p v; X ft.! ' f" THB LANCASTER DAILY TNTELLTOENOER, MOHDAY, AMUX 28, 1800. r-M l,r H z :D IH ILL POHDJ I Mf Inb us an inn WHIUN IftMflllMIUMFKMlI. iem Asjsjhfe-t of Carlisle ad tlMtM TTIfti and Tlire Chll- ,f -ss-nUt of Mary Herry. HMWa, April 38,-JeHn iay. " I est lb Mint will, came te hit death by r thM sneniing-. wjrwu w empleye, were reui-iviu-t the mill pond ud Day bad Ter m ptarik. The sucUen wm very miwim ui i"" "' "",?, I Dy witn iu erere no oeum i a ma nin was aeaa. ubhuij Herkbnr wm notified and em- tied Alary. After bearlnrr the evl- ertlet eraeddentai drowning wh ., Davia a resident of Carlisle, Ma been working, at the flint null UaVnMMtiav it SvttB fjl VMira Of .andkaaawlfe and three rfaildrcn lu MM. He wm a member or me ii. a. tv kM hit bone. Tbe body wm tent te em'tiaadertaklns establishment and Ly ln!d- IHe Mary Marry, me rau jbium. . i piece, died at tbe Iieum of Mra. Mary r, en eaMirusy vemuif. ,T.v. " l from old aire, altar a briar Illness. I deceased wm born at Cbrietlne, llela- . June 8, 1799. When quite young me llv mnrnl te French Creek. Chester sty, where they lived for some time. r tnen moved te usivin, m ceumy, re they lived until 1832, when thry went (arietta. After living there for eeme a the famllv came te Columbia, which i since been their home. Three sisters, nnafa. Deberah and Mary, taught school Itfeie old meeting house en Cherry street many years. in uw.-rayeu ny k gains; many yram age nu hmjuuuu u .household duties. Tliere are many flown who received thelrnrst schooling I the old melting house from tbe Harry era. xue runerai win no uem u ui r afternoon at 2 o'clock from llie house : mnent In the friends burying ground i Mount Bethel cemetery. Oed.' H. Adams and Toms llanlen In He, She, Hlre, Her," will be the attrnu- in ine opera nouseeu iiiwuiy uiku. hare treat favorite In town and will am m. lam audience. vaceb K Bnek, a Pennsylvania railroad ttrabraksman.relleuiiiniraiii an-arke- this morning ami receiveu no me es. Be wm Tjreuuht te town and ken In tils home. EStatlle Vlckers and company had a Mr Slenee in tne opera iieum en namrusy m. 'roe perrormance was very koe. r ',k--. si if'. TUB K. OP V. FAIIt. W ; OetMa-ta-Doersem'a Hall en Satur day Evaalng These Conducting It. r The long talked of fair for the henellt of Hiunirermeu lianK tvniguis ei t-yiuins oeBenedln'Doersom'Bhall, Jfe. IStiKsst Ing street, en Saturday evening. The auier was uisagroeauie anu preveiueu I street parade announced, but It will be I some evening wis weeic. be attendance was goed.consldoring the ither. and the receipts very satisfactory I tbe management The hall Is decorated trgnna Knignis ei i-yiuias etu ss,Trna presents u nanasoine apeur- The entire east slde of the room Is taken lit with fancy bibles, named In honor of (Bights of Pythias ledges, divisions, grand I 'Supreme juugun. uu uii'w huien uru cles principally the handiwork of the lea. "The variety Is lurize. the prices tad are reasonable and there should be t trouble in dlsDeℑ of the lante stock rftutcy articles made for the occasion. neuewin is me arringejieni or me ilea, beginning at the deer : Inland City tn. Ne. 88. K. of P.. Mrs. M. M. Bar- i. ia in chance. Her assistants are Mrs. IV kl Breppenl. Misses Hinma Mussnr, ! OftlWIIf J.-UMUIV UIUIVVI, -IBIV .U Ten. ancastcr Division Ne. n, umrerm Hank, Id oil ever uy Airs. Ainurese uuzer. assistants are Misses Kate Miller. I Xautz. Bertha KutiU. Msmle llnua- n, Mamie Druchbar, Uertie .Simen, Hosa rae. Irand Lodse table. In cliHrse of Mrs. W. Weaver and Mrs. J. W. Iteith ; assist- Misses Llzxle i-iick, Alary lteiin, Gressman, Kmlly M. Iteed, Clara reaver, Annie Itutchivm, Mary .aepiel, tie Barr, Atnile KsMugteu ami Mni. t Wlnower. 'HuDraine Ledee tnble. In charce of Mrs. fJehn A. Brimmer: assistants, Sailln Ham- ena. Jimuy Wiley, i.tninn urauycumt), scale M. Ivuliim. Mame Cehe. Mlnulu : Blestand. Barbara Mlller. 1 kfTeutenta Lodse table. In charae of Mrs. James Arinent; assUUnts, MUaes Mary K. Leenard, LlzrJe Bait7.. , ;In)nJ Cltv Division table, with Mrs. BaimnAl Xf. Mlremi 111 i.iiirLrn. niliiluiit tJCra. B. F. Zeek, Mrs. 1). M. Oeml, Mrs. . Wm. Cornelius, Mrs. 0. F. Pitttersnn, Mrs. . m. jr. uasiings, Mrs. J. i'. nair aim Mrs. ; Wm. llelten. '-Lancaster Lodtre table Is lu charse of t lira. Wm. Shoeuberger. Her assistants re Mrs, Marie Smith, Mlstes limiim Knlil, Aenle Sheatror,AinnndaAiuie,Knta.Sbeoti- nr, uussie uoue, kuw uone, aiuiie rertc vv In tbe rear of the room Is a raised plat- 1 Ibrm which will be eccuuied each nluht by m orchestra or baud. VAt the south end, en the west slue, Is an ' aaartment which will be a popular leature ;,! the fair a sheeting gjllury. i Adjoining this is the wheel of fertune In ,'akarge of William Cornelius and C. K. sirei. in mis department or tue ruir are nr useful articles and It ill leld a tendseme profit. ; We come next te the confectionery table, M which may be found the choicest con- fanuens in me inarKct, oneren at prices ss low m at any of the stores. It Is ireblded - eyer by Mrs. Harry A. Black and shn has t r her assistants Mrs. M. I. Bush, Misses Hettle A.Stencr, Sarah Will, Alice Will, ; Aggie Geyer, Mume Purvln, Irene Purvlu, ; BlUe Parvin. r'Kebecca at the Well is nersounted bv tillsses Bebecca Skeeu and Flera Drearer adjoining this Is the flower tuble In rgeef Misses Grace I-DrueUoiimlHer Helen O. .oek. VMra. Jehn K. Gibsen is In chares of tlm 'lee eream table. Khe Isasslwtud by Mrs. i Annie weirand .MissNadie uibseu. , booth has been lit let! up for voting l Wiroeses. It Is In clmrne of Harrv II. t Zeek, B. Frank Zeek and Frank Derwart. 'M tnls department one can vote as often ,aed for any person he chescs, and there Is me daneer of arrest for reeeatlmr. This ".'voting stand was erected te de nwuy wit li rthaaoiicltatlen of votes in the room. The , OMBBllttee desired te de awav with that g objectionable feature se conii'nen at fairs, and under no circumstances will any one ,-,: allowed te solicit a vote in the room In i waicntne fair Is being held. "?tThe fair Is under the general manaire- 'mngements : (fC.yisionne. u: uuas. u. Brown, rrank ;jf. Derwart, Wm. II. Bltner, Charles K. Saitzal. Jehn A. Hrimiiipr Wm Mil.h. KlUrry Hartley and Wm. Neudorf. L lPiyialen ,Ne. 7 : C. F. Patterson, I). M. fe-Oped, H Black, D. H. Bartholemew, H. k i""Di "" , m. Cornelius uud 5-'M- M. Barten. yrouemipg are me omcers of; the ladlps' sumi rresiueni, irs. Liiarles II, BWBj vice presidents, Mrs. B. F.Zoek, " " whu, auureuirv. juish A.Stener; treasurer, MUs Mamie lOflceraef tbe gentlemen's reiuiutt- lare: President, Jere. Kile; lcopresi lcepresi BU, Charles II. Brown, Samuel M. MB t secretaries. B. Frank Zeek. Frank . Derwart t treasurer. Win. II. llltner. ' The funds realized will be applied te tbe ja ftwinant of tbe expenses of ihe annual gMWeringef tbe uniformed rank of the M. Mar In This city tn September. iTfcere Will be musical attractions ni-erv felBg. , On Wednesday the attraction i de selections by ine orchestra of the Mf Men's Dernocretlo society. 1m attraction en Saturday evening was M musical Drezramma rendered Uv tlm laanaia b&nd. If " ' ' HflWlM nr Hmnwiii rl.an..l Tbe quarterly meeting at tbeltev. Kenten w Sampson cuapei, m Faegleysvllle. held yesterday. There was a large bes, especially hi me arternoeu and :. iBCludiOir DCOdIb from nnlmnhlu ivrtabarg and ether places. At 0 o'clock UMasernlncr a nraver meA'Iniv wfta hAifi blail WM lad h Rav. Ilaiirklm nfTlar. 'ftoberc. The same minister preached at F N aaioek la the forenoon. At 5 o'clock I n ; -fhe ayiyen tbe aermeu wm bv Kev. C. t K. Aldrldgs, and in tbe evening Uev. Jehn UfewM, of HarrUbura;. preached. Seven wusis wstv tsaea into tue cDurcti isjMKDlef aervlea. V TCRNKKY BtTTLBB INVESTIGATED. Ills Colored Political Club Una Xe Fur ther TjM Fer ttlm. A meeting of the colored political club of this city was held recently te consider the action of Wm. Butler, the colored appointee te tbe pest of turnkey at the station house by Mayer Clark, who accepted the same contrary te expectation of the colored people and resigned afterwards. Butler wm called before the club and questioned In reforence te his course of acuen, ana Biivriiranuir ms uajiiumuii the committee retired, prepared and re ported the following resolutions as thelr sentiments and the opinion of tbe colored Wiikrka, One Win. Butler, a colored man, new efTMullnif as harbor at the American house, this city, wm duly ap pointed te the position of turnkey by our recently elected mayor, In consideration of political service ronueiw mm uy us, uu that tbe said Butler was In a portion re garded as a stepping slone te our higher social m well as political advancement. Whubkas, Said Butler in accepting a position which he never canvassed, thus defeating competent colored men for the same, and thereby most Ignomtnleusly re signing the same within 24 hours of being appointed, which action cast great discredit en our people. Therefore be it Iteielved, That the said Win. Bittler shall be opposed by us In any future political Mplratlens he should take unto himself, and that he be declared unworthy tlie re Bpect of all geed people, consequent te a traitor of his race. lUnelved, That the said Bailer was nevnr roeommended te the position he attained by any class of colored poeplo whstover, and. with all dufl respect, our honorable mayor did net Justify the colored poeplo, by virtue of whose votes he was elected, in Ignoring the sanctioned ones for the same, and auporsedlng Win. Butler's resignation accordingly. . ... JtetetvrJ, That a copy of these resolutions lie ferwarded by us and additional cople be transmitted te our dally papers for pub lication and te tbe colored press of the state. Hlgned by committeemen. Albert Wilsen, Jehn Boek, Bainuel Gray, Win, II, Wilsen, Jr., Wm. 11. Wilsen, sr. Appreved by the colored poeplo In gen eral of Lancaster. The abeve resolutions npponred in the Hnrrlsburg Tene of April 'M, the ergnn of the colerndpeople of Centra! Pennsylvania. ACCIDENT T JOHN HHUOM-a SON. Tbe Hey's Bedy, Frem Head te Feet U Scnlded and the Pliyslclnn Ktitor Ktiter talns I.lttlu IIope of lleoevery. This forenoon Jehn, afourteen-iunnllis-old son of Jehn Slirem, who resides en Lancaster avenue, was terribly scutded. The mother was washing In the kltchen and she had a tub, which wm almost full of water, sitting upon a beach. Thn .child was playlngareund the room and It Dually trilled the tub ever. The wnter pnyered the child from head te feet. The little boy was in a rrtgnirui condition wnen or. Kluard arrived. Ills en tire body, as well as the legs and face, was he badly scalded that the skin peeled off. The phvslcian did all In his power te allovlate Its sullerlng, but llttle hopes lire ontertalnod for Its recovery. A Ijinre i'unitrnt. The funeral of And. J. Hhertx took nlaoe yrsterday afternoon from the httoreNldeuco, or ine uoceAsou, en uonceni, . street. Jiie attendance was very.Uigd and among these lu attoiidanen we-e inomherM of thn Amal gamated Association of Iren Workers. Blue Cress Cemmandery mid Cnstle, and Metamora trlbe of Bed men. .Notwith standing the bad weather the societlcs turned out largely. The services woie con ducted by Bevs, Themas Thompson unci J. II. Ksterllue, The liitcrment was made at Ijuicaster cemetery. Common IMnns Court. The April term of the common pleas court was emed at lOo'cleck this morning. Of the 30 cases en the list 11 wero continued, 2 are in process of settlement and 17 wero declared ready for trial. JosephKnapp, Columbia, was appoint d guardian eftheinlnnrchlld of JouuShlllew, deceased, late of Columbia. Fllthtlng Over the l'rlmnry. A party of Bepiibllcan politicians of llie J.ifiiiin ward met logetner en Saturday evening and alter Imbibing (roety begaii quarrelltigoverthocomliig primary. There were Breslusand Myers men In the party; among ithe former were I.otter-l'arrfor Klrchnerand ex-Pollcemun JehnStumpf. Blewa wero struck and Stumpf had his face tuttoeod by a young man nanied McGlunls, who Is for Myers. The letter-carrlers are said te be actively at work for Breslim and young Leng, of the First ward, was shak ing his inonejyn poeplo's faces Saturday night, lle wants te place It en llreslus. CliHt'tfed With Itlipn. Jul ward Murray was charged en the 4th of April with an attempt te commit rape. He left Parodlte township, stepping In Chesler, where he was nr rested by Jehn I.. Miller, censtable, en Saturday. He hh coiumitted te prison by II. II.' ltnhrer and allerwards taken bofero Judge Livingston, who released him en $1,000 ball foruppoar feruppoar foruppear auco at court. A County Auditor's I'unernl. The funeral of the late County Auditor Cyrus Nell took place from his late home In Maner township this morning. Audi tors Boweie uud Geed with ex-County Solicitor Fry, attended the funeral, The Interment was made at HabecLur's meet ing house. HUKyestirht Saved. Jehn Itlcket, Ne. e North Thirteenth street, lteudlng, Pa., him a llttle son tlx cnm old, who has (uttered terribly wltti an awful attlictlen of the eyes. Ills eyes watered ceutluually unit were te weak that fur the lat three jennt he was compelled te wear a bandana u er tlicin nt ull tlmeii te keep out the llftit. After wcarlnic Hoke's llelt six weeks he could dlciise with tbe bandage The boy's mother mjiiie jcarn age suffered with n similar ullllotlen and lest tbeslgbt of oneejo. This dleee was heredl tary, and the boy's relief Is coiuldered u mett wonderful result brought about by Hoke's licit. At Lancaiter.vcry Wednesday and Baturday at Ne. 311 North Queen street, and at Mr, beckard's bearding house, Ne. IZI North Third street, Columbia, ecry Monday and Thursday. uiJ:mjtltw I'ollcemuu's Bull. A ball under the management of it number of llie members of Majer KJirerley's police force will be given at Mivnncrcher hall this ecnlng. Indications point te a large uttendunce uud u suscessful ball. A Paralyzed I-ady Miule te Walk. Mrs. Jehnsen Miller, thing In Mjerstewu, was iwralyzed since October Oth In the lelturm and limb. Bhe was entirely bclplcv. She oj ej piled Huke's Electric Appliances, und In ninety mlnuU'g she could use her little linger, und In less than two weeks she walked te any part of the hou.eou the llrsl fleer. apJtf-itdAltw A 81't.ciAt. meeting of the exivutlre com mittee of the Weman's Indian association will Le held this evening at Ihehouieof thepreitl dent, ZO West Orange street catlt. llert.-A)rir.Sth, 1VJ0, In this iltv, l.Uzlu It. Itej, daughter of Anion (J. and Aunls Bete, lu the tweut) -'bird j car of her age. The relatles and frlendi of the family aie respectfully lultcd te attend the funeral, fiem her uurcntk' residence, Ne. lit Keuth iueen slrcvt.eu Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Iu termeut ut Woodward Hill cemetery. . K"-",?--,,.l"u.cll'r' AJ,r" . I&1", i:lzu beth Keller, wife of ctius. Keller, lu the Wih ) cur of her age. The relatUes and friends of the family are re sMH.'tfullylnlled te uttend the fuueral, from her husbaud's resldtuce, Ne. HO Ijjurtl street en Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter rnent ut Lancaster cemetery. sp'JWtd S&larhc-t. Ltve SteuU Mnrueta, CaiCAOO.Aprll SC-rtecelpU. I.VB; khlpmeuls none; brisk; bees. ft wii OJi IS 13 suit UO ; stackers and feeders. 2 UllM UllM cews, bull and mixed, ft KVS3 SO ; Texas catile' 2Ka3 30:Coenfed3 00asee. ' """' Uegsltecelpu. 11,000: shipments, neim: mar. ket lower; mixed. H 05! st!; heavy. U in nsry,i light, je34 se; .kip!,n ai w. Hheep IfecelpU, UX: shipments, nene: mar ket Urui: natives. 14 00l bO: Western weiiled tiOOUtA hi; shorn Texans. II 00(S5 10: lambs.fOtu te W 70 per hundred weight. KASTLiuxBTV,Aprll25.-Ciatlle-Becelpt.iriU; shlpmenu, INK); market nothing doing; all through consignments. Hogs Receipts, 300 ; shipments. IttXl; market actbe: medium, fi &at4 ue; Yorkers. W&&JI4S; common te talr, 14 iWtl 45; iib. M0U425; no cars shipped te New Yerk. fc Hbep KeeelpU. 4iW: shipments. 400; iMk,V5cUv,: Pfbue-IS 105 40; fair te geed M'AftlW; common, lias w ; lambs, ri Deae uu : eul calves. Hi'SaS 75. ' " ' i i,H,r.'AM, A)r.u 29--aIe-Bccelpts, 6h00 head; easier; net quetubly loiter. eheep and Lambs-lWcelpu 6J) head firmer; net quetablyhlghsr. " ' Uofs-Kseslyts, T,a head; acUe, Arm and liishrr ; all efTerlnsn taken t tend te choice lifMVy, II 0Vl t,",; llgttt hars, tl il IV, roughs, H 7Sh3 DO. Ot-aln ana i-roylsleBe. ruralshed by B. K. Yaadt, Breker. CM icaoe, April , im o-eleek P.M. . .. Wbeak Cera. Oats. Perk. Lmi4. April., Mar... sH ...... w si;J z, ifw as 12 M 6 77 13 H f S5 June Jtiiy, AUKUSt.. u..l.ku nriiwiiiuri.. ..,.,. ilei October... lear.... C-rudsOU Couieli... -May. ... W7. Vlesing races z:l5 o'eleca j. m. Wheal Cern Oats. Pere. lrd April.... May June.... July. Aususl., Hepimher October.... Oonaels ., Crude Oil-March elnterWbeal... spring Wheal... (Jern ......... ......., OsU.... Hye .... Uarley Hecclnts He lU-cclpu-Cattle.. Mtoea MarKata. QnoUllena by Rd, MeUraea Ce., baeksrs tancaslcr, Pa. ... xiv re ttir, II A.M. ISm, Sr. Mi Canada Paclfle. .. m Colerado Ceal Central I'aelnc-.....-. Canada Heulheril .-. ..... Oil. Ht. U A lbg Den. A llie U Del. U A W., Krle Erie JiitU.. ., jr u...... K liOd. A Nm. li. HbOT8..M4t Mlcli.On...... ., MiMeurl I'fATinc-. Ilorke Vulley S V n. v rlSZLZZ.!. Ht WUiHMHiMHiimliniii N. Y. O .... New Knglsnd Kant Tennessee. Oinnha - Oregon 'J'raiiKceiillneutat, utiuuiea w. l'aolfle Mall , Richmond Terminal HUl'aui Texas I'aclnc Union I'aclnc Wabash Vm Wabasb Frcf Western 11 Westrlhere lleiuts. rilll.AIIKM'lllA LIST. Uh. Vl H. N. Y.Al'lille. Pa. It. B. Kradlni Ili. Nav Hoateuv. Pas P. A R N. OuU Peeples Pas.. Ildgl's , Oil......... fV si 6-: &i Si Philadelphia Prodnen Market. I'llti.AnEM'iltA, April 28.-Noen-Klour firm ; Penn'a supers, 2HVa2 7&: extra. 27.Vail5: family, 3004375; roller, CI ! 25; pateut, at 7Vcti5 Zt. Wheat dull; Ne. 2 Red uaw.9l.aKc: Ne. 1 Penn'a Red, manic ; Ne, 2 de, DSftpuc. Cern steady ; Ne. 2, new, 4104Je ; old, 40 4le Oats quiet; Ne, 2 White 3.Ue.; Ne. 2 mixed, myi: Urandulf ; Winter 110 75017 60; HprlngllOOO 4J10W. Haled har steady; tlO final! 00 as te quality; timothy IOTA UU) for cheice: mixed, Kai20U; baled rje straw, new, SI7(4ISt. Iluller quiet; Penu'a creamery extra 18AMVa; Penn'a firsts oxlre, flc; Jobbing, 2I4K. Kggs firm; Penn'a flraU, UJic; held lets, 14.al5e. as te quality. Choesedull; part sklius, 78e; full skims 1(9 2a 1'ctrnlenm dull : refined tn bbls., 7 20. Potatoes dull ; 45(J6e per bus. as tequalltj'. Llve Stock Prices. Piin.Anr.f.riltA, April 21. The receipts at the West Philadelphia uud North Peuus)lvuula l)rue Vurds were; Beeves, Hheep. Hogs. Ker the week 1,1a) 8,000 liOO Pre vleus week J.tlO 7,000 11,700 Heet cattle The receipts Included 'XM head for shlpuieiil per the steamer Indiana torUmdeu, and 417 head for shipment te tllssgew per the steamer Austrian, leaving 2,757 head for the local market, against ",ixu head for the previ ous week. Although the receipts were heavier, te-day's market was the meat active ene for seme time past, mid Iho ;ens were sold out esrly, nil grades being readily taken at firm prices, and lu some Instances advances were made. We quete: Extra, bUtttiWa; geed, 43. 05e ; medium, 49MC4O; fair, 4KO4J0 ; com cem cem men, (.ii)ia ; culls, iy,'(33ic; fat cows, 2Ji Among the sales at the West Philadelphia dreveyard te-day were the following : Michael Ulniau le Redger Maynes, 12 lamcus ter county steers, aemge 1415 lbs, 1500 per huu dred. AboKatzte ,8 Lancanter county steers, averagel,lU5lts,fl 40 t hundred ; 6 de de, l,l7Stt,$4 374 per hundred. A. A J. Christy te McCaudless, Itclnlng A Ce , 18 IjihcnMir county steers, uverage 1,2m lb, tl :I7J-J er hundred ; 10 de de, uveragel.OlU Im. U 15 per hundred. ' Jacob Hchamberg te McCandles, Reining A Ce , ill Penn'a steers, average 1,S5 tfw, tl S5. James Clcmwn te J. V. Wells, IS Umcakter county steers, aeruge 1,003 tt-i, IJOuer liuu dred. II. F. McKlllln te Reger Maynes, II) ljincjstr county sUvrs, uverugu l,'.'.j tu, tiae iwr hun dred. Chrlit Heltz te N. It. Herbert, 14 Ijincaster caunty steers, acrage llve Itn, tIJO per huu. dred. Leuis Paul te Hugh Chain. 10 Lancaster county steers, mcrugn lbs, tl i) per hundred. CM. Mcl'lllln te MtUaudlcss, Reining Jk Oe., f, Ijinrasler county steers, uerage 1,110 Its), tl 15 lur hundred. J.O. Keller te Welker A lira, Is latneaster county steers, uveragu l,lt tts, tl 15 per hun dred; 21 de de, average 1.00 J tb, H00 iwr hundred. I). W. dreit te N. II. HerlHirt, 10 tancaster county steers, uverage 1145 lbs, li IJX per hun dred. K. F. Yohn te Rihlger Mietics, II Ijuicastcr county steers, ueragu 1,115 lbs, II 10 per hun dred. Milten Kby te Redger Maynes, II Lancaster county steers, uverage 1070 ttn, U g7i lr hun dred. A. A J, Christy te CIiri. Reesch AHens.lt 1 jiiH-ulr cows, a eraga 1 0S4 tbs, U 30 .ikt hun dred. Hliee The demand for stock was active, and although the rccOpU were 1,000 heavier than last week, prices en ull geed grades closed firm. Ne native tool beep arrived, although some Kansas wool sheep were In. We quote : Extra. Je; geed, uii.U)je; medium. 5Xiii5:c; com- me-L,c'50 ' ,c""?' i0 ' elra cBpiied, M(;5Jie ; ceed cllpiwd, 6)yd&(e; medium SI1 1'iSV'W10! common, 44jc ; cull clipped, Uimhs-Natlve fall lamtis, both wool and clipped, were In geed demand eud prkes cleed linn, while Bprlng lambs were 50e y head lower. Ne Kansas arrived. Native oef lambs, 5X8 jljicj native cllpied, 44'r0Je; spring lambs, Hogs Although Iho receipts wcre heavier, prlctscued firm under a geed demand. We y.'MV.V00011 VesU.ni, 0i6)tc; Uoed HUte, OMutUJCC. Milch cows wnre lu better rninest und prices advanced te UOtOO. with sales of several extra Kin,., uv ,u ivr nrua. Milch calv cs were dull at 33lk'. Fat cows were In goeddomuudat Pi&tUc Mll,.,.ir.' ......a .v.i.A ......In........ ...r. 't ..... re ....,'l'v. v-w... ., v, v i.vMc,utiy hciiv cut SlAJt llole-nn cons were In full snnidv avnin City DresMHl lleeves were In fair demand and )irlces closed firm at 1(370 Ter steer uud 5(Sc ler cows. ilciu bocrtiBcmcttte. R OYAL UAKINO POWDER. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. ABSOLUTELY PURE. Aereaiii of t.irlar baking powder. Highest efallltilcaveutug strvugth. U. X. Uertrnmtnl eprlS-lydAw C' tEAP-fURK RYE WHWKIES. HUACK betry, Ulngcrand Kununel lirandle. ROHHER'H LIQUOR HTORE, Nn.22CeutreBquare, "lAI.IFORNIA. AJI T- 1. f "FfnVaclSc'c'e ,..,r,-"i......"A.i'l.'.v Assistant 'General V "Iteiai i-artles. Heml-inenthlv. TeiirUt u T .im1?1 " nreaawuy, New Yerk: R. J. MM1T1I, Agent, ID B. 3d Bt. Pit lis. ' JaultMydZiaw J-OOK I Llt'E INSURANCE AT COST, HE bT King' Iflsurante and Bral Estate Ijmej-, Representing Life, Accident Fire, Heller, Plate Olass and Theft Insurance. OfUee-IO E.STKINa UT.,2d Fleer Frent. ap2Wmd A, T, BALZIOEH, Msnagsr. . .... ,. w ra. nii uta iu M.H) S2K 2IH Is 00 27 .. 87 rt'-J U U 40 36 .. 8IJ M Wm ...... -.... . "S SH "viMi'vi."'"" cwLeu! IHSINNIHlMIIINIHtlltNM TV J2 I. WW M HIHHH,I,IHHMMIHMIIH'I ' HtmH. .3aWH 60 U$i eVfj'i Wij'i te'ii w2 liSi ll2 Iltl7 Iltl2 ,.. aJJ w' 'ay Z". mi ? wii I0M) mil luejj ::::: ii Wi aa Z. isi XT. Mi ... 7tt2 7(A4 7(f ..... itji! ih3 i ..... IITO 10 10S i W i 1UT !M1 'IMt ' :.'( ::.' ;i ... tiy, yuy, tayt r. 2U zni la'ii .... uyt 7ivJ ml ... 2t aJ an?! uri UK W'l .... 2IJJ 2 29 ... mil ' !4 - st ... lf 10 ii &S1 bli jttw 3lVigrtsimwt. TROUTAMMANK, 8U1KT MArlCVACrUKKBHAND MBN'H OUTKIJTKRH, Ne. 14 North qneftn Htreet. Mhlrta made te order M low m tun. Itrfrct fltguarantOMb al-lyd fJIDS PtTI.bKYH,- HHAFTINU, .COIJiABH, JD' tumreri.ClainB Ikexra, Couplings, etc., go e JOHN 8HST, M &st rulten street m7-Ud 8 AWMIIiLH, BARK MII.Mt, COH MII.U4, isinrr neiiers, lan racaers. Triple iietss Powers. Milling and Mining Machinery, at JOHN BKsrM,n RmI Falten street, mf-lrd T-ARTICUfJlR ATTRNTION l'AHl TO JL Medel Making, Patterns, Drawings and Blue Prints, at prien reasonable, at JOHN UKHTH.aeiKast rulten streeu ni7-ird fTIOit BObTH, Utt BCIUCWH, HOT HCBK WM, jaj Dquareana neingen nnu, tnesegenas in stock, at JOHN BB8T8, aai East Fulton street. . ni7-tfd MEBICAN MECHANIC lltJILDINQ and Jesn Association. The regular monthly meeting will be held at Bollclter W. 11. Reland's nfflee, Ne. 30VMeulh Duke street, tbls (Monday) evening, April 21, I860, at 1 o'clock. Mousy te lean, ltd JOHN R. BRUM, Secretary. TTtOll COUNTY COMMIB9IONKR, WIL.UAM ORTMAN, Of Washington borough-Lewer District. Sub ject te Democratic Rules. ap2-tfd 17tOOND-A YOUNU PUU IX)0, WHICH A; the owner ran have by proving properly and paying expenses. Call at It 220 KAHT WALNUT HT. Vi ADIATORH, OF ANY MAKE OH DE slsn. call Iki furnlshedatrmminsblefliriires figures, Im7-trd y autxet ami , aa nasi runen street. .. ., ..... . ... . .... r :-." ..j TEINHOLD'H WHITE FRONT BABQAIN BTORE, Opposite Penn'a B. It. Rtatlen. XITIIAT IH TWENTY-FIVE CENTH TO , TV create a Ileauttful Lawn or Renew un Old One. TEtNHOLDB WHITE FRONT BARGAIN HTORE, Oppestte Penn'a R. R. Rtatlen. IICAUTIFUL .AWN, HOWEVER Jt. small it may be, Is a greiit luxury, LAN CAiJTKR OlIKMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENRIUHER 1TANTED-LADIEH AND GENTLEMEN TV M In city or country wishing te earn n te 15 a day at their own homes; no canvassing; work furnished and sent by tnall any distance. Address with stamp, CrysUillzed Photo. Ce., 112 W. 0th Bt, Cincinnati, O. rnari5-3meedR -pEINHOLD'H WHITE FRONT BARGAIN STORE, Opposite I'cnn'a R. R. .Station A OENTH WANTED FOR THE AUTHOIl- JL vi.r.v enitinn (if tlm l.lfe U'rllliiiri n.wl HiH-eches of Henry W. Grady, edited by Joel unajiiiier iinrrls (Uncle Henius.) Easiest selling book In market. Uoed territory cun pe secured by writing at once tn .. ...CAHHKLtl PBBMHHINQ CO , uprH-dtdMWaFl 101 Fourth Ave., N. Y. rplIOB. F.PERRETT, "" "" X.. , PRACTICAL HATTER, All kinds of Huts Cleaned, He-Trimmcd and Remodeled te leek llke new. Bilk Hats a specialty. Hats called for bv addressing uiZlMmd 0 COURT AVENUE, Ijincaster, Pa. TKINHOI.I)H WHITE FRONT HARUAIN HTORE, Opposite Penn'a R. It. Htatlen YOUNG MEN AND Te Dreve the sr AD1KHI rest NiicceKS achieved by the KEYBl'ONi: IllmtNEMS 1'111,1.1'lie. I, ,11 months, v Islt the C'ollege and leek at our regis ter: besides, our course Is far superior and bet ter adupted te attain te a geed position. . ...- W. D. MOHMER, Prln., IS North Queen BU, 2d fleer, Lancaster, Pa. lfd&w A OENCY FOR CALLAHAN A COH CK ment te take the place or Red Iad. In bulk It makes nve times the quantity of red lead and Is far superior In making steam Joints, packing man und hand hole plates en hollers, e., Ae, Price 20 cents per pound, ut JOHN UhHTH, 833 East Fulton street; m7-l fa M ART1N UROn. Every 81:, Every Want IN Clothing and Furnishing Goods Fer Men, Yeung Men and llejs provided here. FROM l.iri'I.rJ ROMP TO PAPA. New Ideas uud latest st)les. Dressy two plece Kilt Hulls, SJ and f.VM. "Faunllerey " and Waist Jacket Kilts, 12 CO, $3 50 and 15. The new styles In Knee Pant Suits are ull ready lu ranki for rev lew and duly. Let your ej es Inspect the st les and prices aud you'll dispatch a squad eiual te the boys lu the house. Belectleu 11.05 t 110 a Bult, Heys' Waists and blouse. Hose and Underwear Just right lu stjle und pries Reys' "Knickerbocker" Drawers here. Geed Black Hese, 3 pairs, 23c. Deuble Knee, Heel and Toe and Warranted Fast black Hese, 25c a pair, llej s' Leng Pant Hulls, equul te the romping demands of the boys, tl, tl, .',. Hum) some und fine Dress Butts, le te 110, us dressy as the boys would like. Men's 10 uud 112 Hulls. At these prices we show geed, substantlalHulU, well made aud strong. The very popular ma terluls are Cheviots and Herges In lllack and Ulue, aud neat effect lu Cusilmcrts. Our helec helec tlen lu Men's lteady-Made Hulls step by dol lars from 5 te 125, and fi eni geed le handsome. Give them achauce. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. TOII I.OTH. LADIES' AND MISSES' $2.00 Shoes FOR $ 1 .75. I have Just purchased another Large Let of ladles' and Misses' Diamond Tip lluttouBhees, which were made te Retail at U, but by tuklng the Whole Let I was enabled te buy them nt such u price as te enable me te sell thui at 11.75 per pair. The ladles run 2; te 8 lu Hire. The Diamond Tips are wade out of same material (Deugela) as the upper. The Misses run 11 to'Jtnslre. The Tins are made out el Patent Lcuthcr end makes u neat und beautiful contrast with the uppers, which arc made of llrlght Deugela. They cannot last long at these prices. Only a few of these 13 Ladles' Urlght Don Den Don geU button Bquare Plain Tee Bhees left which I ulvertlsedashert time age us selling at 11.75. All of these Shoes were Positively ti per pair. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKKRT) the leader el Lew Prices lu BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.J A 6 EABT KINO BTREET, LANCASTER, PA. ajTHIere Closed Every Evening at o'clock. Except Monday and Baturday. Hcm eHfettevttiMmtnt "VANTK"-,10R8' TO PAMT0BB. TV Address, apra-tfd W.W. QROSH, Nsffsvllle. Pa. f3EHT TWO reH nv riVMOKN T.CiaAHH j j inecuy, at WAITZ14. Urm. erihUaeenBt. aece-emaM,TU,TliJl TBINHOLD'H WI1ITK FBONT BAROAIN BTORK, Opposite Perm's K. R. Station. rANTED-HONEST, TEMPERATE, EN- VT ergctle men te solicit orders for our N urery Bleck ; men with knewledge of ssrm lug preferred. Reference required. Htate ace. I O) Houth Peun Brjuare, Itilladelptila. sK-iwdR -T3UIILI0 HALE-On Tuesdsv, April 9tb,at JL 1 o'clock p. m., at Ne. 121 Derwart street, the following personal property, te wit: Household Goods, etc., (sideboard and Mirror, let of moves. Carpets, Tables, Chairs, Rlands, Chlld'sirlb,BiwlngMaehlBe,and many articles ten numerous te mention. UEORUE HUNTER, Anct. 2ld IT INKTAILOHINUt ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN PINE WUUI.CHH.AT P. WEIKKL'H, epKWmdU Ne.44 West King BtreeU w Filler E GUARANTEE OUR GOLDEN LION and Mia Unenda. OieenlrClemr Havana cr Hand-Medn Cigars (5c) In tbe city. DKMUTH-H CIGAR BTORE, lUKastKlacBlnsi. Telephone, all-tMR BILLY WAITZ HAM THE 11E8TTWOFOR 6e and 6c cigars In the Htate, at NOB. 6 4 ldl NORTH QUEEN ST. dcc64mdM,Tu,Th,H AT C ar ,AJ OUR OFFICE YOU CAN GET ANY amount of ANCABTER CHEMICAL COMPANY liAWfl KISHIUllEIl. OR THE REST HOT AIR FURNACE IN the market, ire In JOHN IIRHT. Ka tut Ful ulten street. m7-tfd I F IN WANT OF URARB OR IRON BTOP Cocks. Asbnstns Paeknd Rncks. 1'pl -nii lllh 'ecks. I.ever Cvclis. Hwlmr Jnlnts. psll snrt eft them, nr send your order by mall, te JOHN BEHl.Rit East Fulton street. m7-tfd VTOTICE I J The Collector will receive BtaU and County Tuxes of Lancaster City for I8U0. from MayOth leJune 21st. Ofllce In Orphan's Court Roem, Court Heuse. 6 per cent, abatement en County Tax. Ofllce hours 0 te l'J and 2 te 5. II. F.HABTINO, e2S-2td Vellecbir and Deputy Collector. 1JIIRE IIRICKB, FIRE CI.AY, AT LOW 3 flgures.goteJOHNUEttr.lSxfEastFullon street. m7-tfd ITtORAMERICANBIGHT FEED CYLINDER Lubricators, GIemOII Cups for Bearings, you can get them at JOHN UEHT'B, B Ees 'niten street, m7-tfd 17"ANTi:D-AN ACTIVE MAN FOB EACH TT section, Salary 75 te 1100, te locally rep resent u suecessful N. Y. Company Incorporated te sudpjy Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes. Jewelry, etc., te consumers at cost. Alsea lidyeftsct, Hnhiry IHO, te enroll members (80,000 new en rolled, 1100,000 paid In ) References exchanged. Einplni Ce-operative Association (credit well rated) Leck llex 010, N. Y. feb& lydM.R INSTATE OF SIRS. REIIECCA CAMERON, li late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en wild estate having been Si anted te the undersigned, all persons In ebted thereto are requested te make Imme diate payment, and these havlngctalms or de mands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under sinned. residing In Lancaster city. m11-tdM A. C. BEINQaiL, Executer. rriHB IRIENNIAL CONVENTION OF X Hchoel Directors for the election of a Su perintendent of the Lancaster city schools for a term of three years, will be held In Common Council chamber, en the first Tuesday of May, at 7:'.'eleck In the evening, as provided for by hit, Aniillcants deslrlne Information should address tbe president or secretary of school heard. D. R. McCORMlCK, M. D., President. Attest : Tiies. McEixraeTT, Bec'y. aprH-3vd.M,W,H AHECOND HAND HODA WATER COUN tcr Apparatus will be sold at a bargain If culled for nt once. Alse a six-feet Mllver Framed Bhew Cese, with a three-feet high tower en each end ; front glass convex or oval. FRAILEY'B EABT END PHARMACY, (Opposite Eastern Market). Fralley's Harsaparilla Compound Is the best bleed purifier. Fralley's Hitter Wlue et Iren Is the best spring tonic, 50e aud tl. M.W.FAWJ A I.A1K1E AND BEAUTIFUL VARIETY . IN Cheviots, Corges, Oassimeres and Wor steds, In Light, Medium and Dark Celers, at Ne. 136 North Queen Btieet. McGRANN Jfc NOWLEN, apl2-ljd The Tailors. "tT7"E EXAMINE EYES FREE. Spectaeles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE I Yeu Think Your Eyes Are Geed I If you have them examined you will probably And that there Is something wrong with them, and that glasses will be a great help te you. We use Inimitable " DIA MANTA' lenses, which are made only by us, and recommended by leading Oculists as the best aids te defec tive vision, Belld Geld Spectacles, 93.0O; usual price, SJO.OO. Htecl Hnectacles, fSOe.t usual price, 91. OO. ArtlUcIal Eyes Inserted, VI ; usual price, 10. M. ZINEHAN & BRO. 130 S. ffintb Street, OPTICIANS. PHILADELPHIA. Iletweeu Chestnut and Walnut Streets. mvs-lvd T HE LANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. S.&Y. A'WNINGS MADE ! Expert Workmen, Years of Experience. AWNING GOODS-Uest Quality. CHINA M.VTTINGS-AII Fresh nnd Cheap ONE PRICE ! GROUND FLOOR ! 8HAUB & V0NDER8MITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street augaMvd C'- rniNu. L. Gansman & Bre. Ut.n's, Youths, Bey's and Children's NEW hl'ltlNG SI YI.BS, LOW PRICKS. I'KRFELTFllTINO, WELL MADE NICELY 1 RIMMED. Men's Hulls at H50, H, J1.M, J5, JO, , f 10, IU, tK.tlt1.SU. Youth's Suits at tl, It, , I J, 17. ti. f9. lle s' Suits ut ti.10, 13, ja.W, t.U, 15, 0, 17. Children's Suits uttiOc, II, ll.a, Jl.W. 11.73, t.', .M. ti, ti, $5, $fl. Men's Pants, 75, tl, 11.25, ft.50.tt.T5, !2,i, 11 50, t uud f 1 50. Knee Pauls nt 25c, Sic, 10c, C0c, OK', 75c, tl. Our stock Is mere uttraetlv e this season than ever and prices at the lowest. ' Call or write for samples In our Order Depart ment aud compare prices with ethers. L Gansman & Bre., Tailors nnd Manufacturers of Men's, Rey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) I and (S H0STH QV7KKK IT., . W, CORNER OF 0EANQB. LANCASTER. FA. j- Net connected with any ether Clothing Ueui-elu tbeclU. 40rb cautious and make no mistake se that you get te tbs right place. Vetw 9ltetriiemtnt rpHKY CAN ALL COPr BUT NONBCAN JL aEqaalBllirwaits's Havana Filler ugar T . NOaSAlaBNOBTHOcEENBT. ,Ta,TiiJi TpOHCAIf.INU6,IRONOR BRABH, LIGHT JJwivrat short notice, go te JOHN BBHT, as , Fulteu street. m7-tfd TlUNBOLD'H WHITE PROMT BARGAIN STORE, Opposite Penn'a B. R. Rtatten. IIOR HENT. MO. 91 EABT KING HTBEET. Inquire within. apMlwdlt ARPKT HRW1NO, LAYING AND PIT ting, Mattresses made te order, Bhades, Lace and Heavy Curtains hung, French Dra Pertea. Uphplslerlfir tnall lu branches. MOTICB--Harrjr Heemlller, UU with Hsger A Bretlier. has Ukea rooms In the Trust Com Cem paay's Bulidtng, North Queen street, where be ?JuItiUiitfjeinV attealloe te tbe dlBsrsnt branches of his trade. AWMall Orders Belleltsrt. , HARRT8EEMILLEB, Irn.,t.Cemf.n'r Blf i Merth Queea fit apnil-M,WJsR TUDOE8 HAVE LONG HINCE DECIDED fl that Billy WatU's Cigar is the Best In tbs Btate. Fer sale at NOB. & A 103 NORTH QUEEN HT. dec5-amdM,Tu,Th,B CARRIAGE Ac D0KR80M 0AKEIAQ1 WORKS, Cemer of Duke and Vina Streets (formerly Norbeck A Mlleyl, GEO. 8. NORBECK, Prep. s0,000 Over His 'iheuaand Dollars sJO.OOO larim Buggies, usrrisges, as., new ou ex hibition, of my Own Manufacture, And also agent for the Columbus Buggy Ce.'s fine vehicles at prices that astonish every body. All guaranteed finest vehicles In the world for the money. Nene but the best me chanics employed, bpectal attention given te repairing. Reed Carts at almost any price at the Dosrsem Carriage Works, corner or Duke and Vine streets. dWvdAwlt T IHK PEOPLE'S CASH BTOHB. The Choicest Stock -OF- IN THE CITY, Ranging tn price from 10c a )urd up te the nnest goods Imported at SOe. The regular price of these Imported goods being te-day from UJe te 75c lu the larger cities. SPECIAL DRIVES -IN- White Quilts! The best II, 11.25, and 11.50 Demestic White Quilts In this city. The best Marseilles QuIlU from 11.50 te $8.50. These Quills have lust been purchased from a manufacturer and Importer and ure the best goods for the money ever ettered any where. s 25 East King Street, I.NCAHTKlt, PA. marUO-lydli ' B OSTON MTOHE. NEW DRESS GOODS -AT THE- BOSTON STORE. Black Henriellus, 37J, 50. 75, S7)$c, tl. 40-Inch Black Henrietta, 75c 87c. tl te 91.75. rilltc Warp lllack Henrietta, ll.'i',, 11.53, 81.75, 12.00. Faucy Ulack Goeils, 37, 50, 7i, b'Jc, 11. Black Cut Cashmere, 50, 75c, tl. 60-Inch Black Herges, 75c, tl. Black Bilks, 75, trc, tl, 11.25. Ulack All-Silk Bilk Satin Luxer.tl, 11,25. black Huruh Silks, S7, 50, 87Jc. Ulack Batln, 50, 75c, tl. Black'Urecadc Hllk, tl, 11.25, S1.50. Best Colored Dress Bilks, 75c. Black Merle Silk, 87;c, 1, tl.25. Large assortment of Bead Trimming. Iirge assortment of Braid Trlminlu:. Cream Henriettas, 25, "' 50, 75c. Plukand Blue Henriettas 37:c Red Dress Goods, 25, S7,', 50, 7 je. 50-Inch Colored Serges, all colors, tl. Bilk Finish Colored Henriettas, 37J,50, 73c, IP Black Silk Fringes, 75c and tl. Yard Wide Striped Cashmere, 2V. New Plaids, 5, 10, 12c. Plain and Fancy Ulack Lawns, uy, and 17c. White Plaid Dress Goods, 7, 10, U, 17, 20, 25c. Victeria Lawns, 10, 12J 17, ), 25c. Hemstitched Itwns, S7J, SO, 75c. Dress Ginghams, 5VJ. ,';, 8, 16, I2c. Outing Cleths, 8. 10, 12Je. Best Chambray Ginghams, lOe. Cheese Cleths, 5c n ard. Dark Calicoes, 3J, 4, i. c. Allover Laces, 17 and 2Cc. DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY I 35 & 37 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. - ODTING lUMflS People Cash Stere Charles Stimuli Irtem.askMfHtiement. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT TO OLD OB Sew Lnwiuliriiiliin l.tmniarra , r2 CAL COMPANY LAWN ENIUOHKM. -UTANTED-OLll COMMON PIOBONHi V geed fivers ; will puy mere money than any dealer lu this city. Hex me hemre you sell. np22-2rd ir.iiin.-, JHAIVKICT, No.awManersiatL B EHT 5c HAVANA KILLER .CIGAR IW the city, at . BILLY WAITIV8, . ros.exiu3rvoriimueBaH, dec54lmdM.Tu.ThJs I710R BOILERS. HORIZONTAL, TABULAR. 5 Vertical, Portable, Cylinder. Marine, of any site or power, of the best material and workmanship, go le JOHN Ut.ST.Itt East Ful ton street. , ae7-lfit -17HIEBH IMPOttrED AND KEY WEST CI JD gars. Clear Havana I'lssrs, our own mas ii fact ure, In 2Vs, Ws slid 100 s. DEMUTH'S C1GAB STORat, Established 1770. Ill East Kins Bleak ftbMMh EINHOLD'B WHITE FRONT BARGAIN BTORE, Opposite Penn'a R. B. BUtlen, VEy U?,2F P'PKH-OENUINE OLIVE. J3I. Krench ilrlarand Meerschaum, from JBe te K. All Tobaccos. aM-tfdB uiu Lsrituiiig uranas or Bmeaing DEM UTH'B CIOAR BTOHK. HI Ceat King street. T EtNUOLD S WHITE FRONT UABOAIN HTORE. Opposite Penn'a R. R. BUtleu. TsXOTICE. OFFICE SUSQUEHANNA Ce 11. Claff AKV. 1 daltimeuk, April as, lsee-f Notlce Is limby given that a general meeting or the Btnekheldcrs of thlscnmpany will be held at the office of the Philadelphia and Reading ltAllmnri (Vimnanp. Vn O'fl k,t,(K v..mu ...m.. cers ana Managers rer the ensuing year. The transfer boehs will Im , 1 ixl from Men- nay, ine uiner .May, until nl.u,' the election. Uy order lOld BOIinitr I). BKUWN, Treasurer. 10LD BRONZE. LIOUI1H AND HIZlNfJ X for steam work, at JOHN BEST'B, 2 East r uiuj Hen street. m7-tfd TTIOR HORIZONTAL STATIONARY EN JJ glnes, from 2 te 80 horse-power, and Verti cal Engines from 2 te 10 horse-power, you will find them at JOHN linsrs, XQ East Fulteu street. TUMPS, BOILERS, MINING.CENTRIFU JL . gal nnd Steam Pumps, el any capacity, at JOHN BESTS, ail East Fulton street. m7-lfd TJACKINGS, AB FOLLOWS ! DIHIGO, FOR JT Steam and Hydraulic Parking, Asbest Repe. Woven and Wick Packing, Hemp Packing, As bestos Mill Reaed, Asbestos Cement, Asbestos Bheathlng, Gum Paeklng.Guin Ulngs for Water Gauges, Plumbago Packing, Heed's Patent As bestos, Lined Sectional Pipe Cever, at JOHN BEST'S. S3.I East Fulton strccU ' m7-tfd HE ILLUMINATING LIGHT OIL COM PANY. Customers recelvens a lean from the Illuminating Light oil Company one of Clark's patent five gallon oil cans te betised for the storaze'ef oil purchased only or the Illumin ating Light Oil Cempany.and te be replaced by the said Cem pan v with full ene wben empty or returned te the Illuminating Light Oil Company In geed order, oil te be paid for en delivery. In cese of removal I further agree te give notice at least two days before leaving my present ad dress, postefUce box Ne. 2KI. In cure customers lese their postal cards they can leave word at the ofllce und warerooms or J. II. Norbeck, Southern Market, nt nnstnirlcu bur Nn. vatf The best Head Light and Crystal Seal Oil sold at 12 and 15 cents per gallon. Oil delivered te all parts of the city frce of charge. LUWI NORBECK, Agent. np20-lwd CJTEAJI HEAT IS THE COMING HEAT FOR O dwellings, churLheg, school houses, etc., though successfully used ene hundred vcars age. Wlienyoucentemntnte a change call en JOHN BEST, who will give ou n satisfactory Jeb, at u fair price. m7-lld CSveccrtct. IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPEBH TUR Special Side or Teas, Collect, and Groceries still continues at CLARKE'S. NOTE A FEW PRICES : Choice Table Syrup at S5c nnd 40c a gallon. Oenulne Maple S rap nt 25e ier nunrt can. Edam Cheese, OPc, 75e and 8"c ler Edam In Feil. Pineapple Checse reduced te 40c each. 4 tts Part Cream Clieese for 25c. Swiss Checsoenly 21c per It,. MustardnrSpleedSardlnes.lOcfer large boxes. 2lbs new Raisins nud 2 lbs new Figs fer'iic. 2fbs Evaporated Apples and 1 B New Prunel las, 25c. Feid Brether's Tomatoes reduced te 6'ie can. Windham Cern the best Cem packed, lilie can. A Pretty Little Tea Pet containing alb Tea for 1 "c A Few Buckets Ne. 2 Mackerel at 70c. Ne. 1 Mackerel reduced te lle per B. Caustic Bedu in 3 lbs kettles, nt Oc per lb. Extra Heda Biscuits only 5e per fc. Extra Family Crackers, Ce or 5 Bis for 25c. 4 lbs Penri or Flake Tapioca for 25a 0 fcs A ena. Oatmeal or Farina for 25c. Washing Powder, Sn pack. Amiaiiotnergeods tli rnughnut the stock will be sold at the abeve proportionally low prices. Samuel Clarke, Agt, TEA, COrFFE AND GROCERY STORE, BAND II SOUTH QUEEN S F. A T BURSK'B. Special Bargains. SEE WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR 25 CENTS. 4 cans Geed Cern, 21c 4 cans Geed Blackberries, Ulc. 4 cans Strawberries, :11c. 4 lbs Dried Peaches. 25e. 4 quarts Dried Apples, 21c. 3 cans Geed String Beans, 25c. 3 cans Whortleberries, 25c. 3 cans Cherries, 25c. 3 cans Tomatoes, lie. 3 fbs California Raisins, 25a. 3 Sis Figs, 25c , 4 quarts Green Pca,25e. 2 tbs California Egg Plums, 2m!. 2 tbs Ev aperated Yem he, 2ic. 4 tbs Spenge Water Crackers, 2c. 5 lbs Rice, 25c. 4 1ts Rice, 25c. 3 tbs Choice Carolina Itlce, 25c. 6 fbs Best LumpSiareh, 25c. 6 tbs Lump Starch. 25c. fc lbs Rolled Oats. c. 0 lbs flat Meal, 25c. 6 Schumacker Rolled Avena, 25c. 5 lbs Cracked Wheat, 25c. A full line of the best Orectrles In the city. BURSK'SGROCERY, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. A T HEISTS. 1'iuubcr h uuicu uncna p are lleadqu Twenty barrels of Flue Evuperutcd Cern, six pounds for 25c. Sugar MEATS AND FISH -Picnic Hams, 9c: Sum mer Holegna, Oc; Dried liccf, 10c; Knuckle Beef, 15c; Breakfast Bacen, I'jc; Boneless Hams, 12c; Fine Mackerel, 8 for 25u; Large Ne. 1, 15c per pound; Deep Sea Bloaters, 20e per pound; Herring, tl tbs, 25e; While Fish, Sea pound ; Helland Herring, SI a keg. A big line of Wall Brushes at all prices. A big let of Cautle Seda boxes, Oc u pound kettle, 7c a pound. ' FOR RENT lliree rooms en second fleer store building. Call seen, a Ik, one two-story brick house en Ceral street Rent, fl. lxse no time. J ust acutcd for geed reasons. CANNED GOODS. Three large cans New Plo Peaches, 25c. Three cms New Cherries, 25c. Four cans New Strawberries, 2.V. Four cans New Black berries, '25c. Three cans New Apples, 25c. Four cans Fancy New Cern, etery can guar anteed, 25c. Twe cans French Peas, 25e. Three cans Flne Marrow fat Peas. 2lc Twe cans Seu-ed Mackerel, 2.V. Three cans New Blut berries, 25c. Twe cans New llaspbei.Iex, 20c. One large can Fancy California Egg Plums, e'ne large can Gelden Drep Plums. 28c. One large can Fancy Apricots, 2Sc. One large can Fancy Apricots 2Se. "iic inrKe can lomaiees, sc. One large can Yellow Pared Peaches, 15j. DRIED FRUITS. Twe )euiuls Sliced New Pared Peaches, 25c. Five pounds Sliced New Uupared Peaches. 25c. One pound New Pitted Cherries. He. One pound Fine isew Pured Half Peaches, 22c One pound Geed New Pared HatrPeacbes,1Wc. Twe pounds Uupared Fancy Half lVachcs,ic. Three pounds I'lne Aprtceis, 2 c. Three cans Flue Large Prunes, 25c. Five pounds Geed Prunes. 25c, One pound Large Silver Prunes, 20c. Twe pounds Flne Gelden Egg Plums, 25c. '1 hrre pounds Evaporated Apples, 25c. Four )eunds New Dates 2c. , One pound Fine Uartlelt Pears, 15-:. reIst, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND PRIfCESTS, Directly Opposite J. B. MartluJtCa's Dry Goods Stere, aud Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. WLoek for the Big Sign across the pave, incut. JFOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS PORTABLE l.nglne aud Beiler, ou wheels, cheap, as the lowing prices show; ti her-pewer, t!75; 8 horse-power, frtii ; 10 horse-power, 1575; 15 horse power, fe75; 10 hon.e-i.ett er, 11,175, call at JOHN BESTS, SO East Fulton street. m7-tfd TJIOR STEAM GAUGES, HIGH OR LOW Pressure. Water Gauges. tSfinA r-nelrk Wbl rwvl VA'hla ..p VVaI..,..., .ii... ,rn ' Whistles, Shens for Steam Gauges, Cylinder Oilers Plain, water Gauge Columns, Cocks for BtMmGaugss,calten JOHN BKbT, an East roltenitrest, m7-tfkt "Vi-A A. i. uy JJ isfesajv; .. v. -- - -' 'ha. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers