Xseklaa'a Arnlaa Raiv. The DEKT Halve In tho world for cuts, bruises wi-fi, nun-., s.ui iiM-:M,, tcver sores, venwr. f-liniitiMf li.m lu I'hllhlnlnu pnrm anA all alrM ru.ffons, mid iiiitlilvplv enrol piles, or no pmjt -HMum. ii i-. iii,i nmrru m HiVt9 Wlin I MUM iKcilon. oi tnmiy refunded. Price 25 cents Iter A Now York man, who married a wife with a bad temper, and who lives In the ninth glory of nn apartiuont house, was hoard to remark :"I mod to bollcvo that the road to prodillon was downwards, but I don't think so any more, On tho contrary the higher tip I bo the nearer I set to the hot place," Vonus now rises at a quarter be fore secen In the mofnlne. She evident ly Allows Apollo to jot up and build the fire. forced tol.onvo Home. Over CO people were forced to leave their homm yesterday to onll for u free trial puck ace Af Lane'a Fumilv Medicine. If vonr blood Ik bad, your liver and kidneys out of order, ii you nre constipated and have head ache and tin unsightly complexion, don't fail to call on any druggist to-day for a free iiample of this gram) remedy. The Indies praise it. Everyone likes it. Large sized package 60 cent. Why wilt vegetarians Insist that man should not eat meat? Everybody ought to know that It is meet that he should eat. Auk Your Friends About It. Your distressing cough can be cured. We know it because Kemp V Balsam within the past few years has cured so many roughs nnd colds in this community. Its remarka Me sale lias been won entirely by lis genu ine merit. Ask some friend who has used it what lie thinks of Kemp's Balsam. There is no medicine so pure, none soetlectlve. Large bottles 60c and $1.00 at all drtiggssts. sample nottio free A stern parent One daughter' young man. who boots bis Nature In Convulsion Is terrific. Volcanic eruptions, cyclones, earth uuakes are awfallv anil tremendously nloture. que, but scarcely desirable to emul ate In action and effect by the administration of remedies which produce convulsion and agony In the abnormal portion of the human frame. Such is the ettectoftbeotd fashioned violent purgatives happily falllntr more and more Into disuse, and uf which Hoatetler's Stomach Hitters is the Wholesome pleasant and tar more ellectlve tuccedancum. They weakened the intestines inn uiiiers invmoraies mem. iney leu me owels Inactive, because Incapacitated by ensu ing feebleness. The Hitters, on the contrary, ii im urcuusa ucoauies, not iorces, mem iu aci- malaria, nervousness and rheumatism A blowhard A hurricane. Extracts from the treasury Ten dol lar notes, A Now Discovery. io mo uver anu oowcis, nut give no strength. The more you take the more 'StTzdS W EEN Y'S tim-u'c nr Tlinn,...' II-.. .. . , ' you need. Miles' en. The longer Samples free at Biery's or Thomas' Drug. snore. Often the most delicious joys of life are those that vome upon nt unexpeot eilly. Answer Title Question. Jl'hy do so many people wo see around us mem iu yicic&.iu suiiur uiiu lie inauu miserable by Indigestion, constipation dizziness, loss of appetite, coming up of the food, yellow skin, when for 15 cents we will sell them Shlloh's System Vltallzer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold at Dlery's ur i nomas- time stores. -if yon want hen, and pullets to quit laying, turn them out early In the morn-1 Ing on the frozen grass. it is an infaiianie remedy, Dropped Dead. Physiologists estimate that the heart does r,000,000 pounds of work each day.No wonder people drop dead with worn out hearts. This could be prevented by Dr.Miles' new and great discovery, the New Cure. A 1 urn W "Sfii tnannn tnliAii strait (! ..J t . be short of breath. Imvo wUfc n,'.mn.h,in spells, pain or tenderness In side. etc. Moid at tilery's or Thomas' drug store. The same and not the same A girl is sweet; but, oh, how bitter the sama girl is when a dress dosen't fit her! irSufTernra from Consumption Coughs and colds will try Puritan Oounh and I uoniumpiion Dure, they will nnd quick relief! uu iiuiuuiutni Deneni me medical profession declare It a remedy of the highest value. Try It, A Targe proportion of the diseases which cause uumun snnering, stomach, bowel! c1l,nud'tedr1rttnn?.,,,!.f,v.? Regulator removes all these troubles. uoiiics iree ni l nomas- urug store. Tramp Madam, can I bite here? H'oman Yes, Tiger, sic him. get a warm sir! Here, Klectrle Hitters, This remedy Is becoming so well known and SO DOUUlar as In ttepd nf no TVlil mnntlAi, A II who have used Electric Hitters slntr thn anmo song of praise. A purer medicine does not ex- i mm u is guarnnieeu loan mails claimed, itlcctrlc Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rlieum and other cllectlons caused by Impure blood. Will drive malaria from the svstem and prevent as well as cure all malaria fevers. l-'or rtire of headache, Constipation and Indigestion I siy.fe s I rrbotlle at JtliDKU'S Drugstore. I It was the man who could't button ms coat wuo hadn't clothes enough to go round. ftlitloh'e Consumption Cure. This la beyond question the most success ful Congh Medicln we have ever sold, a few doses Invariably euro tho worst cases of cough, croup, and lironchitis, while It's wonderful success In the cure of Consump tion is without a parallel In the hUtoryof medicine. Since It's first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a teat which no other medicine can stand. If you Jiave a cough wo earnestly ask you to try it. l'rlce 10 cents, 60 cents, and $1.00. If Your lungs are sore, chest or back lame, use Shlloh's Porous Plaster. Sold at uiery-a or i nomas' drug stores. Nocturnal melody tbe suet by and by. -We shall meet In What It Costs. Must be carefully considered by the great majority of people, In baying oven neceas- stiff of life, ilood'a Sareaparilla com- wanus Itsell withBpeclal force to the great imuuic.niuwBi!, ocouuse it oombinea positive I Ion memotrs,anu raen member pays $1.00 a economy with great medicinal power. Itl"erk. A drawing is made onoe a week, and is the only medicine of which can truly lie iiiil "100 Done One Dollar." and a bottle taken according to directions will .! lo last a month. . " --.-'- An ante-room Gamblers' den, -The buckwheat cake will soon come to the scratch. Kaperlenco Taught Iel And , mn m f, it a r... Liver Complaint four veam. n.,,1 ..,!: money on nontruras nml doctors who did n't iieipme.1 jnea Buipnnnr JHltem. Six tried Uittles uired me. J shall always use them. "It must hayo been dreadfully .hard to wear thtae ow ooals of armor." "Yti they have the appearanoe of banlware." Ver the dellaate and sged andalllnwhom the the vttM eurrent la Impoverished and slurirlsb, Ayer"s 8rparll!a Is the very beH tonic. It restores i he waste tj i, and Imparts to the syslein sarprialnic ela.iMlty and vljer. Pne loo Worth 6nou bottle. Three a m "I say, offshur. Uhn't that .tilRUatoop tirnwnstone house mlneP" 'Yai Mr. aondrn, that'a your house " .1 wtHiwhta it t,.y cotae this way 'ealn tu 1 stop It." Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges, -In Great Variety at Samuel Grater's Fopular b'tore, Bank Street. Roofing and Spouting a apodal ty. Stove repairs furnished on Minrt notice Reasonable! . TlioUKiMi nw. iwoo MiwiUr cured by ...... . .- . 1 1 1 -...IA. or kits or time from business. Caws pronounced In curali'd tiy others wantod. Bend for circular. CURE GUARANTEED. offliiKrYto8, Weissport Planing MANUFACTUHER OK Wmnow and Door Fhames Doors, Shutters, Blinds, ashes, - Mouldings, Brackets, AND DKALKll IN All KM of Dressed Lumlier es, Pailings, Hemlock Lumber, &c., &c. Very Liowest Prices. -GO TO- "Corner Store" Bottled Gherkins, w et Pick les, Chow-Chow, Onions, Table Sauce, Horse-radish, (Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel Sauce, and all kinds ofchoice ' Jelliesand table necessaries. In Dry' Goods, Groceries, Queensware &c. We lead, both In low prices and quality o goods. Our large stock Is displayed to da vantage, an Item which purchasers wil certainly greatly appreciate. REMEMBER THE 0 orner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. J E. F. JLiUCKE NTJ ACH, PLAIN AND DECOltATIVE PAPER HANO INtl. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTINO AND ORAININO. Competent workmen sent to any part of me county. -HEABQlTARTKItS FOH- Wall PaDers, Borflers & Decorations Ijirs! assortment, aud the latest styles. n , m n n i Books. Stationery, Fancy GooHs ' J WINDOW SHADES. All grades. Shade making and putting tii promptly aiienaeu to. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty. finishes & general Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway Manch Chunk. Pa Italow thfl Broadway ITousb. AN HAS WAY UET A GOLD WAT0H. Only $1.00 a Week. We are now forming Clubs for the finest uoiii, uoid-niieu sd barer Wstctiea manu- fantured lar both ladles and Oeatlemau. We put In these watches a movement made hj eilner of lb '""owing companies: Elglo, "'"" "mpuen,eie.,io sun tne purr-has "' I A club for a gold watch at $40.00, consists of lne niemwr whom ntme is drawn gels bis w.,,c.h uofdit17 i spntlnulng to pay f.1'00 a Teek "n 5 hf. h" P8!1 tA it which ...h , i i.tiw Iv. . m I,, mill 1. time each and all forty members will hare re eeWed and paid for his watch. The laslneraon to receive his watch will be made a nreeent nl a usuusQioe cuein DUB GUAftANTBE. i,very artltl bought from iu must ba iu.i .. repretealed, and we are willing at any and all "T." or any article RhJnut .nd i.VTri-. ?' " "."t, "'n IbrouU our Co operative Club Bv.lem w.e ? r D?1 01" Elgin or Walthain t wmaln "na 'ng movement, which we J.. Wr""n E,1,rBnlN' wear lor twenty '"'.,wu i""- me ease ia wsrnni. yasrs. J::!lL"&'J f-r your .1 , T ' 1 ny wo are do- ,vS5i.l!.r!eJ,?,b...'ln in "he worM. quainj goods. Why not be an owner o a QolJ W.Uh.nevVroS bavl the ehanea to get one. Join lha alub Kittiir -st ' jpni&lESK BRHBIO, 14 ZtifiUm tva new Bobbers? . ftif Mf.Vnj. net Thee on the old ones dXWMd KlUl WolfTsACMEBtacting It nike thsra leek Ifk nawi and my shose also dnnnt with It, hold their polish UNDIUl the rubber, trea eluiU to Know creep la. Chang a Pint Table to Walnut. A Poplar Kitchtn Prett to Antique Oak. A Cant Rocker to Mahogany. Dm whu ten be done wtth 30 O. worth of iEH sK-i& OfsS tr M"fffsaBlX runr. Vroxm tUHDOLPn, PhUadelphl. Jdtk fe Dr3, 1WM m4 tnl IimUMt Sunt. The Greatest Blood Purifier anuwn, a Tills flnAtnirmnti MmltMnA ts theA"&. l'JIUHDITTElt3for1.00,lC8StImnir, uuo twui a uuav. it win curu utuj a common pltnule on the ; to that awful disease Scrofula.flT a MUI.1TIITIL IlIlTKUR la tlir7 - best mmllrino to use In nllw N cases of such stubborn nndjfonr ICld deep seated diseases. Doneysareout not ever take jTnrnVW- BLUE PILLS 8UJkPHUHEa ormeroury, they are dead"itir .'S ' y. Placeyonr trust tn,"'?,?' suLrnurf nrrrnns, ff,"' "hat ails the purest and hestyy0"' us0 mcllclne over made. Snlnnni. TtJflsra Iiv6nrToainieOoated wimn vei owstirirvsrion'i wait nniu von Bubstanco? Isyouraro unable to walk, or breath fonl andivarolliit on vour back. I II ofTenslvo? Your4rbnt get eome nt once. It 1 1 stomach Is out ar will euro you. Sulphur or onicr. vbob uitters is aVmTTKuaff Invalid's Friend. lmmelIatcIyxiio yonng, tho aged nnd tot. Is your Ur.Arterlug are soon ma4o well by tne thlck.tritg use. Itememlier what you ropy, cio-irreftd hero. It may save your wj, v.viiie, It 1MB wivi-u iiumirtiis. ig- ff Don't wait untl 1 to-morrow, Q f- ff Try a Bottle To-day I 8" B Are vou low-snlrltcd and weak. 3 ffor Buffering from the CNOPsses of "irvouuir ir eo. oui.iiiuit rwlll cure you. Send 3 2-ocnt etntnps to A. 1. Onlway A Co., Uostou,Mass., for best medical work publlshodr Tndigestion iw as 1S) IS not'only a distressing complaint, of Itself, but, by causing the blood to become depraved and the system en feebled, is the parent of innumerable maladies. That Ayer's Snrsaparllla is the best cure for Indigestion, even when complicated with Liver Complaint, is proved by the following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, Mich.: "Liver complaint and indigestion made my life a burden and came m;ar ending my existence. For moro than four years I suffered untold agony, was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself about.B All kinds of food distressed me, and only the most delicate could bo digested at all. Within the time mentioned several fihytticinns treated me without giving re let, Nothing that I took seemed to do any permanent good until I commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has produced wonderful results. Boon after commencing to tako the Sarsapa rilla I could see an Improvement lu my condition. My appetite began to return and with it came the ability to digost all the food takep, my strength Im proved each day, and after a few months of faithful Attontlou to your directions, I found myself a well woman, able to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given mo a new lease of life." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, - ) r-RIFABID BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price ft ; sis bottles, (5. Worth $5 bottle. Stimulates the torpid llvar, stretirtb. a the dlEejatlvej organs, resuUtee tb bowela, and aire unequaledlte an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial district! their vlrtnes arc Widely reoocnlxkd, mm they posies pec wineir rseoiruixeu. as IDev nouoii nee. nllar properties In freeing tlieayatem iviii inn. doiibd. r.i. Jlearantlr uaras' oated. Ilose small. 1'r Ice, SScts. Sold Everywhere. Offlco, 44 Murray St.. Nw Yorlt. des Pain Instantly. Strengthens Weak Parts. Quiets Nervousness. Hop pfatevs A NW EneUntl nousttjold Remedy. Untycraallr popntAr becjuua of reo) tuetJlciu&l mtmt. Fur tho oouot.tt)ii p&iiui and ivcbeit. surou-- or WMkntiRMi. no m&tur how cfvwtod or how anwero. which ttUoK th haniut tudy, ivi rtnuedr Inthswuild U $o vrorapt nd thorougb to rttliuvimt, curiatf and r- Kiuruvf mm uw Jivy j'tasieri 0nullltd TetllmoHj- of thousand of pftopla. aua win cocuiuut iiicrwuiinjF mid or xnmm piaittra. u atvii-rooi o( uio trum or iuu aatieittoa. 07 UOP lLAHTER! nere burn or Irritate IT 701a puffer applroDO now; irou'Jl feel happier to morrow. OeU ipiou tbe tucmeut put pou BUT REE, HERE, II PIuUhm aold by all uu.-aiaa doalera. Dun tl vwiudlad Into taklus inbdiua doalera, iihtatlf ut ii iiniln! a aubfeUtuta ut UoitAUon Niitnnturoof tuo pruimetura wul U found on thu guumue ouda. Hop Plaster Co. .PHOpnitTons. boston. WHAT SCOTT'S CONSUMPTION 8CR0FULA BRONCHITIS COUCHS COLDS CURES W jstlng Diseases Wonderful Flosh Producer. Jftny hava gained ono pound rjer day by its use. Scott's Emulsion ia not secret remedy. It contains tho stiraulaU inn properties of tho Hypophos phitea and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. tlie potency of both being largely increased. It is used by PLyBiciana all ovor the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. BCOTT A. BOWNB. Chcmlata. H.Y. FRAZER AXLE GREASE KENT IN THE WOHID. Iu wrUe Q altils are unsurp uad. actuall f lfxiliy best. UraVV fllE tlESI VISE. MAINS IN MACHINES. inventions that show amazinq hbsults op genius. A Visit to a Chicago Factorj Tlie Host In trlcate and Delicate nits of Bmbroldery. Mads Few Years Are Only by Ilnnd, Turned Oat The Work nf a Clilcacoan. "Up to 1885 all-embroidered and braid ed garments, the cloaks and rcceptloa ?owns, capes, etc., had to be Imported rom Paris and Berlin," said Mr. Alex ander, of tho Chicago Braiding company, 'but they are now all tnado right here. To show you the difference between then ond now it is only necessary to say that tho silk embroidery on a lady's iaoket alone used to cost about $18 to $33, now it is made for $8. A fino ehibroiuerod silk robe, such as now can bo turned out hero for $40 or $60, used to require an outlay of $1C0 to (200, With that it hod to be imported. It could not bo mado hero, Tako another lino of goods, such as em broidered table covers, scarfs, tidies, pil low shams, etc. They're all done by ma chinery now. All those delicately twisted flowers, those roses and vines and clusters of grapes and pearl blossoms and sun flowers nnd pansies they're all wrought into the cloth by machinery. X DESCRIPTION OF THE WORE. "It is very curious to watch the ma chines apparently endowed with more than ordinary human intelligence at work. Thero are some ten different kinds of machines kept ill operation In the establishment. The most curious of all is a machine whose special domain is the eo called 'applique work. It per forms three tasks at one and tho same time. When properly adjusted a tiny knife cuts out, according to tho pretty design intended, tho .figures from the upper layer of cloth, while slmultAne ously the machine saws these figures on to the layer of cloth underneath the upper layer being generally of medium thickness, while the lower one is cloth of the thickest, warmest aiitl most expen sive kind, such as is' suitable for a lady's winter cloak. The stitch is pretty and artistic, and the thread runs through the double tlucknesg of cloth, making the work as durable as it is possiblo to have it. "The ellect thus obtained artlstlo ara besques, beautifully curving lines, form ing an intricate yet pleasing pattern, lying on the cloth underneath, Is very pretty indeed. Generally two cloths of Bhades differing so much as to form a fine contrast nre ohosen. The delicate mechanism of this machine is especially noticeable in the cutting out of the upper layer of cloth. For while the whole pro cess of cutting it and sewing it on tight at tho some time is done bo quickly under the hands of a skillful operator that a yard of this 'applique' work is made within about five minutes, the knife must be so nicely adjusted that it will cut exactly through the thickness of the upper cloth and not the hundredth part of an inch deeper, or the whole material and the whole work would become a dead loss." MANY WONDERFUL MECHANISMS. "Wonderful!" said the reporter. "Yes," remarkedMr. Alexander, while gratified smilo Bpread over his face, "this la tho only machine of Its kind in the world. I'vo had it patented, and those in my establishment are the only ones made so far. They don't even have one in Paris." Another machine, which is likewise tho product of a very Ingenious brain, is tho so called "throe spool" machine. Two threads of worsted and ono thread of silk cording are manipulated by this machine in suoh a manner as to lay down the worsted on the cloth and to spin tlie silk right over and all around it. The effect thus produced is tliat of Tery thick silk braid, tho whole being moro durable than silk throughout, yet much less expensive. The beading machine, by means of which those most elegant ornaments on a woman's dress, thc-Bo glistening ' ara besques of beading, are put on, Is .another triumph of mechanical genius. The same may bo said of the feather edge machine, which does the so called "sun beam ' and "rainbow" work, embroider ing the shades, which are gradually toned down: of tbe cornelly machine. which does tho cording, and still more bo of the soutache machine, which does the simplest and yet one of the most ef fective styles of embroidery. It is the latter Bort of work, what la dies coll soutache, of whloh State street is full on any crowded afternoon, Nearly every woman wears it on eome piece of garment, on a capo, a cloak, on her dresses and even on her underwear: And it is of exaqtly tho kind which, "but a couple of years back, was very expens lve, but which now, thanks to this won derful plcco of mechanism, lias come within the reach of all. And. ai theft Is a great variety in the style of work done by these different machines, so there is in the material with whloh they work. There Is Bilk braid of every Imaginable hue and thickness; there is colored spool silk of a hundred shades) there is gold thread and sliver thread and bronze thread, of whloh a great deal Is especially used for what is known as "arraeena' work, i. e., embroidered flowers, leaves. vines and fruits on tables and other coy- era. Chicago Herald. Hot too llu Mo Guide. We have in Boston no professional guides who are able intelligently to pliot strangers about, not only to the places of historic interest, both great and small, but to the art galleries, museums, libra ries and public institutions. Men who come here as strangers find little difficul ty in finding their way about to these places, but ladles who come t? Boston unattended by gentlemen, or Who are left to their own resources during the day while their escorts are transacting business about the city, frequently, are in need or such assistance. Boston -Advertiser. A short hand reporter in Placer coupty, Cah, charged for punctuation marks as If they were words, and the county wants 9UH.0O refunded. tlulea fur Amateur Fhototrapnera. There Is a great deal said about the amateur photographer that might Just 39 well have- been left unsaid. Those who never were amateur photographers don't realize tliat"tliere is anything to It 1... 11 . 1 ir 1 ' 1 ' I v . 1, vub yixu uiu curing mm press mo UUIEOC, They don't know how it feels to sneak tlirough tho streets with a camera under one arm and encounter the suspicious gaze of every man, woman and child who knows that such a thing as pliotog jraphy xists. There Isn't anybody who gets' within sight of an instantaneous uiaohine who doesn't promptly reach the conclusion that he is to be made' the victim of a photographic conspiracy. Sometimes this self f elected yiotlm will stand around in an effort to look nrettv and make it as pleasaut for the picture. tatter as possioie, anu sometimes he wfl issue a peremptory Challenge w inorta combat. You can never tell, And after the photograph is obtained it is as likely as not that the houses will look like Chinese pagodas in. a horrible whirl of dissipation, while the piotures of your friends make you sorry that they aren't your enemies. There are lots of rules that go with"' amkteut pHotosrraBhv. but tbe twly true,' rllahlw way. to' deal. with a oauMwa is to take ft out somewhere and carefully break It. Washington Pott. Birds 1,009 Miles irM Land. Every day we sea ntayjng around the ship and skimming up and ,t.lown the wars hoiiffws companies or loveiy little terrX and sett swallows', the latter no larger than thrushes'. Theto fearless people of tho air have not by Any means followed us from the land, living, as gulls often will, on the wnsto thrown from the vessel. They are vague and casual roamers of the ocean, who, spy ing tho great steamship from afar, have sailed close up to seo if we are a rock or im islattd, and Will then skim away again On their own free and boundless business. Yonder tiny bird, with purplo and green plumago, his llttlo breast and neck laoed wltli silver, is distant 1,000 miles at this moment from a drop of fresh water, and yet cares no moro for that fact than did the Irish squiro who "lived twelve miles from a lemon." If his wings ever grow weary it is but to settle quietly on the bosom of a great billow and suffer it for a time to rock and roll him amid the hissing spindrift, the milky, Hying foam and the broken sea lace, which forms and gleams and disappears again upon the dark slopes. When he pleases a stroke of the small red foot and a beat of the wonderful wing launch him off from the Jagged edge of his billow, and he flits past us at 100 knots an hour, laughing steam and canvas to scorn, bnd steering for eome nameless crag in Labrador or Fundy, or bound, It may bo, homeward for some Island or marsh of the far away Irish coast. Marvolously expressive of power as is our untiring engine, which all day and all night' throbs and pants and pulses in noisy rhythm Under the deck, what a clumsy, Imperfect affair it is compared to the dainty plumes and delicate mus cles whiblt will carry that pretty, fear less sea swallow back to his roost, Lon don Telegraph. Treasures on Board Ships. In 1709 a ship of war from Rio to Lis bon had on board 9,000,000 crusades in diamonds and about 100,000 "crowns turnols" in piasters, making In the whole 29,050,000 livres tournois. So mu6h for a single ship.' In '1774 two Spanish ships from vera Cruz and Havana arrived with 23,000,000 crowns, besides mer chandise valued at 27,000.000. Such ex amples could be multiplied. Of the cargo of an English Indlaman in 1771, one item alone a diamond lu the rough was valued at 100,000, "go ing to be manufactured in England on account of ono Of the Asiatic nabobs:" and on the private freight of this vessel tho policies of insurance were opened at Lloyd's at a high premium,, so costly were her contents and so doubtful her safe arrival. As a costly shipwreck La Lutine deserves notice. She was of tliirty-two guns, commanded by Capt. Skynnor, and went ashore on tho bank of the Fly Island passage, on the night of Oct. 0. 1700. At first she was reputed to have had 000,000 in specie on board. This was afterwards contradicted by a statement 1 that the whole amounted to about 140,000. Sydney 'Herald. Assassination In India. A deadly serpent, such as the echys, or tho more -notorious, but really less for midable, cobra, is bo confined in a hollow 'bamboo cane that its head just barely pro trudes at the end; and the assassin, carry ing this diabolical weapon, Which looks like a harniless walking staff, in liid hand, approaches his enemy quite unsuspected, and, touching him unawares with the end of' the staff, causes the snake to plunge its lethal fangs into his defenseless flesh. The victim is found dead, perhaps, on his couch or divan, or in a Chair at table, or seated in some lovely secluded garden, where his treacherous foe and he may have retired together to enjoy Uie shade and tho perfume. His death ia set down to-sunstroko or fever, or any Other of. the sudden diseases that are common. In that country; and, in accordance with the lo cal custom, his body is.'hurrtedty reduced 1 1 . , 1 a it f.Llt. to asnes or uuuuiiji.ua o ijiu puuuo recep taclo for the dead before "any lnauirv can bo mode, Edgar, Li. Wakeman In Pittsburg Dispatch, A Mate Marriage. An extraordinary marriage was sol emnized' recently at St. Mary's church, Haryport; the contracting parties, .Miss Ann Casford Handle, of Castlebank, Marvport, and air. William King, of Wigton, both being deaf and dumb. The church was filled to overflowing. the greatest interest being taken, in .the unusual ceremony. The service was read In tlie customary way by the senior qu rate, the lines id the prayer liook belng pointed OUt to the bride and' bridegroom' as lie proceeded. When asked if they would accept each other they signified their consent by means of tho deaf and dumb alphabet. Denf'aaiil dumh ladies and gentlemen from various parta of the country were present, Lpndpn Tft-Blts. A Erranffsr to Medicine. The lateQovernorEnirlish, of Connecti cut, never hod a serious ailment until his last and fatal illness. A short time be fore he was taken down with this last sickness )io felt a little indisposed, and a physician whom he met.gave him a, pre scriot Ion. "What shall I do with it?" said tbe governor. "I never, bad a prescription before in my life." "Take It home and frame it," replied the doctor. "Men' who live as"you have lived need no medicine," New York Evening Sim. Josls Hillings' pjUlosophy. I thank heaven for one thing, that thare lz not in this wide world a human, or inhuman being, that 1 would, not rather help than hurt, i find this senti ment In ml conscience, Or I' Wouldn't dare claim' it; and 1 lino ml' own con science better than ennyboddy else duz. New York Weekly.7 It 'VfsDt tfurthar. Editor There isn't sufficient action to this comio'sketch of yours. Arttit Actlonl' "Why, great-Scotti.it has moved around to nine 'or 'ten papers alreadyl Texas Sittings. Behind Time. The dlsmist of n youiisc man The Eleo- trical lteview tells about ' can' easily be Imagined. lie rushed into a western rallro&l station to find lie was three min utes late for the last train Of the day, and hen dashed off the following tele. grapmo message fo wet 7, in a' town sixty tulles, owayi "Have, Just 'missed train. Must postpone ceremony until tot morrow. Would walk there if J could. Try to be calm." A riulah for Walnut. For a simple but not very solid finish for walnut proceed as follow! Take equal' parts of 'burnt umber and finejy ground pumlbe stone, and mix ihei& together; apply wltli a Woolen "rag o nsur piotn aippou in raw or poueu un seed oili clean with soft old cotton ratrs. The longer and liardei; Ujs pbbfiig, ffie better the results, The walnut need not not no rweq or oneo, enwea otar. Voltaire was a most Impatient writer. and usually had the first half of,tv. work put in type before the second half was written. - - 1 " " A Michigan 1 malhtUoian couUUs 1 UPttatst PLACES OF INTEREST To all visiting Philadelphia nre THE YATES STOKES, 6th nnd Chestnut 1 3th mid Chestnut Our Superior Clothing for Men Boys is renowned, nnd though prices art? very low this season we maintain tho high quality fiCSOPPOSITE L. FIRST STREET, - AJ. Yates &Go. mm Has just opened nn entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods. Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, Marseilles, Seersuckers and Fancy Dress Patterns of (ho very hest qualities at exceed- wig low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockeryware.Glasswaxe, V ood and Willowware of the best makes at low figures. Cloths Cassimers. Hats. Bootn. Shonn nnrl VcnArr. made Clothing in great variety and at prices with xthe reach of all purchasers prices fully as low as t he same goods can be nought Jor at any other general carpets, uii-cloths, Lampa and Fixtures in great variety and of best quality at Rock Bottom Prices. Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices lully as low as the same articles can be purchased elsewhere. A car loan ot coarse salt has just been received the price y been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices .qually as low as the same goods can bought at any general store n this section. Call and be convinced. Respectfully, July 823-71 kMQS HEIGEL. Koch&Sha nkweiler.A CLOTHIERS, We have made extensive preparations for the Sprincr Business in Men', Boys' and Children's Clothing. Our guaranteed qualit ies and the lowest prices are making our store the preferred place ior tuose who wish id save ume Mothers', Attention. ! Over sooe Clillilren'a Suits now ready. Aces 4 to 1.1 years. Our experience In Hoys and Utile lioys uioimne snows 111.11 11 we rati gni me in tention of the mothers that Mill crowuoiir store. We have pietty mill n 1111 material, pretty and novel shapci, ami tin making a credit to our Utile lto' ClntlilnK Department. We have a complete line of .T-pleee Mult, and a line selec tion o( Jersey nnd Kilt Suits. We start our Ghlldren'1 Suit's from atl.on up. Men's Suits. Wearo slinwlni? this season over so Leading Btvlea. Our slim Is to combine the liest Mako with the Lowest I'rlccs. ISvrrylKMly hi need of clothing, coming to town. Is invited to visit our Large Olollilng Kstabllsli inent. We know that tlie time so spent will bo very profitable, (let our prices before buying and j 011 will save money by no doing. Custom Department. Tlila riAimrttnent lacks liotlilntf ti sallsfv Mia tastes and Ideas of tlie most critical ot men. Our line of Spring Trouserings and Suiting is larger nun miuiv bc.ccl mun ccr seen uciore. Kvurvthlne is ill readiness Willi all Ibe modem facilities to guarantee niisuriiassed workman ship, fit and finish. A special feature Is the very large assortment of Styles offered at prices mai win ua iuumu fi'gmj muutuvu. a-Dirr.1 A. T . T The great invention ...I.I. .ril.iafohlA hlt wlitlt la aqoII.. -. - 1 v " ' WalSt does AWAV pntlrAtv etted on the. belt, consequently cannot he torn off Ilelng puin in gpeecn ami sincere in our orrerliigs, we recommend goods as they really are and Hntol Allen Rllildinp. Allentown, Pa., Largest Clothing House in. Lehigh valley. UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOOUAKTir OF TBS OOTJITTBT, WILL OBTAIN MUOH VALUABLE INFORMATION rHOU A STUDY OF THI3 MAP OF THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLIDD & PACIFIC RAILWAY, Inaludlncp main lino's, brtinobea and MlsBourTRlver. too uiroct itoute I'eona, uaiie, uouno, uock laiana, tn lUjinuic ajuyonpun, iuubcuuuu. Ottumwa, Oekalooea, Uea Molnes.Wlnteroet, Audubon, Uarjan, and, Oounoll Blutra, In IOWA-MlnneapollB and Bt. PatU, In MINNtopTilVWatertown and Sioux Falls, In DAKOTA Cameron, St. Joseph, and Kansaa City. In MI8SOUBI Omaha, Folrbury, and Nelson, In NEBRASKA Horton. Topelca. Hutchinson, Wichita, Belleville, Abilene, CaldwoUTS JCAN8A8-Pond Creek, Kingfisher, Port Bono, in the INDIAN TEEIUTpEY-and Colorado Sprtngrs, Denver, Pueblo, In COLORADO. FREE Eocllninir Chair Oars to and from Chloogo, Caldwell, Hutchinson, and Dodara City, and Folooo Bleop lnar Cars between Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson, Traversas now and vast areas of rich farming and grfuilng lands, affording the best facilities or intercommunication to. all towns and, cities east and west, northwest and southwest of Chloogo, andPacifla and transoceanic Seaport, MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS. Leading all oompetltora in splendor of equipment, 0ool, wellvontllatod, and free from dust, Through Coaches, Pullman Bleopera, FREE Reclining Chair Oars, and (east of Missouri River) pining Cars Dally between Chicago, Des Moines. Council Bluffs, and Omaha, with Pree Reclining Choir Car to California HxcurBlons ciaijy, with CHpIDE OF ROUTES to and f Lake. Ogdon, PortlRnd.Xos Angeles, end Batt Franolsop. Tho LINE to and from Pike's Peak, anltoUrAarden'-Qfiha Qodd.the) urns, and Bosnia Grandeurs of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Oolld Erprees Trains dally I wiia'iuituuuii a(OQnin Kansas Oltv. ' Through. On and Qloux Falls, via Rock lslani town. Blouz Falls, aud tbe Summer Orounds of the Northwest. THE BUORT LINE VIA BKNKOA travel between Ctnolnna ladlouapolla, Lafayette, and Oounoll Blumi, St. For Tiokeu, Maps, Folders, or desired Information, apply to any Ticket Ofitealn tha unltaaatatea eeaaaadatoraddresa E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, 0wsiXssssr. DHIOAQO, II U. Ssn'H xJtit Pass. Agsat St. St. nnd & S. DEPOT.-jtff - LEHIGHTON. Pa store in this vicinity. ana money. What we Owe the Boys. Anything new and nltr.-iellve in ltm-' xt VnnUm Suit? you are sure to find by IooUIiik over our netvlarjce Spring Stock. Cmillimatloii Suits a ereat specialty, made In the latest stiles and of tlie newest fabrics, such m line Corktcrew.Wlile Wale, Worsteds and neat Mixtures In all grades and at Special Prices. Spring Overcoats. 1 This season our Spring; Overcoats nre of the . finest Merchant Tailoring, and force themselves ! Into popular favor on account of tho low prices. A coat that does not lack any of the neat and lasiuonauie points ior oik. A cnou stUHh coat as low as 88. Gents Furnishings. Our peneral stock of Furnishings presents this neitsou t cuiuuieiu usiuirimeiit in ail llepait inents. Every Imaginable article on 11.1ml. ir. cole Sblrts, OhevoTt Shirts (greatest novelty of HIIUfl,Wj flttll'JlUStJ if paiT IOr 230. i 3 Linen Collars for 2flc. ; z pair Llhcu Cuffs for 25c.: Scrtven's Vateut Seam Drawers. Auto. matle Wire lluckle Suspenders, Night ftobes. J1C1BU U1U3. 1IHD U IIIUIITllUa, IfllCSl 1IUVCJ11CS in Fancv and Full Dress Shirts. Sinn's lirtxia mm Driving Gloves, Bilk H Hose darters 2M Cellu loid Collars and Cuffs,.Jewelry, Silk Handker chiefs. No matter what you want In UNDHIt- tvjjin we nam kui ii. l'Atent Shirt Waists. The "Mother's Friend .1.. I. - "rH".ru u-lth thA flAwlnfr fin nf llltttmia If la .im.tui either In wearing, washing or Ironing. TToli R Rtianlrnr nila. oxtenaloas East and west of the to ana rrom unioaffo, jouoc, unawu, DIRECT ty&mtari- Mnoatouo.Wfl.t8t- Resorta and Hupping and Flshltig AND KANKAKBX QJrfl mcilllies to llsntown, boMam. If the df-Mer own tit aupjflr Text, end direct to factors', flcloalnc nurartllad I sisisisiHaSslBBstiit'iiwU. ItMgflf L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE cENt1ermEN. I'M nil Calf. Tfflw T.ni-..! 11 m I n fw .1- moor Waterproof; iiew in inn jrorin. ran-minn tin eiS.OO (IKNUINU 11AN1-Hl;vr.l HHOH. B4.00 HAND-SKWl',1) WHltf KHOl" SJ3.SO l'OI.ICIJ AND FAItMlUlH' HUOE. 2.0(1 KXTHA VAHI15 IJAI.F 8HOJ5. H2.n & a WOKKINOMKN'S NUOF.R. 88.00 anil 81.73 HOYS' HOIIOOt. K1IOE8. An made la Conrrcss, Button and Lsce. $3 & $2 SHOES lWb. B1.75 8IIOK FOR BUSSES. Tleat afKti-t&1. Tltfiat R11m. riAal Plttlnv. XV. Douglas, Brockton. Mass. Sold tr Adam Mehrkam &on, Agents, LIHIIOHTON. flll circation is growing - LLX because we furnish all the latest local news in the best style. Sample us $2QFaYoriteSinger Sewing Machine. HIGH ARM $25.00. Each Machine lias a drop leaf, fancy cover, two large drawers, vtith nickel rings, and a full set of Attachments, equal to any Sin ter Machine sold from $40 to $60 by Canvassers. A trial In your home be fore payment is asked. Buy direct of the Manu facturers and save agents' profits besides getting certificates of warrantee for five years. Send for testimonials to Co-operative Sewlntj Maohlnu Co., 269 S. nth St., Philadelphia, Pa. -W-Wi: PAY I'UEIUUT.-fi ATARRH Wahare a remedy that will CURE CATARRH. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. Our faith is to stronor that we will send treatment on trial. Send for Treatise and full particulars, Address, The Hill Chemical Co., 3860 Fall-mount Ay., Phils,, Pa orMlin&Sicta CAN ha CURED. HsP M H Wa will SEND FREE by I. M mail a large ikial uui aUo. a treatise on Epilepsy. DON'T SUFFER ANY LONGER I Ctve Pott Of fice, State ant) County, and Age plainly. Address, THE HALL CHEMICAL CO., aSSo Fairmount Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. tmracoinm MILES .rflPi rirouri I u I UITTeli atn tbe world. Our itcltitiri w unsMjutalrd, ind l hitrodacf out tapcrtor rood m will wnd UK a tooSE rxaion In tach iocaltiy 8? a fcbOTe Only IhvM who rU "tauat oncaraa aiak aura t Mi tb cbanca Alljouhatttodata en Curn la tit ihor our arOoda t Ihbiv who call raur miRtkotf and Ifaoaa around j6U Tha Mginntag of ihla adrrrtUtmaat ihawi tha amall and ot tha Ula. Mop. Tbt follairiflf cut ttTaa tha appear aca f It radacad l boat the flfMtth part o? lta balk. It la a (rand, double ilia tela acopa.aalartaaa Uaairtocarry, Wa nllltUaaibowjroa how vott ttn tnaka frora 93 IoSIO a day atltatt, from ihaaiart.wiih oot aiparienca Bttlar writa atone. Wa parall atpraaa cbargaa. Addraa,ll UALLETTACO., Box 8BO, Ofcltnu, Waiwi 13 W EEKS. The POIjIOB GAZETTE will to malli-d ecu rely wrupieJ,toany aildross in the Uui, et States forthrce'tnonths on reoeiiil of One Dollar. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters getting tip clubs. Haniple copies mailed free. Address all orders to. UICIIAltDK. FOX, May 30-S911 1'itANKr.iN HyuAitE, N. Y, BLys CatarrH Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allan Fain ana Inflammation. Heals tha Bores. Restores the Sense of Taite and Smell. TBV THE CUBE A particle Is applied Into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 60 cents at druggists i by mall, registered. Mcts. ULY HltOTllUltS, M Warren St., New York august 17, ms ' FOR MEN ONLY! For LOBTorFAILIHO KsJtnppDi Oeneral and NiKVOUS LSBltif ? j WatknsssorBodyajidHlnd, Ifftets tlMcripti. txt, ii.lultoaaSjireraMlk4(tuU4liH. Marts. CRIB MEDICAL CO., bVFFA,0( N. V. MERCHANT'S OUARANTKEU R00FIN0 PLATES, u .lu, miif jn n llic fill, fi.tari II1D l)CS( I ... ..Ot.D, J1I .1 V jfl.F.CV linn; FIH8T-Py unaranleelpK erf ry !k Dvmvh ,1 ., ........ f ..' ....... , . . . , . . i pttu.! ,.j nM.iui'His rtkvn 8itrrh sriiu the brand and thickness. Tlllltn llV AVrhlllltl,, .a.taM ,1.1.. tlve sheets. I .tj MiuuuinK liinnri wriirnidl the Ut sheets on each box, to satily the cus tomer tin tills ace nf light weight plates) that he Is obtaining Ml Weight. For tliobeuent of these wanting theverv best roofing ptutea. we assert, awl are pre iiared to prove, that there are no oilier brands of roofliic llu offered lu the market to-dv, b any Ilrm uuder the tour UUIrrent guaranteevKlven abort by tills liooiV aua w utiulloiifrt. a iinhllf pnnrrAitltlMvAr ti.u ttatetuent. Our bonk mi Tin Itnof y III lw furnMinl frte on uppileatlon. 1YIER0HANT & CO,, I'lIlLADHI.l'IIIA. Ollli'AUO. NKW MHik, LONDON. 1 3(K) III) otn NEW Wufb Ml oft Itvfttck tn tb world UntakwMl Witmuil(iu. vmsp SIBHIIItf BtXb UdU s.bdfBl atlMt, Vtitm Mark aaaf a.asa aWtllAl tiilll IlstsT sVaTKati-tW In MrtV loetslUr mis. unra naa d TAlualil llMa.r llnuahnl,l nnatalaVai. TKasaA aaaarUaia ait a i. as tha) WsUch. IT lt. All t wik viaai i h1 (V ! fo thon wt'Bl wtj Mna JV to iaum vAo MaAiU 4 bW(sstXrf is4 ttM MMf ym rwv tli w vaiiabUtns4i44u .wllaolati fa sca sM(uo un n4 UsM w aM rijJl Vft piy aUl IHTift. ftMritl vfe Ai'af ytHI kauw all, if iwu wuuU Ua (u n tt wwk lor OLmuii An ttn JO t SOU Mr wk u4 uwwl ZtfmZ Htlntun tXfl Co., JIok HI S. A'ortluuU, EMORY Mind w.ftdtJiluti uursxj Haoft l4rn4 io oti ravuu Tt-NtioiuaUH irwta mil Pf1 ut IbN Klutw I'rusiiMsBlua POY IliU. lV,ut un Lj4inlbiii t jhrU. A U!Mti. 337 lTiKU At. Kw fwik. Substribe for the AiiVovaTE. w. ITT ma Swl, bl. HaSHOOOfsU ItMmi. If.. ( t.l.rv. ,.1 lr..rtWHSUS,tSl)l.rU)r.UOKUKBriRTSUiralDI. abuiiMr ikiuu uoaa lasaTasaT-Bauaii l. u. HMtMilfrfrMiSustatta4lnllMutriM. WriulUm. asssssnWsssasssssWI JJT1 IbbssssssbsT M mm M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers