SrSSMwaiigi EVENING LEDGER-PHJLADELPftlA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 3 914. 9 !' OLI0E WILL BRING JOY TO MAM POOR ON CHRISTMAS DAY ood and Gifts Will Be Dis tributed to Needy From Station Houses in Many Districts. Christmas .dinners for hundreds of poor amlllcs and tojs to bring Joy to thou nds of children will ho distributed bj' the police at the sta- "J lion houses through out tho city this aft ernoon and tonight. The potlco havo been working for a number of weeks to ralso tho funds for tho food and cloth ing for the worthy families In their re spective districts, and they nre enthu siastic todny over their success. in many caBes they say hat they have not only raised enough honey for today's distribution, which will squirt several thousands pf dollars, out hey expect to be able to provide for sev eral of tho more dostltuto families tirouchout tho winter. (The nlan has not been backed by nny, pity appropriation, and their success Is Sua entirely to their own efforts, -niey finnfi to hn nbln to snnlv nil tho Worthy families In their respective districts with Bnough food to last them for a. numbor if days. An exhaustive Investigation Has been made, bo that no family In actual need Is overlooked. MERCHANTS LEND HELP. Thn police have been assisted In their torts by donations of money, food and iys by merchants throughout tho city id by contributions from Individuals. many enses, however, the money "has ion raised by benoflt performances at ie moving picture- houses and by liberal ntrlbutlons from the policemen them ilves. .ou Wolven, tho big Jolly turnkey at Uth and "Winter streets, station, wilt ,y Santa Claus for tho tenderloin dron and will distribute toys at 4 lock this afternoon. Lieutenant lley has obtained a monster ChrUtmas o which has been placed on the third ir .of the station houso and will be pt there until these "tenderloin kids" it tired of plajlng with It. TO DISTRIBUTE ICO BASKETS. Ono hundred and fifty baskets of food HI be distributed at tho. station 'house. l tho same time, "Santa Claus" Wol- n, Miss Mary Gallagher, the mat ion, id Miss Matilda Silverman, superln- indent of tho Evangelistic Association. nd representative of tho Volunteers of morlca, will distribute to and ndles to tho boys and girls. ' AT 20TII AND BERKS. Baskets of food and toys will be given th.o poor of the 32d Ward by the police the 20th and Berks sticets station u tonight. Somo time ago tno police ild a benefit performance In a moving iture theatre to ralso money for the rlstmas fund. Fopular subscriptions tho sale of tickets for benefits to be fd In the Norrls street and Susquehan- avenue moving "picture theatres this ternoon and tonight will suppement tlie ind to such an etent that the police 111 be able to distribute 0 baskets of iod and several hundred toys. It Is be- eved, that enough money wl)l bo left enable the police of the district to .re for several needy families through- it the winter. Lieutenant Samuel Little id Sergeant Lawrence Johnson are the Iglnators of the plan. The station hourc III be decorated with a large Christmas ee, and Policemen David Hubbs and 'twain Wlson vlll act as Santa Claus others. AT PARK AND LEHIGH. At the Park and Lehigh, avenues police iatlon Lieutenant Charles Bojer and S3 illcemcu conducted an Investigation of ndltlona In their district. They will -.tribute baskets of food to 13 families. hrough the efforts of Patrolman Slck- ger and Turnkey Oscar Ritchie a large Ihrlstmas tree, has been put In the roll- lom. It will be electrically Illuminated AT MANA.YUNK BTATION. 'he police of the Manayuuk station will sy Santa Claus to the poor of their Ighborhood for the flrat time. Lieu- inapt Frank Zlnn Is In charge of the strlbutlon of food, clothing and coal. Ills Moore and members of ths Amer- n Kescue Workers will superintend e distribution of food and toys at the h and Buttonwood streets station Lieutenant Andrew Hamilton, of the iejgrado and Clearfield streets station, as Instructed his men to aid the various heritable organisations and Mrs. etchum in their work. Magistrate Wll. itani Campbell Jls said to be greatly In- ti"ii in ner worn in jvensington. WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD INVITED. An Invitation has been extended to he whole neighborhood to visit the hi 1st mas tree in the station house at 13th street and Lancaster avenue. The loifce have been working; on this tree 'or several weeks. It will be electrically .fghted and will be one of the most naoorately decorated in the city. -OTS OF PUN 3?Oa KIDDIES PLANNED AT RIDLEY PARK RIDLEY PARK, DeaW.-Neariy lOOchll litn of all ages In the Mlllmont section. mar litre. Are expected to have the time or tntir lives at the Christmas celebra tion in the Chestnut Grove Inn this, aft ernoon Hushed and quiet, no doubt as children are wbtp. V the little owes first IV win gamer around ijv the Christmas tree ' K mnt ln.nA SU - L ...... ? IMS U- J ribboned treasure vqxe woion toania taaus -wttl distribute Lh ktfc"la lS&VA fllJ WHI MUn foast k, sweats, eoektea aAd other oelKcte wilt he enjoyed In a wax kssmi jeniy to children Gauss and aft Mpr- il::nuii U) follow At the end the ebll- sutn win o. a no wa 10 ttlow l(T tottr ktmru contact toe imi kornj widen u at nrvtiuea (r ir.eoj ITMr. eri H IitaB,ii wiih U assist-. l V u)j sniu; HWtiey Fart ., i . tutkugb. a at ii - ,yM ru. etomiin fetw.---?aMi.Aro - A CHRISTMAS CAROL IN A STATION HOUSE How Officer Mcdee Got fdr Klda a Christmas Tree, i On Xmas Eve llttlo Jakle Kraiue Into the 12th street station house whs brought by Officer McGce for copping a big Christmas tree. Jake's toes were peeping through his shoe, his quivering lips were cold and blue; no ultra-fashion tagged his ctdlhcs Jake loked an heir to nil earth's woes. The stern-faced Judge gave Jake a squint, which to tho coppers meant a hint that Justice sure would get her due before tho Irate Judge was through, "What has the prisoner got to say? Why did you drag that tree away? Don't you know It Is a crime to steal a tree at Christmas tlmo?" The frightened victim of the slums, huddled there nmlct the bums, tearfully looked up and said: "Please, Judge, me muddcr she is dead, an' pop gone off Upon a spree, an' sister Mnme nln't got no tree; so I Jcs knew how sis would feel, nn' dat's what made me up an' steal. It didn't seem Jes right to me dat Mamie couldn't have a tree. I knew that mudder up above was Watchln' me wld ocs of love, an' dat she'd know Jes wot I meant ouso can't buy trees wldout a cent. So, Judge, ur Honor, dat's mo case, an' I don't think It's a disgrace to cop a trco for sister Mamc, because do kid Is sick an lame." The fnt-faccd Judge, a sou of graft, behind his pudgy fingers laughed. He plnccd poor Jako upon the "rack," then gavfi nn order: "Take Mm back! And look here, Officer McGeo, you go and get that kid a treo and trim It to tho Kaiser's taste, or elio consider jou're disgraced. And say, McGoc, Just' pass the hat we'll seo tho Krauses through at that!" CHRISTMAS SPIRIT WILL BREAK PRISON WALLS TOMORROW i - Men and Women at Penal Institutions of City Will Have Day of Gladness on Christmas. Christmas In a prison! How desolate tho words sound! And yet a lBlt to any of the penal Institutions of Philadelphia would show that even tho cold, Gray con fines of a Jail can be penetrated by the Yuletlde spirit. Christmas Is a day of rest at the East ern Penitentiary. There Is no work and there is no school, and not oven visitors are permitted. This, according to War den "Bob" McKenty, Is In entire accord with the wishes of the prisoners, who. If the real truth were known, are not as keen about visiting das as the avcrngo pel son might Imagine. In keeping with tho principles of dem ocracy which prevail at the penitentiary, no gifts but those of the Blmplest and most useful character will be distributed, and no presents will be permitted to en ter from the outside. "Share and sharo alike Is the guiding rulo hore," said tho warden. . , However, the favorite dishes of the prison menu will bo served at tomorrow's dinner, and in tho afternoon tho prison band will furnisn a musical entertain ment. Many of the men and women confined at the penitentiary aro some dollnrs rich er than they were before the holiday season, due to the fact that thero nra skilful workmen among them, the prod uct of whose labors made Ideal gifts. It did not take Phlladelphlans long to real ize this, and many did their Christmas shopping at the penitentiary exclusively. PRISONERS DELIGHT CHILDREN. The day will bo made happier for the prisoners, too, because of the knowledge that through their efforts 113 llttlo chil dren aio going to have a merry Christmas. Beveral weeks ago the. men and women contributed voluntarily to a fund for tho children of tho prisoners, and almost J20O vas collected. AVlth tho money Warden MoKenty has purchased sweater and toys and dresses and d"'"es. and they havo ben sent here, tnere and everywhere throughout the State. AT MOYAMEN81NG PRISON. Although no gifts of any kind will be received at the Moyamenslng County Prison, Superintendent Fred A. Cooke has given orders for the preparation of a dinner extraordinaire,'" and Mrs. E. T. Stotesbury has sent the women prisoners a'large vlctrola with many choice records, tho muela from which will resound throughout the corridors during the day. More than a dozen Christmas trees will be erected at Blockley, and Superinten dent Daniel W. Sqltzer and an army of volunteer assistants are having all that mortal men can do making ready for the big feast. Beginning at 5 IK the morning, the nurses of the Philadelphia Oeneral Hospital will sing Christmas carols, and from then on the day Is to be given over to merriment. OIFTS FOR ALL. There will be wonderful dinners and gifts for all. In addition, several plillanr thropio candy merchants have donated rrlnny boxes of candy, which wilt be dis tributed. Another patron has promised a nice new 8Q-cent piece for every blind man In the Institution. PRIVILEGES FOR INMATB3. Many special privileges will be allowea the inmates of the House or Correction at Holmesburg tomorrow. In the first place, breakfast, which ordinarily consists of bread and coffee, will b supplemented on Christmas morning with a large Dutch cako with plenty of raisins In it. Early In the morning many of the Oath' olio Inmates will leave their cells arul go to the little chapel on the first floor of the main building, where Mass will be oel,ot qraieq ay a. priost irom tit. mod tioman Catholic, Church, Tacony Later- a serv ice for the- Protestants will bo held in the auditorium. WANAMAKHR TO SPEAK Arrangements for the religious exercises have been made by Mrs. Mary W. Fales. of MOT Spruce street, a sitr of John Wanamaker. Addresses will b made by Mr wnamaKer, tne nv, Hugh c Mc Brlde, pastor of the Tacouy Bresbyterian Chureh, Mrs. Faies and WlWJaai A, Pat terson, the superintendent. Member of the chuir of Bethany Presltj tetlan Church will sing Christmas hymns Jsr Ue men A real Christmas iMnntr. m siatlng of turksy. cranberry saiw, e4iy and all the other good things that go with such a. feast will be served. Aside from selns a. day of big "eats," ttM day U of special Unponaoea ta the InsaatM because, far tfee first tliec im the bUtory of the tnsUtnttoa, Ue aid strio) suit will not b worn The san here after will wear drk brown yoats, trou sers aad caps. TW Is the Wt saiUfas try ChrtMouui gift that mhU have been dvfs4 fox "flood FtlWf" XUm fMiOO JJiTIKuIT Bm ttAa wjanlsUn of t.wU Fa4w in ttus. vUy tuur rained uui K6.SW t ess. teid .uMi tiB uf tijthiiitf rtnJ luianttnnm mmma o ti-l to s. 1,4: -lit-'t4 to tfc pear p rpVAS the night before Chrialmas, when all through the house -L Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by tho chimney ivith care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug in their beds, ( IvVWie visions of sugar'plums danced through their heads; Ar.d mamma in her kerchief, and I in my can, Had just settled our brains for a long winters nai 1 -When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to sec what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. , The moon, on the breast of the neiv-fallcn snow, frtltit r III.!... . ....fJ.a J.. .til..i. I.,A, . When what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer, With a little old drivor, so lively and auick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick. More rapid than eagles his coursers they came. And he whistled and shouted and called them by name: "Noio, Dasherl now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixent On, Cometl on, Cupidl on, Bonder and Blitzenl To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall! Now, dash away, dash away, dash awayt all!" As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet With an obstacle, mount to the sky, So, up to the house-top the coursers they flew, With a sleigh full of toys aid St. Nicholas, too. And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof me prancing ana pawing oj cacn nine nooj, Aa I drew in my head and was turning around, , i Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. ' He was dressed-all in fur from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot; .. , A bundle of tdys hi had flung on his back, " And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack. His eyes how theU twinkled! His dimples how merry! ti His checks were like roses, his nose like a cherry; His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, lurf fie beard ou his chin was as white as the snow. The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath. vrtJ, 1 HV IUU U UIUUU JUL'V, UHU ( lltllli TUIIIIU UCII That shook, when he laughed, like a bowl full' of jelly. He was chubby and plump a right jolly old elf And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself. A wtnii of ms eye ana a twist o; ms neaa Sopn gave me to know I had nothing to dread. He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, And filled all the stockings; then turned with 0 jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, up the chimney ho rose, 1 Ho sprang to his slciqh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle; But I heard htm exclaim, ere he drove out of sight: "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!" CLEMENT C. MOORE. MRS. STOTESBURY AS SANTA Society Matron Will Entertain Kid- ( dies at Starr Garden. Mrs E. T. Stotesbury, will net as hostess to 600 children from the poorest and most congested section of the city at a dinner, at which Ice cream, cako and other delicacies will be served. A bdx of fruit and nuts and toys will bo presented to every child by Mrs. Stotes bury In the gymnasium of the Starr Gar den Recreation Centre, 7th and Lombani streets, tonight. The elaborately trimmed and electric lighted Christmas tiee that was ono of tho nrinclnal decorations at Mrs. Stotes- bury's ball at tho Rltz-Carlton Hotel on Tuesday night, will be ono of the Jeatitrca at ma oiarr unrucn ceii'oriiuoii. Following the dinner an cntortnlnipent will bo Klven under tho auspices of tlie Misses Linda Styer, A. Rwanda Glnder, Carollno Llvcrlght and Edna Laughlln, teachers at tho Tecrcatlon centre. The anangements nro In charge of M. Gerson Fall, principal of Starr Garden. He will bo usslstcd by Peter Schmld, Wil liam R. Mcjcrs and John Harris. Boy Scouts, Onmpflro Girls, Girl Scouts and mcinburs of the Theodore Starr Club will act as ushers. CHORUS GIBXS WAIT EOR- SANTA Sixty Stockings Decorate Stage of Lyric Theatre, Sixty silk stockings u're hanging in a row on the Lyrlo Theatre stage, waiting for Santo Claims. Thoy belong to the chorus girls of "The Peasant Olrl" com. pany, who have taken this method of announcing that they expect to be given a Christmas party, Emma Trentlnl and Clifton Crawford, stars of the company, havo commissioned Manager Slumbers to buy a big Christ mas tree, and suspecting that Santu Claus is not very familiar with theatres, they are going to play the part them selves. The regular Christmas celebra tion will be held tonight after the per formance. SANTA OIiAUS COMING. ' TO JERSEY PINE BELT NEW LISBON. N. J., Dec. Si.-Santa Claus Is coming to many of the chlldrsn in the pine belt here this year for the ill at time. It seems hardly believable, but It Is a fact that many of the little ones In the pine belt have never heard of Christmas. Mr,and Mrs, Frank Ma comber, social service workers, who have charge pf the odlony of feeble-minded, near here, have arranged to have a com munity Christmas tree, which will be the first that has ever been trimmed In the pine belt, and many children here will receive their first Christmas gifts. CITIZEN GIVES ?500 EOR POOR KIDDIES' CHRISTMAS WILMINGTON. Del . pec. U -Wilmlng. ton's biggest and prettiest Christmas tree is iu place and beautifully decorated with colored lights and other electrical effects. I la not a community Christmas tree, but it stands in the olty court room at the Ulty Hall and Is for the poor children of the elty. On Christmas morning, following the uwial custom tba -poor children, who are furnished tickets by the police, will be taken into the courtroom given a sight of the tree and then furnished with. lwtw of candy, fruit and some useful gift, probably stocking arid caps. For the bys and girls there also will be some tcy The Chrtajtuss tree and gifts for the poor Ghfldreo arc ghen t)U year by a, DrumlnentT rejldent who refuse to allow hU name to be used. TVje axpeasea of the celebration are MVrod by a, ohecfc flf MM, which be baa give? o CbW of I Uee George Black; for that purpose. SANTA CXATJS WILL 0ALL AT BOftSjgQNT HOSPITAL ROSKMOAT. pc. U afcau Claus wilt not be too UtKf to gay mil i tl haw sd hoaoilsJ of the Ooe4 sUiaoherJ here. H is epclti to arrive some time late tonight or ecrb tomorrow aad the chll drsn of the lostitutWo bv been wait ing vKb. eager ears tot the teu-tJ belts. TkMWsai .! maauMM m waio" proa rffigfnt t SifU;loM ' the f 1 J ( CHRISTMAS SPIRIT RULES CHINATOWN AS NEVER BEFORE "Melly Clistmas5-' -Is Favor ite Greeting Among Celes tials Who Will Celebrate With Turkey Dinners. "Melly Christmas," laughingly Bhouted Moy Duck as he greeted Potlcoman Burns, familiarly known as the "China town Cop," when that Individual strolled down llaco street on his first round of the district. "Merrj Christmas to you, Moy," an swered the bluecoat as he extended his hand to accept the proffered cigar. "Gee whiz, these Chinamen are cer tainly becoming more civilized etery ear," said Burns, tujnlng to his com panion. "I remember the time when Christmas was nothing more to these Celestials than a 'Blue Monday1 is to Us. "But things have changed. Look at thoso restaurants. Every one Is deco rated with holly and other Christmas greens. Turkey dinners are on tho menus and all the establishments are giving away souvenirs of the- occasion. This year will see the biggest Christmas celebration In Chinatown," CHRISTMAS SPIRIT PREVAILS. Truly Chinatown has changed. Five years ago a visitor to the Celestial quarter on Christmas Day would hate found the Inhabitants standing on door stops and squatted In dark basements smoking, but nowhere would he find any sign of a holiday. Let him tetraco his steps tomorrow. He will be greeted on etery side with a salutation, and. If he be known, a small remembrance In the way of a silk hand Uerohlet or perhaps a cigar or a package of fine tea. Chinatown has awakened to the teallzatlon that Christmas Is a time for rejoicing, a time for gift-giving and a time for feasting. Nor is Chinatown without Us happy children. There are more than a dozen little tots-full-blooded Chlnese-who would be Just as disappointed as other children were they to awaken on the moirow to find that Kris Kingle had not filled their stockings with goodies. It Is no unusual sight nowadays to see a Chinese acting; in the role of Santa Claus and carrying on his bapk a Christmas tree. TURKBV DlNNHR B8CAPK8. Big doings are looked for la Chinatown tonight. Throe big turkeys purehased by Lee Uit, which, were to havo occupied a principal part of the dinner menu t a love feast tomorrow, broke out of a coop lit which they had becsj eonfintd for ftt teAios purposes last night, and led Chi nese awl policemen a lively chase on Raw street. At mmm we awns 1049c U the wings susd outnued those who pursued thaa. Ooe fH a vtstJm to a vaMsJjrealed stow ftoju a poMeswiaa's Ub Wt the other will BrohaWv decorate a table other than Leo Lungs. QHSI8TMAS 8HQOT A$ &WN OLUB The South WimillhUi Him dh has urrgcd tfcMt tVt CfcrMtoW-s Dayi be giBoijuc at t at a. u U tho sJiwmob th will bo a Uv. bird shoot with prises fur the wlnaets The voniaiitue to eluue of the affair Include Andrew aa "5 ""ft. - Wtiliaw Wchpr, (Uora Hu sud JusejA ftakmtx Tk hfcui tr uf tst KRIS MUST GO FAST TO VISIT ALL TOWNS THAT EXPECT HIM "Eight Tiny Reindeer" and Well-filled Sleigh All in Readiness for Their Great Dash Tonight. Santa Clau has announced that he Is all reads to start. There Is plenty of hard noik In store for htm both todny and tonight. He has to seo to his rein deer, their harness and Jingle bells; nnd then ho will spend setcral hours look ing over the mon ster sleigh which has been Btored 5t"i days or rather 301, lo bo exact. Then we must nut forgot the tosj they have been ull packed nnd sorted In fact, nil Its In readiness for tonlght-lhe big night. Santa Clatis wns up bright and early this morning. He combed his snow-white beard nnd filled his clay plpo several times, and yet thero seemed to be a shade of sadness tut king In his kindly gray ojes. It may be that he was thinking of tho children of Belgium He fingered the pages of his ledger thoughtfully and suddenly rays-of hope brightened his eyes. "Mnn children abroad," sold he, think ing aloud, "may miss mo this year, bless their little hearts, I'll make them happy sooner or later and I'll repay thorn for somo of their suffering. Tho children In nnd about Philadelphia have been tfen erous nnd kind-hearted, and I will soon ho on my way to wish thorn a hearty, though silent, 'Merry Christmas. " Tonight Rnntn Claus will start on his round. It Is whispered that ho loves the open country, where his reindeer cart have full swny At any rate, ho Is likely to visit the towns and cities outside of Philadelphia before turning rein for this city. Christmas trees, In many cases commu nity trees, all illuminated, and the sing ing of beautiful Christmas carols will be features of Christmas celebrations held in many towns and cities. Pennsylvania nnd New Jersey resldenta have been un tiring in their efforts to make the cele bration this year a great success. In ilrtunlly all localities festivities have been planned for the poor and the sick, nnd few children will miss the warmth of meiry Christmas cheer. "Listen, my children, and you shall hear" how some of the cities and towns are prepared to receive Santa Claus: GOVERNOR TENER IN ROLE OF SANTA CLAUS AT, CAPITAL 1 II.YRItlSIIL'HG. Dec. 2i -Christmas spirit pre-. alls among many of the Har tlshurg school children. Grace Methodist Church hero has sent word to tlie Harrls burg Home and War ltcllef Committee, which recently sent funds to France for tho purchase of ambulances, that the usual Christmas entertainment for Sunday school children lias been abandoned as tho children wish to send tho expense money to buy milk for tho Belgian poor. Many other celebrations hato been plan ned, howovcr. Toilght moro than 10,000 are expected to greet the municipal Christmas Tree nt Front nnd Market streets. Many will Join In singing Christ mas carols and Ma) or John K. BCyal will deliver a short address. Governor Tener will net as Santa Claus tomorrow morning at the executive man sion and distribute candy to the poor children who call there at 8 o'clock. Many of the poor families will be looked after by the local charity associations. COMMUNITY XMAS TREE GIVES JOY TO NORRISTOWN NOnniSTOWN. Dec. 21,-Kor tho first tlino In its history Norrls town will have a community Chrlstmns tree. A pine tree CO feet high has been erected near Ilia courthouse, and will be lighted with hundreds of electric lights. The trimming of tlie tree Is In charge of President Jamison, of Town Council, father of the project, and other prominent members of Town Council and prominent business men. At least ISO poor families will receive Christmas baskets, and one pf the most welcomo gifts is the carload of coal which will bo distributed to the poor. At no time, perhaps, in tlie history of Nor rUtown has there been an Inclination to charity at Christinas time. The spirit of charity seems to permeate the air, and organizations and Indlt (duals are trying to outdo each other In giving and making Christmas cheer. Many gifts will be distributed to the poor children by the Perot Club, at Carney's cigar store. The Norrlstown churches, public schools, the Salvation Army and other organiza tions and Individuals have been untiring In their efforts to have tho Christmas celebration here this year a great suc cess. MAYOR M'CLAIN AS SANTA AT LANCASTER CHILDREN'SHOME LANCASTER, Dec 2".-Lancaster will have its first community Christmas ob servance this year There will be 110 Christmas tree, but Christmas celebra tions and entertainments have been ar ranged for both today and tomorrow. The Mayor, Frank B. McClaln, will be the Santa Claus at the festivities for poor children which will be held at the Home for Friendless Children Toie, sweets, and other sifts wilt be distributed. The d Ward Republican C)ib will entertain the poor children of the ward at its head quarters. Next Tuesday Charles M How ell, manager of the Colonial Theatre, will give a vaudeville performance foi all the poor children of the city SANTA WILL BE ON HAND AT COMMUNITY GATHERING r.on.x-ur -,,777 7"", -r, j, DR8M5L HILL. Dec W -Regardless of snow, but balking at rain. Santa Claus has promised to appear at the community .Christmas tree at Oarrett and Runny-) wade avenues here tonight for ekitdrejt of Adtoghauj. OarielUord aad Prexel Hill Tte hour lias been wt st lit aud old Santa, has Brosalted ou ttte faith of bis asww-nUiU beard that all "!'4aW present will receive a present: that Is. w wither permitting, if It ratuf Santa Claus will keen the. najsf, (air night open on nut cngMenent dook. The tw 111 b lUuwinau twawtftully and tiasMg It uay porsooj wtU WfcUa to sisvalng the old carols. The stegteg wW be by adult and sol eUMres, of the cojnuiuslly and music will be ftirsUibsd lay the GarretUord Band. Tho D! HUI Civic Association bats charge of the aiTsatESjWtAta and U aWug all ra.sjilwgt-i to o-orate by illuminating their hosnes tonight. OHSI8TMA8 0H1BR APLMfY PO WBST CHBfiTSR-S POOR WftisrT L'HaUWHH Dec it -The pooi people her are suxTerius; more this sea son Uumi ever befoie ait-ordlas; to nou af the oldest reetdeuu The cluelug uf the uiy Stum!., uiui 1 Brew hundtsjdsj uien tliarUy Uo bad ivr known waul bofone, The Cbrtatraoj, vjswi iil fedias; nivi-h djt rcjHef h.r nd wm ZUDOPA A GREAT MYSTIC STORT BY HAROLD MacGRATH 8TNOP3IS. Xudora l lft an orphan at sn ttrty est. Iter father la killed In a sold mine lie hai dltered Half an hour after learn ing at Hie death of her husband, Zudorft a mother a tlsht-rope walker with a circus la eelietl with vertleo. falla nnd It killed, Zudora ami the fortune from. the mine, which later grow a to be worth 20,o0,00O, are nil to me suaroiananip 01 r iim Keenr, circui man, ana me uniuw m nother. Zudors, slvln premtae s.v nf ffrflt lieuu 1. rcacnet the age of IB. The nnrle. who haa att hlmielf UP Hindu myatln and la known ae Ilaeeant All, decides In his sreed that Zudom mut die before he cornea into noealon.of ner great fortune, eo that It may ha left to him. Ilia nett of kin. and he prevalla upon tho girl to leave her money In hla handa three yeara longer and to aay nothing to nny one about tha fortune. . Hatiam All eeea an obstacle to Ma nchtine In the person of John storm, a oino; lawyer, for whom Zudora has taken a fancy, and lie commanda the girl to put tho man out of her mind. Btorm comei to nak ItSMtni ll for, the hand of ht niece. At nrst the cr)tal gaier will not llatrn to the proposal, but urtora. inaleta that If me ennrot marry Storm the will marry no one 3 .... "Well, well." tali! llaiUm All. "If you lake audi a stand, I'll compromise. SoIa .ny neit SO cases and nu can marry hlmi fall In a single case and )ou must re nomiro him'' . . . Sudors, uslnir the knowledge sained from nssnclatlon with her uncle, unraol tjo baffllnK cases, both at the risk of her life. Storm receives n letter from hie, mother, who Uvea In the South, Informing- mm that her colored help was fleeing from ner estates hecsuse on n hill back of her house, night after night, there appenrcd the hero!; form of a skeleton hand Willi a black spot In the P'lm as If mnd by an enormous bullet Storm goes home to unravel the mystery and writes to y.udora to come 10 Ills aid. Ilaistm emleatora to dissuade her from going. Zudom goes and becomes nearly con Mnced that liassam Is at tho bottom of tho rmstcry. Tho hand appears suddsnly in the sido of the house. Ail the help leate but a housemaid and a chore-boj. L'PISODB IV WHKN the spectral hand appeared the next night, old man Storm seized his Miitgun nnd started out with blood In his eye. The result of Mb rage and excite ment was a badly lacernted arm for the housemaid. The old man accused her, but John Intervened, Tho poor girl had only been curious to see how near she could get to the spectre. She was fortunate to hnve escaped with her life. Later, John began to show preoccupa tion, and when questioned by Zudora he admitted that there had been an episode of hln younger days that he hnd nil but forgotten. The dark spot In the palm of the hnnd had finally brought back the scene vividly. "I used to come home during college days to hunt a little. There's quail nnd partridge galore In November. I used to take young Jimmy Bolton along to carry tho game. Ho was only a kid. Well, to the city's poor long after Christmas Day has passed. Already thousands of dol lars havo been spent, but there Is still much to be done. Chrlstmns Day will bring cheer to many poor children here. All the relief societies havo combined and a Christmas banquet will he given to moro than 1000 children, nnd a huge Chrlstmns tree Is laden with Klfts to dollght their young hearts. One of the local newspapers has been a most liberal contributor for the celebration SOCIETIES WILL DISSEMINATE CHRISTMAS CHEER AT CHESTER tiHUS.TC.Il, Dec. 21. Many destitute families and several thousand needy chil dren hero, aro assured of Christmas cheer. Tomorrow morning. toys nnd sweets will bo slven out to children at the homes of the Chester Lodge of Elks and the Chester Nest of Owls. Baskets of pro visions will be sent to the homes of mem bers where want stalks. The Salvation Army will furnish din ners to at least 1C00 persons. The Chil dren's Aid Society will decorate a Christ mas tree. Among the other societies which will distribute Christmas cheer nra tho Ladles' Benevolent Society, St, Vin cent de. raul's Society and the Mercy and Help Society. MRS. PARKE SOHOCH WILL BE WAYNE'S SANTA CLATJS LADY WAYNE, Dec. 21. Christmas caiols and Impressive music by many of the school children will be the feature of the Christ mas celebration here. The Wayne com munity Christmas tree has been decorated elaborately and residents old and young are anticipating the happy evpnt. Mrs, Parke Schoch, of Wayne, will be the "Santa Claus Lady" for the children of the Radnor township schools. She has received many contributions, and these, together with her own donations, will assure the children a "Merry Christ mas," EVERY WARD IN BRYN MAWR HOSPITAL WILL HAVE TREE BRYN MAWR, Pa., Dec. !i.-Every ward In the Bryn Mawr Hospital will have Its Christmas tree so that the sick will know they are not forgotten. Through the kindness of Mrs. Effing ham B. Morris. Santa Claus will be able to distribute gifts to the poor children at the brilliant Christmas tree which had been erected In the chlldten'g home here, The nurses' house will have Us celebra tion, and tomorrow the nurses will be the guests of Dr. George Qerhard, qf Overbrook. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN WILL DISTRIBUTE GIPTS COLLINGDALB, Pec. 31. There will be a real Santa Claus In Collingdale. Bright and early tomorrow morning more than 300 children In the neighborhood will rind dainty packages containing to a. sweets and useful articles at their doors or bed sides; One beauty of the gifts Is that the children have no Idea from whom the come Many will close their eyes tonight with the thought that a real Santa is grooming his reindeer before making the rounds of the chimney tops. The prnt will e distributed through the- effort of the Children's Christmas iiheer Association of Delaware County. They will he sorted In the Cotlingdalo I Baptist Church, and after 8 o'clock, when ,",,". tat... ara ln bed. the delivery will begin. More than SO young men and women, many of them social favorites In the neighborhood, will help In the work. Among those who have taken a leading part in providing the Christmas cheer are Mrs William Benson, Mrs. K. A Stephen son. Ml Martha. Pfcaro asd David Laupfceltncr. of CoUlnadale, Mrs. H GreU. Preset HUI. Boy York. AWl Min KAUh C, SeVirks and Miss Ptor ense Jordan, Koswood, Miss McAHlsr, alenosden. TWO .SANTAS WILL GIVE PRBSBNTS AT JBNK3NT0WN JKWKINTOWN. Dee. K -TU yea for 1 lll bvt a. tna nrst time leahlrHown uonuu unity ChrtaWfULa tree. The tree not ono us H toot huh, but. wonder of woudeis two distinct Santa Clauses will distribute prtiessts to more tfcaa em cbildron. Th cotnntunlly ChrtesM um a boon erected Under keM tt OWtl afctrMM Andrew In Iron o tbe IWMarTown Bor ough HaJI It will bo UluatiAOMd o elecuwity early tads event when thou sand oi fteraoris ore esjsisctei to ehee ike wku tee.t. Tho tree wilt o iert standi until nit tho &a- make at long story short, I was careless In handling the gun. and some of the charge wnt Into Bolton's hand. The best thing we can do, then, Is to locate him. He wasn't always quite right In the upper story. But how the dickens he should come to think tip such a hoax and spring It after all these years gets me." Zudora said nothing. Thero was noth ing for her to sfty, "So we'll take a look Into Jlmnn's af fairs," concluded John. But Jimmy- had not been seen by on one for several weeks. The spectre sud denly ceased operations, A week passed, and both Storm nnd Zudora concluded to return to town, but to return secretly tho first tlmo the hnnd made Ha appearance; again, ' Oddly enough. Storm also had Vague suspicions regarding1 the brain behind Bol ton, but, and perhaps foolishly, lie re trained from confiding to Zudora. Ho had become reasonably suro that I In mam All was somewhere In the background. Jimmy Bolton was Incapable of perpetrating a hoax of this peculiar order without capi tal. At any rate, he was determined to put the matter boldly to Hassam All. Amcd was not going- to admit him at first. Orders were orders! but -when Storm drclared that ho would come back with ft policeman, Amed concluded to accept the lesser of two evils. Storm found himself in the familiar drawing room. Zudora seemed everywhere In the arrangement of the flowers, the pictures, the music rack. "Well, sir," said a cold voice from be hind, "this Is an honor forced upon me. I hate forbidden you the hospitality of this house." "I am wotl aware of that," returned Storm, quite as coldly as Unseam AMI. "I have not come for hospitality. What I demand to know Is, what tho devil do you mean by setting ft half-witted bay up to such a beastly gamo as that spec tral hand?" Storm shook his first under Hassam All's nose. All the fury against tills young man bubbled up In Hassam All's heart, and In cautiously was permitted to overflow the brim. Ho wanted John Storm dead, dead nt his feet. He suddenly drew back. Ills hand: but 8torm was too quick f6r htm. Amcd, seeing his master In danger,, seized a vase and stolo up behind Storm. But from her boudoir above Zudora had heard the loud voices. She held In her hand only a book. Bile flung it with more accuracy than Is generally credited to the feminine- arm. It hit Amed squarely on the shoulder, and the vase clattered to the floor. Copyright. 1011, by Harold MacGratb (CONTINUED SATURDAY) Girl, of Jenklntown, has erected a bis; tree In the Wilson home on West ave nue. She has obtained the names of moro than 100 deserving children or Ablngtort and Moreland Townships and promises not to forget them In the Santa Clans malt list. Many Jenklntown resldenta have congratulated Miss Wilson on her remarkable work. CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ABOUNDS AMONG: READING'S PEOPLE READING. Dec. 21.-More than 60. Christmas trees havo been erected by prominent citizens aloiv? the city's main thoroughfares much to tho delight of ths poor children. The large community Christmas tree at Cth and Penn streets will be brilliantly Illuminated nt thrt stroke of midnight tonight, while hun dreds sing carots to the accompaniment of Impressive band music. "Self-Denial Day" has already been ob served here and hundreds of dollars have been contributed for the purchase of toys, candy, sweets and clothing for the city poor. The merchants and Chamber o( Commerca will act as Santa Claus and even the wearers of torn and ragged stockings will not be doomed to disap pointment. The unfortunate "grown-ups will also be looked after. Empty coal bins will be replenished and Christmas baskets distributed. MEDIA SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN AID WAR VICTIMS MEDIA, Pa., Dec il.-Many Media Sun day school children Instead of receiving presents at tho many Christmas celebra tions here will glvu to others, who the feel are more in need, of the welcomo Christmas cheer The money usually spent for refreshments nt tho Methodist Sunday School will be sent to Belsium, and each pupil will bring an artlclo of clothing which will be sent to the Deacon ess' Home In Philadelphia. At all the other Sunday schools the pupils wilt bring gifts tor charity There will i)e no organised effort to relieve the poor of Media, as no destitute cases have been reported. The Cittc Association Christmas tree has been erected In front of the Court House, and besides the brilliant electric illumination the combined choirs of all the Media churches will ting their Christ mas greetings The Rev. Henry S. Noon, pastor of the First Methodist Church, will deliver an appropriate address. CAMDEN CHARITIES UNITE TO HELP POOR AND NEEDY Charity workers and organizations that dispense charity at Christmas time are operating under a new system in Cam den this year. In former years, when each club or association operated entirely Independent of one another, it was found that much of the charity dispensed was duplicated, ln some Instances one family being provided for by three anl four charities, while others, and in some cases the most worthy ones, received ho help whatever. This tar things are different, a cen tral organisation has been formed which Is Known as the Registration. Buieau or Associated Charities This ortranlsaAton Is supported by all the clubs alike- and to it Is left the Investigation and super vision of all charity at Chrlstmns Un. as well as throughout the entfro yoa--The bureau iscelves all applications through whatever source they may m and causes an investigation of each cat to be made. The names investigated ar turned oVef to the respective clbs, thua avoiding duplication. Aniofla the Camden organlxatiuns dis pensing oharit thts year are the Hlks. tbe Peter J . the Moos, the Hutaiv Club and most all of the marches The i sponsce to apaeals fgr funds this ear have greatly estedd those of foimer years. POOR OP QLpyOB6TSR TO QBT. XMAS BOUMTXW' mmv'sT s"j u aLOUCKaJTKR. J. J.. Dec M---Tb poor ot Olouosater OUy will be well taho care of tomorrow. r a Oiauth IHUU..A ceab!td cewuuHu of !$ vrt& efettrjMM hj ha husy (irep4rtns; to distrust, too, esothln. Mnttir ton to the uses). Thy have bjhf Ut and the sms-b of eaUt wa vtSStSSJ to lenta J net wheat oftoejML 'i vW1M IhM . Ul start u ntttiwnhs'as ana wsaJOttS 4 Uuih thai dttstrwi lalsine. to ib. th (imum daiUM Fit) llv thjtp ou 1 JjilUi( WM-. I 1 Tea ItpntaoTrtn Cltiti J ejao Vt , , 1 aik mv ib ei .10 gart '' in -tOtti. ma ''-u ' .. IlZ M -;n' il m 1 til
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers