BDHIIfllbUmlWww'y mm9wmwi!MMWTir''- v-v,, VVTOA? WEDNESDAY January 27, 1915 m. as tn S? -r&rAJ) s 7 Jat ffi AS&fji5ayTv - '" M fBrjp'BT P? 7w ilfc. jQVr. r ABPaTF "iiW. : ua. i itiieitmg wmEOger T 1 V PERSONS AND PLACES THAT FIGURE IN THE DATS NEWS AS RECORDED BY THE PHOTOGRABHER .1 ''" 'i i i i ii mo; -it .." te, :t --&s rtA -tfc, "5&'Sus. W n ' '(K - - ---- 1 ( . i.M.Tf;''JDJ A'" mill 1 -T''1 ! MMI III I II BUI I M .11 T i iltll- ' V.., t ia. . . I ! .1 ' "" . : - ifcjjii mi mi n it xj t'tipctmi iwwi : .... - - " tw,. HHMHiHmnrr-' . - - -. .. jA.. . .j' . i-iwij t.i. i m mH n. .. aad'm. wt'iaiw'w iiTi iziaaif?,r!Bfsss.-rr. . .. ',,, rsssr-a8" . " " .! d IINV5a.Tg iZ. 'SS2&&tJZSv-u9 ,"wSfc- ri ini mMt a ....- w-tj . i i "k r. w -"w --i . ..ctsv f t . ,y..T.. . ,vw' -ui. jTi rrr, i :.. t-v.t" . . ..jh jf f itt tv sjwfl-v;;Tw .. .f7" :.:jtT"sJTrT -.--- . - ,. i. - -ip-vuh ' -t "T.K.l.iyjKyv-YagftjMa -" 2!. w - . , - !, at iwss 5"- - ,w ; f ?f xamm ,i. '--;2!rvv'. ' ';" ..... .k -Asi2;il.?!S'.SSaSj ' r&MTI.?feil?fPl .4V -,, s - - ,, 4-aprrr'' .. --tiyT, 3534- - -&-. r:tlJsrwwrr :"T - fssEs. 3SS l?v tr:?!:?,5"! BKiSSrEE2 GERMAN TORPEDOBOAT AND SUBMARINE FLOTILLA Kaiser's own cruiser squadron when it creeps out for a sudden i ..4(i WATCH OUTSIDE THE HARBOR OF THE NAVAL BASE AT KIEL This mosquito fleet maintains constant guard outside this important station to prevent a possible raid by a British cruiser squadron iliat might attempt to thread the maze of mines that covers the North Sea. It also acts as a screen thrown out in front of the mdicn dash on the English coast. These small craft are the antennae ot tic huge vessels wnicn lie peaceiuny at ancuor wiwim, uui wmui u iwi m uicunui cnuuy. r , , . . ., , . ,i Ii . .., y , ... -.i ENGLAND PREPARES FOR. MORE ZEPPELIN VISITS 'ffiPSli FRENCH SOLDIERS CALL FOR MAIL AT TRENCHTOWN POSTOFFICE . - The ever-enterprising real estate agent has seired the opportunity to advertise this unparal- lM i PJ?tur? "veals the completeness of the earthwork fortifications that have grown up J& i leled opportunity to get in under the ground floor, as the photograph of a sitjn noted by a mmm I where the ri.val ?rmlea have fa?.ed each iher ioFr many jnonths and where, thev exPect t0 f 1 roadside indicates. Bomb-proof cellars threaten to be a costly luxury. HfW 1 C " m!my mon more e o these due-uts arc 1ulte lupous. M "' I. I Vitty, clubman and polo player of " tk rSI THEY ARE RIDING BACKWARDS, BUT FOR A REASON " British cavalry regiments have taken a leaf from our Spanish war book and their recruits are now put through a course of Rough Rider sprouts. A trooper must learn to ride a horse in all possible positions. MRS. ELIZABETH McVITTY Formerly the wife of E. Q. Mc Vitty, clubman and polo player of B" n Mnwr, in her garb as a nurse attached to the American Hos (j.iui, x-aris. 1 he picture was taken in Cette, where Mrs. McVitty is stationed. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' William H. McFad den, of Glenside. RUSSIAN BUYERS OF WAR MUNITIONS HERE These are members of the commission expending a $30,000,000 loan in this country. Colonel Goljewski, at the left, is the military attache at Washington. ' C. J. Medrikovski, on the right, is also well known at the capital. The Commission has been working with great secrecy. Uudmrwopd w fit AN X-RAY DETECTOR OF CONTRABAND WAR ARTICLES M. Dean Alien is said to be using this apparatus at the Boston Customs House for the purpose of revealing contraband material that may be hidden in cotton bales or other bulky packages, The most innocent looking shipment gives up the secret of its false heart when the searching rays are turned on. Photo by Underweod & SIR HENRY HOWARD RECEIVED AT THE VATICAN The British Envoy is shown surrounded by members of the papal family and the Swiss Guard. The agitation over the sending of this, mission to the Pope has not yet died down in certain European circles, it being a step unprecedented for many years. U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers