ORl&IB AL CHEAP CASH STORE Always bn Top! Through the Cash Ststem we enjoy advantages others never think of. n Workingmen look to your in tercstslanclyiote what We offer You. 700 yards oi good 'Apron G ngh&ms at 6c a yard, selling everywhere at 0 aud 7c 600 yrds ot handsome new Outing FUnnels at 7c a yard. Kegular 10s goods. 1000 yards of pretty Sateens at 8 1-2 cants a vard, worth 11 aad 12 cents. Wo baye coutracted for sixty dozen Msn's Fine It'nlte Shirts, part of which have already arrived, They are made of Extra. Quautt muslin, are to-enforced In front and back, have doe linen bosoms and wristband and are well stayed, Ibey are well made In every respect, and are worth OOe. Oar Price It 39c. An Unparalleled Uarcain In Neckties I Fifteen doxen men'i satin ter.k scarfs In new spring it) lei, 2 for 20c Other offer tbem as bargains at 25c a piece. We are determined to maintain the lead which we have held for the past fourteen year. Our prices will always be found to be below those who claim to be the lowest. J. T. NUSBAUM, Mist Street, between Bouth and Flum Streets, Lehighton. rat. The Carbon Advocate SATUllDAT. MARCH 7, 1801. TII1NC18 TALICKD ABOUT. Matters of Local Interest Spicily Written for Oar Hearten. Almost even day accidents occur on the railroads hereabouts resulting In the Injury and often times death of brakemen In coupling cars, which has prompted 11 r. Ferry, of Carbon county, to Introduce a bill lu the Legislature making It Imperative for railroad companies to put safety coup lings on alt their cars so that the lives of the brakemen would not be In continuous peril, and since that time, letter have come to him from all pans of the Slate, from Tralntnens' organizations encoutae- Ing Mm In hi, laudable effort to protect them from the many dangers that threaten (hem while coupling cars. Mr. Ferry does not as vet know what fate his bill will meet with. Many are inclined to think that there sbonld bo a law. of this kind enacted by Congress for the protection of trainmen, as hundred of cars from other railroads In other States pass through this one, that are far more dangerous than our own. At anv rate ift. Ferry's btll has drawn attention to this fact, and there seems to be a sentU ment that will soon regulate the matter and make the calling of a railroad man less dangerous! For this alone be will re ceive the praise ot all railroaders. Tele pram, Ashland. By It was a pastor In one of out church es who said recently, and with much truth, that ".here are things occurring In this town that would put the heathen to shame." This might seem a pretty broad assertion but nevertheless it Is true. It one-fourth the happenings In this town were published to the world it would show a compendium of vice and crime tnai would, according to an old taking, even "shame the devil." ltlia fact, husband and father, wives and mothers, sons and daughters are continually breaking God's almighty law. What will It lead tof The ultimatum Is hard to determine, though the conclusion should be plain. Is there so law to prevent this open debauchery of married men and married women? If not, we lament the result! SSTbe owner of a New York museum was In Jeanesville one dav recently and falling to secure thi service of the fotr men who were taken irom tne uoodtd deanesvu n mine alter oeins eniomoea nlneteen days wttnout rood, arms and very lime air, engaged iour Hungarians 101 impersonate mem at a sa ary ei i! per i week and expenses. He also secured the services of I ho yo'tng man tionde, who went Into the mine with articles for the suffers at a 15 salary. This joung fellow will do the lecturing. This argregatlon wl I be palmed off on the New York public tor the next six inontns as tne only survl vors of a fearful disaster. C2T"The present Legislature will be re quired to make anew apportionment of the tneinoers pi me tiouse oi ueprcsentatives to accord with the population as shown by the recent census. The Constitution re quires that the members shall be appor tioned among the counties on a ratio ob tained by dividing the population of the State by 200. The census oi iau reports the noDUlatlon to be 6. 258.014, thedlvlslon of which by 200 gives 20,200 as the ratio of reoresentatlun. Every county Is entitled to one representative without regard to the extent of Its population. For every ratio there shall be a representative, and atsoone where there Is a fraction exceeding half a ratio. Centre conn y. for example, has a population of 43,200. This does not amount to two full ratios, which would be 62.550. Bat as the fraction Is more than half a ratio she will retain her two repre sentatives. The ratio Is sufficiently high to deprive a number of counties of one member. The counties that wl 1 each loss a member are Adams. Belford. Bradford Ches er, Clarion, Columbia, Crawford, Huntingdon. Indiana, Lancaster, Law. rence. Mercer, Schuylkill, Somerset and Wavne. Allegheny wl I gain four mem bers, going up from 10 to 20, aud eachpf the following counties will gain one : Ilia r. Clearfield, Jefferson. Lackawanna, Luzerne and Northumberland, l'nlladelplila wi re tain her present number of representatives, 89, and Carbon county win nave only one. Aboat Good Itoads, Qood roads are among the surest badges ot a hlvh state ot clvllzatlnn. This Is the aspiration ot all communities In which life Is worth living. The aggregate worry, dis comfort and loss of 'Itue caused by boggy roads.whlcb In some localities fora portion of the year are an interdiction on traffic an.l social commiin cation, is appalling. In this respect the most of the rural townships In Pennsylvania, and In Its wealthiest and oldest counties, sbow little imnrovemenl alnea their colonial days. There are more roads than there were a bewildering maze of tbsm in some townsnips-otii rasa mag- B2,0j ".it v Jiin 'BIOu In the days of Ben Franklin. HuisWBSh&toNPMf Imrostert exposod-CaU atE ifanchChnMr ?. W ' StoM' ffolfe Mauch Chunk Jewe'ry Store, As we haver the means financially, we have bought tile largest lot ot watcbes ever brought into this section of Pennsyl vanla. We will ahrw the lsritst assort ment, handsomest deslcas, and at prices that will pay you a good day's wages lo! nnrehaae heie. A look will satisfy yon. that we do as we advertise. Don't forget the place to gel a watch at tbe right price, ts at E. H. Hobl's Maucb Chunk Jewelry Store. Lost A Wiles gold breastpin, between tha Lutheran e (lurch and tbe residence ot Lewis Frltx. ft flndsr will be suitably VtlhlUMtIIUUUlllKl. topics or TOWN. Bits ot Lol Goailp Sandwiched with Timely Topic and Made IaUrestlna; Beading for Our Readers t Agitate two wards. Will vou have your residence num bered f The Methodist Suuday school will have a new library. Our schools have entered on tbelr last three inonht. WANTED-11000. Oood security. Ap ply at this office. Full line of Ingrain and Brussels car pets at Henry Schwartz's. llur wall papers, Dorders and decora tions from lllory, Welssport. The best stocked Jewelry store In this section, Is Ilohl's Mauch Chunk. Hire your team from David Ebbert's livery. Prices lowest and best attention, Blank & Shaw, of Pottsvtlle, were In town this week remodelling Obert's steam heat apparatus. One hundred and thirty-five hogs were slaughtered at Obert's butchering establish ment. Tuesday. Eugene Everltt, of town, will take possession of the popular Packerton Hotel on or about March 10. Franx Ttoederer was at his place of business Saturday, the first time after bslng laid up for a week with sickness. Dr. Zern will commence building In this town, on the corner of Third and Iron streets as soon ms the weather opens. Dr. V. F. Danxer, the eve, ear and nose specialist, ot Haxleton, will be at the Exchange Hotel on Friday March 0th. Lewis Walck will work the old lleber llng farm just vacated bv L. 3, Qo'dt, who wi I launch In the geneial store business Twelve new machines were placed In the Lehlgblon Knitting A111 Monday, mak ing the whole number now In use, thirty. About one hundred persona partook of Hie holy communion In the Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday morning last. A larger and cheaper stock of watches, silverware, c, than ever before Is now offered for sale by S. Hagaman, Lehighton, Penna. Dec. G-flm. When yon buy wallpapers, borders or decorations don't fall to call at tilery's Welnpart drug store, 3few stock and lowest prices. Expressman Jeff Bremer drives two new bav horses Just purchased from horse man Itlnker, of Slatlnglon. The animals make a spanking team. Go to niery'a drug store, Welssport, for wall paper's borders and decorations. Largest new line of goods In Carbon county and prices very low. It was a very small audience, numer cally speakinz, that witnessed the produc tion of the "Broom-maker" In the Opera House on Friday evening. Ic was a good show, however, Night watchman ITAt Kresge keeps his left eye peeled from nine o'clock at night until Bve In the morning. He make an A 1 watchman and should be supported uy me mercnanis. During the absence of the pastor, Rev. O W. Dungan. Itev. Trethewav. a local dlvlue, will fill the pulpit In the Aethodlst " i !;S There will be no services In the evening. The Lehighton Knitting Mill on Fri day received an order from a New York dealer for ten cases, or 1000 dozen hose. The outlook for lbl new industry Is verj bright and encouraging to the stockholders. Council organized Monday evening bj electing F. P. Lentz, secretary, and Moses Uellman, treasurer. No furthur business was transacted owing to the absence of Uurgess Kuutz who Is confined to the house with Illness. Post Commander Josephs. Webb Is making arrangements for the production of Fred Stein's thrilling military drama lu the Opera House for the benefit of John D Uertolelle Post, 484, some time duling the early part oi April Manager Weland of the Opera House uas ciosea tne meairicai season Tor tms town. He Is to be comDlImenled on the Tact that although be met with failure, he gave our people the advantage of seeing tuorouguiy urs cisss snows, Toe friends of Jeweler AI Campbell assembled at his home on First street Thursday evening last, the occasion ot his twenty-seventh blthday anniversary, and treated him to a genuine surprise party. It was a-happy event for all present. Indications for a building boom In this ton n during the coming spring and summer are good. To the list of persons who will build, already published, Is added Henry Graver, our popular young brick manufacturer, who will er:ct a residence In tne south end. "Social Purity, or Love. CoartshlD and Jfarrlage." will be the subject of a vert Interesting and Instructive lecture In the Opera House on tne evening of Thursday. win inst. At tne same lime an interest- ing yocal and musical program will be re cited. You should go. This town will very likely soon have a suit for damages on Its hands. Aaron Miller, who recently broke bis right shin bone ov sieDDing from a Davement nro- jection In tie south end, having expressed an opinion mat no win institute suit lor recovery ot damages, Rev. J. S. Newhart has been appointed pastor of the Lehighton and Slatlneton charges bv the iiowinsn Conference of the Evangelical Association and the Anti-Bowman conference l as appointed Rev. A. M. Sampsel, the present Incumbent. There will be music some where. Don't fall to Inspect the new stock rf silverware receiveu to-aay. flow, lor s wedding present, that Is handsome, use ful and good, that can not be seen else where In this yaclnlty. E. H. Hohl, the Aiaucn ununa jeweier, win snow yon tne best assortment outside or toe cities, Recently a number of boys were sus pended from school owing tu bad behavior. rarenls shou u enaeayor to inculcate Into heir progenia correct respect for their eiaers. uome teacning is What counts.and children that nave It can verv easily be dls ungulsned iron those wbo nave not. The Young People's Society, of Zton's Reformed church, promise our oeoole a rare treat soon in the shape of a lecture on Johnstown, by the yalletit old hero, Gener al Hastings, of Bellefonte, who was In charge or tne stricaen city when It was passing through tue horrors ot the flood, Tobacconist I. S. Koch on Saturday clced negotiations with Charles Tiatner. of Second street, whereby be becomes the owner ot a thirty foot Iotand a small dwelling adjoining his property on the same thoroughfare. Mr. Koch's Idea In making the purchase is for the Improve ment of his residence. It will Interest all of our osoole ta learn that our former popular young townsmen A. L. Bartholomew and ram wagner, oi .Montgomery county, have launched Into the cigar manufactur ing business In Conthohocksn, Pa., tinder the firm name of Wagner & Bartholomew. We wish em success. Our young friend Will Waterbor. for some months past In the merchant tal or Ing business In Bangor with Granville Knerr, also of town, under the firm name of Knerr Jfc Waterbor, bas sold his Intsrest In the business, which will be continued by Sir, Knerr. Mr. Waterbor will make bis borne beredorlng the next bait year. Tuesday evening, the occasion of Jilts Emma Seller's blithday, her frttnds treated bei to a very pleasant surmise at the home ot her parents on north Flrt street. Those present were Misses Tlllle tnji gii. Rodent u h and Mess, j F svik Oberr. Oeorge Richard, Harvey Uoigan and Prof Mtnnlcb. Installment men and watch clnb catch H. and see how you are fleeced out of tour hard earned money. We will save yea $10 to $15 for you on one single watch sale. Call and Isam further particulars, an Investiga tion will convince yon, ana cost you noth ing as you are wen aware. A gentleman named iusner. of liorden town, N. J., was In this city during the latter part of last week, endeavoring to Interest our peools In the establishment of a novelty works in this place. Tbe city of Aiisniown oas a similar inoostry, ana from wuat we btrof lt.ll is QUlta an insti tution, empioiloa a nnmbir of men all through tbe year. Oar townspeople wbo Jsavv wkfmmi aaua Mac u las saatlar A COLUMN OF JUMBLES- Original stud (Mppd. Little Mature of Interest that ar Worth Mm Reedlnff, Lansford wants a cigar factory. Carbon county has two Jamestowns. Rubber stamps to order at Lucken bach's, Mauch Chunk. Summit Hill wants better sidewalks and Improved roadways. The Lactford ward arrangement la causing lots of bad blood, Enterprising Weatherly wants a bank , two wards, a jail and an opera house! Handsome goods for wedding and birthday presents at Luckenbach'a, Mauch Chunk. The sporting fraternity of Summit Hill and Lantford are agitating the forma tion of a bate bawl club. The man who obsetved that the largest rivers always run close to the large cities, bas also discovered that the man doing the larget amount of business generally bas the largest advertisement In his town paper. The license of Mlcheal O'Donnel, at Pleasant Hill, near Audenried, has been re voked by the hchujl kill county court. Other unsuccessful appl lean ts ot tbatplace notified the court that O'Donnel never took out all bis papers as an American citizen, but voted eight years on the first papers. This was the reason for revoking his license. An exchange says: "People get out of the habttof speaking slightingly of our1 town If anything needs censure, do jour Share rectifying or eradicating the evil before pouring out your vials ot displeasure. Generally the people who do the least for business and moral reforms are the Grit to find fau't and sharpest In their criticism.'' Correct! On Saturday evening, sajs a correspon dent, Weatherly bad a narrow escape! from a disastrous fire. A coal oil lamp took fire in the residence of Dr. P. H. Latham, on the second floor. The servant girl was standing by and was much alarmed, but ihe retained sufficient presence of u Jnd to throw It Into the bath tub. The shock caused It lo explode In the tub and the flames spread out very rapidly but fortun ately were extinguished before material harm was done. Mr. Hugh Ferry, the member 'from our county In the House of Representatives at Harrlsbnrg, Is doing very well. He has the good sense not to set himself up as the biggest statesman of America and make a fool of himself, but he closely watches the Interests of bis constituents and as a work ing member he commands more than aver age respect In Legislative circles. He ts only one member In two hundred, but as to business caDaclty he counts much more than the average. He Is a faithful public servant. Democrat. ritOl'LE ON TUE OO. Flash Pictures of Familiar Faces Coming and Golns. ohn Seldle circled at Allen town on Saturday. Fred Horlacber, ot Slatlneton, was In town Monday. Mrs. A. K.Sntder, of Alburtes, visited friends In town over Sunday. A. C Broadhead spent a few dsn this week with Bethlehem friends. Miss Lenora Key. spent Sunday with Hazleton relatives and friends. ifrs. Thos S. Beck, of Bethlehem, re turned home Monday after a pleasant visit to old friends here. Mrs. John Pettlt. of Bethlehem, spent Sunday with ber daughter, Mrs. H. V. Morlhlmer, jr., on uanicway. Charles Wagner, of tewn. has accepted position with Wagner !fc Bartholomew. cigar manufacturers, Consbobocken, Fa. Our'old and esteemed friend H'llllam Thompson, of Upper Mauch Chunk, was in lown Saturday ana aroppea in to tee us. Faust Hatmakerandslster.Miss Sarah. after a pleasant visit to J. IK. Raudenbush and family, returned to Ithaca, N. Y., on ruetday, Zelrdt. Jeanesvlllo's crack pitcher, who worked Leblghtou hard ou one or two oc casions last year, was In town for a few hnnrt nn Kitnrriav. Misses AlIceBortz and Jflllle Scbwerer. two of Allentown's fairest and most ac complished daughters, are ilslling Jlis dtrauss, on Mahoning street. Aflss Delia il. Defrehn. of this city. Is taking a course at the American Business College at Allentown, and makes the trip lo and from said place each clay. Rev. Oeorge W. Dunean. of the M. E, church. Is in attendance at the annual ses sion of conference at Philadelphia this week. The reverend gentleman has many mends here ana wiiinoaount he reappoint' ed to the charge In this place. Bao Vail Notts. The Drlfton management are making every effort lo sign the best players In the region In order to carry on an honors dur ing the coming season. The cream of many clubs has already been signed and when the lime for base ball comes around we may expect Drlfton to trot out a first class club. Jeanesvllle la making but little efforts to strengthen tbelr club and It Is the ooln Ion of manv that the club will fall through. They still retain many or tueir oia players, however, and If a Utile caution It used in the selection of the club It will take a first class club to overcome them. The dark clouds have apparently clear ed away and the coming base ball season again looks bright and encouraging, Manager Ileber has already signed the fol lowing Dlavers! Lukens. Simmons. Brink, man, iiantz, Nusbaum, Itelchard, Yenser, Rehrig, Schafer, Chambers, Cbristman and Albright. The old Leylston club Is a thing of the past. The old players are scattered all oyer the country and the material now growing up are unable to take their places. Leylston had the best team In the region a few years ago. All were miners or mine laborers wbo worked hard for their mite. Resolution of tiondoloaoa. Lxiiioiiton, PA, Mar. MsSI. WiivBicAfi. It h&a nleased Almlchtv find In his divine providence to take from our midst, Sallle J. Gauel.an esteemed and faithful mem ber ot Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Sunday scnoci, anu Wiiebkas. The Intimate relation held by the deceased with the members of this school, ren ders It proper that we should place upon record our appreciation of ber faithfulness as a scholar! .Kfl, That we deplore her loss with deep feelings of regret, mldgated only by the con fident hope that her spirit Is with those bo havlag tomtit the good gght here, are enjoying pcritvl nappinoss, iu uiutr wimu. Biielttd. That we tender the bereaved famllv our sincere eondolence and earnest sympathy In their bereavement. . , uimi, inaiineM resolutions no rnotea in theCABBOR Advocatx and a copy be sent to ino pcroavca lajnuy. O. A.GLAUB8, WM. ZKIINKB. L. J. UAUSMAN. commltU Deposod from tha Ministry. An Allentown dispatch ot the 2nd lost says: The Bowman Evangelical Conference this morning aepesea irom tne ministry and expelled from tbe cburcb the Rev. N. A. Barr of Adamstown. for gross slander and defamation of character. Tbe Rev, S P. Sprang brought tbe charges, on the strength of postal cards written bi Barr to Sprang, In which occur these words: "HOD ingerso i is tne cnampion Diaspna- mer. you are last caininctne reputation of being the entropion liar of America. If you nave a superior nmuiMunBr, isoru. Bowman and Yeakls. Not for all the bis hops' bats, historical chairs, and editorial tripoas in me worm wouia i want 10 ds la yoar place. Yours in pity." A Vw Organisation. The Lehighton Branch of Jfercbants Re tail Commercial Agency, ot Chicago, III., was organized last evtnlpg In the reading room of the Exchange uotei, wun tne fol lowing omcers! rresiaent, ii. u. uryan vice president, Geo. H. Kemerer; secretary, O. A. Claussi treasurer, David Ebbert Executive Board: J. L. Gabal, C. T. Horn U. II. Peter. J. E. Drelbelblea and O. Saeger. Tbe organization Is composed of the representative business men of Lehigh ion and IFeUjport, and has a membership of IT- The object is protection and wa hops that those ot oar baslness men wbo arc sot yet mass Wars will Jela L Iky sjasd stasjssmJs? sBSTstaBl ritOM MAUCK CHUNK. Tli County Capital Spiritedly Hpltomlled by BfKalal Camapoadant. Pronal nd Otherwise. titangley, the murderer, sentenced fo ha ig on the 27lh. says ha Is prepared to dl. The annual services of 40 hours devo tlim begins In the chutch uf Immaculate Concep.lon on the 15th. The St. Aloyslus T. A. B. Society, will hold a grand ball at the Mansion House, on Easter Afonday evening. Mu tch Chunk bas thirty-two electric lights f.'r which they pay the neat, Power and Electric Light Company 9)3,200. Ed. U. I.elsenrlng, of this town, made One of a party of a dozen who salted from New York on Saturday on the steamer Carrlbbee for the East Indies. The County Commissioners have de cided that tbe mercantile appraisement be published In the Cabdok Advocate, Lansford Ittcord and M. Chunk Qatetle. Ex-Congressman Klotz, ot Afauch Chunk, who was reported to be seriously 111, called at the Times office last night on his way to Washington In as good health as ever. Though past bis seventieth year.the veteran Is. full of vigor and unflagging in his Democratic enthusiasm. Sunday's Phlla Times. The new council organized Mondav evening. John Faga was re-elected bur gess; Simon Lauriah, chief police; Jacob Loose, secretary; Ira G. Ross. Treasurer; solicitor, W. O. Krejman: market clerk, Nathan Fcgtey. Tbe salaries were tlxed as fellows: Town Clerk, S125 per sear; Trea surer, $25; Solicitor, $25; Street Commis sioner, $100; Chief Engineer, $35; Assist ant .Engineer. iu: rirsi aw roiicrman. $35 per month; Second Ward Policeman, $10 per month; Market Clerk,. $1 50 ier day. Frank Ward -had a bearing before Justice James J. Boyle, Monday morning, on a charge of assull and battery, with at tempt to commit rape, preferred by Mrs. Cora J. Eckert, wife of Harry E kerf, says the Tlmes.The complainant and her family lived In a house belonging to the accused in Upper Aiauch Chunk. Ward wns a boarder with the family, and the alleged of fense Is said to have been committed dur ing tbe absence of the husband, on Thurs day, February 10. The Kckert household vacated the premises the next day. . Hon. E M. Mulhearn appeared for tbe accu.cd at the healing. At the conclusion of Mm. Eckert's testimony, the justice held Ward the sum or fow ball for bis appearance In Court. Eckert Is employed on the Ccn tra'i railroad and formerly lived at Lehigh ton. JEAKKSVIXLK. Owing to the scarcity of cars the breakers hereabouts are working only four and five days a week. John Heppenwblte for two years Dsst night operator at Audenried for the Valley Company, bas been promoted to day opera tor at Beaver Meadow. George Csnder died Mondav after an Illness of only a few days with pneumonia. tie leaves a wile and fo'ir small chrdren. Previous lo coming here Cander was a resi dent of Tamtqua. Memorial services In honor ot Law rence Reed, Harry Ball, Samuel Porter and James Griffith, victims of the flooded mine were held Satnraav. Rev. J. B. Schafer. of Hazleton, officiated, Tbe Young Men's Catholic Beneficial Association will participate in the St. Patrick's demonstration at Hazleton on the 17th. They will wear a rosette and white glove, Instead of tbe regalia worn in previ ous years. Since the water has been pumped out ot NolO slope there has been manv stangers in the ill-fated slope, t hey enrab over the rains and up the breasts to see where the poor miners died, and to see where the four men were found alive. There have been many tokens taken out of tbe mines. Some have taken pieces ef the half burnt coal wnicu tne men used in trying to make the Ore. A great many of these men renre- sent themselves as newspaper men. The woikof cleaning up tbe debris has com menced and soon tne wheels or industry win row ou in no. iu siope just as it noth Ing had happened. Tbe dead will In i short time be forgotten by all, except by ineir menus irom oeiore wnose ares tne gloomy scenes of a week ago wl 1 never fade, The four men rescued aro doing well, and win in a snort time be right again. ItAIXKOAD GOSSIP Ed Hough and Henrv Swartz are the only engineers living InuMiIs town who are lo the employ of the Jersey Central rail road. The Department of Internal Affairs Is about to If sue a new railroad and count i map ot Pennsylvania, and it will go out with Secretary Stewart's annual report upon me raiiroxus oi me state. A Bethlehem mechanic has Invented a car coupler after seven years' hard work. and will have the same patented, As there are exactly 7.627 other patented car couple ers, ine inventor has good reason to feel happy. The Lehigh Yallev Railroad Company Is erecting a building 30x40 feet, at Perth Am dot tor tne accomodation ot tbe train men who have to stop over at that mint The building will be two and a half stories high, contain 11 sleeping rooms and will be heated by steam. The flyer on tbe Lehigh Valley Rail road over Us new road Into New York, which was opened last week, is one of the fastest trains in tbe country, running 61 miles the first hour, making two afons. and the remaining 20 with a scheduled time of mile a minute. Sorely no grass grows under tne "nyei' Tbe Pennsylvania Railway lines will accept no flat ears loaded with lumber un less mere is leu space or at least is inches for the brakeman to work at tbe brake. In conseauence several connecting lines who knew nothing or tins order han tbelr curs to nnload again before tbey would be ac cepted. The officials claim that thus load ing flat cars prevents men from being Inju ries, mid in coupling -.ne cars ana in work ing tbe brakes. Passengers sill Ing In tbe easycolng.com fortable coaches have no Idea bow exciting and fearful tbe position, of tbe engineer and fireman are. Standing ready, with one hand on tbe air brake looking ahead to see what dangers may be on the road and know- ing that hundreds of passengers depend on htm lo bring men saiety to ineir aesttna tlon. the engineer's task Is Indeed a resDon slbla one. It Is so very tiring and wearing on the constitution to stand almost expect ing something to happen at every turn oi the engine and sure that there Is no escape in a collision oi in being derailed. Engi neers should be pensioned when worn out for amy. ITI-rUS OAP, Quite a number of our Little Qan folks are on the sick. David fragner. at this p!ace. Is again the happy "dad" of a handsome baby girl. some babv cm. wearapieasea to say mother and child are doing wall. Charles Oreen, merchant of this place, did business at Allentown on Wednesday last. The services which were held In the Ashland school bouse, on Saturday even ing by Rev. S. B. Stupp, was largely at tenuea. Amandns Wagner, a school teacher at Hickory Run. this county, was visiting bis parents at Little uap over sunaay. iTeslsv V. Sllfies. of this nlace. nald visit to his brother Joslab, who lives on First street, In Lehighton, over Sunday. Postmaster Geo. M. Henry, of this place, made a business trip to Lansford and Tamaqua ou Saturday last. ueo. a. uenry, or mis place, was visiting friends and relatives at Allentown oyer Sunday, Lather Onion Mooting. A special program has besn arranged for the anniversary of tbe Luther Union, on Thursday evening. March 12tb. Opening Services, conducted by Wm Ange & Ira Notusiein; jiecuauon, Li lie iteiehara ... i i tr d.uu. , ti . .r. . c?Bicvtiuu, j m. uuuiua, nrciia tlon, Anna Hauser; Dialogue; Solo, Sallle bemraer. Sketch of John tbauaptlsi, by Oscar MaJJssan; aattsttoa, AgBaaUtun NEWSY W"IS8POrtT. TlioDolngsof a tlvelyTownBrlefly Chroni cled In Short Snip-Snap Order by tho "Stroller and Chum." R. J. Hongen was doing Allentown on iuursaay, Burgess Dan Oraver was at Phlladel pbla Tuesday. Rev. J. J. Stauffer spent last Sunday in new loric city. Levi Horn and W. H. Reber circled at Allentown Saturday. Henry Trapp, and wife, of Lansford, spent Sunday in town with friends W. II. Whitehead, Jr., Is convalescing irom a rorious uiness oi several weeks. Levi Horn Is the owner of a spanking team ot new horses purchased from George anyuer oi Allentown. Rev. J. J. Stauffer. of the Reformed Congregation, will deliver Ins farewell ser mon ou Sunday, wtu instant. Miss Comfort, of Philadelphia, hat been engaged bv .Mrs. m. cuuon for tho spring aud summer millinery season. Mrs. Josiah Ruch,wearoinuch pleased to observe, is graderallv improving ttom an attack of paralysis. The aged lady Is now able to move about the house with the aid ot a crutch. Council has awarded Sylvester Snyder tbe contract to furnish one hundred trees for the new park. This plot of ground will be nicely arranged and made a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Tbe overseers of the poor of Franklin township on Wednesday sold a lot of paupers to the lest bidders. This brings out the old truism. It Is no disgrace lo be poor, but It Is devilish Inconvenient. Chailes If. Nusbaum has bought the Rev. Cbas. Becker property next door to the post office. At an early day be will re moddel the same and Improve It for store purposes. This will make a good stand. Charles Laury has sold his Lansford bakery to an Allentown party. This will likely bring hack to HVIssport our popular toting friend Henry Trapp. who has been superintending tbe above business for the past year. C. O. Schelrer, of Lehighton, Is the new Central station agent to succed J. D. tycnnlnger, deceased. Mr. Schelrer has been with the Central company for about nine years and Is a thorough railroader. He will make an excellent official. Key. Rhoads, of Ohio, delivered two very Interesting and abletrlal discourses to Urge audiences In the Reformed church Sunday last. The reverend gentleman Is a forcible nnd pleasant speaker. While here he was the gueU of Warren Seldel. Letters remain uncalled for In the post ofllco here addressed to tbe following per sons: W, H. Freyman, Charles O. Rhoads, Mrs. Aramanta Fisher. Sallle Shivery, Jane Shaffer, Afarv Arnerand Tillle Boyer Is yonr nameln tbellstr If so, can ana say advertised. The promised Improvement at the hands ot the Central railroad company are very slow In materializing. Two or three loads ot cinder were ourapeu in me aitcn between the railroad and bridge.and so tho matter rests. Council wants to hurry up the Institution. The members ot council have done a very wise thing In ordering the annual re port of the receipts and expenditures of the borough published In the Cakbox Advo oatk. Almost every tax payei reads the AnvoCATK.aml tbe report will thus receive tbe publicity that it sboul J. The Missionary Society will meet In the Lutheran Church Saturday evening, March 7 at 7.30 o clock. The following pro gram will bn rendered; solo, Flossie Heed; recitation, atinnie f enner; duet, ismns Albright Sc Lizzie iMotnsiein; soio, juaoio Albright; recitation. Delia Fenner; solo Llzz e Fennerirecitation, Ailhur wucmer. All are Invited to attend. .Tha new town council organized Itself Into a working body Monday night. Ths members are Joseph Fenner, Oliver Moyer Jacob Straussberger, A. A. Beltz, Daniel Graver and Milton Emery. Daniel Graver was elected burgess: A. A. Beltz, secretary and Jacob Straussberger, treasurer. '1 hy III meet at tbe welssport House on the firs: Monday In each month. The home of Miss fc. is. iKblteneaa. or the east side, was tbe scene of a delightful social gathering on last Tuesday evening. Games and other amusements were Indul ged In during tbe evening and those pres ent twere served with a sumptuous repast after which tbe guests left for their homes having thoroughly enjoted themselves The guests nrrsent were Misses Lucy aud Eya Romlg, Mary Fisher. Afnry, Clara and Sallle Whitehead. Jennie Gongle, and Ella Oswald, Messrs IK. II. Whitehead Jr., . H. Horn. Ed. Oswald. D. "5. Koons. W. U. Arner, Y. A. Arner, and U. A. Grayer. PUBLIC SALE KEGISTEH. Alfred E. Strohl will sell on the pre mises ot the lata Peter P. Hawk, dee'd ou the road leading from Trachsvllle lo Kresgeyille, on the 10th of March, horses, cows and a variety ot farming Implement. cnas. r. itotu, win sen on the oiu Retgel farm, Mahoning twp., on March 13, 12 o clock, valuable farm implements, furniture and live stock. T. D. ciauss.executorot tbe late Dan'l Clauss. will sell valuable real estate on the premises, Lehighton, on Jjarcu. 7, at two o clock. On the 21st of March, at 1 o clock p. m.. I'enn uowman, for the heirs, win sell Ihe old John D. Bowman farm, on thu premises in East Penu twp. Ste advertise ment and bills. On March 20 and Apt II 3, at 10 o'clock. Jac. Stelgerwalt will sell, at his residence n East Penu twp., horses, cows and a variety ot farming Irapllments. Sen bills. On March 28, at ten o'clock A. It., Mrs Ellen Beckendorf, admlnlstratorlse, will sell at Public sale, tbe house and lot on Pine street, this borough. See advertise ment and bills. -On March 20. at 12 o'clock noon. M Uellman will sell horses. Jersey cow and a variety of farming imp'ements and house hold furniture at public sale, bee adver tisement and bills. A Ran Opportunity, Rlshel. the nhotograDber. will take vou sitting for a photograph fhkc ofchauqk ii you desire to nave tne picture emergen and leave tbe order with blm. This is an usual opportunity and you should take ad- Vintage oi it. Notice t F. P. Hell has removed bts carpet works to Fred. Leuckel s place opposite tbe Carbon House. St RE POUT OF TUB CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF LKIIIflll- TON. Penna.. at the close of business. February uui, ltl. Loans and Discounts S1M.441 01 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation ao.ooo oo stocks, securities, claims, etc 41.138 03 nuo irora approved reserve agents 11,100 si Due from other National Banks 4.S11 to anKingnnme. lurmture, ana nxn irrent expenses and taxes paid . . . 1,016 ta Premiums on U. 8. Bonds iifttia inns ot utner lianas. no oo Soecte 1,763 9.CC0 Legal tender notes Bederaption fund with U. 8. Treasurer to per cent circulation; too to Total. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 75,000 00 0,58.1 00 7JS1S W 18,000 00 735 00 U7JM II II 04 Snrniusfund.. Undivided profits naiinuat iudk noioa oiuaconmug.... Dividends unpaid Individual denoalta anbterttA cheek . . Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding S 38 S.541 IS ,U3 55 ijuo louiucr jYauonai uanaa .., Due to State Banks and Bankers Total ,SW5olt STATE OF riUrSSTLVAja. I... DTtTYOrCABsOK, fDsl I. Jnn. T. fiAmmel. riiihUr nf th ehATA.nnntMl Bank, do solemnly awearthat the abovastatetjient is uuo to ui uet or my Knowledge ana hsiiei. oo i. oehhsl vasnier. 6ubscribed and tvmrn tAhaforAraethle Kthdav oi Marco, iwi. llOWABD BKAOOLDT, H. r. Co tuiKOT Attest i u. r. iiorrono. I DgMMis liAUMAX VDtrevtors. J. O. Zettv, I March y. xml , IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF CAR bon coanty of January Terra. 1891. No 1, confirmed Nisi, Jaoosry, 12, 1681. NOTIOH. Widow's amraifttnbt In tha estate of Will Gugltby IXmy.dMSMl,wi be preMntrd at our sen term oi Apru uourt. apcti l icvi, tor coo Of station aeaouiMiy, ualss eiuepuuas are UMthweta. Utfi. yr. MSJULCluk Seekff.tasa. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a pnnllar medicine. It Is ear. rally prspand Iran Sarssparllla, DttdUm, Masaralw, Dock, Itpttoewa. Jnnlpar Herri., and other wall, known and valuable vegetable remedle., by a peculiar combination, proportion and proce.1, giving to Hood's SariapartUa curative power not poe.ested by other medicines. It effects remark able cure, where other preparations fall. Hood's Sarsaparilla U the beat blood pntifler before the public. It eradicate 'erery Impurity, and caret Scrofula. Salt Rheum. Botli, rimplet, all Humore, Da pepsta, BUlousDOM, Sick Headache Indigestion. General Debility! Catarrh, KhenmatUm. Kidney and IJrcr Complaints, orercomei that tired foU Ing, creates an appetite, and bolide up the tern Hood's Sarsaparilla lias tn.t peculiar and nnparaUeled success at home. Bnch has become Its popularity In Lowell, Mais., where it Is made, that whole neighbor hoods are taking it at the same Urns. Loirell druggists sell more ot Hood's Sarsaparilla than of all other aarsaparlllas or blood purifiers. Sold by druggists. SI I six for S3. Prepared only by C. L HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosoo Ono Dollar Short Important Ad's All advertisements under this head such as lost, found, streyed, stolen, wanted, for sate nnd all minor notices not exceeding six. lines, will he Inserted at the rate of one cent a word for the first Insertion, and one had cent a word for each subsequent insertion, provldlng.how ever, that no advertisement be charged less than sscts for nslngle Insertion, and that they he paid for cash In advance. VOU 8AXE A fratr.a dwelling house on 4th street, rropetty Is nicely located and will he sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to O. W.MOKTUIMKIl. Jan 17-91 WltST MOttTOAOU for Sale, paying 8 per cent. Good and sate Investment Also, a 21-2 HTORYl'lUME HOUSE lor tale, a good ucauon anu paying a gooa inieresu t;an lor iiaitlculars on auu.1 r. on i licit, cast March 7-tf. welssport, I'a. STUllEIt'S SHAVING SALOON, opposite the ADVOCATE Offick, Is headquarters for shaving, haircuttlng and shampooing. Gall. &0 TO Fits. KODEKKK, under the Exchange .Hotel. Bank street. lor a smooth shave ora lashlonable hair cut. tS Closed on Sunday's ltoeder's Hilr tonic, cures Dandruff. We carry In stock a full line of fancy toilet articles at low est prices, nnd .we nre the only place In town where you can buy llender's Cream tor the face. Estate Notice. Letters of Administration on the estate ot Itobeit A. Henry, late of Lower Towanienslng Township, Carbon county, deceased .having been granted to the undersigned Administrator, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to imiko Immediate payment, and all having lust claims against the sumo will present them for settlement to J. C. KHEAMElt, Administrator, residing at Millport, In said township. Attorneys. Feb. 14-01-6W. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale a valuable farm, located in Mahoning township, Car bon counlv, about two and one-half miles from Lehighton, containing G5 ACRES. The improvements thereon are a 2-Story Frame Dwelling House, and all the necessary ont-bulldlngs, Sever al never falling springs of water, suitable for fish-dams, are on the property. For further (information apply to C. E. MILLER, East Mauch Chunk, I'a. Feb. 14-0w. PUBLIC SALE OF VERT VALUABLE Personal Property The undershrned will sell nt Public Rati, nn dm premises, known as UEILMAN'S MILL, m Ihe Uorough of Lehightou, Carbon county, i'a., on TilUltSDAY, MA11CII 2Cth, 1801, commencing at 12 o'clock M., the following Vcrsoual Property, to wit i 5 HORSES, brown horse, 8 years old, weighing lliOlbs. tills Is an extra good team; 1 black horse, 8 years old, good worker j t bay horse, S years old, stylish driver; 1 dark sorrel horse, 13 years, old, a good driver and family horse. These horses are all sound and kind and work single or double. One Jersey cow with calf, 1 heavv two- horsu wagon, l light two-horse wagon, l buck boards, lbob-sled. 1 apt of liPRWrtnnhlM hn,. ono set ot light double harness, good us new, one set of double currlago harness, two acts oi single Harness, una a jot oi collars, names, una other harness, plows, harrows, two cultivators, one nay rake, ono mowing machine, onehinulng mill, one cutting box, lot of cow chains, one I'haeton carriage, one Shepherd dog. Also, at tho same lime and place, the following Housebold Furniture One large cooking stove, good as new, two heaters, one No. ti Fire King, one cedar meat barrel. Iron kettle, refrigerator, sewing machine and other articles too numerous to mention. Term, BIX months Credit with approved Security. M. HEILMAN. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE The nnderslimed will sell at Publln Hainan the premises Into of Jnslali Uowman. dee'd In East Peuu Township, Carbon county, Pa., on Saturday, March 21sfc, 1891. at 1 o'clock. P. M., the following described valu able Ileal Estate, to wit : AH that certain tract or piece of laud, situate along the line of the .etitgu valley itailioad, nearly opposite the village ot llowmanstown, lu East Penn Town ship aforesaid, known as the John D, Bowman'4 l arm, vomaimug 178 ACRES I more or less, about AO acres of which urn ctennui and under a good state of cultltatlon. The balance being V aluable Timber Land, and It Is supposed to contain some valuable Slate de posits. The Improvements thereon are a TWO-STOEY STONE HOUSE, (recently remodelled) about 2430 feet, kitchen attached, large barn and all necessary out- uuuaings. Terms and conditions will be made known at time and place of sate, by Pl!NNJBOWtIAN, For tbe Heirs, Feb. 18, 189L Executor's Sale Of Very Valuablo Heal Estate ! The underslcned. Executor of tha Fh.ala nf irAAASVu (jtintiOD. uvvs?isc'4i nm eri fib f UlllrV Kale on tbe premises lu ton .Borough ot tenib lauera- Pr lllua HAnai&, ,111 1..I.1I . wUf vat wu cuuuiji a a., vu SATUrtDAY, MARCH 7th, 1801, commencing at TWO o'clock P. 51., the follow ing vaiuauie iteai estate, lo-wii: ah that cer tain Lot or Piece ot Oround situate on North First street. In the Borough of Lehighton, bound ed on the east by First street, on the south by 'each Alley, on the north by Hose Alley, being 11x180 feet The Improvements thereon area rVYO-STORY FKAME UW8LLIKO 5M?a fnet with THO-storv Kitchen 16x18 feet attached, and all necessary outbuildings. On the rear of the lot is erected st wu-SIUIl Y DOUUI.K FICAMF. DIVBLUNO, Kiwi feet. Terms and ooDdltious wiu ue luaao auown ai uino oi sale oy T, D. CLAUSS, Surviving Executor. FetU4-w3 Orphans' Court Sale OF VERY VALUABLE REh ESTATE Pureunnt to n order of tho Ornh&nt' Court nf Carbon County, I'a., there will be exposed to Saturday, March 28th, 1891, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, on the premises, on nne street, in me uoroticn oi iuisiiiod, Carton county, I'a., tbe folkm-lne: described Ileal listate. late at Aueuct F. lieekendurf. de ceased, to nil: All that certain lot or niece ot nrrrand situate In the Iioroush ot Lehighton, County of Carton aod Bute ot rennaylranla. bounded and described as tallows, to wit : Iie- riDniHg on rate bireei in tne Bomugn oi ie lighten, thence along said i'lne Street, north nny-twolfettianost;tbeneeby land o( Keu- and ten (tit to a post ; tttenre by a certain alley, south fiftv4wo feel ta a stake: tlienoe bv land oi lLAJino. si wo nunarra lence by land of Reuben UOMktr (Lot No. 6), east two hundred and ten feet to the nlace t.eainn nr. oon. tAlnlaefortv irebes. mom arleu. It Eetnvlnt No. as marked on a plan or plot made at the instance ot Steuben Itunsleker. The Improve- rueoM uservw w. uvn iw norj fKAME DWELLING HOUSE, J0xS6 feet wtth kllonen sitae bed, lSxil feet Teams or Saxi -One half of the rtureba nwuey to tie paid ou the day ol sale and tne b. aooo ou the day ot the conflrHUtttoa of the sale bv tbe court and dallvttrv of the ama nuul sol all eeasssary pspen to be at tbe expense ol tripvir atrvvuiMDv 'Zero's Opera House Store," CONTINUES HEADQUARTERS FOB Boots aud hoeg, $Iipper$9 Hubbers, Hats and Caps, dents Fumf sitings We don't pretend that we givo our goods away, but wo mailt tain such a steady lino of low prices for the best line of good that every sale seems a sacrifice; a bargain that can't be bat. Prices and tho Quality of Goods Talk. Come and sea us. E. G. ZERN. ummers yueensware Bazaa FIRST STREET, IiEIIXQBTON. Wlien you thinh of buying Glassware, Cldnaware or Queenswaro of any kind, you, will find that it means a saving of t7u Miehtu UOlldT tO OXlV at lilljrLmel'jt Jlnrnny It 9 plete m this town. Everything and. Inst. hut. nnt lor, 4- 41, to call and see our goods. ' -" .i.M'.jVf JL I ,ULJ, You HA6ERMANS The majority of people know a good thing when they see it. which accounts for the continued increase of customers at out; Bon Marche. The valentine season was a success; we cleaned out everything, and now the-vacant spaces aro filled with The Latest Pozzies, buy A New Lot of Stationery, Dress TrimmiDES, 5, 10 anil 25c Goods, Musical Instrnments, Finest Tissue Pauer anil School SUPPLIES. MARCHE. Adam's Express Company. CULTOIST Op the IT WItili Interest tbe ladles to learn that wo are alsrays making additions to our always complete assortment of goods, vblch now includes a handsome new line of all kinds of Games, Puzzle", Novelties in Tots, School BsAnotr eby, Jewelry, CoztFEcnoNEitr, Fnuirs and a fall lint at Choice Gboceiues. We sell at Bock Bottom Prices. Call and see ns beforennaklng purchases elsewhere. CULTON A NEW PRINCIPLE. TFe Jbsitively guarantee Dr .Boyd's Little Giant Nerve and Liver Fills, To Care Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious ness, Torpid Lifer, rain in the Baca, Files Iletdscbe, Bad Tasle In Ihe Month arising from Indigestion, by strengthening the ntryee and regulating Ihe anion of the Stomach Liter and Kidneys. Do not be deceived, Dr. Boyd's Little Ulant nerve and Liver rills act on a new nrineinal. Thev act on tha nervM nf thu stomach, liver aod kidney giying thsm health and vigor, what is more evident of their cura tive qualities, tbsn the fact that the longer taken the less required, that is more than can be said of any other pill on the market, a trial will convince Ihe most skeptical mind, tbst what we claim Is true, these ar a few of tbe many testimonials we have received Tiitov, Oi., Aua.. 20th 16S0. Dear Sin The Pills received, tbey are the best I ever usea, t. w. class. Iuxi CaySTiL Mia.. Msr 14. 1690. Desr Sin I hsve taken Pills sent me, inclosed find 50c, tend me more I have been troubled for years with indigestion, constipation . std nervetwuess, since I take Dr. Boyd's Fills I fxel good, have taken many others with no relief, yours respectfully. Amu Bsivxa. ror sale by all dealers In medicine st lie per box. sent by mall on receipt of nrlce samples free, agents wanted everywhere. Lehighton, Fa, tfSubscribe for and read this paper. Purely local. Ono dollar a year. Spring, 1891. REX'S BO N An Exceptional Large Stock at Low Guaranteed Prices! IMMENUE ASSORTMENT OF New Black Goods, Representing the best known makes and finest dyers. Ereroyed Bilk Warp RenrierUa, Priestly Bilk Warp Armuro, rriestly All Wool Tape Edge Nun's Veiling; New facar Weaves, IVblp Cord, Stripes, Wool Henriettas, Burah Cloth, Sergsw, Bsbastopol, OsBteT Hair Barnes, Oetbroercs, MobeJr, etc New Dress Goods ! Latest Colorings. Plain aod Fssoj Ureas Golds la large variety. Tbe shsdss tor Uprise are beantilnl. We ham then la s jok now at prices lower tnan isnally asked let s( High Oiau Staffs, Black Silks. Tea know wo guarantee oor Illaek Silks to wear. Tbst metes, should they eat, pall, sraek r break, we will give yen yard for yard. Wa bays never bad ona claim to aijsul in tbrea year, whloh is an excellent record for an; boost selling silk to be proud Of. BHOADWAT, lefauoh Ghtrak, Fa, is New: Ths Ooafa th s7.. Try j . .: ""fTTf We earnestly invito ih are sure to be suited. BON MARCH AT HAGERMAN'S BOW Park. CuiFON CULTON During the year 1891 You will, find AT- SWEENY'S "Corner Store" JUST THE PLACE TO BUY -Dry Goods G'roceaier', Notions, Glassware, Oranges, Banana, Grapes, Lemons, Apples, Nuts, Candies and everything Usually foune in a thoroughly first-class general store. Wt ' solicit a call and guarantee satisfaction. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. Havo you to-day's Advocate f MARGHL C A.. RE2C
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers