is!mP9fisaFBms9BSinsiiPfPfa'RnR (liaiJildUPWl ipHPflPWJWf ' IMMW-PjM'PI'V " " VW''"1'' ""' l"1l'PIfWU!' EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1913, I AUSTRIAN ARMIES PUSH INTO POLAND, LOCAL CONSUL SAYS Joining Germans, There, Combined Force Drives Russians Across Vistula in Bloody Battle. The Atistto-Huiigntlnii nrmy lins pushed Its way into Rtuslnn t'olntul. nccordlns io an official communication received to dny from tne Foreign Olllce In Vienna at the Austro-Hungarinn Consulate In this city. The official mcfl3neo says that the Russians were defeated In a bloody bntlle near the Vistula ltlvcr In the vicinity of Crncon and were driven acros ' the river. The Germans hac joined the Atistro Hungarlan armies and are aiding them against the Russians In this section. It Js announced also that the combined ' Austrian and German forces have taken i Bridghold, which Is about 16 miles over ' the. border Into Russian Poland. In Gallcia tho statement says that the enemy has been repulsed at Tarnobrzcff. The official statement Is ns follows: "Tho Russians have been repulsed In nn nttompt to cross the Vistula, The ustro-IIungarian and German forces nte successfully flKhtlnR shoulder to shouhlor In Russian Poland, where their sudden advance seems to have completely sur prised the enemy. Our forces have taken Drldffhold. nc-ir Satitlumlr, about 111 miles Into KiireianPolann. "Our advance Into Gallcla Is bcilii car ried on systematically. A largo division of Russian Infantry was lcpulsed by us at Tarnobrzcs. Tho defeat of the enemy In the Carpathians is -omplete." MAYOR AND OFFICIALS WILL VISIT STARR GARDEN EXHIBIT Clever Handiwork of Children At tracts Sightseers. Mayor Blankenburg, Director Porter, of the Department of Public Safety, mid members of the Board of Education will be guests of honor tonight at tho an nual fall exhibition of work done by children at the Starr Garden Recreation Centre, Seventh nnd Lombaid streets. The show was opened last night and for several hours a record crowd of sight seers Hied In and out of the building where the handiwork of ungstors of the section was on display. Probably the most unique and clevei exhibit Is a minlatuie Starr Gaiden, rep resenting an entire summer's work of five ambitious chlldien who constituted it. The small pasfpbo.ird field Is dotted with all tho necessary lecieatlnn parapher nalia for a playground. The nrlous pieces are constructed out of wood in their minutest details. Hammocks of ninny colors, baskets of various shapes, millinery rallla, delicately made furniture nets and .miniature straw hats together with paper and linen bags, needlework of fancy designing, ralnbow hued paper butterflies, wood carvings and clay models constitute part of tho work executed by children. Tonight the Boy Scouts of Troop P3 will pass In review before scout master"! and perfoim a series of lightning drills. Their exhibit Is comprised of skins of animals and knotted ropes. Th Camp Fire. Girls will hold little talks on the R-nrk done In their summer camps. '"he staff of Instructors at Starr Gar den is composed of Miss A. n. Glndar, Miss Kdna T-aughlln, Miss Elisabeth "Walsh, Miss Martha B. Henderson, Peter Schmld and William Ruff. ptr-r the qWaJoK i j 0C Urchin anV rrWh and gentleman, citizen good and thief,' Xv 1&QK I jSo lj Banishing wbesVoMhe everyday, forging ahead of grief ; Ci-oflftV W J.a Shiver without Mhewall today who love the great game most, iCL-f W lMw8it? GIad of thc cnanfcc to stand and wait, the vanguard of the host. f (nTOvaSlv MS frSiv?r WrA uf ll V Hark to thc wondrous yarns they spin, as night gives -way to dawn, X xc"wi ' I L-'! .... . ...... ... . ,.. A. eTrs 1 1 t ) ) Of Collins or baker or Harry up ana tnrce 01 tnsir icuows on, fV;n?i2y. 3L1 I CA Of the whiplikc crack when a swing connects and a swiftly sailing ball, "M vi ' USl Far up over thc fielders' heads, up and over the wall. f0d---JsL pJJ A .j. y I Hark to the talk of thc waiting line, in a rising, falling drone, J i2sr)r7y TpvSw Where the games are fought out play by play e'er ever a ball is thrown; (5"7 ; ' V-i) ) IiWa Where the final score may never change but list to thc rooters' crow "e ' ' I l ftVv3 "Bender and'Plank and Bush and then Bender, and four in a row." I 1 - . . 50,000 PERSONS ATTEND . THE YORK COUNTY FAIR Headquarters of Political Parties Mecca for Many Visitors. YORK. IM . Oct. S. With an estimated attendance of RO,01 persons and every thing In full swing, Hie York fair was In Its glory today. While the weather continued cloudy, the day Is Ideal for the throng. All ln tomlng and regulur trains on the several rnllioads from Lancaster, tlarrisburg ami various points in south ern Pennsylvania and Maryland, brought thousands of lsitors. Fnrniem In this flection have had nn exceptionally prosperous year nnd they laid aside their work with the determination to enjoy the sights without regard In the weather trill. The Hrge and clean midway was a Mrfi-1 of .irtlvlty for the rovl. and the showmen and other concesslonlsts were nble to replenish their coffers after two das of slack business. T,wo autodromel were tho most patronized attractions. Pol iticians' Day was observed, and the hend iltiartm's of the several political parties uern frfuented by many of the visitors. I-'alr ofllelals took extra precaution to prewiit the fakers hero In hordes from walking to the financial lois of the peo- 1 pie, and "stiiM", games were excluded fiom the grounds. The premium winner In the fruit, live stock, poultry and othr departments were all announced yesterday afternoon, nnd the successful exhibits were Inspected with much Interest. In the main building there Is shown everything that Is to be found In domestic art, and tho York County womn have won additional laurels for their handiwork. Thc first night fair held by the so cletv proved a success nnd will be re peated tonight. Tomorrow many of tho visitors to tho State Firemen's Conven tion at Harrlsburg. tre expected here. Officials of the llagcrstown, Lancaster, Tlmonluni ami Belalr fair were enter tained by the local fair managers. T. M. C. A. BIBLE CLASS Kngland at the earliest convenient tlm. It was announced by Theodore A. Fox, 3301 Walnut street, chairman of tho com mittee, this morning, that tho fund Is now about li"iO0. Among recent contributors are Rolurl Lewis. $1000; the Gerinantown British-American Beneficial Association, JlOfiO; "A Friend," $lfn-. Miss R. M Mont gomery, $sn. OHIO TOWN FIRE SWEPT Extension Work Inaugurated by the North Branch, Extension Bible class work Is being Inaugurated In the North Branch V. M, C. A. this week. There are to he classes for grninmar and high school boys, for boy in the mills of that section and for Boy Scouts nnd "young converts." It Is also planned to have dinner Bible classes for the training of teachers, Sunday morning and Friday night classes, and Instruction for personal workers. This work Is In charge of the JCorth Philadelphia Institute, of which C. O. St. John is the director. The Rev. Dr. Frederick W. Farr, pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, will conduct the first Friday night class tomorrow evening. BRITISH BELIEF FUND GROWS 'ontrlbutlons are still pouring into the British National Relief Fund for the aid of the families of English sailors and soldiers and for tho Belgian refugees in England. The funds will be forwarded to Bellealre Sends for Outside Help In Fighting BInze. BEM.UAIRE, O, Oct. S-Flie today destro.ned the Ohio Milling Cnmi,anv s plant here with a loss of 31 on'i, and spread to a half dozen other buildings, Including the Baltimore and Ohio station An appeal for aid was sent to tho Wheeling, W, Va., fire department in an effort to prevent a general conilngrntion. McCOACH WINS S450 SUIT A verdict for City Treasurer Mm oaeh was given yesterday In the suit of Wil liam S. P. Shields, a contractor, agamsi him as ft subcontractor on one of tbe former's municipal operations and aga .' his 1-ondsmen, the Notional Puiet ', pon. Shields' claim was for $4W, the 1 . t "f pipe hangings ho was compelled t -i, - on the Vine street w harf. McCoa 11 tended tbat the bangers he had pi" "I on the pier were up to tho standard 1 1 is the court proved to be the case sronn opexs 8.30 a. jr. a.d closes at iuo p. m. ; HA TS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE $1.50 Hand Bags, 98c Morocco grain with 3- nnd 4-pece fit tings. Nickel, ffllt gun-metal frames. FIRST FLOOR wnimr sr hide -""" ' 't-'R RIG ItMSTVUU.lVf nEST OF IJV13TlYTtllK Of Brtliar Market Eighth Filbert Seventh YELLOW TRADING STAMPS S-rure oii mii'h nicer premium than ou get with an other -tninps The ft r- of better q'nl m an I In greater m-rl-tv Double fi,,pt hrrr in tlir Mot ti in AT LOWEST lniCI rifTII FLOOR We're Chief Suppliers of Men's High Grade, Correct Style Outer Apparel at Moderate Prices "Frankel Fifteen" Clot The Suits and Overcoats With out a Peer in the Whole Country at Their Price . . BRUFflBAUGH GIVES STRONG PLEDGE OF FAIR PLAY DIRECTOR LOEB PRAISES FIGHT FOR TAXPAYERS POLICE REPORT ROBBERIES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY Detectives on Xookout for Gangs of Thieves Now in Town. Robberies committed In nearly every xectlon of Philadelphia, In some instances tinder the very noses of the police, ar today keuping special policemen from many station houses on the lookout for l'ilvs, some of whom ar Known by II lr work to be wanted In many cities. Residents of the downtown, northwest and northoast sections suffered particu larly at the hands of crooks. Jewelry, crocetfes and tobacco comprise the larg est part of the loot taken from house holders. Frank Sllters, alias Frank "Wagner, a jniroiea pusoner, j.o aansom stuet. wan held In J500 ball by Magistrate Campbell, rharjed with stealing jewelry and a W nyola near Ills home. A charge, of assault and battery In addition to that of larcenv was lodged against William Rleward, Frankford avo mw, nar Huntingdon street, who nas arraigned before Magistrals Campbell and held 111 J400 ball for court, rhorged with attempting to steal shoes from Mor ris Redman. 315 D stieet. and attacking Mrs. Redman when she objected. The charge that cigarettes and money wre stolen from the atore of Mr Jen nie dl Holly, Thirteenth and Kimball hreets, cauied Magistral Coward to hold Frank Comlnlco. Carlisle street below Whnj-ton. In JC00 hall for court. Comlnlco wss captured after a chase, of several Mocks by Polioeman t.amb. of the Pev enth and Carpenter streets station. rrauk J. Miller, no hume. nas held in KM hall for a furllir hearing bermA Magistrate Grells. charceH n-lll, .(.nil,,- harness from the st;ibl of George Runi ley. 1ftlj nidge avenue The harness was recovered. Thieves hmke Into th home nf Mr. E M. McpnnaM, 171! .lacKson street, and tnlo Jewelry talued at Nl Forcing an entrance through a hack window, a burglar pntered tho home nf Mrs. Gustavna Porter and stole Jewelry and slUeruara valued at J3X). The drug tnr of Edward S. Toners. Thirteenth street and Ridge avenue, was robbed early toda of toilet ni tides and drugs valued at several bundled dollars. Fielder CalU Congressional Primary TRENTON. Oct. S -Governor Fielder today Issued a pioclamation railing for the holding of s. special primary and later special election on the. dates of No vember II and Pecember 1, respectively, to nil the, unexpired term of Congressman Walter L McCoy, of the. Ninth District, who has resigned big seat to accept A pUc upon th Supreme. Court beiuh of tb Distrlrt of Columbia at tho hands of tha President. The Ninth RUtrlct num. prises Orange. Kast Orance and six In Newark Stands on His Record as Guarantee of His Purpose. YORK Pa , Oct. S.-Hundrcds of farm ers from tho surrounding country lis- tencd to Dr. Martin G. Rrumb.mgh. the I Republican nominee for Governor, pledge u siiiain deal for Pennsyhaiihi at the 1 A oik County Fair hcie this morning And 1 these sturdy citizens from the rural dis tricts not onlv listened, but with their enhuslastlc npnluUBo they told Doctor Rrumbaugh that thoy were for him. Doctor Ri-umbnugh with the campaign party arrived hero lute last night by au tomobile from Uast Berlin, whore thc night meeting was hold. ISailier In thc day Doctor Rrumbaugh made a short ail cliesh to the students at Gettysburg Col lege. "What t ask l a snuaie deal and fair play." he declaied In his addiess last night." which is tho right of every liv ing man, nnd 1 do not like, after living an open life uith the children of this Commonwealth and servln? for 3i yeurs as a teacher, when under tho law a man must be moral and temperate to bold.n eertlfh at mitrli less to super vlv a school 1 do not like nnv man to challenge! my stundards and my nttitiule on a moral question In Pennsylvania, you will find mo square for the thing I have alwavs stood for, and I want heie tonight to mako them so plain that no man can find mv position an excuse, for doing a nasty malignant, unchari table tiling In Pennsylvania." Oortor llriimbnugh mid members nf hli party while In this clt.v wero guests of Daniel V. Uitonn. Hepuhlican r-andldate fur Cmigres-nt-large. The Republican r.indidnte for Governor vlened the ! com psnles of vnlunteet llrenien, lompilslng the York Cminl I'iiemen's Association, as the men In uniform, with hands of music, matched to Llio Pennsjlvaula Rail rudd Station tiipinorning. en routH to Harrlsburg t(ipartlclpat In the Ktnlo firemen's parade. Tho procession was headed by Mavoi John R, Ulfean, ex Major Jacob K. Weaver, prosldent of tho iiafcociation; Feli S Rontuel. BupBrinlen dont of the Department of Public Rafetv : tne Rev. S II Kteln, chaplain of tho York deportment, and fllv Electrh Ian Him 1 en Faotnaelit The campaigners were much Impressed with the One anpenranee of the firemen. As the Hex liuckmen passed the part Doctor Rrumbaugh repelled the wont "Hex." and .ald that U (ln. llenn Ilnuek, the leieran Secretary nf Internal Affairs, greeted reieral peison who had been pupils of his In his earls days aa a school teacher If the first and second nrtlcles of "The Hands of L'snu." published In the 1'vGN' I.nmiRn on Monday nnd Wednesday evenings, are sample of what Is to follow, the "Organization" will receive an unexpected jolt in Its ntlemot to strangle ,;ood government. I vvlh a copy of tho Kvbnino I.EUQKit containing these articles of enlightenment of the political condi tions of Philadelphia and thc "gang" methods to retain power could be dls tilbutcd to every home. In Philadel phia. Articles of this sort, given the propet publicity In a prominent newspaper. are tho heavy siege suns which play havoc with the enemies of good gov ernment and the weapons which they dread so much. Statement of Herman I.oeb, Director of Department of Supplies. PRESIDENT TO INDORSE PALMER FOR SENATOR M'CORMICK VISITS WORKERS Arrives at Electrical Storage Co. En at 6:30 This Morning. Motoring to the plant of the Electric Storage Company, at Nlnetentli Mreet and Alleshenv nvenue, Vance MiCormlrk. Democratic and Washington party nomi neo for Governor, shook hands with 15C0 emploves this morning. .Mr. McCormlck was accompanied by William Draper I.owls. Mr. McCormiok arrived at the entrance of the F.lectrlo Storngo Company at tl:r,o ociock mis morning, lie rciiinlm;d there for M minutes. As the men filed Into tim yarn no greoted him. Many employes cheered the candidate. At noon Mr. McCormlck addiensed tho workmen at the Dlsslon Saw Works, Ta-cony. Democrats Will Discuss Pennsyl vania Campaign Tonight. WASHINGTON, Oct. S-Plans for the Democratic campaign In Pennsvlvana and other Eastern States will be tormii Inled at a White Ifnuse confi-renco to night between President Wilton, Post master General Burleson. Hopiewent it'o Doremus, chairman of the Demociauc Congtcsslonnl Committee; Thomas J. Pence, of the Democratic National Com mittee, nnd Secietary J. P. Tumulty. According to the present plan. Secre tary of the Trcasuty MtAdoo and Secre tary of Commerce Red field are thc only Cabinet ofllcors who will bo sent Into the Keystone Stale. Secretary of State Hryan piobably will not bo assigned to any campaigns In the East, with the single exception of his speech in Brook lyn next Tuesday night. Piesldont Wilson is taking a Keen In terest In the campaign In rentusylvaiiU and probably will issue a strong In dorsement uf tho candidacy of A. Mitchell Palmer for the Cntted States Senatj within the next fow days. Cat Bitten by n Mad DORPKNTOW.V. N. J., oct. S.-Ueorgo. Paneontt. oinplnvoi in a grocerv stole here, had occasion to go Into the stole cellar this morning, nliero ho was at tacked bv a stinngn mad cat. uhlnh t.i of the I him badly on the leg. Their makers give a guarantee, good as 1 a ,"ew one nn' garment that falls. i liey also aim to please every taste and age and calling $15 their bond, to replace to provide styles adaptable to everv English-Cut Suits with narrow trousers, shaped coats & patch pockets. Other Suits no less expressive of style but of more restricted line. '(fnlf.8.0 are ''fullJ', tailored from navy serges. Tartan checks. English overplaid. fancy worsteds nnd striped BUltlngs. The Overcoats are in the smartest new semi-fitting, conservative and loose Balmacaan fashions. Mnde up In fine navy blue and black kerses and imported worsteds, mostlv silk lined, nl:.o In chinchillas, rich heather mixed Scotch coatings & plald-back mml-ns Men's Smart $15 Suits & Overcoats, $Q Clothing ivhose every detail is far superior to the special price ashed English and Conservative Style Suits. Double-Breasted and English-Cut Overcoats. Thev are in the most fashionable Fall and Winter textures and colors All sizes hing pypr n?N MllW V Boys' Winter Suits & Overcoats : Splendid Values $5.00 Kinds, $2.98 $7.50 Kinds, $4.98 16.00 Kinds, $3.98 $10.00 Kinds, $7.50 ., The most fashionable materials made up into suits of Russian. Sailor, Norfolk and Knickerbocker "''i- iiiauy nun extra pair or trousers), also the newest fashions In to 15 rears SE'-OND FLOOR :TH eeferg and owivoats Sif NTi M V.RKI T SI? rAlMER DOWNTOWN TONIGHT Cleveland District Directors Nnruwl WASHINGTON. Oct S -D i wills. tt "Bellevue, Pa ; I, If. Treadway. of rieve- Und. Ohio, and II P Wolfe, of Colum bus. Ohio, today ere soled,! hv u, federal Reserve Hoard as class C. or Buverning directors for the tlrvvlaud 1'iairici sir. WIIU was deslgiwtcd fi d ral Resene Auent and i'lMirm ,.r i, boird of directors: Mr Treadway, ijcij. u ty Federal Itciiri,- al-phi onrf i- chairman, and Mr. Wolfe, director. City Rcelved $873,667.74 fn Week Rvo-lpU of tli itv Trea.urei-M otB.-e .-'.'" yk eiiduu. est,idd aui.iuiited "'" in" pdwiKiits wei, JsC,., 4M, :j BREWER ASSAILS PINCH0T Accuses 3m of ''Lying" in IUb De nuncintiQii of Penrose. RPR ANTON, Pa.. Oct. S.-Whilft de nouncing Pmirose at a shop merlins held here yesterday, Ullford Plnehot. Wash Instcin party candidate for I'nlled States S"nator, was availed and accused of "lung" by Prank Uecker, nwuaRer f a lueiveiv in this nation. Plnchnt's m laisiiineut of Peijiusii was no m utblns that Becker, hu lb a Penrose worker, made ait attempt 10 break up the in, et lug. lie sas shouted donti, booster, to the accompaniment of ells of '"The Brcupr's Hl Horses." a Rllly Sunda teiujieram-e fcong The interruption at a meeting at the tSctranton rtult and Nut Works Mr. Pliu-hoi aldresed uioro ihun liuo Sunday school workers at the afternoon esston of tha tilafv tfniiduy Si'houl As sociation. Fi ank f.e ler U man.tRei of the t.aikavwinna Urswin romijai and lollcctor for tUa IVnn j h jnio. Dreaing Cuinwny. Will Tell First Ward Voters Whnt Fenroselsm Means. The Oemocratlc campalsn party will visit the First Ward and address a Dem ocratic rally and citizens' tiKetitiK tonight at O'Neill's Ilnll. fourth and Reed streets immediately after the mnetliiff of Urn Paluier-McCormirk I.epuo t'lly Com mittee The First Ward Palmer-Mcfontilck League has invited eer- rltlien of the ward, remtrdlees of their political beliefs to attend and hear A. Mitchell Palmer' Democratic nomine fnr L'ulted States Senator, tell what Penrose snd PnroeJsm have done In Pennsj Ivania. Other speak ers rlll be Vaneo t McCormlck, Detno cnillc nominee for Ciovenior; Roland S Morris, Uemocratle State chairman; Law rence K. McCmsiin, candidate fur Repr. sentntlve from the First nistrlrl, Hh.,.v. n Woscutt. Paul M Wintrob and Richard Connelly. ' Youths Chnrged With Auto Thefts j Robert Horter, ;i years old, I3M Colum- I bla avenue, and William Smith 10 old, 1113 llreen street, were hold In J1V bnil In Magibtrate Renshaw this m'm,e I on tho --barKe of steallnR two bilen The machliirs. ai-cnrdlng to the noli.e l,.lonSed to Muthland Bottom-.. I x'l Walnut street aii Hoaeit White .')H North Hollynoed btieet -mie,) STAN. V. HENKELS Auction Coniniission .Merchant for ihr Sale of Honki, Aiiliiaraphi Kngiai.itai. I'ainlluiit. CotK, Etc. KU.V. Cllf VALUABLI: COLLECTION' OF- Autograph Letters & Documents ronJU.I) DV THE Hon. Garret J. W. 'room, IIECAEI1 AP 'I'RBNTV'N. NKtt lEnSFT And I-'roin Other Sources ''"MAI.MMi Slam lmrrtant letter of the tsisneri of (lis lMarallin of Iiideiiiiiic-e Uemheri of mo ..i-i .'ti;rrs9 uni rniltllj(trnal "on ciitlnn, ufTi-ri nf tha nviut(iii, Pr.Wnt ef in. t nitel SUt inenl9 In :h i mi ur Ng fifflrer, ril.hiip nf the P. B ' I'hun'h. iVIonUI 4loinora lurtns ll'st-cmou. Authors tm MANY UF TUB LKTTKntf AttK HP anBAV IIISTORIl'AI. lM.nTNi.'r; AS TO rn.N n; rn. nv RK 801,11 l-'rivlav Afteriinnu and C cnlng;, Oetotvr "th. lO-i at: a vrS'. u-i.'h. p. m. B- Nnu on VvlilMlon i j a 1 1 t i ii if a ! f$r I These Tailored nits a ;;ii ca t IL.OD Save You Four; Dollars, for Theyj ITe Doubt if Better Value in S en. , i'p-to-tlie-Minute If 'omen's audi Misses' Apparel Have Ever Been Offered Thae Suits Are Butt One Example. $ SKETCH SHOWS THEIR VERY GOOD STYLE . They are tailored from cheviot and diagonal, in green, brown, blue, black? and the lighter, dressier shade of Holland blue. ; Coats are 45-inch Redingote effects with wide belt, tuxdo revers and high J flaring collar. Skirts are in very smart stvles. sidenlaitod on tn rlorn vni? r r - fc- r rl 4-1 1 a t 4 " T itIIU 1.1 IIUIIICII llll UULIUIIS. $15.75 Top Coats at $11.98 OF fins b'Otvii Holland blJe l.a K nav blue and drab prlihle cheviot jnd rich Kncllsh mixtures some prai tical mannish slvle others in drsv Redins.te favhion $S Serge Dresses $13.50 prveial ir onp mat unoAins snnn leeef and unleiski" hi a d I tmiid edces. iiikeiln level, nhite IVrcihn. nrs cr hni i, n f.ifi: SKi'ovn n.ooR 0 ui vvvvvvvvvl,v.vvv.xtvvJ We Continue ATLANTIC CITY N.J. IN AUTUMN rro!Je a limnii . f omrui and eai ml1t chaii ie V i mv r-jn .itnt tht haj ii4bdliti U tij in Meal -i-ioro borne Plr-' l uu 1(19 on.n fro t 6U0. U l IKU F nrziiT. OUR GREAT Silk Sale Value That Set Xew Lou-P rii e Reco rds NOMrNATINS nSTJTJONS FILED THKNTON, Oct a -Four tiwnlnuting p.titloiix (or I'ongn is wort; tlld todax nitli the Soi'rtur of State b oiudldat. on the ScutelUn-l.iboi uuJ the Nattonal I'rnhlbltkui tU'Uets In the Fourth, Sevi-ulh ami Twelfth lUatrtvt". The caudlUates Hit us pt'tltLuiuB aie: Nicholas H Barrett. ' Tinton, Nation il-l'iuhlbitliiii Fourth I4 Sv r" -r J., ' lllrict Jume I'. i krr, et - ili'iitl t'l'ihlbitiun i;ih lut i J.lRri Mdvt'l b l.tlii I In In 1 T "rr rhiiiio i. ttali.i JLati ti'jrih lj,ir, 1 U Nu ll, n The Old British Convict Ship SUCCESS 1 he Hid., Ship float (lamuhed iltto . I unil Only buriUor of Fncland'a 1'rrrible Hret of "Ocean Hells'' Now at Market Street Wharf, Phila, Eu Itoute to hun Frmn tiro, ithfrt- i.lic lll ho a ffntur ni hip tirritt niiuiuu lipobllliiu This Wonderful Vessel Has Made History Ihrougli lhr , enturica she maik.l Hi.- t, slnnlni ami , 1. .hi '? "'. 1:l""l' tm.iilroii. ;- I bne ii ins oUeat uhlp In tha orli ml the ji-f,d(ul Ftet ot HelU" which .all.-il the ir.i u Si'ja 111 IT! bbe la utuhumrd after all tbae yean, tioihliis t.Wng , nu ant inir euntrinns rrom in iruoltlfa an 1 1.., , 1... n, ,. u . r 1 -1 L-pon tb m Aborii bar now arc abna. lu their i laruitti .f,tre - I the ain-aa dunstona and 'uodamu4 -ell ib Hluppinfi p,iat mi u.jaa I. a. lha bra.udtcg lluna tb luulablnrnt bulla lh IfiJpii tipped mi o" nlne-ialla. lha cofllo bath und ib wbr Hen 11 ti luvent!"na nf man'a bruiAlity to his fallow uiaa 1U romict Ship la llsbted, ibrougbout hh lacincny t)in lo lha ljblic Dally from 8 M to 10 I' l Market St, Wharf TJ' Philadelphia Ailiuiloo. lurludins Setilett of a dulde od l.rrlurrr fn Not J S'"1 ho t5 beara-4 alracl ffoiu tba P'T bj 3nS planks i ft I b i ii-- I tut of that I man frrtzht I ()5e Satin Messa- OQp lines at Oi7C Snniflhlnic like IIOOO yards In nil rtrnliiK anil alrrct ahndeal alan uhltr, lirj ami hlai'U. a. lery moolh. fine iifuir, iillh rich, bril liant rintati. FRIDAY BARGAINS 'HOc Wool-Face I "7 1 Remnants of 2"ic lo 50c in Drapery Materials. . . wc neveiaible eohirr.l "lojuroil rrxtonne leiiRtha 1 HIHD F"lAn rn i i voil an.1 I . 3 aril . l." " effe C F.r $1.50 Silk Poplins at Smart serMeeable f.ibri. for dresses ete .ible tutors, also black 98c llk-anri-n ool The fashion- 1.98 $2.50 Imported Chiflnn TniTetas He.iuiif'il rlne quality In newest plum hli.ide.s. also thlt an.l Mark and i haiiKeabl,. i-oniblnatlom. 35 im-hes hie 1.10 Sl.50 Black Paillette lie Soie In So inch w ullh Soft flntsb. with n .diutii lustre $2 Satin Charmeuse, $1.75 to li . hea wide HiBhli lusnoul sur face Ula K white and colms F1RS1 Pi.oon s. ll TH fn lu rriihtti( SI Rex Oil Mop and a 25c Bottle Sani- fiQ R-enic Floor Oil vJiC Mups have han.llea (hat fold fla' fur rea.-hins under furniture anil allutt full surfaie o loin Ii aru ole. heviU pad. led so as not to mai uo,ijuork $1.25 Ironins: Board, S9c On atnd stronglt ma.le- fobls up into small spate 75c Aluminum Covered bauce Tan, 14 qt. . $2.50 Oil Heaters, 1.98 Aimer burner, odorlesa FI.fMiR 47c National and smokeless. THIRD r i j Kill i, t 'Jl III II I L.i mih ! Lace and Knibrojdei i Kemnants lUc lo.5U C to 7 Values, each-C $1 Oood selei-tinn pie e or eer v varti ltngtlis bOI'TIl n ho e i'.i anrt ubefi, u 1 to . Axmin- $1 o QC I Ruffs... -lo.yo j H Inl rtf ....... . . I " Women's $.1 Sweaters, $1,95 Worsted tarn In all wanted culora titan tilatn u.av iiit. ..n...i , lar and patch po. k.-is Slse Zi to t BECOM) FIa'mIR $2.50 Roller Skates, $1.25 uenulna balt-bearirit 'skate THlRTi BPORTlNij GOOI.S xr.i .ia $20 stcr uiiut.a lot or 'BUn li.struus hi-h pile. Suit S 3xii. s feet FOr-RTH I1.XR $2,25 Chocolate $ Snfc h-,w&.. ........ four l'n l.i. Ufcf. ui. J a n - .uio china, white .! jUIlI Willi ft -al a n il 1 1 'I d ora- l.3 V I ,1 HlKll' f. ii , s ill X and arid nl..t i t h - lit mtuiiititi, L1IL Oil I'llO.Nt; O KUt US FILLtU . J i u iiHorm.iis
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers