J u ZEPPttW DROPS TEN BOMS UPON CALAIS FiVc Civilians Killed in Air Raid on Coast City An other Attack on Railway. PArt'18, Fdb. 23.-A Zeppelin airship bombarded Calais yesterday. It dropped tm projectiles which killed nve persons belonging- to the civil population and caused some unimportant material dam age. This official War Ofllco bulletin, Issued last night, Is supplemented by ft dispatch to the Havas Agency from Calais which says that a German dirigible- dropped a number of bombs on the St. Omer, Hnze broUc.lt and Dunkirk Itallroad lino In the TlclnljV of Fontlnettes. Only slight damage was done and train service was Immediately re-established. Two Incendiary bombs damaged several tlvrelllnpd In the vlllago. Fontlnettes la a small station 21 mile southeast of Calais. A dispatch from Heme says that Swiss soldiers opened Are yesterday on nn aero plane, said to havo been German, which flew over Bonfal. The machine was struck by nine bullets and the pilot was forced to descend at Fcrretto. Dutch officers at tlio frontier post of E!do' sighted a Zeppelin airship and n squadron of aeroplanes flying westward early JJonday morning. They were ap parently headed toward England. Funeral of the Rev. Smith Walker Funeral rites of tho Church of God were held this atternoon over tho body of the Itov. Smith Walker, a preachor of tho denomination, who died last Saturday after two days' Illness. Rev. Mr. Wnlker formerly was a mill worker. Ten years ago ho gaVo up a position In a tcxttlo mill at tho Falls of Schuylkill, and de voted all his tlmo to hla church. He had been a deacon for tho 10 years pre vious. The home of tho deceased was at 3)25 Queen lano. He was 69 years old and leaves a widow, Mrs. Zellah "Walker: a sjn, Sidney S.. and a daughter, C. Mar iorlo. f Interment Tvlll bo mado at Mount Peace; Cernetery. OBITUARIES George Carteret George Carteret, whose stirring career 08 a. newspaperman began on a local pa per, died Itfst night at his homo In New York. He was, asaoclato editor of the Now York, World. As a copyboy on the Press, Mr. Carter et subsequently became a member of Its staff. iFrom theirc ho went to the Phlla delphlajTImes, later going to the Record. His meritorious" work during tho famous HolmoVmurder trial won for him a posi tion with theNcw.-York Evening Sun. ITi later accepted tho position of city editor with the New York Journal, and after several years with that paper Joined tho editorial staff of tho New York World. Mr. Carteret, who was tho on of Georga W. P. Carteret, of 5501 Baltimore avenue, this city, was born September 20. 1573. Ho also leaves' a widow and mother. Richard E. F. Engelke Richard E. F. Engelke. who for 40 years was engaged In the piano manu facturing business, la dead at his home, 2548 North 8th street. He succumbed Saturday after a long Illness. Mr. En gelke was born at Madgeburg, Germany, In 1338, and came to this country when 17 years old. Ho was an Instructor of Music In the Philadelphia Blind Asylum for many years. His father was created a Knight of the Black Cross by the pres ent Kaiser's father. Mr. Engelke spoke six languages. He leaves a widow and two children, Mrs. Theodore A. Royal, Jr., and Alexander H. Engelke, The fu neral, date of which has not been set. Will be held from his late residence. Rev. Percy Perinchicf MT. HOLLY, N. J., Teh. 23. Rev. Percy Perinchicf, superintendent of the Now Jersey Methodist Conference, Trenton district, died at his homo here today after an Illness from pneumonia since Satur day night. Ho went tp bed, after return Inn from some conference work at Tren ton, but his condition did not become alarming utitll yesterday. Mr. Ferlnchlef was born In Bermuda 54 years ago. He began the ministry In 18S3 In New Eng land, and came to tho New Jersey Con ference a. year later, serving many Impor tant churches, until being appointed dis trict superintendent two years ago. A ' widow and six children survive him. Ferdinand H. Duckwitz Ferdinand H. Duckwitz, a lawyer and general counsel of the Fraternal Mystic Circle, with offices at 1913 Arch Btreet, died yesterday at his home, 4625 Cedar avenue. He had undergone an operation In August and Blnce that time had been In falling health. He was 65 years old. Mr. Duckwitz was graduated from the AiWnny Law School. He practiced law In 'StYalo prior to coming to this city IS , iTAs ago. He was chairman of the 46th rii Brumbaugh Committee and secre- Tjjof the board of trustees of the Cal- vaJy Methodist Episcopal Church. A widow and two children survive. Tho funeral will take placp Thursday morning. Dr. Richard Hudson NEW YORK. Feb. 23. Dr. Richard Hudson, formerly dean of the department ol literature, science and arts of the i "University of Michigan, died at a local Jus JI QBrO CBIDJU. V yiU.UlUW4.l. WUV Mm. aaa Tfl . n. !,. B.i4 KM... 1BU1I nw, iv x .. v nuu iviw cWtetritb, tho Ann Arbor institution M 13tf"MOCi4. en.rorn M97 to MIL eatfjg ADtUMBv On, February 32. 1B1B, MICH- OLAB a,. on Of tho late William and Com- mnam jujrmiu.. funtru on -i-nursaa: -. at 3 in m.. jrora toa pari s oi wiui ttraby, 8T4S German town are. m .. from the parlors of William if. Bat. raby. 8748 Oerra ntown tva. Interment Gre.nmount Cimitery. EVENING MEATUS ADAMS. On February 20, IBIS. FRANK, son of Charles, nnd the lute Mary Adama. Relatives and friends are lnrlted to attend tcneral. tin Wednesday, at a. m., from wa 8. Reese at. Hlith Man of Reaulem at the Church of Our l.ady of Mt. Carmel, M v:Jo precisely. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ALLEN. On Februray SO, 1015, nonKRT 8.. husband of Bellerenla 'Allen anil ton of Amanita npd the late Samuel II. Allen, nela. tlves ana friends are Invited to attend fu neral services, on Wednesday, at 1 p. m.. at 20M n. Btella ave. Interment North Cedar Hill Cemetery. nAUKR On February 20, 101B, JOHN, hut; band of Catharine Hnuer Ineo Oswald), and ton ot .Elisabeth ami the Into Jacob KauT. funeral services on Wednesday, at 2 r. m., at his lato residence. 2011 N. rteeiio st. In terment at German Lutheran Cemetery. HKRRV. At her residence.. IB Bouth Olal at . on February 22. 1018, CATHARINE 8., wire of John C Berry. 1)181101' On February 21. 101B. JANET LOvVRIE, daughter of Thomas 8parlts and l.lltabeth A, MoK. Bishop, aged 0 yeara and 0 menths. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend funeral ervtces. at her parents residence. 111 McUlnley avo., Lanadowne, on Wednesday, at 2MU p. m. precisely. Inter ment private. Ilt.KHCIt, On February 20, 101B, MAHT1N, husband of Byrllln lilesch (nea llrendlen). x'unera i services on wedneraav. ni x p. m., nt hla late residence. lfC2 N. Croskev st. Interment private at Mt. Vernnn Cemetery. m.UM. On February 21, 101B, HAI.ril IIU'H. nelatlvea and frlenda aro lnlted to attend the funeral services, at 4103 Locust st., on Wednesday, at lo a. m. precisely. Interment private. 1'Jeass omit flowers. 11KAHI.EY. On February 21, 101S, JOHN A. IlItAIJLBY. son of the late Edward and Hannah llradley. Funeral on Wednesday, ni -ao a. ni.. from .1R0.1 Bhnrn it., Mnna yunk. Itequlem Mass at St. John the llap tlst'ii Church at 10 a, m. Interment at St. John's Cemetery. HftOOKK. On February 21. 101B, irAttrtT. son of Harry and Florence Ilrooks. llclatlvea and friends of the family aro Invited to at tend the runeral crlces, on Wednesday, a p. m. precisely, nt hla parent' residence, AMO Kt. Albnns at. Interment Mt. Morlah Ceme tery. I1YIINI!. On February 22, 1015. JOHN F., husband of Anna nnd son of Thomjn and the late Catherine llyrne. Funeral on Satur day, at 8:30 a. In., trom 38UU Spring Oardcn at. Rolemn Itequlem Masa at St. AtrathVa Church, nt 10 a, in. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. CAM 10 UN. Suddenly, nn February 20, 1015, JAMKH. husband of Matilda Calhoun. Fu- fieral sen Ices Thursday, at 2 p m.. nt his ate home. MT3 Cntumet St.. Falls of Schuyt kllli Interment Mt. Morlah C'meterv. CI.AItlt. On February TJ, 101B, PAMUnr, J, CI.AHK. Funeral on Thursday, February 25, at '2 p. m.. from nolo Orlscom st., Trank ttrS. Interment nt Orcenwood Cemetery. DOI.AN. On February 20, 101B, LAW ItKNCC n. DOI.AN. eon of Mary nnd tho lato Michael J. Dolan. Sr. Ineo Kelly). Fu neral on Wednesday, at 7:.10 n. m.. from Hit n. Susuuehnnua ovc. Solemn lllch Mass at the Church of tho Holy Name at 10 n. m. Interment Hulv Cross Cemetery. DUCKWITZ On February 22. 1015, FERD INAND IinitMAN nrCKWlTZ. helatUei and friends and members of Traternnl Mystic Circle nre Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, nt Calvary M. K. Church, 48th and Baltimore nve. Ilemalns may be Mewed at his late residence. 4027 Cedar ave., on Thursday from 11 a, m. until I p. m Interment prUnte. prlnte. EA111K. On February 20, 1015, STANLEY LEWIS, aun of Juv L. nnd Mary Ella Endlo. Funeral on Wednesday, at 2 0. m.. rrom Central ave.. Ilerwyn. 1'a. Interment private, at Great valley Baptist Cemetery. FELINV On February 20. inn, JOHN F.. husbnnd of Cnthnrlno Tclln. Funeral on Wednesday, nt 8:.10 a. m.. from 251.1 N. 7th st. HUh Mass at Ht. Edward's Church at 10 a. m Imermnt Holv Sepulchre Cemetery. GALLAGIIEK. On February 20, 1015. CHARLbS W. GAI.L,AOHi:n. husband of Jane M. Onllaaher (neo Cain). Funeral on Wednesday, at 8 a m.. from 1IB.I fcreuth 10th st. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Thomas' Church, nt 0:30 a. m. Interment Hnlv cross Cemetery. GEElm. On Fehrunry 22. 1015, ALMEDA HARRIS Q ICE 1111. wife of Charles L. Geehr. Funeral senior on Thursday, at 1:30 p. m., at her late residence, 2532 North 17th st. Interment private. GIBSON. On February 21, 1015. ELIZA BETH aiBSO.W Funeral services Thursday iiiornlnr. at D'.IO o'clock, nt tho apartments of Oliver II. Balr. 181-0 Chestnut st. Inter ment private CLICK. In Terre Haute. Ind., on February 21. 101.1. ELIZA 1ARR GEICK. daughter of lato HoMn and Anno Barr. formerly of 1.121 and 13111 Pine st . and sister of Letltla Barr Kllpatrlck. of 1321 Pino st.. Philadelphia. GIIIGG.H. On February 21, 1015, WILLIAM OnLANDO GRIGGS. M. D., husband of Mary Anna (nee Bentley). Due notice of funeral will be given from the rosldcnco of his son, "William II. Griggs. M. D.. 1320 N. 12th st. HAINES. At her residence, 30 Volans st., MerchantMlle. N. J on February 21. 1015. MARY ELIZABETH, widow ot William D. Halneo Funeral service on Wednesday, at 2 n. m . nt 1R20 Chestnut st. Interment pri vate In Mount Morlah Cemetery. IHSI.MUTH. On February 21, 1015, GEORGE S., ton of George L. and Ida Hel muth ineo Anderson). Funeral services on Wednesday, at 2 o. m.. at 3210 West Gordon st Interment private. IIOMIIIMHAUKEX. On February 22. 1015, WILLIAM, husband of 'ho late Susan L. HomrlKhaiisen. Funeral services on Thurs day, at 2 p. m., at his son-in-law's resi dence. Joseph Sperry, 1110 East Howson st. Interment ralniur Cemetery, JONES-UrDEGIiOVE. On February 21. 11)1.1. CATHARINE A. UPDEOBOVE wlio of Davis W. Jones. Funeral services Thurs day, at 2 p. m.. at her late residence. 1221 West Hilton st. Interment private. North Cedar Hill Cemetery. JORDAN On February 20, 1015. WILLIAM H. JORDAN, husband of Natalie Joidan. Funeral on Wednesday, at 8:30 n. m from 1150 South inth st IllRh Mass of Requiem nt St. (Teresa Church, at 10 a. m. inter ment private. KELLY. On February 22. 1016, GER TRUDE, wife ot Charles Kelly ami daugh ter ot Elizabeth and the late Nathaniel Rob inson. Funeral on Friday, at 2 p. m., from 1227 South 32d at. Interment at Arlington Cemetery. KERIl. At the residence of Augustus Twin ing, near Wrlghtatown, Bucks County, Pa., MARRY ANN KERR. Friends may view rvmalns at Mt, Vernon Cemetery, Philadel phia, on Wednesday, February 21, at 1O.30 n. m. KE88LEROn February 20, 1015. PHOEDE ANN. wife of Edward P. V. Keisler. Funeral services on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at her late residence, 1033 West Dauphin st. In terment private. Northwood Cemetery. KILEY. On February 22. 1016. JOHN L, son of William J, and Alice Klley. Funeral on Thursday, at 8:30 a. m.. from 212S South Mole st. Requiem High Masa at the Church ot St. Monica, at 10 a. m. precisely. Inter ment Holy Cross Cemetery. KIMBLE. Near Ileverly, N. X, on February 22, 1015, JOSEPHINE L.. wife of Edward Kimble. Funeral on Thursday, at 2 p. m., from corner Beverly and Brldgeboro road, near Beverly, N. J. Interment Coopcrstown Cemetery. KOLLEIL On February 21, 1015. SOLOMON S. KOLLER, In his 85th year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Thursday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at his late residence, 518 North 4th st. Interment private. LAMBERT. At Alloway, N. J., en Febru ary 22. 101.1. BENJAMIN F. LAMBERT. Funeral from the resldencs of his son, W, 8. Lambert. 552 Newton live., Camden, N, J..Noji Thursday, February 25. at 11 a. m. Intoinent private, Arlington Cemetery, Cam dan. N, J. LARE. On February 10, 1016. MARY JANE, widow of Willis Lore. Funeral services on Monday, at 8 p. m., at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Alice Elgenauer, IfSl North Taney t. Interment at Norrls City Ceme tery. Nerrlstown, Pa., on Tuesday, at 3 r. m. LKKI)OMOn Second Month 22d, 1016. JO SEPH B. LEEDOM. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral, on Fourth day, 2d month. 24th. at 1 o'clock, from 520 N. Monroe St., Media, Pa. Interment private. MNDSAY-On February 20. 1916. CATHA RINE L. LINDSAY (nee Brogan). wife of Phillip P. Lindsay, Funeral on vThurslay, at 8 a. m., from 2013 Bucklaa si, Brides burg. Bolemn High Maas at All Saints' Church, at 0 a. m. Interment St. Dominic!) Cemetery. LONG. On February 21. 1016, CAROLINE. daughter nt Mary V. and the late Robert R. Nelll. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral services, on Wednesday. Feb ruary 2i. 1016. at her mother's residence. 103 jieeca si.. Morna rsr, xona isiana. Park. Ijins Island. fnti. roent Orsanwcod Cemetery, Brooklyn. I NO. 49 ASTHMA SIMPSON, THE kEDMtt-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRTTABY DEATHS tOWK. On February 27, 1918, JAMgS.W.i husband el Annie Lowe, Funeral enFrlday, February 2(t at 8:30 n m., from 401 South liber ,t. Solemn Requiem Mne at 8t, I'atrlek's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Crosj Cemetery. MncliniDE On February 20, 19lB. MAIIT MaeBIlIDE (neo Ahlbrecht), wife of George MacUride. Funeral services on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m., nt 740 East Thayer at. Inter ment Mt. Peace Cemetery. JlAONIER,On, February 20, 101B, ELLA .MAI. wlfo of Samuel ,V, Marnier, nnd datigliter of Tlobecca and the late Daniel I, Rlsley. Funeral services on Wednesday, at 1 p. m., nt l.tm Colwjn st. (near Broad st. and Hunting rnrk nve.). Interment private, Forrest Hill Cemetery. MANNING. On Febtuary 22, 101B, FRED ERICK, son of Anna and the late Patrick It, Manning. Due notice nf the funeral will bo Riven from 114 North l'aton at. MAIIKLF.Y. On February 22, 101B, HARRY 8. MAKKLEY, Funeral services on Thurs day, nt 2 p. m., at his late residence, 5512 Pulaski ave.. GermantoWn. Interment prl vato .MCCARTHY. On February 20, 101B. MARY, wlfo of John F. McCarthy (nee Gersbaeh). Funeral services on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., nt her husband's residence, 2233 North Bouvlcr at. Interment private, MrGINNIH. On February 20. 101(1, BRID GET, widow of James McGlnnls. Funeral on Wednesday, nt U n, m., from 1802 South Huh st. High Mass nt St. ThnmnV Church, at 10:30 a. m. Interment Cathedral Ceme tery. MrllUfllL On February 21, 1015. JAMES FRANCIS, husband of Frances Kyle He Hugh nnd son of Patrick J. and Bridget Mc Hugh. Funeral on Wednesday, nt 8:30, a. m . from MM! Thompson st. High Requiem Mass nt Our Lady of Rosary Church, at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. McStUIlTlUE. On the 22d Inst.. EMILY THOMAS, widow of Theodore McMurtrle. Services nt tho resldenco. 315 Pelham road, tlermnntnwn, on Wednesday. February 24, nt 2 n ni. Interment prlvnto. McNAMARA. On February 20, 101B, nt her lite residence. 211 North Juniper St., JANE tlUERIN, widow of Jnmcs F. McNamara, Br. Funeral on Wednesday, nt 8:30 n. m.. from 14.1 North l.ltlt st. Solemn Mass ot Requiem at St. John's Church nt 10 n. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. MILLEK On February 22, 1016, HERTHA F MILLER daughter of Chnrles W. and Carrie M. Miller (neo Schutt). Residence, 1.-.I3 N. 8th st. Due notlco of tho funeral will be given. ... MONTGOMERY. On February 10, 1015. MI CHAEL W.. husband of Martha W. Mont gomery, In the 73d year of his ago. Relatives nnd friends, also A. J. Drexol Lolge, 100U. I. O. O. F.- Anna M. Ross Post 04. G. A. II.. and Merch.intH of Fnlrmount Market, aro Invited to attend tho funeral services, on We Inesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock precisely, at Mi lnte residence, 772 N. 23th st. Inter ment private. Hemolns cun be viewed Tucs dav evening between tho hours of 7 and 0 o'clock. ... . NUTT. At Pembcrton. N. J., on February 20. 1111.1. JOHN B. NUTT. Funeral Tues day. February 23, at 2 p. m. from Pcmber- O'NEILL. On February 21, 1016. JOHN. Imhnnd of Maggie O'Neill. Relatives nnd frlenda ot the family uro respectfully lnvitod to Httcnrt tho funeral, on Wednesday, nt -' p. m. precisely, from 210J E. Letterly stv Interment private, Orcenwood Cemetery. OSWALD. On February 21, 1915, of diph theria. AUGUST M. E.. son of August and Florence Oiwnld. Residence, 3200 Miller st. Interment nt Odd Fellows' Cemetery. No fu neral ItOGEKS. Near Mt. Holly, N. J., on Febru ary 22, 1015. ELLA G. ROGERS, wlfo of Wlllnrd II. Rogers. Funeral fram her lato residence, near Mt. Holly. N. J., on Thurs dny, February 2.1. 1015, nt 2 p. m. Inter ment Mt. Holly Cemetery. KYAN. On Fehrunry 22, 1016, JAMES A., lumhand of Lnura J. Ryan. Funeral on Thursday, at 8:30 n. m., trom 751 Corinthian nve. High Mass nt 8t. Francis' Church, 2tth nnd Green sta nt 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. SCAI.I.EY. On February 22. 1015, MAR OARET n. SCALLEY, daughter of tho late Murtaugh and Mnrgnrct ScaUey. Funeral on Thumday. at 1 n. m.. from 1020 South 25th t. Solemn Requiem Moss at St. Anthony's Church, nt 10:30 a. m. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. SCATTHItGOOT). On Second Month 22d,1016. THOMAS LAURENCE, son ot Harry B. and Ella W. Srattergood. Relntlvcs and friends arc Invllod to attend funeral services, ut 10 o'clock, on Fifth-day. 2.1th Inst., at resi dent of his parents. 2230 Etaugh st., Tioga. Tntfrment private, at Mt. Holly, N. J. SCHMIDT. At his residence, 1.110 South litn si., nn February 21 1015. ANTIN R. vtlMIPT. bu.band nf Hnsnn Schmidt (noo Zclsi). Funeral services Thursday nt 1 p. m., nt tho funeml apartments of John C. Klm merle. 1001 South Broad st. Interment at t,n'nvetti Cemetery ,,.,,,. SCHNEIDER, February 21, 1016, FRANK LIN 11. G.. husbnnd of Anna S Schneider. Funeml services Thursday, at 7:30 p. m.. at 5X3rt Willows ave. Interment Friday, at SCHOEN1NO, On February 22, 1916, AL BFRT F , husband of Ellrnbeth Schoenlng. Due notice of the funeral will be given, from 1840 North Cnmac st. SMITH. On February 20, 1015, PHILIP E. SMITH. Funeral services on Thursday, nt 2:10 p. m.. at tho residence of hla son. Horace T. smith, 4287 Orlscom St.. Fronkford. In terment private. 'North Cedar Hill Cemeterv SOUTIIAltl). Suddenly, on February 19, 1015. THOMAS SOUTHARD. Relatives nnd friends nro Invited to attend tho funeral serv. Icm, Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at tho apart ments of Oliver II Bnlr. 1S20 Chestnut st. Interment at Mt. Zlon Cemetery. ,,, STEPHENS. On February 20, 1015. JESSIE PEARU wlfo of Alfred Z. Stephens and daughter of John and Morgarct Vino Funeral services Wednesday, nt 2 n. m.. at her late residence. 542B Pearl at. Interment Fernwood STEVENS. On February 21, 1015, nt his into residence. .101 Enrlham terrace, Gcrman town? ELWOOD B. STEVENS. V. . Funeral services Wednesday, nt 3 p. in. In the Re formed Church of Churchvllle Rucks County SULLIVAN. February 21. 1015, CHARLES D. SULLIVAN. Funeral servlco Wednesday, nt 2 n. m. precisely, nt his lat residence, 4833 Hazel ave., West Philadelphia. Inter ment private. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAT THIS STYLE TYPE (or like this) One Insertion 15p per line Three insertions in a week.... 12V4c per line Seven corcecutlve insertions... 10a per line Situations wanted, three, inser tions In a week 10o per line THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In all classifications except Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and Found. Per sonals, Boarding and Rooms. One Insertion JOp per line Threo Insertions In a week.,.. 17V4C per lino Seven "onsecutlve Insertions... 15c per line Alt rates are baaed on agate measurement, 14 agate lines to the Inch. DEATH NOTICES either paper 10 lines one time COo Three insertions 1.00 DAILY ONLY In Effect December 1. 1H COMBINATION RATE for Insertion In both the morning and evening papers of earns dayi PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) Add four cents per Una net to rates given HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVFJVIT8INU IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER MAY BB IN8EIITED IN TUB EVENINQ LEDGER WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HEM? WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER'S ASSISTANT, bright, capa. ble, thoroughly experienced, by wholesale house: hpurs 8 to 8. Saturday to 1: atats age, compensation, experience: unquestionable ref erence required. A 1, Led. Drench, 1135 Race. VH.LAGE QXJEENIT'S i ! HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, manufac turing plant, experienced, desired i one resid ing In northeast section preferred. D 227, Ledger Office. CANVABSERS Lady canvassers wanted, .Cnll after Wednesday, from 5 to 8 p. m.,68in Arch. CHILDNtmSE (trained). In Klklns rnrk; must be thoroughly competent and have good rof- -'"""' J' wo. Ledger omce. EDUCATED WOMEN of refinement, over 21, with forceful personality; ambitious to earn good salary: exceptional opportunity to tra vel! established -business: reference required. ....... -.r, ., x. i.mpr wmcc GIRL, while, wanted for general housswork In smnll family; no washing: good wages; ref erence required. 2327 N. Park ave. ayk. white, for cooking nnd downstairs work! . 10. 1101 W, Lehigh ave. GOVERNESS for two children. 3 and 0 years; suburbs. M 515: Ledger Office. i HOUSEWORK White. Protestant girls family of 2; In St. DavkVs. Pa. Phone Wane 201W. INTELLIGENT, reliable person as chltdnursa) ngni uutiesi wages, 12,' gooa nomo; ii age. E 7.H. Ledser Central. NURSERY governess wnnted: capable taking charge of young children. 152.1 N. 16th. SALESLADIES Sell ladles' suits, coats, skirts, waists, underwear to department stores. Ad drees n 817, Ledger Central. SECRETARY nnd office mnnnger to fill ," sponrlblo position for manufacturer: must ne flrst-elsss stenographer and nblo to hannio office forcoi answer fully, giving age. ex perience and salary expected. L 612. Lca er office. tyrENOORAPHEn-Young lady! 0 to atart: opportunity for advancement. 1027 Rent ts late Trust Building. WANTED A first-class 8wedlsh masseuse for n lady: reference required. Address u oji. LedgerCintral. HELP WANTED MALE DUYER WANTED ..,. Edticnted young man ot good business and executive ability: must bo clean, of high character, nlert and. active, with Komi judgment: quick nnd nccurnte at figures, vvltn some knowledge of in dustrial engineering, by a large com pany, manufacturing drug and grocery snecalltles. L C40. Ledger Central. SALESMAN-One locnl salesmnn In each coun ty In eastern Ponna. to sell on commission to business people a special .maohlnei If uroo erlv presented every merchant wll buy. ue raufe It will both save and mako him money , relerenre, bond nnd n redeemable cash do oslt of 15 forramolo required. If you can not comply with above conditions don it an svvct this. If you can nnd aro swrt .e r, u will pay vou to Investigate. Address l. ". Box 20UJ. Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMAN-Sure Ore: quick setleri big com- mission! ii- www """ "' irz SALESMAN, living In town outside of Phlla dclnhla. to sell nursery stock. L WS. Led, Off. SALESMEN-Wo will employ nene"?l .l.ltlM,. man HR in ftft veSrS Of SgO, tO SCIl Sir products to the retah trade; Position Is permunent with opportunities for ?.J.vn-nient- salary: replies to recclvo aitcniion must glvo.nge, height, weight, experience. c.T Fldehty bond required; written nppllcn Hon only will bo considered; no Personal In terviews except by letter of PPonjment. II. J. Helns Company, sales department, ltn and Sedgcly ave., Phlla., Pa, STENOGRAPHER and typewriter, exp.', op portunity for intelligent, hard worker; good aaareas, gimn mi ym " "- --. STOCK: SALESMEN-Sell public utility, now paying dividends; condl'I sal. nnd com. Cnll mornlngs. II. n. Thomas & Co.. 215 N.JMh. WANTED Younc man, about 10 years of age, no expcrlenco, to work in a real estate of fice: must bo capable responsible and earn est. L 41. Ledger Central. SITtJATIOrS WANTED PEMALE BOOKKEEPER. CASHIER, T Y PI OT THOR OUGHLY COMPETENT, EXP., ABLE TO TAKE ENTIRE CHG. E 52. LED. CENT. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly reliable, competent ana expci, aiso cumuci. ".. ".. ....... CHAMUEEMAID, experienced sower: two years In last position; wisnes permanent piaco. ri Pig, UfUger .cnna. COOK white Protestant, wants position: 7 years last place. Telephone Walnut 1713. COOK Colored woman, reliable, wanta place, -..!..- ,nn,llv 1 two nhrlsttan. Dick. '1&2A W. COOK Oorman Protestant, good baker, wants private place: good reference 255 S. Camac. COOK, colored, first-class reference. Call 113 Tara t.. Chestnut Hill. COOKING and downstairs work, white, set tled; city or suburbs: ref. H 21U. Ledger Off. DAY'S WOIIK Woman well rocommended would like cleaning, washing, Tuesday. Wed nesday,Thursday.223Collom st-ijjermant'n. DRESSMAKER Perfect fitter; sulta remodeled; awltt, accurate. 052 N. 47th Bt. Uel. 5UJ7 L. DRESSMAKER would like few more engage ments. Ph. Poplar &1I8 W. IMS Wallace. DRESSMAKER wants engagements. 1,75 per day and carfare. E "C7, Ledger Central. ENGLISH GOVERNESS desires to form class for young children, Weat Philadelphia. Mlsa Noble. 4438 Hansom St. EXPERIENCED colored girl desires cooking or general work; refB. Phone Paring 78U. EXPERIENCED woman with best of reference wishes cooking In prlv. fam. Call 114 N. 5Sth. FRENCH lady's maid or companion, speaking Engllsh; exper.; refs. A-l. ii 221, Led. Oft. GIRL, colored, with good reference desires position as maid, country or suburbs. 1711 N. Alder Bt. GIRL, German, speaks English, wants position for housework nnd cooking. 1753 N. llodlne. GIRL, colored; housework; good cook: tidy; reference: no washing. 1) 228. Ledger Office. GIRL, German, wishes situation: laundress, chambervvork ornfslst kitchen. 224 Reed ft. GIRL, colored, wants position; general house- worn: city or suourps. zuv uatnarino sc. HOUSEKEEPER Refined mMdle-aged woman; cap of taking full charge. Ad. 131U N. 12th at. HOUSEWORK, da washing and Ironing and cook; speaks English and German; sleep home. 410.1 Oermantown nve. MIDDLE-AGED I rotestant cook, reference, wants place: city, country. 1318 8. 15th st. NURSE wants care of Infant or Invalid; best of references as to ability. Write 121 West Washington St.. Media. Pa. NURSERY GOVERNESS; take charge of young child; can assist older children with lessons: best ref. E 7.10. Ledger Central. POLISH GIRL desires position, housework preferred, ma Montgomery ave. POLISH OIRL wants housework: speaks Eng. Huh: can cook. 4410 Wayne ave.. Nlcetown. l'OLISH GIRL wants housework; speaks Eng. llsh: plain cook. 008 Newcomb st.. Nlcetown. SECRETARY, exp'd stenographer and con II. dentlal clerk, social or com'l. E 68, Led. Cent, bTENOORAPHER, 8 years' oxp., knowledge of bookkeeping: reference. E 540. Ledger Cent. TWO SISTERS want positions: cook, cham bermaid and waitress; good references. 825 N. Taylor. WHITE GIRL, Catholic, wishes chamberwork and waiting; private family; beat reference. 820 N. miiiman. WOMAN wants general housework; good, plain cook. 1218 N. Both st. " mam iuv., ..... ... w... -.. WOMAN, colored, wishes day's work Tuesdays n- WartnMdavi. A422 M. Sydenham at SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER, expert, will keep your books, charging only for time consumed. E 650, Leaser uenirai. BOOKKEEPEIl-STENOanAPHER Age 21, 8 years' exp.; good ref. E 440, Ledger Central. LUCKY FOR "STEW" ii j i !! i SITtTATlONS WANTED-MALE BOOKKEEPER Managing nbllltV : th5Vl?S' varied exp., cleaeharManagerjMJOJJ.iqth. BOOKKEEPER Thoroughly exp. i quick and accurals; exceptional refs. BJHJ!.!-- - BOOKKEEPER and office man, 7 years' exp., desires change. Al refs. E 810, LdgerCen; BOOKKEEPER Publlo accounting; exper lence; age 28; best ref. E 753, ..LedgrCen. CHAUFFEUR, practical, well-trained me chnnle, o years' experience on American ana European cars: honest and dependable; goon clean record; 5W years with last employer; excellent ref, E f58. Ledger Ccntral. . CHAUFFEOR, white, Al mechanto ! eight years' experience nnd first-class r",nce during that time. E 745. LedgcrCcntrnL. CHAUFFEUR and mechanic, white. 7 years' exp., now employed, wishes private position; any car. J wni. Ledger oemrai. . CHAUFFEUR, single, capable, willing and experienced: understands gardening! best ot private lamny rers. a o, iuB'yj"zzii CHAUFFEUR, single, wants position! strictly sober and careful driver! nlWaround man I o yeara wun last pnvnte inmiiyjumyji: CHAUFFEUR, Al mechanic, wants driving . pos. ) best refs. R. N. S.,l30NjJIemberger, CHAUFFEUR nnd repair man, colored, wishes .pos. with respect. tnmlly.E 760, Led.Cen. CHAUF'FEUIt-Machlii.i shi.p exp.! sober, relj., . dependable man: fr Add, it 131. Led. Off. COLORED collego student, with considerable wywro time, wisnes worK. ji. u. w.' - DESIGNER nnd estimator on building con struction, thoroughly experienced, desires to make change. E 743. LedgejCentral; DRAUGHTSMAN, mechanical!, 7 years' exp.: dataller; quick, accurate. J '" Led, cent. ENGLISHMAN as butler with prlvato family! excellent references. E 841. Lodger Central. . GARDENER nnd coachman! 5 years' experi ence: private family: flrst-class reference. M. P., 805 N. 41)th St. . GARDENER or assistant: also understands lawns, hedges and care of horses: good refer- ' " MAN AND WIFE, German, sneaking English, wish positions together; wife as cook, man for general housework: city or country: best references. 'Address 4, Ledger Uranch, 3d nnd Columbia. ence. iu. J., -lutiu i'oweiton nve. MAN AND WIFE, Japanese-European, desire positions in family: cook, butler, lady's maid; best references. E 812. Ledger Central. MAN AND WIFE, whlto, wish positions as butler and cook; excellent references. E 810, Ledger Central, MAN, middle aged, wishes work, farm, res taurant, saloon, 1130 Olive at. MAN AND WIFE, colored, want places, eu burbs or country: good ref. 1034 Calnbrldge. NIGHT WATCHMAN, flro soft or hard coal, attend engine; licensed. D 220, Lodger Office SALESMAN Has had years of experience In this and other countries; can give unques tionable reference. E 551, Ledger Central. SALESMAN 7 yeara' successful selling rec ord, desires change; at present selling canned goods and groceries. E 57. Ledger Cential. SITUATION wanted as handy man; can fur. good ret. Aoq. jonn luao.-Mamara. no -lagiver. fiTENOGRAl'UEll or clerk; 3 years' general office exp.: neat appear.; ref. E 4.15,Led.Cent, TRAFFIC MANAGER, 13 years' expcrlenco with one firm: graduate of Ln Salle's Inter state Commerce course: familiar with tho latest rulings: married, 31 years aid: hustler; guaranteo to make good. O 343, Ledger Cent. YOUNO MAN. 22. with 4 years' expcrlenco ln financial and credit matters, now holding f:ood position, wishes trcnaurershlp or slml ar position with responsible concern; am bitious. Industrious, sober and well recom mended: executive ability: not afraid of re ironsibllltyj cannot consider less than 2000 yearly, except with extraordinary induce ments.N E 143, Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN, 21, desires permanent position; Plain, rupld penman; unquestionable ref erences. B 222, Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN. 23, full of N. R. O., make best of dull times; prepare now for busy future. E 140, Ledger, Central, YOUNO MAN, 24, experienced clerk, desires posltlonmoderate salary. D 751, Lod. CcnL YOUNO colorel man wishes position; good ref orence. Caldwell, 1321 8. 10th st T- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES THE CARLISLE DUREAU, recognized office for superior, depcndablo help; references In vestigated omlguorajiteedmos;2l8t at. COOKS, chamber'da. kltchenmalds, housemen. etc. Dlrd'a Emp. Bureau. 710 B. 15th at. Ph. WORK NEEDED QUICKLY As a partial contribution to the work which is being so ably carried on by the Emergency Aid Ccmmlttee, Society for Organized Charity and Juvenile Workers' Bureau, In securing em ployment for needy, deserving men and women, the X'uni.ia LEPasn and Evlnixo Lkpoeh open these columns to the FREE USE ot the Em ployment Branches of these organizations. Here you will find listed from day to day brief stories of specific cases that have been Investigated by them and found to be worthy nnd particularly urgent ones. The persons listed are out of employment through no fault of their own. Applications from drlnlcera and Incompetent or untrustworthy Individuals are not recommended by the organizations, but are frovtded for by tho Immediate Relief Division. Imployers seeking reliable, experienced men and women can, therefore, employ the men and women listed with the assurance that they are helflnif deserving workers who only ask for a cnanco to help themsolves. Ther do not wnnt charity. They want and must nave Immediate employment. Will you create a Job for a few of theso who can nt Into your organization? If you will do your share, this great problem will be quickly solved. REFER TO CASES BY LETTERS AND NUMUER. THOSE MARKED "EA" FORWARD OFFER TO THE EMERGENCY 'AID COMMITTEE. LINCOLN BUILDING. "S. O. C." TO THE SOCIETY FOR ORGAN. IZ1NG CHARITY, AND "J. W. R " TO THE JUVENILE WORK ERS' BUREAU, 1507 ARCH STREET. MALE AUTOMOBILE TRIMMER. 23 YEARS OLD; good references; out of work practically all winter: has two small children. S. O. C, No. oiu. (i ranaioru uisi.. Aim unuy st.j BAKER-BREAD BJKHIt, 40 YEARS OLD, whoso last empl0er vays he was thoroughly honest and reliable and In two years was never late ono day. He las been out ot work 8 month'. Has 0 children oldest 13 years: youngest 2 sears, H. O. C. 58U. (Northern fclstrict. B. O. C. 14'1'J North Marshall street.) BAKER-35 YEARS' OLD. WHO HAS WORK cd for three years ln one place and previously for flvo years In another place: very good ref erences; has been out of work now for four months. S. O. C 037. (Northeast Dlst,. 231d N. iiovvarn si. i BAKER-HERB IS A MAN WITH A CLEAN record, who Is strictly temperate and can do flrst-class work. Has 3 children and Is des- perately in neea. u. a., -ui. BLACKSMITH'S HELPER AND THRE13 sons who can do laboring work: will take anything they can get to do; all four ot them have excellent references: there are seven chil dren ot school aga in this family. S. O. C, No. CIS. (Woodland Dlst.. 11'32 B. 47th st.) BLACKSMITH'S HELPER-25 YEARS WITH one Arm. which recommends him highly: In vestigation shown man to ba badly in need ot neln. a. "". BOILERMAKER'S IlELPDR MAN OF 40, with 6 small children dependent upon blra, will take any kind of work he can get. One of the children Is 111 ln the hospital and the baby is 111 at borne. Excellent references. 8- O. O. 5S8 (Northern District, S. O. a, 1430 norm airaMn. .ic..j BOILERMAKER MAN UAS BEEN OUT of work for four months; he has a wife and three children, the youngest a baby 18 months, who la very delicate. H. O. C 683. Fowel ton District, 8. O, C, 4018 Powelton ave. I t 'l . ' PIDD THAT CON. CHOSE A KID FOR HIS MESSENGER! H .ii - i.ssuji I sssst-s-sssss-ii I III, II M M IMf" '' j, ,lUVt '" 23, 1915. wonit needed QUiqiqg, At ttit teatnnlno of thh claitifieatte rMtenoilVi o" Ktv Number, is HJ nd ew ltnted MMduali may be reached ou'cfc'l. MALE BOOKBINDER - AN EXPERIENCED MAN, SS years old. with wife nnd baby 4 months old? wants work. Investlgat on shows that lm. medlMe help Is Vital W?he life of the rtmlly. who at, present are living In one room with bare y enough food .to keen the baby njlvo. This man can furnish the best kind of rJfer- encs from hla last employer. E. A., lo BOOKKEEPER BOOKKEEPER A N D , credit man, marrld, who after 0 years i with his last amplerer ins laid off because of lack of work? desires employment, He can give flrit-clnsa reference E. A. 170. HOY. 1.1 YEAR8 OLD-18 THE .ONLY SUP port of a widowed mother, 4 brothers and sisters. He has worked In arope factory, but will take any kind of work he can get. 8, O, C., 005. (Frankford District, S. O. C, 1M4 Unity street. BOY - lO-YEAJl-OLD BOY, WITH EXCEL lent references: has been out of work nil win ter: he la the only wago earner ln a family of 7. children: tho youngest a baby, a month old! he wnnts a rhance to help support his brothers and sisters and his grandmother, who lives with them. S. O. C, 0.12. (Powelton Dlftj, 4018 Powelton nve.) UOY, 10 YEARS. 8TR0N0. JIEALTHA American boy, will do any kind of work to help support an aged grandfather! parents ara dead and he and sister (20 years) out of work some months: has worKca on ico .. J. ii.. m BOY, 10, PARENTS DEAD, LIVING WITH grandmother 80 years of age nnd child or o, only one In fnmlly working and he only on part time: In Immediate need of coal, groceries ami ono month's rent! very deserving. J. W. ii.. ovv, BOY. IB, WHO HAS ATTENDED SOUTHERN Manual Training School and has been forced to leave school to help support parents! would make good at any kind of office work, J. W. B., 80o. . BOY, 10 YEARS. JEWISH, WISHES WOtllC of any kind: driving team or doing anythlngr that wilt help his home: father Is tuberculous nnd no uno In family ot four working. J. W. H 874, . BOY, 14 YEARS. WANTS WORK: ERRANDS or helper around store; family very poor; falhor out of work three months; no one work ing but one girl out of family ot nine. J. W. P., 862. BOY, COIAJRED. 15 YEARS OLD. STRONG and willing, wants any kind of work .to help his widowed mother support 4 other children: mother earns IS a week, not enough to feed nnd clothe the whole family. J. WV It. 870. . BOY, 14, WANTS WORK IN OPTICAL trade; father has worked for opticians for number of years, but on account of 111 health cannot work steadily: family very poor; this Is very urgent. J. W. D., 804. BOY. WHITE, AMERICAN, IB YEARS, WILL do any kind of work: rather deserted; motnei end sister out of work; mother will do any kind of housework. No. 8e0. J. W. B. BOY, 15 YEARS, WANTS WORK; ERRANDS: can make himself useful about store; parents dead! no one working In a family of five; baby 111. J. W. B 802. , BOY, WHITE, POLISH, 14 YEARS. ER- ands. store or factory; father dead; four other children; one working; Income 4. No. 8U7, J. W. B. BOY, IB, HAS WORKED IN SHOE FAC tory; father very old. Family In destitute clrcumstnnces. Willing to do any kind of work. J. W. B.. 880. BOY, 10, HAS HAD EXPERIENCE AS driver; mother Is widow; family needs help very badly. J. W. P., 805. BOY, JEWISH, 15, OUT OF WORK 3 months; will do any kind of work to support mother and 2 other children. J. W. B.. 830. BOY, 10, WANTS WORK OF ANY KIND; mother widow, working ln mill only on part time. J. W. P., 808. BOY, 15 YEARS, WANTS WORK OF ANY kind; father deserted four ycuuger brothers; mother has to support six on is. J. W. B 870. BOY, IB, HAS GOOD WORK RECORD IN grocery store; will take any kind of work, J. W. Il 807. BOY, 15. SOME EXPERIENCE IN BARBER shop; mother is dead. J. W. B 808. BLACKSMITH A GERMAN, 33 YEARS OLD: has been out of work six months; lias a wife and one small child dependent on him. (Eastern Elft.. S. O. C, U-.J4. 333 S. Lawrence st.) BOILERMAKER AMERICAN, 40 YEARS Aid. with good references: this man la n wTilower who Is trying to take care of his 0 small children. S. .O. C. 0J0. (Germantown Hlit.. 52 W. Chalteri nve.) BRAKEMAN MAN AND WIFE HAVE been helped with coal and groceries: needs work badly: back In rent. C. A.. 201). BRASS FINISHER MARRIED MAN, 35 years old, with 20 years' experience with well-known gas company, whom he left 2 years ago to go Into business for himself, wants employment as brass finisher or sales, man ln gas and electric fixtures. Understands the gas fixture luslness thoroughly. He Is prepared to do work ln polishing or lacquering brass at homo If required- This man has a wife and 2 children in extremo circumstances. He can furnish the highest references as to cnaracter ana nomiy. u. a.. 17s. BRASS POLISHER WIFE AND 2 CH1L dren ln destitute circumstances and needs work badlv; has excellent references from for mer ernploycr BRICK MAKER THOROI'OHLY SKILLL'U In his line and has excellent references. E. A. 24. X. UUTCHER A BUTCHER WITH A WIFE and 5 children, ranging from 4 to 11 years of age, has been out of work for nearly 2 months. Due to the Emergency Aid Commit tee, hla wlfo has supported the family In I ha mcagrest way by sewing. This man will take any kind of a position. His wife would like plain sewing. E. A.. 101. BUTCHER A. GE11MAN, BO YEARS OLD, will take anvvvork that la offered. His wlfo li bedridden with paralysis, and the family of four has been dependent on the earnings of an IS. year-old ton. S. O. C. 585. (Nlcetown and Tioga District, S. O. C. Clarissa street and Hunting Park avenue.) BUTLER-SINGLB COLORED MAN; FINE refeicncea from a local family tor several years. E. A.. 203. CABINETMAKER EXPERIENCED MAN, whose references have been found trustwor thy and satisfactory by Investigators of the Emergency Aid Committee, wanta work badly: his wlfo Is too 111 to sow and their two small children lack nourishing food. E. A., 211. CABINET WORKER SKILLED CABINET worker and carpenter, B0 years old, wants work. He has the highest references from his last employer, with whom until recently he worked for 20 years. This man has a wife and is In desperate want. E. A., 181. CAR INSPECTOR LEFT POSITION WHICH his employers say he tilled with highest sat isfaction for one paying more. On wrong sldo ot labor question and was dropped. Has wife aid child. Family in utmost distress. E, A., ii.i. CARPENTER HERE IS A TAMILY WHOSE circumstances are described as "desperate'' by Emergency Aid Investigators, who say that the man does not drink and is a good work man; the roan has been out ot work for months: he owes 4 months' back rent to hla landlord, who la willing to let him stay, but needs the money himself, as he is poor: the man's wife and 8-year-old boy have not enough lo eat. and they may lose their furniture, which Is partly paid for; the woman wants to work, and her husband win accept any kind of a position; E. A., 212. CARPENTER HTJNOXRiaN, bKlLLBD AND experienced carpenter, out of work since fall, la on the list of applicants of the So ciety tor Organizing Charity. He has a wife, and three children, and an Infant born since he lost bis lob. Is anxious to get anything that will make bis family Independent. Reg istered at the Eastern District Office. 8.a Bouth Lawrence street, file a. u. p., oou. CARPENTER AN AMERICAN. 40 YEABB old, with excellent references: has been out ot work six months; will take any kind ot work he can get to Bupport a wife and four chil dren. 8. O. C, No. 061. (Nlcetown and Tioga Dlst.. .mnuiis: tntitt avo. mm ,iars su CARPENTER A MAN WHO CAN DO ALL kinds of carpentering work, especially laying of floors i baa been out of work several months: wife and three children urgently In need of help; will soon ba evicted for non-payment of rent. J. W. D., 873. T" ' J! WOM. wp-Ttrm k -IZT r -- "jx. thete nerf tmiiiuiXtZ ZzVZ " fives mi I ----: 2 M "M 4 MAI.K CA".I1 - COLOREtT wt er'KnEK" wn" -'. earVes &?! ?0: rnnaranr ,- .- ........ ,ttLuiinipnn.. .. - r -.... urn ----; ivuiijiiien Tr".,f-"-".,..i"i u.servm - .' ,1 riA ...I " m a thn, a ; na .1 CM dren. vi i 3 ." " .. Hll 1 man .i"? 105. - "iijuiinp B.' CARPENTER MAM .. . . -38 seeking work so that he ran ..na !-tt Twl sick wife nnd 4 chllareni L1' WclSSa nut- s. o. c. .mm &.ytt; ma. tiWjyi dARl'ENTER-MAN, SS YPiria .. 4i 8 A$& R!L "inter;' vely on4f.V?ioU Powelton are.- ' ' " "weiien Dui;-f iaVHMLONP-AN.TMirMrn-ll teu. Rp..!w"r.pjrf!a Sfevra e,W!Sa '.V .YA.'V-. "'?.."? h'ted'th.T.S.Wi and this' mnn',:'.r.."n.eatb.T;1.,a JJ hVjflSffi 1 Hearst 351 -. f--- - " -s S, ' I.. P. J, CAULKER AND CHIPPER - MaSS been out of work 3 months ana wfJ 6 last 17 yeara has worked in nn.?"- F lS.vear.oM hnv !,. i.. '".?." .Wife. K' lB:y.ar.oTd"boy- "who ha.Q worked ttU,?- Is also out of work. S. O, c.rwnaiS5..WaJB . -...-."."- -". nsr. vwi uistrici. h. o. c:.. aiin ma.u' .." "nofitBf CEMENT WORKER PftfrvnrTTra years old) excellent references, His .iiv M rntlrlrnn Ttla mil. .- ""' ' 111 l-nai to help support the family, s. o 7 SF (Woodland Plat.. 1232 s. 47th st F" K- Wt ntr Atttrrnm irt.tT-i -...... . l3 "old.-aut of"work4 month,'hai,J,.l1v?jlSI and 7 chlldren-the youngest liii.,,S pendent vipon him. fc "of C, MS n ir er h. n. c iw o....L' SS.v "ooijiMB . . -. ., . numn ,tn tt.f CHAUFFEUR cabs; careful FSNMs tnm .TJ, EXPERIENCED ON tTtV ui driver: strictly sober (ta. S--i well-known cab companV? JJ--w sowing. E. A.. 5ni '""""i lar. ried;'VlfynowVowln,g.gy,m'"r; teS CLERK AMIltTtrvttn vmi- ..i.T? years old, graduate of grammar Vi, Si has attended Tcmplo College fTfwe'J'i.i'! fllsn han n mos -.-.v Menu . ati-iintc uucrau ?," --"'U"1" toS'ffl work that la oftrred him. B I -ul rt&S8i O..C. ?: m CLERK A YOUNG MAN WHO 13 WmS enced and Is nehlnd 4ih Vi. ii .rfrraU work of any kind. His clothing Is worn V3 dlrtv and ho needs Immediate molSrStB get fixed up to tnke a -ermnnent lob KT" CLERK-ALL-AROUND OFFICE lIAlVWrni1 up-to-date business methods: 55 veari or and married: savings exhausted; clesn. nflSS couple, references from in.' KSIS.!"!"! class. E. A.. 205. '" """"T CLERK A FORMER FREIGHT TRAKJl' nortntlnn c Irrtt: urn nn rr -n Y.'Jf 1J"B retting Intvlnff, .nhnr Mrlh - ' .r."f . r, E. A., 207. "" "'nriicaL CLERK, ANY KIND OF STORE, 2J TTAM old and has wife and 2 children end Is itntZ to do anything. E. A., 230. '" CLOTHING TRESSER-GOOD REFEnENCai account nt slack work. Has B small chiw nnd fnces eviction. E. A 2,17. " COLLF.OTOR N At MAN, WITH niURl est references: with last emnlnv.,. i ,- first class; also clerical; support of a lirw family. E. A.. 200. TO COLORED MAN, WITH WIFE AND TWO on moving van and Is willing to dr anitfcbt' Can't some one give him work? E A., ZH. CONCRETE WORKER-COLORED MAN. M years old, who Is ulso accustomed to lo-ii. shoro work: out of work three montlur hu -...M. , tftAa n ntlfA lb , .a n . .1. '."" goon reicin.cn, "" viL'v.uut irasu cnu-i dren. 9. O. C. 033. (Spring Oanlea DmJ Ift., ,jrmiuj..,,,w .! rnnir r-AV also DO PonTimtNfi wniiv.1 has 3 email children; out of work man rnoiimai ur.iic.uw ..,&..., kuuu leic.iDcca, U. A.. -Ul. DAY LABORER COLORED MAN. WnH: good references, who has worked 10 rein In tho Street Department, will take snythlai Hi can do; he han 4 children; the oldest 10 tod it... viMinri t. :t months. B O. C. OIL (Pavel. ton Diet.. 8. O. C. 1018 Powelton ave.) s m DRIVER MAN, 40 YEARS OLD. WITH trnnri mfercncca. haa been out ot work 1 winter; ho will tako any kind of work bt cu get to support hla wife and four children 8.1 U. C. P0. U03. iDuuiuncsi wi,k, lug 0, 22d bL) DRIVER MAN. THOROUGHLY FAUILUB with horses; has been out of work til wlrlo except xor a IBW oua jousj ,m veij iwu , erences. S. O. C. 012. (Powelton Dlitrtct,'8.1 O..C. 4018 foweuon nvenuo.j ai rRIVER AND MECHANIC .MAN. 4 M0NTH3 out of work, has a wife and two small C.H-B aren aepenaent upon mm. b. o. c ks,' Southwest District, S. O. C, 1318 Soutlf'-l street. DRIVER. WITH WIFE AND SMALL-CHUDS inorougniy laminar wun city, neeot via. niilt-klv; willing to do anything: former g. jiloyer (large paper house) says will tie mul 10 ororioy wnen ousineas is pener. i A., iu nmvnn-wiLT. no anything, as aNj v.i.' ". .. -nr.i:: ,.-. rn- ,. M.nim QlllOii IU ma uncuu iu,iD laiiuif w ,img expected; sober, honest ana willing; hat 4opj tors phi ana rent past que, r.. a.. iv. nntvnn and machinist's HBLPEH.',M years old; will take an j tiling he can get u (Fronkford Dlst.. 1514 Unity st.) rtm' DRY CLEANER-THOROUOHLY EXPESK enced; willing to do any kind ot work:, bti ramiiy ana ne race eviction; we bib uums a utmont to aid his family, but he needt Ji'oritB most E. A. 243 X. DYE MIXER: GOOD REFERENCES; OUT OA work since Christmas; "does not want elM Ity." but work: has two cnnaren. a. u. u.- No. 051. (Frankford Dlst.. 1544 Unity it) TI-l.TVI-nT-V MAV WANTS A Jtlll OF SOllSl kind to keep him from starvation. Hal ajj tmile. out is wining ana anxious i a tlllrg. E. A.. 250. 3 ELECTRIC CnANE RUNNER-MAN OF' til yeurs. has been out of work 2 """a""!1 Jr- a young cnua anu a aoucaie wiir. o v. w . (Woodland District. S. O. C, 1232 Souta 47UjI ELECTRICIAN AND, SUB LETTER CAB'S ., n ........ ..1,1. wll .nlra nnvlhlnc hi Ul get to do; haa four children, the yeustut small baby: ono of the children Is "'"Si'"! S. O. C.. No. 047. (Woodland DUt, 1B &ffl 47th at.) S ELECTROTYPER-THE MAN .HAS WpWCj id for 0 years in one place. Bu'f', 5 children, tne oiaeat .', jounsiii '.vrrs One of the Children Is paralyied and kM "'?"c".vu M ";"-." nT..hi.st Dlitrlrt.' vreauneiiu o. f. ... w-. -3 8. O. C B30 Wharton streeu ELEYATOn OPERATOR - A && 8rngn CWhar?,y M W &$&& olafhas TieeS Bunuortlng n VS'JSS and a young brother, but 2 months iie his position. Elder brother, a lH5!gHS has been out of wore sinco imi. "" r ,1 work for this latter also. Case srovsiJ IMfi faUnBdm Dlst '6fhce."l232uth W it-. a r. c KTft . "".- J. .. -. rltirAr1 II 111 !'" anV'an aunt iuppo'rt a famlly.cfojteiSl 10 cllldren and 0 aau "s: aouiis y .m So? wWoanVMilngf18 S,,! E?M1D DOYOLORED BOY. W Y.1 mother -Ua seeks housework or Uunary i v. B. 830. 3CPBRT DRY CLNEm-Ths r-W n?ranulns Charity has on Its l"X,JU, pllcants a roan who, alter sieaa 1"';"TvU as an expert dry Cleaner ror '""''. ".5".d. VSL&YXtfiSEi iS."i-a i7th.tret.",FTr.8:6.C.r6c3. striri, b. o, C;ii 5?VejCheIien avwSI'V OAitpriT wmvrn ii ."r.rr .. sLi4 l illK f ." I-I . ono firm for 20 years nnd for lSiSP?. been out. ot work and his r rSMi5Blh "5 hausled: has a wife and 3 stpflT Jffu" ' ok c.. 038. (Northeast11 Dl.Te'i, 'Z rne Nore -. i PorTYpo.&OH SAIDi m -J - iJS-I-j trtli '? vrrotH ?, I - Lu. -a '' " 7T "VOUMO MAM ,VA1CC "N Yo wMaglefit. , (AH! 1 voo KIP4D-.Y cer i POHTYOO-&OHrtVYJ, HA'.'. I I MS HAWeS THAT I "r1 f :r LN0Te 'Vt'cn p . ... I i - i - j J,, i )lf . , - iB in -mi mil) ii.nri i mil' -i """ ' " - --.--- i- .tcv l. i uw-i - r --i--' I --. BUT Xtc PROBABUV ) . 6lT ma . v r9 IT J! S -. I A .n. If CSv . r g fve mmm d M"" " ' -..-.T'Jil----g-gf-"J-llii lilWMUIUir-lnlimi.UtUfm-iU i '' ' ii ii i .iuiii i im.i i I ii ' Ii 1 Ji HU ii-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers