v r ! CHURCHES DEMAND FOR LOCAL OPTION SPREADING IN SUNDAY SCHOOLS Petitions Signed by Thou sands, of Pupils Through out State Urging That Leg islature Adopt Law at Next Session. Tho appeal of tho Pennsylvania Btato Bnbbath School Association for support of the young pooplo to obtain a locnl option law from tho noxt Legislature has mot with hearty response. Although petitions woro not to liavo been returned until tomorrow, tho last few days have brought hundreds of them to tho headquarter. of tho associa tion, bearing tho signatures of thousands of children. Odlelals of tho organization are con fident they will havo close to Dpo.OOO names back of tho appeal to bo mndo to tho lawmakers, asking that laws bo passed to protect tho homes nnd tho future UveB of tho youth of the Common wealth from tho detrimental Influenced of liquor. The association Is following up the ap peal with thousands of posters bearing tho message of tho temporanco advocates In striking language. Orders for theso and tho leaflets that carry tho samo mes sages are bolng received In every mall, nnd tho ndvocates of the local option movement among tho Sunday School pcoplo nro Jubilant with tho support It is receiving. NEW HEAD OF ST. BARNABAS' Tho Bev. Joseph Hnnuel Has Had Rcmarkablo Career. THE REV. JOSEPH MANUEL The Rev. Joseph Manuel, who has been appointed mlnlster-In-charge of cit. Barnabas' Protestant Kplscopal Church, 65th street and Uaverford nvenue, has had a remarkable career since he took charge of tho work of St. Luke's Church, Kensington. When he went thero 11 yeais ngo, tho church was a chapel of the Episcopal Ilospltnl. Now It has one of the largest memberships In tho city. Mr. Manuel lias presented for confirma tion, during his rectorato nt St. Luke's, M0 persons. Ha will nssumo charge of his new duties as mlnlster-ln-charge of fit. Barnabas' tho first Sunday In De cember. CHURCH WILL OBSERVE ITS SILVER ANNIVERSARY Columbia Avenuo Methodist Congre gation to Begin Celebration Tomorrow. Members of tho Columbia Av-jnuo Methodist Episcopal Church, tho Itev. Dr. K. W. Hart, pastor, will olisurvo tho twenty-fifth anniversary of tho erection of the present edlilco tomorrow. Special cervices will be conducted throughout tho day, with tho pastor In charge. The sermon In tho morning w ill bo preached bv tho Hov. Dr. C. M. Hoswcll, who served as pastor of tho church 23 years ngo. In the afternoon thero will be a mass-meeting In tho Sunday school, and the address nt tho ovcnlng servico will bo made by Bishop William A. Quaylo. Special services will bo hold during the next two weeks to conclude tho anni versary celebration. TO ADVOCATE PEACE PLAN The Rev. Dr. James S. Martin Will Preach Here. A peace plan based upon practical Christ, anlty will bo outlined next week by the IJov. Dr. James S. Martin, of Pittsburgh, an oillclal of the National Reform Association. Doctor Martin will preach twlco here tomorrow. In tho forenoon ho will be at the First Church of the Covenanters as tho guest of the Kov. M. JL Pearce, and In the after noon he is to preach in tho Third He. formed Church, tho Rev. Dr. FIndley M. Wilson, pastor. It is expected that Doctor Martin will discuss Mormon conditions at both meet Inas. Ha la head of tho Anti-Mormon crusade, and hastecentiy been In confor rnce with Frank J. Cannon, In Utah, with a view to enlarging the scope of his work. ST. JOHN'S ANNIVERSARY Church's Centennial Celebration Will Begin Tomorrow, The centennial anniversary celebration of Bt. John's Episcopal Church, 3d and Brown streets, will begin tomorrow morn lng At tho regular hour of worship the P&stor, the Rev. Oeorge Chalmers Rich roond, will deliver his commemorative ser mon. In tho evening special addresses on 'lurch unity will be given by tho Rev. John Archibald McCollum. of the Walnut btreet Presbyterian Church, and the Rav. "J- Frank P. Parkin, superintendent of io Central District of the Philadelphia v.onferenc of tho Methodist Episcopal Church. CHAPEL THREE YEARS OLD St. Mark's Episcopal, Darby, to Cele brate Anniversary, Elaborate services U1 mark the thlnl janlmsary of St Murk's I'rotwtaut iPUcopai Chapel, Darby, tomorrow, with Joe Rev. C A Jttckeker, the minister la obarge, pres-Idlng. At It o'clock In the foronoon the Rev J Arnold, secretary to Bishop RMn "nder, win speak as tho irpreafntatlv" J the Elsrop and BIbop Puffragan Garland, lMMilllll lllllilillillllHIIII llillllfll llll UPWHaMUWWiWdinMdMflftfWflWWWKKaHMIMwM I EVENINa AND THEIR While enjoying an Inspiring tramp through tho beautiful hills of Dela ware County a sunshiny day hot long past, wo cama upon the vine covered ruins of an old mill. Near to tho ruins, close by tho roadside, wero half a dozen deserted buildings that had once served as homes for men. Pictures of tho sad moments that had been spent by tho owner during his last dayB, as ho battled with poverty and viewed, through tear-dim-mod eyes, tho ruins of tho busy mill settlement of which ho had dreamed, were flashing through our mind ns wo strolled along the smooth highway. Then suddenly, rounding the hill sldo, wo came upon a big factory of concreto and brick, and lying around It wan, a village of comfortable cot tage homes. From an aged man wo found rak ing up the brown leaves on a wide lawn, It was learned that tho bUBy milt and pretty village came through tho success acquired In the moss covered stone walls wo had Junt passed. Tho growth of tho business Btarted In them had demanded more room, bet ter railroad accommodations nnd mod ern oqulpmont. The Inviting beauties we viewed nbout us wero tho results. Yes, ruins sometimes tell of tho sadness and disappointments that como through failures. But mora often thoy aro muto messengers that point tho way for us to tho fruits of progress further up tho road. And so It Is with the old churches. When we eee tha one-tlmo prosperous cdlflco downtown showing tho need of repairs nnd attended only by a handful of worshipers, wo should not bo led to think that church work Is waning. Let us stroll together through the comfortable residential sections, and thoro wo will find scores of handsoma churches that aro thoro only because of tho work of long ago In tho cen tral buildings that seem to bo with out llfo today. PHILLIPS. PHILADELPHIANS HELP IN $5,000,000 PENSION FUND Attended Methodist Episcopal Con vention nt Washington. Four prominent Phlladotphlons partici pated In tho program at the convention which Inaugurated tho 1315 campaign fos the ?5,000.000 pension fund for retired ministers of tho Methodist Episcopal Church. Tho convention was held In the Capitol City this week. Tho Phltndclphlans wero: Bishop Jo seph F. Berry, Bishop Thomns B. Necley, the Rev. Dr. Frank P. Parkin, superin tendent of tho Central District of tho Philadelphia Conference, nnd tho Rev. Dr. Jacob S. Hughps, pastor of Old St. Georgo's Church, which worships In tho oldest Methodist church building In America, on Fourth street, near Ttaco. The participants report great progress In the campaign for tho fund. REIiiaiOTJS BREVITIES Tho seventh anniversary of tho pas torate of the Rev. Dr. W. Courtland Rob inson, nt the Northmlnstor Presbyterian Church, will bo observed tomorrow with special services. About 500 now members havo been added to tho church since Doc tor Robinson took charge oa Its minister. "What Will You Do Tuesday?" will bo tho subject to be discussed by tho Rev. E. F. Randolph in St. James' Meth odist Episcopal Church, Olney, tomorrow ovcnlng. John Carlson, Blblo colporteur among tho Swedes ond Norwegians, will address tho Second Baptlflt Helping Hand Class tomorrow afternoon. Tho Price sister will sing. Friday night Alvln Bradloy will speak at the everybody's meeting. On Saturday night John C. Sayro will celebrate tho 12th anniversary of his con version to Christ In tho Galilee Mission at 7:."10 o'clock. The speakers will be George T. McCrcary and the Rev. Wil liam P. Bamford. Thero will be special music, led by William H; Mlntzer. At tho Evangelical Lutheran Church of tho Incarnation, West Philadelphia, the Ttev. Arthur T. Mlchler will observe Ref ormation Day nt all the services tomor row. Ho will preach on "The Message of tho Reformation" at tho morning service. The Rev. Luther B. Deck, field missionary for the cities of St Paul and Minneapolis, Minn, will be tho prenchcr in the evpnlng. He will speak on "Homo Mission Needs." A men's adult class will bo organized at the session of the Bible Fchool in the afternoon. The Rev. William Muir Auld, the pas tor, will preach on "Unrealized Ambi tions" at tho morning servico. and In the evening, on "The Pharisee and the Pub lican" In Calvary Presbyterian Church, Locust street, above 15th. At the mid week servico on Wednesday afternoon, nt 5 o'clock, Mr. Auld will speak on "Chri.t Turning Water into Wine," Thero will bo plenty of special music nt Messiah Lutheran Church, 16th and Jefferson streets, tomorrow. In the aft ernoon, nt tho Bible School, F. Nevln WIest will give cornet solos, and In tho evening there will be an elaborate pro gram of special music. The pastor, the Rev. Daniel E. Wclgle, will preach both morning and evening. "Vote As You Pray" will bo the sub ject of a sermon to bo preached tomor row morning In St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Broad and Mount Vernon streets, hy the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Edwin Heyl Delk. "Impossible Neutrality" will bo tho toplo of the evening discourse. Spe cial music will ba a feature of the latter service. The Trotestant Episcopal Church of St. Simon. Oth street and Ishigh avenue, will celobrato All Saints' Day tomorrow by dedicating several memorial windows. Holy Communion will bo administered and the Rev. Dr. William Jncob Steveno will preach n historic sermon. In tha evening an elaborate program of special music will be given. "The Heirs of Grace" is to ba tha toplo discussed at the service tomorrow morning In the Fifth Baptist Church by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. W. Quay Ros sella. In the evening Doctor Rosselle will speak on the theme, "Wo Shall All Bo Changed." Bishop Rhlneiander will officiate at confirmation services at Trinity Church, Oxford, tomorrow morning; at Trinity Church. Crescentville, In the afternoon, and at Trinity Church, Cheltenham, In) the evening. Bishop Garland will give an all-day visitation to St David' Church, Manayunk. The Rev. Lee E. Rife, pastor of the Nurris Squaro United Presbyterian Church, will preach tomorow morning on the subjct, "Doth Job Fear God for Naught? or. Is There Sincerity in Serv ice?" In tho evening the Rev. Mr. Rlf will preach a eermon for young men on "How to Get Clean and Keep Clean." Tho Rev. Dr. John T. Reeve, pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, will preach a pre-eltctlon sermon tomorrow morning on "Higher Citizenship," and In tho evening his subject Is to be "Indeci sion" This cburch is getting ready for the "Billy" Sunday campaign, and tha Inspiring gospel bymns of tha evangelist's meeting will be sung tomorrow evening. LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA', SATUBDAY, OQTOBEB WORICERS-RELIGIOUS liiKiS BBmsWWMJIKfcy:w.JUEFL:i w&Jattatx 'aaB - -,HWPslsBBJslsBeli BH sssMsaTsTmai'gr wagfe", w..,v. jrLffffa""nHty fttlasB .M.-?'-W"alw' iiiw-x A.- i?A ailaV CHIUFFEDR GIVES GOSPEL IN TERMS OF -AUTOMOBILE Youthful Evangelist, Exer cising Muscles Freely, Talks Straight From the Shoulder to Men in Shops. Phlladolphlans who are Interested In evangelistic work at missions and shop meetings In industrial establishments aro anticipating great results in tho futuro through tho preaching of a tall, strong and enthusiastic young man who dovotos all his time, when he Is not driving an automobile ns a professional chauffeur, to carrying tho gospel to brother me chanics In tho shops and to tho unfortu nates who crowd Into tho missions. And not only during his off-hours docs this overy-day worklngman think of tho spiritual wclfaro of his brothers, for al most any day ho may be teen handing out pocket editions of the Gospel of St. John. Should a "bum" como along and beg tho prlco of a drink this chauffeur puts his hand in his pocket, and, hand ing tho beggar a copy of tho little mes sago from tho Bible, tells him to take that, slnco It will bo bettor for Iilm than money. Tho young man Is Moses A. Tltchenell, whoso home Is at C72C Leeds street, and who drives an automobilo for Colonel Thomas E. Murphy, of Overbrook. Ho Is a member of the Cooper Memorial Mothodlst Episcopal Church, and for tha last two years ho has been actively en gaged in ovangollstlo work. What "Billy" Sunday Is to tho Ameri can bascballlsts, Tltchenell is fast be coming to tho American chauffeurs. Ho first started to preach in tho Inasmuch Mission, assisting Georgo Long. But lately he haa been working in shops and any place tip is caucu. no has been do ing much work for tha Young Men's Christian Association, nnd, through the co-operation of tho management of auto mobile houses, arrangements havo been mado for noonday meetings in the shops, Tltchenell is nctlvo when he tells lift brother men of "gasollno wagons" of tho gospel. Exercising his muscles freely, he talks to the men straight from the shoulder. Ho applies freely the auto mobile terms he knows so well, and he makes it plain If tho men want to gain tho life everlasting they must apply the power. For Instance, ho has been heard to remark: "Now, boys, listen to this. If you want to get tho high power out of a 'boat' you know very well you'vo got to put the gas In It. Just so in your lives. If you want to get tha best out of it, you'vo got to llva clean and good. You'vo got to put in tho power that comes from good, clean lives such as you can only llvo by following tho gospel of Jesus Christ. If you don't follow It. some of these days you'ro going to lilt a rock and you'll turn turtle over a prociplce and be dashed to pieces down below." WILL DEDICATE REREDOS Memorial to Late Harvey Rowland at St. Mark's. A magnificent reredos will be dedicated in St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal Church, Frnnkford avenue, below Sellers street, tomorrow ns a memorial to tha late Harvey Rowland, ono of the most prominent members or mat pansn n mnnv v.nrR The rector, the Rev. J, B. Harding, has arranged a special servico for the occa sion, and a large audience Is expecte f to attend. Alfred W. Martin will give tho second lecture of his course before tho Ethical Society at the Broad Street Theatto to morrow at II a. .m Ills subject is to be "The Doctrine of Equality and Its Spirit ual Basis." SOME NEW THE REV. T. E. WINTER THE CHAUFFEUR -EVANGELIST AT WORK Z5 &mMmW witri MOSES E. TITCHENELL THE ARCHBISHOP WILL DEDICATE NEW CONVENT Building Constructed at a Cost of ?4O,00O. A handsome now convent building, re cently completed for tho Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 3d and Rltner streots, will bo dedicated by Archbishop Prendergast tomorrow afternoon. Tho services, which will bo In chargo of tho rector, the Rov. James C. Dalton, will be attended by many of tho Cathollo clergy of tho city. The convent building was constructed at a cost of about $10,000. It Is con structed of brick, with limestone trim mings, nnd Is an attractive Improvement to the parish property. On tho first floor there are two class rooms In addition to tho recoptlon room, dining room, kitchen und other small rooms. Tha second floor contains tho chapel, com munity room nnd general living room, nnd tho third floor is aevoieu to indi vidual rooms for tho nuns. Paul Mona ghnn Is the nrchltect. BAPTIST ORGANIZATIONS TO HAVF METHODS SCHOOL Plan to Conduct Meetings In First Church Next Month. A school of methods Is to be conducted by Baptists of Philadelphia In tho First Church 17th nnd Sansom streets, from November 9 to 13. Tho school wilt bo under tho auspices of the American Baptist Publication So ciety, the Philadelphia Baptist Ministers Aiwoclatlon, the Philadelphia Baptist Su perintendents' Association and the Bap tist Young Peoplo'n Union. Prominent Baptist clergymen will speak. TO DESCRIBE SUNDAY'S WORK Scrnnton Pastor Will Tell of Evange list's Campaign. Laymen of Philadelphia will bo given nn opportunity to hear of the far-reaching results of the "Billy" Sunday evan gelistic campaign In Scrnnton next week. The Rev. O. W. Wcllburn. pastor of the Second Fresbyterian Church, of that city, will speak of tho benefits reoelved through the campaign by his own church and othcra in Scranton at tha meeting of tho Philadelphia Union In tho Bothany Brotherhood House, 22d and South streets, on Thursday. Tha Rev. George G. Dowey. general secretary of the Sunday Campaign Com mittee of this city, will tell of his plans. Thero will bo special music by the fa mous men's chorus of Bethany Church. HONOR RETIRING; TEACHER The platform class of Bethany Presby terian Sunday School gave a reception this week to William D. Laumaster, the teacher of the class, who Is to leave the school. During the time Mr. Laumaster was tho teacher of the class it grew from a handful to almost PX) members. The class presented tho retiring teacher with a beautiful testimonial, and he spoke briefly of his appreciation. CLERGYMEN FOR PHILADELPHIA THE REV. S. C GAMBLE ACTIVITIES OF ALL DENOMINATIONS MANY CHURCHES IN PHILADELPHIA GET NEW PASTORS Two Ministers Will Take Up Their Work Here To morrow, and Another Will Be Installed Thursday. Wany now pastors recently have como to this city to take chargo of churches of dlfforont denominations. Two will take up their work tomorrow. Ono will be In stalled on Thursday and another has Just begun his labors. The clergymen who will bo welcomed by their churches tomorrow for the first tlmo aro tho Rev. Dr. S. C. Gamble, of tho First United Presbyterian Church, 52d street and Chester avenue, and tho Rev. E. S. LIttell, who becomes the leader of the West United Presbyterian Church, 43d and Aspen stroets. Tho clorgyman to be Installed on Thurs day Is tho Rev. Georgo Brewer, who re cently enmo here from Coshockton, Ohio, to become pastor of the Hollond Memorial Presbyterian Church, Broad and Federal streets, succeeding the Rov. Dr. C. A. R. Janvier. At tho Third Christian Church, Lancas ter avenue. and Aspen street, West Phila delphia, the Rev. T. E. Winter has taken charge, and tho congregation gave him a reception last Tuesday night Doctor Gamble is a "Billy" Sunday booster. He comes here from tho Second United Presbyterian Church, New Castle, Pa., and declares that practically all of tha 350 new members taken Into his church because of the Sunday campaign have made good. About two years ago tho congregation served by Doctor Gam ble dedicated a now church edlilco cost ing J70.000. Bofore ha came to the East the Rev. Mr. Winter had tho pleasure of seeing his old congregation, in Fulton, Mo., dedicato a new church that cost $00,003. EMBLEM FOR CHAPEL American Mechanics to Give Ping to Oakmont Congregation, An Amorlcan flag Is to be presented to Grace Chapel, Oakmont, Delaware County, tomorrow evening, by Iono Council, No. 763, Junior Order of United American Mechanics. Preceding tho presentation thero will be n song service. The presentation ad dress will be made by Thomas 11. Walters, and the Rev. James H. Feeley, pastor of Grace Chapel, will deliver tha speech of acceptance. Horace V. Gnw will also speak, and prayer la to ba offered by William Law son. HOLINESS ASS'N MEETING Convention Will Be Held in Old St. George's Church. Plans have been completed for the 20th annual convnetion of the Philadelphia Holiness Association, which Is to take place In old St. George's Methodist Kpls copal Church. Fourth street, below Vine, from November 6 to November 15. The opening praise service on November 6 at 2 p. m. will bo In charge of the Rev. J. S. Hughes, pastor of St. George's. The special evangelist of the convention is to be the Rev. Dr. II, C. Morrison, of Louisville, Ky. Father Maddock Transferred The Rev. William Maddock, for soma time attached to the St. Vincent do Paul Catholic Ciiurch. Germantown, has been transferred to St. Joseph's Church, Em mitsburg. Md The Rev. James McNeils, of Bmmltsburg, will succeed Father Mad dock at St. Vincent da Paul's. THE REV. GEORGE BREWER 31. 1013.. BIBLE TEACHERS TO MEET IN ANNUAL CONFERENCE Speakers of International Reputation Will Attend. Philadelphia's second annual Blbl con ference will bo held in this cltr troOf No vember 8 to 31 under the auspices of tho Philadelphia Bible Conference Associa tion, on auxlllarr of the Philadelphia School of tho Bible. During the confer ence Bible teaahera of the United States and Canada, with international reputa tions, will be heard. They will give free lectures in differ ent parts of this city and also in Wil mington nnd Camden. Starting on Mon day, November 9, at 13:15 o'clock, noon day meetings for business people will bo hold downtown at places to be an nounced later. Among the locations will bo 10 Chestnut streot. At 8:80 o'clock that same, day Dr. C. I. Scofield, presi dent of the Philadelphia School of tha Bible, will begin a series of dally lectures on "Tho World War In tho Light of Prophecy" In the Arch Street Presby terian Church. SERVICES AT NAVY YARD Addresses Scheduled on Battleships and in Y. M. 0. A. Building. Under the auspices of tho Navy Y. M. C. A at tho Philadelphia Navy Yard, services will be conducted tomorrow on tho battleships South Carolina and Con necticut, and In tho association building. George D. McCreary will speak at 10 a. m. In tho South Carolina, and Dr. O. A. Zimmerman on tho Connecticut In tho evening at 7. At 7:30 p. m. John Marsden will speak In the association bulldlnrt. Thero will bo special music at all tho meetings. "The World Outreach of Christianity a Vision of Stnnrards and Ideals," Is tho subject of on address to be given to morrow afternoon at A o'clock at the Central Branch by Arthur Rugh, an In ternational Y. M. C. A. missionary to China. Mr. Rugh has been actlvo in Y. M. C. A. work over since his college days, when ho was a prominent figure In tho athletic world. Tho meeting will bj open to all men. Richard E. Wilson, director of servico, will preside. Edward J. Cattell, city statistician, will bo tho speaker at tho meeting tomorrow afternoon at tho West Branch. His sub ject will be "Getting tho Most Out of Life." RELIGIOUS NOTICES Baptilt I3AVTIST TEMPLE Broad .na Berfci. lU'SSELI, II. COJTWTJLU Partor. aiornim. 10-30. Iilble School. 2 30. Evn's,7:80. ELIZABETH BONNBIl Tho Cantavca' Contralto, will aislst the Chorua at tho Evening Services. Dr. Conwcll will proach morning and eve Organ Recital, T-i5. H'm, Powell Twaddetl, Mutlcnl Director and Organlat. CHESTNUT STREET UAITI8T CRUIICK Chestnut at. west of 40th. OEOHOE D ADAMS. D. D., Paitor. n:r Brotherhood of A. and P. 10-SO a. m. Worship and Sermon br Pastor, followed by Communion b'ervlc. S..10 p. m. Blblo School and Men's BTbl Union. 7:48 p. m. Monthly Musical Service. "Song of Tnanksglvlnir," by Maunder. Soprano, Mts. F. C. Newbourg; contralto, Mary New klrk. tonor, Frederic C. Erdman; bass, Hor ace R. Hood. Organist and leader, Mr. Kay Danlela Jonea. FIFTH BAPTIST CirURCH Spring Garden and 18th ti. BEV. W. QCAT BOSSELLB, Ph. TX. IX IX, Pastor. 11 10 n. m. "The Holr of Orace." 7:30 p. m. Musical Service. 7-45 p. m. "V Shall All Ba Changed." JJall e vera' Ba p tl am. SECOND BAPTIST IIBLPINO HAND CLASS meets 2'30. 7th at. below Olrard ave. JOHN CARLSON. Bible Colporteur among thn Swedes and Norwegians, will apaJc The Price slatera will alng. Friday night AlTln Bradley. Saturday night, November 7 John C. Bayra crlrbratoa hla 12th anniversary. nrv. war. p. bamfobd and hon. OEOnrJE D. McCREATVY will srvak. "William H, Mlntzer. musical director. Galilee. Mission. 7'.1Q p. m. Drezel Blddle Bible Classes DRFXEL BIDDLTJ BIBLE- CLASSES Our Racket Club, combining social features ith spiritual work, haa chargo of service at Inasmuch Mission Monday night. All wel come. Ethical Culture 'MR. ALFRED V. MARTIN will addresa the Ethical Society, Broad Street Theatre, Sun day, 11 a. m.. on "Tha Doctrine of Equality and Ita Spiritual Basis." Public waloome. Franklin Home FRANKLIN HOME FOR THE RBFORMA TION OF INEBRIATES. 811-013 Locust St. Sundays. R p. m. Service conducted by Jamea W. Hailehurat. Eaq. Lutheran MESSIAH LUTHERAN "The Friendly Church." mm ana jancrion its. DANIEL E. WEIGLE, Pastor, will praaeh, 10 ;n a. m . S p. m Bible School, 2 30 p. m. r Nevln WIest, Cornest Soloist. 7.45 p. m Musical Prelude Emll F. Schmidt, violin; Wm A. Schmidt, 'cello (Phtla. Orchestra), and thoMesslah Quartet. TABERNACLE, tnlh" nnd Bjiruc Wra. J. Mil ler, Jr.. 1Q-4B. 7 4.. 8. R., 2-30 p. m. TEMPLE. 823" and Race Rov. A. Pohimas,' M. P.. 10:30 a, m,. 2 30 and 7:45. Methodist Episcopal CHURCH OF THE ADVOCATE. Wayne ave. and Queen lane. Germantown. OLA 1 'STONE HOLM. Minister. 10:45 Communion and Reception of Mem bers. 7 45 "Tho Greatest Menace to the Health, Wealth and Happiness of Humanity." At- tractUo music. Cordial welcome. COLUMBIA AVENUE " Oorner of 25th st. Rev. E. W. Hart, IJ. D.-Pastor . .. J".YVl1fl ANNIVEltSAllT of the drdlcatlon of the present church. 9unJay. Nove-nber 1. W 30 a. m Rev. c it. Boswsll, D. D.. who waa pastor 25 years ago hch T m Ma"-m""n o' 'he Sunday 7:4, r' m Hlsh'p William A Quayle. Followed by apodal "OIJ Home" services for two neoks. AU former members and friends cordially The famous revival singer William N. Thomas, will sing at all services. THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH IN GERMANTOWN CHARLES WESLEY BURNS, Mlnliter. DOiT-'R BURNS PREACHES MORNING AND , EVENING Evening musical program by Vested Boy ?LIFB ffv-EaSTlTG.""0 CTTV" 8n5 FIFTH STREET TEMPLE !,0i9AFF K" "OLTZINOBJl, Minister. vi'' jJipacm-a at potn services. MOUNT HERMON. 10th and Porter. Rev. F. t Thomas 11. s s s ? sn V U, ' ' PARK AVENUE CHURCH. -rn ave an i ivorrts st. Rev. ROBERT BAU.NELL, D. D.. Minister 10:30 HOLY COMMUNION. ""'. 5 SO SUNDAY SCHOOL. DR. BAGNELL'S BIBLE CLASS FOR MEV IN THE AUDITORIUM. l"i"a ruu a,K?f 7 45-- UNTO v'AESAR AND UNTO OOD " A sermon for tho times. ORGAN RECITAL AT 7:30 6T; JAyB?; M,- K- TEMPLET OLNEY ' Itsv. E. V Randolph. Pastor. ViVL- I,omr.J,-,?,e,tnj'- Altant Pastor. in in " "". 'llurai llllOr. T 1 n in .Gdm.An c ... ... Will You Do With ChrUt Next Tuesday?" ' TABERNACLE. 11th below Oxford. A7a Oronell. 10 80, Communion. 7:45. "Is Thr Such a Thing as Slot" ' PHILADELPHIA HOLINESS ASSOCf ATtON 20TH ANNUAL CONVENTION. N'OVKMMBH 8TH TO 15TII. AT ST. GEORGES M. E. CHURC!!. 4th t. Ulow Vine st RKV J. 8. HUQHKS, D. D. PASTOR. BPECIAL BVANQEL1ST RBV H. C. MORRISON. D. D. of Louisville. Ky., noted pulpit oratur. 6ervlcfti: Friday. 2 p. ro . iralt rvlce. Rv. J. B. Hughes, leader. 3 p. ai and S p u sermons bv Dr. Morrison t. m praUa servlc. Servlcss wilt b held dally. Nevt Jerusalem (Bwedenborghui) 7". I NJLr SrRWAIU) is lhe" ubjeT7Tf JhT Sfft. Sua4X morning ty the Pastor, It.i?'Xj CV'S TY Uaivey at the Chunjj Si4J(?-,Iw rt 'fV 22 J and i Usuiut lis. oHSf,c,,,ft ! oclo-fc Sunday ekaool at e U U '" EvwjVody is vil. 13! DREXEL BIDDLE CLASS WANTS 500 NEW MEMBERS Campaign to Accomplish. This End Will Be Inaugurated Tomorrow. A campaign to increase the member ship of the Drexel-Blddla Bible class In Holy Trinity Church br 600 men within four months will be inaugurated tomor row morning. Tour teams have been formed for the work. Edward 3. Cat tell, City Statistician, will speak. The annual Halloween party of the Drexel-Blddle classes will take place at the home at Lansdowne this evening, A. J. Drexol-Blddle and the Her. Wit llnm n. Llttln will Address a mnss-moet-. Ing of men In West Chester tomorrow afternoon. IL FredorlcK Wilson wlll-viBit the classes In Baltimore; William J. nitchie will be the special speaker at Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church, Tacony; A. G. Butler will speak at tha nichardson Memorial Presbyterian Church, and J. Dewltt Jabborn Is to ad dress tho schools of St. Paul's Lutheran Church and tho Wesley Methodist Church. ItKMOIODS NOTICES Prcdbyterinn fcHE FOtrilTH PHESOrtEIUAN CIIUBCH U. 7th at. and Klngacaalng ave. HEV. JOHN T, BETJVE. D D., Minister. 10.45 a. m. -'Higher CiUienahip." 7:43 p. m. "Indecision." HOPE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 83d and Wharton M. . . Minister, Rev. J. ORAY BOLTON. D. D. Ilev. WILLIAM TAYLOR CALDWELL, A- 10.45 a. m. Rev Caldwell wilt preach. Com munion. 7 4.1 p tTL NORTHMINSTER CHURCH 83th and Baring ata. W. COURTLAND ROBINSON, D. D., Pastor. Seventh Anniversary of Dr. Robinson's Pas torate. 10:00 Brotherhood Meeting. All men InvltAd. 10:45 PUBLIC WORSHIP WITH SERMON Torlc. "The Oreat War." 2.30 Blblo School. 7:15 i.hrlstlan Endea.vor. R.0O Sermon on "Who Enters Heaven7" STRANGERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. SCOTS CHUnCII. Broad St. below Morris at. 13. STUART MOORE, D, D., Minister. 10:30 A Great Motiva." 1.45 "The Call of tha Hour." BT. PAUL FRT33BYTERIAN CHURCH Biltlmoro ave., cor. 60th at. REV. J. BDVERIDaE LEB. D. D., Minister. 10:45 ft. m. Public Worship. Sermon by DR. LEE. 2.0 p. mlraded Bible SchooL 7:45 p. m. Special musical service. Maun der"a ranUita, "A Bong of Tranlugivlng," rendered by the eolo quartet choir augmented by two additional quartets. Organ number will lncludo a festival prelude on "Eln Fen Burg." by Fauikes, nnd "Festlvo iiarcn," or smart. TABERNACLE 1'RESBYTERHN CHURCH Chestnut and 37th. The Minister, Rav. JOHN ALLAN BLAIR, will preoch 11 e m. "THE BRAMBLTJ KINO A PAR ABLE FOR ELECTION DAY." 8 p m. "THE POWER OF ONB MAN'S FAITH." Coma and worship with us. UNION TABERNACLE York and Coral sts. REV. ROBERT HUNTER. PASTOR, will preach. 10-30 a, m. and 7:43 p. m. 2:30. Sab bath School. 7. Y. P S. C E. 2:45. BIBLE! UNION IN T1HS CHURCH. WOObLXND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 42d and Pine sts. JAMES RAMSAY SWAIN, Minister. 10:30 a m. Brotherhood. ll:CO a. m- Worship. Sermon, "SALVATION IN 7-ION." . . 2:45 p. m. Brble Sohool. New scholar invited. 8:00 p. m. Praise. Sermon, "Peter and Pentecost." First In aeries on "The Oreat Revivals of Hlitory." SPECIAL MUSIC Anthem from "Seed Tim and Harvest," West: Anthem, "Fear Not of Lnnd," Elgar: Tenor eolo by C Hunaberger, 'A Song of Praise," Ooobller, Antnem, -n Shall Go out With Joy.' Barnby, Wednesday at oo p. PrerreM." Part IL m. m Pilgrim's If ou aro loofclne for a churc "Come Thou and All Thy House." church home WKHT HOPE, pjiraw Preston and Aspen sts. Rrv. Charles E. Bronson, D. D Minister; Rev. Charles H. Whitaker, B. D., Assistant. 10:30 a. m. 'Rev. George O. Dowey. oecretary Sunday campaign, will address men. 7:45 p. m. Dr. Bronson'a theme will b "Leaving Old Friends and Familiar Faces." Protectant Episcopal CIIURCH OF THE HOLT APOSTLES 21st and Christian eta. Rev. GEORGE ID3RBERT POOP, Rector. Holy Communion, 0 a, nv. Communion and Sermon, 10:80 a. m. Special Musical Servico, 7:30 p. m, Song of Thanksgiving. Maunder. narp ana violin. CHURCH OF ST. SIMEON, 8th and Lehigh ave. All Saints" Day, November 1, 10.30 a. m., II. C., dedication four memorial wtndowa. 7:4 p. m , Gnul's "Holy City." Soloists, Miss Edith Gaatcl. Miss May Carver. Fred erick Anna, Frederic Ayres, Harp. Francis J. Lnpitano; Comet, Christian Rodenkirchsn; Violin, John K. "iVlUomaan; Organ, C. Allen Rotstook. PAniSH OF ST. LTJH33 AWD THE EPIPH ANY. 18th at, below Spruce. Rrr. DAVID M. STEELE), Rector. 8 a, m. Holy Communion. 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a, m. Holy Communion and Sermon. 4 p. m. Evening Prayer, Anthem and Ad dress. Organ, harp and 'cello prelude, interlude an4 pontlude. The Rector will preach at both services. EPIPIIANT CHAPEL, 17th and Summer sts. 8 a. m Holy Communion. 11 a. m. Holy Communion and Sermon. 2:45 p. m Sunday School. 8 p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon. Rev. Irvine A. McGrew will preach. 8T GEORGE'S, fllst and Haiel ave. Rev. Q. Lft 1'ia frmun. i. w-.iu ana ? au. BT JOHN'S (1814-1011), Brown below 3d. 10-30. Dr. Richmond preaches centennial an niversary sermon. 7 'SO, Organ Recital, 7:45. special addresses. The Rev. John Archibald McCallum. D. D.. on "The New Approach to Church Unity and tha Rev. Frank P. Parkin. D. D., on "Church Unity trom the Standpoint of a Methodist Epis copalian. " THE HOUriE OF PRAYER. Branrhtown. Ilev II S S. VINCENT. Minister. Services. 10 TO a. m 7 80 p. m. Reformed FIRST V. fl.. 10TH AND WALLACE E. R. Appanieer. 10 SO. 743: S 8.. 2:30. HEIDELnERO". 10th and Oxford sts. Dr. Zartman. Pe-vlces. 10 30. 2 30. T.4S. Reformed KpUropal AUKiistui K. Barnttt. OUR REDEEMER. 11th and Oiford sts. 10 30 Holy Communion. S 00 "Scratch Your Ballot." SoolalIt I.iterarySocletr MAX BASTM N. edltur Tha"Masses, will peak on ' International Socialism and tho European War" at llrnad Street Theatre. Sunday. 3pm. under tha auspices of Social 1st Llterarv olctv Muslo by Vail Dea Beemt String Cjuarttt. Admission free. Spiritualists TrT ZOI.LFH " Lt-r.-, WILL CONDUCT meetings Sunday iwntng. H oVIock, 1323 Columbia ave German and Fngllih Swedrnborglan SEE NEW JERUSALEM Unitarian FIRST UNITARIAN. "2125" Chestnut st. R.v; V E - -T .JOHN. Minister 10am. Sun day school U a, in . tha Minister will I'reiich. GIKAFv!' AVE ill) Rev. K. E KVANtf 1 45-"R.t glon or P. UtUa." Music aolol "il'ild Thuu My Ilatil' Offertoir In F Brigfn: Elevation. Klein 7 41, Mr Paul Han na. "The Federation of the Worldr" DIs. "" United Presbyterian " THE NORRIS StjUAHB '. p. CliUKClI ' litmook t. aui tijuahanna ave. REV I EH B. RIFE, Pastor. I0 l in U.th Job Fear Ood for Naught Or. Is Thoie sincerity In Servicer'1' 7 IS b lu. "How to Gt Cln and Kej CUn A seru.on fur uucg men. mm I Men's Clul.tluu Association f ATHURRUOH. National Student Scr"slf lo t'ninx. apiaau vu u world outreav 'a op ItQJ? iwrnMHiii'. ium m mveiing in audit aunaa. s p m.. uenirmi x 3a.. c A Ar.-b st LiroD-In Clais X n m lobby ted by Thomas L. Las, ton; good sin,' ins and muklf Youug omen's Christian Association" W c A 1M Arch La.-turo Njvui-r Z. 8 o'olock. I-efir MlMieu Work Throughout tbs world. Ml Hertna O Johnson Fiald tUcrstary In ternational IntvrdvxhOinlnational Mlssisn Work Public Invllel tttmnaa UENEOLENT ASSOCIATIONS niwiuNv a : -hob a as-! w Tiitb7V arn.1. n... ".tia ovq pt VtA SX for the silrltaal jHrt of girts and wowen. Uawt ln? Tuesday Thursday and Sunday nighl. M Anna Jormi n. sUDerlatuidanl fcii,i. . a el oim Sj s.rts rreoihlog oon. iKr lam J M K..; prss dsat. ' ' nnr rAiATf7W"ARvrr-i55: prUade.pi U Headj ja ten. Colonial Trul ti-iUljl. 18i . and Marker Cu'onei R. E If 'x in coaosaacd. Ts'eol.ous Bjll Wanut H7.1&JI v m & I n i Kejstoo Kae MX
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