ORIGINAL CSSAP GASH STORK r sorts who come amd qo. WEISSPORT BREEZES. Whenever You Hear A mwchant " we can't sell, goods m I . I , ft 1 VNIt "' " r ...... n ii.i..ia.n1ti.iin.ii.l ondKOK Vl.ltlnn. Partlnant Serlblilln-. I BdJ. Kunu Is now at PhllaUelpliU mjs Llnla I'Mfer h reported m being I... a.. I " wuere no dm a lucrative pomion. niutnlll. rvetldinz Elder D. A. Medlar, of n nnin.or .n,l wife nent Sun. low as NU8BAUM'S "because we only sell Pottsvllle, was a visitor In tovn this week. ,u t,i,,innrt with rriatlraa. Ue highest quality of footli," pui mm miss i.ucy wooney, oi iieatueriy, is -For sale cheap, a carrlago In good con- down as the man wno is not asnameu w u,0 guest or juiss Aonie uiartt on uant dltlon. Price will be made to suit. Apply figure from 60 per cent, to liw per cem. street. loC. a. Goth. t profit on medium or low grade goods and The genial J. IP. Ma)oy, editor of the porlv or moTO 0f tu0 all pervad- call them the best. It Isn't the price mat Lansford Iiecord, circled hero for a lew ,nR epeden,c te la Rrippe, are reported makes goods the best; If that were soai hours on Monday. In our territory. most every store would havp nomine oui We had a pleassnt call on saturaav jjrs. n. J Jewell and Mrs. H. 13. the best, as the prices are uin enougu we (rom Tilghman Andieas, a prosperous T t surday t Lansford with are sure. Schuylkill county farmer. Jr. John S. Laurj-. n.it nM frlnnrf 11. M fn ritZV. nnn nil ii. -i . .in .... wouSYause ?Uh, at Z price Vire clt.sens, w'a. In town .Z '-nt of the train The new plan seem, would date sell trasuy gooas k anj ,,, . fnw hotl , .... " . , to work well according to railroaders. In COONTY HEWS ITEMS. Local Bravltlea from Jlere, Thar ond Xvarywbera In tha Countv. The postofflce at Buck Mountain Is called McOinty. At a regular meeting of Oak Qrova Counc.il, Jr. O. U. A. M., of Pleasant Corner, aeven new members were Initiated. Thieves forced an ectrauce Into Zelgenfus Uros. general store at Millport on Monday night and carried off goods to the amount of f SO. A new order has gone Into effect on the Lehigh Valley Railroad between Pack- erton and Fairvlew. All freight trains that heretofore had a pushing englno In the tear, are now run by both engines coupled Far from It. A. trade as large as our's can only be built up on First Clan, Illghett Grade Goods at Jtock liotltm Prices. Oar would-be-comoetitors know they can not compete with us, but, of course they dare not acknowledge It. Our stocS the largest In this section on Saturday for a few hours. .Mrs. Ed Uunslckcr nnd daughters Emma and Laura and Miss Kate Arner, visited Allentown on Saturday. William Zimmerman, of Packer ton, left on Tuesday for Galveston, Texa, where he expects to And employment. Nicholas Grill, the aged treasurer of bridge, and the barber is happy. 'After a pleasaat sojourn of a few weeks at home Elmer Phlfcr left on on Thursday for Elkhart, Ind., where he has a first class position. A baby boy Is a welcome visitor at Jos eph Green's residence on the hill, which accounts for the Illumination of his pMx In Is made tip of the CHOICEST and MOST the Towamcnslng Insurance Conipauv, L Rlory of gmles this week. RELIABLE GOODS the market allows Oar great outlrt glyes us a decided advant age over smaller dealers, as quantity al ways regulates price. We avoid the middle man's profit b buying direct from first hands, and a we buy and sell exduslvel for cash we are al wrvs In a position to take advantage of breaks In the market. We desire all to was a prominent visitor in town .Monday. Mrs. C. M. Sweeny, was visiting her son Harrj E., paymaster foi Coxo Uios. & Co.. at Drlfton. during the past week or more. ' Ex-Congressman Snowden, of Allen town, was a oronilueut visitor in town Saturday. While here he called on Coun cilman Win. Zelincr and others J. F. Kressley and wife, Mrs. Joseph Harry Graver and ICatren Slraussbsr gcr are now students in Williams' business Colleue at Allentown, where they will both lake thorough instructions In the book, keeping business. Lewis N. Scheckel and Miss Allda Roth, both of this place, were happily united In the golden bonds of wedlock on Saturday last, by Rev. J. J. Stauffer of the Reformed church. , . . , iv.i.. I . . .... j , i iieiuriupu ctiurcu. Uob. Kressle of Weath- -Letters for the following named persons price, w.m w i. h j erl ., wcreguesw oi airs, josepn urumoore, temaIn ln lue elssport postoOlce uncalled at their prices, J. T. NUSBAUM, Bank Street, between Bouth Street and TCum Allay. Lehlghtcn, Fa. on south Bank street, over Sundav, A prominent visitor in town on Mon day was our esteemed friend Charles Foster, of East Maucb Chunk, at one time, many jeara ago publisher of the Gazette. Our young friends Harry Waddel and James Mullharen. of Kingston, but for some lime past employed here, left on Thursday night for points ln the west. In which section of the country they expect to locate permanently. They are Jovial hearted fellows and we wish 'em luck. From the Uutte, Mo., Daily Miner Trustees, Samuel Hartman and L. A. Al- we learn tins: if. l. lteDer, lor seyerai bright. For the year eighteen additions mirs Amntiirart In a rt?tnnnihiA rtfitt Inn I .i .Anmin ah1 i.-nA , Um anJ ttn . y 4 JQn at nat rt 1 rt rwaf Inetno I I 1 u v k - , ,. TTnlted Stales m nt at Ph ade oh a. U In n fln.,rl.l,ln, rnn.1li.lnn. has arrived ln the city and wilt make The "Stroller" Is pained to record the Uutte bis future home. lie has accepted death of Mrs. Eliza, wife of J. K. Rlckert, the business management of the Mining which occurred early Tuesday morning at jQurnaf, and as the gentleman comes her home In East WelssporU She had been The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY. JANUARY II. 1800 LOCAL EVENTS OUT UP. One day last week Charley Gross stuck a pin ln his record as a marksman by shoot ing sixty-two rats. Trinity Lutheran church now has a for: David Thomas, M. Jarklns. Mrs, Lizzie Dreher, Mrs. Lilly Eck, Tilgbman Anthone. Any one cal lng for letters above advertised will say "advertised. At a late meeting of Washington Camp No 122, P. O. S. of A., the following elec ted officers were. Installed: President, U. S. Kresge; Vice President, A. Dretsbach; Master of Forms, L. A. Albtlght: Treas urer, Milton setxer; Kec. secy, v. a. Goth; Fin. Sec'y, William Scotleld; Con ductor, Charles Knecbt; Inside Guard, A. Dretsbach; Outside Guard, Charles Acker; rdlng On Saturday last Dr. Singer success fully removed a tumor from the mouth of John M. Kinsley, ot Jackson township, on the Carbon line. It was a very difficult operation, as the tumor had been growing for nine jears. It was very vascular, and tiie operation caused profuse hemorrhage. Manus A. Doner, of Summit mil, was on Sunday evening united In marriage to Mrs. Mary Ann Daugherty, of Lansford. The ceremony was performed in the Cath olic church at the former place. A delight ful reception followed the ceremony. The your.g couple havo the best wishes of many friends ln their matilmonlal venture, at. Wtark'i Church, Stanch Chnnk. On andjifter next -Sunday, and until further notice, the evening service at St. Mark's church will begin at seven o'clock. This change Is made to accommodate persons living In Lehigh ton and Packer ton who may wish to attend the services and return by the train which leayes at 8:25, Next Sunday afternoon there will be a service at the Packerton mission, at which children may be presented for Holy Baptism. Makcus AiXEif Toucan, Rector. by death, 4c, of forty-four, Joseph S. IPebb ana John Esrang, applicants for saloon licences before the Carbon county courts this week, were re fused. The finest 'ooklng rigs in the county either for weddings, party or funeral pur poses can be hired cheaply at Ebberts North street livery. An Improvement contemplated lu the M. E. church Is the putting of book racks in the seats, together with two or more hymnals ln each rack, Recently Past Councillor William J. Heberltng, of Lady Washington Council, No. SO, D. of L., was appointed District Dbpnty for Carbon county. Peter ueoert, an old resident of this Vicinity and well-known on account of his peculiar ecsentrlcltles, was recently taken to Danville for treatment for mental aberration Heaters and ranges of the best makes are sold by W. S. Kuhns at the lowest prices. highly recommended he will make a valu able acquisition to the sterling young busi ness men of the city." Rev. C. K. Fehr, Superintendent of the Ebeneier Orphans institute, of Flat- Rock, Ohio, circulated In town on Monday aud resided at the Evangelical paisouage, Key. Fehr was formerly a member of East Pa., Conference for nrarl. thirty years! and served as presiding elder lor nearl sixteen years, he was recognized as an efficient preacher and a profound theologian at tbo general confirm at Bufalo lu 1887 he was within oue vote of benig elected to the Episcopacy. Shake off tlia ltnttynets. The special meeting of the borough council last Friday evening brought out a number of nroDertv owners who "kicked" ..... - - - Every one guaranteed to give tne unmercifully aealnst the opening of best satisfaction. Before making pur chases call and see blm. An Interesting, instructive and able discourse, delivered In the M. E. church on Sunday evening by Bishop S. W. Thomas, was listened to by an appreciative audience with satisfaction and pleasure. A very Interesting batch of Lehigh Gap Items In this week's Issue will be appreciated by our readers. We hope the "Solpler," who is a personal frleud of the editor, will ba heard from every week. Judge Pershing, of Schulkill, the other day decided that the terms of con stables elected last February are but for one year, and that the three-year law of the Act of 1839 did not coyer the last election. It Is just about time for every voter to make up his mind to help elect no man a member of council unless he Is in for the improvement of Bank street. If you haven't made up your mlud yet, do so now. Sunday, recently, the following new officers were elected by Trinity Lutheran church: Elder, C. H. Nothsteln; Deacons, Lewis Fritz and Tilgh. Stout; Trustee, list hiss Longkamerer. They will serve two ears, Three hundred cases of "la grippe," or good old fashioned cold in the bead, is the number reported here. It catches verjbody, rich, poor and indifferent, and keeps the medical fraternity on the go night and day, Jfrs. Peter Gabert, an aged and christian lady of Jamestown, a suburb of this town, met with an accident last week whereby her leg was broken. In her pain ful affliction she has the kindliest Sj mpath of many friends. Brinkman Bros, are building a cottage monument, nine feet in height, from dark Columbia marble, for William Blttenben der, of East Penn township. This firm has the reputation of turning out excellent work and the Blltenbender monument will be no exception. The subscription dead beats should bear ln mind that changing the name of the bad place by getting rid of the double I and calling It "hades' does not at all change the character of the Institution for the wicked. public thoroughfares through their Und, or, if the streets were opened that thev should be specially favored by having them r-n this or that wat to their pecuni ary gain and future benefit regardless of the ulan or plot of the borough. Council should pay no attention to tbem, we are living in the evening of the 10th century and must mote on. We have stood still too long, the legarthlc nightmare of rusty ness and disregaid must be shaken off. push, vim, enterprise, pluck, goaheada- tlyeness and stlcklotttlveness. cohesive essentials to success, must assert their now dormant powers and we must move on. Too long baye we stood Idly by whlli- other towns have moved forward, nou then, let us get up and kick, ever bods kick, not like antiquated fossils, but like good enterprising citizens, Prof. L. M. Beldler, of the Packerton public schools, has been elected to fill the vacancy lu the Lehlghton Grammar school caused bv the resignation of W. E. Smith Ue will receive a salary of $C0 per month From a ptrsonal knowledge of Mr. Beidler und of his abilities as sclioo teacher, we do not hesitate to state that the appoint mentis a very woith one In which he will give full satisfaction. Mauch Chunk Timet. Following the regular Sunday school service last Sabbath afternoon the follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing )ear by the members of the Reformed Sunday school: Superintendent, George Kemerer; Assistant Superintendent, Rev J. Alyin Reber; Secretary, Ed. Gomery Treasurer, R. L. Koins; Librarians, Rich ard Farren and Al. Bartholomew, It'e take pleasure In referring the attei'tion of our readers to the new an nouncements of H. Guth & Son. of Allen town; nenry Schwartz, furniture dealer; Nusbaum 4 Culton and E, J. Zcrn. Read them carcfu ly. as you should al! adver tisements. Datronlze the live merchants who advertise and show their progressive push and enterprise. A local board of the United States Savings, Loan and Building Association of Minnisotta. has been perfected here by the It will be everlasting ween- election of the following board: rrealdent ParrjTtllo Item I Percy Peters is down with the La Grippe. -Herman, the Weiss port barber, has opened a branch adjunct in this place. If a town's prosperity Is rated by Its popula tlon of barber shops, "we're ahead for we have two. -After a protracted illness of some months with consumption, Mrs. George Hand died on Friday at the age of forty eight years. Interment took place on Sun- da) afternoon and was largely attended b) sorrowing relatives and fiiends. Deceased was a consistent desclple of the Evangeli cal church and a close follower of God. A husband and four children are left to mourn the death of a good wife and kind mothei Lahlfih Gap Itemi, T. 21. Weaver, the sand merchant is doing a booming business. II. P. Klotz is as busy as ever and turns out a lot of carpets every week. The talk Is that the Reformed church members, of Lehigh Gap, are making ar rangements to erect a chapel. M. G. Prutzman, the fresco painter, came home for the holidays, and at pres ent Is confined to the house with a severe cold Mrs. Rebecca Fenstermacher, the wife of John Fenstermacher, is on a visit to hei sister In Easton. The old war horse is lefl alone to cook his own bash Jacob Hansbue, of Lower Lehigh Gap, slaughtered a mammoth hog that tipped the scales at 700 pounds. Joslah Klotz and Coney Strobl were the butchers, -Revival meeting will commence In St. Paul's church of the Evangelical Assoc! atlon on Sunday evening, the 10th Instant. Rev. Fehr, the pastor, Is the spiritual mover at the bead of these meetings JFe hopo many souls may be converted to Christ. the farmers plowing on the last day. Bum The election of officers for the Evangel hie bees and wasps were seen at times dur- leal Sunday school was held last Sunday lng the last two weeks of December. Iand resulted as follows: Superintendent, B. F. Teter; Assistant Superintendent, W Evangelical b. s. officers. fi. Gruber; Secretary, L. E. Relnerd; The year 1880 witnessed a wonderful re- Treasurer, Jacob Snyder; Librarians, Claj vlval In the Sunday school work and in the ton Teter and Thomas Snyder; Organist, attendance or Increased membership which Jiss 31. E. Gruber, seriously III with a complication of diseases for several months past, when a dropsical affection of the heart set in with fatal re sults. Deceased was a daughterof the late James and Lvdla Hoffman, and was born in North Whitehall township, Lehlgb countv, on December 18, 1833. On August 18, 1859, sbu was united In marriage to J. K. Rickert;only one child was born to them by this union. Mrs. Ricket for forty-six years was a firm believer and consistent christian, being a staunch member of the Evangelical church, In which congregation she was a leader In singing and exhortation meetings. Interment took plaos Friday morning from the house. Public Sale Iteclater. On January 11, Leopold .Meyers, of Packerton, will sell on the premises, valu able personal property, viz: horses, wagons, carriages, etc. On January 25, Daniel Bailey will sell 24 head of cows, heifers and calves on the premises In East Penn township. It will pay jou to attend this sale. The Queer Weather. There were ntue frosts in January, three in March, four In April, four In May, 1889. The first frost of this winter was on Octo ber 3. On October 17 Ice was formed, and on the 27th the ground was frozen. The year ended with no frost in the ground and is said to haye almost doubled. Now offi- i-ers o carry on this work during the pre sent year were elected latt Sundav as fol lows: Superintendent, Howard Chubb; assistant supt., A. O. Swartz; treasurer. George Derbamer; sectetary L. S. Houser; librarian, William Kreidler; teacher of infant department, Miss Mary Barr. Mew D. of L.. Officers. At a regular u eetlng on Tuesday even' lng the following new officers were In stalled by Lady Washington Council No. if), D. of L. to serve for the ensuing term: P. C, IFIlllam McUormlck; C, Emma L. Schocb; A. C, Gussle Everltt; V. C , Sal- lio Wert; A. V. C, Dora Schafler; Bee, Sec, Carrie Yone; asst. Rec. Secy., Jame Zimmerman; Fin. Sec, Crissle Everltt; freas., Ella Grayer; Guide, Susie Soli; I, S., Annie Remaley; trustee, William Mc- Cormlck. Soldier. lug and walling aud moaning all the same. There Is a grand revival talked of In that very necessary adjunct to every live town, viz: a Boatd of Trade. Such enter prising, jcoaheadatlye cltlzene as John Seaboldt, J. L. Gabei and others are said to be at the bead of the movement, and the Advocate trusts that they will meet with sucti encouragement as will ,see the perfection ot a first-class organization at an early day, ''Eagle Gash Store." The Eagle store offers this week a lot of Joliu T. Semtuel;secretar, Howard Sea boldt; directors, M. O. Bryan, II. B. Kennel, Howard Seaboldt and John T. Senimel. We have a few more de Inquent debt ors on our jobbing, advertising and sub scrlutlon books, and we want them to pat up. There Is no use shlll -shallylnit, we need the money, mint nave it, aim at once so roll up, tumble up, settle up, pay up and be p d. q. about It. The prettiest designs In solid cold watches at Bock's Jewelry Store Lehigh ton. Pa. Prof. Lolsette's Memory System Is creatine create, interest than ever in all nans of the country, and persons wis lng to improve their memorr should sand for bis prospectus free as advertised In an other column. 3t, Rev. D. A. ifedlar. the presldinc Elder of this District, preached stirrii g sermons on Juonday and Wednesday even Ings, seven seekers have thus far presented themselves at the auar oi prayer, You can buy a stronger and better band ring for $1 00 from D. 8. Book Itoal Arcanum Officers. At a regular meeting of Lehlghton Coun ctl No. 370. Royal Arcanum, of Lehigh ton, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year; Regent, Richard L. Koons; Vice Regent, Daniel Krock; Or ator, If. G. if. SelpIe;Past Regent, Chas. A. Harding; Secretary, Henry J. Bretney; Collector, William P. Long; Treasurer, rreasurer, George W. Deihl; Chaplain, tVeatherly Oorreipondence. Another moBstrous coal engine of the Wooten pattern will soon be ready to leave the ireathtrly shops; 530 will be the num ber by which she will be known to rallioad men, Rouse & Kline sold thalr butchering establishment at this place to Mr. Ebingrr of White Haven, who moved to this plan a few days ago. Weatberly Is well sup plied with butchers. Our enterprising merchant, G. W. Miller, Is basy at preseut laying a stone pavement in front of bis store on Carbon street. The stones were shipped here by rail and will make a pavement second to none ln the country Sylyesl McAfee, who was taken to the Insane asylum at Danville about a year ago, died lately at that institution. His remains were brought to this town for interment. Mr. McAfee was originally fromTamaqua, but lived In this town for many years, The sale of shares in the third series of our building aud loan association closed Tuesday evening. The Weatherly silk mill. It Is believed, will take 200 shares, and that, with what has bet n already sub scribed, will make about 600 shares for the series. The second series has 1200 shares La grippe has reached Weatherly. Thl town must have been born under an un lucky star, as It has just cleared Itself of THE COUNTY SEAT. toeal Kvents Chronicled by our Loeol Scribbler in hit Uiual Style. There are fourteen prisoners ln the county jail. The regular term of court oouvenes on Monday next. Up to date Prothonotary George Bsser has Issued 1130 marriage licences. Mrs. Blechlcy, daughter of the late Selp, Is very seriously Hi with con sumption. New bonds Issued by the county since our last report are as follows: Br.tanMc Cormlck, $250; Henry Trapp, Wesssport, $1000; Adam Bier, Mahoning, $750. John Spohn, for a quarter of a century and more a resident here, Is reported as being seriously III with consumption. Ills daughter, too, is quite III with pneumonia County AudI:ors Jonathnn Klstler of Lehlghton, A. G. Peters and E. F. Luck enbach of town, are at work with their clerk, H. E. Schrartz, auditing the county finances for 1889 The Hotel Wahnetah at Glen Onoko was sold by assignee sale on Tuesday to a syndicate of stockholders who will run the establishment in the future. The price bid was $31,000. At their regular meeting on Monday the countv commissioners unanimously elected J. 8. Fisher, county solicitor; Thomas F. Arner, county clerk, and Sebas tian Uabn, janitor of county buildings. Samuel Behler, Charles Lentz, Con stable Rex and Special Officer Brelsford were lo attendance at the Luzerne county court at Wllkesbarro this week, witnesses In the caso of the thieves whom they cap tured at Nesquehonlng somo months ago. Thlity or morn couples were present at the tin wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stahl, at their home In the Second Ward, on Frldaj evening. Music dancing, choice refreshments and delight ful repartee made up the evening's more ban pleasant programme. Licence court made things lively on Monday and Tuesday. According to it rule adopted by the court applicants for licenco against whom remonstrance had been filed, were refused, thus Summit Hill gets three new places, East Mauch Chunk two, while the two newapplicants from Lehlghton were refused. Edward Kemerer, employed as a locomotive, engineer on the Malianoj Division of the Lehigh Valley railroad, died of pueumonla at his home in East Jfauch Chunk Sunday morning after a -liorl Illness. Ho was well and popu arly known and was not long married. Inter ment took place at Lehlghton Tuesday. Chapman Post, O. A. R., of this place, of which he was a member, attended the funeral. The Term of OfDce. Constables and assessors throughout the State who were elected last February are of the opinion that the new law providing that the term of constables and assessor? 'ball be for three years from Februai last, Several judges who were Interview ed announced that while they did not giye an official opinion In the matter, it was tlieii impression that the law was not Intended to go into effect until next mouth. The phraseology of the Act of Assembly is tt little ambiguous, providing that the Ian shall go into effect on "the Third Tuesdaj of February next." The act was not approved until the 14th day of Februai 1880. Tontl OBclala. Blue Ridge Lodge No. 105 of the Order of Tontt held Its annual election on Wed nesday evening, when the following nicer i were elected lor the ensu nc vear: Preeldcnti R. L. Koons: vice president. Charles F. Miller; past president, W. II woods: secretary, H. J. Bretney; treas urer, w. P. Long; chaplain, George W. Nusbaum; marshal, Thos. J. Nusbaum: nara. i: jr. uiarlc: sentinel. ,ino. Miller; trustees J. W. Raudenbush, F. P. Lentz and O. A. Clanss. In the year just losed a large amount of sick benefits was paid and the lodge is ln a flourishing condition. A Good Entertainment. The order of Railway Telegraphers gave tnsir entertainment in tne U -a. House on Saturday evening, a programme of wl ind humor and genuine f m made ut be evening s show, which was one of the best ever appearing here, and more than creditable to the performers. It Is to be regretted, however, that our people failed o give tnem a more substantial patronage. arstlv. because they merited it. and sec ondlv, because it was a benefit. It Is time hese preludices as to iocall y wers dropped. fbls is the nineteenth century. Let us- progress. Harry T. Monahon Dead. It will be sad newt to many In this town to learn that Lieutenant Harry T. Mon hon, of the United States Navy, has been ailed hence. Death resulted Ht his home In Brooklyn, N. v., on the Oih day of Jan- iary, after an Illness or only short dura ion. He was a son of Mrs. busan J. and he late James Monahon. Bright, cental. and brimful of jovlaltv, he had hosts of friends who will hear of his death with many feelings of surprise and regret thai his lite suou'd tnus eany oo cut on i t the afflicted widow and to the mother of f e deceased the Advocate extends sin cere sympathy in their sad hour of affliction and sullcrlng. An ootoptu at Us birth la about the Im of a large flea. The British admiralty has contracted for four new ironclads, of 14,000 tons each. A flower that grows in thoPhiUppIno group Mindaneo is us biff as a carriago wheel. As a rulo lepers do not suffer severe pain, and tho average length of life at Moloka is about four years. Tho United States purchased Alaska of Russia, in 16C7, for $7,000,000, or one and ninetoen-twontietlis of a cent per aero. x Publio dancing will bo forbidden for tho future in Germany on tho anniver sary of tho deaths of tho two late em perors. The electrio light has penetrated to the most northerly town in Europe. Ham- merfest, in Norway, is being lighted by electricity. The largest animal known is the ror qual, which is about 100 feet in length; tho smallest is tho twilight monad, 13, 000 of an inch. Lake Manasarovara, one of the sacred lakes of Thibet, Bald to be tho highest lako in the world, is between lO.OOftjinii 20,000 feot abovo sea level. A man catno into Bradford. Pa., re cently and paid a bill of $18 in old fash ioned paper currency 5, 10, 25 and 60 cent shinplastera which he had kept since 1804. Tho creature having tho CTcatcst num ber of distinct eyes is the chiton, a spe cies of niollusk, in the shells of which havo been found as many as 11,000 sepa rate and mobile eyes. Asbestos was first mined as an articlo commerce in Canada in 1878. In the first year tho shipments at the mines wore about 800 tons. In 1838 tho Quan tity had risen to 4,010 tons. There are no prisona in Iceland, and such things as locks, bolts or bars are un known. The history of the nation, ex tending over 1,000 years, records but two thefts, and no policemen exist on the island. The total coal consumption of the world is said to amount to upward of uw.uoo cwt. per hour: of this quantity about 240,000 cwt. are required per hour tn order to heat tho boilers of stationary and marine engines and locomotives. Chloralamld, the new hypnotic. claimed to be superior to sulfonal, is given in doses of twenty to forty-five grains in an aqueous solution, with tho result that in half an hour's time it in duces a sleep lasting about eight hours, and leaving no bad effect on tho heart. The European country possessing the largest number of publio libraries is Austria, which has no fewer than S77, containing 0,475,000 volumes, without reckoning maps and manuscripts; mak ing an average of twenty-six volumes per 100 of tho entire population. E. Bellz; Guide, A. F. Koch; Warden, Frank P. Dlehl; .Sentiy. Milton Uunslckers diphtheria and now it Is under the grippe, i rusted, . a., icruamcr, w. a. viauw, Tha nr...nc6 of the disease haa Its affect O. A John J; Kutz. This council was organized August 13, 1870, and now numbers fifty members, Does Experience CountT It does, In every line of business, and especially In compounding and preparing pneumonia and kidney troubles, resuttlng diseases, It seems, from the grippe wltb on our schools and churches, In lessening the attendance at these places. Quite number ot our citizens are down with the disease, and amongst this number our two oldest physicians Drs. Latham and Tweodle. Dr. Tweedle is very low wllb medicines. This is I lustratid in the great superiority of Hood's Sarsapanlla oyer other preparations, as shown by the remarkable cures It has accomplished. The bead of the firm of C. 1 Hood ft Co., Is a thoroughly competent and ex perlenced pharmacist, laving devoted bit whole life to the study and actual prapara, tlon of medicines. He Is lso a member of the Massachusetts and American Pbar- Boots maciulteal Associations, aud continue Lehlghton, Pa., than any w ere else lu the actively devoted to sapervlslng the prepara county. All other rings so.u on me same uon 0f nd managing the business con. -AND- Shoes bads, The best place In town town to buy our furniture Is at Kemerer ft Swarts's. north Bank street. Biggest stock and lowest prices.' Revival services with the Pastor, Rev, Newhart, at the lead In the Ebenezer clitucb are progressing, with Increasing in- terest, which be was first attacked. Dr. Latham is also very much prostrated with the im ported disease. There is only one physician in this town Dr. Long, to attend to the sick, and ba too Is nearly played out from overwork, Dr. Horn of Maucb Chunk, was called here on Tuesday for consulta tion in the treatment ot Drs. Latham and Tweedle. So far we bad bnt one death from It, Mrs. Irwin Miller, whose remains were taken to Espey on Tuesday, Dr. Hoffman, formerly associated with Dr. Tweed. e at this place In the practice VEEY CHEAP. Come and see them. It will certainly pay you ROBERT WALP. nected wltb Hood's Sarsaparilla. Heuce the superiority and peculiar merit U Medicine, bnt now of Morea. Sehovlklll of Hood's Sarsaparilla is built upon the Munt,. was a visitor here on Mondav mo auiaiaimai louimauon. m us pre- evening. Ht yislted his partner, Dr, parauun imire repre,Bmca u me Twotdle wLo u now Mriously prostrated knowledge which modern research in by ,ickneM. The Doctor likes his new medical science has developed, combined m n,..,..,., tuut v,m nil.. Ar.. r,,,r. "hh long experience, brain work, and ai- chaser will find best satisfaction a; Kemerei PrimenU It Is only necessary to give this In tba coming spring election every ft Swarts's. north Bank street. medicine a fair trial to realize lu great euterprlsng voter wants to deposit bis bsl Hair, tooth, clothe brashes and combs at Mauch Chunk. Still on hand a verv lane assortment of gold spectacles and eye glasses al Bock a Jewetry store. All the new book at Lucks nbach's and blacking curatly value. LiucaenDacu I Remember the low prices on curtain polls and window shades at Luckeobsch's Maucb Chunk, - Full line of Ingnla and Brussels tar pau a Hsary ttftkwsjrtn. a Jastlf ot. lot agalnsi dry bones and fossils who re tard the onward progress of the borongb by antiquated fogylsm and contemptable economy that Is disgraceful to the enter prise, push and vim of the nlntteenlh etp tury. Xlee, Rood man, regardless of polll- Tho smallest and daintiest prayer bo6"k in the world la the "Finger Prayer Book" which has just been issued by tho Ox ford university press. It is printed in diamond and brilliant type on tho fa mous India paper. It contains 670 pages, measures Of xl inches, and weighs only three-quarters of an ounce. Tsje. Palazzo Morosini, ln the Canipo San Stefano at Venice, is for sale, with the wholo of its contents. This palace remains precisely as it was, in every ro- spect, 200 years ago, when it was the family residence ot a doge. It is a uniquo example of the typical home of a great Venetian patrician of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries. Boyertown Itema. CAltnox Fsiickds: We have had seven cases ot "grip" in the parsonage. I am tne only one wno nas so far escaped, ilv wire, who was very sick for three days. Is sun connned to her bed. and so Is inv son harlle. Headache, backache, and de r lumareshe svmptoms of la grippe In this neisnoornooa. r uiv-inree years ago crip look the same course and was In epidemic torm over tne wnoie world. Soldiers Last Saturday evening largely attended meeting was held In rtnoades' upera House, of soldiers and sailors. A post of the Grand Army of the Republic was oreanlzed. Soldiers in this -ectlon are not as patriotic as in Carbon I expect to write them shortly to attend mv ctiurcu in a rxxiy. Ons Minis Near, ves under the west ern part of Boierlown, are the mines. We nave no ore bens, but mines. Une shaft lately sunk Is 601 feet deep perpendicularly, Tiie ore Is I olsted by cages, a small rail. road car stanoine on too or one or tnes caees. All the mines are Idle except one, I do not know the cause hlcb or low tariff. Perhaps the ore is too far down- In price. CnuncHES We have two Jennonlte churches, old and new, one Lutheran, one M. and one Jterormed. As a rule tbl section or country Is not a ctaureh-eolnz people, sundav is their dav to visit and eat, and talk about their neighbors. There are grand exceptions to this rule. If you would like to know why I do not come up ana preacn in my former cnurcnes I will toil ion. rreacbers can onlv oiear.b In other minister's pulpits by Inyitatlou tiom sucn ministers. January 6, '00. J. E. Fbiimax. A Lady's Perfect Companion Painmcss CrnLDRiaTii, a new book by Dr, Dnnii. ore. oneoinsw York's molt slclans, shows tbat prin Is not necessary in childbirth, but results from causes easily under- DTeronrne. uciear:y proves mat any y become a mother without suflerlnir any pain wnairxcr. stood and overcome, woman may become anv D&ln whatever. It alto tells how to over come and prevent morning sickness, swelled limbs, and all other evils attending pregnancy, it Is reliable and blglilp endorsed by physicians nrvwh.rfl I. th. wtl.'. Im. MlnU ..in Ion. Cut this out. it will save you great pain nd possibly your life. Bend two-cent stamp for prscru'iiTc circulars. tcBiimonuus.aDU connuen- till letter sent In sealed envelope. Address Frank Thomas & Co.. Publishers, Baltimore At RBDER'S ftnUQ STORE. Ay tba single bottle, lpy l- and 3,-3 dos, matttltlaa, and tn Jobbers lota at Jobber m taM. V MavaMIU u alwara be CRISP CONDENSATIONS. Chat for January. We lak e pleasure lu noticing the January number oIOiiat, which has just come to our table. Among the manv smaller magazines we lo not see any so bright, Interesting and enter prising as this little visitor. There are two new featums In this Issue "Fashion Talks," illus trated, and the first oi a series of Tarls Letters. fliey are both good additions and excellently made up. The College Papers are continued by Miss ltegina IC. Crandall, of Smith College. M,m., who writes splendidly on "Fables, Facts and Fancies." That excellent Hoys' and Girls' Story, "Krling the Bold," a tale oi the Norse Sea Kings. Is also continued. Besides, there are the usual short completed stories, and papers devoted to Zlg-ZIg Sketches, Flowers. the Invalid's Corner, Young Folks' Miscellany, selected 1'oetry, etc. all put together ln mosl tractive form, placing CHAT in the forefront ot the low cost magazines. IS pages. Vcarl) subscription, 11.00. Specimen may be hsd bj sending Set. stamp to CHAT PUBLISHING CO., 1'lIiLAniiLriIIA, Fa., 1". O. Box 573. vW The Importance of purifying the blood can not be overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and we ask yon to try Botd's Daniill'iH Sarsaparilla. It strengthens rcCUIIctr and builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while It eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation ot the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's BarsapariUa pecul- -p leolf iar curative powers. No U IIDCII other medlclnehassuch a record of wonderful cures. It you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to take any other Instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. Prepared by O. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mast. IOO Doses One Dollar J Paying Big Prices for Fur niture South Bank Street, Lehighton. Our stock is sully as complete as that carried by city dealer and our prices are unquestionably much lower than tho same Quality, Style and Finish in Bed Room and Parlor Suites, Lounges, Book-cases, Tables, &c (JggfParticular attention paid to Embalming and Undertaking Call, learn our terms and see our immense stock, unequalled in this town or the Lehigh Valley. For Newest Designs aud Most FasMenable Styles of DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SILVERWARE, &c, &c GO TO E. JEL SNYDER, Bank Street, Iiohightoh. Goods raarSDteed and prices as low eg else where for the same quality of gnndt. July 10. 18flJ-ljr Estate Notice, Letters Ttstamentarvon the estate of Abraham Pruturan late of Lower Towamenslnr Town ship, Carbon County, Deeeased having been granted to the undersigned Eiecutot, all persons Indebted to ssld esiate are requested to make Immediate payment, and all peraoas having f ntt elalmi aealnst aald eatata will nreaant thpm lor settlement. Wilson MuschUts. Executor Our. nta (t Hamilton flls. AUsotown, Fa. Or to YaptVtt- ll Oaesldv Atteratvs tor Xstaf. There arc many white soape, each represented to be just as good as tho Ivory. They are not, but like , - all counterfeits. they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having It. Tis sold everywhere. THE OLD STORY Old Dotuialek eat of patUaee wiUi Ma poor raaer. RAXOKS, TOOKHT KNITU9, STitArs, SUA VINO SOA?, 4c. Elegant line of Gold Tons and Holders Nice for Christmas Present at. THOMMefJotar Pharmacy, Baas 3tbhet, Leiiioutoh, Pscm. Preseriptionfa Spaclaltr. PIIOTOGRAP1I GALLERY, Permanently lecated near Yalley Depot, fer Cibinets and Family Groups. Old pictures coa led and enlarged. auglO-cm All kiudg of job work neatly and cheaply printed here. OB WORK of all kinds nicely executed at this office. Prices low. NOW, SWEAR OFF iciiwartz's -AND DEAL AT- Big Furniture House, We Invite Special Attention from all Purchasers to Unprecedented Down go the Cloaks. THEY MUST GO IF CUT PRICES WILL DO IT. 634 Hamilton St., Allentown. YOU HAVE OUR THANKS For Favors Showered on Us in the Past We Kindly Solicit A Continuance of the same in the Future The biff rush of the holiday season had the effect of break ing our large stock all to pieces, but we have filled up again and are now ready to show customeis the lurgest and best stock of Fine Groceries and Confections, Silverware, Jewelry, Toys, Fancy Goods, to be iound in this town, at prices astonishingly low when com pared with quality ot goods. Oxrcf tovci t Oyster Cafe is open every day and both vJ'yhlclOa Ladies and Geutlemen will find the very best accommodations. (Jgjf3 Parties, weddinge and festivals Bupplied with Ice Cream, Fruit. Ovstfirs or other delicacies at short notice. - j NUSBAUM & CULTON, 0pp. the Park, Lehighton. FALL EXPOSITION -OF- 1$ ,$ID!9 Wilting -AT- REX & BROS,, BON MARGHE. Prices Lowest ! Quality the Best ! The eolorings in this line of different weaves, includes all the new shades and effects fit prices tbat make them excellent values. We have many special things in Diess Goods, and all departments, that, if you exam ine, will be profitable to you. Kobe Dress Fxttwvs a Specialty. We are headquarters for Black Goods, because we keep the largest and boat lint at pop ular pi ices. Broad Cloth, FlannolB, Trlsote, Ladies Cosatmtm, Serges, Ilenriotlas, Cashmeres, Stripe Flannols, Stripe Dross Goods, Piaid DrcssJGocHis, Plushes, Velvets, Trimming Silk $ Braids and Trimming Hosiery & Underwsar. O. A. Rex & Bro. MAUCH CHUNK, PA. V MMaBaMlaatMiaiaiHMaB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers