STRA V WEDNESDAY April 28, 19,16 O Me&ger f tiiiKw-4JlSZ-Mto)yut' v "S j - ""7" r'&3 k nfnt.ii SIGHTS AND. SCENES, BIRDS AND BEASTS, FOUAD BY THE PHOTOGRAPHER IN PLACES AT HOME AND ABROM fM-' .set e j!,'wiW'tuMa'atMiiW?TaMBa jm SmSXBm JHHK ' -Sliir !--. -f UHBK SfliHn BTJ! L f f E j IBBOHIBlHn 1 h r- r "rajswrasra MHHV dSK I amI HBH SHH afiSBB . , ' ""Mi. flSUHH :$, ' .m.mam 'BHISsBas sCStf 4bBwMHBhI HffllHBBBHHHW J. aHwHHHBHnnnmr. ftis HiBHHmHH Hti . TT fflMIIBT-' . xbhj 3k. jdaar wi t ' &:rWv iHHWI "u. - ' j maBBHHianywwR t wlf , ' ? Xu 11111 ,& 5? . -y 1 H '' .; l - ' 111 "--; ? ')pl il!M s '" ' " ' WM " f'S-r M W ' y ' H J.-S ' fL-tv'XA-( v ,?(-.:, lf: .i, SftyW . " 5 ' K'A ? ''J, . : wr .w .-. Vgi m$$ " 'Ml i fKt lf&S KiK&f$&i s7?LS yx;-;-j 4ll K-11 'Ckv.s fr." V1'- r- JUS .i'-i 5 J &-,.,. w. v'-y.--: VY i C- .J I'hoto by Underwood & Underwood. STILL HE'S GLAD TO BE ALIVE This picture of Joan Caucoylo, of the French army, explains Why the prico of artificial limbs has risen since the war began. He lost his leps in the fiRhtinB around Verdun. MM. sel mLs p.-- mww;r L''?.".'s..v .rrnwa:'' -;-'' m JWc-rmMMwsi mmMm-iA -,. - ..Awcmm -mams?'-. -.... -" ':i .-:;.:., vst"7-". .- ?:-.?sii',sf' -las : JsssasL m, flTJH m?w - w,rx-" "i.j . -"vwl. vJtotJtfiMtoA v w.iv;v,-, iw4 i 4 111 - fe. MroPfck, ' iWIII fife, tWfel f ;,gEwBwMWKf j iKl 5Sf f j raBPfiHSf9flMBBssV9SiEBBHHKnivAlVAH -CVj f .'i '.v!.:. !1vi..JAI.5iWv.i-1. . ft ?..- . . . Av.vw -'. -. . , vs Photo by Underwood Underwood. COUNT VON HOLNSTEIN, WHO MARRIED PHILADELPHIA GIRL, WITH HIS REGIMENT, Count Karl von Holnstein is shown with his men on their way to the battlo line. He is the officer who stands well to the front at the left. Some of the men are eoen'with flowers pinned to their uniforms. Ho married 'Miss Mildred Harrison, of Philadelphia. l!SKa5SiS!SWr2Jffetffi K?r!sE-ArvAi4:'v-v.'irK?sn5C''x . mmigmk-mzsmssmgrj m&mBm&yj WW ! $$iUr : ? yj Vj utitisstim Photo by iluck. SHE'S A MAN-HATER NOW Mrs. Marguerite Hopkins, of Wash ington, D. C, disappointed in her re cent marriage, says, "The average American man is not worth while." She's going on the stage. THE CHILDREN SAY HE'S A DEAR And his mother knows he is. He was born at the Zoo a little more than a week ago and is already sturdy and strong, not to say frisky. The spring crop of Zoo babies is large. m 4 ARB UNEMOTIONAL -jk ve y. - . (e soa m account $J the beat, or for jiny other reason, unless there was aa mW(ty mf k m sight, hem syeanteaa wera q cool 4ht hjs Zw f fcotogrspher added thpei o hia eoUeettofe ... . . i . . , . .... .., ahm . Kk '-' ' " .."i" - '!.--... i I. , ..Tr.r-Tn I' ""r-7'7,;-T'""'"'' -- ' "" J" ' ' "' ''""".'.-."."i"j.r:rv. "..' "'H!.. .....!,,. . SS.1--- ...... Him i.iiiTII iMiiin.m mm i 'HI W I -ii ,,i I, .mini- rnwlrmim I ' ' " " '' '" I . iiothmwi 11 1 " ' ". mmi li n. I hi lu.jii.iii I i i I HW Jji wre hovering around tha 90i renrssenti X tea AXQtis iQ$r& W i i HIS SUMMER OP DISCONTENT BEGINS ffba pok Nat at the Palniiounfc Park Zoo ghows by bis spressloa tbt a temperati bbbi? Hwg-uenns w aim, ita woaia pr? & seat jjh jfimfjmra?fl; IflijIlilfljfflHBgaggBBBBMBM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers