SPORTS EXTRA ft i wcr-prl VVf EVENING LEDGER SPORTS EXTRA vol. i no. a PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1G, 1914. PRICE ONE CENT TWO BIG PLANS FOR OPENING OF EXCHANGES Bankers Discuss Projects In volving Billions of Dollars for Successful Accomplish ment. One Contemplates Government's Taking Securities Held Abroad, the Other Looks to Formation of Individual Pool. Bank?" In this city teamed lato this afternoon of two distinct propositions now under way for relief of the financial ultuallon and the consequent early re opening of the Stock Exchanges of thn country, which, because of the European Avar situation, have been closed slncu July 30. Both have to deal with the pilichaso of American sccuiltlcs held In foreign ountrles. The question of how properly to deal with this situation so as to pie vent heavy selling of these hecuritlo3 In American markets once tho exchanges are officially open, li one that has wor ried financiers for mote than a. month. And upon Ha solution depends entirely tho future of this country's investment mstkcls. Of the two schemes ptoposcd, the one which now has the widest discussion Is n plan to have the United States Govern ment buy all Amcilcan securities owned !jroad, which may be offered for sale during the CO days next succeeding Oc tober J, at prices to be agreed upon later, ntl to have the Government pledge these feuuiltles as collateral for an issue of 30 jear bonds, motuilng serially. One-tenth of such collateral Is to fie sold each year to piovide for the payment of these bonds. $1,000,000,000 POOL, I'ROP03UD. The other plan, which Is said to bo under consldeiatlon, Is to organize a sl santlc pool tepicsentlng at least $1,000, WO.(Cl). and made up of such flnanclets as J. P. Moigan. Jacob II. Schloff, James ! and other bankers of International imputation, which shall put thioush the vrat ic'iieine as outlined for the Govem ii'nnt -namely, an Issue of debenture twiiils. which shall be sold to tho general puulk at. say, a 6 per cent, basis, the JCLU.itica bought to bo hold as collateral r.'io to b disposed of annually or sotni mmnllv. n3 ronditions best warrant: ""' It h Kenerall.v admitted that Uicro would be no ulitlculty In placing all such bonds la tho hands of the general public, iti nrnimli as they would have behind them the credit and reputation of tho world's laryest uankers. Aside from the patriotic motives r.hleh would Impel tho organiza tion of such u sjndlcute, it is easily seen that thf plan would be u profitable uno for t tie pool members. Thoic are many American securities hold abroad which ielri seven per cent, and nioio. and the difference between such yields and the i per cent, at which tho bonds would m iasued. would pio'Ifo for a large Fink Ins fund with which to mature the bond Usuo. '.'onfoi Eutes are hnlrnf held In New VorK -rith Hi", 'i.vndlcato idea in mind, but nx vrt th"io im been no agreement inched as to whether this is thn oppor tune time to r.'cat" such a pool. On tho whole. Philadelphia banketn s'd hrol.ers item to take morn kindly to the h: ndlratc idea than to thn plan tn liaw tho National Uovot mucin tako up tho foreign-held securities. The Govern ment, t o Msure. nlicady has enotiKli nhllcMloi 3 on its hands nnd, too tho ileniaiid for such bond, srcuierl tn thej 7. ou! l,o bv tho greatest credit in tho r o-ia. would Ik. mure llkrl to stlpei Mdo tiiooe of priviitn i-orporntions. HOVKIINMRNT AS BUYRK. Th plan outlined for the Government M vplahiol In tho following letter, received aftei noon by the leading bi'xS'rs and hinKors of this citv, from Arthur P. El liot, an emitifttt statistician of Now Yoik, who Is hounding tho bankers of tho coun 1 1 on the scheme: "Tho (.iovernment to buy all AniTiean "ciirities owned abroad and which may h offered for sale dining thn tO days i xt huci.'oiint; October t at prices which ttii lit agreed upon h a conimlttf innile made up of lepreseutdtives of tlie New ' or. Stock ijKcliHiiRe, Itneetment bond rmtibts, banks and members of ('ouare3j. Frfid .onunitteo to have entire authority to art In tho matter of purchase Bnd ar t-njcment of all derails. ".cotiiitioi so bought to he pledged bv the (iovernment as security for an Issue of bonds, maturing serially, ami one. tenth of such collateral to be sold fjeii Near, to provide for tho payment of IMee bonds. "That until this committee considers ronditions sulfliiently normnl It shall be misdemeanor to bu. sell, transfer, sjtv- f" accept as collateral, shares of Mod; or evident of indebtedness extending over one cai. unli. Hicoinpanted b a eeitiricate showing that the owner is a 1. iiited States ntlreit, and that such se. uritles have been owned by I'nlted Sidles citizens since July S'J, 1DH. ' It is understood that the above i-Muto do-a not apph to securities bouzht b 'he United .States Government in accotd ""'" witn tl.e tutt paiasranh" Mr. Klliot po.nts out that the aggregate amount of foreign Investments in Ameri can securities is estimated at from JJ.000,. 0,CO0 to KCOO.000.000, of which probably fioin 20 to 40 per cent, would be offered for sale the moment the Stock Exchange of tho country would open. In other ords using this approximate estimate as a. basis. i would take froirj JI.OOO.OW.OCO o $.',5iO.00O,0oo to finance tho sale of thote iecuriUea, and in the estimation of Mr Elliot no aggreb-ation of banks or banking houss tould handle a proposition of this magnitude. The National Government uuld. he pointed out. If tho Government bond proposition "eets the approval of bankers eeneralli, meetings will be held In tho largo Eastern uttes and an energetic campaign out lined. WEATHER FORECAST For Philadelphia and vicinity Fair toniaht; Thursday hwreaning rfoudwua; fresh northeast winds. For deluih, sec page 6. SENATE INQUIRY AIMED AT PENROSE AND SULLIVAN Resolution for Investigating Primary Campaigns Referred to Committee. WASHINGTON, Sept. lfi.-tnvestlgatlon of tho primary campaigns lending Up to tho nomination for Senator of Holes Pen rose In Pennsylvania nnd Itdger "!. Sulll an In Illlnola was thn object of a reso lution Introduced today by Senator Nor rls, of Nebraska. At thn request of Mor tis the resolution, Which Is said'tn he in dorsed by tho National Popular Govern- mont I."nQUc. was rofetred by the Son- ate to the Privileges and Elections Com mittee, The Penris.latil,i ami Illinois primaries under the terms of the tcsolutloit would bo delved Into by the cojnmlttce, espe cially with a view to ascertaining the totfl amount expended for the nomination of each candidate. Tlio amount expended by friends of the candidates, and espe cially by corporation.", would also be tho subject of rigid investigation. Tho committed was especially Instructed in the resolution to atate 111 Its report Hs opinion as to whether the nomination uf the succcsslul candidates was legal, nnd whether such candidates should be admitted to tho Senate If they ate suc cessful In the election. Senator I.orIs, of Illinois, demanded to know under what law the Senate had the power to Investlgnto the election of any mere candidate before tho presenta tion to the Senate of credentials for tho admission of tho candidate to tho Senate. Senator Norils replied that tho Senate had the power to Investigate any candi date for the Senate, or any primary or election to which such a candidate sub mitted himself. Observing that the committee would certainly liavo no opportunity to pursue fcuch an Investigation before tho election. Senator Stone pointed out that tho mere fact that thin resolution was pending would be used politically aoalnst Sullivan and Penrose. Norrls lelorted that no names whatever were mentioned In the resolution, PRESIDENT REFUSES TO ACT OM BELGIAN CRUELTY COMPLAINT Commission Protesting Ger man Atrocities Learns Ac tion Now Would Be "Pre mature, Unwise and Inconsistent." UNION TRACTION IGNORES CITY PLAN FOR BETTER TRANSIT Stockholders' Meeting Re frains From Action On Proposals Looking to Im provement of Service. The stockholders of tho Union Traction Company, at thcr annual meeting tub) noon, took no action whatever on the proposed tianlt agreement between the city and the Philadelphia rtapld Transit Company, a1 the result of protests filed with President Jeremiah .1. Sullivan of the tonioany by a committee headed- by James C. Balfour nnd James M. Fogel sftiiBcr, tepicseutllig a majority of the stockholder?. The meeting was held at the Eighth ntid Dauphin .strcots ofilce's ! the Phila delphia Ttapld Transit Company and pre ceded tho annual mectlmj of, tho latter corporation After minor routine maltem had been deposed of. and Just bofote the elec tion. It was unanimously decided to ttc-nsact no other business after the re pott of the tollois had been made "What little opposition theie was to thin nftion was stifled, and tho few stockholders who favored hce-'lns Director Taloi's threat to puph the rapid transit program on a bnsl3 that would Ignore the Union Ti action Company did not vote. J. E. Buckiiian a'tcd as chairman, of tho meeting and William J. Shields scc l clary. Tho annual l"porU were read and apptovod, and then amendments were adopted changing: the pioilslons for the tranrf"- if stock and tho tlm! for mak ing public the aiinuit statements. The following directors were re-elected for the imisuIiic, car, the lotil vote cast being SlUC'i share: J. .F. Sullivan, George V. ICIklns. Eobert A. Balfour, T. E. Mitten, .laruos II. Gay. Charles E. Ifrod. r. A. McManus. John II. Chestnut, William P. Datz. Jacob S. Dlsston. Henry Eombersei and thlward SI. Stote. Dliectnr TaJnr this afternoon would not discuss the nction of thn L'nion Trac tion Company lit dlsiegardliig the transit situation. "I have received no official in fotmatlon about tho meeting," said tho director, "and cannot Issue a statement until I have been Informed oillclally of what was done." A committee of Union Traction stock holders, Headed by Balfour and I'ogels anger, has be.n seeking protests against tho transit program sinco June 9. They presented the protests in person to Sir. Sullivan in his ofnee. UNION TKACTION PHOTEST. The protests were against the Union Traction directors becoming In any way : party to the city rapid transit pro gram. A letter, presented to Sir, Sulli van with th ptotests. said: "The arconipHit) ins package conttlns prr lefts of th l'nion Traction stockhold ers apal'ist anv ncttun by the dliectora or anr committee thereof oillclally recognis ing or othern Ise acting upon tho agreement or p'an botween tho city and the Rapid Transit Company for the building; of new piibwas, elevated or surface Hues, or tor the equipment of the same that may ho construed a an indorsement by the Union Traction Company of such a plan or nsiccment, or to give financial sup poit In any way In the development, torstliiction or equipment of such ele. ited or surface lines, or that may re quire further llnanoial support on tha part of the Union Traction Company, or the equipment or extension of the lines now operated by the rtapld Transit Corn pa nv." The piote.ii will be considered by the new bo.inl of directors of the company when thoj meet to oisanle within a few dajs. declared Sir. Sullivan today. Bal four ?ald that tjtey represented S73.0O) shales, a nrajoilty of the Union Traction rtock. 'The protests will be considered by the incoming dlrettois." Ita said. "The board fi-els, liniveier. that thu Union Traction Company Is fortified In any event. The lompany bus put ip .B.oiyi.Clou already, uitd refuses to put up any more." The Union Traction Company, at Its met tins, faced a virtual ultimatum, laid down by Director Taylor of the De partment of City Transit before the I'nlted Ilusinesj Men's Association in the IlinKham Hotel last nleht. Director Tay lor dedal ed that the Union Traction Com pany must either ratify the pljns for Improved transit facilities oi face the prospect of Ingh-Jiiiecd lutes, citj -built and independently operated, competing with existing surface lines. The Director also accused Balfour and FogeUinger of 'misrepresenting" faets in a letter sent by tlrm to. tellow-stock-holuen toncrnini- the proposed a;ree- WAPHI.VGTON, Sept. 19.-Btlslum's bill of complaint against the German army wns this afternoon laid before President Wilson.- executive of the eole neutral power amonij the great nations. A brief, carefully prepaicd response by tho President awaited the commissioners, who were accompanied by and Intro duced to President Wilson by Secretary of State Bryan." E. llavenlth, Belgian minister, nnd attaches of the Belgian le gation wero nlsu In tho paity. The President reiterated tho neutrality of tho United States to the Belgians. Ho said: It would be unwise. It woultl be pre malitro for a slnule government, how over fortunately separated fiom the present tioublc. It would even bo In consistent with the neutral position of any nation, which llko this has no part In the contest, to fotm or express a final judgment. This was the keynote of Piesldent Wilson's reply to the Belgian commission ers, who protested against the wrongs which they declare tnetr nation nas aui fcred fiom Germany In tho present war. THE PRESIDENTS P.EPL.Y. ' The President's address. In part, was; Permit me to say with most sincere pleasure I receive you as representa tives of tho King of the Belgians, a people for whom tho people of the United States feel so strong n friend ship and admliatlon, a King tor whom they entertain so sincere a respect; and to express my hopes that we may have many opportunities for earnlns nnd deserving their legard. You aie not mistaken in believing that the people of this country love Justice, seek the true paths of progress and have a passionate regard for the rights of humanity. I thank you for the document you have put In my hands containing the result of an Investigation made by a Judicial Committee appointed by the Belgian Government to 16oU into the matter of which you have como to speak. It shall have my most at tentive perusal and most thoughtful consideration. You will, I am sure, not expect mo to say more. Presently. I pray God, very soon t.,ls war will be over. The day of account Ins will then come, when I tako it fov granted the nations of Europe will assemble to determine a settlement. Where wrongs have been committed, their consequences and the relative re sponsibility involved will be. as3cised.- The nations of thft world have, fortu nate.y by ngrecmont made a plan for such u-reckoning and settlement. What such a plan cannot compass, the opin on of mankind, tho final arbiter in all such matters, will supply. It would be unwise, It would be pre mature, however fortunately separ ated from the- present struggle, it would even be Inconsistent with the neutral position of any nation which, like this, has no part In the contest, to form or express a final Judgment. r ncd not assuio you that this con clusion. In which I Instinctively feel that vou yourselves will concur, is spolten frnnkly .because In warm friendship and as the best means of perfect undei'stosidtng between us. an understanding based upon umtual respect, admiration and cordiality. BELGIUM'S GRIEVANCES. Tho complaints, an presented by Jiff. E. llavenlth. In part, were: " 'Since the very origin of its independ ence, Belgium has been declared neutral In perpottllty. This neutrality, guaran teed by the Powers, has recently been violated by one of them. "The consequences suffered. by the Bel gian nation were not confined purely to the harm that came by the forced march of tho invading army. This army not onlv seized a great portion of our terri tory, but it committed incredible acts of violence, the nature of which Is contrary to the Inw.s of nations. "Peaceful inhabitants were massacred, defensuleis women and children wero out raged, open and undefended .towns wero destrojed: historical and religious monu ment.' wcio reduced to dust, and th famous library of tho University of I.ouvaln was made r prey to flame. "Our Government has appointed a judi cial commission to make an ofllclal in f.Ulgatlon. so ai to thoroughly and im partially examine the facts and to de. termlnn thn responsibility therefor, and T will have the honor, excellency, to hand over to you the proceedings of the in qulrv. The American people hare always dis played their respect for lumce. their NAVAL BATTLE IN BALTIC ADMITTED; DETAILS LACKING Belloved Husslans and Germans Mot in Sharp Conflict. LONDON Sept. 18 Although It Is accepted In oITlclal cir cles that n sharp naval battle has been fought In the Baltic, no Information con cerning the outcome Is obtainable here. Dispatches from Petrograd vaguely refer to tlio presence of tho Germans In tho Outf of nnlaml, nnd to their bombard- j mont of "dnproteeted positions," but they are restricted hy the censor. i Jvfttva) experts hero declare that they , do not believe the main Russian fleet has been In artlott. They say whatever fight ing has takon place probably has ben between the smaller units of the fleet, because tho main German fleet would hardly attempt to force tho entrance of tho Gulf of Finland, which not only hns been mined but Is well protected from tho land with crossfire fortresses. But this would not prevent small German craft attempting a dash lit tho hope of lurlns out Into tho open the Russian fleet which Is anchored under tho pro tection of tho land fortifications. All of lh reports received fiom Scan dinavian sources tell, of heavy flrtnij In tha Baltic near tho Aland Islands, but up to tho present no disabled war craft have been reported at any point. The I fact, however, that Berlin otllcljlly nd- ' mils part of Ita Baltic fleet has boon engaged is considered significant hero 113 ' (ctntotcd). It Is now definitely known that the Gorman North Sea fleet Is being held c'oso to Wllhelmshaven. BATTLE ALONG AISNE RAGES FIERCELY AS ALLIES ASSAULT FOE PHILS QUICKLY ' DRIVE COOPER FROM MOUND Locals Score Six Times in j First Three Innings of j Opening Game With Pitts-! burgh Pirates. , j PHILLIES. T.obeit, 3b. Becker, If. Magee. lb. Cravath, if. Bj rne, -b. Paskort, cf. Martin, ss. Kllllfer, c. Rixey, p. PITTSBURGH. Carey, if. Slglin. 2b. Kelloy. cf. Viox, ss. Konctchy. lb. Wagner. Sb. Scheeran, tf. Gibson, c. Coorer. p. Umpires Eason and Qulgley. THE EUROPEAN WAR COUNTRY BY COUNTRY I'TtANC'E: A crucial battle la now raging north of tho Alsno River. Tho Gurmans have reformed In tho terri tory extending between St. Quentln and the Stosello River, having thrown up entrenchments and centralizing live armies In the district. The German Crown Prince has retired from Verdun and Joined Von Buelow's army. Kri-nch nnd Indian reinforcements have appeared on the firing line. Details of tho battlo are lacking. Thu allies nra I'oritident of victory. Belgium Belgian troopi have re tllcd to the outer lines of the forti fications at Antwerp. Germans at tempted to cut communications to tho SCJ, but the flooding of the territory wost or Antwerp by opening the dykes lias nalted tho invaders. Reported that AO'10 additional German soldiers are being rushed into tlio country. Germany Officially announced thnt tho army has retired before the allies, but War Olllco announces the Germans are In a strongly entrenched position and ready to withstand further attack. Detailed reports given by the Government regarding the earlv fighting In Enste'-n Prussia. Claims made that the Russians were routed with a loss of 300.000 killed. 70,000 pris oners and 500 field guns. Austria The Russians continue to bo victorious. The line from Cra cow to I'rzemysl has been severed and tho Investment of the latter fortress Is In progress. Heavy fighting con tinues along tho San River. Grodek h.iB boon taken, the Austrians aban doning 400 light Hold guns nnd :0 howitzers. The Russians are pushing their campaign with viijor against Germany. England Reported that Indian cav alry has reached Franco via the Suez canal and Is now reinforcing the British at the front. No news yet received of the outcome of tho naval battle reported In the Baltic. The war coHt to Great Britain Is 3'3,S70,00O a day. Italy Strong pressure Is being brought to oear on the Government to Join the war against Austria and Germany, and as a result frequent Cabinet meetings are being hold. .Up to the present there has been ', no change lu the original declaration of neutrality. Servla Vishegrad, in Bosnia, has been captured oy tho Servians. Troops h.ive Joined the Slontnegrin forces, and a march Is oclng made against Sarajevo. Fresh Troops Hurled Against Strongly Intrenched Line of Kaiser's Armies North of River Aisne, Where Germans Make Desperate Stand. Line of Battle Extends Over One Hundred Miles in Nearly Straight Line From St. Quentin Through Rethel and North of Verdun. Several rtev.'fdt5eV"were:: tn " thcltmT;up. when tho Pirates opened. Schceren, the Lafayette football star and slugger of last :i ear's bateball team, made his debut, pla.vlng right field for tho vlsltom. Slglin, who comes from the Waterloo, Iowa, team of thn Central Afesoclatlon, played second. The shift In the infield ! (.ent the veteran Iloitus Wasner to third base. Managets, Uooin and CUike selected southpaws for mound duty, Rixey work ing for the Phillies while Cooper did box duty for the Pirates. The chanse In the weather furnished a delightful day for the game, but the attendance was very sdltu, not moie than 1000 tans turn ing out for the battle between the two second division teams. KIRST INNING. Carey was tossed out bv Mnttiu. f-ig-1 In died. Rixey to Maroo. Kelley out, Byrt.n to Jlngce. No runs, no hits. Lobcrt walked. Kellrv muffed Beck er's fly, but saved himself an ciror by throwing to Vlox In time to get Lobrt at second. Magc singbd to centre, sending Becker to third. Crnvath'a sac rifice fly to Carey scored Becker. Cooper thtew Byrne out. One run, one hit. SKCOND INNING. Vlox was safe on Byrne's fumble. Ko netchy singled to right. Wagner singled to left mid on Becker's fumble Vio scored. Martin threw Scheeran out. Gibson hit to Martin, who caught Ko netchy at the plate. Byrne threw Cooper out. One run. two hits. Paskert singled to centie. Martin filed to Carey. Paskert stolo second. Killefcr singled to right, Paskert scoring. Rixoy wasi safe at tlrst on Vfox's fuinblo, and when Viox threw wild Killefer scored. Lobert forced IMo, Wagner to Slglin. Lobert died stealing. Gibson to Mlglln. Two runs, two hits. TIHK1J INN I. NO. 'TVeWar Summarm Another great battle is in progress north of the River Aisne. At " o'clock today the first dispatches were received, announcing; the attack upon the Germans Intrenched to the north of the Aisne .River. Details are lacking;. Karlior in the day, how ever, the French TVar Office Issued a statement, shine; the position of tho German army and pointing out that the army of the Get man Crown Prince had reired from Verdun. Fu rious fighting- is taking place near St. Quentln. The battlo is taking place over a. 60 milo territory, extending from St. Quentln to L,ongwy, the allies hurl ing thoir troops against the Germans. The allies are reinforced by fresh troops from Paris and Indian cav alry. The German War Office, while milking no mention of the battle, ad mits the long retreat in France, but states that the armies are now In a strongly Intrenched position and well able to withstand the attack of the r.ritish and French. Tho German Crown Prince has with- ! PARIS. Sept. 16. j Another great battle Is on north of the River Aisne. Flshting is hard nil ! alone; tho front. I All counter attacks by the Germans have been repulsed nnd they have suf fered heavily, says an official an 1 nouncement. In a desperate effort to push back the tight wing of tho allies, the Ger ! man right got to a point near Noyon, 1 115 miles northeast of Paris, but had 1 to give ground before the charges of i the French. i i The allies arc on tho offensive. The t 1 battle line is about 120 miles long, ex tending from a point east of fit. Qucn l 1 tin to the lleuie River. This official announcenciu was is- 1 aued at o o'clock this af'ernoon: 1 A great battlo, in which the Ger- I mans have been obliged to keep I on the defensive, has been taging I all along the front ainco Septem ber H (Monday). The German rear guard, rein forced by the main body, has been fighting on the defensive througli out,MQrnlay,and Tuesday along tho ntire lino north of Noyon-.Soif.sons and Laon to the north of Rliolms I and then through Ville Sur and i Tourbe. i I The French right centre is now in i I then runs 20 miles northwest to "Liott and theh directly southeast to Villas on the Tourbe, a distance of approxi mately 53 miles. The centre of this Una is exactly north of Rlioims, about half way between that city and nothel, where the British wero badly beaten in the original German invasion ot France toward Paris. .Myron T. Hertick, the United State Ambassador, received a telephone call Just before noon asking that automo biles be rushed to Mcaux. It was said that a train bearing wounded French and English soldiers from the Aisn Valley had been reached there. According to information contained in official V'ar Office statements is sued here and at Bordeaux, tho Ger man line of retirement seems to hav switched slightly toward the southeast. t Upon their retreat tho Germans hav f been compelled to give up a number of towns, the most important or which are La Fere. Crepy. Laon BraUn, Vitry-les-Rhoims, Attigny, Bazatv court, Slllery, Frjmes. St. Ouentln, I ,-.,., . ... . rmeinis ana ste. Ucnlot-' " tiSH-xSrlS4p I headquarters of the Gorman Croxn Prince. As no official word has been received and of closing the German line of com munication through Longwy and Thlonvlllr. The Germans began slackening their precipitate ictreat on Monday, Throughout that day the rear guard of the Germans and the advance guard of the allies wore constantly engaged. On Tuesday larger bodies of troops were rushed to the firing line, and to day the great battle Is in full swing, with the main armies of the Germans and the Anglo-French forces opposing each other. It is probata that the alius and Germans have at least SQO.Oug reinforce- drawn from the immediate vicinity of Verdun, and is placing his troops j ments, making a tpUl pf U.SOO.OQO sol- I'atej popped to Mrigee. Martin thrw aeareh for progress and an Instinctive at- , Slslln out at first on a fast pUy. Kelley tachrrent for the laws of humanity. Their fore, they hav won a moral influence which Is recogniued by the entire world. It is for this reason that Belgium, bound as she Is tn vou by ties of commerce nnd Increasing friendship, turns to the Amrl ran people at this time to lot It know the re.rl t'ut'r of the present situation fanned. No runs. No hits. Meeker bunted and was safe on Coopers wild throw. .Mnsro tiled to Kellev. Cravath walked. R.vriio singled to left, scoring Becker. Paskert doubled (Q con. tie scoring Cravath and Byrne, and when ho tried to scuie on Vloi's wild throw he was out at the plate. Ciliiun to Cooper. Resolved to continue unflinching dnf.mso I Mai tin singled to right and went tn sp,. of its sovereignty and Independence, it i "nd on Scheeran's fimbti Killefer filed deems it its duty to brin? to tho atten tion of the civilized world the humorous and gidve breaches of the lava of na- .1 I.I.I. .U. l.n. U.... ..!.... KIT, in w iiti'ii an. ihli iim-it .. via:iini. . "At the very moment wo wore leaving bwl1"lt au InlJeM Lit. Wasner popped F.elgium. the King recalled to us his trip l" M.a?c JfV1"'e,a'', -'"'Sled to right. to the United States and the vivid and I "nin y Pins t .urn, trie i.aer tan- strong lmprssion our powerful and to Kelley. rhrce runt. Thiee hits. rOCRTIl INNING. Viox .Martin to Mngee. Konetc', ulte i iviliz.uion left upon his mind.' Concluded ou fuie 7 Ins second on the throw Martin tossed out iiinson. .no runs, two Hits. McAulny went to short and Cotizelmati to pitch for Pittsburgh Wagner robbed Rivcy of a hit by ,i great stop and throw, l.obert filed to Slglin. Becker singled to right. Becker stole second. IJagce lined to Slglin No runs. One hit. FIFTH INNING. Byrne threw Conzelman out: Rixey thru out Carov : Slzttn wlL-ci. T.riiA. U'ls!l IVfiTnV ..,.. 1Wnr.Ac .. - . .,... -.. , . .'. "'"' .. .r... ...v....... wsH.- ......o .u. an , orceir menu. .iarun 10 uyrne. Jio runs. early response to P:estdent Wilson's no hits- ADMINISTRATION SOUNDS POWERS ON MEDIATION Washington Hopes Small of Accep tance of President's Overtures. mediation offer to the wairlug powers are not held here, according to an author itative source toda . The Administra tion has learned from a "sounding out process," that there Is no chance ut this trme for peaceful settlement of the con flict. Only more decialvc battles, it is bc'lcved, will causi- Europe to listen to the President's overtures. President Wilson. It waa reported today, postponed iepling to Kaisur Wllhelm's cablegram protecting against alleged use of duni dum bullets by the allies and Piosldent Poinoare's denial, until the Bal Eian commission was received. The I'rosldint s reply to the KuUei. It was stated in official circles todaj mlsht make Tv-imnii m ue usiijia'i caries as a m-re i' ,'tal i-f c Cravutu safe on McAuley's fumble; Wagner's throw to Konctchy beat Byrne: McAuley tlnew Paskert out; Martin went out tho same way. No runs, no hits. SIXTH JNJMNO. McAuley hoisted to Paskert. So did Kouetcby. Wagner sent a long drle to Paskert. No runs. No hits. A uuick throw by Wagner r direct Killifor. Itly filed to Kelley. Slglin threw I.otert out. No runs. No hits. puint iW-i tutu run i H'll -a, BRITISH COMMANDEER SHIPS VANCOUVER. B. C. Sept IS -Tno tteamshipa Kmptcsa of India and Mont eagle a.v, tjeea taken b u,e, ' i ", '. ?i lUioii I'a.iK hi W'j i a y i i I vet. on a llni between t.algne nnd Cra onrte to support the armies of on lluelow nnd von Hausen. Ia Fere, J'ihelins. Laon in all, 12 cities have been evacuated by the Germans. The compluto battle line extends from St. Quentin to the territory south of Longwy. Russia continues its success in Gal icla. Lines of communication be tween Cracow and I'rzemysl have been cut and the latter fortress in vested on three sides. Every effort is being made to push e campaign into Germany. I'lecmysl is the last obstacle- Germany, however, makes claims that the Husslans hae met with seeie iecrscs in Kastern Prua. sin, that Poland is being invaded and that it will be necessary for Russia tn withdraw troops to withstand tho Herman lnaelon of Russia. The fact, however, that the Kaiser is re ported to be hastening to the Rus sian frontier and that optimism pre vails In Petrograd somewhat offsets the German claims of Russian re verses. Servla is vigorously pushing the cam paign. Vishegrad, 40 miles south of Sarajevo, has fallen; the troops have Joined, tire Montenegrins and a march against the Bosnian capital is in progress. In Belgium the campaign presents comparatively no new developments The Belgians are reported to have withdrawn to the outer line t.f lo ;i fkaiio'is M Antwerp but no he. 'ir-i 'a 's icpoited. here to support the rumors that Gen- possession of the valley of the Meusc, , era, von Klu,.i commailder of the from Toul to Verdun, and is pressing j trcine v cstem wmj Qf tUe forward toward Loturuyon. with the ar . 1 as been captured along with double purpose of cutting the Bavarian , heavy section of his men, it is now army under Crown Prince Ruprecht off j assumed that the report was false, from that of Trince Frederick William Today the German hniri If,ni , - -.wiie,ij, in trenched positions In the low mils to the north of the Aisne River. The armies of General von Kluk and Gen eral von Rueiow are reported to b practically combined in intrenched po sitions well north of the Aisne. Tho army of the Grand Duke of Wurttem berg holds tho line from the River Aisne at Craonne, north of Rheims to the new positions in the Argonnej, whore the'arnries of the Crown Prlnco Frederick "Wilhelm and of the Crown Prince of Bavaria arc in complete strength with headquarters still main- j tained at Montfau?on. I The Germans hold the lines of tho Meusp and have straightened out their lines so they are now in touch wilb the strong fortress of Metz and tho German reserve lines in Lorraine. The BrttiEh-French columns on tho extreme left of tho French lines ar believed to plan a general enveloping movement. It is now evident that tho Crown Prince, by abandoning his posl tion between the Aisne and Aire at Ste, Monehould. checkmated an attempt to brealf his lines and isolate the majo portion of his army. It Is atlniittea by the military ex peris that the new positions taken by i the Germaij? are the strongest they ; have yt held In France. The copdl. tions are Ideal from the defensive point of view, it is stated, but confidence la diors engaged in this teninc conflict. The Germans picked tho battle ground, failing hack across the Mama and the Ai3ne unul they reached a line of hlila which gave, vhem an ad vantage. Trenches which hao" been utilised by the French and English, on their retire, ment south were seized. The position of the German army all along the line through Craonne and the forest of L'Aigie, eastward acrp3s tne high ground north of Rheims, is mgj-e satisfactory to the allies than the Germans. Sis Gsrni4n armres ara believe' tg be engaged in this contllct, the main purpose o which is to chock t'ac ad vance of the French and British in expressed that the admitted nurnerli-al order to give the German a opportu. superiority of the French and British nity to lesume the offen'ive The Jn , forcea will enable them to force tho of the allies has been extended in a great semicircle. On the other hand, the battle front of the Germans ii nearly a straight line, according to the latest dispatches from tha front. It lies front east to west The new battle lino as revealed by the official statement Issued is nearly lut) mlle longer. Starting at Noon. it runs 2o milea southeast to bois-onj. Germans back when the new battlo commences. The German front has narrowed an4 this will operate tu the bennflt of tho allien. NewH from the allies' !ft la anxiously awaited here. There tho British and Franeh, who have beeq heavily reinforced, are attempting op erations that may result in still furtheji crumpling up of the oermun right Ti - r-iief u' Fort Trovun u )ikJy to) Ui, uii luipuriant bcjr.i-c on the fait sn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers