Itetorxi m Beoad-Cli llntlm at ks hlgbtoa I'Plt-OlBc. The Carbon Advocate X.KUIQHTOM, rENKA. Rates for Legal Advertising i Charter Nolteee Auditor's Notices. Commissioner's Notlsts -Divorce Notices Administrator's Notices faecutor's Nottics f 400 s oo i oo SATURDAY. JANUAUV 20. 1890. lit rial Circulation Lsrrer than that at aar Weekly Newspaper In ' i the County. IK ri5AKla of tbo changing Dolltlcal complexion ot the south and tha future of the colored race Gen'l. Armstrong In a recent address delivered himself as follows: "In the fonr Southern States which have a negro majority. It Is sometimes believed that the negro vote Is annihilated; but It ti not. Political discussion has awakened the negro. The tremendous difference made In the llfo of the ex-slave by the The undertaking of the construction Of the Manitoba and Montana Central IUI1 road through the mountains was another theme for dlscnsslon and approbation. Much of the credit for this gigantic under taking Is due to Col. C. A. Broadwater and J. J. mil. of St. Paul. One Of te pas- 1 55 sengers knew all about these coloisat Dnn- l . . . i 4 Oo I ciers ana men oi pnenoininai courage ana undertaking, mil, formerly as a freight handler on ths road of which he Is now president, and Col. Drovdwater driving an ox team through the Missouri and Prlcktv Pear Canton where now resounds the thrill echo ot the mighty and swift locomotive This wss nearly twenty years ago. What changes are wrought In a few short rears by the Ingenuity of a an t It seems that that the one Is the reflection of the others genius. To their combined enargy this gi gantic undertaking owes Its completion, and It Is no exageratlun to say that It Is a monument attesting their business sagacity and the courage they manifested finds Its reward In the large returns opening from franchise can only be appreciated dj one .. ,, for thB d, u not far d,Unt who has been In touch with Southern when iufflclent pM,enger traffic, attracted pontics, nio negro is using uis bv the maenlDccnt scenery through which liberty more than is general y supposed, u pM$e wi w thfl ronnDg expenses of aau im uroiuS u. , .UiU. ..... . ,. M. G. v n. iu road bed Is eniootli and solid and ene rides over It with as much on In a small way all oyer the South. In many Instances crsro minorities have nnlted'wlth thebevor whites for municipal reform. This prt,rejlva movement is from within outn ml, anil Is almost un known and unnoticed In t' North Cable Tery properly points out the Co. ' of the social rlchls of the negro preva... it In the South. But our common human nature Is reconstiuctlve force, comfort as some Eastern road. Twenty-Ate miles from Great Falls the Gates of the ountalns," are reached. From this place on until the termini of the railroad, the romantic soul-craving scenery and sights of Imaginary grandeur can be hold sufficient of the real to satisfy an longing. It Is simply magnificent. The and the reconstruction will come, and here scenery of the canons through which the fr.ln ih npern'a seemlt.i? disadvantage train passes. As we entered the first Hie baa been his real advantage, or. as a gifted" superior grandeur to what bad been seen colored orator put It: Thank God for reflected Itseir like unto me enuigent ray Africa In America instead of a dark con of glorious "Old Sol" breaking across tlnent forever shut In upon itself." the eastern taorlxon. Imagine the ej e in a narrow passage carrying one to exaitea During tho week Judge Dreher handed I cliffs, or single Isolated battlement of rocks dowu an opinion reducing ths value of coal reflecting varied hues and colors, "like lands from $200 to $105 per acre. This .., fmm ,,.- hlch rise. 11, r....o Ik..,, ii.i xn In ManM. Hhlink I " -v., tnwn.hln U7.e45 00. Lanilord boroneli I from some snow bank" standing forth. J28.3S5.00 and Summit HIU $31,385.00. Curves of marvelous twists and tunnels We would not object to buying a fow acres M0 no unu,ul thing. Shrubby little pines oi coai lauus si ouugu urcuci vaiuc I . -I.... 1,111. mnA ill. ,,! In il, .in Th-n.,MwH. vnn mnM r.l.P cover these hills, and ti ls adds totneva would be worth that much. From Lanr rled objscu of Interest. There are few ford Record. I scenes that can surpass the wondrous The opinion aboyo referred to, alio re-1 beauty and sublime iusplring greatness of duced the taxable valuation of the large these canons with the bustling and jostling Coal Breaker of the Coxe's, at Beaver I Missouri weuolng Its way onward, en ward Meadow, from $20,000 to $10,000, and also I onward, and here It Is goodly sized reduced the assesssd valuation of all the I stream. other Corporations In about the same pro portion, There appears to be a marked 1 tendency to Iccrzase the taxes on the oc cupation of the laborer, and on his. little bouse and lot (if lie has one), and reduce the taxes of the big Companies. How is this? Will some one be kind enough to explain It? xi Tnr Catidok Advocate has been ac cused of "having a baud" In the matter of sending circulars to memoers of the school boards In the several boroughs and townships in the county, derogatory to the the services of T. A. Snyder, as County Superintendent of Pnblic Schools. Ke- gardless of what our opinions on this que tlon may be, we einpbatlca'l; refute al! such charges as fabrications. When we have anything to say on matters of public Importance we propose to say It through these columns. The Advocatk Is free, fearless and Independent, and scores such methods as ate resorted to bj cowardly trlckstsrs who lack the moral courage to be " self-confessed." We pursue no un derhanded course. The circular referred to was not printed in this ofBce, nor else where, with our knowledge. This is Indeed God's country for scenery. It is worth a visit. People may rave and crow about Alpine or European scenery ane tbelr beauties, but It cannot have su perlor attractiveness than those famed sights that pertain to the Grand Old Kocklee of our own country sights, so wondrous that the very power of thought or description is staggered Nature In such manifold forms, with Its envelopments and twisting, Its altitudes and precipitations, battlements, curves and heights that man In awe wonders whence and hew Oh I Na ture has thou derived these staggering ex cellenclcs. Through the clear transparent atmos ohere before the " Gates " are entered are beheld the Devil Bock a large rock stand Ing alone, as It were this Is seen for miles awav. There Is some legend connected with this freak, but It was not our fortune to get possession of it. This sight we know not bow describe, nor will we at tempt it. Up over the summit and down through vale and valley past gold aad silver mines Into Helena Helena, noted for Us fabu lous wealth, fine modern buildings, the stirring times enacted upon Its site in ear lier days last Chance Gulch, a city of 18, 000 people having in amount of dollars a larger bank deposit than Cleveland, Ohio, hai with. Its 200,000 people. Think of it. Helena, yes, busy Helena truly a Queen City a city on the side of a mountain just at the base of Mount Helena, which looks like a great heap of something cloud, we were almost going to say over the little city. But not to be partial, the attraction of all attractions at this placets the Broadwa tr Hotel and Hot Springs. In excellence and real merit it beats " all hollow '' the BROADBRIM'S J. Y. LETTER. As I sat writing at ray desk on Tuesday last a funeral possession passed the window which had caused a profound sensation In ceartaln quarters of the city. A few months ago a youcg girl carao to New York on a visit to her aunt. She had been a school teacher at home, but her health falling she was compelled to abandon her school and come to tins clt) for rest, lief aunt with whom she made her home was a convert to a christian science, and she per suaded her niece that there was really noth ing the matter with her, that her sickness was only a matter of the Imagination, nothing more, and that as soon as she tal ly rea'ized the fact the disease, whatever it was, (if there was any such disease), would lake wings to itself and fly away. In or der to fully disabuse her mind ot the hal lucination that she had anything the mat ter with her they compelled her to get up at five o'clock in lbs morning, light the fires, scrub the floors on her knees, wash off the sidewalk, and give other evidences of freedom from all Imaginative supersti tion. A strict course of diet was proscribed of a character so tight that a two weeks old chicken would have died on lu Meat was forbidden, tea and coffee were tabooed, butter was prohibited, and the poor crea ture, under the scientific acnl, lingered until Sunday when, starved to dalli, she passed away The day before her death she lit the fires and prepared breakfast for the entire family. This aud the death ol a young lady on Madison street, Brooklyn. the wsek before under precisely similar circumstances, set me thinking. I had in vestigated the Faith Curists when Jansen and Olsen were tried aud Imprisoned In Brooklyn for denying medical aid to per sons dying In their hors.-s, and I could not see a particle of difference between the Ig norant Fatth Curists and the Scientific Christiaus. I don't like to be thought ig norant on any subject, and won't be If I have a chance to Investigate It, and as it Is a matter which at the present limn excites a very great interest in certain quarters 1 thought I would Dud out If possible the difference between the two The faitl cure Is very easily understood, the theory being that the Lord made us, we are his creatures; if he did not want us to be sick we would not bo sick, and If he did want us to be sick all the powets of earth could not help us. It he wanted us to live we would live, and If he wauted us to die we would die. In fact It was little short of a sacrilege to alu:sipt to Interfere with the will of the Almighty. Now, this is no new doctrine, It is the fatalism of the Mussul man, old as Mahomet, whose followers say to-day. "Al ah wills It." This Is the be ginning and the end. But It antedates Mahomet, Away back In the musty pages of the Vedas, heavy wlih the grime of centuries, the same inflexible law pre vails, "God wills 1U" A uir.i fbesunted to Congress by a South Carollnla member Is as ridiculous as It Is unreasonable. It calls for the pro Vision of a $5,000,000 appropriation for the purpose of removing all members of the colored race from United Stales territory and landing them In the land of tbelr fore fathers six thousand miles away. This Is a magnificently beautiful scheme, in the wind of the South Carollnla man, a won derful creation of brain woik considering that the negro population numbers 8,000, 000 and Is on the Increase at the rate of 270,000 souls annually. A little practical common sense must show the most Ignorant the absurblty of the I double barreled Legislature that has been scheme, and stamp the Individual from on exhibition here for some time, and it South Corallna a buying ass. Tub election ot 'aiihful, Intelligent and energetic ineu to I1 - r.'Ynai elective offices In the borough should I1) jr!m ary effort of every voter. llelegaUt visits and rattle bones to the rsar and adyanre energy, ambition, push and enterprise, even Peats a sort of a fellow who, as pre siding officer of the Montana Senate tbe call him Lieutenant Governor decided, as " Friday " would have done at the command of a Crusoe, bis muter. that seven senators constitutes a majority of sixteen. Ethics nor parllamentarv practices restrained the Sundav School opportunities for general siiMrlnt.ndent to refrain from so flaeran improvement ana conunueu auvancemeni. an 0UtrtS8 ,R1tnit peoples rlghu. A ana tuey suouia oe tanen advantage 01. ..r,.m n nnAAA .a . v,M f.n Come, shake off this drowsy feeling, we've on h,. knM. Poor Lieutenant Governor. been resting too long. No town whose inhabitants doubt Its ability to grow, will never snake any Im provement. Tbey seldom undertake any thing when they have an Idea that it cannot be done. AH success springs from push and energetic action. Gettowoikl Lit the agitation of a Board of Trade continue. It Is a necessary adjunct to every live town, and just now we need some such Institution to scrape off the rustyness that clogs the wheels of progressive enter prise. AN INTERESTING LETTER FBOH THE TAll WEST. pitiable object what a contrast between of to-day and the same man' a montb ago. Then a respected aad honored citizen, now sneered at and detested by more than Jorlty of the citizens of Montana. Then so honored, now in aucn puiaoie aonor ance. But such is fate. The Sunday School Superintsndent it politics seems to be a falluie all around, but then Judas Is carlot too, was a failure only he hung himself. Broaawater Hot Springs Is wbat the theme was. Great! Indeed, Greatll The Hotel is a fine structure, in the midst of flower beds and winding walks. It is lighted by electricity. Thus It presents dszzllng and inviting appearance. It has its private baths and fine suit of rooms, 180 (Correspondence of Tn Advocate. Helena, Montana, 1, 15. 1600. It was at Greai Falls that an Influx of I of them, each furnished with hot and cold passengers was received going to Helena, water. The plunge bath, that's It, It is the Queen Citv of the Kockies, as the en- immense. For fifty cents one Is permitted thuslasts are wont to call It. As ths train to Indulge In a luxury not only exbillara- pulled out of the city of destiny, dragged tin end Invlgloratlng, but the effects of by a mammoth mogul up tbr grads which I which is greater by far than lbs elixir of attains the apex of tbft mountain, some- '" known as the Brown Sequard cure. thing line 5,000 feet above the level of tide water, an atmospheieof socially began to feign Jhroughout the Pullman. On this occasion there were several unusual types of character on our train : the one a cul tured miner, the other a strapplug mine owner, the third an ex-judge and others amongst them a railroad man. The smo Iter of a sleeper Is alwats a peculiar stud) to an observer. The future of Montana was under discussion, aud all agreed that An immershn in this body of hot water, belching as it does right from the bowels of the earth, and covering a space of 150 by 350 feet, Is a purifier; it cleanses, cot only the body, but Its tempeiaturs and chemical composition Is such that it pos- sssses medicinal qualities equal, If not su perlor to those of Arkansas Hot Springs The Broadwater Hot Springs, from a cu rable stand point, that Is for Invalids, or the sickly, Is preferable to the Arkansas Its future was a bright one. Tbey talked Springs from the fact that a damp atmos ot its history. Its nut and It. fniure. and ubere that Infests ao altitudt of but 800 the time to corns when all its sterile plalus ft, " lodging place at au altitude ol nlll relnlm m,l !,!!! tf. nniW th m nf I s.iiOO feet above tidewater, Arkansas Irrigation. Springs but 800, The en presents a dry Amidst the fumes of tobsxeo smoke and atmosphere, the other a damp climate. ilia opMsIon.l nauiM of that other thine. Qulujk difference with tbe preference not all talked, talked well of politics, silver bill. uecer to designate. The building is of commercial growth and aspirations w to Moorish deslgn-tbebub lis 100 by 300 feet th. mnnntiln fJtatM fntur.. Globules of and U sapolled by 1.000,000 gallons of bot wisdom and wit flew to and fro. It was I er "', reduced to a temperature of 80 mln.r.1 .a,lM.IH,r.l rfM.lon4.nti NegTeM. It 1 the largest plUUgS bSlb In and the conclusion, unanimous, was that but a small part of tbe new States wealth was known, or had been told. With It many million dollar out-put of precious metals alone it stands at tbe bead of tbe galaxy of producers, and to the Individual It produces more wealth Uiaa an; other 8lU to the Union. tbe world. The hotel made to run .and appurtenances to cost $315,000. It le simply Immense. It Is a xreat thing, and as Immense and great as It is, it will re ward iu progenitor, Col. C. A. Broadwv ttr. who seems to possess tbe faculty to posh Vottnpkllos fn' things. TiuU. SMAXBt But what la the difference between this aud Christian science? "Ab, there's the rub." I tried to think, I couldn't. I tiled to analyse, I couldn't. So, as I wished to understand It, I thought I would consult one deep In lht mysteries of the new re velation which professed to be several millions of miles in advance of . tbe Faith Cure. Madam L Is a professional scientist, It was to her Mlaa B was taken who died last week. She has explored Its mysteries as far as bumau Investigation can posslblv go and is kn haitort with the inhabitants of tbe other world aud knows all about Ihem. She is hardly thirty and fair to look upon, of commanding presence, al most six feet high, turning the scale at tno hundred, yet sweetly womanly withal, with latge mi'ltlug blue ejes and a voice tuned low and sweet. Sho Is just sUch an angel as any ordinary inoital would be happy to meet hereafter. Two dollars and a half was tbe consultation fee, but what was that, a mere bagatelle for the solution of tbe most abstruse scientific problem of the age. Having laid down my two dol lars and a half, which was immediately covered by a paper weight, the doctor looked at me serenely and said, "Proceed sir, wbat Is it you wish to know?" wish to know, doctor," I replied, "the dlf ference between Christian science and Faith Cure." "Oh. my dear sir," su said, "there is not the slightest resem blsnce between them. One has a bllud belief in tbe supervising power of tbe Almighty, the other soars Into the etupy rean Immensity, and holds a spiritual com uiuulon with the supernal powers of tbe Infinite. Tbe one means Ignorance, tbe other intelligence; the one means light, and the other darkness, hyperborean, Im penetrable, vast, unfathomable, never end lug. Let me explain. The spirit, or as Vuu would say the life of the man, is the crystallsed essence of the Infinite. This etbrreat and purified concentration Is not created, is not bom; It always existed, and and always will exist, for it contains with in itself the vitalized powers of indestructi bility wbich Is the primary and distinguish ing characteristic of the Infinite himself. of which man is iudissolubly a part. Tbe Infinite is indestrnctlble; matter can be annihilated, or if not annihilated, at least so changed in form that can be said no longer to exist. Now matter is com posed of -molecular particles which iu themselves are Incapable of pleasttie or pain; a stone when struck feels no pain. It never Las the headache or neuralgia; it never weeps or laughs; and why, do you ask; because tbe stone lacks tbe vltallzis spirit of tbe Infinite, which In all creation Is man's distinguishing and sole character istitc. Life permeates all nature, the trees, the grass, tbe animal creation high and low, from l he most infinitesimal molecule seen by tbe highest power microscope to the whale who rolls his ponderous Immen sity In the unfathomable deep, all are vital with life, but It Is not the life of man. i u moiecuiar tissues that couimpose them may be chemical! the same, but the ethereal Quid Is lacking, tbe essence of the InOalte la not there. Tbe one Is of tbe earth, earthy, and tbe other is of heaven, heavenly. .Matter of Itself Knows nothing and feels nothing. Matter being the lower power, shonld be always subject to tbe higher power, which Is tbe mind. It Is tbe soul, tbe spirit of tbe Infinite, wblch being sublimated and ethereallzed is alone capable of Impression, or as you would say feeling. T ere Is a constant conflict rag ing between mind and matter; mlud should control umter, not matter control mind. Hence It follows that tbe positive exercise or tbe higher power Is bound to control the lower power, and therein lies tbe solution of tbe problem you seek." There was a small electric battery on her table." Look at this," she said, laying her hand upon If, "feel It. You see noslitnof life. I press this button, and It becomes radiant with vitality; listen to its voice, it Is singing tbe anthem of the Infinite which greeted me morning star. Feel Its throb bing puUe. You can see nothing, but the bean beal thrills you like the messsge front eupiher world. This Is Christian science. This is tbe mystic talisman which It to prlsf jn U)M ajojer etp- amnion with Nature, whhdi Is God, wheie matter shall be annihilated, and mlLd shall b supreme, and God shall be alt In all." I rose stunned and dazed and walked away. I was of the earth, earthy evidently, fnr 1 had the jumping toothache, a sharp pain in my back, sciatica lu my left leg, and this with an ugly turn of the srlp and a few-minor Ills, terved me with unmis takable notice that I am still several miles this side of Paradise, with every prospect of remalng there for some time to come. I know It Is only Imagination, but It feels just as bad as If It was re.l. I suppose it Is all right. I can only say that matter has got the better of me, It Is true that my mind at the present lime it not In first- class condition, but my matter Is l.iQultcly worse oil than n-y mind, and my matter succeeds In making my mind exceedingly uucomtortable. I know It ought nut tv le so, but tt Is so. and what are you going to do about It? I'm out two dollars and a half a martyr to Christian science. Per haps it may come back to me In the In- Sulteslmal affinity of Infinitude, or per haps It Is disso ved In the indissoluble mole- ular molecules. I'm going to wait and see. Now you know Just as much about Christian scieuce as 1 do, at much less cost; bo grateful and await for tLo develop ment. Brother Elbrldge Gerry, the president of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty o Children, Is again on the war-path, ai,d has laid an embargo on the appearance i f a lot of little children In the spectacular opera of Bluebeard, Junr. Tbe specially of the children Is the scene of the old woman who lived In the shoe. They sing a iiui aery. souk, and dance a little dunce, and enjoy the fun as much as the audience. i'helr act does not take fifteen )ulnutes. Tbey are well fed, well clad, and well cared for, and as well behaved as any children In the city; while In tbe theatre tbey are better cared fot aud their morals are more carefudy supervised than when they are al school, and all children playing parts In theatres are remarkable for their good manners and behavior, but Mr. Geiry fears that their morals might be affecu-d by the associations of the theatre and so prevents Ihem from getting an honest living. Night after night I cross the great Brook Ivn Bridge. The streets are wet and sloppy. the air is miserably cold around the en trances to the bridge in New Tork aud Brooklyn; children swarm there; little boys and cirls, six, seven and eight years ot age they sell papers, some a-e well clad and well shod, others have no shoes and their clothes are In tatters. Why does not Brother Gerry look out for these Utile waifs? He took Joseph Iloff man from the stage of the Metropolitan Opera House when lie was earning a thousnnd. dollars a week playing on the piano. He was quar tered in the finest suit ef rooms In tbe best hotel in New Tork, with hls fatbci, mother, a nurse, a valet, aud a special plij- slciau to look after him, and Gerrv sent him back to German i, Involving Ilenr Abbev, Hoffman's manager, lu a loss of over fifty tliousai'd dollars, for fear his health would suffer. If the Society forthe Prevention of Cruelty to Children wauu work, mercy knows there is plenti of it ju New -Tork aud Brooklyn. Last week 1 took a stroll t irough Little Italy, which Is a section uf Mulberry street, running Iron, the five points to Canal street, There is no other street scene like-It In America. Within rifle-shot of the Bowery and Canal street, two of tbe greatest thoroughfare in New York, Is a section of tbe town al most as unknonn to tbe great body of Ned Yorkers as tbe shores of the Congo br Zaui besta. In five minutes "after .leaving' the Bowery you feel that you have passedTinto another land and are among another peo ple. Beetle-browed ruffilans from Sicll and Corsica, murderous looking banditti from Calabria and the Pyrenees, lazaron, from Naples, wharf-rats from Genoa, nang era on from Venice, Pisa, Palermo and Rome crowd tbo rickety tumbledown tene ments on either side, Kyer patois frou Home to Malta can be heard and bad types of every ltomlsh province can be found. Low drinking shops abound, tbe streets are filled with hucksters' carts and are strewn with reluse and decayed vegetables. The rules tbat apply to the streets of New York are completely Ignored here, for Paddy Dtvver or Fatty Walsh, who divide the pi litical honors of this bailiwick, would have the policeman broke who attempted to en force them. Children unkempt, ragged and dirty swarm In the streets like the locusts of Egypt ; peace is unknown, violence is the rule, and little gamins and wild street A tabs of eight and ten rarry their stllleioi- alwavs ready for use In rase of a brawl Here Is work for BrotherGerr . Ileathei darker than Africa's night fallow ground tor mission errorl and tneunrlstiaii ploughs. i ne itev. n. nyiance, or si. Jtfark r Episcopal Church, whose character a atsalled by one of tbe members of his con Kiegatlon, and who was compelled lore sign, has been fully vindicated. Thi conspiracy to ruin him was exposed and In has been received back with open arms b his congregation. Brooklyn is making great preparations tor a public receptu n of Ur. Talmage oi his return from the Ho y Land. No doub it will be a bumper, for the Key. Ooctoi i a ravorite in urooklyn. The weather has been some days Hki summer and others like wiuler, but tut grip still holds on. Iam jours, truly, BROADBRIM. WHAT SCOTT'S EMULSION CURES CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUCHS COLDS Wasting Disoaccfl Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many hfivo gained ono pound per &&f by its use. Scott's Emulsion in hot a secret romody. It contains tlici stimulat ing properties of tho Hypoplios plnlcB and puro Norwogifm Cod Liver Oil, tno poloncy of both beinp; largely incroatiod. It is used by Physicians all over tho world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT A. BOYVNE, CrmmlBts, H.Y. GRAND CLEARANCE SALE. TO CLEAN OUT OUR STOCK OF Cents Furnishing Goods sm i which includes nn exccl'cnt assortment of tho very best "mado" Ready-Made Olofhing, wc hnvc cut figures roynrdiess of the prices they bring', with a view, first and inst. of'clenrint: out the stork. Tin hie reductions on first quit it goods moves sties quickly nuil ahvayu enriches the bujer. lie nho, carry n hi v ntcitnui:t ol BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and SLIPPPERS, HATS, CAPS, &c. The prices on these good will sp -nit for thems -lvs. Tpc ask you . ii i ' , I, . to can mm examine our s(oK and learn prices. E. G. ZERN, Opera 'House Block, Bank Street, Le'Mghton. 1 1 in LSEMaWHMaW HI 111 POWDER rieau ask your dealer for IDEAL TOOTH POWDER Four medals rocerred, each tbe highest. Aa Engraving 20.XZ4 without Adrsrtlslng WITH TU UUI'IUU). BEAK S VAIL BBOTIIEBS, Philadelphia, M'f'ri of Peep V Day Perfumn. POWDER Absolutely Puro at renct harm wboleaomeness. More economics! than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In roimietltlon with the multitude nf low lest, short welKht, alum or phosphate powders. Hold only In cans, ltoyal Baking 1'onder Company, 10 vr.iiini.reci. i. luneio P P tP Ui lii Uo CRTIS COUGH COMPOUND IT CURES! TRY IT ! For Sale by all Druggist. otlmntafM lb tarpld Hsr, 0trncth. a. tha dig-. .(It erffun. rsrulal sis, mail mra uncquatad as on ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. tf malarial if Utrlcta their Ylrtnanaro Id.l r.rasali.d, a tb.y poe nee In Treeing the oral. ne frans that laon. KI.Banilr auga Sold Everywhere Office. 4A Murray St.. Now York. FOB MEN QNLYS Tot LOST.rrAILIHO MANHOOD) Qentral tad BEBV0D8 VSIUTT Weakntiaof BodyaniKlod, Effects af Errflr. or Eiceuei In Oldor Tonsr. 3kMt. iltfcla BAMIOODNIIr HttUrtd. Ilw I. t4 Slrt.WIiI,t'SUKTIU)PIDOB(.SSriHTS0K0UI. Itulilill ..IUII( IIOIZ TKUTMST-Bmaii la br. Bl. U1II17 rrM SO mtA r.rtlf Culrlt. TTriU Ifcta. IfeMrletlt Bmi. f leliBKtU. prwhatlltdCMLtto'irrM. Mirm CRIB MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. MANSION HOUSE Opposite I.. U 8. Depot, BANK STREET, - LEtllGIITOK, O. H. HOM, PROPRIETOR. t his house otters first-lass accommodations toi rannlent and permanent boarders. It liHYbeen ewlv rrflttedln all its departments, and Is lncat d In one ot the most picturesque portion of the orumh. Terms moderate. rSC- The hAII Is up lied with Hit choicest Wines, Liquors and 'iBurs. Fresh tiger on Tap. apr 17-yl T. J. BRETNEY 'espectfiilly announces to the Merchants of Le Ighton and others that be Is now prepared to lo all kinds ot Hauling or Freight, Express Matter and Baggage On reasonable terms. Orders ole at Sweeny's Corner rttore or at my reslden cett I'INKHt.. near the Cemetery, III receive prompt atten- iih. rainmage sonruea. Administrator's Notice. Estate ot WILLIAM F. BEEVER, Deceased. Letters of Administration on tho estate ot Wm. F. Beeyer. late ot Er.inklln township, Car bon county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to J. W. If eller, residing hi sulci town ship, to whom all persons Indebted to wild es tate are requested to make payment, and thoso havlngclatin-t or dein t uds, will make the same Known without delay. J. W. If ELLER, Administrator S. R, QILITAM. Attorney. Welssport. Pa., Dec. 20., 89-cw PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauch Chunk & Lehlchton, Z. 11. 0. HOM, Proprietor. PACKERTON, - - - PsaKi. 1 his well-known Hotel Is admirably refitted, and las the best accommodations for Derailment and Excellent Tables and tlie ranslent boarders. ery best Liquors. Stables attached. 1uuS-yl MERCHANT'S GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES. VE not only (five the purchaser the best " roofing plates, but we piotecthlmt FIRHT By cuarantrelnE every box. SECOND B) stamping each sheet with tbe brand and thickness, THIRD By excludliiB wasters or detec tive sheets. FOURTII-Ry branding the net weight of Ihe 111 sheets 011 each box, to satlfy the rus toiuer (in this aire of liuht weight phites)tliat l( Is obtaining Full Weight. Fnr the benefit of those wanting the yen best rooflng plates, we assert, aud are pre- I wired to prove, that there are no other irauos of rooflue tin offered In the market to-day. by any firm under the four different guarantees given above by tins house, aim we challenge a public contradiction ot this statement. Our book oil Tin Roof will be furnished tree 011 application. MERCHANT & CO., PHILADELPHIA. CHKAOC. NEW YORK, LONDON. I W 3m 1 E. F. JLUCKE NBACll, PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PAPER IIANU. ING, HOUSE AND HIO.N PAINTING AND GRAINING. Competent workmen sent to any part of the county. IIEADqUABTBRS FOB. Wall FaDers. Borflers & Becorations Largs assortment, and the latest styles. Book Stationery, Fancy Goods WINDOW SHADES. All grades. Shade making and putting Dp Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. Ne. 61 BroaSway Hanch CM. Fa. !sv X Btoaaway Bom. Lehigh Goal & Hardware Go,, Coal, Hardware, Faints, Gil, Glass, Agricultural Implements and Hepairs, Field and Garden Seeds, Phosphates, &c We desire to call special attention to our DnnfiirW Mo Cement, Lime and HUUlEElg IOI09 Building 8and, A lull supply of which we have constantly on hand. Orders taken for Lumbei General AqonF. for the Imp. Anthony Wayne Washer &. Ironing Boards Seller's Corner, North Bank Street. GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. Fine Winter Good 3 HATS, CAPS, Boots & Shoes. TRUNKS, &c, Cassimeros, Vorstccls, Corkscrews, Cheviots, &c., &c. Satisfaction. There is tt rood deal of satisfactioi in lioititr ppifectly satisfied, and espec iitllv so in vcL'iivds to what Voti wear In this particular we invaiiitlilv mon than please1 our patrons. Our stock beinj; lingo, varied and complete give.1 satisfiietion i making n choice ot goods desiiod. while in stle. finish and nork manship our reputation speaks lar more eloquently than word. Call on us for your run aim inter nothing Light or Heavy Overcoats, Suits or parts 01 hints. Trices alwavK the Lowest ! Clauss Bros., THE TAILORS Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. 1 All IS HEADQUARTERS FOR- GENERAL HARDWARE. Paints, Varnishes, Glass, ALL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Leliijjhton, Pa OO TO SWEENY'S "Corner Store" Bottled Gherkins, w ct Pick- es, Ohow-Chow Onions, Table Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds ofchoico Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware &c. It'e lead, both In low prices nd Quality 0 soods. Our larce stock Is displayed to d vantage, an Item wblch ourchsuers wll rurutiuiy greatly apprucime. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. KOCH & SHAIRWEILER, HOTEL ALLEN BUILDING. Hud Every Word Carefully. We. liave takrn lUU medium of announcing our GREAT CLKAltANCE SALE, tin- OreaieK eer lield In 1 lie Lelilj;h Valley. We are determined no lo rarry one dollar's worth of Wmler Goods. The enormous reductions we have made and quote helo, will drw llie greairsl crowd even seen In an Cloililim Store In the Vall . We will icve yo an opi'ort unity of saving nuny dolla's on Clothing for yourse f or 0111 hoys Al OVEItCOATS and othe' heav goods mini go. we are uaiiiliii; prices 10 (' Our Counters. If j ou want to make your mono.- do ilm heti ponllile rvlce, ilun'i hu unlit jou see us. Lot No. 1. 500 Hoys' Overcoats. Former price l.M. 2.00, 2 TS,.V, 4.00,4.73 ami 0.51. Keduced to 93, 1.26, 1.T5, 2.IS, 2.B0, 3.00, 00. hot No '.I. 12U0 Men's Overaoata. 1 Ilseular price 6.M, 8 SO, 10.00. 12 SO. 15 01 and 18 no Kmliired to 3.50, 0 00, 7.00, 8.75, 10.00, 12 00. Younu men now U your cluiiee. audi slaujEliturinic prices you never heard of. hot No. 3. 2o() Silk and Satin Lined Overcoats. Riirular price 12.00, 15.00, 18.01, 30 00, 23.00. airm imil snit . lie luted U S.W. 10.00, 12.50, M.60, 18 50, jo.oo ami 21.50. Lot No. 4. 235 Storm Coats fir Men and Boys. Former price coo. cm,, 1200, n.00 uml u.o). lii- luwl to 3,50, o.oo, 7.0s, rjso. 10.50, 12.00. Mulliere be un Iminl with your boys, mii'li liaric.tlu we h ire never olfcred before. Lot No. 5. 445 Ho j s Suits. Regular prlccUS, 2.28,3.00, 3.75, 4 J0.5.7. .60hiicI 724. Kedueed to 1,0), 1.2S, l.U, 2.25, 3.00, S.76. 4.01) mid 4.7S. w Lot No. G. 500 Men's Suits. It j sure to bo on time ns wine lots will not List loiix. lhtilUr I'riee 6.78, 00, too, is.00. 12.50. 15.0n. 18.00 mid 20.00. KedllWtl to 3 50, 4 00, 5.80, 7.UO, 9 00. 1 l.Ol, 13.50 and 15.00 I ct No. 7. GOO Pair Single 1'ants. In all sizes, reduced to les than co'.l J" m milf.iclure. 1'ormnr price 11,2.00,20.3 00, 3,73, 4.50 500, S,75hlld 7.50. Iteltuctd 10 1 OU, 1 .25, 1 7ft, 2 CO, 2.60. 3.O0, 3.50, 4.50 and 5.S6. Lot No ii. 2 )0 Mjiglt Coats lor .Uun and Hoys. Jteduerd to l.oo, l.M, 2.00 and 2.50. HlngU vents ns low as 25 cents. Lot No. 9. 425 I'air of Knee Pants. Regular price CO. 0, !.00, 1.25 and 1.60. ltedured to 40, 50, SO, 75 and 1.00. ' Lot No. 1 0. b50 Styles of Suitings, I'antaloonings.Overcoatings. Ou- of these we are maklne milts, trotiwa and ovcioo.its i lo order, that for price, quality, and style cannot be louchfd IfOntsles Insulthiiie. Joruiei pi lev too, 15.00,, 20.00.M.OO, 23.00 ind " 2S.O& ifedueed to .W, 10M, 12.00. 11 ft). 17.00, 19.50 and 22.00. Lot No. 1 1 Includ, s a complete line of Gents Furnishings. Bh as Kuit Jackets. Underwear. Ihwtery,, Fia.msl shirts, Dress Shirts, Neckwear. K.OOH & hSANKWEILBH, Lamest and Leading GlctUm Hodsp in the Valley, Hotel Alien building. ALLBNTOWN, Pa. Hemsy lies vVeissporf Planing tViif, MANUFACTURER QF Window and Door Frames Doors, Shutters, Blinds, ashes, Mouldings, Brackets, AND DEALER lit Ml KiiiuS of Itari Lb Shingles, Pailings, Hemlock Lumber. &e., &c. Very Lowest Prices. -AT THE Central Drug Store, OFF. THE rUBLIC SQUARI Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., IS HEADQUARTERS FOB Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, Ac, Choice Wines and Liquors, Largest Assortment of Library Lamps 1 Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! When jou buy a pair ot Shoes you want a good lit. But If TOU need SPECTACLES H Is much more Important that the; KTK should M accommodated with correct lenses and a proper iv fitting frame which will bring ths lenses di rectly before tho centre of the eye. It youkuy your spectacles at Dr. Horn's you will flat Iks above points properly attended U. PERSCRIPTIOHS Caefnlij CcmicMiel OctlS-1887 Andrew Bayer, Bank Street, Lehighton, Is Headquarters for- TPall Paper and Ceiling Decor ations, Window Shading, Painters Supplies, etc. Particular attention it paid to honso tW stga painting and paper banging. TsfatlM IctmrS lain charge during ny absrae tmt aft will relve srtssti attention. HAVE YOU READ THE PHILADELPHIA THIS MORNING? THE TIMEH Is the most eitenslrely circula ted and widely rrad newspaper published Id Pennsylvania. Its dlscusilon ef subtle Men and public measures Is In the Interest ot publlt integrity, honest government and prosperous la dualry, and It knutts no party or personal atls Klance In treating public Issues. In toe break out and best seme a family aud grneral news- ft'k NKVTri OK THE WORLD. Tb TlMM has all the facilities ot advanced Journalism for gatlieiiiig in- from all tke quarter, ol the (I'olie, iu addition to that of the Associated Press, now covering tbe whele wo. Id la Its scope, iiiaklug it the perfection of a newspaper, ttlth uterytlilug carefully edited tocupy ths smallest space. I11K HUNDaY EDITION Is not only a com- Llele newspaper, but a Magazine of ropalar Itrrature. Hi sltteen larg Mies, clearly printed und attrai lively Illustrated, aontnln as much good literature, by the foremost writers ot the world, as any of ihe tepular monthlies. Seme of the uewsp pera In New Yort, Beslen and Chlcugn print a greater number of pa en Sunday, but these ure for the most part occu pied with advertisements. The merchants In those cities concentrate nearly all their adver tising In the Sunaay papers, while In i'nll4el pnla they have found It more advantageous so advertise on week days as well. cONTItlllU'UHtH lu the Sunday edition of the Thk Tin is Include many ef the foremost names In contemporary literature, both Amer ican ami European lis contents cover ths whole Held of human interest witk all that rs freshest and bout In iiolltlcs, literature, science, society, fashion, tlie household, labor, athletics, rncliif, rowing, bate ball, Itciiou, poetry, art, drama, music, humor, sport, chess, yachting cricket, foot ball, etc., etc. OUR (lOVri AND GIRLS. No other news paper gives tho same careful attention to ths needs and tastes of ouuir re&ilarb. Th iu devoted especially to them csmniauas the ser- ,icu4vi uio uesi writers ana n eoited vita scrupulous cure, with the aim of making it en tertainlnK and Instructive and hvl.fui u th .iuiul education as well as to ths pure amuse ment of both big and little boys and uliU THE IU.U8TRATIOV8 of the Tiuaa ar re counted us the very bettprluted In any dally newspaper, and w ith the elegance of typography far which Tim Times Is noUd, add toitSDOb ularlly among all clasnes of readers. THE TUtt alms to have the largest clrenls, tlon by deservliiR It, and claims that It Is unssr passed In all the essentials ot a great metropol itan newspajier. SPECIMEN COPIES of any edition lll s M!fJlnSl0 H,nT,onB,'nd"1K 'heir address. , TfmMS-Dallv, 13 per annum: t for ttHi months; so cents per month ; delivered by car Hers for cents a week; Nunday edltien-slx- .IS. rBf' handsome pages-iss columns, ele gantly niiutrated, ti per annum; 0 tentipor copy. Dally and 8nnday, r per annuroit cents per month. Weekly edition, II - Addrtssall lsttsrst turn vruai.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers