rtnnogittantorit peitiott. BREW FUM SCH • A Al :4'. SCHLIFFLETOWN, MUy dtr 1569. MISTER FODDER ABRAHAM: Ich bin widder amohl gebottert. Om negshta Somslulog is de leckshun for dele (*ales for uf de convention kucka for a kondidawt uf nemma for Gutferneer, un ich weas net recht for welly dos ich votes set. Geshter bob ieli a breefly grickt fum George dort in der shtadt, un ter hut mer tsu fershiea gevva dos mer gea set for sel ler Shmidt wu als Shreef war doh de yohr, un aw for seller printer dort in der shtadt wu sell gross house gebaut hut. Wann yusht selly tswe nei kumina donn is der George g'satisfied, secht er. Awer der Sam. Winkeleisa behawpt (los wann mer selly nei leckta, dent evva der George yusht du mit eana we er wet, un dos mer yusht so goot for ean.selwer geat, for donn war mer anyhow net betrohya. Noch dem dos mer a weil g'shwetzt hen der weaya hen mer amohl de Bevvy g'froked WS se denkt derfu, un se war aw so hol wer uf der notion dos iner besser acht gebt dos mer rich gor net foola lust bei dem Cheef Duck, for, secht se, ferlust eich druf, waun der selly geanet wu ter hawa will, donn sin'd er ferkawft. Tsn letsht sin mer tsu der conclusion kumma nei tsu gea for de sex tershte nawma we se gepublish , d sin in cier Tseitung, for selly considera mer Booty menner. For instance, so leit we der Franklin, der Kauffman, der Kinzer—for ich keno se goot—un seller Rutter dort iu der shtadt, under Sharrick, under honest alt John Strohm, sin menner fern rechta shtamp, un lussa sich net ferkawfa. Sell is any how my ticket. Es Beat yetz nimmy long bis mer wil der amohl de eampain shtarta. Ich bin a Geary mono, provided der Geary wterduf genumma. Warm net, dorm gea ichevva for der onner wit se ufs ticket dune. Meer machts net feel ous won se nemma, un de Bevvy gebt aw nix drum, provided es is caner of den mer sich aw ferlussa konn ols an sounder Republican. Om letshta Somshdog hen de demokrata wilder amohl so a meeting g'holta ens Kitzelderfers. About tswea uhr nummi dogs bin ich selwer onna gouga yusht for seana war all dort war, un awer es war so about der same alt crowd—der alt Dinkop, der Sensawetzer, der Shquire I.awbuck un do kwrls wu immer of hond sin wann als getrect wierkl. I)er Lawbuck war President fun der meeting, un seller dick-beanieh lawyer fun der shtadt rouse war aw dort un hut a speech g•macht un about a holb dutzend mold getreet. Er but eana grawd rouse g'sawt dos der cant sich monn dos an guter run macha konn tor Gufferneer is der Ike Ireesliter fun Len keshter wu a guldeny brill drawgt un plen ty geld hut, un aw nix drum gebt was es kusht for de treets. Sell hut awer de kterls g'fetehd. Satisfy de Schlitiletowner yusht dos an kondidawt nei gent for plenty olter Afonnygalical whisky, un be bound dos se aw all nei geana for can. De meeting is anyhow tsu der conclusion kumma delegates tsu leckta de nei Bean for der Ileeshter, un es dent mich now aw gor net wunnera wann se seller ufuenuna Beata. Uf course, se lien aw onnery kon didawta for sell emtiy. Dort is caner Packer wu druvva, in Mauch Chunk woont. Seller hut feel freind g'hot doh in Schliftletown, bis se ous glfunna hen dos er doh for tswea yohr tsurick fad hunnert *lausand dahler gevva hut for cans fun derma colletcha baua dort in sellam Bet tlehem shteddle uf der onner side's Bitters Wwrtshouse in Lechaw county, ua donn "hen se can gedropt we an heasy grumbeer, for sc behawpta dos de collectha yusht so ferdeivelty neshter sin for black Republi cans ous tau breea, un ertnicher monn dter nei geat for so inshdidusheus is net besser dos an frei shool 'noun odder an kterricha shtrawweller. Anyhow, mit so demo krata wella se nix tsu du hawa. Un noch eans fun earn kondidawta is an monn in Pittsborrick—Cass heart er— seller hut aw geld genunk, awer ter is cans fun derma hawpt Rail Roaders; un uf Belly konn mer Bich aw net entirely ferlussa for true blue demokratishe principles. Treata, sawya se, dut er gor net, except yusht so unnich de big bugs, un mit shampain wu se drivva in Jarsey macha, un sell suit de Sehliffletowner aw net, for BC gaps nei for's real shtuft—tsean cent der drunk— regular hardware-whisky dos krotzt wann er der hols nuuner geat, un aw der demo kratish geisht in de kterls uf weckt. Un nosh cans, seller Cass, mit scina Rail Madera, sawga se, chit dee party feel ehawda, for ivverall wu Rail Roads, shteam Ingines un telegraff poles sin, dont geana de demokrata, obdorthinnersich. Un noch a kondidawt wti de nominea shun hawa will is caner McCandless fun Filldelfy. Seller suit se aw net, Mr er war an General inn greek un hut uf der Union side g'fochta geaya denna demo krata earn breeder drunna in Ferg,inny un in Gettisborrick dort uf der onner side der Kodorus in Yorrick county. We or is om treeta, wissa se net. A deal meana or \vier all right of sellam point, awer des fechta uf der letza side kenna, se eam net fergevva. Anyhow, se sin determined an neier kondidowt rouse tsu bringa, under Ike lleesliter meana se, dent se exactly suita, for we er noch an wig war in Len keshter county war er shun so holwer uf der miner side, un is tswea dausand bin nich semi ticket geblivva we er's :ersht mold gerunt is for Kongress, uns tswet mohl is er gons gebutta warm, un (101111 hut er sic!' fulshter gedrayd, un hut sid der aw shun ma monnicha dorsliticher demokrat sei wisky betzahlt. De meeting but awer net long gedauert. Om drei uhr war's ferbci, un donn, uf course is der crowd amohl in de bar shtub, un ea mohl noch em onner hut seller lawyer fun der Shtadt rouse ols de treets g'shtand. About tier uhr is es awer interesting warm. Es hut mich ordlich shtorrick erinnert uf olty tseita, we ich selwer noch an unreconshtructer demokrata war. De gons party is uf course g'suffa warm, under Joe Biffiekup under Bill Shnecka fonger sin ous fun weaya drei faertle dahler wu der Shneckafonger g'leant hut fun Biffiekup we se om korta shpeela warn doh fergonga. Per Billie kup huts earn g'fuddert, under Shnocka fonger hut de shuld ferleayent; don huts brese wartagevva—" bisht an ligner" sogt caner, "bisht noch eaner" secht der onner, "hens mich ken ligner" secht caner, "du bisht an ligner" sogt tier onner, "un ich konn dieh k'noatcha in wennicher dos drei minnutta;" "proweers amohl Becht der Shneckafonger," un "doh bin ich reddy for dich" secht der Biffiekup. Donn awer dut amohl der Shneckafonger Bei ruck ons un hut in de feisht g'shlawga un sogt, "now awer amolly bei de rushtus krushtus yusht kum aw, du meener un ferlogener rascal du—yusht kum aw," un we er sell g'sawt hut is der Biffiekup uf under ruck ous un in de bend g'shpaut un greisht " now luss mich amohl on can—yusht luss mich gea for ich kon earn ad brod-kormp ous leara in wennicher das ea minnut." Awer der [ions crowd is nei g'mixed un bis es all ferbei war hut evva loch nemond glochta—es war alles wind un wisky. Der lawyer fun der shtadt rouse hut dorm aw nochamohl getreat, un tsuletsht war de meeting entirely ons g'shpeelt. A dehl sin heam, un about a holb dutzend hen sich onna geleagt uf de porch un uf de benk un awfonkra eara loads ob tsu shloafit. Donn bin ich aw heam un hob der Bevvy g'snwt dos in all mein dog un des leawes wet ich nix mea tsu du hawa mit demokratishe tick-tacks ons Kitzel derfers. Yah, Becht de Bevvy, es but aw shlechty leit in der Republican party— soddiche wu unearlich sin, un aw kterls de ols uf der Semly hucka un shteala, awer selly gebt vier de walking papers warm se proweera widder uf de dickets tsu kumma. Awer se meaya so meen un so shlecht sei dos se wella, se sin evva dock noch gentleleit wonn mer se com pared mit dent Kitzelderfers crowd fun demokrata. Der klea Abey is ivver ous g'sund, un wort we an yunger slianghigh. Er but awer doch nocli ordlich severer domicil foil, awer de Olt Solaklupperissy- sort sell war yusht fum tsawna. Er koun aw shun olleanich of em budda liucka, un es dent mich gor net wunnera wanner awfonga dent tsu rutelut in a paar woeha. Prr SCHWEFFLEBRENNER. GETTING ON IN THE WORLD. There are many different ways of get ting on in the world; it does not always mean making a great deal of money, or being a great man for the people to look up to with wonder. Leaving off a bad habit for a good one is getting on the world; to be careful and saving instead of thoughtless and wasteful is getting on; to be active and industrious instead of idle and lazy is getting on; to be kind and for bearing instead of ill-natured and quarrel some is getting on; to work as diligently in the master's absence as in his presence is getting on; in short, when we see any one properly attending to his duties, per severing through such difficulties to gain such knowledge as shall be of use to him self and others, and offering a good example to his relatives and acquaintances, we may be sure that is getting on in the world. Money is a very useful article in its way, but it is possible to get on with small means, for it is a mistake to sup pose that we must wait for a good deal of money before we can do anything. Per severance is often better than a full purse. There are more helps toward getting on than is commonly supposed; many people lag bbinl w miss the way altogether, becaus th. y d 3 not see the abundant and simple mean which surround them at all sides, anl s) it happens that there are aids whic% cannot be bought with money. Those who wish to get on in the world must hav3 a stock cf patience, of hopeful confidence, a willingness to learn, and a disposit ion nit easily cast down by diffi culties an I disappointments. ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE. An lowa paper of a recent date gives the particulars of a romantic story which borders somewhat on the marvellous. Years ago a Pennsylvania farmer loved and married a charming young girl that lived near him. After the marriage time passed on, and soon the farmer contracted a taste for liquor, which frequently got the best of him. His wife remonstrated with him, which on one occasion ended by the husbandetabbing her with a butch er knife. He left precipitately, supposing that he had killed 'her, and hid himself in the west, where in a few years he became a prosperous and wealthy merchant. The wife in the meantime recovered, and after living alone for five years, married again. Her husband, however, died at the expira tion of a year, and she also went to the west. Then the incredible part of the story appeared. The parties met again after their long separation, and became acquainted, but neither recognized the other. An engagement was entered into, resulting in marriage; and, upon the wife disrobing in the evening, he noticed the scar made by his hand years ago o ' and suddenly recognized here/ hilt Id* of mer years. Here is a chance for _story writers. I ffittecttd. THE SECRET LET OUT. The lodge of I. 0. 0. F., at M— de termined to have their lodge room ;lone up clean and nice, and it was resolved unanimously that Mrs. K— should be hired to do the job. After the lodge adjourned, the guardian, who knew the inquisitive character of Mrs. K—, procured a billy-goat and placed him a closet. lle then informed the lady of the wishes of the lodge, and said he wished her to come early next morning, as he then would he at leisure to show her what was and what was not to be done. Morning came, and brought with it Mrs. K—, with her broom, brushes, pails, tubs. &c., prepared and armed for the job, and the guardian wait ing for her arrival. Now, madam," said he, I'll tell you what we want done, and how we came to employ you. The brothers said it was difficult to get any one to do the job who wouldn't meddle with the secrets in that little closet (pointing to the goat's prison.) We have lost the key and can't find it to lock the door. I assured them that ycu could be depended on." "Depended onl" said she, " I guess I can. My poor dead and gone husband who belonged to the Free and Anti-Masons used to tell me all the secrets of the con cern, and showed me the marks the grid iron made when he was venitiated, and told nip how they fixed poor Morgan, and I have never told a living soul to this day. If nobody troubles your closet to find out secrets till I do, they will lay there till they rot—so they will." " I thought so," answered the guar dian; "and now I want you to commence in that corner and give the room a decent cleaning, and I have pledged my word and honor for the fidelity of your promise; so don't go into the closet, and all will be well," and he left the lady to herself. No sooner had she heard the sound of his foot on the last step of the stalls than she exclaimed: " Don't go into that closet! war rant there's a pesky gridiron or two, or some other nonsense in there—just like the Anti-Masons fbr all the world, 1 , 11 be bound. see, any way! I can take a little peep, and nobody will be any wiser. I I guess can keep a secret." , Suiting the action to the word, (think ing all the while what a glorious secret she would have to tell Mollie Trump, her next door neighbor,) She stepped lightly and cautiously to the door, peeped mys teriously about, to see if any one could see her, and then quickly opened the door. What was her horror to see coming front a far corner of the room, after having ut tered a most unearthly shriek, a living, actual, bona fide billy-goat, with a perfect torrent of wrath flashing out of his eyes. Making a tremendous rush for his liberty,- he reached the threshold of his prison al most by the time the old lady had suffi ciently recovered to screech "murder' , and "fire , ' without getting choked, and came mar upsetting the dame at the door. Both made a rush for the head of the stairs, but the door was full of imple ments for house cleaning, kind all were swept clear from their position down to the hcttcm of the steps. The cols: and confusion occasioned by such rnceicmonious coming down stairs, drew Ealf tie town to witasss Mrs. K.'s eforte to get from the pile of palls, tubs, brooms and brushes into the street. Who ehiA-id be the firs t, to tha , spot but the rascally guardian, wßo,itillet rolealing the goat, wlich was crippled for life, and uplifting the rubbish that bound the good woman to the earth, anxiously inquired if she had been taking the degrees. " Takin' the degreeel" exclaimed the now irate lady, " you fetch-taked liii,teful, you! If you call tumbling front,t,p, to bottom of the stairs, and Kin , isWea to death, takin' things by degrees, ivby I have them. And it you frighten and Itukt other folks as you have me, I'll warrant they'll make as much noise ass I did, gnd mebby more." "I hope you did not open the. i , madam?" said the guardian. '.. . " Open the closet! Didn't Eve eat e apple when she was told not to? If ou th want a woman to do anything, tell er not to, and she'll do it for certain. I couldn't see anything through the key hole, and I wanted to know what was in that closet, so I opened the door, and the tarnal critter popped right out at me. 1 thought I was a goner, and started for the stairs, with Satan butting me at every jump. I fell over the tub, and got down stairs all in a heap—ugh I that eereechin', hateful thing!" " But, madam," said the guardian; "as you are in possession of the great secret of the Order, you must now go back and be initiated in the regular way." "Regular way!" exclaimed she; "and do you:suppose I am going in that tarnal -- ~ / HON. HENRY D. MOORE, Collector of the Port of Philadelphia. After being released on parole, he im mediately returned and interred the charred remains of his own parents, as well as the body of Mr. K. Taking a solemn and fearful oath of vengeance, and accompanied by Sue, who was now with out home or friends in this wide world, he started f;)r a neighboring camp of bush whackers or guerillas, where he was re ceived with open arms, and was soon pro moted to the office of commander of the force, while Sue, disguised and passing by the name of " Kit"—an abbreviation of Kiterathre—proved invaluable as a spy, a fearless rider, and of undoubted bravery. Kit, after serving nearly two years as a spy and general planner fbr the band, found her health failing. Disguised and armed with the highest testimonials, she succeeded in securing a position on the stiff of Gen. Claiborne, the hardest light ing Irishman in the rebel army. This position she held, doing her duty like a man, until the battle of Atlanta, July 12, 18(54, in which Pat. Claiborne was killed. Returning to her youthful hero and his band, she again revelled in the carnival of blood, and though her evil spirit was willing, the flesh was weak, and Kit was again transferred to duty at An dersonville. Prisoners who have shared the hospitality of that celebrated camp, will perhaps remember a short, stout, and muscular young lieutenant, with flashing black eyes, a face smooth as a maiden's, and cruel as though a fiend incarnate lurked within. This was Sue Kiteradge, the amiable young boarding school miss, the cheerful companion, the once wealthy heiress, the beautiful maiden and the firm friend of young Mundy, whose life to her was dearer than her own. Sue Mundy and a part of his bead were captured and tried by a court martial. Kit was present during es nn u t e e wholetrial, o f o a a y n tidi e u h a e u r g u r n e s o t - y was convicted and hung at Louisville, Ky., in March, 11365. The flowing hair still hung about his shoulders, and when his youthful corpse was taken down and laid away, in his narrow bed, the bleeding and broken heart of Sue Kiteradge was furled with it; and now, a wanderer on the thee of the earth, homeless and friend less, she lives without hope of heaven or mercy, forsaken and dishonored, and cast away.—Daroit Post. —lt is beauty's privilege to kill time, and time's privilege to kill beauty. —" Ma, has Aunty Jane got bees in her mouth?" "No, meson, why do you ask sueh a question?" "Because I heard Mr. Briggs tell her that he would take the honey from her lips and he was so long about it I wondered he didn't get stung." —A crops old bachelor says: "The vthy women do not out themselves in two by tight lacing, is because they lace around the heart, and that is so hard they cannot affect it." N place agin, and ride that critter without bridle or saddle! No, sir! never! I don't want nothing to do with the man who rides it, nuther. I'd look nice on a billy goat, wouldn't 1, now? No, sir! I'll never go nigh it again, nor into your hall, nuther; and if I can help it, no lady shall never join the Oddfellers. Why, I should rather join the Free Masons, and be fried on a gridiron as long as tire could be kept under it, and be pulled from the garret to the cellar with a halter round my neck, just as my poor dead and gone husband was, for he lived over it; but I never could outlive another ride as I took to-day. You, don't ketch me back in there." SUE MUNDY--CAREER OF A FEMALE GUERILLA. Nearly every pleasant day pedestrians on our principal avenues pass a dark eyed brunette, of medium size, a plump figure, and richly dressed. In the early spring of 1561 Sue Kiteradge, a lovely just returned from boarding school, lived upon her father's plantation in one of the rural districts of Kentucky. that hung in a balance, uncertain whether to risk her fate with the new " Confederacy" or hang back. Sue was 17, a frequent visitor at the adjoining plantation of Mr. Mundy, an old gentleman whose wife and son, a young man, composed a happy family. One day a company of Union cavalry rode down upon the place, plundered the premises, carried off the valuables, burned the residence, and finally slaughtered the parents, who were defending their own firesides, laying waste the country in their track, and leaving young Mundy and Sue orphans indeed. Young Munday was at last aroused, and while being carried of a prisoner no words escaped his lips but "Sue." When asked his name he repeat ed "Sue," probably the effects off a dis ordered brain. His linen being examined, the indelible name of "Mundy" was found, and ever after he was known as "Sue Mundy," the constant terror of Union citizens and soldiers in that section. --Sewing Afachines. OUR NEW OFFICE. i To sub.tantilvto the merit so universally Ile corded to WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MNCIIINES, and at the same time to justify onr claims to the favor of the citizens of Lancaster County, we will present to their attention a few strong facts : First—We assert (=deniably; that THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL awarded at the Paris Exposition for Sewing Machines for family purposes, Was awarded to tee & Waso, after a fair trial before competent jtulges, (ap pointed by the Emperor Napoleon,) whose duty it was to deal impartially in the perfor mance of their commission : COMMISSION IMPRRIAL_S CRAMP-DR-MARS, 6th July 1867. 5 Mr. R. Lhanting, 1M Rege nt your Rtreet, London. inquiry, DEAR SIR I—Rein to I beg leave to state, tha pl t y the g ONLY GOLD MEDAL for the manufacture and perfection of sewing Machines, was awarded to Messrs. WHERLen & WlLaos, of New York. Yours Respectfully, - HENRY F. Q. D'ALIGNY, Member of the International Jury and Reporter of the same. DI.PARTMICNT Or gl`%T'lt t Washington, May, 1868. To Wheeler &Wilson, of New York. SIRS I—The Department has received one Gold Medal, awarded - to your firm for Sewing Ma chines, at the Paris Universal liniasition, of 1867. WM. R. SZWARD, Secretary of &ate. Second—We assert to the positive sale of the LARGe.fr._T XUMBEJ: OF SEWING MACHINES FOR FAMILY USE OF ANY 11ANUFfi.CTIOR1NG COMPANY IN TUE COIINTRY, (all combined) THE WHEELER& WILSON is exe!tisively 1. FAMILY SEW'NG MACHINE, and as such, it has, in defiance ofall competition, whether it be manly and honorable, or ungen tlemanly and ignorantly discourteous, made its way, held its own ; and established the well merited reputation so universally extended to the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Nor is it necessary in introducing the W heeler & Wil son to the citizens of Lancaster, that we should speak in any way disparagingly of others. We claim to have A FIRST CLASS ;SEWING MA CHINR, complete, (with no single extra at tachments to buy after purchasing,) the best in use for family work. In taking into consideration the unequalled popularity of this wonderful machine and its immense sale, it should be remembered that we have derived no benefit whatever from the sale of manufacturing machines. Withdraw the heavy machines from the sales of the different companies, and where do they eta nd I Far be hind the Wheeler & Wilson Co., who make the Family Sewing Machine a speciality. The Company's manufacturing precede es at Bridfre port, Conn„ occupy a space oft acres, enclosing an entire quadrangle, with a front on the N. Y. & N. H. Railroad side of a quarter of a mile lees 15 feet, ttlled with costly muthluery. Capital Erna . Men Employed, I,OOC. Machines, 4stily Number in lisp,... wt tYrt In excess of ate v other, 1%,000 ttACKVO.,. In oth& woitle ; tlus 11 Lulafiscforybilish4athi the industrial world the effective ti:MA Of I,Tr:,. 000 eeamstressa•, t nd is swelling that immem , number byad I g t l atle per day. ' It has ever eonquered British Pre;Odic° Charles Dickey himself has Made it the sub• Sect of a tnely turned article In "Or :5* a Week,” and the Lend e: Times, in an exhaustive two column and a II: If editorial, covering the whole subject of Sew wit Kaohines o awardstho highest merits of praise to the Wilt BLEB is WILSON, as the on best aulculated for bpoophold work. It is on thti minden of labor-sa*itg in 1 , 12 parts of the world, London, 14, Plotersher?. Madrid, Constantinople, Calcutta, Cape Town, kc. Its artute or" grolywl,cie thr4,r.041.4 hla h halnptide 8I f t .ithercyor fu:irtio sinsuovni in • to human appall:J. We respeetft.r.; claim attention, and ooreit..l. ly invite theeistsenepfloincesiercnunty tovis- It our Oboe, inspect tbellfachhae, examine the samples of the work perforated, and compare them with others. We willingly Made the re sult. MACHINEi NOI,D ON LEASH PLAN, AT THE OUR NSW , OPRICZ No. 84 North Queen-fit., HOWELL'S BUILDING, LANCASTER, PENN'A. Professional. OJ. DICKEY. • ATTORNEY AT LAW Osamu: SOUTH QUEEN ST., second house be low the " Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pa. j B. LIVINGSTON. • ATTORNEY AT LAIN Ovricit: No.ll NORTH DU K E ST., west shle, north of the Court House, Lancaster, l'a. CHARLES DENUES ATTORIiEY AT LAW. Oratcs: No. 3 SOUTH DUKE STREET, Lan. caster. JOHN B. GOOD, ATToRN EY AT LAW. ()FRICK: N 0.56 EAST KING ST., Lancaster, Pa j W. JOHNSON, GC • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ovlnca: No 25 sourii QUEEN ST., Lancas ter, Pa. 13P. ROSENMILLER, JR., U. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: With A. HERR SMITH, Esq., South Queen St., opposite the office of Father Abra ham," Lancaster, Pa. AC. REINOEHL, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. (IEFICE: N 0.3 SOUTH DUKE ST., Lancaster JOHN P. .REA, ATTORNEY AT LAW - ()epics: With Hon. U.J. DICKEY, N 0.21 SMITH QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. MARTIN MITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE of the late lion. THADDEUS STEVENS, No. 26 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. A mos H. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. _ OPPICZ: No. 6 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaiter MWMIffM OFFICE: With General J. W. Franey, NORTH DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. F. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW , . Orrice: No. 19 NOILTII DUKE Street, Lanese ter, Pa. [dee llit.tyr Reading Advertisements. MALTZBERGER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW No. 46 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pa. GEORGE SELTZER ur • ATTORNEY AND COUNSE.LLER AT LAW. No. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite the Court House,) Reading, Pa. Dry Goods, &e. LITIZ GEAYA DE WELT! Tstitwi UN IllaChEll. AHEAD! DER GROSS NEI SIITORE READY FOR CUSTOMERAI Dort gent mer onun for wohlfebl kawfa ! AN NEIER SIITOCK GOODS! DRY GOODS fun oily sortu ; Queensware un Hardware ; Oily sorta Dieher: Goods for Mon eleit un Weibeleit, for Fre-yohr un Summer; Tsucker, Coffee, Ries, un oily onnery aorta Gro ceries ; Aliy aorta Hardware for baua ; Paints, Oehl Varnish on de itidderelity Shtadt prices. In fact, shier olles WWI iner denka koun is tea hewn, fryer ous wohifeal ins TSITUDY UN BRICKER'S GROSSA NEIA SIITORE! Besides, an first rater, fuller slitock tau oily sorts Kleader for Monsleit un Buwa; Huet for Menner un Buwa, An first raty shtock, un orris' wolafelil 11 , Mer dela aw in ollerlea 'iners' produce— BUTTER ()TER" SCHMALTZ sHUNK A , SHMOKL-BEEI , , HINKLE, EP PLE, SHNITZ, 2..c.—kaufa un terlotwfa on reg ular morriekt prices. Now is de tseit; maclit etch bei, un judg't for etch seiwer. Kummt in foor-weasu; kummt of gen ; kummt mit easle Poore ; kummt of em railroad ; kummt of velocipedes, odder kummt teu fool. Mer sin gor net pert icular—yusht so dos der kummt for wohlfeala un first raty goods, un bringt sir greenback's mit. Mind der reebt platz is ons TSHUDY UN BRICKER'S GRCSSA NEIA SHTORE, If] 1m Go•AHRAD SitTie.DDLE, pt LITIZ Pit. ish es, &e. AU&. REINOEIIL. JAC. RIiINOEIIL, JR. A &J. REINOEIIL, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COPAL, WHITE, COFFIN, BEACH AND JAPAN VAI?NiAS If E I.IN' , EED OIL, TURVENTINE, &c. NO. 109 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (In the Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, 'Mahogany Boards, Veneers and Mouldings of different sizes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning, such as Bed Posts, Table Legs,, Spokes, Hubs, Felines, &c,, Ste. v &c. Aleo, AXLES, SPRINGS, &c. [Jan illyr THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE! THE MACHINE. FOR THE PEOPUB The Most Popular Machine Now gold Qualities that recommend it : let. Riastic Lock Stitch, alike on both sides. 2d. Complete Control over both threads. 3d. A non variable tensimi in the shuttle. . 4th. fluid:N.om rotary tension for the upper thread. NI. A self-regulating take up. eth. D rawing both threads equally and at the same tme. 7th. Sewing with a tighter tension than any other minikitie. Orb. Using saw kind of thread or silk. th eth.o hi Using deer needles for the same thread an ther Macnes. 10th. tising short, straight and strong needles. 11th. Universal Hemmer, Feller an Corder. 12th.. Widec , renge of work than any Other machine. Call and see it in operation before pnrebaslng elsewhere. Ostrics—No. 10 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, j Pnn's. . am 3ulool DANIEL H. HERS, Agent. Furnishing Goods, ay. TIZADQUARTERS YOB UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, GLOyBB, COLLARS, CUD" SLTIEVR•BUTTOM, AA (Oath wave genosalli, at VIORMAIipS, NORTH QUEEN Btr.,'.4lqgumer. Viable rer r eh-lre %MA Prisants— , "ins- Maher, sChang Dluber, Collars, Rom fennel Ktnep, g'shtioko Retanier-treata, Pocket Bieber, Perfnme Rear-G2ll, Cigar Casa, un misery. *Da one • R. J. BRlSllitAllee, **lb *hula ilteit, lausasstr. ( 0 $ Cl/n06> 1 01a1 1 1..nolsi) l oero-1 y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers