rKHWi y'fWM FINANCIAL EDITION NldHT EXTRA tM0 -v W mrttor uenura m f J ky ..: V2-' a p NIGHT EXTim ifffC I NO. 9G t"f!i ILLIES' NIGHT LmIflIrfl,m ATI TO M1JNS MORE GROUND i AT STEINBAC Germans Admit Loss of fj m Un WoJrtM s h But Claim Partial Suc cess in Later Counter Charges Joffre'sArmy Also Wins Ground at I-.-, 4 . ' Vi- ir- fornnV- K ' ' -- ''" The capture by the French of im ifortant positions at Ccrnay (Senn Ifctitn) nd Stcinbach, in Upper Al ace, is claimed in today's official jJltate'mcnt issued by the Paris War fo.fice and admitted in the official re Ijiort of the German General Staff. sfAt Cernay a night assault carried the SJielghts, and' counter, attacks by the 'Germans' were repulsed. In the vil lage of Stcinbach, where fighting has 'bsen in progress for five days, the vFrench succeeded - in gaining the "heights, wherq the church and ceme tery are situated, but Berlin reports t that three important positions lost 'yesterday by the Germans were later regained- Though heavy rains have crippled kfantry operations between the rNorth Sea ond the" Oise River, artiN kry duls continue with great vio ejknee. At several points on the Sfront French artillery." has silenccd r$that of the. Germans, while long the ''Aispe ana in wnimpagnc wic irencn .batteries- have established their su 'j)'erfofity .and shelled, the reserve troopi of the enemy- ' uesperate assaults covering several dsvs haje won Borjimow for the Kafitr.. accordintr to the German of- Indal report, which addV that the Rus ?iiflii'fai!ed Iff "three nftrlit' attackT-fB- fregain this specially strengthened po- 'mvuH FRENCH ATTACK WINS HEIGHTS AT STEINBACH fc; Merman Counter Assaults in Upper Alsace. Repulsed PAItlS. .Tnn i. IThe French continue to make ulnw hut IJjrtiin gains In upper Alsace and the Concluded on Face Four THE WEATHER fewri nirrv ;zstkj i i I D KrfSOrt flf n(M .. 14 . ., -i, iri. 'Ito the regular run of things ICr-7 .rte! th demoralizing, more or ISJif ?ww 0I "weeks of preparation for KU !,aSJ?111 celebration of tho holiday ISS?T Tere ,s n0 t,mo of year like bprestnt on fm th intttifiMv. !tvl,wi ot "work- Perhaps you Ptof hvi . s.r '.:.. "rj"""" lC,15Jer U bo PotterlnB around g; ?$! Wl"1 a. duster and a broom or VsKl snv bakota In an office or IV2f..ll..,an?i Ana tor tha times o agjjWMtton there la a real brand of tS'RUlerJn theBa Parts luat now- llwtMM Tvt.1l.0" Der BKatmg, ror sr- "i FORECAST iFor PkUniIJnh!n j -f. l.. . ":'" "'" wwww s? ewuay with not much 'S&QS'tn tAmrHwritif, WV 4tfaila, see page i. iiObservaUonn at Philadelphia H .'. , .....,..., 80.41 If i.w..' . .,t.t. 8mle eSbob. mr"jUhV,::.,"" 'c5?ud'r Bi-nr " ii..m.........twm Wfwa, tiSlV.!" 80 pr cent, ?wtu .i.""";j"iri!t" si Alnianao of tho Day 1 t6mLiVXti,,,,". 4:48 p.m. th 1..., 7:2a a. m. (ji '--r-T-FWB.,,,, S'jT " ampa to Be XAehteA 4 TiIoIm .... 1 M.M,,,.lumap, jg. . -jiiaea fMr ,.V.'"V" 4:01ii,m, rwr tomorrow MSSP-' '. oiuar TVHAitP. lSp ..",'.. . f.f S:49t,m. ei! Uttaorrow ...:::::;n:. juoSst i.W'TBR. tr " ,"W5!sIw m' ' aoir::;;:::::::rj;i8r.s BJCJLTJiiQ TOQAY, fc$sr today on Con- Y" w Mount Airy, UUng , j" Z' " nwmvn vreeti yXi. '? wan a u EZflj3T V &K PRESIDENT DENIES SENDING PEACE ENVOY TO VATICAN Government Officials Know Nothing of Iteported Mission. w"rTlnoSlrt 'in S. Eu.roPn" Pewc They wero inclined to ridicule thn mm. o:i pSSES " thlnK was further from President such n nin r Vi . "-?." Lviinnn'a .,iu..i .. . tnko envoy to see the Pope. He added that no SUc movo was under consgatlon. SDBliiNEVICTOR OVER FORMIDABLE, IS REPORTED SUM Craft That Torpedoed Brit ish Battleship in Channel Herself Said to Have Struck Mirie. BEIUJN, Jan. 4. It la reported hero, though not officially confirmed, that a German submarlno sank tho British battleship Formidable with two torpodos and was herself sunk three hours later by a mine. It Is said that all on board tho subnrnrlno wero lost Tho Identity of tho submarine is not stated In the report. LONDON, Monday, Jan. 4. Captain Arthur N. Loxloy, of tho battle ship Formidable, stood on the bridge smoking a. cigarette as his vessel went down In tho English Channel Friday morning after tho ship was blown up, according to survivors of tho disaster. The Captain's last words, they say, were a compliment to the officer who waa su perintending the launching of tho boats, on the scamanllko manner in- which the work was being done. "Captain tLoxioy gave his orders na calmly fcs If his ship had been in harbor with her anchors down," said one rescued sailor. "The only sign ho gave that any thing was amiss was a brief .speech with which ho exhorted his crow to bo steady. 'Everything Is all right,' ho said. 'KeoD cool, and bo British! There's tons of life In the old ship yet' " SUNDAY PRAISES POLICE ON VISIT TO PORTER EvanBUstr6irs'Dlrector-Pewlffem- bers of J"orce Need Reform. "Billy" and "Ma" Sunday visited the City Hall today to call on Mayor Blnnk- enbtirg and 'Director Porter. Tho Mayor was not in. his office, but William Webb, the executive's messenger, greeted the guests, and, after guiding them about tho reception halU escorted them to Di rector Porter's office, "Your men certainly fulfilled their duty wonderfully well," said "Billy," aa he took a chair In tho Director's office. "Thank you very much," replied' Mr. Portor. "But Just wait a mlnuto until I get the superintendent" yhen Superintendent of Police Robin son arrived Mr. Sunday told the heads of tho department that their men had done, excellent, and that they had per formed greater service at the tabernacle yesterday than policemen had ever done anywhero else during his years aa an evangelist Director Porter told "Billy" that he supposed the policemen 'would all be hit ting the trail before the campaign ended. Sunday smiled and then said: "There may be pome of them. Director, but from the way they performed their cervices yesterday, 1 don't think many of them need to Silt It" Following the visit at City Hall. "Pa" and "Ma" Sunday and some of their party were whirled out Into tho country for an automobile tour. JUDGE, IN ADDRESSING JURY, SCORES RECKLESS AUTOISTS Sulzberger Says Five-eighths of All Deaths Are Sue to Accidents. The great number of homicides, caused by automobile acendents' during the last year, waa the bavls of Judge Sulzberger's Instructions to the January Grand Jury, which was sworn In today before him in Quarter Sessions Cour.t Na L "During the year 19H," said Judge Sulz berger, "there were 83 cases in this city In which men were killed by violence, due to the passions of men, drunken ness, lust, rage and a general disregard of human rights. Of this number 60 -were the result or auiomouiio acciaenu. "The Legislature, in its (wisaom, pas fixed the speed law at U miles per hour within the city limits. But It does not follow that a man driving at that rate of speed has the right to kill people. 'The publlo has the right of way at street crossings. If ft case comes before you of a man being killed at a street Juncture, that case should come before a petit Jury. Neither the Coroner, the mtrict Attorney or you should have the rlsht of exonerating such persons. When automobiles cause five-eighths pf the number of deaths, it w Jutr to be conscious of the rights of citlsens and Charles A. Kexamer. an Insurance broker, of 821 North d street was chosen foreman ot the Jury. PROSPERITY RETURNING IN ALL PARTS OF COUNTRY Reports Show Thousands Back nt Work In Various Industries. NEW TORK, Jan. i'-Aa indicating returning prosperity lntereari? rejwts were received from all Prt of the coun try today, a Ise number of men hav ing retuVned to work after varying T&&.HE; San Francuco the shops of the Southern Pacme Rall ia at Sacramento. Dinumlre, Baa ffSB& 2- SSS .hop, Mont- s&Bjas tSi 5 - NEW CHIEF JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT Chief Justice J. Hay Brown, successor to Chief Justice D. Newlin Supreme Court .or Pennsylvania after a service of 21 yearsi, presided tribunal here today. CAMDEN WILL HAVE GREAT TERMINAL AS RESULT OF BIfi FIRE Kaighn's Point Ferry House to Be Replaced by Fine Structure $1,000,000 Loss There. A magnificent new terminal, large enough to handle the increasing throngs of pleasure-seekers who pass thtough Camden on their way to Now Jersey coast resorts, is to rise from the ruins of the old Kaighn'a Point ferryhouse, destroyed yesterday in one of the. most ruinous fires In the history of the city across the river. Ttit.1 new building will be one of the moat complete terminals of Its kind In the Bast The one destroyed -was altogether Inadequate to provide for the thousands of Phlladelphtans and others from all parts of the country who used it on their way to the seashore. ( Once before the place waa swept by fire, on March zs, wsi. ana me duuuwk that was destroyed yesterday was then built. This soon became Inadequate be cause of Front street cutting directly across the company's yards and com pelling the breaking of long passenger trains and thereby causing an expensive delay In trafflc. This nuisance will end with the erection of the new station. CONSIDER TWO PIANS. Two plans havq been suggested. One plan la to elevate tne iracno m i station over Kalghn avenue. This would do away with the necessity of breaking trains. The other Is to turn the tracks avound from their present position to face south over the coal property of the John H. Dialogue estate. The former of these plans Js considered more S to be adopted, as the city of Camden has a. plan under way to buy the waur-front property of the Dialogue es tate This would prevent an Immediate Purchase by tho railroad. Eight hundred ..-, now busy helping clear away the rt.bris. and It la not thought, any men, vrlll be thrown out of woricj at least noi for a Ions prio4. . . A temporary waiting room has been established and the passengers are being handled as well as. could be expected under the circumstance. The company lost everything, even the uniforms of omDloyes. Many employes had to go to woriT this mowtlns In civilian, clothes. The old Cwuden Rational Bank, Building, at stw" n5 KjtUhiw a,vnu. h" been turned Into temporary .general of- 6 Orders were dUpatofced to .ticket agents alone the line today to noUry U holders ol mautallon "ckets tp take ear y trSMtWtt w!l MMMEM"Ml Ml l"fJ--JJnMlTiml THrinET11TrnTM!ll iiTm 1 iTTTtTTT ?;.,--- a i-mWmmmbmWmVmVmVtJMESM-mSKkVm ft-rH iHVWn PltrXADELPIIIA, MONDAY, JA2TUAUY 4, 1915. J. HAY BROWN BECOMES STATE'S CHIEF JUSTICE Succeeds D. Newlin 3?oll Judge Fraxer Takes Seat on Supreme Bench. One new member was Worn Into the Supreme , Court of Pennsylvania today when that tribunal assomb'led for the January term, and J. Hay Brown, ot Lancaster, formally took the position of Chief Justice, succeeding Justice D. New lin Fell, who retired. Robert S. Frazer, Allegheny County, is the new member of tho court. An .unusually large number of young members of the bar from various parts of the country applied for admission to practice, before the court. The first case In the list of appeals for argument was that of the Commonwealth versus March, and this was held over pending action 'of thf Delaware County courts In another case that will have bearing on It, by request of counsel for March. Members of the 'Allegheny County bar sent a large basket of American beauty roses to Justice Frazer. A delegation of lawyers frpm the county was present to witness the simple ceremonies attendant on his Induction Into office, chler Jus tice Brown's term expires In January, 1921, while Justice Frazer has the full 21-year term ahead of him. TWO WORKMEN INJURED Employes of Nixon Paper Company Taken to Hospital. Two employes were Injured today at the TV. It. Nixon Taper Company, Nixon street above Fountain. The accidents' happened within foru hours of each other. A copper wire got unaer me 1001 01 "William Corslto, a fireman, and threw him from the staging. 25 feet, upon a. pile of paper rolls, lie broke his right leg and was taken to St. Timothy's Hospital. Thaet was at 8 o'clock. Just before noon Joseph Sllverthorn, Bfl years old, of 4568 Sllverwood street,-was working on the same staging. lie lost his balance, fell upon the curved surface ot the hot boiler and landed In a pile of hot ashes. He was taken to the same ward with his po-worker, suffering from facturea of the right leg an dthlgh and many burns and bruises. Workmen's Compensation prill be one of the big issues in the coming legislature. The experi ence of Massachusetts under its act, now in force two and a half years, is of great interest at this time. What tt is and how it works will be described on the editorial page tomorrow by a writer who has made a careful study of the subject. It is a big human ques tion, and is On the Brumbaugh Program Pennsylvania is a laggard in- this kind of legislation, but will catch up with the procession at-the com ing session pf the Legislature, The Evening Ledger will present th inside of the work MMt'i gjueMfett quMtioH in tjtversf Smt of ! vAU npjmr imam m utimwuiiiwaiMinii imi i .iiari muni Linmnl SWORN IN TODAY Fell, wh6 has retired from' the at the opening, session of that, ' 'MAYOR CAN HAVE MY RESIGNATION;' STATES'DR. HARTE Declares He Would Quit on Five Minutes' Notice. Quarrel With Assistant Cause. A crisis may be reached at any tlmo In the Department of Health arid Charities because ot the friction between Director Harte and Assistant Director Wilson. In view of the situation, a rumor was circu lated that Doctor Harte would tender his resignation. When questioned concerning this, the Director said: "I have not considered resigning the directorship, but the Mayor can have my resignation in Ave minutes if he asks for It "I am trylng to ,run the department on non-polltlcal lines, and I propose doing so as long as I am here. I do nbt feel I, want to resign after becoming so deeply Interested In the work. I have Btarted a number ot projects that I don't feel like dropping In a peremptory manner. It would (tot be Just to a number ot persons who are depending on me ( carry these plans through. I have discussed tho mat ter .with the Mayor and told him that conditions in the department were not satisfactory, lie asked me to postpone further discussion because he was not feeling well. This I did, but since the matter now Is a subject for general gos sip, I feel that It should be settled." Doctor Harte also said hevwould get In touch with several friends who are re sponsible for his membership In the Mayor's cabinet and would make a full statement later. Relations between the Director and heads of pther departments also are strained because of Doctor Harte's, ap proval of Architect PhlUp H. Johnson. Concluded ori Face Two FIRE MARSHAL PROSECUTES 48 Property Owners gerved With Summons Charging Neglect. Jfortyrelght property owners, among them former Congressman Keubln Q. Q toon, were served with summoncs today, on complaint of Fife Marshal Elliott, wliq charged them with having failed to equip their tenements with fire-escapes, For several days Fire Marshal Elliott has had inspectors in the dowutowu sear ton. of the city making a record of house "whl?h have no flitj-eacapes. Following- a confrjjoe with Asibjtant JWtor 11c Sorler, sueaiaona for 18 propty owners was Issued. Mot of the property owners w repre santed bsfora atastttrste, Stantjvwn by pwwL 8 sra te m -lQoiiiai Hcaafeirown najtuiwid the 4jfsAV1SlMrl- )itoi(8WWStt ftltorw m w -y P- s 13$m 1111 iimb ! wmir mm wbww ui mui nmii "J 'trt w ' .r -' na uki Corrstonr, 1015, m ins rnuo Lnxua Ceunnr. "COME ON, LOBSTERS' CHALLENGES SUNDAY; 60,000 CHANT AMENS Striking Aphorisms hi'Sunday's Sermons An angel couldn't come doum from heaven and associate with some of tho people von associate ivith and get back to heaven if it wot disin fected with all kinds of formoldo htrde. I'll rtoht that hellish rum hustnass from breakfast to hell and look again and then some. Borne peoplo say, "There Is no hell." Thcv won't be there a minute before thcv are rcadv to admit thev were wrong. Our churches are organized to death now. You can hear them squeak. There's not enough oil In the world to make them run smoothlv. What thev need Is the JIolv Bplrlt. I don't blame a man for staving out late In a club Instead of Icing home with his wife, If ho has to plav second fiddle to a bow-legged bull pup. When it comes to the divorce question I'm a Roman Catholic. If jou don't fix it with Qod be fore tho undertaker pumps the em balming fluid Into you vou'll never get to heaven. If President Wilson should phone me tomorrow and sav: "Bill, come down and exchange jobs with me? I'd yell right back: "Nothing doing, Woodrow." I know some of jou people don't like some of the things I'm saving. Well, w'e Jiave id doors around here. If vou don't llko it, beat it. I don't care. Borne people talk through their noses to keep from wearing out their false teeth. If I see a icomon smoking a clg-. arctte, I know alt about her;. Tou don't need to tell me. I can read her heart. If. the socletv gambling crowd don't get mv bov, that crowd over in tho dtrtv, stinking booze joint won't get htm. Ifs that first crowd I'm after. I'm for socletv, but I'm ' out against the sins of socletv. I'm a politician, not a partisan. I'lhvotc for ani) good man, no mat ter what (Ickct he's on. The sons of the majorttv of our brldge-whlst socletv women are the missing link bcttveeh the monkey and the man. A lot of flne-dressed socletv worn- en and- inch' only count, lojicn 'the census-taker comes around. ' .. "Wte ,nyjfi eAp. news,.at4itt,.Gnf i pel of JesUs "Christ Ji' a disgrace io this country, lie ought to pack.'u his trunk, and beat U to a country Where they, Wave-'the, red- flag:- I'm against the union, of churcp and Btate. It can -never come-here If anybody tried it the country would be filled With rivers Of rid blood. TJiere is no decent man in the country who does not believe in Qod. POLICE RAZb "COKE" DENINTENDERLOIN AND ARREST FODR 105 Packages of Drug, an Opium Layout and Jew elry Confiscated in "the Roost." Police history was made in the early hours of this morning when bluecoats of the 11th and Winter streets station raided a. house at S4t North 10th street and con flscated the largest quantity of "colte" and "hop" ever taken In a single raid In this city. They made prisoners of four young men and along with the "dope" found a. lot of Jewelry that corresponds to the descrip tion of a lot stolen recently from the Crown Trading Stamp Company, 1007-1000 Arch street 'Buch a sensation was caused In the neighborhood by the raid and the arrests that political protection, which bar made possible the maintenance of the "Joint" for U years, was hastily withdrawn, and the proprietress announced this mornlnff that her nerves were giving away under constant "strain and that she would close It and move away in two weeks. "COKE" TAKEN JN RAID. The haul made by tho police Included 105 packages of cocaine, in quantities from one-half drachm to a full drachm; one complete opium layout that had been used much, and bottles of "coke and a large cake Of opium ready for the pipe. All these were found carelessly placed on the bureau of one of the bedrooms and on a table. The Jewelry was In a ciEar box on the bureau. There was no attempt to conceal the stuff, and the PoUce say that It Is Impossible that the proprietors ot the bouse did-not know erfrJA'rro'Jv.lle Harrison, a years olds James Meebani B years oldj Fred Marto. S8 years old. and Louis Ca plno, 28 years old. They were arraigned before Magistrate Eraely and held In fSKJ ball each for ,p. further hearing. The police said today that for the past eight years the house has been a sus pected place and that whenever oqe ot the "underground" gentry was want4 this house was Invariable searched. It Is known tq the police as "The ltoost." CIT EMPLOYE MENTIONED. . It has been on record at tha station' house tdr some time that the plaee was run. by Fraylc Shields,, a, iranieriber l. the Qfflce of the Register of Deeds. b-' cause som rnqnth ago whe a 'y-a-nlsht" wa arrested tot tbsft of an over coat, to the pocket wr rwd Ui lw u this ha, and tb potto ud tfeein to srcA jg J !!L2!SLif rtm? - - I . ,.i. i. ,ifc JL.m,-- n-rirls-Tir-am . J Jl P ' . M.M M .SB.3. HBB IH. I..I I ..II Ul I II UU IHI.BBiSi11 1. - ' fa . b. 4 -'-'" .&B&&t pftiOE oot ossms 'Tm Here to Fight You Sin Ridden Guzzkrs From Breakfast ta Hell" is His Message. Multitude Besieges Big Tabernacle on First-Bay and Is Swayed by : Evkh gelist's Verbal Broadside at Sin. , Greater thanthe'throngsat a'.Wrthr, ringed circus were the three s'tidfeiieet ,m "hMrwJ' v &ia4ed "Billy" Sunday through tho omi W mons of his Philadelphia campaign -terday and last night. More thin. MafV men nnd women heard him. SCore tha. 15,000 tried to, but failed. ' In the morning the tabernacle at 19th and Vine etreets was filled, and a :?ew, thousands atood in tho vestibules, intks, afternoon all tho seating space In the! building and all the standing room In side and In the vestibules were takes. Many were unable to find standing room, and went away to return and bo disap pointed again In the, evening. At loat 15,000 persons clamored, In Valrt, to get inside 'at the last service. As soon as the afternoon, meeting ad-, Joumed at 3:30 o'clock, persons -desirous of -attending tho evening services formed' . a line outside the tabernacle. Policemen tried to hold them back, but. were llterally llfted off their feet Two hours bsfor the evening services began the tabernacU was again- packed. Even the private ea-' trnnces for ministers, members of the committee, and newspaper mi .were be sieged bo much; that nianyj-b'f, tboso hold In official cards .wee unable 40 get In side! Among ,on & the- hut' Jio';ee.t ls-i side waij-Edward ;h; onpall, treasure -; s-JffiUw C,ommtttWlven,lie was locked vout .for a quarter ofrati hour, JTo the.yast; 'thMn'gs'ltjsemed,-as,''thoubI the wiry, athletic Utile baseball bW"j2 'preacher wbulj wear Unueftj'Wf'ftM' ' first day; rThe Rev., Dr. (JcorgetH. jB(cs ley, chairman of the. prayer' meeting, com mittee asked him why he dfd It at the close of' the evening service after the Iter. Mr. Sunday had shaken the. hands of more thon-SOaO'persons. "Billy" .simply grinned. "Never mind," he said, "I'm usi warming- up.'' j An hour later, while in bed In his home at 1S11 Spring Garden street, the evan gelist told an Evening Lrcocn reporter It was one of the greatest days he had ever iiau. xio jinjjiea ana rojiea ojsou on his bed. lie Joked with all the mem bers of his party who dropped In to see him. lie roldr "Why Just you say for me that that was the greatest bunch, of cheereni for an opening reception that I have ever had. I never saw such an. enthusiastic audience. And that slnglngl . Gee, boy, lust wait till Ilodey has a few more hitches with it There will be' nothinS In the way ot music that can equal that singing. Philadelphia ,1s a week ahead of any campaign 1 have ever had." "MA" SUNPAT ENTHUSIASTIC. "Ma" Sunday wos Just aa enthusiastic. She talked with- her husband, and s&Id. that she had ' never seen -so -much en r 'thuslasm. And then she picked up a bunch ot telegrams and letters and said,! "There are more messages pf Eood wishes from our 'trall-hlttlng- friends. In all parts of the country than we have ever received at an opening meeting-," . .Among them were greetings from Ply. ;, mouth. Pa.; Columbus, Ohio; Huntingdon, -. W. Vs., and dozens of other places. The Bev- Mr. Bmdsy was alstf free with his praise tor the policemen. He, said there had never been better cars given in this direction. Director Porter sat on the platform during the evening service, But when he saw crowds flUlmJ the aisles he made a tour of entrant and several thousand standing ymtt driven out. In his opening address "Billy" hit at all sinful things and persons with terrift force. He stood before the vt throne and defied the devil ,and U his lropti and followers to come forward and tight Come ahead. All tha buach-orBu-w down, sin-ridden, whiskey-soaked. Wfc- guwllng lobsters, and fight. I'm BT ; " afraid of you. Maybe you think you on a lick your -Uncle Puller. Well, tafce ;t $, chance, It you like. I'll stand up hw and i"" ' ". '",' Concluded sn psge W BUHNS PHOVE XAXXIt Death Comes to Woman Who !t'JI to Her Boy and Hersolf. "With the death at the Bpfeewat jBNso pltal yesterday of Mrs. kyata, RftfJ.. holder, the trasredy planned W t wow on New year's Day wa cohij41. Mrs. Bhelpholder. who reajUgg- $ ttsf North Iwrence street, warfthf ( w? . ; tlnued family quarrels and heswt Immm: with fear for tha future of Twr-,frr! son naymona, poured elt uwa W herself and set H aftre, T& jWT mm New Year's mv- She, wsttlSpw In agony lor two days- fi QT AKB JWftO! 93 am. k fsu Jftir&; 3J w53jmjjs - - SSrslW-iS ai vm mfisssB. ... 1 MSHI L sjii kjl' "B-najL. dHy'SHJ' ,miihJL " -A 'a m mmm mm lTgBgj . . '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers