' dteasea," lingerie frocks reasonable prices Farlalaa models copied. 1630 Walnut. rnESSMAKIN- taught short prac course fiiTooienj. 30T Denckla tilig llth 4 Market HfcSHjTlTCHlN 4on wbUe oj4 wait A. . FOR SALE BILMAIil), pool, combination Sd hand bought! . sold rented errh'd. Keafer, ,")2H lllrard nvs. " nn- J." j a INSTRUCTION JvAUIlMl! m 20 lessons. Call or write Uirlitcneen 1'lano tkhooU. 3SU (lermanionn . ve, lai Tasker st. ROOFINQ AND IRON AWNINGS M'X,V,a ESTIMATE TOPCOAT YOUR TIN HOOF and guarantee It tvnter-tlght 10 vats ...1n?..Vr',"r ,-," American Hoofing Co.. 1.I.IS Uldgc ave STORAGE ucsr r Monarch Slirage Co, Auto nnd pick A. Ing and shipping 170 f.anc.isier nve j 'ii 1 1 "L'.,;!A.!,,.li,,'.su,"Aul: MoCiSti packinTH . HllIl'l'INU. 21110-14 N, .KITH ST. 1)IA. 47-47. UPHOLSTERING ltA."lnK.p,Ks femadcTaTfour liomeTtulfsUe, 1.03, single, l no Ziultnr, U.-.27 N. 17th St. WANTED , CAST-OIT CLOTIUNO WANTED Est us tonvlnce vou that vvj pa tne highest fl'lees. lor gentlemen s dls.-arueii clothes si VMl'EI. uuol'hlt nstnbl.ohed M car. 1UU) oirard ave l'hoiie l'jp .1710 I'ark 41MI. " cAST-orr ci.otiiino Owing 4o gieat demand for up-to-date ladles' S'lil .pen'lemcirs mo nl-hlti I clothing uo Jf.'." fH.X!"iiy, 1tV hlnhcst Prlre, N, Lie.. "ei. HUH llslnbrldgo at 1'hone Walnut UUi WATCHES AND CLOCKS SCC REPAIRS YOl'R WwXTCtI ull CLOCK, no inntter whj t Ir needs, 1 vear guaruntie. ROOMS FOR RENT UAIIIMI PT, :I21S iTh :I2S iTho Chlllonl-Tw-o" first"- noor rooms, suit dentist, iloi'tor or apnrt mtnts.Mrs Uelle Mcclain, manager. IiARINO, 402S-5d-sty. Front, nleelv turn,. 2 baths, near L. gent n or bus women, phone. U!ftlA" fT: S . Hoi-liachelor'n apartments; with private buth. private lamllv LOCUST. 130.1-Hecnd floor suite. 2 rcoiro; I ,,'," L,. ,, MASlTni, v , - , luiu, iurn. or uniurn. single loom; 51.'. -vi.-iu it, vv , lTi'ii Large front room. run. . vntir, lUr or untur . HlM hsspg . phone I RACE, .141:1-2 ntlrnttivi, vv.ll llKhte.t rcoui: ' uliiwle pnvskliii horn ot ir.ilns,l uilr. Olid til g., UOUWt VCe , ud. opt I'tcS. .1J.I.1 u. . RM. l-Oll UEI'INEU OI.NTLEME.N ONLY. WALNUT, 4n.1-Atlrnctlvely ."urn , south ex pos .tingle or en suite, privalo bath, phone. AVA.'i'l'X' ''"""-Two nlcolv furnislic.l vnm- .nunltullng front rum-a and lath tiui.l up i. WALNUT, jXlir Adult famllv will rent pleas- ..,,. ivijiji miicvMjiurn nnme, iici nil u. i 12TH, i lll-I'rlvnte famllv has comfnr'nt le iroiu loom ror I or 'J genilenrr. elcc. lights. I2TII. S, lid ileiovv Chestnut) Ucs'rvlle rm , turn gentlemen onlj , $1 and S4 weekly l.'JTII, g ,217 Two communicating rooms, ad" joining bath, well rurnl'hed l.Vlll, x, '171,-, vwu fnrn r, nn.p, mm',, 0r en Hiilo. llglii housekeeping. TIojiv 3S7.1 D. 10TII. N.. 2"2I-Lre. well-furn 2.1-s'v room; rellned. private nmlly Ulimonl 23S1 W 1. I II, N IM1V (leerftilli rurn. icoms: light hniirekeepit-pt jf desire 1 reitoinl le. i l.one fTII, N, WO Handromelv fur. luge, nlry nous for lelln .1 i eople who wish homo mm lorln, slnrle nr en salte lint nnl mil run ning waier. nenlv nnovaled ldnl location initvcnletit to all lines o' tnllevs unlimited telephone ten Ice free, summer rnen, Phone Poplar SI4 IIWHT, N, 2 Pleasantlv furn looms; board optional; vonverient to 'I." I'rfsion 211,0 41ST, .'.. 21,1 Coot jdeasnnt looms, home com forts, mv I. refit ncltihlioihnol Pres '.'".'in r2l, N , 'J27 Tun firs -Poor noma for light lintisekecnlug fu-nl'ihed lltnont 2732 W. lllVINr.S-i WOMEN will rent room or shn-e I ipnnimni IP , entrnl West Phllndclphla. Jl Jl,. I vtiger Centrnl. I BOARDING IIRUAIl, S, lOOil-Tivii e 'inmim'c.itlng, 2il-floor rooms, gentlemen or muple private family. iltSOAD 8. Kas-EESIIt MILE VACANCIES, JTAIII EIlOARIl. PllilNE cIUjSTEH, 4U0 Vers pie. isnn' rooms gcni'en rr b'isitiesH people lienrd option. I'res.:it'77W. CHESTNUT. IIIL'-Ve-i plena furn. looms In ref. conv. locstiotr 21-storv front, back aUo I .J!"18'0 eni " 'able I oird Phone. LEIUOII. 1 . nr.-l-i-llen ttlful rooms, with t-o j r.l.n 1 1 com. phone new management P.MtK .WET. N.. 2UT.-Well-furnlshed front room flrit-clnss beard o her nccommodi llons terms mo.lcr.it., ftnth phones. I'OWLLTON AVE. "h1-.-2 beautiful ion-mil front rooms, i Ingle nr en suite snp table. extiptlonal ln overy vv I'arlng 7111 D. ( I'OM Ci.TllX AVE, IO'17-Prlv.ite fimllv bns Pleas furn. room for refine I people, phon . i SPlllTt:, UMll SUITE WITH PRIVATE IIATII OrllER AT Pit VCTIVE ItOOJ!5! SPIH'CK 10:)-'in TloelrnWe fii iih prlmio I mtii .pnico tnbl 1 onrd vvnlnut 2" , u WALLVCK, 121 Well filHllel-i .I-Rlneje" nnd double rn's rellned nclghbniheo'l l'op :n2." V WAI'FT. ".0f3iiens'int reomn In beautiful neighborhood, perch board Preston 0121 A 40TH N.. 700 Prlvnte fnmllv will bonrd re fined gentlemen, tonvenlent to vltv. Ear. MS. 32D, N . 121 Large room rultnble marrle.1 vouple or 2 gentlemen with I onrd. Rel .".PH. Miliurbnn GERMANTOWN. 213 W. riltenbou'o St.. b tween Wavno ard Greere lieslinldr rooms single nr copihoinellke Otn. 137.1 N. NFREhnvInc cottage In Reikshlrcs will inko Invalid for oun-mcr referetuo exehangol. rcs'.nn 3V'fl. APARTMENTS M'liUCE, 1420 Bachelor art . S rr .1 rooms. private hath furn or unfurn elec li.'lits, jiardw'nl floors, all molern Imprnvimtnis SPUING GXRIlEiN. lniO Excellent npt In S dliTritnt houses: rome furn : kitchenettes 3STH. 0. IIS 4 rooms nnd lath with private adult family, roreh. Baring 77oSW. West Plillndi-Iplilo S. W CORNER Hill nnl Ilaverford-2 large isr-linor lliiili idiiiir, I'li.iiiu I'.'iiii in'i faitit) porches and grounds Pres. 3S3S W. " CHH TON APAIITJIENTS .l.'is Ilnrln ct Two flrst-clscs rmms. vv I , li prlvnte bath, piiIi ah! rientt.t or doctor or aoartment. Mrs. Hell" Meeiivin mgr Hell phone Preston 0-I07. J ! I nnsdovvne. I'a. APART3IENT.-, modem In evco way, reilnfl locution, near station lent e.'S tn M nr month. JOHN NACEY. 11 N lllgnlnnd nve , Lansdoine, Pa 1'holo of opts, at Led. Cent. Ocean City. N. J. NEW, handsomely furnished. 7 looms, bath. 1110 Wesley nve. Longstreet, f.C.11 Oreene.Otn. FURNISHED APARTMENTS AIRY HOUSEK1.EI1NG 'APARTMENT. II rooms and bath, to rent for few months, central Phono Loilsi 2IS0.S I) F IflXJ'tf HPAn Locust. 1213-13 Furnished - " opt . single or en suite. 12TH. S. 2U0-FUEN HOUSEKFEPIVO APT. TO SUBLET. 2 OR 1 ROOMS PRI VATE RATH &HALE FH.BERT MI2 W ilOUSEKEFPINO apt . 1st floor, 4 rooms; iclnlty18th and Oxford Poplar 33M U SURLET room nnd lalh Tho Newport, 10th and Spruce M 31 I edger Central. (lermantovrn TO SURLET for summer, beautifully furnished housekeeping apartment, porch, C rooms and bath. 8233 Wlssahlckon ave., Oermantown. HOUSEKEEPING .APARTMENTS KENT APARTMENTS N jg ST Housekeeping apartments, t rooms and bath, 132 r.u month, Janitor service S3D AND PINE STS. DE LANCET APT3) Ncw. light, 4 to U rooms. 1 and 2 baths; kitchenette, central location; npply Janitor. DIAMOND, 2UV-3 rms . bath. Kitchen hcd water heat, ref.; 2d floor. 123; 4 rms. bath, kltcncn, all corrms.. 15. diamond 1813 W. UTILES.; 113 NINE ROOMS AND TWO BATHS: WILL BE i FOR KENT MAY 1. PHONE LOCUST 817 PINE. 000 Housekeeping apt.74 rms.. bathl modern: furn. or unfurn . all outsldo rooms. HOUSEKEEPING apartment, 0 rooms anl bath: private porch; two car lines; comnlcti y furnished, JlOO; tint jrnlshed, M. WoJt Philadelphia. Write Ml Bailey Building. " NORFOLK APA'RTMBNTS Desirable 4 and 5 room apartments, near Park; Janitor service: reasonable rentals. 'bECHTEU 3232 Rldgo ave. Lehigh Apartments f & 2d and butn. .AijClJ' raa Oermantown avt THREE rooms, furnished. 1st floor, house. keeping. 3. large yard. 'Apply 1401 N. 10th. West Philadelphia BALTIMORE AVE.. 433Q-H1.P(T. apt , 2d floor. II rooms, private porch, heat and hot water. OVERBROOK. Apply Edgerly. MZtA Jetfcrson st.; highest point In city: 3 rooms an! bath; all con veniences, central heating plant; reasonable; aiiruv-nvv. THE RUTLAND AFT3. JUST COMPLETED LOCUST HT 34TH TO 33TH ST. 0 and T room apartments, with all the latest conveniences. 1(0 to 113 per month. ROIHlRT A PlWa AOUNT Bell phone. fljelmbnt 413.1. SHI Lewuat st. NICELY furnished second-floor apartment, fi rooms ana fain, all outside rooms Individual porch good location handy to tars For pr tlculart '.all Bell phone Locust 831H Suburban FOIR LARGE "airy ItOQilH. KITCHEN Anu sA4n SOt'THEHN EXP VERT 6E8IIUBLI, t- MARaHAU. IMS. USX. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE - ciTV 1 REAL INVESTMENT-Rent. $14. ass ssmenL Jl ,uo. price, tuoii, corner protcrty. alwajs rented. uptown. Lamon A Son 20W N front. , nulldlryrljolsi, Tnrtory "lte, Ele. LOT AT .IITII AND ORAYS TERRr ROAD IJIxlI.. lot nt 2Glh and Washington nve, 'X12 or .noie If deslr I, with Tenrnvlvanla linllirid siding, lot nt 10th nnd t'rjv s Terry roid, opposite Pennslvnnla Hftllrond freight station. W r1,o will erect tulldlnss to suit on thli lot Apply UMIL GUDXTIIEII. 20th nnd uinj'a I crry road stores nml Dueling LAItE ttDUSK and s ore on Christian st owner lives out or town and mus sell verv small iash ipvetmcnt neccssirv. For nu- poinuncnt trirnhniie IJlmicn 1 lus,. D, vvrltt II, II. Cohen, S1SI N. 11th st ' Olney ot)T2 N. 7TII ST -2-story, porch front, side yard, hardwoot floors, laundry tubs, copper spouts: ll(0 terms rensonable H. D. Wilson &Co. ig wtMieVig. ttl.sr PIIIL.MU-.IPIIIA 42 S. 37TII ST !)-room home, fine location m sttnm hent, elcc, gas, occupied by owner OJ'HUANTOMN MOUNT AIRY AND CHESTNUT HILL i, iu .- PROPEUTIEH relham 'Oust Co. t,740 Oerinnntovvn nve. llERMANTOWN PROPERTIES. ALL PRICES: A. ! tttl AL In .mvi.vii ."4140 Wnvn. uve MAIN USE, l. II. It. PROPERTY Mnin Line V II. It. .14 acre two Louses and bam nenr rtntiuii Chelsea, ventnor or lt pmperlles lonsldired. ilenr or subjott to inortgig", equity S10 001) n '2, Ledger Central SB ACRE"-. M730 good bull lings, theap. A lli.nld,VestChrsler, Pa i NEW .IKIISKJ Atlantic City. N. .1, Chelsea Corner Cottage and Ventnor Ocean-Front Villa Uniisunl bargain Several nttraitlve cottages at tempting prices, ranging J40OO up. H. G. HARRIS & CO. iluarnnlce Trust Uulldlng HFNfiA LOW'S, lots 23xlM. near trolloy; "over lo.vlilng Dclawme, Notlmul I'ark Greater S.wr .leriev I'niupaii). ,'11 S Kith Clnjton, N. .1. Dr.-1RA1ILE PUUl ERTIES I OH SALE A I rv recsonnljle prlim dwilllngs, poultrv .nut fruit liirms lau'.i and sirnll with mil without lullllngs. I uliall te nieated to show Ine alove to protjeMlve puiclasers lOt'IS 11 I I'.pl O.v lliMuli. V J. Ilmliloiillejil. S.J, ilAVE SEVERAL PINE PltOPEIllIEd at LirKiln irlcis W'M, CAREY MAHrillALI-, ",.11 1 eilrral st . Cumi'en. iMidbur.vlIelglit, N. .1. E EltAL dc-Urnl le homes and Improved bldg lots at rinmi.nhlu rltet,. jchri Mahevy ttiiu- .M:ij. N. J. i01l.u;rs, hotels, npts. for sale and rent son o baignlns In building lots C Earle Miller, jalv; pcean st , Cope Mar, N. J , (lEASHORE S:S110RE COTTAGE. (, rooms nnd bath, ipniint cellar n!r lorihes, ft.00 cash, bnl nne ct-v lavments owner, sacrifice. L 737, LedgerCentr.nl l'EN.SLA.M. FARMS 3 Ai'RUS 2io fruit tries, antdes. neaihes. peirs cherrler. iiuinces, grnpei,, etc., ilegani oricK nouse, in rooms and ham, unvctilent n lehoni, ilnmh and store, ou enn work In town and bank our eila If you live lurt. an I sell the fruit, prlcj $3M) II. C. lllddlc. Ambler. Pn. 03 Af'ltLS, mono nnd name dwelling, 10 roona, tennnt l.Kiart, barn ami outbuildings, fruit, good tint i, f. ism. l'j miles irom triln. II II MeCIII.Ll'M 1.114 Walnut st Phl'adclphln 'iMint Forri t the Number" 213 ACRES Weil Chester sCLtlnn. modern, up-o-date ilnlri tnr i going to bn sold Whnt's thniirfer" J ll THOMPSON, 11.1 N High st Wist Chester. Pa. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT oN "YOUR HOME This can be done by making monthly pnv incuts or irom $17 to $130 icr housis worth Irom JI'mii to $0230. li S. ItCEU. 717 Chestnut sL HEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE "ven desirable Tcanldo" piopert: for rl v ur suburban this prop ertv Is delightfully situated, has large ter laced lawn bfuutlful nutl ok lirge, loomv lorihei, lioure his 10 rooms, fullv ami i mpletelj furnished iverv iltv c.iiivenl enc1, dr, ivmentcd cellar, lint-class heaur, making this a verv cumfurtahle winter ns well as summer hmie. p 214, Ledger Office. 4010-12-:IN-I2 WAItN'TK ST. (Lngnn)-2-s:v , porrh fronts rent S20, loi smaller Invent ment properties teltil. Collins 1012 Lehlch REAL ESTATE WANTED VANTED-On Mnln Line p R. It., between Itnse.iiont and Overlrook. furnished hous Mnv nnd tun- onlv about 10 rooms a id garigu 2212 St. James idare. Philadelphia. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY Ull N 12TH ST. 12 rooms, all mnv f.10 niili N 10th st 10 rooms, nil vonv 58 Fill N. 11th st li looms, all conv 23 v.nd maiu nthe. rtnaller ones. NAGUL SNYFIER 1207 GIllAItll AVE. Eltsircts 1'roiiertles unil htores CHESTNUT. Sil-Siore and basement, for household or 'iltlte speeia4iieb. ill ircnils.i. F. W SADDLER. suitable Inciulro I) FI'ICKh. HL'.M.NESS lt()()M.. inc. ONE-HALF of oflice for rent, with telcphono sen lee 1110 Commonwealth. ONE OFFICE of suite, or desk room, cenlrulT 7i'.' Atitiitt Pldg Itrnnil nnd Race Factories, Unrehouses, Mfg. Hours LARGE FLOORS for mauufni luring or Mor iige, nvlth clevntor, nlo flret lloor store 'fhe Gregg. Wm. t. Rodk,erj tilds., lu'.'d .vrcn si. Desk Ituiim DI.SK ROOM. Perry llldg , Key. phono free; light und cheerful. M 1 32. Ledger Central. .MAIN LINE. PA. It. II. SEVI It.W upper cu deslinble furnished houses on Ilia CU 1 Ol llie lillil l.llie II 11 MeCOLLI'XI Fill Walnut st.. Philadelphia. Don't Forgtt tha Number' UNFURNISHED-Two houses. $I3ii and J23H per annum, near station. In looma and bath, s reonlB and bath, good grounds, tine view, M.I, Ledger Centrnl MODERN HOMES. JIO tn JIOO 'per month IIARHERT .v. CLAGIIOItN 201 Palley Uldg. SEAbllOIls: Atluutlc CU). N. J. Cottages, Hotels, Boarding Houses, Villas, Apartrrients Any seagnn nil locutions Atlantic City, Chelsea, Ventnor; automobile service. H. G. HARRIS & CO. BARTLETT BUILDING Cuiiu Mny, S, J. FURNISHED cottager, ocean view, all'loea tlona reasonable. C, Earle Miller. 21K Ocean st Cape May Stone Harbor, N. J, 6TONE HAltUOR cottages, bungalows and apartments for rent lurnlsbed b week, month or season at moderate prices; all con Vtnler.cea. Call, phone or write fop Illus trated booklet. S. J, It. Co.. 013 R. E, Trust Hulldlng Philadelphia. FOR RENT FURNISHED WEST riIH,AIELriII,l rURN, houit to private family of a or more adults, 10 rooms, tilth large closets; con venient location, reasonable 324ti Chestnut. aUUUHIlAN DELIGHTFULLS LOCATf.D furnished rest. denco; shade, lawn no mosquitoes, gas, elee. trlclty. bpruce 4500. 1. loi. Ledger Central. C)-i,)il, Pa. IDEAL 3U3IMER HOME, most exclusive sec tion o.' Onvvjd. 3 minutes from station, new house; 0 bedrooms. l batba. shower, eleotrla lights, etc.: attractive, proposition to, right lirt. Address P o. Box 34s. Onvvyd. Pa. MODERN HOUSE. 12 room. 3 buths, fur nlshod. for tho summer largo grounds, tres, shrubbery, etc,, near station J. L. KEIR, 427 8tate road. Cinvvd. Pa. WalllngforJ. I'a. RENT. FURNISHED, summer months new Colonial house, 10 rooms. 2 baths, sleeping porch.' laundry and garsgo, 2 acres on hill. U minute from station Address F. c WalllngforJ, Pa. SEASHORE Ventnor. N. i- FURNISHED COTTAOB, 12 rooms, 1 baths, modern throughout, large porUi, beet neigh, borbood. 3 minutes from beach, from May 1 to October 1 Address Owner 13 B Merlon ave Ventnor. K. J. HOBTGAGES 136000 Ft5S 1T Ni ji. MiHTi,.JES SA3tfBI II ir'loTMT S30 Ra Ef iroi. Ll j'ng &" I SCRAPPLE n - ' . or I JifmVj'vr3 fe sl I j, 1 iff AViml kwfa ! arisen I MM f I'roten . A.ei't jovl taktiiK m I J ' A 'Jf I course uet j-rar? II 'I rs lit J yg Htuilont-Ciin t p&soiblj. I wniii m I tlj r J ,. g "- cIec V) &0&r i J 'Iaiobody home.: Lndy You must feci tiie humiliation I & MVtM)&3 1 humlilatlon of licgslnp for scraps Trump It's not that so much, mn'nni What hurts mo iiicst Is that I'm deprlvln' tlio pore Inncrccnt fowls of a footl. THE EXCUSES MAY BE DIFFERENT, BUT THE REASON IS TIIE SAME VvHtMiT WANT TUH feOT DM AM CvDT ciru mivov iM Mau nAwr. ah .m cN Run ol elevAyoh, C0l iiv.-n .-&N, ;n view of MY LONG TtRM or SCKVlCE I 1 TH0U6HT YOv'ONOT 'OD0E.CT TO HV STCPPlNtJ OUT THIS ATTC.RN06N y Wirt -vrviTi tic CTC THt OITltt, IS VCKV LONCLY, AND I Do' THINK I NE.ED f BREATH OF Al(l - Couldn't Refuse Don I called to see your father this afternoon. Klc What did ho ray? Don Ho said "yea." You see, he hoB been owing our firm a little ac count for a long time. Only a "Rintr-olT" "Auntie, did you ever set a proposal?" "Once, dear. A gentleman asked me to marry him over the telephone, but ho had the wrong number." Louisville Courlei- Journal. 1 A rdSiV) T erA rii --"""fwim Sffru z - --m fw iJOy tesho t .ng tnee . 1 t m THE PADDED CELL I 'ft q(5(vvw Dit-D if vnu dont LET MCCFs- THIS ATTE.R MOCn I CANT qo To MEfv' TUNLtAM.." - i.ri-i TlATi t-iiif C I'll (Juki rtrti.'iiJTiirtT ' " AlSin .CTIT3 HO K IITYlJ --1 viei n bHiia tJUSlNES ' wjn CiuyMS WlllfAMf 1 rK irHETTl a THE CROWDED JITNEY f 1- ' ' jMlsSc, TsgaZj MtTalasisrrVliyaswPsft t 1 -'rwbrxTlnr fSr swEifl Ml iWfisiSsHWr Jill StSSliR . xmk 'Hello. Joe, whos the lady?" "Search me. she jiald her nickel'" THE MILITARY SPIRIT 9 IZsTI iLl lIl irt Lett -FliftO. On Ihc Beach Punch. "Look lioro. Goorse. I'm soiiiR 'omo If you're nolng to tall: about the war nil the time' If vou feel bo pent-up, why don't jou ha 0 a ehy at tha cokor-nttB"'' Tha Sketch, Mrs. Slkes Well, what d'yer think o' the war. Bill? Bill (emcrulne from a 15-years' stretch) Lawks! Ain't they nnlahed with ole Kroojer yet? llf' kiLiUUl,," n J 1 j ' ' v L ' ' l'j ' a Ot-iaio.n, Ij1i e f; rv c -j pi te-rj isllea ( puntjBjt at f a n u-.fQrjjj 'Th itua-.or er3 to av oe-c ! fc.s ,av.p 1 if, s-a tau -on. I 9 1 4 v,! M m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers