Tlnlfireil n HbcoihI Class Matter nttliel.e tilgliton Fost-OMce. The Carbon Advocate MtlllOUTON, I'KNNA. HnteS for Legal Advertising! Charier Notleea $ 00 Auditor's Notices 4 00 Commissioner's Netlcea 4 oo Divorce Notice 4 Oo Administrator's Notices - - - s oo Bxecutor's Notice 3 00 SATUltDAY. APRIL 20. 1800. Bonn Flile Clrciilntlon Larger than that of any Weekly Newspniior In tlie County. Sbnsiiily speaks tho Easton Express as follows: "Carbon Is now engaged In try- a murderer, and In a few weeks must try another. Lehigh, too will soon be called upon to dolo out justice to a fiend confined In Its prison. No pity should bo shown to any of these. , If guilty of tho crimes Imputed to them, they merit tho full penalty prescribed by law, Thl sentiment. nl plavlnc with murderers is the varlcst nonsenso; and extremely dangerous; too." Tni;itu is a revival of Interest among tho Knights of Labor, tending to a re organization of shattered forces caused by discontent. Recently at Mauch Chunk a spirited meeting was hold and many new names wcro ndded to tho roll. This Is only an tnstanco however, as the revival is going on in all soctlons. Perhaps some day when labor appreciates tho Importance of organization there will be an amalgma- Hon of all the unions under one head with a common purpose, viz: the amelioration of tho common classes and the betterment of condition generally. The laboring man who comes into the coal regions of Pennsylvania at this time In Bcarch of employment, says an exchange docs not add to the wealth of tho com' munlty, hut on the contrary Increases its povcrtr, and this fact deserves to become generally known. There are too many men for tho amount of work dono in the mines but the employing companies should sco to It that the present law-abiding and in telllgent force of miners Is not supplanted by men possessing a lower degree of In, tclligcnco and less regard for law and order It Is not an encouraging sign to seo men of character quitting tho mines and a lowor order of labor coming In at tho same time to lessen Instead of advancing the stand ard of Intelligence." Ik odu next issue we will re-publlsh from Current Comment and Legal Miscel lany a brilliant thesis on "Progress and Poverty" from tho able pcnofourdls tlnguishcd former townsman, Hon. W. M. Rapshcr, of the Carbon county Bar. In concluding this cxceptlonably bright and able article the honorable gentleman says "The lesson of all strikes, coming sharper and clearer as the years goby, Is the lesson that the social problem cannot be Ignored Mr. Rapsher Is rapidly becoming ono of tho most popular witters in tho field of letters, if the fact that his production ragerly sought after, and accepted by the liorth American Iitttew, the Standard, Legal Miscellany and many other periodi cals read In America and Europe, can bo taken as a criterion. BROADBRIM'S H. Y. LETTER The iMethodist Conference closed this week giving greater evidence of the change tuat is going on In that powerful church than anv conference for manv vears nast. Itineracy seems to be doomed; extension aiicr extension is adopted by each succeed ing convention: but like Oliver, at the workhouse table, they constantly clamor for more. Within my memory, ono year was considered sufficient tor any preacher in many districts, and when tho time was extended to two years, many of the faith ful shook their heads and thought that Methodism was going astray. Rut the fact is that many eloquent and pious minis ters have left tho Methodist Church, be cause they did not like being shifted around lrom post to pillar, but preferred a fixed home. One of tho most significant occur rences during the convention was the visit of the Rev. R. R. Meredith: the elomient pastor of the Tomkins Avenue Congrega tional Uhurch on Tuesday. Dr. Meredeth was formerly a member of tho Methodist oiiurch, and when he left It it was a terrl ble shock to his congregation, by whom ho was greatly beloved. When ho entered tho convention he was received with clamorous welcome, and the BIsIiod nleas. antly Introduced him as a beloved brother whom they had loaned for a short time to a neighboring church. Another evidence of chango was found in the fact that one of tho leading lights of the conference de clared his disbelief In the cfilcacv of Pro hlbltlon; he did not believe It could possibly accomplish Its purpose, and that tho class Intended to be saved must be saved bv tlin Gospel of Cbrlst,and not by any sumptuary law, ana tuis opinion was sustained by j number of the ablest men in the conyen lion, A sorrowful scono was nnacteil In Brooklyn Court this week when an old man, between seventy and eighty years of ago, was sent to the Penitentiary for llye years for swindling the city by securing every year an appropriation for Ills charit able hospital. Tho city divides Its excise Iltnu among the various charitable instltu lions, l ney make an annual report of the number of persons they haye relieved and recclye bo much per head. Doctor Wilcox last year sent In a report of several him dred cases relieved, three or four hundred births, fourteen hundred visits, Ac, Ac, and drew from tho city funds seventeen hundred dollars, his report being signed by tho president, Doctor Wilcox of the Wilcox Hospital, a board of nxamlner board of trustees, a socrctary and a treasur er. When, however, tho attention of the Grand Jury was called to the case of this Knavisn old swindler, it turned out that there neycr was a president, a secretary. treasurer, or a trusteo oxcept Doctor Wll cox himself ; that he made no visits, dls iriuuied no medicines, but ho gobbled tho public funds all tho same. He lived in largo iiouss with a fat old housekconcr, and ne iiau uetn carrying on this swindling for several years, and when dlscoyered assumed a uoia uenani air, ana laughingly asked like 'iweed, "What are yeu going to do about It." no found out this week, as ho was dragged back from the bar to the prisoners' pen with a sentence of five years ringing in ins ears. Veilly, verily, tho way of the transgressor is hard! A very gratifying sign of the times Is tho wholacome Improvement of the American iirama; some of the productions of the past two years being far more successful than any of tho Imported dramas. D'Oyl -i arte troupe of English Gondoliers has the board; one of the deadest fall urea oi ma season, ana It evidently was not the fault of Gilbert and Sullivan, for the . iifcp lias been a marked sueets as played uy lltfi iteMon Uompany. une of the most human pieces that I nave teen for many a day was the Henrietta, as it was piodueed by Robson last week at the beautiful Amphlon Academy of Knowles and .Morris In Brook lyn. U has had a very long run In New brk before Robson and Crane parted com pany. Together they bad mauo an ampio fortuno, and it was questionable if tho separation would add to the success of cither. Urane look the chances, and Robson took tho Henrietta. It Is the old, old story of Wall Street; bold speculation, despcrato venlurc,soft touches of humanity, utter faithlessness, a son's meanness and treachery, old from whenco It was least expected, punishment, death, and virtue Anally rewarded. Ono of tho leading characters in the piece is a rough old broker of tho Dan Drew or Russell Sago stripe; bold overbearing, unscrupulous and not very highly educated. Graduating from tho country late in life and success ful from tho start, be-sweeps every obstacle from his path with no mora pity orrcmorso than tho hurricane feels as It sweeps on ward in its destroying track. He has a son tho counterpart of himself in most of his business methods, with this difference, that the old man has some heart and con science, tho son has none. Tho father Is bolstering a western mine with which he bulls the market, and his son, in whom ho puts the most Implicit trust, and who Is his partner in business, seeks his father's ruin that ho may possess the entire busi ness. Tho old broker has another son who is an utterly worthless dude, played admirably by Mr. Robson. There Is noth Ing bad aboat the fellow, but there appears to bo nothing of him but his clothes. His father hates the sight of blm, because he is not a business man like his elder brother, and Is just about driving h'm out of his house when he discovers that he Is beloved by the daughter of one of his boyhood friends, and finding that they aro engaged to be marrld presents his son flye hundred thousand dollars to start housekeeping, Just as the marriage Is about to take place a young woman is dying who was ruined by the elder brother, and who appeals to him with her dying breath for protection for her child his daughter. Tho wife of the elder brother receives the message, accuses her husband of his perfidy, and be with a villainy, without a parallel, lays tho crime at tho door of his yonnger brother, and ruins his prospect of marriage with the girl of his love. The crisis comes at last on the Henrietta Mine, and the old broker is away on ills yacht. Millions melt away in tho storm like summer clouds In tho sunshine; ruin, black ruin is every where; but just In the nick of time the old broker gets back on 'Change to breast the hurricane. Ho does not know up to the last moment that his eldest son, his pride, his hope, is the author of his ruin, ne has still a half million of securities in the safe, deposit, and he sends his son for them, but the haye all disappeared. H'hen the last hopo Is gone tho dudlsh son arrives upon the scene, ne still has four hun dred thousand dollars left of the fortune his father gayo htm when he was going to marry, but was betrayed by his elder brother. Ho throws the whole four hun dred thousand dollars Into the pool, the market turns and tho father is sayed; the excitement kills the villainous son, and the despised dude gains his brldo and be comes the Napoleon of Wall stteet. The pleco Is remarkable is remarkable In many ways. In the flist place It Is human through and through. Secondly, It Is not piece written, as most of our modern pieces have been written, for the gtoriflca' Hon of one man or woman. Thirdly, while some partu arc a little mora promt ncnt than others alUare good from the least unto the greatest, and as this admira ble piece was cast, any part would tax the ability of the most competent actor, and each man in this Instance, and each woman too, was exactly what the part required them to be. Lastly, It was bright and clean there is In it, from first to last, no word or act that a loylng father might not like his little daughter or son to hear or see. In this respect It challenges criticism and is a credit to our modern drama. Wilson Barrett the great English actor sees a tendency since his return, to wholesome American drama. "The Conn ty Fair" has been running here for months the same may satd of Shenandoah. Then look at Denman Thompson; crowding the Academy of Music year after year with the Old Homestead, and finding the parquotte and boxes filled with reverend looking folks that you met at tho Methodist confer ence in tho morning. I don't say they were ministers or perhaps deacons; but I would make an Affidavit that they looked wonderfully like trustees and lay delegates As tho curtain went down on Wednesday night a stout old countryman with a whtre cravant turned to his was evidently from the hayseed section, and said "And this is theayter; I novcr wuz In one afore, but by juwhtlcklns, Marlar, I'd sooner come hero than go to proyermeetln',""Shoo John, how you talk," said Marlar as she hustled him out of the house. All the places of 'amusement haye done well though the Italian Oprea had to stand back on Wednesday Patti took a ride in the Park and cought cold, that cold cost manage Abbey several thousand dollars He has plonty of duplicate singers, an could easily havo glyen another oprea, and a good one but be is not that kind of manager he preferred to personally stand the loss to breaking faith with the public He Is one manager in a million. The week will long be memorable for the convention of telegraphic experts who met heie on Thursday for a trial of skill In send lng messages by lightning; like lightning. It was a wonderful sight to an outs!dcr,not deep in tho mysteries of the electric brother hood and sisterhood, when Fred Cathn, the projector of tho turnament, sat down by his Instrument tomake the opening speech Tick, tick, tick (roars of laughter),tlck tick tick tick tick (tremendous applause) tick tick, tick, (uproarious applause, mingled with shouts of laughter, and cries of "thats so" "you can bet them eyery time.'MTick tick, tick (cries of that's the talk, and ap plause. As Cat'.ln rose from his seat- country operator gabbed mo by tho hand and said wasn't that the best speech you ever heard. I shook his hand warmly and declared that I had never heard anything like It before In my life. The turnament was a day of surprises. It was a fair trial of speed between tho sexes, and I regret to add, that my own ungallant sex, left tlie ladles far behind with a record of 200 words In five minutes, against 217 by the best fe male operator. That morning a freckel faced fellow from Hartford, Connecticut arrived in town, and he created no special furor as bo got off the Hartford and New I lay en train at tlie Uracd Central Depot; nobody knew him, and nodody cared about knowing him, ho was simply Pollock from Hartford, nothing more Rut in a tourna ment his turn came at last. There was no sensation whatever when he sat down at the key. A girl In a ted jersey and a bright spring hat, said to her neighbor Who ! that fellow? She snappishly replied I don't know, they say he's from Hartford, and she went on chewing her gum. There was J. W. Jiulsson with ins record or mh words in five minutes, all previous records; and Catlln, 341; Ulbeon, 880; and many other champions of the key. When Pol lock touched the- Instrument, old operators jumped from their seats- as If struck by a charge of dynamlto. His finger flew and lightning chased It; ho dodged, ho doubled, he turned, ho twisted ; but tho electric cur rent couldn't catch hlm;ho.was ahead of It all the time. Men "crooned their heads; women seemed to bo sitting on electric wires. 3fany tried to follow him, but lost their heads and fell by the wayside. Time was called, and B. R. Pollock passed under the string with a record of 208 words In fivo minutes. Oh, what a howl there was I Then there went up a cry thst It wasn't good Mono, and thoy wanted anothor trial. With a contemptuous look at the crowd he sat down again, and ran oft 200, and that night the name of Pollock from Hartford was known wherever there Is an electric wire on the globe. liHUAUtJlUSl, CARBON COUNTY TIP8. Interesting I train, Original anil Otherwise That will HI niul ltcmllng. -Tne cases of Engineer Warg and Con ductor Lcntz, of Weatherly, charged with criminal negligence in causing the wreck on tho Lehigh Valley Railroad at Laury's last December, In which Engineer Music of South Easton, was killed, havo been postponed until June term of tho Lehigh County criminal court. Frank Mossor, of Mahoning, was en gaged weather-hoarding a two-storj'Utwell- iug house In that township one day recent ly when he was accidentally precipitated to tho greund. He sustained a fractured col larbone and a severe shaking up; he is doing well tinder the circumstances. Geo. Fredo' of Weatherly, and Jim Oily. cr, or rreeianu, signed articles of agree ment on Saturday last to shoot at twenty birds each for a purse of (200. Tho match will take place at JFeathcrly on May 30 be. tween the hours of 10 and 12 a. in. i-auuy rioyie, oi summit lllll, was killed on the railroad at Reading Friday. ne was on his way to Montana, In com pany with his cousin Barney Malloy, when kilted. He was burled at tho former place on Tuesdap afternoon. A demented Italian of Ebeyale, was taken to the Lautytown Asylum on Mon day. He has a wife and six children In destitute circumstances, Ho was trying to live on sixty cents a day and succumbed to the Inevitable. -For Sale A Portiblo Picture Gallery with camera box 1-2 size leus, 0 gem tubes and 4 1-4 darlot tubes all thai belongs to It for $75,00. Rare chance. Address 9eo. R Welch, Wetssport, Pa. Rev. Marcus Tolman, pastor of tlie Episcopal church, Jauch Chunk, will preach In the school building at Packorlon on Sunday afternoon. Tho public Is cor dially invited to attend tho services. Packerton Is to have a council of tho Jr. O. U. A. M. A charter application containing tho names of her best citizens has been sent to headquarters for approval, There is a spring of water somewhere In the Pine Run district known as the "Three o'clock spring." Why and where. fore wo know not. An effort Is being made to organize council of Jr. O. U. A. M. at Summit HI1L The application for charter contains 7G names. Jfrs. Isaac Smoyer, of Parryvllle, who died last week was Insured In the sum of $107, She was aged forty years. A Lady'e Perfect Companion. Painless Oiiii.duibtii, a new book by Dr. John n. Dye, one of New York's most skillful physicians, shows that prin Is not necessary in ciuidulrtli, but results from causes easily under stood and overcome. It clearly proves that aiiy woman may become a mother without sintering any pain whatever. It also tells how to over come and prevent morning sickness, swelled limbs, and all other evils attending pregnancy. ib is iciiauic mm nigniy enuorseu uy physicians everywhere as the wife's true private compan ion. Cut this out; It will save you great pain and possibly your life. Send two-cent stamp for pescrlptlve circulars, testlmonlals.aiid Confiden tial tattif flont 111 sadIa.1 nnvnlnna Atlilra.g Frauk TliomaB & Co., l'ubllsliers, Baltimore1 Biarviuuu Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel or purity strength and wholesomeness. More nvmnmi.. mail ma m umai j iwuua.auu irauum IMS S01U IU competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Hold only in luiis. iwiw umiuh a unuci lAililuitlly. Wall Street N.Y. YunelB Lehighton Water Co LKHIQHTON, PA., April 21. 1890. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of TllR I.KHUIIITON WATHRCOMPANV 111 llntiol'a Hall, In the Borough of tehlekton, l'a.. at Klaht n the llorough of tehlekton, l'a.. at Klaht i p. M. on SATUltDAY, JUNK am, llbo, t purpose oi voting on an INCKEASK OK I1TKDNKS3. Ily order of the Board, lor the INDKBTK JOHN 8. I.KNTZ. President. Howard Seaboldt, Becretary. WA. PKTKItH, Saloon and Restaurant, Bauk . Streft. Fresh Lager always on tan. Oys- n season. Drop In and see us. novl2-ly lr. G. T. HORN AT Til Central Drug Store, OPP. THK PUBLIC SQUAltK Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa . IS IIKADQUARTKRS FOB. Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Sonps, Brushes, &c, &c Choice Wines and Liquors, Largest Assortment of Library Jamp8 Wall Paper and Decorations Spectacles ! Wlieu you buy a pair ot Shoe vou want eood lit. But II vou ureal rjl'EtlTAiN.Kft ir i much more Important that the EYE should be avtxjuiiuuuaivu nun uurret'i ivusea aim a proper ly nttlng frame wlileti will brlim the lenses dl reetly before ine centre or the rye. If you buy )uuillwmiii, iiuiua juu will 11 nnd the anove points property attenaea to. PERSCRIPTIONS CaelUlly Compelled OcUMSW POWDER MERCANTILE AITIUISMENT -FOR- CARBON COUNTY Made by FRANK O'DONNELL, for the County of Carbon,' for the year 1800. An Appeal Will bo held at the Court. House, In the Borough of Mauch Chunk, at TEN O' CLOCK A. M on Monday, April 28, 1890. SUMMIT HIM, noiiouaif. CLASS AH'T. Arner, Moses, tinware 14 a T oo Uresiln.J. F., general store 14 Brcslin. K., notions 14 Davis, Mrs. M., milliner 11 7 80 7 00 7 00 7 OO 7 00 10 00 7 00 Davis, i'. it., unigs..... 11 . Kline, Mrs. Cleorge, general store... 14 McCready, John, general store 13 McCready, Thomas, cloth lng 14 Mlnnlck, Stephen P., agent, gener- nt more i Richards, J. A Co., general store.... 11 Rlckert, lamuel.stoves ana tlnware.14 7 00 25 00 7 00 TCIIlieiuul , 1? iiimiii, cit:ii diuio.i o Hlnyard. M. B., general store 14 Rwank, S. L., furniture 14 Tanner. Joseph, general store 14 30 0 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Trewren. Heorge, general store 14 I nompson, w. u.. arujrs. 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 Wenner, D. M., general store., .....14 Nevlns, J., boots andshees u TAVinN LICENSE. Kreslln, Patrick , Bachman, A Huntrlnger, Ueorge.. Sweeney, James ISO 00 1M 00 150 00 1W Oil UKSTAUltAXT LtCKNSI. Boner. Manus A.... Mclltigh, Dennis... MrConnell. James.. ISO 00 ISO OO ISO 00 150 00 ISO 00 ISO 00 O'Brlan, Edward.. Hiiea, wm Boyle, Edward D... WBOLKSALS LtCMNSE. Maloy, Catharine. 200 00 EAST MAUCH CHUNK BOROUGH CLASS AM'T. Crenkers, P., general store 14 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 50 7 tO 7 00 1 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 uuciiHiian, 11. A; general store u Bauer, Elwen, general store 14 llausples, Robert, general store 14 Bennyholr, E. W., stoves and tin ware 14 Dlckman, John, general fctore 12 Hess, J. M- drugs 14 Ijtcalr, Joseph, drugs 14 Meyer, William J., drugs , 14 Morrow, D. K., general store 14 Mcdee, James, general store 14 Muth, John, general store 13 Schwab, William, stoves and tin ware 14 Swank, Charles W., Sour and feed.14 Swank, Charles W., coal 14 Schwartz, Prank, furniture 14 Schllllnger, Pred, general store.. ..14 Solomon, J., general store,,.. 14 Weiss, V. C, canal store 14 URBWK113. Schwelblnz, Plus TAVKHN LICENSE. Engler, Prank ltader, PhlUp Haas.C. w Schwelblnz, Prank Trankler, Anthony Ryan, J. U nKSTAUHANT LICENSE. Oallagher, Owen.... 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 200 00 ISO 00 ISO 00 ISO 00 ISO 00 ISO 00 ISO 00 MAHONING TOWNSHIP. CLASS AM'T. Arner, A., general store 13 10 00 7 00 7 00 liarleman, J.L.. general store 14 Miller, L. S., general store.. 14 Mellzler. J. CV. Hour and feed 14 7 00 Koons, J. W., general store 14 Kllngemaii.-P., merchant miller.. ..14 Oombert. Jonathan, flour and feed.14 Seldel, O. II., general store 13 Smith & Brother, general store 14 7 00 7 00 7, DO . 10 00 7 00 TAVEHM LICENSE. MeUaulel, J.T.... Smith, Abraham. llom.Z. U.o 76 00 75 00 75 00 MAUCH CHUNK TOWNSHIP. CLASS) Branch, It., geaeral store 13 Benalnghotr, boots and shoes 14 Corby, T. II.. general store 13 Lawlor, Patilck, general store 14 Verdon, J., general store 14 Watson, CI. U, general store 13 BILLIABDS. Slewers, E. R., vice president Wah netah Land and Improvement Company, one room, 6 mouths TAVEBN LICHN8E. Buss, Jacob Dermott, Bridget Oxley, Ben Slewers. E. It Kinny, John Mmitz, L. A IIESTAUKANT LICENSE. Clark, John Mcdorry, Pellx Watklns, T, A WHOLESALE LICENSE. Duke, Charles AM'T 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 It CO 76 00 76 00 76 00 76 00 76 00 76 00 76 00 76 00 76 0 100 00 LANSPORD BOROUQII. CLASS Atiraiul, II. 1C, & Sons, Jewelry 14 Bright, J. C, geueral store 11 Barnes. K. A., general store 14 Davis, T. M general store 14 Davis, D. It., drugs 14 Davis, J. E. & Co.. general store. ...14 Drumheler, William, stoves and tin ware 14 Dugau, T., general store 14 Evans, William Y boots and shoes.14 Edwards & Thomas, general store,..ll Edwards, 0. 0., general store.. 13 Edelstelne, Julius P., clothing 13 Uwllym, Benjamin, stoves and tin ware 14 Carrett, Wm., haidware 14 Hess, D. K clothing 14 Hall, J. It., furniture 14 Hall, J. It., lumber yard 14 Holmes, It. It., general store 13 Joliues, John J.... 14 Kline. O. s general store 14 Lewis, D. D., boots and shoes 14 Levlngston, S clothing 14 Lelugh Coal and Navigation Co., supply store 14 McLaughlin. Wm store 14 McNeills, John, general store 14 Neuiulller, A. M., general store 13 O'Donnell, Hugh, general store 14 Richards, J. K, general store 13 Rees. Thomas D., sewing machines and organs. 14 Swank, b. I... furniture store 14 Thomas, Philip, general store 14 Warren, K. & Co., general store.... 10 Price, Da vln, geueral store 14 Qulun, J. A., drugs 14 BILLIARDS. Holvey, U. II.,oue room..., TAYEBN LICENSE. Evans, Pannle Earley, Prank Mcllugh. Cells Zehner, Charles Blttner, Wllsoii , ItESTAURAMT UCINSE. Jones, John J Holvey, Ueorge It Mulhearu, Daniel McConlgoue, James ,. WHOLESALE LICENSE. Brlslln, Patrick Mulhearu & Dorian r... AM' 7 00 16 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 16 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 0C 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 it 00 7 00 7 00 ao 00 ISO 00 150 00 ISO 00 ISO 00 ISO 00 ISO 00 ISO CO ISO 00 ISO 00 00 M vua 00 PRANKI.IN TOWNSIIJP, CLASS Arner, T. P., general store 14 ltelu, David, general store 14 Campbell, Henry, general store'... .,14 Heller, J. W.,stovesandtlnware....l4 Ixivaii, Isaac, mercliant miller 14 Markley, and shoes.14 amt 7 00 7 00 7 bo 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 700 7 00 10 00 10 00 JO 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 rimer, a, r.ensrai store 14 Daw 1 tjl I., .m wi f. ., luiuifiiic, ..... .....a. . ltaber, Edward, general store.... ,13 ..14 ..14 .14 ..13 ..It .10 .14 14 .14 .14 .VDt,W. V. WM UU IUIU, ttaber. 8.. merchant miller. . iticxen. J. 11., coai ami luiuoer.. ltucb. Joslab. eeneral store. . Saeeer, Oscar J general store. Snyder, Nathan, Koueral store.... Snyder, Haitian, lumber. . Boil. K. J . ventral tore. Whitehead. W.. canal store. Hag inbuilt, Jubn, neutral store.. TAVERN LtrWfSK, Better,. Wllllem It... J5 00 75 00 Knrif , jehn. FAHRYVlLTiE n0It0U(W. 0111.1 A1T 7 00 Carbon Iron and Pipe Company COM , 14 Johnson. Vm., dour and feed.. .....14 7 00 7 00 II M lustier, J. i., general store. it eitrs, jcod, general store ix TAVWIK I.IOKHSa. Snyder, Dlldlne ISO 00 TOWAMBNBINQ TOWNSHIP. CLASS AM'T Kresge.raul, geaeral store., ,14 Kunkle, Harrison, general store. ..14 7 00 TAVERN LICENSE. selberllng, Frank, Steraler, Nathan... 75 00 76 00 LEniUII TOWNSHIP. CLASS AM'T 7 00 7 00 Smlthrors, F. & N., general store.. .14 Tld, John 14 TAVEaX LICENSE. Cannon, Daniel 76 00 WHI8STORT llOROUnn. CLASS AM'T 7 00 7 00 7 00 Blery. W. P.. drum 14 Culton, Mrs. M., milliner 14 jAury, Airs. ai. a., general store.. . . i Koobs, M. O., hides and leather.. ..14 Miller. Henry, lumber 14 Marsh, A. w., general store 14 Nusbautn, C. U Jewelry..... .14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 uex, 1. it., general store., 14 BILLIABPS. Anicr, tifttar, uue ruuni Cnrutiimu, Henry, one room 30 00 30 CO TAVBnN LICENSES. Everltt, II. H. &Son... Chrlstman, Henry Stranssberger, Jacob. , 160 00 ISO 00 ISO 00 RESTAURANT LICENSE. Arner, Oscar.. 160 00 EAST PENN TOWNSHIP. CLASS Penrose George, general store 14 AM'T. 7 00 TAVEEN LICENSE. Penrose George.. PKNN FOREST TOWNSHIP. CLAS Danner. Paul, general Ptore 14 Bennlnger, J. M., general store 14 TAVERN LICENSE. Eckhard, Frank Klbler, AM'T, 7 oo 7 00 76 00 76 00 1X1WER TOWAMKNS1NO. CLASS Ash & Brother, general store 14 Buyer & Dowman, general store 13 Boyer & Bowman, coal fit lumber. .14 Bower, J. P., furniture 14 Boyer, A., merchant miller 14 Craig, John, general store 13 Craig, John, coal and lumber 14 Earnest, Henry.dry goods snotlonsW Umber, Win. 11., general store 14 nreen, Charles, dry goods & notional 4 Henry, Q. 11., general store 14 Kostenuader, j general store 14 Klstler, A. B., stoves and tinware.. .14 Null, 0. 11., merchant miller 14 Much, J general store 14 Zelgenfuss, H., general store 14 Zelgenfuss, W. A. A., general store.13 TAVERN LICENSE. Bowman, F Chrlstman, Lewis Decker, Mrs Hausman, A Henry, Robert Schlffert, O. D Strobl, U. W Weisler, Frank Kresge, Nathan U AM'T, 7 00 10 00 7 OO 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 76 00 75 00 76 00 78 00 75 00 75 00 76 00 76 00 75 00 WEATHERLY BOKOUdH. CLASS Blakesley, W. W., general store 13 Buck, W. W., general store 14 Cassler, Charles, coal 14 Clewell, BenJ., stoves and tinware. .14 Eadle, J, G.. general store 13 Hooven, K. W., general store 14 Hunter, J, TV., variety store 14 Uorlacber, A. H., confectionery.. ..14 llann, W. N general store 14 Klntz, David, general store 13 Gerhart, P. a., general store 14 Laudcrburn, J. Boa, general storeu Latham, P. it., drugs 14 Miller, u. W.. general store 11 Nuss. L. U stores and tinware 14 Sondhelm, J., clothing 14 Sendel, J. A., hardware 14 Warner, E. P., furniture 14 White, Frank, Jewelry. ...14 Verzl, Joseph,inerchant tailor 14 BILLIABDS. Blttner, S. H., one roem Patttrtoh, A. L., one room tavebn License. Blttner, 8. H Tarleton, Lawrence lllnes, Jehn Miser, Casper- Klrthenthal, II. J Patterson, A. L Henry, L. WHOLESALE LICENSE. abater, Henry Am't. 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 30 00 30 00 160 00 ISO 00 ISO 00 ISO 00 ICO 00 160 00 ISO 00 SCO 00 PACKER TOWNSHIP. CLASS Wenlnger, George, dour and feed.. .14 AM'T. 700 TAVEBN UCENSE. Qarra, Patrick.., LAUSANNK TOWNSHIP. CLASS Buck Mountain Coal Company gen eral store 14 AM'T, 7 00 MAUCH CHUNK BOKOUdH. CLASS AMT. Bartholomew, E. D., stoves and tin ware.... 14 Bertsch, Daniel O., merchant tallor.14 Bertscb Brothers, hats and caps.... 14 Bernhardt, W., general store 14 Beers, A. K., general store 10 Barge, B. P., grain merchant 7 Carpenter, tf., Jewelry 14 Costenbader & Musohlltz, meat mar ket. .-.14 Cortrtgtit, N. D. & Bon, coal dealers 7 Deahn, Henry, general store 14 Dods, William, boots and ahees.....l4 Deemer, II. U., tinware... 14 Ebert, O. M.. drugs 14 Paga, John II, geueral store ...14 Paga, John 1L, sewing machines. . .14 Grand Union Tea Company & Coffee Company. 13 Garblreno, 0., fruits. 14 Hamlll, Patrick, boots and shoes.. .14 Harlan, O. W., meat market 14 Hass, John, general store :. ! Helst&Beniheiser, merchant tallorsU Ueberllng, J. W.. general store It Hold, K.H.. Jewelry 14 Hyndman, M. general store 14 Halpln, Mrs. . N milliner. 14 Isaacs, L., variety store 14 Jenuess, 0. 11.. variety store ...14 Kautfman, J. J-, tobacco and clgars.14 Kuntz & Co., general store... 10 Kefer A Kltz, ilour and feed 14 Loblen, P., s.oYea and tinware 14 Ijicler, Joseph, Uruo. ............ ...13 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com pany, coal 13 Loblen. Heury, general store 14 Lyon. Gustorus, groceries .....14 Luckenbach, E. P.. stationery. 14 Uackl. Mrs. A-jUoUons..... 13 Murray. P, P., boots and shoes 14 slulbearn, D. O., geaeral store 14 Miller, E., green groceries 13 Miller, Louis J., general store. J4 Miller, Henry J., geueral store 14 Miller. P. 1L. furniture ...H McOarrolLlL 1L, green groceries.. .14 MeDara, u., general store.. ...... ...14 Keifc Brothers, general store. 7 Sharkey, Mrs. Patrick, general store!! Shirk, Ellas, confectionery. 14 Sondhelm, Henry, clothing. 14 Sondbelni, Jonas, clothing... 13 Hpengler & KsseMtoves and tlnwareU Hlroh.Wm.ll.S Bon.bools and shoesu steadman, J. L.. Jewelery H Smith, J. W., drugs.... 14 Hmock, Ueore, groceries... 14 Sweeney, H. N., boots and shoes.. ..14 The Q. W. Uooven Mercantile Com pany, groceries 10 TheiKme Oil Co.... 14 Warucke, George W-. general store.14 Warncke, Henry, general More. , . . .13 Warncke. J.,coul. 14 Warncke O. H., general store 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 20 00 40 30 7 00 7 00 40 00 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 T 00 7 00 7 03 7 tm 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 Oil 7 00 7 00 SO 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 12 60 7 00 7 00 7 8 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 40 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 11 00 7 Oil 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 24 OS 7 00 7 00 10 Oil 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 10 00 : 00 r. KrUV&C. - M.. " ... Williams c KauSmaa, geaeral Morel i Y eager & Brother, furniture 13 JhtV uioa News CompanY 14 1LI.IAHM. one roem , 30 M tatttts, Bnereetti. 90 00 roetn Kl 0 one room. DO Oo TAVHBN LICENSE. Armbruster, Lewis.. Bchlor, Samuel P.... Gehrlng, Charles W. 160 00 ISO, 00 ISO 00 Kelscr, J. S. ts Son.. Kellar, A. D Lentz. I. V 160 00 ISO 0(1 ISO 00 160 00 McUlnley, Francis... O'Donnell. Michael.. ISO 00 160 00 ISO 00 ISO 00 160 00 ncnnimr, Joseph Schwelblnz, raul.... Stahl. P. 0. Kelser. Blaslus. ISO 00 Kennedy, James Fosht, Krastus ISO 00 ISO 00 RESTAURANT LIEN8E Itelss, Leopold...,., Woodrlng, George., 160 03 ISO 00 BREWERS. Weysser, J, R.'Q WHOLESALE LICENSE. Martin, Michael Sharkey, Catharine. , 200 00 2UW 00 KIDDER TOWNSHIP. CLASS AMT. Uetz, Emory, general store 14 7 00 TAVERN LICENSE. Getz, Freeman Weruet, Charles A Eckert, Paul Scally, Frank. 78 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 LEHIGHTON BOROUGH. S- CLASS BaltSser, Daniel, notions...., 14 Beyer, Andrew, oils and paints 14 Bock, D. b., Jewelry 14 Clauss ft Brother, merchant tailor.. 14 Cuius, K. W., stoves and tinware.. .14 Drelbelbles, Jacob, coal 14 Delfenderter, 11. A., cigar store 14 Ebbert, David, flour and feed 14 Fenstermacher, It., general store. . .14 Pritzlnger, J. M., boots and siloes.. 14 (label, J. L., hardware 13 Graver. Samuel, stoves and tinwareu (label, J. I, coal 14 llagaman. v., general store 14 Heilman, M., flour and feed 14 Hellman, M., coal 14 Horn. O.T., drugs 14 Kemerer & Swartz, furniture 14 Kemerer, Wm., general store 14 Kulins, w. s , stoves and tinware.. .14 Krum & Klstler, general store 13 Lelbenguth.F., groceries 14 Lehigh Coal & Hardware Company, store 14 Lehigh Coal & Hardware Company, coal.. 14 Mehrkatn, A. & Son, general store.. vt Nusbaum, J. T.. general store 11 Nusbaum, G. W., sewing machines. 14 Nusbaum & Culton, confectionery.. 14 Obert, Joseph, meat market 10 Peters, 11. II., merchant tailor 14 Reber.N. B.,drugs..7. ....14 Rehrlg, Owen, paints and paper.... 14 Kelgel, Amos, general store 13 Ithoads, O. B., general store 13 Schwartz. Valentine, furniture 14 Snyder, E. IL, general store 14 Sweeny & Son, general store 13 Thomas, T. L., drugs 14 Trainer, Charles, (lour and feed 14 Wnlp. James, agent, stoves and tin AM'T, 7 00 in so 7 00 7 SO 7 0 7 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 J0 7 00 10 00 7 OO 7 00 7 00 12 60 15 00 7 00 7 00 20 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 ware i 14 Walp, Robert, general store 13 Weiss, Lewis, boots and shoes 14 Wbeatley, S. C, notions...... 14 Zem Si Snyder, general store 14 TAVERN LICENSE. Esch, Catharine IIom,c. 11 Klstler. Jonathan. Montz, Thomas RESTAURANT LICENSE. Clark, P. F . Miller, P. E Peters. Wilson A "... Nusbaum, W. 11 : WHOLESALE LICENSE Horlaclier, Pred Raudepbush, Jacob..., 10 Ou 7 00 7 00 1 00 ISO ISO 160 150 160 160 ISO ISO 200 200 BANKS TOWNSHIP. . CLASS Ayres, E. II., general store 7 Ayres, E. Ba general store ......12 Carter. W. T. & Co., general store.. 8 Coxa Brothers, generalstore ID Meyers', G. II. & Co., general store.. B Miller, J flour and feed 14 Williams, S. K.& Sou, general storeU TAVKBN LICENSE. McBrlde, Hugh Thomas, W. D Stack. Maurice , BKNTAURANT LIOENSE. Brogan, Mary. O'Donnell, Prank WHOLESALE LICENSE. Smith, T.Stephen BOTTLER LICENSE. McBrlde. Neal AM'T, 40 00 12 60 30 00 20 00 23 00 7 00 12 SO 75 00 76 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 100 00 100 00 The aboyo Taxes for Mercantile License are due and payable ou FIRST DAY OF MAT, 1800, to George Dolon, Treasurer, at the Second National Bank, Mauch Chunk, l'a. Tayern.Restatirant and Wholesale Liquor Licenses were due and payable on the day on which they were granted by the Court of Quarter Sessions. FRANK O'DONNELL, Mercantile Appraiser, Summit Hill, Fa. Lehigh Valley R. R. Co. Arrangement of Passenger Trmtui. In Effect April 6th, 1890. LEAVK LEUIOIITON For Rahwav,Ellzabeth,Newark and New York o.i, i.ii, .(, unu; s uo, B.29 ana 1.01 rj.m. For Manunka Chunk and Belvldere cos, 7.17, v.wn.imj p. 111. For Lambertvllle and Trenton COO, 8.C0 and 11.12a.m.; 3M and 6.29 p.m. For Slatlngton, Catasauqua, Allentown, Beth lehem, Easton, Phllade'phla and points South i.ii nnu ii,iz a.m.; 3.uu, o.-. ana s.ui p m. For Reading and Harrlsburg 7.17, 8.37 and 11.12 a. 111.: 3.0U and 8.01 For Bowmans, Lehigh Gap. Cherryford, Lati n's, White Haft, Coplay, ltokendauqua and rreciiiaiiBuuiK OJI, j.h, y.wj vjl II. II a. 1H.( 1 -) I , .UU I'.lil . For Mauch Chunk 0.82. 7.4. 9.41 and 11.41 a-ra.s 1.21, 8.15. two 7.23, 8.10 and 10.04 p.m. For Weatherly & Hazletou 7.43, 9.41 and 11.43 MIL; 3.16,6.30,7.23, 10.04 p. II). For Mahanov Cltv. Shenandoah and Ashland 7.43, 9.41 and 11.48 a.m.; 3.16, two and 7.23 p.m. ror jnuuarmei aua Biiamoain 7.43 ana n. a.m.; 0.30 p.m. For New Boston and Pottsrllle 7.43, Ml and 11.48 a.m. 1 3.I6 and 7.23 p.m. For White Haven. WUkesbarre and Plttston &S2, 7.43, 9.41 and 11.48 a.m.; 3.15, 6J0, 7.23 and 10.04 p.m. For Hcranton 0.62. 7.43. 9.41. and 11.48 a.m.t 3.16, tuo and 7.23 p,ra. ror lunanannocK 11.49 a.m.; iwuoi aua 10.04 p.m. For Oweco. Auburn. Ithaca and Geneva 11.48 a.m.; 10.04 p.m. For Laceyvllle, Towanda. Sayre, Waverly, El mlra, Itochester, Buffalo, N'aeara Falls and the west ii.u uou,; auu i.a ana iu. p.m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For New York 6.27 and 9.00 a,m, ; 5.29 p.m. For l'lillade'nhlA AJtt n m. r For Easton and Intermediate Rtatlnns A.27. 9.00, a.m. ; 3J,1. 6.29 and 8.34 p ni. For Mauch Chunk 9.68 a.ra. 12.20, 3.16, 6.19 ,,V, HW JI.1W- For Mahanov Cltv and Shenandoah 12.28 and S.15 p.m. For White Haven, Wltkes-Barre, Plttston, Tunkhannnek, Towanda. Sayre. Ithaca, Geneva, Auburn, Elmlra, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls ami the West 1004 p.m. fui tuimcr iwriicuuirs inquire 01 AKruisiur Time Tables. Gen'l Pass. Accnt. April 6, '90, ly South Bethlehem, l'euna, Ex-Sheriff Rabenold. 4 N, Oth St., - - - - ALLKNTOWN. DENTISTRY, It) all Its branches. Fresh caa always on nana. 'J. US patronage of trie people Is .IIIIaJ 171 . if- .1 1 1 1 m ru IAWonlSoV My the single bottle, by 1-4 u'd 1-ll'doj. UnaajUUu, an4 la Jo'btur lot itt Jabbers ImIms, Hoo4' Ssii'avarlllsj r ilwy. Tiad. ml ye WSRANQ'S SHAVING SALOON, opposite the JE Advocate Orric. u headquarters for tharing and kalrcuttlsg. cigars ft tobaoeo sold Lehigh Goal & Hardware Go. Seller's Corner, We have been pilinc up warehouse and revising prices in n position to accommodate our customers and all others who will lavor ua with their orders, better than ever. While tho first cost on many thincs in our line lias material ly advanced, we have been enabled to reduce our prices on some by reason of large and careful buyingj though in heavy iron goods such as Nails, Wire, &c., we had to bo with the current. We have largely increased our lines and added many new ones. We have all you need Machinery, Paints and Shelf Hardware. We have the most complete line of Machinery Repairs and Seeds in the Lehigh Valley. Our prices are .satisfactory, our goods should be, aild we try to make ourselves so.' Coal, Cenlent, Lime, Fertilizers, cue, always on hand. GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 Oil 7 OA 7 00 HATS, CAPS, Boots & Shoes. TRUNKS, &c, OS 00 00 1 ui 00 rs HEAJJQQARTERS FOR- 00 00 00 00 GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, . ALL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa 00 00 Near Fltlla Jelpkla. erV.lQth. 4 Soh.ol Open Dept. Xearlr Kxpenee, quarterly Farm' L 4tei?S',ifi,."li?r!!!'f " f?",l?r " ; !lme' I ?5iffi'.r.i?,f!f f ?Pafc Ajraaced clutei . , '-. -... ... ....c 1 n-i.n, . cit . UflflDI ISfKfc, -TJ?" V 'J' ," ""'? Md U completely fuml.lied. Ground, (leu ...... I,., I., t Uli bului rr.lT?ir'Br.t!? ra" SpKUl opponunltlel for ipt itujcnu toulnni e rlpMly hint, tiit.lnn iid 111 1. !, i vudboyl. FMrool u .tudenlj miy ulect any thirties, or BmlneM, CulleePiFt,ti,. ! In. i,l at. r i il l.nirmrf..i. . rknlnl and Ckcmical laboratory. Practical Hiulaa IfepartnieBt, lth 1eleraiy, M.o.1 l.nt, 1 ,pc .nriug m-ri?.. "I"1 aaparatn; Ihan any other College f.miw bool. Me.ll., Aui.liy .! iliir luuSi m f?!!l!r . dlctija. and the beat training. Fitedpricea cover rrery etpenu. N. cieinm.tlout ! adMu4 Hew l.tmed catalog arnt bee to .ay addrMa. SWlTlllN C. IUK lUlMIl!. i.U . A II. ,lla,.aid OiaJMUO IMiKlil Mrroprletof. Mfdla. Pa, Circular, al thli otfica, $5H l&ewarcl? stop tbat ftwM and Spittine. I will give Fifty Dollan for a case of Ca tarrh, Cold In the Head, Deatness, Ha; Feyer, Affected Eye-Slsht, Asthma or rnroat iToiiDie, 1 cannot cure wltli Beacon Light Catarrh Care. Send dollar to my postorllce address for a bottle. i win man ii to you at my expense. nay Fever Cured with ThreoBottlen HENUY A. ZOBRIST, 184 1-2 Exchange St.' Qeneva, K.V. 2-1-one year. Tilt "GOOD ENOUGH "Famiu OIL AND GASOLINE CAN! MAXUrACTOHD Its Wlnfleld MannTg Co., - Warren, 0, Every Family should Have One Ho DroDDlncr Oil on the Floor or Table. No Faucet to .Leak or get knocked open tc Bute Conteats or cause Explottons. Fum Wd Can dote automatically Ala Tight. rco itiaHegr-iNo isvaaporatloca and Aesoiumr stn. A Universal Household Naoaaalty Vor Hale In LetileMon bi J. T. Nusbaum. 1 Ulbennulli and T. I). Thomas, ap5-l3t rYHATtoBUY tbat is USEFUL. Guaranteed Itaxor, Good Strap, Good Saap, Good Brush, Good Mu. Q oa ran teed Pocket Knlyei, Good Gold Fens, Good Medicines. THOMAS' Goliea Motar Piiarmacy, Bank Stokst, LnuiqiiTex, Penka. Pfetcript!eu9 a Specialty. .auiuwaiia uir vui. Mr vauseu ui Koeder's flalt tsule, cium uandrua. t w North First Street. stock on our shelves nnd in our to suit the times, nnd we nre now in Oils, Building Hardware, Glass, easonable Goods Cassimeres, Worsteds, Corkscrews, Cheyiots, &c., &c. Satisfaction. There is a good deal of satisfaction in being perfectly satisfied, and espec ially so in regards to what you wear. In this particular we invariably more than please our patrons. Our stock being large, varied and complete gives satisfaction in making a choice ol gooda desired, while in style, finish and work manship our reputation speaks lar more eloquently than word. Call on us for Spring and Summer Garments, Suits or parts of Suits. We guarantee per fect fits awl finest workmanship. Clauss Bros., THE TAILORS, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. 6 I 6M Hi" Bulne. loyClta. PiJvlrrtink in, ChnuMrr. M.i.nli , I I" it.. .1 . , ID4 DCS! CiUirwl Anu bflt lUlumdMluu. All For Newest Designs and Most FasbfouabU Btjles or DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c, &c. QO TO E. H. SIOTDER, Bonk Street, Lehighton. Goods icuaranleed and prices as law as ill where for the tame uality of goedt. Jnly 18, 18SS ly my one Andrew Bayer, Bank Street, Lehighton, Is Headquarters lor TFhll Paper and Ceiling Decor ations, Window Shading, Painters Supplies, etc. Particular attention Is paid to house and sign liiilutliiE and paper liaiiKlnc. Yarmlna Hrhwai u 19 in cuarge urinnK my ausen mill cattentelvepi'Olen.Ript ADAM KACIIItH JOHN KACHEH CONTRACTORS. Lehighton, Carbon county, Pn , Ilespecttully Inform the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of BuiiDE anfl Plumliins Wort, ouch as pulling m uam nibs, Closets, &c., at very lowest prices and In tho best pos sible manner. Estimates cheerfully furn ished on application. !t-29-3m Sale bills printed at this office at lowest priaes. O. A. CLAUSS, ORIee with Clauss Bros., First street, Lehlgbtou Fire, Life and Acoidbnt INSURANCE. Only Krst-class Companlea are represented Information cheerfully furnished. 4 ij Af?TCNTH'9 eunvass for Hie sale or our Jlul"1 xt Home llnmu Nursery Stock 1VANTHD. Moat Liberal Teriiii. V ueaualled laelliUes. One ot llie UnieM, oldest etaUIstied ami beat known mirsetlee In tti eountry. Address W. & T. Umith, (leueva Nursery, deneta N. Y.KslablUlied In'liHC -4-jot TUB OAIHION ADVOCATK OFFICII, Batik Street, plain and faney Jul) printing a spwi ly. ADVo)ATK one dollar per year IU advance. JW. KAUUKNUliSIl,Bankstreet,Hliulesale . dealer In i lioke orauda ot whiskies, iu, braudln. ftmes, ic. fdsf Fatronaxe sgUIUO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers