GENTS. FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. than being HATS, CAPS, Boots & Shoes. TRUNKS, &c., Bank i All IS HEAJJQUARTEtiS FO GENERAL j HARDWARE, A.LL kinds of goal, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, BRIGG'S IIA3 - SlCK. H'jSAlIJLCnCl. IN ITS NERVOUS, BILLIOUS, OR CONGESTIVE FORMS. This Remedy Is the prescription of ono of the leading physicians of Paris, France and visused by him' with unparallalel success for oyer thirty years, ami was first; given l the Public as a proprietary medicine In 1S78. aud since that time It has found Its waj late almost every country on the face of the globe, and become a favorite remedy with thousands of the, leading physicians. Medicul societies have discussed its marvelous suc cess at their annual conventions, and after their official chemists have analyzed It and found that It contained no opiates, bromides, or other harmful ingredients, quietly placed it among their standard remedies. TESTIMONAL. L. R. BROWN, M. D. 23 West Jersey St., Elizabeth,' N. J., June 28, 1889 Tbli Is to certify that I bavo used for pome months with much satisfaction, the combination of Mmedlei, for Ileaaacbe, known as Brio's' llnadache Troches. The remedy cures more bead, as&cs especially such as eflect Nervous Women than anything I am acquainted with, ami il this certificate will be the means of bringing u to a favorable attention of suderers from that '"uble, I shall leel that I haye done them a service. L. R, BROWN, M. D. ' PEICE, 25 Sold by all Druggists, or sont' ELIZABETH, IS". J. August 31, '89. Closing Out at Gost. Bargains for You On account of rapidly failing health the undersigned will close out at sacrifice prices his large stock of Gents.Ladies&Ohildrens Shoes The goods are new, no shoddies or seconds, and people who jviselv take advantage of this vvohderful bargains in the shape of good goods at low prices. Don't Fail to Call. . - LEWIS WEISS? HANK STREET LEHIGHTON. PA. .14 yip KSOPPOSITE L. BANK STREET, Has just opened an LADIES' FINE. Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa teens. Prints, Ginghams, Marseilles. Seersuckers and Fancy Dress Patterns ol'lhe very best qualities at exceed ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockeryware,Glas3waxe, tfood and Willowware of the. best makes at low figures. Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Eeady xnade Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach of all purchasers prices lully as low as tlio same goods can be bought for at any other general store in this vicinity. 'Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in gran variety and of best quality at llock Bottom Prices. Best quality oFlour and Feed at prices lully as low as the t&no articles canjbe purchased elsewhere. A car load of coarse salt has just been received the price a been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices equally as low as tho same goods can bought at any general stoic mi tins section. Call and be convinced. Respectfully, july23.8Tly AMOS REWEL. Cassiineres Worsteds, Corkscrews, Cheviots, &c, &c. Satisfaction. There is a good deal of satisfaction in being perfectly satisfied, and espec ially so in regards to what you wear. In this particular we invariably more please our patrons. "Our stock large, varied and complete gives satisfaction in making a choice ot goods desired, while m style, finish and work manship our reputation speaks lar more eloquently than word. Call on us for your Fall and Winter Clothing Light or Heavv Overcoats, Suits or parts of Suits. Prices always the Lowest ! Clauss Bros., THE TAILOHS, Street, Lehighton, Pa. l&M&MMMi Pa FOR - CE3STTS. by Mail on receipt of Prico, ercat closing out snln will Bionrn & R. DEFOT,r - LEHIGHTON, Pa entire new line of DRESS GOODS! Alleged American Fun. Stimrt llobson dwells nl CnhsHl during tlio summer luoutlis. Bucklen'i Arnica Salve. Tlio DEST Salvo In llio woikl for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, suit rheum, fever sores, teller, chapped li.iuils, clillhlaliu corns and nil skin eruptions, nml positively cures piles, or no iuv required. It Is ttunrnnteert to nlvo perfect satls- IHCllon, or inouuy rciuutieu. i nee ucihs jivr box. For sale by HKISKlt tlrufrirlst. LotU lms a. beautiful cottnxe over at Lake LTop&teonjj. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor Pleaso inform yoitrrend- era that 1 have n positiyo remedy for th nbovo named disease. Ily its timely use thousands of' hopeless cases hnvc been per manently cured. I slinll be clad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your renders who have consumption if they will. send me their express and postollice address. Respectfully, T. A. Blocuni, M. C, 181 Tearl St.. flew York. Hilly Crane, the. comedian, has a home at Cohassct. .farcntl tul.nAVG llnmn. Over CO people were forced tolcavo their homes yesterday to call tor n lrco trial liacn airo of Lane's Family Medicine. If your blood is bad, your liyor and kidneys out of order, It you are constipated and naye neau- aclio and nn unsiclitly complexion, uon tjan to call on any druggist to-day for n free sample of this Brand remedy. The ladies praise it. Everyone likes it. Large- sized package- 60 cents. Soni6 Boston ladles ha yo started a so clcty for the cultivation of aesthetics among the masses. Curo Yourself. Don't pav hirce doctor's bills. The, best medical book published, 100 pages, elegant colored nlates, will bo sent you on receipt of three 12-ccnt stamps to pay postage. Au dress A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass. Queen Marguerite, of Italy, is one of the best violoncello players of the day. Interested l'cople. Advertising a patent medicine in the pe culiar way in which the proprietor ol Kemp's Balsam for Coughs nnd Colds does is indeed wonderlul. lie authorizes all druggists to give all those who call for it u sample bottle tree, that they may try it be- fore purchasing. The large bottles are COe and jl.OO. We certainly would ndviso i trial. Il may tave you from consumption. Mrs. Frances Ilodgson Burnett has gone to England for the summer. The New Discovery. You have heard your friends and neighbors talking about it. You may j ourself be one of the many wno Know irom personal experiences jusi how itood a thine it Is. If voti havo ever ti led it. you are ono of Its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it ls.thut when once given Ktnui, mi. jviiik 's new Discovery ever niter holds a Place In tlio house. If vou have never used It and should be mulcted with a conch, cold T any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give It a fair trial. It Is guar anteed every time, or money refunded. Trial ootties tree at jcisutsu'a drugstore. Miss Emily Faltbfull Is said to contcm plate another visit to America." The Greatest Sufferers in the World. Are women; their delicate organization being particularly susceptible to derange ment and disease. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Itondout, N. Y., purifies) the blood, invigorates the system and lortihe, it against the disease incident to ucc, cli mato nnd season. It is the ! ;st medicine in tho world. Keep it in your house for 'your children s sake, as well as for your own. CTbcro are said to ho 0,000 women doc tors in the United States. My Wife Said to mo last nislit. llow much do yon Blip pose we have paid out for doctors and msdicine In the last year? I tod her I did ot know. To doctors I have paid nothiiv and live dollars' worth of Sulphur Bitter lias k it health in our niiilly B L. Andrews, 12 Bowdoin strce ,03tton. ,V woman's directory Is about to be pub llshed In Chicago. Lither of tho following engravings, Ki'o.r.litio Tlnvnril." "Monarch of tho Glen " or " Tho fcirst Step," without advertising on tlmm, sizo auxi incncs, jjiven with ono 50 cent or two 25 cent ootties of Ideal Tootli l'owtler. Miicso aio not rlieap lithographs, but works of ait. A. 1). Uuwmau, Dentist, Hicholia, Malm, say, I am uniw: your Ideal Tooth PowUi i', mid 11ml it superior to all othcra. 'J'lio rngnvlntj ' Kvanxcllno" arrived ink)v o.i iiu rr-t i li f ioceinl er, mnkinp it swm llltu (it hristmns gilt. Tvustinp n,..t M...ii "I'.ioili Powder niav llouiisli, I 1 cmain, youis respectfully, Klois Ear nest, jjemcr, vhv u. mvo Ihl's without advcrtisiuK on it worth $1 retail is given with each two 23 cent hot- tlo of Ideal Tooth I'owuer. Mrs. .Humphrey Ward is engaged upon society p'ay. The (treat quantity or waste matter to be hourly and riallv removed from the Bvstera ren ders It ot aupre in e Importance that the stomach and liver be Icent in nerlect order. I.axador ac complishes this. All UruL'Klsli soli It at -5 cents a package. When vour child has Lren attacked wllhdlar. rtiosa, collo or stomach disorders, do not dolay ine use 01 jur, uuirs lauy airup one msiaiii, The "pics in clever" clove huttoner is the newest frivolity. Ecomonynnd strength ure peculiar Hood's Safsapirilia, tho onlv mtdicine which "100 Uoes One Polliil" is true. Jlngled ebony and dies are In vogue. gold utuhrel'a ban The Greut II. T. By M. P. is meant Miles' Kcrvo and Liv er Pills which regulate tho liver, stomach, bowels, etc. through their nerves, Smullest and mildest. A new principal! A rcvohib tioimert Samples free at liiery & Thomas' drugstore. Silver buttons are used on yachting gowns instead of gilt ones. .llenrt Disease. Tho papers uro full of sudden deaths. II you havo choking sensations,lluttcriiig,pain or tenderness in chest faint easily, take Dr. Miles' New Cure for tlio Heart, tmd so es cape death as did Henry Brown, druggist ol Cleveland, Ohio. Hold by liiery & Thomas druggist. French gray Is as popular a color as ever for spring dresses. Some Startling Facta. The official returns from Hoards of Health show tha (nearly three-fourths of all deaths are from Consumption, when we think over this fact It Is really awful, though every case tnrted Vila a simple euuKU or com, realise now un Dortanl It Is to Chech ite this terrible malady which can be done byuslnv 1'urltan Uough and Con ign ana uon At Thomas' sumption uiuo. I'rice vo cents, drugstore. The newest fad In queen chain pendants Is a gold mounted miniature. A dull gold gents' locket, oval in form, Is ornamented with a diamond crest. Twigs of lilacs in -enamel, with diamond drops, form seasonable laco pins. Expensive ornamentation Is used nowa days to beautify bat pins. Sliver vlualcrettes of recent production are shaped as baseball bats. Some new gause fans havo frosted silver handles. An odd looking chain bar is a mlulatute gold scimitar. Enameled balls with filigree royerlnus now top gents' scarf pins. Cures Liver Oompklnt, Billons Affec IAXaDOR Iaxador tions, lioss of Appetite, Sick IleadaoliG.Sick Stomach, Gid-dlncss,Costlve-npss,Dyppepsfa Kidner trouble find nil dellcnto Peraalo Com plaints. Sold every whore. Prico 25 cents. DREXELSMOLOGNE Fragrant! Lasting 1 The LeadlngPerfume forthe Tolletand llandKercnietf Bold by all doalors. Prico 25 ota. Price bnlj 25 cts. Sold by all druggists. Will relieve Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sweings,F'uisos,Lumuago,iprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Frostbites, Chapped Hands and Face, Gout, or any bodily pain or ailment. nucurt-MtllC'S PLUGS, y-e Grnt tobacco An jiitLW ttdote. Price 10 Cts. At all druggists. When I say Cnnc I do not mean merely to stop them for n tlnio, and then have them ro turn ngiiln 1 MV.AN A RADICAL CUIUS. 1 havo made tho disoasa ol riTS, EPILEPST ox AlKo-IntiF study. I WAnnAKT my remedy to Cuius tho'worit cases, llecauso others havo failed is no ri itEonfornotnowreeotvinpacuro'. Send ntcicp ti atreatlncandn FniSEllonin nf niv 1MV. i.I.IttLl: ItUMEDY. Give Kxprcss and l'n t OfTec. H costs you nothing lor a tllul, ami H mil euro you. jiuuress H.ft. ROOT, M.Q., 1 33 PearlSt., Key; YORK A SeSENTiFiiS tiSCOVLRY S JIIIt'K(i!.H the V.W.-.C at nil Il-.t usca. ffe(X cures: Mwr Catorrh, l?&fi; Cciif!r..jHon, JWn,.uMiiy JtVonilrrful Hot In ntnl Tlio efiicicyot tho ITicr1to KUIer in coe of con sumption his boen bo cfT'-ctuall demonstrate 1 1 hit we sre justmedin clflimintr f r it cnift'irn jrowen eyond rairncaloM power in carlnR can m no far enne Uiat enre In IrniWWfliljIfl. lint WO tin (ilnimlh.nt If. urfll ciirr. nnvtin where the lung ore not more thsn halt roho. PerBonn witlipoorappotlte.woitk and debilitated, vrtllfndittbo lest tonio, Every ono Rhnnld uieit, pnrticnlnrly thnwo wuu mivB puuereu tor yeurs wiiaincuraniociiionionia exaa. Aliombori. or sorra, are cauof of disoiee. 1 he medicine that will kill the (terms nnd at the 6 jne time curs the patient is the ouo tn use, ttold only in one gallon Etono ivscx I'rlco PXOO. eutticient to lst attout one month. Cheap; v ithln tho reach of nil. PhvaliMan of 17 von-, r.t tn M charge of theofMce. Bend for circular and infc rmitit n. win. Haaanrs MicroDs Killer, ms&z R E3 THE GREAT German Remedy. m TRUTHS FOR THE SICK l-or thone ilenthl SI1.000 will ho imiil I inilloiisSncllsdcncnl foracaeo where bi'L lonSiiLi'iiunmrrnns PIIUK HlTTKnS will mit win euro yon. not assist or cure. M Do on sillier with never falls. cnniurcuniiuniigone feclhiKi It so, use Suil'ium I!ITTCK3J ItAvIll cure you. Cleanse tho vitiated lilood when you see its Impurities burst ing through tho sklu in rimnlcs.lilotrhos. Operatives who are "closely couuncu In La tlio mills mid work in shops; clcrks.whn do1 I I not nrocuro Bulllclcnt mil Sores. 11. 'ly onS.1 SuLruun Bmiiiis.Ki mil liivilth H11 ffil.A. low. I S exercise, nnd nil who I lareconOncdlncloors, I should use Kuu'nuii M11itti:r3. They will rrj not thcu bo weal: and Sl.LI'lllllilllrrKus will euro Liver Com plaint. Don't be dls- 'ouragcu; it will cure on. "sleklv. vou do not wish f-ULl'MUlt IllTTEIlsFIl tO 61 atlsi SDL Itnf sii aer from lthcum iiuuiiy oii tipnnu linaka you strong and Ihealtliy. atlsm, tiso a bottle ol scmiim lliTTF.ns ; never fnlls to euro. hULPllUU ItlTTKllfi Dou't ho wltliput a .hntllft. Trv it' i-nit: will mako your blond I Hire, rlcji njid strong, mil ikii i'kivi it. iuu your ucsn nara 1-ndles lu deheate T17 bULl-m u Hit. rnns to-night, and you will sleep well tnd feel belter for It, health, who are nil run down, should use! SDM-MI'll IIITTEnS Do vou want tho best Medical Work imblUhert? renn a z-cein biiunps 10 a. r. ukuway is CO. iiosron, jijass., nnu xeeeivo a copy, free. re4 ot ntj hipptness is, I ban thrown smf r ij old Blacking Broth, and hars FERPROOF BOOTS i . HAUTirULLY 'i ?OI IKI1EU WITHOUT LABOR. ruTsMIEBiackin-B -;.oiiJi without thft eld bmih,ijid7ij i !i nu men i, and thrts on ronn' J M4. w.fVtooW wtjin those days of proereaaf J ' niv Btorei, Grocer. Druggist eta. M ' 4 BAHflOLPH. PHIUDEUHIU 13 WEEKS The rOMOB GAZETTE wi it,n, ecurely wrapped, to any addrH In the Uui ed States for three months on recairt of One Dollar. aueii W chlr "il.nlli'l?, Addrea. a orJsr, SALviioN CM Ti GEMt3 OF THOUGHT. Fenr in tlio n nther of safety. Taylor. I)nti a u rs. evimU nrt Ood'n Cecil. loli Iwm the- martyrdom of fame. Dy- roiu Fnmi' i tlio pc"fuia;of heroic deeds. Soc- rnte Brianiple is nrtTU forcible thnu precept Cecil. JKooIh ndnilre, hut men of senso approve. Pope. Heaven gives its favorites early death. Byron. They never fall who die In n great cause. Byron. ' Guilt Wis tlio nir with visionary terrors. Junius. The noblest mind the best contentment has. Spenser. Orlef trends upon the heels of pleasure. Congrove. " Ho makes no friends who never made a foe. Tennyson. The ntr Is full of farewells to tho dying. Longfellow. Discretion and valor are the twins of honor, Beaumont, There's no glory Ilka his who saves his coun try. Tennyson. Fain would I climb but I fenr to fall. Sir Walter Raleigh. A faithful friend Is the true imago of tho deity. Napoleon I. Hypocris3" is the necessary burden of vil lainy. Dr. Johnson. It is much easier to meet with error than' to And truth. Goethe. Contldenco U a plant of slow growth In an aged bosom. William Pitt. How oft tho sight of means to do ill deeds make ill deeds dohe. Shakespeare. Base envy withers at another's Joy nnd hates thut excellence it cannot reacli. . Oft expectation falls, and most oft there where most it promises. Shakespeare. Death Imrders ution our birth and our cradltt stands In tho grave. Blihop Hall. There's a divinity that shapes our ends rough-how tkeiu how we will. Shakespeare. Cowards falter, but danger is often over come by tboso who bravely daro. Queen Ellzaliotli. GOOD RULES FOR TEACHERS. Don't forget tlio lossous of last year's ex perience. Don't becomo discouraged. Bo sntlslled with small results, if they are sure. Don't fall to learn ns soon as possiblo in what direction your clas need to work, nnd just whero they need to IjcrIu. Don't fall to do everything in your power to work lu Harmony wltli your principle and tho other teachers in tho building. Don't get order in tho schoolroom .at the expeuso 01 crow t u. Havo order, not' by all means, but by the best means only. Don't lot Hie year para without rending somo good books on education. Leam more of tho work ot tho foundation builders. Don't omit tlio visiting day, See other touchers at worK. Uo sympathetic lu your criticisms. Uo ror help, not for self satis faction. Don't allow yourself to becdmo fretful or anxious or worried over your work. Be se rene. Uoo your powers to the best advantage, and teach tho childron to do tho same. Don't tench any lesson without knowing why you teach it, nnd what you hopo to nc- coinpiisu uy it. nave a purpose lu every lesson, as well as lu every series or lessons. Don't think that inattention Is n small mat tor. Stop work when you fall to hold tho at tention of your class. Study tho art of se curing tho habit of attention, aud see that every letou tends to strengthen that habit in your pupils. Sarah L. Arnold lu Journal of Education. SOME OLD ODD REMEDIES. Aspcu leaves used to lie considered good against ague. Snails boiled in barley water were sovereign foi"nu ordinary cougu. Whooping cough could bo cured by any one who rides on a piebald horse. ' The heart shaped leaves of tho ordinary wood sorrel were remedial In cardlao disease, Turmeric, on account of its deep yellow color, was of great reputation lu the treat ment ot Jaundice. Any ono suffering tho agonies of toothache wns instantly relieved by merely smelling dead man's tooth. A little of the moss growing on a skull, dried well, reduced to powder, and used ns snuff, was speclno for headache. Warts: "Put three droppes of the blood of a wart into an eldcrn loaf e, and burlo it iu the earthe and the warts will vanish away." Tho powdered flesh of a mummy was of sov ereign power in physio, especially iu contu sions, wuoro It prevented tho blood from settling and coagulating at the injured part. Tho flowers of the lily of the valley being closely stopped up In glass, put into nn ant hill and taken away again a month after, ye shall find a liquor lu the glass, which, being outwarpiy applied, nelpeth gout. From Boaumonlrand Fletcher's flno comedy, "The Knight of the Burning Pestle,'.' we learn that chilblains should bo rubbed well with a mouse sklu, or tho sufferer should roll bis foot and ankles iu hot embers. Alltlio Year Round. FREAKS OF NATURE. In IL J. Kottlewell's garden at St Helena, Ore,, is a pumpkin vino which has twined around au ollvo tree and grown to a height of about fifteen feet. Near the top are two largo pumpkins, and Mr. Kettlewell has had to have boxes erected on poles to let them lie in to keep them from breaking the limbs of tho tree. A few days ago T. II. Ailams, of Clarks- viiio, oa., cut a perfectly sound, fresh-look ing muskmelon bo bad Just received from Banks county, nnd upon examination it was found that a number or the seeds had sprout ed and had roots uearlyfln inch long. The melon was perfectly sound and the flesb firm Land nice. A hard maplo tresin S. O. Scott's yard nt Plalnnell, Mich., is au object of great curios ity. It is just now shedding its foliago. Soon new leaves will appear, nnd after tho fall frosts It will again denude Itself of leaves. This it has dono regularly for several seasons. The tree differs only in shedding its leaves twlco u year from other maples standing within a fow feet of it. Tho discovery of the curious ico cavo in Ashley vnlley, in tho Itocky Mountains, con tinues to attract attention. Tom Mitchell, who has Just returned to Salt Lako City from there, says that in the latter part of August bo found in tho ca"o a section of ico S3 feet high and 30 feet thick nt the base. A small lake was ulso dlsoovored. Ono of tho rooms in the rave was over 1,900 feet long. STRAY BITS. In Germany tho public schoolj oro all taught by men. The girls of Alaska aro ready for society as soon as they reach (heir teens. ' It is estimated that there are no fewer than 80,000 sightless beggars iu Franco. There is n imilo in Cambridge, Q., that is 47 years old and is still a good worker. The newest Paris bangle bracelets of silver aro ornamented with small llligreo men. Bibles cannot be printed in Mndrid fast enough to meet thf demand for them in Bpain. The London pqJiof are now ordered to wear India rubber, or tioiscloss boots at night always. Frederick Gebhard Is now known in London as the "financial adviser" of Mrs, Langtry. Over 20,000 copies of "Lorna Doone" were sold within one week of its publication in cheap form. Oyster color is a tint intended for brocades In which women will bo preauuteU to the Quot'0 at the next season. A handkerchief in the possession ot tlio em peror of Ilusala is said to have cost f S.bOO. It took seven years to make it More books and magazines Iu Eiigllah are , now read in Paris than at any provioui time 1 la the bUtory of the country. LIGHT AND AIRY. A Timely Wall. The season colder crows apnea The winds imgln to rtxu; Bo, when you come Into this place, 1'lease, mister, shut the door. It's most too warm for fires ss yet. They'd open every pore; Put frost has come, mankind to fret, So, mister, shut tlio door. Don't leave It swinging while wo sneeze, And christen you a boroi Unless you want to see us f reeao, Why, bang It, shut the door! Don't make us shiver till we're blue, And banker for vour core: fmtc hprft. Wft'vB KAlil nil wn'rn tmlnir tn nn 1!il subject, and the next thing you know we'll be I over there wiping tho floor up with you ! Unless you shut that door. , -Washington Capital, Waiting In Vnln. "Well, how's buslnossl" said Longly to Shortby. . "Pretty bail. I havo just been stuck on an adage." "Which one!" " 'Truth lies at tho bottom of n woll.' I invested in a natural gas enterprise." "And didn't it pan out!" "No. They'vo had water nnd lime nnd sand stone nnd everything oxcept truth. 1 reckon It's an oven clmuco as to which tlioy striko first, truth or natural gas." Merchant Traveler. lln Found Out Hotter Next Mornlnsr "That article of mine In to-morrow's Bliz zard is going to be n corker," said the new reporter Jubilantly. "Wrote the Uro up iu grand style, did you!" "Made two columns of it. I saw it after the city editor had looked It over. Ho had run a blue pencil mark through nlno-tenths )f it, and that means that it's to bo set In big type, you know." Chicago Tribune A Transformation Scene. This was our sonny's mouth before ho bought his cauo. Tho girl nil snld "llow sweet I" When ho smiled with might and main. Hut since ho got lili stick, "TJfco that of other men," And sucked It, as do they. This Is hli mouth again Q Detroit Freo Press. Tlio Itomunco nf llenltty, Besslo Madge was out walking with Char Ho and they had n qtiarrel. Cbnrllo gavohcr a shovo, and she fell into the lako. Every body said sho would have been drowned' if George hadn't been there nnd saved her. Sho is going to 1x3 married next week. Jennie To George! Bessie No; to Cbnrllo. Harper's Barar. With KuiplnuU on Good. Tom I'm going to give Thll a little sur prise. ' .Jack Of what sort! Tom I'm going to give him somo cigars. Jack Good ones? Tom Of course. Jack Then that will bo a genuine surprise to Phil, I am sure. Harper's Bazar. Where It Wus. Her cheek turned palo Of red bereft. It was Indeed no jest; Her cheek turned palo Because she'd laf t Its color on his vest. Clothier and Furnisher. Tlio Death Augol In Illinois. The bereaved household at Galvu, Ills., which buried tho remains of a pot dog in tho family lot in a cemetery should mark the spot by a monument bearing this beautiful inscription; Though wo B'.inll miss his dear bow-wow, No fleas can troublo Towscr now. Chicago News. Cmio for Thank. Blngloy Have vou heard that Pushloy is giving away n box of cigars with every 'suit of clothes? I bought n suit yesterday. Try a cigar? Trovers flighting up) Thanks. -I should think (puff), Bingloy, that you would bo glad (puff) that you only (puff) buy two suits n year. Ulolhlcr aud 1' uruisher. loetlo I.tccnp. School Is open, and our Willie When ho gets a quiet chance, Goes nnd puts a double lining In tho hasement of his p9nts. lleg pardon, hut trousers wouldn't rhyme. Washington Capital. Aboriginal Tools. "It seems queer," remarked Mr. Guzzam to his wife, "thut tho Indians should hove been familiar wltli tliefllo and saw before the arrival of tho whites." ' "Were they f" she nsked in surprise . "Yes, my dear; the Indlau fllo and the Chickasaw." Kew York Kun. Seldom In tho Same Family. We oft hear mentioned, ns wo pass through life. The model husband and tlio model wire; Cut sad to say, we very seldom see The two residing In ono family. Boston Courier. Why lie Couldn't Soo It. "Is it always as cloudy as this in Chicago! "I see no clouds, sir." "I mean is it always ns smoky f" "I see uo braoke, tir." "Bog pardon, sir, lint uro you blind!" (Stiffly) "No, sir; I nin tho smoko inspect or, sir." Chicago Tribune. Sound Advice. "Mother, may I go speculator" "Jly son, yon hadn't ougliterj But if you must, pleaso do it straight, And donjt go near tha water." Harper's Bazar. A l'cmlnllK! Side Thrust. ' Dashaway Why, this is indeed a surprise. Miss Summit. It must be ilvo j ears since I saw you last. Indeed, I almost wonder that you recognize ino. Miss Summit Ah, Mr. Dashaway, bow could ono over forget that coat of yours. Uiothler and Iuirnuhor. Familiar Cries. Now across the backyard gate Bounds the old domestic yell. As Ophelia calls to Kate, "Can't you make your Jelly jeljt" -Springfield Homestead. At 'Our Sunday School Treat. Vicar's Daughter Will you have somo more cake, folly? Polly No, thank'eo, miss; I'm full. Vicar's Daughter Thou I think you may put some in your pockets. Polly (witli regret) Thoy'ro full, too, miss, run. Tlio Mosquito. Although the gay mosquito now Arouses our Ill-will, Yet when wo take him all in all Ha seems to fill the L11L Harper's Bazar. Ijii Took II, r. Showtuini-ialilnf lifjlid(iiw. And quite .MW'tiely proper. Eaeb man i-ho tn.'t, su proud was she, Would Inwi, d. .;),:, i- i w., drop her. Ihittltoroivniaiuodw -hhu demur, When all Uh nut fi.ivno.t her. An amateur pbcxor,;-.u'r. Aud finally he lo l.. i -life, WImi Did Mi Mean? Young Do Trcp Do you know, coming down on the liont ludnv, i was alisolutoly the only first chuss p ,wengT, mid 1 jut had to sit aud ronimuir.' t.i'li myself, don't you know, all of the vrny. Mm Insulin Row bored you must have boenl Drake's Magazlno. A Dig In tlio ltlhs. lr nn tho tlirht side and lower nart of the diaphragm, thuuich plavlully meant and du livm-ed. Is calculated to evoke profanity from h ehappy whose liver Is out or order Whou that reicluii is soro and congested, vokes seems fliinil Ish. Look at a man's oounUnauce era you nrinl hlin umltr the rltis. lrhls skin and eyeballs have a shallow tlnxe von majr Infer also that his tonKUels tuned, ills breath apt to be sour, that ha has paint not out? U-nrath his ribs, but also under ibe nirht sli'iulderblade. Also, that his bo els tie irregular and his digestion im paired. Instead ol making a joeose demonstra llun on bil rlb, raeominead lilm to tnke and steadily persist In la-klp-, Hosteller's tUountcb lilttera, the ttuoil anil bilious and alterative medicine extant Incomparable is It. also, tor dyspepsia, rheumalliin, nervousness, kidney iroutue, auu lever hou ku ll I W -YATCSr . 25 CTS. C FOR $1.00 or mailed for price. I" . UWAOQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGHAPHY OP THE OOOifTRZ, WILL OBTAIN L1UOH VALUABLE INFOHI.tATIO N FRO LI A STUB? or THIS MAP OP mf&FiJr7j;!& t"Tri'fc 3 JTrftSFte-'FC SROtTF " - pj--C . C1T ' - m ghioabo, rook island a miF.e Han, Inoludlner main linos, brancaos and oxtonsiono East and Went of .tho Missouri Eivor. Tho Direct Houto to and from Chlcneo, Jollot Ottawa., Poorin, La 8allo, Mollno, Hoclt Island, la ILLINOIS Davenport, Muocotlno. Ottumwa, Osbafoosa, Dos Momos.Wintorsot, Audubon, Hoflan, and Council BluilB, In IOWA Mlnnoatiolis nnd St. Paul, In MINNESOTA Wotortown and Sioux Falls, in DAKOTA Cameron, St. Joseph, and Kansas City, in MISSOUKI-Omaha, Folrbury , and Nolson, in NIIDHASKA Horton, TopoUa. Hutchinson, Wichita, Bellovillo, Abilono, Caldvell, In KANSAS Pond Crook, Klilffflahor, Fort P.ono, In tho INDIAN TERRITORY and Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, In COLORADO. FREE Rnclininff Chair Cars to and from Chicago, Caldwell, Hutchinson, and Dodge City, and Palaco Sloop inrr Cars botwoon Chicajro, lchita, nnd Hutchinson. Travorsos now and vast- nroas of rich farmlnrf and rjrrazinrf lands, affordinrr tho best faoilltleo or intercommunication to all towns nnd citios oast and west, northwest and southwest of Chicago, and Pacific and transoceanic Seaports. MAGNIFICENT VHST1BULE EiCPRESS TRAINS, Leading1 all competitors In splendor of oquipmont, cool, well vontllatod, and froo from dust. Throutrn Coachos, Pullman Slocpors, FREB Reclinlncr Chair Cars, and (oast of Missouri Rlvor) Dining; Cars Dally batwoon Chicago, D03 Moinos, Council Bluffs, and Omaha, with Froo RocHninu Chair Car to North Platto, Nob., and botwoon Chicago and Colorado Boring's, Denver, nnd Puoblo, via St. Joseph, or Kansas City and Topoka. Splendid Dining Hotols (furniDhinar moods at aoasonablo nours) west of Missouri River. California Excursions dally, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from Salt Lako, Ofjdon, Portland, Los Anpalos, and San Francisco. Tho DIRECT LINE to and from Pikb'B Peak, Manltou, Qardon of tho Qods, tho Sanitari ums, and Scenlo Grandeurs of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Solid Exprosa Trains dally botweon Chicarro and Minneapolis and St. Paul, with THROUGH Roclinlng Chair Cars (FREE) to and from those points and Kansas City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lake, and Sioux Falls, viautock: Island. Tho Favorite Lino to Pipestone, Water town, Sioux Falls, and tho Summer Rosorts and Hunting and Fishing Grounds of tho Northwost. THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to travel betweon Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Latayotto, and Council Bluffs, St. Josoph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, und St. Puul. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or dosirod Information, apply to any Tickot Offlco In the United States or Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, General Manager. Ncnr Philadelphia. School OpciiH Sept. 10th. Yt-ttilj' r,.iiciie, SStlO. Quarterly I'm iu'm,Sl--5, Arlr.tlts andclis&iriM younc men And boys at tm llmei fin jinjonccrinir, iiasM b, ti3iticiiiitllt,4, ViX (J el h.t e ttiu'enu board .ith lle i rututpal. I'cti ieiN nil in p i I room ijiy rom Its f atlii sties, etc. Gyti-iiasiiiitt war I lnn s iMtrnfis r i teii'H ml jtt cnu hysi nl .ml i tn iv 't t .H v con i fort. Illustrated taUI. od Proprietor, 1 1 Pisos Curo for Con sumption ia also tho best Cough Medicine. If you havo a Cough without diseoso of tho Lungs, a few doses aro all you need. But If you no glect this oasy means of Bofety. tho alight Cough may becomo a serious matter, and eoveral bot tles will bo required. Fiso'a Remedy for Catarrh U XhQ Gold by druggists or sent by mail 60c, 11 T. IlarelUne, Worrcu. Va. RSARVELOUS Only Hcniilne 8jttem of Memory 1rtk1"ir. Four II o tilo Xtraracd lu onu rcuXiu Mind wamlorlnfir cured Evnry rhild and adult prenlly betfflfted IndaooiutiDtt to OomwiauduDC4 Uluws, PrMpactas, with opinions of Dr. Win. A. II run mo u tft the w rl4-fauiHd HpecUlkt tu Jliiirl J) tMtuoty rfa il 1 on f'l'liniiiniAn.lhfi l'afiiliul- editor ofthe Christian sTn1: V. I Ion. V. V. AMor. Juiifru J! Am or Jmtfn) llbsnut Judol 1' or. t" acntmti. lonJatnin.aiii othn. pout post 1'rof. A. X.OIHUTTH, LIl7 J ilrtUAvc..N. V. 1.5 Si fu m A HE Hi I OF- PURE tt lm OIL M2 HYPOPHOSPHITSS Almost as Palatablo as FlIlk. fin ill.l..,l 1 . . j , dlBesicd, it ii it (uiliullutrd by tlio luuat eulttlTe alonincli, when the plain oil cannot he tolerHtril; nmt hy tlio cum, I.I nnl Inn . f t . .. t ( ...1,1. i. . . , , ------- - ---- uM '. . l.n nriiuiiitos. phites la ptvc?t moro ofllc.tioii. ucmuKaiiie as n wslj vroditrcrt Xmvsi Fn rsrMly vhll? U!Jcg It, BCOTT'S : . :cV. ; .Ui,i.ninitv. FhTDicla:.B i -' - v.: , i..:t Uestprepa. ration in the ilj ic.r tLo n-11 f and oru of CONSUMRTinu nnvncin a CEHBRAt. DRBitlTY, WASTlfia COLDS ami eMftt'KIO CUliuriU. The rtrvt .t..i., , j ,i . j ..j. ji.iu unit Wottimj in Chikiwi. W atl Vruggisl j 1 l r-.ninrv Pr t ! U m t .in- 1 y i f i i n .r i . f ' -.c l i, ' . !uc t't u i ti ,i , , c, , ie t tr ' ' . i 1 1 i -.I , , i.,h . it Hvi Tho materials nnd work in our fl it stnnip it ns the "Host M ule." It looks well nnd tirno proves thut it wnri well: 'this est" Clothing lor Man m l Boy is rensonnblo in price at the "Ledger 7uJjjJing." Sixth and Chestnuts Sts. PKIIlAPDTiPfirA. . ;k gum Avply one now for f1- i fitleaohe, Bheum&Ua i o,tioeo3, Tender iAin. '.tiff Muscles. Female , Hpralns, eto. wT Pain, Ache, or Weakness, v ickly, too. OP PLASTEH CO., the genuine tooat. JVnfc 'rtftrna''!' if ! Fi'Pi-f.irTon, DOS IOi". JOHN SEBASTIAN, OHIOAGO, IL "L. Oon'l Tickot a Pass. Afjent thin foi ! tUlin ..r r ONLY "Mr Sold by druggists AT.SU I'EKHM-SS BUONZn PAINTS -0 Colon, rmti.iKs i.ti'Miia ri:K;:i, ink roiviiKits -s Kinds ;coiora. l'l'XHLLVS SHOK AMI 11AK.NKSS IJUESSINO. ITE111.K8S MO BVtS-8 Colors. D5SEASrS OF Mm ONLV'S 11 "Cf1'.-lii(!ri.r'.i4iierii(lfttur3-k Ran,UAiin40s,NTrouaDetill r LottMauhta ra. soltaof t r oi..u .catbarapecllvftndrrriaatirrr core.!. Unn u tili,iinl trait ilH-al il'IInbni l Auutcas DE.0RIHDI, .171 "V UBt,.KswVoiK FaYorlte Singer Sewing Machine. HIGH ARM $25.00. Each Machine has a droo leaf. fancy cover. Wo large drawers, with nickel rings, and a full set of Attachments, equal to any Sin per Machine told from $40 to $60 by Canvassers. A trial in your home be fore payment is asked. Buy direct of the Monu facturers and save agents' profits besides getting certificates of warrantee for five years. Send for testimonials fo Co-operatlvB Sewinti Machlna Co., 269 S. nth St., Philadelphia, I'a. I'AY 'ltEiaUT.-C& I Wehave a remedy that will CURE CATARRH. 'BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. Our faith is so atraiur that we will actul treatment on tilaJ- Send for Treatise and full paniculars. Address, fha Hall Chemical Co., 3860 Falrmount Av., Phlla., Pa or IMlimi Sicinss CAN be CURED. ftt will SEND FREE bv mall j lantc TRIAL I!OI'TI.F' also, a atne ou F.pilKuv. IjON'11 SUm;R ANY LONGliKI Clo Vim Of fieo.Stata aud Countv. und An otalntv. Addrui, -the HALL CHEMICAL CO., J&fa (wmount Avcaue, Ttuladclihia,Pa, ftl ami i t r rtil nt t t 1 'i i 'i ' ptttt i rus hbi hi ra Vn M U il )
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers