,J' "imm pvw. s"a Srsar ' "S TftT EVENING th U vJ 111 3 VOL. I NO. 4 KAISER READY TO HEAR PEACE PLAN, IS REPORT Washington Hears Presi dent's Second Mediation Offer Has Been Accepted by Emperor. Protection of German Territory ' and Commerce Said To Be Terms For Ending Hostilities. , WASHINGTON, Sept. 17.-T!icro Is a persistent report In Administration circles Out Emperor William luis accepted con- ' dltlonally President Wilson's 'second proffer of mediation. , These conditions nrc said to Insist that German territory bo preserved and Gcr- ..-. - nfrnn1i.f1 full tirnfpnllnn. man commune ...n,.- .-- Both the White House nnd State Dc i partment refused to discuss the report ,' na the German Kmbassy uald It wus tut off entirely from Berlin. COPENHAGEN, Sept. 17. ! Tlu ofllelal newspaper, tho Nord i Dtutecho Allegemclne Zeltung, says that ! lhe s(orics from hostile sources that Ger I many Is Inclined to mako peace and Is tired of the war arc entirely false. ' "Tho Herman peoplo will never lay 1 aown their arms In this war," It says, "without guarantees necessary to Its fu i turn In the world of nations." A military expert has Inquired directly f il,o Kruiros at Hssex If 42 centimetre guns (guns of a calibre of 1C.5 Inches) exist Tho Krupps" reply was that such pins, transportable over land, have been manufactured but that they regret they nrc unable to give details at present. The referenco Is to tho Immense siege curs which tho Germans havo been re ported as using in bombarding tho Bel gian and French forts, for which they are said to have to lay tracks along roads and streets. BERLIN, via Amsterdam, Sept. 17. Informal u-prpsontatlona have been made through diplomatic channels to Kin jwror William as to whether Germany would accept another "ITer of mediation ! iho i-nited States. A lcply has n lent to Washington. Thoush the contents of tho reply have not lx;tyi mads public. It Is reported semi officially that the Emperor pointed fcut that Germany had not fcought tho war and th.it it would placo no obstacles In the wav ii piacc, but under no circum stance would enter Into negotiation that tiould threaten tho tcrritoi lalV Integrity of the IJmpiio or weaken her commercial resources. 4 PHILADELPHIA, TIIlTltSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 15)14. PRICE ONE CENT DEMOCRATS MEET TO . APPROVE WAR TAX BILL Introduction of Measure Today or Tomorrow Will Follow. WASHINGTON. Sept. I7.-Democrat3 of the House Ways and Means Committee, met today to approvo the tentative draft wiltten by Chairman Underwood of the Internal revenuo "war tax" bill. Tho Itcpubllcans will bo called In later for a formal, perfunctory meeting, to bo fol lowed by a favorable report and Intro duction of the measure lato today or to morrow. Underwood indicated today that some of tho Spanish war tax Items might not be Included In tho present bill. Republican committeemen plan -a scnthlng minority report, Indicting the DcmncralH for alleged extravagance In appropriations. COUNCILS TO TAKE FIRST STEP FORWARD IK CITY'S ADVANCE CARRANZA FORCED SIR LIONEL GARDEN TO LEAVE MEXICO Difficulty With England Probable Outcome Pro visional President Consult ed No American Official Before Banishing Diplomat. BRYAN HAS A NEW DRINK "Villa Sorrento Limeade" Displaces the Grape Juice, WASHINGTON', Sept. 17.-Sccretary ot Btate nrynn N Introducing a new "dry" drink. He rails It "Villa Sorrento I.lraeailf," being made of limes from Villa Sonciiti). his Floilda homo. Sec retary of Wur Garrison suggests that It he named "Vllla-Carrnnan-Hoputa." The llnuade Is a substitute for grape-Juice. U. S. ASKS BRAZIL TO EXPLAIN Government Wants to Know Why Clearance Papers Were Refused. WASHINGTON', Sept. 17.-The United i States today called upon Brazil for an eiplanatlon of li r refusal to Issue clear 'nce papers to the steamship Robert Dollar at Rio Do Janeiro. MT. LASSEN'S NEW FISSURE Ash-laden Vapor Escapes From West Side, Below Summit Crater. MINnitU, ral, Sept. 17. Vast quan tities cf ash-laden steam vapor are es caping toiUv as a result of a violent "uptlon Mstrrdny at lessen Peak. Tin. Jpor ii ifceapiuK from the west sldo of the mountain below the rim of the Mini ma emu r The indications are that the "iter will nil up and that future erup uonj win icur through tho now fissure. JAPANESE ENGINEER ,HERE ON MISSION OF PEACE Inpects Water Works and Declines to Discuss European War, S.ltom N'isliot-il.l. Pl,l,.r engineer f llio f municipal uufr worhs at Toklo, Japan, ami un. , r ,,,,. ,uobl ImU.(l L.lv enKlneura w his i,uiiii, is visiting this city, en route ..ii n tnur nf tlio u-nrl,l fn,. II, Purpoii- ,,r inapiitlnj,' the nitration plants WASHINGTON, Sept. 17.-Sir Monel Carden, tho British Minister to Mexico, was banlshcdfrom that country by Pro vlslonal President Carranza. This was tho surprising statement made today by a high ofllelal. It wa3 Intimated that be cause of tho known animus of Sir Lionel i Carden for the Mexican Constitutional Government, tho Washington Administra tion would take no further notlco of tho diplomat's recent Interview In New York in which he characterized the withdrawal of American troops as a "desperate shame." Cat den i3 now on his way to England, and from there will go to Brazil where he has been accredited by hlo Government. Garden's removal was reported hero to have been proemptory. Carrans-a, It Is un derstood, took his stcn without making any representation to the British Govern ment to nsk Garden' a withdrawal. For a long tlmo there has been ill feeling be tween the Carranzlstas nnd Cnrden. Car ranza, It Is understood, did not even con sult any American ofllelal about his action. Difficulty with Bnsland Is the probable outcome of tho Curden incident. At present, however, with nttontlon turned to tho European war, tho incident Is likely to be passed with little or no pro test, except delay In Urltlsh recognition of the new Mexican regime. Garden's published criticism of with drawal of American troops fiom Mexico was retarded In administration circles today as unfair and untrue. No olllclal confirmation of the widely printed Inter view war ut hand, government authorities wero Inclined to vlow It as the outburst of a diplomat, admittedly personally dls gruntk-d at tho Carranza ndtnlnlstiatlon Prompt disclaimer by Ambassador Spring Rico to Secretary Ilrynn to the ef fect that ho believed Garden's alleged statement unofficial and unauthorized was believed to have saved the situation from becoming serious. Officials pointed out today, however, that a similar anti-American Interview was credited to Carden lust spring and "repudiated" by Carden, although generally believed to have been actually made by him. Ambassador Spring Rico wns endenvor Ing today to reach tho steamship Celtic, on which Carden Is a passenger, fo: con firmation or denial by Carden of tho au thenticity of his supposed Interview. A high diplomat hero stated today that ho would not bo surprised If France should withdraw her Ambassador to Mon Ico, because of tho treatment of nuns and monks by tho Constitutionalists. In dip lomatic circles It became mure evident that serious difficulties In securing com pletu re.ogtiltlon from foreign Powers confront the Constitutionalists. New Draft of Loan Bill In cludes $500,000 Item for Preliminary Work on the Subway. The first step townrd the actual con struction of tho subway und elevated lines nnd the abolition of exchange tickets will be taken today when Councils' Fi nance Committee and Common Council meet to carry out the agreement mndo by Couucllmanlc leaders last Tuesday to reappoitlon thu now Jll.TCW.Ow loanso as to Include tho Item of $:oo,f00 for pre liminary woik In the transit program. Just before tho Subcommittee on Ap propriations met In City Halt at 1:3 o'clock thcro was a feeling of confidence among the business men ot Philadelphia that tho subcommittee would prepare a new draft ot the loan bill and Include the nppioprlatlon for transit. This com mittee Is expected to present tho reappor tionment to tho general Finance Commit tee at a meeting to be held Immediately before the session of Common Council this afternoon. A general reapportionment of the loan probably will bo made. Tho original al lotments for tho Parkway, for man damuses nnd for general rcpavlng, it ia planned, will be cut to provide the JWj.OjO for transit. Director N'orrls, of the De partment of Wharves, Docks and Fer ilcs. has also asked a now allotment ot the apportionment for the work of his depaitmcnt. He wants two Items of JC00,- ujj aim jzyj.wo to 1)0 Incorpoiatcd in a lump sum of $iiy,0f,o for general pier con struction, and also wants other changes made. His request probably will bo granted. Thcro wns considerable discussion pre ceding the subcommittee meeting about a plan accredited to Councllmanlc leaders to cut the payroll of the Transit Depart ment. It wus said that Councils planned to transfer ?fi5.O0O from Director Taylor's unexpended salary appropriation as part of the ?27a,() asked by Dr. I Carte for the completion of work at Hyberry. Ilolmes burg and for repairs at tho Municipal Hospital. The appropriation to the Transit Depart ment for salaries tl.b year was $210,00, and on August 1 theru wns a balanco of $133.3115.87. Tho transit payroll that month was 511.417. JS. leaving a balance of $121, 029.30. Councils. It was said, llgure that only $33,000 would bo needed for tho rest of the year, leaving a balance of approx imately 63,000. On the other hand. It has been said that In view of the universal protest against the original attitude of Councllmanlc lead ers, they have been ordered to keep hnnd3 off thu Transit Department for the ptos-cnt. ARMY OF MEN TO STUDY BIBLE FOR "BILLY" SUNDAY Organization of Hugo Class Hero a Preliminary to Campaign. An nnny of fiom i.0.000 to 10O.C00 men Is to be organized hero for the study of tho IJIble as n preliminary prepara tion for tho campaign "Hilly" Sunday, tho baseball evangelist, Is to wage hero next year. Tho Rev. George S. Dowey, who Insured the success of the Sunday campaign In Scrnnton last winter, Is to have clmrgc of organizing tho nnny, which will bo composed of new lllble classes In nil parts of the city. The Rev. Dowey will arrive note on October 21 to assume his diltlrs us tin? general socro taiy of the Philadelphia County Sunday School Association. Tho la.st Sunday In October 10C0 men who wero converted In tho baseball cvnil gellst's tabernacles In Seranton nnd Wllkcs-Hurre are to come hero In n body to hold n monster mass meeting. They will travel on a sperl.il train, and every man who ildes on It, Including the lire man nhd engineer, will bo one ot Sun day's converts. ALLIES FAIL IN ATTACK ON GERMAN DEFENCES SUFFER TERRIFIC LOSS -Q PRZEMYSL TAKEN, SAYS REPORT; ROAD TO CRACOWOLEARED One Russian Army Hems Austrians On San, While Another Proceeds Through Poland to Silesia. TROOPS CALLED TO QUELL WAR SPIRIT IN ITALY People Clamor for Abandon ment of Triple Alliance and Cabinet Is Divided On Neutrality. Of tile Kimt cities of America and Ku "' r. Nishlued-t vis-lted the water orhs kp.miii.-nt In City Hall today, , '" ''- "btaiiied pc-rmlsbion to inspect ny pan u, u,e departmental machinery "titi, uskea to duenna the Rurupcau the ,",',', .t,ui IMrt Jl,l)a" ,s I'lnvlns In "ecoi,ilut. Mr. Nishiucda lefused to of. .. I1' U1""iu''- "tying that he was "not LU1T"a" diplomat or soldier, but a 1cm. . . U -"saged in the better bus etru "'""S things, lather than de tUv ' lntln" Ho "ill remain in this vy fur tt few days. SOUTHERN STOira 10ST ON WAY iiKW v..w Th,.7." ""t "4H bept. 17.-T1.0 Weathor rn ,.. """u"-ii mat mo aouin lad m, .? '.'tta ,,asca ir'la'l to Georgia irniiit-a reaii tod announced that the South. l.. "Ml U Weill,) Inu., It.. It. ,.....,.. "WIU AUuiuuT 0riU'ml U0W" l tUe WEATHER FORECAST for Philadelphia unci vicinity ln Ze,aT'J cloudinvH3 toniuht followed "if tnowera in tho enrh, ,,-, , una-nj; not much chanye in tern- " -re; moderate easterly winds. ' Muvt sec last page. RAT EXTERMINATOR RESENTS REFUSAL OF GIFT OF RODENTS Hurls Shoe Through Barber's Win dow After Fight With Son. Lifeless rats and an old shoo caused a light today In the barber shop of Paul Mariana, Thirty-third and Market stteets, which resulted In the nnest of Tom Ilrenuan, 3210 Sanson street, who tho police say hurled a .shoe through tho shop window, when the barber's son refused to accept his rats. Hirniuti recently enlisted as an expert exteimin'itor In the crusade against rod tints, lio has been seen by many per sons armed with u rllle und Is known tu havo sluln quite n number of the pests. Today with n lllo In one hand and a pair of dead rats hi the other he up proache4 luuls. tho seventeen-year-old sou of barber Mariana and urffed him to ac cept the corpses. The boy i of used, and Itrennan incensed, liuiied the tuts in his face, Louis re taliated with his frhoe. A fight followed and Ilrcnnan, his rats and the shoe were ejected from tho tiaiber shop. Two mln ut.'S latt-r the shoe clashed through tho fiont window Magistrate Harris before whom Ilren nan was latei arialgned In the Thirty tcond stieet and Woodland avenue po sition ulscnarecd lilm when the man promiseo. to pa yror tne broxen window tu fnon as he earned suflluciil usniicy killing more rats. ItOMIJ, Sept. IT, Strong forces of troops are held In reserve, not alone In Home, but In nearly all of tho larger Italian cities, to quell spreading anti-neutrality demonstrations. Thero seems to bo a general concerted movement, tho sourco of which remains hidden, to force the hand of the Clovern nicnt, make It lepudlate Its Triplo Al Ilanco treaty obligations nnd amalgamate with tho allies against Germany and Austria. The Government, up to the present, has refused to bo Impressed with the agita tion, nnd has constantly Insisted that tho oilBlnal proclamation of neutrality Is to bo rigidly adhered, to. However, there aro extremely strong rumors that changes In tho cabinet are Impending, und If they coma It Is expected the Government will be forced to take definite nctlon. A number of newspapers today print stories declaring tho Italian military at tacho at Ilerlin has left there aftor lgoroiibly objecting to severe ciitlclsm of Italy's attitude by high court ollloluls. None of these stories is confirmed by the Foreign OIHce. MaruuU W San Glullano, tho Italian Foreign MlnUter, has tendoreil his reslg. nation, but It has not yet been accepted. Ho Is one of a very iinall group of Italian statesmen who bellovo that Italy Is morally bound to support the Triplo Alliance. It Is slflnlflcaut to note that it feeling ot hostility has fprung up against the foreign minister. This Is said to bo shared even hy other members of (ho Cabinet. Should the foreign minister withdraw his duties would devolve upon Premier Salandio, who is looked upon us being In favor of "u government policy which would be more popular." ISnrim Mucchio, tho Austrian Ambassa. dor. and II. Po Flotow, the (lerinan Am bassador, have exhausted their diplo matic resources to forco Italy to dcclnio herself openly in favor of Austria and Germany. PAIUS, Sept. 17. A Pctrogrnd dispatch to the Matin says that the Uusslan nrmy Is reported to have occupied Przomysl, tho Austrian fortress on the river Sun. (If this Is tho case the Austrians will be- obliged to take a last stand at Cra cow). The War Ollico at PotrograU has re ceived Information that tho Austrians arc concentrating at Cracow and that they will have tho asslstanco them of German forces that could not bo sent forward' Into Kastern Gnlicln. It Is stated, how ever, that no opportunity Is to bo given the Austrians, who have been so badly defeated, to retire In order from the San river positions. Inste.ut, tho llussluna aro crossing the river In force and planning a general attack on the flauk3 of the ro ti eating Austi ian armies. RUSSIAN RETRTAT IN EAST, BERLIN OFFICIALLY REPORTS Austrlnn Armies Effect Junction nnd Prepare for Offensive. Ri:itLI.V, Sept. 17. An omeiHl statement Issued by tho Wur Otlleo hero today says: "The Uus.sians In the Kast aro falling back at every point and the Germans aio taking many prisoners and also some guns, it is stated. "Thu Austrian armlos havo effected a complete Junction and tho Austrian Gen eral Staff wires from Vienna that they aro now about to resume the offensive. Tho Austrians have also decisively de feated the Servian tirml. s commanded by tho Crown Prince which cssaved to In ndo Austria. They lmvo been driven back net oss tho Savo Itlver with heav lo.ss. In adc'itiou the Austrians have captured large iiuantltles of munitions." The War Summary Tho battle of tho Alsno continues. The allies nro hurling forces again and ngnln upon the strongly entrenched llncH of Ocrnmna north of tho river nnd have been repulsed In each nd vuncc. Tho position ot the Kaiser's forces Is ski Id to ho so strong that attacks arc made only at heavy losses by the allleH. General von Kluk's urmy on tho C!or mun right wing is in danger of be ing surrounded, J.,ondoii reporting his forces already hemmed in. f French Wnr OfTlce, tit Uordcaux, an nounces that tho Oennuns havo been compelled to raise tho siege at Ver dun and tlmt tho Crown Prince's tinny again has been forced back. German ofllelal Wnr Olllcc statement today explains the retreat of tho Germans In Franco was only to their prepared positions and to enable tho troops to recover from their earlier exertions. It Is announced that the general battle now In progress Is pro ceeding favorably to the German cnuso. Przomysl, tho strong fortification on the Sun, near whore tho Austrian armies nro reported to have effected a Junction, has been captured by the Russians, according to a Petrograd dispatch. The Austrians will be compelled to take a. final stund at Cracow, near the meeting point of Russian, Austrian and German bor ders. Capture of Cracow would open the way for the Czar's forces to march on Urcslau, it Silesia, 190 miles from llcrlln. Mcnnwhile, another Russian army Is proceeding west through Poland to- ward Silesia, and military experts bollevo thin thqso movements will fatally expose Rorlln, if the Kaiser has, as reported, withdrawn eight army corps (320,000 men) from East Kaiser's Artillery Mows Down British As They Force Passage of the Aisne. German Line Repulses French Infantry As They Storm Intrenchments. Flanking Movement to Cut Off Army of Von Kluk Reported Successful Both Sides Bring Up Powerful Guns and Great Duel Is On. PARIS. Sept. 17. The battle of the Alsno continues. Again and again have tho allies at tacked tho German lines, but except on the extreme western end they have failed to break tho German defense. The allies have suffered the heaviest losss yet sustained by them. The allies are still bombarding the German positions along thu Alsno River. Tho Germans, despite tho diffi culties caused by heavy rains of the past week, have brought up most of their guns, and tho greatest artillery duel that the worhihas ever heard of Is in progress. At least 5000 guns aro believed to bo engaged. Tho Germans thus far have repulsed the efforts of tho British and French forces to drive them back from the hills along the Alsno. Tho allies have been unable to securo a firm foothold on tho north side of the river, al though they gained crossings at three points under a terrific concentrated flro from the German batteries. The efforts of the Fifth French Army and tho First and Second Urlt lsh Corps are concentrated in an en deavor to shatter tho German line by cutting off tho German right wing, commanded by General von Klult. Tho French nro driving from tho west, whilo the British nro striking up from Prussia and Gullcia, to reinforce tho t)l0 60Uthcast. S, P. C, A, Wants Motor-Driven Potrol A committee representing tho Society for tho Prevention of t'ruclty to Autiiials. consisting of S. 11. Rutherford, William Phillips and H I.epper, Jr., called on 1I rector Porter today and tt-Tiestid that a motor-driven patrol be given to the Tacony police btatlou. The committee pointed out that the dUtrlct. In vhkh are included IlUitU'ton. Summertou. l'ux Cl.ave nnd i-awmlulo and nhich comprises 3 Miunre miles. U entirely too luro to permit tho employment of horses par- I tl' ularly In view of the hard roads they nave to t raver so lu anavterlng emergency TRACKS BEING LAID ON NEW RAILROAD BRIDGE Pennsylvania Has Completed Stone Structure Over Schuylkill Tho Pennsylvania Railroad hat com pleted tho work of constructing tho now live-track stone arch bridge er tho ,Schulkill River at Glrard avenue, and thu company's workmen are laying tracks and instilling the Interlocking switch sys tem, which is tu uso on nil the lines of tho company. Within the next two weeks one of theso tracks will have been completed, und It Is uxi-ectrd that tho four other trucks will be laid down nnd In ujo by the first of the year If present plans do not go awry. Work on tho bridge was started about a year uro when tho PcnneyUanla Rail road found that tho old two-tiwk bridge was not large enough to rare for all of tho demands of trallic, both pabsenger and freight. Work on lhe brldeo w.ii carried on under difficulties, none of the Uulns being interrupted while work n going on, the new brldso being built beside tho old one, nnd us work on It neure.l completion mi one side the tracks weio switched over temporarily until tho new tracks could bo laid. The trains which go over this brldgo are Uinse of tho Chektnut Hill blanch. New York Division and tho At lantic City bridge trains. CHAUFFEUR WRECKS AUTO TO AVOID COLLISION Drives Machine Afrainst Trolley Pole and Prevents Hitting Tnsicab, Prlvins his automobllo Into a trolley pole to cseupo crushing Into a toxical) Inst ntsht at Sixteenth nnd Chtstntit streets, John Pos. a chauffeur, narrowly missed Injuring his omplorer, Jlurton. Kah!i, and JIUs Oraee Hemingway, tin hitler's companion. The right front lee' was torn from, tho machine with the exception of tho hub, and the ovcupante were almost hurled over, the Blnduhield. Kabn occa sioncd much mystery in connection ultll tho accident by removlns nil musks of identification iron tha wrecked machine and lo.Uir.;; them in a box on the !ack of the car. Kahn U connected, with the fint of Salomon Kahn .v Son, furniture dealers. 313 YVet llliard aomie. Re lives at K!39 North Thiiteenlh street, ami MUs Hem ingway at li North Nineteenth street. The chiuilft'ur u complimented by Mr. Kahn. He vald that had they i truck the taxlcub they could not huvo ecaped injury. Tlie accident occurred at 10 SO o'clock rnd the car was not removed until this mornlnj German armies in France. Advices from Vienna, however, state that the fighting in Western Gnlicia Is not ended nnd that the junction of tho armies of Generals Dankl and Aufl'enburg will bo followed by fresh offenslvo tactics between tho San and Vistula, with tho object of hooping tho line intact between Przomysl and. Cracow, thus protect ing Central Austro-IIungary on one hand, and Silesia on tho other, from Russian encroachments. Gorman forces to tho number of 320,000 are reported from Petrograd to havo boon withdrawn from tho Kast Prus sian campaign and rushed to aid tho Kaii-cr's forces defending their posi tion along the Alsne. Right corps comprise the force reported moving. Belgium dispatches report that Ger many is rapidly withdrawing her veteran troops from all tho largo cities and towns. Thoy are holng lushed to roinforco the nrmy of Von Kluk. Now garrisons of tho navnl reservo and Uindwehr havo arrived to replace tho vutqrnns. rsrltlsh Wnr Ollico says tho general situation continues fnvornblo to the allies, but makes no statement ro sni'iline tho bnttlo now in progress in France. Turkey has an nnny within Uusslan borders along tho Bulgaria River, accordint; to roports in Petrograd It ia said a German cavalry oiilcor Is in command. Servin announces officially that tho Crown Prlnco's army lias been with drawn from tho proposed invasion of Slavonla. Air scouts detected a trup laid by Austrian forces and tho nrmy was euveil. Tho invasion of ' Uosniu. liowovfir. continues. i The fighting at this point on the 120 milo front Is deadly to both sides. Tho British attack on tho Gorman right wing centres around to the north of Solssons. No details have been re ceived as to the fighting along tho allies' centre and right Hank. It Is reported from tho front that the British army has been successful in its flank movement and that Von Kluk's army is practically surrounded. General von Kluk was reported to day withdrawing his lines closer to thoso of General von Buolow. which were In turn drawing in on tho main German centre. This movement fol lowed the attempt of tho allies to flank tho German right, perilously ox tended west of Noyau. The losses of tho allies havo been far heavier in tho last two days than at any other period of tho war. Tho German counter assaults havo boon determined and havo required frerniont uso of tho bayonet in checking them. Hut it lias bcou in tho general as saults that tho French havo lost heaviest. Tho Gorman artillery firo continuos particularly deadly. Their battorios. masked in tho hills which for tho mast part constltuto their new positions, nro served with the utmost precision, whilo their rapid tlrers, mounted on automobiles, simply mow down the French who attempt to carry tho Ger man lines by storm. It is evident that the Germans havo massed nil their available strength along tho battle lino to hold back tha pursuit of tho allies. The buttlu front Is about tho same us It was yesterday. It extends from a point near Noyon across thu plains to the north of Vlc-sur-Alsno, near Solssons and I.aon, nnd thenco over tho heights north nnd northwest ot Rhctms; thenco to tha north of Vllle-sur-Tourbo und from theio through Verennes in the northern part of the Argonno region to Mouse, north of Verdun. Tho position held by tho Germans around Laon Is particularly strong. They have heavy artillery and troops massed on a. hill which rises nbove a big area of marshy ground. Tho allies aro compelled to cross this marsh land boforo they can attempt to dislodge tho Germans by storm. General Galllonl, the Military Gov ernor of Par.,, declared that dis patches to the military authorities hero from tho front show that the al lies have been gaining ground sinco tho fight opensd, although slowly. "The Germans havo been compelled to yield under the pressure ot tho French and Rrltlsh, despite their ra lnforcemonts," said General GaUIen "We fool sure that the Germans will again be In rapid retiremi. it beforo tho end of tho present week. Th,' in vaders fell back to a good position, but their strength and the power oC their big guns will be as naught be fore the glorious bravery and dash of our men. Tho artillery duel which is going on is ono of the mightiest known to warfare, with guns of tre mendous power used on both sides. Wo have been fortunato in silencing n number of German batteries that commanded fordablo points on tha Aisno." Tho great battlo front is admitted by the French military authorities to glva tho Germans nn advantage, if they havo a sufllcient supply of ammunition and their men nro not too exhausted to hold it. The line of tho Gorman army rests upon tho last of u grcut semicircle of hills which lio from tho northwest to tho southeast nerosi northeastern France, having rnris as tho npproxtmato centre. Behind ic lio flat plains stretching to tho .Mcuho. In order to approach the German po sitlon near Solssons the French niu British had to cross territory which had been blasted by shell fire. Tho Germau artillerymen had bombarded tho roadways with their heaviest guns in order to tear them up and litter them with wreckage to hinder tho ndvanco of tho pursuer. Most of the roads. wero lined with poplar trees und tho mighty trunks of these were torn and hhattered by the shrapnel and thrown across the highways. VON KLUK SURROUNDED, SAYS LONDON REPORT III ffi MHH mm i j' imti'Ti1 . ttid Sweeping W LONDON. Pept. 17. miles north of Paris, Italy clamors for war against Aus trla and Germany. Soldiers liave a French army commanded by Gen been called, ready to ntiell rlotins. I ral O'Amado U strHstns at tho rear -r ! street demonstrations already hnv- bus reached almost stages. unmanageable LOW WATER, QLOSES MILLS Nearly dOO Persons in Mnpayunk Plants Made Idle. Nearly W persons wero thrown out of KorU today by tho closing of several Mun;i unk mills on account ot the lack of water in the canal. I'nless rain comes to their relief none of the manufacturers will be able to operate for at least several days. Thue most seriously affected are yam and plukh manufacture, who say that ihU is their busy reason The water Is ttn Inches below nornul In Flat Itock Dan, and unlesi It sm.ii rls- It is '- I lirv.d tna. m"r mills iWI b-ive to il-&e I S of the derroun right wing In an at tempt to cut General von Kluk's army off from the mala German forces, ae carding to reports that reached Lon don today. There is a possibility that th aim of aeneral ri'AmauVs army has al ready been accornpUslifid. A corr. spondent telegraphing from, Amiens says: "The German right wing ts enjeir etai. I wss gble. to Join frtemjly French oua.Yaa a. little south of P-ronne- Star tlwre jt Ireeh battery was in action about m yards on our left." Perome is 52 miles southwest of Maubeug and 15 miles west.north. west of St. gucntin. If Maubrjge is uticaptureU, as the Fren.h Govern ment inbists, a sortie of the guirlsun thero in co-operation with the attack of General IVAmayVa army would put General von Uluk In a, perilous i tion, from which be might be unable to extricate htmsfif A dispatch vent by Oeoffr.-y Young tu tha paily News from Amien sajs it Is reported there that (iem-ml wi Kluk's army has been surround, d, and then continues: "Ilia right has been overlapped by an army advancing from Rouen and passing through A miens, which ted to tha eastward turn from Compuguu ami his evacuation from Amiens. "If he is really lying as uiposd, his rear w In danger, but it Is lmpo., bible jet to discover what Is th Ot-r-man force that is facins norihuest i 1 ml wmi if f MM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers