FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA Sirtiger tcuenma NIGHT EXTRA fOX. I NO. 98 TIIIIiADELPIIIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 0, 1915 CenxisnT, lots, t mi rcsuo tzeoni Coiirinr. l?BI0BO2ID0I!3Ka? GERMANS CHECK 700 SUFFER IN MAD FIRE PANIC IN N.Y. SUBWAY "MA." SUNDAY AND OLDEST SON GEORGE SUNDAY DEPLORES LACK OF HARMONY AMONG CHURCHES FOE'S MENACING . DRIVE IN ALSACE aiser's Troops Recap ture Trenches East of iThann, But Elsewhere i French Resist Furious Cannonade, c t. Mihiel Menaced by Allies' Advance Along the Meuse Teuton Assaults Alotig the Coast Repulsed. . J..... 3tt &1fl)rM h rrtnca u?v ,.,..... om Thann has suffered a check, ac- tilng to admissions mane in rans. lie uermans hvc u-. ... .- pturing trenches on a hill outstae iVrnav. but their attacks upon her French positions in that region lye Been rcpuio.u. lie French are continuing their en- Moping movement upon St. Mihiel, fed that position, so long neia Dy xnc ermans, is seriously menaced, in north the Germans have attempted Lister attacks along the jhincs of i West Flanders coast, but without sireciable gains. Petrograd chronicles belief, based i Warsaw reports, that the Germans Fe preparing for a general withdraw- i'from the Fihca and uzura mvers. lolation from the German bases, Ue to the Russian forward movement hd sweep to the Carpathians, is as- libed as the cause of the retreat, as ion Hindenburg is said to fear tide turning movement. Russian success is elsewhere ap- arent, the Czar's forces continuing he occupation of Bukowina and.pre- aring to burst into the Austrian rovince of Transylvania. i Russian forces,- in routing the Turk- ih invasion of Transcaucasia, cap- bred 0,000 prisoners. ERMANS CHECK FRENCH ADVANCE INTO ALSACE hunter Attacks Eegaln Trenches Lost East of Thann. PARIS, Jan. 8. Th French drive upon Muelhauseni In lljace, has been halted. This is virtu- 1 admitted In today's official commu- Mue. which says that the Germans have ueeeeded In rooocupylng one of tholr old hashes on the. eastern alopo of hill No. 4 THE WEATHER The weather today has a grouch. No explaining why. Just look out the rip, And that Is one of the meanest Rttttthe weather has. It refuses to IfJBSjtnd plows along on Its own way prenve ot your wishes or anybody :. Bnt lust beonuHA the weather has t??ch no reason at all -why you " nave one. Hather It la the nest 98011 In th wnrM nltes- mi tittit1 tin R"re is not muoh backbone In the. per- l2i?O0 succumbs to the trivial. Save rreuehea for something moro worth fewrupt tV FORECAST W Philadelphia and vicinity QirngM an& probably Thursday f Br tonighti moderate itrinds southeast. r details est page 9, i &brvAtlona at Philadelphia , O A, . 5nV.,,IlI.,,, ' 30 S3 ,., .'.'.'.'.WAyiiis.'lY miles iKM,i:.VWV'"ttini.i,i .Rain lY. ' """"IMIIIKIU Ul twtuw :;v.x. rrtflitii.i... ol t-?W,i i3 Almanao of tho pay i rT,.nW. ,10.2a turn. lamps to Be WgWed we Thlel...,..,..,H:03p. jn. The Tides QIW BICHMOWD, Jlmm '...WfllMfftKMtWft . ...... 1.IA . liWo. wmorrow rrir otoj ra. iVT 8TBHET "WHARF, ... .. . ..l.D .. in. Iff , -w...j ugy. in "H"? VV.T".--..Msii z vamtx ISLAND. ., 3.-0TP.IU. -twW":v:.::-.:!:::J3Sca SHAWATffi, ,",...,,...,,..,. SaOp. m. tnmJJ"M- 1I3JP.BU 'T-mVM 9 'iiiuiti 54Tt i Ioa VktvI V o m&.Tma today '3 iS nl LnUn tJ., I.. ...... OOLLAPBE OP TVllKtiY'B TJtAtrsOAVOABIA ItAtD 'Phm Tjfwl.i.t. t . . Urrltcll CJJapJ'ed 3 BMMlan trnr.V if frc,ed f Ottoman forces. far, the larocst clfu of Kars tad? aJS f "" Pn.lWe at tack and aleae 6j fAe Turks. ,lan SSS'ta ?"," ousted Jliu- fronn? nA ro'afcf ! ie Gear's invaders. ' ut o t;,e An cnjirc rttrfc7i armi corpa mas occr7dn i00CiHcr iDtth theoerman oncers in command. Approximately 50,000 Turkish wis- To" rVakfn hd, thc ""' thrnun1".0 bf,fc int0 Omenta '"rough mountain passes, where iheir destruction Is almost certain. Batum, a strategic Russian Black Bca port, threatened for more than melfos'.apparc""J' ' rcHci-cif. The oattlcs in Kars were fought m yiounfoin passes, some 8000 faet nfgh. The Turks arc now beaten Jncfc orer the route upon whtch they pressed the Itusslan Invaders, foU lowing the latler's early sweep into Arvienla, threatening Erzerum. .iX "y.'":."v?n J Trans. 425, but the French hold tho summit of this hilt and are maintaining other posN tlons In that region. Tho German troops In Flanders are at tempting to regain the ground taken by the Allies in the sand dunes along the coast and southeast of St Georges, but two attacks have been repulsed. It was Concluded on I'n Be Four BRITAIN SELLS GERMAN SHIPS CAPTURED IN WAR $650,000 Proceeds to Be Divided Among Navy Men. LONDON, Jan. 6. Great Britain yester day sold at auction four German ships captured slnco tho outbreak of tho war and now lying at various English ports, This was to bo the first auction sale of ships undor Prize Court rulings. "By order of tho Admiralty no bids will bo considered which represent an ad vance of less than 5," said tho auction eer In opening tho sale. Tho first ship offered after the conditions, which were principally designed to prevent any of the vessels from falling Into the hands of for eigners, were read, was the UJla Boog, a single-deck steamship of 1693 gross ton nage. Immediately 13.000 was bid for It. This b!a-wasrnpniijrjutnped 6qo'orjifl000 ul u nine uuui 4.4iuvu imii ueuii uucrcu Then It was raised 50 at a bid to 23,150 (about $115,000), at which prlco It was knocked down. " The total um realized by the auction wns 130 733 (about 650 000). This sum will be divided by tho Government amony tho men of 'he while navy. In wars be foio the present or.o prlzo money of this desorlptlon was divided only among the crews making the captures. TURKS SHELL ALLIES' SHIPS Ports of Dardanelles Open on Bom barding Fleet. LONDON, Jnn. 8. A wlrelejs dispatch from Berlin says a report received In the German capital from Athens states that tho Dardanelles forts have begun a bombardment of the blockading Anglo French fleets and that one torpedo boat has been slightly damaged. BRITISH SENT TO THE AISNE Reported Taking Places of Prench Shifted to Alsace. ROTTERDAM, Jan. 6. A number of French and British pris oners haVe just been taken through Liege from the district around Rhelms, where they were captured. This Indicates that British troops have been sent to strengthen the French lines along the Alsne. It Is reported that the British are taking the places of French BOldlers who have been transferred to the southeast for the Alsace camppalgn. DEMOCRATIC WOMEN ASK PRESIDENT TO AID SUFFRAGE Deputation Calls at White House to TJrge Brlatow-Mondell Resolution. WASHINGTON. Jan. 8. There was an other woman suffrage pilgrimage to the White House today. The President re ceived a deputation of Democratlo wo men who came to enlist his aid in sup porting the patsage of the Bristow Mondell suffrage resolution now pending In Congress, Some of the most prominent suffragettes in the United StaUa were In the delegation. , Followlne mass-meeting at 1 o clock the suffrage workers marched upon the White House and were received by the President. The "pilgrimage" to the White House was made In gaily decorated auto- Atnonir the prominent women who par .iSf were Mrs. Reuben Batterthwalt, of Wilmington. Del.; Dr. Frances Van. Gaskn of Ph ladelphlas Mre. "Elizabeth WageMtb, also of Philadelphia: Mrs. TWrensPrlW. pf Maryland, and Mrs. WV W and Mrs B 8. Nco. of Virginia. Bonds to Pay German teVy LONDON, Jan. ft-A news agency dls- patch states that the Germans Jevled a tar tine rancs ,'W0'C00) on Courtrel. Belgium, on Monday- The mu- SSnff and goods near Eooglede. Building Boom at Haddon Heights weatb 1 " k Every builder in th,e borough has eonu fa prlrig, he- MVhTwm&t&J erf & oth" sides ta8wrXod idle tor sevvai which have "rBoBS nriy Packed in Train, Men and Women Struggle in Dark in Dense Smoke; Saved by Heroic Firemen. One Woman DIos Entire Un derground System of City Tied Up When Cable Burnt Out. Repairs May Take Week. NEW YORK SUBWAY VIBABTER RELATED IN BRIEF FORM One dead, IS In serious condition, 100 suffering from effects of Injury, shock or smoke asphyxiation. Panto folloiccd complete paralysis of subicay system oiLlng to burning out of cable at main poncr plant; city will lose main transportation artery for several days. Dense smpkc from fire In Broad way subway, between 55th and 50th streets, caused panic in which hun dreds In "stalled" (rains fought to escape. Passengers packed in some trains had waited an hour and 40 minutes In darkness befoxe fire started. Twenty-five firemen In one. squad overcome In subicay. Tuo suffered broken ribs when trampled by pas sengers. Meyer Gunz. passenger, repojted to police that he had been compelled to knock doxon a subway guard be fore he was able to escape from his car. NEW YORK, Jan. 6 Hundreds of men and women packed In a Bubway train fought In a mad panic to escape, when dense smoke filled tho cars today. Seven hundred persons ore suffering from the offects of Injuries, smoke, asphyxiation or shook, thousands -were so unnerved by fright that they required medical attention, and that only one death resulted, Instead of hundreds, was duo to the heroism of the Bremen, 25 ot whom -were overcomo In rescuing the trapped passengers. 6f those who suffered, about 100 were overcome by smoke. The train was caught far below th,e iurfecoi thaatreftandftmiedJ passengers had to Bo mtea up cy means of ropes or carried out by firemen in a roundabout way. The worst transportation , accident In New York's history started at 8.02 o'clock, when a "blowout" tied up the entire system from the Upper Bronx to Brook ln. Between Hth street and 4th all "btalled" trains were shrouded In dark ness. 6ne hour and forty minutes later fire started In the block between 60th and 63th streets. Passengers declare trains were afire, but traction officials deny this. Directly under EGth street, a north bound express train and a southbound local were "stalled." Both were jammed with passengers. It was these who suf fered most. TRAPPED IN DARKNESS. Trapped In the darkness with the tunnel filling with the choking smoko from burning Insulation rubber many were rendered unconscious. Others, utterly Danlo stricken, tore loose from, the clutches of the more cool-headed who would restrain them and attempted to find their way through the dark, smoke nlled tunnel to an exit. Some fell by the way, unconscious. Others fought their companions In frenzied panle, That scores were not Hilled was, due to the speedy arrival of the firemen who tore openvmanholes and ventilator gratings, jowered ladders and brought down lights so that the victims could see. For nearly two hours Chief Kenyon and his men worked In relays, getting the passengers to safety. Hardly one who -was brought out was conscious. All of the ambulances of the city and all of the pulmotors available were rushed to the scene. The streets In the vicinity re sembled a battlefield. Unconscious forms were stretched out everywhere, while up and down the line the doctors hurried, administering first aid. Some were ablo to gl home. In the West Bide Y, M. C. A., 19 are receiving medical attention. One woman, who waa not Identified, died shortly after being taken to the Poly clinic Hospital. The situation around the 58th street station was the worst on the subway sys tem, but under Central Park, where the tunnel Is narrow and low, hundreds of women fainted and there were serious panics. There was no smoke panlo there. SYSTEM TIED UP FOR DAYS. , This afternoon it was feared that the sub way could not be put into full operation for at least a week. Trains ore running rfom Van Cortland Park to Broadway and 13Tth street o the Broadway Una and from Bronx Park to 143th on the Lenox avenue branch, but no one waa prepared to fay when, through service could be resumed. FJre Chief Kenyon, who led the rescue work at 65th street, told a graphlo story of what' took place underground, "It was a chamber of horrors down there," he said. "Never in jny experlenee & a fireman have I witnessed queh a icene. There were 100 people in the stalled trains. Men and women were sit ting stark In their seats with eyes glazed and faces turned UP. unconscious. Others were crawling around on the floors, knocking down those who were uncon scious and trampling those who were lying on the floor "Many had fallen unconscious crawling through the windows Other ha4 fallen In tbelr wad rush, attempting to grope their way up and down the tunnel to the Mth and th streets stations. We found men propped UP against the subway walls under ventilators, where they had crawled to set fresh air Others lay on their faces on the track and Between tho tracks " gthera were made pomfortable in the atres, aaraee and private house Yat George Marquis Sunday, who is 23 years old, arrived today to aid in executive affairs connected with his father's campaign. He came direct from the Sunday home at Winona Lake, Ind. He is in the automobile business. ENGLAND MAY USE KNOX HAGUE PLAN AS SHIPPING REPLY Washington Learns Former Secretary's Circular on Neutrals' Rights Will Be Cited by Sir Edward Grey PoiNTB OF KNOX NOTE ON OAROO BElZUREti 07i. JflJernoMonal Prlxe, Oourt at aVbtiralLnoieers. ", , This court shall be empoloercd to Settle, alf, cases that may arise. Thv Aeciilo'n Of this court shall be final and there shall be no ap peal. This cotirt shall be empowered to decide for all nations what Is noxo and what ought to be absolute con traband. Under the Knox proposal this court toould be able to settle all eases infolulntr oarco detention noto pending. Were the Knox proposal adopted in the present case the court would be composed of delegates represent ing the United States, Great Britain, France and Russia. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. The State Department officials have good reason to "believe, though so far not dlreotly from Sir Edward Orey. that he will Invoke in the present contraband and, neutral ship controversy the famous circular to the Powers of Philander C. Knar, when Seoretary of State, on these and similar subjects. Briefly 'summarized, Secretary Knox's note proposed that the prize court at The Hague "should be invested with abritral powers" for tho settlement of all disputed cases. This note was re. garded at the time with great favor by everal of the important powers, but when the present Administration came into cower It was put aside and the Bryan peace treaties pushed to the front. Yesterday there was an Important con ference between officials of the State De partment and Dr. James Brown Scott, at one time the representative ot the Unite States at The Hague tribunal and who has, It is learned, been appointed by President Wilson special agent of the Government "In relation to controversies growing out of the European war. v It was learned that'there has been "a suggestion" which amounts to a sound ing1 of this Government to refer the ques tions of contraband and. the subordinate question of the detention of ships to an organization like that proposed by Sec retary Knox "In case there should be Concluded on Face Two PITTSBURGH INDUSTRIES FEEL PROSPERITY'S SPUR Many Orders for Steel Cars and large One for Baila Deceived, PITTSBURGH, Jan. .-An optlmistlo chord Has been struck In Industrial cir cles of the PltUburgh district within the last few days In the form of substantial prders dtitrlbuted among various plants for steel and wire plant. One of the largest orders has Just been placed for (09 tank cars, with, the Stand ard Steel Car Company, ot Butler, which will be built for the Union Tank Mno Company, The Pennsylvania, Railroad Company has made inquiries regarding cars of the various types. The Baltmore and Ohio Company Is In the market for !000 box and steel hopper ears. The Pressed Steel Car Company la now engaged In the construction of 00 tank oars for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa F Railroad. It U said orders have been placed for about 409,000 tons of ateel rails, of which a. large fraction will be used by tha Erie Railroad in the installation of a double ttack. eyitem between Byiacuie and But' DR.HARTERESIGNS AS HEALTH DIRECTOR AT MAYOR'S REQUEST Blankenburg Asks Head of Health Department to Quit, Following Breach Over Hospital Contract. Dr. S. Lewis Ziegler, of 162S Wal nut street, was appointed to succeed Doctor Harte aB Director of the De partment of Public Health and Char ities by Mavor Blankenburrr this jUftf scmp and was jworn jrt at 3:30 1 orclock'in UieTMayor's office. Tie was1 for five years medical director of Wilis eye riospitai. The Mayor 'also requested tho resig nation of Assistant Director Wilson, which was forthcoming immediately. Dr. Richard H. Harte, Director of Public Health and Charities, resigned hid post today at the request of Mayor Blankenburg. Doctor Harte said Mayor Blankenburg told him he would also aBk for thc leslgnatlon of Assistant Director Alexander M. Wilson. Friction first apparent last June over tho question of giving, Architect Philip IX. Johnson tho contract for tho recon struction of the Philadelphia Hospital, with a B por cent, feo that would amount to nbout 300,000, brought about the resig nation. Assistant Director Wilson was unal terably opposed, with the Blankenburg Administration, to Johnson. Director Harte favored Johnson, his friends say, more because ho wanted things accom plished without any further hitch 'than for any personal reasons. In favoring Johnson It was the feeling among Administration adherents that Di rector Harte leaned to Councils fort all tho aid he could get from them. This looked to the Administration like a pact with the Republican organization. So long as the difference of opinion between Assistant Director Wilson and Director Harte existed matters would have been delayed. Two days ago the friction came to the point where Director Harte said the Mayor could have his resignation If he wanted It. At the same time the Director said he was not anxious to resign. He declared he had Btarted several big Improvements and that he did not think It would be fair to those who depended on him to carry them to conclusion to ireslgn of his own accord. Announcement of the resignation caused n distinct surprise In City Hall and among politicians. Harte Is the first member of the Blankenburg cabinet to resign except Dr. Joseph S. Neff, whom ho succeeded. Doctor Neff resigned be cause of Illness. Until the trouble In the Department of Publio Health nnd Charities developed the Blankenburg administration had been Angularly free from discord. There has been no trouble of any kind brought to light and few differences of opinion be tween the Mayor and his official family. Conjecture at City Hall was that an other move would be started o give the directorship to Mr. Wilson. The law pro vides that the Incumbent be a physician, which Mr. Wilson is pot At the time Doctor Neff resigned there was consider able talk of seeking an amendment to this, so that WJUon could take the pest. The resignation came a few minutes after the conclusion of one of the short est cabinet meetings on .record, "was called at 11 o'clock and, ended half an hour later. There waa more than a sug gestion of acrimony to the conversation that ended with the Director's resigns, t on Near the, close of the formal meet ing the Mayer asked If any of the di rectors had anything to say. "I have something to say," announced Director Harte. "Let that go until later." said the Mayor. Directors Harte and Cooke got Into a discussion of the Johnson matter, whlU the other directors were filing out of the Mayor's office. When all the rest were gone Director Harte, addressing the Mayor, said: "It Is impossible for me to work with Asjlstant Director Wilson." '"JCou haven't attempted to work with blra. have you!" asked the Mayer, "or to hava Dim work With your Yes X hve, replied the Director, "but I found it useless to attempt to do o J found I oould handle affairs in roy department better alone. I don't want to take advise from a man whose Judgment Is not good " "Well, under thota ehrottmatancaa." aeld Striking Sundayisms From Today's Sermon If the church Is not doing tho work of God, who 1st The sa loons arc hot. Thc politicians arc not. The clubs arc not. If the church Isn't doing it, show me, I'll quit It. You may not believe In God, but there isn't any old Infidel who can run Ills own farm without follow ing thc Blulnc order. Thc time spent In gelling an ed ucation Isn't icastcd. Time I spent rating and sleeping isn't wastid. It's horse sense to do thevt things. Let's have horse sense in thc church. Some churches have clocks screwed on f7ic pulpits, and I believe thc devil has his hand In that. If the mfnfsfcr happens to go five min utes overtime, whetvt No doubt the disciples had Just as pressing business as thc men of Philadelphia today. They had no time for ice water at their meetings. The average church pays more at tention to the kitchen than to thc Holy Bplrlt. Borne people think they can't run a church tolthont oyster soup. I believe In oyster soup, but I do not believe in coaxing quarters ottt of men's pockets to pay thc ptcachcr. I can experiment with religion as I can tolth water. Experience will do jnorc than forly'mllllon theories. There can be no wedding unless two parties are agreed. If the girl says "No" that ends it. Von't think you're with God because your name is on a church record, Lots of you women haven't re ligion enough to go home and burn that pack of cards, take the beer out of the lee box, or take thc dish you won at the card party, you black legged gamblers, and bust it. MORE THAN MILLION DOLLARS SBENT IN 'HmBJJ ELECTING PENROSE Charge Made by Palmer and Rupley in Asking Senate Committee to Investigate. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-That moro than a million dollars was collected and spent for the election of Senator Pen rose In Pennsjlvanla during the past year, and that the manner of tho use of this money and failure of certain or ganizations to report their part In It hnd vitiated tho election, was tho charge made to the Senate Privileges and Elec tions Committee today by Bcpreaenta tlves A. Mitchell Palmer, Democrat, and Bupley, Progressive, of Pennsjl vanla. Palmer was Penrose's Democratlo opponent at the last election. The committee had before It the Norrls resolution proIding for an Investigation of the campaign expenditures of sena torial candidates In Pennsylvania and Illinois In the primaries and final elec tion. Upon the suggestion of Senator Oliver, of Pennsylvania, the committee deferred action on the resolution until It could communicate with Senator Penrose, who Is out of town, and learn whether he wishes to appear before the committee. "We told the committee," slid Mr. Palmer, "of more than a million dollars which was corraled by various persons ppd organizations In behalf of Senator Pentose's candidacy, and how It was spent." WOULD AID UNEMPLOYED Philadelphia Women's Clubs Seek State Legislation to Help Idle. A vigorous campaign to obtain legisla tion from the present Legislature to cor rect the situation ot the unemployed will be launched Monday morning in the of fice ot Mayor Blankenburg by the com bined wopien's clubs of Philadelphia. Thfa was announced today at the meeting of the Executive Board of the Equal Fran chise Society, at which plans were be gun for a campaign to have the Legisla ture submit the question of votes for women to the voters. A committee was appointed recently by the board to unite the women's clubs of Philadelphia for a campaign to force legislation covering the question of the unemployed. The committee reported this morning that practically every important club In Philadelphia has promised to send a delegate to the meeting Monday morning. MAY DIE FROM HER BURNS Woman and Grandson Injured at Harrisburg Fire. HAItlUSBURG. Jan. .-Durlng a fire that damaged three houses In the west end of Harrisburg early today. Mrs. Ida Blair, aged ti, received burns that may cause her death at the Harrisburg Hos pital, where she waa removed after Are men had rescued her from her burning bedroom. Boy Blair, aged 9. a, grandsqiu was In Jured by a falling celling. Motorraan Killed Between. Oars WILMINGTON. Del. Jan. f.-Bber Stout. 50 years old, a trolley ruotoircmu living at WW Laurel street, was caught between two o at Maryland avenue and Cedar street today und o baoir mfc4 that b am- i "Too Much Oyster Soup for Religion," He De clares, in Afternoon Sermon to Thousands. Hundreds Wait Hours to Hear Evangelist Renew His Campaign Against Sin and Laud the Bible "I like oyster soup, but the moro of" H you use In tho church to raise youfpjui tor's salary nnd to pay your chureh debts, tho faster tho church runs to the devil.'r declared "Billy" Sunday this afternoon.,. Tho evangelist hurled scores of his blunt sentences nt the thousands of men arj women who crowded Into the big. taber nacle at 13th and Vino streets. ' Sunday called for co-operation arneng the church members and the noed of a baptism ot the Holy Ghost. The audience cheered him through his discourse on "Tho Itcvlval at Pentecost" t "Von can novel succeed In runnlngwir churches without the Holy Ghost," ho said. "You can organize, prepare, ge tho best ringers and preacher, but you can never get any placo under tho bud without tho power or the Holy Ghost You must be In one nccord. It there fs one crowd pulling ono direction and an other pulling another, you will stand atlll and the people will go to hell. THE NEED OP HARMONY ''You can't liavo a wedding unless twp agree. If you propose to a girl and .she eaya 'Not on your ll(e,' that ends; it. Two can't wall: together unless they agTeei It is Just the Bamo In the work oWi( Church. No man can do anythlnjjfor tho Church if he 1b pulling agajnstjtome, other man In his church. Stop 'otir,l!l petty differences, get right with, flodfand help to snvo thousands In this great city from hell." Tho big audience cheered nnd applauded "Billy" ns he Jumped-through hJsjBennon, It was somewhat shorter than 'he usually preacher. Because of the bad1 day, and the need of to.klpg carp of hlSTroIoe for Hie bisnieetlnE "tonight hedegaaa riotf'to- talk long this afternoon, , Drizsllng rain and Icy pavements could not Keep the crowd away from thje tabeji naole today. Before n&on hundreds or men and Women ha4 assemble at'fhe big building, There they strolled along the half-mile of sawdust trails bnd sat down In desirable front scats to await the opening ot the afternoon meeting. After reading of his merciless ham mering against tho Indifference of church members and clergy yesterday, 'throngs hied themselves from their -homes early In the hope that they could hear him re new his attack today, , Many of the early arrivals carpe from , touns and cities and rural sections. AH parts of eastern Pennsylvania, lew Jer sey nnd Delaware were represented. Not a few carried food with them, And while sitting In tho tabernacle, had thcr noon- uay mem. ai ins same umo mousanas swarmed into the restaurant ion the parkway and partook of "hot dogs" and. the usual "ready-to-serve" menu that la to be found there at all hours. FEELINO LIKE A CRICKET. Mr. Sunday said he waa feeling aB "live as a cricket" this morning when ho kicked out of his blankets and waa put through his morning exercises by Jack Cardiff, his trainer. After' a light breakfast, he went to his room and read. Concluded oo rage Two SUNDAY'S SON GEORGE HERE TO ASSIST EVANGELIST Young Man Surprises Family by Appearing nt Breakfast Time. Joy filled the "Billy" Sunday house hold at 1911 Spring Garden street when "Billy's" oldest son, George Marquis Sunday, walked Into the dining room In time for ham and eggs at 8:30 this morn ing. ,rBilly" had been expecting his son this morning, but as the train that was bring ing him from Winona Lake, Ind , waa reported late, the parly that bad been delegated to meet him a? the station missed him, and they had already made a report to his father that he ,was not on the train. "Hello there, pop!" said the big broad shouldered son. as "Billy and "Ma" arose from their seats at the table. "Hurrah! Good for ysu. enni J3laO. you're herel" shouted. the evangeltstf"a "Ma" throw her arms around bereon'fc neck. ' WIBELE33 ACBOS3 CQNTnCBflg Messages Exchanged Between Ar lington, Va., and San Diego, CaL WASHINGTON. Jan. 8.-Acting Secre tary of the Navy Roosevelt amwuuewt today that the Navy Depaitment bes suc ceeded in establishing constant and re liable radio communication between the itations at San Diego. Cal, nnd ArHwt ton, Va. , , . Messages can be sent by day and ntW. Several days ago a 150-word message transmitted with only three errors. LOST AND SOUHD ,tvrtlM in the JSvenlng JUJ? or.P r thu Kwt M rouna ru- Sa tw b n at tat Ml bm$ fintril will U Ule lor x e&f- SSta n t ln (tmrd tti Hi I uTd tuA aiMiS, mhMt, tn Jt; f SurtTjEW PS1J tt Z&-lter 1eaL D ij mmv3 Hi C. Kewer ijAtTr i jst. asjs 322 year T. tTW( ,hIa on artT """ " -"" gmUiia tm frwe Swr pS imm -- ihiinrm.aii -mimm "rf SI . , t 1 ,,.,. , ' .ai.Ji.ii&13.iJS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers