gaBBMHHWM "swmpjpw 10 srJr EV'ENItta. LEDGER-PHILABBLpHlA, THURSDAY, BEOBMBEB 24 1914. - r " " - L- " - - r -i il i ' - i mm. i ii i r- i- " I ' n i i n r in i mi urn --,--- - . m imi rtnn.ii..ii. null nwmw Mi I " -t. 1HERWOOD MAGEE IS TRADED TO BOSTON BRAVES FOR CASH AND TWO PLAYER! m ftMORS TAKE AS SANTA uKIctcs and Dope Writers as Holiday Spirit Fills the .Air Mr. Presents Will be Traded. THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS 'tas the nlftht before Chrlstmnn and nil through tho natlun Poor, tired-out random Was thrilled with elation. liot4 there Wasn't ft. whisper from- bush or blR Icaruo Or laumilts or Fed rnldsi or trloUi ami Intrigues. Of Jolly old Santa, who shuts up tho talkers. The self.advcrtlslnR calamity squawkors, ' And thus give to fahdom. If but for an hour, A weo chunk of peace, the boat gift In his power. ROAST BOMBARDIER WELLS FOR NOT GOING TO WAR Some of the English papers are mentioning Hombnrdler Wells In a rnthor alighting manner becnuse the Hombnrdler hasn't rc-enllstcd In the army and gone to the war. The writers on the other sldo seem to think thnt n trained fighting man should not bo traveling around making money when he might be fighting for his country. "Freddy" Welsh has also been criticised for leaving England Just when the demand for voluntcern was becoming Insistent: but Welsh never was tn the army, never bud n military training and, It he went to the war, would bo Just an ordinary soldier tike a few hundred thousand others, whereas as lightweight champion he Is n person of some Importance and Is rapidly acquiring a fine young fortune. He hnd n hard choice. Nearly all of tho well-known English boxers to their great and everlasting credit havo enlisted for the defense of their country. Among theso Is Tiger Smith, who was a sensation n few yearn ngo until lip met- Tommy Hums. Tiger Smith Was In the British Indlnn army nnd won so many boxing bouts In India, and In bo sensational a manner, that ho bought his rcleaso from the service to go after the heavyweight title. In addition to the fighters, thousands of the best athletes In other branches of sport ore now shouldering a gun, either at tho front or eagerly awaiting to be Ordered there. Wells Is certain tb lose much of his popularity. Maybe lie thinks It Is better to be alive. Oh, well, what's tho use? COOMBS MAY TAKE RANK AS LUCKIEST BALL PLAYER It Is announced thnt John Coombs, who was recently given his unconditional release by Connie Mack, will play with tho I3rnves next senson. If thnt is true, and there seems to bo no renson for doubting It, John will soon be In Ira ThomaB' class. Ira Is known throughout the baseball world as the luckiest man In baseball. Ho was on two pennant-winning teams with tho Detroit Tigers. Then the wind changed, but the air currents had nothing "on" Irn. Ho switched to the Athletics as soon as, the pennant wns switched ,to 2 1st street nnd Lehigh avenue. Now John Ojombs, after having enjoyed during the last two yearn two slices of world's series money. Is destined to get another in 1915 as a member of Stalllngs' club. While this may seem lucky, John Coombs descrvci all he gets out of baHcbnll. He has been, and It Is to ba hoped he wilt continue to be, one of the world's greatest pitching exponents. Phlladalphlans wish Kenncbunk a prolongod success on tho mound, whether ho plays with the Braves or whether ho jumps along with his former teammates. Bender and Plank, to tho Federal League. "JIMMY" GILMORE'S LETTER TO SANTA By FRANK A JIENKE. Dear Santa: I mn a- man of peace, I bear all men good will. It always makes me weep to read The talo of Jack and JUI. So when you make my gift bo sure ,k It works no harm at all. Just bring a storm to wreck the plants Of organized baseball. (Signed) JIMMY CJILMORE. QIVE MANAGERS LONGER TERM If the new owners of the New York American League club Intend to build pennant-winning team it Is to ba hoped they will not make the mistake of Signing a manager for one year and then relieving him of his duties at the end of that time. "The Idea of each Amerlcnn League club burning over a player ti the Yankees to strengthen that club Is highly absurd. Tho owners In tho American League last season had too hard a time battling against a poor season to be' willing- to give even a friendly enemy a pennant-winning club. As far as the Athletics are concerned, they havo done their part already. Mack has turned Daley and Carroll Brownover to the Yankees. Ho did not do this with the par ticular Idea of helping New York, nnd ho did not claim to do that What he did was to give the New Yorkers two good men, and that Is all that could reasonably be asked of him. "WHITEY" MALLON A REFEREE OF GRIT Basketball fans of Philadelphia, Reading. Trenton and Camden should rejoice that a refereo has been found whof Is (strict. This referee Is "Will toy" Mallon. He Is nof a novice at the game, by 8ny means. On tho contrary, ho Is an experienced, well-trained basketball man, who knows his business and ,1s not afraid to do what he thinks Is right, no matter if ho breaks up a team's play for one night as ho did In Reading In the Trenton game. The Penn football team will bo out for work next fall Al Journeay has decided to re-enter college. T ' The attempts of several tennis' experts to i rank the players of the United States are perfect that Is, tho rank. Wo learn from tho checker expert that the Penn team is In the pink of con dition for Its next contest, TAKE YOUR CHOICE Report A "Hans," Lobert wljl Jump to the Federals. The Yankees havo been sold. Report B "Hana" Lobert will stay with the Phillies. Tho Yankees hava not been sold. ' , Report C "Hans" Lobert will be 'with the aiants In 1915.' The Yankees might already bo sold, , . A double play Farrell out, Johnson to Huston to Ruppert. MEERY CHEISTMAS TO ALIi AND TO ALL A GOOD-NIGHT SOPHOMORE FIVE WINS o " CAGE IMTERCLASS TITLE Victors Were Undefeated Seniors Land Second Place. Tti ophomars' cUu, with a prccatE of J.0O0. won th InUrcUM ctumjiloiuWn of Ointfal illttt School wbca th Onal ium of fs crlu wro play4 jrtaUrduy afternoon Bill) victory rultin- for tb soph an! imnlerjrVj'ii. UtUr tim was the ruontr-up iv Kb four wlu n4 two dtftata. TfcTM of tb Crlnsaoa and QoM vanity WitVUr plart4 for tb sophomer. Thty r Ward. I'owltr ana Captain Rutler, Th iioBfcl trio featured la vry contMl $jmi b4 It iru tbslr ork chWtty that W03 tb UUta far tb aoptaomera claaa. Xb atatbtlH lollaw: -agbasuuti i benwrt jutitars 1 Ftaabsua 1 ht m .BUT .JBT .181 ST. JOE DATES FILLED V"-aTvra Basketball Qaraes With Cath- , U? msp SohedttJd. uwjae tb innnntiniUBttt AM Zftmf- im i raM titna g. ioateh'a CMI a4 OattaHe tUsk 8.aaat have km mmvltqi, itutr Wefctrt faltanacu of ibi ceMxs esc sama, inwnawt ta Mas tb ?.. . ..... .... iiisicJ by Usach .w"'!n.rrT err.?s" " MVI WIKIHillin, IB p8 fMtsm m w -.lixOxle ka mat 104 day pjmittn 1 wUt vWit &iu Ad claaa mm ti t WJJSWI GVm- STBK 3COKHV rr. Hte IbMHibrH Prrtl adMWqr ! , Vmt M. Wiaiiw MiymM m alil ivW ibuit arsTtsi . K??S? jat SnliA M ajtrirMW atoa. ya- Mt tma&ms ' Eu&i"1 X'. .BfUlTO tut tSiKril' SSmut, fKw9 4 i sas ai , e. ""ssacff .ji mass. f5ei jHwryjjw y w Spf BACK SEAT . GOMES TO FORE Put Lid on Dame Gossip Bnn Johnson was still, ho had nothing to say All tnnl.crn oC statements closed tip for the day. And the snmo thltiir applied to nil branches of sport In nhlcU tho hlfr talkers alt like to cavort Tho heroes of tennis, the shy, modest fluhters. The 5ounR men who work for the ball-playlns wrltcis, nitc-muscled experts at croquet and pokor And oven tho loud-mouthed, habitual croaker, Wig Is always kicking, nit shut up for onco And made the sport w rlters do marvelous stunts In filling, by dint of hard labor, the Bpace That the dopesters havo nilcd In their tireless race Kor free adverllslnff on nlco spotting pages. What though he who rends It Imnotently rages; So fans should be glad, though this silence amazes, Tlinv nil nlmuld loin in and nlnir loudly the Uralses GREAT BILLS AT FIGHT CLUBS CHRISTMAS DAY Olympla, National, Quaker City and ratrmount Schedule Bouts Tb bouts acheduWd to take place at tho local boalni cluba on Chrlitmaa Day promlao to ba tho beat ananjtd ta 1'blladtlpbU In years. At th Olympla, the following card baa bn aanouiecd' Mala bout-BucIt Croui. formtrly of Pitta burih. netta Kid Wafiwr, o( Ptttaburib. S.mlwlnd.up Bddl VKttt, of Philadelphia, Vf. Bddle Wallace. Third boutMlekey Do(ilK oroaaea tlOYea with Tommy Buck. 8ond bout Jakty llouuaey wilt oppoa Dun Soldtll. flrn bout Iw Blet v. Tommy Ijncdon. Xatlonal A. C. Mela bom Younr Jack 0Drln maata T4 UwU. Firih bout Pal Moor v. FJdle Morjan. FBurib Mat Jack Wayne boie Tim Loiao, afc" Tbtid boutLouliUna vi. Willi MaR HMood bout Eddt Uoran v). mill Ftrat bout Harry Hmltb t. Jlmmjr ilu Jona. Murray. Ouakar Cltv Club: WiDd-uo Jo Borrell a. Pi 'rank Manttll. Fourth bout-Paddle BeaJJtr ra. tommy i armv Tblrd boal Harry Waener va. Bobby Melted. 8(ead bout Tuphbx Rallly va. Jotmoy t'airn. PUat bout Artbur abort v. Youn Lawry. Lav ra. ila aacata . ? MM Joe iw firat va. S&od boul-rtedOf 4aaB autta BdJU MerditU to Raco Saturday Maraawa. Nur OiyaaBU aad laur Huek to right Xatoe v -. Si.-- V&sn. Ur nM iilwt .Taaij- iws o wwwir OaUaWttc Ptv JUfrM UKUi ViIUK Iik a-J -2Uada limuatir. I cMd) 4t.tak XU t suKatbai. la VTtah. I ifesh Ctitarafiv 1c Vat ta!ura " i r7m- & TnHl ifWIli jamiKSS UUH. SevJoTb Uwit Toina- jjwk TsUivl sMata hxhii iiuaar. nStk laaut Mmr Tkaid tMU-nui "file ci&verrtr ) ( Tha's a good ne Piaui uvo hw its s rp) I VY CW THe ) V HAW HAW HAW ft!. J I i'-ML A CUT .rfte. I MeeMAMICAt rin - I " anb n JAifSR. J I ,' . J. MMSE "" li Ult.KT -JuwuaiMs t r it to KS - I " ' .. r WHAT'S IT 'N f " "V IT WORKS D DoufU ( WMT I VAUT TURU OVBR FIDO ) '(jffuijfj) SV JL J ' WHEN YOU TAKE IT HOME THAT'S SOMETHING ELSE AGAIN r r ' ... .. BASEBALL SCODT OUTRIVALS DANTE TO SIGN PLAYER 'Mike" Kahoe Says He Went.Down 82 Miles Into Bowels of Earth to Get Wilson, "That's All." NEW YORK, Dec. 2t. ".Mike" Kahoe, scout for the Washington and Minne apolis clubs, went down Into a coal mlno recently to pet the signature of a catcher who will cet a trial with the Minneapolis club. In the American Association, next season. "His name Is 'Tom' Wilson," said Ka hoe. "I was told to so to Hartford, Ncbraskn, where he lived. When I got to Hartford I found It a town of about 200. In the outskirts was a coal mine. Inquiry developed the fact that Wilson was at work In the mine. I decided to wait until ho came out In the evening- to sign him up, but I suddenly changed my mind following a conservation with one of the armed guards near the mine. "There's going' to be trouble around hero pretty soon. Mister," said the guard. "The regular miners are liable to come In on any train, and the troops are on the way. Klffd-n think there'i going to be some ahootln' hereabouts." "That was enough for me," continued Kahoe. "I just made for the mouth of that mine shaft nnd demanded to bo taken down. Tho guards around there looked me over. I thought sure they were going to 'frisk' me, hut they didn't, because I presented cards and lotters that were convincing proof that I wasn't a spy. "Well, after going down and down for about 82 miles the bucket that I was rldlnir In reached the bottom. I was led for three or four miles farther and pretty soon I came upon a gang of men. My guide pointed out one and said: " 'That's Wilson.1 "I told Wilson that I had come to sign htm up for the Minneapolis club, offered him terms and he said they were satis factory. Then he signed the contract and I started for the top of the earth once more. I got there and I got out of town Just before the soldiers arrived." "What did Wilson look HkeT" Kahoe was asked. "Say, I wouldn't know him again If I saw him on the street or In a mine," answered the scout. "All those fellows looked alike down there. They all were about as black and sooty as could be. Maybe the guide gave me the wrong steer and maybe I signed up the wrong man. but I took a chance on that rather than ban,' around that town any longer than I had to," BOUTHWAKK F, O, BH0OX On of th largeat ahootlng- matchea or th year will tak place at th 8outhwark Field noii grounda on Chrtatmaa afternoon. Mora than GO markamtn bare aent In tbelr entries. The events Include whit nyr match and clay target shoot. MB Junior Entry list With an entry of ST men, the Jfaw York A. C exceeda any other organlutton tn number of nominal lona for the junior chauiplonahlpa of th A. A U. o ba held at the 13th ltet ment Armory, Brooklyn, neat TUeaday night. Th rlh'Amerlin A..C. I neat on the llt with IS. and though (bo Celtlo Park brigade ha a leu than liatf tb men that the Winged Foot will put In tb field, the Irian club la hopeful of wtnnlnr th point trophy. Amherst Swimmers to Sleet Penn JIUHBRST. Mee. Dee. ., The. Amherst Colleg awimminc team will noia inre dual meet at Amhert thU winter. r.hmin in Pnmell March Th date ii.i aiaren o, rennayiram March 13. Ilrowu. Tb college will cuter a team In the tntcrcolWxUt ewlramlng ham- plonampa itew imh v --mu v. "Jack" Johnson Training th world' bavywliht ebainplaa. U ilvtni bl trill com tTm andjpUaa to (tv a aula of IHUw boiju. Xrusdell Wins Bogey Hateh wmwaPEt. M-& ttmjL&a?& lbj tma. pteytsc a nzaoisap or SljrB to Battle Lsvituky torn war fp gW 11" ''WlPfPipe'Ww m&mnt fv' iv amticwk 9v9a...vr:'.iKZ."2i:a snwt ?Ji"ijiis iLjfiiftaabiffte C. D. M.-W- a TW wai lb uuw or Teelar. aiJW w &2 SCHOOLBOY ATHLETES TAKE A HOLIDAY Basketball and Other Sport Put Aside for a Week. With tho Chrlatmns holiday vacation atartlng t( morrow, tho barkrtbnll tetma of th Scho lnatlo Irarue. Including Southern Ilith. Wcat l'hllndrlnhln lllnh. Central Hlth and Xortlifait Hlrh. will hanir up thlr coco torn until Janu ary n, on which day tho race will bo reeumed. The npentnx samra -v III be plnyed with Snuth rn llla'i nppoiliiK Weit Philadelphia High, while Northeaat Ulch-wlll line-up ngalnit tho Crimson and Gold quintet. Pouthern won tho tltlo laat aeaeon, but na nnlv one rccular la tack In the llnc-up, th Itcd and niack will hao a mlchty tough propoaltlon on Its handr. Tho llne.upe of the teama will prohablv bo; Southern High Black and Watmnn. fnnsnrdi; Uoldenberg, centre; Welnateln and Mcl'hllllmy, guard. Northern High Sheldon nnd Schonpo, forward; Wallace, centre? Hcdelt and New ton, guard. Wfit Philadelphia High Clceland and Wller, forwards; .McCaakey, centre; Plnk erton and Alirami, iruarda. Central High Ward and I Idcberman, f of warda; Tow ler, cen tre; Duller and Stout, Rtiarda. MYSTERY SHROUDS YANKEE BALL CLUB PURCHASE TODAY To All Practical Purposes, New York Americans Have Been Sold to Rup pert and Huston Combine. NKW YOHK, Dec 24. To all practical Intents and purposes (savo those ot pub lication) the New York American League Club has been sold to Colonel Jacob Hup pert, Jr., anil Captain T. L. Huston. These new owners, no doubt profiting by a good lesson In American League etiquette at Chicago, maintained a most discreet silence yesterday morning on their arrival here with John J, McOraw and Joseph J. Lannln. 'But a very close friend who had advised them In their negotiations and who accompanied them cast stated positively that the official transfer of stock was only a matter of tlmo. "The club has been sold," said he. "Of course the stock has not as yet been transferred and will not be till tho pur chase price Is ready to be tendered, It takes a great deal of time to complete the rrmuy angles of a deal of such mag nitude Tho club no doubt lids assets and nubilities outstanding. Messrs, Rup pert and Huston, naturally, will Insist upon taking the property without Incum brances. They have agreed to meet Mr, Farrell's terms and will assume active charge as soon as the present ownership Is ready for a business accounting." Joseph J. Lannln, who came east with Messrs, Ituppert and Huston, was as non committal as the now owners, but, pinned right down to the solemn truth, he ven tured an opinion that "the deal was as good as closed." McOraw made like ad missions. Frank J. Farrell, however, would not admit any such thing. He issued a rather heated Interview, fn which he said thqt the club was on the market to the first' man that would pay 1500,000. He In. lituatrd that Colonel Ruppert was not Inclined to go so high and that conse quently the possibility of sale In (hat quarter was as good as dead. CEDAB BOOIAIi TO HOLD BUN The Cedar Social Club will hold Its first five-mile Christmas street marathon run tomorrow afternoon. Tho race will start at Ann and Almond streets. Port Richmond, at 3 p. m. Young McGovern, Richmond's new champion, will act as starter. -- Princeton Hockey Winner flWK QRK, Do. . Prbwetsifl'a booker team outuaysJ tho Irlsh-An-.erlean AthVllo Club to ih. tun of 5 to S U.t night st tb St. NtcbobU I) Skating Blgk. ' '" P. J. Powers Dies ' H&w ypK. p, ju-phiiip. j. Po.. ,B aii-UM basekall player, faifcous la u, day. died biro ysfrday, aged Ot, 7' Grossman Beats Xong- At tb Idtal Wlliard Parlor, last rht. ekkav with an unrtnTsiied run of 11. out r Ball Teams at BakersfUJd AbAa i r faat Boor hot from th M It B1 toy Wast Chrtatma fhy fiiu4Th Al&ABUfieaM hi yifd4, HwwkHX. Tb teams irlit i al JtiVHSfi todar. Owley PJve Wins la ta XMteniJ tUtaUMil . law Ow asjr mai Hit liaisMIIIIII SSI umU "M ia xT. aw rJt&&MJ& aV HtHatit -L. " ' i' PL! mafb ariAnr t MISS PRIMITY WINS OPENING EVENT AT CHARLESTON TRACK Long Shot Brings Christmas Money to Her Backers. Lord Marshall Takes Money in the Second Race CHARLESTON, S. C, Dec. 2I.-MIM Prlmlty furnished a few long-shot play, crs with Christmas money when she won the first race hero today -at 15 to 1, Shad rark landed the placo money and Behest was third. Lord Marshall, an 8-to-l shot, won tho second race, with Rulsscan second and Charles McFerran third. Flrat race, selling. 0-year-oIda nnd up, 5U furlongi Jllaa Prlmlty, loa, fool, 10 to t, 0 to 1, .1 to 1, won; Uhadrach. Mi, Dryer, ! to 1, 4 to B, a to i, aocond; llcheat. loi; shUI Irg. 3 to 1, 2 to 1. cin. third. Time, l:uu. Uulgar, Ida Lalnla. Jack Nunall. llatna. Moliant, Jcaale Lou lie. Ethelbeurg II, Bodkin, fcpohn. Lamb's Tall, Prince Chap, lleartatona also ran. Second race, fielllnflr. i.vtiapil.l. ..! .... ...-,--- -V w""L-. " i..7" ?.'"-. , "!'. I .iiuiiBr-jMiu .uatot.aii, ii. irlonra Lord Marshall 11'J a V , I, 1 0,K.. ...." . " . 1.1 to 8, en, I to J, second; Charles McFer ran, 10V, Hanover, 0 to 1, 1! to 1. oven, third. Tim. 1:30., meaUway. Lelalla-Foni, cile Jhumplan, illmesls Console, Hetente, Inspector Lcntraite, Shorty Northcut, Aplaster, Idlovrelts also ran. LarL Dixie. Knntn ? lllvf irin.. .. dromdea and St. Charlotte also ran. Fourth race, selling. 3.year-o!ds, 1 mile Puyberry Candle, ion, Tilly. .1 to I, even. 1 to 2, won; Banjo Jim. 104. Hlnn. IS to 3. to B, I to 2, second: Balfron, 103. Shilling. 8 to 5. 7 to 10. 7 to 4. third, Tim; l: ii. Surpaaalnr, lone. Stars and Stripes, Ilolton also ran. Fifth race, selling. 4-year-oW and up. 0 furlonga yellow Eyes, 1M, Ural, een, 2 to B. , ,." aj won: yorkaWro Boy. 104. Shilling 'l.loii. n. 3 to 8, econd; Master Jim ,., Aiuxitrr., 14 it, (, u io j, a to i third. Time, 1:2114.3, Blackford, Spellbound. Du quesne. Belfry and York Lai also rnn. Sixth race, selling, :i.year-old nnd up. SU furlongs Lurla, 110, l'ool, u to 5, 7 io lo 1 to 3. won; Vlley, 110. Lilly, .1 to t, a to 5 a to ft. second: Iluda'a Brother los, Troxlcr. 4 to 1. S to B. 4 to S. third. Time. l:oa! Nadamaa. Lady Lightning, J'alm Leaf. Sure Otf Mils Jean also ran. CHARLESTON ENTBIES First race, purse $300. S.year-olda and un. selling. O furlonga-'ilallk, HH: Archery-; lof: Bonny Boy, 107; T-jl. Oreen. loo; Martin Casca, 107: MordcctnTiOl): Yello es. 1W: Perth Itock. 112 l'Ved Levy. Ill Lustace. io. it2. 112: ur. uouxr Dr. Dougherty. 112: Duquesne, Oahrlo. 114; Amoral, 11); Metropolitan, 117. lloncrlef, 117; Second race, pure tnno. 3-year.old and up. selling. 0 furlongs 'Hatbush, 101; 'Salvor, lot. Slrlga Brothers, lot; San Joo. 103; No Manager, 100; Bordello JOoi Nlgadoo. too: desale Louise, 100; Behest, 103; Ltlsloha. 100: Ochre Court, loo. Billy Collins, 100; Crlsco! Ill; Madeline 11.. 1H; Bodkin. 1H; i1am: tnarlon. 117, Third race, purs 3no. all ages, selllnr.'S furlongs-A. ti. Akin. DO; 'Black Chief, 00; Chagan, 105; Undaunted, lfKI. 'HrUr Path. J07 U Be It, lOSl Ancon. Ill; Chartler, lis: -Vanda Pltier. Mi "Belamour, IIS. ' Fourth race, Christmas handicap of 11500. all ages, one mile Col. Tom Oreen. OS; tllnne Cunis, 103: tKushy Head, lotl: Water Idy. M3; Judg Wright. IW; Polly Jl'ina, Working Lad, 113; Csleata, 118; Harry Shaw, v. 103: Batwa. 10SI A. C. dnnuartown. 112. 'Big Dil DUrtovrn, iix. -nig in 112: Chllia, no. 14; yjoi, j. .Mivvw, ,a, Sixth rac. pur 300. 3-year-olds and up, .Ulnar, mile and 20 )ards Bsu Per. 04: lfont rrrL7..j 'u ... f 7- 'llusa Around. 100; Earl of Sao. 1; elatvitt lliinti 100; Ord Ma, 103, , i UapJer. 10.1, Curn.ll IUld. IOjI, Col Holloway, 107; Mr. Mack. 10S; Cirllon a.. 100; Col. Cook. mundr. 112: Potelus, US. Apprentice alloanc claimed. tUedwell entry. Weather cloudy. Track slow. JTJABEZ ENTBIES Klrst rc. Mlllnjr. all axes, a furlongs- llnnlA P.. IOI. eAlle TTKma. im A..T.W 107. Banmlnxo. ltO. Dr. Bishop. Ho': llalscj Ktac. I to: w wrap. i.v; marl voghin. iw; MfiT Jin wt tta Second rac selling all as, S furfeags v.lfna 101 Black Eiheao. 110. cimBioo, 1U. Louis Deicoaueis, 'Alrd r. aeJUag. -yr-M and up. Orlmar l&d. 186; Kalbam. led. tiongasca. Feurtb race, all aats. v "NaThUd Haafilcaa.'' "5ff-."" . "1U. II value tBoa.. i jBiir-anmumiU, W; Furlong, lUne UuK. 4W. ,w"-.. TTT. . losnls. lis. FIMb ff"j. Jft S urlon tSS.'T-tnri iBt ijiffiTff. .K"t.... -guir. 110: ClskuKH 1W. Kldnilson. no. 'Or Neuter. KJvtti rA. suUlllg. vut-oia a Kel.KU. iS Edha .ataauaaad. lot l13uZ 110. He ff Still 110. AautJetts sJWwaoc eUUned. ANOTHER AMaWCTBAJ? 0ASJS Wlthy 3?9ultry tr Hel4 m Ma. tertal WltH, HSW TfOJUf, Ic W-WHUaaj Wwoa. WsaUfay MU fawttry 4MMr. wu a Treated by toteettv today 1b etuaJT. un wit f. tl nnwu Ml4r Of BM, tb vrJ&ttttrE i.f Jtv totT, Third raco. selling. 2-year-oMi, fl fur ongs rioTrot.102. Tool, oen.'ll to Xti, 1 to 4. won: illnatrel. int. Shilling. .1 to 8, 7 to JO, i to i second; Bamboo, loo. Mlly, 10 to 1, t to t. if to o. third. Tlm. l!l.v IIiib,!. fatH 111..1. Fifth rac. purs I30O, 3-year-olds and up, selling, 0 furfonga DIcU Pet, 103; Krank Hudson. 101. Northerner, lot. Mlaa Bruah. IOI. tlannook, 107, Perth Hock. 107; 'Iludaa limth.r 107. 'Miss Barnharber 107. J iSV'iWSS! CHRISTMAS DAY STREET MARATHON HAS MAM ENTRIES Seventv-six Runners Will Participate in Port Rich mond Event Over Course in the Northeast Section. Peventy-slx of the fleetest fooled ath letes In Philadelphia will tnko part In the Christmas- Day handicap street run under the nusplces of tho Port Richmond ItuslncPB Men's Association, nt 2 .o'clock, from tho northenst corner of Richmond street nml Kast Indiana nvcnOe. Tho idl&taiico of the rnca ls ."'(, miles. Tho course will bo an follows: Starting from Richmond nnd Somerset Btreets, running north on Richmond street to Allegheny nvenue, west on Al legheny avenue to Aramlngo street, turn south on Aramlngo to Clenrflcld street. east on Clearfield to Richmond street, south on Richmond to Somerset street tho starting point Tho runners will covor tho course three times. , Twcnty-ono Individual prizes have been offered. In addition there will bo two team prlres, one prlzo to the athtcto mak ing tho best time over the course, and one to the first Port Richmond nthleto to finish. Tho entries and handicaps are ns fol lows: ao AT oo. l-0cnr Bnlllctt, Allentown T. M. C. A. 2 Arthur Blanche, Junior Club. OO AT 10. 3 . J. Steady, Liberty Club of Chester. 4 J. L. Jorden. none. OO AT IS. 5 Chns. Tlrlnckman, Soutlmark C. C. . . 00 AT 20. 0 John Cade, Boyi' C. of C. C. OO AT 23. i William Irwin, Doya' C. of C. C. . OO AT 30. "-Herman I.uthe. Tort Blchmond Boys Club. Paul Wrdxlxkl, Port Illchmoml B. C. in-Aurust Parker, " ort Illchmoml B. C. I'-John Bannon, Port Itlchmoml B. C. 13'J-wMoJ.rl. McCaffrey Belief Asroclntlon. l-l-'nhn P. McDexIrt. McCnffrcy Belief Ass'n. .;; . nrflriia, icunirrey jceucr Ana'n. l.V-AiiBustus D. C. Ifclll, McCaffrey Itcllof .is-ociaiion. IP Thomas Bnker SIcCaffrey Belief Ars'n. 3 J Jon J. Mceney. McCaffrey Belief AsVn. Jl John Durfev. McCaffrey Bcllr Association. 10 Francis Oaffney, McCaffrey Belief Ass'n. 20 Cha;. Sf. Cnrr, McCaffrey Bollef Ass'n. ik K' ifllroy. McCaffrey Belief Association. 22-D. Truanskl, White Kagle A. C. 23-K. Klecxlyki. White Eaglo A. C. 2 St. Collins, White Eagle A. C. 23-S. J. Miller, White Kogle A. C. 2-C. Kekula. AVhlte Kagle A. C. 27-r. Sllslech. Whtto Eagl A. C. 2R-Ben. Supllck, Whlto Kagle A. C. 20-F. Kuleexkl. Whlto lUgle A. C. 30-H. Lellieronrkl, While Eaglo A. C. !fl -Ale, ll-xycheuihl. Uermantown II. C. .12 John Sfeyers, none. 3.1 Thos. Klniston. tiAni. . llsrrv W. Ilergbauer. Aurora A. 3J Horry J. Thlor. Aurora A. A. 3(1 n. A. Rmlth A imm k A 37 Peter Hnstlngs, Southwark C. C. 3 A, Bcesscr, Boya' Club of C. C. .. OO AT 35. 39 Bernard Mount, Southwnrk C. C, 40- E. ntchter. Boya' Club of C. C. 4t Ilonnrd Bowles. Starquette A. C. 42 John Tracey, Southnark C. Cv .. , OO AT BO. N 43 James McCnughey. Marquelle A, C. 44 l.ea Scott. Southwsrk C. C. J Klwar1 Hastings. Southnrark C. C. 40 Bobert Htpplck. Mercur' A. C. ,, . OO AT ON'R WINUTR. 47 C. A. Lounsbury, Brldgcton, N J. ,c . 00 AT 1:03. 48 It. C. Lavery, Slarqictte A. C. . - .. GO AT 1:1V " W. Sf. Scott, Boya' Club of C. C. 00 AT l:2T BO C. W. Harvey, Meadowbrook Club. OO AT 1 '30 31 William. Schllllnger, Boyi' Club of C. C. . . OO AT 1:10. S2-Jamea Tracey, Southwark C. C. ... .a9,Ar 2 MINUTES. KlW. D.ihl, Boya' Club of C. C. QO AT 2.10 IM William Olsen. Slercury A. C. O Chas. IUley, Marquette Club. OO AT 2:20. Brt-J. Emmett Ward. St. Monica's C. O. B7 Albert Heck. Northwest Boys' Club. OO AT 2:2.1. 58 Chas. Bracuhman, Oermantown B. C. 00 AT 2:30. BP Ja. Colllnson, Germantown Boys' Club. OO AT 2X ?lr' , SetaI' I-'rtj- Club of Chester. (II Kranjt Boners, Marquette Club, 02 Joiepii Harvey, Slarquolte Club. OO AT 2:10. 63 Fred Bchrarn, Dlaniond Country cub. . . . CIO AT .1 MINUTES. 61 J. L. Neel. SIsrquette A. C. OO AT 3 03, fa Joseph Dlstol, Marquette A, C, OO AT .1:10. fA Sam Welts. Slrrcurv A. C. 07 Harry Itablnsn Itzj. Boj a' Club ot C. C. OO AT 3:15. CS-n. P. Nash, Marquttta A. C. GO AT .1:20. 09 John McKernoii, Marquette A. C, OQ AT 3:23. 70-TMdle Hunting, Slarquett A. C. GO AT 3S30. II WIMUm Rlttler. Slercury A. C, OO AT .133. 72 Frank Zuna. Irtah-Amerlcun A. C. of N. V, OO AT 3-40. 73 James Bowles. Marquetta A. C. 74-Stanley W. Boot, Mercury A. C. OO AT 3:13. 75 James Dayler, Slarquette A. C, OO AT -I MINUTES. 75 Joseph Schwaru, Mercury A. C. CAMDEN PLAYS AIiTJMNI Camden High School'a varsity basketball team will play nt tb Fennsyanla Itallrnad y. SI. C A. Boor tomorrow at Third and Sllckl streets, Camden, when It encounters the Alumni squad. Th probable line-up follows: Camden High, 8choekopf forward, J. Clancy forward. T. Taylor . .cuntro .Alumol, OUnndcnlng Taylor Creely ... Donnelly Ireton 8lby guard Shirley -guard. 0, H. S. TANK MEET "Jimmy" Btelnbach has ' succec Fowler la th mans gen-.cnt of th swimming team to -..--- fl.nlHl ttlset Dtinxl ikl - . lrlnccton fresh. meinuaea . 14 worklm ,nffi gcatlr on the schedul and h es gently on tM flMui ana he espeets l K nounc all of th date shortly gftJr h nrst nounc an oi of tb year. SA8KETBAUJ CIiUB 2TN22 Innlctlng a fine ot 113 upon tM ltiain. cluk tor lta failure lo Hnl.h fK. 2i.i,i4ln' last nv ill-Aiiallrt..l "'lM".f. -.w. mihhi, A&a ULLklnir tin in onic riui to allow Bi to s!aK ui at either one of It suapeBded! Blav.r. r, tb nxt gam th ran iblL e.' era teaguiPbasketball nfinutMik a JST' hour stsalen last night atpiel&tam'iJS Hohor Allentown Athletes AI.LBNTOWN, Pa. D, H -Tha'? s.rtaS Alumni Spin honors ??& XS!5L&. rT3u ctB u,wtf mM Sewtitd 910,000 it Otub u.nt T7T- .vy. lnu. rSktSs- 'ssnarsisks: vJt0!" - . r-.jis.jeijr, been ararnge.1 with Northwist Tuih vl,t 1'hlls.denhla Hlirh. Law rencovlH. liTk,, " "! Ktelnhseh t ..t,7T" f.Vi PHILLIES TRADE SHERWOOD MAGEE TO THE BRAVE! Slugging Outfielder Si With World's Champioffl for Two Years -i i .. - i cnangea ior vasn ai Players. Sherwood Mnireo, tho star all-rounj athlcto of tho Phillies, has been trftdji to the World's Champions. This Infer; Hon was send to tho local NatloBa League headquarters In thq Stock ifib chniiKO Rulldln today by President1 V. linker, who Is now In Now York? Mr. Dnkcr stated In his rricssaso th! Magco had been traded to tho HottSf uraves for a cash consideration and'fS two players. Macce, who has he.nMTS conterenco with President James Qaffri? of tho Doston club, signed a two-year conS tract to piny with the "Down-EaiQ crners. 'Whnt players tho riillllcs will recelv? from the Boston team have not been d cldcd upon definitely. President BatifS R(ntr9 thnt lit .will m.hma b.i.,. . im . .... .. ., ... lltBk ,vll ainnagej Mornn-nnd nnffMA. in XfAn. & ,. . ! - -. " "w iuru ncT week and the players will bo chosen ai that tlmo nnd their names given ouC tho I'liiiues arc well supplied with out noiuors, analt is likely that a pltche; unu nn inncrv will no chosen, althoug this was notntlmated by Prcsldem uakcr. The tradlnir of Sherwood Manee markji? ot lno "nai atcps In tha complei reiormation of tho Philadelphia club. iiuo uccn me iaea, or appears to h been, for tlmo to Knthor an entirely .V..IU cvura, ino iirar. tning tht flnnn It'n. in mi. Tin. r . ..I -- w j.". ai .uuran at tnt ' " ". inoi ennnge made Ii(isqi;iin inr I inin a u Js .i Phillies ngnln, althousli he has not yei signed to play with any other club, ai far as any one knows. It Is known thai Dooin has not signed with nnv !,. ?J ii. 1 i! uaseoaii, DUt it !, posslbr ...t nc ma- mivc signed with a, Fede "smi icam. rio nnd Magee hi be. In Daltlmoro for the limt foiv ,iw, -n, . they did there Is a nrlvot ,.ii Magco, however, did not ll"- fh. irf v of the proposition offered by the "oi V laws," hence when ho had tho! ' to go to the Boston Braves he accepted)? Tim ln.a nf nr...A ...m ,.- . .1' -- --- . ....ihcu mn do ien create 1 than the loss of any other Philadelphia l.myer. season when Addle Brert nan, Otto Knnbe. Mlko Donlnn nnd Tor Seaton Jumped to the Federal LcagugJ mo icam was uruiiy crippled, but It ! doubtful If any two of those men werei vaiuaDie to the rjillllcs as Magee. During tho season of 19H. Macco Dlavi one of the consistently brilliant games uE ins long career, Sherwood played In if games nnei batted at the rate of .311. If had 171 hits for a total of 277 bases, il led the National Lencun In thn nnmli of two bases, completing tho season wlftj C9. Magee wns born near Plttshunrh 1SS3. He played baseball In several am towns In Pennsylvania, among whlc. ncm jiioiiiuwii iinu xuusvuie, jL'rom li miter place .Magee came directly to i'h! delphla, where he Immediately made gi despite his lack of major league oxr lence. His first game with tho Phlllli was played In 19W, and since that he has been ne of the most vaV men on the club. He has been i throughout the baseball world as oo ot Its greatest "clean-up" hitters. In 1310 Magee led the National League batsmen. McCABTY KNOCKED (TOT NEW YOIIW. TiP fi Pnnf' MU'arty didn't tret verv far un the nuilli ladder after all. Gunboat Smith knocked out th Montana cowboy In tha fourth round t tho Kmr-lre A. C. lait night after McCartr nui. ihbuc n, reat nnni ogainai ino tnumpn utinnrr Tha men hnrl fnat inm, ami for il fourth rpunJ. The Qunner. aa In the prevloui tuu.'ua, ua bci aim uinipiy ireminr nn-UAIIt ssrlei ltjnn .T An .Amm .. I si. aaine carelessness tliat oeented to brocM troutlt in wiy raruer rounus. waiurtt in aa wldo 01 . tea enirHiica io uemrai I'arK NEW YEAR'S DAY GAME , The luiskctMii team represcntlnc Haveri ford School thla afternoon will iilay Iti gam ev year's Day afternoon on Its tloor against the School of l'edagoicy i . its oris tta lioffil,i k ij i-7iV.l --""'. "1 rgsia es-Ass-a fliiiAian ing ui. brilliantly la th prattlci i, 3 tests thus far YH:"'"0U, ln tlirt orlH c S. S. A. L. Meets ine nrin unnuai inMiiinc n .... ..-. Schools' Athletic League uf the I'lilladelphfl district was held at the Central llranch V. M u " "--. 'i""! ieiri were reaq Picsldent Alfred Meyers, Secretary 11 llurkclew. Treasurer 'li. ' T ni..Ki..i' ."omi"''.o'M nllilotcs from OS different Sunday schools liaii t . "J"1011 since me oesinning of IB ..HHW ,.,v V, H.U. Lobert Wants Too Much Money 6T. LOriS. Mo., Dec 21 - Phl Ball.? the tit Louis Federals, on hi. , tJr Chicago yesterday wher he was attsmptll ,i, wi.w. .gull mi-iii.w in in ngni "r lai Kasemau lions Ijbert, of th I'lilllUs, aJS iea inai -?""i waniea loo much coney taklnc the hurdle to tha yd Tebeu J3uys Park KANSAS CITY, Dec. SI -Qarg "ebeH umivr u( tn ivnsa l ity Americac ton baseball club, lesterdav h. nmrt sclute owner of Association Parle here Hackle Claims Wrestling Titian LINCOLN. Nb., Dec 21 -After J liours j S mlnuta of wrestling. John Matkle. of B) ton. defeated Owen Duffy, of Nebrak,S what was dacfajed tn 'be a maub for t iMtaiweigni cnanupionsnu- Great Revival tf iS ROLLER SKATING3 UNDKH VEIU'BCT CONDITIONS OHAND OVEN-INO PJT TUB PALACE RINK DE LUX x 39th an1 Slarket Sis- furmirrU PlIum llall KoAlTI X3US APTKUKOON. DEC 24TH nmrTsin tv w t A1tmtaaA IWllulU UAlLiI Kiroins. i a ii ... nri o -- . OLYMPIA A. AsVKS ritlDAY MX5IA8) ArTBRhOOMt , AOTIOK riOllTTHKl' J, Tw hlessl vs. Tommy l4ogdoa l'atkey Hammer 1 lv!t t-Ia Mlckrr IJuulex vs. Tonoiy nu Kddle O'Keefc is. Kddle WalUc iiBCU trousa vs. It Id nato'r Adiu. Mo. IUL Ites. sac Ar?na Kra U ui, . Ira BIO CII8ISTaAS6bow BItCHW National A. C. .VtSSSB.S HX BOUTS 3 30 p M SIX W" KasuLir l-.L.. HmUi PrKet HiB'liamT SvureaOr--IUuiU-.i.i. Wui !MffffWY-.l l l li J tSuitM IMa IiM I' M s.h-tua ' NtMiisirMil AC Nnnnareii TOSlalV lUIKUIS .. JtlilU ?-B:,it 4 OUmnt Wo.r Uouts 4 oii.v. u U.UXi Os-Mfihu 4.BVP.U "f m auWiJl. HW Hi- viHI- M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers