WSwKi 4p' fS M SPORTS FINAL SPORTS FINAL '- &&,l- FVOIi. I NO. 92 PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DEOEMUEtt 30, 1014 PBIOE ONE OENOP Corinrrmr, 10H.M tub ronttd Lccoei Coumnt. jf jWBBiT r IC tu ft High Wator fflDESBDRG J DEFENSIVE ALONG WHOLE )LINE Forward Movement of Russians Ousts Invad ers From Positions Nearest Warsaw Ger man FrontBeginsThird Retirement From Mus covite Territory. Pctrosrnd chronicles a general with drawal of Hlndcnburg's army of inva sion, Before the Czar's offensive the Germans have already evacuated sev eral first-line positions west of War saw, "and Russian official circles fore cast the speedy retirement of the in vaders from Muscovite soil. Renewed activity alone; the entire Russian front has followed the suc cessful maneuvers against the Aus trians in Galicia. Retreat of the latter continues precipitate and the pursuit of the main force coincides" with the Russian driving movement toward Craco'w. ' Austrian official reports admit re treat of the entire front in Galicia, be fore the fierce Russian offensive cam paign. The capture of a strong German position near Zonnebcke, south of Ypres, is announced' in today's of ficial communique issued by the French War Office. From this po sition the Allies will make, another at tempt to drive a wedge, into the Ger man lines. Nearer the coast the Ger mans arc shelling St. 'Georges, in an attempt to retake that town. Along the Aisnc, iii Champagne and on the heights of the' Meusc, the ar tillery duel is proceeding with in creased vigor. A German attack on Tete-de-Faux, n the Vosgcs, has. been repulscd.Thc figliTingA,!Tn' 'InkMic' disffrcrcon tinues without change in relative po sitions. HINDENBURG FALLS BACK BEFORE RUSSIAN DRIVE Germans Forced Out of First Line Defenses West of Warsaw. PBTItOanAD, Dec. 30. Field Marshal von Hlndenbure'B latest N&rtve against Warsaw Is on tho point of 9 Concluded on Page Four THE WEATHER From, rubbers and umbrellas, and those that borrow them: from plum-colored hats with magenta bands, and tan shoes With grey suede uppers; from long-Bleeved underwear nnd the clerk who explains that ho wears It himself; from domestic! champagne and Imported finger ale, and him who thinks they are the,samo; from personal experiences at the front.and the Irian who finished his Christmas shopping two days before, Christmas and has not stopped talking- about It yet; from those who ure "going to turn over a now leaf," and Peto Ctstello's transit plan; from tho year 19H In general, and Its brand of Weather In particular Oh, somebody deliver us!' 1 FOIWOAST- For Philadelphia and vicinity Partly cloudy and colder. For details, see pagejt,- Observations at Philadelphia, ' 8 A .M. ' Barometer , 3373 Temperature .,,,...,.,..,.,,,.,.. 34' Wind ..,..,...,.,....,..,., Southwest, 10 miles t pit tUn jasY by Ko u ri'.y.ii j : .' ,';;:," u, j Humldltr .....,..,..,T8 per cent., Jllnlmum temperature ..,,.,,,,,.....,.,, 83 MMJnnjm temperature .,..,,4, ,,.,... ,.,,,, 3a Almanac of the ' pay' fiun.seta Bun. TtiG" tomorrow, , .ja,i.(,. 4U3p. tn. Moon .tomtm j--, .., .10:55 . P1ooa,hu tomorrow :.tjj;;, OiiSKai , .. ; a, ra. . tamps tQ IJo Jdghted Auto and other Hhlclee ,,, BiOOp.ia. hs Tides Wish water ;.,. 12:40 p. m. Low water .. 8101 p. m. High tomprrow ,I3iST a! ra. . QHBSjTNUT aTnHBy WJIARIT, High, water , .J?S8p.m. High ufater lon9rrow 4......I13ff54.m; RBKDV .ISLAND. ' Low water .....-. HUh ter .......... Low vtater tomorrow. SlSfR-"- 4:13 a, ra. UHKAKWATEn. 12.33 n. m w water s tr ts 1 iy w T.OSp. m. towwjw, li.'Wa. a. 4ll ' ' ' '' a NO SKATING TODAY I'Aere is no skating today became oj yeiUrdvUfi aia. jjfCLOUDV PHILADELPHIA'S FIRST BELGIAN RELIEF SHIP UNLOADING AT OFFICIAL WAR REPORTS GEBMAN In the western thcuttu of war wc nto still nghtlug for the seaport of St. Georges, southeast of Nlcuport, which wo were compelled to evacuate owing to :i surprise attack. A Blorin, culminating In cloud bursts, damaged the positions on both sides In Flanders nnd Northern France. In Kast Prussia the Russian cavnlry has been driven back In the direction of Klllknllcn. Tho situation Is un changed In Poland on the right bank of tho Vistula. Our offenslvs con tinues on tho west bank of the Vistula and the cast bank of tho Bzura. Fighting continues on the east bank nf the Rawkn, nnd also at Inowlodz to tho southwest. Reports from outside sources give the Impression that Lowlcz and Sklernlowlt'o are not In our possession. V,'e captured these places over pIx days ago. ftklcrnlewlco Is situated far .beHlndjiUG.frant..,.---'-")' -" '"v. FRENCH In Belgium we have- gained a little ground In tho region or Nlcuport. to the north of I-ombaertzyde, Tho cn 'omy has violently bombarded St. Georges, which wo aro placing In a state of defense. "We hnvo captured n point' of German support southeast of Zonnebcke. on tho road from Bccelaere to Paschendaele. (Becelaere is BVJ miles cast of Ypres. Paschendaele Is V& miles north of Bccelaere and 6', miles northeast of Ypres. Zonnebeke Is 4 miles north east of Ypres and " miles southwest of Paschendaele. St. Georges is a little over 2 miles touth of Nleunort, In tho Yser, and lombaertzyde is 1 mile northeast of Nlouport.) From the I,ys to the Oise there is nothing to report. In the valley of the Atsno nnd In Champagne the enemy hns manifested a recrudescence of ac tivity, which Is met everywhere -with a violent response. In the Argonne we have made slight progress In the region of Four-de-Parls. Between Argonne and the Mo selle there is an artillery engagement along the whole front, particularly In tense on the heights pjt the Meuse. In the Vosges tho enemy ha3 made a sharp attack on La Tete-de-Faux, which has been repulsed. Tn Upper Alsace wo aro strengthen ing our positions. The heavy artillery has silenced tho German howitzers, which were bombarding Upper Ans pach. AUSTRIAN The Russian army which a week ago commenced an offensive cam paign against our forces which had crossed the Carpathians has been re lnfqrceV to such an extent that It was made' necessary for ns to with draw our cntlro" eastern front from the Plain of Gorllce. The situation la the North, however, was not In fluenced by thla movement. . In the Balkan the-.tro of war the Montenegrins attacked our outer In trenchments at Treblnje, hut were repulsed without dllllculty. The enemy's artillery was silenced, Tho Montenegrin bombardment of a for tress at Krewezlje has been without effect. TURKISH The , pursuit of the RusBlansIln the Caucasus Is progressing. Large con voys of prisoners and much war ma terial have been taken. The British renewed their attempts to land troops at Akabah. but failed. We have achieved another success north of tho Blver Ura, where we took prisoners and some guns. RUSSIAN Today between the Lower Vistula and the Plllca Rivers only fighting pf small importance, took place. The Germans left their trenches on tho right bonk of, the Bzura, near the village of Mlstrzevice, and fell baet on the left bank of the Bzura. ? Oti the. Itlver Rawka pur heavy arl tlllery Is lighting efficaciously a law . number of German batteries of heavy jruns, .- In the. region of Bollmovo, our a,t tacks have alternated with thoseof the Germans. ;, On. the centre,' between the f 11 lea and the Upper Vistula, only- can nonading was heard. We 'mada progress on the two wings. Our troops me? with success whll crossing the Lower Nlda inJtfieSaklng by storm of the villages of.'staro korozin And Qenlslavlce, whWh were weU fortified. jn Western Galicia w hv mada p"r?grss lu spiU of the aJm.ot Impas sable Condition of the country due to mud. We have driven the emy from the front of Btroronlk-GofUce-jaslUka. taking eruns nd . Urge number ol machine guns, Durtrg the flret half of Dscmber we taptused i-.OQO Austrtanj, , t i V?-6Xr ' v" . KfPjfA 1 -,, .'.., -7rur---?wstrns'" iis" These ar the first photographs of the Tllelma received in this country since her arrival at Rotterdam. She. sailed from this port November 12 after a .memorable campaign in which supplies and money valued at $100,000 were raised in a few days. The Thelma arrived at Falmouth,, England, on November 28 and at Rotterdam on December S. GOVERNOR HARRISON DENIES REPORTS OF REVOLT IN MANILA War Department at Wash ington Gives Out Official Version of Basis of Alarm ing Rumors. WASHINGTON, Dec. SO.-Perslstnnt re ports of uprisings In tho Philippines re sulted In the . War Department today making public the text of the- report of Governor General Harrison, of tho Isl ands, who decried the rumors. The text follows: "Referring tn telegrams from your of fice of the'lUh Instant, army luadquar tcra state, that there la absolutely na .truth Jn the reports of vandalism about XJorregldor, Carbado and Fralle. "On Christmas Kvo there was a small and unsuccessful movement in Manila, connected with the campaign, Ttlourte has for several years conducted from Hong kong revolutionary propaganda, appeal ing to the most Ignorant classes of Kjll plnos, 'and selling through his agents In the Islands army commissions for sums ranging from 11 peseta to 10 pesos (10 centstto V). During the last three months (tve of the. Ttlcarto leaders hn,ra been ar rested and sentenced to four and six years, including Ittcurte's right-hand man. It has been regarded as a grutf Ing scheme under a .revolutionary guise, but from time to time arouses excitement among the uneducated classes, "Christmas eve about 75 men. extremely Ignorant, without firearms, met at the Botanical Garden in Manila and were dispersed by the municipal police without disorder, except that three shots were fired Into the air by police, and twenty men arrested, Eight of the latter were held upon a charge of carrying concealed weapons, knives and bolos. Nobody was Injured, except one man shot by a police man, later in the night, in another part ot the city, when he attacked a police man with u, bolo. "Movements of a similar character oc curred at Navotaa, 10 miles from Manila, -where about 40 men assembled and en deavored unsuccessfully to loot the municipal safe, taking tho provincial governor prisoner,-who afterward escaped uninjured; 20 of this party were cap, tured by the constabulary of the munici pal police. '"feu men with two firearms In Laguna do Bay attempted to make trouble' last night With na results. Everything U quiet, and a vigorous attempt will be made to secure tho leaders, the chief of whom Is paid to be o. man under sentence of imprisonment for homicide, who has jumped his ball. Nobody of any standing or influence in this movement." Iji the Philippine Islands, according to the War Department, there are about SOOO Americans, KD0 of whom are In Ma nila. The troops in the Islands numbsr 000 Americans and S00O native- scouts. Fraa itcally all of them are available for duty at Manila on eitrcmcly short notice. ! 1 - ' PLAN TO REMOVE MUNICIPAL COURT QUARTERS REVIVED Advisorys Committee Rec ommends Housing of All Branches in Building Near 2 1 st and Summer Streets. Pinna to move the Juvenile Court and Houso of Detention from tho now JSW.OOO building ut --M und Arch Bt recta and house them In a group of buildings on 'property at ":1st. Itaco nnd Summer streets wore tovlved tills ufternoon after three mouths' unlet. This action was urged nt tho annual meeting of the Advisor' Committee ap pointed by President Judge Charles I,, lirdnn. of the Municipal Court, in a re port covering the year's work and pros pects for tho future. Tho report Is signed by George Q. llorwltz, a law partner of Judge Brown, who Is chairman of the Advisory Com mittee. The committee, members of which were active in the propaganda to push through an ordinance providing the municipal courts with a large tract of land, which was before Councils In September, said tho present Houso of Detention is Inade quate, and there is urgent need for mov ing to bjgger quarters. This Is along tho Hue of the work urged by Municipal Court ofllrlsls lu the early fall until It wan disclosed the buildings desired would ccst nearly $1,000,000 and the laud wanted would be nearly as ex pensive. With opposition to plana far more mar ble halls for tho Municipal Court, the most active workers for the 'scheme sub sided and the- propaganda slumbered until today. The committee rendered its report con taining recommendations for new build ings t Judgo Brown, who appointed members to It last January- The report was the llrst official communication of the Advisory Committee, The meeting was held at theBellevue-Stratford, The committee's recommendations cov ering the need for new quarters for the Juvenile Court suggested a. plan to provide land In the vicinity of Slut nnd Summer streets. But the opposition tu the. plan which developed as soon as It was announced was not mentioned. The present House ot Detention is Inadequate, according to the Advisory Committee. There are not enough beds, the report reads, and there Is need for more tables for the dining room. Furthermore, the hygienic and sanitary arrangements are unsatisfactory, it Is reported. Mr. Horwltz. chairman of the Com mittee. urged that the House of Deten tion, the Juvenile Court und the Domestic Relations should all be moved together and housed on the land at 21st and Itace streets. "It la understood that City Coun cils have condemned propwrty at 81st and Summer streets for the Houso of Deten tion and th Juvenile Court." the report reads The Committee recommended to Councils that the Domestic HeUitioiis Court should also be moved to a, place on this site. 1 ROTTERDAM DOZEN PASSENGERS HURT IN TERMINAL TRAIN CRASH Scores Shaken Up When Local Col lided With Empty Coaches. A dozen pnrsons. Including well-known.. 1'hil.idclphlans, were Injured this morning when a crowded Chestnut Hill local, pas senger train crashed Into 11 string of empty coaches In the Beading Terminal. A panic was narrowly averted. Among the injured arc: JOHN .1. lin'X, ash Kant llnlm-H elrcct, (irrmatitonnyimi'iiliscluUH 11 ml Buffering front a Htmlncil back: .IpfTcrMon HnBpltnl. VIIs'ON II. llllOWN. rormcr Sherltt of l'hlla- Irlphlii; hntlly ulrnkcn up S.UltllJI, !. nm.N'li:. an attorney -with oflliM In tho Franklin llullUIng; lacciatcil forehead, fmcttirort none, JOHN' COHI'JV. 11 ppei'lal rollceinaii of thu Ut'rmantowii Ntntlou: IiiuIfci) hentl. WM.M,M AN'DKIISON. III!) SlieUakcr street, iiornianionn, lacerated temple; Hahnemnnii Ifci'oltal. ... . ,, c-t!,tti.i:s i:. .SMITIt. 4:m I'-iEt Mount Airy nvf-nup. Oprmantown. striilncil back and con- ttiBlons: Hahnemann Hospital. Many nf the passengers wero standing when tho crash came. They were thrown forward with great force and the aisles were filled with struggling men and 'women. .A shower ot Hying glass added to the excitement. John J. Brown,, Who was In the bagcape car, was fnTreOTt'a'-'Htio" JcKc'f 8ir'4topitnf-lrv an1 ambulUncc. Blrnlc's injuries were tircssca nt tho snmo Institution, Tho other in jured were treated by physicians In the station. D0BS0N WEAVERS STRIKE AFTER MAKING DEMANDS Ask Higher Entes Because of Shoddy in Soldiers' Blankets. Seventy-eight men and women, all blanket weavers employed In the mills of the John and James Dobson Company nt Fulls of Schuylkill, quit work at 3 o'clock this morning because they said Superin tendent V. Thowlis refused. to grant them an Increase In wages or treat with their committee. Ottlcials of the company say there Is no strike. The workers say tho employment of shoddy warp and Ehoddy fillings In the production of army blankets for ths warring European nutlonB has reduced their earning capacities to an average of 7J cents a day. The piecework system is used. With the best quality yarn the "hands" can speed up and earn ?1 a day. the strikers say, The John and James Dobson Company operates also tho Bradford Mills, Stcnton avenue and Godfrey street The weavers employed ut this plant wcnts on strike In the early part ot last November. The Schuylkill plant workers say the shoddy has now been brought from tho Germantnwn mills for them to work with. CENTRAL HIGH NO COLLEGE? Board of Education Declines So to Classify It. The Joint High School Committee of the Board of Education this afternoon refused to recognize the Central High School us a college, although for the last 75 years, under nn act of the Legislature, Central High has been classllled as n college. The committee went on record today when William T. Tllden, a member of the board, asked that the salary of Joseph Faltermeyer, who Is assistant to the prin cipal of Central High and has been teach ing In thnt Institution for a great many years, be raised from KW to J35W and that he be given the title of vice prin cipal. After a lengthy argument the com mittee refused to grant either the in crease or the title. Its action was based on,an JpInlon from the legaj department of the Board of Education, which contended to be vice principal of Central High a man must be a college graduate. Mr. Faltermeyer Is a Central High graduate. FAVOR TAYLORS PLANS Important Bodies Pledge Co-opera tlotx In High-speed Program. Heartv co-operation toward obtaining an adequate high-speed transit system for this city was promised Director Taylor today by representatives of commercial. Industrial and Improvement organizations at a meeting in the office ot the Depart ment ot City Transit There were in all M0 delegates wel comed by Mr. Taylor, who Informed thwn of the routes of the proposed lines, and the benefits which would be obtained by both the city and the people. Those present represented fully 160.000 persons. It was unanimously agreed to participate In the high-speed demonstra tion which will take place on January a. 1 iniiiiMf riiiiT-itMrni SHIPPERS' FRAUDS COMPEL SEIZURES, BRITAIN MAINTAINS Sir Edward Grey Hastens to London, Calling Cabinet Meeting to Consider U. S. Protest Against Halting Ameri can Commerce Unofficial Reply Al ready Made, is Report. Denied That Trade Has Been Seriously Hampered Through Detention and U. S. Exports to Neutrals Has Increased $30,500,000, Say British Other Powers InterestedP Sir Edward Grey hastily Calh Cabinet; Points of U. S. Protest -v- LOXDOX, Dec, ao.Cuttino short Ms vacation as a result ofUtc Amer ican protest against British interference toitti United States .'commerce. Sir Edward Grey,- V'orcion Hccrclary,, returned unexpectedly to London todaif and hastened to his oflicc in Downing street. There ho conferred at length -with Viscount Haldanc, who lladicen acting as head of the Foreign Office, and later consulted with .Premier As quith. As a result of the second conference the entire cabinet teas Jiim .moncd to meet this afternoon to discuss the protest. It is understood that the American Ambassador will be invited by Bir Hdicard to discuss the whole question with him very soon.. The chief points in the protest are: , Demands "definite information'' regarding Great Britain's policy of search and seizure on the high seas. Demands an outline of the attitude for search of United States vessels both for contraband and persons of alien enemies. Declares the inquiry is friendly, but the time has been -reached to speak frankly lest silence be construed as acquiescence in the infringement of American rights. liccltcs generally, by classification of cargoes, interference with Xfnitcd States vessels, detention, convoying to British ports and outright seizure (with some financial restitution) of cargoes. Declares the burden of proof of evading contraband rules is not upon neutral shippers, but must be proved by interfering 'belligerent. Insists that undue delays in searching and convoying vessels must cease. Recognizes belligerents' right to search, but insists that American ships must not bo convoyed to belligerent ports upon mere suspicion. Demands that foodstuffs be taken off axttraband list and alloiccd free dom, unless consigned, at time of seizure, toun enemy. Declares foodstuffs contraband only if for enemy's forces. Charges that (he British sea patrol. Is not discriminating between abso lute and conditional contraband. rauA ?."4' 4ec.ePt,'n' 51 thc: JEW.0? jAmerjcan JjipijexsiBahlaijcid ,by 'tircat Britain for seizure' of cargoes. 'Tiii'sit is reported from Washington, is an unofficial reply to President Wilson's Stern protest against interference' with American foreign commerce. The President intimated such a fraud charge in his warning to American shippers. Further, in citiiig that 6nly 20 such seizures have been made, it is declared there is no depression in Ameri can industries, for United States export trade to neutral nations increased $30,500,000 in November, 1914, aver November, 1913. In Great Britain the situation is regarded as of. such import that Sir Edward Grey, Foreign Secretary, today hastily returned from his-vacation and immediately called a meeting of the Cabinet for this afternoon to discuss the protest. It is realized that a delicate, situation .has arisen, for Great Britain's actions have aroused not only the. United States, but- also other neutral Powers Norway, Holland, Sweden and. Denmark. The good will of these nations, admittedly, must be held. Consequently, it is believed in London that some agreeable policy will be adopted, and further complications avoided. Britain's vacillating policy in regard to what commodities constitute contraband of war has caused the determined stand taken by the United States, according to Washington officials. Delay in the transmission of the note has caused some concern at the American capital. AMERICAN FRAUD BLAMED FOR SEIZURE OF CARGOES WASHINGTON, Dec. SD.-Great Brit ain's attitude toward the protest by the United States against seUure of Its trad Ins shlp is already Known here, it la said. A reply to such protests. It is re ported, already has been made, and Brit ain blames American shippers' fraUd and deception for the necessity of halting cargoes. A reply to the note Just Issued by the President cannot have been made, as It was announced from Lopdon this after noon that the protest hnd not been re eclved today. In Its attitude on the question 'Great Brltuln contends that , Great Urltaln explains, however, that the car3oes detained for search, against which the United States protests, were all destined to the five neutral neighbors of Germany-Sweden, Denmark. Norway, Holland or Italy. It la added that Amer ican exports tu these countries since the outbreak of war had Increased vastly. In November, 19U. they were 30,W0,O0Q greater than in November, 1913. Wherein Injury, causing Industrial depression, could have been done to an export trado showing such a healthy increase, it is suggested. Is not clear. It Is also con tended, on the British side, that there have been not more than SO detentions. But while the British have made this explanation of the ButtU; President Wilson has expressed himself, to callers as convinced of the -correctness of the American contentions in this con ersy and as nrmiy 01 wn ; -' Great Britain will have to pay indemnity tor illegal and unwarrantable detentions of American vessels. Though no formal official discuss the American protest will be obtainable until the British Foreign Office presents a maturely considered reply, the argu ments in this controversy made by the British Government ara known. Tho American noto Is admittedly a. summary of points contained In notes and protests made from time to time to the British rinwtrmnent as this controversy has de veloped. To these representations the British Government has replied, both orally and in formal notes. Upon the protest of the Ucltd States against tho detentions of American ves sels for "unreasonable" lengths of time t is the contention of ths British Gov ernment: .,.. First, that there have besn not more than 80 such detentions, which have delayed American ships or car goes Twr only irv'u mis wj w , week at the longt. Second, It Is the British conten tion that these detentions have all CsBttwdfd' ta r Ftie -'Wltjfoaiii!iii CABINET HASTILY MEETS TO HEAR'U. S. DEMAND LONDON, Deo. 30,-Not since th f.arlv days of the war has popular interest been bo centred on a session of the British Cabinet as today. It was a special meeting and was called to up the formal protest made' by the United ' States against the right of search and seizure now In force by British warships on the high seas. The following' statement was issued by the Press Bureau late this afternoon: "Sir Kdward Grey has been away for a few days. During his absence, at his re quest and with the approval of the Pre mlcr, Lord Haldano took charge of th Foreign Office, The note from tho United States Government has only been re- celved today," First Lord of the Admiralty Churchill, head of the navy, which tho United States alleges has unnecessarily ham percd American commerce, was the first! to reach the Premier's residence for to day's Cabinet meeting-. Ho had with hint a large number of official records, be lieved to be reports from naval officers on the stopping and searching of neutral ships. Inasmuch- as the American position is based on the interpretation of interna tional law made by the Jegal experts of the State Department a.t Washington, It was not believed that the protest could Concluded on, Pete Vire XOST AND TOTJND AX "UOSV AND FOirNR" AltTICLBS aavrt!Md la the EvnlnjU!g,r r,7lrt to th "Uit and Found" Bureau" t jSdJIr Central will be listed for SU days. TheiV lit can aloo bo tho Main Oirioe, tiihTnd Cbeitnut U. "Vt and Pound" sdverU,,. roenu can b; lift at any of the drus atotia receiving Ledger ada. or van be llohaa4 directly .to Ledger Central, CU Walnut r Us. in tOOQe CFTjriCATfpjr-or atoTin, certlOoaU "S'f tock, No. S8. 2000 ahum I'mnma, illalnj Co., ieued at name Hotn & Derle. Attll- ..ll.n has h..n n,(,a In, ma.., ...,l,u,.r - WM ...... ... w .M. WW V.-, Wa...a. LOST-Old-feehtooKl loekt and chatfl. oeal shape, with blfcclc enameled roae in centi. pteturo ot two tlrla Inside, Saturday Mter noon. from Howard Hospital to 6th u4 Wainut. Reward. Emlllo C Hurminn, How ard Iloaoltat. Phone Filbert 4T4& after T u. ns. JJ5 4-tciiuiv tiwiiwvi LHWlur poru cowia i ,.u4 i , (n juum 4,1 m eepp Clanpram. luturll to Jobnsoo tiaoaer. e r-eeeyuoa LOeT-On Oecember M. sold fraternity pto. of owner 011 buck. Reward It retiuseJ to tS4t Spruce- LCrT Ohitstuu foe, ritbt-nuid stir Astier! lve, reward. Return 1T01 Loojffi t, LOST Sunday tiftu. ttutnlty cWttMel LOtT-HUck plush haadb&s. tenwiauije umHv Hit. vU. tc. .J!L.H.Kb fv M m
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