PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, RAUCH & COCHRAN, No. 13, South Queen Street, Lancaster. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy, one year, $ 1.50 5 copies, (each name addressed,) 7.00 10 copies " II 13.00 15 copies " a 18.00 20 copies " ~ 22.00 And $l.lO for each additional subscriber. PON CLUBS, IN PACNALCANI3. 5 oopies, (to one address,) $ 6.50 10 copies " II 12.00 is copies " It 16.50 910c0./pies " II 20.00 And $l.OO for each additional subscriber. *TAU subscriptions must invariably be paid in advance. 3013 131ELIN'FINCI- Of every description, neatly and promptly exe cuted, at short notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Railroads. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. R. Trains leave the Central Depot as follows: ICASTWARD. trieTWARD. Cinehf.Ex....l2:l7 a. tn. Erie Nail.— 1110 a. m, Phila.ifwpresss:l2 " Phila. Exp... 2:10 " Fast Line 7:02 " Wait 11:15 " Lane. Train.. 9:05 " Fast Line..... 205 p. m. Day Express. 1:15 p.m.;Columbia Ao. 245 " Harrisifflg Ae..6:51 " .Harrisb'g Ao. 5:54 " Lane. Train.. 7es " c;incin. " READING AND COLUMBIA 11. R. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 1868, PASSENGER TRAINS WILL BE RUN ON THIS ROAD, AS FOLLOW& LEAVE. Lancaster 810 a. m ARRIVE. aeading .....1010 a. m. I' .... 6:40 p. rn. a. m. St ..... 6:40 p. m. EN/N6: N 3 - 25 p. m. Columbia ... -MO a. M. 16 .....3rat p.m. RETU LEAVE. Beading 7100 a. m ~ ..... 6:15 p. m " ..... 7:00 a. m. " ..... 6:15 p. m Trains leaving Lanoaider and Columbia as above, make close connection at Reading with Trains North and South; on Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. and West on Lebanon Valley Road. Train leaving Lancaster and Columbia at 8 A. M. connects closely at Reading with, Train for New York. Tickets can be obtained at the Offices of the New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty street, New 'Yo rk ; and Ph ilad elph la and Reading Railroad, 13th and Callowhill streets, Phila. Through tickets to New York and Philadel phia sold at all the Principal Stations, and Bag gage Checked Through. Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Time, which is 10 minutes faster than Pennsylvania Railroad Time. GEO. F. GAGE, Supt. E. R. Km:vs; Gen. Frt. and Ticket Agent. nov 30-t f ] READING RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT,] MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1868 Great Trunk Line framn the North and North west for Philadelphia, New York, Bead ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, &La mokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Eph rata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, diT. Trains leave Harrisburg for ew York as fol lows: At 3.50, 5.31, 8.10 a. m., 12.40 noon 2.05 and 10.50 p. m , connecting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad and arriving at New York at 11.00 a. in., 12.20 noon, 8.50, 7.00,10.06 p, m., and 0.15 a. in. respectively. Sleeping Cars ac company the 3.50 a. in. and 10.53 p. in. trains without change. Leave klardsburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Idirtersville, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove. Allentown and Philadelphia, at S.lO a. m , 2.05 and 4.1 u p. m., stopping at Leba non and principal Way Stations; the 4.10 p. In. train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville :"chuylkill Ha ven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad, leave llarrishurg at 3.30 p. m. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. m.,12.00 noon, 5.10 and 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.15 a. m. and 3.30 p. Dr; sleeping ears accompany the 9.00 a. in., 8,10 and 8.00 p. in. trains from New York, without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Phibirlelphia at 7.80 a. in., oonneeting with similartrain on East Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 8.35 p. m., stopping at all stations; leave Potts ville at 7.80, 846 a. m , and 245 p. Shamokin at 6.95 a. m.; Askiand at 7.00 a.m., and 12.80 p. m.; Tamaqua at 8.30 a. in..; and 2.20 p. for Phila delphia: Leave Pottsville, via Schuylkill and Susquo haniut Railroad at 7.10 a. m. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 a in. for Pine Grove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Readbig at 7:3;) a. m., returning leaves Phila delphia at 4:45 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown at 6.45 a. m.; returning, leaves Phila delphia at 4.00 p. m Columbia Railroad Trains leave 'Reading at 7.00 a. in. and 6.15 p. in, for Ephrata, MHz, Lan caster, Columbia, ae. perkiomen Railroad Trains leave Perkiomen Junction at 9.15 a and 5.30 p. m.; returning, leave Sklppack at 8.10 a. m. and 12.43 p. con necting with simrlar trains on Reading Rail road. On Sundays: Leave Now York at 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. and 3.1510. to., the .si l ) 11.09 a. m. tra tonningiy to Miding; Potts ville 8.41X1 a. In 4 r*ris A . m., 4.10 and 10.50 p. m. and Reading 4.04 and 7.13 a. ni. Yorkarrisburg at 12.60, Mid 7. _ a. tn. for New and at 4./6 p. tn. ibr Philadelphia. Coutmetation, Mileage, Season, School and E mission Tiokete, to and from all points, at rates. Ilaggaire ebeekeil through; 100 poundo allowed each rassenger. G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. Nitanuio, PA., Deo. 14., (decn<daw NORT/lER:N.I CENTRAL RAIL WAY: Trains laame York for Wrightsville and Co. hanbia, Gm and 11:40 a. in,, and 8:30 p. m. Leave Wrightsville for York, at 044.1 a. in., and 100 and Ode p. ni. • Leave Ypric for Baltimore, at 6:00 and 7:16 a. ta,„ 1:06 p, and 12 midnlght. Leave' Yern far Flarrisbane, at 169, 4:26 and 1115 a. in., and 19• p. $ 8 LEAVE BARRI BUBO. GorliCi sown. At Ma a. in., and 1:20 and 4.10 p. m. GOING SMITH. At 8:45 and 145 a. m., and 12:80 and 10:45 p. in deell4fd Photographs, .fie. GOLDEN GIFTS Parents to Families, Father to Daughter, Mother to SO7l. GENTLEMES TO LADIES. When- the Usht has left the house, memorla such as thew bob:mei:tad their ihtereet. GILL'S SUPERB PHOTO. AgMtature or Opal Pictures. admitted to be the hest to the city and no superior In the S ta Censuiltaausasing.dtruand mid great s t ke- Mao is style or zumiature give 116 grea r OS hd Mittel' smolt* than any establish Meat Me ot large Miles. STEREOGRAPIIS OF 110 la VIEWS for the Oentre Table. Also, prismatic Instruments. Large Qs)lowed Work bySOUK Of the limit 4r tleta In Philadelphia and elsewhere, fin the lljgh, est style of the art. India Ink, Eastilie, Grayest and colors, at GILL'S CXTY GALLERY, an 14yr) to. 90 East Coal. EULER, 1111P.SEMAN & wiroLEAATA A.ISD RETAIL LINALERS IN ' COAL, OP, Mg BAST QUALITY. Tin—CON. WATER ST. AO PA.. Oinnow , N Q. $ EAST MANGE ST., LANCASTER PA. P4a3 Nay •latve. Lancaster .....11: 5 a. m 11 .....b:115 p.m Columbia .....9.'26 a. m -9:25 a. m 11 p. m •-- • , . . - . %,._ . ~ ..„ k 1 , I - • ----' t !- ..:' k - 1 f q - - ~ , , 1 t., • t •la _ -,J . . . 1 ----i - ;a -=-' t• --1 . ...- • 1 4, v 1 ' --------. ,- 1 11 P. , L.' ‘‘ 701 th malice towards none, with charity Jbr G' care for him who shall have borne the battle, and ~_ all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us 4.. for his widow and his orphan, to do alt whiels nay to tee the right, let us stripe on to fi nish the work achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace re are in; to bind up Ike nations wounds; to among ourselves and with all nations."—d. Z. VOL. 11. Claim Agency. JAMES BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MILITARY' AND NAVAL CLAIM AGENT, No. 56 East King-st., Lancaster, Pa. Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and having a large experience, prompt attention will be given to the following classes of claims: BOUNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and Sailors. BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted for not less than 2 or 8 years, or were honora bly discharged for wounds received. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re ceived or disease contracted in said service. PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War of 1812. PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em ployees of the Government. PAY due for horses lost in the United Slates service. CHARGES.—Fees fair and moderate, and in no Case will charges be made until the money is collected. [dee 26Iyr* Insurance. THE OLD PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA ACCUMULATED CAPITAL, $2,000,000, After paying Losses to the amount of $1,110,000 CHARTER PERPETUAL An the Surplus Dividend amongst the Policy Udders every year THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN TILE CITY OR STATE. For further information apply to JOHN J. COCHRAN, Agent, no2o-tfl I•. 0., Lancaster, 1 1=1•-• d Mom= t: .a. Gl4 GI A .' 61 t 4 ,-. e i c...v 'cl 0 S 2 .....4 w., OM% i .,~" tt ~ E r 'e f„,' '' S;) p w ` , .' 2 4 *1 a r-. UO2 Po c) 0 ;) 4, g v; . 0 LJ R imi...6 = W a. 4 .-1 ,:, A" ,s fr, If, w . ..' .4 ~ t. 004 C s. . R Mg IMIEN4 'ls E r _ 4 , t sT, x p . z., ,;,' -9; pe. W L pi = .. 4 44 g' co . E a cs 4 : 14 C.) 4. 1 c 4 Ei l' i M 1 ,...= C. 2 C..) ...+ c 4 CI to d o :2 E 4 4iN" „I, ` .4 tlir r 4 § - I==o a r t ti o 4 E Emil CO i gN I=2 1 :-. -1 f,l M 1 sr, r r _, 0 tr, Mg ca 1-- (::1 g ;715, Z mec p N r.l E.( ...) ~ 1,14 = A W 8 iel P 4 / f, 1 ,4 151 M * 671.11 `1 4" Pr?'" Li ...4 N ~... • zEts a0.c12 %.,o‘.. F. 0 ,0 4, P kem c WM 0.4 .E.l 'SATO 3 I pam .-4°71'.4 -. o' 2 -- 0 V.M2 gal' "! -1-, WORLD MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO NEW YORK, NO. 160 BROADWAY J. F. FRUEAUFF, General Agent for Penn'a. NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Above J. F. Long it Son , s Drug Store.) . This Company offers more SOLID and REAL inducements than any other Life Insurance Company in the country. Send or call and get a Circular. Active solicitors male or female, wanted in }state. every township in the Uarsl-6m• Sewing Machines. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE, FOR EVERYBODY! As a Holiday Gift to a Sister, Wife or Friend, they are useuryseied. The Farmer wants it for lds Family. The Dress and Cloak Maker prefers The Seamstress wants it, because its work is sure to sire setkiteetlea. The Tailor has long ago decided it to be the best for ilia business. The Csiage Trtintner cannot do without itf and the shoe Fitter ands that, after all, the HONE is the machine for him. Sooner ar later, everybody will have the HOWE MACHINE. Every Haebilus is worftnted. Evert onemay be the possessor of one of them unrivalled =saltines, as we endeavor to make the terms of Sale stilt all our customers. We earnestly invite all, i whether thiz i parpose purchasing or not, to call and get mens of the Work executed by us on the Owg MA. CHINN, _and compare it with the work done by ot rehert. niachlueg. We arc willing to abide by the sul C. FATE, A gem, '4lo°lB- 26 North ueen Street. .13ook Binding. G W EORGE lANT, BQOK-BINDER AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. BLANK BOOKS, For &Wok Menhapta, County Maas, &a., made to order.- EQOK BINDLNO, In all ita branohak prompt ly attended! to. Moo 4.3 m. LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1869. fsettg. , “PADOLE YOUR OWN CANOE." Up this world, sad down this world, And over this world, and through, Though drifted about, And tossed without, Why, "paddle your own canoe." What though is heavy with clouds, Or shining a field of blue, If the bleak wind blows, Or the sunshine glows, Still, " paddle your own canoe." What if breakers rise up ahead, With dark waves rushing through, More steadily try, With steadfast eye, To "paddle your own canoe." If a hurricane rise in the midnight skies, And the stars are lost to view, Guide safely along, With smile and song, And "paddle your own canoe." Up this world, and down this world, Over this world, and through, Though weary and worn, Bereft, forlorn, Still "paddle your own canoe." Never give up when trials come— Never grow sad and blue; Never sit down With a tear or frown, But " paddle your own canoe." There are daisies springing along the shores, Blooming and sweet for you; There are rose-hued dyes In the autumn skies— Then "paddle your own canoe." Pioallancous. THE SILVER TOKEN. " There, Tina!" Mr. Bruce Medway triumphantly held up two semi-circles of silver in the air, so that they might be sure to make sufficient impression on Ernestine Cady's blue eyes, and smiled with the exultant satisfaction one who feels that he has accomplished his mission! He was a bright; earnest-looking young fellow, with gray-brown eyes and asquare firm mouth not handsome, but very manly; and as he sat there on the green wood land bank, with the hair thrown back from his broad forehead, and the sun shine mirrored in his eyes, you felt instinc tively that he was one who would make his way in the world, no matter what obsta cles might intervene. Ernestine Cady stood leaning against the guarded, mossy trunk of an immense chestnut-tree with her little feet buried in ,plumes of nodding, fragrant ferns—rural picture in blue muslin and fluttering azure ribbons. She was very pretty, with the delicate bloom and freshness of a flower— a flower that winds and frosts have never touched. " Didn't I tell you I should do it, Tina?" Ernestine took up the little file that lay on the bank. "I thought it an impossible task with such an implement as that!" "Nothing is impossible," returned Bruce, sententiously, as he passed a bit of narrow blue ribbon through a hole in the broken piece of silver. "Will you let me tie it round your neck, Tina?" "What for?" But she stooped her 'pretty head as she spoke, and let him tic the knot beneath, a cataract of pale gold curls. `• And I shall wear the other next to my heart. They are amulets. Tina--charms, if you choose so tophrase IV That silver piece carries my allegiance with it. Tina, if ever any cloud come between us—if ever we are separated---7 , " lirncell, . “Such things hare happened, dearest; but,nevertheless, in anyevent, this broken coin shall be'a token and 'a summons to me, wherever, I may be—whatever Fate may have in store. Don't look so grave, my little blue-bird. Is it so very wrong to mingle a bit of romance in our every-day life? Where are your flowers? It is time we were returning.” Through the green shifting shadows of the woods, with bloodred streams of sun set light rippling along at their feat, and delicious odors of moss and fern • and hid den flowers rising up dround, the two lovers walked homeward. Bruce Medway never forgot:the brightness of 'that drowsy August afternoon. * * * * * * * "She will come---I am sure she will comet" The dew lay like ,crain dianionds on grass and shrnbs, aa Brace walked UP aud down die little pathway by. die hidden spring, watching the mound red shield of th o rising annhangit4.above the . eastern horizon. And then he k*ked at. his Witch. " The train Win .be due in gine Surely, Tina will not let' um leave her withoat one rpconciling wort] l /lush! that must be. her footstep on the mesa." lie stepped forward, with aglad, flush ed fate , and then the chill whiteness of despair blanched every feature, as the bright-eyed little squirrel, whose tiny tread over leaves and acorn-cups had de ceived him, glided swiftly across the belt of sunshine into emerald shadow. Bruce Medway stood an instant with his brow centracted and his arms foded on his breast.: WIN he bidding farewell to the suminer that was past? And the shriek of the coming tra insound ed through• the blue purity of the air, anti the last, littlelaint sparkle of hope in the lover's breast died out. Tina had not come—Tina had forgotten him. Well, so-let it bet • And what was Tina Cady doing in the fresh morning brightney? She Was very rosy and 'reedy in her trim calico dress, with pink ribbons at her throat, and a pink verbena hanging low in her golden coils of hair—very pic turesque as she reached up her hand to break off a spray of spicy honey-suckle. "I wonder if Mr. Bruce Medway_ has come to his senses yet," thought Tina, with a toss of her head. " I shan't meas ure my nations by the rule and plummet of his lordly will, I can assure him. If I want to flirt with Pierce Marbury I shall do it!" "So you're up, eh, Tina? And as fresh as a rose, I declare!" Tina put her red lips up to kiss herbluff old father in an abstracted sort of way. She hardly saw him as he stood there. " Oh, by the way / Tinaj.forgot to give you this note last night—it was left by the hotel porter. Really, I believe my memory isn't quite as good as it was. '' Tina caught the note from her father's hand, and broke it open in feverish haste. " The train leaves at seven?" She saw the words as vividly as if they had been written in characters of jagged tire, and as she read them the old clock half-way up the wide, old fashioned staircase struck eight. It was too late—too late! The sharp thrill of agony at her heart was succeeded by a passionate feeling of resentment. " Let him go!" she said to herself, while the red pennons fluttered on her cheek. " I would not lift a finger to keep him here!" So, when Bruce Medway's earnest ap pealing letter came a day or two afterward Ernestine folded it quietly within a blank envelope, without breaking the seal, and and sent it back. Verily women are strange enigmas, even to themselves! Ernestine herself could scarcely have told why she kept the broken silver coin—but she kept it. The short threatening October day was drawing to a close; the fiery belt across the western sky was flamin e ,o. sullenly athwart the skeleton woods, and shedding a sort of aureole round Ernestine Cady's slender figure as she hurried on through the yellow, rustling drifts of fallen leaves, carrying the heavy bitsket on her arm. Just as pretty as the rosy Tiny of two years since, but paler, graver, and more sedate. Trouble had besieged the family since their migration to the grand do mains of the Far West. Tina had learn ed the serious part of life's lesson, and she had learned it well. She lifted the latched of the rudely con structed log-house and entered, with assumed cheerfulness on her face. "How are you now, father?" "Better,. I think. Come to the fire, Tina—you must be cold!" "Not a bit. lies mother come back?" "No; it's very strange she stays so long. I suppose Mrs. Ebbctts has a great deal to say, though. I don't wonder your mother is glad to get away from a.aiek room for awhile." He spoke a little bitterly, and Tiny winced as she listened, knowing that her mother had made an excuse of some neighborly errand to dispose in the near est village of such poor little odds and ends of gold chains, pins and rings as yet remained to their diminished estate. Was there anything wren" in this pious fraud? Tina almost felt as if there was! It was not pleasant to be poor! "She will be home soon, father," said Tina. "Only see what a basketful of cranberries I have gathered out in the swamps! This will make the barrelful. and Mr. Signet has promised to send it to New York with hie. Don't they look like red jewels, father? And the money will buy you anew coat." Ile smiled faintly. "I think it had better buy my little girl a new dress. Shall I help you to pick them over?" " I had.rather do it myself, father, and you must try to sleep awhile." Half an hour later Tina came through the room with a scarlet shawl thrown over her head,*andit wistful, sacred look iu her eyes. "You are not going out again, my child?" " Only up to the cranberry swamp, father, it isn't dark yet; I—l have lost something;" " A ribbon or a collar, I supposes" said Mr. Cady to himself, as he lay watching the crimson glare of the October sunset; while Tina, putting aside low tangled bushes, and searching bits ofrank,swampy grass, was repeating to herself, in quick nervous words: "How could I lose it? Oh, how could I be so careleie!" But the search was all in vain; and the chill twilight sent her home dispirited and unsuccessful. And Ernestine Cady cried herself to sleep that night, just because she had lost the broken silver coin. * * * * * * * " You'll be, sure - to come, Mr. Medway? I want to introduce the successful, author to my friends. You are to be my lion. You will come?" " Yes, I will come if you wish it!" Bruce Medway went dreamily on his way, and Mrs. Lyman whispered to one of her fashionable friends that ",she was quite sure Mr. Medway had been crossed in love—he was sodeliciously melancholy." The table was superbly spread—Mrs. Lyman's diallers were always co/awe i/ fact—and, through the sparkle of cut glass, and translucent glow of painted china, you saw baskets and epergnes and pyramidal boquets of magnificent hot house flowers. As one of the Beau Brum mels of the day bad said, "It was like looking at a beautiful picture to dine with Mrs. Lyman." The dessert was in its first stages, when the pretty hostess leaned coaxingly across to Mr. Medway. • "Do try some of these little cranberry pates, Mr. Medway; I have just received a barrel of the most delightful cranberries from my dear old Uncle Signet, in lowa." Bruce was idly striking his fork intothe little crimson circlets, quite unconscious of what he was eating. "Yes, they are very nice," he said me chanically. And then he bent down to see what bit of extraneous white element was glimmering through the ruby trans lucency. Only a broken silver coin. lie took it out and looked at it, the familiar date and die, all unconcious of the buzz of voices and ring of idle laughter all around him—looked at it with a vague superstitious thrill stealing all over his nature—and he could almost hear his pulses beat under the soft pressure of the otheigkall of this silver piece, for he still wore it nexb his heart. "From lowa, did you say, Mrs. Lyman?" " From my uncle, Squire Signet, who lives in the Far West." " What part of lowa is it that—that produces such a harvest of cranberries?" Datersville, I believe, near the Owasca river." And then the conversation branch ed off into some different channel. Bruce Medway had found out all that he wished to ascertain on that one occasion. "A token and a summons to him, wherever he might be!" Bruce remem bered the words he had spoken two years ago, and his loyal heart gave a great leap as the memory _flooded it with warmth and brightness.** "Cranberries?—yes—l remember 'em," said old Squire Signet, biting the end of his cedar pencil. "Crop was uncommon good this fall; old Cady 's daughter brought them here to sell by the peck.", To sell Bruce began for the first time to appreciate the tides trouble that eddied of round the serene little islet of Ernestine's heart. " Where do they live - family, I mean?" " See that ar' old blasted pine down in the holler? Well, just beyond there a road leads down past Cady's. Won't stop a little longrrl Well, good e ven in', Squire." And Bruce Medway walked down through the orange twilight to where the skeleton arm of the blasted pine seemed to point to the light in a far-off window-- walked to meet the dearest treasure of his heart! Through the uneurtained panes he could see the tiuy room all bright and ruddy with cheery fire-light; the slender drooping figure sitting alone on the hearthstone with its golden shine of • hair and the thoughtful bend of its neck. And he opened the door softly and wen in. "Tina'," She put back her hair with both hands, and looked at him as if she fancied herself under the delusion of some spell. "You summoned me, and I have come. Tina, my love, shall the old times return to us once more? Shall we be all the world to each other once again?" It was full nine o'clock by the silver studded time-piece of the stars before Bruce Medway rose to take his departure. "But tell me one thing, Bruce," said Ernestine, laying her hand lightly on his, as they stood protracting their lover-like adieux on the door-stone in the frigid moonlight, " what did you mean when you said I had summoned you?" He drew a little box from his breast pocket, and smilingly held up a bit of silver. "And I wear its mate close to my heart, Tina:" "Bruce--surely that is not my half of the coin?" "It was .your half, Tina." "And where did you find it!" "One of these days I will tell you, dear —not in a very romantic juxtaposition, however. You remember what I said to you when we divided the silver piece be tween us!" As if Tina had forgotten one word or syllable of those old days. *•** * * * * The Iron hand of time had swept away all those tokens of lang syne now. Mr. Medway is a middle-aged, bald-headed member of society, and Mrs. Medway has white hairs mixed with the golden bright ness of her braids; but she keeps the worn bit of silver and its sweet associations still, Ansi believes most firmly in true-love and romance. • gather Itbralutin'o JOUN C. ThtEciammuou arrived in Bal timore on Saturday week. THE latest report about Jeff. Davis is that he has the heart disease. A LADY was robbed of 810,000 in the passenger cars of Baltimore on Saturday. GEN. ITANcocx will not be a candidate for any civil office while he remains in the army. AN Illinois county, with a voting pop ulation of 10,000, has produced 9( divorces within a month. MATT. 11. CARPENTER, the new Sena tor from Wisconsin, always temperate, has become a teetotaler. Mn. CRITTENDEN, of Brooklyn, built a house in which to receive General Grant last Monday night. TUE greatest orator in the present Howe of Representatives is said to be Mr. Mullins, of Tennessee. DIE political campaign of 180 will open with the following State elections: New Hampshire, March Connecticut, April 4; Rhode Island, April 7. A Governor is to be chosen in each. CASH RATES OF ADVERTISING TN FATHER ABRAHAM. Ten lines of Nonpareil const It lite a square„ . • TIME. X •,y; ; 8 ti , t 1---- 1 week 75 $ 1 40 $ 2 10 $ 3 50 $ 6.00 $ 11 50 2 weeks... , 1 20, 180 270 450 8 00 1 14 00 3 weeks...l 150 220 330 600 10 00 17 00 1 month.... 175 2 00, 3 90, 700 12 00! 20 00 2 months.. prfill 400 600 10 00 20 00 33 50 3 months.. 4OD 00; 0 00' 15 00 30 00, 66 00 6 months.. 700 11 00' 16 50 2iS 00 40 00' 70 00 1 year 12 00' 20 00 30 00 40 00 *0 00 120 00 Executors' Notice 02 80 Administrators , Notice Assignees , Notice Auditors' Notice.. SPECIAL NOTICES—Ten cents a line for the first insertion, and Seven cents a line for each subsequent insertion. REAL ESTATE advertisements, Ten cents a line for the first insertion and rive cents a lmq for each additional insertion. NO. 14. WALL KINDS or JOB PRINTING executed with neatness and despatch. WitEN a man takes more pleasure in earning money than in spending it, hehas taken the first step toward wealth. ANDREW JORNSON has either bought himself, or some of his friends for him, a very large estate in Eastern Tennessee. ANDREW JOHNSON is passing the few days he has yet left of his Presidential term, in pardoning counterfeiters, mail robbers and revenue swindlers. ANDREW JOHNSON leaves the White House on the 4th of March next. " The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord." THE State Temperance Convention at Harrisburg on the 234 of this month, will, it is anticipated, be a grand affair. Exten sive arrangements have been made to accommodate delegates from all tho societies. D. R. LOCKE, (Nasby) at the close of his present lecture tour will have deliver - - ed two hundred and thirty lectures, yield ing him the handsome sum of $40,000 gross receipts, or say $.10,000 with all ex penses paid. Tiu paid fire department question is the absorbing topic of conversation among the firemen and citizens generally, of Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Rivalry andrioting are the causes of the talked of change. Ex-Gov. WISE, who hung John Brown and thanked God there were no free schools in his vicinity, is becoming penitent. He now thanks God for the late war, because it has freed him and his heirs forever from the curse of slavery. A DARKEY gives the following reason why the colored race is superior to the white race. lie reasons thusly: "All men are made of clay, and like the weer• schaum pipe, arc more valuable when highly colored." WISCONSIN has certainly a " carpet bag', Legislature. Of the twenty-two Senators, not one was born within the limits of the state, and of the one hundred members comprising the House of Dele gates, but two were " to the manor born." -Mr. Cady's ADVERTISING is merely making an ex, tension of your shop front in the newspa pers. You display your articles in the window where a few hundred see them, and in a newspaper you enumerate what you have for sale and thousands, are there by attracted to your store. AN insane man, named Hoefer, of Han nibal, Mo., murdered his daughter on the fith inst. He strangled tier with a strap, then cut her body in two, and otherwise mutilated the corpse. Ile was arrested. When asked why he committed the deed, he replied that he offered her as a sacrifice to Christ. The girl was tcu years of age. THE lumber regions in the norhernt part of Wisconsin are infested by mice as if a plague of Egypt had come upon the country. They have overrun the lumber camp, and even drive the horses and cat tle from their feed boxes, eat clothing, boots, socks and caps, nest in the beds, etc. Every supply team now going into the " pineries" has a box of cats upon it. THEY evidently " live" in Chicago. The following are the headings of a single paper on one day: " More Blouily Af frays," "Deadly Weapons," "The Axe, the Revolver, and Beer Mugs." "The head of a Detective Laid Open by Blows from a Hatchet," "Shooting of a White Boy by a Negro in Clark street," "A Bartender Badly Pounded with Beer Glasses." THE Executive Council of the Philadel phia Board of Trade estimate the product in money, of the coal, iron and oil of this State, for the last year, at $1,0.7)5,000,000. This is a greater sum than is produced by all the gold bearing States and Territor ies, and yet it is the yield of only the mineral product of the State, leaving the vast agricultural and other sources of her wealth out of view. IT is now absolutely certain that the new Congress will meet on the 4tk of March. Very many important measures cannot be acted on during this session, and it is requisite that they should be passed upon. In the next House there will be more democrats than in the pres ent House, but the new Senate will have fifty-Owe Republicans to eleven Democrats, GEORGE S. TWITCIIELL, JR., the Pit delehia murderer, secmg,to realize his nation, and spends mulch time in reading, religious works and listening to his min ister, .Dr. Bringhurst. Ile is quiet and docile, his manner being described as amiable and winning. Ile still protests, however, that he knows nothing of the crime for which he is to be hanged. A movement has been made by citizens of Philadelphia to secure his pardon by Goy. Geary. A RECENT statistical publication says that in the United• States there are Mt daily papers, 4,4'25 weekly, and •277 month ly—total 5,244. The number of printing offices exceeds 6,000. la addition then are 56 tri-weekly papers, 63 semi-weekly, 46 semi-monthly publications, 267 month ly, and '24 quarterly, making the total number of all American publications 5,734, or of newspapers proper, a total of 5,353. G EN. Sheridan has lately had a " big talk" with a numbcr of Indian Chien; on our Western frontier. They came to him and told hint they were going to bawls themselves for the future, and thelr mint cd to be friends again with the while men. Sheridan listened to them very patiently, and then made his speech, as follows; "Let us have peace. The G (Mu:amid "will trent you fitirly, and if 'you, don't "behave yourselves you will get cleaned "out. Go!" }2 O E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers