7$VP WANTED MALE r"rv-A l- ialesraaH IA reprcietll EiaDiih-ii H.,iMl and M ", Le.lfret Central; FnfT" .... .UtiAnMor. mtflt lift.'. f-fr PSVLL- aiiJlsrthS ife1 ibCt"men who can work Into Ml!S fwMticmii. mly redulrsment seotro i Y.,;.. anA wlllinnnnfca tn nut i!ffl 5 wck' w lcr" "r alM JM?5:.iiii hn tifOIUtSriaTllis: bAals. 'Union bn Pftn neioi .ii be bnclted ty jy sivu.wv auver- Il'oelwecn 8 30 nnd 10.00 A, m., tilt ff'LjSitr Kltcltlo Cleaner Co. U r;.rtcf- M'tcrn ""uu" u " J$! TflAdeW STTJAN I M ln omce: mum do 'VO JA" .:!! t nfiitn And under- Baaafif f!5to(2s?inca ftnd itffltgsr - JT -r! -STiUm fO- A TiTl?.n-pr.1VTAtjT! eL . : r ' WXn i) n Me-awAkO drim store near our BSjtHJStfjM't"""' 'tSfSpi-fElt And stenographer, capable :Bu'.'.ri i-.i. H ..3. Ledser Central. ilMlltAiO hil wnlllnn-YAUn colofed Wind . ntiil tit refs. 1'. Ledger Oft. STItnHitiiiAlt) And, tnfter&, private or StStlrttiiAll), experience'4', wanti position, f "o-ntryibest ret. I'liono Tioga Klul. tiUnettWOIlK or hnusoiAork-Lxp. coioreu iff?lMom(! city refs. J.lna clymcr st. SffiehwcftK and Mwln-Nent Joiing CT j or ut-iiul roiii(nJonJtgt.. LcdOff iSSit.ATr COATLll. experienced, wunea tffl.r1,.ir or foil lime, M2 W. Ilnuphln. flt-li chambetmnld. v nltross, halt tlmo work ilo Yorlt At, S&xrUtt woman wAim poiltlcn a coofe "u nit- family: long oxperlffnca And Bood Mttci-! no 1'hone t'l Answered. aiO- jfat. pun " , Mil wishes poMilon, no wnshlnR; reference :i. -SiO North liniutott st. 5il:-D-'stnto German ivomiin, flrit-clnsa 0".?. ...I.I .un.h t L'im. l.e.l-er Office. ifnnt-v, .-.- - -zzz---: .: KOOK'. Protestant Im! relcrcnce 11123 Cal- MTiHI Bi' 1 . , , . fc5K-Ccmct.. uttllcil woman, unu or wrne ftff. fr. ?'' and Uurham t., Stt.Alry (OkiNO or housework In Bmall family; nb Bitor!,'un tt .M LT.. Ledger Oftlce. ffltthJti and downstnlrii work: eonir.! ficr ffiprollstant. rctn. at 2.'U. Leaser Office. iJuasMAKF-ll of New York dcslrca cnK0K't, rrinlfis gowns nicuimy. iiunmt.i. iini it. KTmSaKKU, iierlcct litter; sultn remodeled; TillC accutate. (K2 N 47th St., lielmont WiuTL KxtSliAKiNO IjAtllei' anl enllarcn'a dresi jKr, t'i per daj. liar. 71.H W.S07 N 4i)lh ut. fetilifAICnil Itef, and rxp. woman; good jWrhlBhMt tetcrcncc.M S.Mdst. RfEltlKNCl'D freneh laumireea or cham- Eanlry: excellent relerences. Charlotte, 15.1.1 hrfitlun. SflEHlIi'NCllD colored couple deiilr pml iMt. City or country; ref.wPhon6Barln& 7t0. fcipStthLtS aerifinii, coqii, North German I nijttf Itov'aJ wont situations. 12111 N. lith. BjoTuiNKSS or "nwther'fl helper; " tierfnnn li-p 'ii lirman tn run vour ear: nocn for taiiStnunt Alter February 13 F 4IS, Wur Central. rDL'gKWollK Ocrman Frot., thor. exp.; ub Itwlittr . bratrelB. M 2U Ledger Office.. fcDUSEW pltK Youn j colored Irl, exp.; can Iatnll best. rets. 11 "J1S, Ledger OIllcc. SbVliClN'OHK In small family; good cook; up iftin ttant'in: rets. M 2111. Ledaer Office. tol'SEWottK Neat colored Klrl: thoroughly bl SEW OHK HxpTrlenccd girt wants hou.o- ri.12.l0 Xorth lllth at ItffERSO.V, graduate nurse seeks "eiiiage Vinut geniral nursing. V. J, Hobbn, 1127 ,SJith it.. Philadelphia. Poplar 112.-,. Upf.ij-ounj; recent graduate ln bookkeeping, itlth exticrlence In nudltliiK work; neat, rapid :U1 lecurato. F C51, Ledger Central. Ma Vk older child well re reenm. : Xnrth (3or- IftoiatJi excel seamatresi pwlUiiMd houseke'eper . Iifituna. with .children, ti ;b:ln; Ii excel aeamBtresa. F 7.10. Led, Cent. or eomoanlon: oxno. phi 11 Wi ,tnBillnn.nni4n Clninli mint, l'hono HIOS Walnut. ' ElHfcii'S ifJIUi'tilt "relfned, competent ilwitrtjcei. F 0l7,LedKer Central. FtAllEli'B HT5l.Pfiir."reflnoit. cop"o"fiT ttliillnt or perm. ; refs, M 20.1, Lodge Mi pooiio! wo.wu tnKo entiro cnarge or ciiiiu ile sewer. o rvffl,. ISCtSB, experlcneed, educated dmnn, wishes p.t imam or oitier cm wren, M lio1!. ien. urr. lUllSlwrrotfistunt alrT wtflhea imBltlnn na rar or light upstairs work. A 111. Led. Off. FOIIsH GIHI. wants general housowork: ipnlii Eng. Call luus llrlatol et.Nlcetown. FEtCTiruL .UHSi:, doctor's ret., dea. poS.; malHTiliy eates a specialty. 1 220. Led. Off. ksWICTAHLE white woman wTshca wash- ip noma; nret-class launu. i-4 aoutu ist. IrtiaqanAPHEH - necent graduate, slight ;inence; can ao neat ana accurate worK. (';,MIm Bean " Ledger Central, Wal- lutSQOO. liiiiiCXWtAPHIin Capable and accurate Hit 1 . .' . nuum iuku (iiuruuKU iii twin in ner woric tifsires poeitii Lirei m nrr vonc nesiren rot?nmn, moderate tl -'-r atuuvua ill UtUll rfiilblllt linii'qoflAi'HnH-Bright young lady, 2 years' EinPentncQ. destrpjl nnnltlnn with n fllttlrn! F 24S, Ledger Central. WLAlHlllAI'llhlt. iborn'iiuKlv romneleii iini if"1;), capable of acting o pilvato secrelury; , eentral location. F IH, Ledger Cent. WvGHAPUnn - Capablo bualncsi eoere ,oii, thor. oxp,; prefer to be only girl, very WjvklltAI'llKlt nd bookkeeper; High pi sruu.i excel, exp, , nrerer wecretariai "".taut., comp, itllable. F MX. Led. Cent. 'JiiMXIIlAl'lIfilt. comp. and conscientious, JM-Ms.: mod. sal., rof. A 113. Ledger Off. IJfXoanAPlfKlt. e.xnrrleiieed, "llglii "nfllco : moderain nlary.""i; S I Ledger Cent. IJIiNOOItAl'HUH wh siiaroTlnio itcslica fow Syxixtra wotk dally. F 111(1, Ledger rent. ye-' tfu irlle led. V nil. I.r,lirir fVnl. WIlAPHKItYouriB iiuly with n 50ir'a jSiLSlUlng worker. F O.is. Ledger Contral, TOjOnHAPIIRIl. rellihri A voura' o"xp.: bct "-fflHSSnlahed. F 742, Lodger Central. 'IUClltAI'llun-llrlKrn capafcrq iSslnncr; fa.iV reboot LTftriiinin. iTr.r, v i:iih ut fflEli!,BAl'I1ER 'ndblleL Slelln Urow'n, SOI iHaaiSini ae. Hell nttntie Tloira 44110 JIJ'wWiAJ'llRH. competent, accurate, exp.i Siiijai'vj refercncpu 1' ilin. ledgcr Cent. ilW."fVl (vIsltlnK). Oerman. French, Kiik ,ysl! Jiii. Kjjireni. IIIXI Valnu1. f"T'oifcitH wish poaltlona touether. cook ISlLCbimbermnld , exherlcnied. good rofor- IKi'.f',Rsff In vrlvn'to fnmllv. ixpd. jouug jEsJirotevant girl. '.'0 a. fone'togn at J'KEH.S-1-Tpcrlenced voune colored girl! JwferntM. Mill M flih at. Hr SOL". Kf-BB of an experienced otilcc. o ffi' ,bpnlkjepr. stenoarauhor or clerk. .aJfUB Julnut ;;uuO and consult with Mlai JJfj' 01 the Commercial Derailment, who SO ,"' ' hlBh-grada. uxperleuccd girU ,TJf lor positions. Avail oursof of tho gajcrvfee to Ledger Advertisers NOW. .JHfti Protestant woman wlatuia ss?Wi iBP'lri workt goud buker: reference. UgUtit. ' ' " L. i,u. v. J5 .'!m..'?.r.?.p l." l.e(laer Central. Nrjreflned. as cc7m5anioi) or caro of & Ji 110. Lwlaer Offlco. like place, In clty.Tiouiiowoikj small uHll Lena. ! rlpirmantnwn tl itltlRlKTiruMTt fnp Bmail inmllvi StSiCojiipeteiu woman M 222. Led. Q; M'soXauy siituirmriadrsr; 0 at ineir owi tisiueace. an brnneh of hatrdreaalnur an. -f&Brihef '-, T'7I" Z T.::.VI!. " il.. ' T ' L,irivK' 'o- L terms moderalu. i.'SiaS w. Hwey. West N. Dawey, Philadelphia; fcilii?"n fiW LADi 2 V(in nufallR achool teacher. t,T I JJ-' T7rTZ'TtZZ.'--i zi . bvihv summer. erniJOYl'. Iw jeaehlng. L 200, Ledger Of nee. lOATIOMS WANTEDMALE 'JWttia A.?viDE-AWAlB druk'atpra neai MrlSa P"1 '.Wt will aocept Ledaer. wont ad. TO'f te Ad- ar telephoned to Tho ife fWtOUNO young man, employed evening; ft Uw houja 3y work; tflephona i nit rwitt,, tltncai cainienng exp.) -" ! . nu 1(11101 Droo. II 117. Lad.Ort. M'BItJpN-ABIUTX'JfWirN'Esa ittltiute, esmblued ifliK outh a af M1H And technical exMfJfnea In an4 0 l filao and tuppjlaa, should thA Ktafpa nt luouii. Will JRSJ urtesy at tui iuun-Yt?w c jggter Ciotral. la4n- a ieara' experleiic as foreman, rts con, em ,in furnish first cltuM to tu-n&ay, ability Bd nre- 751. LeJjcr oint exSMt UnikkM;-i HH Ufa KlLW CtrAraX k5 IStflfiie, IwBL at WJBttmWY knock but onci, ttbj ,Ue. gtajJuata la M. B with aelllni 1 pMll I hear from 10U. Mr. Employer? BBn iaK M-j ioibi lew tarmiati. EVENING SITUATIONcI WANTED MALE i5?ik5Kim,En-'rhflr0,,hl' tfAlncd man to fel.il. I"" 'An AHIst In the correspondent e lf neeessnry) beitref Q 10(1. Ledgir tiiflte. BOOKKTvBWCIl-STl.NoatlAPltnn -JO -0r-experience.; btst reference. F iH2,Led Cent. S?!1 acl've 1J jent9,"wanTs situation In mn. CTine shop to learn trade references. Ad j'w lUJMnKjiihtt. MUTI.tSlt-l'rotetrit, F.ngllih, good valet and cook; speaks German and French; 12 years or ?"2.'L "'"ence; ago 32, 0 feet, K,s pnunila, SjlJiU' "." ,,l'!f.a'.,.Kon', cilerert at pre. SIU Jmploc.l until Feb. 10; mlary to start (I0 and found, J WlliLedger Office. UKT.LK'r "' nounmah,. eotofcJ, fltst clasi; Il- Kftj;en. M 212, Leilge r tiffleo. CiiAUFrEtllt-iractlcal mechanic" and" "drheri 0 j ears cxperlenco on forelRii and American lIJJL00'' c'cV)i careful, sober drltcri good -fl"i;F74S. Ledger Ceatral. cMAUf?'HtJ,VrTounAnlla"M llMh'ed" iji if". if' J' N rv w"h 8 ' thorough exp, on Amer, or foreign cars, compt, merh ; will . j ..iYi-.ngrei ungues, ret, ir tttt ueii. cent, CHAUFFlJtm-Mechanle. frlih, 2fl seats, iy Pfrlenre 12 years, efficient and eompelent, highly tecom., strict Abitnlner, f, tears' tour. 0iL?tSL,nl! teenage. .U201, IdgerjJfL ClfAUFFSUlt a'nd mechihieiin wants'posltlon, J years' experience; reference from private '.'y,', vr"rse uugan, una ureeno St., uin. dttAirppKUIl wishes position! tflvnle famllyi two years' reference list position, moderate wages. U 112, Ledger Office. COLL;TOrt-Outsld work) experienced; ret . erencai leeilHty. J, tl 11)4.1 N, 21sL COLOHtSD MAM, 28, lllmar. or ptliate fahi' llyt. honesti refs.: IWmudlAtii lilgll school grd, n. J. 11. I'., 12 Franojsjt., J)Arby. DttAKailTftMAN-Former mailer gunner U. 8. Army, 2.1 jcara of age, with fl tesrs' ex perience In topcgrapliical an. detail work. I. It. ljtttn care of Harris .1 Latta. Ctnwrd. KN"JHr4ijntt of pood record, thoroughly cxpotl- .v,.l,clLv1 "' ijes. fiione locust irm. BXt'F.itT In filing, card Indexing, elc,, suit rgeorflcojnrfBtoJ'; T 75il, LeilgerCent. PAKMrniahiJ CtAHUDSMt r7r "caretaker of estate wlihei position, Al ref from present employer Address F Dox SIM, Ardniore, Pa. FIIIST-CLABH clonk operator, machine work, wishes position, can furnlrh references Ad- -3l?2J5-S!ndfil- OAItDHNKIt, experienced: gnod nll-around H!nJgoodreferences. slon ltosnoke1 ItAUDtVOOI) FLOOH'rXPCMT will work vejry cheap; refv Scoppittl, 2115 Walnut st. IIIOH SCHOOL grniluato derlres position as npprrntlce to electrician; large contracting firm preferred. r 710, ledger CentraL 1NTKIIVIBW solicited by competent sales- ii..,. tutu Miirn luuiiurr .i.i, Willi A j cars experience In the sole of morlinnlrai and ,'......v: 111 .,,v nit,,. i,fc llll'l l.ltlll electrical apparatus; salary nominal. 711, "'KVl Uillli.l. INVIXSTIOATOII with 7 j ears' experience with large corpora tion, all forms of lntetlgatlnn. can bring you rpsulls, whole or pnrt lime. I- 21.-., Led Ceiu JAPANHsn wlfhes position as good, plain cook or take entire charge of bachelor's apnrtrneiits. If. M , 1M4 Vine st. MAN wants position as ateamflttcr. helper or night watchman, or caring for boilers Sill S sartaln. MAN AND WIFK. colored, ns butler nnd cook 1120 Melon St. MAN AND WIFE, colored, butler anil cook; city re'erence. M 21'1 ledger Ofjlre MAN AND X.VIFK colored, houtemnn nnd but . Icr: wife cook. D2t S. lith st. MILLBIt nnd stcno ilresier want' to-lt'on; rollH or zuhrs: srK'nks Hngll'li and Oonnnn. Liiflernw s .Mill st , J'hlllliwMire.. N..I OFFICII manaijer open for iiolflon. "nunllnefl nccntininiit. thoroushls experienced crcdlls nnd collections executive, mill N MArvlne BAI,n.SJIAN Young man. 10 vnars selling experience with various lines, wide, ncnuntnlnnce In till" nnd aisjaeent State, itcslres an Intertlew uith re- ptuablo eoncern. FJtlfW.odger Central. SAI.K.MMAN. has iiad wonderful stlciora in selling and can furnish best rofercntex.ns to uhllltv nnd honesty; would conrldcr a change with a first-class company. M 442, Ledgir Central. , HALKSMAN A young married man of strong twraonnllti nnd snnnrl nplllnn oxlierlenre. do- sires change: good reasons. F IV2. I.cd. Cent. STENOatlAt'lfF.P. Young man o( good char acter. .speedy on typewriter; ran operate mul tlgraph. moderate salary: Al references 13 115. Ledger Office. StlPKUINTUNIJUNT-Cnmnetent to lake full charge of an ofllcr building, F IH1, Led. Cent, TllACliit. meclianlcnf nr architectural, work done at name iu. linger uiuce Y01tr3o MAN, yimerlcnti, 110 venrs of age. graduate of U. of P.. sneaks Bpanlah and fa miliar with Mexico. South and Central Amer ican trade conditions, can make bond, doslres position ns Lntln-Amerlcan salesman or naent. Addresa It. Coleman. BlHcr City, OlTNIl MAN. 24 yours, singie. good education, knnwlndgo of bookkeotilng. nhlllty to hnndlo n pnnltlnn of responsibility and trust, lies res an ndvantngootis change. A 1211. Ledger Office. New ftioxiro YiJIINO VAN wishes position In grocery store as malinger: enn Klvo good references. Vt . II. Ilarrlroii, IUS.jwelXqEjc .Wost IMilJa. YOL'NO MAN. 17, desires, position In o flee of rellnhlo tlrm: real estate experience; best of references, ll 101. Ledger Office. YOUNO MAN wishes position In steel ware house; good shipper, ran do good marking James Hnrnn. 1M'4 N. 21th sL , EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTl'b. this morning, young plain cuok for prlvTte fnmlly at Atlantic City, housemaids, nuisei. etc.: rcfercnceB required. Mrs. llar cy, laiti mtunl.ouse square. MANANn WIFK. colored, flrst-clafs cooks, wish situations together; first -class cook nnd butler; also French woman cook or house keeper wishes situation. Apply Jill. Market. aiHL wisfies sltuallon housework, good rook and laundress; 4 years' references ghen from last employer, nil S. Huh st. Locust .'1119. ATJTO LIVERY AND QAEAQES to into: Packard l.lmouslno nnd Touring Cars. lly hour. .day. week or month, nt rcarojinblo rates. PACKAltll HEItVlfK COMPANY 1411-X.I Locust st. lhnno--8nluce 11140. Itaco 21.1. AUTOMOBILES Fur finle CAIIS bought, solil nnd exchanged, 2 a month torage while selling; sold froo of charge, clutage, 8112-111 N. With. Call lielmont 4cil FOIJB Ovcrlanda. roadster. 4-pass.. a tourings. forediior;Ier qt IililgeAuto, 1114 lUdgeL UOADBTEn tJlSsTftilty equip.; Uulck runnt-iut for $1SH; per, order, llldge Aulo, 1 II t llldgo. WlHTINO runabout, per. order; number of "others to teleet from. Itldgo Auto.1411 Ile. AUTO PAINTING AUTO OWNKItd , , , The right placo to have your car painted ford cars as 0w as 13. John lloulton, UU13 Cambridge st. Phono PreBton 0U72. MOTORBOATS AND SUPPLIES MOTOHBOAT TS NDuJiS. Jl.tW a ft,; .reliable, "seaworthy. Urlsht Bros.. 2109 N. College. BUSINESS NOTICES We can ottord to remodel or repair your furu much cheaper than the large de- FUItS partment stores. We give yon expert workmanship. I'hona lielmont 23SI W. C1IAB. J. BOOBS, 31'I7 Arch St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FLORIDA A; n opportunity to participate ate being formed to purchaj 4n a syn- dies se lor In- vestment a tract of virgin timber and farm land, situated In Manatee punjy, which, Is ona at h tlchest tn. Florid. This land U adjacent to Ilridentflwo, th County Seat, For Information, address f virgin timber and M ill. LEDQEIl CENTRAL, DENTAL pnArjTICIi: for .sale; doltif; a cash tiuslness.of nearly , HIW A yeuri established U . yearai . la ,1 tnvilat suburb 01 rniiaaeipnia; population auuui iv.wu; one HH"fc m"!",' ,wfc " best location in towu; will sen nractic office, or sell both. M III-, ana rent Led, Cent. OKLAHOMA oiLlLANbS-A aoleudlj OPDOr tunlty Is offered to Inveitors to purchaio whola or Met luterait In Oklahoma oil pro. duct ens. Tiiesa Krw"V """ pur age iir Kiicuia mv mm ih jv mwi m-' ? l?'T..i 1 Uial U iiW m wiJ - ni tSR or oil u. bona ftJ chance to, buv tho 'te Sir.Droduclng prouertUs. Samuel W Cueri. '7 itaal Batata Trust iiiag. , BO YOUH tiooka tell the truth and at tha right timet ll Ii our bustnees to, HrrAnge ecouit aa thtt the true state of Sour affairs will t grfer k'u'wlfnulg.0''' loir tali In growing i'pnh 600ft. within W. milt lalVVW 4MJ In W inllaa Of livaiinn .nrl ir&rfa In fnurn 4 I IPW'- "" - 1 hla Is a moiu ... ..b A V....,,,,, , r tucker A roakar bargarij tciuulok iirliau Bealty Co., sMO Frank- buyer, ' vftt joierMriwm jjwhjt vv-. iu lils. IWU " - "''--; r- -- WASTED, an .ssaoeUte In munlelml davelon niwtt worki I !. valuabla cwotracts wltk muBklPallttea, large profit accruing, doalie San of itandins and 'ability and one tot.,. l.tSd in clvls or municipal wk. M JM, tiivA jxyfl . l-niliueipniJ.. ra. rren ave l.eagr i-'1" , . , HWILJ. BWr rilf atIAl Inkereji lit Ledf Central LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JAinTAKY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES r!i W-l!"' H.ouo square fet, well light- tol t., near osrmantown a Nlcejown. WAJt1'!',S1'i,l'irtHt with ome cnpllAS to Tn' .'il Ut5,l,V.W '.'l MHBIt CO., 11. V. Adams, mannger, Mlffnrrf, Del. WTP,".Tln!clllfn' hw7roT.(ih services. K;....SE'!t!n"M nm rnanufaclurlng and tl!JKfr,,.,';onc'!fni bo trlflers noom W9. IJte.l Hiilldlng. AJlVfeTttlantl perionally guAfahleei'Tfj" Mf cent, on hit estmi 111 of fflts) or morei 20 per jcent. probable. P na.1, l,gfr Office. i' attner In coin business; half lii tereit for smUi rnvestrrlent to , Increase) present nles1.i21Leiiger Ccntrai J 'I, YOU !clre to rent your moWng picture theatre, give locnllon.nnrl ftiiiiress Ih strltt confldnce. nilt, Ledger Office. , 1'ATiaVT ATTY. will fXh, rervicel for ahv useful commoilHv. t mi. fj.,tep renirnf. CtriAlt, BTATiONBflY ANI) CANDY STOttBl SIckneM crtilM of selling. 17.11 N. 12th st. Foil It t:Nt-Floor for wholesale, business or . wig 400 Commerce st. (near 4lh ft MarkeO. Wnnted , . ftMlt.tC STHNOfmAfttRn , , , oeslrrs to locate In office building,, vicinity llroail and Chestnut, where work I light: smalt salary: Al reference. 17.11 N 2ith. CLEANING AND DYEtNG OMT.trlt . Ft:Tftt!tlfl . ANII FxNcttia J'LINfl). IJVKI1. MAlLftOT. lnlOChesinul. DIIES3MAKIN0 AND MILLINERY ADVANCl! styles In dre'imaklng: S.I And up ward, '.iiot B. tilth st. Dickinson M41 W tJlttlBsMAKlNfl lausht: siiort. prnc. coilrso McDowell lOftlcneiila Hid lith & Market. tlenistltclitnit dene nlille sou wait, A. ftelch ard, lilM cheitmit piclorlal ftevlew patterns DOGS, BIRDS AND QOLD FISH NEW IMI'OllTATION fine singing Ofrmat) canaries, f.'l each: every bird guaranteed goo I singer, cages It upward. The largest nnd best stock In the city to select from. Birds enn salely be sent to all parts by express. K. C VAIILU. alii Market st. EOR SALE ANTKJUns Chairs. K'O yrs. old, SI: mahog. bur , fill: brle-a-hrar, too. to .1. 7.1.1 Walnut. llll.t.IAItt), pool. comb.. Bit hand, bought, solil, lenled ox'd. Kenfer. .1211 (llrnrd vc. INSTRUCTION FI1F.NCI1 In Ihrco months by refined oung 1'urlslan lady: easy conversational method; terms moderate. Mile. L. Berthln, 1501 Arch HO a, in -10 p m.L DRAMATIC AItT, IIIvOntTTIIl.S IIXl'ItnSBlON I'hoiics lielmont lit!) XV. 1720 Chestnut rt Tiie;iluviind rrldav,!tjofiti m Musical OPIlftATIO tenor deslFcs pupils, choir, oratono aiiJ oiera. C .'IPS, Ledger Oftlce. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS L'PIltOUT PIANO for sale; nenrly new; will sell cheap for carh .Kit N. 2d st. OLD GOLD IIOUCIHT, BOLD DIAMONDS KXCHANCJi:!). WINDOI.PII. APPHAIBLD. 2i N. 12rll HI'. STORAGE WIItT Monnrch Storage Co. Auto and rnok. 1'JIILV. Iiib and shipping. .1S70 Lancaster avc. WANTED FtlllNITtJItt:. CAillUlTS, PIANOS PAUT OH ILNTIIli: IIOL'SBHULUB BOUGHT iiEs-r cash pmcas paid MlI.LEIt & l.'O 1120 ItlDtin AVK. PIIONK POPLAIl ISW FURNITURE Anllciues, pianos, etc.. part rUKlNll UIVC or tntro house bought. Kens, rurnltura Co . ai4a Kensington avo. RdOMS EOR RENT BALTIMOnU AVE.. 4410 I'rlvata family lias a try doilrablo room, light and warm; pleas, sur. Photo dlsplayed at Ledger Central. BAKING, 3218 Two first-floor rooms; suit dentist cr doctor or ornrtments. The Chilton, Mrs Hello McClnln. Manager UAItlNU. '1810 Booms, furnished or unfur nished. 2jlqprjfor lJU?keoPlngjnhpne. AltCII, 1115-Sultes nnd sing. rms.. fur., un lur. : gent.; all cvb,; own.; reas.; tiled baths. llltOAt), S., 402 Wcll-furnlshed rooms; exclu fclco, homelike, reasonable; phone. BItOAD, S., 420 Comforlably furnished rooms; UCnty OI Ileal, Hglll Uliu iiu, ...mi, tJitmiv. llltOM), N., 820 Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; sttam heat, hot winter. BUCKINOHAM PL, 227 (I3lh & Walnut)-2d floor fiont rm cuuple or .gentIcnjoardopt. BU'l'LUIt, litis I'urnlshed 2d-story front toom, communlc; bath: ateam heat, electric. C VTHAUINL. 202h Pleasant rooms, furn., un turn.. with or w Ithout board: no hkog. ; ph. CEDAIt AVE., 4W)3 Desirable furn. L'd.floor rOOllI ; rCllllCU UUII,w, u ..uuma.m ,n, ., . cilllSTNUT. 1821 Well-furnished single and double rooms Miintngwa,ter cTTl-STNUT, 1001 Booms, singio or en suite. X'noue j-ocuai ihi. CUKUrNL'T, 1U211-;1 Deslrnblo furn. or unf. suites, ptltotc bath; professional offlco on lstlUiorrtinnliig watery Locust .1.1-1 U. cnhiarNti'l', 201J (Irfxlnston) I-arge id-floor iruittwlthprlvate bath, smaller room. SliiiafNijT, Tiao i-ccepllonal vacancies; warm, cheeifui looms; conv, L, suif.uo; ttoartl opc. nw ,,-.i. ,,u.u ,o,,. ,.!... ru.. CLINTON, 020 Large, comfortably furnished front room; refilled surruundlngs; single r'ms. COl.t'MUIA AVE., 2taa-I iirnlihcil Iront room; riri.uo ivmlly; with or without board; phono. t'ho.tn on display ut Ledger Ccntriil. Eltli: 1450 Single icoin, with" fcalK, fiirnlsbod; hoant optional; rteionable; 'tloga "iJTp v. p"CftrN. N.. 21-i'ufnT front rooms; privuto "family; one aqu.ire irom Md st L'Jdione. riNU "fSSP-Newly furnlshrd double and aln- g'le rooms, best teivlcc, phono. PINE. laoS-Neatlv fumlsiieiFfooin In Tirlvato family', a windows, southern expoaure. phone. PlNnTiarij I'arlor rooms; also others; bright u,nd cheerful; running water ug waterjcorncrliouao. 11. slngfe room, neatly piNE. l40S-rCheerfut, single room, Dlikimoii MO u. SPBINI1, OAllDHN. 211f)-2d.story ,ulto un furu.i bath, Jlght housekeeping It destrod. SpTlilCE, ill 5 Large room. Second floor, beau tifully runt., other vacancies; runnlngwier. SPItUCE. 2022 Desirable suite, with" prlmis." athi openflrej phone; owner. SPltlIOii.-:lt2l-New ly opened, very attractive furnlshodj;oom, all coiuenlencea. Pres. 2s:i. VHNANUO, W., 1412 Two nicely furnished rooms, omplete for housekeeping; linens and slcrsuipjled. Phone Tloga 4till W. VISE 1705 (Logan Bciu"i"re)-cJoii. warni.com lortubie, front, bunny, housckreplng, lodging looms; running water; J. 1.1; repneu U INTfr, M-Sfngle and iloubl- rooms, at tractlvely rurnlahed. hot-nater heat; phone. TT7Ts:l''M01tEIVNP W. WBI-Prlvate family will rent ad-tloor iront or buck; electric lights, hot.watac lu'Pl. plwna; t-onvenlent to nioala. Photo dtsplajed at Itedger Central. Flly 17. S. W. COUNKB JUlu and liavonord-a large front roouia; pilvato bath, 2d; large purch and ground. 10TJI. B.. 302 Private family will rent newly turn, front room. Phono Filbert 4802 W. Will, N.. tLl-FurplelTed rooms; ll"heate,l; houHekeepInK- lodging; convs i Pop, .'1042 V. 12Tlt B., lis Central locatlqn. single and doublo front rooms, steam heati reasonaUo. fiTIL Si." 2olt-Beauiriul suite, wltft "private bath i iUht liousckeeplng If desired. i2Tlt, 8 317-55 lloor front! private family; utheri vacsjicles; teaaonable. l't!Lt.iiaK' IJTli. S.i ill Desirable furnished single and double rooms, convenient- gentleme, i5TJfr"Hrri821-nealrable unfurnished suite. with bathi rrlvalu family: steam heaL Istll. N-t" 1530-TWO desirable, comfortably furnished rooms, well heated; Photo, dijplasnd tat Led- Cent.: home cooking. Poplar IW VI. ISTii, S . 314 Nicely furnished front room. next, to oatn; anjo proieioic tmu-n, 17'rit, ll ,,22if? Three riicia rbemi, second floor private, famllyi reatonablf , Phone. 17Tll. K,.' 3335-Modern iurn. roams, single or en sulta; private fa'nllv fjiiga iH7i p. 22 D "N, 2121 Single or ciimrainloafing, frorit mSU i I '1 BIUB -'(lntuiHmis. IIVUI, roornsi private; rea,so4bjo, Darnaai l7fJo. WT. 8 . 1 82 ftoomi tufi)lh4 ox unfiirn,rrun- lif ANH sTtHJ7B BeaiiiltuPfurti. front couiblnod sJUlngand badroorn.. P'teStfM.: 54Tii. 5.. -till two a-svu-y jruiiu vvm- turn. rooms: i.dulu: t ousekplpg; rPWne. Oij ana oapsornriurnuni WEST nttA.NCti reonwi nten puir; meai riii V- M C. A shower oaths, near I.; tha comfotU of home. P! OelmoBt 49l: Ksy..Wet3 Ihnna 6STIL K 51B-Prtvate ftmily will re.nt Ur 24-floor-front room, furn. or unfurn,: ua of dlntpf roogtand kitchen dovvaitalrs, btcaiant. 5rST! EJUS who will u,precUtewelI furn ished room tn an apart limit i ateam boat: private tardily best location f Went Pilrta . relboThoo,l 44lh and Walnut Ph liar 287 Db or 'i ganUfcuien can tvave fur front room. n&Bhor f 3KB aud Powallofi Baring 1SI3 W ProesIoOIfl. iKUCS. l;Mt--PtOtol6al AflWei, aulteii vUfi Wt-f. single " Pnono Walnut 73 W. fWWlBUBP1. r '"rgtfwuinwi.v If R50M3 WAITED WANTED Choice room, suhurbAfl. Welti of with board qtilel yune man, will pay well for exceptional home, r 7M, ledger CehtrAI. BOARDINfJ cftRSTrJU, aotrJJJceiy' KrnirheT .robmi, with hnard' Alart table board! Uflj ianioB i- isvs. Ph, eofirtnlent to elevated And trailers, pnono. reiton n.r. u, tfAlSi6ND, Sof-iSPepHoPar rSorris, "einglo of rn s'ilte; running water; excellent meats; pn rAIBMOUNT AVE.. irt12-Bonrdlnr for tidies and gertlemen; convenlencMi Toplar .'tJ'Jt.W ortKlTfV, 1s.f-ercnfl'-stJty (roftt, bath! conv.; rimnlng walert south expose re. Pop, 4783 A nASJiTL, "5Ki.ltrrtJtl- furnished "5,t' floor jjhronl iM,, vvarni: roiiittbl 1 prlv. wood, iailib 8PlltJ?E, i2.1-Attfnetlve .foofnsf also fuiTe wiin unvote natn; tame oeam VSV. ' fr modern, refined lt.cn, i good table. Pres. JtlS, "A'aLNDt, t.1i Lnrio doublo nnf- single rooms, ai.7," upl table bonrdj phone. WALNtfT, Tl'KiS; pfeaeatit" rooms:" hoSna(f heat; beautiful location ; exrep, tablei '''ile. WAl-SiFT noo , low vefv dnslratTie'vacAii' cles, furn. or tinfurn.: good tables phone WAi.Nl'f, 4.1S.T-Bunny rjioms, plenty bent' corner housoi table hoard PrrtnitJT2n II. V'At.Ntf'f, I.Vli-PufnTiiieTiooIni", ivTlh, toarif, desirable locallorl near "It", refs. exehangeel, IotIi. s.., rlU iJnuMo room", W floor: pf Ivate Jiatli. others, with board. Walnut, JB.ih W I-fif. N . ioia -HensAtti room, married" couple 3r temiemrit goo,l tabic, phone ffifff, N' iRlN-fiitrii, iiiniij, front foomi sln- jtje ocpoins. j superior table Dl.tmotid ,1i77 W 2.1). N , aiiHifcilneiTcoiiide iif two genilenirfi run have g,liloor room,, with boatil. , Icfrir, IT. aid"o(rnblei riiitna". souffiern ex posure; refined suiroundlngs llnrlng 01.1 . liiTfi Hr. fl.. ti.16 A ttfjvci f v 0 moms for fhosij who appreclatn n good home, mod,, prlv. and conv . good table. Photo dlrlav at .Led Cent BOARD WANTED MAlitliEli COtH'T.i: iJestfo tard" An'iT room wlth prlvnte fnmlly. VJ)., Ledger Central. APARTMENTS Sf'TtiNO OAftDENT 1-liI tight housekeeping, furn.: running water; ilngle rooms, phono HI'ltlNU ilAlilifiR l?iIo3:xccllcnt npfi, In i different hques: snino furn il: kllchenetlos 1IITII) tf, ttlrt A beautiful .'-rooni aiartmenl vvlth scpamts baths: good location. VENANtlO W., 1801 2d floor, ",-room apart ment: all now; parquetry floors and pnpermy; nung inairled rouplepreferredreasonablo WALNUT. 1222-21 (ifenwood)-f'eaifnblo vacs", single or in suite: prlv. balhs will rhnngi to ult tennnt: mmlprnte rent. Unlnut slsi WALNUT fll . 14.11 Apartments or 1 to I rooms, with bnths, furnluhcd or unfurnished: flrt clai; $2.1 vp Apply Irnltnr Alo pro frwlonnl offices with runnlrg water - " CIIII.TON APAHTM'ENTS J12I8 IJAUINO BT. Two first-floor roomil suit dentist or doctor or apartments. MrsL Belle McClaln. manager I liM"3 WPAfS Handsomely furnished LlUrV O nCAU pts. 121,'l-in Locust HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES on riusT rLoon Apply on Premises KEfiNf "APART MENTS w ST lloii.tkcciilnc npailmcnts, 4 rooms and both, y2.r.O month J.iultor rcrvlcc. "LENOX. S4TII AND'cIIEBTEtt AVE. Fl'UNISHED Oil UNFtlltNISIIED HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS See Janitor or phone Woodland 2010 D. "NOltFOLK APARTMENTS Delrnble 1 and 5 room apartments, near I'lrk: Janitor service; reasonable rentals. iH.l'll J.il, .I..I- iiiuge. MABl'EH ST., IMTi Sccoml floor; modern housekeeping npartmenca; not-water neat DIAMOND, 15I1 (corner) Housekeeping suite, fa.Stl, tivoroomi, oam porcn, muiiury. DlXiioND. 2oit-Ist floor: 0 room's; hardwood floors. Inquire nrst flpor. Phone Pis 4420 ilorSEKEEPtjJa "5tfiTE, bath, kitchenette. Boom, kltclvnctte, I1.M). 14A1 N. 10th. Foil VACANCIES and complete Information of all apartments free, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Spruce sts. Thono Walnut 980. of write for "Apartment Directory." January Edition, Free. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ANTf OFFElt considered for six 2-story, brick dwellings, with porches; modern and ten anted. F 75.1. Ledger Central. flEHMANTOWN xiOUNTAIItY AND CHESTNUT HILL Pclham Trust Co.. 0710 Qermantown ave. "iioiCK properties In all sectlona ot atn.. Mt Airy. Chest II.: all prices. Write for specl-'. list. J. It. Chadwlck fc Co.. 8018 Qermantown Tlog BF.VERAL largo tracts of Improved land on high ground, wide streets nnd with unexcelled trolley and train servlco for sale on ground 'ent Address M nin. Ledger Office. Lonsdale. Pa. IwTTUuSilNO LOTB on "ff.-'l ,!"?'nt,'r: sc-tlnr streets, between 8th and 10th sts.; hlih ground: wide streets and desirable aur Poundfng'i T suitable for n building operation. Address M 010, Ledger Oftlce Ambler. r. Wr ctnltxe In suburban property alongTtho P & It.. Bethlehem nnd Doylestown branches Vn offer suburban homei, farms. Improved rountrl" Places and building sites: wo can " "?. JnaEBPlN-!'.,Ambler, Pa Westtown Pa. VCPES H2UO Hi miles station. A. D ll, Hld West Cheslrr 1 NEW JEItHgy Atlantlf City. V. J. Tn-APS in choice cottages, hr.tels.lots. etc. dale rent pxc Choicest cor. lot Ventnor, J1000 be" cost Uruckmann,JllOguaajitc Bldg, liaildonfleld. N. Jj TiAVB BEVKAb.i:ifl,,v""''-''-?, "ft'..;.i ,rla W CAItEV SIABSHALL r11 Faieralst; Camden. Woodburr HelghtSiNiA rvEHAirdeslrable homes and'lmprpvea bldg iVtil" ""'l-'!'-!- -"'"' J"1" Unt"w- nouesvri'AVlA FAHlB x7jrTSlHCsTlocatlon. "larirtT. buildings, water antl railroad facilities, ait llrst class: hat aP-Vi.lhlii- tliat goca to make u good farm ..I1fl.7efcrnrrna cheap. 150, 200 and 250 your wants " w.mt -,l0,tel. j.,, iTvrrrf!T:"farni with large atone house; stone ' i V. piiiTiiiidliiBS fruit and shade: good ial4 Walnut st . Philadelphia. Don't Forget the Number. Tpn"AciTiTs Fine dairy farm, 2 sets of build- 1 A4Vnmr I' It nnd XV. 11. 11 atatlun: rloh jafni J V.jrhotm!ijnWfst Che.ter REAL ESTATE-SALE OR RENT Wet X'lilladelplila, ,Irfril'-irr2iiWo' sldeonrd ho.1"0! ", r'?0,mf ' n. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE FnTnTicilufV. ccntralliTlocaled property; 1 w'Sl consldJr part .Ajeh V J5.7. LlCent. REAL ESTATE WANTED VAltMS av-NTElir-Farro to rent In Ptnna.; ahout bO 'VAWI.i'JT:""",,n . nurchasa: couvrnlent acres, vini j :". .;,,., in,, h .mnre TfaTf rfi. r-saKi"--::-"- RJ5AL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE "rea-Testatb EOR RENT Odlccs, Uualneai Itooms, to P2lr Uvv rHtal alter. February f. N. E aiaea, "V2",i ustswater. low rental alter. f althan'LFltxwatjr. corner lltnnllr-. Cliv. N. 3. li!SufILa cDVK"iJ3 to oor. Xi?---- IdORTbAGES hi'huce,, 1220-Furnisnca tune, on 2j noon privaU bath! excellent tsoU. jdion. BTOttCIillilip-llnclielor's" apafimenTi; two rooms nhil 1x4th), electrle lights inblo board BPllucft, 5i)3Tf JtBfrn-To TfcT rcndT .1,1 (loot fins.t Atlantic Cjjjj iTAvviH cottages, apartments, etc,, to "ittShr'foV PrSTadelpnl propart s. ffHAB gSfft.ffrM Pinti-. TeT. Atlantic city. ,-hksirvatIYI SH and 6 per cenL 1st mort- Vmmw luitrovedUtUntle City and Ventnw KSitU. t-urad. tltlod: punctual lntt "S"1 SCRA PPL-i $ '' - I ' I 1 " ' " " .... ' , ' - - .- i a .n.ii-.. . - -if -f -, i , N..isa .Sli a-saa -Hi) -j.-. km . . 1 HI - ' . '"" '"' ' "' WIG'5 DIARY Jar 27 ioi I (A TRtlE PIARYOFA BOYJ WeMT To 3CHO0L. ToOAf'. WE TWOUCjHT VUtTflG dOlNG Yd t-QT 1 SfJ3t0tJ BUT VWE DID rJOX. 1T1B DY WAS RAIrJy IN) THE rMO(-JING ANIt.Ttl3 rl7 IrJ TMfi APTBKNOOW I PlLBD 0F THQ DrdD, OP OUT a ttrJi;rJi i-i-'v'-x-i, and THgH uje vUewt txwjfj Tb tME QHCkaK ANDVOAOBO IM IT VJITH V3UW RUS0!R Bfci-iT-S oM. M THfit EJGfJ(rJ3 iJU- jUfekr TtS JKSrJsL COP.PS MD Mft. LIQDV TAUGHT U3 vue py piJb cfekirj A vyceiv wiu or mo,5r(ll, THSRG SRttTvUl SfefiCJCAKltS .PvrJrtPAir nMoW OP FIRST COMrVtiUT. Sc"Alf6f.vojr L MICHOt-S OF -ND -.OMHrMVr. amo TvW6 uutgmaMt3 AfJD CAPTAii- WICHOLS iiiiustrntion. rnria. "Very lino. Hint tnx on capital the income tnxl" "What M tli.it (o you'" "To me? It consoles mo for not belnp; rich " Srtwa Is O. t. SUmftT Policeman (catching1 burglar) Nah, London Opinions "Como on Your Knlser neetla you." Lampoon. "Chaos reigns In Jlexlco!" "I thought It was Veeyah7" FJatterlrtff Dauber rodgers. the art critic, lias roasted my picture unmercifully. friend Don't mind that fellow. He's no Ideas of his own; he only repeats like 11 parrot what others Bay. Exchange, "iWM-d M. ii 1 1 ,r 1 II I I I II, . ,1 II , I , II THE REMARKABLE DISCOVERIES OP THOMAS EDISON, JR. K 11 $L$ -JmB tiro to' 27, 1915. THE PADDED CELL UTTUS. BROTHER ALLRlfiHT DfeA(?.Vl ' SAW VOO WSSJ HES TO6Y0UM& VMaVTO OMDESTAAiDy ) London Opinion. then, Crahn Prince, como out o' that! .A'CALL TO MMS , . '"'". I: VW id SJ" TAna7 ENOUGH. Bella Oh, yes, that's .Jade. Tou know he Just fell Ai my feet the rh6 ment he met mo! Stella Stumbled over tncrri, I sup pose? Bystander, --Fllygejide Bract, ter, Music-. A CAIAI CtUf. "iavjl Y014 have climbed to itiik, Utt you ckjst apim doviwi" Who th. 4B' tail you that I vast io come down, any wayr" ' - - l"-r ' T- "I - - M-li ' ,, i ff
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers