SM frkpar has btn fntrf1 at tt LIil;b tmrnlOaH as Sroond c;1m Mutter. The Carbcpn Advocate I.KHIOHTOW. THMWA. Xlatas for Isl Atttrrtlttnsi Charter Notices I 4 Ofl Auditor'! Notices 4 oo Commissioner's Notice". - 4 oo Dlrorca Notlcei - - - . - 4 oo Administrator's Notices 3 oo Executor's Notices 3 oo SATURDAY, MARCH 7. 1801. IWna Fide Clrcnlntlon larger than that of any Weakly Nawspaper In the County. Err STKouDsnuno has a new boiillns establishment, and Is having a new furni ture steam grist mill and a new patent dinner bucket factory erected. Won't Lehlghlon tumbler ThbNkw Tobk World says that the proposal to lend the Government's crdltto the Nicaragua Canal Company reminds the people that the Government bat never vet collected the money It lent to the Pacific railroads. It Is easy to lend money to tuest corporations, bat so far the Government hi) shown no capacity to get It back again, though the promoters of great enterprise aided br the Government seem alw. s to cams out with exceeding comfort to them- wives. It la perfectly easy to deflnj the commer cial conspiracies commonly know at Trusts; and with certainly and accuracy In the de finition of a thing thero Is assured a possi bility of Its legal prohibition. The benaU of Indiana has passed an Antl 1 mat law which. If once placed on the statute-book, would render Impossible the existence in that State of any combination to decrease outputs, control price or limit production If the peoole of the various Slates should seriously go about the work it would bt easy enough to stand this Trust egg on end despite the overpowering tendency toward trade combinations tbat is manifested among capitalists whose lime Is devoted to seeking the profits of monopoly. THB ode hundredth anniversary of the death of John Wester was Uttlnidr remem bered last Monday by Methodists through out the civilized world. As tbo age pro gresses men reallxe better the genius ami the zeal which possessed that great reform cr; and even outside of the organlzatloi founded by htm thousands of people admin him for bis Intellectual power. Muthodlsu was a protest against the lukewarmness aim the corruption which bad crept Into th Church of England; but It should not be forgotten that John Wesley llv:d and died a Churchman, and that If the Eplscopa Church In this .country had accepted lie overtures which he made to It Metbodisu mltht never have become the distinct or ganlzatlon which is to-day. Dut this wat -aot to be; and Monday, In thousands ol churches, scattered throughout this broad land, eloquent testimony was borne to the Ufa and labors of a man who, "being dead, yet speaketh." SECIIET SOCIETY GOSSIPS An effort, will be made to organize a xnignt of tne Mystic Uhalu in this city. The Order of Chosen Friends will be a rew organization soon to be Instituted kar. Lehigh Council, 101, Jr. O. U. A. M. f town, has 180 members making It the strongest organization in town. Dr. A. S, Rabenold, of Alleutown, liat been elected Major of the 2d liala lion. 4il, Regt., Knights of the Golden Eagle, for the neat tnree years. anaue, lr Kulaln; At the close of the fiscal j ear 1890 Ohio naa ( pensioners; New York, 60,200 Pennsylvania, 49.678; Indiana. 47.708; 11 1 i hols, 39,043; Aflchlgan, 20,853; .Uissourl 23.749: Ioa.23 18U: Kanas.2-2 U2I: M.m clmsetts, 21.897; Wisconsin. 10,788, Maine, 15.024. and Kenlurks. 15.000. 'I I. p nm, borln-none of the rest of the States come up to Use figures. The Commissioner of Tensions tn liU annual report recently Issued, gives s me Interesting statistics of the Pension Uureau The number of soldiers who enlisted Is given as 2,213.305. The number killed In battle and died of disease to July 1, 18U5 was 864,110. The number soivlvlng Jul 1, 1890 was 1.240,089, and of this numbei 1(4,000 are now sixty-two ears of a oi upward. UFS OF GENEUAL Sn&BMAM. No literary announcement of the sear I of greater Interest to tbegeneral i.ubllc than that of a comprehensive life of (Jeneia Bherman, which is about to be published and sold through agents by the noted hour, of" Hubbard Hrothers, of 1'hlladelpliU Admirable biographies of Grant and bneri dan, comp ete to the lime of their death, are already familiar to the time public, bu a life oi the third great commander, ti finish the series, has been lacking. The various 'biographies of Sherman liltherti published have necessarily been incomplete, and even bis own memolis, written in 1S7.. said almost nothing of bis Intensely Inter eating early llfr, ami not a word, of counts of the more than tweutj years of social ac tlylty and fraternity with old comrade, since the war The work which Is now to be Issued will splendidly supply the widely felt demand for a hlstorv of the great strategic co man der. It Is being written by General O. O. Howard, a man of fine llteran attainments, who knew tthermau better than auy other of I Is comrades now living, and ranked Mixt but one to him In the army, and hi Willis Fletcher Johnson, whose abl Its as a historian is familiar to the leading public f America through bis former unusualls popular works, which have had millions ol nailers, and the sales of ibeir vast edlilon enrlched an army of book agents. Thai this history of Sherman, the last of the great Generals, will surpass all others in popularity is not to be doubted. The story of this great Genera 's career la of a marvellous march from the moun tains of time to the sea of eiernl y. of Hie three great war heroes, Sherman wash) far the most interesting personality. He was the best known to the public and the best loved for his genial disposition ard warm symptiby with the popular fteart. Be has Joiued his Illustrious compeers In the eternal bivouac of the dead Ills is a life to study to emulate and Is a pro found Inspiration. The forthcoming volume will tell the wbole stots of his mar vellous career, and from the authorship en. gaged upon It, we are assured It will be told In a way tbat will enthral the attention ard Intrest of every reader from first to last. It Is a book every American will want and one every American youth sb-mU read. It will doub less be the best life of the great chief tain published, and we pre diet for It wonderful popularity. Special Announcement. W have made arrangements with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on the tlorse and bis Diseases," which will enable all our subscriber lo ktaln a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address (enclosing a two jnt stamp for mailing same) to Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Enosburgh Fails, Vu This Vook Is now recognised as standard au thorlty upon all diseases of the horse, as Its phenomenal aale attests, over four mil lien copies having been sold In the past tn years, a sale never before reached by any publication In the same period of lime, w feel confident tbat our patrons will an. Sfaelalt the work, and be glad to avail thsmtelves of this opportunity of obtain ( s valuable book. Mow, Fay Dp. Our tetlector, George W, Afortblmer, w 111 call on delinquents within the next fc days, and all persons are expected to Uquldste. It's nsed the money and must kave It, If you owe us you are supposed ts par, the sooner the better, as we need fee. cash to meet the heavy expense of 4eaUkaftA Mercantile ApuraiMt i O Carbon :-: County. For tho Year 1891. dado by Oharloa A. Warnot. An appeal will be beld at the Commis sions' OfTtce, In ttie Borough of Maucb Chunk, at 10 o'clock a. tn., on MONDAlf. Al'ML 27tb. 1801. Ilaucb Chunk llorongli. Class Ain't Bartholomew, K. D., stores and tin- WHrfl 14 T0i 7 0 7 00 7 on 31 0i llertscli. liau'l U.,inerchniittahor....l4 lleituch llrothrr, tixts mid caps 14 llernliait. W., xeneral store It lleera, A. It., ireneral alnr.e 10 ltarcre. II. F.. araln mere-hunt. , T 40 on ('nrpriitrr, Samuel, Jeweler. It ristenbner&MucriliU,ineHt niarket.14 7 00 7 CO rortriRni. A l. non. enai i Deahn. Henry, general store 14 40 0" 7 M 7 ! r.urn, u. ni-, muK Faga, John II., sen Inn machine 14, Pai;a, John H , Keneral store.' 14 Uraiiil I'nion Ten and C"fle Oo 13 7 0 7 (in 10 10 Uarblreno, , mills 14 Harlan, (I. W .meat market ..... 14 llaintll, I'atrlck, boots and shoes It 7 7 10 7 l Has, .lonn. general sioro is Heist & lSernlii'Uer, inerrhaut tailor. .14 rlt-lierlliitr, .1. W., Keneral store 10 llohl, K. II.. jeweler... 11 7 00 7 IS 10 no 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 iiymiman, si., generoi siorn IhIiiIii. Mrs. A .milliner It llarme-t, Aiiuust, boots and shoes 14 Isaacs, L , Variety store It leniKws, u. n..jeweiry u tfaufliiiaii. Prank, tnbaero and tCumz & t'o., ueueral store 10 lielter ft Ultr, flour and teed..,. to iAblen, I'.. Hovei and tinware 14 .jiclar. Joseph, dnnrs 11 U'lngli loal & Navieation Company, 10 0 7 Oil SO 11 10 0 7 01 10 00 pfinl. 12 50 Lobleu. Henry. Keneral store I.iiekenliaeli, Ji. 1'.. stationery..! ...14 ...14 ...13 ...14 ...14 ... u ...II ...14 ...14 ...14 ...14 7 0 7 0 10 00 7 OU uaeKi, Mrs. a., iiouoii.i durray, I. P.. boots and shoes., tlulhearn. . O.. Keneral stole... 7 1 sillier, K., Kreen giocerlt-s Miter, LoulsJ.. general store.... sillier. Henry J., m-neral store... sillier. K. II., furniture ilcCarroll. II. 1!., Keneral store., slcUara.UeorKe. Keneral store. iiT- It. A., m-nel-nt Mtnra 10 00 7 0 7 00 7 U 7 00 7 lm 7 40(0 .Sex, Edsvard, eeneral store is Sharkey. Mrs l, general store. II soiidlielm, Henry, cloilitng.. 14 souulieliii, Jonas. clothing 1' 4pengler 6 Ksser, (.loves and tin ware II Stroh. in. H., tt Sou, boots and shoes..... 13 -leadiuan, J. I.., Jeweler 14 -imtih.J. W.,drugs.... 14 to 00 13 IW 7 0 It to 7 CO 10 00 7 00 7 0) 7 10 1inocK, ueorte, Ki oeeriea Sweeney, 11. X., boots and shoes., ...Ik -Ichrank, V. M.. stoves and tinware. .14 riie ii. w. llooven Mercantile Com- 7 01 7 10 40 01 1'i to 7 (0 pany Hie Aenie till Company 13 lite Maueli Uhiiiik Shoe store. 14 nrueke. Henrs. iienenil store 13 10 0, sVnincke, C. II., general store 14 7 01 svarncae, diiim, runt. ...... is 7 (0 7 . HI 11 vISC, ... .... uvuh v ..... Warncke, Oco. W., general (.tore 14 Venter S Hrothers, furniture 10 kerbs', John, variety store tl 7 (0 SO 00 7 00 7 00 rue Union lea tympany...... it BtU.lAUU3. r.entz. r. P., one room 30 01 30 09 30 00 SO 00 Kelss, Leopold. niierooni....! Kelser, J. Ii., It Son, one room TAVIKX LICENSE. trmbrnster, Lewis ICO 00 Herder. Samuel F Uv 0 Deppe, Nelson II 1A0 0 Fonhf. Kriwtlis 150(10 Ueiirlnir, Charles W L'O 1 1 Kennedy, jaines.i id-' mi KpKr..l. 11.. &8011 iron l.nitz, IjlFaselte , 110 OO sicstiiiiey. rrniiK I'llonuell. Michael Itader, Philip :. Mratiblnger, John -tchsveibuiz, I'aul II -stahl, Frederick ..... Zeiser, Blazlus ito l JM) 10 ro a ITO M ico 00 iM 00 icoco ItESTAUBAHT LICENSE. Relss. Leopold.... Woodrlug.UeorKe.. BnKWEIt'S LICIN8E, 190 on 150 00 Weysser, Jobnlt, O 20010 WHOLESALE LICENSE. Martin, Michael..... 200 00 Smirkey, Cutherlue 200 00 T-ehlghton Borough, Class. Ami tlaltzcr, Daniel, notions it 7 01' 7 a 7 H 7 01 701 7 a noer, Aiiqrew. on iitni paini. it dock, 1). niieut Jesseler It iMcuman, si iiuain. Keneral store it .'IniHs St Ilrother, mercliaut tailors. Jultou, II K., coiifeitioneiy...i 14 'lauss, K. w .stoves and Rampoell. A. u, Jesseler 14 irlebblebiss, Jaeou, coal 11 OeifenUerfef, II. Aclirar stote 14 UeTsclilrschky, Caroline, general store ........14 Kbeit, David, flour mid feed 14 reiistermacber, it., genetal store 14 i-rHiinger, J. M., boots and shoes... .11 liable, J. 1.., liarusrare , 13 tlable, J, l-.coal II .Jraver. S.. stoves und tinware.. .....14 ilummell llrolhers, retell inercliau. ,. idise 14 tlagaman. s.. general store II, flour uud feed .,..11 iloiu.UT, drugs It Hell, Trunk, sew 1 UK machlues 14 ileltl.L J., general store 14 Keniererfc ischivarlz, furniture II .(euierer, William, general store 13 Kiilios. W.s, stoves and ihisvare....ll .vl lint & Klstler, Keneral store ,13 elbeligu'.u, F gr.rerles 14 ..ehlKh aud llurdwaro Cora- pany Store 14 l-thigh sJoal (s Hardware Company ......14 Melirkam. A . lU eiu, geueial store. .13 siiHbauiii, J. T., general stoie.r It Nusbaum, U. v-, sesvliu machines. ..14 Jbeit.JosepU, meat market .'....10 t'eters. II, 11., merchant tailor It iiebei. Is'. Iidruvs 11 Kehng, oweu, paliiuaud paper 14 uelaei, Ainos, general store. 13 thuads.U. 11.. Keneral store 11 .-sohwartz. Valentine, furiiuure ..14 sli' uer, E. II., Keneral store. .11 -ssseeny & Sou. geueial store 13 Tlioinas, I'. 1) , driiKS 14 7 in 7 r 7 to 7 00 7 00 7 M 7 01. 7 Ot 10 If 7 II 7 01 7 Ot 7 IK 7 0 7 . 7 01 7.0L 7 O lo m 7 0 12 10 7 0. 7 01 TOt 11 M U 10 7 0 SO I. 7 cr- 7 I 7 Ot U ft 10 a 7 Ol 7 a 13 7 01 7 u I ralner, Charles, flour and feed 14 Walp. James, agent, stoves and tin ware... 14 sValp. Hubert, gem-nil store 13 si lieutley. S. I'., notions 14 ieru, K. II., Keneral stole 13 TAVE11N LICENSE. 7 to 10 i 7 u 10 Ot Esch, James II lvirx Clotii. S. otUUIUltS. ISO Ot isu is isHtler, lot.ulluii... Mauiz, Thumas .... BKSTAUUANr LICKNSE. Clark. r.F Miller, F. K .sillier, A. K feters, Wllsou 160 tt 150 01 160 00 1:0 00 BOTTLXUS' LICENSE. norlacher, Fred , : oc WHOLESALE LICENSE. llaudenbush, J. W , 200 00 Xouuford Borough. Class Am'i 1000 l u. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 M 1 00 7 Oi ls 00 10 0 7 10 7 l 7 00 7 on 7 no 7 01 10 U.i 7 10 7 OJ 7 00 711' 7 00 7 CO 7 (0 7 0O 7 CO 10 00 7 01 7 10 10 Qi 700 7 00 7 10 V On 7 00 20 ro 7 00 7 00 Aurand a Son, book store ........u iirigui, o. sj., general siore.,,, Hernes. E. A., Jesseler Davis, T. M., geueral store... .11 .14 .14 Davis, l. It., urugs 14 uavis v ec l it., general store 14 Drumheller, William, stoves aud tin ware t Dugau, T., general store it Kvans, Win. Y., boots and shoes II Edwards & Thomas, general store., ,.lt Kdsvurdi, C. C, Keneral store 13 ttdlestlue, Julius, clothing 11 Kuhlet, Itobert, vat lely store.. it Uarrett, SMI. lam, i.ardwareslore....ll ilriftltlis, Hlehard, liootsatid shoes. Hall, J. it., furniture 14 Hall, J. It., lumber 11 Holmes, It. A., general store is Jones, John II., drugs 14 lames. Uanlel, Itooisand shoes..,. ...14 Kline, T., general store 14 Lewis, D. I)., boots aud snoos ,.,14 Livingstone & Co., c otlitug j( Lelilgu Coal and Navigation Com. Iiany, supply store 14 lAnsford Hoot ami shoe Coiiiiauy....l4 Lewis, J. L , euntett'ouery 11 sie.N'ells, John. Keneral store 11 NruinuUrr, A. M., general store 13 O'Dounell, liiigb, general store 14 Oblskly. Jacob, clothing 14 Klchards, J. E-, general more 13 Karlck. A. C variety stoie 14 4S,. liu mj.. sessing uiacllIUCS fVUM UIJ(U Swank, U a., furniture. .14 Snecialtv Drv Hoods House 'nomas, I'blllp. general store.,.., Warren, C. & Co., general store... Wetzer, L. L., greeu groceries Quluu.J. A., drugs , PILLIABOS. Holvey, O. II, one room 3000 TAVEEN LICENSE. rtlttner, Wilson, J j.900 Karlv. James F.. uooo laliagher. James it.. Jones, John B Metiue, (Vila Quiuu. Jobu A.. fcenner, Charles (.... ISO o Ito I) UO 01 isu 01 IN 00 BESTAOBANT LICENSE. nrdvey. Oeoree ll., ire 0e Junes, John J..., ito i uuiucarn, vnm , , , 130 (vs MstJerTtgaa.Jiuasi.. whomuai.k MOairsm. Bretllo, ratrjok Mulbeara AVorrlao.. tee oo w 08 VTeatherlr Borongh. Class Am't 10 CO 7 T 00 7 00 10 to 7 00 7 00 7 0J 7 00 710 13 60 7 10 7 Ou 10 no 7 00 IB Oi 7 UJ 7 UJ 7 0) 7 UU 7 UJ 7 00 7 00 7 i Dlakeiley, W. W., general store 13 Uuek, vT SV., xeiieial store II Gassier. Charles, coal 14 Ulewell, llenjalulu, stoves and tin- waie .. Itadle. J. (1.. ueiierul store 13 llooven, L. w., general store It Hunter, J. W., variety store It liorlaeiier, s. II., coufrclloiiery 14 llanui, YV. N., general btore 14 Klstler, O. J., coal 14 Kuiiiz, David, Keneral aiore 11 Kotn, Airs. J. JL, inllllner It Uei liarl, '1. 11 , general store 14 Lauderouru, J eon, Keneral store 13 Ivittmin, 1', H.,UrUKS 14 sillier, ii. ss ., geiteiai store n Ml.-.. L. U.. stoves uud tluware 11 Soiidlielm, 11.. clothing It deiidel, J, 1) , iiaruss'aie .....14 Tweeule, J. U-, drugs.. 14 Warner. Ii. f., luruiture 14 White, Frank, less tier. 14 Wilson, sin. Al. A., milliner 14 Yvrxl, Joseph ineiciinnt tailor.... ....It DtLtlAUCS. Dlttner, 8. II , one rooni I'atlersou, A. L., oue roou SO 00 10 Ui TAVEIltf UCEKBK. Dlttner, 811ns II ulues. John 1M 01 ISO IV 1.0 III 160 10 ltu U ItO 10 ue to It. u II, ourali leleuelithal, II, .1 Melst-r, Casper I'Hiiersou, a. i lalletou, Uiwrenue WHOLES ALU LICENSE. dcuaetcr, Uenry Summit mil UorougU, . Class. Arner, Moses, ttnuare 14 nreslio. K., notions... 1 Dam, Mrs. Ai milliner 14 llavt,'l,l, droits II lames, a. A., go eialstorv 14 slcl 'ready, Jonu, geueral store 13 Mluulck, nleplieu t' uKent geueial store It N'evlns, J., boots and hoes 14 iticliards.-.loseph.geneial store V itiehards, Joseih, geueral store 14 iteiistiaw, lUomas sV , dings 14 Itlekert, Samuel, tinware. It -sehueliler, Wllllaiu, general store... S Sluyard, il. K veueial store ,11 Ssrauk, S. I., luruiture 14 I'auuer, Joseph, genelal btore 14 Johnston St t o., geiieiul stole 14 sVeuuer, 1). M., Keneral store 14 TAVBRfiDlCEHSit. Uirhmnn. Amandui ijugau, 'lliuotUy tlimlzinger, U. F isveeue), James UKSTAUKAKT LKT.XBK. Am'i 7 Ii 7 0 7 VI 7 0 7 0 10 Vv 7 0 7 0 29 Of 7 O 7 Ml 7 IV 2.0 0U 7 O 7 0U 7 Uu 7 7 W 1C0 0 Ml 0 ISO U U0 00 Doner, Mantis , ilojle, Hdward U iTeiislermaclier, George., .sle(.oiniell, James Mellugh, JUeuuls O'lJrleu, ha ISO 0(1 ISO 11 1O0 01 IK V ItO U W1IOLX3AU LICENSE. Itrlslln, Michael 203 00 .slatoy, Catherine , toj to Bast Mauch Chunk liorongh. Olass' Am't nelneman. II. W.,statlonery 14 7 ot, llrenkent. Frank, irfiieral store.. .....14 7 Oti ilaclimau, II. A., general store 10 10 Ou Mailer. Klssln. general store -..I I 7 00 ilausples. i. obert, general xtoie 14 7 00 tteiiiivliolf. E. W.. stoves and tin- ware 14 7 00 Dlckmau, John, general store.. ....... It 1C 0 i.raoste, Joseph, Jeweler 14 7 0 Hess, J. M., druK It 7 oo l-enll, Chatles W., drugs It 7 u Meier, William J drugs 14 7 00 Morrow. D. K.,geueralstre It 7 0 Medee. James, geueral store It 7 ou .Until, John, geueial store It 12 Go Itader. W. boots and shoes 14 7 0j dchsvab, William, stoves and tin ware It 7 to Swank, C. W., flour and feed... 14 7 0' .Swank, a W coal 14 7 on Schwartz, Frank, furiilluie... 14 7 00 -schilllimer. Fred, general store 11 7 00 Solomou, J., Keueral store , 14 7 0J nnawEH'a license. Sohwelblni, Plus 200 CO TAVEBN license. Coll. Anthony 150 00 ISO 01 1&0 no ISO 01 16010 150 OO 150 01) Kngit-r, rranx Ilass, Chester , Kyan.Jolin O schwel blitz. Frank Zeiser, Baitliold IIRSTAt'BANT LICENSE. (lerster, Tbe'dore.. O'Dounell, John..., IV) 00 150 00 WnuLESALE LICENSE, Qallaglier, Osven W ; Mauch Chunk Township. ChlFS. Rranch, K.. general store ..13 UeuuliigliulT, Joseph, bouts and shoes ,...11 Corby, T. II , general store , ,..1J Colby It t'ossldv, Keneral siore. 14 Ijswlet', Fatrlck, general stole 14 Verdou, I Ke11er.1l store 14 sVatsou, O. l, general store 13 Bll.l IABOS. bless ens. E. It., Vice President ot the Wuhiietah Unid und Improve- meut Company, one room S mouths.. TAVERN LICENSE. rtnss, Jacob.. Do-ruioit. llrldgei iveuuy, John Mauiz, Lessifl A Oxley, llenjalulu dlesvers. K. It.. Dln-etorOuoko Im proveineut Company Limited BKSTAtBANT I.ICEX1E. McGorry. F.-lix , Wutklus, Thomas A WHOLESALE LICENSE, Duke, Charles BOITLEB'S LICENSE. McCaffrey, John 7ranklln Township. ' Class. mer, T. F., general store 14 lbrlght, Jnhu --. 11 Beliz. David, general sto e ,.14 'ampttell. Henry, general More II l si.bacli. Kdssln. gei.eral store 14 leiler, J. w., btovea and tiuwure..,. II Koous. llenjalulu, clothing 14 sierkley, 'lilKlnnan. boots uud shoes. 14 ,'lffer, A. T., geueial More ,..14 lex, J. I'., fuiulluie 13 Keber, Edsvard. general store 14 llckert, J. K.,coal and lumber .... U lieber. John, merchant miller II 'ucn.JuM h, ueuerat store 12 Itich. .fiNiah, 'O-l 14 -ei, er,Osii J. gen -ml siure is suuei, rsat lau, general alore 1,1 Snyder. Nnlliaii, lumber 14 soil, K. J, general atore 14 iShltehead, W . canal store 11 Hageubush, John, geueral store... ...11 TAVERN LICENSE. Heber, William II ..ehrlr, John ,. Mahoning Township. Class trner. A., general store. 13 Uumbert, Jouathau, merchaul ilarlemau, J, L., general sture 14 Koons, J. W.. geueral store ,. 14 Klingemaii, F., inerrhuiit miller 14 sillier, .si. s.,HKeut, geueral store II Melizler, .1. t! , flour and feed 14 eldle, Charles II., general store 13 dtnllh a Ilrother, gnueral store. It Am't 10 to 7 OO 10 00 7 0J 7 0U 7 01. 10 00 13 U 76 110 75 00 75 00 75 0 73 10 75 10 75 CO 75 10 1C01VI 100 00 Am't 7 no 7 00 7 00 7 10 7 00 7 00 7 Ou 7 On 7 00 10 0 7 0U 7 0 7 00 12 ru 7 0 10 0J 10 U 7 0U 7 0V 7 0 7 00 75 00 76 0U Am't 10 u 7 00 7 00 7 On 7 01 7 00 7 00 10 0j 7 ou TAVERN LICENSE. Horn. Z. II. C sicDaulel. J.T... Sm 1 1, Abraham, 75 00 75 00 73 00 Welssport Borough, Class Aschbach, A. C, pianos and organs,. .14 Ami 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 at lllerv. W.F.. druirH Cullon, Mrs. M uilliluer Kuntz, M. O., leather and hides... hresge. u. a., boots and shoes I-Hiiry, Mrs. M. A., Keneral store.. Miller, Henry; lumber Niubauin.O, tl.. geueral store...., Hex. T. A., ireueral store 7 00 7 00 7 01 7 00 7 0.1 14 Strauisberrer, Jacob, confectionery. .14 f euuer, J. T., geueral store II 7 0 7 00 BILUAUDS. Arner, Oscar, one room. Curistiuan, tleury, oue room... 30 01 to 00 TAVERN LICENSE. Cbrlstman, nenrr, Drumbore, Henri.. Keritt,U.U....... UO 00 150 00 150 00 BUTAVBANT. Arner, Oscar it 00 Packer Township. Clais. Wllmer, George &, flour & feed it TAVEEN LICENSE. Garra, Patrick Lausanne Township, Class. Buck Mountain Ooal Co.. stare, 14 TAVERN LICENSE, QlUetple, Art! Lehigh Township, Clatl. EaUUatsa, r, X gtsaral state, u Ami 700 78 00 Ami 7 00 no Ami TAVSBW LIRKNSa. Cannon, Daniel I 7(1 Banks Township. Class Am't 40 00 12 10 40 00 20 00 30 00 7 00 12 tx Aires, It. R. general store. Ayres. It. B .general store n Carter, VV. T. & Oo general store 7 Coxe Ui others, general store 10 Myers, II. . & Co., Keneral store 8 Miller, J , flour nnd teed it wiiiiams, i. ii u TAVERN LICENSE. Oa1lacher,.Tohn .! Mcllilde. hiijth II BlAck, Margaret... Thomas, W. 1).... ItlUtTAi n oo 7 00 7(1 0M '.I 00 ItlUtTAUnANT LICENSE. Tlrngnn, Mnry UUonnell, Frank 78 K 73 K WIIOLKSALR LICENSE. Mcltrlde, Ncal.... Siultli.stepheu... 100 00 101) 00 rarryvlllo Borough, rin Ami 7 0'i 7 10 7 00 12 tu Cnrbnn Iron nnd ripe Company, coal.1 1 ivisiier,! i'., Keuenii siore. ii reters & ttntson, Keneral More 14 t'eters, Jacob, general store ...12 tavern" license, Uartman, Alfred ICO 00 East 1'enn Township, Class ....14 Am't 7 00 Oeorge, Penrose, general store.. TAVUUX LtCKKSE. Mover, Wllllaiu II Oeorge, Penrose 75 00 7i W Fenn forest Township. Olars. Ilennlnger,,!. M general store.. .....14 Uauuer, l'aul, general store. 14 TAVEIIN LICENSE. ckhaft, Frank IsUbler, tmauuel , Ain't 7 00 7 Ou 75 00 74 tO Kidder Township, Class. ....11 Am'l 7 00 lletz, Emery, general store. TAVERN LICENSE lietz. Freeman. .- .sckiiutt, fultl , Scully, Frank iVeruet, thus. A Towainenslnjr Township, 73 CO 79 Ou 78 0J 76 0. Class. Am't .(resge, rnul, general store ivuulue, ilurriiOii, general store. 14 7 00 It 7 vo TAVERN LICENSE. Clir.stmnn, Lewis J., -selberllug, Frank F. dlemler, Isntliaii.... 711 00 75 Oj 73 Oo Lower Towamenslng Township. Class. Ain't Vsli, Tteuben, general store 14' 1 00 Joycr ft Uosvuian,geueral htore 13 10 00 dojertt liowmau, coal tl lumber II 7 o ;osser, J. T., Iitlliitine. 14 7 no Jralg, John, general store 13 10 00 I'ralg John, coal and lumber 14 7 ou iiunut, Hear), dry goods uud notions. It 7 00 timber, William II.. geueralsture....l4 7 ou , Ireen.i liarles, Kcnei at htore II 7 00 Kosteubader, J., general sUire 14 7 tu itlstler, A. Ii.. stoves nnd 7 00 Milt. tl. II., ineicliHiit miller It 7 u Itucu & Deltz. ireueml sture 14 7 01 A-lgeliriu, Mauiuel. geueral store 14 7 00 ZelKeutus, W. A., general store 13 10 00 liojt-r, A., nienihaut miller 11 7 OU TAVERN LICENSE. Ronssr, .Tames T 75 00 Heimbacb. Joseph 75 00 ilenrv. Hubert.. 75 0U iCre.iue, Nathan leliifteit. Oeo. D.... 75 00 75 00 75 0U 76 0U dtrohl, Ueo. M svister, rrauK The above taxes for Mercantile License are due atid payable on the first day 'if May, 1601. to James T. Uuliieatn, Treasurer, at the Llnderman National Hank, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Tavern, Restaurant and Wholesale Liquor License were due and payable on the first day on which the same were granted by the Couit of Quarter Sessions. CHARLES A. WERNET, Mercantile Appraiser, Kidder Township. Pa, FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF'UIK l.rhliiliion Ceine ery, for the ending Feb. 7th, 1S01: DR. Fred Ilrlnkman, bond t f 0 1.1 0 Oweu lslotz, labor "4!) 57 Paid as per voucher Fred lirliikmiin.nn bond .... .... .,$600.00 Fred Hrtnxman, Interest & tax.. . . 40 to 1 Iwen Klotz, labor 431 Obert and llortnrd, lumber 6.25 K. W. CUus, labor 1.50 I'heaon Snyder, labor. 2.37 Wm. Sehari1e.ta.f 1500 .1 & 11. Keaholdt, llltllltliice 3.2t Jos. lluck. labor 75 CIS 35 UC2.02 CIt Balance In Treasury $213.24 Hec'd during year on lotb 300.02 tiec'dditiliigyeuron rent lul.uo OutKtaiidlug ou lots sold 43U.71 lSallauce s.wiuit U9J5 We the undentlgned being appointed auditors to examine tuu accuuis in ine necieiary um treasurer ot the Lehlghlon t'emeeiy, di i-erlllv that svo liaVH exauillied the Slllltu um. flud it correct as statesl. Witness our luiuo Hits 2ltb day 01 reu., 1511. ClISTON MIETNKY, UZltANKWH UI. J Audlorn. Lehigh Valle R. R Co. Arrangement of Passenger Trains, In Effect Feb. 16rn, lb'Jl. LAVE LKHIOUTON For Kesvark and New York t.ti. J.S0, 0.67, and ii.iz a.m.; auj, oi a.ui p. 111. For Mauinika Chunk uud Helvidere 6.22. 7.30 9.00. H.lll.! li.4i 11 111. For Uiinberivllie nnd Trilit.m 6.22, 0,00 aim il.ta.m.i utiu u.ti ).m. For riliitlUKtou. Calasaunua. Allentoss-n. neii. le'jein, and ICustou, 6.22, 7.0i, 0 00, 9 57. 11.12 a.ui , ia-vc, a.iv nou r.ui III. ior I'liiiaiieliihlaiiuu ihiiuIs suuth &t 7 07, 7j J.00 aud 11.12 a. 111.: 3.0U. 5 20 and e.(.l 11. in For lteadlUKaudllariisbiiig5J2, uud 11,12a, lu. For Uosvinnns, Lehigh Uap. Cherrjford, Ijiu rv's. White Hall. Ciiplay, and llokendauniia, V 03 S.A7 & 1 1.12 a. III. ; 12.42, ami 5.29 i. Ill For Mauch Cliii'k 0.52,7.43,0.30 uud ll.ts a.m. I. 22.3.15,6.25,7.23,8.1(1 and 0.3a p. lit For Weatherly mid Hazleluu 0.62, 7.43 0.30 and II. 4Sa.lll.: 3.15,6.25.7-23, 102 p.m. For Mahauoy I lly, Shenandoah and Ashland 0.62, 7.43, 9.30 and 11.48 a III.; 3.15, 6.25 it I.ZS p In For MU Curmel aud Sliaiuuklu ii.5i, 7,43 aud 11.48 a. in.: 6 25 p.m. For I'litlSVlllu Ui, 7 JO. 7.43, 03R 11.12 and 11.4 a. 111., 12.42. 3.0c), 3.13, uud 7.23, B tl p.111. For While Haven, Wllkesbari-e and Scrauton 0-62, 7.43, tlJO aud 11.48 B.U1.; 3.15, 6.25, 7.23 aud 10.28 p.lll. F,.r llltstnn nnd I. & n. June!., 0J2, 7.43, 0,30. ami 11.48 a-m. ; 5.25, 7.23 and wjs p. m. For Tuukhauuock ll.sS a. in.; 6.25 7.23 and 10.28 ts.m. Fortlsvego, Auburn, Ithaca and Geneva 11.48 H.HI.; iii.xh For ljieeyvllle, Tosvanda, Bayre, Waverly. HI inlra, Hochester, lluffaln, fs'agara Falls uud the syvm K.IH.; ausi j.iu ami iu.s p.iu. SUNDAY TItAIMS. For Itesv York 4.11,5.42 nnd 10.07 a.m. ; 6.29 p.m For Philadelphia 4,11, 8.02 a. m.i 3.62 uud 6.23 n. ni. For Eastnn and Intermediate Sutions 4.11, For Maucb Chunk 8.14, cO, 10.23 u.iu.; 12.2U. 3.15. 8.13 and 0.38 p.m. ' For HeadliiK al s.42 a. m.. end 2.52 p. m. For llazleton J0 : 12 20. 345 & 10.28 p.m. For Mahauoy City and Uheuaudoah UM auu 3.16 p.m. For i'nttsvllle at J.63 p. m. For White Havon, Wllkes-Barre, ritUton, Tunkbaiiiiock.Tossaiula. Bayrr, Ithaca, (leuera. Auburn, Llinlrii, UucuesWr, llutfalo, Is'lacitni Falls ane the West 10 28 p.m. ' v For further particulars luqulre of Agentsfor Time Tables. K. H. MYltsOTUN, .. .. Hen'l I'ass. Agent. May 11, DO, ly South llethlehem, 1'eupa. DENTISTRY, Dr. J. A. Mayer &Scn. Dr. GEORGE H. MAYER, a Qraduatelrom the Dental Department of the Uulrei-slty of Pannsylvanla, . r , ' T . " SUf sailiss UUILUlUg SV1IU bis faUier, second floor In the Hay Wludosv, 60 BltOADWAY. MAUCH I 1 I )) PA., nnw prepared lo recelveevery one in need nret-elaj-1 dental service. . eninso-t LgARN TELEGRAPHY Inatramuiusndlaitrottlootrrn. rot Mtllea- I A Fsl snr1 rnu ST star rw . - ai Mumic. omSr:' All the verv latest news will ba found in the Cabbon ibvo- CATC Welspi Mm uirectory. U. S. KHESGE, In Use Old Pmt Office Building. Fine and Medium Shoes for Ladles, Man and Children at the very lowest prices. NewHubbers Inserted tn Gaiters at from 40 to 00 cents. All kinds of Itepalrlng Neatly, Cheaply and and Promptly Attended lo, HAND-MADE BUOTg & IH0BI FOls A SMOOTH EASY - SUA.VJS, AND A STTLtSU IlAIB Cut, QO 10 )V. P. EsltAKO TUB UAIIUElt, Over the Canal llrldge. vjl'Ol Casts Buyers ko to A. F. SNYDER, And buy your Organs, rlauos.SewIng Machines, Wringers, Washing Machlues. Implements, rumpsof all kinds. It will pay you 0 set pi Ices from me before buying. X can save you money M. FliORY, .Manufacturer ot II LElDi THEM ALL IK NEWS . The ADVOCATE." and Dealer In irAItNEBsl, COLI.AK8 HLAMUns, WIIII'S, FI.Y-IsETS, &c, &c &c, WIIlTn -o- STHEKT. mtiaur. CLEAN INDEPENDENT. -Head Hi ll. 0. HONCEN, Practical Vaon Builder. Repairing; Neatly and Cheaply Done at Very ttenstmauie l rices. General A tent for the Gilbarth Patent Adjust auie can lane roie, auu caicriu Iluuiiles uud Carts, M, O. Kuntz. tisns rlul LeLttliioli- s elssport Urldtte. Dealei In Sole Leal ti er. Finished CaH Sklns, Kip and Up per Leather.Uaruess Leather, etc. Illirhest prices paid foi IliUes.SKlustS'iullow. UA1U . UUl'lIKQ AM) SMOOTH SHAVING tn the verv hhrhest Style o. Tousorlal Art At IIOKN ti Snivtxo . . Ualoom Try Him I jJMlA.NKLIN llOUSt:, EAST WEISSrOIlT. PENN'A. flits house offers rlrst-class accommodations to he permanent boarder and transient guest, funic prices, only One Dollar per day. uiK7-iy John Hkhuio, Proprietor. Oscar Christman, WEISisTOllT, PA. Livery and Exchange Sialics, iasy rldhiL' currlaeei and sate drlvlnn horses. Best accommodations to agents and travellers, Mall aud telegraph orders promptly attended to, lilve me a trial. mav21-ly The - Welssport - Bakery, C. W. LAUItY, PrtOPniKTOB. Delivers Fresh Bread and Cakes In Weissport, Leuignion unu Ticimsies every uay. tn this store T have a Fine Line of Confectionery irine tioiiuay iraae. ctunuay scnoois anu iese vais si ppiieunc lowest prices. aec.t-.-ui Over Canal Briflne E. Weissprt. UNDERTAKER AND DEALER. IN FURNITUTtE. PARLOR SUITES, BED ROOM SUITES, ., v. Trices the very lowest. Quality ot goods the best. Satisfaction guaranteed In avcry particular. Caskets, Collins and Shrouds, VTe have a full line which we will furnish a oie losvest possiuie prices. Flour, Feed, &c, the choicest quality atvery reasonableprUes. tan auu ue couviuceu. JOSEPH P. REX, Aprlt-tv EAST WEISSPOnT. uscar j.saeger East Weissport, Pa. WHOLESALE DEALER IS Green Groceries.Fruits Oystcra, Oranges, Lemons.Pea- nuts, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Confections, Cigars, &c, &c, Our prices on all goods are as low as city prices and you save the freight. Call at our store before buying elsewhere. Henry Miller, LE MIGHT ON, PLANING MILL. MANUFACTURER OF Window and Doos Frames, Doors, Shutters, window f ashes, Mouldings, Brackets, AMD DEALER IH All Kioils of Dresseit Lumber Shingles, Failings, Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c. Very Lowest Prices. AL. CAMPBELL, Jeweler ami Watchmaker, Bank Street, Lehighton, .Rmna, Kespectfnlly Invites the attention ol his Mends auumo uuzeus generally to nis inunense new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, it Prices that defv comnetltlon. It will mr tod o call and Inspect my stock before parouwng CUCSSUCiV. REPAIRING Promptly done at losvejt chares, and all werk guaranteed. Dou't teel tlie Place. SIGN OP THB BIG- WATCH, Bank St Lehighton. Joseph F Di Si BOGK, AOKNT The LeadingJeweler. We Jast with to tell you that ws still have the largest and best stock of everything n our lice, in eluding many n w beautiful things Watches, Clocks, Rings. Ear-rings, Studs, Breast Pino, Necklaces, Fancy Society Emblems, Fins, Gold and Silver Chains, Eye Glasses and Spectacles, School Supplies, All kinds of Stationery. OCKFORDWATCHES Jlrtuntqualltd inEXACUliQ BE It VICE. fsed br tne vniei .echanlclan of tho r the Admiral ruunntDumxiu ...a U.b.NaYal abler" noml cat work , and br Locomotlro niiirinaariN vuii ascinn isnu mm,,. nsrani Tberare Mcnitiliita ae r... .it ., ... in which elosa tluin and claralillltv ar re; q'Xlt..." Sold In principal Sllls and towns by the COB. .i.mtiii ...In.iv. Anntd cjMti.fjsvsUji,) who elra at full Warraatj. We do all kinds of Repairing in the most Practical manner and at the Lowest practical Price for excellent Quality of wormnnskhip. Call and see us. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. S. BOCK, Agent. WALL PAPER, Decorations, Picture Rods, Cove Window Shades, Spring Rollers, fringes. Carpet Lining. BOOKS, STATIONERY, Blank Books, Easels, Games, jSlocks.Eancy Cards, Etc., etc., PAINTS, -Oils. Glass, Putty, Brushes, Colors, Artist's Materials. 1 General Painter's Supplies, E.F.Luckenbach No. 61 Broadway Mancb tats Fa. D. I. KISTLER Kesectfullv announces to the public mat he has owned aNEW LlVEItV STAULE. and that h. ow prepared to furnish Teams for Funerals, WeddinESOr Business Trips on the shortest no- iraau.i iuosi iiocrai terms, uraers ten at mr sjaroou uouse" win receive prompt attention. stables ok north btbeet. nextthenotel, Lenlihton. I&nsiu- Oi-m circulation is irrowins - tlx because we furnish all the latest local news in the best style. Sample us mm. Emm, jLehighlon, Fa DEALER IN File Fa. Country Bred Prom 40 to lt0 Pounds la Weight, Prices Lower than the Lowest. These are not uurraio stock, and are guaranteed. IS-Call and see before buvlne elsewhere. fnb.7.10 Sm PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Pertnaneat'v located near Taller Depot, for uwinr is ana Family uroupa. Old pictures cop led andenlarsed. aual-'jrl . L. DOUOLAS $3 SHOE Adam Irlehrkam &on, Agent, LElHOHTON. To Contractors and Bollilers. The nndertlened annenncea t Oentraetan and Uuildrrs thai he has now opened his stoat (jmrrT, at Beaver Eun, ana It prepartil to supply Building 8tones In any quantity at reasonable rates. He also keeps a supply at his residence on SICCONU BTllEKT. to supply Immediate demand. nAULINUolevenrdstcrtptloa, promptlj at tended to, AIsA.insiantlron hand a full snuulr. ef tha best brands of Flour and Feed, which he will Mil at Lowsit Marks! Prices. CHARLES TRAINER, 3CA. - . .TV Oinv&aapHiaHBHBBw Livery Stables. w GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock, HATS, CAPS, Boots & Shoes. TRUNKS, &c, J. L GAM'S IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, ALL KIND OP COAL, fca OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa saaass g-sv-si I aissisi inssn saas IG6ER STOCK THAN EVER. THAT'S IT The reference of course is to the ALL KINDS AND HOUSEHOLD DECORATIONS now on e thibition in our large warerooms. An examination will show .that our stock is especially strong nnd unequajled in variety. For nice goods and reasonable prices we take the lead. Our goods are displayed in such btyle and taste that visitors can not help but be pleased when they give us a call. We have the largest lines of .Bed Room, Dining Room and Parlor Furniture ever nhown, and are constantly adding new stock. We have Chamber Suits. Stresses and Spring Beds in endless variety, at reduced prices. A large number of lounges and couches. Odd chairs arid rockers. Full line of sideboards, fancyextemion tables. centre tables, marble top tables, hat racks, cot beds, etc., .vc. Goods sold at Rock Bottom Prices. AU are invited to coll. Kemerer & Swartz, NORTH FIRST STREET, OU ALL KNOW WE CARRY A COMPLETE LIME OF Dry Ctoods, Notions, ' Queeiisw&re, Hoots and Shoes, Hardware, In (ict almost inTtblcf jou msy aik itt. Hot sms of lbs prices i Best Whits 8nt;r, 4 ponnds for S3 csats. Frtncb Prunes, 10 and J cts a poaod. Laric riekals, 18 cenu cirdoten. Btst Roaslfd Coffer, S8 nou a pound, Bsst Flour. M.So dot bu.'c at onr Ltdles Fin Kid Shoes at U.J3. Uants Deny Worklnt SUocs. $1.00. All Sbo( art down to llock Boltota. It Tha latest block Stiff Bala for Osuts at Soft and Crush Hats, nobby stvlat, CO east Cow about Fsncs and Poultry Wire. Wa can Rtra you bottom srlwc Hsrdwaro wa keep a complsle assortment w aiiow oo oua 10 anaersi;i NATHAN East Weissport. SUBSOllIBE for this paper, and get the latest news. Plain scd fancy job work nwtly and cheaply eztitc4 9t ikin OHm. Seasonable Goods CaBsimeres, Worsteds, Corkscrews, Clieyiots, &c., &c. Satisfaction. There is a good deal of satisfaction in beinp; perfectly satisfied, and espec ially so in regards to what you wear. In this pnrticular we invariably mors than please our patrons. Our stock being large, varied and complete givos satisfaction in making a choice ol goods desired, while in style, finish and work manship our reputation speaks far more eloquently than word. Call on us for r ALL and WINTER GAltMENTS. or parts of Suits. We guarantee per fect fits and finest workmanship. Clauss Bros., THE TAILORS Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. Xtf BEAUTIFUL ARRAY IS ine Millinery Coats, Wraps, AND Jackets, At Mrs.M.Gulton' WEISSPORT, PA. EXACTLY! large and complete assortment of OF FURNITUI dining room chairs, hall stands, will pay ym. to look el tbtsa. l.SS. and np. and prlcaa must ba lower thta tha lowest. us. uaos ana s igr joatmi. SNYDER & SON, A
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