PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, RAUCH & COCHRAN, No. t gouth (018411 stred, Laufientir: l'/UMILop eux4ottpwoi. iMT 416, addreik) ...4:: II • NM IA , VI war 2e , „ if ...1. . n 00 *l.lO kir each additionii * Aiiiiiiiiei. ' • . ioa. clams, Ix RAciAor#, ~ 1 i ti . =, (tore scliAreu,) II 50 stop* :: .. ie. oo : _ i Ttrn Ono ine,naoh nntiiiiAili . ifli}% otglpr:#ol o l!Ml*. l 444 3 i4NigNid _ In Jo .I,..FT;Tr4 --_,, , .„,.. "..! : - • ; . ',... !,.. Of every deametpalon, 'moistly and preimptly exe cuted, at, short aoiline. isi'd ea flte meat ream:Manta terms. Railroads. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. Trains leave the Central newt as follows: ABTWAILI). ' veserwsiin. Chian. Ex. ...12:17 a• 10. 1 Erle . • • 1 35 0 a. In PhUaltaipress s:ls " ! Phila. Exp... 2:40 " rest Line 702 " .Mail ..11:15 " tans. Train.. 905 " !Past Line..... 2:35 p.m Day Express. 1:45 p . m. Columbia Act. 2:45 " itarrisb* Ae..5:54 " , Harristft Ac. 5:54 " Lasso. Train.. 710 " ;Cincin. E x....10:43 " READING AND COLUMBIA It. R. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 1868, PASSENGER 'TRAMS WILL BEAUX ON THIS ROAD, AS FOLLOWS: LEAS'S. Laneaster.....B:oo a. m. - "..3:26 p.m, Columbia .....BMO ... —IMO a. in. " —kW p.m. REIT LEAVI. Reading ..... 7100 a. in. 6:15 p. m. 7410 a. in. 6:15 p. m. Trains leaving Lancaster and Columbia as above, make close connection at Reading with Trains North and Southi on Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and M est on Lebanon Valley Road. Train leaving Lancaster and Columbia at 8 A. M. conneets closely at Reading with Train for New York. Tickets can he obtained at the Offices of the New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty street, New York;and Philadelphisand Reading Railroad, lit h and Callowhil) streets, Phila. Through tickets to New York and Philade". pbta sold at all the Principal Stations, and gage ßag- Checked Through. Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Time, which is 10 minutes faster than Pennsylvania Railroad Time. _ _ GEO. F. GAGE, Sup! E. E. Hintirint, Gen. Frt. and Ticket Agent. nuv 1041] READING RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 18118. Great Trunk Line from the Northaml North west for Philatlelphia, New York, Raul ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Sha mokin, Letouton, .Altentown, Easton, Eph rata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, dr. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as fol lows: At 8.50, 6.15 J, 8.10 a. in., 12.40 noon 3.06 and 10.50 p. m., oounect ing with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad and arriving at New York at 11.110 5. in., 12.20 noon, 3.50, 7.00,10.05 p.m., and 5.15 a. in. respectively. sleeping Cars an tmtnpany the 8.50 a. in. and 10.50 p. in. trains without IthaF. Lease lit berg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, nersVille, Ashland, sloimokin, Pine Grove. Allentown and Philadelphlit, 8.10 a. m., 2.05 and 4.10 p. tu., stopping at Leba non and principal Way stations; the 4.10 p. m. train making connectWm• tor Philadelphia and Columbia on/y. For Pottrrille, Schuylkill Ha von and Auburn, Vitt Schuylkill and Susque Limn& Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.30 p. m. Returning:l'4lBlre New York at 9.00 a. m.,12.00 noon, 5.10 and 8.00 p. tn., Philadelphia at 8.16 a. in. and 3.30 p. m ; sleeping cars accompany the 9.80 a. m., 5.10 and 8.00 p. m. trains from New York, without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in. connecting with similar train on East Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 8.35 p. tn., stopping at all stations; leave Potts villa at 7:30, 9 45 a. m., and 2.45 p. m.; Shamokin at 6.26 a. m.; Ashland at 7.00 a. in., and. 12.30 p. Tamague at 8.30 a. la.; and 2.10 p. an., lor Phila. deliphia. Leave Pottsville, via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 7.10 a. in. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 a. pa. for Pine “rove and Tremont. Reading Acoommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 7:30 a. In., returning leaves Phila delphia at. 4:45 p. m. Pedtstowp Accommodation Train: Leaves Poltstetru at 4.45 a. in.; returning, leaves Phila delphia a; 4-0 0 in. certnalna Rate road Trains leave Reading at 7.00 a. M. and 8.16 p. in. for Ephrata, Lilts, Lan ratitan.Ctßuinbia, he. • parkiomen 1101 road Trains leave Porklomen J'undtiOd at 1115 a. in. and 5.30 V. in.: returning, leavelikipaack at &10 a. is. and 23.43 m., con to/Ming with similar trains on Read ing Rail road. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 p m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. avid 3.15 p. 8,00 a. In. train running only to Reading; Potts ville 5400. tn.; liarriantirg 540 a. in., 4,10 and ti. 50, 4 14., and Read! ag 1./31, 3.00 and 7.15 a. m. or. errs, at 12.60, and 7,81 a. In. for New Yo d s in. fee Philadelphia. COurnintation,ileage, seasoll, School and Excurilloa Tickets, to and from all points, at erxg r rates. e awaked through; 200 pounds allowed an* 1 *assurer. . G. A. NICOLL% - • General Superintendent. Re-torso, PA., Dee, 14,136. ORT II ER N CE1.411 . R.A.t 'AA IL WAY. Trains les o,!ark for Wrightsville and Co- Unship. Ale. end_ 11 : 40 a. Ta m , :lad 3:30 m. Lalverig tavillelbrYork,at 8:0) a. M., and 1:00 an 4 le` Lomavaticr, 6:00 and 7:16 a. m: -1;06 y, . re.; an Ttnifilnight. Lerrs'York tor Harrisburg, at 1.;39, - 4•35 and 11:34 a. is., and 1440 Wl4._p. " TRAM LZAVE 11011113 BURG. Word 1161 . Pt* y-#6 , 1 T and , lag aILAWS got d ode ff. At Mies. a., dad 12 And' 60 P. p. 40014* ; • Photograph*, ale. Permits Se .Ftsmilite, ' ' kathei• ie, ' . .1444* Som OSNTLXI4II3. TO WOW., wrhist.shiallalet has telt the Mown mownu meek rfe•thel“DlßP9o4d thoWailikrea fiLtaill WritiLlt 11101.0. ' Walston or. adlepttfalis tratzg a rthe e DO. =ll= k e l • =ill s leis y ns ra ture sire me bet Mt. them - an establish ment tjaVt l itof fg. eft W. ST1181111)W44PRII Oie ./7.01K1f. VIS,WB for the .Centre SNAIL Also. prismatic Inetrameets. a i, Named Wasilbi MEW of the beet Ar- Clete Ithiledelabla ea elsewhere. la the high, rot y of the aft I lakMastille, Crayon wad at GILL'S lITY GALLKBY, — co. 90 East Wing-st. rill Cottle EIMER, BRENEMAN .& CO., WHOONATX AND RETAIL DNALNES IX COAL, OF THE BEST .QUALITI". TAin—COR. FIAT KR 8.1. AND PA. ChrsiosNO. f NAST ONANON . LANCASTICIL PA. • [des 164 y ABAMt. Reading ... 1 a. m. ti ..... 5:40 p. m. It 10:20 a. m. it 5:40 p. m. TBNINO: Lammater.....lol6 a. m 111 Salo . m Columbia .. ...PM a p . m a. m „OM p. m 1 , V ' ' . t ‘.. 1 i . ' ..i 1 :.1 ; :::',• - , 1 1 . / ... ...........,,. ~. 1 ~!,.. • , 4 • ,' • , .. •1 0 1 .,;,..1 i i ?, '-' _ - , ~,,, ~ - ~,,,' , ,-, -; , ‘,..„` ' 1 . 1 4 4 1 . • • ..• , . .. • r i ) . . .. • . * .; `` Nith malice tolriTrels none, with 'eha c rito o /Or - I ~. ' • : soNfr orMAI firmness an thO right, ess• 000 ii**;*,i 7 .° ' i ! let ltihk" l i tisliffhl, la Oir Sri". 0111 AO . ' ' 4 '' ' ME VOL. IL Cla4n Agency. JAMES BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Awn MILITARY AND NAVAL CLAIM AGENT, No. 46 East King-at., Lancaster, Pa. Being daly licensed as a Claim Agent, and having a large experience, prompt attention will be given to the following classes of claims: BOUNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and Sailors. BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers Who enlisted for not leas than 2 or 3 years, or ware honora • tilecharged for wounds received. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or a rsi;ents of Soldiers who died from wounds-re ceived er disease contracted in said service. PENSIONS fat invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or to their widows er children. PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War of Milt PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em ployees of the Government. PAY due ter horses lost in the United States service. CHARGES.—Fees fair and moderate, and in no case will obarges be made until the money is collected. Mee 22-Iyr* Insurance. T HE OLD PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA ACCUMULATED CAPITAL, 82,000,000, After paying Losses to the amount of $1,120,000 CHARTER PERPETUAL All the Surplus Dividend amongst the Policy 'folders every year. THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN THE CITY-Ott STATE. For further information ap plyto JOHN J.,C V, Agent no2o-tf] P. Q„ Lanowner, 11a. ==• B -'' c...= rom :. . • iiiiimt .4 e: . .• ~- . 9 V., NOM •e 4 Zj 0 F 40 f, • Mai C.) EO 7 7 01101 1,-- FA G.l *Et - 1 a 1-: 1- dt c"....4 o 0 ~ P PA t fil 0 ¢ t g 1; ro, Pi * A 0 ... ll] ,ig la E-4 '.' 'S 4 . z i •.-.51:t 1 prO .7:i W5 4 .z. ,1 1 44 gi 0: g cp 111 Gc 4 pdi kb t ii: ce :•- cro i ii ,`'•-• x r. —llllll-110 tit 1.4 ..4 4 a 1 !..! = N E-4 N Sli Er g _ '4 Pi) illi a g ct,, i rich ,1 4 tall E.g. ti M ... goal 14.1 g i's .0,8E...9 c) aa eras .8 ,`4 WORLD MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO NEW YORK, NU. 160 BROADWAY. J. F. IeRCEAUFF, Qeneral Agent for Pea Pa • NORTH QIIEH* STREET, (4bove J. E. Long A 150n , 1 Drug, Store.) This COUltanal odiere mew SOLID ap4 REAL inducements %Wm may Ober We lasi:prime° Company in the Ommtry. • send Or °W and got a Cisontilin -active soliettop teal? femal e . wgl Q in every township teSe • Sewing Maelt,inets,:7, TILE HOWE SEIVING , E E 'EY - `ll 0 DA" As a ilielidiey Gift hut mot% , Wile or Pita/4; they ore Oweitriofthed. The Termer triotoit for hie Vienhy. Tbe Pride ottd.Cloaii *ex:rti • ireO It.. • The sestlithreorrirds heeettee ite wire W #TPAlNOillitlaa• ' 1 The Tailor bee Sett. elm deeitteiL ft thew the boit Ifftqlde SlODlnftiox TheCorte Triouner , &tenet do withetit, it; j nd Fill tht the Sh ;r euthheaidoo . Inds i 4OO. afteir ado, The 101 for . , Ileoerin a itkp everybody will hero the &KATE • , Rater/ : NOP the wesssisted, aam i ssimtastbe Poseeemor (dous t e( these IMSsigieyer stake 10teist - Tii ta it our iumousers. We eeibeetly !Smite sit 46etbet V i zirpose purohneing or not, to call and get NM of tbe work beeenstewl by ;us on the OWE MA. CHINK, ,¢ opium* l4 with the work done by 'other nteMlnelo. We are willing tbabide by the result. . - Q. TATE,. Agent, d 154 , 25 ' ('l o f ts Atreet. DOok Binding. GEoßvac wiANT, BOOK-BINDER AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, NORTH QVNICX BT., LANCASTER, PA. BLANK BOOKS, For Hanke• NtmoNtalts,POituty Qfileee, Le., Outdo to order. SOON BINDLni, to all itsbewncbi PrOPlOPtt ly cAtoolled ec toms LANCASTER, PL,OIDAY, EritatrA,RY 26, 1869. A WOMAN'S QUINTON. Before I trust my fate to thee, Or pinc@•myy hansl In thine, 'Before I let thrfutuse give Color and form to mine, Before I peril all for thee, question thy mull to-night for me. I break all slighter bonds, nor feel A shadow of regret : Is there onto link within the past That holds thy spirit yet ? Or is thy faith as clear and free, as that which I can pledge to thee? Does there within thy dimmest dreams A possible future shine, Wherein thy life could heneeforth breathe, Untouched, unshared by mine? If so, at any pate or cost, 0 tell me before all is loot. Look deeper still. It thou mist feel Within thy inmost soul That thou hest kept a portion bAck, While I have staked the whole. Let no false pity spare the blow, but in true mercy tell me so. • Is there within thy heart a need 1 That mine cannot fulfil ? • One chord that any other hand Could better wake or still? Speak now,lest at some future day, my whole life wither and decay. Lives there within thy nature hid The demon spirit Change, Shedding a passing glory still On all things new and strange? It may not be thy fault alone—but shield my. heart against thy own. Couldst thoti withdraw ,thy haw:lane day, And answer to my elahn, That Fate, said that to-day's,faistehe— Not thou—had been to'hlspie Some soothe their conscience tittnil but thou wilt surely warn and save to now. Nay, answer not-. 4 dare Doi boar d The word. would come **late ; Yet I would opore thee all remoras ; So comfort thokusy Fate—. .Whotevor as my beertomarteltrferifember, I *would risk it all 1 Oftliatett LUKE WHARTONIE " LEESON. A SKRTCII FOR RVERYBODT "I think he would sell hinwif cheap," said Luke Wharton and he spoke very warmly. " What do you mean?" asked Rosanna, his wife. "I mean just what I say. Ire would sell himself for money; and I believe he would sell his best friend, too." "Of whom do you speak, my sm?" asked his mother, looking up from her work, and raising her spectacles. "I am speaking of Mr. Simmons," re plied Luke. " But what have you against him?" the old lady resumed. " I got nothing against him. I was only speakingm I thought." itutd o o f y h o . likn ati ow we should stof always tell just what we think, thy son? It is not safe." " I believe it always sale to.tell the truth, ' no matter where it hits," returned Luke. "When it would be OPer Da ree t o . g o out and tell things I bar you and your wins say, and all that I see you do, no matter what may be their eharacter?” "Ah--but that would be fittftluging upon the satredtiess of Mellon:les* circle, " said the youngnum , "$o it wouLds' oontinued his mother; -"and this shows that there must he ex- 1 eeptions to your rule. - The docntatie circle il no MAO tatted thin . Is a Mars char a4te When you must spayyttatti speak -the trut h , and km Rot the oppvggeneew Wit Ile easeful whoa tyou spnk, and. how yonapeak. I know "you art very tameless, at times,- in your natatterli • spetallug of others, Altd I atitiporrYiltlit * 3 . ins- Or Pe, 111 4 1 - Irtitd4: , t 4 l'im are lo " ~I 41494 .. *al. 'l,,sha 4.tsweil' MIT ' ; On he spoke hesitatingly. o ft r. ,1 " Yes, youcooMCoar," anued the old. Ludy f , Xou,know:Aat is a maa of mura,induenoe in , thla,plane tusi that he bas-llver wrbugailosbuluisty atialx4, ,Atidiyitut hasithamdatifdlb= l ' Vi opitrl mitilitt b I ft r nA l # ‘ 1 ere two you es that ,tom that. .mr,luiprec * ~.4 4A uld woe d, . 4 E, -4 go,. .sad trimiiniiso hats hia our : ` • .. yoe havespeimma slidan9 l l 1 , c v:. . §tWail:ttdoeft folowne I ets6l4 but ' L M . f tel* t.''.'„ ,* l All - .3E.4.0. 00040 1 4rim'w .. 1 3 14, * **.irrnicl ry011.401 suk ! sree ia,speantg_hr o as ,toei- we, 'lmildatikr. INA NW. ',UMW, spoke* el. , etilhistdia &saint ' i Luke was 0 . b.434:1 to admit that he , haddj .hat ittllrelaitheirtlidtoelniblvelitteger, and Vat he-bait a' t es - ti speak.' your i "Yin u tdvfd 'tfthi fie l l . , `Again& yogrildObo; 4 '. 'CAM._ . 1 di, and ,nnwitainnropi l kilo i l ,lpA:fri4l And as you salaam la, tho 1 , 44141 0 ,, log will have dialmiltin *MO to tea Mend with `without luaking,4u6nues needbloslYl llf you prosper ram Lthoye along stwough th With 'honor end respect, let df yens. first cares be talsec qubt y9) l 2 3 Kak•noteYik , of your neighbor. _ , lit or no Mon, When duty does not absolutely call upon you to do so. You will find it by far the safest course.” 'l4lllO A''barlbli, Wps a ung man just Marled, and Nett Obi* In a retails . ' Ile meant to, ha Optimal* and tru 1, but he had soutrasied that habit w kb so many have-so' 'foolishly emanated, of sPeaking very iliolitdtly mid the lessly of his aeight . *: . /lie* prt ase, Mr. Binntums, a w t eMOYAturtee*tedtjtbr,en, had made a in very 'for wehment in the expenliekof the tows. r.e's sus ..tuft ~~ is t . 11. care' *No shall hare borne the battle, and )10" Aiiiiditrased his orphan, to do all twhielli tamer AlLLthi T L • ' ployer bad been in the habit of furnishing certain artielas to the town, and under the new systorl was likely to fall below the amount he had recelVed in former years. So he thought Mr. Simmons had meddled too much ia town finks, and Luke took up the strain and piped freely upon it. He knew nothing of the causes which led to Mr. Simmons' course—he only knew that that gentleman's character was before the public and we went into it. But this was not the only case. A man who can speak recklessly of one individual will speak in the same manner of others; and a man who can thus thoughtlessly speak at one time, is likely to speak at any time. Luke Wharton had been fur some time anxious to go into some business on his own account, and the opportunity at length preheated itself; or, at all events he saw a good opening to make arrangements to that end. His old employer, who had done business enough, was willing to sell out. He told Luke if he could find a part ner who would pay cash sown for half the store;and its good will, the Other half might UMW& for several years On a mort gage. So Luke cast about him, and was not long in finding the man he soutpit. Thomas Lyon, a young man of a neigh boring town, was ready to enter into such a partnership, and he considered that the thorough knowledge of the business, and the intimate acquaintantance with the customers which Luke would bring to him would offset the Interest he might have to pay for the money he would be obliged to hire. It was all arranged, and Luke Wharton was 'happy. Thomas Lyon would raise the four thousand dollars necessary to be paid down, sad he would soon be in a position where he could not only enjoy the honor and satitiEution of doing business fur himself, but where he could lay up money. And he 141113 the, mere satisfied because smother party had been talking of verchasing the store.' “I would trot treat Ithn-as far as I could throw a fat by the Up hill?” as serted bike Wtiarbn. Me spoke of Mr. Samuel nlocejoy, a man who lived in a distant part' orthe toivn, and who was the Musi.that had sods talka of purchas- I ette,atore. do you wean by that?" asked .Mrs. Wharton, mess just. what I slily returned Luke. "I wouldn't trust him an inch.” "But what do you know against him, my son?" I know enough. He would have bought our store if he could; and he meant to do it in an underhand way. lie knew that I wanted it, and yet he tried his best to work me out." " But how do you know this?" "How do I know?"--why I know it well enough. I know that he went to my employer, Mr. Green, ()fibre(' to purchase the whole; and I know that he intimated that I might never be able to pay my half. I tell you he isn't to be trusted." " I hope you have not spoken thus to any oneelse," Bald the old lady with much earnestness.. " Why do you hope that?" "Because it would have been very wrong. I know Mr. Lovejoy, is lan eccen tric man, and very set, and even bitter in Wa prejudices; but I never heard a lisp net hitt character for honesty and up mess. 'Have you spoken of him out doors?" "I.have spoken my mind of him," re plied. Luke somewhat stubbornly; " and I shall speak so again." "Stopl told - the mother." She spoke sternly yet tenderly. ' "Do not say so. You are too free in the use of that tongue of yours. YOU are not sure that Mr. Leiajdlikaaifigairdird wordiagainst you, and you lam no right to syeak so !WHIM Linn. If this should go to his ears it might Injure you. If you are going into business,, yob blies4(l en saver to make friends and net solarise. Let measure you, my son, t 4you should break yourself of that bad, Just look at it in this mie ak Ion : out not to 166 k farther. It-is • 4 'frOM which ne. geed 'ten possibly 'dew, bat 'skim whirl) evil must result, timsk 'season enough for giving it 111,4 g tOiWe ' ee yet' epeaking the door- , 'reng;'aM the Servaulleenhadded in 'S letter for dada 'Wharton; wing- that hod imatlett N, • v. yiplagonaot broke the seat and read aflp W • LI. ; g ' ' very merry to be obliged' is Ludlam Ton that our .plan for, pqndissift the store * .partnership %inlet ed out .. I had so arranged ti) hails the 0; e , from my Miele, fltautel LovejW well too!, bat heroin , not all ;biota( move. as J. I intended. I. 1 InlW SSA* be oirifAtti APO Pa., lie PiM o leir l or tb (t lhole store for, me„ It d take such a *die sifFiviet. A week ago he had re- API in hie previously farmed plans in your tinfigib.iidesbas nist,with something which.has, suddenty aid strangely chang .ed mind. Ileeihiply tells me that he will tint trust yeti whtere my money is at Hai says fouthir that (pardon. me, I VIVA speak.imakly) a man who uses his t°l.lß ; yours would be sure to rum itny t business sooner or later. • Will you see him and talk with him? I may see you this Week. YOOII4I THOMAS LYON." , ThOlimad which held the letter sank by Luke's side, and a smothered groan escap ed "What is atm asked his young wife, spr!tmiss. to his side. 2110Miltg---upthiltg now," he whisper ed; and they he seized his hat and hasten ed from the t•Gom. Whit a blew was this! how high had he built his hopes upon the bright prospect before him—how proudly ho had dwelt upon the flattering promise of the future— and how heavy was the fall. lie paced to and fro in the garden, and finally he reas oned calmly on the subject. At first he had muttered deep imprecations upon the head of Samuel Lovejoy; but when he came to read the letter again he was forc ed to think and &el differently. " A week ago he had arranged plans in your favor," he read. "I was mistaken, he said to himself." "While I thought he was trying to work me out he was in reality trying to help me. Ire was really to let Thotmis have four thousand dollora to be my partner. What a fool I have Went Why could not I have known that he was Lyon's uncle, and my friend." "My son!" Luke started--turned and beheld his mother. "What is this?" she asked. Ile banded l4er the letter, and she read it. " What shall I do?" he asked. "What have you proposed to do?" " Nothing. I know not what I can do." " You can give up the store, and all the bright hopes you had based upon it." "Oh--I cannot do that, mother." "Then you can do better. Go to Mr. Lovejoy, and tell him frankly that you have been at fault, and that henceforth you will do so no more." " I cannot." "Then you must do the other thing— give up all. You have done very wrong, and if you have not the courage to ac knowledge it to him against whom the wron g has been done, then yon deserve no favor that he can grant. Think of it, my son; and as you think remember this: If you come honorably out of this, it may prove the best lesson you have ever receiv ed. God be with you, Luke, and - may gpod sense ale reason prevail." She iet bim, and he remained skate in the garden for half an hour. Then he went to the stable and got a horse, and rode away to see Samuel Lovejoy. lie found the old gentleman at home, and after he had overcome his embarmasinent, he stat ed the object of his vist. " You thought that I meant to work against you, eh?" said Samuel tovejoy. " It makes no difference what I thought," frankly returned Luke. "I. did. wrong; for I had no right to question your mo tives; nor had I any right to speak as I did. It was spoken thoughtlessly, and I am sorry for it." " Sorry that I heard it, eh?" "No, sir. lam glad you heard of it, for It has opened my eyes to the greatest fault in my life. But lam sorry I said it, because it was wrong." " Well, well, said the old gentleman, "come in. If you really feel that way, perhaps we can talk." They went into the house and the mat ter was freely discussed. In the end, Luke had pledged himself that he would cast off the evil practice of a loose tongue forever; and Samuel Lovejoy had . promised that ho should have half of Mr. Greens store, with Thomas Lyon for a partner. Once more was Luke Wharton happy. lie went home with his resoltrtion firmly fixed, and when. he told his Wift and moth er what bad transpired, they were happy with him. Within two weeks the great store bore above its entrance the names of "Lyon & 9, Wharton- ' and business nourished and the new firm prospered. Luke .wrote a few words upon a piece of paper, and placed it where his eyes fell upon it daily. It was , a Life Lesson which he wrote there—a lesson which thousands of us tilicadd learn and practice: "Suffer no Word to escape thee of thy neighbor, which thou wouidst not have thy neighbor , Pau AbrakautliFeltipo. —l , ----- ' Ganvaki paste are already appearing in North Carolina, BOSTON is nearly seven miles long from northeast to southwest. 13osToN has a milk inspector, and his operations have materially improved the gitality of the mitt* sold there. A ickli recently,. ,brought a 1)4,1, of four dollars against Intl 'brother's estate in San Francisco, "fbr Tess of time in attending the tetoecti.,. A NEW Hampshire htdy, *ho recently offered to melt widiver dollar she had care fully treasured furl; Oiatait*is astonish ed at fludiug it a. counts was retiolr•od' at a late temperance meeting in Wisconsin that " Temperance is a natural virtue, indispensable to raise men to the level of other animals."" lorriv C. Ilikzeicrsirrport, was in Witsh- Inglis) on Monday last. He did not visit the Capitol, and nobody, paid any Stletl tioll to him when he appeared ow the street. TEM political campaign of 1869 will open with ths, %Bowing' State elections: New llampsliTro, Itarch 0; Connecticut, April 4; Rhode Island, April 7. A Governor is to be chosen iu each. A SERVANT girl, who had a young man. call to see her, said that she preferred that he shouid he 'kept in ignorance of the ihct that she was doing housework, as he sup posed she was "boarding." W. li. Du Arros, of Philadelphia, Thos . Baker, of Lancaster county, John J. Car ter, of Chester county, Aaron Cormell, of Bucks county, and C. Harvey, of Dela ware county, have been appointed a com mittee on behalf of the Eastern Experi mental Farm of Chester comity, to visit Harrisburg ti) procure from thq Legisla ture an appropriation in aid of the tarm. Ten lines of NOnpgreil constitiito a Elqnsre, . .. i s '‘TIIIIE. ; C I; 1 week.— $ l ot s 1 40,110,41 4 104 359 $8 0(),$ 11 50 4 weeks... l 1 1 4 70. 4SO 8 .08t 14 00 3 weeks... '; 1 1511 *** 8 SO, 600 10 00 17 00 1 montb...l 1 75. IMt $ 911' 7 * 11 00 80 OS 4 mpsiks- 1 2 26 1 6 gl 6 6° ' it 00. 1 q " i 3 months.. , 400, 8 9' 00. 00 00 6 months.. I 700 11 OW 16 50 , 21118 40 , 00 1 year I 1* 00. **; 30 GO 40 09 30 00! 1* 00 e- M usta . REAL STATE adveraements, Ten cents a line for the Ittst insertion and nye cents a line each additional Insertion. WALL KitirDB or MTh ottrebnted with neatness sad despatch. NO. 15. It is generally conceded that Gen. Geo. W. Cass will be the Depiocratie . nominee for Governor. lie has secured the western counties, and ft large number of the inte rior and eastern counties. A riN manufacturing company in Con necticut manufacture nearly seven millions of pins per day. The number put on papers last year approximates the enor mous sum of 2,000,000,000. Mita. Michael A. Clarke, wife 'of Win. Clarke, residing in Anthony twp., Lycom ing county, was on Monday last, delivered ora female child, and on Wednesday fol lowing, had two more male children. AT the charter election at Binghamton, New York, Tuesday, the Republicans elected their candidate for Mayor by about three hundred gain over last year's vote, when the Democratic candidate was elected. JUDGE PEARSON, at Harrisburg, has declared the law passed in 1866, compell ing the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to open sluices for the passage of fish in their dams aloug the Susquehanna, to be unconstitutional. CLYDE, Ohio, has what is called a. "Knitting Machine. „ A crowd of ladies walk into a drinking saloon, take posses sion of all the seats, and quietly settle down at knitting. This stops the custo mary business of the place. Trizelearfield.Tournal says: Gen. Harry White is favorably spoken of as a Repti4- licit candidate for Governor of this State. He was a brave soldier and suffered much in the war, is a man of fine ability, and stands yery high for integrity. THE Beaver .Raclival says that thus far there are mentioned for the next nomina tion for Governor, Gen. Geary, Hon. D. J. Morrell, lion. John Covode, Gen. Harry White, Hon. W. W. Ketcham, Gen. John F. llartranft, and Maj. General Meade. A CHICAGO journal, Winding to Garrett Davis's resolution censuring Butler, sug gests that "in case Butler is found to de serve severe punishment, he be sent to the Senate to hear one of Davis' speeches." Such a proposition could only emanate from a heart dead to human feeling. FROM the fact that General Grant is re ceiving and listening to committees rec ommending the different aspirants, the opinion is gaining ground that the ques tion is still an open one, and that he will not finally make up his Cabinet until the last moment. He listens to all they have to say, but says nothing on the subject himself. A CINCINNATIAN recently moved to Chicago, got a divorce after three weeks' residence and married again. One morn ing last week he woke to find his couch deserted, a smell of chloroform about him and it note on the pillow which read in this way: "My dear old Boy—Go it while yer young, but look out for bilks. Your darling wile.—AmEms. THE. Columbia Spy has the following good "hit:" "There will be a little the most stupendous blow-out in San Francis co somewhere between next pea-time and Fourth of July, that ever the Pacific coast has experienced, perhaps. The first train that goes through will carry a thousand men bent on having a time and a half; and a huge sprinkling of theses illbe the wild est Bohemians that ever "got loose on a continent." SENATOR DOOLITTLE is going to locate in New York city, where he will find his affinity in politics. The pure air of Wis consin is not adapted to the growth of conservatism—still lamas a home for poli tical Infidelity. New York city has be come a general House of Refuge for Cop perhead saints and sinners, and accord ingly we , find apostate Republicans grav itating thither. Cowan should follow Doolittle.—Gettysbury Mgr. THE marriage portion of a young bride in olden times was a feather bed, six c h a i rs , a plain cherry table and bureau, six cups and saucers, half a dozen silver teaspoons, and a' lot of sand for sanding floors. Now they expect a set of sliver plates, cltryad Toth seat sofa, ottomans, divans, letd-a'-tetes, tesewood pianos, marble-top tables for parlors, and painted ltrrnitnre fer chambers. Brussel. carpets, and all •other such modern • fixings for show. WE give below a receipt for doing up shirt-bosoms; 'Take two ounces of fine white gum arable powder—put into s pitober end pour on a pint oi mere of water---aad then baying covered it let staid all night. In the morning Dovr it carefully from the dregs into a .cletinbot tie, cork It anit keep it for use. 'A table spoonful of gees water stirred in a pint of starch made iuthe usual maturter,es/igitre to lowns, either white or printed,a look of newness, when nothing rise can restore them after ttiPy had been washed. A Touoil CAE A. little darkey ,wee weently fbund sitting on the .ate of a fashionable house not flit from Intratog.e, crying pitifully, "What's de matter wid you? , asked a colored woman. "flat's matter .'nutTL-drouble all ober the house. ?adder am drunk—mudder Rill gone home wid close-8114 broke de looking glass wid de broonistiek—de baby. got her eyes. full of kyan pepper, and little Ned Anthony put the mustard ou his hair for goose grease. I put salt in my tea for White sugar, and it makes we sea sick. The dog licked' Ned's face, and got his month Hill of mustard, and lies under de bed 'a howlin. De kitten got her head in de milk pot; and cut her head oil to save the pitcher, and den I had to break de pitcher• to get de head out, and de way get licked when madder comes home for setting .de bed afire will be a sin." IN FATHER ABRAHAM. ::~ x *....10 2 60 2 $0 1 NI ==l El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers