0BIQ1N AL CHEAP CASH STORE kauchchtjkkspsoulI beiuh: spors rou Ueaty total XfnH KpHa-llie by a Vr- MMttmM ntmnM refusal C Ortatj dMh, tf VkmI4, wai TVBW m Wrwst Ml 1 ,M AJ. Til mmhmI aettlts; f the HaMra PcMta, THMh AmMI will be bW at Mswati ( tmwV In March. Th mmhMT eertHert will IIV4y finish ttietr hew tbtt wVk. The teeount it the ECOHOMICAL BUYERS. are numerous in every depart merit of uur large store. The "why and wherefore" nned not be explained : it is sufficient to Bay that we are in a position to sWavfett awrtd in arbon eomuy outdo compctitioii and toe are doing tl. 'Ihtf unbelievers will bo convinced against their will of the truth of the above state ment, by culling and sifting things in a proper manner. We have hud munufneturrd specially lor us Four Tons of wwum LiMv, of town, one of the com vnortx who comb and ao. rneBt Oostlp Bboal reople whit Visit ndriii VUIUok. Mrt. Liyod, of WllUetbsrre, l visit Mrs. Al OatnpVell on Rank street. Ki-8herff George Dower, of CtUstu qui, u n visitor In Iowa Tuesday. 11. A. Delfenderfer did Lansford and Summit Hill on business Wednesday. Lewis Urlebelblai left this week lor Ashley, where, he has secured employment, D S. Hook, the jeweler, was on a AEQUO ABOUT US. NEWSY WEISSPORT. Kerr, There, and Kverywlser. tillpped, Ile-hathed and Original Spicy Fur graph. Lansford It to have Its wards at the Advocate mild It wouldLehlghton should come next. The coal breakers In and around Au- denrled now work eight houra per day thev are paid accordingly. Fltbermen, who ought to know say tho open winter hereabouts Indicates a big -New M by the eounty are a Oulae trip to Orwlgtburg. Pa., Saturday of meh durlt,2 lba comln( C. A.. Goth sVoeal J arable Stranr Together by the Stroller," Thing that will Interest yoa. The genial Aaron Sny.ler did butlnwt at Lansford on Tuesday. Ueo. If. Relder, of Wllkesbarre, to- Journed trlth friends licre this week. Geo. U. Laury and family, of Mauch Chunk, tpent Sunday with friends here. For tale cheap, a carriage in good con dition. Price will be made to tult. Annlt St. ftwfowt: !' Ltafler. Hast M!i t bunk. tSSO; Nathan Stemttr. tHtmltrsvllle, $X0. Patriae: Ce-rfeev. far two yeart and a- bW a trawler In the west. Is batk home oh a tlwt. Prior to bit return he held a resptmtlM petltlea wkb. a ral road eom pany at Ohtagss. PretMrnt UarrUen hat named General Strictly Pure Laundry SoajM. One ton of Nusbaum's Oleine Soap, a 13 ounce bar, wbMi we sell 4 for Sue. One ton of IS utbamn's Our He it Soap, a IS ounce bar wraatied. which we tell 5 for 30c One ton of Ifuibaum't Tip Top Soap, a 12 ounce cake wrapped, which we tell t for 20c One ton of Na'btum'a Our Own Soap, a 12 ounce bar wrapped, which we tell 7 piece for 2ic. mltitoneff, te examine the welehtt and tett the fineness of tbe eelns at the several mints. Tbe lienor of the appointment It deserved by tbe appointee he being one of the strongest llrpubileans la thla State, and a leader In poHtlea. The Carbon county ProhlbHIonltti held a meeting here on Saturday, presided ovrr by Key. Mr. Uettter, with W. A. Salgfrted at secretary. A eounty organisation was effected, with John Martyn, sr., of Heaver These are OUT private brands Meadow, as president Mr. Jforgan, of and are the highest grades of P?"0; Fd'"0' ' 1 T; , , ., . t addressed :he meeting, wblen wat a bar- Laundry Soaps that enn be pro- monIoal lfUIr. dUCed. I lie prices Ol these pure Robert and Kate K. Natreis, ot the high grade Soap arc fully as tecondward, tuffeiedlhelossby dettb of low if not lower than those gen- and lnl.re.tlng Ave month, old I . n baby bo , Alfred IU, on Sunda last from Inflamatlon of tbe lungt tuperlndnced by icute la gripe, interment took place on erally charged for impure soaps. J. T. ITUSBAUM, Bank Street, between Houth Street and Hum 1 Aiiey, iiuitiuoii, i . The Carbon Advocate 8ATURDAV. JANUAKY 25, 1800 LOCAL EVENTS CUT UP. It was recently decided by Council that tbe trees in th Park should be trimmed of their branches. Last Friday tbe work was commenced, the branches were cut close to the trunk so that now thei referable rustic hitching posts more than an thine else, and jet it Is said tbat they are trimmed aright on account of the young trees on me interior or uio fart; which will now have, an opportunlt to sprout out and grow vigorous). . It may be to. and may not. but anyhow public oiMn Ion ria up on Us ear wlinn the wholesale desecreallon was co menced and ltt there till and threats of trimming tbe council- men who voted for tbe measure are as plentifully as 'akeeters In Jersey. We have a few more de'lnquent debt ore on our jobbing, advertising and tub- jcrlutlon booka, and we want them to pay up. There h no use sbill -ihallyintr, we need the money, must have It, and at once, to roll up, tumble tip, settle up, pay up and be p d. q. about It. From the Phoenlxvllle Republican we learn tbat William ti Liennaru, an old school-mate of ve editor and a former resident, was on Mst bunday married to Mitt Mary C. Wamsle by Iter. II. C. Groistnan. The young couple have our congratulations. Among the prominent educators who will address the Teachers' Joint Institute, at Bethlehem, on Saturday, art Deputy State Hunerlntendent Ilenr Hauck and Piof P. j. Stctler. principal of our public tebools for the past two years. Prof. Loitette's Memory System Is creating great n interest than ever In all parts of the country, and persons wishing to improve their memurr thoald send for his prospectus free as advertised In an ther column. 3t. Lehlghton e ects a new burgess in place of Jlayor KWchard whose term ex pires, and also three councllmen to fill place of John T. Semn.el, lleuben Feniter tnacher and Ed Schmidt whoso terms are out. A picture that attracts attention of passer by Is the nicely framed photograph of tun l.ehlcliloii graduating class and Pref. P. J. Steiler in Kemerer fe Swartt't tbow window on nortb liank ttrett. For healera and ranget, at Hie lowest prices, but of first quality, ou will miss It if you fail to call on V, S. Kuhn't at tbe north end of liank ttreet. All kinds ot tinware and house furnishings. Lchtahlon's practical painter and paper banger, Owen Kehrlg, is papering the corridor on tbe fourth floor of the Exchange in bit usual tatty st le. A Northampton ttreet hen In digesting a small gold band ring which it picked from th 8nger of a little girl who was feeding It one day recently A delegation of Gntden Untten Lodge, I. O O F . visited a S atington lodge of the same order nn Tuesday evening and were royally entertained. Jeff Graver, of south Lehighton, em ployed In the Packer ion shops, is minus two fltigers which were caught In the cog wheels ot a nut machine. A delegation of Lshlah Council. No. 101, Jr. O. U A. M will pay a fraternal visit to Oak Groye Council at Pleasant Corner on Monda evening, . The best place In town town to bu your furniture Is at Kemerer & Swartx's, north liank ttreet. Biggest stock and lowest prices. " The entire enrollment In our public ichoels numbers oyer 000. This meant a new school building in a few years. Joseph Kium and family have moved Into the dwelling on north Bank ttreet re cently vacated by John Bender. Kor carpets, bed room suits, &e pur chaser will Dnd best satisfaction at Kemerer A Swariz s, north Bank ttreet. Wedding rings, all the latest styles, and sbanes and designs at E. II. Holil'i Mauch Chunk. Hair, tooth, clothe and blacking brushes and combs at Luckenbacb't Mauch Chunk. Remember the low prlcet on turtaln polls and window shades at Luckenbach's Mauch Chunk, To be on time buy the Elevator Alarm clock told bj E. II. Ilohl Jfauch Chunk Pa. Tho best teams in town are hired out by Dayld Ebbert, tbe North street livery' man. Full line of Ingrain and Brussels ear pets at Henry Schwartz, on Bank St. All the new ooks at Luckenbacb't Maueb Chunk. ''Eagle Cash Store." Wednesday afternoon. The parents have the tympathy of many friends In their tad bereavement. James J.Boyle, the effileient and cntr getlc president of tbe SU Aloyilout T. A. B. Sociot, has received and accepted an Invitation from ao order of the tame or ganization to atttnd an anniversary cele bratloa In Music Hall, Wllkesbarre, ou March 4th. Prominent ipnakert, among whom Danltl Dongberly ttandt out first, will be prctent and speak. Mr. Baile. a a representative or lie order trom im city, will occapv a seat on the stage. The Mauch Chunk Social Club will give an entertainment In Coacert Hall on February 15th, for tbe benefit of the Cath olic Lyceum. The productions for tbis occasloni will be, " Who Speakt Flrttr and "More Blunder than One." The cast of character It very strong, and In cludes such talented young people aiMlitex Afaggle Farley, Kail Corbley, Katie Mc Glnley, Ella McGovern and Messrs. D. J Dugan, Harry tlaggerty, John Zerbt, Hugh Sweeny, John Dolan, Qeorgt Mc Govern and Chat Dolon. Pnrtuant to call, the loading and In flaentta! Repuplicans assembled in caucus in the Grand Jury room In the Court House building, on Monday afternoon. Tbe permanent organization resulted it, i he election of T M Driesbach, chairman; secretary, Horace Ueydt; with the follow ing committee for revising tbe rules and conference durli.g the campaign: J. S. Hollinger, Lansford; John Seaboldt, jr . Lehighton; Lee Wills, Weisport; Ike Ux, BowmAntown; iKilllam Lelsenrlng, East Jfauch Chunk. Tbe (netting was nnusu ally harmonious, and stilt shows Lilly, Seabold & Co., to be on top in party man agemont. The Philadelphia Prut of Wednesday lastsayt : "A man of medium site, wltba full beard, derby bat and ulster, walked intu the Lafayette yesterday, and regis tered as A. P. Blakslee, of Mauch Chunk The clerk looked keenly at blm and with bewildered expression turned back tin pagtt and found on the register tbe nami A. P. Blakslte, Delano, Pa. Then the clerk glanced at the new arrival and ta him talking to what appeared to be hlv double Mr. Blakslee, of Much Chunk, reassured him by speaking of "m brother." Tbe two gentlemen look at much alike as two peat. They have their beards cut In the tame ttjle and wearderb halt of thi tame thape, Their hair, eyet and beards are respectively of tbe same colon." Tbe action of President Judge Dreber in reducing the assessed valuation of coal propertlet In the upper end ot the county it meeting 1th considerable adverse criti cism on tbe part of tbe tax paying public. Tbe query is, wb Institute reforms if our highest officials fail to sustain tbtm T The piopi r let of the L. C. & N. Co. were re duced from $00 to 1100 per acre; the Valley Company property from $100 to $06.07, and so on, reductions were made on coal land and buildings. Forlnstance, the valuation of one coat breaker wat cut In half, and made $10,000. It It btrdly likely tbat Judge Dreber It on tbe tide of the commonpeopie at against tbe corporation, at least It don't look much that way when the effort of reforming officials meet with tbe objection, or rebuke of our highest county officer. Tht report filed Is too Ions for publication, but In any eyent a conglomer ation of technical termt won't obscure the fact that It looks a good bit like catering to tbt corporation and against we folks who comprise the common clan. But out time will come. last. Chat. M. Swetny, of the "Corner Store," tpent Sunday with hit ton Harry, at Drlflon. F. L. Blttner, of Philadelphia, wat the guest ot cigar manufacturer DelfcnJer fer oyer Sunday. W. G: Miller and wife and George Lawfer and wife tpent Sunday very Pleasantly with Fred Uoriacher at Slating-ton. John K. Lentz, a ttudent in the Haverford, Pa., Academy, wat home for a few days this week suffering with tbe grippe. He returned Wednesday. J. M. Frltzlnger, of town, visited Philadelphia Friday and Saturday of last week on business connected with the Rtbekah Degree ot the I. O. O. F. While In that city be visited the JSasonlc Temple one of tbe mtst magnificent structures In tbe world. Waatharly local. - Kit Ltura Uofford, an eitlraable oung lady of Lehighton, It amongst the list of Woatherlj's visitors this week. Rev. Sleremon, of Mauch Chunk, lied Rev. Mr. Moffal't pulpit on Tuesday evening and preachtd an eloquent and Im pressive termon. Dr. Tweedlt who, I tUted In my last communication, wat down with pneu monia, It already recovering, but It not ablt at et to attend to the duties of hit Drofettlon. t-Btneville Grim, an old clttten ot Weatherly, died on Jfonday from pneu monia, tuperlndnced by the grippe. Many of our cltltent art suffering at present from the Imported disease. There were no service In the Re formed Cbarcb on Sunday, owing to tbe Indltpotltlon of the pastor, Rev. A. U. Matonhelmer. He hat the pWppt now, and It la hoped he will toon get tbe pott word. The ex-ttewtrd of tbe Middle Cotl Field Dittrict, Mr. Petri, It prospecting for coal at prttenl on bit landt lying on tbt east tide of Weatherly. Parties who are conveitent with tbe geological forma tion of coal baslnt claim that there it coal in tblt valley. Should tblt prove to be be caae, It would give Weatherly tucb a boom at It ntver witnessed before. Mr. Wm. Kocher wat burled last Sun lay with military honors. He had one of tbe largest funerals that we have had at thlt place for tome time, Oooasiona.1,. Farryrllle Item. Wl'llam Remaley did Uokendauiua over Sunday. Mist Belle Connor, of New Tork City, it sojourning with relatives and friendt bere. Tour tcrlbe regrets to tay that Parrj- Ville It In the twlm Everybody btt tht grippe. Jamet Phlfer, of Redlngton, Pa., la a new employee In the Carbon Iron Com pany machine shops. The first 'snow storm of the teaton brought a bright baby girl to tbe home of Charley Belford, who Smiles quite audibly thereat. usctr acu'aucii, employed nert at telegraph operator for the L. S. rail road, tpent Suuday with bit ptrentt at Catasauqua. Work was Jfoudav commenced on re- tinnlng the stack of No. a f urn act which wilt be used, when completed, for tht manuftclure of Bessemer Iron. Ou Suhday, February 2, the mtrabert ot the Reformed congregation will dedicate a handsome new orgn with a programme of appropriate exercises. On tbt occasion Rey. Peters, of Slatlngton, will bj present and discourse. Parryyille It on tbt move. The borough council will erect nine ttreet lamps throughout tbe town. This will light up tht traveler's wear wav and aton tome of the oung bloods from chawing fence rails half the night. Am Interesting Volume. Merit Appreciated The Ashland Xelepram, one of the brightest and spiciest dally Journals In tbe state refert In tbe following praiseworthy t"rmi to "Geo. W. Morthimer't Journal of Biography and History," just published Tom thlt odea: We haye received the mltlal number of "The Journal of Biography and Hlitory," published at Lehighton. Itt object It to present "biographical ikttchet of the lead ing business and professional men, politicians and public offlcert, together with historical matter." Tbe publication is In pamphlet form, neatly printed, and as contents are of an Interesting and In .1 ruct I ve character. Under the editorship ot Geo. W. Mortblmtr, one of Carboa :ounty'i rising young journalists, who U tt present doing some eleytr writing on heCAnBox Advocate, tbe publication will gtln a place In tbe front rank among literary people and fill a niche In Lehigh Valley jotunallim heretofore unoccupied by the press. Success to tbe new enter prise. The LehlfU VelUr't election. Tbe annual meeting of tbe ttockholdira of tht Lrblgn Valley Railroad Company wat held at Philadelphia Tuesday, and all tbt old officer! and director wtre re-elected, at follows: Pretldenl E. P Wilbur. First vice-president Chit. Hartihorn. Second vice-president Robt, II. Sayre. Third vlce-pretldent John B. Garrett. Treasurer Wm. C. AMerton. Secretary. John R. Fansbawt. Directors Chat. Hartshorn. Arlo Par dee, Wm, L. Conyngham, Wm. A. Ing ham, Robt. 11. Havre, Robert A. timber ton, Jamet I. Blakslee, Jobn R. Fell. J no. B. Garrett, Charlet O. Skier, Wm. liocklt aud Calyla Pardee. The gross earning for tht yrar wtre 9 10,&9,O5o Tht cost of operation wat $11,303,375, and the net sevtnut wat $S,- 155,581. Fublie Sale Kea-lstev. On January 25, Danltl Ballsy will ttl! tl bead of eowt, beiftrt and ealvtt on Iht pramltti la Wttt Penn township. It wUl pay you to atlnd tblt talt. Thursday, Feb. 0, on lb prtmltet In Franklin tip., J. II. Hrlltr, adm. of the state ot W. F. Beef er. will ttll ptttenat property, ttoyet, racist, ttc Monday, Feb. 10. an tht prtmlset In Ettt Ptnn twp., William Shull. attorney for Cath. Shultt, will it I valuable ptlteaal property, eowt, beet, ttc On Tneadat, February 18, John Auge will sell on tht premises In Nit HoUsw, Aftbonlng townthlp, tht following personal property, hortet, eowt. btifert, wagesa, etc. Wednesday, Mtreb 19, n tht premises In Aillport, Ley! Beyer writ ttll valuable live ttock; ent itallloa, tows, btlftrt, bnllt. at. ton. Caibon county In 1870 had a popula tion of 20,144. It It expected that the census of thlt year will tbow a population of 87,000. Five dollar counterfeit Treasury notes are in circulation In thla and other States In the East. They are of the series of 1880 and tho check letter is B. Philip Perry, of Jeanesvllle, Is hust ling around the township In a lively man ner securing delegates for himself for the nomination for lax collector. An aspirant for the ofUce of super visor In Mahoning township it our old veteran friend John Auge. lie would no doubt make a good official, being wclt-up in matters pertaining to public roadt. That old veteran, Samuel Everett, of Mahoning township, will be a candidal- for Supervisor of his district at tbe coming spring election. He served a number of years in this capacity in the past, and is said to haye made a faithful officer. Solomon Fieeby, of East Penn, for the past year or more supervisor of roads in bit district, has made a faithful public tervant, and considering the condition of the weather during the past.) ear, bas kept his thorogbfares in splendid condition. A tad ttory comet trom Coaldale. Mrs. Bridget McCauley, a widow with five little children to provide for, was acalded last wkek while washing clotbet. Tbe family wat found to be suffering for want of food when neighbors discovered their condition. Mrs. Sablna, widow of the late Tbos. Kramer, died last Saturday morning at the residence ot ber daughter, Jfrs. Eliza Cat kie, at Walnutport. She was a sister of Edwin and Jostph Saeger, of Al'nt'wn and of JUrs. Manena Sampton, of Orange, N. J. Her age wat 89 eaisandsome months. Daniel Nathsteln, of East Penn town ship, died of general collapse and diabetes Thursday and was burled on ifonday, Services were hold in the Ben-Salfrm. church and were largely attended. Deceased was born on Oct. 18, 1812, and- was life long resident of tbe township. His wife pre- ceeded .him hence about four ytars ago. Seven children surylre, among the members being L. H. aud C. H. Notbstelu of Lehighton. A Flace to Buy. For perfection, beauty, and correct time keeping qualities tee . H. Hohl't magni ficent ttock of ladlet and gentlemen's gold watches now on band. Lota of tbis year 1800, designs already received and at our latest reduced prices it will positively pay you a nice margin and you will get jnsi what you want by teeing our large assort ment to select from. Our old friend, ex-poitmatter William Knecht, of Bethlehem, circled among old acquaintances hereabouts. The arch acros the creek is finished, and the erection of the approaches and the tilling In for the road bed continues. George B. Welsh, home for some time from Ohio, expects to leave shortly for Indiana, where he will tell Horn's Telephone liniment. MacDaniel't real estate exchanges quotes building lots at a forty dollar ai vance since tbe erection of tbe new county bridge across the Lehigh. A breakfast shawl was found In lhl borough, which the owner can have by calling at the Weissport House, proving property and paying for this local. -A 11 tooting association," in the share of a genutne brass band, Is again talked of for Weissport. We have plenty of wind hereabouts, but we won't risk much on the musiCt Jacob Straussberger Illuminates his popular restaurant with a seventeen candle power lamp. TJ. S. Krcsge uses the same kind of a light to wait on patrons in hit establishment of an evening. Telegraph Operator Fatzlnger smiles audibly now when you tpeak of the new tot" that hat became a member of his household. It's a little girl and tbe 'Stroller" wishes for her a happy future. The aeriea of revival meetings in the Evangelical church continue with In creasing fervor, renewed atlmului it added every evening by convert!. The pastor. Rev. Brown, Is au earnest and Indefategible worker in the cause. Great Inducements to Cash Buyer. We are going to save jou a heap o money on 450 mens' overcoats; 400 boys' overcoats J 780 ladies' and misses coats, and a great many other Winter goods you can buy cheaper at Sondbetm's One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. A True Verdict. It that Soadbetm, of Mauch Chunk, sells the cheapest and best clothing and Ladles' coats tor tnt least money, if ou will save jour car fare and $5 on every purchase, of $25 worth of goods you buy at the One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. T. P. 3." Usetlng. The " Young People' Society " will bold their weekly meedng In the Reformed Cbuicb, next Wednesday. January 27th. After a abort devotional exercise tbe fol lowing program will be rendered: Reclta '.ion, Esther Kemerer; Instrumental Solo, Miss Ida Montz; Biography, Alien Bar tholomew; Vocal Duett, Misses Farren and Uontrop; Select Heading, Miss Emma Obert: Vocal Solo, Mr. Deihl; Select Rtadlng, Miss Emma Lent. A cordiai Invitation Is extended to ail to atttnd. II. B. Kexhkl, Cemmlifee. To Make the 1'rocram, County Superintendent T. A Snider, of Carbon county, the chairman of the execu tive committee of the Pennsylvania State Teachers' Association, hat called a meet Ing of tbat body to take place at the Bolton House, Harrlsburg, on January 27, 1890. Tbe remaining members of the committee are H. J. Fisher, of the Allegheny tchoolt tecretaiy, mi J M. J Brecbt, superintendent of the Lancaster schools; George Hugus, superintendent of Westmoreland county, and A. O. C Smith, auperintendentof Delaware county. Tbe object of the meeting is to prepare tbe program for annual meeting of tbeassocia lion. Fine Sllrerware. You cannot find a prettier selection of silverware tuitab e for wedding presents In thlt lection than la now kei at the Mauch ununx jeweir store oris, ti Honrs. lott or choice goodt tbat are made only for ut. A look will convince vou. Church and Sunday School Matter. Rey. Dr. G. W. Dungau, tbt able pastor of the Methodlit Episcopal church. discoursed to audiences in tbe school house at Jamestown every evening this week, Talk of erecting a church edifice al Jamestown bas ceased apparently. The christian people of the neighborhood should revive the matter and push It to comple tion. Rev. W. P. Steventon, of Mauch Chunk, will dltcourteand administer sac rament to tbe Presbyterian congregation. In this place, on Sunday morning In tbe evening Rev. Allen will preach. Services at tht usual hour all are cordially Invited to attend. Rev. J, II. Kuder, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, town, filled the pulpit ot tbe Lutheran church In Upper Mauch Churk, Sunday evening, during the ab tence of Rev. Llndtnttroulb, the regular pastor. Lehigh flap Specials. -Dealt, robbed Jobn Umltb of a fine blooded cow tblt week. -Charles Btraup claims Ut bare tbt oldest family bible la tbe county. Wt regrtt to announce the tcriout Illness ot rtter Wtldaw, wno hat been confined for se veral wtrkt past. -Kobble UiuMtU, the llttUbor who had his exert taaugled by coming In contact with a ttreutar taw, Is reeevtrlni. The members ot tbt Hetormed eonire ration la thlt district have purchased a lot from Milton rrtttmau, and will erect tbereoa a chapel rretrteted raeelligs have commenced In tbe St raid's euursh with that sincerity and unity of spirit that bcipetks the accomplish' tatat of ce4 results. -la autespttsf to tress tbe U fc 8. railroad la foeex of a eaal trala IheMner day at this place, resulted la tbt death of a hen which Charles Decker wat ortrtag. -Wasatagtoa Catap, No. tot, p. o. S. of A., of AcjumMcoU. hate elected the fallowing ofa cert for tbt tueateg tern : Past President, D, O. tHftap, r-resMtat, K. OUwtati vlet presi de, W. MtCMtaads recordlax and financial teeretary. U 0. Jtetbttat. M. of f. K-ttrohl; 0a4 eater. A MeFarita. BOLDtan. A Surgical Operation performed. A very critical operation has been performed by Dr. O. W. Snyder upon a row belonging to Danser, of Beaver Run. The pallent was suffer ing from protrusion of the uterus, that Is, the womb being exposed and In a gangrenous con dition, and bad attained an enormous size by the time the Dr. wat called In. A surgical oper ation was the only means of saving the animals life, which consisted in removing tbe greater part ot the uterus. The animal being pi egnant, the foetus was also remored. and a sneedv re. covery was the result, to tbe great surprise aud entire satisfaction of Mr. Danzer, who Informs us mat nt is extremely wen pieasea, as me cow is a verr valuable one. and regards the opera tion as almost a miracle. Mr uanser thinks It's nulte a blessing to have a man In our midst who is rally quaunca ro penorin an surgical opera tions ana to relieve, or cure ait mimenis lo wuicn ai.lmal flesh Is heir to. He has our best wishes for bis titure success and prosperity. SUBSCRIPTION lVAvVS. Dr. Tuckerman, editor of tbe tf ertmen, Cleve land, bas taken some pains to collect and com pile the decisions of the United States Court on this subject, and gives the result of his investi gations, the following: Dyspepsia Make the lives of many people miserable, and often leads to telf-destructlon. Distress after eating, tour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of nppetl te, a faint, " all gone " testing, bad taste, coated tongue, and lrrcgu- niatrnoa lultr ot 11)0 bowels, are tJiairoas t3fl,0 0f lne moro comm0n AftOr tyrnptoms. Dyspepsia does Fntlnr not Kct we" 01 ltscIf- 11 Kuuiifj ycqnljtg careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood't Sarta parllla, which acta genUy, yet turely and efficiently. It tones tho ttomach and other organ, regulate the dictation, create a good appetite, and by thut etnt overcoming the local syrup- K torn rcmovct tht tympa-HoaclaCnO Uietlo effect ot tbe disease, banishct tbt headache, and refreshes tht tired mind. "I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did cat 14 -. distressed mo, or did mo "P1" little good. In an hour OUrn after eating I would expe rience a falntneti, or tired, all-gone feeling, at though I bad not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, wat aggravated by my business, which It tbat of a painter, and from being more or lest tbut np In a Omt room with fresh paint Last .oour spring I took Hood's Sana- otomaolt rill took three bottles. It did me an Immense amount ot good. It garo me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied tht craving I had previously experienced." Qsonax A. Paas, Watcrtown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, flitlxforgs. rreparedosly y & I. ROOD CO, Apothecaries, Lowell, Mat. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar Attention! At REHER'S DRUG STORK. By the single bottle, by 1-4 and 1-3 dot. fuantltles, and In Jobbers lot at Jobber f ice, Uood's Sarsaparilla can always be ak ItllYZU Administrator's Notice. Estate of Jonii ScnwARTZ, Oeceased. Letters of Administration nn th estata of John Schwartz, late of the Borough of Lehighton. Car bon county, re nn sylvan I a, deceased, nave Dee n granted to Horace Ileydt, residing In nald ttor- 1,1 who in an persons inaeDiea 10 saia es ttre roiiMtflfl tn mfi.k a rmtmnnL a.nrl thnsn ha vine claims or demands. torrmkA known the same without delay. 1 10 It AC K UK DT. luviiinii o Aicjui, Aiwiucy. AUUI I, laWftHHJ CAUTION. tlnvlnir loaned In OIM nt.KR ItrmriRN. nf "ranklin townihlp. Carbon county, l'a.,the fol- fjwiuE property, 10 wis: 1 ii-q ttuii nun uea- UK, v uit nmi i ai iur niiiTC, ? jLHUien, i oiliK, lot nf Carpet and other articles. I hereby cau lon the Dubhc not to meddle with the above under penalty ot the law. AARON P. SNYDKK, Jan. 28,90-t3 Weissport, Pa. Dissolution Notice. ' Notice is hereby given that the eo-partner-liln exlstlne between .1. !.. llarleman nnd II. W. llarleman, doing business at I'aekerton, Pa., under the firm name of J. h. UARLBMAN & IlKO., was dissolved by mutual consent on the 14th day of January, A. I)., 1890. The business, tlenernl MerchandUn. will. he continued by the undersigned who will receipt for all nmoiints due the fate firm, and pay all claims avalnst them. , J. I.. IIAIILEMAN. Packerton, Pa., Jan. 16th, 1190-sw' AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned nffara hi. PA ItM. with rh R.U1I.DINGS thereon erected, iituitit In Ma. boning Valley, three miles from the lloroujh of Uhlgiiton, Carnon County, Penna., at Private Sale. The Farm comprises Two Tracts of Land separated bv a Public ttoad leading to nearer Itun: the tract upon which the Buildings are erected contains 12 Acre, more or less ; th Im provements are a Two-Story Frame Dwelling, 24 x 30 feet, with Kitchen attached. 13 x 14 teet: liana Uarn. 28 x 30 feet, with Wagon Shed at- Shop, it x 24 teet; bone Mill, 20 x 21 iret. and otner outbuildings. The other tract contains 21 Acres, more or less.neariy all cleared and under rood cultivation. The nroDertv Is an eliirlhln one, and will be told at a reasonable price and on easy termt. Apply on the premises, to DAVID KUUNM. octiK-mj- Mauonlng Valley. Pa. Professional & Business Cards. W. M Rapsher, ITTORNEY amo COUNSELLOR AT LAW, First door above the Mansion House, MAUCH CHUNK PENN'A. eal Estate and Collection Agency. Will Muj iiu ocii iiciu fuiutir. ifUuvefuuciiiK neatly aone. otiections promptly mane, settling Kstai ec4uents a specialty. -.iLKiisii auu uemian. DENTISTRY, Dr. J. A. Mayer & Sen. Dr. GEORGE H. MAYER, Graduate trom tbt Dental Department of the University f Pennsylvania, has opened an office In the same building with tilt father, second floor In the Bay Window, 6 BROADWAY, MAUCH CHUNK, PA., and Is now prepared to receive every onem need ui.n.w,j ucuuil SC1IL-Di unet-39-u made. Settling Estates ol May be consulted In nov. is-vi W. G. lYX. Selple, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, J0UTH STREET, - - - LEHIQHTON. May be consulted In English and German. pecfal attention given to Gynecology. Office Itotrns; From 12 M. to 2 P. M., and rom 6 to 9 P. M, mar. 3t-yl WSBANG'S SHAVING SALOON, opposite the .... . .w.... u,,M.B, i iicauquaiters ror having and hair cutting. Cigars & tobacco told .TS F?.8- PODEIIKH, under the Exchange M iiuwi. suoci, iur a smootn snave or a ashionable hair cut. rw- ntn.ert o. u..h.,. Boeder's Hair tonic, cures Dandruff. Rarjenold, SWEAR OFF Paying Big Prices for Fur niture mch OrriOK .-Over J. W. Kaudenbush' Liquor Store, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. uentistry In all its branches. Teeth Extracted without Pain. Has administered when requested. Office Days WEDNESDAY of each week. P.O.addiess, ALLENTOWN, Jan 3-yl Lehigh county, Pa. F. I. SMITH, D. D. SM Office opposite the Opera House, Bank Street, Zeh hton, Pa. DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Filling and making artificial dentures a special ty. Local anesthetics used. , Uas administered and Teeth Fxtracted WITH OUT PAIN. OFFICE HOURS i From . m., to 12 m., from 1 p. ID., to 0 p. m., irom i p. m., to o p. w. Consultations In English or German Office Hours at Ifaileton-Every Saturday, Oct 18-87 lv 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice new their subscriptions. to the contrary are considered as wishing to re- 2. II subscribers order the discontinuance of their periodicals, the publisher mny continue to senu mem until an arrearages are paiu. 3. II subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the post-office to which thev ar directed, thev are responsible until thev have settled their bills and ordered them dis continue.. 4. It subscribers move to other places without iniorming tuo puousner. ana tue papers are sent to me lormeraaaress.meyareneia responsible. B. Toe Courts have decided that refusing to take periodicals from the office, or removlnc ana leaving mem uncaueu ior, is prima racie t intentional irauu. evidence ol 6. It subscribers pa: in ndvance they are DOM THEY GO! Blankets, Boots Shoes AND- VCIM. MO UO The Remedy for Inaoesuuk. ' I A remedy reccoinmenaed for patients tfflleted at tho EaKle Store. Don't mits ? WW m85& V,o.- nMJnt.4 t,-..:. rS?Pifa ,'?" h tb'oat tnd lungs. vuvoi. uuMuvuuvmvu uaiKaiuo. wu wait luriueurat symptoms or in. ols- ' 1 ease befnrA .rn ,1 n r. tliM ... ...1 v.... - lu,. naua ior use uit inonir Epwerth Lae. The Epwortb League will held. Tem perance meeting on Tuesday Meolnj, 3eHh Inst. Tbt following It tbt program : 1. Devotional exereises. 2. Temperance Chorus, by a number el young ladies. 3. Address, by tht Paster. i. Quartette, b M lists Bertha HaHta. btcb, Mabel Wbeailey, J. A. DarHsg and Edward Hlbblei. 6. Sketch of J no. B. Gough, by C harks Mens ft. Duett, by Mitt Blanche Xramiraad May Dungan, 7. Blackboard Lettoa, ei C, & H'etss. 8. Temperance Rtelttlloa, by ifUt Bertha Hollenbach. 0. ringlng, by tbt Lttgut. 10. Tempeiaiice Rtadlng, br Mitt May Dungan. Everybody Invited to atttnd. MO Ladles' and Ml Otttt must be told In order to make leaat far Spring goods, and we are offering ve saw our 115 coats ar $8 W; our f 18 eealt at trl onr $10 coal at 14.60; our 14 easts at 13 76. Remember Ibe plat n al t belm't One I'nct Star OtetbUf flt. Jfaneh Chunk. raekerWa Corrspadeae. Tht assay tvleedi of Wm. Frtdtnek desire ta te Mm a netaaer at tat school board. Mr. Kredeittk It aa M aad rrspeeted tttlzefi. - We are talented that leM Mryert will set rearavc frees fsstirtom. TWs bsf so, b wMagetafcaa ttvaaleal tec Kafrvlser. Mr. Hey eft ha sata a gaed aMelal, thertfett let Was be reteetid. . McOsrtaay, ot Wttkesbsn. hat talaid antsttatrtaia latttaaatf that ao other out- Ms lawytr baa. Ht 1 tartwd, wary, putst- eiaaa ts4 ready, itawwag aad ln). tleaatet. per SMStlvt sad teas43 a plea. 11 U safe le tay thai la hapartsat wmsaI U this teaaty th Btatfal wttt ht eawtaytd. -llMKatafttaaltht Has, W. M. Itapteer ettt k a samMaU Kw rm4at Jadittf tail atttftt. If Ills Use. fc n be a (artaMsMs t4Mt. Mr. Kasaatr ha (a wtltV4tHr, I a Waaeat. a UroitH saaskef. as iatty wtHr, ttatfiTstiTt, )iitiiilaati, 4laMtd, Hi (a4. as aed lar th Jadoaia. Mr. K. Is papidtr. k4 it a tttattale sa4 taltiltd sl(tj s94sl 9b syWaMWtJsjJswtl t4l WfcwtJ s4sVs9t A ssaBstsBaSeseVa Btk-sLaSsaakta S tsVA lh tj , ti sal ! I tltTl sjslsl wwr'tttjwatT rwtwasspvta satst) mw twttvtlfliwawtyti at Oaaaty aMta. ) It tatg tsHl Ma- aaAtta, tLBal seaateaatV I tali tetsl 1 M taBSeftsll LsV ssjwsti Bssssjtasrsy Baa 9 tPatssyA sy4tssaleTtfa tww va7r wm la w. srsi,T el Seal aatVea sstaasAaaaVah sist UaT M slit sir YVsk ft fl osti ttstrv wH ftwfvttj A UhsIaIJ sal fLjA. sjk as m m ea eji sf tst-rejssssBsi atjt jtrajtraBssway v BBtBtssst ttressa sstaveji tasatsverta sssyw My t M Am mm liM tmtv a U . WtM MWMlC H iM m0t tMl Ml t MMHM j-AaaBBBa.AaBBBsV stf ftssata tltafc lanJ -n aTa aTlta ST SLava asysi fit ttarapeiaSBr e ta aww ttttvteBtj essrw ssTtwsl'tBtB1ej tresej aaf sWttsVtleT tajatjkfuft tsf kt Ikate gatssVsl - - i-i-vslkil f; a J t a a wweatat. at ssraj Ttf sWatassj sajtBSBSBjasWsl stnssaejv 9 ta tar at atl H the letahtH Mt swat af K, iav bound to elve notice at the end ot the time. If they do not with to continue taking it: otherwise the puhllther is authorized to send It and the subscriber will be responsible until an express notice, wnn payment ot an arrearages, is sent to too puuusuer. The latest postal laws are such that newspa per nubllihers can arrest anv one for fnind u he akes a paper and refuses to pay for It. Under his law the man who allows lila subscrlntlnn to remain for some time unpaid aud then orders It discontinued, or orders the postmaster to mark f viuu. niiu uai o a pusuiiMru scut uiui off the publisher, leaves himself liable to ar rest ana nnc, mo same a tor tneic SUNSEIHB AMD MOONLIOnT-1800, Another Christmas and New Year's Annual by "A Man," of th Itock Island Route, Mow Iteady for Distribution. The "Mova and lllrlt of America and adults as well, who have read the Instructive pagesof "watt-otcpnen- iisss), "voiragar'tisse), "j"e. troleum, HMD, ''Coal and Coke," nsas). ana "iron and Hirel," (last), will be pleased to know mat me latest unt nriKiitest or tne ramous itock istana srritt, "nuutniue ana MoontiKlit," (isso now confidently awaits that chorus of approval A a(AnM Invitlss thH Httenftnn nf hl InnnU. lUve boy and girl visitors this year. In wonders in we neavsns auovc, reveaiea uy inn telescope, II tells them all about the sun, moon, planets, . . 1 1 . . M .... I ...... An.&( .. ... I . t. I - ... r... . tutnts, ud explains the Ian bv which they art Severn ed. Tho acl leveuientt ot science la the id of astronomical research are presented in ItAfftiAffe ao dear as lo be easily understood bv an readers. Tbe book fascinates, while It ele vates aea improves. 'Xanthine ana tloonlteht" ftnmirles lit pages, profusely lllusl rated with choice engrav. lag (is covert ar ornamented with appro. rial deslxns. beautllulir Piloted la colors. raedftlly. It Is a Christinas gill to the ratrons as or in hock isund I unite, ana wiu and frlea. e ttai pott-pal a to any pan ni yio woria tas at tiin ntiiiiiiiai Write your id. aho prtvioat issues, II desired) at the nominal acrieniiojct colo, to Jelf BXBAtllAA, u, T. 6 P, arte of lea fit! cent Der coo v. drw ptaftuy. and Inclose ten (10) cents In aajwarw A IVadr's serfli Companion. . vAlrtrCniU)lTH.a new book by,Dr. Jatia fi. Dye. oae ot New York' most skillful aai results trow causes easily uuuer- p roves it Hhout su tells bow loovsr. tlfXI ROBERT WALP. iiV.ed.T'ith on band for nse the moment Is I ueKirctca me innaenu nas a ten. If you want to est a coed rtllratj a patltrt tigataV. ffcaf salt tlaay ta aha teaaaeas. saa tea aad tt ll tleaxlv prove bat any taraeeaaeaiDeiner wit sav asta whatever. II ate htr without tuflering aa win ateveas wanrtBg sie All tat-r(vMs a&endl Beta, swelled ing pregnancy. Dr. H. B. REINOHL, Graduate of Fhlla. Dental College. DENTISTRY ! IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 'ersemtion of the Teeth a Specialty OFFICE HOURS: From 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. OAZ BALL, Uorket Square, Vlauch Chunk BRANCH OFFICE: EAST - MAUCH - CHUNK Tarn floors North of Post-Offiee. OFFIPK HOURS: T t ua. m. and 6 to 7 p. AprtlM-SB' FRANK P. DIBHL, NORTH BTREET, Practical Blacksmtth& Ilorteshoei Is prepared to do al work in his lint In the best manner and at th lowes drlces. Please cedl. aera-eo-jy, AN WAT .- fAtA. sva..-. 1 1 WM i aaA Miihlr audaraed At th wtf's l rut prlvat com nan- send lull rUtulars. EAST GET A GOLD WATCil. Only $1.00 a Meek. We ire now forming Clubs for tbe fines1 Gold, Gold Filled tod Silver Welches mnu isetured lor twin lames too uentiemin. We put in these walrhtt a movement mid h either or me lonowine comptnies: cieu Waltbtm, Ilampdeo, etc, to suit Ibe purchat er. A club for a void watch at 40.00, consists n lorly members, and earn mmoer ya siw i week. A drawins it mtde once week, em the number whoso ntme is drawn gets b w.lrh immrdiilelr. he still wntlnuini to p 11.1,0 a week until he hit psid for it, al wbld time each and all lortv member, will bave re ceived and paid for bis wslcb. Tbe Istt penni tn receive hit watrb will be mtde a present o abtodaomechaln. OUR GUARANTEE. Every article bought from ua mutt be jutl a represented, and we ere willing al any and si limes in make rood th failure of any arttel told, lo be tt represented. This it the Best Cheapest aud mntt Convenient wy to bay wslch thrnueh our Co operative Club Svttini, We live first rltst Elgin or Wtllhtm slen winding: nd selling movement, which cusrantee lor two years. Tbe esse is wtrran rd, by written guarantee to wear lor twent, veers. Th above Is why we give yon more for you money than any one else and why we tre do ing tbe Isrgeat witch busintts loth world We sell onlr first m.tlitv (foods. Why not b sn owner ol Gold Witch whenever you hav. th thanreto get one. Join the club al Obce only $100 down and then fl.OOawttk not! th wal.th it paid. Please rail or send roe Tout nam and ad drest and I will call st vourhouw end show II HtaMtaat tsrrefteni lV IMtssMaU. HwltJ save you great rtln, . AtenU wsnted aa4 aeetttty yaar me ataa ito-msi sian p ror ..j .i.-,!.,. ettMSArs, wtstawauusana corn atn- , " . I M u wvenipo, aqoists. IJlIJIUliKn 33. KKlltllUs by physlcltns you iimples, nr if you are vl distance I w tverjwher. Writ foi CHARLES M, There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as th Ivery." They, are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. ,f Ask for. i. Ivory Soap and insist upon having it Tis sold everywhere. THE OLD STORY OM Daniel: ettt of patient with hit poor ravtr. RAZORS, PO0KKT KNITB8, STRAP. SQAYIITO SOAP. &. Clcgant line of (3 old Peat and Holderj Kloe for Obrlttotat Prtttnts at, THOMAS' Goiaeaotar:Phannacy, Bask Stmrt, LKntanroTV, VamtA. Pmcrlptlent a Specialty, HOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Permanently lecated near Valley Depot, for Cabinets snd Family Croups. Old pictures cop led and enlarged, augto-ent Hi L FREY, announces to the people of Le highton and vicinity that he has commenced the Merchant Tailoring business near the corner ot Lehigh and Carbon Sts., in this borough, and that he is prepared to exhibit to purchasers over Three Hundred Styles of Suitings, Pantaloonings and Overcoatings. which ho will furnish at from 10 to 15 per cent, lower than any other house. Fit and workman ship guaranteed. .ugusuvu- For Newest Designs and Moil Fashionable Stylet af DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, . PROVISIONS. SILVERWARE, &c., &c. GO TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lohlghton. Goodt guaranteed and prices as low as else where for the tamt usllty of goods. July 18, 1884 ly AND DEAL AT- e House. a.J aaaa bsb- bcnwanz'SbigFurniiir sans South Bank Street, Lehighton. Our stock is sully as tjomplete as that carried bv city dealers and our prices are unquestionably much lower than the sam Quality, Style and Finish in Bed Room and Parlor Suites, Lounges, Book-cases, Tables, &c OOP" Particular atteation paid to Embalming and Undertaking Call, learn our terms and see our immense stock, uneauallud in this town or the Lehigh Valley. Our annual sales of Bleached and Brown Muslins of every description already inaugurated is progressing most satisfactory. It is well known that the prices of Cotton Goods of all makes and grades are decidedly firm. In fact, manufacturers and com mission houses have advanced a few ot the more prominent brands Having made nbundant provision for ihis sale dui ing tho utumn months the advance does not affect us, and the result of this provision is now evident to those who will examine our stock of all the well known and popular brands of Shirting, Sheeting. Pillow and Bolster Cases. Full yard wide Brown Muslin, Full yard wide Bleached Muslin 5c per yard 6o per yard OS 634 Hamilton St., Allentown. YOU HAVE OUR THANKS For Favors Showered on Us in the Past We Kindly Solicit Continuance of the same in the Future The big rush of the holiday season had the effect of break iner our large stock all to pieces, but we have filled up ncain and are now ready to show customers tho litrgest and best stock of Fine Groceries and Confections, Silverware, Jewelry, Toys, Fancy Goods, to be lound in tbis town, at prices astonishingly low when com pared with quality of goods. Orc tto-pc ? OUR Oyster Cafe is open every day and both jy cad O Ladies and Geutleraen will find the ytff best accommodations. OE" Parties, weddings and festivals supplied with Ice Cream, Fruitb, Oysters or other delicacies at Bhort notice. NUSBAUM & CULTON, V. ntsum, MAttuBert- .. Opp, the Park, Lehighton.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers