SIJT. S!WsrPj mil fUVll UVTCTVH'HW',.Sll,WW'fiv & THE IxANOASTER DAlfctf timtalilGraem MONDAY, APftlL 28, 1890, , mm Mhue 01 woeDsurFi TTOODsUMaraUli 9u . S. 8.8. s. 8.8. S.18-' &l- LA. - lltmMalM(a(W(MrfflaBkeek, IflOBS WW! 1H mV M KB ! fnMR BIT Mh deader bladWet wen dlaf y leek, Am all ira blanched ana hoary. And yet this Withered leaf a tpell possessed, Which worked upon Me lit rnyterioe BMHte. Aad lent old memories tkrengiug threngu my Of mlaglsd P'" &d plessare. I Of childhood' day' that knsw ae thought rt can, Of hour that passed en wins of rainbow fltetnes. Ofodera floating en the wanton air, Had from their Terr eweetneai ; Of weed that were a garb of summer greea. Of knee-deep fern, and nook 01 aaay u- nat I Of stream that glimmered la the full mean's been. And mirrored back lOTulnee ; Of buy balking ea the lone hillside fn ilia ftirce law of July' tultry weather I Of twilight wandering where the enamored tide Crept up te kia the heather; I Of Telee (till beneath the churchyard ed, Bright eye that gllitened from behind long laches i Warm beauty early given back te Qed ; Red Up that new are ashes I -WitUam Leighlon. LUt of Unclaimed letter. List of letter advertised at the postefflce at Lancaster, Pa., April SS, 1890. Free de- urery! Ladier t,iatir. jacen meacner, mm. Dlllan. Miss Lizzie Forneff.Mi Suale M. Haas, Mrs. Nancy Neble, Mr. Estsr Oa man, Mrs. A. Walk or. dent? Lit Jacob Bleacher, Lloyd Grif fin, Thee. Hemztnan, J.lI.Uerahey, Henry He, Meris. Paul Kapferer, (for.), Jaiper Manrer. C. P. Meklmen, Samuel Myers, (carpenter), A. P. Parmalee, Frank Becera, Skidmore A Thacher, M. A. Sullivan, Merrla Westen, Samuel Yeung, Charley zearaer. Every Meal 1 a Trial Te the dyspeptic. Flatulence, heartburn, op pressive fullnei or the itemacn, are lu in evitable equenccs of hi uie of the knife and fork. Te ay of him that no gratine th crav ing of appetlte would be genuine satire. lie only appease them, t relief attainable T Cer tainly, ana by the use or a pleasant a well a thorough remedy, Hestetler'i Stomach Bitter. Will if cure Immediately? Certainly nut-It doe net effect miracles. But It doe give cremDt and unspeakable relief, and will. If uer- slsted In, produce an ultimate cure. Met only doe It Impart relish te the feed, but promote icu, neaun lariat disorders, and relieves constipation, rhen- matlsm, kidney liver complaint. and maaacr aumenis, ana apZ2te2S Suit Yourself, ether remedv for sick headache. dizziness, censtlr atlen, biliousness, or te rc lenllhv action of the liver. stomach and bowels, equal te these reliable Ut ile " neasani t-urgauve reneis - prepared ay Dr.Pleree. Of druggists. M.TuAw The Great American Chorus. Sneezing, snu fling and coughing t This Is the mnslc all ever the land just new, "I've get such an awful cold In my bead." Cure It with Ely's Cream llalm or 1 1 may end In the toughest form of catarrh. Maybe you have catarrh new. Nothing Is mere nauseous and dreadful. This remedy masters It as no ether ever did. Net a snuff nor a liquid. Pleasant, certain, radical. al7-2wd&w Loek ITere, Friend, Are Yeu Stok f De you suffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Htemacti, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, Lest Appetlte, Biliousness, Tired Feel ing, Pains In the Chest, Night Sweats, Liess or Power, or any form or Consumption T If se, go te your druggist aud purchase a bottle of Flo- raplexien, which will quickly restore you te wound physical health. Ftoraptexien Is a highly concentrated fluid extract of the most valuable medicinal roots and herbs known te science, and cures where all ether remedies rail. Valu able book, "Things Werth Knewing," sent free. Address, Prof. Franklin Hart, Warren street. N. Y. aprl7-lydAw $pcctal glettce. Bueklen's Arnica Salve. Thb BnrSALVZlnthe world for Cut. Braise Beres, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Seres, Tetter. Chapped Hand, Chilblain, Cern, and all Bkln Eruptions, and positively cure Pile, or no pay required. It I guaranteed te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 26 eenu per oez. r or aaie Dy w. i. iiucn, drug gist. Ne. 137 aud Lt North Queen street, Lan caster, Pa. une27-lyd Its Equal Yet te Hear Frem. Thii movements of a mule'slilnd lees are verv variable and uncertain, but Dr. Tkemtu' Eclee trie Oil takes but one course lthealsand cures. Its equal fe' asthma, diphtheria, calami, com and sere threat has neer jet been sold. Fer ale by W. 11. llech, 137 and 138 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Scrap of Paper Saven Her Life. It was Just an ordinary scran of ran Turner, but It saved her life. She was in the laai stages of consumption, told by physicians thai he was incurable and could live only a short time; sue weigueu less man sevemy peunas. On a piece of wrapping paper she read or Dr. Kings New Discovery, and get a sample bettle: It helped her, she bough t a large bottle, It helped ner mere, ueugiu aumuer auu grew ueiicr utsv, continued its use ana is new strong, neairey, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. Fer fuller particulars send stamp te Y. II. Cele, Druggist. Fert Smith. Trial bottles or this wonderful Discovery Free at W. T. Hech's drug store, 1S7 and IStt North (JAecu street, Laucaater, Pa. it Let Truth Prevail. Let the facts be known. Let us understand ...... .. ..nil m a.. !). .. n An ab .. .. eruption or blemish of i be skin Is sure te wear away and disappear when Burdock Bleed Bit ten are employed. This wonderful medicine act directly upon the circulation and the rea sons for lt use are therefore obvious. Fer sale by W. T. Uech, 137 aud 139 North Queen ireet, Lancaster. Mothers! Mothers 1 1 Mothers ! ! I Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle or MBS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about Ik There is net a mother en earth who ha ever used It, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and glv rest te the mother, and relict and health te the child, operating like magic It 1 perfectly safe te use In all case and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physician and none In the United State. Sold everywhere, 16 cents a bottle. iuneaurderw A Very Old Man, Jehn Funk, or Springfield, Ohie, writes : ' I was tramped upon by a horse, and for a year the pnln through my hips was se bad I could net rise en my feet. Themat' Eclectrlc Oil helped me beyond detcriptien. It will de wonder for these who suffer from colds," Fer sale by W. T. Hech, 137 and U) North Queen street, Lancaster. Eupepsy. This is what you ought te have. In fact, you must have It, te fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it net. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they mavptttuln this been. And yet It may be had by all. We guarantee that Elec tric Hitters, if used according te directions and the use persisted In, will bring you Geed Dlges- tlen ani na oust me aemen uyspepsia and install iiuwad Eurjensv. We recommend Electric Blt ,. and all dlseasas nt T.lvr tar for Dyspepsia, and all disease of Liver uinmiph and Kidneys. Sold at GOe anil SI ner ldneys. Sold at GOe and II per bottle by W. T. Hech. druggist, 187 and 130 North Queen street, Lancaster, ins. " ' Fire Illm Out." ThUI a common remark when roughs and rewdts Insult publle decency by their nn seemly ways. Dyspepsia is a horrid bore. Fire It out with Burdock Bleed BUtert. ieu can de It. Fer sale by W.T. Hech, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, SUterncu. T UTHEK 8. KAUFFMAN, ATTOBNKV.AT.L' W. flteend Fleer Eshlcmsn La North Dak . ulldlug. Ne, a PT5Mvrtw T ET EVERY MAN EXAMINE THE wvt it w m m WATERPROOF COLLARS AND CUFFS, AtEHISMAN'S. piUOICE NECKWEAR I WlLLIAMSPORT Wire Buckle Suspender, AT ERIHMAN'S. CULPUim STONE JEWELUY 1 Complete Line of Emblematic Marks AT ERIHMANU Ne, UWwt King Street. HHDieura I a aeeeHy wlla aaariy .The ran dewa, Urea eeadlslea ef tkta aasa l m Impurities la the Meet which save aemmakv led during the winter, aa4whleli mast be ex Miles tnrea wlaa te Met well. Heea'tSarse lieiiUa tkerwsfaty swla ana vitalise the bleed, create a geed appetite, ear blUensa, tlvee healthy eetiea te the klV stay and liver, aad laipart te the whole body a feetlag of health aad (traafth. This eprlag try HOOCS aARflAPARILLA "I lake Heed's eamraMla every years a spring tonic, with meat satMaetery ratslla." C. riurtun, M BrlageMreet, Brooklyn, H. Y. ' Heed' Harsaparilla pnnaed say Meat, save ate (treagth, and evereara the heaaache aad dlulnesa, se that I am able te work again. I recenmtnd Heed's Sarseaarllte te ethers whose bleed hi thin or Impare, aad who rest worn eat or nut dewa." Lctheb Kasek, LeweU, Has. CKKATM AM APPCTITS M With the flrstbetu of Hoed'a Banaaarilla my headache entirely disappeared, aad where before I could net muster ap aa appetite ter sey meal, I cannot new get enough meal te satisfy say appetite. I an at pretest taklag my Mcend bottle aad reel like a dlflereat per- OO." WlLLtiTM IiAKlIXa, Pesl , a. A. WL, Neenah, Wis. N. B.-If you decide te take Hoed'e Ranapsy rllla de net be Induced te bay say ether. Heed's Sartaparilla ReldbyalldragglMa. t;lxferV Prepared only by C L HOOD CO.. Lewell. Mats. OHK DOUiAH (1) rpEETHlNa SYBOP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe sheaM have a aettle of DR. PABJOIEY'S TEBTHINO BYRUP. PsrlkeUy sale. NoOplemorMorphlsialxtarea. WlUre Hove Cell. Oriptag la the Bewel aad Promote Dlffleul t Teething. Prepared by DKB. D. P AHB KEY A BON, Hagerstown, atd. a. irusgMis stu bytaslrw cents. it;aesnta. znaisetueseaii ian-ivaearw w tiNDKVietePKn PAR-m the Human Bedr Knlarmd. Dsvelnnad. Strengthened, etc., I aa Interesting adverUse- roent long run in our paper, se ivpiy te in qnlrle we will say that were I no evia uumeug aoeut mis. On ihdk ArtMtemrv. tluiBit. vertlser are very highly ladened. lauretted person may get sealed circular erring all par tlentar. by writing te the ERIK MEDICAL CO., 6 Swan St., Buffalo, N. Y.-DaUtt TbUde See. ni-fydaw TflLY'B CBKAM BALM. 1 CATARRH, HAT FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanse the Nasal Passage. Allay Pain and Inflammation, Heal the Beres, Restore the Sense of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURE. A particle I applied te each nostril and I agreeable. Price M cent at Druggist; bymalL registered, 00 cent. ELY BROTHERS, epll-lydAw Ne. M Warren 8U. New Yerk. f HAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. OKAY'S BPEOnTO MEDICINE. Tua GREAT Ekelish Rehxet. An unfail ing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impetency and all Disease that fellow a a se quence of Self-Abuse ; a Les of Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain In the Back, Dimness or Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether disease that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. Fer particular In our pamphlet, which we desire te send free by mall te every one. 9 The SpecUle Medicine I sold by all drug gist at tl per package or six package for (6, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Buflale, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. Sold in Lancaster, Pa., by W.T. Hecu. ruarS-lyd tSiurtttfn. J. B. MARTIN A CO. I B. Martin & Ce. MATERIALS -FOR SUMMER CU&TAITO! Madras Muslin, cream or lemon, 36-inch wide, 16c a yard. Swiss Muslin, with sideband, 30 and 36-inch wide, 25c ; large Pelka Det, 25 and 40c. Light and Heavy Scrims, new patterns, 5c te 25c a yard. Velours, double-faced, four colors, 50-inch wide, $1.50 a yard. These goods will be very popular for Portiere Drapery. Madras and Lace Curtains. Silk Curtains. Silk and Canvas Curtains. Antique Lace Curtains. Cluny Lace Curtains. Antique Lace Curtains. Bulgarian Lace Curtains. Sash and Vestibule Curtains, in Swiss Muslin, Florentine Silk, Pongee Silk, Swiss Tam Tam eoured Lace. Materials for Sash and Ves tibule Curtains by the yard. Expert Draper for all kinds of certain work. Ne Fancy Prices. J. B. Martin fe Ce., Cor, Prince & W . Sing Sis., LANCASTER, PA. Tarael. TAKASOLH AND UMBKELLAS I PARASOL AND UMBRELLA HEADQUARTERS ! ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. aprl2 Srad XN FIVE.TEN.TWENTY.F1VEANDFIFTY Pound Packages. LANCABTKIl CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENH1CHER. Sold everywhere. 8100,000. IN BONDS AND MORTGAGES FOR IN VESTORS, IN SUMS OF lioe, noe, i5oe, 11,000 te mono. Bends per cent. Interest, payable quarterly. Mortgages per cent. Interest, payable half yearly. Send or call for full Information. JOHN H. METZLEtL Ne,H,DukSBt, H AOKR BROTBXR. SHANGHAI SILKS. ThsBBBTBRAWner INDIA BILKS. The SHANGHAI MILKS ST NOTED for their wssaine UUALIT1BV w Bay a uua; VLETl LIKE of the sew COLORING and PBINflHOH. I BPBCIAL STYUOS IB BLACK. aaa white. Extra Vain ferTScrnl. FBUfTID SUEAH SILICS! MEW THIS SEASON. MUHTEp SURAHS have hae a very LA ROE SALE. Thr are ESPECIALLY r are SNrBCJAbijY liuut in idatShrla th PR1NTIN09 front WBlOHT the INDIA SILKS BLACK BROCADE SILKS. . BROCADBS have Uken th LEAD for TRIM. MINOS or COMBINING with ether SILKS or WOOL OOOl, and ars sxtemlveljr used for PETTICOATS under Lac or Net. Frem Tit. te itlOO. BUCK SATIS STRIPED GRENADIHES. BLACK SILK GRENADINES. BLACK CAMELHAIRORRNAD1NF. WITU SILK and SATIN STRIPES. The STRIPES ARE NARROW OR WIDE. Black Silk Nets. Fish Mesh Nets, ffie te 12.25. ruMI Net, tl te I?. Wde net keep sny NETS that are net PORE BlIsKs BlackSilk Lace Fleuncings. Our BLACK FLOUNCING are alt wide enough for th depth of the Skirt CHANTI LLY LACE, 11.23 te $5.00. GUIPURE ESCURIAL, tUO te $1. 25, 27, 29, 31 West King Street, LANCASTER, PA. HAMBRffli HAM BROTHER WTETZOER A HAUGUMAN. CHEHP GHRPETS. Me tzger Sc Haughman. BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, RAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, Bought st Auction and from the Manufacturer. CARPETS AT 10 CENTS. CARPETS AT 35 CENTS. CARPETS AT WW CENTS. CARPETS AT 40 CENTS, CARPETS AT IS CENTS. OA RPETH AT 50 CENTS. CARPETS AT 30 CENTS. CARPETS ATMCKNTS. CARPETS AT 25 CENTS. CARPETS AT 7b CENTS. Carpet Bags Taken in Exchange. Fleer Best Steamed Metzger&Haugh man's Cheap Stere, 38-40 West Kinq St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. BLACK MOURNING el k UR BLACIC OO0D3 DEPARTMENT new possesses one of the best se lectiens of Black and Mourning Ooeds te be found In the city, llluck Cashmeres, All-Weel and 811k Warp Henriettas, Striped Henrlettas, Figured Armurci, Tamlse Mehairs, Lusters, Nun's Veiling and Serges. Special Bargains In Bordered Nun' Veilings at 75 cents and II. A full line or Lupin' Black Cashmere Shawls, In Deuble and Single, from f 1.78 te 112 GO. Courtland's English Crape from 75c te SLSO a yard. Mourning Berdered Handkerchief. Fait Bleck Hese, and a full deck of Black Gloves. a-Our Price-List of Carpet sent free en application. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. B ard a Mcelrey. bard Sc Mcelrey, Hee. 33 and 35 Seuth Qneen Street, CARPETS Having cut down our prod I en our Heme-made Rag, Ingrain, Chain and Stair Carpets, In order te Increase our sales, we have sold mere than any season since we opened, would be pleased te bav you call, see and Judge for yourself. Carpet Rags taken In exchange, FEATHERS Headquarters for the Best Feathers at the lowest prle in Lancaster. A lower grade at 60c RUGS-Smyrna Rug at a bargain: II size at 75c,1.2Sslieatl,t3lieBt2,lilisBtl2.fiO' Cocea Rugs at 25c, JjC and SOc. OIL ClOTH Fleer Oil Cleth, the largest line, the best seasoned, and the best goods for the money In the city, all widths from te2J yards wide. Table Oilcloth, 4 feet vtlde'llUs. per yard. Stair and Shelf Oil Cleth. WINDOWSHADES Bargains In Window Shades. A New number lnDadeat37c. Shading by the yard In Paper, Helland und Oil. Alse Spring Fixtures. WASH DRESS GOODS The best line of Outing Clethsln the city. Dress Olnclianis In elegant styles at 6c, 8c, 10c and I2l,r.. Men's Shirting at lucu iuu uu;i nt mv rive ever uucrcui NAVY BLUE CALICO One Case Navv Blue One let of Skirting at 20e; reduced from 75c. BICYCLE8-AgenU for the Premier Kafcty Bicycles for ladies, men and children. Alseagenl for the Sweeting Cycle Ce., el Philadelphia, pa., for the Celebrated Rival Sureties. High Grade Cycl at cut priee. See the 75e and Kie Coventry Rival Bafetv, ball bearing te part. Beys' Rival Safety at 130. See It, compare It with any at 135, and if any difference in favor of the Rival. bard & Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seeth Qneen Street. Opposite Fountain Inn f3rtlu QTeacltca. F UNN A BRENEMAN, Lew Priced Baby Carriages, Beys' Velocipedes, Littie Giant Bicycle. THIS IS THE FINEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET. AGENTS FOR REACH'S BASEBALL AND LAWN TENNIS GOODS, FLINN 3c BRENEMAIT, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST.. LANCASTER, PA. Staichc0. H.z RIIOADS A SON. H. Z. Rhoads . Sen's, 4 West King St. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Royal Worcester 'Weir&. SPECIAL LINES IN STERLING SILVER, GOLD FINISH. ENAMELED VINS AND flROOOHEt 1. LOOSE ANI) MOUNTED DIAMONDS. TABLEWARE JaXIVEtf, FORKS AND SPOONS. S3rFlrst-CIi Repairing In all It Branches llecehes Special Attention. H. Z. RHOADS & He. 4 WIST DHO AQER A ISROTHER. GmxipmtM t CtLYprntm T CflLrpeta 7 Choice New Spring Design of BIOELOW AXMINSTER, LOWELL AMD BIGELOW BRUSSELS, GLEN ECHO AND HARTFORD BRUS&KLS. SPECIAL ! SO Pieces BODY BRUSSELS sad M BORDER si tl.OO per yard ; usual price, 11.15. 100 Place TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, tSc.SOe, We par yard. Piece LOWELL and PHILADELPHIA MADE ALL-WOOL EXTRA SUPER IN GRAINS, 2; per yard. USUAL PRICE, 75c. CHINA AND COCOA MATTINaS, DAGHISTAN AND SMYRNA RUQ3 AND DOOR MATT8, LINOLEUM AND OIL CLOTHS. We have secured th services of Mr. Teblss Reyerand Mr. Henry Rudy In our Carpet, Up holstery and Refitting Department, and with a' Large Force of Carpet Sewer ensure Prompt and Geed Werk FOR OUR PATRONS. 25, 27, 29, 81 Weit King Street, LANCASTER, PA. Oil Cleths Cheap. Feathers at Window Shades. GOODS T Opposite Fountain Inn. 6y,Q, 6c and 8c, t..n. n'.n riiii Kiv 'I'M lie best st) les In panting for Calice at ta nnr ix.rnr 1I 1 ih.n tm ART GOODS, CUT GLASS, SON, H wmmmR HAGER & BROTHER ST., IANOASTZKPA e. e. e. In ttim Spring SWIFT'S SPECIFIC is a remedy whose frame is wide spread ever two continents, which has retained its popu larity for ever half a century, its demand increasing at home, and orders coming for it where the English language is never spoken. This speaks volumes (et its efficacy, and is worth mere te a sick person than a shipload of argument IKUMmnr&l Ooefr T HE BON TON MILLINERY STORE. BONTON Millinery, 13 East King Street, The Pre t lies t Bennet Fashions Originate Here. Yeu get the first leek in the ever changing mirror of fashion right here. Our Bennets are liked be cause they are "newer" and prettier and unlike the hack neyed styles you see en the street. The work of our trimmers is a luxury, our low prices a joy. With one of our hats or bon nets you'll be " right in the fashion," and net much "out of pocket." We Trim te Order With distinguished success. We suit your individual style and taste, and our prices satisfy your notions of economy. New Straw Shapes, Many new styles en our coun ters te-day. New shapes and colors in Lace Straws and Mi- lans. Pretty Turban Teques, 58c, 73c, 87c. Open Werk Large Hats, 48c, 63c, 73c. and 98c. each. "Van Dyke" Straws, 87c, 98c. and f, 1.23 each. Children's Hats Trimmed and Untrimmed. Hundreds te select from ; every shape and color. Prices remarkably low. Lace Caps, 2 5c, 37c, 58c. and 75c. New Styles and New De signs. Hat and Bennet Trimmings. Ribbons, Flowers, Crepe Lisse, Laces, Geld and Silver Bullion Galleens, Geld Laces and Braids, etc., etc., at less than any ether store in the city. THE BON TON MILLINERY SW, 13 East King St., mr27-SradSAF LANCASTER. PA. gev nlc or gtcnt. IOR RENT-H ANDSOMK FRONT ROOM en 2d deer. Ne. 12 WeslKlnic street: finest location In the city for efflce or lfglit business. Inquire of W.W.AMOS, ra24-tfd Alleys Gallery. OECURE A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOR SALE ON THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. TwcHitery brick dwelling houses, lets 120 fort deep, en Lancaster avenue, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. Twtntery brick dwelling house with man sard reef, perches In front, lets 113 feet deep, en North Pine, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. TwoHitery brick dwelling house with font yards, Iren fences. Ieta 1M feet deep, en West Walnut, ueiween iary buu i-iue .:. Twtery brick dwelling houses, let 113 feci deep, en West 1-eroeu street, between Cliarlette and Mary streets. Three-story brlclc dwelling houses, let ISO feet deep, with all the modern Improvement, front yards, ou West Chestnut street, between Pine and Nsvln streets. Alse house en East Walnut, North Lime North Mary, between Walnut and Lemen, and Lemen, between Mary and Pine streets. All the above heusu are In geed order, newly papered, ga fixtures In all the rooms, water lu tbekltcben, and the cellars warranted te be dry. Call and see for yourself, no trouble te show '0U' jAgbEoKLM-ters. apr25-lyd.M.W3. 820 North Mary Street. STANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40. 42. 43 A 45 MARKET STREET, (Rear of th "' roitefflo), LANCAHTKR, PA. All the latest style In Buggies, Family Car. rluccs. Phietens, Surreys, Cabriolet, PliH-tens, lluukbeards, Tretting Wagous.Stnllen Wagons, Market Wagons, etc, new ready ler the Spring Trade. A fine line of Sccend-Hand Werk. New Is the time te order for Snrlug. Strictly first-class work and all work fully guaranteed iiy price are the lowest In the county for tha same quality of work. Give me a call and ex amine ray work. ... Repainting and Repairing promptly at tended te and done In a first-class manner. Oue set of workmen especially erapleed for that purpose. in MVH irnlt WATKfl.OILK. ACID Oil GAS X efany shape or capacity, at fair prices, J paJOKNBD)T?4Eal7ulier,treet. re7-tM O. O. w. In the Spring Fer thm years I was troubled with malaria, which caused my appetlte te fall, and I was greatly reduced lu Hesh, aud life hed lest all Its charms. I tried mercurial and potash remedies, but te no effect. I could get no relief. I then decided te try SWIFT'S SPECIFIC (8. S. 8.) A .few bottles of this won derful mcdlclue nutde complete and permaneut'eure, and I new enjoy better health than eVer before. J. A. RICE, Ottawa, Kan. Treatise en mailed free. Bleed and Bklu Diseases SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. ffalrtce of jfttahiett. -rALACK OK FASHION. assMsasM fa- ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 115 AMD 117 W. QUEEN ST. We have been making exten sive preparations all week, and will be ready te-morrow, Satur day, with the Grandest Display of New Millinery Goods and Flowers ever shown by us. We invite all te come and in spect our goods. A genuine surprise is in store for you. Never in the history of our business have we been able te show se large a variety and prices se low. We have a large line of Mil linery Laces, in black, white and all colors, and a full line of Col ored Netting, Crepes and Malines, and are fully prepared te please the most fastidious customers. Our assortment of Children's Hats, in Canten, Fancy Straw, Black and White, Leghorn and Chip, is very large. we furthermore trv te call your attention te 'but .immense. stock et Laces, Laces, Laces. The largest line -of Black Chantilly Laces ever shown by us. Prices, 10 te 50c. White Oriental Laces, 5 te 50c. White Beige, Vandyke Point Laces, 10 te 75c a yard. Black Drap ery and Fish Netting, in large variety. Real Torchon Laces. Special values at 5, 8, 10 and I2J4C Dress Trimmings, black and colors, Passamentcries, Steel Points, Geld Points, Black and Colored Points, Black Silk Fringes, Girdles, in all colors, at 25, 50 and 75c ; Steel Sets at $1.50 and $1.75 ; Black Bead Sets at 75c and $1 a set. A new line of Imitation China Silks at I2j4c a yard; all the Newest Patterns. A new line of Dotted and Figured Swisses. A full stock of White India Linens, at 8 te 25c a yard. Lisle and Silk Gloves. Fine Lisle Gloves, at 10, 12, 15, 19 and 25c a pair. Taffete Silk Gloves, 15, 19 and 25 te 50c a pair. Pure Silk Gloves, 35 te 75c a pair. Finest line, of Kid Gloves in the city. Anether in voice of Lupin Lacing Kid Gloves, in tan colors and slate, at 79c a pair. Undressed Mus quetaires, in tan colors, at 75c a pair. Bargains in Ladies' Ribbed LislcVests at 10, 12 and 17c. gfflt e UR LEADING HATTERS. YOUNG MEN YOUR SPUING HAT IS AWAITING YOUR CALL. Air Our Bleck Is new Full and Complete and and we have a hat that will please you. DUNLAP & CO.'S Celebrated Hata AND THE WILCOX "BOSTON BEAUTIES ' All have made their appearance. Only place In tlie city where you cun gel them, Best 1100 and 00 STIFF FUR HATS ccr shown. HOY'S AND Cll ILDllKN'R Nobby Ooeds and Fancy Styles a specialty. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. rplIE MT. ORETNA Narrow Gauge Railway will be opened for the sumer season ou MONDAYjJVlAY 5th! Tills read extends from the entrance of the Park te the summit or the Seuth Mountain ((JoMTuer Lick), a distance ofabeut four miles. Its miniature trains connect with all the regu. lar passenger trains en the Cornwall A Leba non Railroad arrl lng at the Park, and return ing from the summit of the ineuiiialn lu time te connect with trains leaving the Park. tvni Tviintu nn Penua. IL It. and Philadel phia 4 Reading IL It, within 100 miles, the trip can be accomplished in one day. It Is theNAKHOWKHT GAUGE In the world, It Is the i roost PERFECT IN ITS CONSTRUC'! TlfJN It ha also the MOsr COMPLETE EQUIPMENT. Its engine are perfect little models of the standard englneserniellrsVclass, aud it cars ure especially adapted te afford an unobstructed view of the munlOeeut scenery along the line. Steel Ralls, bteue Ballast. It Is one of the features of Mt. Gretna Park, the finest day resort In Central Pennsylvania, Church aud Scheel, Military and ClUc organi zations, Clubs nud leurlst Parties can secure tiieexclusheuseef Mt. Gretna Park en appli cation te NED 1111811, al-Smd Bup't C. L. Railroad, Lebanon, Pa. go i 4 O. O.s O. In the Sprinar M -&', Fer two yean I was affected wlUv general debility, and I was fast bcoent-' in? a nhvalcal wrack.. Ttnnlc nnanHtUa.' I "" .,-,- . ... . : ; r: .?i u every uieuiciue i cemu near or, djv they did net have anv effect en me. Afc' length I commenced taking BWIFT'Hl 3? eriiuinu (8. b. 8.), and I wm vwUg 7 man after taklnE a few hettlssv It la A 4 wUlinilt AH iinli.1 tm 1...I1.!.... mw ik." 1 ge.P.eJr.ftJLJ.lcUu' Had It net Mm ter S " ', eruiriu (B. B. 8.) I weJI3 undoubtedly have been In my grave ten uy. J.T.J1HYANT, S, HeuderseavUl), N. O.V rpu.n.. . m i -j nLi- . v iiwunvi jjiuuu buu OHJB AJIsaai mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, AtlinttGt mrM-lMd t ffratfeUvsV ? if-'- PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCHMO JT m effect from Ner. 10, IMS, Tralni.Bva LahcastSX aad lsar aa4 rlTs at Philadelphia as fellow 1 Issrs Lsar "WESTWARD. Pacific Kxprassf..., New Kipresst-.., Wsr Paasenaert.... Philadelphia. AIM9 p. BB. fcSOa. aa. tMm. ra. 7fl0a. a. MalltralnvlaMUeyt Mli.a' .w, m nan trwinr.... Nlacara Express.... Hanover Aoeom ...... Past Llnef.... . .......... fradtilck Aeeem.,.. Lancaster Aocem.... laWOMter Aoeem..- la Colombia .H!""1! wn, m. Tta Columbia U a. at V raessw sss -, ii:n a. m. asBBv ar via Columbia imm ii!ta.m. TlaMUJ7 assfvav Harrison! Aeeem,.- nip, m. :40p. m. MWp, m. 9Mp. m, HHIIMHIWtHllH msmaitMimwl . Lsavs Lancaatar, 'Sa.m. 3b a. in 1:10 a. m. S:S6a, m. .M0 a. m. 11:38 a. m. lJ:Mp. m. I'Stp, m. SKp. m. 'p. m. :l(ip. m, p. m. lsjsp. m. Columbia., IAOOOB1. Harrlsbnnr xprl Western Kxpreasf Lancaster Acce... EASTWARD. raua. Kipr Fast Llnef.. Lancaster Aoeo....... Usrrlsburg Kxpres. Lancaster Aoeem, Columbia Aoeom., AUantle Expressf-... Seashore Express. Philadelphia AcceaiJ nunaay Man.., Dav Kmresst.. Harrlsburg Accem... MRU iTainr. Frnderlek Accem, tTna enlr train which rnn daily. un Lin Snnda Uia Mall train wast rnnab wa ? aTVlsat.hlM " V 3, R. WOOD, (tsasrat Passsaatr Ammrs CHAR. B. PUOH. K.neral Ianssr. , TUiLADKLPiUA KKAJ)iNUstaiLMUa KEADraQ OOLUaUUA, DIVJMCW, un Mm aMicrr eunwiyi aut sWfc t j Fer Reading and Intermedials points, sf days. 7) a, ra., UJfcWrn.; Ban4jJav DBtlB SLJSBBSUSSkBlSVBIS IXVIUB BUmi,!. BBBS SUB BBS SBBI Ml. MB P. Ol, U, MB p. Ol, - Ker Pulladelphla, wees day, TM a. mu, LMk p. jn.; Sundays, M p. m. '-' Ker New Yerk via PhTladalphla, wstst aafv Ker New Yerk via Philadelphia, 1M a. m.. HSe. S.M n. m. for AlUnteWB, week day, TM a, awfitsP (ujiouuuay.iKae p. m. Je" jrer niuaviiie, weea uays, iws, nu, sne nnuiMT, ann f hi. or uei DebaneD,week day. TKM Vb1sws,I Sunday, 8:04 a. m, B:St p. m. t ' Harrisburg, week days, 7.-0 a. a I "'iJer' S.3K it. m. 1 Sundav. IMS al m. Fer quarry villa, week day, Ml a.' B.00 p. m. Sunday, M0 p. m. TRAINS FOR LAMOABnCH. ,a wasi'ssj jgr Lear Heading, week days. 7M, UafkvT i-M n. m. t Sander. 730 a. m.i S:M n. aa. . . Leave Phlladelplila, week' ears, UVststK, mf, iw p. BM . V 3 licav New Yerk via Philadelphia, wBSKI i '.mm. ui. Afc p. in. xiiu uiftuw Leave New Yerk via AUentewa. ' 4KI0a.m.. ' - Leave Alienlews, week days, taw amt -... .. . . liVi usn rwanut, wvva, vmjm, mm h saw 1 Vh. vs. i. , I , e r-.-r. -. . -... i r. Leava Lebanon, wssk day. Tilt av law 115 p. ra,! Sunday, 7:55 a. ra.,lls.BV t-- Leave iiarruoerg, wssx aays, sasa. M day, Leave tluarryville, weekdays lAU.'ala.l slIHunny,7Ws,n. xaz ATLANTIC CITY DTVimOir. .J-1'' Leave Philadelphia. Cbsstnat attstl and Seuth street wbart Ker AUantle CI It. week dav. I 9M a, ra. and 4.-00 p. m.j AoeomBK) 7an a, in. ana r.-v p. m.j Hunasy, M0 s. ra., Accommodation, M) a. n. m. Returning leave Atlantic City, dspet I AUantle and Arkansas Avenna. wsakd Express 7:J0 a. m. and 4 p. a. A modsllen,8KXis.m. and tM p. aa. iaM Express, t p. m. Aceommeasuoa mff 4f.U1 n. In. IWaMjmI lint tl,lMi mh tui fdhtAlnaaatUSsli 7Ks.. 1li!S "V At.eSjm, ua. ar Ta.s, f 11WI qnies .&i M Vic Pre. A Uen'l M'rr. Uen'lPaafr As.', -Si ,..-,-., i - i !- i.ssar' KHANON ft LANCASTER JOINT MXM J RAILROAD. ?r Arrangement of Passenger Train etas4l SunDAT, November 10, US. NORTHWARD. I .eave A. u. r. X. T.U. 4- V King Street, Lane 7:00 1135 ten aa m at lncaster..,....... 7.V7 itM Columbia VIM ManhelmN 1M KM Cornwall 1J LM Arrive at Lebanon s:ll list mm UA n m nUUXIlWA.HU. iiava A. M. P. sr. I. P. at.! A. K. F.I 1 7:W7T a I 1M fcBl Lebanon .........- 7:12 12JO Cornwall 7.-17 12:48 Manbelm............ isa i:ia Lancaster............ , bin M Arrive at 7 StSV fcU.fctt Kins Street. Lane J SM fc'M A. M. WIIK)N, Beet. R. A C. Rsllrnad. .p- H. as, narr, ucu v. n. n. Satnp. N: EW LAMPS ANDARTQOODH. Ci11 flnrt SssA m tue 3 FINE NW LAMPS -AND HRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR JoMLAmeld'sBiiadliiil NORTH QUEEN STREET. tM T) UMBINQ, GAS FITTING, AC Jehn P. Schaum & Sen! PLUMBING, GAS FITTING AND R00F1M. sa 26 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER Pa (lhet0nvaph. B! OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM KBnigstagr PrasSs'; Twe Background made especially ter Bast a Three-quarter Length Photograph. iROTE.-f se 1-2 North Queen 8t. Net Doer te Uts )an7uid i4 n a, ' -- Jf'-H" , .i .' ftaaV.-- ''' -"" !r rf-,,..-' T"'. ZZ&i Ti.tJt ' JcviW-5l tfVaj--. Wi" ,'!itS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers