,'msjawjW'y s EVENING LEDGEB-PHILAPELPHIA? WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1914. is h JOHN MITCHELL STRONGLY OBJECTS TO CUT IN WAGES Propped Means of Provid ing Work for Unemployed Declared Unjust and Im practicable. A decided stand cugnlnst the acceptance of ally reduction In wages by union work men In oi-dor to make work for tfio un employed was taken today by Jolin Mltchcl, Of the United Mine Workers of America, and member of the Workmen'o Compensation Commission of Now York. The proposal for tlio reduction of wages, it Is understood, wn3 made by a number Of employers In various cities. "Tho workmen miiBt not consent to any buoIi plan," said Mr. Mitchell. "In those industries wher6 tho workers, by vlrtuo of their organization, solidarity and hard work for many years have succeeded In raisins the scale of wnges to a Btamlard abovo thai predominating; In average In dustries, tho -workers must not risk the sacrifice Involved In tho proposed plan. Once the workmen consent to a reduction in -wages It will mean years of stntBgln before thoy -will bo able to raise It once mtro to the present rate. "As far as the less paid Industries are concerned It Is ridiculous to propose a reduction In wnges, because they tiro about as tow as they possibly can be. In view of the Increased cost of living, and in view of the fact that no working man In the United States can ba any too sure of his Job. "Wo shall have to Beek a so lution for the iFnemptoyment liroblem elsewhere. The work of tho American Association for Labor Legislation and the American Association on Unemployment will help us a sreat deal In this con nection." Mr. Illtchell attended the convention of these, two bodies In this city on Monday nr.d yesterday."" Eoually opposed to tho plan of re ducing wages as n means of ameliorating the unemployment problem was Leonard Kraft, of the Dulldlng Trades Council of tills city. Mr. Kraft Is secretary of the council,, and Is considered nn authority on conditions In tho building trades. "I wonder what tho employers will pro pose next," said Mr. Kraft,. "How can we afford to penallzo the workers for a condition for which they aro not respon sible nnd for which society as a whole must bear responsibility? There may be some unions, who call themselves unions, but ,who are really financed nnd con trolled by employers, who may accede to thin plan. But organized labor will nover accept It. There aro 19,000,000 wage earners In the United States whoso aver ago annual wngo does not exceed 1500. Thoy nrp the groat majority of tho wage earners "of tho United States, and upon them aro dependent a population com prising some GO.000,000 Inhabitants of the total population of this country. Are you golns to reduce their wages still further? I don't believe you can do It without entailing stilt further misery and discontent." CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY THIS STYLB TYPE (or like this) One insertion 13c reruns Threo lnucrtlons in a week... iMa per Una Bevcn consecutive Insertions.. Wo per Una lOOU-llna contract (dally ad vertising) r.. 8o per lino Situations -wanted, thrca inser tions In a week , . 10c per line THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In all 'ClaBslflcatlons except IJoId anil situations Wanted, Lost and round, Per sonal!, Boarding and Rooms. One Insertion 20c per lino Threo Insertions In a week.,, 17'Xc per Una Beven consocutlve Insertions.. ,'15o" per Una 1000-line contract (dally ad- ycrtlslng) Uljo por lino All rates are baaed on agate mi asurcment, 14 ngato lines In the, Inch. DEATH NOTICES-elther paper 10 Unci ono tlmo ,...."". We. Three insertions. , $1.00 DAILY ONLY la Effect December 1, tH COMRINATION RATE for Insertion In both tho moraine; and evening papers of same dayt PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNINO) EVENING LEDGER ' (DVLVJING) Add tour cents' per lino net to rates riven above. ' HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERT181NO IN THO PURLIC LEDGER MAY 1IE INSERTED IN TUB EVBNInFu CHARQE. WnlIOUT ADDITIONAL There Is a. drug store near your homo that will accept Ledger want ads at olco rates, PERSONALS FLKT55 REALTY COMPANY The following bonds. Nob. Tl, 1(11, IR. im 6T, have been drawn and are called for pay ment and accrued Interest. Payment will ba mads on the first day ot Jm.uaFy lui" St the ofrlco of the Real Ratato Title ' Inauranca and Trust Co., of Philadelphia; Pa.' 521 Chestnut at, after which dato ill liileicst en tl-.eie bonds will cease. inieicst It. K, CAMPDELL, Treasurer, ilYJiiJ!"' ho. responsible (or anv dehtrmvT HELP WANTED PEMALE BOOKKEEPER, competent! only those thor- pughly exper enct and with best rofcrenco . need apply. M it, Led. Bronclij'j.vi Market st, CfilCHi.tn(1i phamberinaWi ,twda"e'rman"or B.wadlsh girls for amall adult family: drat- Phona riora 41SO. 2120 w. 'flora t. C0OK. Scotch, English or1 Scandinavian: small farnllr in .uburbS. Meet lady for 1": " "iw ia;uKer ijlllf. iiswer. M 002. ledger Ofnc .l AEWORK-Whtta girl for gineral "hnuB. JSu-'H., lwq " family: no wash. . 40T W Hortter st., or call Oermtti, ,184l W. "aaSiSTSSr; i W..W.wprfii.j.M rood hutne: fi .rLeriger Office. --'. -: - .....j w, u, duuuiiu. i rM washT German Protealant.-M 00t" Led Off lipitSEWORK-Satlled GemarTvvoman: ,msii family must cooktT38 N; Marshall.? HOUMEAVORK-airl. vvhlte. good rooli n,i taker, rsfregulrod Jhm5(Sq3qo,,S0i2li lT! BALKSLAD wanted by guoranteeir hosiery manufacturer jvlrecl Iron, ml la to eqnvumcr' . whole or part time' 273a N 18th si 8TENOI s'OORAPHBRS. boakkeefer and tjuv Joljtl" valuable InfoniUT abpui, urlng ililwu Uy n- ' oiemy lion icrvuwids ails pen at.Leilger Ci irer fau. UiflE0. UH tJ irui. oMf ur ml uutw iar inn .ft & 'kaBLSK. flJl" ment Is eunatsntlv seourine tni A. sltloiu for ledger Advsrlliera. irr8NfWRA'lJBftWl4., flrst-ajl rtW? itulref iry djB0. fo one. having projer UUJlfffcatns. ABtgrMPhar i',d tJtoKs5Jj! pTftNOGllAPIlBR with eiberlenee, tub odjii or trill rnuauaipau preturrad; to V it Appir oy. lettur cuxnru vwavai ufc. i niw arm i- BTtSNOGtiAFlIER and bookkeeper 've ftt" ajiperleota and alry L sa, 1-e.j I'tajial. WANTED-rfWie aud upsttr girl, KrflHli w Qrmaa,Bfjafrad, tUaifiw amHatawp. AUdreaa L T t,dgr Ctgttil 'usa&wpsr rur wwowar witu grown-up tgm. il ba irjiic O Hi i-'v i'wk..i '.I VJUi:sr.fM iit a bsr. i t-vs itqfe i..-. i. pI8EVOHIC- White ProteslaTiFgirlTor to.''W0.,l,!,, fd,u.U farallv 0( twu" auburb. of West Philadelphia: must undeittaml nlnlii rooklnrimuat have roforenco for honctiy- a steady plae for r ght uartv. n'n inr)'ii.fi w HEfaP WANTED MALE A MANUFACTURING corporation want dl trlct mannaim who will he gllrn xcluslte territory In Philadelphia, central anil eastern Pennsylvania. New Jersey. Delaware. New York and other Important tenltory. for the best and. most salable product ever placed on the market; It will sell to every auto owner, every home, every place of business, general MArb tn a.l AM IM.Hn Atlil ll til StOrCSl 1IM o V)0 capital teqtilredi Invest tats this at once, as It Is n high-grade business proposition that la right In every part cular and a permanent mislneai you are I uniting up n for v i for yourself. Telephone yvainui nun, r write U. A V. Co, lilO 1'llUVH Bfc , JWilt. 7ifo, rhiisaeiphia A RANKING HOUSE member of New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges would engage two bond salesmen of demonstrated ability, one. for city of Philadelphia territory and one for territory nrtjsccnt to Philadelphia, site exporlonce. It 10, Ledger Central. BOOKKEKPrrt Young single mam would pre fer one who baa had eonve exprlence in credits; rbanro for ndvanrement: stale salary and experience. O pro. Ledger Central, llOY, between 10 and II sears of age, In re ligious publishing and book telling huslne?. to begin at lowest position: splendid oppor tunity for an acme. Intelligent boy; must bo a Protestant and regular attendant at Sunday school. Address In own handwriting. u ini. i.enger leiurm. CLErtK Young man. with experience InMll tnr department of steam pipe and fitting homo: stnt nge, experience, reference and aalary desired. M Sin, Ledger Office. CONrECTlONEllY SALESMAN wanted for Pennsylvania territory. Ap ply to V. D. qulmby & CO., TU Port land St.. Boston, Moss. DRAUGHTSMAN, familiar with eteam engine construction! must be Idglfflara man: lo cation eastern Pennsylvania! give refer ences, experience, ago and salary expected. Address L H02, Ledger Office - , DltuaoiHT. reg. mgr.! elderly man! easy work; steady position, M Sin, Ledger Office. SALESMAN wanted by "guaranteed hdrlery manufacturer; direct from mills to consumer, wholo Or part time. 27.X1 N. 12th rt. SHIPPINU CLERK: state age, experience and wages wanted, c in. i.enger unw. fiOLICITOR, experienced In credits, collections unit famllltr with city! iefa. C 12, Led. Off. HUPERINTENDENTTwantod for small ceme tery! reply In own handwriting, state agf, religion, expeilenco and wages expected! to hno charge of office and help on grounds! mu lust.havo good reference. O HM, Leu cent. wanteb-a garuener. amine, or iic without children: must bo fully capable and understand fatmlngi glvo reference. L 032. Ledger Central. . flenrral AUTOMOBILE repairing and driving taiight by exn-rts: sneclsl attention given to carburetor nd nmgnelo details: a road lesson every flny and license guaranteed! .day and evening courses! easy terms. Call, wrlto orpnona Kensington HSU. Huntingdon Auto acnooi, 2413-1.1 11. Huntingdon. AGENTS AGENTS for "Billy" Sunday Book .having wonderful success: one agent writes, work ed about nvo houra and sold 42 books." Hook nuthorlxed hv Mr. Sundav: maKnincently II luitrated and tella by word nmr rlcturo how ho fights sin nnd tho devil. Every Christian homo wants this book. Write for terms and free outftt. Address Tho Complete Supply Co., 11.. 12:10 W. Lehigh ave.. Phlla.. Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED EEMALE mtAf nr.TifAtn dentrea nnaltlon early next weo'k. preferably In cltyj good reforence from present Place. ,narora. kivuik viwm,u., number. Box 87, Moylan, Pa, CHAMHERMAID and waltreas. with good ref deslrrB pofltlon about Jan. 4. ,rnall family. Address ItlChrstnut St.. Bell teI,Market232. COMPANION or managing housekeeper! can tako entire chargo; would act In capacity of lady's maid; good 'seamstress; will supervise every detail. P MO. ixdgerOfnco.. , . COOK Lady, closing house, desires roiltlon, cltv preferred, for good cook In small family! available -Tuesday. January 0. Address llox ST. Moym n.ya. COOK, colorod. nrat class, wishes position; Buhllc or private: country preferred. 1410 ulnbrldge. fjOOIC nnd aecond maid, ststors. German Prpt entantt. dislro poltlon.Pj'25.Io'gerpiT1 COOXi or houeekecper In private family; ref erence. BO.'l Chow at.. Clcrmantown. DltESSMAKUIt vvnntJ cngOKOments. homo or out: good ntter. ID IJ Montroao: Dick. 2241 w. DRRSSMAKEn of New York deslrei engage' ti evening gowns specialty. Phone Wat. 4V0J W. OOWNSrEVBNING CLOAKS AND .TAtLOR od suits: at hom or out: short notice, o. M. McNichoH, 1717 Christian st. Phono Dickinson .iin x. (HOUSEKEEPER, managing: take full chargo of Kcntlemnn's. homo or 'hotali understnnus catering, menus, eic. r ot, iu.ni v.;; HOUbKKEEPER" working; for 1'U""" """ pit-; can tako cntlro chargo. P Ml. Led. orr, iiotlSICWOHKfor cooklnK-Gcrmaii Protestant glrli refcrenco;lj827.Ltlger JJfncc. iioOSKWOrtK Upstate "ilrh experienced, beat refjM eijreijgooil coojt ISMLodgci.Of flco. lIOlISKW'OIlk Noat. light colored girl; no waahlni; excellent reference. 1' 1-24 , Led. Off, lKJUtfl.vVl.UtK Young girl" will aaalst; wllllnc to linrii: Protectant. P Ml. IdKer0fnje HtHinEWORK or cnamperwora-iou hk a.r.. refprencn: cltv or suburbs. phono ulcK. ICTJ. INl.'ANT-8NlJIttfE wishes entire charge , of In lant. fromiblvth; good roferonto, M V03. j.eiger INFANT Ledger Ottlojo. : ""-.,. vTfiri.- Prrii.. exnnrle 1HE Prot., experienced; can tako tNsTr?f. 2W7N. 2Sth at. fJllchttriei bt rof. iiMfN. 2Sth at.. LADY would llko to placo a wnuo vvuiiress. pnono i:w wnwyu. . 5SOTlIKi:'SllEliPER or Invalld'a attendnnt; cxperlenceuj Protestant. P S.I2. Ledger Off. NURSERY" GOVERNESS- Young Gorman Fiotcstint. speaking fluent Eiisllsh; refer ence. I" fXt. Ledger Offlco. STENOGRAPHER, conscientious and dependa able, would consider moderute ealary, re.er- cnct; 11 2!W. I.cdBer0(flce. . ktpJOcTraPIIER. compi! mod. sal, till abtl Itji - U demon, tniteil.JB 3y.J-.dejr0fnc,e, TYPIST and"ordor clerk: 8 years' mfg, ox rerlonco: knowledge of stenography: accu rate? rapid, reliable, q 81ft Leilgcr Central.. WHEN INNEED of an experienced office as sistant, bnokkcepor, atenographer or elerk. call up Walnut 3000 and conault with Miss Dean of tho Commercial Eepartmont, vyho has a list of high-grade, experienceil girls eager for po'ltlnns. Avail yourrelf of the free servlco to Lodger .advertisers NOW. WORKING housekeeper Noat Voting Prpt.dea,' k,smnllJomllyi"hvundry. OOlLCent;. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A LIVE WIRE Five veora'auocissful selling experience; vouM like to represent manufacturer locnllv: ono offering wider ypportunltlea; ago Tl; marrleil: highest references. G 31 S. I.BDUEH CENTRALaJ ACCOUNTANT PRACTICAL CORPORATION ACCOUNTANT, credit man nnd office manager, with 1.1 r;ira" experience handling the wholesale grocery, mnfcctlnnery, drug nnd department tore trade of the U, 8.. with one of the largest concerns In the East! hlghcat ere-ilentl.-jls, a iltl.Lo.lger Central. lACCflUNTANT. thoroughly comp. to manage office correspondence and credits: 12 years' exp.i best rf. O (111. I.edgcr Central. ADVERTISING, Pl'l!LISHINOrPRINTINCT Yoara tf exn,; dipt manager, preparing and trandllnir ndver,, rntalogue work, circulars, folders, circularising, moll orders, etc.! rel., energetic; have ldens. Add, G W0L Led. Cent. AJIRITIOUP YOUNG MAN. with university fduoatlon, deslrcp to become connected with n business which offer an opnor'liriltv for ndvanrement rn the basis of merit: possess executive ability along vvlth experience In fnnn'lal vyrck and a, knowledge of credits, AMRrT'0,Tfi "'' energetic vounje man desires rieiumi in nine oi inqni'inriuring companv; veara of all-arpuml huliies cxp.i educated! unoileatloria.bl refa. C .1. LedgerOrflce. 5lfVKKF!r7frYoiing map. 2.1. at Pre"nr mnlnveil. dejlrea tn aecure rmaltlon aa bead Iwokkeeperi five, yftra' experience.' O gT. I.edsir CentrsJ "' RrITFjC:PF.R-Comi;etent.' experleneeTTSbU ivie-aced man., familiar with general nfrlre &.. Vy yvpttl open for position ft Sf1t Ledger Contral. r ' RiTOKKPFPWR -.pable. experincedomi man dee res prwltlan with r'llabl Prm; mod erata salary, tfsi ref. O Tin. Ilgar Cent. BTTii,niNO MATpntANSALE.SMAN.a hustler. social yejra- exoerMce ;.,, largo following ornqng arehlteetf and hillldera nf Phltadfl. 'n'r.-M'"". ejiowiw Ala and other eltl dealrea rnnnitlinn; (..., )t reiereniea. referencea. G OM, Le-datr Central. CI'AI'FFP'J'H-H'rericb. English, TleUlum. re flniili willing to do. tour In n In France1 good onimr. Albt Gojirla. afr North Amerftaj! eilMJFPKUP-Al nuelvantc; S years' foralan !& mW"L'lJZZlZjl CHAUFFKJ'R-rFlve yean with private fm- Overhrook. Fa. pHACFFIJUR. eolartd. wlshee'ooaltlon: S yr ' .iff, ""j--r -i -tt nr,t .ir'7 "w " ajncmenl modtrttB aalary: but r.fer tnita O 941 I.tdittr Central CI.BHH Young man witbe work for several Uht a weelt f tui. Leilger Qenffil deatraa Af.'l) 1fFsVSMf oter.r flfll ol. 3 ut.r sat, cae, s rfrnce. I - 8M e.a ife, WU.U ivw - rouiig man. Ml unite ' ..j.inn . tij........ .. .,, ...u .?7r. JAVXNVSfB want PMlttan, aaok at aenenil SITUATIONS WANTED MALE t DON'T WANT A "JOR." but a job leading, to a iweiubm 12 jeira' business, ertefleneu In ofnee, si Ira and madufnetiirln nrturing worn; .tu; highest leftrences. ennire euumten Eco etlumten: U 811, Ledger Central, ItAN, 20, married, double and single, team driver; all irelaht stations ..and grocery routes; best references C. Ledn-erjOfllce., MAN wishes nraltlon as houeman and butlers beat of references; French. Wrlto to L. lpex, rtfco Sprague St., ilermantown, Phlla. MAN AND WIPE, colored! butler and senoral . housework. fll.l S 1.1th St. OPrtCi: MANAUEIl-ACCOUNTANT M years of age, married, IS years' experi ence, It years with present employera de sire onorttinlty where Held l unlimited! wlrto education; thoroughly familiar with Hit kinds of corporation finance; best references. . v ii.n, ueoger ventral. t 8ALK8MIAN wants side line for State oTVlr- ginia. ti ntn, Ledger central. 8TENOC1UA PHEll and genernl offlco man de- Hires pow. ; vu years oxp. iiirf, i,ea,yeni. YOtTNO MAN. 21 tears. "single', coo-l educa. tlon and business training, at present em ployed would like to make connection with rename nrm. n ,4tn. Ledger jumce YOl'NCJ MAN, 21. painter by trade, handy n Itli Irnln. desires position with concern, building or gentleman's estate. O 850, Led- acr i-nvrai. YOl'NO MAN. 18 ean old. desires position for J or n nights a week: high school educa Hon I, good reference. H JflU Ledger Off." YOUNO MAN. colored, would like position of any kind! willing, obliging and honest. Ad- . dress or call l.MH S, Huh st, YO"GNr ' JtAN desires position ns bookkeeper or shipping clerk: understands rating, rout ing and clsaineatlon, C 10, Ledger Oftlce, Y5"I'NC1 MAN", 21i de'lres poaltfon as clerk! ) cars' experience. C S.15. Ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED Cooks, chambermaids, waitresses and housework girls. Miss Itosa Dougherty, 1.11,1 W. Olrard avet Wll.UET. ISiMi Mnntiin at , 8. Phlla. rtoutnsrn neipi city or covin.; rr. r none i;icKinson niioi, AUTOMOBILES Foe Sale LIST me sell your nutna for you on commls elon! no charges until sold: clients watting. rtftlph Oarsge. inth.nnd Norrls. AUTO LIVERY AND OABAOES TO HIRE Packard Llmouslno and Touring Cars, Uy hour. day. week or month at reasonable rates PACKARD SERVICE COMPANY 1411-11 Iocust t. Phones-Spruce .1110: Race 21.1. FIRST-CLASS muring car, l per hour: newly p. Intml. vvlth weather protection. Call Main 2201 or Park .170 Harry Goodman. AUTO PAINTING SBH HOULTON FOR YOUR AUTO PAINT ING: good work only: low prices. .101 1-13 Cambridge st. Phone Preston .1172 BUSINESS NOTICES We can afford to remodel or repair your furs much rhenrcr than tho largo da- I'URS partment atotej. Wo give you expert vvorkmati'hlp. lhnn llelmont 2,184 W. CHAB .1. 1IOOSS. B1.17 Arch St. Hem-tllchlnir done while you wttit. A. Reich nrd. 1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Raview pattern. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ACTIVE, brainy business partner, man or woman, to make Investment ot $.VX), big proposition; no chance to lose: Investment will do 11(10,1100 buslneso first year. Investor handle own money. Have no monev, hut 10 yi'arn" experience and some material for de velopment. This la a movlng-ptcture theatre and manufacture of film proposition. Can b6 teen before 12 dally. Carman. 1C22 Thompson. DO YOUR books tell tho truth nnd at the right time? It Is our business to nrrango accounts o that tho tmo atato of vour affalra will bo ulckly nppHrcnt. II. c. Jiareco, lirai Htepnen 31rurd uiag. uon pnone, vvai. iiu. LUNCH ROOM With or without four benutlfully furnished rooma: weekly income $'.'00; for sale; a bar gain for quick liuver. P aiO. Ledger Office. WANTED Working nartiitT with S4000 for uii entabllsheil buslnesa: will bear clneest n ventlgntloh: no ngcnla; reference oxchanged. I, ti.li. Longer weinrai YOUNG WOMAN desfrea capable manager for her business; must bo of good llnanclal atand- g' L 745,, Iedg?r Central. TWO FI-OORS, flnst and necond story, wltli steady power: 14.000 square fet, well light ed; low Insurance. Ilradbury Hrothera, Drla- tol St.. near uormantown ave., ricetown. TWO joung men of good reput. and Ihor. em. need S000 for a gen. contract, bus. a 744 Ledger Central. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED. DYED, I'URI.ED AND MADE INTO LATEST STYLES MAILHOT. r. 1310 CHKSTNUT DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bank Referencea Appraisement, 1ft, HARRY V. HM1T1I. 717 HANSOM ST. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DRESSMAKING taught: short, nrac. course. McDoneU'a.ML'Dyckla Rldg.. UthJbMarkat. DRESSMAKER : perfect fitter; sulta remodeled; swltt, accurate. U32 N. 47th st. llelm, 50U7 L. FOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, comb., 2d band, bought, sold, rented, ex'd. Keafer. n.1l tllrard ave. CARPErs, sold, stora'ge, Wilton, Axmlnster; suitable hoarding A npt, houstx. t.110 Poplar. GAS RANau, almost new, complete and In fine condition; will soil at leasonabla price, C 4. Ledger Office. WATER HEATER, Ruud. In perfost condl tlon; will sell for reasonable amount, C, E. , Adhins, .1410 Chancellor st. FOR EXCHANGE THE FUN (and prod!) of "trading" or "swap ping" Is Inherent universal, Tho "other fereou" has It Uii same us yourself. David larum didn't havo much on tha Indiana or gipsies of olden times Vte a Ledger Want Ad to exchange what sou have and don't want for what you want and don't have EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING MAN Collego graduate, connected with tha Public Ledger, will write copy one or tvvc, evenings a week or map out an advertising camprlgu In exch. for a typewriter, L 014. Led, Off, STORAGE WEST PIULA, Monarch Storage Co, Auto and pack ing and shipping, aSTO Lancaster ave. WANTED -X- ANTIQUE furniture, broke-i Jewelry, gold all- Vr. IJI IQlil. UJ lBIIUl. E.SI. lOOQ. FURNITURE An"'u. pianos, etc.. part Furniture Co.. B143 Kensogtoq ava. ROOMS FOR RENT - ARCH, 20.10-tBeautlfully turnUlied rooms; very reasonable! .convenient Phone.Locust .1247, 1IARINO, 321B Two flfst.floor roomsT suit dentist or doctor or apartments. The Chilton, Mrs Rclla McCltlii, Manager. UAItlNil, 840-Hqomi7 furnished on unfuR nlahcd, Vd floor, for housekeeping: phone pttrtAD. N., 1018 V'ery dealrablef well-heatX fUrnlkhad rooma: reasons bla;Jenhnne. BROAD, N., MT-DealFaWe 2d fronfaulto "with yrlvata bathi other vacancies, 43 up, CilAR VB., IHll-llaiidaomellbrary with beiJcoch.bath; reason : genUe. WoodTlTsrV. CHESTNUT, 108O1lrDcalrabl furn. or uiifurT aulla.prlvaja bath; pit)feBslonalofftcea cTifisTm'T 2iH7-pea"lrbie single arid double; runnlpp waten all convenlcies OlIlSTNi'T ST. . lTi-Delnblo rooma. fur nlslikd. with aid without hlh. eiTEWNUTTOll-lliftUtUully furnlahad "front joom: privaio oatn: otner vacnelea, hone. Uitltii'.rn, iiii FTttni furnished n4renovi itrik-moUBRY A"E rgnt and back paflar, newly enovawd, running water furnltl'ed front reoma.avlltabla fqr gentleman. h?iiUJ9Jl4LflflCflnuctlPV 1 entra of cty. jlrTVfiRrToTfTJl) S-AtWotlveiy furn. warni" wan t tiaf htlh hAAM nntlflnal ..U "1" MT NORRIB, W . 1637-Larga rpom. sacond floor; two hatha, hot-water heat; swntr. PARK AVE.. 174T-Attrlvaly furnished, single and double rooms; plenty baatl ad. Jolng Loth. PARK AVI1 . l!lFurnlihed rooms Urxa larx orca. uniwiiiieiK-u nunc ivuui wiia nrivaie DO 2!?ihJL SMI famlb etf&pMllXl. unfurnlthnl altl PINE, IROfl Newly fuintahd room, hot-water fat4f,gentlanvea pref jrradjjhttijj h uouT W SPHINO OARDBN 1711 -Large, comfombly lurnUhati front room adjoining lmla. ap4 rite tieda suiuWe for two sectutnen. (SPRUCE. U-8Jany uU. with prlvat bth laa doctor's aulte of uSu. ' SPHt'i' - : 20i -Dlrable uii .i,t, rKi. ImMu -- " ub.v- viWWS, ROOMS SOU. ilENT WALNUT, sTOB-Prlvata family will rent love ly 2d floor, furnished, to gentlemen, open flreplacei4 windows! southern exposure, WtNDSOH AVE.. 4120 (18th nnd'Bprlngnetd) Warm and cheerful room; private family; all conveniences: homelike, phowe, DTK, B., 252-Nlcaly furnished parieri other vacancies. Walnut OlOS 12TII. S., 3l7-2d floor front; private family) othervacancleai reasonable.. Fljbert, WO.I. J2TU. N., 10O0-2J floor through, with prlvAte bathfurnUhed or unturn. Diamond HjOl W. latif, ft., SffT-Nowlir furn'ishfd "rooms; very cheerful : also physician' oftlce. .. l.i j iOc Tn4 1-tvivrge TronFrooms: wrllReat- Ml: 'iiitiMo gentlniicn. PoplarjlTM W, iBTlt AllOVE atJsQUJ-lHAN.VA-Comforlfthtv fur. front loom, hot-tvatcr heat; board oot I! ref.l all convs.i owner. I. M, Ledger Cent. KITH, N,. 2(123-2 furnished 2d'tory rooma. 1 Zd'Story rooms. it fam.l owners. rlvnte7a"mriy will room, single or near patn:Amer. Protestant liTIt ST., N .1133-Small PI rem neautiruiiv riiinisnnn en suite: gentlemen preferred: phone 19TII, N 1S0O Two communfenilhg Tooiiisl run, waten gooil transportation! phone. 4 2JI), H., 122-Kooms, single or "en suite! pri vate baths, running Water: steam heat! ncivly papered and painted! gentlemen preferred. BIST, B., 1220 Modefhly furnT ST-room "rulte: vlectrlclty, h.-w. heat! pleasant neighbor.! across from park, cara cony.! private amllv RIBT. N 87R Three unfurnlshcd.ro.vms cor ner house; reasonable! phone Tlclmont fn 2. HANDSOMELY furnished front room In large modern private homu. Eleclrlc lights. Ten . inlnutea tn rity Hall Telephone llsrlng 41.1. Prnfesslnnnl Offices. OKFICE I OR RENT, well furnished, for morning hour, to a regular physician, Ad ilrvis L an. Ledger Central. BOARDING ARCH. 2023.':02.V-Handsomely furnished. In- , eJUdjngauperIor table, 40table, Jl, ' uiwiunu, iwj vu.noor rront rcom ana . others! comforlnble.good location; reasonable. PARK AVE., NTlu41-Furn. rooma, single or en suite; running viator; board optional. PINE ST., 02J-Room and oard far couplo or gentlemen; dining room; up to data: 43 up; table d'hote, fiOc. Phono Walnut M4T. SPRUCE, 12211220 lllrlsmundel Furn, room"" single, tn suite; prlvota hatha! table board. W'ALNUT. ano.'V-CRxctptlonal table toaril! aleii beautifully furnished rooms I moderate prices, WAL'NtlTT Rod Lovely homellko"rooma7 furrl. or unuirn.; goon taoie. t'reaton tsxi u. WALNUT. 1044-Dealrabla second'Story front room; exccutlonal tnblo board. Uarlng 747. 10TU, S 314 Desirable furn, rooms; single or double! excellent table: all conveniences Suburban GERMANTOWN The Colonial. 1UW. Coul ter; higher claea, cholco location; rooms, slngle or en suite, Phone Germantown Mil'J. OERMANTOWN. West Coulter ot.. 10O-OITer ncsinioie nccommooationi. rnone tiin. fiinui. Table Roan! UIUIAD ST.; 8., 421 Select tobia'boardT'Phone, Wnlniil 71.17 W APARTMENTS CHESTER AVE., 4207 lively 2d-(loor 8-room nnrinieni, oavns, open nrepiace; house' Ueeplng apartment, .'1 looms and bath, fur' nlshad or unfurnished. can ii I'reelon .VWO. LUXURIOUS apartment Two large rooms: high celling, open fireplace; bcautlfullv fur nished; hot and cold running water: 123 si month. 2030 Arch. Phono Looust 3247. PARK AND'COLUMIUA AVErl.. S. E. cor.'l l ooma. steam heat. 1 2d-lloor front. X22.j). SPRINO GARDEN, lOlu-Execllent apta. lnS ninrrent nousca, some rurn'ci; kitchenettes. WAIJUT. 1222-24 (KcnwoodV na!r.-iht vu (ancles; single or en suites prlv. baths; will change to suit tenant: mod rate. W'al. W1M. WALNUT .T. 14.11-Apartments or 1 to 4 rooma. with baths, furnished or unfurnished; firm class: fZ.. mi. Aiplv iniiitir. Wl'lt AND OREEN. Hie Reronsfnrd-Deslr- able apartments, bachelor or housekeeping, VHIWIT IICHl. Phone PopHr MM, IOT1I, H., 11.1 Furnished complete housekeep ing apartment, ,1 rms nnd private bath. cor. house. Southern oxnnsurc. Predion 2H4", V. FOR VACANCIES and completn Information It all apartments free, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 1,1th and Spruce sts. Prono Walnut (ISO. er wrlto Mr "Apartment Directory." December i.iniinn. iree. LION'S HEAD Handsomely rurnlshed apis. 121.1-1 r. Locust. HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS CORINTHIAN 'AVE., 8201 rooms, kltchon ettea, baths, modern conva Phono Toplar H31 THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises 1BT1I ST., N.. 1.112 Housekeeping apartments, four rooms and all modern conveniences; nrat floor t12.B0: second floor US; Janitor. HAMILTON COURT CHESTNUT AND StlTlI iTrREETB Ore Housekeeping Apt., 6 Rooms and Rath. One Housekeeping Apt., S Rooma and Data. R. H. THATCHER. Manarsr. FURNISHED 8-room houackeep. apart., 2d noer. gooq neater, aa.ou. rnone vv ooq. .vi. POPLAR APTS., 1020 Ponlar Beautiful furn b kpg. buIicb: private baths: hot-vvater heat. REAL ESTATE FOR SAIiE OER5IANTOWN CIIOICK properties In ull sections nf Cltn., Mt. Airy. Chest. Hi all prlres. Write for spoelal Hat, J. H. Chadwlck & Co., .HUB Ilermantown. MOUNT AfRY AND CIJR'TtNUT HILL PROPRRTIRS Pelham Trust Co.. 0710 Germantown ave. Tlnjra SITN'ERAL large tracts of Improved land on 1 leh ground, wldo streets and with unexcelled trclley and train service for salt on ground rant. Address M eiS. Ledger Office. Lonsdale. Pa. 1W1 UUILDlNO LOTS on Rroad st. and Inter ' ecctlng strecta, between 8th and 10th sis.; high ground, wide streets and desirable sur roundings: suitable for a building operattuu, Addreea M I1IB. Lodger Office NEW .JERSEY Atlantlct City. N. J. BNAI'S Sevoral choice bargains In cottages and hotels, sale or rent: choicest corner lot In all Ventnor; !000 below cost; atlieta, Uruckmann, 310 Ouirontee Rldg., Atlantic -" National Park. N. J. YOUR opportunity; lota 23xlS0: near trolley: overlooking Del.! adjoin. Campbell Soup Co. development, flreater N. J. Co.. M a. lllth. PENNSVLVANIA FARJI9 160 ACRES. HI tnllta from atatlon. Main Line: an attractive, old, atone dwelling, re. modeled; .atone and frame bam, outbuild ings: orchard, meadow, atream; In a good neighborhood: leas than $330 per acre: a New Ycur'a-bargaln. new 1 er H j., McCOLLUM 114 Walnut at.. Philadelphia. "Don't Forget the Number." i7!S-,CRi:a near Main Line P, R. R.t eicet lent layout for. a '""' "nJ V?.ul,.nJ,tf,rini eataloaue free. J.ll.Thompaon. Weat Chester. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANQE Atlantlo City. N. J, HOTKLH, cottagea? apartments, ate., to eg r'foV'l'Bllsdel Lhange lor i-niiuvipni4 uioycriiss. 1 li! ?ll. H.1 B. Panna. ava.. Atlantlo Clt; i.5! tu, REAI. ESTATE WANTED PROPERTY In and around Philadelphia, tor English Inveetorsi only partlea with good In. coina-prouuclnk- propartlea of desirable loco, lion neeu reply. Wlra or writ at one. 10 American representative, W, ). MULLKTT, Loekport. N. Y;. REAIi ESTATE BOR RENT Olflcea, Dullness Rooma, Kir. rm.iTtifccoiFLQOjrTiT able fJV ima.ll .organfiatlon. club, prlvita 'ajiiln; .school dottar or dentist. UUlffiuaT Vuetorlea. Warehouses. Mfg. Floor iIOMTEEtB PLAN!' of S3 machines for manu. laeturlng of ready-to-wear garment lor sale at a. burgla, wRh Ufa. Soanuera & stain. HIT Market at. eighth flpqr. VO FLOORS. ,art and eoon4 atory, w"itri ejeay wwtd M.OOO. Quat feat, well UghUd; low tnurnce. Bradbury Brothers. DrUtol at" near Oermantown v Nctovo. "C'KSTRA'-r'LOOH 'BPACE-LOW RKNT .1V . CO-y IT PNNA. UUILDlffiT xmmn3 Tt tti AND .CCrTTAOBa lsh44 or u&turBlslteS. y month. aan air, all lscstUna, rjrlcea S5 par raaata It gHrrU Co....rtljr njdfc tor real. or ai uii MORTGAGES Moonn.00 FOR FIRST AND " U A 1LI? law StflSSrSRS1" 1810 CHESTNUT ST. CONSKRVAfTVE aWlMTttt'ltau lat gases as laiDfovad Atltntla Cltv and V oiort ant acr pxoturties Insured tltl4 punctual Interest l,'iJaot uarote(J, amounu luoa u . WW. U ii IUuIh&lj Atlantic City. J J, r .It ,. . I Penn Slate Froth. ON TUB GROUND PLOQH, "I'oor John seemed terribly btoken up after tho houao party." "Yes, poor Itltl, lie always tllil lmve n wenlt heart ntttl n Bllm pocket book." Copj right, Fllegcnde Hlaotttr. Visitor (loat In contemplntlng; a painting; by Rembrandt, before which the owner's tlachbliuml Is lying) It la not a cciiulne, Mr. Kommcrzlcnrnt. Owner What? Visitor Thu llcnihrandt. Owner (mollified) Well, well, I wouldn't (.wear to Hint. I thought you referred to my dncliBhund, ' Sportsman I don't caro what you tho very deuce with football 1 fca Punch Howl, Tills Kcntlemnn had sometlilnc ex- ceedlnsly witty to tell his wife, but pho took so lone; to dress that we went to press before tho came down. -llystander. nuiN! fierninnln 1 this broueht mo toT what you've Mllitarlam You dry up. I'll bayonet you next If you're not carefull THE LITTLE GIRL THAT f3L "I ' I' m llrfn lP JlO''' "' ' Ml 111 S C RAP P SUBMARINE WAR JMEWS K-9 ATTACKS Need Something to Work On "Willis Ib your church golnp; to aend missionaries to tho Far Hast to teach tho heathen the Christian rollgloii? Glllls No, wo'vo got to wait till the heathen gets back ft 0111 the war that tho Kuropcan nations have called them to. Puck. London Opinion. jiay, this bllnliln' war's goln' to play THE DOGS ( , , , , ;,. V 1 WHEN IT COMES TO DOOS-I itayW 3 . ..flwftjfag.i 1 Mucha (Warsaw). SANTA GLAUS FORGOT ! - . '! P'""'"'l!'.''i"1riCl LE THANarOrtT. Owed It to His Wife "My wife made mo n: success," remarked the man. ' "I urn glad to hear you say that," do ctored his pastor. "Yea; she has always wanted so many things that l'vo Just had' td hustle' Kansas City Journal. ABSENT-MINDED. "Father, there's a big fly op tho celt ine." "Well, step on It, Uteri, and leave m nlono!" OF WAR nyitsmler. Man Lacht (Derru) "Why do you atk for the bill pf fttre very evenlnsT You never order Kny4 thing;." "Ng, Imt en, you know, I .ahrayg have such wondertu) drv-nu niHU'' 1 Punch iIa4oa' Til rav-ruli tier portrayed, being Mt utou r Bt lrtto KUthmci a anty, 1 0tmlBad to -irnmnaBtiftntai OlHWatf ,t any Chdltloi aT ajrll.4. OflW (SUtiif ll fMD--WKat ti taUtjjfrttt ZBwut rclt "WtU, what ur a shwt el? m H i J ymm nFA' n - rs. Ci il"JJHiJLti--11Hf.. " " -r$ ii arhll J -A i 1 . V ,J J m S sti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers