A ' 'i t j3STRs vv - ii 0 February .23, 1915' Ifi.n mu If inawi JIWTT . i -- I'VfrifliU uemn gBSI iTiT i f "' i,- r,i ..r.'.i'ii- hiriirnilir , n niti t, n I'lSrifumiiw.!; im B iiii rw.H ,,... IK&Jfc ONS,-PLACES AND SCENES PROMINENT IN THE NEWS OF A WORLD'S DOINGS DAY BY DAY y i' JWMf- , aY'ilv , ""mW N ; ' -? : : i ' ' . '-tf " '' t I" Lv3W'&V If ' - ft yt&''$ ' ' '''' "'' '' ,S ''' CROWDS GREET FATHER" OF JUS COUNTRY ON HIS BIRTHDAY -.. '. ' 'i'm I m v'-f ''$ ' t&' i&IFtk 'llali- "" - Sh,a was ho throng that gathered, .yesterday around .'the Washinctorttatuo in front .of Independence rfall to see the xolors pV'ented'W,tW " .''f$Kto I " v.",4 -" '0S : ' '- 9 yKsSi 'V? Karsaa Daughters of the Revolution run up and broken out overthe historic building- A similar flag was given to the winds" oVeriHhS GopItoF "''- m fp!i?-, '''M T-'.' f-toi&t" -' '?' ' ':$ ' VlL 3 l" p ' n, at thosame hour to commemorate the hoisting of ftho birthday star Hag. of Kansas over Independence. Hall by President LfncolnV AM V& $8&J Miss f?EnTBnnR r.ArnvD'p wr. f Stary SbMU srlae for her painting. Htk , in tae AaHiy ssow aaa one oi AiWfr tWWtor t the PsBSMa-PaeiHa tiw lMWKetKnut wsa made fay a& i . , w i, - Ivwrwd Ijbhwk AIpNG Otm 'DAirlfAEHOTS ' fo'dnd ijaTa spot favorabl'tp a good ' frtnd? are ssyihg he would wmka a mriiro "-, mum ennirfg picture good candidate for Mayor. SUBJECTS GREET MAJtpi CBAf,1 KWQ The picture shows the monarch' fyw ll jir6MHI WP Canal street in New OrJia' wet 8u$t ftYal" juat e&dwi. ilardi Graft this yar wis am of th wt ffnifidw in the IjOHiana eity'a Uiitory. ?P pwiysr. SKMP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers