OffiMCHEAPCASHSTOE i WE AGAIN. Call attention to tbe DAYTON DRBSS SHIKT, the most popular of all. It combines alt tlie Improvement! yet Bade In ihlrta. It's a labor taver to the ladle, at It U tery easy to Iron. It jou wish a comfortable, durablo and psrfectflttlng ohlrt. try "The Dayton," and you will be more than satisfied. Wo have continually In stock all sires of Plain and Trimmed night shirts. The latest and most popular styles In Caffs and Collar are here In the belt make. The Hon' share ol Underwear trade Is here. Each year's sales are larger thao the lait. No adrancod prices; on some line tboy ate lower than last year. Too Many Oloyest Ihat's the condition of our.Gloye Stock, I'lentv of cold weather and large sale;, bnt we're over bought. Many aacrlQces will be made until the stock Is reduced to the desired size. The greatest values e've yet;offered In Casslmers arc now on sale at 67c, 60c, 05c and 70c a yard. Neat, strong, serviceable goods worth at least 80 per cent more. 38 Inch Imported Foule Stripes, All Wool, 82 cents a yard. These are some of the most beautiful dress goods Imported this season." Thar are very decided bargains being far below to day's value. We sell Jewelry and Silverware the year round. J. T. NUSBAUM, tflist Street, between South and Plum Streets, MULTUM IN frAWVO. Brig-tit autl Newsy CondnnMon ol the Happenings In the ritr h CnugUt bra He porter Seud us the news. Full Hoe of Ingrain and itnisel. rr- pets at Henry Schv.arU. .. ,. i i ttf.n n.. t 31)0 mono; ur uutiu "u fji Luckenksch'e Msuch Chunk, The very best gold srAectaeles and eyo elasses at IIolil's, Mauch Chunk. The Interior of the Central railroad station has been nicely Improved. L. J. Hetdt nas disposed of n valuable horse to TIIiju. Jlfarkley, of nickertsyllle. Hohl's Jewelry store, Mauch uhunk, Is headquarters for spectacle; and eye glasses. Joseph Obcr; has housed three hun dred ton of Ico. lie won't be left this The Carbon Advocate SATUHDAY. JANUARY 10, 1801. THE COUNTY HOPPER. A Uedley of Occurences Original nnl Otherwise Pot Together for Interesting PernsaL. 3. H. Holllnger, a prominent ItepuMl can cltlten of Lansford, Is reported quite seriously 111. The IVeatherly Bcrald thinks that that town can offer a good site for the pro- ecectlve new court bouse, The Welsh choir, of Audenrlcd, are knsy rehearsing selections to be sane at the flhamokln elltefodd on ibo 22nd. of Feb ruary. Charles Both, of Tleasant Corner, mall carrier for fivo years past between the above place and Lehlghton, will soon niove to KelleyTolnt, In the mercantile business. A few of the crossroad sign boards ! Towamentlng township aro upside down, It makes It pretty hard reading for a fellow .driving at the rata of 2.40. Turn'em up right I Daniel Frlel, of Audenrled, Is suffering from the effects of wounds produced by the explosion of a ilualln cap which he was handling. He Is now In the Ashland Hos pital nndergoing treatment James I. McDaulel, of Pleasant Cor ner, and Mis Cora Miller, of Summit Hill, were recently married. Many friends shower happy congratulations and warm well wishes on ttejounc couple. Tbos. A. Watklns, pf Nesquehonlng, will be a candidate for the nomination of Poor Director In Middle Coal Field Dis trict. Tom is a first-rate fellow and it nominated and elected will make a model official. Don't be so foolish as to intrust $1 of jonr funds to an agent who promises to send vou a pair of pants. He Is a slick swindler and has coined considerable money In different places. He got about $60 at Stroudsburg. $100 at Easton, and like sums in adjoining towns. Look out for such D. B's. A gang of four tramps were captured at Weatherly Sunday morning after a des prate struggle and taken to Allentown where they were wanted for numerous petty robberies. They gave their names as James Dlehl, 43, of Mauch Chunk; William Mnrpbv, 22, of Philadelphia, and Thomas Brennen,S2, of Sohuylkll! county iflis Kate J, Arnei, of New Mahon ing, Carbon count?, was married on Thurs day evening of last week to Lewis Zimmrr man, of West Penn. The ceremony took place In the parsonage of the First Ward Xvangellcal church, Allentown, and was performed by Roy. B. F. Buhner. We tender congratulations. A Lehigh Valley Ilallroad boarding house a short distance from Lizard Oreek Junction was tbe scene of a disastrous Are early Tuesday niornlrg, In which one life lost. The house was run by Jfrs. McAskle, who had six boarders. Tbe fire was dls- covered bv one of the latter, who with companion made an effort to extinguish it with water from a spring back of the bout e The flames spread to rapidly, however, fi r them and ther were forced to flee for their lives. One of the Inmates, named Mr-heal Curley. whose former home was In White Haven, failed, however, to escape and was burned to death. Another, Patrick Gree- sjey, was badly burned about the legs and saved himself by jnniplng from a second story window. The Inmates who escaped were In an almost nude condition and were forced to walk barefooted a half mil to Lizard Creek Junction for shelter. A writer to an exchange says: The party prospecting for coal on Broad Moun tain will need get a move on their diamond drill or else David Petrey and John W. Clark will get ahead of them. Tbe two latter are prospecting on Mr. Petrel's farm In the valley midway betweeu Rock' port and Weatberly, and their prospects for striking a large body of coal aro ex cellent. After many months of search and labor, tber laal week discovered tbe out crop which they are now following by a shaft with every Indication of finding a large vein. It Is positive that they have found coal, and It only remains to be The election for Directors of the First National Biuk takes place on Tuesday, 13lb instant. The Ice houses In this town baye been Qlledl with Ice measuring eight to ten inches in thickness. Tlie Holy Communion will be observed in T-lnltv Lutheran church Sunday morn ing and evening a week. The jovial Qeorgo Hallman Is about after a few days serious Illness, mnch to tho pleasure of many friends. To be up lu style you must hire your teams from David Ebbert, tbe jolly North street Ilyerj man. Terms lowest. Our public schools opened Monday, following the holiday vacation, for the Ave month's end of tbe nine months term. There will be a grand spelling bee at tbe Beaver Run school house, on tbe 23rd Inst.- Teacher Ed. Xander will conduct the affair. The numerous friends of Miss Sallle Raudenbush enjoyed themselves hugely at a "Tiddledy Wluks" party at her home one evening recently. A larger and cheaper stock of watches, silverware, &c, than over before is now offered for sale by S. Hagaman, Lehlghton, Penna. Dec. 0 Gm. The next town council want to seri ously consider the importance of revising and reconstructing tbe borough ordinances, We've outgrown our swaddling clothes. A wonderful discovery 1 An eye glass that will stay on tbe nose and not pinch You And such an eye glass in tho Bausch patent. Sold only by E. U. Hohl's Mauch Obunk. We are pleaiod to note the convales cence of Mrs. Mary Ariicr, relict of the late David Arncr, tram a serious Illness of several weeks. The old lady is one of our oldest residents. Slaughtered prices In Wall Paper, at Lnckenbach's, Mauch Chunk. We regret the closing of D. S. Bock's Jewelry store by tbe sheriff, and trust tbe difficulty can soon be adjusted and Mr. Bock's business continued. Tbe north end keeps on booming. Tbe other day Central station agent, M. O. Brian, was made the happy dad of a bright and bouncing Democratic baby boy Mother aud child are doing well.. Tho Carbon County Improvement Company will furnish Lehlghton the arc light for slreot lighting at $80 per light per year $20 less than the same light is furnished any other town . Get It. It Is expected that both Lehlghton and our sister town Welssport, will have the electric light for private illumination by the fourteenth of February coming. Tbe manv fi lends of our former towns man, Gideon Koslenbader, now -of Lancas ter, will regret to learn that be receutli lost an Interesting son by death, and that Interment took place at Allentown on Sunday. Ambrose Peters was married to Miss Ella, daughter of Charles Trainer, at the homo of the bride's parents on Second street, Thursday evening by Bey. J. Alvin Iteber. They have tbe best wishes of many frleuds. The February election Is close at band, and It Is not at all too early to pick out good men to represent tbe people In the several offices to be voted for. Every official should be a firm, energetic and enter- prislog man. Baseball will be a dead letter- In this town next season unless It. receives more rncouraeement than now seems evident. The Valley Company, who profited more than any other, should do something to encourage tbe sport. Don't let the game diet The many friends of Mrs. F. J. Stettler formerly of town, but now of Lebanon, will regret to learn that she Is Mng at the home of her parents In Bethlebam, quite seriously 111. li'e ecfco the wish of all when we hope for her speedy convalet cence. The recent election for church officers of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran eongre gallon resulted as follows: Elder, Charles Selfert; deacons, L. F. Hausetuan and Ed Honchen; trustee, D. H. Sttaup, The church council will effect a re-organizatlon next Tuesday evening. For the past six months the net earn Ings of the First National Bank, of this city, have been $7,320.69 an increase of full $1700 over the first six months of tbe year. This Is a gratifying slcnlflcanre of the condition and 'management of our hanking Institution under Cashier Sun mel. During Friday night Tostmaster Raudenbush bad the Interior of his post office handsomely remodeled and Im proved. The letter box frame It now In the form of a V, extending from both sides to '.be centte and Is veiy pretty Postmaster Raudenbush Is to be congratu lated on the Improvement. It is quite metropolitan In writing articles Intended for pub! tea tlon .please bear Ip mind that a sheet written on both sides has to be copied before going to the compositor, a labor we cannot un dertake. All communications should be accompanied by the name and address of the writer, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faltb. All anonymous communications are consigned to tbe waste basket. Fredortck Hoffman started out tbe new year by trying to kill Theodore Nun weller, with whom be boarded In this city They had been to the County Seat new OUR MAK WITH THlC OAJIRRA. Flush PIctorM ot familiar Facto Coming and Going--Mike Clark, of Allentown, did Lehigh ton this week. i r Agtistus Reckendorf. of Fourth street.. Is visiting relatives and friends In Philadelphia. Miss Ltizle Eeefe, of Allentown, Is visiting Mrs. A. Loken Hsgermsu, on south First street. Will Anthony and Tom Selfert return ed Saturday from a hunting trip through tbe forests of Virginia. Charley Ohrlstman, who rolls cigars for Koch, Is back after a wook with old friends In Lehigh county. David Kemercr, of north Second street pent several days this weak with his daughter at Bethlehem. Mrs. Robert Nattres of Mauch Chunk spent Thursday with her slater Mrs. fl. V Aiorthlmer Sr., on Fltst street. Frank Welnland and family, of Second street, returned Saturday from a weeit's p'esant visit to numerous frleuds In Lehigh county. Merchant Tailor Potcrs, of Lehlghton, was In town the other day and purchased a horse mac mattes me uaroon cuum? sports look with envy upon him as his team 0t many friends. NEWSY WEUSPOWT. Tho Doing! of lively Town Hf left? chroni- led In 8brt 8nlp-BiMti Order by tbo 'Stroller and Chum." Council will meet on Friday evening. Charles Romlg is home from a pleaeent Visit to friends at Danville. Daniel Graver circled among friends at Wllkesbarre Tuesday. Big and Jolly Benj. Peters was a visitor at tbe County Seat, Tuesday. F. J. Delttrey and bride, of JfuCarmel, were guests of Rev. 1. J. Kelt this weok. -Mrs. Elmer Pryor, of Mountain Top, lis vlsl.'lng bee mother, Mrs. Owen Graver. -Mrs. Jacob Graver, of Catasatiqlia, Is visiting Mrs. R. J. Hongen, on Union Hill. They, tho folks, still talk of a chapel for Union Hill. Now let's have some lacthn. Misses Ella Egge and Lizzie Jealey,of Allentown, are the guests of Miss S, E. Whitehead. -Alfted Hart man, the new landlord of tbe Iron Exchange Hotel, Parryvllle, was shaking bands with acquaintances lu town Tuesday, Mrs. Joseph Rex, ill for some weeks past, Is up and about, much to the pleasure FROM MAUCH CHUNK. ai-ATiNwrnN A select parly of voice ladles and gentle- Tho County Capital Spiritedly Mpttamtird ' mon from Lehlghton and Plilla., speut a 1 by a Si-eelM Correspondent rxrsnoal i delightful time at I lie residence of Mis. W. , and Otlierw lto. i W. Rowman In Slatlnitton un New Year's Sheriff Levan has eleven prisoners In night a urnng thoee present, f rom l,ehlgb- the county baitlle. SLAUGHTEREI must have been a prenv original wbo got off the joke uout' the Tom Arner being a native f Ger- oasses all others along tbe road. Ashland Telegram. J. W. Raudenbush was at Allentown Wednesday buying In hotel fixtures for H'illlam Mover's hostlery In East Penn Township. This makes two hotels for that township for that township for tbe llrst time In a period of forty years. Moycr was formerly a Lehigh County Commioncr and as a first class fellow. Mr. A. L. Bartholomew, for many years past with I. S. Koch, manufacturer of fine cigars In this city, has accepted the foremanshlp of Louis TIsch's large cigar manufactory at Wllkesbarre. Mr. Bartolo- mew Is so well known here as a sober. In dustrious, energtlc and pushing fellow that his friends feel assured of his success In the new field to which he has moved. Louis Tlsch has a prize In Al be Is a through workman, careful, honest and competent. Does Experience Countt It does, In every line of business, and especially In compounding and preparing medicines. This Is Illustrated In the great superiority of food's Sarsaparllla over other preparations, as shown by the re markable cures It has accompanied. The head of the firm C. I. Hood & Co. Is a thoroughly competent and experienced pharmacist, having devoted his whole life to the study and actual preparations' of medicines. He Is also a member of the 2assachusetts and American Pharulaceu tlcal Association, and continues actively deyoted to supervising the preparation of, and managing tbe business connected with Hood's Sarsaparllla. Ucne the superiority and peculiar merit of Hood's Sarsaprilla Is built upon tbe most substantial foundation. In Its preparation there la represented all the knowledge which modern research In medical seine has developed, combined with long experience, bralnwork, ani experiment. It Is only nec essary to give this mldlclno a fair trial to realize Its great curative value. Eclipses for 1801. There will be four eclipses this, two of the sun and two of the moon, and a transit of jicrcury over the Sun't disc, to wit: A total eclipse of the moon, May 23, Invisible in these parts; an annular eclipse of the sun, JnneO, Invisible in these parts; a total ecllnss or the moon afternoon of November 15, visible moro or less to Eu rupe, Asia Africa, North and South Am erica, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; a par tial eclipse of the sun, December 1, Invis ible In these parts; a transit of Mercury, May 0th, visible more or less to North America, west of Maine and Quebec, to Europe, Asia, eastren Africa, Australia, and Pacific Ocean. MAHONING. A new Sunday school was recently organized at Pleasant Corner, English services will be held In the Evangelical church on Saturday evening, Jan 17th. Charles Roth, who carried tbe mall between New Mahoning and Lehlghton for tbo past six 3 ears, resigned. Hebror Miller huhe uew carrier. Joseph Mertz has rented the Normal Square school and church property for a term of three years at an annual rental of $81.00. On Christmas day Miss Kate J. Arner and Lewis Zimmerman were married May their journey through life be a happy and piosperous one. Among tbe visitors In tbe Valley last week week were tho following: Misses Katie and -Vary Fenjtermacher, of Lehigh- ton; Prof. T. M. Balliet, of Springfield Mass., and John U. Uelsler, of Lewis town. George U. Enzian, of Franklin, sold 10,000 quarts of milk dutlug 1600. George Is a huttler anil no mistake. W. H. N. Walker, a well known groc- cer from Danville, was a visitor In town last week, the guest of E. F. Romlg. Every tax payer in tho neighborhood owes It to blmielf and family to subscribe for the Advocate. $1. a year. Cetltl You don't hear much about the water question of late. We hope our progressive people won't let this yery Important mat ter drop. H'o aro much pleased to chronicle the gradual convalescenco of Mrs. Jos lab Ruch, wbo, about six weeks ago, was stricken with paralysis. Miss Minnie Oswald, the popular young teacher of the Union Hill primary school, has returned from a pleasadt visit of two weeks to tho "old folks at home" In York state, An article In the Evangelical, of llar- rlsburg, "UoU by tho old Lan J marks," is is from the peu of old resident, Reuben Zimmerman. It contains some trite truths and Is well worth the reading. -The following letters remain uncalled for lu thepostofllce here: Lewts,Schiever, E. S. S. Solt, George Zelleres, Griffith Ebert, Chatles Arner, Miss Nigglye. Is your name on tho list? If so, call, say advertised, and get It, Presiding Elder D. A. Medler, of the Evangelical Association, will dlsconrso to Ebenzer Evaugellcal Cougregatlon next Sunday morning and eyenlng. At the morning service the Holy Sacrament will bo observed. All are cordially invited to attend. A fellow named Alexander Scboch. balling from the salubrious precincts of White Halt, Lehigh county, circumnavigat ed a custard pie In the short space of one minute, before a huge croird of admiring epicures one day recently. Ob, Alex; bo's tbe stuff? Henry Drumbore baa the contract to erect betweeu four aud five hundred electric light poles In this place and Leblgblou for the Caibon County Improvement Company. It Is expected that tho electric light plant will be in complete operation by tbe middle of Febiuary. At the election coming our tax payers should bear well In mind the Importance of electing only good, substantial citizens to the various offices. Welssport needs good men at the helm for the next few years to further necessary contemplated Improvements. Ebeueier Evangelical congregation hayo elected the following trustees for 1891: Nathan Blose, Reuben Zimmerman, Henry Sman ley, Robert J. Hongen and Levi Scbafer. Tbe trustees organized by settleing up in full all out standing ac counts, and electing John S. Miller sexton. -It fellow genial many. The new county auditors, A.G. Peters, G. W. Morthlmer and John 9. Miller, organized Monday by electing Frank P. Semmel, of Lehlghton, as clerk for 1801. Tilgbman Fehr who, during' tho early '80, was the landlord of the Mauch Chunk House, In Susquehanna street, but for live year past, a resident In the IKcst, was a familiar flgdre on our streets during the week. Monday, Judge Droher handed down a decision that that the rata for boarding prisoners in tbn county jail could not bo raised during tbo term of tbo present In cumbentSheriff H. P. Levau. The present rate Is 37 1-2 cents pet day. Staugley, tlto murderer of Mrs. Sabllla Walbcrt, at Weatherly, more than a sear ago, paces tbe narrow confines of his prison cell with a strango uurestiessness. If any thine, ho looks better and stronger than for sometime, perhaps, because he Is wear a full face of whiskers, He does not talk much, but when questioned as to the con dition of his health, says, that he ha the dropsy. Tho date for his hanging has not yet been flxed'bv Governor Beaver. The now board of County Commls sloners, Messrs. Daniel Cannon, Henry Miller and J. O. Sendel, organized Mon day, and, In the falhuo to agree on a new clerk, Thomas Arner, of Franklin, was re tained Indefinately. Sebastian Hahn was re-elected janitor at a salary of $25 per month, and Frank P. Sharkey was made the Solicitor at a salary of $150 per year. The day of meeting was changed from Monday to Saturday of each week. The fight for Commissioner's cleik promises to cause any amount of trouble, there beinga half dozen applicants for the plum, which will pay $75 per month in the future: Tom Arner, Franklin; Charles Swarlz: upper Maucb Chunk; L. M. Beldler, Lehlghton; C. W. Lenlz, East Mauch Chunk; Pat Lawlow, Nesquehonlnr; Fraoels Kast, Welssport. ion Miss Kl'a Ehhert Sallle (iabel, Maud Wheailey. Ji. Granv IlleC'laiits and KlSbert Ltnts. During the evening tbe guests partook of an elegant repast. After whleb Mr. Kline of Phlla. was selected as toast master for the occasion. The (oast on, "Remlnlsceuoes of the Past" was respond ed to by our best Charles Bowman, on "Our Lady Guests" by Granvlllo ClattSs, "Lehighton Frleuds" liy Robert Lents and "Slatlngton People" by Harry Kline. The toasts were followed by recitations by Miss Gabel and Miss ITheatley which wero ably rendered. Miss Ubbert also gave a beauti ful Insrumental solo and every thing passed off delightfully. 110WMAN8TOWM. Jaeob Lower died recently of paral ysis. O. O. Blose will sell Wllkenson & Co's phosphates during 1801, In a voto for organist of St. John's church recently, Mr. Ualin was defeated tbe voto being 23 ayes and 43 nays. j The People's Benefit Association of Saycr, Pa., has an agent In this vicinity. Tho Association offers excellent induce ments to save money, NliSQUKUONlNG. The following newly elected officers of Nesquehonlng Castle, No. 387, K. G. E., were publicly installed by District Grand Chief H. V. Morthlmer, Jr., and staff on Thursday evening, January 1st, In tbe school ball: Now, Fay Up. Our collector, George W. Morthlmer, will call on delinquents within the next few days, and all persons are expected to liquidate. IFe nsed the money and must have It. If you owe us you are supposed to pay, tbe sooner the better, as we need the cash to meet the heayy expenses of our establishment. Jnst What Vou Want. For hardwood mantels In all tbe latest designs, also slate mantels, open fire places and tiling of eyery description, call at the ware rooms of CllANDALL & KLECIJNKB, No. 820 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. ljoho Luther Union Mooting, The Luther Union will bold their regu lar meeting on Mon lay evening, Jan. 12. Toe following programme has been ar ranged: Opening exercise, by Francis Rebrlg; tecitation, Laura Hellman; select reading, Jennie iforlhltncr; debate, re solve that tbe work of art are more pleas ln to tlx eye than tbe work of nature. affirmative Oscar Hellman and L. U Beldler negative Wlliner Held aud L. J. Jlausman; recitation, Bulah Relchard; selection, Martha Bogdanski; solo, Lillle Relchard; cholus conducted by Mamie Semmel. Instrumental solo by Mamie Semmel. All are cordially Invited to at tend. T)o Your Vyt' Trouble Yonf Then you will be glad to tae our advice and try a pair of Crown Crystal Spec tacles. Every pair Is gutirenued to give desired relief or umwy will b-cheerfully refunded. Sold out on these eondlllcn al the jewelry stotft of E- II Hnbl, Mauch Chunk. The Crown .Spectacles m endors ed by our prominent Physlant. Ladles Bead ThU Careful. IFe haye 1305 jackets, coats and wraps for children, misses and ladiea left and we must sell them. We offer you these goods at a reduction of 60c on each $1. Remember the place for these great bar gains Is at Sondhelm's Merchant Tailoring Hall. 3fauch Chunk. Tast Chief William Cnaries. Noblo Chlel-Jolin Brailwell. Vice Clilef-Wllllara Newton, nigh rrlest Albert Washburn. M. ot It., and C. of E., Jos. A. Collette, Jr. Venerable Hermit Alfred Anuear. Keeper of Exchequer Juo. B. Eustlce. Bir Herald -Jno. 11. lleycocki Worthy Bard Wm. Emanuel, Jr. Worthy Chamberlain Wm. ateventnu. Knstgn lilch. S. Eustlce. Ksqulre Dave Heycock. First Guardsman TIT. II. Doak. Second Guardsman Wm. Dock. Trustees Solomon Thomas, O. Ilobeits, J Heycock. Representative-to tho G. Castle Jno. Wilson. After the installation ceremonies the following Interesting program was recited Address, District Grand Chief H. V. Morthlmer, Jr.; bob, Mr. Bone; A military drill by a company of young ladles; solo, John Wilson; dialogue, "Tho Hungry Man from Cornwall," by members of tho Castle military tableau; a drill by the awkward squad; tableau, "Justice." The drill by the young ladles was one of the most In teresting features of the evening. The company was In command of Miss Edith Collette, who made a dashing captain, whilst the following accomplished young ladlos as the company, acquitted them selves in true military style: Mrs. Jaeob Walters, Mrs. Albert Washburn, Misses Uattle James, Mamie Emanuel, Ruth Jenkins, Lizzlo Jenkins, Giace Bond. Nettle Corby, Jennie Thomas and Sallie Walters. Tho uniform worn, consisted of a red basque, with white vest front, a blue skirt and a red can with blue tassel al together making a very picturesque unl form. Tho Washington Cornet Band rendered some excellent music. Miss Alice Simmons, an accomplished young lady ot Hazleton presided at the organ. The ball was crowded almost to suffoca tion long before the exercises began and Urge crowds were turned awav. The pro gramme, with tbe exception of the ins'-alla- tlon ceremonies was repeated Friday even ing for tlie benefit of those who irere i urued away tho night before. The affair tvas one of the most brilliant and success ful events which oyer took placo In the town. Master ot ceremonies and stage director Jacob Walter., and tho committee on arrangements disjrve great piaiso for tbe manner In which the affair was gotten np and successfully carried out. A Good hance for the Right Man ! Thn'ainp-pr Manufacturing Comnanv AnUn Rood steady man as Accnt and Collector, to tune me piace oi a, ij. iiagcrman, nuo nas em barked In other business. This Is a splendid opportunity lor a youngman to get lulo business. No money required ; must come well recom mended and able to furnish bonds for honesty. Hl-'or full particulars inquire ot STUUKK'S SHAVING SALOON, opposite the Advocate Omu Is headouaiters for fliavin?. halrcuttlng and shampooing. Call. proven of what thickness it Is. For this purpose they will put a diamond drill at year's day, and returning commenced ib work in tbe new year. Mr. Petrey Is the fracas that will very likely land Hoffman ex-steward of tbe almshouse. Mr. Clark In tne county prison. The case will be is bis son-in-law, and a son of David Clark, the well-known master mechanic of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company at Hazleton. Vw B. B. Offloara for 1801. The taember of Ztons Reformed Sunday school recently elected the following new officers for 1801 s Superintendent DsnUl Wnd. Asst. Superintendent C. O. Scblrer. SeeretarT Bd Obi. Asst. Secretary Al Bartholomew, tried next court; in the meantime Hoffman Is nnder $100 ball Ktlllan Stebllng and Klllian Hlnkle being hi surellles. nooa's Calender for 1801 Is out and It Is certainly a beautiful production of tbe lithographers' and printers' arts. Tbe inbject represents three children playing musical Instruments, an I tbe positions expressions, coloring and general finish make a most charming piotur. But to be appr -elated It must be seen. Ask your drnggist for Hood's Sarasprilla Calender, Or send six cents In stamp for one copy, YIKrinan TTnnV Mlilfr. TJibers-Mtsss EmtoaKooas and Laura ten wot for two, to C. I. Hood Co, uatr jLowU,U. Big hearted James Bunner , of this city on Tnursuay moveu to jiowmanstown where he took poii-.e-.jlon of the ouly hos tlery In that town. Jim I l mike a jolly good landlord. -Charley Sehule,uioiHir s Pork Pack Ing establishment. enlng bis rlcbt hand In muslin eu n aecount of a severely cut digit. Captain Joi-i' iU, i f this city. was refused a lin nl restaurant license at tbe lalo Coiki. and thus the temperance peapto of to to Mre another victory. Mils Maud Wemlrt l a Mudent in the American Business Oolle-j,-. Alletitown. Miss H'healley was a ueesr of the grad uating Clas of lu our puiillc school. Next month our i friend Lewis H'els. of fblrd ttieot. vlli touch the eightieth rod stoua in his I fe's journey, He still sejojs cun,i-aril gi-od health for ose of bts years, as J hopr he may cor ttsjta le fw Btany mn to . VVBIAO SALE HUGI8TEK. -Friday February 0th, Chailes Doppe, of Walcksvllle, Franklin twp., will sell horses, eows, pigs, wagons acd farming I implements. On Tuesday, Jan. 13tb, Dlldlne Snyder will sell a variety of household furniture. on tho premises In Parryvllle. Special Announcement. We have made arrangements with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., publishers ot "A Treatise on tho norso and his Diseases," which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy ot that valuable work free by sending tbelr address (enclosing a two cent stamp for mailing tame) to Dr. B. J. Kendall Co.. Eunsburgh Falls, Vt. This book is now recognized as standard au thority upon all diseases of the horse, as Its phenomenal sale attests, over four mil lion copies having been sold In tbe past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication In tbe same period ot time. K'e feel confident that our pitrons will ap preciate the work, and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity or obtain lu a valuable book. sot Tfed UAtARRh Is n constitutional and not a local disease, and therefore tt cannot be cured by local applications It requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Saisaparllla, which. working through the blood, eradicates the Impurity which causes and promotes the disease, and effects a permanent cure. Thousands ot people testify to the success et Hood's Sarsaparllla as a remedy for catarrh when other preparations had failed. N. B. Be sure to get only Sarsaparilla Ssldbralldrnggtiti. gli tlx for S3 rropiredonlr bi a 1. HOOD A CO., A pothecarlM, Lowell, Mais. IOO Dooos Ono Dollar That's it exactly, and fits the caw to a T. We are now hl t rank nn unprecedented offer in the Shoe line. JUSTOurhcK AT IT 200 PAIR OF $2.00 SHOES WE AKE SELLING AT One Dollar Twenty-five a Pair. They nro of the very beBt goods hesitate to guarantee them. in tho market, and we do net We also carry a full line of a IP n nn.u ie hinesT boo s ana snoe Before making purchases elsewhere come and see us. E. G. ZERN. Kari.This space is reservod. Keep your left optie and you will be rewarded. THE flINGEIt M'F'O CO., Shenandoah, ra. Or. A. L. HAOKKMAN, LehlRhlon, Pa. HO TO FHS. KODEREIt, under the Exchange fashionable hair cut IB" Closed on Sunday's Rooder's Hilr tonic, cures Dandruff. We earry In stock a full line of fancv toltrt articles at low est prices, and we are the only place In town where you can buy Bender's Cream lor the lace. Executor's Notice. Estate of Daniel Clauss, late of Lehlghton, cai Don couuiy, acccaseu. All nersous Indebted to said eitate are re- nested t make Immediate pajinent, end nose imtniRiegaixiaims ngainsi mo same, win resent them without delay and In proper form tor settlement. T. . clauss, surviving j. present .ohlelitnii. Dec. 2. 1800. Estate Notise. Estate of Solomon nopties, late ot Mahoning lowusmp, carooit county, aeceasea. All Der&ons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those hatliur. legal claims against the same, will pre sent them without delay and In proper form for settlement j;i.ias . jiuitkh. OEOKUK W. HOPPES. Mahoning twp. dccM-oo Adtn's. is the price of the Advo cate for 52 weeks TTTAKTED Reliable men of larito acquaint ' ' ance to represent the best Insurance So ciety In existence. Liberal salary, Pays while roll live, inclusive lemiory. i-or uu pauign ara address at once. 1-.AUL1S BUU1E.1I, l iU and 1220 Filbert street. RoouisSlS22. Philadelphia, fa. That means us exactly, for, although the big holiday trade cleaned us out pretty thoroughly, we have again re-plenished our entire stock and now right side up with a large assortment of Choice Confections. Novelties in Silverware, New Jewelry, Handsome Toys, . Toilet Articles and Dolls. A Fine Line of Groceries. We mark our prices very low for we want to do a large business during 1891. Call and see us. B. K. CUJLTON. FRAZER rIae KKSV N Till. WORM). rr--.--. r'. . -nn!'i unsiirnAued. actually NeirOBtcer Installed. The following newly elected officers Onadcn Huetten Castle, No. 310, K. G. E, --vera Installed y District Grand Chief it. V. 3brtti!mer Jr. and Stall, un uesday evening: Past Chief A. J. littzrnberser. Noble Chief Thos. A. Swarti. Vlee Chief Ouslave Kunow. HlBh rriest-Wllhelm WIIk, VeuerabW) Hermit aeoree Dlek. Master of Reeords Henry Holier. Clerk of Exehequer-O. T. Itagerdorn. Keeper ot Exohequer-Sarauel Seller . Sir Herald. Oeo. Ockerbouse. Worthy Hard Win. It. I-aub. Worthy-Cbambarlatn Samuel 0 rarer Uoslgu Charles Italic, Esquire Jolni Bsldle. First Oaurdsman Julius Iiogdamky. Second Uuardsman Clias. Selmfer. Trustees Henry 1 loiter, (leorge Oekerbnuse and Bamuel Graver. Representative to a rand UkU-O.T. Haaer ' darn. S3 SHOE pi ties for Gentlemen. Ladles, etc- are war ranted, and ho stamped ou bottom. Xddress W.L,.UOUUIjAB,ilrockton,iUusi. Bold by Adam Mohrkam &on, Agents I-EHIOHTON OKroitT of A 'i: 1- - PIIU4T SA OOJJMTION OF till PinsT VATIll. HAXK OK LEUUiH TON, reuna., at the elokg ulne,lenittl wm, tew. . KUUIHiS3. 1mns and Discounts.......... 20.000 o tl,I IK U. 8. Bonds to Moure circulation Mrnnk. ftAPfirlllaa. claims, ete... Due trom amrovd reserve agents. e,ss Due from other National ltaiiks JOl cv uanKing-nouse. luruuurn, siiu uum Current expenesjnd liuw paid Premiums on 0. 8. Uonda Bill ot otter Hanks - - - Fractional papereurreney, nlekelsjtnd eents '. Bpeele i. treasurer (Sper oentel 8.AS7 H l.p x ei et 900 Total.. .SSMI.SaU In a Few Moei. "Fsstnaohl" this year falls upon Feb. 10th. lfMhlnnton's birthday this year comes on Sunday. In Berks county Isstvear SI40 nun Use licences were Issued. 13 neks county has So eonvlou In tbe Eastern Penitentiary The Thomas Iron Company has a 10,- 000 tyro Iron eoptra'ot for a smarter In tbe new year. Tbe Glendou Iron Co. has closed Its foundry and dieehaigcd tbe fifty men In employ In lu IU v. JosephIB, Gross, brother of tna late eminent Philadelphia surgeon. Samuel D. Urin. died oa Hunday, al Wllkesbarre, agsd S8 Tears. He was for many years a Lutheran minister at Baston, and wrote ssrsrat books oi a rellaens character. The Newspaper liorrower. If there Is auy one In tlja world who de serves pity, It Is tbe inan whs Is too mean to less dribs for a loeal paper and week after week borows one front bis next-door neigh bor, so that be may know what is gains on about him. Vet there aro plenty of such persons, and we are sorry to say that we have some in this county of ours. The best and easiest way to open tbe eyes of of these penny-sqatezer is for tbe next door neighbor to refute to loan his paper, After this has ueen done once or twice he Is no more and the penny-sqoeezers will at last beooaie newspaper subscribers. v -n MAWUTIJ5S, Ukoltal stock paid In viiotes outstanding.. w.oco tjaco m 1S6.D8 111 Cashier's checks outstanding....... rot INW to oiuer OOUI HHUW '," Due to ttUte hwiks ana winners UiraMpfotV. Knfloiial Dank uaU Individ ialBotltasubtoejieek ! Certinod cheeks J-U -1 'J' , L1 J , GRAVER, Th e Fashion n bl e Mil liner, Announces) to the Ladies of tho county in general thai she has opened for the Fall aud Winter seasons one of the largest and most thoio- lghlv complete lines of l'ash- ionable Millinery Goods ever displayed in any single 6tore in the county, lhe styles are in nil the newest and very prettiest effects and the prires are ninvveiousiy low. l no ladies are earnestly solicited to call and feo our beautiful Assortment of Millinery before purchasing elsewhere. TTe leel that our long experience enables us to please our lady patrons in every particular Latest Styles, Lowest rnces and Boat Quality of Material and Promptness in finishing goods when ordered. . Again we repeat, mat lor low prices and the Most Stylish Milli nery Goods you must call at New York Millinery Store. By Calling at the Old Stand Tots! itsMeeae Cguktv or Carhon, l T. Jim. T. Semmel. Casblsr ot tbe above-named llOk,(loolewiuy swear trtUiearvetatuent 00 00 73 00 00 Is true to tbe of mv knowledge and be JOBK T. HBMHEb UWJier. Subscribed aud stvoru to betore me thisMtb day of Doeerober, tseo. UOWABIi SBABOLIrr. N. P. ATTMT: B. K. llorrouo. Great Mark Down Id CtUtblne. On aecount of reducing sleek we baye made the greatest mark down lu suits and overcoats ever doBe before, and are selling boys' ovreoits and ulsters from $1 76 up to 0.00, Men's OTroats and ulsters from S6. up to $15, eaeh, a coal worth double tne tneney. Ion will eavo dollars by tiiy ing your clotblug at Sondhelm's Uerebant Tailoring IH1I, Mauch Chunk. If You fall to rlf rour Advocate lleM notify as. Dknk hmi rtuu 1HA J. fl. IKBN lie II. Urtui I lIMieeUws. In the Orphans' Court of Car bon County, OF JAXOA.KY TXRM. 1M1 Tie follow-tis; Widow' Appr liters will be pretexted at tbt Jauusxr Term, January 1Mb lsl. (or ooaBrmMtoa unlets exceptions be Sled thereto, vis . i Vatnarlne B-rnhr,l, In KsUtls Usrn I uard.dee'd. I Shi-hIi Wier. 10 Ewt t Besjumln WfSW i Aw 'd 1 t lli jiOitslt You will see what progress we ara making while striving to meet the demands of our large nrmy ot customers. In ad ditinn to tlie Large and Complete lines of Goueral Morchandue heretofore ltopt by this well-known and reliable businoss house, Novelties nro to bo scm in evory department, such that make useful, aeceptable and appreciate Xmas presents, 5k 8 Ell W. KKR, ctsek Mauch Chunk, Carbon Co.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers