??WK-f 'JV B ' iKfM5!J5Si 2 v EVENING LEDGEE-PrrirADELPHT WftDtfESITA'Y, SEPTEMBER 1G 1912. of tho German nrmy Tho German wero Investing; Fort Troyon nnd the neighboring forts between Tout ninl Verdun, with the object of opening n vmy of retreat on their left. Tho failure of thlt plan means that the French are masters of the valley from Toul to Verdun. Therefore, tho armies of the Crown Prince Frederick William and the Duko of Wtirttomberg will be unable to cross tho Mouse and I will have to go farther north and at tempt to pass by the Stenay Gap Tho forward movement of the allies between tho foiest of Argon no anil tho Meuso continue-?. Tho pressure of tho allies has had tho effect of straighten Ins tho battle front until It Is now al most n straight line to it point east of the Mouse and near Htattt. Uelfoit, France, Is III a stale of siege, and, according to the French military authorities Is In a position to resist attack lmlcilnltcly. ALLIES REPULSE COUNTER ATTACKS OF GERMANS LONDON, Sept. Hi. The following ofllclal statement was lven out today by the War Ofllee: "The general posttlcn on the Alsne continues favorable for the allies "The enemy litis delivered several counter attacks, especially against the first army corps, bi those have been repulsed, "Tho Germans give way slowly befoto cur troops and the French armies on our right and left. "Tho enemy's loss Is ery heavy. We have taken 2000 , Isoners " I The statement admits, however, that I tho advance of the French and Hittlsh i ,1s not rapid and that the Get intuit arc falling bark, but slowl.v. The statement Indicates that tho first British corps, under Lieutenant General Sir Douglas ttnlg, which did such valiant service dining the recent rotlrotnotit of the allies has bteii bear ing the brunt of the fighting. This sec tion of the allied army, flanked an It Is by French troops evidently makes up part of the allies' centre. IMIENS & AST, P V Hi ir- q!. w, v . . v . , e.cr- - y. tyj I s T- -Jf M s,-r ri Hr mm. TOTX 1VONKLUKS ' knid i'" s gj AnkAS i jr r nijv .rrr), w. ' itma 'Sb&vrA I FER& ion : j-tfwSS V ("UWHtONC 50ys$0NS ?(9E2$$mni& AA . M " - - '" .' S v 'n j n w va , L?J VFnnu.u X-fc tf"TW r .... VSX JjMANrw (dP okHATEAU VCHALOMS X -v-S ZhSMmJKo? "oAtOTMRAL Va -. " - rfs1 r6i - C 'vhTS lW hulw v K7JV N a . ZLj&a t "" ' & v ciriir ninrci - v ,mM' rV) OCOULOMMlFDK-yruAKt,n, - -v M3 mau s'asr r C7A vx-rr7??Afn--: ';'ir":'"-"i-7 o h " i- ." " V lK.fl Y" ,r?l.t JZI iL rrUMF-irAIM 3Jf-n WV. .T X V- A N. WMF LE FRANCOhS VS, " N ) oMELUNf V PARIS 0 M'US CHYLOUS SHAM r 1. ' - ROYE '& f rJ i O SL . MUN roi Dl tR,?-" P" .vy i ccop y r i trn- GERMAN RETREAT CONTINUES, FRENCH EMBASSY LEARNS VTASHINGTON, Sept. 11. Continuance of tho German reticat between the Argonno forest and tho River Meuso was reported by the French War Otllce through the French Embassy here today. The dis patch, sent from Bordeaux, reads: On our left wing tho Germans resisted yesterday to the north of tho River Alsnc, on a lino formed by tho forest of Lalgno and Cra enne. At the centre their line of re sistance was yesterday north of Ilheimt and the camp of Chalons towards Vleniie, a town at tho western border of the Argonne. The forces of the enemy that were occupying the south of the Argonne havo accentuated their movement, retreating between the Argonno and the Meuse. They were holding esterday the front at Wirelines and Consenvoye. On our right wing tho German" are retreating toward Metz. The French Kmbassy continues to exprcs". confidence that the situation Is rapidly becoming more favorable to the allies. ontfMjcon ,VA?r..vvr5 x r v ' r) o 9tiAto'i)& tVv " i j? fyjj .oW . .VeVi",,! W.i ,. ', ,fj.,vN.J. . .? Tiiv"( y , !'.,' rMFKfr toovoi vsuppes r vr..AA7ia ypjjh-'jyc, izir ! ccnTcourt wigyjy 0ARLEDUC 3- 4 X! MOl tv if, ( 'fJ'BA'" -"'ULUUWV .1" .i "Ytf'!i :.7w i i ii j l r i- .a i WW&sSV$ y k "vtyrii' , .,5 .ct . t v KJt V-A ;.;,' jt " VAV1NCOURT Ml S. 'MMPENOUX t . W. ZXr . NANCY, IANGRES GLRDEvJULR i LIEGE EVACUATED, BY KAISER'S FORCE, SAYS BERLIN REPORT Abandonment Would Cut Off German Line of Re treat Fortify Brussels to Hold With Smalt Garrison. ALLIES' ADVANCE CHECKED SAYS GERMAN WAR OFFICE BERLIN. Sept. 16. The official statement issued today at tho War Office emphasizes the fact that tho Germans havo now succeeded In checking the entire of.V. slve move ment of the allies in France. It is stated that the German army Is now intrenched in new strong posi tions, and that at a number of points the Germans have succeeded in drlv " ln tho -French-British line? back on their supports. So far as the entire situation In France Is concerned the reports of the General Staff all agree that the new plan of campaign is working out in a Tery satisfactory manner. On both the east and west frontiers, the report says, the German forces are carrying out their general plan of campaign with uninterrupted suc cess. The reason for the withdrawal of a portion of the German left wing is declared to bo the presence of a su perior French force. The operations about Verdun, howeer, are being pressed, it is stated. The official statement says: The offensive movement of the allied British and French armies In France has been checked. We havo won a number of suc cesses and have occupied strong positions, righting continues, but no engagement has taken place. The enemy has beenattacklngwith superior numbers for two days our right wing. A "-evcre conflict has marked the operations about Ver dun. The Admiralty announced today that nil tho crew of the cruiser Hela, which was sunk by a British subma rine, had been saved. An earlier re port from Admiral Behnke had Indi cated there had been some loss of life. Another official statement denies all foreign reports of the progress of the war. It says: We know from the present con dition that wo shall tight to the end. Wo did not expect a prom ena le for our troops. "Hard fight ing against hard opposition" is our mot'o. Confidence prevails among the Germans and the world Is entitled to know that there Is no truth In the talk of a French victory any where All other repot ts arc false. A definite German victory on both frontiers cannot bo doubted, dpsplto tho big superiority of the hostile forces on both sides. German toll Is free of her en emies. Tho ofllclal report makes no men tion of how far or to what line of de fense the German right wing has retreated. GERMANS HOLD STRONG FRONT, REPORT FRENCH BORDEAUX, Pept. l. Tho following official statement was Issued here by the War Offlco at 3 'clock this afternoon: "On September and 15 tho rear guard of the enemy came Into contact with our pursuing forces, and having been reinforced by a great part of tho German army, gave battle on tho de tensive along the whole front "Certain sections of the front were trongly held by the enemy. This front extends from the region of Noyon, ths plateaus to the north of Vicaur-Alsno and from Solssons-le-Masslf and Laon to the heights on the north and west of Rhelras; also a line that runs, thence to tho north of VUle-sur-Tonrno. to tho west of tho Argonne region, and which ts continued thence beyond the Argonne by another line, which passes north of Vuremies, a point that has been evacuated by tho enemy, and reaches the River Meuso in the region of tho Forges, which is north of Verdun. "During the pursuit of tho enemy executed by our troops nfter the bat tle of the Marne, the Germans aban doned numerous prisoners to our hands. To thaso men there has boon added a large multitude of stragglers, who were hidden In forests. "No exact accounting of these pris oners or of tho war material captured by us so far has been possible. It is for this reason that Minister of War Mlllerond, who does not wish to give out figures which might bo considered fantastic, refrains from announcing I the details of these captures." The new line of battle now being formed in France runs along the Valley of the Aisne, where General Von Kluk's forces arc defending themselves aeainst the English on his extreme right, and the various French armies in the centre and on his left. The second, third and fourth German armies have re treated to a line north of the River Aisnc, near Rethel, while further east the fifth German army, under th Crown Prince, has been compelled to move northward and eastward from the Argonne district outside of the range of the Verdun forts. The sixth German army, operating on the Lorraine frontier, is moving back to its base at Metz. South of Verdun the French have relieved Troyon, attacked by the Germans, and are forcing the Crown Prince's rear guards to the north, threatening the German centre with an enveloping movement. CZAR'S FORCES HEM PRZEMYSL ON THREE SIDES Communication Cut Between Strong Fortification and Cracow, Breaking Line of Supplies and Reinforcements. AUSTRIAN CONSULATE BUSY Beservtsts From Coal Fields Anxious to Bach Front, Enrol Daily. BeTeral hundred men axe being eurolied dally at th Austrian Consulate In thla city for ervtca In tho Austro-HunsarUn army. Tfaeso men are coming from the coal fields in Pennsylvania. War spirit amone them runs high and tiy aru con fident of the ultimate success of their country's arms. Hundreds of letters are fctlna rcclvd from reservists in all tec tlona, makin anxloua Inquiry why they ar not Immediately sent abroad to fight. Th Austrlans le sufficient shtps in which to end th men to the other side, but, owing to the present supremacy of th aeaa by the English fleet It U fearsU that the reservists would be made srUontr of war before ttiej armed In tturope, should they now embark. GERMAN MORTALITY HIGH OneThirrt of French Wounded Able to Return to Front. PAWS. Sept. H The mortality among the German wounded brought to Paris Is much higher than among the French. Of 7500 French soldiers in the hospitals at Vi-liy nine the uar bcKan, mure than W4 hav beun munitd to the front. Most of the French are suffering from bullet wounds, while moat of the Germans havo betn Injured by shell or bayonet. LOCAL FIRE RECORD -Kit Kt Ptuyunk ive. : jtore iyl ilwflllng oecupiwl by Janw .. Brown trifling -J3 bouth i'-onl kt ; pr4uc !5Sby.w I&"U unknown -iotli rvj fQwclion ate . rall "? tl.',': P'wrty of tnnl yanli lull road . trlfllnx -9J Eouin Kmn trec ttor and dcllln of Gollthrc BrotUr. trifllnc A. M a.i5- 11 21 P M PnTROGUAD, Sept. IB. The Kusslans have crna-tnl tho lower course of the river San unopposed by tho defeated Austrian nemy, uhich con tinues in precipitate lllsht. The position nt GroileK, between rrzetn j'sl and L.embers, ha been pecured by the Russian", who have reached Mosziak (35 miles southeast of LenibeiK and nl mofct due soutli from Gro,lek mid ale re ported to hae Invested Pnteniysl 011 thrco sides I'rzeinys! Is the present ltusslan objec tive. Deliyd dispatches from tho Galiclan front state th.t the line of communica tion between Cracow and Pwmjsl has been severed by the Jtusslan troops. Other forces:, i,o.ssuik believed to num ber about 10O.0W men. have .ept bv Przemysl and hae waelieil l.lsko, Zi mileti bouthwedt of PizernsM and only a few mil? from the HunRurian border. Their nlm is to cut communication be tween Hungary and tho tno fortresses of Przemysl and Cracow and alto to keep th Austrian army out of tho passes of th Carpathian mountains. This would force the surrender of tho forts, as tho line of upp!les will bo cut nit In the fighilnB of the last five Uaj. culm'natlnB in the capture of Orodek It ?s Ta"ed the Husslans have ruptured I'O Austrian Runs and M howltze.a. COMMUNICATION SEVEHED The rapid advance of the Russian forces has cut tho lines of communication from Galicia to Budapest. Russian cavahy hi reached the station of I.ysko la town n? J.Yl population near 100 mil south- (',v",,i r,d a Itttlu leas thun Carpathians in several P- c,,ow The Austro-German arroi at uincow and Vwmysl must inevitably hurrondei. MthVaS?- are drawn more closely around it and the railways Into the heart of the country are fevoied. The Austrian centm still horns a brlad front Gainst the Mctorious Uus slans but wlh the rlsht win imhl Hi.d the left wins crumpled up in 1 Rust an Poland. Russian Minister of ar huk homll. off believes that tho annihilation or surrender of Archduke F.ederlck' arin"Tas' been continuous for M davi alons tho centre. In that time. aecd'iiK to reports reoell by tho War Offlcel "ne Austrlans havo been drien b Tho GenA'aTdtaff announced today that General Rrousltoffa troops were nisrch Ina : to attack Sambor. an Important iwlnt In the Austrian lino of communicutlons. With the capture of Sambor and Ch row the Russians will cut !Tmrri com. pletely off from any assistance that might be aint from the pouth (Sambor ts SS intlfs southeast of Przem ... "Li-L u.. rs. miiH nest of I.emhers Chyro is miles south of Przemysl , COMPLETE INVESTMENT OF PRZEM- In an official etatement Issued today, the Russian War Office declares that tha Investment of Przemysl will prevent the Austrian army of General Dank! takinu jefuge there. It says: The fortes of General iJankl have been entirely cut off from the Austrian centre, and will be unable to reach Przemysl which Is now completely In vested by the Russians. The army of Pankl U now cut oH in th bogs Into which they had hoped to entlco tho RukSlans. The fragmentary details as yet aallable show that our fortes have already uchleted the Greatest jiuucew eir reiord-d In waifar Arthduke Karl Franz Josef is re ported to be wit) the routed Austrian forces anil his capture is looked for Pnofficial reports say that of tae crcat army of 600,004 men that Austria '.-it into Ciiilici.i to nttatk the Russians on the imntler of Poland, fully 420,OW have been kll.f 1, i.iptuied or so Kill rounded that their esiapo is imposilble. LONDON'. Sept. 1C. The Epie!-s publishes a dispatch from Rome to the effect that the two Austilnu aimlrs under Generals Dank and Von Auflcnherir have joined nt Rhcsov, thir teen inlle3 northeast of Juroslav and thirl-lo miles due north of PizemyM. Tlie dlvpati'h sas tlint the two nrmits h.uo lost forty per cent, of thcli numbers. KAISER PRAISES GALLANTRY OF PRINCE OSCAR'S TROOPS Adch esses Grenadiers After Hot Fight Near Long-wy. BERLIN (by way of Amsterdam), Sept. V,. Emperor William 4h taklni? an active part In dlrectinp the operations of the German nrmy In France, according to 10 ports received here todnj. After the sharp liattle near Loiikw, he visited lib son, Pilncu Oscar, eonimnnder of the Grenadlei fJuards, win, liad acnultted themeles with honor In the conllict. Afttr RioetliiR his .son, the Emperor iiddre.-sed tho Guards In the puMlr siu.in. "I ffreet ou as chief," he snld. "and thank nu. "1 have often seen your resl nient nt inunejer.s and 011 parade, but It Is 11 paiticular pleahiiio to K'i't you on a roiiquored land. "The loRimont fmiKht as I epected and as our fathers lotisht before us. The buttle of Vliton will be eternally In scribed with letters of sold in tho his tory of the war. Our comrntles of the eastern army have nlso toiiKht gallantly Tho army of tho Crown Prince and tho m my under the Grand Duke of WurttHmbHK have advanced victoriously. Our fiiemles are withdrawing. '1 ho eastern army has driven three RusslHn coips oer tho frontier. Two RiiHSlun corps capitulated In the ooii Held. Sixty thousand men nnd two Ken erals were made prisoners. Tor all these victories we havo to thank only One. That Is our God who Is over us." RUSSIANS ESTABLISH RULE IN PROVINCE OF BUK0VINA Governor Placed at Czernowltz, Says Petrograd Dispatch. ROME. Sept in. A dispatch to thn Trlbuna from retro Brad .sns that Rukovlna has been tians fr rmeil Into u Russian province, with a. Russian Governor at Czermmitz. Gentr.il Harone publishes nn article In the Glornale d'ltalla, In which ho readies the conclusion that tho Germans aro In dnnper of belns entrapped In Frame Tho Italian Government has authorized the exportation to England of 23.00u tons of sugar. JAPAN SUPPRESSES PAPERS Charges Publications With Stirring Animosity Among Nations. TOKIO. Sept l In an official statement tho Japanese Government explains why it has ordered "tho Herald." a German-controlled news-P'p"-r. and "the IJeutsch Japan Post," a fierman news agency, to cease publlca tlor It Is charged that both publications for years have sought to create animosity between Japan and certain foreign coun tries, particularly England and the United States. The Herald" haa been pub lished nt Yokohama The editor of tha news airency has been ordered to leave Japan wtihln a week v Save the Cost of a New Body Tha Gelastra Patnt Converter top makc touring cars or rwltftora at cay and warm a a llmouaIn Llvnt In wtUhl cuts tire coat aavua cot of puttlnjr on new body aavea aturagv for old tody TVrtta, 'fhont or tod lor Portloulart The Gregg-Wm. D.Rogers Co. 1926-34 Arch Street Phoni, Xocnit l$t BOSNIAN CAPITAL NOW ENDANGERED BY SERVIAN FORCE WORK OF AUSTRALIAN FLEET IS COMMENDED Capture Vishegrad, 40 Miles South of Sarajevo and Ef fect Junction With Invad ing Montenegrins. N'ISII, Sept 16. Oniciil announcement has been made hew of tho ' capturo of Vishesrad, In Uosnin, hy Servian troops. Tho Servian army that took Visheqrad and the Montenegrins, who captured Kotcha, nlso In Ilosnln, havo effected a juncture and aro marching toward Faia Jevo despite a determined resistance by tho Austilan". Sarajevo Is only forty miles north of Vishegrad. VIENNA. Sept. W. tleneial Hoofer, chief deputy of the Austrian Uenernl St.iff. announced to day thai the Sortun annj which crossed the tliver Savo two djH nun has beui defeated nlong Its entire line. VIENNA WAR OFFICE DENIES INVESTMENT OF PRZEMYSL Al&o Confirms Report of Junction of Austtian Main Armies. VIENNA. S..pt 1R. Tho Russian icports that they havo In vested the Galiclan fortress of Premjsl are officially denied. It Is Mated that fighting is still In progress, with the Austrlans maintaining their former po rtions. Denial also was mado at tho AVar Office today thnt tho Austrian army of lien eral Patikl has been compelhd to fcurrcn iler bv the Russians. It is stated that tho Russian troops had managed almost com pletely to surround tho AuhtiUns, who were taken at a disadvantage by halng to tffect a retreat through unfavorable territory, but that the Austrlans 1mo now- cut their way through the Russian lines and have affected a Junction with the main Austrian army. It Is admitted that the Austrian losfs In i oiinectlon with this movement were very beavj. Admiral Patey Reports Details of Capture of Herberstshohe. MELBOURNE. Sept. 1C. Prime Minister Mlllen has received the following wireless report from Admlrnl I'atoy, In command of the Australian navy squadion in Its operations In Guinea. "I estimate that there weie 20 or 30 Germans killed nt Herberstshohe and six ntitlih. The defending force was numer ically the strongtht. "The conduct of the Australians in nctlon was extremely vnlorous. "I'urtlicr lighting Is probable, although the British hold Rnbaul. "In its operations tho Australian fleet has done good work In conjunction with tho British China sea .squadron. In de stroying German wlielca stations In the Pncltlc." TO REINFORCE ALLIES' ARMY Cavalry Welcomed to Eelieve Strain On French Horse. LONDON, Sept. US The allied lines In v ranee have been reinforced bv the .iriivnl of the first detachment of the Indian troops who made the trip by way of the, Suez Canal and were rushed to tho front from South Franco by rail. These tioops, it in undei stood, arc cavalry, and they will bo welcomed, as tho Fiench cavalry horses are leported as badly worn out by thelt constant use since tho war began. It is believed here that they will he sent to reinforce Sir John French, who Is leported ns initiating nn envelop ing movement, which hns for Its object the Hitting off tho mnln right wing of the German army. r Men's 14kt. Gold Watches Daautlful models In hlKh trud Watches for men ho appreclali! tome ihlnB dltfsrent from thn ortlnar "Bmlth'a" special move ments famoua for dura bility ami timekeeping. 50.00 to $100.00 C. R. Smith & Son, Inc. lllIII'Ht'L .TlltTCl ill 1ULI1 I V- Direct From Farms Extra Grade Penna. White Potatoes Guaranteed nico size, fine eat int? and mealy. Price Dellveredi iJ)O.UU barrel sack We will take back and refund for any purchase made of us not satisfactory Phone and Mail Orders Promptly Filled nnd Delivered Felix Spatola& Sons Reading Terminal Market ,-. . .. ll011 Phonos.. filbert BI-60 Filbert 64-6! , Keystono. Race 23-98 nnn ----- u-d9 r m BEIILW (by way of nome), Sept. IB. An ofllclal statement Issued here says that tho Germans havo abandoned Llcgc. No reason la assigned for the re. ported statement from Berlin by way of Home that tho Germans have aban doned lileiro and there Is no confirma tion from any other source. U hai been leported that the Germans lines ! or. communications had been threat ened, but In neither tho London nor tho Paris statements has there been any intimation of any operations of any kind In Belgium, excepting thoeo which were being conducted by ths Bclglnns. It Is possible that the troops at I,legs havo boen sent south for sterner wqrK In France, where, It la stated, the bat tle has been renewed with tho Germans on the defensive. ' (It has been stated that tho Germans' only lino of rotrcat lay through tho re jrltm of Liege. The report, together with tho statement that tho Germain lmd been ordered to fall back to their i own fortifications, is generally dla- ' credited.) I "LONDON, Sept 1 A news agency despatch from Amster dam states a Uerllu despatch receive! Iheie says It was officially announced to- ""J mat ino ucrmans Had evacuated iLlege. ANTWERP. Sept. 16. Tho Hermans aro rushing fresh troops into Belgium from Alx-la-Chappellc, but whether these arc Intended to strengthen tho forces now horo or are to bo sent to the south to fill tho gaps in the German light wing Is not yet known. The Belgian forces again havo retired to the protection of tho outer Hug of tho Antwerp fortifications, wheru they aie waiting developments. King Albert and the General Staff 1 eld a long confer ence today, after which troops were massed along tho fortifications that com mand the Blvor Scheldt. It Is believed a new attempt by tha Germans to Isolate Antwerp from the sea may bo planned, but as tho dykei have been reopened and the country In that vicinity is covered with water, It ls not believed they can hope to carry such a movement to a successful con clusion. It was stated by tho general staff to day that during the last 21 hours the Germans havo sent upward of 60,000 addi tional troops Into Belgium, indicating a determination on tho part of the Ger mans to hold their lines of communica tion through Belgium nt any cost. Only skirmishing was in progress in Belgium today. Gorman troops nre fottifylng Brussels to permit tho departure of nioro rein forcements to France. Rnpld-flre guns have been mounted on the Boulevard du Jardln Uotnnln.ua and at tho north and south stations. Reports received here today say that the Germans anticipate an attack on Brussels by a combined Belgian and British force. At i:ttcrbcek, noar Brussels, It Is re ported that lighting took place between Prussian and Bavarian soldiers, 30 of whom were killed. Perry's Right, My Boy, Right! Patent Leather With Suede Top in Any Desired Shade The lines of the thoroughbred are unmistakable. Stefderulatt 1420 Chestnut St "Wher only the best is good enough." "Say, that's a swell coat, aitft Itt" snld one young fellow to another, ns they studied n few of the new ones in our windows At Perry a "Finel" snid his friend. "I'm gain' to have my tailor make me one like itt" At Perry's "Y'er lootish, kid! It'll cost yeh twice as much as that one, and It won't look the money!" At Perry's It wa ono of our new Balmucaana, a largo blanket pattern of rich deep colors a prevalence of dark green, with blue, gray and red a wonder for beauty $18 At Perry's Perry & Co., "n.b.t." 16th & Chestnut Sts,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers