'P'-TfCJK if..' r"W jyTTf vr ' S-7 -i!W" . 2 . Se1 .. m $ '. -r !-," J w ,t, i .. ' . Mblyl4A0kwnCB JPAILY INTllIiiaMP?Oml TUESDAY, APRIL 29. 1890. . rs , ( W? THE MASTS XBT. Srtry brMt eerMr heMf. - Pare a en IU natal day; ." TaeagH by ita and Berrow' fetd Hidden from las world away. Through the callous whI of years, Reaching te the tender part, Heme's tweet nam will start the (can, And unlock the secret heart. Frem the Ladle' Bem Journal,' THM MEXtCAKVXOWKR FEAT. Seers of JHaberately Oeekad Carriawea la the Parade. Tfca Flower Feast, or Combat of Flewsrs , tags la tae City e? Moxlee at 4 pNeloek'en M .a & T. iff..,. IMAM ftn,! wete en the premenade of La Roferaaa and the Avenlda Juares. The auaptlty rtf flower wu enormous, four ear lead com ing frera JaUpa alone. The first carriage la the line was a email pony carriage rep iwwntlns; a basket of flower, and contain centain ln the children of Delfln Sanchet, of the Interecean railway. The decoration of this carriage coat feOO. Nest came a vic vic eoria, beautifully decorated with flowera in th n form of a nest. This was eccunled liv Ilia MImm Hunt a fWMIn Vnllnwinir were the carriage of Ramen Prlda Oar Oar denla,and a pony passion and carriage repreaentinglarge bouquets, the latter the property of Rlcarde. Blasquez. Then came a four-in-hand decorated with flower In the Spanish colon and alU nded by forty cavaliers en horseback, the car waste being filled with ladies. This feature of the festival cost 81,500. Tlien followed the victeria of Gulllorne Acha. decorated with flower. Sebastlan Camache's landau came next It bad been covered with flowers te represent a bouquet, and the hoofs of the horses drawing It were gilded. The carriage of Themas Meran, which fol lowed, was one of tbe most artistic features of the precession. Next came the victeria' of the Germ n n chargn d'affairs, and the coupe of Mr. Turnbull decorated with Mies. They were followed by the deg-car or Sener Saljann, the deg-car. drlveu tandem of Mr. Reed, a victeria inode te represent a pea- -, the floral decorations en which cost f 1,000. xnese are only specimens or tue romarK remarK able display. If Your Liver Itemlmln Ven Of lt existence by dull pain or sharp twinges In the right side, or ticneath the dexter shoulder blade, accept the reminder as a warning, and regulate the organ without less of time, by the Use of Ilestctter's Stomach Bitter. The above symptoms are usually accompanied by yellow ness of the skin, constipation, furred tongue, disorder of the stomach, sick headache and morning nausea. But a reform Is promptly Instituted by the Hitters, the best possible sub stitute for calomel, blue pill, and ether super potent and hurtful drucs erroneously designa ted as remedies for biliousness. Appetite and digestion nre restored, and the bowels resume activity, when an Impetus Is given te the func tions el health by this sterling nnti-bllleus medicine, which also has the effect or enriching and purifying the circulation, and ferlirylng the system ugnlnst malarial Infection In air or water. It Is also highly beneficial for rheuma tism, kidney and bludder troubles. o29tem8 Suit Yourself-, but there Is no ether remedy for sick headache, dizziness, constipation, biliousness, or te re store a regular, healthy action of the liver, stomach and bowels, equal te theso rellable lit tle "Pleasant 1'tirgatlve Pellets " prepared by Dr.Plcrce. Of druggists. M.Tu&w The Greut Amerlcnn Chorus. Sneezing, snuffing and coughing I This la the music nil eer the land Just new. "I've get such an awful cold In my head." Cure It with Ely's Cream Halm or It may end In the toughest form of catarrh. Mnybe you have catarrh new. Nothing Is mere nauseous and dreadful. This remedy masters It as no oilier ever did. Met a nun nor a liquid. Pleasant, certain, radical. ' al7-2wddkw Loek llore, Friend, Are Yen Slek De you suffer from DjSpepsla, Indigestion, Beur Sleniach, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, Lest Appetite, Biliousness, Tired Feel ing, Pains In the Chest, Night Sweats, Less of Power, or any form of Consumption? If se, go te your druggist and pnrchase a bettle of Flo Fle Flo rapltxien, which will quickly restore you te sound physical health. Floraplexien Is a highly concentrated fluid extract of the most valuable medicinal roots and herbs known te science, and cures where nil ether remedies fall. Valu able book, "Things Werth Knewing," sent free. Address, Prof. Franklin Hart, Warren street, N.Y. aprl7-lyd&w Special flattce. Buekleu's Arnica Salve. TbbBkstBai.v in the world for Cuts. Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Halt Kheum, Fever Beres, Tetter, snapped rianas, uuiiDiains, warns, anu an Bklu Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give per fact satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. Fer snle by W. T. Hech, Drug gist. Ned. 137 and id North Queen street. Lan caster, Pa. Iune27-Jyd Its Equal Y'ct te llcni Frem. The movements of a mule'shlnd legs are very variable and uncertain, but Dr. Tiemat' JEclec tric Oil takes but one course It heals and cures. It equal for nstluna, dlplitlicria, catarrn, com and sero threat bus neer vet been sold. Fer sale bv W. II. llecli. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Scrap of l'npcr Saves Iler Life. It was Just an erdlnury scrap of wrapping paper, but It fca ed her lift1. Bhe was In the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was Incurable and could Ile only a short .iv line n n n iv uiBuu t us .i isuu iv It helrjMlher. kliebeuchtalarec bottle, lthelnei her mere, bought another and grew better fast, continued 1U uoeand Is new btreug, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 110 pounds. Fer fuller particulars tend Hump te W. II. Cele, Druggist. Fert Hmlth. Trial lettles of this wonderful Discovery Frce nt W.T. Ilech's drug store, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. H Let Truth Prevail. Let the facts be known. Let us understand that a bell, or an ulcer, or a carbuncle or any eruption or blemish of iheskln Is sure te wear away and disappear when Jlurdeck HlooUJlit HleoUJlit HloeUJlit ttrt are employed. This wonderful medicine acts directly upon the circulation and the rea sons for its use are therefore obvious. Fer sale by W. T. Hech, 1J7 ".and 139 North Queen street, uincasier. Mothers I Mothers I t Mothers I t I Are you disturbed nt night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bettle of MItS. WINH LOW'H BOOTH IN U HYUUF. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has eer used It, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relict and health te the child, operating like magic it Is perfectly safe te use In all cases and iuni te the taste, and Is the prescription of nna nf iha eldest and best female rhv slclans and wv . ;.-..,.,.. t..f. , duiu evcrywunre, nurses In the United tales. 35 cents a bottle. luneSSlydAw TTOOir BAM AROJUA. PECULIAR kt ICasa-a -"- de Uve power reesdlMr te Itself le eeaelaslvrty shewaeythe auudsirul eon It hasaMeted, uniiiiinsatil la tae history or medldaa. tbm abeelate aserit It aessssssa by reaeen of the atet that u Is prepared by a OeblaatloB,l,roaer OeblaatleB,l,roaer OeblaatloB,l,reaer Uoaaad Pieeess Peculiar te Heed' Bars pa rilla, kaewa TO ITUKLF no ether medicine, aad by which the full taedlclaal power or all the IncredleaU Med la retained. Heed's BarsaparlUa Is a highly cea centrated extract of BarsaparlUa, Dandeltea Mandrake, Deck, Juniper Berries, aad etiitr well known vegetable' remedies. It has wen 1U way te the leading place ameef medicine by It own Intrinsic, undisputed merit, dad te-day HOOD'S 8AB8AFARILLA has a larger sale than any etaer similar prepa prepa raUen In the eeantry. if you have never taken Heed's Barsaparllla, try It this seaaen. " Heed' BarsaparlUa has renewed my grip. I am at year of age and was all run down and discouraged. I have taken Heed' Barsaparilla and en looking myself ever Had that I am much better, In fact quite a cbsp. Of course the medicine will net discount my years, but It come nearer te it than anything else." CJUa. B. Loke, Shrewsbury, Haas. Heed's 8arsaparilla Sold by alt druggists. II; six for K. Prepared only by a I. HOOD CO., Apetbeearie, Lewell, Mass. 100DO3B8 ONB DOLLAR ft) M( CLANE'H LIVKH PILLS. THE GENUINE DR. O. McLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS! Intemperance a Disease When the celebrated Dr. Rush declared that drunkenness was a disease, be enunciated a truth which the experience and observation of medical men is every day confirming. The many apparently Insane excesses of these who Indulge In the use of spirituous liquors may thus be accounted for. The true cause of con duct, which Is taken for Infatuation, Is very frequently a diseased state of the Liver. Ne or- San In the human system when deranged, pro pre uccs a mere frightful catalogue of diseases, And If, Instead of applying remedies te the manifestations of the disease, as is tee often the case physicians would prescribe with a view te the original cause, fewer deaths would result from diseases Induced by a deranged state of the Liver. Three-fourths of thejalscases enumer ated under the head of Consumption have their seat in a diseased Liver. The genuine Dr. C. MeLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pittsburg, Pa., are a sure care. Mr. Jonathan Houghman, of West Union, Park Ce., Illinois, writes te the proprietors. Fleming Brethers, of Pittsburg, Pa., that he had suffered from a severe and protracted attack el fever and ague, and was completely restored te healthby the use, of the genunle Dr. C. McJ Lane's Liver Pills' alone. These Pills unques tionably possess great properties, and can be taken wlthdectdedjadvantage for many diseases requiring Invigorating remedies, but the Liver Plus stand pre-eminent as the means of restor ing a disorganized liver te healthy action ; hence the great celebrity they have attained. Insist en having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pitts burg, Pa. All druggists keep them. Price 2S cents a box. (2) H UMPHHEY'S DR. MUHPHKEY'B SPECIFICS are sclontl sclentl cally and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many years In prlnte practice with success and for eer thirty years used by the people. Every single Specific Is a special euro for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugging, purg ing or reducing the system, and are In fact and deed the SOVEREIGN REMEDIES OF THE WORLD. I.I8T or PniNCIPAt. N09. CURBS. PRICKS 1. FEVERS, Congestion, Inflammation...... .25 2. WORMS, Werm Fever, Werm Celic .25 5. CRYING COLIC, or Teething of Infants, .25 4. DIARRHOtA. of Children or Adults .25 6. DYSENTERY, Griping, Bilious Celic... .25 6. CHOLERA MORBUS, Vomiting .25 7. COUGHS, Celd, Bronchitis- .25 8. NEURALGIA, Toothache, Faccache .25 9. HEADACHE, Sick Headache, Vertigo... .25 10. DYSPEPSIA, Bilious Stomach -.. .25 11. SUPPRESSED or PAINFUL PERIODS, .25 12. WHITES, tee Profuse Periods 3b 13. CROUP. Cough, Difficult Breathing .26 14. SALT RHEUM, Erysipelas. Eruptions... .25 15. RHEUMATISM. Rheumatic Pains .25 18. FEVER and AGUE, Chills, Malaria. .60 17. PILES, Blind or Bleeding M 19. CATARRH, Influenza, Celd In the Head, M 20. WHOOPING COUGH. Violent Coughs... .60 24. GENERAL DEBILITY, Physical Weak ness .50 27. KIDNEY DISEASE .50 28. NERVOUS DEBILITY .11.00 30. URINARY WEAKNESS. Wetting Bed, M 32. DISEASES OF THE HEART, Pulplta- tlen 41.00 r druggists, or sent postpaid en receipt Dr. Humphrey's Manual (144 pages) ieund In cloth nnd geld, mailed free. Beld by ( efnrlce. I rlnhlv hnnnri Humphreys' Medicine Ce., le Butten St. N.Y (2) SPECIFICS. Tu.Th.SAw T EETHING BYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DR. FAHRNEY'S TEETHING SYRUP. Perfectly safe. NoOplumerMorphlarnlxtures. Will re lieeo Celic, Griping In the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared by DR8. D. FAHR NKYAHON, Hagerstown, Md. rrUKglst sell It: 25 cents. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cent. 1an4-lvdeedAw AiTrEAUNDKVELOPED PARTS Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc, Is an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there is no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te, the EIllE MEDICAL CO., 5 Swan BU, Buffalo, N. Y.-DaUu Teledo Bee. fll-lydAw A Very Old Ainu, Jehn Funk, of Springfield, Ohie, writes : " I was tramped upon by n horse, end for a year the pain through my hips was se bad I cenld net rlse en my feet. Tliemat' Eeleetric Otl helped me bcyenti detcriptlen. It will de w enders for these who suffer from colds." Fer sale by W. T. Hech, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Kiipepny. This Is what you ought te hae, In fact, you must hae It, te fully tnjey lire. Thousands are searching for It dally, and mourning because they find It net. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annunuy ny our people in ine hope that they mayTaltaiu this been. And yet It may be had by nl. We guarantee thatEIeo thatEIee rin Hitters. If used according te directions and the ue persisted In, will bring you Geed Diges tion and oust the demon Dj sncpsla and Install Instead Eupepsy. We recommend Electrle Bit ters for I)j spepda, and all dlicancs et Liter Blnmach nnd Kldnejs. bold at 0c and fl per bettle by W.T. Hotli,driigglst,137audUUNertl. Queen street, Ijmcaster, Pa. (4) "FlreHIm Out.M This Is a common remark when roughs and rewdys Insult public decency by thtlr un seemly win s. Dl spepsla Is a horrid bore. Flre It out with JlunlecL Illoed lUttert. ten run dp 1L Fer sale bv W.T. Hech, 137 nnd 139 North Queen street, lincastcr. 9W ; A HATJOHMAN. -JLTaTrSGl CHEHPGKRPETS. MetzcerAHaufhrnan. BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, RAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, Bought at Auction aad from the Maaumettsrtt. CARPETS ATM OMITS. . CAIOTTB AT ItJ. CENTS. CARPETS AT 15 CENTO. , CARPETS ATM CBM1B. KFRTTH ATsacKm fl A RPKTM AT CENTS. CABPaTII) AT at CENTS, CA CARPETS ATI CARPKTB AT BBCK CARPJETSAT76 (ten Iih Take la XzeWtua. Fleer Oil Otetiu 0k. Wtafew BMt aHdMM FMtMn t Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, 38-40 WEST KlNQ 8T LANCASTER, PA? (OPPOHTK THB OfJOPKR X0U8X.) N1 ET DOOHTOTJOt COURT HOURS. MOURNING GOODS. OUR BLACK GOODS DEPARTMENT new possesses one of the best se lections of Black and Mourning Goods te be found In the city. Black Cashmeres, All-Weel and 811k Warp Henriettas, Striped Henriettas, Figured Armures, Tamlse Mehairs, Lusters, Nun's Veiling and Serge. Special Bargains in Bordered Nun's Veilings at 75 cents and It A full line of Lupin's Black Cashmere Shawls, In Deuble and Single, from 11.75 te lltSO. Courtland' English Crapes from 7Se te UM a yard. Mourning Bordered Handkerchiefs. Fast Blues; Mese, and a full stock of Black Gloves, dVOur Prlce-Llst of Carpel tent free en appUcatlen. FRHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. B ard a Mcelrey. bard & Mcelrey, Hm. S3 and 35 Seuth Qaeea Street, Opposite Feaitaia Irr. CARPETS Havlnc cut down our profits en our Heme-made Raclnsraln. Chain and Rtnlr Carpets, In order te Increase our sales, we have sold mere tnan any season since we opened, would A lower be pleased te have you call, see and Judge for yourself. Carpet Rag taken In exchange. FEATHERS Headquarters for the Best Feathers at the lowest price In Lancaster. graueateuc RUGS Smyrna Rugs at a bargain : II size at 75c, 11.25 lire at II, IS sire at 12, 14 lite at IXW Cocea Rugs at 25c, 33c and 80c , OILCLOTH Fleer .Oil Cleth, the largest line, the best seasoned, and the best goods for the menuy In the city, all widths from H te 2) yards wide. Table OllCletb, 4 feet wldelxe per yard. SUir and Shelf Oil Cleth. - WINDOW SHADES-Bargalns In Window Shades. A New number In Dade at 87c Shading by the yard In Paper, Helland and Oil. Alse Spring Fixtures. WASH DRESS GOODS The best line of Outing Cleths In the city. Dress Ginghams In elegant styles at e$c, bc, juc ana izc. "" eniruug uv ac, men ana Duys at me price ever eucrcu. ,60 and 8c The best styles In panting for One NAVY 1ILUE CALICO-One Case Navy Blue Calice at Oc ; never before sold for less than 8e let of Skirting at 20c; reduced from 75c. Alse agents nigh Grade for the Sweetlnr Cycle Ce.. of Philadelphia. Pa., for the Celebrated Rival Safeties. Cycles at cut prices. See the 75c and 88b Coventry Rival Safety, ballbearing tepart. Beys' Rival aaieiyaifju. oee it, compare iiwunauyatsw, ana ii any ainercncein isvoret ineitivai. bard & Mcelrey, Heb. 33 aad 35 Seuth Queen Street. Opposite FeuataiR Zrr gabu eache. F UNN A BRENEMAN. Lew Priced Baby Carriages, Beys' Velocipedes, Little Giant Bicycle. THIS IS THE FINEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET. AGENTS FOP. REACH'S BASEBALL AND LAWN TENUIS GOODS. FIIN3ST & BRElSTEJAIAISr, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEW STh LANOASTER, PA. H. Z. RUOADS & SON. H. Z. Rhoads & Sen's, 4 West King St. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ART GOODS, COT GLASS, AND Royal 'Worcester 'Ware. SPECIAL LINES IN STERLING SILVER, GOLD FINISH. ENAMELEDPINS AND BROOCHES. LOOSE AND MOUNTED DIAMONDS. TABLEWAKE-KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS. Flrsl-CliiM Repairing In all Its Branches Receives Special Attention. TTILY'S CREAM BALM. CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Seres, Restore the Senses of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. PrlcebO cents at Druggists ; by mall, registered, 00 cents. 8 ' ELY BROTHERS, scpU-lydAw Ne. 68 Warren St.. New Yerk. 1-XltlINKi:NNKSS. J LIQUOR HABIT. In All the World there Is but One Cure. DR. nAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given In a cup of coffee or tea, or In articles or feed, without the knowledge of the patient, If necessary ; It is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. IT NEVER. FAILS, It operates se quietly and with such certainty that the patient undergoes no Inconvenience, and ere he Is aware, his complete reformation Is effected. tS page book of particulars free. 'cIIAS. A. LOCUER. Druggist. Ne. 0 East King St., Lancaster, l'a. ocU3-eed-TTh&S BARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. .CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. (Kavpct. -CARPETS 1 CARPETS CARPETS! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing ! LANCASTER FANCY STEAM DYEING WORKS SVttevncua. T UTHER B. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-LJ! W. Beoend Fleer Eshleman La North DnkwMtrMt. ulldlng, Ne, 18 prs-lydw TT ET EV1.RY MAN EXAMINE THE "S3STAI" WATERPROOF COLLARS AND CUFFS. At ER1SMANU Wheice NKCKVCEAR I WILLI AMSPORT, Wire Buckle Suspender, AT ERIHMAN'B. OULVIIUIl STONE JEWELRY 1 Complete Line of Emblematic Marks AT ERIHMAN'B. Ne. i West King attest. Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te a bilious state of the system, such as Dltzlnciu, Nausea. Drowsiness, Dlttress after Eating, Pain In the Side, dc. While their most remarkable succc&s has been shown In curing Are second te none In Pennsylvania for finish el work of all kinds. Feathers Dyed All Shades. Order will receive prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., NO. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster. Pa. fcblWmd (BuvtaUiB. 0V' MARTIN A CO. T Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preentlng this annoying com plaint, while they also correct all dlsordersef the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. E en If they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who sutler from this distressing cemplaint: but fortunately their goodness does net end here, and thew who once try them will find these little pills valuable In se many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. But aTter all sick head Is the bane of se many lb es that here is where we make our great beast. Our pills cure It w bile "CARTER 'LITTLE LIVER PILInre ery small and try easy te take. One or two pills makoadese. They ere strictly rgetable and de net gripe or purge, but by their gentle ac tion please all who use them. Li lals at '.5 cu ; nve ter II. Sold e crywhere or sent by malt. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Dese. Small Frk. HE LANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. S.&V. AWNINGS MADE ! Expert Workmen, Years of Experience, AWNING GOODS-Bst Quality. CHINA MATTINGS All Frcnh and Cheap ONE PRICE ! GROUND FLOOR ! 8HAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street ang3B-lyd & . 8. O. O. e. In tin Spring SWiFTS SPECIFIC is net a nostrum or a brief day's ex istence, such as spring up like the mushrooms ; neither is it one of the old worn-out petaih, mercury, sarsaparilla mixtures, which break down health, but is a purely vegetable remedy which strikes at the disease itself (instead of trying te cure the effect of diseases), and roots out the impurities of the bleed. HtUlineru doeb rrm: B BON TON MILLINERY STORE. -THB- BONTON Millinery. 13 East King Street. The Prettiest Bennet Fashions Originate Here. Yeu get the first leek in the ever changing mirror of fashion right here. Our Bennets are liked be cause they are "newer" and prettier a,nd unlike the hack neyed styles you see en the street. The work of our trimmers is a luxury, our low prices a joy. With one of our hats or bon nets you'll be "right in the fashion," and net much "out of pocket." We Trim te Order With distinguished success. We suit your individual style and taste, and our prices satisfy your notions of economy. Nae Straw Shapes. Many new styles en our coun ters te-day. New shapes and colors in Lace Straws and Mi lans. Pretty Turban Teques, S8c, 73c, 87c. Open Werk Large Hats, 48c, 63c, 73c. and 98c. each. "Van Dyke" Straws, 87c, 98c. and $1.23 each. Children's Hats Trimmed and Untrimmed. Hundreds te select from ; every shape and color. Prices remarkably low. Lace Caps, 2 5c, 37c, 58c. and 75c. New Styles and New De signs. Hat and Bennet Trimmings, Ribbons, Flowers, Crepe Lisse, Laces, Geld and Silver Bullion Galleens, Geld Laces and Braids, etc., etc., at less than any ether store in the city. THE BON TON UM 11 13 East King St., SfflallFUL aagia-lydeea IN KIVK.TEN.TWENTY.FIVK AND FIFTY Pound Package. LANCASTER CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENRICIIEK. Sold everywhere. $100,000. IN BONDS AND MORTGAGES FOR IN. VESTORS, IN SUMS OF ttoe.tsoo.t'ioo, 11.00a te rw.000. Bends Der cent. Interest, payablenuarterlr. Mortgages i per cent. Interest, payable half. I B. Martin & Ce. MATERIALS FOR SUMMER CURTAINS! Madras Muslin, cream or lemon, 36-inch wide, 16c a yard. Swiss Muslin, with side-band, 30 and 36-inch wide, 25c ; large Pelka Det, 25 and 40c. Light and Heavy Scrims, new patterns, 5c te 25c a yard. Velours, double-faced, four colors, 50-inch wide, $1.50 a yard. These goods will be very popular for Portiere Drapery. Madras and Lace Curtains. Silk Curtains. Silk and Canvas Curtains. Antique Lace Curtains. Cluny Lace Curtains. Antique Lace Curtains. Bulgarian Lace Curtains. Sash and Vestibule Curtains, in Swiss Muslin, Florentine Silk, Pongee Silk, Swiss Tam Tam eoured Lace. Materials for Sash and Ves tibule Curtains by the yard. Expert Draper for all kinds of certain work. Ne Fancy Prices. mrZ73mdS4F LANCASTER, PA. $jt1eucc. s. B.B. e. e. e. In the Spring Last winter ugly bells broke out all ever my arms and ueck, caused by poisoned bleed. Three bottles of SWIFT'S SPECIFIC (8. 8. 8.) oradl eradl eated the disease entirely from my sys tem. It also restored my appetite and built up my system, which had been ruu down te a low ebb, caused by the unhealthy state of my bleed. GEORGE ALVARD, Aug. 2, 1880. Avoca, la. Treatise en Bleed and Bklu Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFY, Atlanta, Ga, ffalacn of egahtew. -pALACE or r asuien! ssssssssasai ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 115 AND 117M. QDZSK ST. We have been making exten sive preparations all week, and will be ready te-morrow, Satur day, with the Grandest Display of New Millinery Goods and Flowers ever shown by us. We invite all te come and in spect our goods. A genuine surprise is in store for you. Never in the history of our business have we been able te show se large a variety and prices se low. We have a large line of Mil linery Laces, in black, white and all colors, and a full line of Col ored Netting, Crepes and Malines, and arc fully prepared te please the most fastidious customers. Our assortment of Children's Hats, in Canten, Fancy Straw, Black and White, Leghorn and Chip, is very large. We furthermore try te call your attention te our immense stock of Laces, Laces, Laces. The largest line of Black Chantilly Laces ever shown by us. Prices, 10 te 50c. White Oriental Laces, 5 te 50c. White Beige, Vandyke Point Laces, 10 te 75c a yard. Black Drap ery and Fisn Netting, in large variety. Real Torchon Laces. Special values at 5, 8, 10 and I2C. Dress Trimmings, black and colors, Passamenteries, Steel Points, Geld Points, Black and Colored Points, Black Silk Fringes, Girdles, in all colors, at 25, 50 and 75c; Steel Sets at $1.50 and $1.75 ; Black Bead Sets at 75c and $ 1 a set. A new line-of Imitation China Silks at I2j4c a yard; all the Newest Patterns. A new line of Dotted and Figured Swisses. A full stock of White India Linens, at 8 te 250 a yard. Lisle and Silk Gloves, l'ine Lisle Gloves, at 10, iaj, 15, 19 and 25c a pair. Taffcte Silk Gloves, 15, 19 and 25 te 50c a pair. Pure Silk Gloves, 35 te 75c a pair. Finest line of' Kid Gloves in the city. Anether in voice of Lupin Lacing Kid Gloves, in tan colors and slate, at 79c a pair. Undressed Mus quetaires, in tan colors, at 75c a pair. Bargains in Ladies' Ribbed Lisle Vests at 10, 12 and 17c. fiat. TJABY CARRIAGES, LAWN MOWERS, de WE HAVE NOW IN STOCK, IOO DIFFERENT STYLES BABY CARRIAGES, AT TRICES UNEQUALLED. IIOY'B SAFETY 1110 YCLES, 112 te M0. UIRL'S TRICYCLES, 15 te 112. IRON VELOCITEOES, LAW TENNIS ANO;BASE BALL GOODS. LAWN MOWERS! ymr OPEN E VEXINCI8.1B, SPREOHER'S Baby Carriage Bazaar, O UR LEAD1NO HATTERS. s.w- V n n KE ; 4 SI Sprint S. S. In the Petersburg, Va. The want of i ttte nnd the horrible dyspepsia which I suflbred have eaUrely pcared, and te-day I have m fob' digestion as any man In th Virginia, and all due te ft tow I of 8. 8. 8. JA8. E. COLLEUfc . Winten, N. C I use it every I It always builds me up, giving i petite and digestion, and me te stand the long, trying, ea lng, het summer days. In using tt seen become strong of body and eaty If , ,.-.1 r e. vav'?i miuu. ei. a. aejuuifl,') -a tteatltv' Wuffr. "3' fVUWBVI.viUTi i .ttnnitiniiiiMik I' A In effect from Nev. 10. IMS. " Trains ucav LAKcASTaa aad laavs aa4 ft - ctvvntruiuHieipuiaas loiiewai b(; WESTWARD. Paeine Kxprest...., News Express!-..... Way Passennrt.... MalHralnvlaMUert ut a eiaii trainr-..... Niagara Express Hanover Acoem , Fast Llnet.......... Frederick Aocem.... Laucaster Aoeom....... Laneaster Acoem....... HarrlsbnrK Aoeom.... Columbia Aocem..... Harrlsbunc Express-! mesicrn cxpiwr.. Lancaster A coo... . LmTS Philadelphia, taea. m, :a. a. 7.00 a. m. via Colombia b:mj a. m. via oelumblaJlliSS a. ma ll:jp,m. aMssa, via uoiumeia u: a. m. Via MU Jey., Ktup. m. 4:40 Pi m. &30p.m. taep. m. EASTWARD. Phil. Expressf...- rmitLlnef....... . Laneaster Aoeo Harrlsburg Express.. lAiicastr Accem...... Columbia Aocein... AtlanUe Rxpressf..... Seashore Express. Philadelphia Aoeom. Sunday Mall ...... Day Expresst......-. Harrlsbttrs; Acoem... Mall Trlnt......... Frederick: Accem...... Leave Lancaster. 2d0a ra. ;a. m. .-as a, m 8:10 a. a. 8:SSa. m. IWOa. m. ll:a. m. la-.Mp. m. SJUp. m. 8.-00 p. m. t:p. m. S:p. m. 936 p. B. IZUp. ra. Wa.si mr XMk! iS5: THimsa, & utffclav -'J9 .:. tTbe only train wliMi ran dally. ' , On Sunday the Hall train watt raa kytrar Colombia. . -' . J. R.wpeD,aeraitarjaaji; CHAH. E. i-uuil. General slanager. ,;. . TpilILADELPHIA ft RKADINU1 READINO ft COLUMBIA DrVISIOK On and after Sunday. Nev 10. IMS, Fer Heading- and IntermedtaU point, days, 7:30 a. in., UM, MB p. m-i Bonday, Fer Pbiladelnhla, week day, 7 a. a IftfJ 3:411 is. nt. Hunaavs. SJlfi n. m. u va d Fer New Yerk via Philadelphia, ' Fer New Yerk via Allentewa, MdM n. m. Fer Allentown, week day, 7J0 a, Ba.,ftSl in.1 DDDear, flaw p. in. . i' - Fer PetUvllle, week day, 740a. s feat i Hundmv. S.-SS n. m. ui Fer Lebanon, week dan, 7.-00 a. sin p. m. I Sunday, 86 a. m, 8.66 p. m. ,',;. Fer narrlsburc, week day, 1M a,aj;i B.-X.p.m.i Sunday, 8.-OB a. m. ?-., Fertlnarryvllle, week days, KM a. ftv TRAINS FOR LANCASTaHL ff Leave Reading, week day. 730. lbafft. I VM e. m. : Sunday. 1M a. m.: 8:10 9. a. .' Leave Philadelphia, week day, ailft. m., 4S0 p. m. . -'.KT Leave New Yerk via ra.iflllai.w4JSaV 7:46 a.m., lJ0.p. m. 13:16 night. v Leave New Yerk via Allentewa, 4.-03a.m.,lKp. m. j LieaveAuentewn, wees, aayg, a.sa. """Leave PetUvlll, weak days, saw a.,aW' Leave Lebanon, week day. 7:11 a, saJ, 7:18 p. ra. : Sunday, TM a. ra, 8.-48 jp, sa. i73' Leave Harrliburf, week day, ldka.Sa, dav.fli&0a.Bi. Leave tiuarryvUle, week days, , IMIfttl ' ATLANTIC CITY DlVIUOir. H Leave Fhlladelpbta. Chestnat strati ana rjenui street wnan. Fer Atlantla City, week days, wjju a. in. ana t-w p. in.; Aaeanu 7J10 a. m. and i-M n. m. t Sunday. fcOO a. m., AoeemmodaUon, M a. sa,,i Returning leave AtlanUe City, depot i Atlantla and Arkansas Avenues. Weak i Kinross 7-..0 a. m. and 4 D. m. Aa modaUen,8Ka.u. and 4d0 p. m. Snndatf s BixpreNi, p. in. iicvuuiuiuujuuiit 7sv Hi aav and 4:30 p, in. , Detailed time tables can be obtained at UakaV oreoe. . A. A. MCLEOD. 0. 0. HANCOOaV p. VlcePre.ftien'lM'gr. Gen'llWrAaV EHANON A LAN0A8TEB JOINT Uglali J lUUbmiAU. 11S6 U:4B 12:85 iae 1:48 P.M. U6 fcSB ftM am YOUNG MEN YOUR SriUNO HAT IS AWAITINQ YOUR CALL. trf Our Stock Is new Full nnd Complete and and we bave a hat that will please you. DUNLAF & CO.'S Celebrated Hats AND THE WILCOX "BOSTON BEAUTIES All have made their appesrance. Only place In the city where you can set them. Best ft 00 and WOO STIFF FUR HATS ever shown, HOY'S ANDCIIILDREN'S Nobby Goods and Fancy Styles a specialty. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. Arrangement of Passenger Train ea aad I , BUNDAY,.neve!uuer iv, us. NORTHWARD. Leave a.m. r.x. King Street, Lane. 7j Lancaster.... 7:07 Columbia .............. Manhetm, 7:88 Cornwall TM Arrive at lhmjma 8:11 SOUTHWARD. KftV A.M. r-.M, Lebanon ................. 7:13 Cornwall. ............- 737 ManhelmJ. 768 Lancaster tOl Arrive at Columbia 9:27 King Street, Lane. 8:36 i7. M 8;40i r.uS 7:16' 73B TM vv t 12-JO 13:48 1:16 Ida 2:05 2.-00 K.U.T, .3 8f4S 801 .y X-j m tv a. m. wifiiON. Hunt. R. A a Railroad. a H. NEFF. SupU C. H. R. IK r'-J 7m, Satnp. feii F IW LAM PS AND ART GOOD8. Call and See -THE u Mi J iv k. A V,. ! FINE NEW LAMP! -AND HRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR JoMLAiiield'sBiiildiiigjI NORTH QUEEN STREET. UM13ING. GAS FITTING, Ac St NO. 81 BAST KINO ST. aprl7lf(l TTliS &avva$t. yenrly, aei nd or call for fall Information. V'e.H.Duket OTANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLET, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40,42,4346 MARKET STREET, (Rear of the Postefflce), LANCASTER, PA. All the latest style In Uueglcs, Family Car- lni.es. 1'llSitens. Surrevs. Cabrlnlnt- Hhwlnni. Ruckbeiirds, Tretting Wagons.SUtlen Wagons, J. B. Martin & Ce., Cor. Prince & W. King Sis., LANCABTEB, PA. Market Wagons, etc. new ready ler the Hnrlux Trade. A flue Hue of Second-Hand Werk. New Is the time te order fur Spring. Strictly first-class work snd all work fully guaranteed My prices are the lowest In the county far Uia same iuaiu-ui worn, uiveruuacaii ana ex amine my work. Repainting and Repairing promptly at tended te and done In a flrstrclass manner. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose, TANKS FOR WATER.OILS, ACID OK GAS of any susp or capacity, at fair prices, go te JOHN BEST. 388 Easl: Fulton street. (m7-Oa rpllEMT. GRETNA Narrow Gauge Railway will be opened for the sumcr season ou MONDAYjJVlAY 5th This read extends from the entrance of the Park te the summit of the Seuth Mountain (Cerner Dick), a dlsUnce of about four miles. Its miniature trains connect with all the regu lar naskenscr tralni en the Cornwall A lAva lAva ne'n rafreSdnlm lng al the Park, and return- "K?ra. l.n".V.1.m" L ''r.YnT' rk. "" Frem Pbm'ts . Vn m.' lE It. ami in.lladel phlS d "Reading It. It., within 100 mile., the trip Tt iTflSUlSte AlSlB in lh world. It I. tbe weYt PKRr-ECr IN I1M NWIlUg TION. It lias alkO the, MOl COMILCTE EQUIPMENT. Its engines are ,rrfect little inwlels of the standard engines of (he uiUelass, and IU cars ere especially udapted te afterd en unobstructed view of the ningnlrlcf nt scenery .inn. th line. Steel Ralls, bteue UalUlt, It Is ene of the features of Mt. Gretna Park, the flnest day retort In Central Pennsylvania. Church nndSchoel.Mllltary and Clvloergttnl. rations. Clubs and Tourist Parties caitsecuie the exclusive use of Mt. Orstn Irk en yipll yipll catien te NED IRISH. SHmd Bup't C, t U Railroad, Lebanon, Vm. JeIul P. Schaum & SenJ PLUMBING, r.&ft PlTTINC AND ROOFIK; 26 SOUTH QUEEN 8T.. LANCABTK W s Vhoteavavh: B! OTE. I JUST RECEIVED . FROM KcBiiigslJiirg, Prassift, . ..tnni. made esneclally Car Ba4 , ii m J i . m iwe Backgrounds rZB!JE Three-qeaiur miuiw w - ROTB. 60 1-2 NORTH QUEEN 8l Next Peer U tn Poiteaao. ; laaT-ttM ,r --, - .. . ,,.-." f " H&Jji.im$e$ ", v'f "jLfaag- ?. ij rv ,tsa - AL-V- -.fa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers