0 v ' -x 4 SPORTS PINAL, SPORTS 4l JBp i I VOI I NO. 91 ALL! m ELGIANPOST IN TWO-MIL COAST DKIYE Vigorous Assault Gains St. Georges, and Get ' mans Are Pushed Back ; in Region South of Nieuport -Steinbach : in Alsace is Invested. 'Advance Reported in Argonne. Allies' aggressive maneuvers, de spite" severe storiris which are ragiriff and difficult ground on account of the show and ice, have rccultcd in decided advantages 'in Flanders, while equal vigor and results have marked tne French campaign in Alsace. In the (north the Allies have occupied St. EGcorgcs by a two-mile dash south of SfNieuport and an Alsatian drive has tended with the investment of Stem Ibach. The Germans have been ousted from trenches which they seized re gcently in the Argonne, according to (this afternoon's communique from the Paris War Office, which admits, how sver, that Von Kluk's artillery is Iviolently bombarding the French po laitions on the main road from' Roye 3 Amiens. ' A German official statement denies Iny loss ot advantage in tne vicinity if Nieuport and .claims repulse of Russian attacks at How and. Lodz in 'oland. This report virtually contra- ji t''p Kfnrh communique. The Austrian army in Galicia, CUt in twain byjaRussian wedge point t in tvain jjyjaRussian wedge at Crdcow,nciWi is. fn disi hat' k ,a ed at Crdcow,inoWi is. fn disorderly s'DRIVE FOE FROM ST. GEORGES 'Advances Made in Nieuport,. Hegion 4 and Alsace, fails Reports. , PARIS. Dec. 23. A gain or more than two miles In Bel i'glum, violent bombardment .by tho Ger- imans ot tne Allies' positions alontr the Condudnl on aice Four THE WEATHER ) One would have BUppos6I this morning i that the pavements had the hoot and . Jnouth disease or some other dread ! malady from the way pedestrians ..avoided them and soufeht refuge In the Pireeis, n -was an amusing signc inaeeu to see old Father Penn slipping. sUdlnc jnd sloshing around In the centre of jne car tracKs on nis way to worlc. nut ho condition ot the pavements was inore or less seasonable at that. It vllt be some slipping going on that, to say me least, won't do connneu- to icy pavements. From, which there Is a moral: I UvsntvA Tint tn vnnnlu FORECAST For Philadelphia and vicinity Ifiain and alightlyy warmer tonight; Wednesday cloudy, followed by clear inn and colder in the afternoon and night; freeh southeast winds shifting ia yiorinwesi ntanesnay, - . For details, tec, page S, Observattpas at Philadelphia, 8 a, ir. kU .-Ui ' " t Tx. 'aTi Tito, " M.iri RAfflMSk JHreniAt . ' ma a m H'cmoeratura ""' ' w.wi IffiW :..;:&; s ctK," JT v. ........... Till In v i'lPrlrinltallnn l.r i 1,. ""J2? lIstiDlmum temperaturt. .,'..., ..;!:...., at Almanac of the Say un sets film rises tomorrow. .. Tgla, ot. . . em ; m. -.I0:!p. m. -Wloon sets tomorrow. jWWO S9UIU sf1, lamps to Be Lighted jAuJo Md Otb.tr Vehicle. '. . j.Wp. m. The Tides port RipintOjNp. w ttr rt Water tw liiiaES 7-11 n m TWK mirimm 'ItiaCaL am H3WWT 8TltHBT WHAHP. it tor t oaiwftw 3TjCS water tsworrow JiWCS: HfP WlJiUD. VJZ ::::::::::::;::;:::::; m- Ur tomorrow i'JBJ.m' mtot HtSst SXAINO TODAY CWf&r tm-klf mile battk from ikje Co kimbia avstiM idg and ram (firitfd ie,tu btid&M. to PairHntuut dtin; (Jumtine uttd Cancotir l.ksi ia WrnMwt Purk, Mtmtbuf Pmrit LaA v-i.J Crsskiin Villi 1 tk at fl-fg eHBHeis'MHI)riirw ' JWftStgv. JoaMBBM" wHHH &-&"lrJll3 jWBCSu '"j itiissTillPTHeMHsKr""HWW esaatsasiaaa fBBBwMWWw)Bg)WWte.?S?n R JlnSOKnMHBf&fr!' STARVATION TO END GERMANY'S POWER, SAYS NORTHCLIFFE Noted English Editor De clares Teuton Militar ism Must Be Strangled to Insure Permanent , Peace, and Such, He Assures 'United States There Is No Fear- of Japanese Peril and Praises Ameri can Attitude Thinks German Government and Army Are Powerful But Senseless Machines. (Copyright, 1014, by Th United Trtu, Enr llih nights Iteaervnl.) By XOBD NOnTHCLIFFE Oumr of the London Times, tho London Daily ilatt and the London Evening Xews, LONDON. Dec. 29. The Increasing loquacity of the highly placed Germans, the Crown Prince, Ad miral von Tlrpltz, Dernberg and Com pany, I regard as a sign of anxiety and' weakness. Thls Is rot among the Ger man people, from whom the facts are even yet hidden, but among the ruling class of Germnny, who, pf course, are well aware that Oermany is fighting a losing, war. " You will notice that all -of these Teu tonla spokesmen as-Is wopt with beaten men alternately -whine an$ threaten. We are content to let Von TIrplts. and' the Crown Prince do the talking while Lord Fisher. und General Joffre do the shooting. v j Pray do jjpt thnk that we underesti mate the Germans. Many of us are of the opinion that this qolgssal war will go several years- Nona the less, Ger many Is beaten and was Waten the day U.j-etreated from Paris. Its. battle for TJallls Urnoy-ln Its 80th -day, -and It Is anoner .jmpcwsjoie epori. , its mercantile rpsrtrie;jbltj6Tr wlPI .Ofrtlie,seas,. jNew; Tork.'habpr-l9 Indicative of wliat has happenedjirf.lherest of the world. The yrhglftrprnsltial object of Gerjnany has b'eeix .defcat&d. It Is now ever wherebii.a. defensive," eixept Irt Bel. Concluded on J'uso yonr TT. S, AIKS SHOOTINO PB6BE Amerfcaxplluntera Shot by CaitAdla'ii. ,. -Bqrof Patrol. ', WASttljmTON, Dec. 38,-iAt the fV. quest of the State Department the British Ambassador t4day 1rd the Xlovenwr Qanwal. uf Canada, requUng hlra toririve k t. ..1 m .L . . . ' - rwyi or e snooirog of Walter M, Charles t)orch by the 4Jna- att P4ir. The mw were 4uk 10 tfte Irtagara Rlvw 3wisr4y. Albert Baker Keed4 Rt Boat James W, Baker, of Jtf, Gtiy ?sj( av aue. CpAimHfi lft' h& vk&r to eaptaln of DMsoIJvoji OCrott .kkuc brtn to lt his ojtpwTWJdft mm, tf ctAue, wwl sj oUag, sw. w nw in w om PMU4iPi, Re quttt is m& to uf AlhesT sr to retura horn at oace as bis liauahter haM Just died -m , Wimmi W m Twitay 0, WW CHKOTBR. Pa. n-. at ura EUmbeia Henoeil. wife of Jeel 1'e.i- nli, (ajeats in to i-Uuua Iran .,,d Wel Cfiupattj plnSt Cmt4vttt, did . fil f ,lf r' 4f,to , ear of! : ,""'"' "" " w ,"" l(w t"uiM-Jail jks.fr mjh ftatAuai. ips& M--t iiytun siaitll nms$t FIRST PHOTOGRAPHS Lord Northclifies Views on the Wiar Copyright. 10U. by United ITeis. Germany is beaten and was beaten tho day she retreated from Paris. The horrors of Belgium will put Cawnporc in the background. Gertuanv will be strannled and. &&&liW'"L&t 'tiarvalian and.at "ttiiUbn;hvVffli&i)race.i3wUlfmim& of years ana not of pxontlis. The Japanese have kept strictly to tle letter of their dgreeinent with the Allies. Anericans aro well aware of the size of the English navy and know that for 100 year's it has been friendly to them. The Japanese are. abundantly cognisant of the latent power of the United States. v It is fortunate that' the German army und present German Govern ment has produced no Bismarck, no Von Moltke, no Von Roan, The German army and. Govern went is a superb machine with no braini at the top. ROYAL MAIL LINER TRENT SUNK AT HER.HOME PORT Ship That Rescued Walter Wellroah Lost In the Thames, NEW YQIUv, Dec. 23. Notice was posted on' the. Maritime Exchange this afternoon that the Royal Mall liner Trent had been sunk" at her home pier In Lon dom Sanderson & Son, local agents of the line, did not know, whether, the liner was' sunk by the gal? which Is raging along the EngIqh coast or by German design, r Thi Trejit was the shjp that.v rescued! Walter Wellman and his craw-. from "the airsh'lpMn which they attempted.tp crojjs the Atlantic. She was last in this port on, November 21. having proceeded to' Lqn- don by way of the West Indies. ? - STEAM COAL PRICES IN CI.T.Y', ARE RAISEpj25CEfiTS A-T0N Change Affects. -Cost of Blkie.aitd Buckwheat Shces. -ji'. " - The price of rtce,jnI buokwlieat .sUes1 BJ steam cpal haa been advanced R cenfs" a, Jon in Philadelphia fn the faxe;of thV ivcui ucviaiun oi ine oiaic i-uoie aer-- vfee Commission reducing the cost ofibnr.nnv in iroJntf'frbm house to house coal to the dealers after January 12; This becama IJnojyn "bite thls.ftejryjonr" after the Oeorka" 6. "Ne.wton CSBafCom- iany,ompos,ed of a, soore aMndivhjuaV cenejeros., and a Uoiejr "outalde" "tgaipAr flilisr large etmunes, ot steam seal,, qf th adyaase. , The ladeiendent .deale have not Increased the prie and do riot contepiplattt 4oViit a the "W- Oftle.lals of. the .Kewton comply rer fuied to dlscusa tjie.advahej,' jfWhen the, rt4uctton In earryinjC rale btewnes a reality, U wM be tUjie.epogk to dW prlcM." said one oajdol of th cjonipa,y. VVflrlam Bryant, on ttatleit dealer, old th tnA?CA4At ceuoerns were asked to Join the Nwtn CojBiaajr to sdvaoctoff the price of rtwiu eur. hut sfsd. al tkouvh toy dtt-iiot sxiwct tb reduo Uom to trryii ehvwm. wbicU art scheduled 10 bo Into ejfat January 1J, w wvtwb ,ajH.u) nc a ysmr mx least xvu uuiuyiiul TSaS HVOK WeVS BXV&B hv U. la . -- 4t - .. . "' Z7'XU 7.? JZ.V? ea tu llldlBhla had hM t.. t!Tr 0 wUttw h "toe comoln8 wu tweed la iiiueua a. inuiu ' -,i ,h., TT. deoJers .iHeMlt44 Uta the Nioj, Cuto pop pobib, esaMrt it nr u- vOJ is tut iot luevatovtuiert 4 h 1 1 ftftigt 4.s4v ti s rgffti tuiwt tH te-jMet PHILADELPHIA, TUESJOAT, DECEMBER 29, 1914. SHOWING. RESULTS OF BOMBARDMENT OF ENGLISH HHsHgB; I-- I.. .. . .. .-J. BBBBfflMBiv BVBvBBBBBMSiBlPHSllllSBlBBJ BBBWBfiiBWiHff'ii fTn1 iTfniiiiiiriMF BBBBBgpBBBiMWpvSl.i BBBBBaaaPksnifaa IbvbVbS :KnaBiiBB(ftganWMirWsr ;WiilBBuBHBBBi gHB9HBBl&BBMnB&. " ' BBBBjBBBBBBBBH bbVbVbVbbbwbbIkbIbVJbVbb!''''' MB"'''MWSWBHKirWWBHBWBIE3Wa lnL...XffKl "JHBBHHBBaBBaKaB9SHBS Photos by Underwood anil I'nOern-ooJ. Above, to the left, is a shop In Prospect Road, Scarborough, where the wife of the proprietor was Wiled by a shell. On the right is the house of Walter Rea, Member of Parliament from Scarborough, showing the yawning hole made by the Germans' 8-inch guns. Below are the historic ruins of old Whitby Abbey, at Whitby, as they appeared after suffering a bombardment, of 20 minutes. THAW AGENTS WORK NOVEL PLAN. HERE TO AID SLAYER Distribute Pamphlets to Arouse Sen--. timent Against Extradition. Apenjs.fpr the Kraver Detective Agency today .began their work of distributing a flvp-poge' pamphlet, part of a plan to creao"'serjTlment for' Harry" K. Thaw with a view' to preventing his return to th- JJatteawan Asylunu The circular wUt.he distributed all oyer the United Htates. .accordljg to agents for Thaw, and laterIt Is proposed o Introduce a bill In Congress providing for the return to their homes "of crl6ijnallk.lnane persona aqult ted' of crlmeln'thelr ojvn State. liTiiB pamphlet" was written, by the late btlfrBd'Henny.-Lewls.HtccordlnS, to Jay A. HfjJKraver. of the' PKltad.tlpha ageney. It Ts;.calfed "n Her 'xenth Year-th'e Thiw - Case," and. 4eelarei that much relevant evidence was suppressed at the -Tliaw. trjals. Fifty meneraplQyed by tht throjjghqj4t KhlladjsJphlajdistrlbmlng. the pamphlet. 1 1. Is. planned ta lea V one in evey home IhT'lillaaetiia." Norristown and Chester.' fnVwoir. wm'take about a ':mopth, according ' t' HrsVer1 estimate. 'VMRS; BIGOW WEDS i 1 , 4..U Becomes the, Wifa o,f Edward M. Pa- delifad. Society Is liitereajed.djjl the announce sHUy)y r'.rew4H of the mar riage. 9f Wr. 911 Iiaa,8oiji Wge law to Inward H.. Hadelford, of in oah and Nw. Yk. Mrs. H4glwys dtaejsed hyHeMfm P- Ws&oyi. of Cbt ejjo. early to thf fail o the grniiBij of dSseHetttt. ffeeM :wcm twosWWiB of the Ami tawiijft, a MntjUga DatUs tolgelow a led A(Mn Wk1ow. The foirner is vmh bar Matai and ibe uu j. atudvui at AlpeWDOlIt Usg. PsaUUud is at daugbtec ef bugeue $vda and staler 4 Chart A. Itord ad atiiis $tory Hofda, uf the city. 8b h 4tt ajuch t her time abroad. Re) ativtw U04 WRiUm 94 til uW at bt anki'imm t Hr. e-tHoni. o tU hod ooi bfi iwMHd Th ujavr4j(i ik i!U t'i a.kicud lUili Mlci ilitaw to Astrology a Scie'iic? Astrologu is not necestarttu char lantrv. .1 ruling to this effect 61 o A'ei" Vorfc Judge lias cvused somewhat of a sensation. tn.leaal pir eles and constitutes the fcit.or, a tlmelg article by vAxae TiioupsoF . to be printed on j10 eJitorfaj pqpe 0 fhe livening hedoet .,tomorroo. Mr. Thompson's article tejls of some, of the' famous astralauers.of Tl'tory and their accomplishment's. Order the Evening Ledger from yoUr newsdealer earlg. ANYBODY SEEN A COLD WAVE? George Bliss and U. S. Weather Board Differ as to Forecast. Ts unottKi' cold wave on the way? The "Weather Bureaus at Washington and J'hllaUelplila are at odds on the pqlijt. An olfiuidl forecast from "Washington an-- nnunced that rain and snow today and ftnnlJVit In Iha irtriilla Mlnalafllnnl il Iakii regions will be foljowedby, a. jcold nau that will strike the Atlantic and tvew Knsland States tomorrow afternoon nr iitKlRr. told wave warriinea for toniirnt hay, been sspsd generally from frags to Wert Ttrglnla ana the North. Lqeal Forecaster Bliss said rumors of the oomlng ld wave ar grealj! ex aggerated. The Philadelphia "wather man" sa It will be sUgbtly warnjer, to night and somewhat colder tomorrow afternoon, but that the drop to tempera ture will be very small. OUNNIUQlSAANDBRyiBATIQH Deputy Who May Bo .ttorao-y Qea ral Meets QoyentQtvelMt. ItARRtSPUOa. Pa.. TH- SCXesse B. jp CiMrtieHpHam. deputy Attwmnr q eml, pMNntnoBtly mMlMd as toe next Attorney 0eerM DM'lMlMtl of tk 4ttate ttoaad at VdueaWsR, toft wttb tit board today, hut CtovMsuHMect Bra Uub. a. meutoe of toe haofd. would net discuss his probble AppotaUueut, It was a: a Mr. Cunningham as culled I to the meeting mirtlx a a laatter of ruutM. MwBtaatad by tie Friist WAJiHlNUTUN. Dec. --Th Vl-Mlt. veday aent (he BAMntiiatious to Ui Tu be Jltdej A IMatnt CutT vl ALski. DIviik'B N'O. I ' fmtjltM . BtiC aUj. ui J4, A-t,ei ConmanT, 19H.nt tub rontto Mtnon Comtim, COAST BY GERMAN FLEET isr-t MRS., DONALDSON AND MAID HEL-DlJNDERBAlL FOR COURT Attorneys in "War ' of Wof ds At- 'tempt to Waive Hearing-.' ' There was a war of words between John Jl, K. Scott and David N, Smyth at .the hearine of JIrs; W.- F- Uonaldson, KKXJ Gljea.triut street, and "h'si". French maid, "annle . Blanc, In Magistrate Beaton's Court today. They were accused of as sault and battery by Mrs. Evelyn Donald son., Sir. Smith, as attorney for Mrs. W. F. Donaldson and her maid, waived a hear lngr and the former was held under J6C0 and' th,e latter under $1000 for court. Mr., Spolt represented Mrs. Evelyn Donaldson. 'Jdrs, W. F., Donaldson arrived early to avoid "a large crowd of curious persons. She, wore black and concealed her face behind a heavy black veil. Her mold and attorney assisted her from her car riage. Mrs. Evelyn Donaldson came In a limousine and wore a blue broadcloth suit. . The only word spoken-by the elder Mrs. Donaldson was in' response to a question I jor ntr namB aml address by Moglstrafft t 'v"- -' u immeuiawy asKea that the case be sent to court, but Mr, $cott Insisted that the case be heard so f that appropriate ball might be fixed. f onarp wprus passea owen the e two aUoroeys. when Mr. Scott, questioning his client. "'Mrs.' Evelyn Donaldson, asked It th jnald bod Mt testified " previously Ttnat sne cquw jtraveuAer Mra. JtYolyii Ponaldsp) to be a bad wenwn." -: "No one knows better ' than ytm' that i.uch & question Is improper," said Mr. If you dtjn't wal6h.yimrjfJlf," ttod Mr. Sookt, 'Vou will beeom as-hystsrhml tBjrfWtd." r r- . 'drafty mow q tjkn. ywi j lwis geU" returnrd ,Mr. -Snth. A Ward It war lng from Magistral Beaton iltd toiusi. Mrs.. Xviiyn IViagatoaa stald tier pOtMhX, turn tw DBBnHeop rHiW, H tfc auaWel twtvrwn herself, Mrs. W P. DutsiiUac and th maid. hr vret (Uid her attempt to compel her fomier huebund. Iveith DoiiAUbuae, wbuw slut divorced, to ms her sUimom. H lc u! to pay hsr I1M a uiunto, u-l iwi BeAi to - towyss, she) sUd. had uewd iw forme.- rator-to-lW to tmeuw ugerd and "she had kB4 her dauhtor (rooi hr a puateMUuaet,'' At to? ti..iicluwu vt to it;fitttuiij Mr Stuit iu-uMi Uuii titc mod he Keiu !.. MUgetaH haU iu pnvto he bete t ,t IB JijLa4:al nea ti ii.i 1SJ . PBIOE ONE GSSm? EASTERN ROADS MEPLAHQR -SfSM Reading Official Admits Move to Raise Tariffs on Nearby Foodstuffs Ship ped From West. A further advance In freight rates gen erally, Independent of the -5 per cent. In crease granted by the Interstate Com merce Commission In Its decision-of JJe. cember 18 last, along the lines of read Jtmm-nt suggested by the,' Commission, Is now being planned by the Eastern rail roads. The truth of this" report, which came In a dispatch from Waahlilgtoh.'waa confirmed today by a high offlcJhl ot the, Philadelphia and Reading Hallway Coin.-v pany. The new schedules will pot bo estimated on a horizontal Increase, as was the case with the G per cent, advance,,' but ih changes' wlll,be specific increases" on vari ous, articles, which,-according to th com putatlpn of the railroads, are at present on a subnormal rate basis. A thorough revision df all tariffs' of this basis is now under yay,'and as tariff-on nany irliclea will remain unchanged the proposed od vanca cunnot fairly be termed general increase. The new tariffs will advance rates par ticularly on live stock, grain, and. for the most part, foodstuffs -transported from th West. Ja effort wilt lie made to seek in creases on various articles excepted nder the recent ruling of the Commission. The new rate?. If allowed, together with the S per cent, already grunted, will increase the annual net revenue of th Eastern railroads by nearly 160,001,000. the figure estimated as the probable re turn of th original tariff advances sub mitted to the Interstate Commerce- -Cqni. -mission on May &, 1914, denied by the Commission on July' 39 and subsequently approved In part on December is. BASIS FOB ADVANOg. The basis for the new rata advance, thejrajlroad point out. ilea in two eug gestlonV made by the Interstate Com merce Commission. The first was made on Jjdy It), whet) ki handing down the decision refusing the I per cent, freight Increase the Commission urged Out rail road to examine carsXally tlMlr fretoht rates, rule asd regulations with & view to increasing raja tool are found tu be clearly unwrUWrartve." The Mdoad and supplemental suggestian giv abjag with to stoal decision of ttevambar toltowa "It is tid that the ooiusti u--uve work suggested to the erlgteal twort (July sl tor tfe fur pes of eenarto nd MttaMtto4 th itt tvnu ot rrtors generally wilt h eajrcM forward wihOia imsn-upttoa." JUttmad ofHcialS exuloto that tiw lirmi Casetoded a rags w liOes,' Aim M93FDL Aid- WW Nt' ' AM advertised ui tii Himiu Utjtra I7-... wUl U Ibtwl tot ZQ u to W t the kluia CWlit. ! ttiett u !' J- ? -ikj &nm vmv -'. -. at- rvsAfVtnC LKUit I dfoto..:-y ' " jBc ? ' SW'VjlSfJ41 C4f U Ui . -sWiJ men 1 Mo)-n SU'Uji-, UHI Moy anis rjict.s4 rA. mnmf nli 1 -n t3.a..;. u '- te;b- iM IU4V u i'' L'v!'4j-.- ptl ' m liy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers