:-Tw. iHlI'lrt'mil'ufl!""1"' ' miiMU IMI-UUM'. tfSTOAj WEDNESDAY ' December 30,1914' 'i- THE. NEWS FROM THE CITY, NATION AND WAR AREA SEEN THROUGH THE CAMERA LENS t-WV',!TTT ?ss?a-fjajin t'Swiii ?p rr ifs &-V Jft HnI 7v . mf j-TdAc. -i - - - av.:yu4 . . -.----.-.- umiiiip ii i i 'r. i !::'' .' -ii. .'" ' nHiMr CifJtewa," 'v:J; -': ''H Thwtel wwrlaj ', WH v i IB K.f. 'i 'ix IBH ., .i,,- .,ii,a. , -. -nB(inT..r.,..j -in-. --. -f rrriTMiii i. iiiiiiii ; l J tofrfty -L. ihsjBi uriMTmi? 'cSt&iB' 5wiy'' 'z " L. rPSM 3 ' . fHOT', '. "r-.s. .-. .''.1?iX JjB? .' : ''; ''" , t '$?' . --.''- .' 'vv:-: " . v',." .; ';-? -v-J ?" ' r OS wj B I -' m .!' x . " r RfiJ&.- &y . AS- ni' Wmm'1 K irp. .m tomM th d olurtn Jlht Media IhoUrttf in cou lFi throughJ eeeainMi td MM PHb Id ,w "Hc-J'l "ii uin ptirchass corner mm iot w street, SA .. ror uiyj cre. Two- this pti .Bale i "L ,353.781 ihtiA Mis. Oel 113, Ml 10.3 M u. nai Zt 8T W1B, JU . DO ita. M JSES r."" ? nco. 1 f vtnnr kM M SThfl ' laSsS1 . worffe-vi wth at reaj1 o X.an4of 88th atr la be twt-fo,; N6Vcml Gfrord th wci "touth S75 dwelllri W2.C00. ' North X Mos both b! bulldln of tha fe. or ronwi Thn etart. roant irff ," AW 0t!l J3 j . B t 8i4eM Ssdo. dowtio Duljair 1910.. All docrne Lnnsd. Int- m 1BS2. HI lew. Jvji- IBM. nue. If lot 1 ,treat( if . 11 ftVl1KJ ueoi Thtoft IBP Of.: W dwi fnvjuU: Callez Fbflad; Si" very ri u tixS Teya. e)ttvatfc" cctlor Ori pjsr treat 1 (-t f mi am ii i i, t ir ft. lap i p' Xrllf ftr ttmmeea-r n it . jiv ,jba w .jok . 'v .... u' '.. " .... jit 'k... x .nir r-Bisr R-t jrfT . TV V 4 J S -Htm KK. ' -JU i it b.uMMrflKMMManilBBMI .utwKM" mC V.' .x-wii-e" ----t 4TA dfi- ' -" iS" SiWB!B'j. li,"Pi'lLP!,. .r? C ' ,:: (HRI vvij4HHV 9 - . . .. . n . . i v., v '. l.y'yA "" -1 1', p w ; . , fe n ;'- fe!..'- '- -Ve fr-v" - s '-v . i ... lCwSSS. -.i- . ' fcA ! ?iv S ; - ' .S.i,s.I.i,;s:. -, imtuwm a s - " fvr . .? i i ! wW-' m - -"-' V.v'ti Jt .S W JW'ir ff 'B B isvvv,'. .i &i4 rcc' H-mH.'i , i d' Aa' 1 j; i'" wvbm i - n k - i-n i i k:tji jp.'-.tj. t .tiM. ss r ,urMi. c.v'flft. jww- . tfflPSP njvgnHMHHMf "A '""MkLT' -t n-I-IitTi;'S,'X .-rrv . riBrir3l! "- .iK" V ffl '' - -m. 'Z!??! mxX .MMd fir-"" IrSJB 3 ir.aiWWi siiB RUSSIAN BATTERY AWAITING RANGE SIGNAL One oF the most striking photographs that has come from the war zone. The contrast of the grim guns against the peaceful white snow and the frost-laden lira in the background ma:e3 an c::cellsnt picture. KS3 I to: iF? . - - , . ' i ' ' .''.-''-.A.'- -W-. v-v.: -. . - l - Ni-- -ia.'..y !.:. : !- lilt trr- -i---.ii:v ,- .v:-r-'- .' "-' ..';' '-i.' :-; vv ' 4111 fcrr5 -l " MR' fil'i .,-X ''"i.v--- - I V '' ' "MHH S'f J,T - .-. -.' SgSLi. ifkC ;w 'T CHARMS OF PANAMA-CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION AT SAN DIEGO TO BE REVEALED ON NEW YEAR'S DAY " Scene along the Prado, which will be opened to the public gaze on Friday. scffev,. - .' - -;, -mv-'ii:: tJi84-i&:'Ji--crj HHHIH f -II Ip 11 1 ill iii Jflypli HHHS-J2iLliiil I -bis 1: I Iii 'i' iitnir"! MJM . J-x -v" v WtT( iniBn? M 3T gy?aMTV'- - ,?. vjjje.ttfi. :v. ..r-ww "MiWHIW A view across the Laguna de les Flores from the Home Economy Building, California Exposl- tion at San Diego. sE c lBSPBIIIBh i .'5is Ksi :BBxf!9u!HB vsit t ' Math, - Kx E 6 11 111' TOil!citfli3 & ' ' -' ,- '- liSBBBlB lLi3lBBBBBl.--s!",'t:Mrr(.... , BRINGING THE WAR HOME TO ENGLAND A workman lotthS Tin West Hartlepool after the raiding German squadron of cruisers had done its work. " wxwmxmxi i0 Mli $$& fW Copyright, by Paul Thompson AMERICAN GIRL TO MARRY GERMAN SAILOR-PRINCE Miss Elizabeth Reid Rogers, of Washington, and Prince Christian of Hesse met first in Cairo. Before the war the Kaiser gave his consent. Now Miss Rogers is in Berlin and Prince Christian Is on a battleship in the Kiel Canal. The 'Prince was an officer with the German squadron which Visited America in 1912. WBIBlrMP'Mwwt liH ,BllHBBMHBliaBtl3k B giSlTOWKWaflMHEHBl rimf ' JbbSBH ! jf ofl4BBSBBBtBBaBHBBHBaBBBBHVSl J " , 'J ?V ftfSP- TlTBf tU'faL'. ..tf . mBT JKI CHILD PERFORMERS IN THE PI,AY 'BIBl' - .Mfs8 Louisa Segal, in the doll costume, and Miss EUs Cohen' were two small stars ntht prodttion at The little Thstre yesterday a?terBoon"t gven for the beneJgt of the Southward NefgljborhqodJrlpUie." The play '"' ' dealt wjtb certalii adventures in Toy laad. ' -"" " THOUSANDS OP CHILDREN ENTERTAINED BY REPRESENTATIVE VARE AT THEATRP paptv Youngster, from all sections o South Philadelphia pouredhj -Hwrn . liiriM Tillinii Tl.,,7. , , Vg,AT T"EATRE PARTY proviqea va ConeressntiB William S. Vare feeeiv? " Porter streets, yesterday where 5PCK. jiacn young gmat 5 4 - J f 1. &' - a ,4- a Pt'SS$W-Si al 444AH(j :S?lt-?r.flri St&'?y: 3smls!iMm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers