u uumumupw. n;i iiii'i.wiwitisni.u PPPl SKIW' EVENING LEDGERPHILcVDEi;PH:A WEDNESDAY, APRIE 28, 19X5: u jjtffiM)uWlijiiMPlP'sBWPlWWpEilW'u."i SUIT STIRS MEREST IN ST. CYR WEDDING Major Edward Pendleton Said toHave Introduced Dapper Young Man to Rich Widow. Tho suit of Major Edward Pendleton, in Iho Camden Court, to selie property now held by tho wife of Charles P. Con nor, In payment of $35,000, out of which he aaya he was swindled by Gondorf, now In Jail, has revived Interest here In the marriage of the dapper Jean II. C. St. Cyr to the widow ,of James Henry, "Silent" Smith. Major Penduleton Is the man credited with navmg neen me matchmaker between the pair. Oondorf'n wife, Mrs. Mary E. Gondorf, was called to the witness stand In the Chancery Court at Camden In the trial of the suit today. She said her husband was secretive about his affairs and (he did not know much about them. Mrs. Gondorf Identified a photograph of Dora Collins, a friend of hers, who Is said to hold title to a property formerly owned by Gon dorf. This Is one of tho properties of which Colonel Pendleton seeks control. Saint Cyr and his bride, whoso daugh ter Is older than the husband, nre at tho Marlborough-Ulenhelm, Atlantic City. They have not left their apartment since arriving- at the resort. Gifts, messages and cards sent up to their room have been refused. Also stopping at tho Marl-borough-Blenhelm Is Ilobert von Swemm, for years the constant companion of Saint Cyr. Ho traveled with tho pair from White Sulphur Springs. SAINT CYIt IS DAINTT. Paint Oyr, who Is exceedingly dainty, being fond of pink and blue and always fastidiously dressed, Is almost the physical and mental antithesis of the late "Silent" Smith. The latter was a big, powerful man, whoso sobriquet was eminently fitting. Somehow ho was "discovered" by some social leader, and thereafter society almost fought for him. lie wag lionized everywhere. Saint Cyr appeared some years ago with Von Swemm. Ho was born In France, but of his history prior to his first appearance socially nothing has been learned by the curious. ..i the social colonies of Palm Beach and White Sul phur Springs, where tho widow of "Silent" Smith was an acknowledged leader, ho was openly regarded In tho In ner circles as "that nobody from no where." Somo years ngo Saint Cyr met Mrs. Henry Itedfleld, of Hartford. Von Swemm even then" was his boon compan ion. Tho two became socially known through visiting all the resorts In tho East of any consequence from a social Viewpoint. They danced almost exclusive ly with Mrs. Redflcld, and then she mar ried Saint Cyr. Sho was more than 40 years his senior. LAVISHED HIS J2SO.O0O. When the first Mrs. Saint Cyr died sho left Jean, her young husband, $280,000. Most of this is said to have been lavished by the French fashion plate on the widow of Silent Smith during tho last season nt Palm Beach, and gossip there was that he had a purpose. Nevertheless, tho calm announcement of the bride that she had Just married Saint Cyr took society's breath away. This announcement was made to Mrs. William K. Vandcrbllt, Miss Anna Sands, Mrs. I. Townsend Burden, Mrs. Albert Gallatin, Mrs. Goodhue Livingston and many others at White Sulphur Springs. Most of them thought it was a Joke until Saint Cyr lifted the hand of his wife and kissed It Saint Cyr is said to bo 7 years old by those who know him. His wjfo Is the mother of Princess Miguel de Braganza, wife of the pretender to the throne of Portugal. The Princess is said to be older than Saint Cyr. The latter has a happy faculty of be ing around when photographera for the big news services tako pictures of society life at Palm Beach. One of his favorite pictures shows him with Major Pendleton. Saint Cyr Is shown In white stripod trous ers and a blue coat. He has a wolfhound In leash. ' NEW STEEL AND ASPHALT FACTORIES AT NEW 3IARKET Largo Companies Break Ground for Plants in New Jersey. NEW MARKET, N. J., April 28.- TrF f2rMtnr4 Vina -4ita hAn Vimlrnn liarA tfnas the first two big manufacturing plants, obtained for the community by P. H. Burnett, Industrial commissioner of tho Lehigh Valley Railroad. Harris, Silvers, Baker Co., which will erect a. plant for the manufacture of fabricated steel, has purchased 0 acres of land and will begin work soon. The Sh ln Pam,i wnicn win De wv uy In 100 feet and of steel construction, will be sis.wu. it win employ 2&u men. Ground has Just been broken for tho plant of Gabriel & Schall on a 12-acre tract of land It has purchased and upon which It will locate a factory for the making of asphalt products, composition floors, etc. Its factory, a building 225 by 133 feet, will be of reinforced concrete and hollow tile construction, costing $100,000. The location of these two plants In New Market Is expected to create a con siderable Industrial boom. New Market la located on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, S3 miles west of New York and only a short distance from the rapidly growing Industrial section around Bound Brook. Wilmington to Get New Hlj;h School WILMINGTON, Del, April 23.r-WaUace E. Hence, of this city, has been appointed archlteot for the new $150,000 high school to be erected here this summer. A meet Inr of the Wilmington School Board was held last night and final plans for build ing the structure were presented and ap proved. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today Btr. Mexican (JUnw,), Hllo, sugar, V7. V, fiRrj&rvlk (Bwed.), Narvik, or, U Waaler sjaarcl Co. Str. Belltla Nor.. Port Antonio, fruit. "West Indies Importing Company, Str. Pawnea. Nw York, merchandise, Clyd. Btaarnahlp Company, 6tr. Lovland (UrO, Cuba, sugar. Btr. Haugarland (Nor.), Huelva, era, X (Wwtersaard .fc Co. ..... trfffip l&Si (Nor)' Crua """ Steamships to Arrive PASSENGER. Kama. From. e"i& Sardinian . ...,.. Glasgow , Apr. 21 FREIGHT, Laura .,.,... ...Rotterdam .....Feb. 18 Kandahar Algiers ...Mar, 6 Ftlkee Hu.tva ....... .Mar. O Alt ,. Saadaljord .....Mar. 13 Falna Hu.lva. .. .Mar. 13 lUnrlk Ibaan Valparaiso Mar. 19 Abaaloa Copesbag.n ...,Apr. 8 Uansiui ., Calcutta Apr. a DakoUa H'lo , Apr. 6 llaltby Savona Apr. 10 CaXdancroM Alxtera Apr. 18 Btekaobani Balboa, Apr. 18 Itallanls. Hulv Apr, 20 Manchester EasOianta. . Mancbaater Apr. Jl appenla , Mlddlesboro ....Apr. SI QiMr .....Shltlda Apr. 21 3rekUad, ..Copenhagen ....Apr. 3 Sf. -.':" : issesar. .v.: : sx n eklUDJj ...,,,....,...AJclroa .....Apr. 2 ctilo.. !:..:: :.nitmoutb apt. WIU ,..,....LI,vepos Apr.2T Steamships to. Leave PA8flENf.BR, oSfflifia Ai?' hil 3 Auaa Naples May FBBJGHT- srln "5 ' A5J"2k I Your CarocnI rue Finest kind y I L " a cich oeep sot' ir ivitL L( . ( S. 65 PLEASURE TO SINK A rtf ' fCr-J tt nrf nr ARMY AND NAVY UNION FAVORS JULY 4 PLANS Want Admiral Dewey, Major General Wood and Theodore Roosevelt Among Guests. Promise of practlcnl co-operation In tho plans to make the proposed national cele bration of tho Fourth of July In Phila delphia n success was given today by the Army and Navy Union. In the member ship of the organization, which Is na tional In scope, are Admiral Dowcy, Major General Leonard Wood, Theodoro Itoosevelt, Slajor General Barnett, com mander United States Marine Corps, and other distinguished men. At a meeting of tho staff of tho De partment of Pennsylvania last night at Its headquarters, 10 South ISth street, It was decided to ask Councils' Fourth of July Committee to includo nmong Its guests tho thrco men mentioned. It was pointed out by Captain E. P. EWnlap, do nartment adjutant, that the army and navy would bo represented by Admiral Dewey and Mnjor General Wood, while tho presence of Colonel Roosevelt, who distinguished himself In the Spanish American war, would be ln keeping with the spirit of the occasion. The Eve.t ino LEDQEn's advocacy of a permanent national Independence Day celebration met tho approval of Captain Dunlap and other members of tho organization, who said that the Army and Navy Union would be glad to participate ln tho pa rade preceding the ceremonies at Inde pendence Square. Tho plan to have an immense chorus of school children and singing organizations In Independence Square as suggested by Thomas Martlndalo is approved by many of the city's leading educators. Henry It. Edmunds, president of the Board of Education, said: "I am ln favor of any event which will give the school chlidron an opportunity to participate in patriotic exercises. I think they should be brought together not only on tbo na tional Fourth of July celebration in this city, but on all national holidays. It serves to arouse their patriotism and keep them In touch with the origin and prog ress of their country. While the matter has not been brought to the attention of the Board of Education as yet, I believe that It will co-operate ln every way to make tho event a success." HUMILIATED BY ACCUSATION, POLICE CHIEF ENDS LIFE Council Said Boys Cut Off Whiskers While Aged Officer Slept. METUCHEN, N. J., April 2S.-Cassi-mere Offenbergor, for 15 years Chief of Police of South Hiver Borough, near here, was found dead by his son on the boy's return from Bchool yesterday. He had taken poison. Offenberger, who was 70 years old, has been accused by the borough council of Intoxication and Inattention to duties. It was alleged that recently, while ho w?s Intoxicated and asleep ln the city hall, a crowd of young men had cut off the policeman's whiskers and taken away his badge and club. MARTINDALE TO SHOOT BEAU Hunter of Big Gnme Will Penetrate Wild Yukon Country. Thomas Martlndale, Philadelphia's best known hunter of big game, will leave for Alaska In search of bear Friday after noon. He expects to reach Seattle about May 5, and will leave by boat for the southern coast of Alaska. Although the Alaskan game law limits hunters to three bears a season, Mr. Martlndale carries a special permit from Secretary Houston, of the Department of Agriculture, author izing him to bring back two brown bears for the- Academy of Natural Sciences, In this city, In addition to the three allowed by the game laws. The well-known sportsman has hunted big game In the Yukon country on other occasions, but this time ho will push out from Cook's Inlet, on the southern coast, Into territory Inhabited only by hears and wild goats. On the sides of two of these mountains. Mount Redoubt and Mount Illamund, he expects to And bear. He will spend at least 20 days there. As guides iXr, Martlndale will have 3. C. Tolman, lormerly Government head of the Alaskan guides, and Tolmnn's son. After a month's hunting the party wilt cross the Inlet and take a trip through the Guggenheim copper country, return ing In July, A feature of his trip this year will be his rifle. Formerly he carried a Man llcher, a German rifle, but he found It Impossible to obtain a supply of ammuni tion for the gun, owing to the war. In stead of the German rifle he will use a Bprlncfleld army rifle. nOISTS IIIMSELF FItOM DEATII Machinist, Falling Into Vat of Boil ing Water, Saved Though Scalded. Presence of mind and a pair of strong arms probably saved the life of Simon Brown, 83 years old, 2327 West Firth street, a foreman machinist, today, when he fell Into a vat of boiling water at the plant of the Philadelphia Steel Forglns Company, at Taoony. Brown, walking beside the vat, turned and stepped backward into it. As he fell he grasped the edge of the tub and pulled himself out, despite the excruciating pain. His legs were badly scalded. The Tacony patrol wagon took him to the Fiankford Hospital, where It Is said he will recover. TWO INDICTED AS SLAYERS Bridgeton Grand Jury Accuses Man of Child's Death. BBIDGETON, N. J., April 2S,-The new Grand Jury, Just sworn, returned indict ments In two murder , cases. One is against George Francis Hawn for the murder of (-year-old Beatrice Bailey, at Buckshutem. Hawn. ln it lit of Jealousy, fired through a window of his sweet heart's home and shot the child instead of the young' woman. The other Indictment la against James Moore, of Bridgeton. for cutting the throat of Florence Johnson with a razor Soto defendants pleaded not guilty and the trial were, tet for the week of fy , WHICH GOES TO PROVE THAT ALL MEN "W" FOODS IN SEASON The Spring Greens and Some Suggestions for Preparing Them. By MRS. ELSIE C. McKAY Tho new green vegetables, now so plen tiful by a happy stroke of nature, con tain net only many nutritive properties, but nlso tho medicinal ones needed at this time of tho year. rortunately. too, wo aro realizing moro and moro every day the superior advan tngo of getting our medicine from tho markets rather than from tho doctors, for nature, after all, dispenses tho best physic, and certainly that most pleasant to take. Who docs not remember the horriblo dose of sulphur and molasses, or cream of tartar and molasses that our grand mothers swore by (If those gcntlo ladles ever swore) when spring came around? Nowndnys, however, tho careful mother nnd housewife knows her dlototics too well to have to administer tho tlme-hon-oied doso to a protesting family. Instead she buys spinach, asparagus, rhubarb, spring onloii3 and new beans, tho food values of which seem designed especially to take owny that tired, droopy feeling. Sho prepares them tastily and the un suspecting family takes the dose with a relish. Not only the succulent cultivated vege tables, but many wild weeds unfamiliar to the majority of housekeepers aro to bo had at this time. In the spring cate gory of those particularly rich In mineral properties and of high medicinal value aro dandelion, both wild nnd cultivated; rhubarb, poko shoots, asparagus, lettuce, water cress, scullions, beet tops, kale, spinach, Swiss chard, sourdock, sorrel, lambs' quarters, purslane and horse radish. Green vegetables, such as asparagus and spinach, lend themselves easily to combinations of milk In tho cream soups. These soups are nitrogenous, easy of digestion and, with whole wheat bread and butter, form an admirable luncheon or supper dish for children. Even a tablespoonful of greens left over will make a delicious cream soup. Care should be taken In cooking greens. These vegetables part with their salts easily and unless well cooked aro un sightly nnd unpalatable. The nddition of common suit In no way replaces the mineral mntter soaked and boiled from those- vegetables. In washing and pre paring greens for cooking It Is well to remember that If they are thrown into salted water after washing It will thor oughly rid them of any Insect life which might adhere and otherwise go unno ticed. Asp-iragus and all delicately flavored vecclablrs should bo cooked In very little water Just enough to cover, but dan delion nnd strong flavored vegetables should bo cooked In a generous qunntity. All greens should be cooked with the cocr partially off. This gives them a better color and a more delicious flavor. Tho average housekeeper Is careless na to tho tinv of cooking vegetables, yet n vegctablo is as much Injured by too much or too little cooking as is a loaf of bread or n cake. The water should be kept boiling constantly until vegetables are dene. To let It stop Impairs the flavor. In cooking greens, a hambone or bacon drippings which have been saved from time to time will be found to sup ply a flavor that cannot be obtained In any other way. Onions used discreetly are a tast addition to any green used In salad form. When shredded and mixed with mayonnaise they make a palatable dress ing nnd aro very wholesome. Lettuce, since It contnins alkalies, re quires an ncld condiment. DANDEL,INC. The valuo of dandelion as a high grade salad Is rapidly being recognized. Use only the young, tender, bleached root leaves, and serve with mayonnaise. Tho older and green portions are best prepared Just as spinach Is. Dandelions form ono of tho most wholesome greens, contalnl-B as they do "Taraxacum," whljh acts on the liver. Dandelion roots are cut into slices, dried nnd used medicinally. In some parts of the West they are nlso toasted and used na coffee substitute. Mixed with roasted wheat and barley they form what Is known as "poor man's coffee." From the blossoms delicious wine Is made, so that the entire plant Is utilized. DANDELION SALAD Select the young, green or bleaohed, white parts of dandelion leaves; wash, throw them Into water, drain, dry and serve with French dressing or mayon naise. When combined with tomato and hard boiled egg, saturated with mayon naise, it is delicious. Lay slice of tomato on bed of tender dandelions and plenty of tiny blossom buds, over whloh minced hard boiled egg has been generously scat tered, or have hard boiled egg siloed into rlngletB and laid on greens. Saturate all with mayonnaise. OEBMAN DISH OF DANDELION. Take about Ave or six strips of sliced bacon or bits of the fat end of ham and cut Into small pieces; put Into hot frying pan and fry until light brown, then pour In cup water. Into this put well beaten egg mixed with a little water and three tablespoonfuls of vinegar, a gener ous pinch of salt and two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Stir and let It come to a boll, but care must be taken not to boll too much or It will curdle. Place dandelions In dressing in pan and stir constantly until thoroughly scalded. Do not let it stand. Serve at once in dish and garnish with sliced hard boiled eggs. ANOTHER GERMAN WAY TO WB. PARE DANDELIONS. Place several bacon strips in a pan and fry until nicely browned; remove to let t crisp and allow bacon fat to cool. Ar range dandelions in salad bowl, put over it. the slices of bacon. Add to bacon fat two tablespoonfuls vinegar, a good pinch of salt, pepper and one tablespoonful of chopped onion or chives; mix and pour over aanaeuons ana serve at once. DANDELION AND BQRREL. When thoroughly cleaned boll dande lion in plenty of salted water until ten der, drain dandelion and press until very dry. Chop moderately fine ln bowl. Take a large bunch of garden sorrel, wash, drain thoroughly and chop quite fine. There should be one-third as much chopped jaorrel as dandelion. Into a deep saucepan put one heaping tablespoonful of butter for each cupful of sorrel. When quite hot add the sorrel and stir over a. moderate Are until it has tumtd brown. Now add dandelions, gtir until boiling hot, remove from tho fire, add ono beaten egg for each pint of greens and serve. Tho egg may be omitted without spoiling tho dish. Moro or lees sorrol may be used, to taste. No vlnegnr Is used with tho greens this way. Tho wild sorrel Is as good as tho cultivated. BOILED DANDELION IN CASES Boiled In the same mannor as spinach and served In toasted bread cases, with drawn butter sauco or cream Bauce, gar nished with prated hard-boiled egg, It is excellent. DANDELION SANDWICHES. This is u dainty and wholcsomo lunch eon dish mado by using, chopped, the tender, bleached part of dandelion and combining It with hnrd-bollcd eggs and mayonnaise between thinly sliced pieces of buttered bread. DANDELION CLUB SANDWICHES Toast thinly sliced pieces of bread which aro nicely buttered and placed on ono slice of which Is n genorous quantity of chopped, tender dandelion, n thin slice of cold chicken and ono of ham, or two nlco thin slices of bacon nnd two slices of hard-boiled egg; marinate all with ollvo oil mayonnaise; press together and cut ln triangular or fancy shapes. This, by Itself, makes a dainty, nutri tious luncheon when served with a cup of tea. WATER CRESS. This most delicious and Inexpensive green may bo aorved In salads much tho samn as Is dandelion. It makes dainty sandwiches and as a garnish for spring use excels any other. It Is antiscorbutic, palatablo and wholesome. It owes Its flavor to a volatile oil which bocomes very pungent as tho plant matures and blossoms. Mixed with young dandelions or spring lettuce In salad or sandwiches It Is much better than when served alone. Water cress and cucumber salad Is very good. RHUBARB CUSTARD. Mndo the same as merlnguo filling for pie. Poured over stale pieces of cake or lady-fingers and topped with browned merlnguo or whipped cream, this Is a delicious dessert. RHUBARB DUMPLINGS. When baked, make a rich pastry dough, place two tablespoonfuls of steucrt rhubarb in each piece of pastry, having previously thickened tho rhubarb with cornstarch and sweetened It to tnste. Press dumplings together; bako In a quick oven; serve with warm rhu barb sauco in which has been placed a lump of butter and top with whipped cream. When boiled, make light biscuit dough with baking powder. Place several pieces of stewed rhubarb In each dumpling and steam In pieces of muslin 20 minutes without lifting cover. Remove to In dividual dish. Serve with rhubarb sauce around the dumpling In dish and top with hard sauce. ASPARAGUS. This green, which should bo used plentifully, may bo prepared In many tempting ways both as a warm dish and as a snlad. Asparagus will continue to bo cheaper now, since our home supply Is beginning to come In. A common error Is to boll nsparagus too much. Cut off lower parts of stalks (which may be used for soup), wash, re move scnles and retlo in a bunch with strips of white muslin Instead of cord, to ns not to break the asparagus, placing tips all one way. Set upright ln boiling salt wuter. In this way the tops will cook only In tho steam and the asparagus will not bo boiled to shreds, as would bo the case If tho bunch wero laid on, its side. Untie when cooked and place on pieces of toast, dipped quickly in the asparagus liquor and then buttered. Place In a platter and have drawn butter, pepper and salt poured over, or make a cream sauce of ono tablespoonful of flour and one of butter, a little salt and pepper and enough milk and nsparagus liquor to form proper consistency. Have hard boiled egg chopped and add to cream dressing; pour all over aspara gus on toast. This Is a most delicious way of serving asparagus. Hollandalse sauce la also nlco. Many prefer, when serving asparagus on toast, to have as a sauce the liquor thickened with a little flour and seasoned with butter, salt and pepper. CREAMED ASPARAOUS IN GASES. Remove centres from email rolls, fry cases in deep lard and drain, fill with creamed asparagus. ABPARAOUS TIPS WITH SQUABS OR BROILED CHICKEN. Take tips only and out them into pieces. Boll until tender, drain, season with but ter and pepper and serve on toast or in oases around the edge of the platter, In the centre of which are placed squabs or broiled chicken garnished with cress. Use stalk en da for eoup. ESCALLOPED OR BREADED ASPARA- t aua. Boll four eggs hard and chop fine. Bub two tablespoonfuls butter and two of flour together, add one pint of milk; stir until boiling and add one teaspoonful of Bait and a dash of pepper, Cut aspara gus in Inch lengths, put a layer of asparagus In baking dish, then a layer of sauce, then a sprinkling of bread crumbs. Continue In this way with alternate lay ers until last layer, which is of crumbs. Bake In a quick ovenUntll golden brown. This makes an excellent supper or luncheon dish Instead of meat. Left-over asparagus may be used with French dressing as salad, QUOTATIONS. ' FRUIT. Strawbtrrles, box , ,.,,,,. BOo. to 40o. Apple cooking-. U ok.. .,....,..,.. Oc to BOc, do eatin. U pk. ,.,,.,,,,,150. to 20c. Bananas ,...,.". .....,.,. ,13c- to 18o. Grape fruit, 3 for 25c.,...., , SOc. daz. Red. banana., dox.,,,,,..,..,,,.,,. . Bie. Orangea. doa ,,,, , 23c. to 33c. Tanxerlnea. dot. . .,,,,.,,, , 18c to 23c. Pears, fancy, doa ,...85a to 75c. Plneapplea, apiece..,,.,, g, f JJc. Cranberrlea. qt. .,,,., Oc- to loo. While grapea. lb.,...., "x. VEGETABLES. Aaparagua. bunch.... ,,.,,.33c. to SOo. Beats (new), bunch...,..'.,....,,,.,. Be to Be MEARS & BROWN CITY AND KLUL'itBAN HEAI. ESTATE Properties Managed Rents Collected Insurance and Mortgagee placed LUU ou application 202 South lfiU Street ARE BORN FIBBERS 1 1 l?.1.l.n ....rll.i. it. . . ............ Dmidcilon, qt - Cnriots. tjuneh , nff Artichoke 2 'or -k. Cclrrv-wnldorf, bunch , n" Cauliflower " J? ??? CaNnge. new Cc. to ise. .In, ..Id inc. o nc. CucumbcrB to inc. do , hothoiife . , ? Kale, pk 10c. to ISO. Pcullloiir, n hunolms for ! (lrr-n loppers, 2 for ;A;"n , 4?' Kegplant 12- ? 2?' (h.'or Be. to gc. Horseradish c. to 10c. I'eufl, li pk .. '''C I.ctturo 2 for So., 8c. and 10c. Totrntoo, box ,, . ir" Jtuhrooms 30c, to 40c. 1'arfnlrs. M Pk K ttnt . Onlorn Old, V, pk $ do, now, qt joe. do, jellow nkln. qt JjC, do , whlto tkln, nt 10c. do. Dcrruudas, nplcce c, Par-Icy . C Potatoes, new. H pk 30o. to JV do, 1'rnna , liaiket, -IOCS ij pk... 12c. Snet :otntoes, h pk 3Sc. to 40C. Squash Ce. to JSc, Itnuliarb, 3 bunrhes . inc. Itadlshes 3 for inc. .xplnacli l pk inc. Strlne beam, qt 1$c. Uuttcr beam at......... He, Lima beans, Florida. Vj pk .W do., Cuba, ij rk jnc. Turnip", white. U pk . , jJOp. do . tllnw, t.j pk 23c. to 3(o. Watercress ., oc. NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL TO SWAT Destruction of Fly's Breeding Place Essential to Removal of Dangerous Pest. Don't wait until tho fly has attained full-grown proportions before you be gin your swatting. Attack him ln his infancy. Go even further than that. De stroy his breeding place. All's fair in love nnd war and where files are con cerned It's all war. In a pamphlet losuod especially for the third annual Clean-up Week that starts nrxt Monday, Dr. S. Lewis Zleglcr, Direc tor of the Department of Health, polntn out some pertinent facts In regard to tho relation of files to dirt. "The place to swat the fly Is where hcJ Iwnnilo nnf ntlinrn lira hielre ' on a Vi n "r "House files are filthy and dangerous to human life. Born In filth, reared In filth, they feed upon filth nnd carry filth with them, not only causing annoyance, but marking a trail of disease and death wherever thoV go." Although typhoid exacts the biggest toll, mnny fntnl cases of consumption, diarrhoea and dysentery nre directly traceable to tho fly. A single Insect has been known to carry moro than 350,000 germs. But, according to Doctor Zlcgler, tho fly cannot develop from tho egg, which must have undisturbed filth to grow In, ln less than eight days. This puts the question up to you squarely, Mr. and Mrs. Phila delphia; fur If all filth Is cleaned up or destroyed at least once a week the eggs will not have tlmo to develop nnd thcro will bo no flies. What are you going to do about It? The thing that you ought to do, In tho opinion of tho Bureau of Health, Is to maintain throughout the entire season, tho samo stand you tako against the fly In Clean-up Week. Hero are a few don'ts recommended by Doctor Ziegler: DON'T tolerate flies. DON'T allow them In your house. DON'T allow them on your premises. DON'T nllow garbage, rubbish or manure to accumulate on your lot or near It. DON'T nllow dirt in your house. Look lr tho corners, behind the doors and furniture, under stairs and beds. He move the cuspidors. In brief J keep tho house clean. DON'T allow fllee near food, especially milk. DON'T buy foodstuffs whero files are allowed. DON'T buy milk where flies are on tho cans or bottles, DON'T eat where flies nre found, DON'T forget the screens. DON'T forget to wrlto to the Bureau of Health If there Is a nuisance In your neighborhood. DON'T forget no dirt no files. ART WORKS SHIPPED TODAY Paintings of the Lato Howard Pylo Sent to Exposition. WILMINGTON, Del., April 28. Today the paintings by the late Howard Pyle which aro owned by the Wilmington So ciety of Fine ArtB. were shipped to Cali fornia to be exhibited at the Panama Pacltlo Exposition. The arrangements for the transportation nnd caro of the pic tures were made by John B. D, Traslt, formerly director of the Philadelphia Academy of the Fine Arts, who is in charge of the art exhibition at the Expo sition. All but ten of the paintings were shipped. , The value of the pictures shipped Is 50,000, though the society paid only $28,(00 for them. This was due to the desire of Mrs. Pyle, the wife of the artist, to have the paintings remain In Wilmington. In cluded In the exhibit will be the entire collection of pen and Ink drawings by Mr, Pyle, which Is owned by the society. HEAL ESTATE EOB, SALE BUHUItUAN mw"" ST" nm 3i):. U.W-IHJMUhJJlflJJ'fJl'alJllMlll PTJ,'jy.fHk-ilUrSJ-aMRJiIftB fmE.mmtsm Kiwi", vy Estate Gives You Penfield at practically half price. Ordinarily every lot In Penfield (from ?190 to $300) is worth twice as much as now marked, judged not only from the prices in the neighbor hood, but by prices asked at suburbs almost twice as far away from the Citv Hall as Penfield is, Prove this then come to Penfield and you'll appreciate the unusual opportunities that settling the Wood estate brings you. Take Phlla. and Western at 69th Street Elevated Term ssra. inal. Get off at Penfield a Two homes, ready to move tO DUllU. I CLIFFORD B, HARMON & CO., Agents 1437 Chestnut Street l,.e-r ?"- TlcSl.. 9 ,4. y -t. -t .- - ". i i. 1 r-jv ?a friMifflTOrtiffim -r- J lib JANE ADDAMS HEAD OF HAGUE CONGRESS Women's Conference Would Avert War by Voice in Na tional Policies. Tlin HAGUE, April 23. Miss Jnno Addnma, the noted Chicago woman philanthropist and sociologist, was today unanimously selected a3 tho permanent chnlrman of tho Women's Congress, meeting hero to dovlso wnys for ending war. Tho election of Mies Addnms was a trlbuto to tho neutrality of America nnd reflected tho hope that somo method would bo dovlsed by the Tcace Congress to get the women of the various nations together on a plan that would mnke future conflicts Impossible. There was a disposition not to ngreo with the Impassioned plea of Rosa Gcnoll, tho Italian leader, thnt the present war can bo ended If the women will only demand that the nations get together. Only the few English women who came hero specifically for the preliminary con ferences nre on the ground. The British Government refused passports for tho majority of the scloctcd delegates, tnklnjf the ground that to have so many English women closo to an enemy's stronghold would make an Inducement for tho enemy to try nnd learn from them matter3 which were really military secrets. The following revised resolutions wero being considered by the conference today: Providing for world-wide arbitration for all subjects of International dispute. Providing for an International pollco force to enforce tho rulings of the Inter national arbitration court. Providing that men nnd women should bo equally represented In the determina tion of foreign policies and provldlnghat no territory should change owners with out tho consent of both the men nnd women Inhabitants because the Influence of tho women Is the strongest factor In preventing war. Funeral of Mrs. E. J. Fenimoro Mrs. Elizabeth J. Fenimoro, wife of Captain George W. Fcnlmore, who for years commanded coastwise merchant vessels and Inter engaged ns n shipping broker, was burled-Aoday from tho homo of her nephew, John II. Mactague, 4529 Locust street. Mrs. Fenimoro died sev eral days ago at her Bummer home ln Ocean Grovo. Sho was tho duughtcr of Samuel McManemy. former president of the Sixth National Bank of this city, and for years was a resident of Southwark, whero her family was well known. ,OBITUARIES Rebecca Frances Thompson POTTSVILLE. Pa., April 28,-Bebocca Frances Thompson, nee Bruner, wlfo of Lewis C. Thompson, a native of Chester County, after a resldcnco in this city for CO years, died hero this morning. Sho was a director of the Women's Auxiliary of the Pottsvlllo Hospital and of tho Free Kindergarten, and was active In other benevolences, Sho was also a Daughter of tho American Revolution. $350,000 Mortgage Filed POTTSVILLE, Pn.. April 28. Tho mort gago of the Bear Ridge Coal Company to tho Fldclty Trust Company of Philadel phia for $3.10,000 was placed on record at tho courthouse here today. The char ter of the company to mine coal ln tho Mnhanoy Valley on the lands of tho Glrnrd Estate and upon other lands was Hied for record. Michael II. Lindsey Michael II. Lindsey, 71 years old and In tho painting business for many years, diel yesterday at Cooper Hospital, Cam den. He was taken 111 several days ago nt his lion&, B19 West street, Camden. He formerly served as n volunteer fireman when the Are department was newly or ganized, and was a president of the Cam den Fishing Club. A widow, two eons and two daughters survive. Thomas J. Lind sey, a newspaper man, of Philadelphia, Is a brother. IIAIX On April 2T, 1013. ANNA M widow of Edwin Hall, Due notice o( the funeral v.111 be Klven. HAI.8EV On April 27, 1018. JAMES T. 1IAL3CV. Due notice of the funeral will ba dun. HEAL ESTATE SALE OK KENT NEW FACTORY Two Story Rent or Salo 2503.7 B. THOMPSON ST. lllfh colllngB, very cooj light, cement floor, driveway to back street. ABBOTT, N. E. Cor. Broad & Race BEAL ESTATE POB SALE SUIlUnilAN ulj wMFi'uwa w.im " 'W w v r 1 '-M lhe Wood 8-minute ride, a 5-cent fare. into, at less than they cost Agents on Property J C. I ui auu OU11U4Y - HAMTKAD. At his rMn. "...T u ' ft Apft,,1.-ort aw! a trsA other onranlratlons of wnich h. Wti M M 3 e,sSttS a!$ .ferU tno aunrtments of oiUcr it nail teS.0" it ,,,li,SISlfcriJa.AK" .. ..mart p I M n, piiilTnS. "$-;' an AVM' I l(JKlns. ftcqulcm Mm at m'.iJ'' ISIIISAL. On April 27. Inn irvn. loved husband o?"Jnni; I.?l5l. '?& ' Relatives and friends, alio ?!. rf", A cletlca of which hn mar Wvbeen..h2 her are invited to attend the ffiii,?'"' Thursday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock ffiS?1! " his late residence. 2221 South VhS' ' JENKINS, On Anrll 27. mix -,- cnV,i, sprfa t-tSMS; SLa' nen-e. iz.ii Fouth llth nt "" n. ItieVHtt.T r,- i, -. . . ..--".i - ,:.. ituin n la. 7. -wife-VfanTK; KenVlu" "A" , ina laie jnmes and Sarah A itmsi " 'i B7 sears. Relatives on fJi.S. .c.??"; K1 "i John Taylor Temple. lib; of ti' a". T members of Hlloam Mefhodltt pii'.",i "' Church are Imltcd to attend 1 the i MneriftK' '1 Ices, on Saturdny, at 2 o'clock, f mm fl.'?" ' residence, in Hast ThomVeon',f'r ' i North Cedar Hill Cemetery """"tent 1 "Jffffirt?.. KA.Er . ?0'. '?. CHARLE, , maftii. -Atd 0l''arVataL,1rVk",'n SS ' nnd Tennis nve.. lidge mil DiS, S,.M, i,' tho funeral 111 be alt nn ue nolle. ItlKfinit. On April 23, 1B1B. covnin - ' f TV'S -KrM tt $ki of V.: Humboldt Loditc. No. 1. P. o 7i ff 8... nnd tnomhors of tho Oerman uitSiJh Salem Church, nro Inilted to i attmHB ' tuneral services, on Thursday afternoon ,Vj o'clock precisely, at his Into residew: if I? -v. ?.1a Interment private at Mow, Vernon Cemetery. wi j CLASSIFIED RATES A rule STTl.H TYPE (or like this) ono Insertion ' is ..,,.. Three Infertlons in a week.. . 12Uo in n. Sltuntlons named, throo lnor- "'"ni tlonk In a ttock loo p,,, J THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In nil classifications ercept Mls 4-3 and mtimtlons Wnnted, Lost and Founi pir" eonals. Hoarding and nooms. : One Insertion 20a Mrlln. SI Three insertions In a week... nwspJrtoJ aveil,.cSn"ecuy0 insertions... 15c peril!' A nAiLrr,. ro based on ogato meaiurement a It aBnto .laea to tho Inch. " DEATII NOTICES-elther paper- V 10 linen on- time in, ' Thrco Insertions i.oj ' DAILY ONLT 'j In Effect December 1, 1SH. ' rnrrtTMAT,TnT datp i fr,ln,'cr!.lon " both tho morning and (renin oapors of samo aay: ' PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) Add four cents per lino net to rates itrea abo o. a J5ftSaAP ,v.p?.WAT'?. WANTED AUVKRTIS1NO IN iilE PUnLIC LEDQER miv i,n ,;.i:;.,..I11i.,rullu" i,u.uueh pj,tntty ,v;,f,,.,if,!rr .'v ," Biraisu There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE A WAITRESS until Juno 20. S937 Overtook "" CHAMIIEIUMAID, competent. 2 In family, but wages, rtfei-eni-e requited. Phone Uereun. town .117, I'M W. L'paal Bt., Utm CONTRALTO for quartet choir; good reader onU, u I". Lodger Central. ' COOK und domibtulrs work, white, for plici ' In Jenklntown; best lof. req... good aiu. Apply Wed. morn, boforo lu:U0. Apannuat iu-A, Hotel Lonalne, llroad and ralrmcucl LOOK, white, Rood nference. Apply Tuesdar nnd Wednesday, bctiveeno 12 and 1 or 7 ill 8 p. m. 111) S, ltith bt. COOK, German or American, to go to AtUa tic City for summer: experienced, rood ret erence. Apply Wednesday. 2tll N. Uread it. a 4S2U Paul St.. rrankfori. ,. M ,., April 21. 1011 My dear Miss Dean: I nm very clad 'to Inform jou that I ban sccuicd a new position today throueh Its advertlbement we Inserted in Sunday's Uiut of tho ljdgi-r. I nm to start on Monday at the samo salary I am getting at the present time. Thanking jou again for the Interest you hao taken, I nm Very cordially yours. a. 11. u CHAMBERMAID and waitress, English or American Bit!; Protestant; suburbs. M 3. Ledger Office. ClIAMiJKKWOIlK White, Protestant girl; one willing to ncslst with 3 children. M 3M, Ledger Office. DHl.'SSMAKlon wants cxierienceed iklit umiuw. -rttuny iiuu ppruco si. UIHL tor general housowork, Swedish or Get' man preferred. Coll 100 W. Coulter St., def mantovin. HOSIER Expcrleneced seamcrs on full fin-' loned goods, wnges of $3 to 51 per day eaa bo mado, llrown-Aberlo Company, Paktnora andllumlngdon sts. . SCH8INa Young women wanted to lean nursing, applicants must have at least two years' high school or equivalent, course thru jearB, threo months' probation, small turn monthly for books and other necessary .ei penscs, this hospital offers a splendid oppot tunlty lo those desiring to enter the prefw slon of nursing Address, with refcrcncei, 1? -213, Ledger Central, . 1'Al'ER BOXES Experienced gTrls on coierlcif; machines, steady work, good pay, all Tttf , round. Roxfor.l KnlttiiiK Mills, -tin floor, Randolph and Jefferson sis. . STENOGRAPHER, bright, nlert and accural,; quickness and ability to correctly traaicrlN are necessary , state experience and salary required I' 222, Ledger Ofrtce. ' TYPIST Wonted cxp'd Underwood operator! state nge. salary and ref D 417. Led. Off. WANTED Four women for permanent trartli Ing positions, applicants mutt be betwtn 23 and S3 and have the equivalent of a high school education: teaching or business experience desirable, but not neceuary: ri erences required: transportation expenses, salary and commission Mrs. Glllnllan. Balu 2CO, Tho Colonial, Spruca and llth, between 10 o. m. and 1 d. m. afternoons or evenlnit by appointment. No Information over phone. WOMAN. Oerman, wants day's work: Tiasnu! Iron'?. nouEect'c fiflA N. Hancock St.. rear L YOUNG LADY, well educated, wanted, prjtWj amy a teicnor, to ao ouiaoor eaur,wus work during summer month; permanent ti4 Hon If services prove satisfactory; salary W, per roonwi. i o. meager winrp. YOUNG white woman to assist waitress i hi j B or 6 weeks. 1101 Epruca at. Telephone Filbert nva. HELP WANTEDMALE. CABINETMAKERS WANTED Must ba experienced on tine cabinet work and da hand sanding. Brine tools. Physical examination necessary. Aooly VICTOR TALKING, MACHINE COilPANTS Application Office, 25. Market street, Camden, New Jersey, " Philadelphia, rfsur I ' Anril 21t, l' , Commercial Registry Bureau. Ledger Central. ADVraay.M.r,eS5out an.ppl pfVa.nl position M i";!-,. vefy WM xoepttonally good position, w"n v " rti, A lfmrirlT atul coachman,. WBHPj rt a&l 3mBL man, no children , also work on - jj, Srdin ou g.ntleroon's couUry P11". 3res Box rti. D.VQP. Pa. -ZTZTZTS, fOALllMAN-Colorod H,WJrn4 S lountry for care Wf' d''Yerfni 4 TO utility no farming, give '".'"T'Limi I ry desired. Address ' -"' j) Hii nsrtSBW n.itv, w urM twjL wantea . iy .Afar ninths S70 a 'mouth for nM S' "" m. il2J4Jct!ryn'H!5r- - uuV DRPtfB- Yuuog man vitth 2 f.J",,S to ". perla IrTth ,.l.l 'ILSA AAA'' & 41 i
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