PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, RAUCH & COCHHAPrt Re, 114 South 91186111 Street, laweideb or Slisscitirma. • ...,..„ . :! ...... d...--04 'A" ...1:- I rog r dawri onalwomwpq. . ltl • " •, •• •,,....,.. ve . OA for each additional subooribor. 4 04 sv - .*0....4041 4 . ..... t... • f 15 • 4 •' 4 1 ' . . 4 ... SO otrzt .. • „ ....,:5•A-4:-• 1-r •• ~ • • Pm tormidembiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim , inlat' siniMlit*OW aktild 51414 . .. . /- , - • .... 6 .,giii :-..1:r 1 '1...0 A,li La- fiaia.v.l.:-XJ ,,,2 —• 1' 1711174 - 144VAXI - Atagifillig. R. R. train east, Cint, Phtli Feat I !cma) =I READING RAILROAD, SUMMER :iaitAliexafExT, 140.1ro"xmot;des, App. Columbliponi , For nisili Frttal nl wa a git and %, b 4 0 4:sititlk.12 Seim yea _ _., ti a and Susquehanna RallreW ranvismnig at , 3.00 p. 131. Returning: Leave New York 11:006. noon, JO Lai LOov., Pk ni IA m. awl dors woman sn ow 0.00 a. m., 5.06 and .00 p. m. train" Wan etit York, 7 . 80 change. Way 16 ma without Pom 04 ona? Train leaves illbflafdpala of 11 4 0 e rs t s 0 ral Penile, a 6.30 p. m., g at Ve villa at 7.710, , e a. m.,:isi . -: Sha at CM and Miamaa.failalaafrat Miami., andALM noodraniajtallor. ot.; and l i sp. m., for Ph New or. Leave farame, via So l lyla r r i k IA henna Railroad :it 7.0)a. in: i• aft Wig= i 1.30 s. us. for PUS Green "reams RAng bAmdmilnedisilas' Ttata : term Read at 740 a. :sn., reinseing beam Mina. del 3 idlif ill P tatowa MoSiitien irtgim itipti Polt:stownl4o. . se.; retiirmiqr, IMMO delpsan i4wp.,ins ' • • ; • • Ceisselsia • -.lllglimatit Traina MatraZoadbie •Ift 7.00 a. m. smut ISA an. for SOWS, /AM, this. eastei l eolaush M. Per o tinrv_ . Yoaff 'nada a leaTh rgy_cprpfixi June a sm a. se. ant am p M.: inig, leave Sklimaok at alb a. ta. and 100 V, ni., NM fleeting with :Mafia* Maim On IftliMig AMU. Chelaitillta mp ' Ruin" Mon GOLDEN GEM litop z . - , • AMUMMlivaitt , wroillPmmilAah." W. 11. PAM*WM " abilaiHy] Propriders. II MEM t p.41138 _NA ATTONATB I r AT LAW, AND MILITAJIT AIM NAILId. AMON AG." ' 201. 4161biet Kispete, Losider,' sews lioensit.4lo-11 3 ON* A:glig ,r". t 114 1 4 , M1 ' • - - a "" 74 "" Kif THR OLD BONN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY r , 7tha~alf tij ACCIMMATIII2) CAPITAL, $1,000,009, After paying Logone to the opot of 01,120, . CHARTER. PERPETUAL. An the Ehoptue Diviifend amenget the Policy /hider* owl Tff ONLY TRULY ilalrg4 cP4IgrART IN Tll CITY (11:,Migle For Ruttier Illbrmatied lOW d, atibt 3. cocas — ht_ - From ather AMNIONS" UM% 110204 n , LooomOor, Ps. 1 .ri et -04... . iir kc:.! 3. c . . ga .. 0 „ t w 4 8 , 1 : - ' , 1 . . r.:4 MI .:,,,_ •F . . ~ .: .. . , iI itt; I , .1111; I .. 1r- fi ME - tvi 1 41411141,1!$2.1=118#1: 1 ”": . ' 011MIXT t - . . 14„.•...14e, __ . t• 1 • ~.. la t ir os.7 s • , a ifa kt e r er e' '1 Nirillap. 4.„,. agmupitortimo : lt:i rm . : 1 -- eitsM) IA • 4 41.04impekz: ~..: , = /WWI towpild" Piltils74.l"Pnllll;. gI2M • OP PIIILADIELPIIIA ..taw. MOUREC WNW I LANCASTER, PA., MAY; MAY'7, 1860. o. O': Trust w ont mother ! little one ; 111 • In ktfas Janney jut bap!, You 1411 lad sussplef, some fears, Which perhaps my cause you tears ; But a ifibilieeeldast can teal Jassy Apish tkatiabSisert: Trust your mothes—see toprove Grateffl for herieough love. Trust younstuottnir mottle • Twit toilltansis paths or ak .40 tulk In tompegrikhoure Seek her, mildr e thi new power. She will skiver yonarilftit Faith $ 1144 4 . Vilkir s TE wag i Trust your nap= to prove , • • Worthy Ofahek Trait yetittoother MU selitliq Lo,a wille r mit stet 13111 . ; Lei Of. zio wh T t t f t m,AT i ddif i Voilq2llloFildloVe7 arg" ' lt Or if surtowsheuld toopreio, She viii eagle and she will bless ; Oh ! be trustful lolls% true. . /JtiOdUNtlitS. 4.1!V1A 4:9 V 'V 14r) ,4 BY WILLARD TRRMAINR. Jessie Hale was the merriest, prettielt, most proveklug.daughtar Zve thetsver existed—at least i thought ao—though perhaps I was not an impartial 14 4 1101 et I mast conikes I was deeply in love—*tia, in fist, 1 don't baste I *mid resnediter the time when I was not in lore t*r. I first ventured to ask for her ootapauY from church; when, after four ral} eve, Bence, I returned to my native 'them Arid setup as a surgeon. Oakdale was s healthy place, or else the good people felt a little afraid of trusting Abair iiVfll . in the hands of such a young sceougrace Ailkey had known me to be for NonifilliSte try horn and gig found* more eisiploylimitt in Jessie-IWe *arida thess • cities out cif 11—lior Via V* Ion& ... • - And .1 11 fRek‘WW10 1 11 % ukaitiett o f 4.4. sten ilia t Ali ~ ,—. ,44. about , t ad; o. .. " at beat dud daiktial ill- -., a - Gimp at *loth lidesd*lmiva libr , . ( 9 .IQUIN de . .or kr aboutoix alto. . . her than at II •4 , -ff.74:AftFT -: 'can. did Ai' visitifitt , t :Milker:: -,. • ' 7 l Vac restaprapeakistiosivei , 1 1 1!11: ki* n. millas ~ A "" re** • .:. ti,e1 4 1 .0 1...cak ItsituX .040116 ~ gait . • .., ti gra d miwit, oitileitto bit'd* • . .. , 4uvd." , Ona; this etas' 'iaiF IMO . :AM tsittz -Marti ' . Akill. es `iiiiLl, was g r t e tlegi s :,,,, 4.1 i as abtjuitu d rite f ..1PT 't. ,"," : 47, .to D • , .. a At d -14 • •+64 deltM4 -4 1 ' .4 : 1 1: :4 4 40t , Tar " 1 01 4 WAIL Lam.. motwes:446 tele' . theepors 1$ 11-1101140 k ..kerslediner- Afer a tholailand anal 60. saved your_ predons 10. 11 - • 9ilatoshittionsethilkdilia * i4loweirs Wait% ' emo . DAL, ani3l4,*-10-1.4" 113 .1016,414A1tp0550m.... 4 hi IVA , eau *a , liPtlti ' r4 7 4 1110 1 ./ 1 NO, for I r 4tges' Attempt; but, Mout over the the mat ter should be d • re repuivid._ JONI. 4.61111 Nieblllevf ; h 41, 4 1 : an. imsitiat r l *Se- : wine of sommeamteith:t.:! . . cr .ei:u ~` , ; 'N .nr "W l l7_ 1 4 1 141141 1 1114411. ;vele, 4WLYou wr.teinpr79lk V %%WI PO i rive yoku da.p Hera! Winf akin aharkito* of wqratit ' . T 4 0 1 4 Z O ll4O VIM Okettoklypnl" ehe et4d, coolly, with a merry twinkle in ket -4ye. "Then, of course, there is no need of ” my Willing .yon. "No, r . did not mead it, Jessie," I said. " ' h, MEI HE TM Nod* , ' RIA VIE D® SW= 44111x -49 I ' 0 ~! .'~tf'rzi'-S. , o .4gsrAir , Ap Aim! IWO Moller ilOras Ms httlk, ate laid Ab 00 411,8 1 ib * "Bat do you love me? Will' you answer me, ,yes or no?" "Yes or no," she answered, demurely. "Oh, Jessie Hale ," I exclaimed, impa tiently, "you will drive me craryin "A terrible misfortune, suety," she said, with a laugh, throwlug down or work, and stepping through ate low wln dow mina - The lawn. "Now, Mr, Will, I will tell yott vita I will do if you wilt promise never to plague nut again about tw , . ,„-, ill tar will promise an thing s you y 47--- grOctela ail honest answer, 4 I said, Eager= IY. "Welli-then, ifs asteh me beftire I reaqk theald tdop trek' , will give, yea ai eaulyue or," ., • I ti toy had agnln4the Irina* nab, away F Vent: tieing *ter ear = and *Minn thneemovetegpaiiien ' 1111 : 11 44r 4 1 4101104044$ $ .. ateh ;la , anzr mY bo 9 Y II. • 43% AVM •i ' Pacce:i she*** i -Way t4l;i li ow -f: _wiffp,fttithe ii i i iegir4. li ,breallif . 44lbanOigs in e vilelip_ sgs pailr ••: • r 4 °WO , • 31401014 Mr. Will; ifirOblinn't least off =An i ma / won'ttalyou atlll_ p at you say?" "Orman* ybn did; so don't benll clay abosp , me " you berry I cants pmlceakt all, for twill take me sometime to think over = sets of My love to see if you are thein. .Let me see," beginning tn mint her tin "there is old Chloe, that , * ow; Prince—though be hest rrilfiri l s 4 tAt i j rurZ h aribt a r il k i Jetts see—yes, 'there is Mr. Willard * - mains is tisc" I don't think / stopped to thank her fba thatenpwer, sniff ley returnee firs miler wen s pot. Ile ex nky exit front it wad; ewtotinly Tex more dignified. I Ite4 taken thy hot, and wiennt of the gate IXi fore :eerie ~bed the house. I Wink twins hi no very enviable rstate of nsind, eit i Omg down in loarm ohotie, begisn to think said plan howc ould out wit:this provoldriglittle elf. Rave her r woild, but bowl' That was the question. "A letter for you, sir," called out my ,root 4 454,- .. 1 ,", . , _ leliUkeitatit ibiitlf open. It ma: *s unele of niiiiii—a surgeon in a., , 4 " . ' me WY 44 , • v . o o , IW9 , P 1 9010.0. . .take id 5.1444 had * , hilliiiilig for retai l imil Intlie& It wiiik alight now. "ihttlesaile,7l I thought --“coubl I lows her M: - . - • - A Artoo*4 4 e reaction aboyredine It *14 ; " jusi-Witaii Was nada, for If he rally eardildbir as y uipinoorwtmilloooiwr Wm ttO ' ' ilidediallic lON *et talul II I I fo 1 FE= TA tie _____% for • difichiaidot4 - ' libti l' liklettoicianyt calla us 1116 41 1 mOdw,. I you*: lee s o Maio' 'w l a r ,Ott be fre9P e war (l 4 the *tor,l ` .I et , ' . '314 *111:.:ifbo Rofft byttok. .110 yo . thuthe tomilt: ft itoalrirliteihe `II ' , " illik lifitb, * Ow' •sm * ' ' o ' '' IW "' ' .4 00 to. cure it. , 4 4 4% .-., 'ft Aisto,_ _1 - ' 1111Witti Mit TOM.' Me . .11tavitesiodigall LIM the , • 4 46 • V 1 14'4 • ' ' V ' ' . said • ...-. u .1 ° . ~,,,,,,„*.j . A . _Vint down f' - i NUM Adam At ' , 1. 1 • . o bk .....„ i , : i t t "'"C• W ,„, i ,„ : , • • . s ftj 7„. 1:46, ilbok M " I AWL -Magill ISlb uleptrArtitihns~,t A 4.*l r; t, t 4 1= 41 11114 ' All* is n. y _ Tais_ntwa - ..iincefet e rde lisea s sor „...! e • tell e libtAlibilitileffilleOlkt said, issersimsmossit. , toc4r , obit tigok,ossi . *wars votfo ou "II ma stiVat isto we you; VIII peulshnhirlseS end tc I • • 1 9 1 14 b: • ;..„ PRO V. 'l a tcc, Note, de .;"" said . 7, .6 anywhere wo *inky if WI!! yeueol4mane direlbidas bile" , • VW - 7: arie YOU 10116 hum it , Tit e,iftmaPts, cosne my _Wife mix) week mined to site Burs Work now: 2;,. / Wiees7siss Soma heritable% 'node tfp blit` he s= „er saissni i _ linelly Weekt_ to that. . Thee I hurried to the drawing-rooin'to spe. the old Mks. There was consider able pleasure expressed at my unexpected CM ~, I wed; ,p cm ot , Fitt' rftf: . 6 . r 71 4 Of • ,r trim'. f., . ,4. • ;L..2 11 . 71r01 1 * .141111-1. A _4 0 . 2t. • ' .__ __ ' lis Sieletleitlit ail W I NN ' s a MAW ' . Totevalerica• "" ti ,* . • • l iv4 7 rim to rl itra, ~..4)4...iti.iii.. ' PIP4 O- 11fFir .OW isoupktikr, ' gi b hi*Xj limilt gck botoireles , *err :or getliiisi OW t,,• , - • 7 -__• How ship '' aud well iqikint upoy, w ith art poutidayi . - ii,40 .- . . yinß • ? _ _lloll l l4lllFalit VI 'attic% 'al* . 1140fily. .. . wow mil examstaift wry /TV:* `, Bosiglis.itio esalk lb* aerobe Viso PIPPO •I: - ! . ',- - ri. l ir s2n y ou, , Awkir Wi WI titt mom How stupid tiopC . iv are not Jukihebotpumida iir 1111r-drl4:4lkof Eg - : . 0444. 010111. 330 (1,o) k 4ciseW .. yek._A .aii i'*l . ll ° ll° 4411 cal,' - ' ' 'i ' 1 '—, ~. . • ...took number one. - -*";',?' 7' g",,,n., N%1. 4 ,7 "milliendlible. ' eatirea ke ditaiairC lientli with '01 1 4%,1 1 4 i' 4 . . ~,A , „' • ' 4.. ~ ~ ~ ",, „ „ l a . T.. 1,,,),, In ni h ill gleAk i alit . . ` ' .'''. ''''' 41/ 1 • 4s° :. . ...'. clVlSAlll.OlkailPinilime i lt-l" es . . ti ; 0 4Prin. 41411 , * . ' -Ole Maimed •". , I ',„ Vie 1• ~ .1, , '..F -*SW; intretlipeek • • ;• . .; • 417 4; Aqt singular except in their Wi .! lley bevel in a . - sertrele, -- ilea ',guide lOW kis erniull ofld bsidelikOltllll :.- ' . - ; 4.1t:/itr. . ~: 0• 1 " ,I . i - 4 1;: . i 7 '.:*#C": 7 44 r4.., eq W 'MOWN*: :',•( .1 ' 1 1I t * ,kt. it , i ce . • 174#41440,1r , ti • 1 „ ' ' It ' : 1 l' ,T t , '“F,' : 0 11 , 11 . 0 t r--ktempe ~ , • 4:-....... i ..*;-- ' r limesuitulgrAU tau metier ' •;• : , 1 t il l it' 'Millen ' ~ . ", i , ,',' ~14, ,0,0„ . •• ,U ,n , illidelbe ." . • .:.' ~;:' (tie. C. i. • ifs . i laing was obliged to give it a thorough', in cold water." "Yes," relidW a toper t present, "but it killed every critter OD. ile AIM fifths earth." Al La fel ' arrival, and great surprise When my ess rand was node known ; and a lbw tears and regrets from the mother at partied with Jessie, and hearty congratulations from the father, concluded by the remark, "That just as ster sr-int she would change her dress ,N Not so, heWeVei l : &week I got the prettiest, hest lit wife in the land ; and what liege still, I think so, new, even though she did say - , ten'mlnutes atter the eermionyi ai never geld yen I loved you, after all, WWII- , And she never haa te1t144.44y. lugirr.,,fr trgt ThcrW,4 ll l.l'i '• biotin& 4 6 „ _ • "If von hiaintosairf VW mitt' iivs'etike: ip)aareAti • lea. 4. .' • )1.1a; 7*°"l •; f.',.. 1 7 car discharging Mrs. Smith, therebeizat no evidence agatotiltt. ' 4 "M t e other party was bound over 1bt6114111111 Mrs. Smith wan held in her own retool:lame ft) apo pear at Court. as 11-MitneaMi. 801110 Mete after, a second applicatioo was made by Justice Whitehead Ibr lt warrant to re-ar rest Mrs. Smith, but a new evidartet wan fahleced,the apptiestios waslefussci, At the trnetitFo e f Win, Mo. Welk ealr. peered, as d fed., in the ca city $ a A witness.' 1V ile qaletly seated in t e Court room, a xn of indictment was a -• ferred filLlLli...Wssibsidth, and a true bi returned by: the Gland Jury. • illtirlipa If. Sadah, imiatizespenotit to issaltadtle. Waal* ifor eh resins that up . le this tinto,aiss== e.. ' c. i INN Niue' aLW. - beible Abe taint lisilianakianni • for trial. ilesaiidesed uldanst tot 4onnalli 414; n knowhiOwbst to e der *mil 4peal'' to for assheasses t tseselpliess,* less wagon * itiesAmMthsosigh Illiallin Of trial, am& helbrer she had Una te reellen her true situation, was eonvieted, esalene. .ed to an imprisorke county jail for ton days, par ' . ~ d the costs of . . -..... . . ,:t o tt' 44r Zona vi ~ , -.-; I'. , . „ :17 7 ' • „ .1 10 41 labor 111101'. ' , . ; hin withetillidaelsfa , . tonthalloreagli' for the purpose of escorting ; bne haraci-N His, amazement . ~; .. ' . ~ u ..„, . 1 : 41 ' 1, 5 4 0 t , .1 . ~. ..,, • , ,: . ~...,., :: . cm i tz ..,,. 1 4..., 4,11i4, 4 de ; , , , lte • . 1 04 11";.$, %'.: with' .e . .'' .- .1!.). =I COTTI • iloottliorMiimildli, . 11;7 11 4 E Ten mailer NI spered eaveteninkflineane. EEE G.. TIM& rE= 1 month... sea siallthil taa : umiNOL. NEL Ini 11E33 rcn. with neatness and w. • No. 245. t 00" A'11"1"16 - c . Tamp was still sacataitairSie /ft Hampshire, April thg2l4,„ , t om, s~c ,t A Witisr WegaspojiMpnaire feared La a pasture ofM,OOO acre,. NEw Your( errriorminina 682,000 Gler man and Irish, theilmmiktr being anent 10,000 more than the latter lott ,„ ... i Trigggad, !MI or ;Re' ',i ,. .;...,5, iyiT c = walks onit A •, .. • , , • ii-' iiitrrrinik .ireftit' die , MONO ali r whoa ibis satetr , aoWdnl, 44 l= Pieelleitiebeive, . ~ . , ' lOO O , O%Wt-ta4tift* ' 't ':,.!, ela • Sutcie. the Smith, .., red and nineteltUeol ' , r. . .'. ; red and tweet -two collect° . i9P revenue have ...... ~. , i °Rum Jim .41 S '' : .. to beide.. .) r, r thott porpoaa: i elfT .datisid L. Da 100 1 4 1 4 -0 0 1 1400, 011 1: 0 11411100‘ of Philadelphia ) haa givea porta, half of the less than a htukdANI 7 his disposal, to honorably d* diers. A FASHIONABLE Iteddllng is shortly to take place in Reading. The bridal anents are ,ordered. from Paris, tsids ire being printed in The Awls are aai all Oise ril. Owe of the MA roset-Witstamill 11111111 1411 whisk/abide tit own Artudimis iwor rll at = littbr.S9c4 ist ra Wri ; 44. pi liprne1 11 300 , ,: ,1 i . i ., cei tn i gh Witlin.a. taitan' or i,(' :•,:,,,, • , , , d ;smelt ever, In V - . ~... . rovetirater PrOor uatbed batons& vidlikUMMlir 1 ,chifsgs, : , ../., ~.• .) . 4 ... , 41,1 - .:.,a Asa 4; VW/4;ft wonwkAp , , ....„.,,, ‘, nlioe t t sqlei_llo with p i g T s' 2• ' ~- . r . ightel alto &ea off, Willt" . ',,'"-''',' e = l'i'fth truever .ibilti - , '. i . .. - "It , plaoed Ither&Awl ireaktis she expire --.0-.....«......- .. ONE of the.MMOlNUlEtalliddlli is advertise ," • Anato of 1 A, 4030100. - est* yomialleitant.f.: I. xSI N tisia, • eta Ins dna tiermiOliedAtlirlilmlikiv aie , • keg ^ 14 • iessitaa'M~."• ' l3 • c~ important !tor ta=m to balm 13 • • ••••••••••«••••• M I N re /XI I • • • ~~' e 13 6rs n 1
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