l'J. ? S" J" 'W THE LANCASTER 1A1LY INTELLIGENCER, SEESDAY, APBIL U9, 1890. .y i'J. fi z Ti : il gntelltgeitcev 'J-BTBIKMAW. CssAMJKBTKmMAN FOLTZ, Editor. ' .. ssOBKRT CLAHK I'nblisner. " . . H.kllaKAl4 ret Ta In the year, but Sunday. Setred ftr carries la IhU city and surreundlnt uiiunuit. n mull five del- !, la advance: SO eentsa month'. ffijyr LY INTELLIGENCER One dollar ana r tnts a year. In ad vsmee. B TO SUBSCRIBERS-Remlt by check postefllee order, and where neither of I eaa m preenrea eena in m miwrau tube Potefflee,aeeconaclaemall , tsb nmuiasiten, Lancaster. Fa. vrt , iae LULirOJUmE.PA., April 29, 1890. (, vt, rrawBuiHf iTPBiDiiient tM'VBlted States supreme court, l Jqdgea dlssentlug, decides that tbe ' of Cenareas te regulate commerce ween tbe states prevents a state from Jng, under its laws, packages or in- tieatlng beverages that Lave been light into it from ether states. This i practically u prohibition of state pre Wtien and compels ttie Frolilblltenlsta change their field of labor ami te tteek , pcrsuaue congress te permit tne i te forma me saie 01 intoxicating iverages. We tiucicrstanu from tne jsien mat a comeinaiion 01 con sleual and state legislation may nc- ipllsu. this prohibition, but that thu tnt of Cougress Is needful uuder its tltutleual power te regulate com i between the states. .There is no denial en nuy slde of this Btrressleual power ami under it we lievethat It is conceded that lutexl- its may be Imported Inte n state which rblds their sale ; but tbe contention Is Ihat after the liquor has entered the Mate, the authority of the state ; atrel its disposition aud may forbid tU sale. Ve understand the supreme ; eurt te say that this may-nel be, since , commodity that may be lawfully taken k into a state may be lawfully sold tliore, g&pM tne power te taite it in weuiu i less ana mere would be practical iafilai ef'tbe authority of Cengrc'si ever ler-state commerce. sit is settled that liquor may be taken Oateastate that prohibits its sale and vMy be sold there in the original pack 'ge under federal authority despite the i prohibition. We understand hew- -trrer that the federal authority covers M-ly the one sale in the original package; fcttthat the importer must sell directly fj(tttbe consumer aud tbe buyer must tme the whele of the vmckuee and : aay net sell It again ; a situation that Is favorable te the vendlnjr of liquor In ' bottles but adverse te Its sale In barrels. f'.&We are net sure that tbe supreme s mwri acoisien nas mis limitation, as it "jane't distinctly stated, but it is a fair awrenee from the argument made and u that the case called for. Kegs of beer lit Inte Iowa by an Illinois brewer bad i. Man Mizcd by the state officer, and the Jen before the court was whether la bad been done lawfully. The first xMrt te guess said no, the second yes twma. the supreme court bus followed with nnai no. : 'It Is a question tiiieu which there is gfhnty of room for two opinions. Ceu- ' rcgumies luierstnie commerce anu few state regulates the conduct of Its IjWeple. The powers collide where Saeinmerce brines Inte the state that firhlch it considers deleterious te Its pee- Vie." Tne authority of Cen Kress te force FJWlntethcstatc,lfltexlsts,aa thosupremo 6w eeurt declares, is of doubtful nrenrletv in Its exercise. If the neonle of a ntnta ll,Way lawfully prohibit the manufacture I'tpt intoxicating bevornges in its territory, ill seems that its Importation should ' Jbe forbidden with like lawfulness, SBd that congressional power should net 'tlAllr ttlft Btnta Itl Ita imi'n.miiniii ,.C 11.. 5 j,w "- "" "" " " b" HIUUUI JIB jtfpeepic. it seems 10 de an unreasonable Uuatien that is secured by this decision, Witt tllflt tllO tTllTlltrnntllWVMl f ltltn yentsiile a state arc given greutcr prlvl '.Sieges than its own manufacturers can KVkAve; and further that in a matter of ss5ju.ueuc jjeiiqy me icucrui power nui- I",! " . . . Effect the Hamean Settlement. CT-tinmtm, ueiKjwiu anu Kiauuppcu uy jfthn Ourimma nnil mclmvi.l Kit n... lull,,. p-noe of the United States, has signed as . King or bameatlie treaty for the settle- Mmeuiei me treuuies ei ms country, it iymay lie beid that jieace will be hutting ,id that the natives and foreigners will - " lAKVBiiiii u. vipnmin iirrin pnninwiiufiteith "Sin these beautiful Islands. The United ..tfUafefi sliniilil tin vrnln f frUtnlu ll.nr. i.'f&z.T" "..". ; .." v.'v"re " ;s." many u junr, auu m spue or severe x wiiwtjeuw ui iue nuui ugii'emeut wiin '-? 'tlWW.n. llll.M. An.t 1... .... .1...!.. 11. t -(., mM J lucie 1'IIU UU UU UUUUl ILIUl lieur nrestlcre in (lie tiiriHl,. lmu l;a?been greatly increased by the Sa- rifts- iinuii. iiiu uviuuuea ei nvciy Vtvtiubllc interest (lirniiifliiint Mm TT,,i(.wi Btates in the events transnlrlinr kae far away aud se slightly nirectlng us Bvtaa individuals must hnve Imnmuuul Fr..)?. nrltrnrH wlih rf.aiuvAl fm .nt. .utl......i PJjJapirit. The Engllsli are said te move as KtK a nation only when Jehn Bull feels his I)- !-vi, luunisu, uui u niui ui IIIO UIUU g coma in any way lw applied te America's course in Samoa. There it wns the - ffLVfirifV nf rSAritinda Dint I. ...!. i .1.- jtV " " "....... ,e Mtm, UlUUUtUU IUO weunie, ana America, with trifling ltlrAnkaiu lint tinnli lminH ..!- it ;halt. If, with a uuvy absurdly feeble nd-OVer-" natter of nn mnuiunlnl stfs'value, this nation is ready te go te ; iV"""18 "r me maiuienaucaf.natlenal .5 faith and te eheck aggressions ; the feoble fcv&' powers of the world may believe that Am,erlca Is friend worth having, aud fat advantages in commercial treaties p:,Raheuld be within our grasp. ft. -m . The MiHlstlnpl. - $$ J ems strange that in this a!?n hfc -.question of the best way of overcoming kwuvwuuw ei me Mississippi should . ;IM n mnimp nr iiii-r it ... .1.1 . ihat the earth had suflered enough from driver iioeus in its History te have ?a?CUred bv lllln thnn Mm lu unl,. r iln of the problem of controlling them, vuu jcv, we nave tne yearjy uemonstra uemenstra l tlen of the lnefllcacy of the cesllv en. fefirlUK of U' MlelMiPPl J nnd we S . , " "eeaie in tne federal &;yfeBte in which there Is still a namng between two opinions, one tw,uK me levee system, which pas proven w, grossly inefilcicnt.and the ; jtber advocating the creation of nddl- MOBftl outlets, OUlv te Im ni,rm.,l.l i... '.iliedeclarAtlen of their-onnmient. i,. te. auch outlets would certainly result in , ., anu luriuer suauewing of the jrreat "''apt was 4 The idea of the levee is te confiue the river within the river bed, and trust te ,the deepening of the channel bv th greater velocity of the current se ob- talued, Tbe idea Is clearly geed, but Mwe Just u clearly sometblne. wreuf with the oxecutleu; for the tA. river docs net deepen sufficiently te be kept within its banks, and Its present disastrous overflow demonstrates beyond a-perad venture that something else must be done than has been done te execute tiie idea, or it must lie abandoned in favor of the slmple expedient of open ing flood channels for the water. We believe that the plan of Mr. Eads, who constructed the Jetties at the mouth of the river, called for the construction of works at points along the river which would Increase Its current and deepen its channel ; and that it contem plated eventually the sinking of the river bed se that the levees might be dispensed with. Such a re sult If it can be had Is certainly one de veutly te be hoped for. It would put the river In a bed deep enough te carry e(T Its floods and within natural banks that cannot be broken through. There is urgent need that the engineering science of the country shall settle the question of the proper plan nnd for Con gress te appropriate the money te exe cute it. Tnt timber Arcs in Seuth Jersey hnve destroyed ever fifty thousand dollars worth of fine trees, nnd although the rain has extinguished the flume the farmets are afraid that tliey will seen break out agelu,as thore Is little doubt of their incen diary origin. Tlinber thieves who stenl the weed for unle have been threatened with sheeting, anil It Is supposed Unit IhefO dospernto diameters fired the timber In rovcuge. This sounds like a very mean sort of rovengo, but It Is net hnlf se mean as the conduct nf some- electric linemen, who hnve glrdled and killed fine trees In this county without the least provocation. Adeut this 1 1 me ex poet te find in ull the nowspapers cynical, and esslbly wltty,ro wltty,re inarks about the spring peet. This has been se firmly established as a regular phonemona that the peet has been snulTed out or snowed under, aud Is rarely heard from mive in burlasque form. At the colored Methodist conferouco in session In llnlltinere, Dlshep llreivn ob served Hint the colored limn ought te vote as he prays, and If he does net vote he ought te be nut out of the church. TIiIh sontliiient was received with niplnusp4 nnd' yet a great many of his hcjijcrjpruetlcally donetotfl, but nlleW 'tlioumelveH te he voted by blindly giving their allegiance te a party that arrogantly claims their ballets. Judging from cniupiiieetliig and revival hceiich the colored vete would be a very lively element In politics If tbe colored brother Nlieuld fol fel low liishep llrewn'H advice and vete as he prays. A vete se guided would he pretty sure te drop the right way every tliue. Though they may fall from grace be tween revivals, the brethren usually coine up te the scratch when properly nppealed te, and a colored political oxperioueo meet ing would be a highly Inlorestlng event. It Is tlme that there was a declaration of indepondeiico from Kepublicaulsin and sonie lesontnient shown te the foelUli claim that the colored ballet must be Ito Ite publican because given under a Republi can administration. Thore Is n grout deal of talk about Domecrntic control of the South ern colored vete, but tlie N'mthern negrees lmve been inore firmly controlled by an unfair nnd Illogical uppeul te their grati tude. Tun Missouri branch of the FarmerV Alllnnce is making nrrnngoinents te stere and held grntn until they can get their own price for it. This mousure may be neces sary te meet the evll effects of the npoeula npeeula npoeula tlve operations or grain brekers, but It Is a policy that noeds te bokept well under control, or it will run away with a grout deal of money. A grain cerner managed by an ulllunce would be qulte ns bad for the country as ene managed by brekers, for the olfect of these operatlons en the foreign market is net at all pleasant. The artificial scarcity and stimulation el the price makes thu Russian nnd Indian grain nisli for the mnrket. If preperly cared for that market Mieuld be ours for many a day te eeuie, for we have cheap water communication with Europennda railway system unrivalled by any ether nation, nnd with an Intelli gent funning population using thu host machinery It ought te be any ciiMy mntter te supply the Old World with the ext.a feed It may need. Notwerksof btoel rallM in Itusslajind India may lu tlme mnke these lands the niore natural gnuiailes of Europe, and we ure foolishly hastening that day by u clumsy tarilV and reckless grain speculations. The elevator experi ence of the Missouri fanners may awaken thorn te the conditions prevailing abroad, se that tbey will appreciate the foree of Arguments for the development of our prosperity by the extension of foreign commerce, stimulating iigiiculture, manu facturing nnd trade. Oun local Kcpubllcnn contest Is exciting attontlen abroad. The Philadelphia Timet, alter noting quirzlcally the queer com bination In the dance, sayswlthu preper touch of serieusness: The ene contest In Lnucaster that attracts wide Interest is the desperate clleit of the Jobbers of the soldiers' orphans' bchoels te do de foat Itcprohentatlvo Kaurl'man for sonuter. It would be n reproach upon the intelll intelll intelll gonee and integrity of the Republicans of Lancaster te permit se worthy a man, thus assailed for the most patriotic nnd heroic public service, te be defoated by the cfierts of these who stained the noblest charity of the state with cruelty and then. Tin: I'hlladelphla Inquirer says " the rumiicmnd lNn:t.uei:.ci:it bcem te be booming Mr. Myers" for Congress. Thore Is no doubt that the Examiner in booming him. What the I.nti:u.iei:nck sayt of Republican contests is matter for public Information aud net for the advantage of a particular candidate. Yerk (.'luaniiiikcrs strlKe, Twenty-seven clgariuakers at I1.i1eijn cigar factory, Yerk, went en htrlke en Monday. The moil were working for 15 cents per hundred en rolling jobs, and claiming that tills is two cents less en evury hundred than Is paid In seme of the ether factories, and S cents less than is paid for the Hiime work in ether cities, they de manded that tliey be paid 17 cents per hundred, The advauce was refused. Tliey hay the remaining forty-set uu men will be out by the eud et the week. Ahk for VAN IIOUTKN'H COCOA-tnkn no ether. (h Why De lVuple lluve Twretetknf teeth. They don't kliea Urnu und legs te gel new ones. Teth nre Indispensable, and the Crea Crea eor gives tue chances. When oue uses t-OZ.O-DONT, cten among bable", It preserves the deciduous teeth," and helps te strengthen the permanent. The Mini WlieTulkHMucli. We wunl te say a word te yen who make a living with our tongue. Y.hi certainly I, I S -,r! tl?,'-"? ' V,' ,":"s-e your llsieiie "i Vr. nemas' Uhctrte Oil for i.ore threat, colds imd liearwiiets Is unexcelled. Ue and aduilre K..r sale by V. v. Hech.137 MIS)S Queen street. Ijiucu.Ut. ' """ Held It te tin. Light. The uiun who tells you cenlldcutlully tUkt what will cure your cold U prescribing Kemp's UaUain this year. In the preparation of this remarkable medicine for coughs aud colds no expense Is spared tocemblue only the best and purest Ingredients. Held n bettle or Kemp's Iialhnni te the light und leek through It ; no ne no llce the bright, clear leek ; then compare with ether remcdlee. l'rlcottteund II. () . , Well As Kver. ..72,.t!e.He?'ara wrl,ei tnm I'"U"ale, N. v.; "llysjsteiiibecamegreatlydebllltatetlilirenVli 5?uujy,r.0ileualiIutli Huneredfreni i u" jJ2iivtni"!,Sfh n"d. bllUeusncss. Tried fmSt A?ifi"fr'wuh Ue '"t bcnellclal f?ci .vJa "" B ever. Ker sale bv W V Hech, 137 nnd VJi North Queen mt,Lncal -TTAN HOOTKIfB COCOA. THE TO REM OCT COCOA OF EUROPE. THE COMING ONE OF AMERICA. UNLIKE TEA AND COFFEE- GOOD FOR THE NERVES. The claims of Cocea as a useful article of diet are steadily winning recognition. Unlike tea and coffee, it Is net only a stimulant but a nourlsher ; and It has the great advantage of leaving no nar cotic efTects. Hence It Is adapted Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." te general use. The strong may take It with pleasure and the weak with impu nity. -Va! Heutsn's Cocea ("once tried, nlnraysused ")teaveanolnJiirleu effects en the nervous syntcm. It Is no wonder, therefore, (hat In all parts of the world tills Inventor's (Jocenjs recommended by medical men Instead of ten and refle or ether cocoas or chocolates for dally use by children or adults, hale and sick, rich and peer. " lament sale In the world." Ask for VAN IIOUTKN'H and Uike no ether. (0J -y INCO CHEWING TOHACCe. VIN-C O EXTRA FINE) CHEWING "' TOBACCO. This HlimJuril Ilrand of Plus Tobacco Is ac knowledged te be the best chewatid the largest piece for the money In the market. Vlnce tin lag an tach lump. Its uxtenslre sale formally yenrs has established Its reputation. There Is nothing butter, Try It: Fer sale by dealers and grocers. 1890. nprll-!!0tcod-cem&!3tw itUoccUrtttceuo BJ. KHEMH, MANUPACrilBEIt OK HUH . Klcal and OrtlinpmdlcalAppllniiccs.sucli is Trusses, llrnces, Criilclics, (Jlubrecl Hhees, Arttnclall.lmbs.l'.instleHliKklngs.ctc, Hplnnl, Abdominal nod Uterine Hupperlern, etc Lady allenilance, .107 WcstKlugsircel. nJ-lmd pi niiii 'OHOAHT IRON PIPE KITTINOH, I10TH ulnln mid rcduclnir. up te 0-Inch diameter. nllcuhle lrittlnirs. Flumccs. Flanse Unions. Manifolds, American Unions, Tube Hupperts, Hungers, Meer and Celling Plates, gote JOHN llrMT'N. S3.1 East Killteu street. m7-tfd 171011 PIIATT OADY ABUK8T08 1)180 ' Valves, Jenkins Vnlvs,11rass (Hobe Vnlvcs, UnikH Hale Valves, Iren lledy Ulebe Valves, lHivcrHiirty Valves, Pep Bnfcty Vutves, Air Valves, Huilliiter Valves, Pratt's Hwluglng Check valves, Dress Check Vnlves.Koet Valves Angle Valves, call at JOHN BEMT'H, 333 Kn Fulton Utrcet. m7-tfd XnOtlllOlLKinUIIE HHUHHEH, 8TILLHON .JU Pipe wrcncnes.rnwanaflienaey combined, Files. Oil Cans, etc., go I'lpe Wrenches.I'lpe and Menkey Wrenches iu juitn m74fd tu-ai , km Jiasi uuen street. OAIlltY IN HTOOK BEST CIIAIICOAL, llnuimercd Iltr Iren. Deuble Kenned Iren, liurden's Itlvet Iren, Itlvcts, Het and Celd Heller Iren, Htecl, Hhcet Iren 3-18 te Ne. 10, at J Oil N IIKMT'h. :iil East Fulton street. tii7-Ud TNJKOIOIW, HUE MTfLE WANT, HAN cock Inspiraters nnd Electors, Eberninn Heller Feeder, l'enbcrlliy Inspwuir. Amer American Injectors, all In stock, nt JOHN HbHT'H, R33 IIJIL..II.I i.t, it, ni East Fulton street. ST'H, 83 m7-tld Ql OI.U lMlONKE, 1.KMI1DS AND Hl.INO Ter steam work, nt JU IINBET'H,233 fcast ten street. Ill'IIU TTIOll HOHIZONTAI. HTATIONAUY KN X glues, from 2 te 80 horse-power, and Vcrll ral Kiigliiesfrem 2 te 10 hnrsc-iHuver, you will llnilthciu at JOHN I1E.MTH, !iSl East Fulton street. TEAM HEAT IS T1IKCOMINU HEAT FOR ilwclllnirs. churches, school heusra. elc. the leugh successfully useil one hundred years ye, ill go. When you contemplate a change rail en OI1N 1IIJST, who will give you a satisfactory Jeb, ntn fair price, in7.ttd TACICINOS,AH FOM.OWH: liTltrfi Lvi ji nieiim iiuu lid Ilvdrnlitln PiLrklnif.Ai.liKlIl(iiw. Woven and Wick Packing, Hemp Packing, As bestos Mill Heard, Asbestos Cement, Asbestos Hlieathlug, Oum I'acklng.Uiim Kings for Water (hinges, Plumbago Packing, Heed's Patent As bestos, Lined Sectional I'lpe Ceyer, at JOHN BEST'S, 33.1 East Fulton street. m7-tfd -1 f l'Ell CENT. DEHENTUKE STOCK CEB JLJ tincntes In multiples efflOU, enrulugn guarantee cash dividend of 10 per cent pemu. Him, payablu hcinl-nuiumlly, nre Issued by the Hiillduig and Uxiu Asseclat ten ofDaketndiome Olllcc, Aberdeen, Seuth Dakota). Ne member ship fee or ether expense Incident te Ismiance or stock. Stock may be converted into rash at purchase price nHer two years. ImcHtnr se cured by real estate, meitgngcs te double the amount or the InveMinenl ilepenlted with a Trustee. CorresiKindcuce Invited. O. W.HTAULINO, Manager Plilladelphlu Ottlce, JauUlmced Ne. Ill Walnut SlrveU piNELEl'UEK STOCK FAKM. STORM KING (21610 ltlX'OUl) 2.30. Sired by Happy Medium, slre of 60 performers from 2:ll'f te 2:50. Dam Topsy Tayler by Alex ander's Nerman, slre of I.ulu, 2:11 4', Ac. de. Terms for hprlng season or lt50, fce rer a foal. Fer tabulated pidlgiiH) nnd oilier Information, address DANIEbO. ENOLE. nprl2-!tud.v.w Marietta, Pa. TTKNKY WOLF, FURNITURE STORE, lias removed te 1S6 East King street, having a full line of Furniture erevcry description at the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call mid exnmtne our goods. aS-tfdlt H. WOl.F.lSd East King Street S HAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. GRAYS SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TUB (1UKAT I'NOI.ISH ItKMEIlV. All Ulimll Ulimll Ingcure for Seminal VealiieKs,SH.'ruiaterrhea. Imimteneynudnll Diseases that fellow as a se quence of Self-Abuse ; as Less or Memery, Uul- rrsal Lassitude, Pain lu the Buck, Dimness of Islen, Prematiire Old Age, and many etlier diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and u Prematura (lrae. ir Fer particulars In our pamphlet, which we deilru te send free by tnnll te eery one. 3-The Hpccine Medicine Is sold by all drug glits at tl lwr jmckage or six packages for K, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the (IIUMVI UJ UUVItl.941115 TIIUQKAY MEDICINE CO.. . - HuUale, N.Y. On account of counterfeits, we hneiideited ,., nil, in- Vl'rntt,. . Il,n1....n..i the it :.. , ..... , .,v)u,,,, Kviuiiiie. nuiu in levucasier, 1 a., ny v . i. . Hucn. tllUl-JU VrtvaoelB, p.VHAHOLHAND UMllltELLASI PARASOL -AND- UMBRELLA HEADQUARTERS ! ROSE BROS,. & HARTMAN, .Ja East Kl"2 st r- !Pttmk0' rntLABKLratA, Tuesday, April V, IMA. Was there ever a time when se much of real Art could be taken into the home for se little money? Count the cost of frames alone and you'll wonder mere than ever at the prices. IW Artetype in oak framss, 19x31, at 13 from St. ae same, at K.X from S5. 100 Photographs In whits and geld frames, 16x30. alii from tl JO and IX W same, at 11.69 from IXM. .... .,, 100 Photographs, whits and void and whlta and silver n-nmes, Ilxll, at7&e (Tern 1. tm Photographs, oak frames, 1UII, atSte from We. . . . 100 Engravings and Etchings, artists' proofs, etc, exidised frames, 18x30, at 12 from K Basement, Market street side. A new Lawn Mower the Wanamakcr. We wouldn't have that name en them if there were any guesswork about the machines. Nete the modest prices : ie inches $5.00 12 inches $5.50 14 inches $6.00 16 inches $6.50 18 inches $7.50 Nothing slighted. As geed a Mower as wc knew of. Basement, north of centre. Chinese Dragen Rugs, 9x12 feet heavy Damask Matting with finished borders. Yeu paid $9 apiece for them last season ; just one third of thai new $3. Eight patterns. The little let in sight yesterday was gene al most in a twinkling. Unly 525 in the whole batch. Hardly a pinch when you think of the myriad rooms near by they'd fit se prettily. The idea ! three dollars for aRug room size ! In the remnant corner of the Carpet store there are always extra attractive bargains. Made-up Carpets in various sizes, neatly finished in Rug shape, with border, are at less than usual yard prices noth ing te pay for making : Tniestry, 75c a yard, llrussels, f 1 a yard. Mequetlc, f 1.25 a yard. Best grade every time. Felt Squares : 2UxlUyds.Jl.rn 2 x ids. s.e 4.20 4.03 4.0.5 2Wx2Uyds. 2.50 a xsjyes. 2Ux:i yds. 2.70 x3 ds. HKxaUvds. .1.M 3 xlh'Jds. 2x3 yds. 8.15 English Twilled Rugs run like this : ft x1 fret, 11.00 (I xO feet, 11.50 7Ux9 feet, $1.75 0 x9 feet, ra.00 Second fleer, Market street side. Jehn Wanamaker. 0c0t0 attb Mtec. reu LOTS. LADIES' AND HISSES' $2.00 Shoes -FOB- $ 1 .75. I liae Just purchased another Largs Let of Ladles' and Misses' Diamond Tip Butten Shoes, which wcre made te lletall nt 12, but by taking the Whele Let I was enabled te buy them nt such a price as te cnable me te sell them at 11.75 per pair. The Ladles run 2 te 8 In Slre. The Diamond Tips ure made out of same material (Dongola) as the uppers. The Mlw.cs run 11 te 2 In slte. The Tips are made out el Patent Leather and makes a neat and beautiful ceiitrast with the uppers, which are made of Bright Dongola. They cannot last long at these prices. Only a few of these S2 Ladles' Bright Don gola Butten Square Plain Toe Shoes left which 1 advertised a short tlme age ns selling at 11.75. All of these Shoes wcre Positively 12 per pair. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Chas. H. Frey, (Successor te FltEY & ECKEBT) the Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOB. 3 A S EABT KING STHEKT, LANCASTEH, PA. ?-8tore Closed E cry Evening nt 6 o'clock Except Monday nnd Saturday. IjlttrttUrtVC. H IUH A MAUTIN. China, Glass, AND QUEENSWARE -AT- We are new opening our Spring Importation of Queensware and will be prepared te supply our customers with the very best grode of ware nt lowest Prices. Heusestircs receive, especial attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. J- UMHElt AND COAL J TOHACCOSHOOKHANDCASES. WEST UN 1IAHD WOODS. Wholesale and Ketall, by B. H. MAKTIN A CO., u3-lyd 424 Water Street, Lancaster, Pa. -DAUUGAKDNKKB COMPANY. BCOAL DEALERS. Orricca Ne. 129 North Queen Street, and Ne, M North Prince street. Yabue North Prince Street, near Heading Depot. .BgU-Ut LANCAdTB,FA. rctfftf TMPOBTANT TO' KOIMMCBBlMka THB J. B upaeiM mm erTeaa, caaeea aaa unetnm oebMbbm at euikrs, Ull i netb a new Mucmst CholcaTaMaSyrapatlseaadtteatallea. Genuine Maple Hyrup at Ke Mr quart can. Edam Cheese, Mc, Ttc aad.Ssc for Edam Ie Fell. in Cheese, Mc, Ttc aad.Ssc for Edam apple Cheese reduced te 4e each. Part Cream Cheese far ate. nnea SftsP Hs Cheeae only Me Bar k. Mustard nrHplccdHaraleas, Me ferlarga boxes. Tfts new HaUlns aad 2 It saw Fl for Jftc 2fts Evaporated Apples aad 1 Haw Pnmet- Kotd'Brether's Tomatoes redeced tetjeeaa. Windham Cern the best Cera paekM, llSc can. A Pretty Little Tea Pet containing a ft Tea A Few HnckeU Ne. 3 Mackerel at 78c. Ne. 1 Mackerel reduced te lie per ft. Causlle Keda In a ft kettles, at ec per ft. Extra soda Blscatu only oho per . Kiln Ksmllv Crackers. 8e or en fester 96a 4 As Pearl or Flake Tapioca for 2bc 8 fts Avena, Oatmeal or Farina for ate. Washing Powder, te pack. And all ether goods tbroeghout the stack will be sold at the above proportionally low prices. Samuel Clarke, Agt, TEA, COFFEE AND OROCERY BTORE, U AND 1 BOOTH QUEEN BT. A TBUMHR'S. Special Bargains. BEE WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR 95 CENTS. 4 cans Geed Cern, 24c. 4 cans Geed Blackberries, 25c. 4 cans Hlrawberrles, 25c 4 lbs Dried Peaches, 25c 4 quarts Dried Apples, 24c 3 cans Geed String Beans, 25c 5 cans Whortleberries, 25c 3 cans cherries, 2Sc 8 cans Tomatoes, 24c 3 fts California Halstns, 25c. 8 lbs Figs, 25c 4 quarts Green Peas,2V. 2 lbs California Egg Plums, 25c. 2 fts Evaporated Peaches, 2ftc 4 lbs Spenge Water Crackers, 25c 5 fts Hire, 2fic 4 fts Ittce, 25c 3 fts Choice Carolina Rice, 25c 5 fts Best Lump Starch, 25c 0 lbs Lump Starch. 23c. flfts Belted Oats. 25c lbs Oat Meal, 25c ftSchumacker Rolled Avena, 26c , 6 fts Cracked Wheat, 23c A full line of the best Groceries In the city. BURSK'S GROCERY, NO. 17 EABT KINO STREET. TRKIBTM. Bleeker's Dutch Cocea we are Headquartars. Twenty barrels of Fine Evaporated Sugar Cem, six pounds for 25c MEATS AND FISH. Picnic Hams, Be; Sum mer Bologna, 0c: Dried Beef, 10c; Knuckle Beef, 15e ; Breakfast Bacen, 12Uc; Boneless 1 Intnl. 12c! Kine Mackerel, g for 25c: Itrge Ne. 1, 15c per pound ; Deep Wea Bloaters, pound; Herring, 0 Vs, 25e; White Fish, tea euna : iieiiana iterrimr. si sk. A big Hue of Wall Brushes at all prices. A big let of Caustic Seda boxes. Ge a pound : kettles, 7e a pound. FOB HKNT Three rooms en second fleer store building. Call seen. Alse one two-story brick house en Ceral street. Kent, ffl. Lese no time. J ust vacated for geed reasons. CANNED GOODS. Three large cans New Pie Peaches, 25c Three cans New Cherries, 25c Four cans New Strawberries, 25c. Four cbiis New Blackberries, 25c. Three cans New Apples, 25c. Four rnns Fancy New Cern, every can guar anteed, 25c Twe cans French Peas, 25c. Three, cans Fine Marrowfat Peas, 24c Twe cans Housed Mackerel, 25c. Three cans New Blueberries, 25c. Twe cans New Haspbcrrles, il)c. One large can Fancy California Egg Plums, 28c. One large can Gelden Drep Plums, 28e. One large can Fancy Apricots, Mc. One large can Fancy Apricots, 25c. One large can Tomatoes, 8c. One large can Yellow Pared Peaches, 15c. DRIED FflUITS. Twe pounds Sliced New Pared Peaches, 2Jc, Five pounds Sliced New Unpared Peaches, 25c. One pound New Pitted Cherries, 18c. One pound Flne new Pared Half Peaches, 22c. One pound Geed New Pared Hnlf Peactifs.lSc Twe pounds Unpared Fancy HairPeaches,2$c Three pounds Fine Apricots, 2c. Three cans Flne Large Prunes, 25c. Five pounds Geed Prunes. 25c. One pound Large Sliver Prunes, 20c. Twe pounds Flue Gelden Egg Plums, 2Se. Three pounds Evaporated Apples, 25e, Four pounds New Dates 25c One pound Flne Bartlett Pears, 15c. WUOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND PRIFCESTS., " Directly Oppostte J, B. Martin & Ce.'s Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herso Hetel. O-Loek for the Big Sign across the pave ment. furniture. e CIIS& GIBBS. FIVE MINUTES Leeking Outdoes AH the Geed Things we might say about OUR FURNITURE! It's Just the kind of Furniture that fits a worthy name. All the New Styles. It's no trouble te sell such Furniture when It's known. Here's the reason : We Sell Furniture for Rep utation ns Well as for Meney. Ne thought of cheapness In n slngle piece. Made ler long wear and satisfaction, nnd yet sold cheap. That's what makes It se easy te sell. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, Ne. 31 SOUTH QUEEN Hi'REKT. -irriDM rfER'H corner! NOW. New Is the Time of All Times TO OET The Best Values in Furniture FOR THE LEAST MONEY! WIDMYER, Cerner East King and Duke Streets LANCASTER. PA. H EINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT. What De Yeu De With Your Old Stock ? Was This Week Asked by a Customer. We sell It for what It will bring, was our an swer. Wc allow no shopkeepers here. PLUSH ROCKERS are away down, REDItOOM SUITS are away down. COUCHES and LOUNGES. Well, anyone can rest easy en such ulce goods for se little money. Lets of Other Geed Things at Popular Prices HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 fc 29 Seuth Queen Street, 9ni 900b: "KTsVIT TORK STORK. BJLRGJLI1TS -IN- WAH & SHAND AREALWAYS ON THE OUTLOOK FOR BARGAINS. One Case Best Quality TOILE DUINORD8 10c a yard ; never sold for less than 12c NEW POINTED CHALLIE3 at 5, OH, 10 and 12 cts a yard. A few mere pieces Weel-Face PIN CHECK SPRING SUITINGS, 120 a yard ; only half price FINE ZEPHYR GINGHAMS, 18c a yard made te sell at 25c FINE INDIA PONGEES, 33 Inches wide, 20c a yard. AMERICAN PRINTED FLANNELETT8, 12Uc a yard ; leek as well as French, at 50c. 60-Inch ALL-WOOL SPUING SUITING, 3e a yard ; regular price, 60c FINE STRIPED SERGE SUITINGS, S7ca yard $ usually sold at 60c 30-Inch NEW MOHAIR PLAIDS, beautiful colorings, 25c a yard. . 150 Doten GENTS SPRING SCARFS, 25e each ; many or them are worth wc LADIES' NEW CLOTH CAPES In Black, Tan, Grey, Gebelin, etc., 11.50 each, worth 83. 6, 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST, B OSTON BTORE. NEW DRESS GOODS -AT THE- BOSTON STORE. Black Henriettas, 8 GO, 75, 67Hc, SI. 40-Inch Black Henrietta, 73c 87Sc, 1 1 te f 1.75. Silk Warp Black Henrietta, (1.25, 11.60, 11.75, 12.0). Fancy Black Goods, 37J. 50, 75, 87c, 11. Black Cut Cashmere, GO, 75c, II. DO-lnch Black Serges, 75c, fl. ( Black Silks, 75, 87c, SI, 81.25. Black AU-SIlk Silk Satin Luxor,! 1, 11,25. Black Surah Silks, 37, GO, 62K. 87c. Black Satin, GO, 75c, 1. Black'Brecnde Silks, 1, tl.25, il .50. Best Colored Dress Silks, 75c. Black Merle Bilk, 87jc, SI, 11,25. Large assortment of Bead Trimming. Large assortment of Braid Trimming. Cream Henriettas, 25, SlU, 60, 75c. Pink and Blue Henriettas, 87c Red Dress Goods, 25, 37J. 50, 75c. 50-Inch Colored Serges, all colors, il. Bilk Finish Colored Henriettas, 37, 60, 75c, SP Black Silk Fringes, 75c and SI. Yard Wide Striped Cashmeres, 25c, New Plaids, 5, 10, 12c. Plain and Fnncy Black Lawns, 12JJ nnd 17c. White Plaid Dress Goods, 7, 10, 12, 17, 20, 25c. Victeria Lawns, 10, 12$, 17, 20, 25c Hemstitched Lawns, 37, SO, 76c Dress Ginghams, 6, 6,8, 10, 12c Outing Cleths, 8, 10, 12c Best Cliambray Ginghams, 10c Cheese Cleths, 5c a yard. Dark Calicoes, 3 4, 8. 6e. Allevcr Laces, 17 and 25e. DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY ! 35 & 37 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. Sleitr. EVAN'hrLOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR Makes a GOOD Leaf of Bread. Makes a BIG Leaf of Bread, Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread. -VHAT MORE DO YOU WANT 764 a-TOl'IOK TO TRESPASSERS AND (jUN M NERS. All persons are hereby forbidden UI mv ihuui ui wc uiunitu lies in Lebanon or Lancaster lnrlei.ed or unlnclesed. either for the purpose or meeting or nulling, as me law will be rlytdly enforced against all tres- Dasslng en saia i UtUUS Ul IUTJ ULUCIUUTU ilV mis i notice WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R.FKROYAI.UKN. F.DW. U. FREEMAN. Attorneys (or K. W. (Wwtnl Main. DRY GWI NEW YORK STORE Clark Stan CtihtK TOINB TAILORING. l89O-SPRlNG.--.89O Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Most Elegant AasertaaeBi or SPRING NOVELTIES New Ready for Your Inspection. We would also announce Ih pnrekaaa of ft Jeb Let of English Suiting and Treueertag at ft great aacrHlce, which we will sell at ArteilsMBgly Lew Prien. 4trCaU early te aeeure a bargain la thew H. Gerhart, ONLY DIRECT IMPORTING TAILOR IN TfflC CITIf 43 NORTE QUEEN STREET. d374W jyTAKTlN BROS. Every Blie, Every Want m Clothing aid Finistag Goods Fer Men, Yeung Men aad Beys provided here. FROM LITTLEl ROMP TO PAPA. New Ideas and latest styles. Dressy two pleee Kilt Suits, S2 and S2.60. "Fauntlcrey" and Waist Jacket Kilts, 12.50, WM and S5. The new styles In Knce Pant Bulls nre all ready in ranks for review and duty. Let your eyes Inspect the styles and prices and you'll dispatch a squad equal te the boys In the house Selection f 1.95 te 110 a Suit, Beys' Waists and Blouse Hese and Underwear Just right In style and price Beys' "Knickerbocker" Drawers here. Geed Black Hese, 3 pairs, 25c Deuble Knee, Heel and Tee and Warranted Fast Black Hese, 25c a pair. Beys' Leng Pant Suits, equal te the romping demands of the boys, S3, SI, te- Hand some and flne Dress Suits, SO te S16, as dressy at the boys would like. Men's S10 and 112 Suits. At these prices we show geed, substantlaliBulta, well made and strong.. The very popular ma terials are Cheviots and Serges In Black and Blue, and neat effect In Cesslmeres. Onr selec tien In Men's Heady-Made Suits steps by dol lars from S5 te S25, and from geed te handsome. Give them a chance. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. M ERS A RATHFON. ATTRACTIONS IN OUR Wo've many attractions ln our Custom De partment. We are showing the Handsomest Line SUITING FOR Men's "Wear FROM $15.00 te Almest Any Price I Such styles ns these are net offered anywhere In Lancaster for the price. Such an assortment you'll find nowhere else, ELEGANT STLYES IN Men's Treusering ! Mere than you'll care te leek at. Prices range fromIteJ13. We'll fit you, tee. Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashionable Tailors, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER. PA. CLOTHING. L. Gansman & Bre. Hen's, Youth's, Bey's and Children's NEW SPRING STYLES, LOW PRICES. TERFECT FITTING, WELL MADE NICELY TRIMMED. Men's Suits at SXS0, $1, S1.S0, S3, SO, S3, 110, 12, SH.Slfl.S19. Youth's Suits at $3, SI, Je, SO, V. S3, SO. Beys' Suits at (2.50, 5J, f.1.50, 81-00, Se, SO, S7. Children's Suits at 00c, SI, S1.25, J 1.60, S1.75,S2, SiM,f3,H,Se,0. Men's Pants, 75, SI. S1.23, 51.50, S1.75, S2, S3, S3.60, SI and Si SO. Knee Pauts at 25c, 3ec, 10c, 50c, G0c, 75c, SI. Our stock Is mera uttracttve this season than ever mid prices at the lowest. Call or write for samples In our Order Depart ment and compare prices with ethers. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers or Men's. Bey's nnd Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) 6 and 8 8 NORTH QUEEN ST., S.W. CORNER OF 0KANQB. LANCASTER, PA. IO- Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In tbe city. 49 Be cautious and make ue mistake se that you get te the right place. mtietru ,lt. NATHOIWT, DENTIST. 1 'JI L'EXTKE fSOLTAHE. Tlll "llllng Teeth and Painless Extraction Spe cialties. New bets made, broken ones mended and remodeled. Teeth Inverted without plates and pivoted, etc. Yes, everything pertaining te Dentistry will receive prompt ntientlen, at iruiu(Ji uwciiiiuii, t llemcmber that Dr. verv Moderate Terms. Remember that Naiherstls the ONLY Dentist In this cenn lentlst in this county who Is a graduate, of Medlclue as well as of Den- tlstry. an advantage that U obvious. mars-iyeaw Mm Department v 2fr'MJi J 9' t-vA'Vj'JK&'-i4' A
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