PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, .RAUCH & COCHRAN, No. 18, South Queen Street, Lancaster. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. CVII, one sear, 4 1.80 10 copjoi s (each 4 I Statue addressed,) 13. 7.00 0 13 =i 0 1# it 00 20 copies " it 22.00 And $l.lO for each additional subscriber. POE CLUJ'S, IN PACKAIONA 10 copies, (le jots address,) IS airs " 14 24 eoptea 44 4 : 4 4 . 9/4.00 And p. 150 for Oita additional subscriber. nf ad rAnuve ouboodpfifisa =Met invariably be paid Va. -.Joh PRINTING Of every decor ion, sad promptly *tw eeted, ut ti ort u ou Oa moot PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. R. The time of the arrival and departure of the trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Lan caster, has been changed, as follows : 11.1111TWAZD.W28TWARD. (.1nein.Ex....12:07 a. m.lPittabign Ex. 1:27 a. m Phila.leSpress4 2 / 1 1 " !Phila. Exp... 2:39 " Past Line 8:33 " 11:15 " Lane. Train.. 8:119 " [Met Line.— 2:35p.m Day Express. 1:40 p.m;Columbia Ae. 2:45 " flarrislOg Ae..5:54 " rrrisb'g Ae. 554 " Southern Ex. A:O9 " Ana. Train.. Taa " Uncial. Ex.... " 'READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1188. Groat Trunk LinefrongtheNorth,and North west for Philadeiphia, New York, Bead ing}, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Ma tokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Eph rata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ibe. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as fol lows: At 2.85, 5.20, 8.10 a. in., 12.25 noon 2.00 and 10.55 p. m., eonneeting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 9.45 a. m.,11.45 a. m., 3.50, 6:45, 9.30 p. M., and 6,00 a. in. respectively. Sleeping Cars _ac company the 2.35,5.':0 a. m. and 10.55 p.m. trains without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua. Minersville, Ashland, SlTamokin; Pine Grove. Allentown and Philadelphia, at 5.19 a. in., 2.00 asitit.tu p. in., stopping at. Lebo, non and priudipal Way Station»; the i.lO p. m. train making connections for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.30 p. in. Returning: Leave New 'Fork at 9.00 a. m.,12.00 noon, 5.05 and 8.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 8.15 a. in. and 3.80 p. m ;_sleeping cars accompany the 9.00 a. in., 5.05 and 8.00 p. m. trains from New York, without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. M. connecting with similartrain on East Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.30 p. m., stopping at all stations; leave Potts vine at 7:30, 845 a. ra. and 2.45 p. in.; Shamokin at 6.26 and 10.35 a.m.; Lhland at 7.00 a.m., and 12.30 noon, Tamaqua at 8.30 a. in.; and 2.20 p. m., for Philadelphia and New York. Leave Pottsville, via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 7.0) a. in. for Harrisburg, and 11.90 a. in. for Pine Grove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 7:30 a. m., returning leaves Phila delphia at 5:16 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown at 6.25 n. in.; returning, leaves Phila delphia at 4.30 p. in. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.00 a. in. and 6.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lan .'aster, Columbia &c. Perkiomen Railroad Trains leave Perklornen •T unction at 9.00 a. in. and 6.00 p. m.; returning, leave Skippack at 8.15 a. in. and 1.00 p. ' con necting with similar trains on Reading Rail road. On Spadayin Leave New York at 8.10 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and 8.15 p. in., the $.OO n. in. train running only to Reading; Potts ville 8.00 a. m.; Il a rrisburg I'oo a. in., 4.10 and 1.55 p. m., and Reading at 12.55, midnight, 2.5 i and 7.15 a. in. For Harrisburg, at 12.55 midnight, and a. m. for New York; and at 9.40 a. in. and 4.25 p. m. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and ICaeursion Tickets, to and from all points, at educed rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed ach Paissenger. G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. RSIOIIII4O, PA., April 24,1E68. [aprlll4-It,d&w READING AND COLUMBIA B. It. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, APRIL 15th, 1869, PASSENGER TRAINS WILL BE RUN ON THIS ROAD, AS FOLLOWS: LUAIr.II. ARRIVAL Lancaster 8835 a. m. Reading .....100 a. in. II .....3:10 p. m. " ..... 5:30 p. m. t ol nuabia .....8:00 a. m. " 10/0 a. m. CI .....8:00 p. m. " ..... 5:30 p. in. RICTURITING: MANI. *Ram:. Reading .... 7:00 a. in. .Lan0aa10r.....11:15 a. in " . 6:15 p. m. " ....AU p.m " . 111 7:00 a. m. Colmnbin .....9:25 a. m 14 11111 0:15 p. p. m Trains leaving Lancaster and Columbia its above,make close sonneotion at leading with Trata North and South ; • on Philadelphia and Readiw Railroad, and West on Labium Valley Road. Train leaving Lancaster at 8:05 A. M. atm I 2olumbia at 8 A. H. ecOnnects closely at Reading with Trani for New York. te rol Tielceta esia berobta at the 011ieee Of the New Jersey Capisiµ , _root of i rberty ..treet,Rew Yorkislul eA phi aa izil eliding Railroad, 0%1 Ca h streets, Da. Througli t to - New St atio n, Philadel phia midst all 'Prikeipal and Bag 61SWFtlitonks far 510 or 100 0 miles. Season' n.. 0 Moil Tickets, to and tro all point% at realised rates. • Tflosmitre milky rhiladalphia and leading Rallraid Tim% which is 10 minutes Ruder than Pennsylvania Railroad Time. apt 14494 fl GEO. P. GAGE. Stmt. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. Trains leave York for Wrightsville and Co lumbia, at VA and 11:40 a. in., and 3:30 p. tn. Leave Wrightsville for York, at 8:0,1 a. in., and 1:00 and 6:50 p. m. Leave York for Baltimore, at 5:00 and 7:15 a. in,. 1:05 p. m.; and la midnight. Leave York for klarrisburg, at 1:39, 6:23 and 11:35 a. m., and 2:39 and 19:15 p. m. TItAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG. GOING NORTH. At 8:26 a. m., amid It2o and 4 p. m GOING SOUTH. At 8:45 and 5:25 a. m., and 12:30 and 10:15 p. in decll-ad • Photographs, &e. GOLDEN- rartnts to Folnilics, 11(ther to lhaighter, Mother to Son. GENTLEMEN TO LADIES When tho light has left the house, zneworta such as these oomgatuid their interest. GILL'S SUPERB PIIOTO. Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to be the beet in:the city, and no superior in the State Constantly Mereashtg demand and great expe dients in this style of miniature give us greater facilities and better results than any establish ment outside of large cities. STEREOGRAPIIS OF HOME VIEWS bar the Centre Table. Also, prismatic instruments. Large Colored Work by some of the beat Ar• Lista In Philtyulipbla and elsewhere, n the high, est style of the art. India Ink, Pastille, Crayon and colorant GILL'S CITY GALLERY, jan I.lyr] No. 90 East ling-st. Hotels. TT S. HOTEL, OPPOSITE PENNA. R. R. DEPOT, HARRISBURG, PA. W. H. EMMINGER & CO., Proprietors ushl2-Iy] e 6.61 14.00 15.00 VOL. IL JAMES BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILITARY AND NAVAL CLAIM ADENT, No. 66 East King-et., Lancaster, Pa. Being duly licensed as a Claim *Clint, and baying a large experience, prompt. attenticm will be given to the following climes of claims: BOUNTY* and PAY due discharged Soldiers and Slors. BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted for not leas than 2 or 3 years, or were honora (adfdieledlia.r) to Nis' recei ved ., Cildren, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds-re cetred or disease ecmtraeted 111 said service. PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for fatherland mothers, brothers or sister' of deceased soldiers, upon whom they were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or their 512 Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War PAY due Teamsters, Artidoerti and Civil dm plcoyees of the Government. PAY due for horses lost in the United States service. CHAIMES.—lrees fair and moderate, and in no ease will charges be made until the money is collected. (dee 411.1yr* THE OLD PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ACCUMULATED CAPITAL, $2,000,000, After paying Losses to the amount of $1,120,000 CHARTER PERPETUAL All the Surplus Dividend amongs the Policy THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN THE CITY OR STATE. For further information apply to JOHN J. COCHRAN, Agent, P. 0., Lancaster, Pm- . no2o-ti" IN v -,; . t l' 111 ~ , 5 I> 73 . 2 E e 4 WM 4 .", 4 E 0 40 rz ..; E. 4 = ' -1 0 _ r , . 0 i i •' ..- g m' i sa- P-I , • C . a ....0 F-- g . t 3 11 1 t amiwy c al p, 4 4 I * • 1, 8 r=4 P- g cl t: i 13 air S CDkI z % - g *' el I Liu E ., ~ A ~., 15 ice' . Z .., § •7, is i t.l , g 4 0 A N. .af i i a rI . , 1. 1 is ...-tile.l,a!? ' 2 P 1 1.1 lII C E. l z N l'e '2 - -- ..... 4 f" cs 2 tg! 0 c4ye ° . eilet 4«414 WORLD MUTUAL LIM INS. CO. OP NEW YORK, NO. 160 BROADWAY. J. F. FRUEAUFF, General Agss4 for Pallea.. NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Above J. F. Long & Son , . Drug tore This Company Conbrs more SILIDAnd REAL inducements Oro any other 'ph) Insuratice Comystny in the Country. Send or midland get a Circa Active solielSors i male or fe e. wanted in every township in The State. t Van 1414• Fertilizer WE HAVE 14Z0 TRA VELING AGENTS Farmers and Dealers who send their orders diktat to us, can avail themselves of the LOWEST PRICES And save the Commission. gayly orders 'will r ba advantageous to ogees. ALLEN & N EPLES, SUPER PHOSPHATE Of LIME. AND THN AMMONIATED FERTILIZER. PERUVIAN GUANO. We sell only No. I—roeeivecl dlieel. from the FISII GUANO. A splendid Manure paeked in barrels. We also Ogler for sale Pens LAUD PLAVICX,I4 iintaAutTo Cramer and a full assortment of OILS arnt CANDLE/S. A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 42 SOUTII DULA.WARE AVVNUE, PMLAVA. USTABLISH CD IN 1818 ORO. M. STEMIAN & CO., labtl24mi Bole Agents •t Lanoattar CAUTION. Whereas my wife C i riABINIS H. bag left isit icemie without an tat air or presooa• all parsons are by tismd not to her on myemownigt, as I pay no debts w she may emblem. DAVID H. /1311WST. Martin township, April 9th, 1140-414, to roe the riont, let x> otrire on to finale the work we are in; to bind tica : Ms nations anosonde; to Agency. M:1 Insurance. OF P/lILADELPHIA. Holders every year Manufaoturorti of IMPROVED Government • LAIVASTE twtfits NOT FOREVER. Not tbrever we are chastened By the might of sorrow's hand, Not forever pass we sighing Through the stranger's weeping land, There shall come a time of gladness, When the heart may e'en forget, In the melody of pleasure, All the ills that grieve it yet. Not forever in the valley, With the yawning gulf below, Not forever 'mid the briars Zion's pilgrim band shall got They shall tread with cheerful footsteps On the pleasant sunny kills! They shall march with mirth and music, While their song the sweet air fills. Not forever shall the darkness Of the midnight's lonely hour, Overwhelm the timid spirit With the terrors of its power. There shall come the light of morning To the weary, waiting heart, And, amid the joy of daybreak, Tears and sorrow shall depart. Not forever have they left us, Those for whom we shed our teirs? Not forever shall our mourning Darken long and weary years. There shall be a joyous meeting When the trier of evariti breFer— k-N. l In the house where all is happy, In the land of evermore. And forever shall the tear-drops Vanish from each faoe away, And forever is the darkness Banished where 'tie endless day; And forever death and sickness, Sorrow, pining, pain and woe, Still be kuowu no more tior looked for In the house to which we go. pisctliatteouo. THE DISGUISED DAMSEL " Charles! Charles! you won't forget to meet my Aunt Stephanie at the depot, at twelve!" Mrs. Early had followed her tall broth er-in-law to the front door steps, with the fresh wind blowing her bright air about her face, and a scarlet Shetland shawl drawn picturesquely round her delicate shoulders— a pretty woman, with son* thing of matronly dignity subduing the arch mischief that sparkled in her ens. Mr. Charles Early was a staiwar handsome young man, .with blue mast • light brown hair, shadowing a fafr, o• 11, forehead. It was a pleasant face to 1' k into, with nothing of irresolution or effem inacy about it, and consequently Charles Early had many friends,—aye, and loyal ones, too. lie turned round at the sound of his sister-in-law's voice. Josephine was one of his most useful and constant allies. "No, I'll not forget, Josephine, but I'm sorry her godfathers and godmothers in baptism gave her the name of Stephanie:" " Why?" "Because I know a Stephanie; the pret tiest fairy you ever saw. It was when we were all at Woodgrove. Beach, last month —and—if you'll promise not to tell lay sober brother Bob, I'll confide to you, a momentous secret, Josephine. Havel I your pledge of secrecy?" " I promise." " Well, then, I lost my heart to that, beautiful little Stephanie, with her flossy yellow curls, and her rose-mouth with its tiny pearls of teeth, and her pink and white complexion, Just like your great oleander in the drawing room." " Did you propose to her, Mingle?" questioned his sisterin-law, with sat the eager earnestness of a woman's .. . . "Not just then, but—another Seelig. Josephine—l proposed by letter, darbethre yesterday." "And you have received no answer?" "Not yet; I suppose it is too soon, but I'm on thorns and nettles until one does reach me. Josephine, if alas don't have me, I'll drown myself:l)r . . - i .., "No, Charles, you won't; • what abd. nonsense!". - "Then I'll do worst; " VII subsid nto a cross-grained, gdgetty old ~_haelngor, grumbling incessantly as everYthingrnd everybody, for all the rest of my na ral liib; just see if I don't." "Charles, you're a,moosel” "So are all young men who have the misfortune be, in love. It's their normal condition. What thus ,do you say the train arrives? Twelve? , I shall hate to get a carriage, I suppose, to trans the fl it rheumatic old lady here, withou any breakage of bones. Does she walk h a ;old -headed cane?" "Yes, and she wears a wig and spesta-• dies, and talks through her nose, and takes snuff from a tortoise-shell box!" “Angels and ministers of grace:defend us! Josephine, how did you ever untie to have such an aunt? and how did e happen to be Stephanie, instead . alt or Tyyphosa ? "We used to call her Aunt Pent' for shortl” said Mrs. Early, mischiev,uily, and her brother-in-law Ftrode don the street, whistling (but not for lack of thought) as he. went. "I. wish Aunt Fetty war in the Red Sea," he thouwht, a little vindictively, "but I suppose I must oblige Josephine." So, at twelve o'clock precisely, Mr. Charles Early stood on the platform, at the 11. Depot, watching the long train, as it slowly glided in like a Lire throa ted. serpent. "There comes your authlilttilit old hag, Charlie,l , said Guy St. Everil, With a' laugh, as a brisk, but somewhat bent figure, wrapped from head to foot in a voluminous cloak of snuff-colored bomba zine, with a huge circular cape of the care for him who shall hare borne the balle;anid for his widow Ma MS *maggot, to do alt trate* Ma : " achiere and cherish a fast and a tasting peace among of rseiree and ariith all iniestions."-4. Z. same, stepped out of one of the last cars, by the aid ofan iron-headed cane. Her bonnet, curiously bent and crumpled, barely covereda huge frilled cap; she wore a bright brown wig, set a little away over her forehead, and massive green specta cles sat astride of her nose, while brown cotton gloves adorned her hands, and a gram umbrella, carried under the arm, threatened with its ferule, the eyes of who soever was rash enough to crowd her movements in the rear. " Aunt Fent% self, as I live and breaths!" echoed Bruce Montmartin.— " Charlie, if I were you, Pd run for it. )1 "Drop itcr in the gutter and make off with mutat, It enifgested another young exquisite, superciliously stroking down his moustache. But Charles Early had too many gen tlemanly instincts to pay any heed to the waggish hints of his companions. He stepped forward, chivalrously. Allow me to carry your basket for you, ma'am. lam the brothet-in-law of your Wpm, Mrs. Early. " Oh, you be, ch?" creaked a feeb voice, from under the cap 'frills. " Well, you may take my umberil, and my basket, P and WW a paper o' gingerbread I fAched lunch, and a bottle o' root 'beer f bi • ' r pimples and' sich—an • have got a stripid carpet-bag, some'ers, with the key tied on with a bit o' red tape—and here's the brass tickets for the trunks. ' checks, the feller called 'em, if I remember rightly." "It's all right, ma'am, I assure you," said Mr. Early. Step into the carriage; I will see that your things are brought here directly. "What be them fellers laughin' at?" demanded Aunt Feny, stopping short, with one foot on the carriage step, and Oaring at Messrs. St. Everil, Montmartin C1i40., through the green spectacle glass es. I guess I'm as good NI they be, if I ain't dressed in the last agony of fashion. Iv'e got ten dollars up in my flan nel .waist over and aboyemy traveling ex penses, and I'll go• bail it's more than they've got."' A suppressed laugh here ran through the little crowd gathered on the platform. "Do not let their folly annoy you, ma'am, said Early, pleasantly. Let me assist you into the carriage. " St. Evert!, stand back," said Early, sternly, "If you have no reverence for old age or womanhood, I will teach you to respect my right hand. This lady is under my protection, you will please remember." Evoillattreated somewhat dis comfited, upon Ms companion's toes, and the old lady climbed into the carriage. "Young man," she began, when the umbrella, lunch-paper, basket and bottle were all safely stowed away and they were rolling rapidly over the city streets, ou , - ve got a deal of moral courage. 'Tain't every city sprig would be as polite to an old ereetur as you've been, with all them noisy feklers pokin' fun at you." Our hero was somewhat embarrassed at this plainly spoken compliment. "I hope, madam," he said, "I shall never be found lacking iu the essential qualities of a gentleman, in whatever cir cuwatances I may be placed." The antique dame nodded her cap-frills, and held silently on to her umbrella, without venturing ß any other remark, un til they reached Xtrs.obert Early's man sion. Josephine was waltiug for them on the threshhord ; she clasped tier ancient relative closely In her arms, and there was a sort of triumphal procession up to her apart ment, which Charles was rather at a loss to understand. "One would think that Josephine never ;•• 't- • an aunt, fresh out of Noah's ark before, l . he muttered to himself, as he took up a newspaper, and went out to the vine shaded back piazza, there to while away the time until Stioih period as lunch should be announce 4, "Oharliei" 11e.had esitatusteil the paper long ago, and nearly fallen into . a doze; but at his on l it-14.4' . s a gi e n ii i i i te io r n e Tt h v e o l ic lo c 6 h e e start . 4 4 hint phanie wants to thank. you 40119in* dness to her this morning," MI • ine, quietly. • "Oonfound Aunt Stephanie," thought Mi. Early, advancing drowsily towards the front room, . where, in an arti fi cial twi light prodriceby satin curtains and vene tian lblinds, he could dimly descry a figure. Suddenly Josephine drew back the shad owy draperies, and there, instead of a bent and crooked old woman, stood a lovely girl of eighteen, with deep blue eyes and golden curls, set off by a white muslin dress, with an abundance of floating blue ribbon nicely . looped and knotted about it. 44 8tepharae Osborne!" he ejaculated in stantly recognizing his fair enchantress of the seaside. "No—my Aunt Stephaniell , interrupted Josephine, demurely. "What .mystery is this? 7. demanded Early, hihkitig with a puzzled face from one to the other. "Are you ,7 "I am the veritable old lady of the rail road traiall) laughed the golden haired lassie, with • a becoming glow of color in her cheeks. "Do not look so astonished Charles. Josephine really is wly niece, only as her mother, my sister, was married before I was born, she is just ten years older than I am." "Yes, but why—" "Why did I assume that odious disguise, you would say? Just to try your stealing worth and native chivalry, Charles. I somehow fancied that the young man who was polite and attentive to a bent old wo man would have in him the stuff for a good and noble husband, and—” "And may I be your husband, Steph- KOMMI anie," demanded Mr. Charlie, promptly deducing a favorable inference. think of it!" said Stephanie, laughing and blushing. "At all events, Charlie, I like you ten thousand times better since I have seen how devoted you were to the poor old woman in the snuff colored cloak." "Upon my word, Stephanie; you ought to have been an actressill said Mrs. Early, archly. "All the world's a stage," quoted Ste phanie, "and I barb only acted my part! Henceforth I relinquish the professionl” "So you are going to marry my Aunt Stephanie, eh?" Stkid Josephine, as ebe met her brother-in-law in the hall, after a le thened interview with his fair-haired the • . en? els. "And you will be my uncle ” “I don't care if I am your grand-father, now that she has said yes,” was Mr. Charles Early's exultant reply. rs ADVICE TO THE G Girls, you want to get married, of you? Ali, what a natural thing it is for you young ladies to have such a hankering for the sterner sax? It is a weakness that woman has, and for this reason she is esillai,thentsaker seal Well, if you want to get Married, don't, for conscience sake, act like fools about it. Don't go into a fit every time you see a hat and a pair of whiskers. Don't get the idea into your heads that you must put yourselves into the way of every young man in the neigh borhood, in order to attract notice; for if you don't run after them they will run after you. Mark that! A husband hunter is the most detestable of all young ladies. She is full of starch and puckers, she puts on so ninny false airs, and she is so nice, that she appears ridiculous in the eyes of every decent per son. She may generally be found at church or meeting, coming in, of course, about the last one, always at social parties, and invariably takes the front seat at concerts. She tries to be the belle of the place, and thinks she is. Poor girl! You are fitting yourself for an old maid, just as sure as the Sabbath comes on Sunday. Men will flirt with you, simply because tli.y love to do it; but they have no more idea of making you a wife than they have of c un inittin„e• suicide. If I were a youivg man I would have no more to do with such fancy women than I would with a viper. Now, girls, let Nelly give you a piece of her advice, and she knows from experience that if you practice it you will gain the reputation of being wooly girls, and stead a air eliatwe of getting respectable hus bands. It is all well enough to finger the piano, etc., but don't neglect to let grandmanuna or mother teach you how to make pies and puddings, and get a meal of victuals good enough for a king. No part of a housekeeper's duties should be neglected; if you do not marry a wealthy husband you will need to know how to do such work, and if you do it will be no dis advantage to you to know how to instruct a servant girl to do these things as you would have them done. In the next place, don't pretend to be what you are not. Affectation hallo most despicable of "accomplishments," and will only cause sensible people to laugh at you. No one but a ibol will be caught by affec tation; it has a transparent skin, easily to be seen - through. Dress a plain, but neatly. Remember that nothing gives a girl so modest, becoming, and lovely an appear aece a neat andi plain dress. All the mummery and tinsel work of the dress maker and milliner are unnecessary. If you are really handsome, they do not add to your beauty one particle, if you arc homely, they only mice you look worse. Men don't court your ftce and jewelry, taut your own dear selves. Finger rings and folderols May do to look at, but they add nothing to the value of a wife—all young men may know that. If you know how to talk, do it naturally, and not be so distressingly polite as to spoil all yousay. If your hair is straight, don't put on the curling tongs to make believe it -is tteta - ,If your neck is dark, wear a face collik but don't be so foolish as to daub on paint, thinking that people are so blind as not to see it; and it your cheeks aro not rosy, don't apply pink saucers, for the deception will ba detected, and you will be laughed at. Finally, girls, listen to the counsel of your mothers, and ask their advice in everything. Think less of fashion than you do of home duties, less of romances than you do of the realities of life; and instead of trying to catch beaux, strve to make yourself worth bring caught by them. JOSH BILLINGS ON COURTING. There is wimmin who are az easy to court az lint. "Luv, at fust sight," iz like eating honey. Itdoes seem Itz tho yo never could git enuf uv it. This kind ov lov iz apt to make blunders and iz az hard tew back out ov az a well. But there ain't no 8101 thing az pare mathumaticks in courtin. It' it iz awl nature, it iz tew mulch like a job. Perhaps the best way to court iz to be gin without mulch ofeuny plan whare you ure going tew fetch up, and see how you and she likes it, and then let the thing kind ov worry along kareks3, like throw ing stones into a mill-pond. You will find one thins ten' be strictly true; the more advice yon undertake to follow the less amount of good courting you will do. A cat-fish measuring nineteen and a half inches in length and five inches be tween the eyes, was caught in the Juniatta, a few days ago, by Col. Hartzell. CASH RATES OF ADVERTISING IN FATIITS ABRAHAM Ten lines Of Naoo4llol eoestatilitei ISgpire. • era 8 o-gl TIIVE lllft 1 2 uol iOl 2 102 3'00 200 26 1 00 OO OO 111 IMO - NOO 2 4 6 10 00 20 20 00 A.:I 80 9 6 3000 , 7 11 00. le lO 12 00' le) 00 pt. tre 1 week... 2 weeks.. weeks.. 1 month.. 2 months. a months. 6 months. 1 sear.. _• • Ezeautors , Notice . 0 0 A/taints • of Nola,. i ...... I le eal , ', awe I le =ors' Notice r 7 ~... ,ir• .... I S. SPICCIAL NOITC6O-Ten 2ebelt 616:10r the 11801-••••••herrommi erne awe Harilortimir altrmukt tain4oo. ateiri a tl=r• MMmutes Get* Me t • for oath addLttiotud huertlon. OW Pik —How to get at the real complexion of some ladies—Take a little soap and water. —The first part of married life is the shine of the honeymoon; the rest, too often moonshine. Motto for discontented husbands: how to make home happy—go away some where. —Josh Billings says he w ill never patre nize a lottery so long as he can hire any body else to rob him at reasonable viallat. —"I thought you told me, doctor, that Smith's fever - bad gone ofr.” "Oh, yes; but it and hilt weft off together." —A prisoner was examined in court, and contradicted himself. "Why do you lie so?" asked the judge; "haven't you a lawyer?" —A smart young lady in reply to an la why she didn.•t get married, said It use she was unable to support a Rusband. —"Excuse me, madam, but I would like to ask why you look at me so savage ly?" "Ohl I b*pliedOXl, air! I took you for my husband." —"What are you doing with my micro scope, George?" "I've been shaving, father, and I want to see if there are any hairs in the lather.'" —Some say the quickest way to destroy weeds is to marry a widow. It is, tlis doubt, a most agreeable species of hus bandry. —The following typographical error shows the vast importance of the comma: "At a banquet this toast was given: "Woman—without her man, is a brute. —A sweet young lady says that maks are of no account from the time the 'allies stop kissing them as infants till they oom mence kissing them as lovers. —A correspondeilt says there are no daily papers published in his town, but there is a ladies' sewing meeting, which answers the very same purpose. —A gentleman was talking to a friend, in the presence of his attorney, about the value of honesty. "Honesty:" said the attorney, • • what is tboitc.ity " Whet is that to you f" retorted the gentleman; "don't meddle with things which do not concern you." —A leader of music in a church whew congregational singing was generally raaa tised, selected a tune in the wrong metre, to be sung to the words: "With by _Map purge my soul, 0 LordP l He tried It twice, when some old lady cried out: "Mister, you had better try some other yarb." —A three-year old youngster saw drunken man "tacking" through .the street. " Mother," said he, "did God make that man ?" She replied in the mail ve. The little fellow reflected for a moment, and theb exclaimed, "1 wouldn't have done it." —"Come heri-,you young Ecanap, and got a sound spanking." Scholar—" You ballet got no right to spank me, and the copy you set sez so." Teacher—"l should fte to hear you read that copy." Scholar (reads)—"Let all the mpg thou almost at be thy country's." —A bashful young man escorted home an equally basktltl young lady. As thee were approaching the dwelling of -the damsel, she said entreatingly, "Zekiel, now don't tell anybody you beau'd me home." "Sary," said he emphatically, "don't you mind; I am as much ashamed of it as you arc." —A Sunday School teacher was not a little surprised one day to find a counter feit sharing among the coppers; the donor was pointed out to him. "Didn't you know that it was good for nothing?" said the teacher. "Yes," answered the boy. "I didn't Wpose the heathens would know the difference." —A promising young shaver of five or six years was reading his lesson at school one day, In that deliberate manner for which urchins of that age are somewhat remarkable. As he proceeded with the task he came upon the passage, " Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips frog► guile." Master Hopeful drawled out, "Keep —thy—tongue —frora—ev il—and— thy—lips rls. --Josh Billings was asked, "How ittst does sound travel?" and his opinion is that it depends a good deal upon the noise you are talking about. "The sound of a dinner horn, for instance, tray.els half a mile in a second, while an invitation to get up in the morning I have known to be 3 quarters uv an hour goin up 2 pair of stairs, and then not her strength left to be heard." —Mr. Fuller, a Methodist preacher, found it necessary to eke out a scanty living by selling books. He called on lady in a parish where he once labored. As he announced his errand, the lady ex pressed her horror and surprise. "What, Mr. Fuller, I thought you labored for souls, and not for money." Fuller " A minister cannot live on souls, and if he could he'd soon depopulate such a region as this." —To keep out of debt, acquire the rep utation of a rascal. and no one will trust you. .d—When is money damp? When it be comes dew in the morning awl mist in the evening. —When does the rain become too famil iar to a lady? When it begins to pat b (patter) on her back. —Velocipede candy is the newest thing oeit•in Boston. The 'lraveller hopes it is not worked by the feet. I li 1 so as ss gl MD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers