MM i H'J ULW."B1IJI 1 '" Tb Portugaa. nation I un of the Id"' lartrneted In ktirepo, Ibr illitr.t labant butU belag ofittlly ateted a 87 per cant, o tt total popolst ' on . ofanbfc .ii tv aWKllfetut of Americai MUtttHiSa, i Hrr'-''-' mb ,-.jt, will property v?.lu.i t 8p."1.00e. (nSy6tlj lnm cmraDiteg to t" 3,131. A fiea'lbln Eu Tf o14 Be Smp' B.lrara for th Throat anf;e. is i eurin A.lh m a. BrAtuiMtl rfn' CON eases otOouulu, Cold uroup Ana ainunniani I.iBf Troubles than ny other raedlolne. Thi proprietor nas auinonnm rny aruggisi lo ei. you a Sample Dottl Free to eonTlnoejrou of th nsrltotUile great rmdr. Largs Bottles 60. 04 tl. It Ii on of the oarlojlltee of natural hie tory thet a hone eajoje hla food most whei he hua't kbit in bis month. Every peraon ou eitth must hare som aort of a pet, even if ltie nothing bettt than himself. ' Miles Nerve and Liter 1'IIU. An important discovery. The; net pi th lifer, stomach and bowels tliroiigh th. ncrTco. A new principle. They epcedl cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, pile aad'constipallon Splendid for moil, vtomer. and children. Smalleit, mildest, surest. B. dose for 28 cents. Samples free at T. D Thomas .and W. F. Bierva Droit Blorc. D rick I boiled in ooal-tarare rendered hare aid dnrablr, and tnacbinemade brioka, i boiled tot a period say twenty-four hour become waterproof. Bricks thus treate. art well adapted for ewers, cesa-poola am the foundation of buUuin. A (treat Battle h eonstantlr coins on tn the human aysten when you sutler with consumption, coughs o eeldsilney strive to ruin health and drmrvli Hilitto th prnra. Take tltnnlv warnlm? au. ao l'an Tin cough aud Consumption Gun TtiH 3A and 00 cents. llr. ie'a uver liectliator is a sure cure ioi dyspepsia, biliousness, and an kidney complain 'Meaiaa' Uru Btore. i, ueariouru, inuigeaiioi. tints. Trial bottles tree a Fair to the eye yet it naa a heart of etou. the peach, Kpocll, The transition from lonar. llnzerlntr and pain fat llokneis to robust health marks on epoah Ii. tke life of the Individual. 8uoh a remarkabi. eveat Is treaaared in the memory and tlio aicenej wherebv the ood health das been attained 1 rat.loily blessed. Is that So much If aeard la praise or Electric llltters. Ho man: BMlthey owe their retteratlon to health, to th. seer Me ureal Alterative anu lonio. lr yoi s, llvei arelroaeled with any disease of kldoevs er stomach, of lone or short standlnirvou wit earelT dad relief bv use of ttlactrle lllltets eld a. toe. and l.oo per bettle at ltEIJll's rai autre. Hearing the Top.-"Is abe a great actress? "Ureatr Men, i guess, mut that womai can afford not to loose bcr diamond'," Grandmother Saysl When aba was a girl that her mother al ways save her sulphur and molas ies to purlf j her blood.but she now Rhea Sulphur Ulttci to her grandchildren, as It is the the best medicine she ever saw The Father. "I don't believe lu allowing domestics t set the nnner hand. I make my servant keep her, place?" ' You are lucky. Oui never does fo" mora than three weeks." May Thank tier Stars. The narrow escape of Mrs. B. II Sonrlb, rf Elkhart, In J., from a prematnrcdeath t' weadsrful. She elates that "lor tnen years my heart troubled me greatly. I hi eaue worse. Had smothering spells, shor breath, fluttering: could not sleep on my lcl aide, had much l'aln in Brest, shoulder am stomach. Ankles swelled. Had much head aahe and rfitttneas Treatment did ma I) Mod, until I tried Dr. Miles'Ncw Hear Unr aaa liesloratif nerve, ine uroi oui tie halned me.and 1 waa soon virtually euro Far safe atT. D. Thomas and W. F. liien slrtif store, A line book on the Heart anu Kerrw free. Pedestrian 'Well, aonney, I suets I'll hare my boots blacked, are you readtY" Small Bootblack "Ho aor, I'm lteddy'. brother, bnt I kin ehlue 'em np fer yer Ju. tjeitme." I hare lieen troubled with chronic ca Jarrh for years. Ely'a Cream Balm is th only remeov amoog the ninny that I Imv. used that afforda mo relief. E W. Willard. Drugeist, Jollott, 111. I have been troubled with catarrh for ten years and have tried a number remedies, but fonnd no relief until I purchase.! a bottle of Ely'a Cream Balm. I consider it the most reliable preparation for catarrh and cold in the head. Oen. E. Crandull, P. M., QuonochawnUug, K. t "I hava thought of one or two olevei things in my lifetime," said Millie Mashing ton, "bnt I didn't eay them." Why doiT" "It wonld have been each a disappointment Whenever Iopend m; 'raotfth afterward." Wbat't better for a wound than Salvation Oil? Echo answers. "What.'' Wa aruwer: "Nothing." --80 say wa all of us, so eay wa all I" Onlr Sfi cts. A poof unfortunate in Milwaukee Is raid to nave eneeteri niraseu to ueatn. aim. poor creature, livlnc In the light of tlti nineteenth century and never heard of Dr Ball's cough Bvrup. Well, this is mon than Egyptian dark nisei It taken abant three aeoonde for a uieetag. to go from obe end of the AtUntle sable t the other. - One hundred and five American vlelle.1 Bnrn'a blttbplaoaln SoetUud In onediy lest eammtr. The first maament to tlemado Osrlec the conqueror nf Mexico, bee been navel ed in nie native euv ot ie.imu,in jjeuaowiura, ;alo. Pitlaborsh claims to nave mare million arte In proportion to her penuUitou, tkMii any other otty In the world. Alaska cost only $7,000 000, etxl the r veant to the natlenat treaeHrv te Mpea(d tv amount to latXW.WO a year tat Hw est twenty year. Cranium is new being aimed aaaassg th rare mitaU on aeeount of It eeeennewl reus taoce It l likely to be ued lu eliaHrleal Insalatlen, The Cr aeaotdiag to a reeesst elatta. Uolan'a ealeolatioB, H the laraeel urlv owner ef land In the voiiik-e total UatMSI 60 .000.000 aetes, abeat the tM ef tt wkok of Franee. The meet deaeely pop aUted taje) tall In the world t 1b the eltv 01 Mew York; I. U Inhabited by ST6.OQ0 people the hugw pari 01 wdo are luiwete w apeak oulv iceir native ungua4. In aontbern OalMofnta tberatre eaitl lo be Indiana aged Iroea ee haadied aeid Ulna to one hundred and forty yeate. Tttej live en aoeroa, nour ana warn. Baron Letbtg, the Breat Oesaaea eheeaisc. aya that eo aoeb flour aa eaa lie e Ike point of a table knife eiHsealti ae aai nutritive ooastttueou u lht piau ef the dcs 1 aoaimeai swimMM bear ate. A fioweriag.plaBt ba eer keea aad within the AaaiUiW el 1 els b)i la U A re tie region there are 782 klaA at towete; their oolors, bowever, are not eo bngbt or varied a inoee or warrasr regews. Perbapt tbe 'eUeal Hfittg ladles la the United State. i Uvidj ffatet. aVaaiuie. residing in Iadlaa Tentwy wtw baa ju entered bi onn band red aad atbth year ol his lite. Fanny, when a ma auta oat an a bei nea career the mere eheeks be reeeivee tU sooner he geti there. BpreadluarforLeaxex A The marshy, overflew! taad. aenkm Ion unj half aubmerted river banks, whlet sin n iu birth, tho seeds of saataria teaasesjaaie Uk ir. and are inhaled at ovary breath bv Mioi,-M.:t unprovided with assy idaejuat ealensawl samm the baneful Intuenea. Yot aut ti om -polrut alike te retaedy er 10 provut. pure lu iu eoo atltueou, a4 tbe prolrealouahy ntttun uuuwteier tbe hairiil diua. u.m... na nataa H HjXetlar's Bi .in. h imtrrs. a hu 11, 1 spiel and eateattard. toramoet um oai . n I anttdote to aukiu tut im uimui perBUneaUyrefaoting.n'iiate, au4 nliiki 1 eooUpllo, Vvrr ciupUii.i. rt-ui..iiM,.. kidney aad .t4aratuuoou. a .a ui..,. Aawa (nneoraau at ukaw UU am pease aaa. Is also a saMrb auiauaer. Lee at esMoiai. tauy. ON EARLY MOTHERHOOD. A PAPER FROM THE RECENTLY DIS COVERED DC QUINCV M3S. Women In Tlielr Itelntlon to the Ilnm..n if ymery -A Heautlful Kssny In 1'lilioao phv by the l'ootlo Author of "The Opium ltaler" Hie Happiest Period of a Woman's Life as Vnderslootl by a Deep Observer. ITrie followlne article, renrlnted from the Indon New Review, is one of tbe recently rtlsoovereit De Qulnoy MSB. Tbe paper aho s De Qulnoy'e style at a high mark, anu win 00 read with dellfht for lta deep tliougbt and rev erent poetry. Tlio loveliest Bieht that n woman's eve opens upon iiitlits world Is her first horn child, and the holiest sight upon wliicli the eyee of God settle In Almighty sanc tion nnd perfoot blessing la tho love which soon kihdles between the mother nnd her Infant mute and speechless on the one side, with no language but tears and kisses, and looks. Beautiful is the philosophy which arises out of that ie llection or passion connected with tho transition Unit has produced it. Fiist conies trio whole mighty drama of love, purified over more and more, now oiten from grosser feelings, yet of necessity through its vory elements oscillating be tween the flnlto of the Infinite; tlio haughtiness of womanly pride, eo digni fied, yot not always freo from tho near contagion of error, tlio romance so en nobling, yet not always entirely reawn ablsj tho tender dawn of opening seuti monts pointing to nn Idea in all this which It neither can roncii nor long sus tain. Think ot the grent storm of ngi- tntlon nnd fear and hone through whloh In her earliest days of womanhood evory woman must naturally pubs ful filling tlio law of Her creator, yot a law which rests upon her mixed constitution animal, though Indefinitely ascending to wlint is non nnininl; as a daughter f man frail and imperfect, yet also as a daughter ot God, standing erect, with eyes tff the heavens. Next, when tho great vernal pasaovor of i-oxual tonder uees and romanco has flllod its purpose, wo soo rising as a phoanix from this Ki-oat mystery of onnobied instincts an other mystery much more profound, more affecting, moro divine not so much a rapture as a blissful roposo of a Sabbath which Bwallows up tho more perishing Btory of the first, forcing the vast heart of female nature through itnges of ascent, forcing it to pureuo tlio transfigurations of the rsyclie from tho aurelio conditions so glowing, in its o lor, Into the winged creature which mixes with tho mystory of tho dawn and ascendi to tho altar of tlio lnnnlto heavens; rising by a ladder of light from that symi athy which God surveys with npprobHtion, and even more bo, as he beholds it self purifying under his Christianity to that sympathy which needs no purification, but is the holiest of things on this earth and that in lilch God most roveals himself through the nature of humanity. Woll it is for tho glorifloation of hu man nature that through these changes the vast majority of women must for. ever pass) well also that by placing its sublime germs noar to female youth God thus turns nwny by anticipation the ul vinest ot disciples from the rapacious absorption of the grave. Time is found, how oflenl for those who nro enrlysum moncd Into leudeilng back their clod ous privilege who have yet tasted in its first fruits tho parndiso of maternal love. And pertniningalso to this part of the subject I will tell you o result of my own observations of no slight impor tan co to women. It is this: Nineteen limes out of twenty I have remarked that tlio true paradise nf a female life, in all ranks not loo ele vated fi r constant intercourse with the children, is by 110 moans the yo.irs of courtship, nor tlio earliest period nf mar riage, hut Hint sequestered oliamber of her experience in wliioh a mother is fort nh no through the day with the serwint perhaps in 11 tlistanb part of the liou'-.e, nnd (God bo thanked) chiefly whero Ihero nro no servants at all; she is at. tended by one solo companion, her little first bom nngol, ns yet clinging to her rota, impel feotly able to walk, Bt ill mi re Imperfect in its prattling and in nooent thoughts clinging to her, haunt ing her wherever she goes as her shad. ow, CAtching from her oye tho total uv nlrntlon of its little palpitating heart, mul sending to hers a thrill ot Becret pleasure so often as Its littlo ihigois fasten on her own. Left alone from morning tonight with this one oonipauion, or even with three still wearing the grace of infancy, buds of variotu stage upon the self name tree, n woman, if she has the great blessing of apnroaolilng euoli a. luxury of para. dle, ie moving too often not nwara .hut she is moving thvoiigh the divin- est Motion ot Iter life. As evening sots lu the husband, through all walks of life, from the highest professional down lo that nf common labor, returns home to bring lier mode ot conversation, by audi though la and interests as are more consonant Willi Ills extensive capacities of lutelluct But by tbl tlmo her child (or her children) w.ll be reposing In the little oouoh, and in the morning, only as tlie sun ascend in power, she eeea be. fore Iter n long, long day of p-ifeot pleasure lu tills society which evening wilt U-tur to her, but whloli is Inter. woven with every 11 bar of her aenslblli tie. Till condition of nolaeleas, quiet kT la itiai above all whloli Uou blesses and smile upon. Three of a Kind. Ilofsee) Oraeley onoe refuaed an in. of eaievry upon the ground that lie did not think his paper could afford to pay It. Mr. Bit, president of the Boston and Albaby Railroad, has just declined an increase of bis salary front $18,000 to rW.OOO, wltli tlia aiugular explanation ilsat "I tie not baiter my Mrvicea are worth any mors than I am now recelv lac. Mr. Powderly suooaeded lately, with dmemilty. in ueraualoc the KnichU of Labor to reduoe hi aalary from $8,000 toaVNO. TistM atw a great many paouliar men la (Ms world. Cincinnati Koqulrer. KSMU H llMS. It k a rulataku to eopiKwa that the knot or warta abich aio reiy coium osi oJt eixciee of foreet tree are dn to Inaeotn, fungus, or acr..l. ul, or mo 1 any way unnatural growth. Th.y d veiop sat reaulta neither of the be 1 1 tl nor dlst aao of the t !', nor of auci. eon dilljses u. .-riul of soil or ituu tioo. .'it-nit HtMstp thua aceuuula f 1 their foroaatioii. "In tlio bark of our foreet treaa are oontalm.d a roultitud of latent buds, whloh are) eWveloped and grow under certaisi favorable oonJitiona. homo u.. xanei thb) property in a defrea, aud oflau, uhen the otl.or .hth ate killeU down by froel, tbe rnwlv f pualiui i.ut tiwae latent I 01U into growth ivfi tho ll(o of tit, 1 le lit I hmm buds, batuin c x u U,:on t.. ,.... adheir to liw oly layr at tl.i-ir !, aski puali out their poiula tbrt ilh li.u bark luoaid I ha lilit "lite buja then llufuld,-! i iHSVra. till IjI Uu ( 1 .11 1 I up the i.Bmlt !, ..( Out.' rim. I 1 ..I it Jesreude by il.. lli.iil 1. 1,1 reeled. e Ui ud ttiivl U I '"" Um i. J ' keuk. aa aaua ba I run! inn .1 i 1 l aaxuiouie; wiiBMi uu Um tra is lit wuihIn i DAY'S HGRSE POWDERS Prevents Lrnig; Fever I Curos D.tfnipi r, 1 1 ravei, (llandere, Loss of ArpftH", r ounder, F-'ven, ftn. lb. iiench package. Hold by all dealers. OR. BULL'S Cnrns TvsentnTy, and Diarrhoea. OoresWind Polio, &c. Eoliovos Griping and Summer Complaint. Facilitates Tectliingl Regulates the Bowels i" Bold by all di legists. Price 25 cents. mm RULU 'TTTB PEOPLE'S REMEDy" For the euro of COUGHS, C0LD9, Hoarseness ROUGH Asthma, Incipient Con- Croup, Whooping uoneh. gumption and for tho relief! SYRUP Consnmplive per sons. For Bale by ill druggists. 85 cents. earner UHQe S CUBEB CIQARE7TE8 for Oa OA(A tttrrht PrlctlOOt: Atatlirwnlf. mi. This trade. Mark Is on The Best Lr Waterproof Coat In the world mtm Ol PACKAGE PROnHflRRIS'1 ron THE CURE 0 WEAK MEH (VITALI-Y WEAK), Mndc o by too cioko nppllcatlcn to on Ine'sc ittdr yc ro irvnitnl ptrntnor grkfj AKX'AL KX(KStR8in inidMe llfo.or lclotia lit blti cf lit ructfil In Jf ulb. WEJir AKK " m in m hmi i pfjiilii vor VOU SlKUr 1.0 .Shft rrith I 1tL DM AY InYdl KOtndlllO. niiiill mal'J K II A I MTIIts . WIMTIM) n K Al rVHHH. PLRinhlii !cnofltn, t , nnfl nti(nfth,flnxi'alorflnBU ImrmlfM foil r. f iiHi nf it nrciunli i r ly m iirio onrhln orl age WHE WE SAY CURE.rr.SSl'ffi in many trnmnini c 1 1 tntit mm rtin-n iu 1 tit twelve 1 mi r An tiroof r-iirrniih )n Tret. JT(lril W XU OLnflT.c irt.DIOfi.T?.n PfiaT'LLBE TBI A 1 "(MifVrff grift.!, ttlil AI'.'-UtlThl FUFK ""it rnvn. to ir or m 1, nttfrl iz ftftii ttil previlftit tro ti)i I j fimiild snml their r'ti,ri.- to icrtn f iirnlO qvritlons ( 1 bi. lOiwn 1, itinl f m ijkuiw Uio f 1 ri? coim ItlOT of each rna nid prcpaia aifli-iue to I'tT'et n trcmv evre IaoMcH 'n N-w Vi r Initrr 17 rn . f 1 Luitlgi t t: Bll ncliHuc'i lo lie cm cti 1 y ttic r i-l I iailil Irrat Jitnl- Tho Qloat Snccessrul Ilcmcdy overdlscor. erel, as It Is certain la lta effects and does not blister. Head proof below. BULL'S SPAVIN CURE, CELVERKOtT, Pa., NOT. 27, 90. Pr. B. J. Kekdall Go. t Gents I would like to make known to thoo who ere almott persuaded to use Kendall's Spavin Cuie the tAOt that I think Itlsa moat oviwllant Unlment. 1 h& e iiwd 1 1 on a Blood Spavin. The horte went on thrfee legtt foi three year a when 1 commenced to use your Kendall'i Spavin Cure. I used ten bot tles on the hocse and nae worked Ulm for three years tince (uia iish noi ueeu tame. Yours truly, WM. A. CURI OsBumowsr, N. Y., Nor. 2, 1880. De. B. J. Kendall Co., Knofibunrh Falls. Vt Oents: Inpraleeof Kendall's Spavin Curo I will say, inatnyearaHD i iiaun TRiuauioyuuiiK nurtw w comevery lame, nock enlargetl andewollen. The hArHAinit Ahniit hnrafwa have no V ft Arln&rv Snr. areon luva) nronounced his Lunenese Dlood Snavla or Thorerrjgiipfn, they all told me there was na enro for It he becamoabout useless. and 1 con Blaered blm almost worthless. A friend told me of tae loerira or jour fi.enaau's upavin jure, so bought a bottle, and I could aee ery plainly great tin provHments Immediately frumltsuse.antl 9 IIUilK) VMa UyW.l UII A WrVH lettltMltli till Ine him a. trrfiaU deal of sood. I boiurht iat tn bottle and before It was used up my horse was eu red aud has been In the team doing heavy woite all tbe season since last April, showing no more signs of It. I consider your Kendalls. Spavin Cure u vniuuuw inmjiuiejv. isiiu oiiuum uu iu vw uuue iu uiv ittuus twiuwHuuy yours, EUQKNB DEWITT. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $3, All drug- gists have It or oau get It for you, or 1 1 will be sen to any aaaress on receipt or price oy uie propne vs. Pit. It. J. KKXDALL CO., Bnosburgb Fatls Ycrinon- SOLD BY ALL DltUG GISTS. PiilhAliJCl.PHlA.i'A. i-nnjatoj.ctMiooiKratton ot lutsHof ihiiefruui la -nitcja." CURF. GUARANTEED. OSLeilouis&fiO& Prof. ALEXANDER BOUDROU, 3 am m w Tl wr of aft. Wm r student nf AmiKMhi- aim nurpcrj mr '-fviMi yoAn under tii iaiiuhi in. .uriioii, una uiitr it n iurtr D-ii httuU .tiitt in 'i'iist4iiailtiu with m' en ot Hie mM t mint lit i 1 -i. Linn tu th ci! of rinlo ltiipiuH ,ui. ir7 1 ii.tvt- its ovi umI the curt of mail) It ji ' i up t l dm ittcrt that tht spine can he t lit. (I. tl at j act''. it lUlltw ('H Ik- jesttvd t" '1 ' Il Ii dm ti i i ma KWltTMl UeMlttycUKd ( o i" -tt- '1 .M ('! ! Ui.npOjdt'XV. results of HUU- uo ii l t t ' i cacHiif rlnturu at-m, .tti ' 'i' ilt-i (.oihphilift. iliiLf'Hi' Uis- r ie-sr U kidii'ij si, tt't) ami Imhc ihntase ea- lui rli. tiruni liitN'. i-lir, ul. IVH I l.M , so rel'i it lu- illt' I .11, ul .'niir.-ly i , ropara- 'S ni Mil .mil nrt . n ll.lltltiS ' HIKl l.tll ir'.T rtl, m:s n tu . it-t, .mm .1 lt.i must .'). lam it. It with I III! .1 Mlt rlim It i. Inn H. i; I U l..u. lit II' ,'!, l. ,,. I I t i pilif 'iii'tllrti. 1 i'riH 1 1 oi inn,' y. .its i i ll.lSf lIS'-ll til I tli.'ii 'ill 111 A I I d H i .tilt. I - i . l-i 1. .','. "' I'l'.tl .1 ' n i.t i-r i. . .ii . - . m imll 't'l'il Ihtl '! it"'.' unit iTti t in hm .t ! t i if ii . . i . I ' a".). J, ii.iiik i it im- .v -i ii n u can I ! Ot (M 4. I I ! A I lh' i '.-noreti ' .no ,ml u... : a. M , ' Mi. h IhiI ,)hM t'H lA''"rti ta a 4' y ai ru TlMissL'ls l.i-i 0'e t p ip-uf'cin1? rjitii by finiCAT MKMORIBl. Inm 11 A Tim. r Vt hi, Coulrt ft pn U hnl flimkii I nriecllv Tt em wtn a C'oiiiubh buy wlio oould ii'liein e 40,00H woiiln, wliether seiiBe or ii')(iH"nno. tie 'liny vinre dleiiitod, anil tlifii 11 1 f"t tin m lu lieise oilier w Ith nut milking n ninglo miatake. A p'lYii- 0 1111, .il n it 00 year ago, could repnut 1 lies whole of Faradiie Lost without mild ig a in Intake, although he had not ond 11 f-ir 811 ynnra Kuler, the great :i!illii-miiln;i.i'i, when in bernm blind, nld ri.)u'ut th whole of VlieM's Ail il, and ooull remember the fiist .. nf inoiv pago of the particular iitimi - liioh be had been accustomed 1 eu.! Ix (010 he became blind. O.10 kind of retentive memory may be C"iinllenil as the result of sheer work, n determination ton aid one par ticular achievement without reference either to cultivation of to memory ou other subjects. This is frequently shown by persons in human life in re gard to the blblei An old beggar man nt Sterling, known SO years ago as Blind Aliok, " afforded au instance of this. Ho knew the whole of the bible 1 y heart, insomuch that if a sen ten o v. as read to htm lie could name tho l ook, chapter, and verse, or if the book, chapter, and ere were named he could give the exaot words. A gentleman, to test him, repeated a verso, purposely making one verlml inaccuracy. Aliok hesitated, named the place where the pKsuge w as to be found, but at the eaine tune pointed out the verbal error. The same gentle man asked him to repeat the ninetieth ' erse of the seventh chapter of the l ook of Numbers. Aliok nlmuet in btantly replied: "There is no Mich icre. 'Hint chapter has only 0 Gnssondi hud acquired by heart 0,000 Latin versus, ami iu aider lo give Ins menti.ry exoicise he i 111 the habit dnily of reoitiug 000 verses from different lHiiuaxeH. tVIin AVnitn This l'onm ? Jn roiwniKft to h I'eqiiest from the Ur- bann Citizen thai hu lmnto liis favorite Englieli iKH'm; James Wliitotnnh Itiley sen. In to ilml pnr tlie subjoined verses. lie first saw them SO Tears ago iu an ob scure country new. paper, and has been trying ever since to learn the name of the author: DnAVE r.nVE. He'd nothing but tile vlnllni I'd nuthlng but my sonar But wo were wait wben eklee were blue Anil summer days were long: And wlion we rested by tbe Uoilge Tbe lobfii. came Ami tobl IIow tbey bad ilaicd to wuo and win Wben early lining was cold. tVe emnethnes supped on dewberries. Or slept among tbe hay But oft tlio farmers' wives at eve Catno out to boar us play Tbe raro oU tunes the clear old ' unes! We could not atnrvo for lone While my man bad bla vtolin And 1 my sweet love eon?. Tbe world baa aye gone well with us. Old Mun, elnoe we wore one! Our bomelene wandering down tbe Iaros It long ago was done. But thota who watL for gold or gear For tiousos and for kine, Till youih'e sweet spring grows brown and eero And lovo and benuty pine, Will never know tlio Joye of hearts That met without a foar Wrhenyou had but your violin And 1 a song, my dear. Gelatinous riultt In Storage llattcrles. A Swls olccliici.m, Mr. Paul Schof, non- of Chiengo, has adopted a service iilnn for makiug storimo Ixittorles moro nortuhU' by transforming the liquid oloctiolyto into n lmsty, gelntiii' ous mass. This is nco tmnlishod by atld- in;,' to tiie collasmnll qtinntily of dodiuin silicate, wliicli is ilocoinposcKl by tlie snlplinric acid, tho silica hSing libcrnteu iu tho form o translucent, firm, nnd elastic jolly. Tills jolly Is unattached by sulnliurlo ncid, or by tho moro new el ful oxidizing agents which como into cxUteuce during tho chaiiglug of the coll. - Tho resistance of tho cell Is slightly increased, nnd its capacity in Watt hours is somewhat diminished by the jelly. Tlio beit method -of gelatinizing tlie electrolyte is to add one volume of sodium silicate of a density 1.18 to three volumes ot sulphuric ncid of a density l.ilo, allowing the mixture to Blaud for 2-1 hours. At the end of that time tlio whole liquid is set to a jolly. During the charging of the cell nsmnll quantity of liquid rises to tlio surface ot the ijIIv. but this disappears again during tlio UiBOlinrgo. How to Saddle n Horse, "There is only one way to put a saddle on n horse, says Colonel Kenrnev. learned it when I was a member of the Texas rangers. It's n little tning, but it is worth knowing. I used lo put my blanket on nnu it would look smooth and nice. Then I would put tho saddle on and mount After riding a few miles I would find the saddle slipping mrtiier nnu lurtuer back, nnu would find it necessary finally to dismount and ciuoh up again. Ouo day a cowboy snia: it mo nx that saddle for you. I got off ami ho put tlio blanket on just as i naa uono, ami then tlie saddle- Then ho put his hands under the saddle and blauket, lifted them up, aud lg't them settle back into place. I found that when this was dono tho saddle would stick for a forty milo ride.". pCausas City Times. The ArlMocrntlo llee. One of the most interesting country places in Maine is that of Jlr. Mark Gray, of West Freeman, who has been eo successful in raising bees that he made $887. BO front them last year. A correspondent gives a description of his apiary, which has been arranged with remarkable painstaking and is a verita ble curiosity, All the hivee are painted and striped in different combinations. no two alike. Mr. Gray makes hla hlvej himself, having built a small shop and miniature sawmill for tins purpose. He thinks the bees like to have their homes attractive as well as human being and that they work better aud are more oon tented for having everything tidy around tliem. They require but very little attention, but anything out ot place they notice as quickly as a neat Housewife, Lewietou Journal. It.ill.d by Orders, After the battle of Custoasa, a soldier supposed to have been killed, was en. tared on the books of Ins company: "Died on the 94th June, 1860, " ate tew days afterward it turned nut that he was still alive, aad the honest quartermaster made tlie following entry "Died by mistake. " At length there came a letter from the mi nister j of war announcing the death of tlie man at the hospital, wlin our sergeant recorded the facts as follows -Jtodied by oi ler of the ministry - If nor Uttfc ou bouM t uli. TD-MtKT Mtb H.mbnui owOroup. wbl would ou ujI . bt.1 ubjwoUa OMtld 4ve luurtt frlKE. Beldin's Remedy Ii tMWiotui bra.rjM wilt t miiJ MlioulyirtMn1. In Wrwrslt ar irou u hune.eriajku ' i.r Mivy fnin your drttoUl flUx.U A t- ti,Jlo i . .rr inllnr lua THE POSITIVE CURE. sly v rasit. ee vsmn t inake that Thousand Dollars, but I :n in saving on my shoes to pay ma WoIfCsACMEBIacking ts the et Hint tint lifl'U fatfer vt" ' Alb or Fit-Bon, uMcA will Stain Old a ftftu runnlTURC win. Stain outae and Chinawahc T-im'7i nl the same timtt Srl-ll TiNWAR Wll I- OT- IN TOUR Old Ba.kctd ittiiL Stain BAirr-e Coach and rv it. WOt,FP b KANDOLMI, Philadelphia, 77ft? Greatest Blood Purifit KNOWN. Thin Grent Ofrmnn Meillr'nols cheapest and beat. 12Sdosonof SL'L. L'liuu Juixxilcaioi'9l.ue,ieBSLnaaj one cent a dose. It will curo the t worst cases of skin disease, f romyy prj a common pimple on tho tatxff Jf hl to that awful disease 6crofula.)7 cr SULPnmt BITTEns Is theifl' best medicine to nso In allif e cases of sucli stubborn andfYbur Kid deep seated diseases, Iorneysaroout not ever toko iv7,f-,v.w it.o S BLUE PILLS ifeukJyjuiSQ inatterwlialatls tno purest ana nest M ' - ;X Bitlersl wiiiinyeiiow6tlcityiJ,iJon,tvT'aitnnui yonw suornucer isyouraro unauioiowniK,or breath foul nndnro flat on your tack, offensive? Vonrf buteet some nt once, it stomach Is onte'will cure you. Sulphur of order. UsojyBltters Is mTaStslho Inralld's Fricnil. ImnieillatolyxTioyoung,tliot(Wdniid tot Is your Ur-if tering nro soon made well by lne thIrk,Eita nso. Itememlior wliat you ropy, hero, It may save your uuj, viijiue, is naa enveu Don't wait until to-morrow, Try a Bottlo To-day I Aro von low-spliitcd and weak, r suffering from tho excesses of nth? If so. SUWIIUII 1UTXE1B w-.i. : - ?wili euro you. Send 3 J-cent stunt pn to A. P. Ordway Co. Boston, Uass., for host medical work iiuultshcdl Ecnd the Advocate." -AT TIIE Central Drug Store, Orr. TUB PUBLIC SQUARE Bp.nk Street, Lehighton, Ta., IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs nnd Medicines, Fine Sonps, Brushes, &c, &q., choico Wines nnd Liquors, Wnll Pnper nnd Decorations Spectacles ! When you buy a pair of Shoes you want u :oouiu. But if you need 81'ECTACI.ES it I.- nuen more luipoi taut that tbe EYE should b. wcommodatcd with correct lenses and a proper IV I IttliiK frame which will brine tlio lens! ill rectiy oerore mi cenrrH or thnmn rr . h,. y;mr spectacles at Dr. Iforn's you will find the Hbove points properly attended to, PERSCRIPTIONS GaefaUy ComponDde (.-tl5-IS87 I , . Apamnhletof Information anda Astractot iod iawi,aaowtnK uor toi fcunum i-nienis, itreals, Trausy Aiaxu, uoprnanLS, Sfnt 7rM. ),UiM ItnUNn &. CO. s.301 Ilrcmntray, StOVt30, Tinwaro, f Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at-r- SAMUED GllA-VEB'S fopular Store, Bank Street. Roofing and tJpoutinga special ty. iStove repairs furnished on short notice Reasonable! Purely local in our aim. $300 A Y I! A K t 1 litdUtka to tsriaaftt I Moot) anf tiiifllfflrMi v-roa of. mi, lui i ant nad uil writ. m4 vtv ajtcr IniinictliMi.wU work 'niltMiriirmli hater lu .aura Tkrtstat - - itml. ' "J25"'B 11 tljr 1 will bpfetwb " "-ie x nnyivjmwni ,mi wssicr ra ram IMIUMUD OHiLii- r,, nifiml. Burt-aMfnlUabor Ka(lad quick. I kvrnr-d 1 d-nir tul m (jrurkcr trxatu mid dlairiai urwnualr . tnwd)r tnugi,, aud provisM wUb pUr 4 lav '"?tu,ih? 1 "Wj INM a w& IUX'UV -. ', AlaCEir. Hmxc 10, AumulM. Alulo THEPOLICE GAZETTE Iftthr only illuMtrnted ppr In the woil mUhiii a all tlie lultfitt netiiuttiuDiit and ttpor uitf news. No alixm kepvr, b.rler nr clu1 torn oau ailoid u bo without It. it itl'y i takes irlt'iuls whcnntr ft go8. Mulled to any iitUirn in the UnUi tnte .wuifly wr.t'ijM'd. n v'ks (tr9l. Sx ,(t Ue CbUt" lot inpici Kichard K. Fox, rici luduitri V T.irV ntr st, Tort rntnctcl "Wen. 1 mm' vmrasleeenaiii nr IB. tmnhl. I iiswn in hi iispi nn rrrMiii iirr n mil" i A lOt'Sllll HOY'S HI1K. Vrw KnveU r.n lxoet In Inter! tbp l.lf or llitnk rryint vrillltim. ' Fui ty y. am ag.i, one plenwint suin wr liny, a pood d.-acnn fioni N.irnik, (.'inn., drove into the city of New York in an nld fanliioned one horse hnr. He I. rough t witli him bis son, n mare bo -if 18 or 10, then for the first time to experience the vicissitudes of life in a .urs citi Would you like to know .that became of that boy?" inquired Mr. J. 8. Onffuey, of New, York, Htitier hilendent of agencies for the United States Life Insurance Company, the other day. Well, I will tell you. To-day that youth is president of tho Chemical Nnlionnl Hank of New York trity, the most solid and substantial banking Insti tution in the country. Ills name Is (leorge Williams, and he has been con nected with that bank in somo oiqiaclly from tho day ho first entered tho doors with his father 40 years ago until the present, Such a record heroin America, whero everything is shifting and chang ing, is worth moro than a passing men tion. "Tito Chomlcal National Bank is the hauk in which the wealthy New York ers, the Astots, tho Vnudorbilte, the Gould, and many others who oare more for security than interest mnko their litrge deposits. I myself havo seen a chock for 5,000,000 in favor of Jay Uould drawn on tho Chemical National Uauk. Tho stock li limited to $300,000, but the pn pjrty ot tlie bank, Independ ent of tho name, Is worth $10,000,000. is it any wondor that the shares, wliicli started in at a par value of $100, are now woi th 53,000 at least, and It Is almost iin pons. bio to got one of them nt any iigiiro? Oilier bankscome ami go, other Lau Iss rise and fall, but this bank seems to havo caught glimpses of immortality, if tills phrase can-bo used in Bponkiug of A bank, 'Tlie brains of this bank, tho man tt ho has mndo it what it is to a large degree is Georgo William?, His record Ih one to bo envied. lie has made money him- tolf, and he is rated a millionaire several times over in tlie commercial agencies. But ho can command tens of millions ol dollars, lie is regarded us one of the best among living financiers. If you can get his indorsement to any proj .oi you cau get any nmount of monoy that you need in New York. Go to your Kansas City bankers or any bank on either aide of the water and whisper the magic name of George Williams to them and it will cause the sesame to open their vaults nnd let out their millions Too often tho worth, tho meiit, tho work of men like Georgo Williams is forgotten iu the West, especially whero men nru alwnys iu a hurry, but onco iu a while e lemetnber these thlugsi. " Kansas City Time. levll Dunce In Africa.. A .fantastic oigy was wituessed at Liongi, tlie capital ot Bullom, west coast of Africa, by a party of officers from tho West India regiment qunrtered nt Sierra Leone. Tlie people of Lonugi are HI ihammednn, but the dancing dovil himself is a relic of not long departed PiiRaniiin, and so also probably is tho dunce itself. It takes place in tlie court yard of the chiefs premises, which i-i entoio.l through a circular hut The bcene which proscnts itself to any one .coming suddenly out of the darknesi into the noiso and glare is decidedly un canny. In the center of a circle which fills the courtyard, tho devil, with an orthodox tail, a great crocodile b head, and long grass, looking like hair, de pending from his body and logs and swaying as he moves, leaps, Leallng time with hli feet to tho beat of tho drums, whllo tho women, two deep, wuil a chant, nnd strike their palms to gether in slow, rhythmical measure, those in tho front row bowing down be tween eacli beat Tlio young mon, in. long robes and caps, wail with tho women. Bjth "lire under vows, tho dance being one of their rites, 1 hey look dazed to begin with, but gradually work themselves into a frenzy; and tlie black faces, tho mo notouous walling cry, tho thumming of the drumi, the rattle of tho clackers, and the beat of the devil's feet, as ho springs up, crouches down, and swings about, makes a scone to shock tlie quiet moon and stars and gladden Gehenna. North of Sierra Leone, Africa is Mo hammedan; south, pagan, and tho south ern people have this devil When peace is declarod between two native tiibes, tho peace devil, who is fetish, comes lopping Into tho town; but if he stum bles or falls it is considered a bad omen and he Is to death for his pains. His diess is sacred, but his peraon is of no consequence. llrave Mother. As showing tlie force of maternal lovo among tlie lower animals, thero are few m .re pathetic incidents than tho follow ing, which comes from Australia: - Tlio owner of a country station was sitting oue evening on the balcony out side his house, when he was surprised to notice a kangaroo lingering about, i alternately approaching and retiring from the house, as though half in doubt nnd fear what to do. At length eiio np. pri.achod the water palls, and, takinc a young one from her pouch, held it to the water to drink. Whllo her baby was satisfying its thirst the mother was quivering nil over with excitement, for she was only a few feet from the balcony, on whloh one of her great foes was silting, wntdhing her. The little ono having finished drinking, it was replaced in the potioli, and the old kangaroo started oil nt a rapid pace. Whon the natural timidity of the kangaroo is taken into nocount, it will lie reoogoized what astonishing bravery thUaffeotionate mother betrayed. It is a piaaaing ending to the story that tlio eyottitueea wa so affected by thoscouo that from that time forward he could uavor shoot a kangaroo. LaMy Brooke, who,- as Miss JXaynand, woe known as one ot the greatest of .Bnglish helreasea, has perfaotedaicheme for teaaliiug Mwinx to children in Iter dlatrlct which would bear inspection from other intending philanthropists. An Autlpedean Aneslkstlo. The Chinese are said to produoe a re markable anesthetic by placing a frog iu a jar of flour, and irritating it by prodding it, when the creature exudes a liquid whloh forms a paste with thi flour. Thi pacta, dissolved In water, has well marked onset hetle properties. After the finger has been Immersed in the liquid for a few minutes il oau be out to the bom without any naiu baiug fait. What the rroprl.tor Woald Do. "Arej you f" said the cu tom.r haaltatlugly to tlaa haughty ruling woman at tlw glove counter, who kept her aye fixed on a spot three fttet above hi hefvt. "Wall?" inquired tlie haughty young woman. "Aryou the pi. prieior of the utore? " aakad Ilia cutouir. "No, I'm nut," repli-d tlie haughty youug woman. "Ah," continued ism ctseeutaer, "I thought aa muuh. Tlw proprietor would likely try to soli mo pair ot glove, perhaps. " -Clitaetga Tlttvae, Cnrtno Mvitinds of Maktna; Pin. Them are few things more curious, and which furnish such food for reflection, b the ways In which uncivilised man makes Are, The problem of tin- easiest and best war to a-Rt a spark must have 'icon worked at in tho oarliet.1 tniiee, when the iiuman race realized tho need nf fire, and the man who solved the problem Is one of the world's great but unknown henefitcturs. It is not on. Iik"l- Unit various methods hnvo been invented n the result nf those attempt; It In t. ue ot tho hagininng of our mar velini . nf inventions. The molern H-rii.vl fu nis'tes the most singular ways, for tlie leiiMon that chemistry and physics h ive enlarged the field. For an immemo j orlotl in man's history the method if kindling fire afresh was by tinning oi rul hiug one i.ttck upon an other. In B. una, n liili called the Kakhyuns cany for striking n light a cylinder of hulTnlo horn, with a central bore tl.ree-slxteeiitlm of au inoh in li amoier and three incliea deep burned Into It A cli sely lilting plunger of iron wood worki in the hole. When the native wants a light he w ithdrawa the plunger and puts a bit of tinder into n oavity hi the end of It Tlie piston is tfcer. isserted an 1 driven down with a quick blow, suddenly withdrawn, and the tinder h fntind to be Ignll -d. the Drake of Borneo, who were systematic head hunters before theadtont of Rajah Brooke, who made use of a liealapi, or fire syringe of bmas lined with lead, fitted with a wooden plunger. Tills Im plement was known In tht oountry under the name of "instantaneous light giving syringe, " before the invention of matches, but wa not gen rally used, since, at beet, it gave uncertain results, leading the lecturer to saturate the tinder with bisulphide of oarlon to minimise tbe burden of proof. It is an intorecting question how the Dynks and Burmese cam to omploy tho aero- phoreforilre making. The Cochin China people strike two pieces of bamboo to gether nnd ignite tinder. Tho ooating of amorphous, allex llko. flint on tho surface of tho bamboo yields a spark at a sharp blow. The irarelor, Mr. W. T. Hornnday, tells lne that the jungle are frequently fired .by tho excawtve friotldn of the bamboos during a gala Tlio Tungaras of British North Borneo and tho Ter mite. Malays carry attached to thenirdlo n joint ot bamboo, often fluely carved, containing tinder and a fragment of pnrcelnln. Tlie bit of china w ith tinder is held in one hand nud struck against tlio bamboo tinder horn held iu, gonerally getting a light nt the first blow. The Aleutians of Alaska made Are hy dipping two piecos of quartz iu sulphur, wliicli abounds in the islands, and st ik ing them together over a small henp of down on which sulphur has been sprin kled. Somes tribes of Eskimo use two pieces of iron pyrites, or pyrites and libit, in tho same way. Mutches have gone everywhere and supplanted tho native lira making processes. Holm, the distinguished Danish Arctic oxplorer, relates that an Eskimo, on being pre sented with a box of matohes, gave away his fire drill, saying ho would have no fui titer need of it Tlie National Museum has a collection of fire mnkiu,. apparatus, showing tho ropresuntative methods of making lire used lu various parts of the world. It would he iinpiw sible to duplicate the majority of the pieces now, since trade tins ctn rie I matches to the ends of thooartli. Illne . -smiths cau slaita flro by pounding v.o Icntly a rod of soft iron, first spiv .iu; on tho aiivil a layer ot povvdun-d cot. dust This is a good Illustration nt the conversion of force into heat Wtt.ter Uough, in The. Popular, Science Nwe. A IIMYM 111. A I K JllLIC. Singular Xlablt or tin Otherwtss Well UlspuAetl mid l!epeotiible llorlne. R.iiert IlaiiBborougli, of Oidllootlte. Uhio, is tlie piweessor of a ualuraf cui i sitv- in tlio shape of a cow which give 'lack milk. She is on Mr. Hniibboi High's model farm, Bituated a few mile utof town, and cau bo seen at nny linn li.zing on his pasture, nnd at nillkin line her singular yield will bo shown .ny one desiring to behold it Of mixeti lirecd, Jersey nud Durham, with n .train 6f Ayrshire, sho was calved on lie farm and was tlio second born to her nother, whose milk presented no pecul nrity, aud whose first calf, a heifer, too, still gives nn abundance ot natural tinted milk, Mollle, as the is called, is a pretty little cow, with nothing unusual In her ppearauce, and has born already fl e otnig, which have tiiriveu well on her black milk. It produces a fair amount of cream, which is a trifle lighter in color, and wliicli when churned liiakea huttor rosembling coal tar, but ns palat able as tiiough of golden yellow, tl,. Ilnushorotigii says that at first the. nero afraid to drink or use the milk i tiny way, but, overcoming their preju dice, now-enjoy it as any other. He has received numbers of oilers for !ier,hoth from theproprietorsof museums aud stockmen, hut declined tlioin from hopes Unit khe will yet transmit her peculiarity, to some of hor .progony. Chemists in Richmond nnd Washington have analyzed the milk, both fresh and when made into butter, but declare that thoy can detect nothing to account foi ls sable color, but nttributo it to some unique coloring pigment iu the Corpus cle. of hor blond. Yankee DrMpatcli. Mr. Irving Montagu, in his "Camp nud bluilio, " records n litt'e ilinloKno between hiinsQlf aud "an amusing Yan kee general'' nt Sistova, during tho Ruaso-Turkish war. It may be surmised that "the American general" was not known as a grent militaiy cflicer iu Ills own country. However, tho btory is a good one, even if the general's couiutii ion would not b -nr examination. One day Lmiide some reference to the clumsy aud long drawn out way iu wliioh the Russian guns were taken tip to the front True, the r. ad we e frightful, the mud being beyond all de SCiiption, but 1 ventured to suggest that the pi ogress of that artillery was, Iu many instances, lamentably alow. "Wal, " said the American iu broad Yankee twang, "I think you'ie right. They've been at it for months, aud there's very little promise of inoreniiug speed. IIow long, now, do you think it would take Brit labors to accomplish the same end f " Acttmlly, I had not the slightest idea, but 'I was not going to collntB4 liefore my Yankee interrogator, so 1 buggealed as an improvement on th" exiting state of affairs, that it would take na, aay about a fortnight or three week-. "By the way, " I continued, "how long do you think it would take the Aiiiericuu to aohieve a similar rebult?" "Americans? Oh, that's a very diff -r-ent kettle o' fink America is I " and nub tins he took out Ins "inch, nud glanced at it several times in meditative silence. The Americana I W il, I should hay, as mat as I cau calculate, somewhere between twenty flu luiuutos ami half an hour." aud with thin he turned on bis heel ith a slf satuliud aii, lea v in me lodt.-st the enmparaou. S-pmoti CoueH Cure. a Union without burning. When hot e, tough, rut it atld rqueize out juice, which oan he sweetened to taste. Dote, a desa-it spoonful whan eolith U Uuubluiuiue. Oitaameu (nerallj travel br threat mu I ure, and are alusyg cbatterui. TAKE FOR RHEUMATISM GOUT, BACKACHE, Pains In the Side, .the Chest and the Joints, Neuralgia, , Sprains, do., etc, the IMPORTED ar"ANCH0R" PAIR EMLlili The BEST, UNSQUAUtD REMEDY. TTned wftTj (rraat finfin the Imperial l wnvrai itcwpitai ox viecuva anti many otuero. Ctaa UstalldtBl Testlmonlil nt ef Ticmuniii t Kururuias, ail. , cna, ifv, iri. YittJr' Anchor l'aln Rsnnlftwli rFillT vrrl- Unt. On9ot oar SUtera, lutTerlDff from IU)- ! maticm for rears, oouia nnn nothing to ota ber but your Alienor Pain Eipellcr. BCUOOL SISTERS DJS aSOTRB UA3Sk GO Cents a bottle. or most rmuaaisTS, or direot mon t F. AD. RIGHTER & 00.. i BIO Jiroadtray, Xew Torki gnropean flouiieiRndolatadt,07. , mdon. Vienna, Rotterdam, PraKua J , aavuaivui) witU a Ui ouiiuitii uviLwaua j S3 niZZ KE3AL0 iWAliEH. LFREE Books about other Anchor Re-, medics en ApplKatlon, PENSIONS. Teraons deslrltie Tension Dlanks and Infor mation undrr-Ai't ot June tsso, can.obtain th same from the undersigned, GKO.W. ES8i:it. Frothonotarr, atieWtt Maueh Chunk, Pa. t joi ttaistuts i Jr. 13 oaud sisioonaa am oios II 'ODV ijnj -TSWniS'JM'Kiiriri uk "03 IXSQIQStt SSM30M r eqi Xq oo -qp erq ermn pejertejd Mouer pue'sjveAr .l'ii jox nai 'miAaA wo. I to r8rasDji xcsec AiOAtt eqi pejvaeiU mter iq peaitfl )qx sn tunij sHqe jo 094 -prponx eitti urerrto oept uvo aiad)Td jooi i Vsupnii Xu.t 01 oaji )ne (a ma eeevsr aaoi Jno Tho Beat Remedy tn this world, aav 3. Tlolberr ot Byrastus, H. Y Is Pastor Koenla s Nerve Toulo, because mr son yiho waa cartlally paralixed three years ago and nttaoked by fits, ha not bad any symptoms ci them nlnoo ho took one bottle ol the remedy, I most heartily thank tor It. Ilorvouu Prostration Cured. Caoanis, K. T. Jane, 18W, I was not able to do anythtuff for IS month, eras confined to bed most of the tune, couldn't eat nor sleep, was eo nervous and duxy that I could not walk from tbe houco to the garden, I was all run down by what the doctors called nervous prostration. Ho medicine Beamed to help me. Then 1 took Pastor Koonhr's Uono Toiio and now I can eat and sleep ana have na more strddnir spells, can do my housework aratn. 1 am very thankf ol (or this and recommend Uia Tonlo to all sufferers. StJEIE VXRSIINEIDILfi. Dr. C. T. Horn, ngt, Lehightoa o more of this. Robber Bho. unless worn ancomfortabbr tlffbt irl!l often slip on the rest, TIIE " COLCHESTER" EUBBEK CO. nftvr a Rhoo with Innldtt of heel llnod wtth rubbuK 1 1 u oiinn tor tho aboe and pre rents thta rabbet from altpplns oft. Call for the "ColchMtar "ADHESIVE COUNTERS. JOHN . LEHTZ, Wholesale Agent, ALbENTOWN. I'A. AT RETAIL BT itetatl dealers can have thelrJ"namoi;ituerttl lure euappllentlon. muvl7. Ikbo-ti & had Is" crt- H8 NOETH FIRST STREET, liSHIOHTOtr. IS TUB PLACE FOK Fine Siiitiis anil PantalooniniTs at IllA lOtrAAt nria. nl,lMl. -in tn on .. . ..ww. ,.a.v ' .... B'VIU , 1WJ LFT-, cent, lower than elsewhere. A uurfect Qt and best workmanship guaranteed In everr Ins'ance. liefore purchasing elsewhere call and aee us. -31 lr ?i1 8 1 W r s : " ........ .u.. is 1. li I B tfllllll,.,,,, ,1. 0,. fS, I. IMn. W. ronu-b - Mr. ' iv..U(t,u. Nvrlak )Mi.lmii ... ,.., .11 Vo,,r tfm. to llw Murii TU.I.U MMtr,.-,-. 'l.n.l Ifiug. wwwdrrM mr,i,i.,ww wlw. BMlnxcr- , I- - M'm SS fc IW H l M-W , a ra ttw. v, anM ih a, w- piww . v . , lias. a. h-uh .hm km. rul t0 (XI aj jrrtir hmUig ts.kat tsf Jfca U UtMxltslK.lfuf N r H "" V IttK, you uy hoi aviakf a mcll, but r irweb )iuiil ktj bi.Mr iora tVtrat M la) 111 n i no k. a 1141 ave yj mm riolli at area In at) pttft ruoiira jn. rci, .ii.ii.rr.- i iMsat-ai F ! "IH III r.(n u wMsr,k saalf M it: W rk. A II i 11 m l.irst lt "t M m tlM ltn .'L.o. We- WUrl )OU r.'IiJiJt Mifilihti. uxn 1 , KHkLIiUT IjwT I AU t K'LLAKp riifclt A eltaM !!, MUWi A IU. , IUKIU3I9, MAlTai. t a.i I.-, i" Aii" 1 Bri ta. ...r! I It f, I ail sir). e-ja-. CtlU O'tiri art I tlia A4 WWL Wb Vru n m1i Ctt innm arr ail. ft lnf fraaaa f I 1 1. ar. m l-ldif.iallfi1 V r ikaw Ta k )TMI WW W trra)l the litis Hip 1 aW jTr1a- a. FaU-ir nkunna aajaofia; tt-aaaL nil tlawt rnu t au wi-k In mi tltsta. II.ItHllfCt.ff " Piles! Piles! files! Trio's Universal Pile Bupolloi7. A tux cure lor every (otBi ol lIUa,uirral arexieruat, iniitun or tleillii, and loua; afindlug rase. H.i.1 i.ever hilleU. Ivy it. een If )ou uav taileS wtth arery other reaieily. Xlua boipcsl u.i v Is cout'shapcU, easy to M'l'lS. safe, Beat ana clean, aact insesees everv adtanlaee over oiul- .utaaud aalraa. Phvakaua na In their Diaet- fee. tilve It a lrtat and urn Villi b relieved aud inii lie veu a 1 ooimucen. tl your armrKisr does itot Reen 11 ur riurKlst does 1mm Keen 11 ur gat It for you, seud for Ii by mallPrice, a lDt a Box ASdreas, Address, Aksmw . fXXf ' Ruin ah- xsineeetrj
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