An old Italy, not remarkable tor tbe clMrnMiot bat Ideas, deecrluliiR a floe smntBer evening said: "It was, beautiful bright night; the moon made everytUlOR as light a. feather." A California editor recently received a cord of wood, In pay (or a subscription, which w piled In fiout of the offlce at "A late hour. The next morning ue found Is elicits left. This fact lbd the' editor to believe, that the morals of ibo'town were Improving. A year ago there wouldn't bate been a stick left. WHAT 18 GOOD. Bncklen's Arnica Halve. The BEST Balve In the world for cuts, prunes ores, ulcers, salt rheum, (ever sores, totter, chapped hnnls, chilblains corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures plies, or no paj required. It Is piaranteed Jo Rlvo perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 29ceuts pel hot. ForsalabyltKDKKdruKKltt. Women hayo check enough to wear men's hats on their beads; but thero Is one tblntc they daro not do. Not one of then dare to remove her bat and dun off the bald spot. A Bound Lcw-il Opinion. K. flatnhrldge. Muni, .y H -1 , Cmir.rv Atty Clay Co.. Tex. aysi ive r ('l.-fni ' tors with 11 ost happv re alU . . i wis irfirvlnw with Malni'al 1 w. . ' but was cured by timet) use ol U.u Am satisfied Electric Ull fe "What U the real goodf" I Mkerf In raueto mood. i Order, mid fix liw eeairti Knowledge, said tbe school Truth, said the wise maul pleasure; wM the fool; ' , ,Lqt, sold the maiden) ' 'Beamy, said the paffS freedom, said tbe dreamer Home, sold the sage; Fame, said the soldier j Equity, the seer. Spake my bear full eedlri "The answer U not here." Then within my bosom Boftly thU I heard: "Each heart holds the mcrett Kindness Is tho word." -James Doyle O'ltatlb. MY EXECUTION.. DAY'S HORSE POWDER Prevents JUunjr Fever! fers saved his I... " Mr. 1). I. Wllcovson. o. Horse Cnvc, Ky.. Mid. a like testimony, saying : He positively bellevo thuthe would liave died, liad It not been fo Electric Bitters. ... This great i einedy will ward o(f . as well as cun all Malarial Diseases, and for all Kidney, 1.1 vol and Stomach Disorders Htandsuueiiualed. i'rlci DO cents and ft at KKHEH'a drtiKstore. Cbolly: Do you notice. Dolly, that I am raising a moustache? Dolly: Well, I needs raising, for I percelvo It Is down a present. A woman always carries her purse li her hand so that other women will see it ; a man canles his in his Inside fpocket si that his wife won't see It. IS CONSUMPTION INCURABLE? Head the following! Mr. 0. If. Morris, New ark, Ark., says; "Was down with abscess o Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's Now Discovery forConsumptlon, am now on my third bottle, and alio to oversee th work on my farm. It Is tho finest medicine cvei made." Jesse Middleware Decatur, Ohio, saysi "Had It not been for Dr. King's New Discovery f o t Consumption" I would have died of T.uni Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am nom In best of health." Try it. Sample bottles fret a Drugstore. There are three terrible diseases now before married men, namely: Spring fever Spring bonnets and Spring bouse cleaning. Paper bangers are about tbo only men who succeed In business by going to tbe wall. Forced to Leave noine. Over 60 people were forced to leave theii homes yesterday to call for a free trial pack age of Lane's Family Medicine. If your blood Is bad, your liver and kidneys out ol order, if you are constipated and have head ache and an unsightly complexion, don't fa I to call on any druggist to-day for a fret sample of this grand remedy. The Iadie praise it. Everyone Largo sized package 50 cents. An obituary notice contalnt the touch intelligence mat the deceased "bad ac cumulated a little money and. ten child ren." Expressive features are admired, bui one does not care for a nose that is east!) red. Heart Disease. If vou net short of breath, horn flnltor ing, pain in side, faint or hungry spell Swollen nnkles, etc., you have heart dlreape. and don't fall to take Dr. Miles' New Cure Bold at IJiery or Thomas' drug stores. The laundry man has to receive a good many cutis in tho world. "Why Should I Not haye confidence in that which hasdom mo a world of good? If you had suffer year with Hvei complaint and got cured b using ouipniir .bitters, would not you to. nave confidence In them? J. R. Nash notei witunrop, Host.m. The more a man hecomss wrapt up Ii Himself the chillier be petn It make's a red nt jed i v -r, to have a little ghl ask lilta Ir. k of others, If it hurts any. Nothing; In the Wide World so' Good.. I was afflicted with kidney disease. Dr Kennedy's Favorite Uemedy, of Kondout N. Y. I say it with a perfect recoIectioi of all that was done for me besides, is thi oly thing that gave me permanent reliel I have recommended this medicine to mam people for kidney disease and they all igree in saylug that it has not its equal in th. wide world for this complaint. Lyniai Crawford, Druggist, Springfield, Mas. -Almost anything from Rome would be Romantic It takes a loud baby to wake up a sleeping en but It takes but little of Dr. Bull s Haby Hjrui to quiet that baby, and It requires only 25 cents to buy a bottle of that well known remedy. The longer the apology the 'lively young man makes for his morning headache, the worse matjers will appear. Silence and Laxedor are the sovereign remedies for this peculiar kind ol headache. Tho washerwoman's motto: oap for tbe best. Let us A SEN81DLT! MAN Would use KemD's Ril,,, tn it,. and lungs. It is curing more casesof Coueh. uiuuiuius, uroup arm all ZZ iT T ""6 man an oiliei medicine. I lie proprietor has authorize am u.uiit." iu Hi " you a (.ample Uottle t ree to wuvuiwj you oi me merit of this great rem dr. Large Bottle 50c and $1. The oldest inhabited town in the world la said to be Damascus, uooa s earsapari la cures catarrh bv expelling impuaity from the bloop, which is the cause of the complaint. Uive it a trial. lbeptnls mightier than the sword; but for opening ojeters or military parades wo j, to iuc sworn every time. The beautiful glossy sheen, so much admired la hair, ran be secured by the use of Ayer's IIalr!gtr. There is nothing better thsn this preparation ior strengthening tbe scalp and keeping It free from dandruff and Itching eruptions. roe railroad engineer may not have much style about him, but wealth and fashion follows In his train. Tn Hest medical writers claim that the sueV t..iu, rcuuurieruaiaieauarra must be non Irritating, eas if application, and'eae that will' reaeh all the remote torts and nloeraled sur isovs. me cuiory or the etTuils to treat ealtarrh dailnr tbo past obliges ui to admit that only oijr remedy fiat met these eondltlbne, and thai li Hl (In.n It.Im i'mY mi.... remedy hat mattered eats.rrhatn9thiSKeltaiasJ ..uiiHf, Kin oiu vuiimiBi ana patients synipteBityleldieH . T There 1 more than one kind of emote Wit powder that U Isui lv tbe ranks of aaUsd! I was walking home -from my office tnmo tlmo ngo, revolving how I should meet my payments, when I was solicited for charity by. a respectably dressed worn an r who stated that she had arrived from Cork a fow days ago, her husband baring sent tho money to pay her pas sage to New York. Upon her arrival she found that he had been killed by a drunken rowdy, and as ahe was penni less she asked me for a trifle to get a night's lodging. Having been Imposed upon me pre vious day by a tale of the eame kind, I passed on without heeding her piteous appeal. I had walked but a rew,poces wnen a feellngjof regret came over mo for my harshness, and I turned round to relieve her distress, hut she had gone. J. stood musing, undetermined what to do. I felt I had acted with Inhumanity; but it was so unlike my usual conduct that I consoled myself with tho reflection that I always had been tbe friend of the out- east, and that very likely the woman was not in actual want -this the re spectability of her attire, led me to adopt as a fact, and, resolving to banish the transaction from my mind, i waucea homeward. When I reached the corner of wall street a man, apparently the worso for liquor, asked me for charity, and with an eagerness which evidently astonished him I Rave him some money. This somewhat eased my mind, al though I felt that I had relieved the wrong object. As I passed St. raurs church I saw by tho clook that it only wanted a few minutes of my dinner hour, and I was always so punctual that I knew even a few minutes' delay would cause the greatest anxiety to my wife and daughters, wboso affection for me was the great comfort of my life. Resolving to crush tho haunting feel inc. I hailed an omnibus and jumped in; bt;t a new torture now seized me; the noise of its wheels seemed to echo the woman's appeal for charity so visibly that I involuntarily looked out of the window to see that she was not running at its side reciting her tale of sorrow and destitution. Getting out at the corner of Washing ton street, I walked hastily to my hpuse and paused on instant on the steps, half resolved to go on a wild goose ctiase in search of tho mendicant. Finally I pulled the bell. When the door opened, instead of following my usual custom of enter ing the parlor to greet my wife and daughters, I walked straight up to my dresslngroom, where I sat for some time in gloomy abstraction; then, bathing my head with cold water, I mechanically changed my dress and again seated my elf in tbe deepest dejection I was aroused by my wife, who, sur prised by my unusual conduct, asked tenderly If I did not feel well. "Yes," I replied, "but very tlred. The weather tries me. But, however, let us to dinner." My daughters and a niece who was on a visit came round me and playfully scolded" nio for being so naughty. At last I sat down to the table, but could not eat a mouthful. After several attempts .to eat I requested my butler to bring me the brandy decanter, which surprised them all, as I was a strict temperance man, and meroly kept wine and liquors for such of my guests as did not share my scruples. When the brandy was brought I filled a goblet nearly full of the "liquid damna tion," as -I, bad recently called it in speech I had made at a temperance meeting, and drank it oil at a singli draught. This somewhat rolleved me and enabled me to swallow a few mouth fuls of dinner. My spirits somewhat returned, and we all adiourned'to the drawlnz room. The arrival of sotno visitors to my wlfo and daughters aitorueamo an opportunity oi leaving, the room unobserved. I put on my hat, resolving to call upon a friend who lived in the next street. Not finding him at home, I strolled on, Tho evening was One, and before I was aware of the dlstanco I had walked found myself near the North river. At tracted by a crowd. which had gathered round the end of one of the piers, I went towards it, and was told by a policeman that a poor woman had just been taken out of tho water. I pressed forward, and exclaimed aloud, on the impulse of the moment when I gazed upon tho lifeless form "Great heaven t the very woman I treat cd so brutally not an hour ago I" The words were scarcely out of my lips when a strong Hand grasped my collar, It was the policeman who had just spoken tq me. "Oh, the murder's out then!" he cried. "You know something of this matter! A cry was immediately raised that had confessed myself the murderer; and as there was a severe bruise on the poor 'woman's head; doubtless occasioned by her striking against the pier, it was ex aggeratSoVinto' a fractured skull. All was now clear to the excited mob, I had' first killed my victim with a blow on the' head, and then, to conceal my crime, had thrown her into the river. vain did I protest my innocence; they paid no more attention to me than I had to the pcJor woman herself. So strong was tho popular feeling that the police had considerable difficulty in eaving me iron; Dcing lynched on the spot. Let roe pass over tho details of the coroner's inquest, which brought in verdict of willful murder. I will say notning about the agony of my nrst in. terview with my family. The horror of my situation was increased bv the evl dent doubt my wife had of tho truth of my explanation as to my strange conduct on the night of the supposed murder, She did not say so in words, but ber man ner ahowed that she had great misgivings. The day of trial came at last. Obi the anguish of standing in full court, accused of to revolting Wcrime! Not one of the numerous frjepds, who had formerly at tended my dinnerparties, and my wife's balls, was present They had abandoned rue en masse, as It might peril their own Cnllo, &0. Relieves Griping and Summer Complaint. Facilitates Teething! Regulates the Rowels! Sold by all druggists. Price 23 cents. Th only man who remained true to me was my lawyer, Mr. Maloolm Camp bell, lie set to work manfully to de fend me. He said the press were aw fully down on me. Numerous biogra- Ehies were published of me, which rought to light events in my life never I beroro known, either to my parents, my- T)i3tempcr, Beares, Glanders, Loas self, or any of my relatives. One papor 0f Appetite, Founderi Fevers, &a. called attention to tho significant fact llkinoachpackage. Sold by all dealers. that many murders had been committed " during tho pas' twenty years which t fftgBf H 5J CnrosDyJentery, have never been traced, and that most ilfla lUlsiLlLu) nr-d Diarrhoea. probably my exterior respectability and -mi.i i. .uu.iie. ,,i .Lu ii .., Cures Wind picion from myself, and that no doubt many an Innocent man had been hanged tor my crime. A"t the trial my wifo and daughter de posed, as thoy wcro bound to do, to my unusual bohavioron that cmphatlo even ing. My standing on tho steps of my door before I rang tho bell was. Observed by a villainous, prying old maid, who came forward and deposed to facts in addition which wero puro inventions. My swallowing brandy at dinner, as ad mitted by my own family and domes tics, was tho occasion of some eloquent leaders in the papers, the gist of which as that I deserved banging even for that alono. The prosecuting attorney called atten tion to my physiognomy, in which he read more murders than a dozen New gate calendars, and concluded an elo quent addross by warning tho court that if I was acquitted he felt sure that some i ; it, , 1 ? A1J lino morning, uku iuo jiuajniaiio ui uiu, i Uoajsencss ail jxew xorK wouiu awusu unu unu Croup themselves to be dead men, witu tnoir Whooping throats cut from car to ear, especially Crmrrh. the judge and jury, who would deserve and for tho relief of their fate if thev turned such a notorious I Consumptive ncr- murderer loose to pry upon th citizens sons. For Sale by all of New York. druggists, so cents. Notwithstanding the eloquence of my counsel, Mr. Malcolm Campbell, who pos itively surpassed himself and knocked Demosthenes nnd Cicero into the mid dle of next week, all secmod dead against THE GENTLER SEX. HBBi i m "TIIE PEOPLE'S REMEDY" For tho euro of COUGHS, COLDS, Asthma, Incipient Consumption UGH nunireUNOES CUBCB CIGARETTES for Ca bMUHL iarrhl PrlctlOOtt. Atalldmgftttt, The explanation J cave of my unusual behavior was pronounced by all as being too ridiculous to merit a moment's con sideration. Tho judgo who presided, and who had turned a deaf ear to every mendicant since he bad been possessed of a cent to give away, said that ho had nover given anything to a beggar in his wholo life, and that it had never made mm nusor- able. 'Indeed," sarcastically added this light of Christian law, "it would have made me more miserable if I had ,over given penny away." The whole audienco roared with laugh ter at the judge's wit, although it stamped him ns being a heartless brute. He summed up dead against me, and, as I had not tauen tne precaution ox buying up the jurors, I was found guilty of willful murder and condemned to bs hanged! The fatal day arrived. Hardly ablo to walk, I was carried to tho scaffold. The reporters crowded around me, shaking bands with mo na though tney were proud of being introduced to a gentle man who occupied such an enviable po sition. The rope was put around my neck, the cap was drawn over my face. I heard a sharp click and felt the rope tighten. I was suddenly thrown up into the air as a llood of lire rushed from my brain and filled my eyes. Convulsively I throw out my arms. 1 heard a tremendous crash, as though all creation was crockery and had suddenly been smashed. I opened my eyes, not upon another world aa I had oxpecled, but to see that 1 had Knocked over me table, broken into a thousand pieces my wife's best china tea service, spoiled her new satin dress, scalded her pet spaniel, which was howling like a Methodist ranter, and that all the buttered toast was in my daughters' laps, who were all dressed to go to tbe opera. Sinco then my wifo never lets mo snore in mr easy chair after dinner. New! York World. Bkeumatism, BEING dno to the presence of uric acid in the blood, Is most effectually cured by tbe use of Ayer's Snrsapa- rllla. Be sure you get Ayer's and no other, and take it till tho poisonous acid is thoroughly expelled from tho system. Wo challenge attention to this testimony : 'About two years ago, after suflerlne for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to wane only witn great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without renel, A saw uy an advertise ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing com plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparifla. I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it has effected a complete cure. I have since had no re turn of the disease." Mrs. It. Irving Dodge, 110 West 125th St., Now York. "One year atro I was taken 111 with. lniiammatory Tiieumaiism, oeniR con-, fineil tn nw liniiRA ftlx months. I camo out of the sickness very much debili tated, with no appetite, onn my system disordered In every way. I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to Improvo at once, gaining in strength ml soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too much In praise ot tins well-known medicine" Mrs. L. A. Btark, Nashua, N. H. Mark Twaln'B wife has written a liook under a fictitious name. Miss Helen Gregory was the first wom an to tuke the degree of bachelor of mu sio at Trinity college, Toronto. Mme. Blee Wonka is the organizer of a large chemist's and druggist'a shop at Warsaw, and her entiro staff is composed of women. Dr. Karollna Wllderstrom, tho first Swedish lady physician, has begun her practice at Stockholm. She will give free consultation to the poor. Tho late MrsSarah Hopkins, of Louis ville, was one of a committee of young ladies who gave a reception to Gen. La fayette upon his visit to this country in 1831. Carlotta Johnnnson, a niece of Chris tine Nilsson, is said to possess a remark ably fine soprano voico, and has been sent to ulirlstiania to finish ber studios in Binging. On tho occasion of her last visit to Paris, previous to her departure for the United States, Mine. Adelina Pattl pre sented a pair of kangaroos to tho Jardin d'Accllmatation. . Mrs. Cleveland has taken up a new fancy in dressing her hair. She has dis carded the coiled mans on the top of her head and adopted a fashion, the most prominent features of which is that she parts it on the left side. The late Mrs. Elizabeth Webb, of ICal ainazoo, was believed to be the oldest member of the Methodist Episcopal church in the United States. Slio was 01 years of age, and had been a commu nicant for eighty-two years. Tho fleet of new American war ships has its "Little Buttercup in a Mrs. Robinson, tho wlfo of a disabled man-of- war s man.' Sho was the successful bum. boat woman while tho ships lay in Now York and Brooklyn, aud followed them afterward to Boston. Miotl wnnilftflng rnr1. in ',n. rta i I nmn mm mm & I -MMw LULL KJ EMORY P. - bti lamWI un. T.'ttinvmiaU fttwn U p-rti ot I pcloli. ProttpmnospOfT torHbtr with our Urm iMf llntcf llnu.etialal ptlfFji ample. TfctH ramp),! wtlt aa tti wth. U nnp All thai work van btfddolatothnwwhtf wtMndTMito tho wh0T(Il yoop fHnU and neltribr.nd tbot anoat you that mult la vatnabla trad for ai, which hold forrin when one atari BdthuawttnrapAld, Wi pnf til ttpnaa, frttjrbl, tfa A tit you know all. If 70a wnntd ilk to pro to work, for u. yon cat an from WitO to SCO tr wttk and onwardi Addroaa. Mtiaoon S- Co., JUox B 1 , I'ortlanti. Mai. DOINGS OF ROYALTY. Aye arsaparilla, rnzr-AKXD BT Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price 1 ; .li kotttct, 5. Worth 5 a bottle. THE GREAT German Remedy! Anxlona to Get letter. "I wonder more and more all the time," said a letter carrier to a writer in Parlor and Kitchen, "what makes peo ple so anxious to get a letter. If a per son is expecting to receive a challenge tn fight a duel, or the reply of his lady love to a proposition of marriage, or even a check for $25, I can understand how he can be eager and excited about it. Why, there aro somo people upon my route who, I really believe, don't do anything else but sit down and wait for me to come, or else stand at the gate or window to watch for me. They don't get a letter more than once a month, but they watch for it every day. If I say 'nothing today,' they groan and slink away. If 1 hand them a letter they fly with it Into the house as If they had found a pocket- book." m 1I1UIH& run I nt: dllift. I.11P th.thit .l.'iillilv Rlllnus Snollfuicncml I lonSiiLrjiunllirriLns 111 It tt 111 euro yon. I D l)a jou sutler with, SthattirotlniHlallgonr recline; If en, use scu'iitm Brrrisns; It will cure yon. I OiKiiiuhta wlio urc Jjclosclr confined In Ed tbo mills nid work- suops; cicncs,rnoao not procuro euilldcnt exercise, and all who are ponQned In doors. should tiso PULFIIUIt Brrrr.ns. They will nr. not men uo weas anu m sick it. in forarnsowherofct'L. riiirn iiittkiis wir not assist or cure. 11 never falls. Cleanse tho Hinted Mood when you ee its lmminuos I ursx- Inz throush tho sklu ,ln Pimples, lllntrhcs, ind Sores, liclr on ml health will fol IK yuu ilu nut wish to suffer fromllheum Iatlsm, use a bottlo ot Scli-iiur Hitters; il never runs to euro. Decoys. Don't bo wlthuut ai bottle. Try It; yon will not regret It. Tju!nialnIIt!Tlc5itT I health, who are all run down, should use i auLrnim hitters. &UU'l!UIt ItlTTKBS will euro Liver Com nlnlnt. Don't he dla. 'ouragcatiiwuicurc vim. suli'Iiur Hitters will bnlld vou un and make you ctrongand Hominy. BULPiiun Hitters will mnko your Llood oure. rich and strnnir. nnu youruusn iinru. Try BL'Lrlluit Hit. iEHS to.nlirht. and you will Bleep well wu leci nciier Tnrit. The heir apparent of tho Japanese cm pire became of legal age (11 years) on Nov. 3, 1889. He was appointed to somo honorary office and given a sword that has been kept in tho imperial family since 701. Tho czar of Russia has uttered an edict forbidding applause in the theatres of St. Petersburg. It interferes with his slumbers during an after dinner per formance, and 1b apt to confuse tho dano ing of the ballet. The empress of Germany, during her visit to Constantinople, is said to have oppressed a wish that the sultan should not present her with the costly diadem he had ordered, Its valuo being excessive. considering the state of the Turkish cof fers. Tho prince of Naples, heir to the Ital Ian crown, is In delicate health. Ho hnB grown so rapidly and studied so hard that his doctors now require him to give up his studies, and to occupy himself mainly with gymnastics and athletic amusements. Tho Prince of Wales, who used to be a constant shopper, has had to give it up, All his purchases aro now sont to Marl borough house or to Sandringham. lie was very popular with the shopkeepers. never leaving a shop without raising his hat and "thanking them very much." Prince Oscar Bernadotte, the second son of the king of Sweden, who a coupli of years ago renounced the rank and privileges of his royal birth to marry Alias Ehba Munck, at Karlskrona, where lie resides, jumped, fully dressed, into tbe sea and succeeded in rescuing two drowning men. The queen of Italy, who is an excellent musician, while in Venice last summer visited tho great library of St, Marc's and, discovering that it contained nu merous rare MSS. by Buch early Italian masters as Stradella, Ciari, Monteverde and others, gave orders to have them published at her expense, as they would do the world more good than by idly re posing under a glass case. ATCHISON PHILOSOPHY. Do vou want the beet Medical Work imbii shed ? rcnu a --rent mumps to a x ukuwat a THE SHOE BRUSH GON Old Sport You don't want ter shoot at them ducks, young feller; them's de coys. Young Sport Well, if they're as hard eating as they aro shooting, Decoys can keep his duoks, and welcome to ein,- Harper s weekly. Fa Waa Too Anxious. Father Maria, has that young gone away yet? ilana no, pa, tie is just propos ing Father Oh, all right! Maria Proposing to go. Father Well, you tell him to git. Clothier and Furnisher. It tOTlffl A Lonjj Term. "Do you think he Is so very well edu cated?" "He ought to bo." "Why? He doesn't seem to know much." "Oh, yon must be wrong he spent nine years at college." Time. I won't miss it, for I have long since adopted an easier and cleanlier way. A bottle of WolfrsAGMEBlaCking and a sponge to keep my shoes washed clean, save a deal of labor and shoe leather. Bold b Shoe Btcra, Orooen. Dranists, la. The best Harness Dressing in the world. WOLFF . RAN001PH. PHIUDELPHH. frit on anoltoatfoii to Prof. A ixisfttie, 237 Flfib Am. NnrYork, ,0tJ HEW Onll Watch WOflh M1UO.UO. UHl Iwitrh tn th world r-tf llmckctpftr Warranted heat ft UI.ID uniu D&QtlB caM, DR. G. T. FOX CAUTION S .t! 172 Main Street, Oath, Pa. ATKToy. SWAM Hi 'TJCUTUlCa DATS. ir l,t.rVT)VN, AMKttlCAN HOI UBtIlUIPAr AT BAHlloa. H ROADWAY HOtAR. MOMI.AVS. Hath, Whdnksdav and Saturdays. OIHce lloiirk l'"roin a in. to 4 p. in. IraoHci' limited to of ihe Eye.Ear, Nose&Throat IWA !, lti'tract ion nt the Kycw far the adjust ment of x!.i1i'. toes nuirlai' nrm aval pries Km slumped on ua bottom. If t!is.drlfr ennnnt aupnly TO, sen dlrart to fartorj, encloslns adrtnMt priw, Doth Udlrt sad (cut t llfMj localltv tMu amtmr nree, ioi valulDl. 'Jliunin o-' ct-n pormu'cnU) cured by IMIll.AURLl'IIlA. tA. Kawen.conr.xr.tirinpra.tlon f limn? ilmn from liualites. Cu 9niiHrtiiiccHUi MM'i run irruiar. OlBto J.uur0to3, curulPdby ot tiers trftiittxi. CURE GUARANTEED. KSOPPOSITE L. & R. DEPOT,S5r BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, Pa Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods. Sa. teens, Prints, Ginghams, Marsel CS. Seersuckers and Fancy Dress Patterns ofthe very best qualities at exceed ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockery war e.Glasswaie iV ood and Willowware of the best makes at low figures. Cloths Cassimers, Hats. Boots. Shoes and To ad v- made Clothing in great variety and at prices with it he reacl of all purchasers prices fully as low ns the same goods can bf nought lor at any other general store in this vicinity. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in crcai variety and ol best quality at Kock Bottom JPnces. Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices lully as low as th same articles can be purchased elsewhere, A cur load of coarse salt has. just been received tho price y been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods ofthe very best quality and are being sold at prices iqually as low as the same goods can bought at any general stoie n tins section. Call and be convinced. Jtesnctiullv. Jiy 823-71 REIPT2L. BRIGGVS 11A1101E TEOCHES -FOR- -IN ITS NERVOUS, BILLICUS, OE CONGESTIVE FORMS. This nnnedr is the prescription of one of the leaillnc physicians of Paris, France aim nasnscn im nun nun unparaiia.icti surrrss lor oyer tinny Jtnrs.aml was nrst Riven to me i-iiuii" as a prnpnrinry ineuicino in itw. and since tint tlmo it lias found Its a Into almost evi-ry country nn tln face of Hie globe, and becomn a favorite remedy will thousands of the leaillnu plijslclaiu. Medical societies have discussed Its marvelous sue eess at their annual conventions, and after their olliclal chemists have anal zed It ant" found that II contained nn oplaips. hromldes, or other harmful ingredients, quietlj piuccii ii unions meir sianuaru reinetues. TESTIMONAti. L. It. BROWN, M D. 23 West Jersey St., jE.lizabkth, N. J., June 28, 188C TIiIj is In rerllfy Hist I hove used fnr feme months with murli satisfaction, the combination ol remedial-, lor Heansolie. known ns IlrlBaV Hesdsehe Troches. The remedy cures more head. nrliPS rtprrisli; eh ss efiVel Nervous Women than anything I nm acquainted wilh, and h this rertifirnle will l e Ihe means nl bringing it to a favorable attention of sufferers from that "utile, 1 sLall leel llit 1 Uaye ilnne tnm a service. K. DIIOWN, M. D. price, sb wEisirrs. Sold by all Druggists, or sont by Mail on receipt of Price, AuciH 31. '89. ELIZABETH, NV J. It is human to be jealous; divine to conceal it. We aro all inclined to distrust a boy who does not like to play. There is a great charity for poor rela tions; every one has tlietu. Keep any letter lonj; enough, and it will finally make you ashamed. The people all know how you act at home; you hod better act decent. Only one thing melts faster than money, and that Is tho resolution not to spend it. It may be wise to think twice before' speaking, but it is a sign that you are getting old. Tho most sacred things we have in this world often turn out to be only varieties, of selfishness. It is the man who can light good fires . who is soonest able to hire others to light his fires for him. The two things that honest people never excuse under any circumstances are thievery and insincerity. An honest man will regret that he is not as good as a woman, instead ot pre tending that he is better. When you con induce a man to hold your horse in the rain how natural it is to tarry around the fire on tho inside! Only believo half of what you hear that great people say; only believe half of what you hear that little people do. It is a cold, clammy thing to say, but those people who treat friendship the same as any other selfishness get most cut of it. A pup looks so mild and innocent that we sometimes think it will turn out bet ter than others of its race, but it always turns out a dog. You are always Baying that your friends desert you at tbe time you need them most, but they do exactly what you hare been doing all your life. At chison Globe. No Star rixtarea Tlier. "Co you keep stationery here?" asked a young woman of a clerk in a variety store. "Not. muehl" replied the young man, rubbing his blue hands together, "The j old man's so stingy of his coal we haye to hustle round to keep warm," Burling- ton freo pre. Sticks for holding opera glasses ore gaining ground. The largo places of amusement require the use of glasses so steadily that these are a great conveni ence. They ore of silver, opening out asea Pain Instantly. Strengthens Weak Parti. Quiets Nervousness. respectability, fordt is an undoubted fact pencil case, and are chased and that no persons are so severe In their re- etched, llie bamboo furnishes a f avor- niarlcs, or BO eoniuulous Jn disowning the lM1 mouei. friendship of the' unfortunate criminal,! A complete novelty In tho shape of a ashat claaaof rtspeqtable , rogues who, purse Is a hollow cup ot silver or silver uvjng ujeraaeiyes in tno score practice gut repousse work, to which is attached of every species of villainy, are afraid to a crochet top with cords so that it can give the slightest excuse for calling at- swing on the wrist. It does not swing, tention to themselves. Depend upon it, however, but Is caught up In the palm no woman is so severe on the frail as tha of the hand. This purse Is intended for faithless wife. She is obliged to follow change required for frequent use, and Is Sakepeare:s maxim, " Affect a vlrtu, really tnoet lngmUoiv and. cosTSBiisitf or A HtwTccUM rtonMhold Itemsty. 'tTalTWMllr ppUr Imhm of lul medietas! mutt. Fur twm:uiuoaaiIiMuyiu&M.SGnBtor weaknesses, no rasUer haw GMUea er hew MTere. wfidoh stUdk the hiuaeo body, ui remedy In the wctld beo prompt-and UMravh la relievta. eating sad re- etonof as uw uoe j-iasies. Hn.lltlto.l end V is sal 07 UCI I'LA-STECS ewer hem er Irritate. iryeesaflef Spploae DOWi TOO 11 feel hspplef to. coofruw. tels good the aumeet pat en. ire sold br iaio tftklnsT PNprietotfl 'ellelti4 TfStUeoer ef tfeemeeede of people, I the oiHwuntu iocnujtinc seje oi tbuse piutbrs, mple ptvolel the txaui c4 this ssftsrUtm. BUT SEE tlERE. He. I'U.i ell men farina nj.leni Dontu ewii eiifaetitete w trakjtl u Hignslnrs of will be UMUtd on tbe gouulB toads. HOPPLASTCH Co.. PriOFairroam. BOSTON. JUapstww wees pee eev. AUt etjnswiert d.ilre Th Grave Gets Tlreel Tawnlnc, ssemlngly, fsr certain wretobatl invalids who toddle tesbly along! thoagh always loo king-a, If they were gelng to die, but omitting; to do It. Tost dry up, wither, dwindle awai tiasllr, bat la tbe meantime never hiring robust has, Jtb, know nothing of llie pbjilcsl enjoyment, tee est f that eilittnoe to -which tliey ollngwlth inch remarkable tenacity. Thev are always to tx.fooud trying to mend br tinkering at them, selrtiultb some trashy remedy, tenlo or "pleks mo up" to site a nlllp to digestion, or "help the Href." Ii moli misguided folks would- resort indtdbeftto Hoite'ttr's Utomseh Hitters It' would be well wltb them. This superb lnvlg- 01 snt supplies tbetttmiiis, that the Isebl re quite, by perBsTnebtly reinforcing digestion asd isimtIsUou. It ovtretnes nervoulaess, in semala, msMs, kdney complsluts, bllloaiasH Near riillndelplila. School Opcnti HvpMOth, Yeartr Gxponsq, 8500. Quarterly Paru..i,Sl"-.5. Admits and r luiIRct yount men and boyj at anr lime fits diem tar Batlneu. any Cotlnee, Polj-technU Scbtxil.fer Writ I'olrt o Advancwl claims In fhnki, fhirniry. Sunfirit, 1'lectrical t-c tlril Hninneerinir, CUssi I, MitlicMnAtlcs.cte. One of tt- berttsKiuJot uiA bell mariatTed Schod All ituJenu board with th frliulpal I eachen att men and graduate ff Rrat-cUu t ollnm Fine buildiiifi ; alng! ot dotib a athletic, etc Gymnasium Spetial xivtunitles fr aiK mdcnw tt ad vanre rarMir Yrivih tutimiier anil t-eoal drill tor bat I ward Una 1'alnm, ir ituVn may neleci an ituri.ef r a trMne.. 'oll"K fiMrs'nrv. LlsHtiiea!, oi Cirll-hnidnecric, course, hyslral and Chrrnlral laboratory Prw.tirl Itiilin ipantnett with 1eletfri by. Wruiaiv!. 1 j-wTaipg e- etc. More fully suptied ith ipi4U'u than any ! .uMec enliit v-honl aiedta idmy itTonl ery hona ,..., m iushiwi e)ini mi; Miinuigi riscuriiiro i .jwri errciT cava ! rietisin tiiiHti aural alio jisji ellli? si j CB,vJ5 ni " w an uet. swumr u ttWK i uipoc. a u. ws(vyiicswtr. oicw, rs- uinuitu i ui u&Ili. tilarvartl tsunuAie), lfiii.ipfll $!. e Year is the price of the Advo cate lor 52 weeks DlfAOQUAniTED WITH THE QBQ0RAFIT7 OF TUB COUNTRY, WILL ODTAOT MUOH VAHJABU3 DfFOEMATlON 7B0M A STUDY OT THX3 MAP OF W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR CENTLEMBM. Fine Celt. Hpiitt Laced Grain nnd Cree4 moor Wntcriiroof. hosl in inn world. Mnnunv me SS.00 OBMIINB HANl-HiaVKI H1IOB. Be.00 IIAND-SKWI!1 WKI.T H1IOK. StS.GO POMCK AND PAltMKItN' 8IIOB. IIZ.OO l.A iltrt VAMir. I'Al.r BIIMI?;. fti WmtKINIlMKN'K HIIOES. B2.00 nml 1.1K llOVS' SCHOOL. HUOB All msle In Congress, Button end Lace. $3&$2 SHOES ufrjsls. S1.7S SHOE rOIl MIBSEH, Vlest MetnrlM. Ttrst Btvlx. Best Flttln. Yl. x.. rjouglas, Brocktoiv Mass. Sold J Adam Mohrkam &on, Agents, LKIIIOIITON. THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY. Including main linos, branches and extensions East and West of the Missouri River. Tbo Direct Route to and from Chicago, Jollet, Ottawa, Peoria. La Salle, Molina, Hook Island, In ILLINOIS Davenport, Muscatine. Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, DooMoinea.WlnterBot, Audubon Jlorlan.ond Council Bluflb, In IOWA Uinneanollo and Bt. Paul, In MINNESOTA Watertown and EUpus Falls, In ond d Sic Miasouni- XlULLjIllllOUn, W1UUIH1, XlUMUVlllO, AUHOIIO, vv 04., ... AAliaU fUtta ureoic, liing-ustior. jfort Bono, in tne imiiiah 'i-siucituiii-ana uoioraao Springs, Denvor, Puoblo, In COLORADO. FEEB Rncllnlnn; Chair Cars to and Irom Chicago, Caldwell, nutchlnson. and Dodg;o City, and Palaco Sleep ing Cars between Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Traverses new and vast areas of rich farming and grazing lands, affording tho best facllltloa of Intercommunication to all towns and cities east and west, northwest and southwest of Chicago, and Pacific and tmnsoceanlo Seaports. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Leading all comoetltoi s in splendor of equipment, oool, wall ventilated , and r j- . . in. . V- r ....... Di.IImbh llln . T3" Tl T. L n..llHlni. Chair Oars, and It Tina M nlna ilinnnl! 1 sua xopoKa. Dpiencuu uixung oui-s) west of Missouri River. and Toneka. Bplendld Dining furnishing meals at seasonable hoursl west of Missouri River. rnla Bxcurslons dally, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to und from Gait atels ifurnlshmg nallHii-nla. Tllirniirsrr Lalia, Ogdon. Portland, Los Angelee, and San Pranctsoo. The DIRECT LINE to find from Pike's Peak, Manltou, Qarden of the Qq&u, the Sanltort time, and Hconlo Qrandoura of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, i ana Solid Express Trains dally between Chicago and Minneapolis and St, Paul, Tuiionuu ueoiinipg cnair cars luuiatij 10 ona irom inoeopoinia ana iaa city. Tnrougo unbir uor ana uieepar oocween l"onn, cspintiBKo, Sioux Palls, via Book Island. The Favorite Uno to Pipestone, Water- vrithTt u.ons unit I town, Sioux Falls, and the Summer Ro sorts and Hunting and Fishing Qroundo of the Northwest. THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Atohieon, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Mlnnoapolls, and Bt, Paul. For TickeU, Maps, Folders, or desired Information, apply to any Ticket Office in the United States or Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, . GttsralXsasftsi JOHN SEBASTIAN, QU1QA.Q O, UU Oeti'l VUkH Psss. ESS? RNE(oL0ns1HAT .ilEI'JlEOMU i )"r,WflRH OUT ? Nor Fads ONLV 5 Sold bydruggistS Al.HH rF.F.nLKSs nnoNzr. i-aists-o coisrs, PKERLKSH LAUNDRY III.IIINO. ' PKEULGSS INK POHDEILS - (Kinds T Coisrs. PEKULKSS HIIOK AND llAHMXS DUKSelSO. PKEllLKSa tUU 11IKJ-3 Colors. $20FaYoriteSin2el Sewlnq Machine. HIGH AllM $25.00. Each Machine lias a drop leaf, fancy covtr, two large drawers, with nickel ring, and a full set of Attachments, equal to any Sis per Machine cold from S40 t $60 by Canvavsers. Atrial in your home be fore payment is asked. Buy direct of the Manu facturers and save agents' profits besides getting certificates of warrantee for five yean. Send for testimonials to Co-operative Sewln)Maoblc( Co., 269 S. nth St., Philadelphia, Pa. OTE FAT rUEJ.tlIIT.-En pATARRH I We here a remedy that wilt CURE CATARRH. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. Our faith Ism strong that ve wm semi treatment oa trial. Send for Treatise and full particulars. Address, The Hill Chemical Co., 3860 Falrmoiiiit At., PMU., Tt or Falling Sicinss CAN ba CURED. W. will SENn FREE bv mall a tare. TRIAL BOTTLSj .... . . .... nn U m, DON'T SUFFER ANY LONGER I GlrePotlO. fiee. Sute and County, nJ Ate plalnlf. Address, THE HALL CHEMICAL CO., So Falnnounl Avenue, Philadelphia,!. riTS IsssssH Ml m Wr m H 1 UBl rld. Oar tciUtiMu MY tbt world. ur rmciliUMu nequtlml, tut4 lo lntr4M aprfor rooda t will K4rf) IOOII riKSAsT la MCh Uttlttr, eatt,bov. Oalr wko WTttu to na tt one can tntvk tor H RSthacbaiic AllTbTtUdtt nturo la to itaow oar rdg 14 c; t&oa wno can royr "fbn m ud thoit (round 70. Tm bt ""irtQiilair ef tbla dnrttittBa hwi th aU mt tbt Uit Tba fbllwta( nt firt tbt tppttrtnet tflt rtdkcta tt tUat th flfttatb ptrt Ita balk. II 1 t vraiia. dMblt lat talt Itrra tt Mr to rtnr. IT will tlao abow 701 bow ) at mtk t from 83 t 8 1 U 1U7 tt from lb tUrwftb. tat tiptritac. Bttttr writt tt one, ffi jty t ti prtu tnra. 4irMa U. ILLUeKTT CO,, UoxHbO, WMUID, bUlT $1 13 WEEKS. Tho POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed eeurely wrapped, to any address in th Uni, ed States for three months on receipt of One Dollar. IJberal dl-couut nllnwed to nmtniastera crttliiK tin clulu. Haniplo miiles mailed free, Address i'l orders !' llK'llAI(I) K VOX. May XMOll FuankmN BqVakb, N. V, ELY'S CATARRl Cream Balm Cleanie s the Nasal Fassau'es, AllaJs Fain ana Inflammation Heals the Sores- Restore! the Sense of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURB AY-EE VCR A parttrle U anpllfd Into ech notrll and is aifrti'iiWe. I'rico CO tents t drugslsts; bymallj rfjilHtered. GOets. ELY llltOTUHItS, 50 Warrtn KU, Sew Tor, august 17, 1880 Wi'iCHIVl DH"' rii IP? For 18S0, Some people agree with The Run's opinions about men mill tliiiikn. xiid some people dont; but pveobwl) llki'6 to get bold of tbe newspaper which Is never dull and never afraid to speak Its niluU. Democrats Anow that fnr twenty years Tnn 8ux has foiiKh: 111 tlw fiont line fur Democratic principles, nevtx waierlug or weakening in ita loyalty to tho true luU iesU of the party it serre wlth fearless lutrlllKenru anil disinterested vit or. At times haye dllfered as to (he, best meausof accomplishing the common pure poje; It Is not TiiK sl n s fault If It lias seen fur ther Into the millstone. Klghteen tmndrejl and ninety It the. yeartbat will probably deteruilne the result of tbe Pre) dentlal election of IMl, ami perhaps the fortunes pf the Democracy for the rejt of, the century Victory In 19W l a duty, ami the beglnalnt ef 1 e Is the best time to start out III company wltb! TiiiMun. Dally, per monlh .". e.M Dally, er year e.os Sunday, per year 2.00 Dally and Sunday, iwr year (.o Dally awl Sunday, per I'loulli...., 0.10 Weeltly Sun.oiwvear IN Address TUB SUN, New York. ' fllf circulution is growing mJ LLL because wo furnish all the latest local news in the but styl Auofflt us.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers