FATALITY. t screw I found you, an atom down hurled) ttv bright ya oloMd, your brawn wlag furled, e)a tte spring brhteiwd highway, wiser aS your woriu , Sang, Mahomed and purled. Xfctt jrUp In your bill m ft bit of your neat It art or iw lut traw whleh wm the beat I Whit nutter I each In A home might be blest At toro'a eweet behest. fe ecstasy soaring through air sunny bright, Borne obstacle met la your swift winged flight A flutter of pinions -a fall through the light A cry and then night. Tour world was unmindful fair flower up sprung where all your gay comrades unceasingly sung, But your little mate's plaint the song-chorus among Your knell faintly rung: And I, too, forgot you the Imperative call Of day cares supplanted a sorrow so Email. Only infinite pity had marked the sod fall That, birdie, was all. Thceo our Urea, my brown bird fair structure that grow Br our frail, finite fluttering to and fro. And just as the life toll's completion we know Borne pitiful blow I Fateful our fall Is, as blind was our flight Our death a faint cry In a world of delight What does It mean! you and I know the might Of a power infinite. Edith K. Terry In Boston Transcript. JUST BY CHANCE. A dav and the life of Isaac Rawson were drawing to a close together. The rays of tho setting sun stole into the room where the dying man lay, and ho watched them intently until they faded awav. He knew he would never see them attain. Death had confronted tho old lawyer suddenly. His energies, overtaxed through a long life devoted to ceaseless money getting, had collapsed in an in stant almost, and left that which we call life without the support necessary for Its further continuance, "He cannot live through tho night; probably the end is not more than a few hours distant," the old family physician had said but a few niinutt before when the son who now sat by his father's bed side asked what tho chanc -a were. Tho son sat with bowiii head. His features were composed in .in expression of decorous grief; his hanca wcr foiled upon his lap, and at almost regular inter vals ho Bighed. Had he raised his head, it would have appeared that there was not the suspicion of atearinhia eyes, and that there lingered in their depths a look of quiet satisfaction which the linos of sorrow that were set upon his face could not entirely hide. Perhaps the fact that ho knew himself to bo the solo heir to his father's wealth had something to do with shaping the younger man's "inner feelings. Some hearts aro ruled by tho desiro for personal gain rather than by affection. "Robert." Scarcely above a whisper the single Herd camo from the colorless lips of the old man. The man at the bedside started tllghtly, as one who is suddenly aroused Vom thought that has carried him far away from present surroundings. Then le turned and answered: "Yes, father, What do you wish?" "I have been thinking of your brother, Robert, I fear that after all I should not have treated him as I did." The old man paused, exhausted by the effort which the words had cost him. An expression that was unpleasant to see flitted across the younger man's features, but in an instant it was gone again. "I know that I have but a short time to live," resumed tho old man, "and things appear to mo in a different light. It was heartless in me to disinherit and disown Jack because ho married accord ing to his own wishes instead of my dic tates. I shall change my will; there is enough for you both. Each shall have half, and I shall die happier." "Yes, father." Tho words came gently from tho son's Hps, but tho look on his face would havo surprised the father could ho have seen it. But the gloom was thickening and his half closed eyes did not sec. "Draw up the will as I wish it, quickly, while I have yet tho strength left me to sign," directed tho dying man. Robert went to a table near by, lit a gas jot and began to write, not at all nastily. "why are you so long about it? A few words will certainly bo enough," impa tiently exclaimed the old man after the son had been busy what seemed to bo a very long time. "I shall bo done directly. There, 1 am through," replied tho son, as ho rose and handed what ho had written to his father. "That is right," was all the latter said after he had read the will. Then he took the pen from his son's hand and with a great effort signed his name. "Now sign as a witness, and call Han nah; she' will do as tho other witness." Robert affixed his signature; then he called the housekeeper and she also signed her name. "Mow go to my desk and take tho old will and burn it. You will find it in the little drawer to the right." Robert went to the desk, took a folded caper from the drawer indicated, lipid it in the gas flame until it was well ablaze and threw it upon tho open fireplace whero it lay a moment later a charred mass. "There; it is not so har.l to die now," whispered the dying man "I l'eU that I-cannot live untllJaok could be sent for; Dut l want you, Robert, to go to 1; i -. thin very night and tell him thsi uu l i was not steeled against Mm to til. 1 Tell him of the will whloh" Isaao Rawson ceased sreakinir and lav ' motionless. Ho was dead. It is not yet midnight when Robert steps aboard a train that will take him to the city whero his brother, Jack, lives; for has not his father with his dying breath told him to go to his brother this verynightf Who would fail to respect tho last wishes of one now dead? Surely not a son. The city where Jack lives is not fa distant; but there is a river to cross on the wt. As the train rumbles slowly ,.,-. 4t, l,.tJ. rl.. . I " K ' ' i"iiu in i no task of trimming his finger nails in which he is apparently deeply engrossed, and looks out of tho window down upon the dark waters below in which tho stars, reflected, gleam. A thought comes to him. whioh though spontaneous in Itself is but tho culmination of what has been passing in his mind ever since his father's death. He takes from his breast pocket a folded paper on which the writing is but a few hours old. This he wraps about the handle of the knife he holdstn his hand. Then he shuts the blade so that, tho paper Is held firmly. With a careless move ment ho lays the hand holding the knife upon the edge of the window. When he withdraws the hand a moment later it is empty. The knife is a heavy one and will go straight to the bottom, and with it the paper wrapped about it. Tho waters often give up their dead, but in animate objects of value they hold with in their depths. It is a week later. The will of Isaao Rawson is to be read in the presence of those interested. It is a mere formality of 90WM, for other than hie two sons the testator left no kin. The sons both know what they will hear. Robert at least huown. and Jack may surmise. And rag trie tew nours mat must elans before the will is opened and read? "You ore early. Mr. Drew will not be here for half an hour yet," are Rob art's first words to his brother Jack aa the latter enters tho homo of whloh Rob ert already considers himself tho solo owner. "I thought it best to havo a few words with you before Mr. Drew arrives," is Jack's reply. Mr. Drew Is the lawyer to whom the necessary legal transactions in connection with tho will havo been en trusted. "You told mo that father had said something about a now will Just before he died; but that none but tho old one, made fifteen years ago, coma bo round," remarks Jack to his brother when they are seated a momont later. The remark is mado with an interrogative inflection, so that Robert feels Impelled to reply. "Yes, no other will was found, though I searched everywhere. Father's mind must havo been wandering when hs snoko of another will." "Possibly; still you probably .didn't think of searching in the river," la Jack's next remark. Robert turns palot then tho blood surires baok and his face becomes al most purple. "What are you driving at? what do vou mean?" ho asks. The words como like gasps. "Only this. On tho night v.hon you camo to tell me of father's death, some vounir men were returning from a fish' Inn trio on the river. Just as they were rowlntr under the bridge, a missile thrown from above struck one of them on tho back and fell to the bottom of the boat. See. this is quite a heavy knife. and if a piece of paper hadn't beon wrapped about it, it might havo hurt tho young man it struct quite sovoroiy. The young man happens to be an ac quaintance of mine. He thinks the knife was dropped by some one on a railroad train that was crossing the bridge just then. Now I merely wish to suggest that, when Mr. Drew comes, we give into his hands this document which fell into my friend's boat, and that we say nothing about the old will at all. How does the proposition suit you?" Arthur Lucas in The Epoch. TJakn Not Drying Up. The report of the exhaustion of the J1uku -ill supply, whioh has lately been 'xtrnslvely circulated, appears to have arisi n from the fact that a "shut down" of a large number of wells was ordered, for tho purpose of checking the over production which has been going on. It is no uncommon thing for a native of Baku to tap a supply of 20,000,000 gal Ions of oil, end waste 19,000,000 out of it, simply for want of foresight in pro viding a cep for the well, or by the omis sion to arrange for surface storage. Tho authorities have now taken the matter in hand, and passed laws which regulate the supply. In view of the rapid increase in tho demand for petroleum, it is satisfactory to know that Baku is as proliflo of oil as ever. Tho oil trade is rapidly assuming such gigantio propor tions that for many years there will prob ably be ample room for America, Russia and Burmah, as well as for the minor fields that will in time furnish a supply for the world's market. But, in any case, it will bo a good thing for Russia when the more careful and economical methods of America aro adopted in the Caspian region. New York Telegram. Feel Tour Adam' Apple. "It is well known," said Joe Beards ley, "that deformities have often dictated styles, but probably most people do not realize to what extent the slight defects control them in the most trivial pieces of apparel. This is shown in the case of tho prevailing styles of collars worn, When the style changed from the low collar to the high one it was a sweeping change, so that but few people could be seen wearing anything but the choker. Finally the choker was modified, into a collar with tho ends turned down, a good deal of space being left open to the throat. ' "That stylo was never adopted univer sally. Why? For the reason that a great portion of tho men who have occasion to wear collars at all havo prominent Ad' am's apples, which they are very glad to hide from sight if 'they find on oppor tunity. The choker just suited them and it will be many days before they win be Induced to give it up." Wash ington foat. Must Have Uated One. Weeping Widow (whose husband has been found dead, to her neighbor) Yes, there was poor John, leaning up against the mulberry tree, dead as be could be, And John always did hate mulberry trees, ana wanted that ono cut down, Wages (irreverently) He even showed his dislike for the tree in death, didn't he? "Why, Mr. Waggs, how is that?" "Ho was dead against it, you said." Lawrence American. TIlov npni nrT.a .... scale the htffcu noTer Uret Harte, who has a gTeat social as won as literary popularity in England, is now a handsome, ruddy, white haired man, ana owes his popularity in a meas ure to uis mastery or western slang, CRISP CONDENSATIONS. There are now nine $800 scholarship at uorneii. A million cigarettes are smoked in London every day. A third of the deaths in the French army are said to be due to typhoid fever. T't a schoolhouse in Hartford. Vt, hangu a bell which was cast in England in 1777, It has been estimated that the habitual opium eaters in the United States num ber 800,000. During the last eighteen months the Russian government has expelled 83,000 jews irom the empire, Thoro were over 250 varieties of chrys anthemums on exhibition at a flower show recently held in Los Angeles, Three new ironclads will, as soon al tvuwIViIa Via In Ttalvd floAt , iA AAA . r '""I"' , ana zu.uuu horso power. Vessels, armor, gunB and all are to be made in Italy, The university of Michigan expects to snow s.sw students enrolled this year. In tho law department alone are 650 stu dents, 160 more than ever before in the university s history. There have been two serines discor. ered in Bramwell, W. Va., which art only about fifteen feet apart, the water of one of which is colder than ice, if pos- sioie, wmie the other almost reaches boiling temperature. A railway up the Jungfrau is now pro posed. Herr Koechlin, who constructed the Eiffel tower, has applied to the Swiss government for the necessary concession. The Jungfrau is one of the loftiest Swiss peaks, reaching an altitude of 18,780 feet. An American amateur recently offered $12,000 to the municipality of Geneva for the violin of Paganlni, which is re ligiously preserved in the city museum as a memento of the gifted musician. Tho instrument was mads in Cremona in 1709. A number of English subscribers have resolved to build a jnonurn&nt at Fort Tioonderoga to the memory of Lord Howe, whose forgotten grave was dis covered there some weeks ago. The re mains of the young hero will be interred Of interest a pawn ticket. Without enlture wild flowers. Food for the blind tea biscuit. " The tavern keeper la constantly in llauor. but he frequently knows better than to get liquor In him There is no rubbish In the yard of the man who keeps three goats, A man who has the delirium tretnen an Justly claim to Have seen the folly ol ntemperance in an its naiceu ;ruiu. Bncklen' arnica Balve. Ths BEST Balve In the world for cuts, bruise sores, ulcers, salt rncuin, lever sores, icuri chapped ham's, chilblains corns and all ski) eruptions, and positively cures plies, or no pa required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis- action, or motioy rciunaea. race ss cent pc box. For sale by IlEBEK druggist. "I've had a ercat ;many trials In m ime," remarked tho veteran criminal a illy. A Sound Thecal Opinion. E. Bambrldge, Munday Esq., County Atty loir fin.. Tex. nvs: "Have used Klecfnc 111' ters with n ost liappv results. My brother al m m.v inw utth Malarial Fever and .IiluiiuW' but was cured by timely use of this medlclm ,m satlsuea uieciric uiuers suvru ms nir, Mr. U. 1. Wlicovson. oi iinrse i hyb. ivy.. nu llbn rnatlmnnv. BHVlni?: llfl nosltlvelv UflleV hat he would have died, had It not been f Klectrlc Bitters. . This great remeoy win wiruon, na weuascui ill Malarial Diseases, and for all Kidney, l.lvr inrt Hininach Disorders Btands uneaualed. 1 rli 50 cents and 81 at HEHElt'r) drugstore. The average college oarsman is n chicken; no, not when he is In his shell. IS CONSUMPTION INCUHA1JI.ET Head the following: Mr. 0. II. Morns, Nev ark, Ark., says: "Was down with abscess o I.ungs, and friends and physicians pronounce! me an Incurable Consumptive. Began takliu Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, an now on my third bottle, and able to ovcrseo tli work an my farm. It Is the finest medicine evci made." Jesse Middleware Decatur, Ohio, saysi ''IIih it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery f o Consumption I would have died of I.uni Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Aln uoi In let.t ol Health." Try it. Biinipie uouies ire. at ItKBKR'8 Drugstore. Table luxuries are those things vtlilcl he mora they go no the less they so down IXALF A MINWTB, MJGASB. Trinrnrh. von were a Jav Oould or a knfWTillf.. It I wurlh tlii i tv seconds nir tlmo to learn that " Ideal " Tooth Powder will prcservo your teeth from ViilU and hours of acronv from your old enemy, the toothache, ur. it. n,. uiou nor, Pa.', says: "When I first began usincr " Ideal " Tooth Powder 1 couiu not use a brush on my teeth on account of iniurinir tho turns. Can now uso as stiff a brush as obtainable with impun ity. It has also hardoned tue cnamei oi my tsstb. -Crusty Be careful, waiter, your thumb Is in tbe eoup. Walter I don't mind it, sir, I'm used to It. Forced to Leavo Ttoxne. Over 60 i iconic were forced to leave the! homes yesterday to call for a free trial pack of Lane's Family Medicine. If yom blood Is bad, your liyer and kidneys out ol order, ll you are conslipatcii ana naye neau licha and an nnsiffhtlv complexion, don't fal to call on anv druecist to-day lor a jree K.omple ol this grand remeuy. ipe iuue praise it. Everyone likes it. .Largs sizti package CO cents. "I will toss coppers with yon," re marked one steer to another as they madt for a couple of policemen. Interested People. Advertising a patent medicine in the pe uliar way in which the proprietor Kenm's Balsam for Couchs and Colds doe is indeed wonderful. He authorizes al Irueeists to cive all those who call for it 'ample bottle free, that tliey may try it be lore purcna8ing. me large uuuies uro ou, ind Xl.UU. We certainly would advise trial. It may save you from consumption He (fondling her hand) Your lilt! hand Is never chapped, Is it? Slie(cojly) No; I wish it might be. And then In popped. Heart Disease. If you net s1 ort of breath, have flutter imr, pain in side, faint or hungry spells wnllen ankles, etc., you have heart dueusi and don't full to take Dr. Miles' New Cure Sold at Biery or Thomas' drug stores. Cuvler thinks it probable that whales sometimes live 1000 years. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a purely vegetabh preparation, being free from injurious in- Krcdlcnts. It is peculiar in its curatiyt power. Tbe town oi Klklus, WIYa., had no existence last spring. Itls now a thriving place. Why Should I Not li aye confidence in that which has done me a world of good? If you had suffered years with llvei complaint and got cured bv using Sulphur Bitters, would not you too have confidence in them? J. R. Nash, Hotel Winthrop, Boston. . The largest ouraug-outang yet shot in the island of Borneotood four feeUand ten inches high. Tho average is about foui feet and six inches. Nothing in the Wide World so Good. I was afflicted with kidney disease. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Rondo if, N. Y. I say it witli a perfect recollection f all that was done for me besides, is the only thing that gave me permanent relief. 1 have recommended thismedi 'iictomanv leople fur kidney disease and they all igrce in sa lug tl at it has not its equal in the vide wor d lor this complaint. Ionian Crawford, Druggist, Springfield, Mass, Seventy thousand "phonograph dolls" are being made at Sonnsberg, the German tor country. Jo contain Mr. Edison's won derful apparatus. Mr. W. R. (iraves. of-Wetheredvlll. Md writes: I tuner iodk times with acute rheum- auim, ana vour Bsmtiou uu Elves me initan taneoi relief, I cordially recommend It as a sure our. Tvelve hundred years ago kerosene was known to the Japanese, but the method of refining It so as to be available for domestic use Is only a dozen ysars old. A New York city man proposes to re vive' tbe ancient spun of falconry al his country seat In New Jersey, and has gone to Europe to secure the birds and trainer. The breath of a ehronlo catarrh patient ll often io oflemlve tliat he becomes an object ol dliKuit. Alter a time uleeratlon sets In, the tpongy Donei are atucKed ana frequently in titely destroyed. A constant touree of dlionm fort u the dripping ef the purulent secretloni Into tbe throat, sometimes producing Inveteiate bronchitis, which Inlu turn has been the eicll- iDCceuie of pulmonary llaease The brilliant results which have attended Its use for yean pan properly uciig-naio ciyi ureaia jjaimas ir iue uvuauuouiT cute, In Suwanee county, Fla recently, a minister oi a certain denomination was converted through the pleaching of a roln- i. lerof a different denomInatIoa,nd all the members of the converted minister's church changed tbelr faith and followed their old shepherd. IFealth Is not his that hath It but his that esjojs It, Somebody has well tali: Anxiety is the poison of human life. Bonnet sade of wash leather have appeared la Leedo?, DAY'S HORSE POWDER Prevents LnngFcvcrl Cures Distemper, Heaves, Glanders, Loss ot Appetite, ifounaer. j; evers, c. lib, in each package. Bold by all dealers, Cures Dysentery, and Diarrhoea. I Owes Wind Collo, &o. Rcliovcs Griping and Summer Complaint. Facilitates Teething! Regulates tlto Bowels I Sold by all druggists. Price- 25 cents. "THE PEOPLE'S REMEDY" For tho enro of COUGHS, COLDS, Hoarseness Asthma, Incipient Con sumption Croup, Whooping uoucn. and for the relief vif Consumptive per sons. For Saloby all druggists. SScents. ounrrMWCS OUBCB CIQARETTE3 for Cor MflAC tarthl PrlcelOCtt. Mall drvsgltts. Onp of the hi:mt ii- rirdnri 1 11 the Morlt. Oar fte?Hiti,r ttnequtlrd, and lo introduce crm inprior rood w will Mndrxil toosi rERsait In etch loctutr m abort Only tfaoM who writ! tout lit one can mak tart ot thatliinct All jrouhit-ttodola mum U to ihow our .rood t theia who call Tour aria-boon and thuifl around you Tb bt glnninff of thli advtrtUroiaM ahntri tha imt.11 tad of tha tela THlJKJ aoapt. Tba following cat (! tba appearanet of U rtdnttd ta cope, ai larga It aaiy to carry. Wa will alto thow you bow you can makt from a lo S 1 0 a day at Itatt, from bt I tart, with. t,eii ilia finiath nan or ita duik. ji ii a sTTanUi uvudi visa i' ont aiptrlenet. Batter writ at rinco. a pay til tiprttt cnargta, Addrita.ll.UAU.UTT CO.. Ooi WHO, OBIUP. Uxuri. Jhe Best and Purest Medicine EVER made:. I .Itwlll drive tho Ilnmorf romyour system, anu muwi jum own 'imple and Blotches which mar your beauty caused by impure Pv bioou, nnu can ue . - r '1 vrcniOTCUinaBiiorci , it you arc A5KWlse ana use . . " 'tV f i Vk e. "j-Oi. vi. v j .jw iiinminn. E E XA. U N. w 'V rlflcr, re SI wri The Doso III small only a I I spoonful. Jtistho I llwat and rheanestav''l o. Bia .. . n. r. "a l imeuicino. xry ii, III it-Ill l,n ftntUlled. W Get it of your DruBglst. Wdos'tWait. Oetitatonce'' vou are siifforlnff from Kid. ney III out I I The Disease, and wish to llvo niro. use HUL,l'llUll Illi Xhcy never fall to cure. an.i ft i2nt gtnmns to A. r. Oitlwav & CO., "Boston. Mass.. for best medical work published OUR NEW I Solid E, Inlri Watch Worth HlOO.Ot. 1 watch In tlia world. 1'arfMt timekteptr, Warranted heary. Both ladici'indgtnt tatita.' with work! ana cat a ef ul u uulu dud no r caiaa. eqaai vaiua UHB rtltaoiria ch localltr can .ertiro an ft ?. torathtr with our larra and valuablallDtofllouaehold ample. Thttt stmplti, aa.wtlt vl iMiTUCD.in irer. au o worn jn ntta do It to thow what we tend you to tboat who callyoor frltndt and nalfhbora and thoas about youthat always, rttnltt la vtlaablt trada frrut, which holdt for yea rt when onct itantd, and thua wa art repaid. Wa pay all axpreaa, freight, etc. Aflat yon know all. If you would Ilka to fo to work for ut, yon cam am from !( to t0O per wttk and upwards Addrett. BUHIOn 3U JOrt UOt Dl, AVrilUUU, OlHlUf! BomaktrI not this tbe 6th Urns X hATfthtU -olo4 thee boots? (SuiomtrY I Blnco I hT nwd WOLr F'S ACUS BLAOXXa 0 my booU wear longer Uua beloro VdA are aJwajf bn bt and clean. Wolffs Blacking It tiit Blacking for Men, Women and Children, Tht RICHEST BLACK POLISH. Making Leather Waterproof and Durable. No Brush. A Shine Lasts a Week. Can be vxtthed with water, lame at Oilcloth. The Finest Dreetingfor Harness. BdibT Bho Btoree, Orooere, Smcgut, and retailere generally. t WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PHILADELPHIA, The first and Curative aad StrenxtheDLDf Flaatars ever Prepared. A marrellona coiatblwAtlen of medical aranU Freab Hops, llsmloek, rtoe Haun, and attact pntpared and apreaU on mualio, all read to pat on. 111 e New Bngland remedy IAIN. Marencaa luSannnatlfta r WealtBtai, whether recent or uhiusie. no matter whet keated ot how tranuwi ilttUlfj zt.nf 1 ta rlvn il.nnwBrfnl hotr eaaaed. slelda instant cinaipropertieaof tbe 11 e Fleeter. The eerta are wondrrfullT etronirihmA lf allrMl and reetored t health and Tlffor. UOI I'LAsTfcltS never biru or In It ate. Aw Dead by thouaaada ol people Id every walk of UXo. alwayi with lacoeaa and MtuaiAUoc. roVJt ATTBKTIOX-Utui let any dealer fool yuu into UkinsT a sabtrfituttj or liuitaUoa All genalae Utp i'lajstars show the proprietor tignatare. HOPPLATCRCO .PROpniCTons.DOSTON Avout ttutionca Jfiturt unj ccimn tcAen you tiiy. I'JIlLADKi.l'HIA.l'A. kabe at un e, no uperatioa orloasiif ttuiafruui lmlutj. C'ei priKiuuitced lu- ireive ay uuiers A.aeu. oeuu iur t in-uiu. CURE GUARANTEED. auyii r rut). O01o lioui a 0 to x DISEASES OF MEN ONLY IUeo4eaa,Dleae of Kt oaaa. ekiteet, N ei iua lie tli Lxmt Maub. r ffuteof JErrori Youth areiMM4iU and perruatMatLr BULL'S BABY SYRUP BULL'S SYRUP Mil ES .drttP SV ' " . A ''A. IsSl,- ,i CI Miieo! itmrs Hop Plasters Lew Wallace says tbe seana that moved him most In writing "Dee Hur" was the one representing the hero sleep ing on the steps when his mother and sister, after their release from the dun geon, drew near and recognised him, and yet dared not approach nearer. W. B. Gilbert, the librettist, does not care for society, but is much sought after In London. His .conversation is "Oll bertlan." Ho is not only funny profes sionally but socially. His conversation has the same whimsical flavor whloh has made his poems and operas popular. Joseph Pulitzer is about to start from Paris upon a tour around tho world, ao companied by invited guests. Mr. Pulit zer goes by way of the Suez canal, India and Japan. Advices from him aro to the effect that his health is better than at any previous tlmo in tho last two years. Qen. Boulonger lives a curious lifo on the Island of Jersey. Ho spends his time in reading history and talking politics to his followers. He smokes a vast number of cigarettes, and seems incllnod to dis obey tho commands of tits physicians re garding wine, lie is punctilious as re gards his dress, and always dona an even ing suit for dinner. For fifty-five years Christian Fegley, ot Shamokin, has worked in the coal mines of Pennsylvania. He is the oldest miner in tho state, but he does not look it. Although silver locks adorn his head, his eyes are keen, his carriage erect, and his arms are brawny. The averago age of a miner is 45 years, yet this man is as hale and hearty as a miner at 40. lie was born In 1833, and entered tbe mines at the ago of 12. w RICH IN YEARS. frfl. Shawbocozle. wife of th& chief of tha Chippewa Indians, is over 100 'years 01a. A woman who worked in Gen. Knox's family still lives in Mains at the age of 08. James MoMlllen, of Bardwell, Ky., is said to haye documentary evidence that lie is 110 years of age. Ex-United States Treasurer Spinner is engaged upon a book on American linance. He Is 83 years old. The Greek patriarch of Alexandria, Mgr. Sophronius, is 00 years old, and has been a priest for seventy years. Mrs. Partridge, of Monticello, Flo., celebrated her eighty-second birthday anniversary by writing, without spec tacles, a letter to a younger sister. Sir Proyo Wallace, the oldest admiral in England, is now 08 years of ago. lie was in the fight in 1813 between the Shan non and Chesapeake, but never com manded a steam yessel. A centenarian, known as "Grandma Brown," living at Winsted, Conn., who has hitherto boasted of perfect health fell out the back door of her home re cently and fractured her collar bone. Samuel, Wildrick, Of Stoddartsville, Pa., aged 07 years, walked to Wilkes- barre, over twenty miles, to visit a man. Mr. Wtldriok is the father of twenty- eight children. A few weeks ago -ho cut twd new teeth. According to The Boston Transcript, the last of the old stage drivers who took their stages over the famous old route between Lancaster, N. H., and Portland, Me., is S. J. Seavey, who is a hue, hearty man yet. An individual, who was a clerk in the India house with Charles Lamb and John Stuart Mills, has just died at Ventnor, England, after having enjoyed a bond' some pension for fifty-four years. He had been allowed to retire, "in conse quence of broken health," in 1835, NOVELTIES IN JEWELS. Numbered among the fanciful hairpin devices is a blue tinted moonstone, set in a diamond ahaped frame of rubies. iowlors celebrated Knglish crape stone jewelry continues to maintain its long lead over all others for mourning wear. A dull gold nail, twisted and retwisted through a diamond and sapphire horse Bhoe, composes a brooch that is receiving praise. Pretty little scarfplns come as filigree cold circles, edged with gold pins driven half way through, forming a railing around. Tho fanflT nf f Via firrnr la ft, nalr of ftflr fin it. fiaVitnT, ml aa rtliff In tha nlrl.tlmn willow pattern in enamel, with diamond borders. A hairpin top recently seen took the form of a tiny tree, represented by lioss, sparkling with tiny stones scattered all over it. A miniature gold drum, with crystal top, ornamented with gold wires cross ing in every direction, comprises a charming queen chain pendant. Blnce xooS eighty-two miles or srrceui have been built, paved and drained in Rome, at a cost of (80,000,000, and S.OM houses erected in large, modern bloci. where old quarters formerly stood, ana five new bridges thrown across tbe Tiber. THE LATEST IN JEWELS. In lockets a quaint idea is an .enameled hand satchel. Ono of the latest fada in scarf pins is a pear shaped pearl. Cuff buttons are issuing in enamel and painted to represent porcelain. With tho approaching holidays initial jewelry is bound to be in demand. Tiny miniatures in triangular frames compose much admired scarf pins. Twisted wire rings with knotted cen ters are a whim that exists at present Queen chain pendants are in the mar ket, fashioned as walnuts in beaten gold. A tasty ring setting is a semicircle of diamonds and sapphires abov a rare catseye. A plain Roman bar running through three gold circles is a hairpin top that Is popular. A very beautiful shell hairpin has crown of Bohemian garnets set in fili gree gold. ,r Effective as a lacepln is a plain bar, on which is a wavy ribbon of diamonds and rubies. A favorite ring setting is composed ot three opals set between a sapphire, dia mond and ruby. A delightful llttls chatelalns adjunct is a diminutive mail pouch in oxidized silver for stamps. The Or QeU Tired Yawning;, SetmlDglr, ftr oertaln wretobBj lnTlfU wjio toddle feebly along i tbougb alwayi looking-a, If they irer going to die, lut omitting to do It. They dry op, w.tfu r, dwindle away finally, bat in tho mi- .ntlme never baring robust hoa 1th, know Di thlng ol tb pbyeloal enjoyment, the zeetortbat axliUne to whleb tbey ellnirwlth neb remarkable tenaolty. Ther are alwuyi to be foond trying to mend b tinkering at them telreiwlth lome traiby remedy, tenlo or "plcki mo up" to give a fillip to digestion, or "help tbe liver." It lueb mligulded folk would resort and adhere to IlosUtter'i Btomaeb Hitter it would be well with tbem. Tbl superb tnrig oient supplies the stamina tbattb leeble re quire, by rwrmauently relnfortUn digestion and aaslmlletloo. It OTr(mes otrvtiulness. In. omnia, maUrla, kidney complaints, hllluuinsss wsllpatlea, tttiimusai s4 eor!g4e, AT YOUR SERVICE With the best line of Over coat in Philadelphia for Men,Youths and Children. No matter what kind of an Overcoat you want you will 'find it hore made in our woll'known reliable way, at the lowest prices. A. O.Yates & Co., LRDQER BUILDING, Sixth and Chestnut. Philadelphia, KSOPPOSITE L. BANK STREET, - Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all thp verv latest stvles in WhifcA teens, Prints, Ginghams, s aacy wiess .cameras oi nig iuw prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockerywaro,GlSswa;r.fc N ood and Willow ware of the best makes at low, figures Cloths Cassimers. Hats. Bnots. Ph inade Clothing in great variety and at prices with ifc he read, nf all purchasers prices fullv as low us the same ironns Mn k nought for at any other general Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in grear variety and of best quality at Rock Bottom Prices. Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices lully as low as tlu arae articles can be purchased elsewhere. A cur load of coarse salt has just been received the price v been marked down to the verv lowest notr.h. All Roods of the verv best oualitv and are bninrr Rnlrl nt. mi s qually as low as the same goods n mis section, uau ana oe convinced. .Respectfully, Juy 823-71 LULQS REIPEL. BRIGG'B -FOR- IN ITS NERVOUS. BILLIOUS, OE CONGESTIVE FORMS. This Remedy is tho prescription of one of the Icadlnc physicians of Paris. France .nfi 1VA.11ftiVi llV lilm with linnnrallalnd mmnnta frr- iwcw tlilPr aAAkn .1 j' . i to thft Ptlhlfp ft ft nrnnr f nrir hiriitf In In Into almost every country on the face of the .m.wua.uv w pujDiLiuuo. xixcuirti u bucu tiuiiuni tun y en Liuiia auu uuer lueir omciai cnemisis nave anahzed It and tound that It contained no opiates, bromides, or other harmful ingredients, quietly Tbl Is to cerlily that I havo used for Kme menths wltb much Batisraction, the combination f remedies, for Heanoche, kDown as Bribe's Ileadnche Trwhoa. The' rcmedv cures mora head. eehfs especially euch as eUecl Nervou Women 41. lm . . ttt - - I Milt I. A ... . . ... ..11. inioiTiiiHtuw ym wiuo mrouD ui vmkiu; uble, I shall leel that I haye done them a PBICB, 25 Bold by all Druggists, or sent ELIZABETH, J. AncuM SI. '69. Near Phllade School Opens YeBrlr IJxpo QnarteTlr l'nrm'ti ScLo.l. for Writ I'oirtt or AnnanuHt Adnncad clusei In Aamltt KD'i ClU!fl vrainnv tnn anrl Iwm imUm.. A CItU Knrlneerin&r. Ctutit s, Muhcnuttcs. etc board tvitii the tVlncl-tit r-h. athletics, etc Gjrmnuium Strt..I pp-sftunituMf r aist itknu t la r r.l4dir rirti tut'iti'Mr mtitf rwui it f 1.J.-1 Ytrdboft Ptmn or m ry teltci iht itodlei. r Biwijm- Oltvf Ir(ni .r I ,al C.r. nj1it(ni; court. "hslrl lnd Cheoi. a! l-aN-rnorj- i'f. ikl ine l)?,rttnrHt vii'i I Irt"t4'f. Shnr. 'n-l i -pAr,upff etc. tftc. More fully iupjil-' il ai hTb (Iiai anr tithr t nllee ftintii! hc i '.led'.' rrtjf ttfrni hoik? comfort, the l!t education. ai.ails tKttriinii.)f. I hid j-ru emi' veo cttvn. . Meiiin tln fn '.4v,wm Nw l2illf,.Jted.ctl?n; ,enl fr'e 10 " WI nil.N C illOU I LIUut. iE.AK . rMd f.i'uKj. -ntii.ljrt d I'ropHet&r. Mtdia, Ctr uUn at ibu oAv rOOITIS 1'fflT Inom hit 1 il ilMm tclUt.tt ...I lm TOACQUAINTED WITH TUB OBOOHAPHT OF THE COCTNTRT, WILL OBTAIN UUOH VALT7ABLB mrOKMATIOW TBOM A STUDY 07 THIS MA? OF THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISUNB ft PACIFIC RAILWAY, Including main line, brancbss and extension Zaet amd West of the Missouri Elver. Tho Direct Route to trad from Chicago, Jollet, Otta-sru, Pooria, La Salle. Mollne, Eoclc Island, in ILLINOIS-Darenlport, Muscatine. Ottumwa, Oskalooao, Deo Uolneo.Wlnterset, Audubonjlarlan.and Oonnoll Bluffs, in IOWA-Minneapolls and at. Paul, in MINNESOTA VTatertown ond Sioux Palls, in DAKOTA Cameron, Bt. Joseph, and Eansas City, la MISSOUBI Omutia, Falrbury, and Kelson, In NEBRASKA Horton. Topeka. Hutchinson, Wiohlta, Bellavillo, Abilere, Caldwell, in KANSAS Poad Creek, Klnshor, Port Eono, in tho INDIAN TERRITORY and Colorado Springe, Denver, Pueblo, in COLORADO. 1TREU Recllnlnrr Chair Caro t and from Chicago, Caldwell, Hutohlnoon, ond Dodgo City, suid Palace Sleep ing Care between Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Trayeraes new and vast areas of rich forming and grazing lands, affording the beet faollltles of intercommunication to all towns and cities east and west, northwest and southwest of Chicago, and Poclflo and transoceanic Seaports. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Leading all competitors In splendor of equipment, cool, well ventilated, and froo from dust. Through Coaches, Pullman Sleepers, FREW Reclining Chair Cars, and (oast of Missouri River) Dtnlncr-Cara Dolly between Chicago, Sea Molnas, Council Bluffs, and Omaha, with Free Reclining Chair Oar to orth Platte, Nob-, and between Chicago and Colorado Springs, Denver, and Pueblo, via St. Joseph, or Kansas City and Topeka. Splendid Dining Hotels (furnishing meale at HMonableowsl west or Missouri River. California Excursions daily, with OHOIOB OP RO0T15S to and from Bait Lake. Ogden, Portland, Los Asgoles, and San Franolsoo. The DIRECT LINE to and from Pike's Peak, Manltau, Qarden of the Gods, tho Sanitari ums, and Scenio Orandours of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Solid Krpresa Trains daily between Chlpago and Minneapolis and St Paul, with THROUGH Reollnlnjr Choir Cars (FRBE) to and from thoso points ana Kansas City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper bstween Peoria, Spirit Lake, and Sioux Falls, via Rook Island. The Favorite Lino to Pipestone, Water town, Sioux Falls, and the Summer Resorts and Hunting and Fishing Orounds of the Northwest. THE SHORT LTNB VIA SBNBCA AND KANKAKKB offers facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St. Joaeph.Atahlapn, Leavenworth, Sanaaa City, Minneapolis, and St, Paul. For Tiokets, Maps, Folders, or desired Information, apply to any Ticket Office in the united States or Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, 0arl OKIOAQO, IX I Oet'l Ticket ft Pa. Agist $ 1 . rod LO & S. DEPOT,-Ssjr - LEHIGHT0N, Pa Marseilles, Seersuckers' and me very oest qualities at exceed store in this vicinity. can bought at any general stoie 1C7Q anr nmnn tl.n t(. t e j i. globe, and become a favorite remedy will outicnco uavu uisgusseu us uiarvctous sue TESTIMONAL. L. R. BUCWN, M. D. 23 West Jersey St.. Elizabbth, N. J., Juno 28, 1889 than nylhlnalam acquainted with, and if 1 . r ,, 1 r . ... . . H ina lavoraoie attention- oi suuererB Irom that service. L. K. BBOWN, M. D. CBISTTS. by Mail on reooipt of Prioo, fbyihi. ChcmU.rr' Snrvevlrs. Vlci'i- it -r if V.. t. n.t... . tV O... I . . I. . . . ... . 1 "il 1, . is the price of the Advo cate lor 52 weeks CAUTION g I IonktM.n niuno bb m tr BiMnntMl tin Mi boHom. If tho dmr eaatiiH "Pptr Xoxi et to factory bioi1ok Tmm ad dlr SHOE FOR CENTLEMIM. Fine Calf. ITenTv I..rd ilr.Iti ted CriA moor Wnterproon iicHtin me worm, Ezsmme di SS.00 OENIUNF. IIAND-HKWKD HHOB. 4.00 IIANl)-HlWI-.l W1CI.T HIIOI. SI3.80 I'OI.lCi: AND KAllMKllB' KUOBt HZ.BO KXTIIA VAI.tlK VA1.Y MIIOR. B3.S5 A S3 WOHKINOMKN'S BUflKB. B3.00 nnd HI, in I1)VB' HCIIOOL BUOM. All made in CoDmu, Dutton asd Lace. $3&$2 SHOES ladsSb. 1.78 HHOK FOR MISSEB. Bet MaUrlal.lJt Stylf. Best ritHaj. TV. L. UougUa, Brockton, Mass. tAi tr Adam Mahrkam &on, Agenta, UtBORWl 4-6Yrr,vve,, Sold bydruggistS ALSO PEKnLiss nnojfZE paints -a cion, rEKIiLKSS I.AIINDBT Ill.UINO. PEEKLES8 ISK POlVPEnS-S Kinds 1 Man. PKKHUJiS NHOK AND HARNESS 1)01X8110. PEERLESS tuu DIES-S CoUrs. QFavoriteSiDgfli Sewing Machine. HIGH AEM $25.00. Each Machine has a. drop leaf. fancy cover, two large drawers, with nickel rings, and a full set of Attachments, equal to anv Sin. rer Machine told from $40 te $60 by Canvassers. A trial in your home be fore payment is asked. Buy direct'of the Manu facturers and save agents' profits besides getting certificates of warrantee for five years. Send for testimonials to Co-operalivs SbwIrq Machlo Co., 269 S. 1 1 tli St, Philadelphia, Fa. c ATARRH WehaTe a remedy that will CURE CATARRH. onnunuiTlc nA ACTMM1 fhir f.lih it a trrflnir that we will send treatment on trial. Send for Treatise and full particulars. Address, The Hall Chemical Co., 3860 Falrmoant Ay., Phlli., Pa or Falling Sictnss CAN bo CURED. ' n.tl a lirn TRIAL. EC) T VLB; .1 . nn Vnll.mv. DON'T SUFFER ANY LONQERI GlrePostOJ- Address, THE HALL CHEMICAL CO., j!6o Fairmouni Avenue, Philadelphia, ra. Prof- Lossette's DISCOVERY AND TRAIHJfiG METHOD In spit ol adnltxr.ted ImlteUoni We,h ,mls Sh theurr, end praoUcil reaaltji of tue OrlKlml, In ?' the itroMetf olreiimntti,!i U eiinone wonl.1 eomp tltore, endlneplUof Miew!teiJPt4torb"hta olthelniltoflilslitwrMsIl ohioh UwonntnX" . thy Dndoultd superiority und popularity ol ni teacliJp). Prof. L.iisetlo'i Art rl Neter ioretHti is rlea ttvday in both lIniirbo JU merLiox an Kppcfcia Memory Oultnre. .Vt Pr, rpool.ierwntiiottri)iTe opinions ol people In ail rmrti "t Hie KM" hciliareMt. nslly studied hie Erelnni be e itrmipnnileooc, shjmtB thet his Srsteni Is tw-l nnh wM" teiitffhulted.nii afterwards; thttnnv - KnnfUtuiud'rnanni readtm.rxUd-fKtniirriw irM, &e. I'orPrcepeeto ITjneendTluitim'iBiii'n r ldr ' . . Bps?. AVWiamTJi, 28T i7ifth Aven,H. 13 WEEKS. The rOLICE GAZETTE will be nulled ecurely wrapped, to any address in Ihe Unl, ed States for three month on recelct of One Dollar. Meral dUoount allowed to postmaster ,aftbaentsndclnl)8. Sample cople mailed Ireo eJiHlAUIlsonjera 10 ji;iiaiuj a., tui iUyUM) FlUmatlN BgoABS. v. bly's Catarrh Cream - Bali Cleanse tue Nasal Passages, Allays Pain ana Inflammation Real the lore Restore the Bins of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CUBE "FEVER A particle Is unnlled Into each nostril and la agreeable. I'rlce 10 cent at drugglsta ; 6 y uiallj reslstered, cocts. ELY WIDTH KRS, 68 Warren St., New York, august IV, 1880 For t880, Borne people agree with Tub Sun's opinion about men and things, and some people don'tj but ever) body like to get bold of the newspaper which Is never dull ami never alrd to speak Its mind. - -,-t Democrats ktienc fytjffimi$ yjstr Tub 8uk lias JoiiKlit In tlfcty); IlnefSi' De'mocratle principles, never Wffterlng or wken!lifr lu it loyalty to the true Interests of the party It letr. with fearlees lntelllgenee and disinterested rig or. At time nplnluns have differed aa,to th best means of accomplishing Hi common pun pose; It Is not the sun s laiilt lilt lias teen fur ther Into the millstone. Rlghteeu hundred and ninety I the year that Will probably determine the renub ots-lb. dentlai election of ism, and wrhaiJ tuollort'ine pf the Democr.toy (or the rt of the century Victory In 1W a duty, and the beglnplng ei IKO Is tbe beet time to start out in eoinany with Til Hun, ally, per month ,. ,m 'xttlr. per year , ., e.o lundav. nar vaar no Dally anilBtMwlajr.iieir jwr con l)allV and nillv. ixrfnooth o.T Weekly Hun.one vear is Address TUB BUN, New York, fllf circulntion is growing becauge e furnish J the lutoit local news in the . nt etvlcf. SeMjji is, W. L. DOUGLAS $3 sss JR. KmrjrmxX ism $2 riTS KX IH m U W m H m u I mmvr wl ' . . ,in, iui nj gtrVFEVERII i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers