IAL EDITIO 55 NIGHT EXTRA lomtmg NIGHT EXTRA VOL. I NO. lltf. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2G, 1915. PRIOB 02JTB OWm Constant, 1018, bi ins Fcbmo Lras Cohmnt, NX3 : i 11 . in . ' '.' cm RUSHES 6 CORPS m JEW OFFENSE IN BUKOIIM fAustrians Rally in Carpa thian Passes, Strengthened r by German Reinforce ments Kaiser Repulses Russian Assaults in East I Prussia. P Mil I lAllies Beat Back Fierce Attacks in La Bassee Region, But In vaders Cain Ground Near V'Bloody Angle" of Oise and Aisne. ? BIX Russian array corps taooui zou,- 000 men) are pouring Into Bukowlna ' to overwhelm tho nowly developed and S' ttubborn Austrian offensive. Tacit ad mission' Is made by this vast opera tion, centring at Cernowltz, of a check K In tho general movement leading to tho Invasion of Hungary and Transylvania. Vlnnnn. nlnlms n. enmtileto hnltlnrr of wKthe Czar'a offensive, recapture of Car pathian passes and concentration of 'largo forces along a wide front. Ap parently tho reinforcements from Ger many are now In action, and Fetrograd has been obliged to meet tho situation by massing a vast army to hold ground recently gained. -Development of a fresh Russian movement Is reported In the vicinity of Przasnysz to strengthen the offensive against East Prussia, relieve Warsaw of the monaco of a downward stroke from tho north and prevent a junction h. ot General Francois' Jllawa column jrtth tho German forces In tho rear of thn .Russian column mnvlnir mmlnsfc te.Tborn. h,-- D 3erlln reports gains In the East (Prussian territory already Invaded by Etna Czar. It Is officially announced that south of Gumblnnen tho enemy has been forced to evacuate several po sitions, while to tho north a Russian roffensjvo was repulsed with heavy josies. SsiThe rcpulso of Gorman assaults on prtbe Allies' lines near La Basseo and yeast of Yprea, reported by the French f war umce ioaay, indicates mo renewal 'of the Kaiser's offensive movemont be tween the seacoast and Lys, where heavy reinforcements of fresh troops IHf hava been massed. Mr WeL of Craonne, near the "bloody langle" of the Olso and tho Alsno, the IKiwrmans have also attacked In force m THE WEATHER It looks as If tho goqse bones were a Wt unreliable this year. "We consulted eot one, but a number of them last fall," .taken from birds that had grown to de- Uciously edible maturity in widely sepa rated localities. There was no question, It deemed, according to the disposition of the brown spots, that there was "quite tome" weather in store for this winter. Ba that as It may; it has not been forth coming, as yet And speaking ot goose ,lones, If you, gentlo reader, have soma private method of forecasting the weather k maybe a favorite rheumatic Joint that tweaks, or a. dog that howls, or soma tther domestic barometer of kindred na ture arop a jjne( very ghort, about it to: eather, care of Evening Ledqbb. It should prove Interesting! FORECAST tFor Philadelphia and vicinity "air today and toniaht. Colder tn. wight. ?'For details, see page S. Observations at Philadelphia ft A , IjpWometar ' S0 2B K?f?sftur9 : :.'::::::::::::: "m fir iNorth, XO miles l',wwis,:::::::u;-.bt,TSa5 bit jfatuv,v.v.r.v.v."rn8ti -.UM itwijraiura .,,..,,,,., 43 H Almanac of the Day tan Ju'A I ... B:lflp.rn. BnrtKf.t?"S"rS fslSa. m. , -". --. jUUiUUUW ..,..,,,.. t.tSS. FU. Lamps to Be Llsrhted tw and other vehicle ........ 6i30u.ni. The 71ds PORT MCmrnNn ttS.W.. 6:80p.m. ""iT.T.ViAi-"- :!!?- 5- CHESTNUT BTRKBT WltAnw IiftX.1" B:Mi.m. IITHnV THT.AWn IBl-iia:::!:::::!::: ta -. ,.. Hiinoirwf 1:01 a. la. , . 8REAKWATEB. RiX. tr .......... 10:t3s.a. and have gained a sllghtndvantagc, but clsewhero on the lino the battle is con fined mainly to tho artillery. 250,00Q RUSSIANS HURLED AGAINST FOE IN BUKOWINA Six Army Corps Press Forward to Overwhelm AuBtrlans. PETROORAD, Jan. 28. More than six Russian corps, approxi mately 250,000 men, havo beon concen trated In Southern Bukowlna. For flvo days only troop trains havo been per mitted on tho two railroad lines running south from Czcrnowltz, Enrly In tho wnr the Russian Cencrnl Start underestimated tho strategic vnluo ? H10 Psse88ln of Bukowlna and tho Klrllbaba and Dorgo passes. This error permitted .a groat flank movement by an Austrian nrmy that carried It to North ern Bukowlna and for a tlmo threatened tho ear of tre Russian forces advancing westward through Clnltcla. With Buko wlna overrun and tho Klrllbaba and Borgo passes In Russian possession, In vasion of Hungary on n grand scale will be possible. Sovoro weather prevented tho Austrlans from reinforcing their army In Bukowlna at tho tlmo of their advance, and when the situation became favorable for opera tions tho liussians had managed to make their position secure. CZAR'S BUKOWINA CAMPAIGN HALTED, VIENNA ASSERTS Austrian Capture of Passes Protects Hungary. VIENNA, Jan. 26. Austrian armies, heavily reinforced, aro slowly rolling back tho Russian Invaders along a long battle lino extending from tho Dukla Pass In tho west, In a south easterly direction to the Rumanian bor der. Tho Austrian War Office regards the present developments in tho fighting along tho Carpathians aB the most im portant since the beginning of tho Rus sian invasion. The Russian campaign In Bukowlna has been hnlted abruptly. Not only has Gen eral Ivanoff's army suffered heavy losses In Its effort to push through tho mountain passes Into Transylvania, but the Aus trlans havo recaptured several passes. North of Watra Dorna. In southern Buko wlna, tho Austrlans havo taken several Russian trenches nnd are pushing tho Czar's armies back. In official circles it Is asserted the Rus sian advance upon Hungary has been completely broken. GERMANS REPULSE CZAR'S ATTACK IN EAST PRUSSIA Counter Assault Drives Poo Out of Positions nt Gumblnnen. BERLIN, Jan. 26. Russian forces within East Prussia were forced out of several positions southeast of Gumblnnen. The Russian column, which has been marking tlmo in tho region from Gum blnnen to tho Mnzurlnn Lake, developed a new offensive, which was particularly vigorous in the zone of which. Gumbln nen Is the centre. Furious assaults were made by tho en emy, both northeast and southeast of Gumbinnon. Stubborn resistance to these attacks and a counter attack In the southeast fighting won n marked success, with the result that positions were ovac uated and tho enemy retired after suf fering severe losses. In tho fighting zone of which Loctzen Is the centre, an artillery duel is In prog ress, without decision to date. GERMAN CRUISER HIT BY RUSSIAN TORPEDO Gazelle Damaged, But Able to Re turn to Baltic Port. COPENHAGEN, Jan. 26. Reports received hero this afternoon from Malmo declare that the German light cruiser Gazelle was struck by a Russian torpedo in tho Baltic. Tho dam age was not stated, but Is believed to be extensive. She was able, however, to re turn to the port of Sassnltz. German aviators were sent out to look for the submarine. The Gazelle Is a sister ship to the Mlnhn nnrl has a normal displacement of 2615 tons, a length of 328 feet and carries 10 4.1-inch guns, H l-pounaers ana mreo torpedo tubes. She was built In 1858 and her complement la 261 men. Malmo Is nn important Swedish port 16 miles distant from Copenhagen. Other War News on Page 4 AMENDED SHIP BILL ADOPTED IN COMMITTEE Substitute Providing Purchasing Board Approved by Party Vote. WASHINGTON, Jon. 26.-By a strict party vote the Senate Commerce Com mittee today adopted Senator Fletcher's substitute for the Administration ship purchase bill rtow before the Senate. It will be Introduced In the Senate today and replace the present bill. It contains the amendments t'nreshed out by the Democratic caucus. Senator Lodge's amendment prohibiting the purchase by the Government of any Bhlps belonging to belligerent nations in terned In American ports was defeated by the committee. Presldent'Wilson let )t be known today that he would stand firm for the ship purchase bill. He will accept only minor amendments and changes that In no way -.M.-t .1.. enl.lt nnrl nnrnnRA tit tllA IfiKiS latidn. That the President was In deadly earnest to carry his fight to the last ditch wus evident to White House visitors. Tacit endorsement of the Democratlo causua system was given by the Presi dent, especially In Its connection with the ship purchase measure. Ha did not express confidence, however, that even caucus action could put through the rural credits legislation before adjournment. The Fletchef'eubstltute provides for the organization of a shipping corpiwatlpn under the laws of the District of Colum bia, the United States to subscribe through a shipping board for & 'east 51 per cent, of the stock. The shipping board Is to consist of the Secretaries of Commerce ana the Treasury with three additional members, two of whom shall have had practical experience In the man agement and operation of steamships in fors'gn trade. LARGEST jm,.g!rj. jt- - , S&'S!. - - ""'t.'. - r The submarine torpedoboat, L-l, the largest of Its kind ever built for the United States, has just been launched at the Fore River shipbuilding yards, at Qulncy, Mass. Mrs. Elizabeth Scott Daubln, wife of Lieutenant Freeland A. Daubin, commander of the boat, christened the vessel. CROW'S FOES SEE HIS HOPES LOST IN THOMPSON FAILURE Republican State Chairman's Chances for Senalorship Depend on Clearing Up of His County's Finances. trSOSI A STAFF COSlUBrONDENT. UNIONTOWN, Pa., Jan. 26. State Sen ator William E. Crow's chances for tho Republican nomination for tho United States Senate, to succeed Senator Oliver, will depend largely on tho alacrity with which the financial conditions In Crow's home territory arc cleared up. Not only Is tho Republican State Chair man himself Involved In J. V. Thomp son's failure, but scores of Crow's po litical agents In Fayette County, who got their power through money made In Thompson's soft coal speculations, will probably loso heavily. Crow's power throughout the State is threatened, and It Is believed that If his financial backing at homo Is swept away tho Stato leadero may turn their backs on him as a Sena torial possibility. Comntroller of tho Currency Williams condemnation of the methods employed In tho First National Bank has had a ten dency throughout the western halt of tho State, at least, to undermlnp Crow's strength. Political leaders In Fuyette County are trying Jouse It nls.o, against tho DemocraticTAdmlnlstratlorf, declaring tho Washington attack was launched BOicly ?or political reasons In nn effort to absolve tho new Democratic currency system of all blame for the failure of tho TJnlontown bank. Thoy aro banking on Democrats whoso pocketbooks have been hard hit "getting in out of the wet." ALL PARTIES IN SA3IE FIX, As far as Unlontown Is concerned, Re publicans and Democrats aro In tho samo fix today regarding their financial con ditions. While political lines are sharply drawn, tho spectacle of Thompson's lieu tenants getting rich by investments in coal lands had tho effect of drawing Dem ocrats and Progressives Into tho soft-coal syndicate. Democratic County Chairman Druce F. Sterling has Investments under Thomp son's auspices, and so have many other Democrats; and all of them resent Comp troller WJUIams" attack on tho bank. Theso politicians can't see that they have done anything wrong, or rather that Thompson's bank directors have done any wrong In the administration of tho bank's affairs. The Republican Organization In Fayette County is maintained through the mone tary power of tho coal millionaires who stand back of it. It is a well-known fact that thousands of phantom votes have kept these political leaders In their places 'and that theso phantoms were bought with funds. There are records in the Fayette County courts with testimony showing how votes were bought and how Crow's henchmen whipped votes Into line by taking money Into the polling booths and buying off tho electors. ..... Crow says he can be underwritten at any time by his Stato backers for any thing ho mlcht lose at home. But Crow is a very much worried politician. He remained home all through Concluded on Tare Four SUFFRAGISTS WIN FIGHT "West Virginia Legislature Votes to Submit Questiorfto People. CHARLESTON, W. Va., Jan. 2S.-The woman suffrage amendment today passed the West Virginia Legislature, The vote In the Senate was 28 to 1 and In the House SO to 6, The measure will be voted on by the people at tho next election. WABNS AGAINST CIOABVjTTE "Billy" Sunday's Helper Talks to Hahnemann College Students. Hahnemann Medical College students at . .,. wprn WArneri aaralnst the (1UU1I MM. ...-. .- .. cigarette habit and told of their great responsibility to God by the Rev. J. W, Welsh. "Billy" Sunday's first assistant. Mr. Welsh was given an enthusiastic re ception by more than 300 of the future doctors In the large hall of the college, Broad above Race street. 'The doctor of medicine has as much opportunity and is held Just as responsi ble by God for bringing back, lost souls," said Mr. Welsh, "as is he doctor of divinity- The medical doctor gets out among the people, and he must, therefore, prepare himself to do as much good aa possible." 80,000 Unemployed In Capital WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. From 89,000 to B0.0CO men here are seeking work, ao cording to estimates of Superintendent Herbert K"0 "t Ul8 Qoapel Mission, SUBMARINE IN U. S. LAUNCHED "-niii ff-1 u MwuiMIVta. ."; v.... " "J. ' 41. .. u . - ,j - ... UNION STOCK YARDS AGAIN QUARANTINED Shipment of Cattle and Hogs Prom Chicago Prohibited. CHICAGO, Jan. 20. Tho Union Stock Yards hero was placed under Federal nuarantlno today. Shipments of llvo block from Chicago to any part of tho United States was prohibited by tho order. Discovery of sovernl cases of foot and mouth disease in shipments of cattlo and hogs from the Union Stock Yards to Philadelphia led to the embargo. This Is tho second time tho yards havo been quarantined in the last three months. SUNDAY AGAIN HITSHYPOCRISY ETHE CHURCH Big Audience Hears Evan gelist Declare Members of Congregations Are Need of Conversion. 1 n "Billy" Sunday this afternoon made ono ot his strongest attacks on the Indiffer ence of church members to the soul-salvation of those about them. He preached his secZna' sermon onV'Pcrsonal Work?' SUnday spoke In tho tabernacle before a largo audience. In tho throng were more than 1200 persons, who had come hero by special train from Quakcrtown, Pcrkasle, Sellersvlllo and other towns along the Reading Railway. Pointing his finger downward Into tho faces of his auditors and then wheeling about and facing the clergymen nnd church ofllclals on the platform, "Billy" shouted his denunciation of church nnd ministerial indifference and urged all to work for the salvation of those about them. "I want to say to the deacons, stewards, vestrymen and prudential committees," he shouted, "that they should work hard. Tho place to begin Is in your own home." "The trouble Is we are too lackadaisical in religion," he continued. "Wo are too Indifferent and dead and lifeless. I think the multitude In tho church will have to get converted themselves before they can lead any one else to Christ. It Is my firm conviction, after the many years that I have been In this work, thnt half tho people In the churches havo never been converted, have never been born again." It was a rather serious sermon through out today. It was, ono of tho moat se rious "Billy" haa preached here. He wns pleading for the Christian men and women to get busy for Christ, and to have their thoughts occupied In doing good for those about them. URGES OLD-TIME FAITH. Time after time, In order to drlvo homo his thrusts, the evangelist pounded the pulpit with his flat, stamped his foot on the platform until Us thump could be heard far back In the big building. Again Sunday urged tho Importance ot prayer, and Insisted that the homes Concluded on rare Six SUNDAY MAY CARRY HIS WAR ON SIN TO NEW YORK Delegation of Ministers Coming Prom Metropolis to Hear Him. "Billy" Sunday may go to New York tor an extended campaign. Ho said this morning ho would accept an invitation to go to the metropolis to work for Christ if It came unanimously. There will be a delegation of about 400 New York clergymen here on Thursday after noon to hear him preach. If Mr. Sunday conducts a campaign in New York it la probable he will not be there Inside the next nine months or a year. Discussing the methods that would be necessary If he went to Chicago or New York, he suggested the only way all sections could be reached would be through several campaigns conducted In different parts of the big cities, , Germany's Debt ire have heard a good deal about what we owe to Qermanp, and in deed our delt to Germany is large. But there's another tide. Germany owes something in the way of science and invention, business methods, and so on. Vance Thompson in one of Ms always interesting ar ticles, tells us about Germany's debt to these United Btates. His article, along with another by Ralph Perry on Kansas City's Municipal Fawn' shop, will appear tomorrow on the editorial page of the Evening Ledger Y-iSzrli .- -...- rat, .:.... . ....Jf-h ... - - .-" - COUNCILS NOW SOLE BARRIER TO PROMPT ACTION ON TRANSIT Vare Amendment to In crease City's Borrowing Capacity Gives Support of Political Leaders. Developments of 21 hours In the transit situation havo removed all obstacles save ono. The only obstruction to an early start on tho Taylor plans now Is tho tem porary Indecision of Councils regarding a special election In March. But as a ma jority of the members have Indorsed such action that the city may obtain the neces sary funds for the proposed high-speed system. It Is believed that Councils will tako tho necessary action at Its next meeting. A Joint resolution proposing nn amend ment to Increase tho city's borrowing cnpaclty from 7 to 10 per cent, for transit nnd port development wns Intro duced at Harrlsburg last night by Sen ator Vare. His action, taken on the day that Mayor Blankcnburg signed tho ordi nance which starts preliminary sewer relocation work on tho transit loop, Indi cates that tho high-speed program for tho city is uppermost in tho minds of thoso leaders who favor progress. Tho amendment proposed oy Senator Vnro would give tho city many extra millions for Its needed Improvements. It was drafted In 1913 by Director Taylor, and was part of tho program for tho ex pansion of the subway nnd elevated sys tems. AS It was adopted by tho last Leg islature and has the support of tho pres ent leaders, tho people will havo on op portunity to vote on tho amendment at tho November election. In orddr to clear the tracks for tho 4T.iylor amendment, Senator Varo said ho nau wunarawn nia Bupyuri. ium it tun fllctlng resolution Introduced by him at the last session. This resolution had been supported by Director Norrls, of the De partment of Wharves, Docks and Ferries, nnd provided for a $23,000,000 bond Issuo for port development. As the Taylor amendment provided for both port and transit development, the leaders agreed It should havo preference over tho original Vnre-Norrls measure. Senator Varo explained that he took this step for tho general welfare of the city. His action meets the approval of Director Norrls, as well as that of Director Tay lor. Tho plan also has the Indorsement of City Solicitor Ryan. Mr. Taylor Is said to have had a brief Concluded on Tae Two INFECTED CATTLE FOUND AT P. R. R. STOCKYARDS Pens Immediately Quarantined Against Poot and Mouth Disease. New cases of the foot and mouth dis ease wero discovered in the Pennsylvania Ilntlrnnil stockyards at 30th and Race streets today and the pens were Immedi ately quarantined. Twelve cows, among n shipment of cattle from Chicago con signed to this city, were found to be In fected with tho ailment by Dr. C. A. Schaufler, of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, who Is Inspcctor-in-charje of the Philadelphia office. Doctor Schaufler said the quarantine would have to bo maintained probably for about two weeks until all the pens in the jard have been subjected to a complete fumigation. The entire shipment of cattle from Chicago will be held temporarily. Inspectors are now examining all the anl- Dr.' I, Mltterllng. of tho State Sanltarj' Board, Is assisting In the Investigation, nnd Is of the opinion the outbreak of the disease Is not a serious one, but everj effort will be made to guard against In fection. Announcement was made that a frea area'' had escaped the quarantine. This locality Is not in the stock yards, and local hlpmnts and shipments from points not under Investigation will be continued without fear of Infection. Some time ago the Federal authorities announced all shipments of cattle for this city would be subjected to a rigid Inspection before be ing slaughtered. Cattle for local killing will be received. Points whence shipments have been or dered discontinuea are iiusuurgn uu 01, Louis, RUMANIA QUITS THE SEA Ker One Ship, With Name Changed, Becomes Americanized, The Rumanian merchant marine Is no more. It was admitted to American registry today. The blue, yellow and red barred flag of the Balkan State has been replaced y the Stars and Stripes. The name ot the vessel Is the Steano Romano, It Is to be changed to Westwego. Then it will ply In the service of the Union Petroleum Steamship Company, the new owner. Captain Bornholdt, the Rumanian commander, has been replaced by Cap tain Orrln W. Crowley, a native Ameri can. The first cargo ot the naturalized American boat will be cotton from a southern port to Europe. When the Steano Romano was pur chased it was clanned to rename her Woodrow Wilson, but the President gen-i The Steano Mora no is one of the finest tank steamships afloat and ot recent construction. NEGRO POLICEMAN SCORED Disgrace to Uniform, Captftln Cam eron Tells Accused Man. A negro policeman of the 2d and Chris tian street? police station was "stood up' today at Central Station before maakod detectives and subjected to a scathing de nunciation by Captain Cameron after ho had been held without ball by Magistrate Coward on. charges preferred by two negro girls? Tho man Is Samuel C. Toung, S3 years old, of 812 Lombard street- Ho was sus pended yesterday coincident with his ar rest, and will bo ordered for trial before the Police Board of Inquiry. Captalh Cameron told the prisoner, In the presonc of tho detectives, that ho was tho kind of man who brought disgrace to the bluo uniform, and thut ho deserved the utmost punishment, tho law provides. THREE BRITISH WARSHIPS SUM, GERMANS INSIST Cruiser, With Two Torpedo Boats, Lost in North Sea Battle, Says Berlin Re port. BERLIN, Jan. 20. The German Ad miralty now Insists that three British war vessels were sunk In Sunday's naval battle west ot Heligoland, between the German and English fleets. An ofilclal statement Issued today reiterated tho dec laration that a British cruiser had gono to the bottom and also assorted that two British torpedoboats were sunk. Tho Admiralty states for the first tlmo that airships were flying above tho sceno of tho naval battlo whllo It was taking place. Tho information as to tho sinking of tho three British vessels came from Manufacturers In New York, at present Is in Newfoundland on business which will detain him until tho middle of noxt month. Baron Korff, Russlnn Consulato General In New York, is the other repre sentative ot the commission there. In addition to the president of tho com. mission. Colonel Javkovsky, of tho Em bassy Staff, and Colonel Golejewskl, mili tary attache of the embassy, are Wash ington members. The greatest secrecy has been main tained regarding the commission, nnd the fact that purchases were being mada In, the United States on a largo scale by the Russian Government. Colonel Gole-, Jewskl admitted today that tho commis sion had been actively at work for throe montns. In making alt purchases, the commission Is dealing .directly with- the manufactur ers. It Is Impossible at this tlmo to state exactly what purchases havo been made by the commission, nnd from what port these purchases have been shipped. The State Department was informed to day of the exlstenco of tho commission. Tho purchase of the material sought by the Russlnn Government, If conducted with American merchants, Is not objec tionable to the American Government, as provision for Just such procedure Is made in the code of International law, officials said. The department Is concerned, how ever, about tho way In which the loan was engineered. In view of tho proclamation Issued by tho President in the Interests of neutral ity, flotation of loans Is considered by the State Department as a violation of the neutrality of tho country, and if such is the case, steps will be taken by the Ad ministration against those responsible for the loan. Oh the other hand. If certain American bankers merely have extended to the Russian official commission a credit of $30,000,000, It will cause no official stir. In this connection attention Is directed to Secretary Bryan's recent defense of the neutrality of this country. The letter was In reply to Senator Stone's request for Information nnd was printed In full In the Evenino Lbdqkh of yesterday. Answering directly the Inquiry whether the policy of this country had been changed In regard to loans to belligerents. Secretary Bryan said: "It Is asserted that the American Gov ernment's policy nffects all Governments alike. The dangers of loans through popular subscriptions arousing partisan ship through monetary Interest tn the suc cess ot the belligerents is pointed out, in contrast to purely credit transactions for the purchase of war supplies, the money for which does not leave the United States, and could not, as In the case of a loan, affect tho finances of this country." WAR VETERAN RISKS LIFE IN SAVING WIFE FROM FIRE Woman Seriously Burned Despite Husband's Heroism. Louis Redman, a 76-year-old veteran ot the Civil War, risked his life today to rescue his wife, Sara, 73 years old, who was badly burned when she dropped a lamp and set lire to her clothing In fne home of the couple at 1603 Pacific street, Despite his efforts Mrs, Redman was badly burned and the flames spread through the house, doing about S00 worth or damage, and communicated with the house next door, which was damaged to the extent of (500, The house next to t'nat of the Redmans Is occupied by Harry Hanson and his wfe and four children. They tried to nselst In the rescue, but Redman had carried his wife to the street before they could force the front door. The flames then spread with great rapidity and caused considerable excitement among mill employes in the vicinity, as several steam factory sirens sounded continu ously to summon the fire engines. Be fore the firemen controlled the blaze both Jiouses were atlame. Mr. and Mrs. Redman were taken to the Episcopal Hospital, where the woman Is In a serious condition from shock and burns, and has lost all her hair, Red man was badly burned about the arms and hands. Both will recover. CBIPPIiED TOOD SHIP IN POBT HALIFAX, N. 8., Jan. 2 The crippled American steamship Camlno, carrying supplies for Belgians from Ban Francisco, was towed here today by four steamships. She was without a rudder and her deck house was shattered and her engines made useless by the battering of the storm through which she had passed. Several of the crew were Injured vrhen the hawsers by which she was being towed parted Saturday night. 3? RUSSIA'S LOAN 0P$30,00(r,000 -SPENT IN U.S; Secret Commission of Nino Has Been Overseeing Etf; pendituresvfor Munitions of War. Stato Dopartmont Will Act If Tranoactlon Is Violation o Prosidont'o Noutrallty Procla mation. WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. A loah ot 130.000,000, to be expended In the United States In tho purchaso of arms, ammuni tion, clothing and other munitions, has been obtained by the Russian Govern ment. This money is being Bpent under" fl tho direction of a commission of nJris J members. Alexander Scherbatskt, counselor of the Russlam Embassy, is president of thq commission. Captain A. Zadde,, of the Russian army, one of tho members of ttid commission, is now at the Bridgeport Brass Works, In Connecticut, Inspecting orders being filled by that concern. C. J. Mcdzlkovskl, a member of the commission, whoso duty It is to keep tn touch with affairs at the Russian trade division of tho National Association of one of these serial scouts. J A Describing the sinking of the British i' cruiser, the statement said: ' "Tho British cruiser, according to re llablo Information, suffered heavily from tho flro of our heavy guns, and was thoit sunk by a Gorman torpedoboat by two well-aimed shots. A German airship, which followed the battle closely, saw tho cruiser sink." Tho statement gave these other addi tional details of the battlo: "Two English torpodobonts wore also sunk. Our airships reported that other English ships were seriously damaged. "Well-Informed Germans declare they, have .Information that an English battle cruiser waB sunk by a Gorman torpedo boat with two shots, after tho cruiser previously had suffered severely from the fire of our guns," said, the official bulletin. BRITISH FORCED TO QUIT BATTLE, DISPATCHES. HINT LONDON. Jan. 28.-The Admiralty tiast addpd nothing to its original and Jrld j siaicmenv 01 aunaay nigm regaraing; wo. btllllant naval victory in the North Ba although the Official Press Bure'&u Im? night gave out the following ftiessage de ceived by tho Admlrnlty from Field Mar shal Sir John "French:- -- '-' ''I and the army In France "hope thaj q 'Concluded on rage Tour OIL MAGNATE'S SON AND "MOTHER" JONES CORDIAL IN MEETING 'Come and See Me," Rocke feller Says "Why1! of Course," Aged Strike Leader Agrees. UPJOHN EDWIN NEVIN NEW YORK. Jan. 28. Tho "open door" to 2G Broadway, citadel of Standard Oil, today was shown to "Mother" Janes. The latchstrlng wns thrown out by no less a personage than John D. Rockefeller, Jr., second In command in the great financial organization. And 'Mother" beamed benlgnedly on the son ot America's wealthiest man and agreed to tell him later In the week what she thinks he can do to prevent further trouble In tho Colorado mining fields. A husky blue-coated policeman escorted ETtockefoller to the crowded room.. As the young millionaire came down the aisle ha espied "Mother" Jones In a seat well In front. He bowed to her and she cam over and they Bhoolc bands. "I wish very much that yon will oont down to my orflce at your convenience. " said Rockefeller. "There are so manif things on which you can enlighten !, We may not work at cross-purposes it we discuss freely and frankly what you know. You have been out there among these men and know them Intimately. Why can't you come down soonf ' The,, veteran labor leader seemed non plussed for a moment. Then she replied-, "Why, of course, I would be glad tf accept. I will come down whenever I1 suits you." "Ail right, then, madam," said Rocke feller. "Jvy here will arrange It." HI then turned to Ivy Lee, his secretary, who arranged the interview for later I the week. POLICE TAKE PRECAUTIONa Twenty detectives and six policemen in uniform were assigned by the police d partment to keep order at the hearing In City Hall. The presence there of a, number ot radical leaders ot the Indus trial Workers o( the World and the agita tlon over the unemployment question Ifed to this precaution being taken Mr Rockefeller recommended the hlrlns of ministers of the Gospel to preach 10 the working men of corporations whosa plants are situated in Isolated regions. Concluded on Mute Tws XOST AND SOUND LOST Blus puru, contmlalui money n4 liter watch. Fit ward If returned to Sa BUflle lUrdwsj Companj, 613 Caraauget L03T VeJneiy evening, ifiver uittti 'nhAovi purse, 181b. an4 Arch to Tbtrui0laf jjjttM Aln4 A uhlHi mttHA TffA & eW LOST L, Vulltera and toM chain f alamSSr uuava, 1BUH fWI, tg Jyi fctt. ewra n r,Mw vi , "wc FOUND-V fur neckpioca. u Frl-Uv sIkM M SU. Cedter Cwtrtl Ott.tr ehini.U4 cJvtTlljra-sxts am pe&t li. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers