(8WW1W NIGHT EXTRA NIGHT EXTRA VOL. I NO. 89 PHILADELPHIA, SATTTBDAT, DECEMBER 20, 1914 PBIOE ONE OENY Corrii3Jrr,10H,r raa rcsiio Lttnn Courier. 1 - B f i I n r, tz I Bac - ?mJ. ilr WmSM7i flrTSrsW -- " r,; WS r . CITY PiHD OUT 08,000 FOR XIAS PRESENTS Talk of "Hard Times' Routed bv Estimate of ( Sum Spent in Marking : Holiday This Year. i Useful Gifts Prevailed, Beauty Being Sacrificed for jytility, According to Elated ' Shop- ' koopors All Stores Shared in 1 Profit. WHERE MILLIONS "WEKT FOB CHRISTMAS dWXB Department stores ....$16,000,000 .... 553,000 Haberdashery Jewelers 1,700,000 Specialty (hops 983,000 300,000 600,000 700,000 72,000 600,000 Cigars ., Flowers Candy . Books . , Furs Miscellaneous 3,000,000 $24,408,000 ! Tho citizens of Philadelphia put 21,4OS;0OO Into their pockets and went forth to do Ihelr Christmas shopping. And they spont iyery cent of It. 'When they returned homo their collective, wnllat was as empty M Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard and eg flat as a flounder the flattest of things. Startling as this sum may Beem In the face Of all the recent chatter about finan cial depression, yet It Is baaed on a careful computation, which had as Its foundation actual figures furnished by many of tho leading; firms, and In the opinion of those experts who keep their Anger on the pulse of Christmas condi tions from year to year. It underesti mates rather than overstates expendi tures. , Mora than $21,000,000! And this, of Tcourse. does not Include tho great sums spent In foodstuffs nor for tho Christmas liquid which cheers and also inebriates, li'or does it take In tho Incalculable num ber of money gifts which wero distributed 'or tho largo sums which big-hearted people give away to charity at this time Of the year. If all these, things wars l-.";.- ...i in ihti.i.tnMiL PhHuitno.-hiut. ." r-J" "j " , -? S r? ' IZX'7 ,'.' 7Z 1 IJCfct ifc to iwii t , imiuMuuio .(, wjv !5m would OXCCCO. $3V,UW,UW. From the proprietor of the smallest Chop in the most obscure side street to the managers of the big department stores: on Market street, all show smiling countenances this morning, -which may bo translated to mean that war, high cost of living and such like bugbears bavo not Concluded on Page Two THE WEATHER i?iiill FA I R- Ouch I This cold gets to tho ears, doesn't ltT 'And there Is no reason why anybody eshould bo ashamed of the reddest kind of a nose either. Weir, it was nice hav ing a white Christmas yesterday. Those gloom members of the community who (growl about snow, and the slush It brings, and the dampness, and tho sora throats and tonsllltls resulting, had to hang their heads. It might have been that way, t la quite true, but it wasn't. And didn't you feel a bit cheerier and more Christ massy walking around with the snow crunching under your feet and the biting air bringing real holly berry color to a. person's cheeks Tou know you did. There was Santa Cgaus, too. He did coma In a sleigh with hlVelght reindeer, No doubt about that, ) Hot this year. FORECAST 4 For Philadelphia and vicinity fair and continued cold. Observations at Philadelphia -,,, A. M. Bsreraetsr , ,. Xt -"j-woMrmturs ,..,.,.... jo ateriw ..... V UIKHM .North, la mllu WneMYulon'VLii'U'i.mmY.V.V.V.'.Y.'.'.lBn Humidity , ,.,.,,.,83 per cent. V1' ulmun tmprtur ,.,.l.,...rf mimum iirapcrmiuro .,.,,,.,, Almanao of the Say Sttjl .............u. 4.40 n m 'jc rlMn iomomw.... 7:30 , m , xioi a. in, , T.il p. m. rUM Lamps to Be Uphtd Jlutos BBd oti.ei' -enll tf5p. m. TKa Tides POBT niCItUOND. w w.Ur .,., Slilo. h wtr (lomorr0w.. ............ 4iC i water (temertyw) ......ioaio. m. m. o.m. OHB8TWIW (8TBr WHA.JIJ-. tr . jh wmttr (touorrow) wtr i (taBMrowl nBor ieui.no. AW vsttr ...,6-4 p. a. ... JB. m. ...UvrtcS ?. WltSjT t't tE- JSSSS?' ? Jew h j . '.- ,.,.-,::-v k.3s! ? wlw iHMHsrnv) BBAKW.TaR. "" "((p-" ' IP iiJiisi - P fM Skating Today Thf la ikatlna en fiuatl-a. Con. pWR ..v.. fr inn ,M . fit WMMAJtlekwa C: ftas) PliH at 2T 3lTf? hg memmmfrtiiMi&mitQtim BIG FIRE IN CHELSEA, MASS. Whole Lower Section of tho City la Threatened. CIIEL3CA, .Mass., Bee. 26 The whole low'er section o'f the city Is threatened today by a fierce nro which started In the building of the Popo & Cottle Lum ber Compatiy, Ho Carter street. An appeal for aid was sent to nearby towns and tho flrebonts are on the way from Boston harbor. CRAZED BY HORSE'S KICK Victim Makes His Second Attempt at ' Suicide. Temporary fns.inlt, caused by n kick from a horeo four ears ago, caused Budd Peters, 231" Starston street, to attempt to end'hls llfiPthis morning in tho kitchen of his home, according to relatives. Tho man Is dlng In the "Women's Homeo pathlo Hospital. Peters was found by his wife, Mrs. Letltln Peters, who had gone dowristnlrs to prepare breakfast. The man had wrapped an overcont about his head and clinched Itghtly between his teeth was a' rubber tube, connecting with a gas Jet on the wait. CHRISTMAS FIRES FEWEST IN ANNALS OF DEPARTMENT Only Kino Bmnll Blazes Reported in City Yesterday. Christmas Day, 1914,, will go down, In tho fire department annals aa the most Bafe, sano and sensible to date. Only nine fires wero reported yesterday In dwellings throughout the city, nnd In each case tho loss was trifling. Christmas Day. as a rule, Is a busy one for the firemen. In former years 'iho lighted candles on tho Christmas trees and cotton decorations brought ruin and death to mora than one family. This year has been an exception and speakB well for tho years to come. In general, Philadelphia mothers, fathers and children obeyed Flra Marshal Georgs Elliot's Instructions. Electric lights took the place of candles, the pretty but dan gerous cotton trimmings wero replaced by asbestos paper and Christmas .trees were kept nway from gas Jets. Fire Marshal Elliot cxpresred himself this morning as highly pleased with the results. "Instructions have been carried out," he said. "Incidentally, matches have been kept nway from children and as bestos paper trimmings have been used. As far as I know, few accidents have boen reported." WOMAN DIES WITH ONLY PET DOG AS COMPANION Barking of Half-starved Animal dives Mournful Signal to Police. In a beautifully furnished and lm- macuiatpiy clean nousa at zwo Latimer ret-lIvra'7Jlsi'r-SIary"T33usherty. A' peculiar) and eccentric character, the woman lived alone with only a pet come as a companion. From tho nar ratives given by neighbors. Miss Dough erty lavished all her affections upon the dog. One of the set habits of her dally routine was to take the dog out for a walk in the afternoon. Both were a fixture on the 6treets of tho neighborhood and every day the neighbors lookod for tho woman, tastefully dressed, leading the collie by a silver chain. The children of the neighborhood knew Miss Dough erty and her companion very well, hav ing met them every day on their return foe tho afternoon session of school. Ever since lost Tuesday the neighbors had been missing the pair. Various rumors wore afloat. Somo Bald the woman probably had gone away on a trip. Others said that she had made up with her brother, her only known rel ative, and had frono to his house. Late last night noma one heard a dog barking In Miss Dougherty's house. The police of the llth and Locust streets station were notified, and Policeman Wretch was sent this morning to make an investiga tion. After receiving no responso at tho door except the Increased barking of the dog, ho- forced the door open and entered. On the stairs, in an emaciated and starved, condition, he found the collie, who fought desperately against tho policeman going upstairs. The latter finally made hla way to the Becond floor bedroom. He opened the door and. upon the bed found the woman, dead. The woman was pronounced dead by Dr. John K, Walker, of 2033 Locust street. Heart disease was given as the cause. The body was claimed by a brother, John D. Dougherty, of 2117 Spring Garden street. '"" ANNUAL TIPS FALL OFF Usual Gratuities This Year Par Be low Average. Christmas tip to hotel employes, ele vator men, errand boys, ash men and others who profit by the Christmas spirit of giving showed a marked falling off this year, and today members of tbe professions named are peevish. Yesterday In hotels was a day of giving, for all of that- Tho employes may not hava as much today on they had on Decembor . last year, mit many or them are able to start tidy bank accounts. Ilardly any one who; had money held on to it. The letter carriers fared well, in many Instances, thus being repaid for having to work narder on Christmas than any other day pi the year. XT, S. AS SANTA ClATTS n ii i ii 100,000,000 Parcel Post Packages Delivered During Christmas Season, WASHINGTON, Deo. to,-tanta CM us dotyvertd lW.WO.CrM paskagea by pareel, post during the Christmas season, ac cording to early estimates, at the Fot offlee Department today. Boarder Ane4 t Shooting Couple Jehn efeabJs, Negro, and hta wife. Bidella, are Is the BelyellRlo Hospital to day with right arms in llgs, and John JansoB, who boawled with ttica at nit Kater street, is in eU- Joosoa ajd to have shot the oomu.lit ht ario; an arguweat pver tbe otaount of IS board WU Th Gh4 also oharge him with tAkiwg Hi tima Mm antty oiW lar aftsr he had dUtiUd tbui. He will bs arxaigned MoUy. a antral du Pout Xatd BUy -WUJ4INOTON, PJ., Ca St-AcoorU-Ums to telegr-BW nosived 1m mieht, Oea Ml T- CoUma 4u Peat, wko rwftt m wwaUen to at story's ewattal. foeksMsr. sHna., Mt iwMurUbbi 4y s-tr4sjr. Hewt, hw t. wty mmm eptWtep? ROUGH OJN -WBM(ss-MMJsls-rl SCHUYLKILL FROZEN, THERMOMETER AT 9, ON COLDEST DEC. 26 Ear Muffs Comfortable Af ter Arrival of Severe Cold, Which May Remain Sev eral Days. Hourly Temperatures The hourly street temperatures from midnight on were: Deg. Deo Midnight iij 8 a. m 10 1 a. m 14 9 a. m 10 2 a 3 a 4 a m... 14 10 a. m 13 m 13 11 a, m , 15 m 12 Noon 17 ;B a 0 a. m ,.. 10 2 p. m.. ...... 20 7 a. m... ....... 9 3 p. m, ....... 20 Todny is the coldest day of the winter so far and the coldest December 26 In the records of the local Weather Bureau. The official thermometer registered 9 de grees at 7 o'clock, but the mercury was nearer the zero mark In the suburbs. The lowest temperature on the day after Christmas heretofore was 13 de grees in 1303, 1S79 and 1878. The thermom eter touched the lowest point this winter until today at 13 degrees on December lis and 16. The cold wave reached here In full force early this morning from the lake regions. A storm moving northward from South Carolina contributed Its share to the temperature. The intense cold served to thicken the ice on ponds and lakes around Philadel phia, The Schuylkill River la frozen over, but the surface is covered with snow and, until thorough tests can be made by' the Park Guards to ascertain the danger points, skating will not be permitted. The near zero weather also makes no slble sleighing at various points, for while tho snow surface Is very light for that sport it Is frozen hard. While the Intense cold was welcomed by sporting enthusiasts throughout the city and suburbs, for many thousands it brought a return of the suffering ex perienced from the cold snap of a few weeks ago John Hlckey, 53 years old, 22 South street, was removed almost frozen from the rear of 512 South street. He was taken to the Polycllnlo Hospital where responding to extreme measures of re suscitation. It is expected he will recover. John Hurley, of Phoenlrvtlle, sprained an elbow when he slipped on the Ice at 21st and Dauphin streets. He was taken to the-Woman's Homeopathic Hospital. John McDonald, of ttx Falrmount ave nue, fell In front of his home and was taken to St Joseph's Hospital suffering from a strained left wrist. S Ha v BtlckeL E5. of 1607 Brown street. fell on an loy pavement at 23d and Green streets this morning, breaking two ribs and his right knee. He was taken to the Garrftson Hospital. Becord Cold tn Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH, Dee, 2 All cold records were broken In northweajern Pennsylva nia, today when the mercury dropped from 21 to 39 degrees below zero, 65 Below at 'lake Desolation SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. T . Deo. 24 Gas aw Us and water pipes, are frozen In this vtlage today, following the coldest weather of the year. Thl morning the tfearmameter registered. 44 degrees below zero At BalUton Spa It was S6 below. In country towns stMth of here the record was 4$ below. The coldest reported was below at Lake Isolation. Poo; Persons In Baltimore Suffer BALTIMORE Dec, It, Baltimore la having Its eotflest weather of tha sea oo today. At a. m. the thermometer rgit4 8 dww above zero, having 4rMl T no is dwrfug tbe night A -ib w aonotiHwxUd the sob and cus juoh suXttitaK sinens tbe poor of tb etty "Coldest Day" la Naw Tork NEW YOJRK Dea. SC-Ktw Yorkers aro today te faee It cefatest day of the winter. Frees, U degress above z-ro at mi night Uu toarewy dropped to i 4 gnss above at t a. m. At o'clock tt bid nwMUitwJ t 4 Jmv. entry avaiWri b ot ttjjut w -! in Uts VMntssfftj fcMMM H thw nflMag sbUsi HORSES, BUT FINE FOR F HL,1MU . t O0V HHEL m f 5s A4f ' " .' " o. aB ; jV . v Y -XBaSBBBSBn y7JBH--K - "' - :-x v sBBBKl ".' A n3k .'-- " , ? A J--Pliwk - . "--vA BHK9n "''pnux HIH&DrKtBiPk ' "' '- i l--Lliwwl' " - ,r: mV 'II E--Nf$ !. , lSm&. U;A I IOBK-?!SinE. rb ' sImjSI?''1 I WasaHsHraiQk3yn iHh flWraF ' ' I I Hnli WL J jSlji. , vOvssP iv i iiBlsKHW vJy mI "v JmmBmi nh t a, .irjLrfcjfssp.,. S iB2esBS' Today arrived with thexoldest feather of the .yeax.Jmparting a -hard ,, glaze uiT1he 'fop of the Christrnas snotv which proved particularly disconcerting to norses ana tea s. unvers naa a tiara day ot tt. ttut the city's boys and girls found conditions just right for sledding and they turned out on every hillside. VILLISTAS DRIVE DEFENDERS BACK ' NEAR VERACRUZ State Department Learns Decisive Battle is in Prog ress Ten Miles From City and Beyond Tampico. WASHINGTON,' Dec 26,-T'he real bat tle for control of Vera Cruz Is believed rhere today to be in progress. Late, ad vices to the State Department say that fighting between Carranzlsta and Vllllsta forces was In progress 10 miles west of Vera Cruz. The attacking columns were reported driving the Carranzlstas back on their main lines of defense. There is also severe fighting reported in the Btate of Tlaxcola and at Ebana near Tampico, This series of conflicts, it Is believed here, will eventually end In success tor the convention forces, -who outnumber the Carranza sympathizers. Meanwhile, Provisional President Gu tierrez Is completing his Cabinet, the only vacant places left being the Minis ter of Justice and ot the Interior. In his appointments Gutierrez has been Impart tlal between the followers of Zapata and Villa, so that what might have proven a potent source of friction seemingly has been avoided. It is known here to be the intention of the convention leaders when the confer ence reconvenes on January 10 to at tempt to frame a comprehensive land law which Congress will be asked to enact. With such b. law In fore's the disbanding of the army would be simplified, and all factions are anxious that a strong civil government be established without delay, so that an appeal may be made to the United States and the A. B. C. Powers for recognition. Money is needed for the affairs of government, but every source of internal supply has been exhausted and a foreign loan is out of the question unless foreign recognition Is fsrthoomlng. It Is because they realize this that the convention forces are anxious to either compromise with or completely brush Oarranxa be. fore January 10. THIEP TBAPPP BHINP PIANO Couldn't Escape When, Pamlly Be turned TJ&xpectedly. The unexpected return of Mrs Delta ToHxak, JU6 East Letterly street, and her family from making Christmas calls, late last night, resulted In the arrest of Joseph Jozwlok, wlm was busy robbing the house id their abaenoe. Jozwlck bad bo time ts sacaps and Md behind a piano. Tb police wer summoned. wb wlry valusd at SS was found mis-tag, and Simm .laj Osbow Dunbar, of (be Treatos ascaua and Dau Bfein yt stetson, Mgted Josjctok from hU stacM htiHiig. Tbe loan was Mt is fW bait fwr fcutfeet bearing before. I II IL IS11SI" - I - III, "Bryan Rsa? Vet Sotof to So . W4SKWQXOM. Be. Je.fcoreia.ry of Mat Boast Wis aa4n sm-4 a rumor tt he. WuM to Hslgii u tk Cb-tawt. THE CHILDREN ' PEACEFORANHODR AS SOLDIERS PRAY ON BATTLEFIELDS Conflict in West Halted for Brief Period of Christmas Supplication, Then Battle Resumes. PARIS, Dec. 24. For one hour on Christmas Day tho warriors of the nations locked In deadly conflict in western Europe ceased to fight During that brief Interval the clash of arms and the boom of artillery was halt ed and hundreds of thousands of soldiers knelt In prayer. After the short truce had ended, how ever, the mighty combat in tho history of the world was resumed. Frenchman, Briton, Belgian and German, all alike put away the visions ot home tliat the day had called forth and tools up again the task at hand, the slaughtering of his fel lowman. LONDON. Dec, 23. London paid tribute to the man In khaki yesterday and the whlo nation celebrated what will long be remembered as a Mill tary Christmas, Everywhere throughout tho island men in khaki and In blue wero the object of attention and admiration London particularly was full of soldiers Conspicuous among them were several thousand Canadians from Salisbury raln. Christmas in London is Sunday-like, be causa al the theatres are closed and the hotels and publlo houses keep Sunday hours. All ranks of the troops, at the front and in the home camps wero loaded down with, presents. Prineess Mary's fund for Christmas gifts amounted to nearly 00. 000, while there were numerous fund for tobacco, puddings and other luxuries raised by newspapers and societies. EVen the German military prisoners and civilians In tfe concentration pomps had Christmas tes and gifts front home and from wealthy Gerwans In Bngland. The German, Young Men's Christian Asso$la tias and the Rnguafc Quakes devoted special care to the prisoners. FIGHT OFF CHILI REPORTED Believed Broaden Has Been Engaged by British. VALPARAISO, Pee. 38.-J. wifeless message fJPra tb ChtHan torpea gun boat Toa rpoKs tbs SrUsib urulnr -e-sU eaantumlHig sf satUs frm Val-Bai-ltH). It is suepessd she has encaged the Oarsoan cruiser Dresdan and . verted crulsar Pri&ea SUel Priadrteh. A British aaua4r and Japan war. sbe ar known wfea eruMn? no far ireem U4 port- Tb Hswoastle is a psot-Hed erviMr of tb An4 class. wltl two f-lnch guns in Ul On battery 8b a u baa M t-tneb a M- Tbs Drsdn ts ntted as a tbtrd Jass omlr Bus bM 13 4-tncb gitaa. ) WfcW "lsW-WS'V P lPWsPi fl"n"sWptBt eisa A knows, but, dV- b bM)f. OFFICIAL WAR REPORTS ritENCH There was a light cannonade on the front between the sea and the Lys, Where a heavy fog obscured opera tions. Between tho Olae and Alsne we re port that during tho day of December U a very severe German attack was repulsed at Chivy, northeast of Souplr. Two strong counter attacks by tho Germans were rolled buck. During tho night of December 21.25 (yesterday) a now counter-attack, particularly strong, wns mada on a front of 1C00 yards and with powerful troops, but it suffered a complete check. In the Argonne and between the Meuso and Moselle there Is nothing to report. In upper Alsace the day was marked by appreciable progress before Cerenay. Wo reached the edge ot the woods on the hills to the west of that town. We maintained, despite numerous counter-attacks, our posi tion. We now occupy the outskirts of lower Anspach and the heights whlcH dominate Carash to tho west. In Russia tho Germans, who had forced a crossing of tho Bzura to the south of Sochaczew, have been thrown back after suffering considerable losses. All their attacks on Boltmw have been resumed. In the region of Inowlodz, on the Plllcn, and to tho south bitter combats continue. Along tho whole course of tho Nlda and to the south of the Vistula the battle Is going on under conditions favorable to the Russians. BUSSIAW There has been no change on the left bank of tho Vistula or In Gallcla. The Qormana delivered attacks on the day and night of December "t, prin cipally In the districts of Sochaczew and Boltmow, but all wero repulsed with great loss to tho enemy. Fighting continues on the banks of the Plllcn, TTJBKISH Between Oltl and Id our troops gained a decisive victory. The battle Is being continued with fresh success es. We have captured 0000 prisoners, Including a colonel and a large quan tity of ammunition and war triatorlal. ATJSTBIAN Fighting continued yesterday along a greater part of our front. Our forces bc.at back attacks of tho enemy near Mngyag, In the Iyitourcta region, with heavy losses. The enemy was driven back toward Llsko. Between Wlslok nnd Blala the enemy attacked throughout the whole of Christmas Eve and yesterday with great Intensity. On the Donajeo our front Is unchanged. GERMAN AIR RAIDER REPORTED KILLED IN SHEERNESS ATTACK Wrecked Aeroplane Sighted vfiu "'' fV'fiPi'V roiiowmcr i-'annc rimnt Near London British Gunners Hit Mark. LONDON, Deo. 21 The German aviator who tried to attack the British naval base at Sheerness yes terday Is believed to have perished. The lighthouse keeper at Kentish Knock, In the North Bea, northeast of the mouth of the Thames River, reported today that yesterday he had seen an aeroplane fall Into tbe water about a mile from his post. Gunners who fired on the German flyer along the coast think that they hit the machine and that the damage it suffered at their hands finally resulted in its do structlon. That all the German air raids over England haye occurred In the daylight Is the comment by the London papers this morning. At least three times haye aero planes appeared over Sheerness, in the mouth ot tho Thames, 30 miles from London. Ostend, It is believed, Is the base from which the Gorman fliers operate. Yester day the airman who flew over Sheerness from the direction of Dover, had undoubt edly passed over that city at such a height that he was not seen, although the popu lace and garrisons there haye been made watchful by tbe two former attacks by air. Tha Oerraan showed great daring In hla attempts to ram tbe three British planes which rose to give him batle. The anti aircraft guns could not be used against him for fear of hitting the Britons. The Oerman rose rapidly to keep his attack ers below him and mode hla escape. The flight took both pursuers and pursued rapidly out ot sight and three hours later the three British aircraft returned with the report that the enemy had escaped. The prompt action of the British avta tors in going to the attack prevented the dropping of any bombs by the enemy, who had hardly been righted before he turned and began his flight. An air raid over Harwlck Is feared. Yesterday the Mayor of that city Issued this notice. "Although an attack by the enemy on Harwich fortress is not anticipated at the present time, and there Is no speolal reason for anxiety among nonoombat ants, it is considered desirable to notify the civilian population that in the unex pected event ot belligerent operations the members ot the local emergency commit tee and special constables will direct every one as to the course to be pur sued. All members of the clvtl population are nereoy required io act strictly In ao oordance with such directions. All per sons arriving at Harwich will be required to register." The War Office Issued the following statement last night A hostile aeroplane was sighted to day at five minutes, to 1 o'eloek. it was flying Very high from east to west aver Sheerness. British aircraft went up In pur suit and engaged the enemy, wbe. after being hit three or four times, was driven oK seaward. A dispateh front Dover late last night said It was repotted there that a der. man areoptene firing at a great height passed oyer the Uedway Rivsr and Hefw Bay during the day. Aeroplanes and sea planes were out on seoutlng hy for many hours. JCE3. JOHNOjaSCJ.' BETTBB Kecovering From Effects of Surgical Opanfctea. Mrs Jeaut C BeU. wife of tb Attorney 0BreJ of PjnsyivaJ, h rnrng from to eKeets of a srius ecer-uoa which the ui-Wm wst recently la tb Lni vrtr Hoptt Although Vis. BU's esswUttoa bM bAeu BMrd ortttcsl until today hsirsnas ut aftBMM and urvoua, Ur Ed wajnt UartsB ad Or J B Cart, wb performed tb. or)tu bbesi ta.t ys Hr4 WMirtWKI tb trig 5M-t i bar CZAR BREAKS GERMAN LINE; GAINS GROUND IN POLAND Six Miles Gained by Drive Through Christmas Day Blizzard Foe Beaten Back From Rawa Hills and Forced From Positions Along Rawka River. Spirited Surprise Assault Pushes Kaiser's Front 45 Miles From Warsaw at One Point Victory Gives Russians Control of Situa tion, Dominating Zone Between Bzura and Pilica Rivers. ThcKaiser's line in Poland has been broken at one point. By a spirited surprise attack through a Piristmas Day blizzard a Russian column drove the foe out of its Rawka River posi tions and dislodged him from the heights of Rawa, which dominate the territory between the Pilica and Bzura Rivers. The Germans retired to Je zow, six miles from Rawa, and hence in this field are 45 miles from the ob jective of Warsaw, Victory here has lessened Von Hindenburg's pressure in a strategically important field. Christmas brought no cessation of hostilities in the Carpathians, where iMPHtJtfJrisnajisir-t, ...B ..-v. ,ii, jr n.u33jan lorces TU Lisko, Between the Biaia and W1j lok Riverj, further west in Gallcia, Russian attacks of great intensity were repulsed, according to the same source of informaticfn, which admits that heavy reinforcements are en abling the Russians to attack the en. tire front of Cracow defense. The repulse of heavy German at tacks north of the Aisne, near Soupir and Perthes, is announced by the French War Office, notwithstanding that the Berlin official statement yes terday claimed successes at these points. The French also claim marked progress in the advance near Anspach, in Upper Alsace, but the official com munique is silent as to the offensive against Metz, and the reports that the outer forts of that German srong liold are being bombarded still lack confirmation. Heavy fogs prevented infantry movements In West Flanders antl the fighting in that region has been large ly an artillery duel. An official statement issued in Ber lin says that an attack by French troops was repulsed by the Germans near Festhubert, the Germans cap turing 19 officers, 819 men and 14 ma chine guns. The Allies left 3000 dead on the field. Turkish troops have defeated the Russians between Id and Oti, in Ar menia, and captured 6000 prisoners, ac cording to a Constantinople statement. Fetrograd, however, declares this campaign has been halted altogether by severe weather conditions. The German airman who yesterday made a daring flight over Sheerness, 30 miles from London, is reported to. Concluded on Page SU GERMAN FLEET TO GIVE BATTLE, DANES REPORT large Squadron Sails Across North Bea Toward British Coast -CQ PBMHAOMN, Dee. U-A. anaa squadron ot eoaiarabl sta ts rponeti tv have sailed out into tb North & early today, ptdtBg toward tbe coast of Bngtand 'to give battle to tb British fleet j.oyp Ago gopyp Sit Jc. .LfifVfSL esa sis a ssec at the mi " J . i - ' w ,si ! " ' . ' . .. " -..m" 3BfMS?& I.-....-.. r.i. U..-.I.&I fk t .SS brtMak. 1'ci.iML. HwHl mil . .- pis u?j SrMf tCM(SU.H& i. r Oaum. pevlfir rf fcfe.sT aitrlpt Us- t. e4 ts TV iTTOruftSilL' TssMi4 j M f-ji fat 1 lSBP3sT1Vm51 of jltrtTiTMtiS. ,3i Sfbw tfit0.-t sihj?iwffii..iaii-. w . - .. m f .1 .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers