strl as Second-Claw Mutter at the I hlghton roit-O Wee. The Carbon Advocate I-KlIIOUTON, IMSNKA. Ratei for Advertising i Charter Notices - - 4 00 Auditor's Notices 4 00 Commissioner's Notices 4 00 IMrorce Notices 4 oo Administrator's Notices - - 3 oo Siecutor's Notices 3 oo SATURDAY. JANUAHY 11. 1890. oni ride Circulation Larger than that of any Weekly Newspaper In the County. Westward Bound. Q uk at Falls, Moot., Dee. 24, 1889. Dkab Advocate: My last was from Chicago. Then I thought we had a country of great distances; with two days and three nights additional traveling I hare con eluded that this It a country of tnagulOcent distances. From Chicago oottitnt: of special obser vance was notice ablo until Su Paul was reached, except probably the crosstagTjf the "Father of Waters," which this far north is Ulte unto the Lehigh river at Lehighton. SU Paul and -Minneapolis are bustling, pushing cKles. It was my eood fortune and great pleasure at the latter place to meet two Lehlghton boys Fred Helm, who Is prospering in a commission houso, and Allen Dollenmayer, who has and is making his mark as a good citlien, enterprising and prosperous, and has at tained In his chosen occupation, that of a newspaper writer, a position that does credit to first class ability. He Is an in clslvo. able writer on the staff of the Min neapolis Tribune Star. Ills reputation and success is such that bis future before him Is beyond perad venture. I am grail fled as an old school companion to bear this observation and testimony as I ac quired it from people who know him In his sphere. Ifrs. Dollenmayer too is well and as matronly as of years gone by. From Minneapolis I came to this place, yla the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railroad, soon to be known as the Great Northwestern. This road is finely equipped In all the appurtenances that pertain to comfortable traveling, f ho managers are courteous and friendly In ministering to the wants of passengers. It is a good line and worthy the consideration of those who desire to see a magnificent section of our common country, and for such, who in the spirit of emigration propose to wend theh way westward to senk bo Ml. Soon after leaving the uaste t it'rmtnus of this road St. Paul- the . r . mences to pass through the l'r... and lake region of Minnesota, h crossing the ate border the train passes through the far famed wheat belt of the world the Red River valley of Dakota, This belt is a storehouse of wealth, es peclally in seasons when there Is sultlclenl moisture to raise a full crop of the staff ot life. In such seasons the farmers raise from forty to sixty bushels of A No. 1 hard wheat to the acre. Crops are raised here on a scale that would make the east em tiller of the soil gape with surprise. enyy and astonishment. During the past season a very dry spell has Interfered will the crops and as a result the garneriug was short of usual results, This, for the pres' ent, as Is natural, has somewhat affected the usual forces of trade and prosperity of the Dakotas. From Dakota the state of Montana Is entered, no;ed for its excellent grazing purposes and for Its rich mineral deposits richer than any other similar sec tion of country in the world In such as gold, silver, copper, lead, etc. What is known as the Milk River country of Mon tana is a yerv fine rolling prairie, natural! adapted to grazing, and sooner or later will become as noted for agricultural results as the Red River valley. Settlers ate con stantly going into this country and later on Its resources will become as popular) known as those further east. Then for the rush. Along the entire line of .the Man itoba road small towns are springing up, and from casual observance are thriving am? prosperous. For a distance of hundreds of miles, from the car windows cattle, sheep and horses can be seen grazing (they call It ranching) on these plains. It is no unusual sight to see herds of 250 and upwards In cbargo of the cowboys, pursuing their wonted way seeking sustenance in the rich and fattening prairie grasses, It Is a good business, and a paying business too. Many of those who started In the business upon a small capital are now men of competence and fortune. The necessary expenditure, comparatively speaking, Is small and the returns large. Passing on we came to Fort Assumption, the largest military post of the government west of the Mlsslsslpl. The next stopping place is Fort Benton, an ola Hudson Day trading post and the head of navigation on tho Xissourl River. Be fore railroads In this country Benton was a live frontier towu, doing the transfer business for the country to the west and south. It Is said th.H during the sixties and early seventies mauv millions of gold were transported over the plains, on wagons, from placer camps, to this station and there on boat down the Missouri to St. Louis. Whilst at Benton a Mr. Gran ville Stuart, an old timer, and posse boirdcd the train, with some $60,000 of gold bullion, one month's product of the Spotted Horse mine, on his way to Helena. This mine was sold last summer by a Mr. McAdow for $500,000. Two years pre vious, we were told, tha' lie would gladly have sold the same for 15,000. but could find no purchasers. Sue if fortune. Forty-three miles to 'he -,.,, Benton Is Oreat Falls, In a L.'t,u plain, located on the Jfissouil Rive, place of destiny, destined ut no great future to be a commercial and Industrial centre. It has all the natural attributes to make Ii ouch and If there Is sueh a thing as a nat ural location for a great Inland city, then this town of six years standing possesses It In an ample degree; coal, untold water power, mineral wealth and future agricul tural development tributary. The father of Great Falls, Hon. Paris Gibson, an elegant gentleman, perceiving the great future possibilities of -the place, like Peter founding bis church upon the rock, gave direction to that which In the future will be a monumeut to his sagacity and foresight a place that will hum with Industrial enterprises and bring wealth to the man of courage, for U offers almost phenomenal Inducements to the manufac turer and tradesman. The Mlstourl at this place In a distance of some miles has a fall over 350 feet. One of these falls h some thing over OS feet in height, and the power that can thus be utilized Is Immeus. It Is one of the prettiest locations ne nave be held so far. From the town to the south and east, some thirty-fire miles distant, the Little Belt mountains In their majesty loom up aud present a pleasing sight with their snow-capped summits. Two hun dred miles to toe west the main range of the Rockies, la their impressive gloiy and . ltasw, rtTMl tbamitlvM to lb ej 64 teem to say, behold the wondrous works of God. Impressive! Yes, Impressive I To tne north are the prairie and tablelands, swarming with animals. Thus with the Inexhaustablo wealth In the mountains, such as the precious metals, copper, lead, coat , etc. ; with Its tremendous water power and Its attractiveness It cannot help but be the place between St. Paul and Tacoma In the course of a few year. A few miles to the northeast are what 1 known as the Black Eagle and Rainbow Falls. They are pretty sights and deserve to be visited by sight seers and travelers. Near by Black Eagle Falls 1 what I known as the Giant Spring. This Is a wondrous freak of nature. The volume of water that belches forth at the side of the riyer 1 as great as that which make up the Lehigh. It Is no exaggeration to tay that moro than 2000 miles from Its mouth, the Mis souri Is a larger stream than the Mlsslsslpl Is at St. Paul, hence the .Missouri should be the father of water and not the other. The altitude ot Great Fall la 3,100 feet above sea level; the atmosphere la dry, pleasant and Invigorating, and makes one feel like Charley Lenta In one of his spread-oagle speeches flap his wings and Inhale the futurity of life. During the months of December, Januaiy and Feb ruary the thermometer In this latitude has been known to register a week at a time forty degrees above zero. These assurances are from old time residents and we have no reason to doubt them, for duriug our stay we could readily have walked the streets without an overcoat and not been affected as much by tho cold a we were when we left good old Carbon county. There is a grave misapprehension as to the atmos pherlcal condition ot this country amongst those who have no knowledge as regards It. It Is exblllratlng, and let our assurances be accepted, that the anticipation of friends, that yours truly, getting Into this country would freeze to death or be a moy lug Iceberg, compelled to exercise his vis' Ion through a badge of Ice, has not beer fulfilled. True as gospel, no such crystal Izatlon, as yet, has overtaken him. Another misapprehension, created by romancing newspaper writers, that is very unjust, Is the erroneous Impression as re gards these people. No man, as the gen oral supposition is amongst the generality of eastern people, as a matter of self de fense, needs come Into tbelr midst with Colt's revolvers In every pocket about the person or bowle knives of Jack-and-kill order up bis coat sleeves. None of these things wo found necessary to our wcll being, and we assert without fear of con- radlctlon that as a whole, we found them - . lever, frank and sociable people; kind ' 1 generous In their treatment of a fel Ion aud as Intelligent and refined as any be found In the effete east. Ife are under special obligations while here to Mi. Frank Coombs, a former Wilkes Barrean, who Is all soul nnd the essence of good fellowship; Hon. Jeremiah Collins for bis gentlemanly courtesy, and to G. C. Mason for the magnanimity ac corded whilst bis guest. We will soon be at the gates of the mountains and then for the celestial sights of the canyon for the next. Good bye, F. L. R. BROADBRIM'S H. Y. LETTER. Thr New Year should open auspiciously; wo don't care for cold ; Ice and snow would not be unwelcome visitors. The frost upon the window pane and the music of the sleigh bells are the adornment of this boll- day. But while I write a heavy calamity weighs down all the land and Broadbrim has not escaped, the fever burns me up, and an oppressive cloudiness of the brain makes It almost Impossible to write. haye tried to battle against It, but It seems as If the will power fall and there Is noth Ing to do but give up and lie down till the crisis passes or ends. But It Is New Years, and as there has been no failure In the Broadbrim letter for a decade, I feel that I must go on. Sadly enough I sit among the ruins of Christmas. From my windo n I look out on what was once my garden and there tossed in one corner Is all that remains of the Christmas tree, around which were gathered a score of happy children less than a week ago. How gay It looked with Its festoons of glittering ttreamers.lts beau tlful colored pendants and balls, and what treasures hung bidden among Its branches for all good Utile boys and girls. All gone now. The tree Is cast aside like an old shoe, and the toys, where are they? Mabel's beautiful doll has loss an eye and she Is not lovely to look upon. Tommy tried to explore the Innermost recesses of his kal eldescope to see what made those wonder ful figures; a few little specs of glass tumbled out upon the floor and the fairy vision had vanished forever, Here Is a camera that cost five dollar all smashed to pieces, and a printing press on which he was going to print all bis New Year's vis iting cards, covered all over with Ink and useless. Ah, mel Ah, me I perhaps It wou't belong before we areas useless as that printing pressl Bat what's the use of mourning over what can't be helped? Let It go and drift on, drift on. Tbe sugar trust of which I spoke a week or two ago, has been having a lively shak ing up, aud as usual it was the lambs who were bind. It Is not long since that sugar certificates sold at 120. Tbe heavy holders In the trust unloaded at that, and now they expect to get them all back at 60. Just think of it. A man unloads 1000 .bares In morning and pockets $75,000 clear by the ' i -inaction. No wonder these speculators nk themselves smart and all the rest of ... world fools. A few weeks ago James Keeno was the strongest bull on tbe market for sugar certificates. He gave bis bosom friends tbe tip "Buy 'em, me bov; buy 'em. We'ye got tbe market: we make all tbe sugar that Is made In tbe United States; we've got all the plants, they can't get a pound unless they buy from us. There's millions In it; millions iu III" Tbe pros pect of enormous dividends, fleeced by that robber band from tbe poor people, un locked many a strong box. and now they are mourning as Rachel mourned for her children, and refuse to be comforted be cause their ducat are not. In the sugar deal somebody ha lost a good deal of money. It Is quite astonishing how an old polit ical fight has developed which bodes 111 to all tbe parties conceroed. It ha been an open secret for the past three year that tbe relations between Governor David o. Hill and ex-President Cleveland baye beea on tbe north side of friendly, Tbe fact tbattbe Governor got 12,000 votes more than tbe President In tbs last Presidential election was, to put It In tbe mildest four, a little remarkable, since In the flgbt the Governor wa triumphantly elected while tbe President, who considered his election sure, got badly left. Governor Hill thought when ha bad glyen tbe Democracy a math ematical demonstration of who wa the monger of is two, UuA Uai would satU Mr. Cleveland' chance as a possible can didate for the Presidency before tbe next National Convention. Instead of which he find that the ex-President Is neither dead nor sleeping, and Is not only looming up as a candidate, but as the only possible candidate who can assure a Democratic success. Now the Governor 'does not think so, but the Albany Argut does, and tbe Albany Argut from away back has been the recognized Court Journal which kept the public Informed of the doings of the Albany nobility, and enjoyed a nice little ptum for advertising and perquisites of t0,000 a year. Now Governor David B. Is not the man to put a sandbag In any body's hands, especially If he thinks it Is going to bo used on himself; If there are any sandbags around, the Governor gen erally expects to do the clubbing, and that I precisely what he proposes to do In tbe present case, not that the Governor had anything to do directly Tlth tbe transfer of the official plums from the Argut to the Timet, but be had watchful friends among the powers that bo, looking out for bis in terest, so the Timet got the prize and tbe Argut lost, and now all tbe general public has got to do Is to quietly await develop ments. No matter where you gS every body has something to say about tbe fight, and In New York and Brooklyn Democrats are rapidly taking sides, but that able and wily commander Dick Croker, tbe Thun derer of Tammany Hall, sajs: "Hands off, gentlemen, hands off; both ex-PresIdeni Cleveland and Governor Hill are m friends, and I haven't a word to say." Somebody is going to get hurt, and mam with whom I have spoken, who were the Governor's warm friends, tblnk that in making the change or allowing it to be done he has made a grave mistake. He may possibly succeed In defeating Mr. Cleveland' renominatlon, but the ex- Presldent has many warm friends In New York who are not good at forgetting, and every one of tbcm will be found on deck when the day comes for striking a trial balance on tbe political ledger. January second, another great ball of the elite, who for tbe occasion have let down the bars and 1200 invitations were Issued. It I not exclusively a New York affair like tbe Patriarch's ball given at Delmonico'sa little oyer a week ago. Many of the guests are from Washington, Baltimore, Boston and other cities, and among the rosebuds who are to lend beauty to tbe occasion 1 notice tbe name of Miss Letter, of Chi cago, the daughter of Mr. Letter, of tbe great dry goods firm of Field, Letter dfc Co.; and while we will hardly admit that Chi cago Is a respectable rlvat for the Wor d's Fair, we freely admit that she has ber share of pretty girls, and If she will only send them on to our society balls we will cheerfully exhibit them on all proper occa slon. But while the company brings In nearly four hundred from other cities, New York pays all the bills, Mr. McAllister being furnished with fifteen thousand dol lars cash In hand, and the privilege ot drawing as much more as Is necessary. Klundet's bill for flower wa two thous and, wines especially belected by JcAllls ter two thousand more, supper five tbous aud, and it was so arranged that the entire twelve hundred sat down at once. Tbey were placed at two hundred tables holding six each. Each table bad two waiters, and so admirable were the arrangements all the guests were served without tbe slightest confusion. Tbe .Metropolitan Opera House was floored over for tbe occasion, and an one who remembers tbe disgraceful scenes at the Centennial dinner can well Imagine the glow ot just pride which lit up Mr. McAllister's face as be surveyed his own triumph, and remembered the dlscomfituie ot his enemies. Plymouth church is having a lively sen satlon In tbe approaching Installation if Dr. Abbott, Afr. Beecher's life-long friend and successor. There is no falling off in the attendance at Plymouth church. Every pew Is rented at a large premium, and the church is in as flourishing a condition as it ever was In Mr Beecher's time. By the way, speaking of Mr. Beecber, there Is con slderable dissatisfaction expressed with the model of tbe statue of Afr. Beecher now being prepared by the celebrated sculptor. Ward. It Is said that tbe family do not like It, and that the committee having tbe matter In charge are delighted with it. It has no gone too far to make any alter atlona The entire cost will not be far from $40,000. A new light broke in upon Brooklyn a little over a year ago In tbe person of Dr. Meredith, formerly of Boston. Dr. Mere dith came to Brooklyn with a most excel lent reputation as a pulpit orator, but though one of tbe ablest preachers in the city of churches to-day, his preaching Is but a small portion of bis merit. He baa mads himself beloved by tbe voung and old ot bis cburcb, and bis Bible classes held every Sunday afternoon are considered as the most Instructive and popnlai church entertainments given in tbe city. For his torical research and thorough knowledge of tbe Bible, with tbe habits, manners, ctts toms and domestic Institutions there spoken of. nothing has been seen here like It. Though In Brooklyn only a little ovei a year he has already built up one oe tbe largest and most influential congregations in the city, and judging from tbe rapid manner in which be has progressed it will not be long till he has a national repu tatlon. And now that we are falrfy launched on tbe New Year, we can look back on the track oyer which we haye passed and spec ulate on tbe chances that lie between us and January first, 1691. 1889 was not a common year. Fire, flood and cyclone have left ruin and disaster in their tracks as if there bad been a conspiracy In the e'e- ments for man's destruction, The recent disaster to tbe bouse of Braganza in Brazil terminates most sadly In the death of the empress, whose life was all of good; a life which ends In storm and darkness and tears. For tbe aged mourner she leaves behind bowed down with grief, we of tbe United States bav nothing but kindly remembrances, and we can only hope that the new Republic which banished him may have as gentle and as just a government for the next fifty years ashs has given In tbs half century just past. But with all the disaster by sea and by land, the ravages of flood and tempest, financial failures, plots at home and abroad, and disease which sweep the land like a consuming fire, our beloyed Republic has made steady progress upward and onward, a progress unexampled In tbe history ot nations. Four new commonwealths hare been born Into the sisterhood of States, and It will not be long tilt there will be no spot of land marked Territory on tbe map tbat de fine our country. Nowhere on (he globe are sixty million of people Hying la such security and peace; for this and our abup dam harvests, which assure plenty to tbe homes of tbe poor, God be thanked, and to his merciful guidance w trust tbe year now opening, never doubtlug tbat In tbe future, a la we past ail win oe wen trim us. Your truly. BJiOADBJilM. POWDER Absolutely Furo. strength and wholesomeness. More economical tlian the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude ot low test, short weight, aium or pnosnnate powucr. Bold only In cans, ltoyat Baking Powder Company, l" vrau Direct n. a. i uneit LeM&Mon Water Bonds for Sale. The Lehighton Water Company have de cided to issue $10,000 worth ot Water Bonds In denominations ot $100, $200 and $900, bearing interest at the rate ot 5 per tent, payable semi annually; said bonds to run Ten years or re deemable at the option ot the Company after Kite loin uny oi January ibw. mas tor an or any portion ot the above bonds will be received at tho Secretary's office until 12 o'clock noon Yveuiiesuay. uic idui uay oi .January ibju. HOWARD SEABOLDT, Uec'y. Iiehlghton, January 8-80 First National Bank, OF LKI1IGHTON, PA. The Annual Klectlon for Seven Directors of thin Hank will !c held at the llanalnc House, oi TUESDAY, JANUAKY 14th, 1800. between the hours of ONE and TllltEK O CIAJCK P. M. JOHN T. 8EMMEL, Cashier. Leklghton. Tii., Dec. 2l-3t Administrator's Notice. Estate ot WILLIAM F. BEEVEK, Deceased. Letters of Administration on tho estate of Wm. V. Beever, late of Eranklln township, Car non county, x eiiusyivaiiiu, ueceuseu, nave uecr granted to J. W. Heller, residing In said town alilp, to whom all persons Irdebtcd to said es late are requested to make payment, and thosi havlngclahn.i or demands, will make the sunn known without delay. J. W. HELLEK, Administrator S. It. Oilman. Attorney. Welssport, Pa., Dec. 20., 8Mw Professional & Business Cards. W. M. Rapshor, ITTORNEY iKD COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND DISTKICT ATTORNEY, First door above the Mansion House, MATCH CHUNK, - - PENN'A. 'eal Estate and Collection Agency, win rtu nd Sell Heal Estate. Conveyanclnir neatly done ollecttons promptly made. Settling Estates o lecjdents a specialty. May be consulted It English and German. nov. 12-yl W. G. M. Seiple, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 10UTH STREET, - - - LEHtOHTONi May be consulted In English and German. peclal attention given to uyneeology. Officx Hoorts; From 12 M. to 2 P. M.,ant rom 6 to 9 P. M, mar. 31-yl A.. S. Rabenold, D. D. S., XCH Ostice : Over J. W. Kaudenbush' Liquor Store, BANK STRECT, IiEHIOHTON. ' oentlstry In all Its branches. Teeth Extract! without Pain, (las administered when requested OIBce Days WEDNESDAY of each week, f. O.addtcss, ALLKNTOWN, Jau3-yl ' Lehigh county. Ta, F. I. SMITH, D. D. S., Office opposite the Opera nouse. Bank Street, Zeh ''l.ton, Pa, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Filling and making artificial dentures a special ly. iammi auesuicucs useu. Uas administered and Teeth Fxtracted WITH OUT PAIN. OFFICE HOURS: From S . m., to 12 m., Iron 1 n. in., to B p. m., from 7 p. m., to 8 p. m. Consultations lu English or Merman Office Hours at Hazleton-Kvery Saturday, ict 16-87 lv Dr. H. B. REINOHL, "Graduate of Phlla. Dental College. DENTISTRY I IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. PerseiTation of tbe Teeth a Specialty . OFFICE HOURS : From 8 a. m. to 6 p. in. OAS HALL, Market Bina. Hanch Chunk. BRANCH OFFICE I BAST - MAUCH - CHUNK Two Doors North of Post-OfEOJ. OFFICE HOURS: 7 to Da. ru. Aprll2S-3m DENTISTRY, Dr, J. A. Jilayer&Scn. TDr. GEORGE H. MAYER, i Oraduate from the Dental Department ot thi Ualv.relty of Pennsylvania, has opened an ofice In the satuo building with bis father, secoud Door In the Bay Vt tudow, OS BROADWAY, MAUCH CHUNK, PA., and Is now nrenared to receive evervonein need of first-class dental service. uue 8-89-tf DR. G. T. FOX 172 Main Street, Oath, Pa. AT XASTON, SWAN HOTEL, TDESDAVS. AT ALI.KNTOWN, AMERICAN HOTEL, THURSDAY at banooe, b&oadway 1iovsk, mondays. Kt Bath, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Office Hours From 8 a. in. to 1 p. m. Practice iimiteu vj aiseases oi iuu Eye,Ear, Nose & Throat C0-Also, Refraction ot the Eyes for the adjust ment of glasses. k FRANK P. DIEHL, NORTH STREET, g Practical Blackamltbit Ilorscsboer fy Hfl ls prepared to do al work tn his line IMtmti In the best manner and at the lowest prices, rieasecaiL uorawo-iy. MANSION HOUSE Opposite L. t S. Depot, BANK STREET, LEHIOUTON, O. H. HOM, ritOntlETOR. i'hls house offers first-class accommodations for .ranslent and permanent boarders. It has been newly refitted In all lis departments, and ls locat ed tn one of the most picturesque portion of tbe borough. Terms moderate. Ey- The b A It Is applied with 'he choicest Wines, Liquor and T. J. BRETNEY Respectfully announces to tbe Merchants ot Le llihton and others that he la now DreDared tn Co U kinds of Hauhno or Freight, Expbess Matteb ANP Bajqoagk On reasonabre terms. Orders ole at Bwaeny's Corner Store or at ray resides, cert PINE St.. near the Cemetery, will reeslve Prompt attsa- AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned offers his FARM, with the ilUILDINOS thereon erected, situate In Ma tHHUBK Valley, three miles from the Uoroueh ot Irlgliton, Carbon County, Peuna., at Private Sale. The Farm comprises Two Tracts of Land separated bv a Publlo Road leading to Beaver Iron j the tract upon which the Bulldlnirs are erected contains 12 Acres, more or least the tin- pruTciueuia are a Two-Story Frame Dwelling, 21x90 feet, with Kitchen attached, lixliteett nana uarn, xs x su ieei, witu wagon neu nc tAclied, 10 x 28 feet: Carpenter and Blacksmith Shop, lax 24 tret) Bone Mill, so x31 lect. and otner outhulldmes. The other tract contain ill Acres, moro or less.nearly all cleared and under one, and will be sold at a reasonable price and cuuu cuiuvHiitiii. me nronertT in Hn eiiinmn uu easy terms. Apuir on mo premises, w VA.V1U KUIlttH, octis-mj Mahonlne valley, Pa. AN EAY WAY GET A GOLD WATCH. Only $1.00 a Week. We are now formlm Clubs for the 8nest Qpld, Gold-tilled and Silver Watches mnu ractured for twin .Ladies and Gentleman. We put In these walchss a movement mtde by either of the following companies: Elgin waunam, Hampden, etc, to suit me puronaa er. A club for a gold watch at $40.00, consist ot loriy members, and each member pays 1.00 a week. A drawing is made once a week, and the member whose name is drawn get his watch Immediately, be still continuing to pay $1.00 week until he has paid for it, at which time each and all fortv members will bave re eel red and paid for fats walcb. The last person to rerwive his watch will be made a present ol anaodsomecnain. , OUR GUARANTEE. Every article bought from us must be Jutt as represented, and we are willing at anj and all tunes to make good the failure of anv article sold, tn be as represented. This is the Best, cheapest sou must Convenient way to buy a watch tbrougb our Co operative Club System, We give a first class Elgin or Waltham stem winding and setting movement, which we guarantee lor two years. The case Is warrant 'dtby a written guarantee to wear for twenty years. The above Is why we give yon more for your money man any one else and wby we are do ng the largest watch business In the world. We sell only first quality goods. Why not be in owner of a Gold Watch whenever you have he chance tn get one. Join the club at once, wly 1.00 down and Iben $1.00 a week until he watch is Paid. Please call or send me your name and ad Iress aud I will call at your house and show ynu samples, or if you areuat a distance I will tend full particulars. Agents wanted everywhere. Write for erms and circulars. CHARLES M. BEHRIG, Froxt SI., (Opp. Bank) Oatibadqca, Pa. H L. FREY, announces to the people of Le highton and vicinity that he has commenced the Merchant Tailoring business near the corner ot Lehigh and Carbon Sts., in this borough, and that he is prepared to exhibit to purchasers over Three Hundred Styles o Suitings, Pantaloonings and Overcoatings. which ho will furnish at from 10 to 15 per cent, lower than any other house. Fit and workman ship guaranteed. aucust3vil' Administrator's Notice. Estate ot John Schwartz, Deceased. Letters of administration on the estate of John -tchwartz, late ot the Borough of IhlRhton.Car noii county, Pennsylvania, deceased, nave been (ranieu to unrace liejat, residing in said nor ugh. t, whom all persons Indebted to said es- ate are requested to make payment, and.those navlng claims or demands, to make known the tame wiiuoui neiay. uuiiAUlI UEI1JI, .'revman & Heydt, Attorneys. Adm's. 12-11-89 PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauch Chunk & Lehlghton, Z. 11. C. HOM, Proprietor. PACKERTON, - - Pa. t his well-known Hotel Is admirably refitted, and .ias the best accommodations for permanent and transient boarders. Excellent Tables aud tbe ery uesi liquors. Biauies aiiacnea. lans-yi MERCHANT'S GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES. TE not only give the purchaser the best ' ' roofing plates, but we piotect hlmi FIItHT By guaranteeing overy box. SECOND B stamping each sheet with the brand and thickness. THIRD By excluding wasters or defec tive sheets. FOUllTH-By branding the net weight of the 112 sheets on each box. to satlfy the cus tomer (In this ageof light weight plates) that he Is obtaining Full Weight. For the benefit of those wanting the yerv best roofing plates, we assert, and are pre pared to prove, that therr are no other brands of roofing tin offered In the ninrlret to-dav. by any firm under the four different guarantees given above by this house, ano we challenge a public contradiction of this siaieiucuu Our book on Tin Root will be furnished tree on application. MERCHANT & CO., PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. NEW YORK, LONDON. 1 3-90 3m Gi Gb Gi C RTIS COUGH COMPOUHD IT CURES! TRY IT ! For Sale by all Druggists. fi bl-!vy E. F. XjTjoke ntb ach, PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PAPER HANG ING, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND GRAINING. Competent workmen sent to any part of me county. IIKADO.UARTEBS FOR Wall PaDers. Borders fit Becorations. Largs assortment, and the latest styles. Bonb, Stationery, Faicy Goods WINDOW SHADES. All graden. (Shade making and putting u promptly Attended to. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. Ho. 61 Broaiway Maucli CM. Fa. Btlow tb Broadway Zas GRAND TO CLEAN OUT Gents Furni which includes an excellent assortment of the very best "made" Ready-Made Clothing, we have cut figures regardless view, firt and last, of clearing on first quality goods moves sales quickly and always enriches me ouyer. wc also, carry a nne assortment or BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and SLIPPPERS, HATS, CAPS, &c. The prices on these good Will speak for thenisolyes. We ask you A. II I . . .... . iu wm aim examine our siock ana learn prices. E. G. ZER1ST, Opera House Block, Bank Street, Leighton. Lehigh Coal & Hardware Co,, Coal, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Agricultural Implements and Repairs, Field and Garden Seeds, Phosphates, &c. We desire to call special attention to our Roo fsRHfV Img M&lfy A full supply of which we Orders taken for General Jgents for the I A ii 111 III imp. Mninonv vvavne wasner & ronino; Hoard?; Seiler's Corner, GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. than HATS, CAPS, Boots & Shoes. TRUNKS, &c, Bank Fin -IS HEADQUARTERS FOR- GENERAL Paints, Varnishes, Glass, ALL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa EVERY 3LADY WANTS tk A SILK DRESS This ls your opyortu- uiiy. a. now u pa rtnrc Siucs di rect from tbo muuufao- turcra to -ou. ur reuueca prices brltiK tbe best goods wiuiiiireacaoraii. Wo are tbo only manufacturers ia tbe U. 8. selling direct to cob. asnerau You tako no risk. W warrant every piece of goods ii reprenenrea, or money reruna- mi. nca uur i - fcronces. We are tho oldest Hillc Manufac turers in tha U.S. Establish. ed In 1833, with ivcrwyears'oi- perlenco. W guarantee tb CHAPFEK DRESSSILKS, for richness of color, superior finish and wear. Ing qualities, to be unexcelled by any make of AJIncIc SUUm lu lite 'world. Wa offer these Dress Bilks Jn Oros Grains, Eatini, Surahs, Faille Kranoaise and Aida liioius. in macKS o il). Bend us a2c.-8tsjnn(topTpotapiand iro trill forward you samples of ail cur atyles freo with prices, and you can sea for yourselves. O.8. CHAFFEE & SON, Mansfield centre, conn. WindbiraHulonain.alr.Ulm.t.TlnnBank, Wll- l"'"'"1 EMmngi incuiuie, cu wuuiu.niic, uooo BECOWCTI wn! to alt pin of tbU 8. Wild Mcti J)rM I'ftltrrti w rMvni me cuyrr wiiujooo .raHtwiDrBUK.Daenoun Ik Rr&ld to bind baltcm ctf THEGOODSiWPBEPAID UiCM Mm II PlnHiiHSaSliniRMMLr CLEARANCE SALE. OUR STOCK OF of the prices thev brincr. with a out the stock. The birr reductions Cement, Lime and Building Sand, have constantly on hand. LUTllber. I n s r i North Btink Street. shing Goods Winter Goods Cassiineres, Worsteds, Corkscrews, Clieyiots, (fee, &c. Satisfaction. There is a eood deal of satisfaction in beinc perfectly satisfied, and espec ially so in regards to what you wear In this particular we invariably mon please our natrons. Our stock being large, varied and complete gives satisfaction in making a choice ot goods uesirea, wnue in style, nnish and work manship our reputation speaks tar more eloquently than word. Call on us for your Fall anrt Winter Clothing Light or Heavy Overcoats, Suits or parts ot ouns. trices always the Lowest I Olauss Bros., THE TAILORS Street, Lehighton, Pa. HARDWARE. THIS IS THE season of the vear in which to purchase a Black bilk or Satin Dress. It it adipted to so many uses for which ladies require a becoming and handsome dress ; for house wear, as hostess or guest mane cans, aitena cnurcn, receptions, wed dings, parties, lectures, amusements and en tertainments of ail kinds. A good Illocl. Silk or Satin Dress retsins its beauty and fine appearance many years, outlasting and out-wearing hulf-a doien ordinary drrites A GREAT many are now looking arouna to see wliat to give at a BIRTHDAY or NEW YEAH PRESENT. Ir many cases it Is the intention to pretcnl the wife of an officer, paitor, or a lady teacner wun tomeming nanatome, tatty, and beautiful.! turn we tay send ui scent stamp and BET OUR SAMPLES mi prices, you will soon be convinced that i Dlack Silk or Satin Press is just what you have BEEN LOOKING FOR. Everybody we tell to is as well sat' isfied as the following parties t Pall llivaa, linn. Dec. 1, 1883. lUTtJmt received from the eipreu office th. two tut. arm piuernl. tiolh my In end and my clf are delierhted nitli ihe irnndi and th. ful braid anil fine till: cnclnacd with Ihe drriaea. You hart been gencrouaand honorable in the tale. Shall do all lean tn Introduce ynnr tilk and braid. Your rcapccifully, Mm. M. J. Conant Null. Office of Biblical ntcoasxa. I rULticn, N.C.Dec. 17.1M3.I Missus. O. S. Cnarrn & Eon DtarSiri The fac hare off Ilk for mY wile carav eafely and soundly lohai.d loday- Sbciidcllfhlcd with It and pleared that you wer an prompt and R-tnerona with her. I highly appreciate the com. pllinent mvtelf, and enclose check far the 126.90. n hh vcrj DCH WHOCf t V. 1. UAUZr. REMEMBER, (ourttrmt art to liltral that) a niack Silk or Satin Dress when Imiitflit rllirt from our factory is the HOST tcuaumiCAL dress made. We guarantee perfect satisfaction or refund the money. 0, 3, CHAFFEE $ SOU, Uantftld Ctntn & GO TO SWEENY'S "Corner Store" o it jgo Bottled Gherkins, w et Pick les, Chow-Chow, Onions, Tablo Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds of choice Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware &c. Wo lead, both In low prices and' quality o goods. Our larca stock Is displayed to da yanlage, an Item which purchasers wll certainly greatly appreciate. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHT0N PA. Weissport Planing Mill MANUFACTUltEU OF Window and Door Frame3, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, ashes, Mouldings, Brackets, AND DEALER IS All KiPfls of Dressed Innto Shingles, Failings, Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c. Very Lowest Prices. Ti H0RN9 AT THE Central Drug Store, OPP. THE rUBLIO SQUARE Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c, Choice Wines and Liquors, ' Largest Assortment of Library Lamps ! Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! When you buy a pair ot Shoes you want a good lit. But If you need 8FE0TACLE8 It ls much more tranortant that the EYE should be accommodated with correct lenses and a proper ly OttliiE frame which will bring the lenses di rectly before the centra of the eye. If you buy your spectacles at Dr. Horn's you will find the above points properly attended to. PERSCRIPTIONS Caefolly Componnied. odium Bank Street, Lehighton, Is Headquarters for TTall Paper and Ceiling Decor ations, Window Shading, Painters Supplies, etc. Particular attention ls paid to house and slja nalutlncand paper bauglnf, Val'atlne Bchwartc t in charge during ray abscne aa all work w ll restive prcMtit artentloa. HAVE YOU READ THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES THIS MORNING? THE TIMES Is the most extensively circula ted and widely read newspaper published In Pennsylvania, lis discussion f public men .mil public measures Is in the Interest of public tntiirrlfv. hnnHMt L'tmrnmt?nt and brosoerous ln- dusirv, ami It knows no party or personal alle .'lan e n treutlni; I ubllc Issues. In tne broad est and oest senae a lamlly and general news- hue Hit ttm rAcllitlea of advanced l.urualtam for gathering- news from all tbe quarters of the u'obe, in addltiou to that of tne Associated Ip.rk. now ini print, the whole- world In Its scope, roaklnu It the iwrlectlou of a newspaper, huh rterytliliig carefully edited to occupy the smallest nre THE SUNDAY EDITION Is not only a com. plete newspaper, but a Mairuzlue oi Popular A.lieraiure. lis anireii iniuva, cicariy iirinibu uud attractively Illustrated, contain as much good literature, by the foremost writers of the world, as any of the popular monthlies. Seme of the imuaii nera lu New YorK. Boston aud Chicago priul a greater number of pages on Kuuday. but these are for the most part occu pied with advertisements. '1 lie merchants la those cities roncentrate nearly all their adrer tlsliiu lu the Sunday papers, while in Philadel phia they nave found It more advantaceouc to adtertlaenn week days Hi well. coNTltlllUTOltt) to the Monday edition of the Tax Timkx Include muuy ol the loreaiost names In contemporary literature, bulli Amer ican and European lis contents rover the whole Held of human interest with all tbat is frottheatund heat In nollilos. literature, science. society, fashion, the household, labor, athletics, racliir, rowing, babe ball, lletlon; poetry, art, druiim. music, humor, sport, chese, yachting, crirket, foot ball, etc., etc. OUR BOYH AMI Ulltl-H. No other news, paper gives the same careful attention to the needs aud taatea ot vouni; readers. The Daca 'devoted especially to them commands the ser vices oi ine oesi writers unu is euam wim scrupulous care, with the aim of making It en tertolulua and instructive and hell ful to tha Sound education tit well as to th pure amuse ment of both blK and Utile boys and gill. HIE IMA HTRATIO S ol the Tiu is tra re courdzed as the very best printed In any dally new arm per. aud with the elegance ot tvnoirranhy fur which Tnu Times ls noted, add to it pop ularity ninoiig an classes oi readers. III ft TIMES alma to bave the larceet circula tion by deserving It, and claims that It is unsur passed In all ibe essentials ot a groat metropol ian iienniMlier. BPKClMh'N CUPIBH of anv edition will be sent free to nn one sending their address. TEltMS Dally, M per annum; 1 for four months; 30 cents per month; delivered bv ear rlersfsr t nts a weeki Sunday edltlor-slz- teen large, handsome pagei 12 columns, eln- Illustrated, H per annum; a eentsper Dally and mimluy, ay per annum , so eoftv. cents per mouth. Weekly edition, St par an num. Address all letters to XJEMi mum. Ofe Go Andrew Bayer,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers