BILLY" Oil. fcOBD, BEVIVE THY WORK' Hie subject of Ills sermon was "Tho Xwl'Ot Revivals." Ito took as his text, -0 Iiord, revlvo Thy work." tho sermon follows: 'Somebody asks, 'What Is a revival?' nnvlval Is a tmroly philosophical, com. Mort-eense result of tho wise use of ill finely nppolnlert means, Just the aahio li water will put out a flroj tho snme IS food will appease your hunger, Just fT- na witter will slake your thirsts 66 !Mt is ft philosophical common-sense use "nf divinely appointed means to aoccm i ?,.. iint and. A revival Is Just as munh r hnrto flnsn an that. I' ... ta tint mn.tnrlni If. flnna t,nf Amend UDon 'material It Is a fLlun lda that there Is something pe culiar In l. Hi? K cnnnot uo Judged by ordinary rule, causes and effects. That i nonsense. Abovo your head there Is Bit clect'lo llcht: that Is effect. What Is tho caus"? Wh' tho dynamo. Religion can be judged on tho same basis of cause nd effect. If you do a thing, results Always como. Tho results como to tho farmer, Ho has to plow and plant and tako care of It before tho crops come, 5ust tho samo ns tho results of divinely appointed means It with religion. NEEDS HORSE (SENSE "JIoIIbIop iifds a baptism of horse ense. That Is Just puro horso sense. 1 hellov ttmra is no doctrlno more dan croa to tho church today than to con vey the Impression .that a rovlval Is some thing peculiar In Itself and cannot ho Judged by the same rules of causes and trfoct as other things, If you preach that tho farmers If you go to a farmer and say God will glvo you crops ohly when It pleases Him and It Is no uso for you to plow your ground and plant your crops In tho spring; don't you know that God Is a sovereign and won't glvo you v0ur crops; that Is nil wrong1, and If you t.nrli that doctrlno and expect tho farmers to bcllovo It this country will starve to death In two years Tho churches have been preaching somo false doctrlnos and religion has died out. "Somo people think that religion is a good deal like a Btorm. They Bit around and fold their arms and that Is what Is the matter. You alt In your tfewa so easy that you become mildewed. Such results will bo suro to follow If you are persuaded that religion Is something mys terious and no natural connection be tweop the means and tho end. It has .1 natural connoctlon of common sense and I bollcvo that whon divinely appointed means aro used spiritual blessing will ac cruo to tho Individuals and tho com munity in greator numbers than tem poral blessings. Tou can have spiritual blessings. You can havo spiritual bless ings as regularly as tho farmer can havo corn, -wheat, oats, and you can have po tatoes and onions and cabbago In your garden. I believe' that spiritual results will follow more surely than temporal blessings. I don't bcllovo all this tom myrot of false doctrines. You might as well Bit around beneath tho shado and fan yourself and say 'Ain't It hot? as to expect God to glvo you a crop If you don't plow tho ground and plant the need. Until tho church resorts to tho uso of divinely nppolntcd means it won't ' get the blessing. WHAT A REVIVAL DOES "What Is a revlvnl?Now listen to me. A revival docs two things. First, it re turns tho church from her backsliding; and, second, It causes tho conversion of men and women; nnd It always Includes the conviction of sin on tho part of tho ' church. What a spell the dovlt seems to cat over the church today! "I supposo the people hero aro pretty fair representatives of the church of God, and If every body did what you do thero would never be a rovlval. Suppose I did ,,pd more thun you do, then no peoplo wouia ever bo convcrtcu tnrougn my , efforts: I would fold my arms and rust out. A revival help3 to bring tho un v taved to Jesus Christ. 1" "God Almighty never Intended that tho ' devil should triumph over the church. Ho I' never Intedcd that tho saloons should if walk roughshod over Christianity. And f- It you think that anybody Is going to ( frighten me, you don't know mo yet. '$ "1 will cram It down their throats in li; tnls town for tho miserable lies they V lltlrt flfntnat mn nn nn1 Hr,ti iYta affAfa of this city. Don't you forget It. You bet JftUr life. You bet, and they will get It. "When Is a revival needed? When the Individuals aro careless and unconcerned. If tho church was down on her face In 1 prayer they would bo moro concerned y with the fellow outside. Tho church has 1 degenerated Into a third-rate amusement ' Joint with religion left out. "i "When Is a revival needed? When care lessness and unconcern keep tho peoplo ABlftPn. Tfr In mnet h .Int.. nf fl.a fllinnli - to awaken ana work and labor for the men ana women of this city as It Is the duty of tho firo department to arouso when the call sounds. What would you think Of thn flrn rlnrhiicnt nf 1. phla If It slept while the town burned? I 9U would condemn It and I will condemn ' you If you sleep and let men and women o to hell. It Is Just as much your busl j,, nets to bo awake. The church of God is J!eep today; It Is turned Into a dorml- y, ana nas taken the devil's opiates. WICKEDNESS OF WICKED "When may a revival be expected? )Hen the Wlpbf'Hn,aa rF (tin uf.lrari trlives and distresses th Christian. Sometimes people don't seem to mind the id of other people. Don't seem to mind ftnllfl hnvn nn1 nlln ...nll. 41.- - -- j&Sfir city ana know more of evil than m&l , . " ls a revival needed? When the BV,??"8 1,ave tlle BP'rlt of prayer. mi the want of revival and feel the ?7.of lt' Men navo had this feeling, jaioitlers have had It until they thought W would die unless a revival would f. .' toLawalo their people, their stu ..? i thelr dcons aJid their Sunday eoool workers, unless they would fall i tbelr faces and renounce tho ?. 5d tho works of deceits of the it. 1 . When tno chureh of God draws ""Patrons from the theatre the theatres i. - up' or olBO tttHo tho dirty, rotten Plays off the stage. 'When the. -1 t. . j .. S- ta...?10"1' the saloon will go to hell. their hm.- "It"" Dl"1'."'lY'nB,i""" " s'lil.nti won i do so mini , 'MMeSfed gamblers In tha wprld. This fAi,i! tniUl' can't sit around and hV..f r "" Ml t God run; this busi nwe.' wi have been Ioms tnat x lone Xf LLr"" "lay a. revival po ejcpecioui VTn .phrlstlans confess their sins one gneral way, but they have no earneat uI tby Bet up and do It In eloquent Srh?"3. but that doesn't do lt It Is SS .1. . y brea1 dow" a"d y " D0Ur ff their hearts to God In rref, when J floodyates aro open, then I want to - ,rvu lIJq qovh W1, hav cojfl reet. DBSPISEa TOTirnrv PKnpriH. "When may a revival be exnected? the Wickedness of the wicked ve and distress the Church, When we willing to make a sacrifice for revival; when you are wtlllns to iflCA VA11I fAAlln-u l.i Bav 'Oh. Bu, Air. Hlinila, t... fAMntra ' n don't spread them all over his i-u4cia ror men to walk on. 1 flespise tuchy wuin or woman. Jlaka a. sacrt- our reelings; roaie a saerince oi uusinessi. of your Ume. of your y. Von mm wllllncr tn trlvn in llftlD dvane God's cause, for God's cause lQ h&va mnnftu h soma, atf a mUrtniA ILJimKblp company. When you tv 2 your lqdoMwneat and Ume d - eowebo4y ha got Kt,tin t li&fr And hajtanu bultAi unot for t08 SUNDAYS SERMONS 7or,U0dKetOUtfthd,'U8t, thrtr 8lS wi.nd Mk 'orglveness for God shafi' hhen. you nro w'nnlOB that means or in'.?"10'6 ftnd U9e whatever methods,ment,! ot 'nnlvlduals or Zhcl $VJ5 fc promote """ i no cannot k uu juiigmcnt of the methmla n,t tv..nn. vvl rh n ft'"1?.10 "romoto " method or .,d Alm'ent' may uso any Pleas?. ?n lCina ,or lnavldual that Ho rV... ort,er to Promote a revival. n. "ovlval SSL?"1 teU whe' you need have nn J0", cnn teU whether you God shoulS .tW ,y yo.u ,mve Bl ne. If m nn ud ,l yU !l8tcrB nMd l-reachcrs 1 ehouM ' nrimV?lce' aro you wUllrifr that 1 b iou id promote a rev val by uslmr nnv tTZZttr r "vld"M language Vliatif t0 l,se t0 Promote It?' tW. . ? V? your answer. Yes? Then ?oS don'Ml Jf v U82 om th"8 'a" How rl ' e' You havo no business to. unTonr Zu" promo10 a revival? Break up 1 our fallow ground-tho ground that produces nothing but weeds, briers, "fn grSm.Snthn1j,rLC,t ba!8', " sreund Is frou In,. atovcr 'a a Blow In It. De- had lhol,Iay0r,,PJn8rco' when th0 city pad thousands nnd thousands of acres of he 0fWynd,- Thi8 wnB '"Ken over by Hie municipal government nnd planted Po'n'r oWC.Uh Wh,Ch thCy "ed EAMOW GROUND HEUE "There aro Individuals who have never lone anything for Jesus Christ, and I have no doubt thero nro preachers as well, who havo never done anj thing for tho God Almighty. T. iro nro acres and acres of fallow ground hero In Philadel phia that havo never been touched. Iook enTl.Un,,P,n8,t,"f0' ,00k ovcr ur Pre Pi ,h 1 1 , m,ul futuro a'"1 lako up the In- wm'.m 8lna, nna r,c,,c" ana Wer and wrlto them down, a m....i " ... will nover do. You havo committed your sins, ono by one, you will havo to confess them ono by one. This thing of saying. God I am a sinner,' won't do. 1, J.iod J, Tn. a. eosslper In my neighbor hood. Qod I havo been In my Ice box wiille I nm hero listening to Mr. Sunday. Yu aro u devil. Confess your Bins. How can you promote a revival? You women, if you found that your husband was glv ng his lovo and attention to some other woman nnd if you saw that some other woman was encroaching on his mind and heart, and was usurping your place and was pushing you out of tho plnce, wouldn't you grieve? Don't you think that God grieves whon you push him out of your life? You don't treat God square. You business men don't treat God fair. You let a thou sand things como in and tnko tho place that God Almighty had. No wonder you nro careless. You blame God for things that God Almighty has-for what you havo no right to blame Him for. Ho la not to blamo for nnythlng. You Judge God. The spirit loves the Bible; the devil loves the flesh. "If you don't do your part, don't blame God. How mnny times havo you blamed God when you nro tho liar yourself? You nro wont to blamo him for tho Instances of unbelief that have como Into your life. When should we promote a revival? When thero ls a neglect of prayer? When your prayers affect God? You nover think of going out on the Btreet without dressing. You would be pinched before you went a block. You nover think of going without breakfast, do you? I bet thero are multitudes that havo como hero without reading the Bible or praying for this meeting. "You can measure your desire for sal vation by means of the nmount of self denial you are willing to practice for Jesus Christ. You havo sinned before the church, before tho world, before God, "Don't tho Lord have a hard time? Own up, now. PERSECUTION GODSEND . "There are a lot of peoplo in church, doubtless, who have denied themselves self-denial for comfort and convenience. There aro a lot of people here who never mako any sacrifices for Jesus Chrlsti They will not suffer any re proaches for Jesus Christ. Paul sayr, 'I love to suffer reproaches for Christ.' Tho Bible says, 'Woo unto thee when all mankind speaks well of you.' 'Blessed are you when your enemies persecute you.' That Is one trouble in the churches of God today. They are not willing to suffer reproach for God's sake. It would bo a Godsend If the church would suffer persecution today; she hasn't suffered it for hundreds of years. She is growing rich and lagging behind. Going 'back. "Pride? How many times havo you found yourself exercising prido? How many times havo you attempted pride of wealth? Proud because you wore related to some of the old families that sottled In tho Colonies in 1776. That don't get you anything. Not nt all. I have got aa much to bo proud of as to lineage as any ono; my great-grandfather was in tho Revolutionary AVer; lost a leg at Brandy wine, nnd my father was a soldier In the Civil War. "Envy! Envy of those that have more talent than you. Envious because some one can own a limousine Packard and you have to ride a Brush runabout; en vious because some women can wear a sealskin coat and you a near-seal. "Then there Is your grumbling and faultfinding. When speaking of people behind their backs, telling their faults, whether real or Imaginary, and that ls Blander. "When you sit aroundVand rip people Aip behind their backs at your old sewing societies, where you make mos quito nets for the Eskimos and blankets for the Hottentots; when you rip and tear and discuss your neighbors nnd turn the affair Into a sort of a great big gos siping society, with your fault-finding, grumbling nnd growling. There 1 Is a big difference between levity and happiness and pleasure, and all that sort of thing, "irake up your mind, sissy, that God has given himself up for you. I would like to see something; some thundering along that I would have more Interest In SCHOOLS AND COIXEaE8 rJUIAWEI'l'Jl'A ,. P A GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR MEJJ lYiiArchSt, NVw Day and Evfi.lnsT.rm ju.t 14-lArcnoi, , ' rracticil eourw. undtr eipert men a'!f.r"v BtenogTaphy, Drafting-. Ato Civil Borvlca. Send for booklet. INTAGLIO PORTRAITS OF RULERS OF THE ALLIES Recent photograph of U the rulers of the allied nations. Reproduced in the. beauuful Intaglio '"M, on 11 separate sheet of heavy paper, 10 x 15 ESS. Stable for framing. Given FREE as a special pictorial supplement to the SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 PUBLIC ' Order from your gVBOffl LEDaBB-PHILADBIjPHIA: TUESDAY: AVTTAnv than I have In the cause of God Al mighty! God has a right to tho first Place. God's ls first, remember that. "Multitudes of peoplo nro willing to bo nnythlng thnt doesn't require any self denial on their part to do It. "I nm not a member of any lodge, and never expect to he, but If I were a mem ber of a lodge nnd there wbb a prayer meeting and a lodgo meeting coming on Wednesday night, I would be nt the Prayer meeting Instcnd of nt the lodge meeting. I nm not against tho lodges; they do some good work In tho world, but that don't Bavo anybody for God. God Is first nnd business Is second. In the beginning, Godl Thnt Is tho way tho Blblo starts out and It ought to bo the way Wth every living bclntf. In the be ginning, God. Seek you first God nnd everything clso shall bo added unto you. Christianity Is nddlllon, sin ls subtrnc tlon. Christianity Is pence, Joy, salvn llJn, heaven. Sin tnkes away peace, hap piness, sobriety, nnd It takes nwny health, iou aro robbing God of the time thnt you misspend. You aro robbing God when you spend time doing somothlng tnat don t nmount to nnythlng, when you might bo doing somothlng for Christ, jou nro robbing God when you go to oollsh amusements, when you sit nround rending trashy novels. Instead of tho Word of God. Whon you sit and dream over -Tho Lady of tho Lake,' 'When Ivnlghthood Wns In Flower,' 'Ships That Pass In tho Night,' or novels of Mario CorcllI nnd eating fudge and panucho. CURSE OE BAD TEMPER " 'Oh, Lord, revlvo Thy worki I have only two minutes more and then I nm through. Bad temper. Abuso your wife nnd abuse your children; abuse your hurt-and; turn your old gat ling gun tonguo loose. A ladv enmo to me nnd Bald ,'Mr. Sunday, I know I have a bad temper, but I am over with it In a minute.' So Is tho shotgun, but lt blows everything to pieces. "And, finally, you abuso tho tele phone girl because she doesn't connect you In a minute. "Bad temper. I say you nbuso your wire, you go cussing nround If supper Isii t ready on time; cussing becnuso the coffee Isn t hot; you dig your fork into a hunk of beefsteak, and put it on your P'ato and then ou say: 'Where did you get this. In tho harness shop? Tnko It out and make a hinge for tho door.' Then you go to your storo or office, nnd smile, nnd overybody thinks you are an angel about to sprout wings and fly to tho Imperial realm above. "Bad temper! You growl at your chil dren; you anup and snarl around tho houso until they have to go to tho neighbors to sco a smile. Thev never get a kind word no wonder so "many of them go to tho devil quick. You growl at your servants if they happen to como to tho tablo nnd get on tho wrong aldo of you." COURT PRODS CREDITORS Announces Berg Bros.' Business Will Bo Sued Unless They Act. Creditors dissenting to tho plan of George H. Earlc, Jr., receiver for Berg Brothers, for rehabilitation and con tinuanco of tho business, havo been noti fied through an order from the Common Pleas Court that unless they ngreo to Join in tho proposed plan of reorganiza tion boforo January 2U the assets of tho firm will be sold.. Claims against tho firm now amount to W30.393, as more than $10,000 additional claims were presented after Mr. Enrle had filed his petition with tho court, seeking odvlco and direction for further proceduro as receiver of the business. Mr. Enrle, In a letter to tho creditors, inclosing tho court order, states his In tention tp terminate the receivership ono way or the other and expresses a de sire that tho creditors will become con vinced of the necessity of prompt action. '25 JOIN BUSINESS BODY "Booster's Day" Brings New Mem bers to Passyunk Association. Twenty-five new members were added to tho .roll of tho Passyunk Business Men's Association last night In Reynold's Hall, Passyunk avenue and Moore street, ac a result of "Boosters' Day," recently held by tho association. The North Philadelphia Business Men's Association met at Germantown avenue and Juniata street last night and elected the following officers for tho ensuing year: E. E. Zlegler, president: William L. Clark, vlco president; George B. N. Swift, secretary; Newton E. FTeod. finan cial secretary, and George B; Kimball, treasurer. QUALIFIED EOR CITY POST Phlladelphian First in Test for As sistant Bacteriologist. Three men qualified In tho recent ex amination of the Civil Service Commis sion for the position of first nsilstant bacteriologist In the Bureau of Health. The salary for the post Is J2000 a year. Although the local residence requirement rule was waived In the examination, a Phlladelphian heads the list. The ellglbles and their averages are: Ira 'Aver. 3718 Jf. Grata rt., 02.0T. J. Robbing Hean, 517 Aslibourno road, Aah- iDourne. i-a., vw. Charlfa v. Crastcr, 4S9 Homo tank, N. T.. 75.03, vs., nose- JtESORTS I'OCOXO MOUNTAINH. l'A. TOBOGGANING at BUCK HILL Rat Recuperation Recreation THE WINTER INN Puck Hill falli, Ta. CHARLESTON. B. C. CALHOUN MANSION Dent for excluilvj ratronaso: orldnal Co-lonlsl-furnlahlnrar Southern cooklni. yacht tnr. olr. ttnnU. Mr. and Mra. J. R. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. ROOM. WITH BATH. 1.60 HOTEL BURBRIDGE KtnV MODERN FIREPROOF BT. APOPBT1NE, FLA. THE BARCELONA "a'Af5 "ffiK rrtrate Uthl axclualv. A. N. BUaln. dealer TODAY TWO HELD FOR ASSAULT Accused of Scaling Foreigner nnd Policeman Who Camo to Hcscue. Charles Hunt, Jr., son of former Coun cllman Hunt, who conducts a saloon at 218 Jtnrkct Btreet, ahd Oeorire Keller, 100.1 Newmarket street, woro arraigned beforo JtflGlstrato Scott, In the Front nnd Master ntreets stntlon this mornlnsr on the charge of assaulting and beatlrur Special Police man Daufmati on Now Tear's morning. Ilhey wero each held under W ball for court. The police havo been searching for the men for several days, but were unable to nnd thom until last night. It Is charged that Hunt and Keller, with a number of others, "bent up" a Hungarian nt 3d nnd Poplar slrocls on Now Year's. When Spoclnl Policeman Daufman interfered, lt ls said, ho received like treatment. When Mr. Hunt wns told of his son"a predicament, he refused to aid him, say ing' ho had done everything ho could In tho past nnd would nro let tho law tnko Its course. sTonn oi'wvs FUR SETS Very Nearly Half Price We had first choice of the surplus stock of three leading New York furriers the quality of every piece ta absolutely guaranteed. $40 Black Fox Sets $24.75 r,nrgo bolster muffs & pretty nnlmnl shnpo u i! c k p I o c cs, trimmed with head nnd tall. B37.C0 .Skunk line- SX.. '22.50 ?;1H French Mole- 5.. '19.75 1M7 French 9QEI iirnl Mctft,. . ty 8CO lllnek fl-1 O ..",() Coney Set -t ?ir Knllnitky (vel vet trim- $1 med) MriN 16 ?10 Hnm- 5no.50 , Htcr.Nct.. CtCt $60.00 Fine $0j! 7C1 Fox Sets.. oSU Black, Isabella and Sable Kinds 150 UnilMAX FITCH SUT '85 ' (muffs melon ahane) iao wiiiTM vox si:t... 77.50 r,R scotch mom; sut.s fori r?oo XATUItAI, SKUNK SOQ 'Jtt SUTS Scvarato Muffs ;?10 III.ACK COXHY MUFFS. S2B SKUNK ItACCOON $1 A 7t. .MUFFS J.. iOi 94." SKUNK MUFFS OA 7El ?I2 III.ACK CONI3V fr MUFFS JIJ, F?3.1 SKUNK ItACCOON 51 Q 7ti MUFFS Xa.iU, SECOND FLOOR With Yellow Trading Stamps you get bottor premiums thnn with any other kind It is merchandise of better qunlity and In a wider, moro up-to-dato variety. 4fc en's Clothing Sale Prices Are About Half By securing the entire stock of wlntor suits and ovorcoats from Liveright, Greenwald & Co. Eighth and Spring Garden Streets, Philadelphia Wo can offer this celebrated "Pelhnm" Brand of clothlnc at the grcatost savings ever announced on such high-quality garments. Men's Are Only two are In tho SUITS m F . .'ii I t T ' Jr -t V T. in if IW ' ' i J 1'il , rib i,,',' Jr ,"Ju WOf 'fine, fancy cheviots ana hand-tailored. $12.50 $i Kinds : Vih'. W $16.50 $Q7C Kinds $25.00 at Also in tno $20.00 and $22.50 Overcoats $22.00 and $25.00 Values '10.50 $11.75 (.'. 13.50 Fnnor -Worsted t AO (all sizes) i.VO f t. rt ' i I : ht: "M II I'iLi, if i' 1 III 171 & i Men's Fine Fur-Lined Overcoats te21.50'28.S0lS.'24.S0u'33.50 SECOND FI.OUH, Hiiimiiiinniiiimi In the Great January Clearance of Rugs and Carpets A SPECIAL PURCHASE OF $22.50 High-Pile) ti7 as Axminster Rwl91'' Fifty of these rugs, full room size 918 Win heiutlful floral aiid Oriental designs, made for the coming Spring's MlllnJf by the well-known rhtladelphTa Arm of John Bromley & Bona. S1.35 Wilton Velvet Carpets, 98c Several thousand yards of this excellent make ' PhlladelDhia Carpet Co. For rooms, halls and stairs. $18 Seamless Tapestry $ Brussels Rugs woven in one solid piece of fine WOVen "'""? ;"VJit. n.iantsl twenty norai and rich Oriental 8x12 fet $1.25 Axminster Carpet, 98c Alexander Smith & Sobs' well-known roaKe. alto floral deslarns. with borders to maUh. FOURTH FfJOQR - : is mn og LIT SROTUBRS PH0BE AUTO FATALITIES Numbor of Accidental Deaths 1014 Aroued Court. In The rjrand Jury for this mohth wilt In vestigate every death caused' by autemo. biles. Kftorts to prevent this form ot death will he made becauso of the In creased number ot falalltlea resulting from automobile accidents during 1914. For tho year thero wert 83 cases ot deaths by violence! CO of tho 82 were killed by automobiles. "When tho automobiles cause five eighths of the deaths by violence It Is your duty to be conscious of the rights ot clll sens nnd protect them," said Judge Sulz berger In charging tho Jury, of which Charles A, Hexamcr ls foreman. "The speed limit of 21 miles nn hour in tho city limits does pot give tho automobile driver tho right to kill pedestrians. If a cause comes bofore you of a man being killed at n street crossing, that caso should como before a petit Jury. Neither, tho Coroner, tho District Attorney nor you should have tho right to exonerate such persons." a. si. and closks at r,ao v. m. HATS TRIMMED Lit Brtlbif Double Yellow Trading Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until Noon : After That, Until Closing Time, Single Stamps Market Eighth Filbert Seventh Daintiness and Econ ST omy Unite in 1 Thousands of iindcrmualins in offered or 60c $1.50 to S3 $4.98 $6 Crepe de $J. QQ Chine Petticoats t" White and pink, trimmed with Hhadow laco, embroidery me dallions and ribbon, like Cut. 60c Extra Large 49 c Drawers Of muslin. In straight or circular effect. Trimming of lace or era uroldery. $18 to $25 Sample Suits $Q u or three lot. of a kind, but all sizes In. Knnlish and Conservative Styles worsteds, Scotch tweeds, velours, fancy diuo nna dihck surea; nuuusuiuoi? 98c J J -mt m r TfT W $1.49 f mi SSL 7.50 $20.00 Kinds $23v50 Kinds $10.75 $12.75 j i u and $28.50 Kinds $ 15.50 Balmacaans and Semi-Fitting Overcoats Brown, blue and gray chinchilla, fancy mixed tweeds, blue and gray meltons, blue and black kerseys, $12.50 to $ VeiS!" and $18 $Q 7C $15 Values O. O Values..... 0.J auoway uso in mo nuoway $23.50 and $26.50 510 7C Overcoats $28.00 and $30.00 Values $14.50 I Men' 3 Pn" "re" na 14 I Tudo Sulti. (all sizes).. Tin ae awwwvcn, ma. 1. 1 1 . l House Furnishing Specials Kitchen Utensils Half Price rVeat Serviceable Gray Enamel Ware ilfllil lW-qt. THA 1T 19e B.t.,COKFEH Ofto & TEA I'OTS. iU3 lH-t. HICU iioimnsi. , . 29c 3-ut. HICB lmir.Kim... 49 2-qt. IllIUH -I CO K17ITLES.. X i-ut. senun' ofio J Qg $1,90 Gas Radiator, $1.49 Four tube. Jeweled front Will heat large size room- worsted yarn In natterns. Size patterns. Size $6 Parlor Bxqul- Full nieltel trimmed; olid caat base, with elbow. X1RPFL008 nwTAVVunwmv rnxvws at wwm smew-! g: 1915, GIRL0F18HELDF0RBIQAMY i Accused of Deserting Husband nnd Marrying Another Kan. Ah lS-year-old girl accused of bigamy will be arraigned for a hearing at tho Federal llulldlng today. She Is Annie Flurov, of lid Falrmount avenue. The girl -was arrested Ijy Special Agent Nixon, of the Department of Justice, and locked up In City Hall overnight A month ngo, according to the Federal authorities, the girl left her husband In this city and ran away to Baltimore with a man named Lewis Itawles, of Ashevllle, N. C. Sho imarrlcd Jilm, lt Is charged, to save 'him from prosecution under the M ami not. Tho ceremony waa performed In the Haiti more l'ostofllce nnd tho Government 1ms taken chargo of tho prosecution for bigamy. Paregoric Kills a Woman An overdoso of paregoric, taken acci dentally by Mrs. Hamh Wntklns, 45 years old, of 813 Spruco street, resulted In her death. Neighbors who happened to call upon tho -woman heard her moaning. Blio died heforo a physlclnn could bo summoned. ! MAIIi OR PIIONI3 OrtDEIlS FILLED FREE OF CHARGE January White Sale the newest and prettiest styles aro your choosing 75c Drawers 49c Main Arcade Of cambric or muslin, straight or circular styles, several models of skirt, trimmed with lnco. embroidery or plains. Also Knickerbocker stylo; open or buttoned on side. Corset Covers 39c Main Arcade and Second Floor Of nainsook; some aro all-over cm' broldory, others trlmmod with lace, em broidery or ribbon. Sizes 3G to 4G Inches. Goi0nl:1$l-49to$2.98 Of nainsook In variety of styles Empire effect, high and V-neclc or slip-over model, trimmed with nil-over laco, embroidery and ribbon. Like Cut. Combinations, 98c to $1.98 Drawer-nnd-covor or covcr-nnd-sklrt; somo of all ovor embroidery, others daintily trimmed with lace, embroidery and ribbons. $1.50 Crepe do Chine Camisofcs, 98c Yolto front nnd back of shiulow laco beading and ribbon. All sizes. Mkc Sketch. $1.50 to $3 Flannelette Gowns, 98c to $1.98 Pink and hluo stripes. Havo double yokes; some uro high neck, others "V" or squnre, trim med with fancy braid and stitch ing. $1.98 White Petticoats, 98c Of Hheer materials, with deep embroidery flounce. Or with lace, heading nnd ribbon. SECOND FLOOK Delightful Millinery; For Southern Wear Daringly chic and certainly of barnyard straw with The transparent framclcss hat is another in novation and usually in cool, dainty pinks. blues or white. i Tho jaunty poppy-hued millinery is another import 1 nut phase of tho collection. $4.98, $5.98, $6.98 to $10 Choice and Exceptional Value MILLINERT SALON. THIRD FLOOR Among the Best Values in the January White Sale Arc These Girls' White Dresses $3.50 Sf QQ Values ? $4.50 $0 QQ Values "70 $6.50 SO QQ Values 3-70 $7.50 $4 QQ Values 70 $10 to $1G.50 Values $6.98 & $10 mi JiiT''iTf A very large and beautiful 'assortment of styles In sian lawns, marquisettes batiste, showing trimmings 01 lace, broldory and ribbon. Sketch, snowa une Shea 0 to li V.: In This Great January Outelearing of Curtains and Draperies There Are Kinds and Prices That Will Merest Every Housewifethe Majority Are Worth at Least a Third More, tl-qt. HUHLI1V Qtt' 1CI3TTLES . OO IS-qt, tOUI l'OT Cql. TUA KETTLISS.. U-qt. TEA KirtTI-ES , 14-qt. UIM1I PANS OVAL DISH PANS 59 39" 49 25 39c (uso a no,'. UfO Drapery Materials SSe CretenoB ana t Si IJSo and 15e Taffeta, yd AJV 23 to JlOo Scrim, "I - Volte & Ktajalae.yd AUG WJUj colored boider. Rummnift ot thrO to td-l yrd. Stoves, $3.98 centre gxato draft on one. length, pipe aQ 0 .Minn .i,r iinri'ii i , ir miimi i j iiwli " "- '" ' '". r . , , n .-.. ZJ REMEMBERS BANK EHfH4ires Will of tfemplo Bowdoin CH1r Xtmiil ' Employes Month's Salary, Employes of Drexcl A Co, Mils tjHiv and 3. P. Monran & Co.. Nw .K profit to the extent of one month's Mtlibry each by the will of Tenmla mm filed for probate, which maKei-yer-5lej ; ueorgs lorapia .uowaom, w eon, me, ohlef beneficiary of a fortune of evet$ million aouars. The will provides that each rnpld? of the two banking- firms be given th equivalent of one month's salary. Em ployes who were In the oernonnl civrvt'k of Mr. Ttowdoln for more than Ave yeftri got ono year's salary, and thoso who h4 worked for him shorter terms' get )esefc sums. George Temple Bowdoin Is now a. student at Qroton School. He 1 to bii caucaiea out or a trust fund of JJ,00,0(. When ho Is 21 years old he Is to get $250,000 outright, J500.000 at 25 years, nd the entire estato nt 30 years. An aunt, Margaret 8. Klngsford, Is named guard" Ian If she consents to keep the boy lr this country. Otherwise J. P. Morgan, brother-in-law of the testator, and Dan iel P. Klngsford, tho executbrs, are to oe como the son's guardians. . 1 FOR RE0UUR $2.00 White Waists Dainty Samples and Broken LoU of Our Dcst'Sclling Styles. iMoany every one different. They nro made of lino voiles & lawns, with tho newest stylo daring collars, pretty embroid er y designs, French head ings, poarl but tons and chlo black ribbon snutolr tics. One sketched. $2 and $2.50 Silk Waists Reduced to $1&$1.29 Pretty col ored messa lines, black nnd wlilto China silk; also some net. One la nketclied. .SECOND FLOOR In the January White Salo $6 and $7 Lyra $3 Corsets Choice of two splendid models Coutll with medium bust Long skirts. Slzoa 18 to 3ti. $1.50 P. N. Cor- $1 sets x Throo good stylos medium and low bust, two and th'ree sets of supporters. Sizes 19 to 3C. $3 P. N. & It. & G. Corsets, $2 Coutll and batiste; lone Bklrt. 75c to $1.50 W. B. and Model Brassieres and Bust Con fin ers, '30c, 50c and 75c Sizes 34 to is. SECOND FLOOR : Formal Opening very original are those hats kid or silk crowns Z 5' Offer Wide Girls' Coats Reduced $7.00 $o en Values OoiJXJ $8.00 $A QEJ Values & $9.00 $fi QC Values 2.7U $14.50 to 30 Vqluea 57.50 & ?9.50 Sixes 6 to J4 years frf oWer Per and em- Years BECONP FLOOR $129 JMfk lra o'VJJ I MM v&gOTjrjij dWm 11 $2 Scrim Curtains, Pair. .$1 1Q Fine voile In white and Arabian, J. & ? trlmrond with lace; 3H yards long. Lac Curtains 3 and 3V& Yards law IRISH POINT CURTAINS 5 Va'uc, Q818JSO 9.43, 10 ValB,y.8 ,T,,.. O lvalue, pair Ipalr Some Curtains Slightly Soiled From HandHg VALUE J'AIH.. 4.98 I VALUE PAUL. 598 Swisa.Tambour Curtains 13 VL OQtiaour- 9r e ltKla. pr, ?? !ilW, 8H,l CKktmeut j ftjf IU tee piim. rrniu 2?t-0Qm mfmrnMrmfrmiipixJUiuimM. n wm &rrfTAfiM m$K J ft j M t?4- eti t0 tttimm 4avry. Somiody JUMM $
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers