liBfeWWwa EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THIS SPAY. FEBRUARY 23, 1915. -Mwr.bED QUICKLY "' " ...-"(, of this tIMiMon on MALI! TrTtf YOUNG COUPLE, ACCUS FARLWPo, rmw?rk, woald llko "return to H""""!..,?. rtSur linve 2 smalt children. 8. "'rtl'iroWiuort District. 8, O. C, 4018 ftifUM "nue ' ; STtrn AKD BON, HAVE WORKED Itf W'JffirV out of work 18 weeks; 0 In family. &C working. Muit hav. work quickly. J. wi B.t 85. , r i '- , ...ninnn iiinvnnim.Vl JTKSSSw IMS "vy at the'Vamo ".ecu.. ,m J""",iiiii,nt record! a marr ed and SHU'll, rf.lUngVdo anything B. A.. Ml SfnrtrTLAYEn - MAN, 30 YBARB OLD. fSi rr rood work rofeiencsi has been out i,rt month. has 0 children under 13 f orx jnoniii.. (Franktord Dla- fflgg &C..TW Unity street.) - ' '." . . .. Vr oonimitl-WITll fB. TctterndVwifk badlyi ha. KSrtTtmB rowatiBn-fiooiETY for 6L'n ffi'.''"ttr-.'"0"1:r.Eronc''nnd '"vJ.iie. with M era" oxperlcnce aa a noor "tlSii lie i want work lo support himself "'J'lwlfa and child. Spent the 20 ers with Dd ,, and lost position through chanao of " ".'TiiAti Registered at the Southeastern tf,vlct Office. MO Wharton trcct. Fllo 8. O. c. "J i-"1 , oAt.rxmfAMvntmn MAN. ..Te supncrt of a widowed mother, wants P'i! h?r K furniture sslesmsn or aa a Sort ."lET... m furniture factory, lie can tWn"iY.,i recommendation Irom last cm nvs '""LiiXiiiJ im ainii. with wana- IMS VJSrV" e" a. Tnb. ifiwMNEIt AND CHAUFFEUR - YOUNO Smshmani 4 months out of work, with one.. RSS5wIW' has had "parl'nco and can r . . rarirnnvna. u in - C7niwvrbD KIN19HKR MAN, f)8 years S?UId off with 200 othcra: 'haa excellent KririlereSceaj U small chUdren aw dependent LyffliO N. Marsh'sll), ItfARbwOOD FINISHER. WITH GOOD REF- r.i?nce. h b"" out of work two montha. it.7taree children, the cldeat one Is tubercy. SSia.Ird at.) !rTrtKn-TH13 MAN HAS WORKED IN i'Wafice for 23 yeara. Ho gave up his .tSik rfnue and cUrlna treat.) Wt"tintiloyei. with whom ho workod 2 years. F- Ail2: JSStaffl with atpartnwntrtor.. l.aa oxcol- Tmt reference Tprfnccs anu iu " . S..AI. 220, K nuly experienced man nrcdB work bndly. r,"l(y fftK". ,n,n,ii.,i in let him co uwlns u lici ; of work after employing him aecral ., Vi. A.. 1 A. moUBE PAINTEn-ITALIAN. ErOBCR. IN lidoltrloua and efficient, wanta work to un Ktcuiiriuuo . -hil.lrdn. He hnR been out S tmDloyment for 0 montha. nnd la registered JLtrrn ri atrltt Olflce. B30 Wharton street. SKTUv. i"vetlKatedn bv the, Society and clwnient 4 montha oko. a houee painter with '.'H'JSS. .! r ent references, wants ."SI'V..-; blurt In Kimnnrt hla wit f" - ' ..m Btr-M T A. T VPI,t M A M IfAfl lir?bn out ot work three months, hp haa a I !f ina lour tiuiuic"! - rf--... .-, iK?7dand"Di.t.s."'6. a. s3trisii-B.-Ti, trftt ) .. I1N3IDC PAINTER AND DnCORATOR-MAN PL.1: k. .vr birnrn bean out of work for IlisTiIeitKtn of time Very good nork refer- 1 1 tnr VV. V. r.T I?,.,.,,. a..rt !l,h tr.l fSSfr'irt. ft. 6. C.. 1V35 Cuthbert ttrcot. llRON STRUCTURAI. PAINTER, 30 YE'AHb Sol splendid references; out of work b1i 'lreika: invalid wlfo and threo children tfo- ni!ent on mm. a. u. .-.. ujj. imrann IKSn Dlst.. B2 W. Chelten ave.) .mOrlWORKER YOUNO. BNEROnTIC MAN, hjKWorkcd 18 years In ono place, and haa utter had but ono omplou-r. Xoat -nla work urten the mill whero ha wbb employed closed 'Sown. Has been out or work now B montha. 'ill! a wife and 2 small children. 3 joars and It months of ago. dependent on him. S. O. C. to?. (Northeast District. S. O. C. 231U North itoyara siregt.j ipnoniCER. 40 yeara old: good referenoj. k (rct of work two months; wife and threo cfilldren aepenueni on mm. a. v. ., no. uuo. loermaniown mat., u- v. v.necn uvc. ITALIAN IABORER - ITALIAN. WITH SIX children, the oldest 12 nnd tho youngest--lTlna-2 years old. haa been out of work 0 month!. He Is a willing worker and will take isrtblng be can .get to do; .8. O. C, SU9. Iloutheait District. S. p. C. M0 Wharton st. !MNtTOR-JrAN. 0 Y&XJR8 OF AGE. DE- ilrra position as .Janitor or. wllL take any kind ef tailoring work, Ho. has been, out of work Itoef last August as the result of on accident, lllj'wlle has tubcrculoels. There nro 3 small children 'dependent upon him. (Oermaniown Dlitrlct, 3. O. C. 017. 52 Weat Chelten avenue.) Sk.r.rt nil WiTPIfViW' ItAQ PVPPr iulilit references; out of work a long time and nrtcs a cnancu iii;incum,tjty. i x., ,. JANtTOR-aOOD. STEADY MAN WISHES H'umf kind ot position; exiierlenced;, also lamiuir Tvun siapiw wurn. i. . .n .. KITCHEN MAN OR LABORER. WITH GOOD tr-references, willing to do anything, out ot Hw.M.1, Hn.a Imf llptftW' hnn n wITa nml ,Wh fthlldren S. O, C, No. B35 (Spring Garden Dlaf, 1S32 Drandywino st.) ULAUORER COLOHDD LAnORER. WITH t wile and two children I and 2 years of age Itlie children have been 111 and have needed a Jr.oo.1 deal of care. As the man could not get fworlrt his wife has gone out hv ilav to hrln OliFlct. B. O. C 131(1 South 22d street. iDLBOREn ITALIAN. WITH SIX SMALL !cblldrenj has been out of work all winter ex cept a day now and then. He has worked for In !eitrlf rnnni.ltiv nml hnn vprv trnn.l rfr Ijiocti. One of his children Is a cripple. S. O Ian. ciin. srmtheimt ii(9Lri(!t. s. o r n.m iWharton street. . lIAEOnDK-l'ATHUn AND RON. 10 YEARS kotil. out of work; both hao vrry good rel- freyes mm urn wiuiiii, ,u mbu tuiyiiiiuK iiwy Ma set to do. thno voung children are de- luaatnt on them lor support (Nlcetown and kTlota Diet., 8. O. C, uio. Hunting Park ave. i anaviariSEa yt.j, , l LAlJOnnit-MAN, WITH VUHY GOOD REF Berences; haa been out ot work 0 montha. Ha Mi a wife and 8 children, the youngeat a months old. Ho will take any kind ot work ho un get. H. O. C. G0U. (Southeast Dlitrlct, Ii. .0. C, S80 Wharton street.) LABORER. COLORED MAN OUT OP WORK. fcivsnts odd lobs at whitewashing or anything I( that will enable him to aupnort a ulfa 1W C imall children: family Is living In the moil, uesiiiuie circumstances in one amau qom i v. ii. win nnni.M vim with a nn.rniTP wn.'i.' p.Dl nre children has been out of work five moniiu: nis references aru v.ry gooa ana lie vlll take any kind ot work that Is offered. IRouthesst DIst.. S. O. C. C2J. S30 Wharton gyt.i HBOIlUlt-ITALIAN. ,'1U Yl.'ARS OLD. V1TII fl'lbal references; has been out of work nine toonine: ne has a wiie nnu u smau cnuaren, rot whom are ill. rJ. O C, k2!i. (Eaateru DIst.. B. o. c, IUSS, Lawrence st.) Pftbe children need clothing: temporary relief la me way o: looa ana doming nsa been lltta, bot the man wanta work; nls wife la lick. B. A. 213. !.AtlfiTirPTX4 a y ft VOitia 1Fr IVtrnfi r icfllnt reference!: will tako anthln ha Bi. 10 co to auppori nil oeiintie wire una LtbliCnn. H O. u W0, (Powtltoq Diet., toh ;Foilion nve.) ItABOftteft""" , MAN, U0 YEAllfl 6tb. klAS a-am eui ot wor nina muuinn; n rxceuenc iviti-QCffc, aoa win lane anyimoir no can get. k O. C , (V2a. (Eastern Dit., 3, O. C 13S 8. !lAKttC .J fsM li T (ilf '"'tVt'TOlI "'iMlm "it WiHtll T -! s. 4v 1. 4VU4aU UUi -47 -Ha. iBdV nf IK oil It At Bwttr l.lnr4 n rt-L, n ksln Mglrl ot lb years. Very urgent. No. hOUi ILAKOnER. WITH WIFE AND CHILD. nl ." toc ny kind ot labor to keen his jam- U' tOStther. fan anvn nna annnlv htm illh ";nnorary workT E. AIU20O. AAOOKeU-MAN WILL DO ANY KIND OF Vrk! wife and seven children to support; Eur nuiavu ivr afV9 uignus. J, it. m.. fittgR-THIS " MAN IS INDUSTiUOUB iW HQil AODr mrtA wanta- unsV a"an vnu liar a. hlmf IB. A.. 921. ' I?E3f;iSR, ITALIAN, OUT OP WORK SIX -"EflHER WORKEH-A YOUNO RUSSIAN. V,7. ?.r old. dsslres work aa suitcase maker. .Jl will do anything. Was formerly a Jtus al?i,.q,or. I"i I? the sol support ol Ml &. ??. chlldrsn In Russia, besldca a rSfii0 tt1. country. Jle uin give solendld KSndatlcna from his last emoloyer by IHSaJss BWA i a- " on (xouat ,Ullt liW WORK FOR TUBERCULOSIS MAN- ri.Tir'.S! ramiuf 01 wits ana o cniurea FtL."l v"n tuberuuloais. but family' tondl- If Jn?thfr unable to leave homt Lwwue JpWoriV t fc v ,n)'nn- Wa w U0 unirr wfC r '"". "fiucsix. woy. iq year u. 2H a a helner on a wason J, W II. SSI. .WfifAK AND IQIJCCTIHCIAN - VpUNfl trns w".csciii: uiao Hoa nas ucvu uui vt ww.b it. 5 niontba, ts willing to tan anything ha HS,4 lo do He baa 5 small children, and JgJJl o has hrtp out of work hu wife has ?- vfc lo wjrK py ine aay. snq is now hi. Q, S BUI. ,Kl..lown nnd Tiusa District S. Clarissa street and Hunting Park ave- NaSHOREMAN Alsn DniVER-MAN 1IA8 ": Out of work 4 montha and will tak RWa. he ian get to do lias wlf and Mby depenfeot Upod Wat 8 O C BUT uuirii.1. b u, v . ooa doutn uhhhh KfUiUrtDva . fc A r -f? "Stn rr .UV ilk it von- nit-wnu vi 'v - iw s-0"1 l'a ott lto:oun Uc " wur" fi and I) 'ehMron. ill under U yeara. Ilo la registered S 3w Bocletv for Organlrlng Charity, at thj .W'and, District Office. 1232 South 47th WORK NEEDED QtnCKIr ..iL!.f teojnrtno ef Ihli claaiMcntlon on rMtaiMHan W Kty Numltra it plwen otnt now lhts neciy Individual) tan b rcOCncd Qulcfcli T- SIALK LOOM FIXDn-MAN. VITH 10 CHILDRBNi ha been out of work 7 months. One of the poya lias tuberculosis, a girl la working rrt tlmo in a mill, and another boy, 21 years old, who n-ip been a floor ecraper, la out of work They will take any kind of work they can get. Pi.i'-.,c.t tM (rrankford District, S. O. C, 1.M4 Unity street. MACIttNtST-FOIIMDU RMPLOYER SAY8. Have known tha man many yeara and have ihe utmoat confidence In hla honeaty, aobrlety ;nd general rharncter. It doea not ream aa If no derertea tha hard knocka that have been hja. loi..".E:J..x 22Z M'AiHINIST-.MAN, 27 YEARS OLD, HUN ganan, who apeaka English; has a very good work reference from last employer. Has S chll drtn dependmt on him. 8. O. C , (Ml. (Eaatara 2i rlst,B.0.C., 8.H SouthLawreni-e strest.) MACIIlNinrS VlliLI'ER-MAN HAS WORK ed 8 yesrs In una place. While lie has been out of employment, hi wife haa been aenlng to help ruprort their 8 children. S. O. C. W. (Northern District, 8. O, C 1130 North Marshall street.) MACHINIST! FOni MAN-MAN HAS DKDN out ot work since Auxuat. He haa a wlia and three children T years, 8 yeara, and baby 2 months. Spring Oarden Dlaltlct, s. O. C, 1KIJ Urandynlne atreet, 8. O. C. 87U. MACHINIST MAN HAS WORKED 12 years In one place and haa been out ot work 4 months. Ho will take any kind of work he can get, 8. O. C, C07, (Northeaal District. 8. O. C, 2310 North Howard street.) . MACHINST'S Hr.LPBR-HAf, WORKED 14 years In one place, nnd will take anything he can cot lo do: a family ot small children Is ceuewlent, on him. B. O. C 8J3. (Powelton L'l't.i 4D1B Powltofi aye.) MACHINIST'S IIELPEIl MAN, THOROUGH, ly familiar with work about autornobllesi has Very good work references. Has been out of work all winter. Six children under 18, the youngest 4 montlm old, are dependent upon him. fi. O. C. 010. (Powelton District, B. O. C, 4018 l'owelton avenue.) MACHINIST'S HESjPBR-AN AMERICAN, 13 cars old, with good references, has been out of work atneo October; hla wlfo Is dead and his oldest child la taking caro of the houao and her four brothers and slaters. H. O. c, No. 037. (Spring Garden Diet., 1832 Urandywlne at.) MAN OF WORK, ITALIAN. HAS FAMU of seven children; boy ot 14 In family; good bright boy; could make himself ery uso'ul around a store; father la a laborer; would bo willing to do any kind of work. J. ". U. 878. MAN, JEWISH. 48 TfEAIlS OLD, OUT OF work 4 months. Ono boy working In family of elcht. Wife la III, but haa not naked for any help. Neighbors told inveatlgator that her Minnie In .Ima in wnrrlment and lack of nour llnhmcnt. A moat ileaervlng caae. J. W. U., 802. MAN, HAS BEEN .HUCKSTER, OUT OF work two months: 7 children, all under work ing age. Two oldest boys, 12 and 13, sell papers. Family nro about to be evicted for nopayment or rent. .. .. .. oo. MAN, JEWISH, TAILOR. OUT OF WORK 2 months; 4 children, only one of working age, a boy, who will also do any kind of work. J. W. D.. 891. MAHRIF.D MAN WITH A WIFI-, AND 0 -.i.. j...n. nH him. tiHtlln. In tin nnv thing; honoat. sober and worthy, fa. A.. 22.1. MIDDLE-AGED MAN. ENTIRELY DliSTI- tute. wants Immediate chance to earn a fair living E A.. 240 X. MILLER MAN HAS SPLENDID REFER enco from last employer, for whom ho work ed T years, 12. A.. 1U4 MOULDER-MAN HAS WORKED ll YEARS; hah been out of work for nvo months. Thero arc five children, tho oldest, a boy W. and tho youngest. 4 yeara old, Juat when the oldest bov would have been nblo to go to work nnd h)n the family, ho developed tuberculoaK and haa rocently gone to Mont Alto for treat ment Spring Harden District. . O. C. 1832 lirandywtno street. S. O. ft. SiS. MOULDER MAN, 40 YBARS OLD. WITH very good roferoncea; haa been out of work nearly a year; will tako any kind of work ha can get to do. S. O. C, No. 030, (Southwea' DIst., 1110 B. 22d st) NINETEBN-YEAR-OLD BOY IS THE SOLE support of his widowed rr other, who la HI; he has been out of work four months, a younger brother Is also dependent on him. (Southeast DIst., S. O, C, 021. 530 Whar ton st ) PACKER OR ANY KIND OF WORK: HAS lent references; willing to do anything; hati wife and G children. E. A,. 220. PAINTER YOUNG ITALIAN, 21 YEARS, wishes work at painting, U possible, but will take any kind of work; parents are old and father not working for several months; the son has left home each morning about .1 a. m. and has wnlned the streets until exhausted. Ho Is a good workman, hardwood finisher. Very urgent caae. No, SCi. J, V. B. PA1NTEB MAN. 34 YEARS OL.D: OUT OF work two months; worked In his last place a year, and a half and has good rotcrences; has a wlfo and three children. S. f). C . No. (150. (Spring Garden DIst.. 1832 Drandywlne st.) PAINTER NEEDS WORK BADLY"; WIFD sick and family In destitute circumstances, A ): 210 X. PAINTING AND ODD JOBS YOUNO, ENESR getlc man, 211 years old, with very good ref erences, wilt tako r.ny kind of work he can get. so thnt he can provide for his wife and tour small children. (Eastern DIst.. S. O. C, C33. 3.IS S. Lawrence st.) PAPERHANOER WILLING TO DO ANY- thlng In his power to keep his wife and himself from want: good mechanic; excellent re rerencea. E. A. SIS X. PHYSICIAN'S IlnLrKU-COLORED BOY. 10 yeara old. honoat nnd reliable. wantB work ns a" phvalclan's helper to support himself; mother atid father lire dead, and ho hod Just been driven from homo of relathcs through llltrntment. J. W. B. R12, , PIPE COVERER AND PLUMBER, AGED 20. married, 3 children. 0-4-3 jeors of nge, and willing to do anj thing to keep a root over their heada E A., 24B X. PLUMBER AND STEAMFITTER-MAN OF ;i0. a Spanish War veteran, has been out of work 2 months. His last employer spooks highly of him. He haa a wlfo and 2 children, who ure delicate, dependent upon him. He la willing to do anthlng lo provide for hla fam ily fl. i. C. (113 (Germontown District, S. O. c', 5J WeslCheltcnavenue.) PLUMPER AND BTEAMFITTER- FIRST class mechanic: out ot employment a long time and In desperate straits. Has wife and 0 chtldreu and will be glad or anything. E. A., 23h X. PLUMBER'S HELPER-34 YKARS OLD; HAa kooU references: out of work six months: has a wife and 2 small children. 8. O. C. 0.11. iSnrlng flarflen Llist., l.n.v- uranuywinB Sl.l PLUMBER AND STEAMFITTER. WILLING ... .n anv 1,1ml nf work! ran dn electrlral work also; needs employment badly, aa he haa v, Ue and 4 children. L. A.. 227. PRINTER MAN. 30 YEARS OLD. WITH koo1 references; haa teen out of work 8 mtinths. He haa 2 children and a sick wife. Sod. UU2. (Eastern District, 8. O, C. 338 Mftuin IJAvrigi.n ......., PRINTER. FORMERLY WITH ONB OF THE .... .,.. nrlntlnir houses In l'hlladelnhlfl. whn :Ue him an excellent reference. E. A.. 228. PRINTER-HAS WIFE AND 0 CHILDREN; nteO CIHJJIUJ ll-M UdUi; VMVa IIUUNI, cuptiDie. ,Ajsiyft, RIDINO' INSTRUCTOR-CAPABLE H0R8E Van, 23 years old, with honorable discharge from U. 8. cavalry, wishes employment, giving riding lessons or In the care of hones, D. A,, 107. RIGGER AND BLOCK AND TACKLE maker needs a Job badly: has a children and Is willing to do anything, will work for very lnw wsges to get a start. E. A.. 229. SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD , BOY , WITH A mother and younger brothers and sisters de pendent upon him, lias been out of work all v. Inter, one ot the children la 111 In the hos nltal at the present time; he will take any work ha can get. (Southeast DIst., 8. o. ft, 6'. 330 Whsrton st.) i SHIPPER. AGE 32; WIFE AND ONE CHILD; will da anything; last employer stiles he Is honest and worthy; laid oft due to slack busl na. E. A.. 200. BHIPPINO CLERK MAN 3! YEARS OLD, with splendid reference from last employer, by whom he was laid ott on account of alacx work, desires employment. He has a wlte and 1 child and will do an) thing to kecj) them irem starving E. A. 18i EHOEMAKER-CAN'T BOMB BUSY REPAIR shou give this man even temporary employ ment A deerli.K ,ae. E A. 232. SKILLED PLUMBER AND ROOFER MAN skilled as plumber ana rooter must n position at once for support of wlfa and three young children. Will accept any kind of work. Family aro living In a small room, the rent of which la long loerdue. During tha last rnontn the family have been fed by neighbors. Land lord and others touch for applicant's sobriety and Industry. Most urgent case. E. A.. TIT. SKILLED MtrHANlC-MAN" WWII GOOD work racord; van furnish references; has been out of work iwvwrul ncntha, wl(e and two iit tla ihllJrmi fsiina: iientltution. J W B., h'. hTEVEDORE-A WILLING WORKER. WITH fuod referentus. has lwn out ot work ail ntcr Hla wIU Is delKite, hU oldest boy has tuberculosis, una int are 3 other chil dren tne youngest a years oJd. S. O. . u9. Southeast Duirlc.. 8 O C" Ha Whartont. BTOCKINOTBOARDBR-I'aT FIVB YEAR3 In IhA alma out of work two months. Has a wlfa and sic small children, the .young eat a baby 0 month old. 8. a O., No. 013. TAltOR-lTALlW: 8 'tlllLDjlHN:; OLDW 11 and youngest a year and half. All last summer hli workwa very Hack wilM has not ba,d any work sines the 1st of Sep tember, lie will ke any kind of work fc cm get. H. O. C, 878. South wcat District, B. OrC. late 6quth 22d sUest TAILOR ANDRES8BB. HAS FINE I BED. ommendatloni covering year back and need lguncdlatw work EA 233 TEAMSTER - FORMER EMPlYBR SAY9 ha U unrlslit induatnoua and trustwortby. a tsrr ncwd ouui with borsas E A. f4 TEAMSTER." WITH . ONE PIBM FQU tear, ku teen out of work two awttfiu. Haa a wife a1 four children 8 O C, . (NodbtMt Dut , 4 N. ijuward t ,... ...v... .... ... , , w0ttK NEEDED QUI0KMT Af fn oeutnnlap- ef Ides efnssMcnflon nn M-plaiMtlott o Ktv Kumbtm Is ofcen ond now tnesa needy faili-fdanla can be reaencJ ijulcWy. MALE T5nVVRTn.TMANt with, wirn AND 8 v-WF children, the youngest a a-months-old tS'Xi " 9n. tn appllrants' list of the Society JJ OrRnnUlnB Charity. Was a flrat-tlaes team f,,.lr..un."1. two .yeara ago, when he contracted tuberculosis. Family was cared for by tho aociety in tho meanwhile. Man pronounced ---... .ri Ian. urn ,iua orcn unnuiB lu ,'' jniplpjnienl. Wants a chance to. make his .-..Mi luiieptnueni again, iiegisteroa ni aouin' JJ1lt"nMlatrlc Office, 1310 South 22d atreet Hl 8, O C, 806. Timt'E PEOl'Lfl IN. flAME FAMILY OUT Ml 1uK MS take any klnc of woth Xlsn Is an Italian laborer, and will ny Rinu pi vrorn no Clin gel. no run llcsnd ;t children IS. 12 and n sears of ate, The.lS-year-old alrl ha ben helping by doing fewlns;, but would line rezular and per manent employment, The man's wife haa '.P. doing, waahtng a nd fewlng when aha I cQum get u. sue, site, would like more S,f",ir work. 8 o. v.. MO, Southeaat Die-UlSJi-I- O. C.. M0 Wharton street. TINSMITH AND BHiJET METAL WORKITn hsa 2 children and no wlfo with them; he r;"22. employment as soon ss possible E. A, 23V TWO BOYB OUT OF WORK TWO IIOYB IN the same family (17 and IS years of ago) are out of work they will tako anything they can get to do. (Nicitnwn and Tioga DIst. fi. O. S-j.,".!"! Hunilng Park ave, and Clarissa st.) WATCHMAN-MAN, M YEA118 . OLD, OF sober habile, with a wife and 2 children who arn In desperate need, denlrcs position a watchman or caretaker. B. A. 108. WATfHMAN OR FIREMAN MIDDLE . aged man with wlfa and 2 children: pretly desnerntr and needs work: willing (o do any thing. E. A. 2.1(1. WB HAVE AN APPLICATION FOR ANY kind of work from a former member ot the city police: ho has B children: 0 years and sounger snd ono 8 years, a cripple: this la a verv deserving, taae and he la willing, to do anvthlng: would make an excellent Janitor or watchman, 13. A. 200, WEAVER MAN, 84 YEAHS OLD) HAS been out of w rk 0 months. Hla wife has been doing sew) g tn help support their 3 small tblidren . . O. C 600, (Franktord DIs trlct, 8. O. C, 1344 Unity atreet.) WDAVr.R-SKILI.nD CARPET WBAVKR.Ct) ears old. of robar and Industrious habits, wants work. Wlfo, 6S vears old, will taku waahlng or work aa hourecloaner. L. A. le1. WHARF BtHLDER-FOCPERIENCED MAN. i seara oia, b yenrs wnn msi empiuypr, wo as forced to let him go to cut down oxpcnes. go to cu n, His Has u wife, 3 chlldrr wife Is to have hAlha- MM meinn. ImmMllnln batn In necna sarv as thla fnmlly l .1 montha. behind in their rent, and are In danger of being evicted by the landlord. E A. 100. WIDOW'S .1 RONS OUT OF WORK t A widow with 0 chlldron waa dependent on her 3 eldest sons. Now thoY are all out of work. One has worked In locomotive works nnd the other 2 have been helpers on express wsgons Thov will take any kind of work that Is offered. 8 O C, M7V (Northern District. 8. O. C. 14'10 N'or'h Mandrill street ) WOODWORKER-CincUI-AR SAW OPEtlA tor. .13 veers old, hos bem .out of work J months, lip Is a widower with 2 small boys. Will take any kind of work that Is offered him, 8. O. C. 301. (Woodland District, 8. O. C, 1232 South 47in street.) 10-YEAR-OLD BOY ONLY SUPPORT OF his widowed mother nnd four sisters and brothers, will tako any kind of work he can get; ho bos worked In a bakery and In a fac tory, and has very good references. 8. O. C, (12, (Northern DIst., 8. O. C, 1430 N. Mar shnll it.) FEMALE EMBROIDERY WIDOW WHO DOES BEAU- tlful hand embroidery wants work for tho support of her two children H. A., 11)0. GIRL, ABOUT 10, MOTHLtt DEAD, WANTS permanent position with private Catholic family as mother's helper, or to assist with housework. J. V. B S7H. GIRLS-TWO GIRLS WANT ANY KIND OF work; housowork or sewing; no one in lamuy ot eight working- mother III. J. W. B 8110, 11 U U a Li l- II H. lXflliikSUU UIHU, strong and capable, would like work to help support the family; sho has threo brothers and sisters and her father has only part time work as n driver 3. O. C. 031. (Ponelton DIst., 4018 Powelton ao.) HOUSEWORK OR MOTHTU'S HELPER 14-year-old girl with good s"hool record Is seek ing work to help support lir mother and five brothers and sisters. S O C. 030. (Powelton DIst., 4018 Powelton nve.) .......- ...-.n.nA.V .Vt, T HOUSEWORK WOMAN WANTS PLACE with daughter doing soma kind of house work, they aro penniless and without re sources E. A., 210. MOTHER AND TWO DAUGHTERS WANT work; father of family recently deserted, leaving the mother with 8 children: all are KlrK the youngest B months old: mother and two eldest dnughters. 10 and 14 year" old. want any kind of work at once: a homeless voung woman. 20 years old. being cared for In this family, nlso seeks employment; since desertion, mother has been doing laundry work nt horn.-, but Is no longer able to get It. .1. , . tt O, ,i OPUHATtlR. EXPERT ON SIIIKT8 AND out of work acveral weeks Is cry urgently In need of help; Bha haa been supporting a cousin who Is too 111 to work and their, case Is mot pathetic: they have been living In a boarding house whero the peoNo have been most con siderate, but now they must havo help; sowing nt home will be acceptable. J. W. P.. 871. SEAMSTRESS-A WIDOW OF 70 YEARS IS unablo to get work to support herself: she Is nlonu In tho world: wants sowing and needs work badly; Is recommended by St. Peter s Church. E. A., 215. SEWING-" WOMAN WITH 4 CHILDREN wants to do sewing to support the family until her husband, who has been unemployed for several weeks, gets work; (hoy are abso lutely without funds; the Investigator reports that they are very respectablu and havo a neat home, the 16-year-old daughter also w ants any kind of work. B. A., 217. BEWING A GERMAN WOMAN DEHIRE3 Plain sewing. She Is the sole support of an Invalid husband and four children ranging from 4 months to U years of age. The hue band la a longshoreman who has been 111 for months suffering from rheumatism nnd lack ofnrnper nqu rlshment. E. A., IP. . UPHOLSTERY FINISHER A WIDOW, WHO has worked 20 years tn one place, has lost her work throiiRh no fault of her own. A daughter with tubercular tjndenclea Is de pendent on her. S. O. C 013. (Powel on Dis trict. 8.ftj40t8JUjmjvyejnio;) "WEAVER-FRENCH WOMAN. WIFB OF reservist, with good references. Is trying to support her 3-year-old child her husband In serving In tho French war S. O. C, No. 032. (rrankford DIst.. 1814 Unity, st ) v7lNDERiNMILL-THIS WOMAN HAS had to become tho bread-winner on account of her husband'a lllneaa with tuberculosis. She i trying to support her 8 small children. For a months she has not been able to get any work SO. C. 008 (Northcaat District, 8. O. C, 2B4U rvortn iiphhiu p,,co.. WOMAN. JEWISH. MUST HAVE WORK TO aupport family of 5 children. Husband la seriously 111. When Investigator called he w-aa shown a box of stale bread, which -naa put In the oven to Boften. Here la a woman who must have work. J. W. B- 888. AUTOMOBILES For Sale CADILLAC 1010 landaulet; demountable rims, tires and motor In good condition; will sacri fice for cash; Plerce-Arrow limousine, model 1008, 230; bargain for quick buyer; owner must havo cash jacoos uarage. juorria ana Winona avrs., Oermantown, Bell phone, Qer mantown Bflal. We store your automobile and loan money on It st low ratm Acme latn Co.. 2034 Kensington avu. Phone Kensington 811. ATJTO TJCVERY AND OARAGES LIBERTY Taxlcab Service Limousine, taxi cabs, touring cars. Call PQPj:M!jlacs337L D0SINESS NOTICES PnlVATE LOOK MAIL DOXI58 TO RENT; P")NKf4T IN THE CITY. 38 N. BROAD BVl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AM EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY ofTered to any one who haa 125 or 150 to Invest, a 619. Ledger Central. CIGAR. CANDY, BTATIONE41Y, TOYS, inn Cnlng .90 wtekly Walsh. J!T82 N. 22d.' PTR-CIOAB. CANDY. STATIONEnY. Rent 120; lunctlon oar line. li7KjN. 22d. CARPET CLEANING WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAOB CO. 'aa. PER YARD .HHIO-73 LANCASTER AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED, DYED. MAILHOT. 1510 Chestnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY 80METHINO NBW, Get In early, you may be lucky: get youi BPrlOg SUlt now jiamunu uwm J DRESSMAKING tatght. short, prao. course. MeDSwsll?30T Decckla Bldg.. lltli & Market. DRESSMAKER, exp., wlshts day angajts'nta; ttrms mod i remodet. 202U Arch. 1m 9835 P. ADVANCE styles In dressmaking; S and up ward. Sooa a. 10th st. Dickinson 8143 W. POR BALE BILLIARD, pool, combination. 2d hand bought. sold, rented, ex-d. Keater, 823 Olrard ave. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEATING Better and chapr tbao hot water or steam. rtttoliTitriTn&tUft 6 and 8 N. i8th 3NBTllt;CI01I NEW MEMBER8 ALWAYB WELCOUB Ii h CsitllllsnClub studies nnd converses In 1'ANIBII. Business customs, phraseology taught under native teacher. .Yerjr oicuiiii, 8-10 Dues II n month lliOO ARCH I IIIUUIIIl ARCH BTREET, OLD QOIiD DIAMONDS D!NATNG1Dtt5V,,NTD,tJIriT" ANTtQtJfrs. brokrjtwl?y- BoWrfaUa teelh, IhJI.h UU. a,l.a..t. VAHhl OITfl tllllcrrt AVA. I'lmmi .'fva fc'tn-WID ""XJ " .' in - -.--. PniNTlNG 2000 GOOD ENATLOrKS AND iPRlNTINOS nlie. o, 2 Graphlo Automatic Press, 015 17 Hnnstead at. ' 8enM for Bample '.' . BTORAQE rtELlABLn BTORAOE, MOVINO, PAOKlNO. 8HIPPINO. 2010-44 tit BOTH B't. D1A. 47-47. WANTED PlIRNITltRP Antiques, pianos, ete., part rUKlNl 1 UIVC cr ent,r8 noUie bought. Kens. Furniture Co.. 3143 Kensington Ave. KOOMS TOR BENT BROAD, N., 804- Urge, attractively furnished rooms; straw heat. loctrld light) futh"n erjosure; excellent locations 10 minutes from eriKisure; exceueni incaiion, xu ihuiuk. .,-y. heart of cltyi anlendld dining room; n.eals optional; pholn displayed at Lodger t-entrai. CEDAR AVE., 400.1 Desirable rum. u'"?or room redned neighborhood. Woodland 4I8T W. Photo displayed at ledger Central. CHESTNUT, llHii-ltooma. single and en suite, steam heat. Telephone Locust 7JL CHE8TNUT. 4430 Excep. vacs., warm, cheer ful rooms; convas board optional; phons. LOCUST. 1603 Attractive rooms, flngls or su i to, a ii Jwujta i nf mrn. or umurn.j ww m.f IOWELTON AVa, 3410-Excol. aocom'ns for thoso who appreciate convs. ana cieaniincs. Baring 71t2 I Photo displayed at Led. Cont. tl'llUCE, 2022-Dcslrable suite, with private bath; open nie; phone; owner. VENANGO 1412-Prlvate family will rent .large well-furn. 1-arlor; board opposite. WALNUT, 3003 Large 2d-fioor front: eeml prlvatn bath, hot-water heat: etcept. table. ran and Bansom Furnished rooms: men oniy; tncalsi WEST BRANCH shower baths; near L! all the Y. M. C. A. comfoita of homo. Phone Bel mont sooij i.yi i wi "w 12TH, N 17B2 Woll-furnlshod 3d-fioor front; inner accommouaiiouir. jyyiiginsiv,, ..v. 13TII, S., 32.1 Nicely furnished rooms; reason' uoie prices; an cunvs.; mmuui iw."""' 13TH. 8 237-COMFORTABLY FURrllSHBD 1106mS; ALSO I'HOPfcSSIONAI. OKF1CK. . B2D, N , 410-Nlcel furnlshod rooms In private family, conv toclty. Belmont 14T3 D. ELLOANTLY' turn. 2-room theerful apartment, with private bath 170f, Mount Vernon at, NEATLY furnished room In reflncM nelglioor hood of Ovcrbrook: board opt. Belmont -tjWO. BOARDING CnDAR. 4W2 Very desirable furnished rooms! good table; prUale family. Wood. 2333D. CHESTNUT. 4iVIS-Oood table: nl:e neighbor hood: conv. to city. Phone Preston M24 D. MASTER. 1700 (S. W. cor.) Pleasant room, newly papered and pnlnt.; run, water: phone. ltJWKLTON AVE., 4I7 aunny front room, with board; quiet family, terms modorate. 8PK.UCE, 1224-20" (Brlsmonde) Furnished rms single, en sulle; prUnle luths; table board. si'Rticii 1230 Suite of rooms, private n ATI I TAnLE110A 11D; 3STJI, N ,"302 Third-door room, with board; good location: all conveniences Suburban GERMANTOWN. 233 W. Rltlenhouse St.. be tween Wayne and Greene Desirable rooms, with hoard. Phone Otn. 1.BT3 X. APARTMENTS SPRING GARDEN, 1010 Excellont apts. In 8 different houses, soma turn'd; kitchenettes. OVERBROOK Two'con. rooms, with prlv. porch: board optional. Ph Overbk. 1800 P. FOR VACANCIES nnd complete Information of all upartmcntaiFREE, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th nnd Spruce ata. Phono Walnut 080. or write for February "Apartment Directory." 31ST, 8., 1220 Handsomoly turnlahed 2d-fIoor apartment. .1 rooms, bath use ot kitchen; dining room downstairs refined neighborhood; opposite Park, convenient to cars. " CHILTON APARTMENTS 321S BARING ST. Two first-floor rooms with prlv. bath; suita ble dentist or doctor or apmts. Mrs. Belle '. McClaln, itsr. Bell phone. Preston 0387. I5LIXJANT''ri.UITE, furnished or unfurnished; onin, neai, iigni, hibu huiuii jui,u. u,,u. nlshed. use-, garage; splendid neighborhood; natn, neat," jignt, aiao Baton punur. umui reasonaDie; private lamur. u . 0th st. BEAUTIFUL bachelor apts.: suit, for couple: marble shower bath: kitchenette; unusually light: south, expos.; rent I in. liwi iussisr st, I ION"? HPAn Handflomely furnished L.IVJIN O ncnu t. U18.18 Locust. FURNISHED APARTMENTB ELEGANTLY turn. 2-room cheerful apartment, with private bath. ITO.-i Mount Vernon at. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS JCHNT APARTMENTS N ,? ST. Ifousekeelng apartments, 4 rooma and bath. sa-.pu montn jnnuor surwce. DIAMOND, 2110 Apply 2112; new, attractive apartments; all omaldo rooms: $23. HAMILTON, 8843- Furn or unfurn., 4 rooms and bath; prhate fnmlly: 2d floor: phone. READ ESTATE POR SALE CITY 14TII AND.20TH WARD buyers are with BIMON J. WALDMAN 1110 WEST alRARD AVENUE Bent collected Prompt attention. BUDunnAN Ambler, Pa. WE SPECIALIZE In suburban property along the P. and It.. Bethlehem and Doylestown branches: we offer suburban homes, farms. Improved country places and building sites: we can satisfy any. reasonable purchaser. II J PAGER. Inc.. Ambler. Pau NEW JERSEY Ifadilnnflfld. N. J. itn- nicVKRAL FINE PnOPBItTIBB-at ww. . --VLtit f.ATIPrv MAlUlliALL. bargain prices. wa. uii aSi Kaderal st.. Camdsn narrain nrKcii ,..t ..... .-- National Tarlf, N. J. you :SnOTITr.Wi.aVof5.pb,f,"ao"K! overlooking wei.; aujwi,,. .-....... x tmzZ .I"lmnt OKatar N. J. Co.. VI B, Itth. iynaMmrylIliht. N. J. nr-vwrtAL, desirable homes and Improved bldfl, BToUa reason. blenrlees. John MltThsw. uope aiay. f; cojja 'AOES. toiela. PU . or Hi or nt, jSrlo MllUr. JJ8 dec an at. b....aatSi Vfs V1WI1I &aT,.f.crf,.r1ni!:VVW;2.nd3 .Brr.i? tni v.ry best .of land apiche-apj state v,u, wants. JOftM rH,.'.,.".. ii ACRE!, iSTSO; 1 miles Main Un Penna-j 'bargain. HnALp, TVeat Cheater, Penna. T1T"a'crhJ9 commuter's home , abundanco of 1 fruiti T alOOO. J. P. Thompson, W. Chester. Pa. REAL ESTATE TO EX0HAN0B Atlantla .City. W. J sirvrELB. cottages apartments, eto. ,to es 1 rhamfs i or Phllade pbla properties. Clfat, "'ir.ii. M B Venna. ave.. Atlantlo Clty. BEA.L ESTATE POR RENT ' "TTCTflKS, HUBINESS HOOM3. ETO. Vv- itfcNT Part of office, second floor front) ?!? cUnventcncea. 711 Walnut at. WEST rilllAtHJim nuwsTmLADELIUHA houtea for rent, fao- ' i?. Gtorg? 11111. alrmflunt Park; conven. i?nt tfaln and trolley, Sent reasonable. Ap- llyBlantfs Vtixaat ted and Parkalde ave. Atlantlo City, N. J. iryreLS boarding nouses, cottages, etc. HPTgETO & MOORE. 40 S. Florida ave. ' ' Cape May. N. J. " ifimrJlBHtD COTTAGB3, all locations, 1300 and upward Fletcher W. Btltea, S09 droaer nidg. PhlladeibhuL ithNlBHED oattages. all Improvements; n kable. C Earle Millar. JUS Ocean at. " rOR RENTt-PTJRNISEPED UStELS. BOARDIKQ HOU8ES. VH.LAa. 1 ccyWAbsa, APARTMENTS, any season, all Satloa. AiHntlp City, ClwUea, Venwori auiomoBus IJtBH 4 rBartlett SUg, , -rzz "" '' TTSlOiX' m""ST ' - jaORTQAGEa nuTurB&'H I T SAMUEL H He Mndo Sure Drown Why do you offer suoh a largo reward for tho return of that horrid, yelping our? Jones To please my wlfo. Brown Dut suoh a largo reward wilt surely bring him back. .Jones Oh, no, It won't! X drowned him myaolfl Making News Iboporter Madom, you may recollocl thnt wo printed yesterday your dental of having; retracted tho contrndlotlon of your original statement. Would you caro to havo ua eay that you were misquoted In regard to It? LKe. Sufficient Professor Your answer la as clear as mud. Student Well, that covers the ground, doesn't it? Purple Cow. IT'S NO USE FIGIITING WnEN 3 2JL 1" , "WMAH. I've HMT0UR OF THE NARROVjEOT llSfJiPtt rRflM ACCIPrNTft .TTrOAY THE GOLF FIEND PICKED UP A BOOK ON THE SUBJECT 4 j. 'W?&ffif j . m - S. ...-as. 9 -'MSP' SCRAPPLE THE IPADDED CELL , i "N. Ly -''"' jvtfi ?a THE JINX ARE AFTER YOU f "0H WHAT'S THE CAU A WtTWtfl OSCf ,- (0 .K HvJ 1 1 1 1 1 i ii iLampooOf Jlother (to Bentlemnn.wlio has been Marine at child for nvo minutes) Ilubber! , Old Gentleman Thank heaven! I thought It wrt ivihvyv " . v V " ' , M ' A, ". DovmnWith It . - ' v.-.i' She And knowing my opinion of did that odious Mr. Banks Insult ,y By oflenng" you n. arinjcv He That's what ho did. . . She How did. you resent It? Ho I swallowed the' Insult! HE HAD NEVER READ sslslslslslsHf SalsliVV .tsV tslR M tf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers