ORIGINAL CHEAP CASE STORE COMPETITION CRUSHED ! HERE'S THE WAY WE OVERCOME ALL OPPOSITION and COMPETION. Wo make prices o low that no ono can get below them. Wo keep quality so hlfih that none can get aoove It. Cutting prices Is one of the main features of our business. The followlne will convey Bome Idea of what wo have In storo for you. liood Apron Olnglmms, dc. a yard. Lancaster Apron Ulngliams. Tc. a yard. New rrlnted.Cliallles, Kc. a yard. Ileautlful Fine Challles, printings copied from French Uoods, 7c. a yard. Selling everywhere at toe. and lie. Superfine Zephyr UltiL'liams In rich colorings, lie a yard. Kegularly isc. and 20c. Outing Flannels In neat stripes And new tints lie. a yard. Manufacturers price was l2Ve. lFrench Btrloed Flannels, a new fabric, 12c. a yard. Would be a bargain at lCc. Serviceable Striped and Checked Oasslraeres at 16c.. 186- and 23c. Gloria Silk Umbrellas with targe Gold Caps or Sllverold Crooks at 8Sc. and DSc, $1.03,81.18, 41.23 and ft .37. These are the greatest values ever offered for the money. tattles Fine Toe Slippers, ccc. They would be a leader In many stores at 85c. Ladle's Russet Oxfords, tl.OO. We sold cases ot the same quality last year at 51-37. Gent's Extra Fine Cal Shoes have been low e red from 3JM to 12.75 for a short time. flent's "Nobbv" OutluK Shirts, made ot Flue French Flannel, 1.C0. They would sell readily at 12.25. J. T. NUSBAUM, First Street, between South and I'lum Streets, luiglliuii. ia, The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY. AWtlL 20. 1890. LOCAL EVENTS OUT UP. The coiiDcllmaulc body met in Koch's clsar manufactory Jionday evening and viewed specifications, plans, Ac, for street macadamizing prepared by Suyejor Jacoby, of Easton. The work is being rapidly pushed to a head and it won't be long be fore active operations are commenced. In this connection property holdeis will have to put Id curb stones and lay gutters and I hey want to get ready for it. On next Thursday evening, May 1, 1800, at seven o'clock, a congregational meeting of Trinity Lutheran church will be held for the purpose of considering the buiMIhg of an audition to the present church edifice. The congregation and Sun day school haye grown so rapidly during the past five years, that mora room, espec ially for for the school, has become an im perative necessity. Mrs. Krecker, of Fredericksburg, Pa., widow of the late Rev. Krecker, an Evan gelical Missionary who died and was burled in Japan, addressed entertainingly a large audience in tho .Ebenezer Evangelical rhurch on Sunday evening. Saturday evening she spoke before the young peoples' society of the same congregation. The Second Conference of the Luther an Minlsteriuni of Pennsylvania, will bold its spring meeting In Lehigh church (near Alburtls), on April 2830. Hey, J. n. Kuder, the English Secretary will be In attendance and C. II. Kothsteln will rep resent Trinity Lutheran congregation, of this town, as lay delegate. Improvements on Second street during the week are a substantial flag stone pave ment in front of n. D. Straup's property. and an artistically re-painted residence be longing to I. S. Koch. Tho work on the latter was done by Knight of the Brush Acker, and reflects due credit on his ability. An excellent improvement, ono worthy of the very blghtest commendation is the building of a culvert or sewer along the Lehigh Valley railroad on Railroad street, by the above company. This effectively does away with tho stinking dltcb, a nuisance long fought by this paper. The grand opening of A. K. .Miller's restaurant, Tuesday evening, was largely attended. An epicurean lunch of fried oysters and trout was served fromsoven until eleven o'clock. During the evening Arlon Cornet Dand discoursed some of their best selections. This paper can't please everybody, in fact we don't try. We endeavor to do our duty conscientiously, having in view the welfare of the people and the town. If we hit any one In particular at times It Is not In a spirit of malice, but from a sense of duty, A marriage soleminlzed Thursday evening was that of enterprising carpet weaver Frank P. Hell to 3Ist Sarah Wert, by Rev. J. II. Kuder, pastor of the Lull eran church. IKe extend hearty congratu lations and well wishes for futuro liappl nsss. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Sunday School will hold its lCth anniversary on next Sunday evening. An interesting pro gram has been prepared. Revs. Wm. H Strauss and Geo. W. Sandt will make short addresses. The biggest customer Dr. Smith has eyer had came In the form of a live 1500 ox who forced his way along the narrow por tico leading to his office on Tuesday. With difficulty the animal was forced to retreat. Sunday evening Ulss Mary Koch, of JUahonlng street, was married to Al. O' Brian, ot Ifelssport, by Iter. W. II. Strauss. Numerous friends extend best wishes for safe voyage o'er the matrimonial sea. On Tnesday of this week while Mrs. Julia Rebrlg, of Fourth street was engaged boiling soap her clothing took fire and in extinguishing the flames she was very se yerely burned about the bands. Francis Ilummsl, of Bethlehem, son In-law ot Engineer Al. Sittler, who was seiiously Injured while engaged lining the stack of the Bethlehem furnace some weeks ago, Is atout again. The best place In this town to buy your furniture Is at Kemerer & Swartz' north Bank street. Biggest stock and lowest prices. Sunday morning the members of Zlon' Reformed church will vote whether or not they will enlarge their handsome edifice by an addition. For the cheapest and best in the line bouse furnishings go to W. S. Kubn' stove store, opposite the L. V. round house. Daniel Baltzer has been elected Captain of Major Kloti Commandery, K, O. E, vice II. V. Morthlmer, Jr., resigned. Dr. O. W. Snyder has, In the course a fw months past, disposed ot two tons hprt? am cattje powder. "' 6. A. ffbtli, of Welwpprt, has the con tract to repaint the Rex dwelling on north First street. A store room on 1st st., opp. the Opera House Is for rent. Apply.A. IIMtaudenbush Full line ot Ingrain and Brussels car pets at Henry Schwartz, on Bank it. In honor of his sixtieth birthday anniversary, the good wife of our esteemed townsman, O. M. Sweeny, arranged quietly and successfully a delightful surprise one evening last week. Mr. Sweeny walked into the trap unexpectedly and was taken in charge by the guests present. Tho evening was happily spent In the usual way and at a late hour a repast, under tho weight ot which the table fairly groaned, was spread before the happy sur prlsers. Many expression ot well wlshss were showered on him at tho adjournment nf the evening's festivltes. Tho Central Railroad Company have purchased the Obcrt property on north First street aboyo the .Mansion House, and it is also said that they are negotiating for the purchaso of tho latter placo. This would, on the surfaco, indicate an im provement of some kind perhaps a new depot on a scalo equal to tho demands and Importance of the town. Let us hope the conjecture correct. Trexler A Kreldler, carriage and wagon builders, reached high wator mark on Monday and Tuesday In the two days disposing of six vohlcles, viz: George Schnell, town, butcher wagon, Boyer it Bowman, Bowmanstown, delivery; John Miller, Jahonlng, three vehicles; Costen bader & Muschllz, Maucb Chunk, delivery wagon. Blood tells, In wagons as In every thing else. Coon & Mooney of IVilkesbarre, liavo been awarded tho contract the contract to lav tho pipes and perfect n water main from Long Hun lo this town. It will cost the Lehlghton Water Company about $20,000, which amount will be raised by Issuing bonds. H'ork will he commenced at once. Just now It does not look as if Lehlgh ton would have any Democratic candidates for office at the fall election. Hon. A. J. Durllng wh was a Senatorial possibility, has declined to allow the use of his name for tho office thus leaving tho field to Messrs Rapther and Zcrn. Gnaden Huetten Castle, No. 810, K. G, E , accompanied by members of Carbon Castle, No. Ill, attended special divine services in Zlon's Reformed church on Thursday evening, at which time Rer. J. Alvln Reber discoursed in an able manner. On Saturday evening last our young friend Martin Xander, of town, was married to .Miss Josslna Beer, of Towa mensing, by Rev. J. H. Kuder, of Trinity Lutheran church. The young couple haye the hearty congratulations of many friends. Evfty householder on First street should make water service connection be fore the thoroughfare Is macadamized. It will be cheaper to do it now than later. The reasons why and wherefore needs no explanation. A railing has boon placod along the thoroughfare leading from the Valley House to the new bridge. The Improve ment Is a commendable one, thengh not as exquisitely handsome as it is substantial. inillam DeLong aud family this week moyed to Schnecksyllle, Lehigh county, where they will in tho future make their residence. Many friends wish for them health and prosperity in the new home. -The report that our townsman John Farren's dwelling on the mountain oppo site Fackerton bad been destroyed by the raging forest fires duriug tho week, Is not true. O. R. Slauch, of Parryvllle, the genial Central telegraph operator makes weekly Visits to this place. 'TIs said the attraction on the flats. What will Rockport say ? The General Council of the Evangelical lUlhcran Church of North America has set apart Sunday after Ascension, May 18, as "Children's Mission Day." There will be a pressure ot ninetyfiye pounds to the square inch when the water mains are connected with Long Run. A fine line of all the various grades In carpets can be seen at Kemerer fe Schwartz's, Lehlghton. Price lowest. Between 1500 and 1000 people in this town and vicinity hold polices in the Prudential Insurance Company. An Immense stock ot new spring styles In Wall Papr and Window Shades at Cuckenbach's, Mauch Chunk. Now Is your time for nlca wall paper yery cheap at Lucfenbacn's, .Mauch Chunk. Lehigh Fire Company wilt hold its next regular meeting on Wednesday, May 1. There Is tho periodical talk ot a new Lehigh Valley depot. rKOPus who come and go. Farsonal Goaalp about People who Visit and eo a Visiting, E. A. Glldner returned home Saturday evening accompanied by his friend Wm, Setdel, ot TTelssport, Pa. Mannle had a yery pleasant trip, exploring Philadelphia, Washington and many other cities. He visited Henry Dickey In Ohio and R. W. Hill In St. Louis. He looks as though the trip had done him good. Jewel City ( Kas, Republican. James Timmons, of Phlladelphla,trav eltng passenger agent for the Pennsylvania Railroad Co., made us a pleasant call on Friday. Charley Maurer, of WUkesbarre, as big as life and twice as natural, closed digits with the boys hereabouts on Afon day. Tho genial O. P. Keenley, soliciting passenger agent for the C. It. R. ot N. J. gave us a pleasant call on Monday. Contractor Williams, of WUkesbarre, who built the reservoir for the Lehlghton Water Company, is in town. J. Marvin Knolton. of New York, was at the W. E. Ash residence oa Third street, over Sunday. Mrs. C. M. Sweeny, of south First street, is visiting her son Harry, at Dritton, Miss Annie Orosscop, of Carbon street, visited at Mauch Chunk on Wednesday, Miss Tilllo Selfert, of Southstreet visited Allentown friends this week. Ex-Sheriff Rabenold, of Allentown, was in town Tuesday. P. F. Clark circled at Allentown on Wednesday, Has a Vail Vlck Dps. Catasauqua will play here on Saturday when the new park will ba dedicated, Gilbert and Cutler will do battery work for tbe visitors, while the destiny of the bome club will be In the hands of Jenclngs and O'Hara. The new park Is out of the finest to be found in tho Interior, large grand stand has been erected and good ball will be played. A Lehlghton picked nine will cross bats with the Kettle clnb, of East Mauch Chunk, Ibis Saturday morning in ths new pare. iannoiomew win umpire. Uase ball Is oulet .at Lansfnn!. Vnll. mer ot Tamaqua, wants to manage tbe club it one can be organized and will put IN tlr. TTavlatnn va. T.hloMnn rn 1 r. ,n,. Dryfoosand Belles will do Uattery wprlt for tup tutujer tiuu um tue UCC&S1QU, According to the CriHo Casasauqua will show Lehlghton bow to play ball on Saturday. Cataiauaua beat South Bethlehem on B&iunuy. seore i to z. Allentown vs. Lehlghton on Jtfay ird JUsucu Chunk has no club. THE COUNTY SEAT. A Loral Casket of Live Unppenln(S-Fr-onitt and OthnrwlM. City Connclls are considering the elec tric light for street Illumination. The com pany want $100 per light per annum; coun cil Is willing to pay 80perllght, providing the contract now existing with the Naptha Light Company, of Philadelphia, can bo amicably abrogated. Having a ltyo and enterprising body of gentlemen In this branch of our government it Is almost a conclusion that we'll get 'cm. Stanley, tho convicted murderer of Mrs. IPalbert, when asked by his counsel whether he understood the verdict, replied, "I suppose it means hanging." Ha takes the result coolly and expressed the hope that the authorities wouldn't fool around with him too long. He sleeps, undisturbed by guilty thoughts apparently, and does not show signs of disturbed cqunanimity. -Harry Handwerk, of 8)atedale, traveling salesman for Dr. Horn, manufacturer of patent medicines ot Slatington, has moved to Mauch Chunk. He has leased an ele gant house in the first mentioned place to Mr. Honry J. Balllet, who has already tak en it Into occupancy. Allentown Demo crat. The next session of the Lehigh Presby tery will bo held In this town In September. It consists ot the counties of Carbon, part of Luzerne, Bucks, Schuylkill, Lehigh, Northampton, Monroe and Berks. In the district there aro 45 churches, 43 ministers, with a membership, alt told ot 5S25. An Arab who broke a window glass for a Mauch Chunk merchant dropped fifty. cents in the slot of Justice and shook1 the dust ot our city from his pedal appendages a wiser but poorer man. Tho SwltchbackRallroad will be opened to public travel on May 19, Among the Improvements made is a handsome new depot at Summit Hill. It Is very likely that there will be a new span built to the Iron bridge crossing the Lehigh river to East Mauch Chunk. It will cost the county $1000. The number of prisoners in Sheriff Leyan's fort has dwindled down to seven less than at any previous time In one year past. Marriage license No. 1212 was Issued by Clerk of Courts Esser on Wednesday. For the present no county bonds will be Issued. Fire at Cataaanqua. Catausauqua, April 24, Special. A fire originating In the dye room of the Cata sauquaSilk Mill at or about six o'clock this morning burned the large brick build ing to the grounds Falling walls killed seven and Injured fifty persons many of them fatally. Great excitement prevails in the town and pitiful scenes are numerous. ,a i a You Will Make S,0O on every $25 worth of clothing you buy at Sondheim's One Price Star Clothing Hall, Maucb Chunk. An Open Letter. To T. A. Snyder, County Superintendent Schools in Carbon County; Some lime ago either you or one of yur most ardent and enthusiastic friends caused to bo published in the Caitoon Advocate a local which stated that tbe proprietors of the Popular Educator, an educational paper published at Boston, had gotten up a handsome lithograph of the most popular educators in Pennsylvania and that on this list you stood fifth in point of popularity. Further that the proprietors of this paper bad sent out circulars to the teachers of Pennsylvania asking each teacher to vole for the three educators in Pennsylvania that he considered the most popular. The result of this election accord ing to the local was most gratifying as It placed you, Mr. Snyder, fifth In point of popularity among the teachers ot the Keystone State. Dr. N. C. Schaeffer, of the Kutztown Normal School stood eighteenth on this list, Dr. Waller, Jr., of tbe Bloomsburg Normal School who has sinco been appointed to succeed the lamented Dr. Higbee as State Superinten dent was not popular at all with the teachers as his picture does not appear at all on this lithograph. So much, Brother Snyler, tor the local. Now for tho fact. This gratuitous pleee ot Information come to me very unexpected' through a teacher in the schools of Carbon county. I bad not participated la this grand election, neither oould I, upon Ibquiry, find any teacher at this end of the county who bad voted foi three of the most popular educators. This then further aroused my curiosity and I determined to investigate the matter fully haying, how. eyer, yet at the time an Idea that perhaps after all such an election had taken place among tbe teachers, and that I bad perhaps not taken enongh degrees for exercising such a dignified right ot suffrage, I con eluded therefore to mall a letter of inquiry to the publishers ot the Popular Educator and to Include with this letter the local clipped from the Advocate. Their answer to this local is in my possession and Id this letter they most emphatically deny that snch an election was held in Pennsylvania and that they had sent circulars to the teachers ot Pennsylvania asking tbem to vote for three educators tbey considered tbe most popular. They aleq affirm that tbe number on your chest (moral box does not mean popularity In the least, they say the numbers were placed there by the engraver as he thought best and that be never knew one of the portraits so that the numbering was Im partial. The numbers were placed there by the engraver to associate the picture and the name at the bottom of the sheet. Now Mr. Snyder a few questlous. Did you not tell some of our school directors In your electioneering when yon handed tbem the lithographs that these were tho most popular educators In Pennsylvania and that on this (1st you stood fifth? Did yu rot tell them that youwere very popular throughout Pennsylvania, this election bearing evidence to the fact? Did you not tell them that Ibe Popular Educa tor bad sent circulars to tbe teachers in Pennsylvania and that each teacher bad voted the three educators he considered tho most popular? Did you not get an extra supply to furnish each director with one of these handsome lithographs? Have you any left yet? The directors at Buck Moun tain hav not got any yt and as you neglected their school altogether this year tbuy hope you will be more generously disposed toward them with your litho graphs. Now Mr, Snyder, If you, or your friends, are guilty ot such statements you are uttering sabs lies. This article Is printed In time to 1st Mr, Styyder explain, hflw he go; tnia i tnograpn. pusiqess m,ixca up sa This he can da before the convention meets. Yours Professionally, O. A. Ilrrrau Teacher in the Weatberly Schools, Brlnkman Bros., this week erected In the East Penn cemetery alundsouis Oolum bta granite and blue marble mouunirnt for suwan named Bltteobeader. HIWSY WEI11POWT. Local Jumbles fitrnnc Together by the "Stroller." Things that will Interest you. Webster Cambpett, of Franklin whose name was made fatrious through the unfor tunate shooting affair which cost Miss Gertie Hlskey her life at LehUbton, some tlmo ago, Is spending a few wocks a Catasaqua. Ho looks pale and seems to take bis trouble seriously, although those who haye, conversed with the young man feel confident that ho Is guiltless of any in tentional wrong In the matter. Allen town Critic. -Jacob Crlstman, of town, a bra Vein an on the Berks and Lehigh railroad, a branch of the Reading, connecting with the Lehigh Valley at Slatington, had a portion of one of his feet crushed on Monday of last week by having It caught under a wheel while attempting to Jump on his train near Sla tington. The day of the accident was his first day as a railroader. G'langi The genial landlord ot tho Fort Allen, nenry Christman, drives the prettiest span of match iron grays to be seen In this Valley. Gracefnl of limb they are the admiration t everybody who can appreciate good horse-flesh. If you intend to re-paper your parlor, bed-room or dining-room, first call on Blery, the druggist, and Inspect his line of hand some designs In wall paper, borders and decorations. Cheap In price and rick in Variety. Fine wall paper, borders and ceiling decpratlons in all the handsome styles and effects can be found In great profusion it Blery's popular drug store. Prices on thado beautiful goods compare with city figures, Herman, the barber, will tnovo his shaving saloon up-etalrs in the bnlldlng at present occupied by him. The room Is now undergoing a course of improvement and when completed will be very cosy. Charley Miller, of Lehlghton, swings sledge In Hongen's blacksmith shop. This reminds us that Bob Is doing a rush ing business. John Graver dug five bushels of pota toes from bis garden this week. Tbey were In the ground all winter and wero not af fected. Tbq, carriage ware-rooms of Henry Christman are being enlarged to hold a car load ot new vehicles -to arrive next week. Tbe Fort Allen House Is to be thor oughly renovated and improved. The painters will get to work next week, Work In the Lehigh Coal and Naviga tion Co.'s boat yard is brisk No new boats will be built this year. Alex. Marsh Is entitled to a feather in bis cap. He caught last week, while fish ing, 17 1-2 pounds of trout. A Welssport woman is said to have In her possession a catechism printed some time during the year 1400. Solomon Yeakel and wife accompanied by Mrs. Joseph Rex will spend .Memorial , Day at Gettysburg. Henry Drumbtre, of Lehlghton, took possession of the Stranssbergnr restaurant on Monday. Rob. Klotz is the proud father of a bouncing baby girl. Ditto John Grayer. O, J. Seager this week received two car loads of potatoes from Michigan. The "merry soda fountain" In Blery's drug store will sizz on Saturday. -If you owe for this paper please pay up. We need the money. Joseph Rex spent last Sunday at Hei delberg. A Good Chance to Make Money by buying your ready-made clothing at Sondheim's One Price Star Clothing Hall; Mauch Chunk. We are selling boys suits from $1.00 up to $6.00. Men's suits from $4.00 up to $20.00. G. A. R. suits from $0.00 to $12.00. Call and be convinced. 1 ai 1 Lehigh Qap Squlha. Joslah Klotz. and family are back homo from a pleasant visit to relative In Virginia. Tbey brought home with them a number of civil war relics. Quarterly Conference of the Evangeli cal Association will be held at Millport. Presiding Elder, D. A. Medlar will offl late. We regret to announce the serious Ill ness of Mrs. Peter Welda.w, and hope for her speedy recovery. A handsome baby at the. home of Dal-1 las Blose promises to be a joy and comfort to Its parents. There is a fine for tresspassing on other people's property. Stick this in your hat. The roads hereabouts are In a very bad condition. SOLDIER. Itallromd Not. Mauch Chunk has been made the ter minal of threa mora Central Railroad of New Jersey coal train crews that were here tofore stationed at Phllllpsburg. This Increases the numbers of coal trains dally between Mauch Chunk and Jersey City to twenty. A new freight locomotive, No 534,bu.llt at the Uazelton shops and supplied with the air brake, steam heating arrangmsnt and pa tent hell ringer is at the round house at Soath Easton for trial. The new Lehigh Valley Railroad chair cars, two of which are already in use, and eight ethers in coarse of construction at the South Easton shops, cost $10,000 each. Mr. Fisher, of Fourth street, Is now car inspeotor for the Central Railroad Co., at Maueh Chuak. He will move his family to Fackerton. John Esrang, Jr., of town, cracks coal on Amboy engine, No. 00. Engineer Bartolet and crew are at I'ati tenburg, N. J this week. liowmanetown Special Tour Lehigh Gap correspondent tew weeks ago complained of business as being In a depressed state, which we think Is contrary to his expressions, as Thomas Weaver has since been twice tq this place to hire hands to work In his stone quarry. Alt who want to work can find employ ment most anywhere. Lightning struck tbe St, John's church In Lower Towamenslng on April 0th while Rev. Erb gave Instruction to bis class of catechumens, tbe ware much scared but fortunately no one was hurt and the bu!ld: lug was but slightly damaged, one row of slate were demolished on the roof, It was a cold stroke. Joslah Bowman was visiting the taxable Inhabitants of Bowman's Election district, in order to revise tbe assessment, and to assess dogs, two weeks ago. Afrs. James Beer died April 8th, with cancer of tbe stomach', we sympathize with tbe afflicted husband. Oliver Blose has a number ot band employed on repairing tbe roads. Pallas Blose a lq possession of a little baby boy : ipns may ne live. Heflry Scberer tost a valuable mare by death one day last week. -p Peter Maikla mved to Fire Line, two weeks ago occupies Lafayette Blose' house. Con, Tbe repert current on our streets Thursday to the effect that Night Watch man Werner shot a tramp Wednesday night is not true. Tho report was evidently raised by some one as a hoax- MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE T Slangley lina iteen Weighed In the Scale of Justice and U found Guilty by n Jurr ofhU Peer for the Murder of Mra. Walhert, at AVentherly. J ndge Drolier and Assoolstes Helilla and Pries oeupleds testi on the llenoh Thursday wlian "William Oliver BUngley, the iell-oonfet)cd mur derer of Mrs. Albert Walbert wai called toitanrf trial Tor hlillle. The entire day was taken up In empannelllnic a Jury, and thirty-two names eauea aau men cnaiicnRaa ntiore tne lol uniugjury wm Beiocieu t Evan Owens, miner, Jeaneivllle John llaldeman, teamiter, Hummlt II I II William Flemmlng, laborer, N. Kidder. Isaao tmn, miller, Franklin John Ooolr, clerk, lleaver Meadow M. llalley. farmer. East Penn Patrick UamnbeU, miner. Summit Hill Oliver Illose, farmer, Millport John Harter, Justice, East Penn Oharlea Haupt, laborer, Mahoning Qeorae tinnier, farmer. Mahnnfntr Alvln Snyder, carpenter, Summit Hill Constables Milton Sctzer and .Tnlin Klrnlil were placed In charge and (he Mansion House msue ineir neaanuariers. The actlre vrnrlc MimmnlMl nn PrMav n,An. Insr when Uourt was called to order. District Attorney Fisher was assisted by Iiapsher A Uas. " fcuo pnweouuoD, irnuo iucssrg. liaroer, Mnlhearn and Dertolette made up the defense, btangley, poor, miserable wreck.pale and emaci ated, tottering In the shallow nr the herAanitr occupied a seat with his counoll and seemed utterly oblivions to the surroundings. He occu- f led the same position during tho fire days or the rial and was an object or much pity. He pleaded not guilty to the charge of murder. The first nuucii was caueu ny ine prosecation on FRIDAY. Albert walbort. sworn. Lire at Weatherl 'Si awBianuieT lor tne nrst time aoeui ei years aro. He vlslteil n at TInldelharr. wR. he nrstceme to Wcatherly he did sot board with me. I don't know whether ho came to Weather- ty ov invitation irom my wife er net. She was aged 3 years. She had a watch, chain, breast pin and several rings. She bought the watch. I bought the chain and some er the Jewelry. Cross Ex. brought out that during the first few years he worked at Weatherly his wife oontinned to lire at t rieaensvuie wnere rstaagiey was on close vlsltlnir terms with the faint 1 1 nnn't knuw whether he spent whole nights there or uui. luun-tanow wnoiner iney wero away to gether at any tine. They were evldontly en good terms that morning. Fram Marttl. Sworn. f!n Ftnrrtvnr T.tva n Mauch Chunk. Visited Woatherly on Jan. 14, and maae diagram of Interior or bouse. Accept ed with abjections by defenoo. Adjoarnod. Afteraoen. Ida Walbert, aged tan years, daughter or deceased, I know Stangley, he boarded with us. I remember mernlng of mur der. I slept In the hack room In garret with two brothers. It was ten minutes oi eight when I got down stairs, I had to go through the seo ond garret room to get to tho stairway. The door at foot of stairway was closed. The door In to father's room was open ; I could see Into rrom the ball. I saw Stangley tn the room : he was standing near the sideboard. He spoke tome and said, mother went te Hazleten. I went down to breakrast i ha canio down after me and want In the kitchen where he put en his collar and asked me to get my brother's oollar button for htm. He told me to go to a neighbor's, I had Kone part way whea 1 leaked around and saw Im going out ot the gate by way er Robert's. I returned thca to get my book, It was In tho front room, thedeorof which was locked. Igota key from one of the other doors and went un on the outside and unlocked It. 1 saw my mother lying on the sofa dead. I want eut, locked the door.sat down on the porch and commenced to cry. Soon ! w.o. jumui, vain, uu uinueu uib QW)r, uress EX. elicited tho fact that Ida Wl haanl no nnl.a and could tell time by the clock. a.nal.l - II . ... I 111. - . &.ua Aunu&i, rvcuuou .cxuioiieu map ui Weatherly made by him In '83. Taken as evidence Dr. Tweedle. sworn. Lire nt Weatherlv. I am well acquainted in town. Verities location or buildings In question, Mrs. August Bahler, sworn. Live at Weuth arly. I was peddling milk on morning of t)ct,Vi was passing Walbert houso at or near nine Clock wnen I saw Ida nn the norch Sim tnla mC tO BTO In her methnr wan ilnarf T ln.1 don't think anyone was there before me. I know Stangley seen him almost every morning. I saw him that morning on Duteh Hill, perhaps a quarter ot an hour belaro. lie was walking rap- ly. Yes, entered room alaee; sna was tyi ng lounsre : 1 seat larrloctor and irn Mrs. Hannah Knecht. sworn. Live nt Woath 01 neip, eny. I knew deceased. 1 was at her house on tho mormnir Of flntntar 12- Ituii .nn. nlnn n. clock. Mrs. Walbert was lylna en the lounge la the rront room, dead. She had on a black jer sey, a light skirt and a bine gingham apron. She lay flat on her back, one arm was hanging down the other was across her Draast. Ilor clothing were net disarranged. There was a spot of Wood on her apron j there were no one In the roam but i uuu 1 at tne time. Alter leaving tne heuso mot Mr. Walbert and returned with him. To- gather we went to the kitchen, whareevervthtn was In perfect order. On tbe table were pans of bread ready to be put In the stove. The cross, examlnatloa elicited nothing aontrary to tho above. Dr. Twcadle, recalled. I,lve at Weatherly. Profession. nhvaleiAa. I hnrn hean nrarflslno- since 1SS7. knew Mrs. Walbert by slgbt. I was at her home on the morning of Saturday, October 12. 1880. at about nine o'clock. Testified to malt. I lag post mortem examination. Yl.T. Long, sworn. Live at Weatherly. I have bean nractlslacr tnedinlan itnaa issn. inaw Mrs. Walbert and waa at h,v hnntn n. fL.tn,.v rJ,l8S : assisted Dr. Tweedle In post mortem. W. W. Buck. swam. Live at Weatherly. I am ueroaer or Carbon county. On October 12 held Inquest over body or Mrs. Walbert. Iden tified thejerscv worn by the woman at the tlmo by the powder marks on It. Joseph Diekl, sworn; W. K. Drnckenmlller, sworn i Benj. Qangwere. sworn s Wm. Thomas, swora. All live at Weatherly and all saw Slang ier uu mi uiurmag ei iaq muraer. W. O. Struthers. sworn. I.ln at mi-1i Chunk 1 work at Black Creek Junction. Three passenger trains pass my station every morning, uuv m ..w-.iwi), xiiii nam uups only on ue lag naggaa. it stopped on the mernlng ofOcU 12 to leave on a woinaa. xnera are two waiting leave off a womaa, reoias to the station, both wero unoccupied. 1 saw a light built man hurriedly get en the train a uiurniug m question, lie came irom aronnd the Side of the denot Irom tha Weather. ly side. The reason I noticed him was besause I had not scan him before. II. T. Labar. sworn. Live at Weatherly. Was on No. 23 on the morning of Oetobar It, bound ior ueiuieucm. oiangiey was on tne train. 1 first noticed him a short distance below Uiack Creak. He sat behind me. I spoke but little to den't known whether he cot oil there or not. I uiu. no loiu luo was icainir 10 HiaiinuTion. 1 remtmDcr tno oircainsianoes irom tne tact mat ae atan't nave enougn money 10 pay ins rare. He told the conductor that he worked far tha Valley Campany and had asked for a pass and been refused. Cross-examlnatloa deduced that' Labar knew Stangley the latter worked under aim tor trio vanoy uempany. William Dclterllne. sworn. Live at White riavea. Conductor en No. 23, which leaves Vt eatherly at 9:17 and Black Creek at 9:20. Don't remember of any passengers getting oa train at tnar piace on morning 01 uctoner VI, Doa't now Stangley. W. 11. Wants, sworn. Live at Weatherlv. I was en train No. SI on October 12, bound for Lo hlghtan. Saw Stangley, he got on at Black Creek. Jackson Utt. sworn. Live at Slatington. Chief I I'once. Arrested stansrlev on October 12. at Franklin, neav Slatlnrton. Took htm to VaJlev depot and to Weatberly, Irom there to Jail at iuaucn unung, secured tne revolver rrom Mrs. nun, nan-sister ordeleadant and breast-plo rrom Mrs, Scneffler, alto a half-sister. He identified both. On eross-examlnatloa btangley was standing In an alley In Franklin watokl iv In Frank! n watok Ine some men butchering, when arrested. He made na re sistance ; I kaew him 1 1 don't know nhethar he knew ma or net. I wore no uniform) I had on my badge, but It was not visible. Two nolica- man ware with me Queen and Backman. It was on a later visit that I gat the revelver and pin Queen and Backman were with me. The revolver was anloaded. Mrs. Oliver Buts. sworn. Live at Franklin. Bameasber giving pistol te Queen, She took It fram her husbands pocket. She Is a sttp-stttar Oliver Ubti, iwerc. Lire at Franklin. I bad tha revolver at the time, I got It at home. I found it In a box In the water-closet. I never seas stangley have It. I think it was unloaded. The plstolglven Queen was the same one 1 took from the water-closet I never seen Stangley have It. I think It was unleaded. The ulitol given Queen was tho same one I took from the iwatar-closca. 1 had amy seen It once tefore 1 It was oa a shelf In tbe house. 1 don't knov who (t belonged to. Don't remember tne uate 11 came nto my possession, Stangley was at my houso before arrested. Witness Identified rlllol. airs jnagaaiine Donamer, sworn. Live at Franklin. Aged nfteen years. I remember glv. lair the breast-nin to Eraser Quaen. Mv sten- brathar. W. O. Stangley, brought It to the house. She Identified the pin as looking like tha one she gave itaeen, uooagnixau iiriBouor at tue sir, Fraier Uueei. sworn. Live at Slatington. was a police on October 12, and was with Chief Poltae Utt when Btangley Vas arrested. Later we cat nlitol and breast-pin, tbe former from Mrs. Uuts and 1 don't ssmember from whom we got tbe latter. On cross-examination wouldn't swear for a certainty that the revolver exhibited was ma same. U. W. Lents, sworn. Lire at Maueh Chunk, Is a Lehlarh Vallav Police and Carbon countv dstectlve, Was to Franklin. Lehigh coanly, on iiac. 10, i8tjB,iegeieviaeneeiu me atangieycase. ot tho revolver and pin from Policeman utt I Si ate them to the District Attorney the same iv. Cross-examination elicited nothing. Edward Walts, sworn. Live at Franklin Knows BUngley, and saw him en the saturda; he was arrested. He gave me a revolver and laid it on the shelf In my father's house. Later I put it in a drawer, mat was me last 1 saw or It. 11. tt. Rlnker, morn. Editor Dally Times. Testified IbatHlanirlev made the following eon. leisiou. juuea ner lnmeaitcnen unaer some provocation brought about by ner scolding hint or not BTOlnir to work that mornlnor. That ha first knocked ber down with bis lists and shot her as the lay prostrate on tha floor: Two bul lets were fired at ber, the first passed through bis fingers and took no etlect, the second passed through har body, killing her. Adjourned. BATUltpAY. H. S. Rlnker continued. Soirltod and lenrthv cross examination elicited nothing In general IIUIU tup BWTB IHl. L. A. Werber. sworn. Live at Lehlahtnn Ofcftai iHjuceman. auuw otangiey lore years, ed Mrs. Walbert and would have done It twice before had ha not bean tireveoted bv tlmelr an. Daw aim wuue in laii. lie 101a me mat na uiii. besraape of neighbors, When 1 asked why ha 01a it, uo said 11 1 ten you, you 11 give me away, Uress examination didn't change tha etorr L. 11. Barber, for the defence, addressed tha jarv and defined what they .latended to prove. nauei j tnai tne accused was not responsible far his sets, and that on tbe morning of the murder tuara was a raau in tne uouso dcsiocs tne accused out. scanner tv aits, sworn, uye at Frank lln Aged at years. Mother or defendant. He was sick with aearlet fever and sore throat when nve mourns 01a. it leu aim wean, tua encats ot which clung to him while a boy. Ua wesaloer to ivarnana aia not go mucn to seneoi. lie was In Jail at Allentown ono. I saw him there ; ha was taken from there to 1 ha poor house where I saw bias a number ui t lues ikaewMr. Wal ban at Frledeasvllle, Oliver uted to visit there often. We lived elosa to tbem. I objected to his going because I thought something bad might oe going 00. At me time ir. waioert was at weameriy. a Iter t ney remove rrom Frledena vllle Oliver toon left home. U. II. (luth. sworn. Live at Oath's Station I am an vudertaker. Know Btangley for t er la years. Hare always regarded him as being loauia uiuiucu. Valentine Walts, sworn. Live at Franklin. Step father ef the accused. Visited him oaee or twice wnue in jail at Allentown I also saw aim in tne nospiiai department at the poor-house From there he came back to my house at Friend vllle. He worked very little. I objected te his TiBiuugiuD waiuert s out ne paiu no attention, He was nervous and easily angered, ile aecom 6 anted the Walkert's In a carriage as far as lattngton whan they moved away. Morning scsaiun aujuarneu. Afternoon. Valentine Walts, cross examina tion, stangley was in tne poor house about month and a half. Hero Attorney Barber read an official cenr of vvuru iruiu ma a.uiHii cuuuij counuocKCireia- tlve to Stanglay's Imprisonment and tho finding .u iubiiiai vvuuuivu. nccopiau aseviueuce, E. J. Llchtenwalter, sworn. Llvo at Allen, town. Attorney at law. Remember Btangley being la (all charged with larceny In April 1889. My father was warden at the time. Think ha was In Jail two months. He acted eraty. He woum sing anu pray aau aiss tne wan, hamster, posts, ete . He was acquitted of the charge pre- W. If. Ilenalna-er. sworn. Live, at Allnntnwn I was denutr nrison steward at time Rtanvl was In fall. Tastlmlonv In nart oanflrmatnrr t, avoTC. uruss eaaminaiion. lie was aiscnargcu lent character being only lecble minded. He III LSD lUllUnlKB u UUO OEIB1IB RB WU nm & Tin. was nervous and excitable. Edward Walts, recalled. Knew Mrs. Walhnrt at t rieaensvine : ner nusoana worked at Weath ly at tbe time. 1 doa't know whether Stangley b.b msir uuuso unau r nui. unce 1 saw mm sitting on their porch. Dan't know whether ha can reau or write. unrer uuts, recalled. 1 loaned a pistol to Roberts. Same one 1 found In water closet. Tho aeienaam was noma sometime berore the tour, dar. Ha received one letter at that tlmo. W.e-t were ma uisLinKuiiaaDia letters en nnstmarir He lclt the aamo day he reoelved It. Urosi ex. nonens returned putoi to me next day. Don't kbow wnetner accusoa ean reau.or writo. Haw a letter with his name to Itslnoe he is In lall. Albert Walbert, recalled. Was at Weatherly mi luuruinK bqu uiaao scarca tor Claming oe looting to the accused. W. II. Wentt was with ma. Found aver coat, two pair pants an a shirt. Mo letters were In pockets 1 none were destroyed. O. O. Paters, sworn. Live at Frledcnsvllle. Knew Mrs. Walbert, mat hor tn 1878, and lived with family 8 vears. Her husband went to work at Weatherly about one year alter I was there. I know Stangley he was oltan there In dar and night. Saw them tagether in her bed room as late as nine o ciqca. oiay nave seen them a 0 as nine o'clock. Ma dosen times altogether. Ho would leave early In the mernlng. Oross Ex. Walbert often came home over Sunday. Stanater seemed of sound mind and was stout an d fat. Derenee rests. Commonwealth. W. P. Long, recalled. Know Stangley since 1888. Attended him on three dif ferent occasions. Last time up ta Oct. 8. He was diseased In lacal stage. It would net affect his mind. I also prescribed for syphilis. 1 al ways judged him of sound mind. W. Buck, Henry Labar, A. J Hoodmachcr, L. Werner. W. K. Druckcnmlller. Hharlfr La. ran and W, II. Wants, recalled. All know de fendant and believe him sound, of mind, MONDAY, Kobert Mooney. sworn. Live at Weiithorlr. 1 know Btanglev one year previous to October 12. Met him at Walbcrts. Beliero him sound of mlad. Cross Ex. Met Mrs. Walbert at the rink one time; she wanted me to buy a shooting Iron oin nor. x es, 1 uougut it. David Schadt. sworn. Live at Allentown. Was Warden of nrison In 1879 when Stanarler was first brought thero. Saw nothing to convince mo that he was ofunsound mind. Dr. Jos. Horn, sworn. Live at Mauch Uhunk. Attended Stangley In prison forvencral disease. From oonduct bcliove him sound of mind. E. O. House, sworn. Live at Weatherltr. Font. man In Valley Shops. Stangley worked under tne from Aug. 18S8, to Oct. 11, 1(89. Noticed In manner nothing to Indicate unsound mind. i;ommonweaitn oiosod. Victor Bcrndt. sworn. Live at Mauch flhunk. Know Stangley from childhood. Saw him one night last September at Armbrustcr's. Lewis Armbrustar, sworn. Hotel keeper In Mauch Chunk, Slanglcy stopped over night at mvtdacowlth a woman, representee! to be his wife. It was sometime In September. Drs. Irwin and Ibach. sworn. Resident. Mauoh Chunk. Opinion that scarlet fever and diphtheria In Infant would leave Impaired vital ity and a naturally weakened nutrition, which, together with venereal diseases as syphilis, Ac, would cause lack of will power or general weak ening of tho brain. Adournea. Aiiernoon. nr. ju J. Kline, sworn, i.ivoln I.eklirh oountv. Treated tStanalev for nervous derangementln poor bouse hospital during May of lb79. Knew him from boyhood. Always re garded htm as feeble minded. ur.iteo.ivirDy.sworn, a.ito in iuaucn ununa. ha effect ofsvDhltltlcand otkervenoral iIIbrbjipb The effect of syphilitic and other vcncral diseases on a person's physical and mental organs would bo weakening. Defense closed. Hon. W. Al. Kansher. tor the arosecut on. made numerous oltattons of authority for conviction to the Judge and addressed the ury at length tn a lucid review of tho evidence deduced. Uo called particular attention to the fact, that because tho woman In question was of loose character was no reason why sho should not be eitltled to the lull benefit or lire. There should be no discrimina tion I Why condemn the woman In sin moro than tbe man who is a participant in the crime ,maa is no more lusiinea moraiir tnan woman can be blamed morally. He referred to Slang ley's actions as being skllllul and adroit, and urged the Jury to da their duty te civilised soci ety and the State. lie was followed by L. II. Barber, for derensc, who made numerous citations fur acquittal or a verdict or murder In the second degree or man slaughter. He was followed by Fred. Bertolette, wna spoao eloquently tor an nonr. TUESDAY. All diy Tuesday was taken up In tho pleas of District Attorney fisher lor the prosecution. and Hon. E. M. Mulhearn for the derenee. , Both were brilliant efforts. It was after tour o'alock when Judge Dreher In his usual clear, logical and iuciu manner cnargea tne jury, scarce two hours later a verdict of guilty was rendered Stangley took It coolly and apparently without a care. The same obliviousness characterizing acaro. ine simo ODiiviousness onaracterizing his demeanor as he has maintained throughout the entire trial, and which at times lmpeesscd people with the fact that he was weak In the up per story. The verdict meets with popular ap proval. A Suit or Pair of Pnnta bought cither ready-made or made to order at the Ono Price Star Clolbln? Hall, Jaucli Chunk, will sayo you money, and you will get tho best made and best fitting Rttits by dealing with us. PAY UP. Tersotis knowing themselves to be In debted lo this establishment for job work or subscription are requested to pay up at once. It Is unnecessary to say that we need the money and must haye IU nfore Homes Wanted. It Is possible that the money men ot this town aro not awaro that our population is continually on the increase, and that their spare capital might be safely Invested and get good returns for tbelr money by crectlnc nice, cozy homes of moderate size, yet complete in all details. There are calls every day for such houses, but it is unable to find such. It we are to bo known as a progressive town, we should bo prepared to a accommodato all who may apply for residence in our midst. There Is plenty of room for Improvement, and notwithstand ing me amount 01 imucung constantly going on tbe supply is not equal toilemanu Tnrae Legal Whys to Catoh Fiah. Uy the act ot Assembly of Jfay 22. 1SS0, all kinds of net and seine Ushing,lnclading outlines, is prohibited under a penalty of $100 or threo months lmprlsonment.or both with tbe fortunate ot boats, nets and ap. pllcances. The only logal way of taking game flesb la by uoojc, lno and rod ,except cats wuicu way uu c&uk it uy iiauu. There are many white soaps, each represented to be " jyst as good as the Ivory, They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable. qualities of the genuine, Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having' it. 'Tis sold everywhere. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, PenaanwitlT laeatwl sear Valley I)ot. for uabiBtta and Fawlly Groups, ow wtui" oop tealaal . ular.e.l oiuOM HBB . .l4U.sl!lSaBBBBBBBBBBB Bo Suro to Cot Hood's Sarsapartlla, my child. Seo that tbey do not give you anything olso. You remember It l tho medicine which did mama so much good a year ago so reliable, beneficial, pleasant to take my favorite spring medicine. H ood's Sarsapar i I la Sold by druggists. II 1 Ll for (U. Prerarad only by u. 1. HOOD A OO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mast IOO Dosos Ono Dollar CHARLES A, GOTH, House Painting, Paper Hang ing and Decorating. Particular nttention paid to all kinds of interior work. OFFICE : Dr. Horn's FINE DRESS TEXTURES Fifty Cents Per Yard. The unqualified. success and wonderful interest that has attached to our High. Class Dress Goods has given them a large sale. Wp show Mohairs, French Side bands, Fancy Imported Stripes, Fine French Plaids, Fine French Cassimeres and Cashmeres. 634 Hamilton Milk Shake anil Soda Water : Five Cents a Glass. Cooling, Healthful, iSich just the kind of n Summer drink that gratifies at the same time the thirst and taste. It is Perfection Here. Try -It. NUSBAUM & CULTON, Opp. the Park, Lehighton. MOST BEAUTIFU At the Lowest Prices ! IN THE LINE OF Bed Room and Parlor Suits, " Handsome Carpets and Hug's, Latest Style Baby Carriages. WILL UK FOUND AT chwartz's Big Furniture Store, Firgt Street, Lehighton. Don't fail to call and inspect our handsome line of the new est and nicest things in the above line to be found anywhere in Carbon county, and all at vory lowest prices. 83fHave you Head Hood's SaMaparil-lauthssoestpopu-lar and saeeeasful Spring Medicine. Nearly Medicine every body noi'dt a reliable spring medicine like Hocd'a ISarsaparilla to expel the Impurities which have 'amimut tti'd In tho blood durlrlg tha winter, to keep up strength as the warm weather twmaa on, rreutc an appetite and promote kaadlhy digestion. Try I lood'a Barsaparllla this eprtag and you will bo convinced that It dees raises! superior nnd peculiar merit. A Good Appotito " Wlion I began taking Hood's SsiaatiHa I wa dizy in tho morning, had a headache, nil no appetite 1 but now I can hardly get aaeigh cooked to oat." Hum SHurArtD, 1 (total IStreet, Worcester, Mass, "I.ait uprlng tny whole family took Rood's Barsaparllla. The result Is that all have keen cured of ncrof tila, my llttlo hoy being entirely freo from sores, and all four ot my children look bright and healthy as possibly aa he. I liavo found Hood's Sarsapartlla good for tarrli." Wm. n. Atiiertoh, Passaic City, K. J. Hold br all drnrahiti. lis III far 11. hiwnloj. by C. I. UOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lawall, Maae. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar Drug Store, lehighton. tn m .e - 11 O !" , UU -a: QC O frj bHJoj 52 a M cs a) s "S 3 -s c 2 o oP c S .S , CJ r CO C R n '' rss a 9 - 4 1 ti . M 5.2 2 POOO) u s w i s s -as s SOo-2 OJ CO 5i p to a a a I B 1 a o h 8 fc rS 8 S 1 - I O t o CO i o - x -AT- St., Allentown. L THIN the Advocate 1 Spring
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