PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, RAUCH & COCHRAN, No. 13, South queen Street, Lancaster. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 cop#, one year, $ 1.50 5 copies, (each name addressed,) 7.00 10 copies 13.00 15 copies ~ ,4 18.00 20 copies n 22.00 And 0.10 for each additional subscriber. YOU CIXEIS, IN PACKAGES. 5 copies, (to one address,) $ 6.50 10 copies " It 12.00 15 copies " 44 16.50 :30 copies " 14 20.00 And SI.OO for each additional subscriber. *it- All subscriptions must invariably be paid in advance. JOl3 PRINTING Of every description, neatly and promptly exe cuted, at short notipe, anti on the most reasonable terms. Ie(1111.0ads. pENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. R Trains leave tile Central Depot as follows: EASTWARD. WESTWARD. Cincin. Ex ... .12:17 a. m. Erie Mail— 1:50 a. m Pliila.Empress 5:12 " Exp... 2:40 " Fast Line 7:02 " Mail 11:15 " Lane. Train.. 0:05 " Fast Line..... 2:35 p. in Day Express. 1:45 p.m. Columbia Ac. 2:15 " ilarrtsb , g Ac..5:51 " Ilarrisb'g Ac. 5:51 " Lane. Train.. 7:211 " Cincin. Ex....10:43 " READING AND COLUMBIA. It. It ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, NOV. 26, PASSENGER TRAINS WILL BE RUN ON THIS ROAD, AS FOLLOWS LEAVE. Lancaster 8:00 a. in ..... 1:15 p. m. Columbia .....8:00 a. in. :1•20 p.m. RETU LEAVIL Reading ..... 7:00 a. m. 6:15 p. m. 7:00 a. in. 6:15 p. m. Trains leaving Lanet above, make close connection at heading with Trains North and South; on Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. and West on Lebanon Valley Road. Tram leaving Lancaster and Columbia at 8 A. AL connects closely at Reading with Train for New York. Tickets can be obtained at the Offices of the New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty street ,NewYork;and Philadelphiaand Reading Railroad, 13th and Callowhill streets, Phila. Through tickets to New York and Philadel phia sold at all the Principal Stations,and Bag- Knipe Checked Through. Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Time, which is 10 minutes faster than Pennsylvania Railroad Time. GEO. F. GAGE, Supt E. E. KEEVER, Gen. Frt. and Ticket Agent. nov 20-tf] READING RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT, MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, Great Trunk Line j rom the - North anti North west for Philadelphsia, Ni w York, Read ing,TPottsrillr, Tamaqua, Ashland, Slut )nokin, !Alm o » n , ..11le »tow », Easton, Eph rata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ar. Trains leave Harrisburg for 7 , , ew York as fol lows: Al 3.50, 5.5), s.lO C. in., 12.40 noon 2.05 and 10.50 p. m , connecting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad and arriving at New York at 11.00 a. in., 12.20 noon, 3.50, 7.0(100.05 p. m., and 6.15 a. m. respectively. Sleeping Cars ac company the 3.50 a. in. and 10.50 p. in. trains without change. Leave Harrisburg for Beading, Pottsville, Tisinaquu, Mismrsville, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10 a. in., 2.05 and 4.10 p. in., stopping at Leba non and principal Way Stations; the 4.10 p. in. train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville Schuylkill Ha von and Auburn, via Schuylkill and finsque harms Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.30 p. M. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. m.,12.00 noon, 5.10 and 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.15 a. in. and 3.30 p. in ; sleeping cars accompany the 9.00 a. tn., 5.10 and 8.00 p. in. trains from New York, without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in._, connecting with similar train on East Penna. - Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.35 p. in., stopping at all stations; leave Potts villa at 7.30, 845 a. in and 2.45 p. m .; Shamokin at 5.26 a. m.; Ashland at 7.00 a. in., and 12.3014 lib; Tamaqua at 8.30 a. in.; and 2.20 p. m., for Phila delpaia. Leave Pottsville, via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 7.10 a. in. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 a. m. for Pine Grove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 7:30 a. in., returning leaves Phila delphia at 4:45 p. M. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown at 6.45 a. in.; returning u leaveks Phila delphia at 4.00 p. us. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.00 a. m. and 0.15 p. in. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lan caster, Columbia, 6.. e. Perkiomen Railroad Trains leave Perkiomen Junction at 9.15 a in. and 5.30 p. in.; returning, leave Skippack at 8.10 a. in. and 12.45 p. in., con necting with similar trains on Reading Rail road. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 p.m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. and 3.15 p. in., the B.llto a. m. train running only to Heading; Potts ville 8.4 X; a. m Harrisburg 5.50 a. m., 4.10 and 1p.59 jp. in., andßeading at 1.0, 3.00 and 7.15 a. in. For Harrisburg, at 12.50, and 7.31 a. m. for New Torlo and at 4.20 p.rn. for Philadelphia. __censinutation, Mileage, Season, School and .... J4 ,.A irsion Tickets, to and from all points, at rates. gate checked through; 100 pounds allowed Passenger. . . G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. Al, ma, e a, PA., Dec.Hee. 14. 1868. [dlB-ltd&w Passenger. '"" v oWi t il ERN CENTRAL RAIL- I WAY. Go , s leave York for Wrightsville and Co , at 8:20 and 11:40 a. m., unit 3:80 p. in. a Wrightsville for York, at 8:0.: a. tu., and 6:60 p. m. York for Baltimore, at 5:00 and 7:16 a. li m.; and 12 midnight' tstri Yo rk for Harrisburg, at 1:39, 0/3 and 11:33 IL 111., altd2:811 and 10:11p. 110. • T888:1188 LICAYL HARRIBBURti. 001110 NORTS. tilt 1121 a. la., and 1:38 and 410 p. M. GOING BOTTS. Mid 6:26 a. in., and 12:30 and 10:43 p.lll. Ati4 atrz Photographs, (re. t GIFTS. "brnMes, 4,. .Father to Daughter, r L OILINTLEKkIX TO LAMEs ARItIVH. Reading .....10:20 a. m 5:40 p. m 10:1:1 a. to ..... 5:40 p. RNING: p.PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil cm aunty,. nloyees of the Government. ....S Lanea5ter.....9:1.5:25 m. a. m. PAY due for horses lost in the United States Columbia .....9:2,5 a. m. service. .....0:25 a. m. CIIARGES.--Fees fair and moderate, and in " . . "'d:3o p . m. n s o case will charges be made until thece money collected. id '25-lyv tt utter and Columbia as Mother to Son e house, memorta 4r interest. PHOTO .tyros, admitted to he superior in the S hat Nnd and great elr %ure give us grea than any establish- )MIC VIEWS for the tic luetrumente. JIDO Or the best Ar vewhere in the high, Pastille, Crayon- ITY GALLERY, o_9o East Ktng-et . AN tt CO., D RETAIL. IN 'ST QUALITY. AND PA. R. R. ORANGE ST., PA. [doe 18.1 y !e right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nations wounds; to grzza VoL. 11. Claim, Ageney. JAMES BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MILITARY AND NAVAL CLAIM AGENT, No. : 7 0i East King-et., Lancaster, Pa. Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and having a large experience, prompt attention will be given to the following classes of claims: BOUNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and Tailors. BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted for not less than 2 or 3 years, or were lionora bly discharged for wounds received. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re ceived or disease contracted in said service. PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War of 1812. In surance. TUE OLD PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA A cc. 1 - 31I'LATED CAPITAL, $2,000,000, After paying Loasen to the amount of 01,120,000 CHARTER PERPETVAI All the surplus Dividend amongst the Policy Holders every year. THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN THE CITY OR STATE. For further information apply to JOHN J. COCURAN, Agent, P. 0., Lancaster, 1 n 020411 =2 C.... 0 1:21=1 C. 2 Win =0 - 41 44 =0142- L I PL+ t.: • 0 FT4 -^1 - F" I=ll2l c.) „m a 4, d it 1"V• g. 2 Cg co g E C.7"t:) E. 4• cir 7 4 '6 ir gl Li. '7; ;C.)g 0 = icc = N " E•••• Ca g g. 774 C." Veg ecs S aoomE 11 WORLD MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO W YORK, NO. 160 BROADWAY J. F. NEUEAUFF, General Agent for Penn's NORTH QUEEN STREET. (A'bove J. F. Long Son's Drug Store.) This Compan y _ offers more SOLID and REAL inducements than any other Life insurance Company in the country. send or call and get a Circular. Active solicitors, male or female, wanted to every township in the State. Dan 1-am• Sewing Machines. T ITE HOWE SEWING MACHINE, FOIL E V E it Y it 01 Y! As a Holiday Gift to a Salter, Wife or Friend, they are unsurpassed. The Farmer wants it for his Family. The Drees mid Oleak Maher prefers It The Seamstress wants it, because it% work is sure to give satistaetion. The Tailor has bat ago decided it to be the best for hie badness. The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without it; and the Bhoe Fitter finds that, after all, the HOWIE is the machine for him. Selmer or later, everybody will have the BOWL MAOKINK. livery Machine is warranted. Every one may be the possessor ofone of these unrivalled mashines, as we endeavor to make the terms of sale suit all our imitations. We earnestly invite ark whether they purpose purchasing or not, to call and get specimens of the work executed by us on the HOWE MA CHINE, and compere it with the work done by other machines. We are wining to abide by the result. , ent, al No rth r •en Ag Street 'lee 18-(f Book Binding. GEORGE WIANT, 11 00K-BIN 11 1 , 1 .If AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. BLANK BOOKS, For Banks, Merebunt*, County oMoes, dc., made to order. BOOK BINDING, in all its branches, propipt ly attended to. Moe 4-Inl What song should hail the welcome hour That sees the nation waiting stand, To place the emblems of its power Within the hero's faithful hand? Resounding notes of martial tame, Mix with the patriot's full acclaim, Without surcease ; While gentler strains the breezes bear On vernal wings, and everywhere Rises the sentiment and prayer, "Let us have Peace !" Enough that War's fell rage is spent, And freedom still survives secure ; Her statute loftier and unbent, Her strength increased, her vesture pure The fame his country well bestows Upon the chief who crushed her foes All climes increase ; But nobler rings o'er land and main, And nobler echoes back again, The manly, Christian, sweet refrain, There, from New England's busy mills ; From where the Mississippi flows ; From where the bursting cotton tills The golden airs with mimic snows ; From where the gleaming nuggets shine Close neighbors of the fruitful vine— They will not cease ; The countless voices raised to greet The soldier in the ruler's seat, The chorus ever to repeat, " Let us have Peace !" Lippincott's Magazine 110 W IT WAS DONE. Church Torrington was perhaps the greatest coward in the city of New York. Don't misunderstand us, gentle reader— physically speaking, our young hero was brave as Bayard, dauntless as Cuair de Lion. But it was where the fair sex were concerned that Mr. Torrington became a poltroon. A gentle glance from a pair of blue eyes was enough to throw him into a cold perspiration at any time. As one by one of the companions of his boyhood and early youth vanished out of tile path of batchelorhood and entered into the Promised Land of matrimony, Church Torrington viewed them with a not un envious mind. El Ell m 2, % Ls 5 8 —o, - m -; _ .. m " . g Si ''. 5 ~..• 4- 4 0 4 ;.,4 "Ilow the mischief did they ever mus ter up courage to do it?" was his inter nal reflection. And Harry Leslie, a wag of flirty, who always had a knack of finding out every body else's weak points, said: All of that set married except Church Torrington—and he'll be a bachelor all the days of his life, because he hasn't got courage to ask any girl to have him. I don't know though, either," he added re flectively. " Waft until Leap Year comes around again, there may be a chance for him then!" • Nevertheless, in the thee of all these obstacles, Church Torrington was in love. Miss Violet Purple was as pretty . and blooming a little lassie as ever tripped ' down the sunny side of Broadway, under threadlace parasol, on a June afternoon. She was very plump and rather small, ; with blue gray eyes, eyebrows like twin arches of jet, shining; chestnut hair, and a skin like white velvet, just finished with the softest pink on either dimpled cheek. And she. had a way of carrying her head piquantly onfone side, and spoke with the • slightest possible of lisps, and always wore a rose in her hair, and was altogether pre cisely the sort of a little girl a man's fancy would be apt to conjure up, when he thought of the gloom of his solitary home. Violet Purple was born to be married— you couldn't think of her as an old maid ; any more than you could think of straw berries without cream, or a satin slipper without a dainty foot to fit it—and when- ; ever she thought of the probability of that catastrophe, a face like the moustached ; physiognomy of Mr. Church Torrington outlines itself through the misty vapors of her day dream. But Mr. Church was so dreadfully bash ful—hie wouldn't propose—and poor little Violet was nearly at her wits' end, what to do in this dire perplexity. A girLof any delicacy can't very won ask a man to have her, and Violet had done everything else! *lie had smiled sweetlyon him gives him no end of rosebuds oat of her WI bouquets, and had "Pkilopcened” with hint, and sent him embroidered cigar comes, and returned a gentle pressure when he had ventured to aqueexe her hand at parting, and what, we ask the reader, could a girl do more? And atilt in spite of all this, Mr. Tor rington persisted in keeping his love to himself. In vain Aunt tiarepta took her work upstairs, and left the drawing-room free to twilight and the lovers,—in vela Violet put on her prettiest dresses and curled her hair with a special eye to Church Torrington's taste. And old Mr. Purple—whose name wean 't a bad descrip tion of the general hue of his face, began to wonder "what the deuce young Tor rington meant by coming here so much and keeping better men away?" and hint ed very broadly at the propriety of Violet's being more gracious to a certain banker, a friend of his, who was supposed to be specially attracted by the blue gray eyes and the jet-arched brows. And little Violet took to crying of nights on her lace-edged pillows, and de dining a second plate of lobster-salad at (limier; and Aunt tiarepta, a tall, square, maiden lady, who had only recently come up from the country to take charge of her brother's household, scarce knew what to do. ^44 C cr ,t 1:1o, Q b o z g•-4 E-4 1 CD 1 1 r # . .ity for eyes ter LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1869. Vottry. INAUGURATION ODE. MARCH 4, 1869. " Let us have Peace 1" PiOrtilitlttOWL liY AMY RANIDOLI'II care for him who shall have borne Me battle, and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."-4. Z. " Violet," quoth the aunty, "what (Jots ail you?" "I don't know, aunt!' daisically.) "How long has Mr. Torrington been visiting here?" • •"I don't know; about three years." "Does he care for you, Violet?: "I don't know, aunt,"-- (blushes red and rosy.) " Do you care for I don't know, aunt.' "Love's proper hue.'' "Then why on earth don't he propose and have done with it?" " I don't know, aunt." This time in a sort of despairing accent. Miss Sarepta Purple set herself to un tangle this Gordian knot of circumstances as she would have charged at a " snarl” in her skeins of mixed yaigt; and when Miss Sarepta set herself about a thing, she was generally in the habit of accomplish- ing if. " I'll go and see him myself," was the result of a long day of meditation on Miss Sarepta's part; "and I won't let Violet know about it neither." Mr. Church Torrington sat in his leath er-covered easy chair looking out a diffi cult case in "l'stoppels," when his clerk announced " A lady;" and on turning ab ruptly round, he encountered the gaze of Miss Sarepta Purple's spectacled orbs. Ile colored scarlet as he dragged forth a chair and stammered out some incoherent sentence or other—for was she not 'Vio let's aunt—the aunt of the fair damsel whom he worshipped afar off and in silence! Thank'ee!' said Miss Purple, deposit ing herself by the chair as one might set down a heavy trunk, A-" I've come on bu siness." Intieed!” " Because," said Miss Sarepta, edging her chair a little nearer that of the young lawyer, " I think it's high time this busi ness was settled!" " What business?" " What business?" echoed Miss Purple, with a belligerent to of her head; "as if the man didn't know well enough what 1 was talking about—why, getting marri ed to be sure!" Mr. Torrington grew a shade or two paler. Was it possible that this ancient maiden still contemplated the probability of matrimony? Had she then selected him for her victim? He looked at the back window—it opened ou a blind alley which led nowhere; he glanced at the door —but Miss Purple's gaunt form effectual ly debarred that means of egress. No— there was nothing but to sit still and face the worst that fate had in store for him. "You see" went on Miss Sarepta, "I ain't blind iii am getting onin years, and I can see as well as anybody what you mean by coming so often to our house. But, still, I think you'd ought to ha' spoke out likr, a man. Pm willing—and don't s'pose my brother 'll object, as you seem to be able to keep a wife!" "You—you are very kind!" stuttered Mr. Torrington. "Is it to be yes or no—about the mar riage, I mean?" " I shall be most happy, I am sure!" fluttered our miserable hero. "Spoke like a man. It's what I knew you meant all the time," cried Aunt Sarepta, rising to her feet and actually depositing an ocular demonstration meant for a kiss on Church's forehead. "I knew I should like you, my boy!" Church startled. This was not exactly etiquette, but the whole matter was really so strange and unprecedented that he hardly knew what to think. "And when will you come around to Brother Jacob's and tell the folks all about it—for I suppose you'd like to tell them yourself? This evening?" "Y—yes, if you say so!" " It's as good a time as any I s' pose. I Of course you won't mention that said anything to you about it? I'd rather it should seem unstudied." "Naturally enough!" thought poor Church. But he Tromised, with a sickly smile; and parted from Miss Purple, al moot shrinking from the vigorous grasp of the hand which she unhesitatingly be stowed upon him. No sooner was Church Torrington alone than the full horror of his position rushed upon him. What had he done? To what had he committed himself? "It serves me right.," he muttered, grinding his teeth, " when I could have won the love of the sweetest little fairy that the sun ever shone on. It was simply idiotic of me to allow a middle-aged ter magant to take possession of me as though I were a cooking stove or a second-hand clock! And she'll marry me, and I shall be .a captive for ILfb, simply because I was too much of a noodle to save myselE Oh, dear, dear! this is a terrible scrape for a poor fellow to get into! But there is no help for it now. If I were to back out, she'd sue me for breach of promise; if I were to cut for Australia, she would follow me there, as sure as Fate! I'm a gone individual—a lost community!" And Church Torrington proceeded straight to the brown-stone mansion where dwelt the inexorable Serepta. Lo and behold! as he rang the door bell, Miss Purple herself opened the door, and mysteriously beckoned him in. "I saw you coming," she said, iu a low, eager tone. " I've been on the look out. Excuse me, my dear, but I really feel as if I must kiss you once more. We're going to be relations, you know!" " Relations! I should think so!" groan ed Church Torrington, taking the kiss as a child would a quinine powder. Miss Sarepta patted him on the shoul der. "Then go in," she said, nodding mys teriously towards the door beyond. "Go in—where?" stammered our be wildered hero. " Why, to Violet, to be sure!" "To Violet! Was it Violet that you meant----" "To be sure it was! Whom did you suppose I meant? 3k?" This last suggestion, hazarded as the wildest improbability by Miss Serepta, called the guilty color up into Church's 1 cheek. "Miss Purple, pardon me," he said, • "but I've been a stupid blockhead; Don't be.angry, as you said we're going to be relations." --( Rat her lacka (More of And lie took the spinster in his arms, and bestowed upon her a kiss which made its predecessor appear but the shadow and Fliost of kisses—a kiss which sounded as if Mr. Church Torrington wont it. "Do behave yourself!" cried Miss Sa repta. "Yes, I'm going to," said Church, and he walked straight into the drawing room, where little Violet was dreaming over an unread book of poems. She started as he entered. "Mr. Torrington, is it you!" "Yes, it is 1," said Church, inspired with new coup ge• " Violet, darling, I love you—will you consent to be my wife?" "Are you in earnest, Church?" " In earnest? it's what I've been want ing to say to you for the last six months, but I have never dared to venture. Come, you will not send me way without an answer. Say yes, darling." " Yes," Violet answered so fitintly, that only true love's ear could have dis cerned the fidtering monosyllable. And Church Torrington ft:lt as if he were the luckiest fellow in all the great metropolis that night. When aunt Sarepta came in, looking very unconscious, to light the gas, Church insisted upon another kiss, greatly to that lady's discomposure. ,For you know very well, tome he said, "ynal ,yet me ttle example." And aunt Sarepta did not look ?Try an gry with him. So they were married with all due flourish of trumpets, and Violet does not know to this day how instrumental the old maiden aunt was in securing her hap piness. tattler Abraham'' Chip. ANDREW JOHNSON is going to Europe. Poor Europe ! " OLD PLUTO" is the latest rebel nick name for Senator Brownlow. CUCUMBERS are now seen on the streets of New York. THE Governor has granted a respite to Eaton, the murder of Heenan, who was to have been hanged on Thursday. A MAN in Ohio is father of five boys named Fremont, Lincoln, Grant, Sher man and Sheridan. A BOTTOMLESS pit has just been found in Tennessee. A good opening for An drew Johnson. JOUN ERRICSON, the builder of the Monitor and that class of ships, died in New York last week. AFTER Grant's in-augur-ation we sup pose he will fully understand what it is to be bored. Tim Mountour American says they have a grubbing machine at Danville, but says nothing about the grabbing ma chines at Harrisburg. TILE Park Savings Bank in Brooklyn was robbed, Saturday, of a small tin box containing $45,000 in city bonds and $4OO in money. No arrests. GENERAL SAMSON, a native of Wind ham county, Ct., and for some years a resident of Providence and Newport, died recently at Rondout, N. Y. GEORGE W. LEFEVER, Esq., of Chat ham, Chester county, Pa., has been elected President of the Doe Run and White Clay Creek Railroad. VANDERBILT made $10,000,000 in One day, a short tune ago, by railroad stock. It is the largest amount ever made in a single day by one man. Tun ground on which A. T. Stewart's elegant store stands, does not belong to him, nor can he purchase it. He only has a long lease. IN Albany, lazy Italians hire maimed soldiers to work at organ grinding, pay ing them $1.50 per day, and gather many dollars each day, as profit on their specu lation upon the sympathies of the public. IT IN proposed in Philadelphia to bring the remains of William Penn from Eng land to Pennsylvania, and to erect a splendid monument over them. They were buried in a leaden coffin, and their transportation will not be difficult. A MATIIIKATICAL Blind TOM has made his appearance in Richmond. He is but seventeen years old, blind, and entirely uneducated, yet, by some mental process, he solves the most difficult problems in figures with rapidity and precision. AN Illinois paper " A curious statistician has figured out that there is now in circulation in this State just $3 to each inhabitant. Somebody has got our share." THE citizens of Bedford have voted for postmaster of that place, which resulted in the election of A. Sidney Russell, brother of General A. L. Russell, he re ceiving 171 votes out of 226. Tux Crawford County Republican Com mittee met in Meadville on Friday, when E. L. Litchfield, of Conneautville, and E. 0. David, of Woodcock, were elected dele gates to the State Convention, and in structed to vote for Governor Geary. CASH RATES ,OF ADVERTISING Ten lines of Nonpareil constitute a square, 8 I 8 TIME. c ;', 4 • cf.. 1 week • 76 sl4os2los 3 50 $ 6 00 2 weeks... 120 1 80 270 459 8 00 1 3 weeks'..,,, 150 220 330 a OO 10 00 1 month... 1 75 ; 200 3&f 700 12 00 I months..' 2 75. 400 600 10 00 20 00, 8 months. , 4 00; 00 9001500 30 00' 6 months... 700, 11 00' 16 50 23 00 40 00 1 year 112 00 20 00 30 00 40 00 b 0 00 ExOleutors' 'Notice Administrators , Notion... Assignees' Notice... 11:11 tors' Notice SPECIAL NOTICES—Ten cents a line for the first lima:lion, and Seven cents a line for each subsequent insertion. REAL ESTATE advertisements, Ten cents a line for the first insertionand Five cents a line for each additional insertion. No. 16. WALL KINDS or JOB PRINTING execntea with neatness and despatch. FIFTY-THREE juveniles, employed at the Shenangolron Works, in New Castle, as nad pickers, ':struck" on last Monday. The grievance was a contemplated reduc tion of wages in their department. Cot.. Ews, has been appointed Sheriff of Mifflin county. ri , e Wm. T. AttcHwen, resigned, and 'Mitchell .Jones, Deputy. These parties are two of Mc- Ewen's bail, and the change was made to save them from pecuniary loss. THEY had General Grant's inaugura tion hat on exhibition in New York. Like a great many of those distinguished individuals who are now trying to get ahead of the new President, it will proba bly have, in the Cabinet, a place "with a hook." TITE Indiana (Pa.) Mesgrager says : "The man who doesn't take a paper was ill Indiana last week. Ile set his watch by Young's sign, wiped his nose on a bolt of calico hanging out at Marshal's store, stopped at the National Bank to find out the price of coal, and paid twenty live cents to a smart drug clerk for a Jayne's almanac." IN Exeter, N. 11., the other day, a lad of eight years, named Fred. Tilton, was at play with other children in a neighbor's house, and finding a loaded revolver in one of the chambers, accidentaily dis charged one of the barrels, the ball strik ing him in the forehead, and lodging in the back part of the head, with fatal re sult. Gls. MENA RD, the colored Congress man from Louisiana, argued his right to a seat before the House oil Saturday. This was the first time a colored man ever addressed Congress as an equal, and Mr. Menard did himself credit. His com petitor, a white man, spoke by proxy. THE Pottsville 31iout is than i ) LlVl;*. .r duller.-:a say's sth i e t coal trade ..e nas ever known it, at this season of the year. At New York, the coal delivering lines have reduced the retail price to $6,00 per ton, the lowest rate that prevailed last year. Much Schuylkill coal in the hands of dealers in that city, has cost them up wards of $8 a ton, and the consequence is that they have a hard time of it. Several failures have already occurred. THE Republicans of Blair county by a direct vote, have declared by one hundred and eight majority in favor of the Craw ford county system of making nomina tions. There was a light vote polled, the city of Altoona, and the townships of Tyrone, Blair, .Juniata and Taylor having refused to vote on the question. C. D. ROBINSON, of the firm of Wood kt., Robinson, brokers, No. 30 Broad street, New York, is reported by his partner to have absconded with $ . 20,0(10 in 5-'2O bonds of 1867, three certified checks of $lO,OOO each, and six hundred shares of various kinds of stock, pined at $46,000. Mr. Wood offers a reward of $5,000 for his arrest and the recovery of the securities. THE new Court House at Lock Haven, Clinton county, was dedicated a few days ago. One of the incidents was the march ing into the court room, two by two, of one hundred and fifty ladies, who pre sented a remonstrance, signed by fifteen hundred women of Clinton county, against granting any licenses for the sale of intoxi cating drit4k..s. THE extensive barn of William L. Craig head, esq., near Mt. Holly Springs, six Miles south of Carlisle, ivas destroyed by tire on Tuesday, together NVith two thou sand bushels of corn, live hundred bushels of wheat, and twenty-five tons of hay, be sides many farming utensils, etc. Twenty five head of cattle perished in the flames. Insured. • TRENTON N. J.. has some remarkable families. In one , school district are air. brothers named Hopkins, the youngest of whom is fifty-seven. Three of these are masons by trade, and all married sisters. In the adjoining district are five brothers named Higgins, and the wives of tour of them are sisters to each other. A TRAIN of ears on the Pennsylvania railroad on Saturday morning, ran over Andrew Collins, at liaverford Atittion, and crushed him to death. He lived at No. 2024 Rittenhouse street, and was fitly years old. The unfortunate ►nan saw the train approaching, and had ample time to get otf the track, but in attempting to de so his foot slipped, and he fell. Befals he could rise the train was upon him. lie was shockingly mutilated, and death was instantaneous. THE Keystone Telegraph Company subsequently merged into the Pacific ani Atlantic Company, when ePeCting 41441 wires along the Pennsylvania Railroad be tween Philadelphia and Pittsburg, over year since, finding it inconvenient to tom pieta their tines in the usual planner,: placed them on over six hundred of the Western "Union Company's poles, walk out their previous knowledge or consent. These wires were removed front some of the poles on Monday last, and an injunc tion, has been. applied for, restraining the offending party from again using the pole& NOT long since— we regret that we ate unable to designate the day or hour---a t conspicuous cat, after a loag and linger ing Illness, departed this life at the resi dence of Patrick Flynn in NcTristown ; after attaining an advanced age of twenty eight years and six months -which may well be considered a eat-cgorical inciden t in local cat-ology. For filine fellows this longevity is remarkable; and we are also informed that while he submitted to the inevitable decree which summoned him to that mysterious bourne fr an which no traveller e'er returns, with fortitude and resignation—yet aMietionx s 4 we—longtime he bore—and catnip was in vatrii--, Doylestown Democrat IN FATHER ABRAHAM. OM 0 0 -4 11 50 14 00 17 00 20 00 as 50 65 00 70 00 :7000 .0 2 00 . 760 . 760 Eini
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers