-Miniiii m.i .1. . i ."ml; .. MM JSjr-Are you a tubtwiber to the paprr yon ore now readtngt lnof. it will cott you 6uf $1. for 62 weeks ( become one, anil t en you can (ell your neighbor that you wilt neither borrow nor lend. Ladies Muslin Underwear, We have opened rt new department of Ladies Muslin Unijlerwar that cnnnotl3elclled rtny whore fqr. moderation of prfqe withf qylijilyvrid Style. - 634 Hamilton LIMITED) cilo'e orner. North First Street. Would Make this Special Announcement Of the fact; that they have bought the finest and most complete line of Guns, Revolvers, Cartridges, Shells, both blank and loaded. Gun Covers, Game Bags and all Implements and Tools used by the Sporting Fraternity ever,,, - . shown in Carbon county, and that - they have marked them at prices that will dfy competition. We extend an earnest invitation to. all 10 come and inspect them whether you want to buy at present or not. Wo also have n line of "Dr. Horner's Cattle and Horse Powders. i5S: ..No ...wonder there is quick selling. The kniie; goes into prices ".because we have an ? H . ' . ' ' -' v overab'iThdance of Ci.otuing, from the cheapest, to the very finest, in nions, boys and children's suits, storm. ov.ercoats, Fine'ICeiseys, Mjltons, Chinchillas And Fine Beiver. An accumula-' Hon just now, and price3 almost, qhe-halA , Never int the history of selling 4t7L0TiuvG havfjlwe had a more attractive stock to oiler, and never have we offered to sell at such low. f 4 fc prices as, no v Koch & Shankweiler, The Mi ai Largest Clatliiaa: Hotel Allen Building. Centre Spuare ALLENTOWN,- PA., KSOPPOSITE L. FIRST STREET, - Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the Very latest styles in White Goods, Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, Marseilles, Seersuckers an. ancy Dress Patterns of (he very best qualities at exceed no low prices. Groceries, Provisions, wood and Willowware ot Cloths Cassimers, Hats, made Clothing m great vanety and at prices with the read of all purchasers prices fully as bought lor at any other general Uarpets, uii-ciotns, jjamps ana- Jfistures in great variety and of best quality at Rock Bottom Prices. Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices fully as low as the same articles can be purchased elsewhere. A car load of coarse salt:has just been received tho price y been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the-very host quality and are being soUL ut prices equally as low as cflame goous can bought at any general sioi m thiaoection. Call and be oonviuced. Respectfully, July 823-11 , A.M0S iffSOSf of al1 kinds nicely executec VlUfllY at this office. -Prite.es low For Brussels, Ingram and Good Ha"' CariDets, Saxony Gerinaufcown and Stocking1 Yarns, Jtfrush Mats, calL at ceisipr Carpet Works, NORTH FIRST STREET, LEIIIG.HTONV" Wa particular attoation to lie $1.00 a year in Advance. VO I2. No -17 - V St.s Allentown. Hw in flu Lsliii Valley & S. DEPOTyjr - LEHIGHTON, Pa Crockery ware, Glassware the best makes at low figures. Boots, Shoes and I.eady low ns the same goods can be store m this vicinity. Carpet Wool, anil Ihe mauuSvoturo of Rag Pwpst JJ) 'j 3 Professional & Business Cauls. W. M. Rapshor, TTORNEY asd COUNSELLOR AT LAW, First door above the Mansion House, MAITCIT CHUNK, ... - FENN'A. Heal Estate and. Oollecion ARfr.cy. Will Buy ua.ei.i.i.eni isswvte. tHmv am-n tr hwwj uuiir. oiiecnous promptly nr re notiiini issiaiespi iceedenta a steealt. K-iv bo consulted 1 Knallslinnd German nov. Itt-vl PACICERTO HOTEL, Midway between Jlauel Chunk 6 Lenlghton, Z.11.0. UOM. rnprletor. fAOKBRTON, - - Ptuxi. nilsttell-RnOwnllolcUsiiOminiblrrefltfed. arid hasthe best aecoinmo'datlonittr Ptrrnaneiit an'4 W'slent tipliNrvl5loejimt liblMJi)ii the4 fiiyniWia .jtyautqaft!,. an MAt-ISION HOUSE jOWnMlte L. ft. aT.TMpet, BASK STllgSfT, . - LEItTOIITOK 0. It, MM!. PltoruiETOli. t'hls homo offers first-cla-. acoommodanons for ranaient ami permanent iwariers. it lias ueen lewlv refit ted in &u It rteiiiirtmanta. and Is locat ed In one of the most picturesque jmrtlon of ttio borough. Ternis moderate, i-tr- The b Alt Is iippuoa witn "io cooicesi vt lues, liquors una gars, i' resu LKer on mo. afri-y. O. A. CLAUSS, Office Willi Claim Hros., First street, Lehtgliton Fire, Life and Accident INSURANCE. Only I'rst-clnss C'th.paiilos nio represented Information clieerfni'y furnished. 4-iy Ex-Sheriff Rabenold. 224 X?. Bth St., - - - - ALLENTOWN. DENTISTRY, In all lis brandies. Fresh gas always on hand. The patronage of the people is solicited. Satisfaction ffnaronteed.4-5l)0 DR.. J. P. BROWN, Ski'in'oi!, Penna. 8pecUl.rreatmenttihcn in Diseases of Women. Specialist' In Diseases cf Eye, liar, Nose and in mat, Catarrh Permanently Cured. Klne l'ramcloss Kve masses and Snectacles ad- Justed ni.v own patent. aiips-ly DR.G.T. FOX, 172 Main St root, Bath, Pa, IT BsNOOR, IIE1)A1)WA II0U8. MONDAYS. T KlSTOJf, SWAN 1 10 1 I'!., ruKStAV8. r IlKTIII.KMKM, MI S IlliI'lSL,, Vi icoxissnAYS. r AM.RNTOWN. CAOI.B HOTRI.. TllUUSDAY VT 11 ITII, I'ltlUAYB AN1I MATUIIDAYS. Oliiee Hours From 0 a. m. to 4 p. in. Practice hulled to diseases if the ye.Ear, josefo Throat 25kflTAl.o. Refmctionof theEos or the adfust- merit of glasses. F. I. SMITH, D. D. 8, OBlce opposite tho Opera House. Bank Street, Z,eh ghton, I'a. OKNTISTHY IN ALL ITS BRAKCHE8. FIlMnf? and nuking aitltn dentures a speoial- IJ. lJVti illirN- uciics usuu. as administered ami 'ivetii Fxtractcd WITH OUT PAIW. OFBICE HOUUS i-Kroiu i . m., to 12 in., from 4 m. in., iu a v. iu.. ini:u t I), ni., 10 s p. in. ConsulUttlons Id. HukIIsIi or Oernun ORlCO Ifoum at Linlutnn -Kvnrv Kuttiriluv. Oct 16-87 IV BE. W. F. DANZER, N6. SO North Arjomlngiit., HAZLETOM, PENNA. Specialist In Ulseases of tho EYE, NOSE AND THROAT Dr. Dan7er will be'at,the Exchange Eotel, Lehiehton. Spectacles aud Eye 01ies accurately flltedjat It-ABU4I.IIMI- JiriCCS. nr"Cnnsultallon in Herman and English. niigustte-ootfi N ALL ITS BRANCH I'he undersigned would resp Italy announce t! I he is prepared now A 1 11 1 . to ao nu Kinds 01 work in the above line at short notice in the best manner and at the mostrea sonablo prices. Esti mates will be cheer fully furnished. A full line of all the necessary articles nnmely, water spig ots, urinals, etc., al wy in stock. A share of the publir .patronage is solicit- ,wi. oatisiuction si uarantflfld. Nortli. First St., Lohighton. H'uve you ad the Advocate. L. S. Rubenold, IJ. D. S , KOU OtriOK : Orer J. W. natidonbash' Msjuor Store, BAKK 8TREBT. IiBHiailTOK. iwntlttri'ln U Us oranohps. Teeth Kxtrasted wUlMMtt nun. (Hs ad in I n isrereri when requested. u iw unn -rv c.in miiaf oi pacn weoa. P.O. sstJlOM, M.I.ENTOWN, -yi I.ehlub county, l'a. EFEAZ BThT IN THE WORLD. Zm rtf l9S,4U&)Ulr uosuivaMed. tual! llkmhm' ttro mvk . ( of R-ffl-ftr ir,i , . Sa INDEPENDENT " Lohightc n, Carbon County, Til N l'llYLLlM SUATKX." When Pliy'ils skates she calls to mind A rod 'lose nodding in the wind, pea , ympb danotnit on tbo sand V hen blows the breese from off tbe land And trails ber tresses brown behind, A eea s"ll to the waves Inclined, While crystal drops like Juwels bind The wings. As ono entranced I stand When t'hylltsskatr. Tlie picture In my mind enshrined Her form ugnlnsl the snow outltnedi Hills rubed In white on either Hand Would make a painting simply tfrand. Tdaro deny that Lovo It blind U l lit. -1 1 L .,, Inn -IFIarel teott MUes. I JIBUITABBIV ORBl J " X iiiwiuirn young YaAf .hoim k vfi osllod lE 3&t"n perfiUi-Wrolgu'slY, loYtiij jM hcfiqp. nna titimlti( Biit-ilie' rfioaern soms Wtlx would pwUludttf'u'iere of wtftt she would Imv0 defttrlbsd ns "ougwe, " The Greens, wliosr home this was, did not die young, Thoy usnnlly llred un til p isl SO unci llion were buried on that lcuull out there boyoud the cider olohnrd. .hat knoll liud boon tho huriul yard of the family for almost 203 yentu. Tho old elute colored hondstoneo slanted, very much, and the letters out on them were flUed-in with flue grny lichens. The house was much of (he color of the mo3t nnoient grarostones. It hod never been p tinted, nnd it was rqsh lu lled only Uen that p ocess was neces hnry to piewrve tin- weatherhnaids, Tho last tinio the cnvpintora had been tlioie was when Mehitabel was n small child, and slio was now beyoud middle age. Tho building was no low enved in front that it appeared impossible that it could be tiny lower, until you walked round to tho back and found that over tho kitchen the rot f was still nearer to the oaith. In the summer it ulimut seomcd as If tho tri'iinniiiL growing nenr tho kitchen door tiuld tiinch the oaves, so rankly itipil upward, That season when Mu hiluliel inised bo nnmy mnflowora, bo that the houi niiglil have the seed, those bold blossoms climbed up und nodded their yellow heads together over tho roof liingle& In her care of her poultry, Mohitabel was guided a good deal by the monthly peiiodical lo which sho subscribed, and which w.is itovoted to tho Interests of fo-l. One yenr this journal advised every one who kept hens and wished to mnko any motley on thorn to be sure nnd plant a giant many sunflowers, ns their seeds wcro a mnrvelous foo l. In point of fact, hens that wero fed on this kind of .uoiirishiniMit would be fat nnd glossy, and would lay iu spito of thorn salves. "Try them toods on that old Plymouth Rock, " Mild lUehitnbel's mother; "she Riu't laid for more'u a, year. Uho hor a good dose. IT she lays I sh'll believe there'll something hi that receipt. " ""i'alu't exactly ,vhat I call a receipt, mother, " said Mehitabel hesitatingly. ' Tiiey had washed Iho breakfast dishes and u ere sitting down by the cook stove. a moment to wnrni thofr feet before they began to sew straw. It wns about half past six, nnd was not yet very light, but Mehitabel had her spectacles on, a id the "hen-paper," as sho called it, in her hand. She ha 1 been to the poslofilce and the library nt tbo village the day before. From the former place sho had procmed the hen paper, from the latter she had brought home "Strathmoie. " She had just read aloud this article about sunllowers and both the Yiomeu bad resolved to plant "a lot." Mrs. Green had the best place, directly In front of the stove. Iler skirt was turned up over her knees and hor stock inged feet wero resting on n much dried pino board, which was placed on the bottom of tlieoven. Her daughter's feet wero modestly on tho hearth whore they could not receive half as much heat, but Mehitabel did not expect to receive heat or anything. "It's no matter what you call It," said Mrs. Green with emphasis. "I guess I'm old enough to know what a receipt is. Receipts ain't all' for cakes 'n cookies. That one you've jost ben readin' is for egis, 'n' we'll try it. " They did try it the very next spring. Tlteir luck Willi tho sunflower crop was prodigious, but as regarded tho egg crop it was not maikcu. For instauce, no amount of seeds would make the Plym outh Rock hen lay, although that bird walked about the farm as if she laid all the eggs that were in the nests. It wns in the fall, after this experiment had been made, that tho hen paper an nounced that there 1 as nothing so bad to give hens as sunflower seeds. Mehit abel read these words while the two were sitting in the same attitude in which thoy had read the formor item. Mrs. Green pushed the pine board vio lently further into the oven and Mehita bel said, with gentle deprecation,, that it linu got so now you couluu t even believe nil you saw in print, " To this the elder woman made reply that newspapers was blameder fools than folks was nowadays. " Then they rose and went to their straw sewing. Mother and daughter ookeu upon their home as a very des le place of residenoe. 1 hero was no ptazz t or porch, or even blinds. The little windows with their white curtains stared unbliukingly through the long, hot July days, and the cold, short days of February. There was not much "passing" on the pike, butonoe It had been tho stage road from Boston to Providence, There were other roads now, besides the railway, and the pike was so deserted that it had a sus picion of grass each side of the horse track which ran along the center of it Mehitabel and her mother would have been surprised if any ono had suspected they were lonesome. Why, said the Ctrl her mother ai ways spoke of her as "my gal" "if there ain't nothiu' else, there's always crows a flyiu over the meddsr. She might have added "there was ah ways novels, "only she was shy of speak' log of her novel reading. Mrs. Grew, however, was proud of that fact iu her gal's history, "M'hlUibal woj a great reader, the would say, a great reader; 'n Id enow where (lie gits St from. Taint from me, for the Furuswortbs Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Live and Let Live." Penna., Mai ch 7, 1891. Of vrr road tiothin'; V 'tnint from her ' fitlier, for enrt horses couldn't mnko him oiien a book. " Mm- Green always alluded to cart '(Orses-in this way, ns if, with the ordi nary ppon, cart hoisos were great In- !iUm-h to rending. It ii i mi Saturday afternoons, bo ween 2 and 8 o'clock, that Mehitabel eft her home lo walk the milo that lay etwoe i tiial home and tho village rliere the got her novels. ' It lias struck 2 a half hour ago and there sho is just leaving tho back door. She has on n long plrculnr, which Is made of nn nlapnca skirt, is wadded itli o. ttou battins. and lined with WticU Pnlnbria Iler very soul had ongetl for "farmer's satin" for the lin ing of that circular, but she could not ifrord that luxury. Every time b1u put on the cloak she shook it out befoie her. oolcod at the lining sadly, Imagined what it might have boon, then, with a igli of resignation, swung the garment aver her thin, work bent shoulders. In liuo inmost lecessos of her consciousness Mi tiitabel could not beat down tho do- tire' for farmer's satin for the lining. Hut, nflor tho very flftt, she never men- foned that desire, oven when her mother would say that the cambrio did better titan sho expected. A long, white "cloud is twisted a great muuy times over Mehitabol'a head, leaving unprotected tho forehead and a portion of the sandy gray hair. There f3 iiometlihig hearlbrcakiugly pathotlo in the expression across the brows and on tho eyelids, though the gray eyes thorn- selves look out with a courage that lias a great deal of patience iu it. On her hands she has red mittens kuit by herself. On her feet are congress boots, and, except iu dry summer wcatlior, a large pair of arctics artics sho calls thorn and Is entirely ujset when they are, by any chance, misplaced and she can not And them bo himl toe woodbox, where thoy usually stnml. These arctics have a greatly ningiiifying effect, even on small feet, but when Mehitabel wears them one might almost doubt if so thin a woman could lift anything so large. But Bhe flops along with them, kicking up her ciiculnr on her heels as she goos. Shenlwnys carries her books in a much worn leather reticule, which openi and shuts i itli a loud snap. Frequently when there'is a crowd at tho library tho attendant " ill hear that snap some where In tho room aud will know that Miss Gioeu has come for a volume of Ouida'a. If she enu not get Ouida, strangely enuugii, Miss Green always asks for something of George Eliot's. Sho doos not writedown the numbers of the books sho wants, for she lias tried to do that long tigo, and became so utterly con futed by tho intricacies of tho catalogue that she went homo without any booki She wns so tremulous with excitement that sho did not wish to address the li biarian, but pieferred to walk back over tho lonely pike with an empty bag. A few tears of disappointment and anxiety dioppod over her facoassho trudged on. They had no straw iu tho homo that Wiek- to sow, nnd sho would havo had more time to rend. It was not until she had fed the hens and milked tl.o cow and was mixing sour milk biscuit for feupper that sho ventured to tell her mnther that them catalogues was too much .or her, " If she had known bo- foi e si o nuked for her card how it was the ctMto n to write numbers and hand in the -.Hp. she didn't know as sho should have iiske.l for one, any way. "Irs. Gioen had been a Farns worth, and Firnsworths, as sho had asserted long no, "wa'n't afraid of uothin'," Tho widow hade her daughter " jes' go V (ell the woman n shod git it, fast enough. " , With 'much trepidation, Mohitabel tho next day walked into the iibiary at d took her iilnco iu the line ot those who stood waiting. But just as her turn ramo her courage gave out, and sho slipped back hud sat down on a settee. Sho lingered about, and pre tended to bo studying some of the pamphlets on the table. After a while tho crowd of school children had gone. Tho attendant looked over her desk. She saw the tall, shabby woman with tbo long, loose teajond the painfully deprecating air, ajWIno was immedi ately touched by a keon'emotion of pity and sympathy. "Did you want a book?" sho asked kindly. Mehitabel -immediately shuffled for ward over the floor in ' her arctics. By tho lime sho reached the desk bhe was trembling so that her hand shook as she put her card down. "Them catalogues," she began with bashful eagerness, "them catalogues I can't make head nor tail out ot 'em. "No matter," was the roply, "wait until I'm not busy, and I'll get you what you wish. "Oh, I'm so much obloeged, so much obleegel!" faltered Mohitabel, -with a quiver of voice and lips, "nnd would you git me one of Oulda'sf No matter what one, I don't want to make no trouble; any one that a handy. And those last words became ever after her formula when Bhe went to the library. Sho would wait until tho librarian was at leisure, then Bhe would rolurn hor volume nnd say: "Ouida'a, No matter what one; ny that's bandy. " If she received one that Bhe had just read it made no difference; she would take it home and read it again; the chance were that she would often get a book which she had not read for some months. Curiously those chnnoe tliemsouos grew Into a great in terest to Mehitabel. It was something like n lottery, she felt, and when it happened that sho had a story that was comparatively fresh, how gaily and rapidly those arctics would move home ward over the pike; and with what joy sho would tell her mother of her luck. I wonder if any of those who saw her every week in the library guessed that tills errand to change her book was the one excitement to which Bhe looked for ward. Did they guess how hard she worked all that forenoon so that Bhe niigli conscientiously take the time for this exciting errand? And what did Mohitabel think ot $ 1.138 when The Little Wife at Horns. The dear little wife at homo. John, With ever so much to do, Btltcbos to set nnd babies to pet. And so many tuouunta ot yon ; ( V For thonsth yon are worn and weary, You needn't be cross and curt; There aro words like darts to ccntlo hearts, 1 here are looks that wound and bnrt. With tbo key In the latch at homo, John, . Dron the tronble out of slshti To the little wife who Is waiting Go cheerily homo to-night. -Rosoleaf. Ouida's writings? What strange crav ing for another lifo did that lurid gorge ousuoss, thoso wild nnd ovil passions, satisfy? How much did sho undorstnnd of it all? When she went about doing her chores wns she thinking of voluptu ous, perfumed beauties who wore Incit ing unlawful lover Did sho think her author's womon were "ladylike?" Miss Green, nboro nil things, wished to lie ladylike. Sho would plant nnd hoe po tatoes, but when it cams to digging them, something made her Blirirjk from that work as unladylike nnd sho hired one of the Spaiks boys, although it was really moie exhausting to keep him nt work than it would havo been to per form tho labor herself. Mehitabel could havo no idea of the profound sensation she gave tho librar ian the first tirao sho called for ono of George Eliot's hooka Tho nttctidiiut dropped her pencil in amazement; alio even nsked Mehitabel if she were not mistaken, but Mehitabel had the cour age to persist, received "Adam Bede" and went home. When she returned she was nsked how she liked the book. . "It's mostly beyond me," tho an swered, "but there's something, some howwall, " she ndded wistfully, "I do jest wish I could seo Dinah Moiris. Why, with vibrating earnestness, I d a good deal ruther see her than our thiuist'-r. " NICKNAJUIS roil lt.YlI.ItOAI. Some of the I'opulur Titles Ilestowed for l'un or for Miort. Big Four Tho Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago, nnd St, Louli Railway. Nickel Plate Now York, Chicago, and St Louis. Tile Soo Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Sault Ste, Mario. Panhandle Pittsburg, Cincinnati, and St, Louis. Queen aud Crescent Cincinnati, New Orleans, and Texas Pacific. Slonen Louisviile, New Albany, and Chicago. Nypano Now York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Maple Leaf Chicago, St. Paul, und Kansas City. Ulover Leaf Toledo, St. Liouls, nnu Kansas City. Cotton Belt St Louis, Arkan.as, and Tcxaa Blue Grass The Kentucky Central Road. The Sunset Southern Paclflo R ill way. The -.Consolidated Naw.York .New Uiivon, aud Hartford. ICatie Missouri, Kansas, and Texas. Big Sandy Elizabelhtown, Lexing ton, and Big Sandy. Banana Line Atchison, Topoka, and Santa l'V. Paddy Finuegan's Wife nnd Cliildron Pittsburg, Fr. Wuyiio, and Chicag". Uttirittura nnd Loncavlty. John Greenleaf AVhittiur quietly ole brnting his 83d birthday ut his country homo near Boston is a picturesque re minder that there is somuthin'giu Amer ican lifo besides tho fever und bustle of material accumulation. Poetry us a life work seomi to be allied with longevity, The greatest American poets have uni formly touuded out moro than the al lotted span of human lifo. Of those that are dead in tho flesh Bryant nnd Longfellow mi) conspicuous examples of singers who continued to Sing iu the eviming of matured lives ns well as iu lb a flush of vigorous yonlli. Of the lhiug, what a gnlnxy Wliitlier, Holmes, Wnlt Whitman,, not to sp.-nk of tho comparative youngster, James Ri ssell Lowell. Lingering among a-. en erution that was unborn when they w ere In tho'plontitudo of their powers, theso singers of hope, truth, aud patriotism aro blessed iu their comparative retire ment by the benedictions nnd affections of a grateful people. Long- may thoy live Iho old poetsl England idolizes Tennyson nt four bcore "nnd beyond," even ns America dslights to honor the good Quaker poot who has just cele brated his 83d birthday. The great ngo of the world's greatest thinkers proves, how conducive to longevity is n well regulated, calm, and intellectual life. Newman dying at 00; Gladstone still shaping the destiny of his country nt 80 odd; Whittior still writing poetry nt 82 these are lessons for the generation of dollar seekers that ore turning prema turely gray in the search. Chicago i Itetvuthed by Cable. An incident of an interesting and somewhat ronmntio nature uiimh out of tho visit of the British farmer delegate--) to Canada. Mr. II. Simmons, of Wok ingham. England, found at Mooouiin, N. W. !., a bachelor friend i f his who has been settled in the erritori-s -for some years uud haj duue well. Mr. Simmons was so delighted with the sur rottndibgs at Moo.omiu that he pur chased the section udjuinlng his ir.'oi U' farm. A daughter of Mr. Simmons iso,ig.i.,ed to bo married to a young Surrey fnrn'or, the happy event being fixed to ti,kip ao immediately upon Mr Simmon:,', letuin to England, it was the intention of (tie young couple to proceed to Australia to settle, lut Mr. Simmons mblrd I cm of his Uud puiohaw, nnd intimated thai h desired hi sou in law to locate upnii (lie property nt Moosomln. The rdy was promptly flashed back that they w uiild do so. It appears, however, that Mr. Simmons Iisb another unmarried daughter, and toe Mooiomin man suggested that to - ake tiie little family arrangement couipVu this lady should beoomo his wife aud the two families would be living sid - by side. Mr. Simmons confewnd that iho arrangement would suit 1dm, bu. he could not speak for the yomi,? lady. However, he was urged to send a second message over the cable, conveying the offerof inairlnge, aud a prompt "Yos same j How to TnUe Flattery. Don't worry whether the man who I says nice things to you moans them or I not. The fnot that lie takea tlie palus ! to. say .tliein is u aomplinwnb lie i doubtless ha an axe to grind, hut it doesn i follow that you must turn the gi iudstoiie, not paid in Advance. Single Copies 5 Cents TflU CONSUJII'TION t'UIlM. t'rofss.iir Knob's tllsooverv nnd llow lie Mns l.ril In Amke It, Though Professor Kooh, of Berlin, onu not be said to havo discovered his method of curing consumption through ohatire, as some say was the case with Jennei 'it iuvontlon of vaccination for s nallpnx, it Is still interesting to notice how tuiicli ho was indebted to good foi (tine in the beginning of his investi gations. Dr. Emmerich, ot Munich, is the authority for tho following anec dote: "Professor Koch noticed ouoe that when n piece of cooked polnlo is ex posed lo tho atmosphere for a couple of hours, nnd then placed in n damp at mosphere under a glass cover to pre vent drying after several days a num ber of infinitesimal round whito specks or dro s will uppjnr on it, each one ap parently dilforing from tho other. Mi croscopic investigation shows that ovary one of those specks consists of it partic ular species of micro oragauisms, which iriso from seeds that have follon on the potato from the air, nnd havo hero found .a favorable ground for further ;eneratloii. Each seed by itsolf mnlli pltes on the particular spot of the hard potato substance on which it has hap pened to drop, without having tho means of combining with othors. "Tims, there can be nothing like inter breeding, nnd, therefore, puro cells that, i , each consisting of a number of bacteria belonging to one isolated genus, miistiirisn side by slda Veiy properly Profe'ior Koch considered this n re markable phenomenon. For if in the place of tho potato the surfnee of some nutritious fluid were exposed to tho air, loubtlessly seods for future organisms would also drop on it. But in n fluid she movable bacteria would mingle to gether, and ut the same titno also set the originally immovable ones into motion,' so that an infinite variety of breads, a chaos of mixed forms and species, would ensue, but nowhere any pure and speclflo bacteria ceils. "What, then, oskod ho, is tho radical difference between tho fruitful soil which the potato offers for such organ isn s nnd that of tho nutritious fluid ? None, suioly, tut that ono is solid, nnd thus h inders any commingling of genern, while on Iho oilier hand there can be no question of their lasting reparation in a -ubstr.itmn of no greater density than that 01 fluids. "Profetflor Koch understood how to apply tho lesson lio had learned from these results to his further experiments in breeding put o baCtoria cells in hard and transparent substances, which ulti mately led to tho brilliant successes ho has achieved now and before this. Iu ndditi' u to this he bos known enough to apply all modern improvements in apparatus, instruments, uud the methods of using them, as well as the ndvauce made in tho use of microscopic and lighting processes, to his special branch of bactciiologio investigation. By this alone ho has succeedt-d iu making for himself a iiaiuo In medicine. Now, if it prove trno that he has discovered a aafo and rational remedy against tuberculosis and incipient consumption, lie has made himself an immortal name in history," Stories About Stonewall Jackaon. Apropos of tho death of General Cad mus Wilcox, I recall sonio characteris tic tinecdoles concerning Slonen nil Jack sou which ho was in tho habit of relat ing. Wlion Jackson first entered West Point ho was regarded as a remarkably stupid uud green youth Gonoral Whit ing, who afterward served in tho Con federate army, was thon a cadet in the class above Jackcon's, and was ap pointed to ask him some questions in mathematics, in accordance with the custom which then prevailed nt the military academy. Whiting thought him at first remarkably dull, but noticed that ho studied nnd worked wjthdogged perhislcncy, Tho class of which Wilcox and AVhiting woio members was gradu itfd j is't prior lo tho Mexican war. Several of tho you ig oflleers were in Washington on their way to Mexico, nt on l lie night of their arrival they i"0 invited lo go w ith Jefferson Dav's, tl mi n member of iho House, lo a recep tion given at tho Whito llonse. Later bo h Haws nnd T. J, Jnckson turned tholr luces toward ti.o Rio Grande, At tho closo of (ho war Jackson ranked eery member of his class and wns a brevet major and was stationed on Gov ernor's Island, near New York, Whit ing, Wilcox, and a number of young of ficers wero violting Now York, and wlion several brother ofllcers from Governor's Island called ou them Whiting nsked; "What has become of Tom Jackson; how is he gelling on?" "Badly, badly," replied the officer; since he has Btopped fighting ho has taken to fiddling. Ho camo over to tills city a few weeks ago and bought o fiddle, several bows, aud a pile of rosin. You w ill remember at West Point there was no music in his soul, no poetry, no relaxation, nothing but hard applica tion to his text books. So his new fad make it awful for us. Every minute he onu spare he devotes to prnrtlcing on the fiddle, aud the sounds which fill the barracks iu Ids viciuity aro beyoud description; nlmot beyoud endurance, " "Be patient," said Whiting with a smile; "If 'Tom' Jackson is determined to master ids violin you will listen to a second Pngnnlni beforo lie gives it up " But Whitiug's prediction was not verified. Jackson never became a musioian. (New York Tribune. A Dandy of Other Days. From a newspaper printed in tho year 1770 18 the following description of a dandy: "A few days ago a macaroni mode his appearance in tho Assembly rooms at Whitehaven, dressed in a mixed silk coat, pink satin waistooat and breeches covered with an elegant silk net, white silk stockings with pink cloeks, pink satin shoes and large pearl buttons; a mushroom colored stock, covered with point lace, hair dressed re mnrkably high and stuck full of pearl pins. " 1 hat's So. "If corn is king," said the ohiropod 1st, "I must be a regloide." St, Joseph News. Itusilan Mew Year's Call, Tho author of "The R us-in, us at Home" ie:iorU a custom ot that people which reflects credit upon their humanity, as w t il as upon their good Bense. The Russians have invented a very ingenious mode of avoiding mere cere monial visiU altogether. Those who do not wish to oall on tlrair friends at New Year send three roubles to tho poor; and Oil New Year's day the journals publish a tiet of prsoMs who have given to oil ari lies the money they would other v, ise have spent on cards. This is accepted by every one as a uoliUi und sutufaciorv altemativn. $3?If yon want a paper that owns ' and isn't ajraid to fell the nexet; that beliftte in public morality, and the enforcement 6J the lau agatnet matefaetore; that hat oplnttne, and ien't afraid to etprite thtm, yet TUB CARBON AOVOOATB. Kyorjbody Knows. Tlmtnt this .bcesflti the hliuttl is filled wit h impurities, (ho sccunllllailon of nipitbs of close cciilintmtnt in poorly Ven lilaUd ttores, workeliois nd tenements. All llieie imiurllies and every I rare of scrofula, call rheum, or other dhestes may be expelled by taktrtg Hood's Ssrsspanlla, (ho I.cm blood purifier ver produced. It is the nnlv -nedlrhin of ivblpl, "ifld ,1,cb one dollar'' is true. Celluloid in solution Is low beicn exten- slvi-ly nsed ss a lsctnner for nil kinds of floe metal work and as a wood .varnish, Villi results that are said to bo superior to the oil method. Mauufao urers are bclDinc lo Introdnns electricity into tln-ir factories as a motive power by snbdlvidiDB it into units. A verv extensive domestic Indnstrv In Russia consists of tbe manufacture of wooden spoons, which are made to tbe extant of 10.000.000 annnallv. and mostly of bitch, Krer.v Home Miould Havo jt. It Is not llu. liv cnliVfnlpn, In null a ,.l....ll. tor every little ailment. llaliiK Led 1'l.lu oil ,.,1,!0,!"iu?, s;?." '""e 11 Physician always at hand ; It 1 IthPumallsm. NcumlKla, Hums, Urulse-ui n ,d Aches and I'alns. lTlceMcu. Jheroai. ,,-w thlncs In lifo of which we may be eertab,, i ot lids Is one of them, Pan-Tiua Coujtli ami - insumptlon Cfre has no equal for oo,ds, Loukjisnnd Oousumptlon. Price 25 and flu t ents at Thomas' Druir Store. '"'' " The averRe pulse iu lufaucy is one Imn ilrfctl nnri ivaiiIv irilnnl..ln at sixty j tars, sixty. The pulse of females is more irrqnont tbau that or males. ilieartol innKlog niatohes las been so oeiltt.lpii i in nun (inn r ,i. n.i... pan be cut into i,b.tpe,-till ready ior dipping umuuiiiti iu , BjDgi oay. Some Foolish I'ennla Allnu' n fnmrl. In fun ,.n,.l ! I , ........ .- w ,u uiiiii eia uejunu the reach of medicine. Thoy often sy, un,iiniii cki nway, nut in most cases It wears them away. Could thet be in duced to try the successful medicine called Kemn's Ik Ktiarnntee to aire, they would impuxlia'teW see the pxifllriit efthnt f.f- trAi.,.. ti... .t.T tlose. Price GOc and $1.00. Trial atee fro. ii an aniKBHits. Tho nntionnt Ariit ni r.ma-.. i.i.. i. much smallef tbau that of auy olh-r great i9Tooo,ooohe "' ,u a3"" There are oolv twn mannrf-i-i.-. r ... menonrtis in tan Uujted States the pilnct- Pftl One Ut Ilrnoklvn unrl rl.o ..ik.. i ni- hind, ObK """" IfSufferera from Consumption v r," " v"'ua " n-iinajoiiiiii and Coiisumplkn Cure, they win Had qulglf relief and permanent Ueneflt. The medlcarprWsslou declare It a remedy of the hlchest alue; Try It. lrt. 9. ll ,w, Kii n.i-.l . rf..l.. .. A larj;e proportion of the diseases Which cause Human suirering irsult from derangement ot the stomach, poneTs and liver. Dr. Lee's liver bottles tree at Thomas' Diui-Htore. A Georgia postmaster is iu double. -. n ,. .., ... um ui.uisnnoe too rain poured in one uiuht and stttok together abontWobindred dollats' worth of poatsge stamps. Glass was made in Egypt 3000 1, U but , , : - '"""pireni g ass is sa il tobave been 719 B. B. . The Pulpit aml'tho fitnir. TlflT V UT Gh . .. . . OhoV-'h hin; a '? bre dlea,'ed. and my parl.htoSe?, tS-5ri S 3 Kl'ru'- 1 l?"k tivehottles'of If. WtalW " "nrt aud i Ijad-i ,7 to ur?S thS,nUtoTry ifi'.'i sires SCO. and ilooT Wt" The mln,l ll.l ,.r. . u-iicu lunn, 01 nrnzo una, oeeemly dhcovrtd iu Bahla. fnrnisdes ui! U asm to petroleum, a parafio suitable for tbe lniiiitifertiir ii .ai..ti . . ... eating oil. '""' " KOUU ,n""- "When I asked berlo marry me sbe betan to hring lae-lik a Annuel sbirl." "Thai's an o IJ comparison. Wba Ido you mean?' 'W ll. tl'a Irna UI.. -t, ,, uu Bu, ui nu aronuu my Iliirklen'a Arnlrn Halve. The nj-KT salve In the world for cuts, biuses. wres. ulcers, salt rheum, fever soles, tetter W lmvl'r cli'lblaira corns and all sklii ; li'As'n,li PMlllvely cures piles, or no pay eqi Ired. It Is (ruarantee d to srlve perfect sails action, or money refunded, rrlce 2s eenUner oi. l'or sale by llKllltlt drnlst; ce""per Even a hideous little gold pzzsrd with 1 ubv eves llnds admirers among those search. nig for broocho. Two Venrs Acot t was a sight to bshold and was unable' lo enjoy life at all. Now I am the cietum nf health and can cat anything. What did it? snip ur Hitters cured me of Dyspepsia and Uver Complaint, after suffering two years. . II. Bowman, Manchester, N, H. It seems not unlikely Ibat tileclricity will oe npplhd to BmfltDg furnaces in the icar fdture. The Worlds Fair. The excitement caused bv this great erent is searrvly equalled by tliat produced by tns reat dlncovcry of Dr. Miles tbe Itcstora lyo Nervine. It speedily cures nervous i.rostralion, change of life, an, dollneiM ind cunfutiuu iu lieud, tils. fciceplessnes.S,tlie iho blues, neuralgia, palpitation, monthly oains, elc. C. W. Snow k Co., of Syracuse, N. v., Talbott and Moss, of Greensbnrg, ind., and A. W. Blackburn, of Woostef, O , -ay that "The Nervine sells better than any -iliiug we ever sold.und gives universal satis faction," Dr. Miles' new illustrated treatisa JO the Nerves and Heart nnd trial bottle free at T. D. Tliomos and '. F. Biery, Drng Store. Th bodioe for the slendca woman is tbo most iKsnionable which nhuws tbe newest saemea ol durts. Uold It to the UkIU, ' The nian who tells you coofldentlally Just what win cure )our cold Is preserliluK 1'tinii's Balsaui Uds veai. in tin- pn-paratfoii ol this reiuarlbie metllcino for (nualis and colds 110 expense spared to coiBbuae only the best and purest ingredirnts. Hold a bottle of Kemp's bala-un to the liaht and look through It; netlce Ui brlatit, clear look; then compare with other remedies. iM'Kv bottles at all drussists, M cents and St. Hamnle botUe free. Teere are nearly one thousand women eUrks in (he Uanlra) Telegraph Offlco at London, England. Uon the first evidence of ilnmachioor bowel disorders, promptly give tba baby A few doses of Dr. 1 lull's Baby ,Syrup and ore vent much suffering on Ihepsit (il'tlie little one. Price So cents. England for commerre, France forflnory, Germany fur learning, the United States for discovery and Baltimore fqr Old Saul's Catarrh Cure, only '!' cents per' package. Hold everywhere. I 'Ilk li-rr 1 hi i-bi c. ranoh in tbsaotld Is I iu il cuutns' t ll'tt bax Dinrlin Tlj; I 11 couisu s upr.t ol 400,000 acres,, fnd ! )trl psnture,, 800 000 sheep. !M - The cutllfi-h, ubicb amongst other I rtreuga tblDga alwava walks with its head 1 di.wiiHArd doea not cbaw Us food at all, bu us tteUs wltb iu ghczard. S;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers