, m wwumymW' i 'i I mwwgjppg npwip'i",i'iimnpnjapjf v ' vgwmPy EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, OCTOBER 81 !-QIg 13 D'he Stage JLdf&rmr of the Mge I f0 7 I rflPftt-CjBr w ' imji II fi h M i ' Vi 'I 11m n .B'l, J 4 II ! 'u(' fi' . ? ? Hi I IK 'hi I 1 ; H fc Vlr - li r M. , -ist W t' JFCL'-J yfi ' Ml J. -a i - THEATRICAL BAEDEKER OPENING MONDAT. BnOAD "The Sons of Songs," now play by Edward Sheldon, based on Herman Sudcrmann's novel. FORREST "Sari," charming operetta, with Mlxtl Hajos and Ireno Powlowska. GARiIUCK "The Debutante," new musi cal comedy, with book by H. B. and R. B. Smith and music by Victor Herbert Starring Hael Dawn. KEITH'S-Blanche Ring In a musical sketch, "Oh, Papa," arranged for vaudeville from Leo Dletrlchsteln's "Vivian's Papa" by Channlng Polloclt and Rennold Wolf. LITTLE THEATRE Revival of Sheri dan's "The Rivals." WALNUT-Keturn of "Within the Law." CONTINTJINO. aVYTUC "The Whirl of the World," tho New Tork Winter Garden spectacle. Willis Howard tickles the funny con volution of your brain; Eugene, his brother, catches with songs. ADELPHI "A Pair of Sixes," farce by Edward Peplfc- Two business partners shoot a cold hand, the winner to retain the business, the loser to becomo his body servant for a year. Delightfully laughable. AMERICA LIBERAL PATRON OF DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL ART Declares Mizzi Hajos, the Prima Donna This Coun-! try Golden Mecca of Euro-: pean Librettists and Com posers. "Americans are too prone to say th.v a nation they are not artistic. Per haps they believe It But I myself am Inclined to believe that, in denying a vui high sense of the artistic Amerlcan. siander themselves." Thus declared MIzzl Hajos, who plays the name part in "Sari," the Hungarian operetta composed by Emmerich Kal man, which comes to the Forrest Theatre Monday night. Henry W. Savage is the producer of this operetta, which has been called "the successor to "The Merry Widow." " Miss Hajos was speaking of Mr. Kal man, who as a mere boy has attained International celebrity through "Sari." The composer and tho actress are close friends, both Hungarians, and when Miss Hajos was abroad lost summer she met the young musician frequently. "It may be new for Americans to know," said Miss Hajos, "that every for eign composer cherishes as his fondest ambition the hope that he will one day write a score that will make a hit In this country. Composers, like all others, are looking for the financial aa well as the artistic reward, and they seem to feel that this is the country that will yield the gold. They have the formula all worked out. Their plan Is to write an other operetta that will be a second 'Sari' or 'Merry Widow,' have it catoh on big In Europe, and then, after Its European reputation Is established, have an Ameri can production and, of course popularity, and get rich from It The young com posers whom I met last summer In Vienna, Budapest, Parts and Berlin all seemed to hope along the one line. They all entertained the same Idea of what was necessary In the way of procedure first the European hit then the American success. "I had my tittle say at these muslo talks In Europe last summer. 'Why, I argued, 'not send om of your good things to America direct and have them produced there flrstr Oh, they couldn't see that at all They were very aure America would not accpt anything unless It had the stamp of European ap proval. Well, that's Just where they were wrong, and I told them so. The rvery fact that a big European success I , goes big In America is proof of discerning i I taste and good Judgment over here. It i shows that Americans know a good thing j f when It comes to them. The European j J success has been tried out and proven i over there. The failures don't last j Then, when something la succesful In J Europe, It can last only a comparatively abort time on the Continent because the 1 runs are not Icng. London Is an excep tion. Then they coma to America, and , thar have New Tork and other bis; cities : for long runs, and tho rest of the entire continent for longer time, so that their MfNMn,Mnn,iramMiimMmlniHanii,HM,Niiiiiiii,ilH a BROADWAY Advanced Broad and Vaudeville Snyder Ave. Anniversary Week Gigantic Bill AH Star Feature Acts Bert Leslie & Co. In "Hogan In London" JARDIN DE DANSE COMPANY OV M Tracey, Stone & Spink nueliuiriar Bones and Bajiott GRAZIA NARDINT Europe's Accordion Scnatlon JESSE LASKY'S SIX HOBOES Newhoff & Phillips 8animlth and ilirtlnmlthi First Animated Presentation (la Comedy Hatire) World's Series Games TH&EE SHOWS DAILT 2: 1 9 Hats. A't 8aU ! Ev. 10, JO. 3e, i.Mi-nigggsgs&t fT-iSll-,- f I gsi-asg Jm8$fflmi& J - rffif '-Alt' i V- PSSiiHaWaliBliW A'- WZj4T I mmsm Ws, IfllliiilS w K$W$J II xW&o..o rCXi:-r II - w." Mm,, t8 r $ :' ? " " " 'wm 1 ." -s..s'li.v-vv -"V' &:& MLLE. CHAPINE, "Whirl of the World" Lyric. life over here Is years instead of months, as it Is In Europo. That Is where the profit comes In. But tho very faat that successes of this character go over this country repeatedly, and are as popular In Philadelphia. St Louis and San Francisco as in Now Tork, shows the very general national approbation of worthy things In nn art way. Naturally, I am speaking now specifically in tho field of muslo. "The musicians over there had their answer to my reasoning. It was that In by far the greater number of Instances the big musical successes In this country had been Importations, and not of native manufacture. " 'Ah, but wait a few years, I pointed out 'Just wait until Americans are not so buBy building railroads and establish ing great manufactories and creating other giant commercial industries. Walt until there is a generation that Instead of making a lot of money and spending It liberally on art, goes In for oreatlng art.' It wfll come In a very short time. The child who discovers an unusual talent as a musician will be taken In hand for a musical training, Just as the Hungarian, German and Italian boy Is now. Tho pa rents won't always feel that they must bind the boy to some of the professions or to business. And then will come great American composers. Just as now there are gifted American writers and painters and architects. Musio may be a little mmMIMnMm,1,,miM,,MltllMIII,Hllt,ltm,I..IMIIMtH'l' CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE "Home of World's Greatest Photo-Plays" Afternoons, 1 to 6 10c and 15c Evgs., 7 to 11 10c, 15c, 25c Beginnlm Monday Afternoon Edward Peplr's Famous War Drama of Throbi, Tears & Battle rnmp w i?' BEOINNING SIojv, Nor, 0 The Matt Wonderful Story F.tct irumea WILLIAM V z MJ153WW; V.GoSKtI spiw&qfmemmm n. w Miiit-i: iiuuuiu siuufurU Manager MuKe Jilreciot m.'vi'iFi'-rA -il ir:iTi:i Bxoflleot Itiduromrnlit- -lnvcttlt HKfllKNINO MO.VPAV MATINEB The Funniest Play Ever Written TT t T I Tte Sensation H H, of Two J-J- ' I Continents BLUE MOUSE Daring In Situation and Theme, Vet It I Absolutely founded ou I'mit DrTfl?C Kenlng. 10c 20c. 30c. JrUH-liOM.it Dally Ex. Frl . 10c. 20c. WEEK OF NOV. ft "T1IK YOKE." THE MILLION-DOLLAR MARKET (jLU Dt OPPOSITE WAN'AMAKER'S CONTIJa-OrS ll:S0 A M TO 11.30 J? M. RAY DOOLEY TRIO 81$ Whltfleld IrelatKl. Doffln R.-ay Trotipa. ICirl Emmfi Pot. MARION WEEKS w gg iWPfffi : f i i &&&U4U4&& UJML. 28ln i Y? 7 fss I Mir w -1? v .' -1 tVi A,-- ;? iij?ajw;v:' " -'-- 5f-v tar.1jjKwwfar. -.v--k: ' 'f"-'-- .fall IRENE FENWICK, "The Song of Songs" Broad. slow in gaining recognition In this country as a pursuit for any except those who are unsuited for anything else, but It la fast gaining its place. Meantime what nation is so liberal a patron of all the arts as America? None I" To Be Happy Think in Colors "Investigators Into the workings of tho brain are familiar enough with the casea of persons who hear in colors," declared Alexander Harvey, the author of "The Too," recently. "Muslo and color, for In stance, are too Intimately associated In such minds to make possible any hearing of a song without the visualization of a particular color. Such a person hears Caruso's voice as violet, Molba's as pink and bo on. Such examples are less numer ous and less lmportai.t than are the cases of persons who, whether they hear In colors or not, always think In colors. These persons, called 'color thinkers,' do not have any sensation of color when volcs or notes are heard, but they In variably asBoclato tomw kind of color with such things bs the day of the week, I the hour of the day, the month of the year, j the vowels, tho consonants and ao on. )intlllimM"M"tllt,IHIMltllMMM,M (,,,,,,,(, ,,! MM ,, Hj fife rpjggy (Jj Accompanied by WDIU.ITZEB OIU3AS THE SOUTHERN QUARTETTE AND FUNNIEST OF AU. COJIKDV riCTUKEa THE CIRCUS WRECK RBX IlEAGIPS SIASTEnPIECH IS SPOILERS WITH FARNTJM &KATHLYN WILLIAMS UtlMIHMntlrHIIIIIMMI Convict Ship SAILS SOON Never to Return But & inert time rtm&im In whloh PMUdelphlanj mar vtart tb famous old British Prison Ship "SUCCESS" Oldest and Most Illatorte Crar CNQCE9TIONA1ILY THE MOST 0NIQUE SIl'SEUM IN THE WORLD Tn "Succ" eulls from br (or Bin Francisco, there to b xhlblted In con nection with the Panima-I'aclflo Exposition- Moored at the Market St. Wharf Admlailon, !5c. Including Services of Guide and Lecturer, 0penDaiIy,9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Cao He VUlted 11 Nlxht A Well Aa Dar. Llxhtrd Throng-bout b Electricity. Al ADEMY Seats at Hipps'a. 1110 Chestnut PHILADELPHIA Tonight at 8.15 ORIIESTRA . " ' ' ": ALAN MUDIE AND HAZEL DAWN, In "The Debutante' Garrick. This faculty Is colored thinking, or, to use a technical term coming mors and more Into use, 'chromatic conception,' or, aa seme xperta Bay, 'psychochromesthesla." Mile. Chaplne, the Tltlan-holred prima lonna of "The Whirl of the World," playing at the Lyric Theatre, bears out Mr, Harvey's startling philosophic theory. To be happy, says Chaplne, one should live In red wear clothing with a touch of red, live In a house with red ivall paper nnd hangings, and think In red. "When I say people should live In red," said Chaplne, laughing, as she sat tn her dressing room at the Lyric. "Is not that they Bhall live beyond their Income, as the slang term has It. I mean that red as a color must exist In their mental life. I think In termB of color. My favorlto color Is red, and I am happy. A green room, a blue room depress me. Bo do yellow, brown or block dressos. For In stance, I always var something red, or with a touch of rod. "You know that all arts are one, and that art Is life, and that the modo of ex pressing one's art may be reduced to the terms of another. Now people who live exquisitely, who know the meaning of colors, know that color Is only the music of light, that muslo Is only the color of sound, that in poetry, words hava color that If we live fully and gladly and natur ally, our moods are pitched to all the notes in the scale and harmonize with all tho colors In the prism. "Borne day we shall reach that stag at culture where each shall live In one'a cwn color and at one'a own pitch. Tho street crowds will be a kaleidoscopic symphony of colors and life will bo more exhilarating and Joyful. It will be like listening to music all the time. Of course the men will continue to dress much as they do now. Woman Is tho musical riuantlty of the race and must give llfo Its final esthetic touch." MIMMMni11M1ltfanimaKllfMIiMWimtllllim1MUJMH LYRIC Beginning Monday Last Week ItEGUT.AK JIATTNTSE TODAY BilB THE CI?T? TT1" s' B Valerian! Ler Its Dock Tb Bumlnr liner Mlfl-Oeean . (1 fl lRi(l nFTHPHaUif Ifll ITh n iji ii iivii -' -" ijtw ii v it 11 wMmw' T?"RfJTNNTNrJ MONDAY "rnv Q Sent Sale Opena Thurs. Next UUUXllll - " -RVENrNfJ A1WV. J TJIH GREAT DHURY LANS MELO-U-L'"A1" DRAMATla SUCCESS THE STORY OP THE ROSARY A THRILLING STORY OF LOVE AND WAR ORIGINAL, NEW YORK COMPANY ORIOINAL NEW YOHK PRODUCTION PRICES Best Orchestra Seats ?1.50, All Balcony Seata $1.00 ADELPHI a PAIR 'abighit- Teledrdpfi aAscnmir ledge THE MJLT THAT IB MAXTNO ALL LAST WEEKfl nai iHMtMimmiMti IllllllMltlllllllllKllllKlllllll' GARRICK Last Mat. and Night "S YellW A,SN Bfl'l'ORTED BY AN ALI-8TAR CAST Neat W. EXTRA MAT. ELECTION DAY HAZEL DAWN de'Ste B7 XI. B.AR.B. flmltb. Mulc by Victor IIrUrt aMMIiMil4MllIIIMUtMlUIMltM"MtlHIlttUtmMHU BROAD Last Mat. and Night FANNIE WARD ?&& NEXT WEEK BEATS SELI4NG CHARLES FROHMAN Preents the SONG OF SONGS "! Ba4 on Eudermcn' Novel J El O 1 I? P MATINrE '"PAY ' Mr ltS.SU WINNINf J WIDOWS OP SIXES' OTMsisiMsHsMssaMsM V To 1 Hazel Dawn in Herbert Operetta Hazel Dawn will mako her first ap pearanco In Philadelphia as a star In "The Debutante," a new musical com edy, the book of which was written by Harry B. and Robert B. Smith, and the musts by Victor Herbert at tho Qarrick Theatre on Monday night. "The Debutante" Is In two acts, tho first scene being laid In England near the seacoast and the second In & Paris salon. Miss Dawn will appear In tho rolo of a. pleasant Ingenious American girl, a character directly tho opposite of tho one sho played In "Tho Pink Lady." Miss Dawn's manager Is John C. Fisher, who was the senior membei of the firm that produced "Florodora" In this country. Among tho principal members of the company aro Will West William Dan forth, Alan Mudlo, Robert O. Pitkin. Stewart Balrd. J. Abbott Worthley, Thomas Reynolds, Zoo Barnett, Maude Odell and Sylvia Jason. On Tuesday night Victor Herbert will come to Philadelphia and personally di rect tho orchestra. "Within the Law" With Catherine Tower In the leading role, "Within tho Law" will bo presented by Selwyn & Company for a special re turn engagement of two weeks at the Walnut Monday night Miss Tower will be supported by Tom J. Evans, James Heenan, Harrison J, Terry, William Lam bert Katherine Daly and Grace Spaeth. IIHM4MM(MMtWM KHHIUXIM SSHS, Election Day N NOVEMBER TIIE 3D TONIGHT 8:10 WHAT CRITICS SAY: "Dances to acceas," North American "Sntnes delljhtruny." Telerruph "LaOBThter and applanss continuous." Press, "Has sparkling; humor and startling: scrota ef fects." Publlo Leaser. "Is a perfect entertain ment i exhilarating', amus Ins, dashing." Record. "Makes a genuine suc cess; Is distinctly aboTe the average," Bulletin. A STAXSOERINO BPECTACULAH EXTRAVAGANZA EXTRAORDINARY I 1 POSITIVELY LAST WEEK! POSITIVELY JAST 10 TIMESII Tn? A T? Those Haunting Melodies That " -EJ.MXV Rend Tou Horns Dsllrhted Bend Tou Horns Delighted MATINEE TODAY AT 2:20 SPECIAL MAT. ELECTION DAY, NOV, 3 Election Returns Read During Performance "A FARCE THAT OUGHT TO CURE TOE WORST CASE OF GROUCH." Bulletin PHILADELI'lIIA ROAR WITH LAUGHTER HURRY I BEE IT NOW I lllillllttlltMHiliiiiilililliillil IIIIIMMMIMtHl' NIXON'S GRAND Broad St. anil Montgomery Ave. fKED a. NIXON-N1RDH.VOER. Oen. Msr. next" WEEK MYSTEH1BS OF THE DEEP CAPT. SORCHO'S DIVERS V'auJevllle'a Greatest Novelty Act lloothby s Everdeea I Rose & Gates JIaidie De Long Alonzo Cox WHITFIELD & IRELAND In "THE BELLE OF BINGVILLE" -Special Motion Laush Pictures Dally g,574B 3000 SEATS iSg FRITZ WILLIAMS AND ELIZABETH NELSON, "A Pair of Sbcea''-WVdelphL Blanche Ring at Keith's Blanche Ring, ono of America's; most popular musical oomedy stars, will head the bill at Keith's next week In a mu sical sketch called "Oh, Papa," an adap tation from Leo Dletrlchsteln's "Vivian's Papa," arranged for vaudevlllo by Chan nlng Pollock and Rennold Wolf. Besides MIsb Ring the bill wlU Include Adele Ritchie, Mildred Ann Cannon, a niece of Joseph O. Cannon, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, In dances, as sisted by Paul de Cordo, a young Ar gentinian; Gus Van and Joe Schonck, Ed Gallagher and Bob Carlln, In a nauti cal travesty, "Before tho Most"; Fritz Bruch and Sister, who make their Initial appearance horo In a musical offering; Sylvia Loyal, asslstod by her Plorrot a wonderful black poodle dog, and a group of 70 pigeons; Brltt Wood, an original character comedian, and the Kremka Brothers, eccentric comedy tumblers and athletes. II,MIMMMM MMIM,llf,,NlMM,l,MHMI,,,,IM,(lll,IIMMMIMM4(MM,HMIMMMU,M WEEK DEOINNINO f220WBDAILY MATS ATS-P-fl' CHESTNUT AND Snd her. gwk company Resent ihEnusicftigpcc la&lnftP"' tt 0R5?0eCJ kkMm& rzm fllLDREDENNPMMOM h oYi8M VAN AND GALLAGHER 8 CARUN IN' BEFORE THE llft&T friti z Lucy BRITT WOOD - KREMKA BlOTHEiRdJ HEftRSTSEUG noTlON PICTOaES BE4.W55)5 fit' SeiVTS At.WY6 A Vf.K IH ADVANCi -S KftWDNt R)e.SI50 j ii ii te TCKMllAV, NOVKMItint 3, ELECTION DAY, FULL RETURNS RK.VIt FROM tiVAUli VISITORS TO NEW XOItll SHOULD NOT FAIL TO VISIT B. F. KEITH'S PALACE THEATRE MToAmvAYD WONDERFUL SHOWS IX THE MOST BEACTPrCL HOUSE IN TIIE WORLD . MIIIIMIItMIIMIllWtMIMIIIItllMlt MIIIIIINIMIMNIMMMKIMIIIMIIIIIMIMIIIIIIMIMI Never Boforo! Never Again at These Prices I :ism Evenings 25c, 50c, 75c & 51 Mats. Tues.,ThuT., Sat., 25,50c Matinee Today Last Time Tonight EUGENIE BLAIR In A Fool There Was s: ? r i v m . With CATHERINE TOWER and a Great Cast EI.KCTIOX nETPRNS TUKSnAY "MI,MI,lllM,,M.nllH,MIM.IMIIl,l,.lMllll,IUUI,llull,l,llll,Mlm,mm11,ml "'""" FORREST Last Mat. & Night Ktawp5.nlu",r PaPa' Darling NEW MUSICAL COIIEDT Muslo by Jvan Caryll. Book by It. Smith NEXT MONDAY BEATS BELLING HENRY V SAVAOE OfTera C A Of The International Operetta Trlnmph 'i'J2'uif.MS.ef.Flw"on Dly- Tuesday, Not. 8 CONVICT SHIP SUCCESS AT MARKET STREET WHARF Open 0 A M to 10 P. M. CAN BE VIHITED UY NIGHT AB WELL AS DAT SAILS SOON fiasx.?sgs,.Bsgi?sa..?.?sB - THE BTANLEir THKATRK MARY P1CKFORD IN "Behind the Scenes" ltltlMIIIIIIUIIllliHllIIIIMMIIIIIMIilBllHtlstMII(llIIIIMIII DUMONPS DVMONT'S M1NSTREL3 MATINEE TODAY, fp' tANDOo CASINO THEATRE Matlnea Dally TOWN TATTLERS BERGSON'S GHOST THEORY SUPPORTED BY MED ACTOR - , Dallas Anderson, of Little Theatre, Tells of Ghost'j Prediction of War Lasl Summer. "With Henri Bersnon, the creat phllosa pher, dednrlns before the Society fo Pirehlonl Iteaearoh reoentty that psychi phenomena ere absolutely Bclentlflc an established, no ono need bo ashamed t admit their belief in Ghosts. I, for oni do boiler In the strpematural," declare Dallas Anderson, who -will play In th revival of Sheridan's "IttvalB," whlc opens at tho Iitttlo Theatre Monday nigh "Bergman," continued Mr. Andersoi "reduoes tho question of chosts to eclen tlflo phrases, nnd says most convincing! that while every ono Is striving to prm that souls do cnmmunlcnte after death I tho faoo of continual criticism, no on lias as yet turned upon the critics an demanded that thay prove that souls d not communicate with the world, "For my port, I believe In ghosts be. cause at my homo In Perthshire, Scot land, there Is a ghost whloh I myself sat only this summer, "We Ltvo In the dower house of Cone Hill. The ghost which manifests Use In tlmea of calamity appears as a heal lylnf on a pillow, without any body aj tached. "This summer, when I was at homo, I sat up lata one night It was very quli In the house, and my book was cngrosj Inc. After a while I became obtessej with the feellnff that there was some on at tho door who wanted to be let In. Tl est rid of the ldeo, I actually went an opened the 'door. Of course no one tva there. "It seemed to oppress my sister als for twice my elder ststor came to tt door to see If I were still reading, ar at last so strong wa my own restlea ness that I made the rounds of the hous I was up In the top story when the doe bell rang. "A bell at midnight In that lonely sp was naturally startling. Involuntarll I looked over the banisters. Floating i t the murk before me I saw tho severe1 phantom head. "I nm not sure how long: I stood then,' but at length I roused myself and wei downstairs and opened the door. A me( senger had come with a wire from a reli tire In London saying that war w declared. "I believe that tho ghosts of great plaj era often haunt the theatres where th. have scored their biggest successes. EveJ actor has felt presences in the dressing rooms, and It seems to me. Just as Mo; steur Bergson says, 'that If the soul Is j consciousness that overflows the orgai Ism, It Is perfectly natural that It shoul survive the body and return again aq again to those scenes or people moi closely touching It in Uf.' " -i MONDAY. NOVEMBER J. NIOHTS 25Tb$rOO TWELFTH STSr XCHie ft ewnftoofiMpi SCHtNCrSl Brajch IIIIMIMIllllllllllllMIMItl(ll,,IMM NINTH AND WALNUT STItEETl "HOLD A BENEFIT" Special Otthcstrol l'rogram Positively th only Philadel phia engage- J ment this sea son. The Little TheatrJ 17TII AND DB LANCET 6TS, "THE RIVALS" BY SHERIDAN Evening at 8 30 , Matinees Thursday and Baturday at J " popular Jl Matinee Thursday TWO WEEKS ONLY A Notable Revival of a Delightful Old English Comedy Coming NoTeraber Ii, "Hindle Wales' .lUHMIi""""""'" MttMMIM,lltlttt,tMttMtlt,ll ACADEMY OF Ml'SIC MONDAY EVEN-O. NOVEMBER J. AT w Boston Symphony Orchestra DR. KARL MUCK, Conductor Soloist: PASQUALE A5IATO TlckeU on sale. H(Mrfi,Hu & Cheatnot Street. Aropoltbeatre. "" ViyViv igri jifTSs l-' W$? '&&$! I at B' I2f MX CM III CaR vf"fl fi i 1 PS KOTirWS ? ; iiK h wirs a m. h p. m WMMmm9 II A
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